Didactic game "math puzzles". Didactic games for famp Didactic game math puzzles

The game consists of 7 contests. The first competition, in which children assemble a puzzle, is held for warm-up. Next, 6 mathematical and logical competitions are performed. The names of the competitions are connected with other subjects of the school curriculum, thus showing the connection of all sciences with mathematics. After passing each of the 6 competitions, the teams, in addition to scoring points, are given a piece of the main puzzle, in which the word "QUEEN" is written. At the end of the whole game, the teams should unanimously say the well-known statement - "MATHEMATICS - THE QUEEN OF ALL SCIENCES!"

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"Math puzzles."

Branch "LADA" GBOU secondary school with. Podstepki Samara region

Vorobieva Tatyana Nikolaevna

mathematic teacher

Lesson topic: lesson - the game "Math puzzle"

Goals and objectives:

    Instilling interest in the study of mathematics;

    Development of attention, logical thinking, curiosity, memory;

    Education of perseverance, will, ability to work in a team;

    Formation of a cohesive children's team, fostering a sense of cooperation, the formation of friendly relations and the ability to work as a team:

    The ability to navigate in an unfamiliar situation, quickly mobilize their knowledge, skills and abilities to solve mathematical problems.

Description: lesson - the game "Mathematical puzzle" - an extra-curricular activity in mathematics for students in grades 5-6. The game can be played both during the subject week between parallel classes, and at the end of the quarter at the last lesson between students of the same class.
Puzzle, folding picture,mosaic(English) jigsaw puzzle) - a puzzle game in which you need to make a mosaic of many fragments of a picture of various shapes.

The game consists of 7 contests. The first competition, in which children assemble a puzzle, is held for warm-up. Next, 6 mathematical and logical competitions are performed. The names of the competitions are connected with other subjects of the school curriculum, thus showing the connection of all sciences with mathematics. After passing each of the 6 competitions, the teams, in addition to scoring points, are given a piece of the main puzzle, in which the word "QUEEN" is written. At the end of the whole game, the teams should unanimously say the well-known statement - "MATHEMATICS - THE QUEEN OF ALL SCIENCES!"

During the classes.

Stages of the lesson, competition

Grading system

Necessary materials


Organizing time

Greeting the teacher and teams, familiarization with the course of the event and the rules.

1 contest


Each team receives a box with a puzzle, within a minute they must collect the picture.

depending on the number of commands and the speed of execution, points are awarded from higher to lower

Children's puzzles of 20 elements (for each team)

2 competition


Each team is given cards with numbers in turn. The organizer gives a multiplication example for a minute, the team must calculate and show the correct answer.

1 point for each correct answer

Cards with numbers from 0 to 9 (2 copies)

3 contest


Within 3 minutes, teams write down proverbs and sayings containing numbers. The commanders read out, the organizers count the number.

1 point for each proverb

A4 sheet, pen (for each team)

4 contest


On a sheet with Roman numerals, Arabic numerals are given in accordance. The task of the teams is to figure out the rule for writing numbers. Convert 3 Arabic to Roman numbers, 3 Roman to Arabic numbers. Time to complete 5 minutes. After that, the organizers check the correctness of the completed tasks.

2 points for each correct answer

Sheet with Roman numerals, A4 sheet for writing answers, pen (for each team)

5 competition


on a sheet with rebuses, instructions are given for calculating rebuses. The task of the teams is to guess the puzzles. Time to complete 5 minutes. After that, the organizers check the correctness of the completed tasks.

3 points for each correctly guessed puzzle

Rebus sheet, A4 sheet for recording answers, pen (for each team)

6 contest


The sheet contains tasks for rearranging matches. Time to complete 5 minutes. After that, the organizers check the correctness of the completed tasks.

2 points for each correct answer

Worksheet with tasks. Matches or counting sticks (for each team)

7 competition

Olympiad tasks are given on a sheet of paper. The task of the team is to solve problems. Within 3 minutes.

