Bowling for beginners: simple rules for a good game. Bowling - how the skittles will fall What to wear to a bowling girl at a corporate party

Bowling is a team game in which the goal is to knock down the largest number of pins with a ball. It's fun. And the game itself is exciting.

It seems that today there is literally not a single person left who has not played bowling at least once in his life. However, do we know everything about the game loved by many? Let's figure it out.

Everything you need to know about bowling

For the first time bowling is mentioned in the written sources of medieval England. According to them, the game with balls and skittles so captured the British knights without fear or reproach that they forgot about their direct duties, i.e. Protect the motherland. They say that it was for this reason that the then King of England, Edward III, banned the toy he loved so much in 1366, and he did it without any compromise: he vetoed it. At that time, the Hundred Years War with France was going on. Apparently, it lasted for several decades precisely because of the love of bowling. At least that's what Edward III thought. Although, you see, the knights can be understood.

However, the bowling alley's veto did not prove to be a significant hindrance to expansion. The British infected the French with it. And so on throughout Europe. The bowling alley then knocked down its skittles in the United States. Here, by the way, it was also banned first of all. Gambling Americans first of all began to play bowling for money. However, the smart Yankees realized that, since the game with 9 pins was officially prohibited, you can safely add a tenth - and there will be nothing for it. By the way, it was at this time that the permanently banned game received its official name "bowling".

At the end of the 19th century, Americans got tired of playing at random, and the rules of bowling, sorry for the paradox, were finally put in order. The same Americans came up with the idea of ​​making bowling balls out of rubber, and not, as it used to be, out of wood. Then a device was invented that automatically raised knocked down skittles. The gameplay has been greatly accelerated. But let's look at the rules.

Bowling rules

So, you ordered a bowling alley, came with friends, congratulations! And now you are looking around, trying to figure out what to do with these balls and pins, what should be the correct throw, and how do they do it, knock down all the pins in one fell swoop? .. A little patience. We will tell you everything, and you will quickly learn.

The game consists of 10 frames. In each frame you have 2 shots. If you hit a strike in the tenth frame, i.e. knock down all the pins, then you have 2 additional throws.
And now, in fact, about the throws. You can, of course, just take the ball in your hands and throw it anywhere. And you might even get lucky. But still, sorry, not likely. After all, the throw is counted only if you did it correctly: the ball must leave the runway, cross the foul line and walk along the track.

But this is if you play by the rules, but if you just have fun, then here they will fall like skittles. Moreover, you can knock down the skittles from the first time. But this is either great luck or professionalism.

And a little more about the rules. If after the second throw there are still pins on the lane, the frame is considered open. Which means you made a mistake. And your opponents get the advantage.

Bowling clothes

If you are going to go bowling, your clothes should be as comfortable as possible, neither too tight nor too loose, nothing should hinder your movements. Sportswear, jeans, t-shirt, shirt - all this is fine.

Shoes shouldn't be a problem. In bowling centers, you will be offered special shoes in the size you need.

Did you know that bowling is one of the most popular sports in recent years, after football, of course.

Today more than one hundred million people in 90 countries of the world play bowling at least from time to time! And what is nice, in order to have fun rolling balls, no matter what height you are, or your build, or age. For many Belarusians, bowling is a great opportunity to relax with the whole family. Here and sports interest, and excitement, and the general spirit of victory. But there's always a first time for everything. And the first bowling pins are no exception. Don't worry, here are some simple rules that will help you master this special game without any problems.

Rule one, basic

So, you finally came to the bowling club for the first time: special shoes are already on your feet, the lane is selected, and the skittles are waiting for your throw in an even formation. The meaning of the game is extremely simple: you need to knock down as many pins as possible at the end of the lane with the ball. You get points for every pin you knock down. The more pins knocked down, the more chances to win. You have ten tries in total, or frames. If in one frame you managed to knock down all the pins with the first throw, you can jump for joy, such a throw is called strike . If some of the "dodgy" pins survived after your masterful throw, do not despair, you have one more chance to strike - the second attempt. The game is considered over after all ten frames have been played.

Rule two, ball

If your first trip to a bowling club will take place in the company of already experienced players, then be prepared to hear a whole bunch of “practical” advice on how to become right, how to hold b ball and so on. Often, the choice of a ball for a beginner is accompanied by explanations: “You are small in stature and weigh a little, so a light ball will suit you ...”. However, this is not always the case. A beginner should try the entire ball arsenal in order to choose the most suitable one for himself. When choosing a ball, experts recommend paying attention not only to its weight, but also to how comfortable the player's fingers are in the holes of the ball. A standard ball with three holes is taken with large, middle and ring fingers. The thumb sinks completely, and the middle and ring fingers only to the second joint. The little finger and index finger lie freely on the surface of the ball, and the palm only slightly touches it.

Rule three, step by step

After the ball is selected, you need to move away from the foul line for four steps with a small margin. Before you take a few important steps, you need to put your left foot forward a little. Now you are ready for your first steps in the world of bowling:

  • first step - short, it is carried out with the right foot, the hand holding the ball, at this time, must be raised forward upwards, supporting the ball with the left hand;
  • at second step the weight of the body is assumed by the left leg, and the arm with the ball goes down, thus, the ball is swinging;

  • third step , respectively, makes the right leg, the hand with the ball "flies" back, the body leans forward;
  • last preparatory step r makes the left foot, and at the same time the player throws the ball into the lane, while bending the left knee.

Needless to say, left-handers should “walk” to the track with their right foot, and perform all movements in a mirror. The main thing to remember is that the fingers release the holes of the ball gradually. First - big, then all the rest. This is the main rule of a smooth throw.

Rule four, aiming

As we already know, the main goal of the game is to knock down as many pins as possible. And to hit the target, it is desirable to aim well. However, bowling pros never look at the pins when aiming! But it's better to aim by looking at a specific spot on the lane than at the pins 60 feet away. There are seven such arrows. The middle one is located just in the center of the lane, in line with the main pins. If you learn how to use the arrows as guides, then very soon you will move from beginner to professional. In the meantime, play and have a lot of fun with fun communication with family and friends!

Ekaterina Grintsevich

Have you been invited to go bowling and you don't know what to wear? Almost every one of us faces this question, especially those who go there for the first time. How to dress for a bowling alley? Will smart style be appropriate? Let's consider in more detail.

What should a woman wear to a bowling alley?

Bowling is an active game. This must be taken into account when choosing clothes. Of course, wearing washed out old sportswear just because of convenience is not worth it. You can choose a harmonious outfit in which it will be convenient for you to beat out strikes in this exciting game. It should be noted that special shoes are issued in the bowling alley, regular visitors bring their own, you can do the same for reasons of cleanliness. And this fact suggests that an evening dress, especially in a mini version, will be out of place. Maxi skirts or pants that are too long can cause injury. The player is at risk of tripping and falling. The main rule for bowling is that clothes should be comfortable! You should not wear a tight tight outfit, there is a risk that the clothes will go to the seams, and you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation and embarrassment cannot be avoided. But baggy clothes will not give comfort in the game. With sharp and fast movements, it will interfere with the throw of the ball on the pins.

The ideal option is beautiful jeans or trousers, combined with a stylish cotton T-shirt or elegant blouse. It would be useful to take something warm with you, especially if the top of the clothes is short-sleeved. It's cold in many entertainment centers. And most importantly, do not forget that a too deep neckline will be inappropriate. All the same, you will have to play with forward bends, and this must be taken into account. A good option would be a combination of shorts under tight tights and, for example, a beautiful shirt. There are a lot of options for how to dress in a bowling alley for a girl. The main thing is not to neglect the basic rules described above, and you will look stylish!

In the section on the question of how to dress for bowling and what would be comfortable and beautiful? given by the author Mashunya Kozhina the best answer is to dress for bowling very lightly. The only obligatory requirement is special shoes: in the bowling center you will always be offered rental shoes (as a rule, they are included in the price of the game).

Advanced amateurs can purchase personalized boots. The two most common brands are Linds and Dexter.
Everything else you will surely find in your closet. Comfortable trousers are most suitable for the game: jeans, slacks, shorts; and a T-shirt, blouse, shirt (ventilated, not very restrictive).
Clothing that is too tight or baggy restricts movement. But do not go to extremes: tracksuits or fitness clothes sometimes bring a smile to the face of other visitors. Ball gowns and tuxedos will also be out of place here.

If your goal is to achieve a higher level of play, you can not hurt the habit of wearing a polo shirt and slacks while bowling.
Some tournaments and clubs actually have dress codes prohibiting regular T-shirts, shorts or jeans.
So, at the rating tournaments held by the Federation of Sports Bowling of Russia, a prerequisite for participation is the compliance of the sports uniform with the following rules: - for men - polo shirts and trousers - slacks; - for women - polo shirts and skirts or skirts-shorts.
And one more very important point: if you put on a retro thing, check its seams in advance, because bowling is a very active game!
P.S. I will add personally from myself for the girls: take care of the manicure especially carefully, especially on the thumb of the right hand.

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