5 points for each correct answer

Task sheet, A4 sheet for recording answers, pen (for each team)

Scoring. Definition of winners. Reflection (children draw a smiley face with colored chalk on the board =) or white chalk = ()

Prizes for all participants

Diplomas, sweet prizes (at the choice of the organizers)

Application No. 1. « CALCULATOR»

98: 2 =49
95: 5 =19
90: 5 =
57: 3 =
74: 2 =
34: 2 =
69: 3 =
56: 4 =
58: 2 =
99: 9 =
96: 2 =
45: 3 =
84: 1 =
69: 3 =
98: 7 =
56: 2 =
60: 4 =
44: 4 =
85: 5 =
48: 3 =
84: 3 =
52: 2 =
77: 7 =
91: 7 =
69: 3 =
84: 6 =

96: 8 =
68: 2 =
77: 7 =
95: 5 =
91: 7 =
46: 2 =
78: 3 =
85: 5 =
50: 2 =
96: 4 =
99: 9 =
84: 6 =
50: 2 =
56: 2 =
56: 4 =
75: 5 =
84: 6 =
75: 3 =
84: 4 =
46: 2 =
62: 2 =
90: 6 =
60: 5 =
48: 3 =
33: 3 =
54: 3 =

96: 4 =
74: 2 =
26: 2 =
78: 6 =
60: 2 =
66: 6 =
78: 6 =
92: 4 =
65: 5 =
56: 4 =
75: 5 =
26: 2 =
36: 3 =
60: 2 =
72: 6 =
65: 5 =
76: 4 =
81: 1 =
95: 5 =
68: 2 =
98: 7 =
77: 7 =
65: 5 =
44: 2 =
72: 2 =
60: 4 =

41 x 1 =
12 x 8 =
10 x 3 =
14 x 6 =
11 x 9 =
11 x 5 =

12 x 3 =
12 x 4 =
12 x 4 =
11 x 7 =

41 x 1 =
12 x 8 =
10 x 3 =
14 x 6 =
11 x 9 =
11 x 5 =

Application number 2. « STORY»


In the Roman numeral system, seven numbers are denoted by letters:

10 – X

50 – L

100 – C

500 – D

1000 – M

The rest of the numbers are written with a combination of these characters..

If the numbers in the combination go from large to small, the numbers add up:

XXI – 10 + 10 + 1 = 21

MMVIII– 1000 + 1000 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 2008

If from smallest to largest - the value of the number is subtracted from the next letter:

IV – 5 - 1 = 4

Complete tasks

Write in Roman numeral system

Convert to decimal number system

Year of invention of radio communication

Year of the first manned space flight

Year Olympic Games in Moscow

Application No. 3. « MYSTERY»

Application No. 4. « CONSTRUCTOR»

KEY. Rearrange the four matches so that the key turns into three squares.

FISH. Rearrange three matches so that the fish swims in the other direction.

CREEPING BEETLE. A beetle is made up of matches, crawling to the right. Rearrange three matches so that the beetle crawls in the opposite direction.

SNAKE. A broken line in the form of a snake is made up of 16 matches. Rearrange 5 matches so that two squares of different sizes are obtained from the snake.

Application No. 5.« OLYMPUS»

There are 44 episodes in the serial film. The film is shown on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 2 episodes a day. What day of the week will the last episode air?

(Write down the name of the day

Arrange the numbers from 1 to 9 on the balls of the triangle so that their sums on the sides of the triangle are equal.

Given a series of numbers: 1,1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13…, continue it.

(Write down the next 2 numbers)

Didactic game"Math puzzles aimed at developing attention, thinking and visual memory.

In order to get a picture, you need to collect strips with numbers in order.

Interesting puzzles for children, studying the account within 5 (for the middle group, 10 (For senior group) and 20 (respectively for preparatory group) V game form. For the game, you can print ready-made pictures with numbers, you just have to cut them and you're done. I used pictures from old coloring pages, pasted the numbers and cut them into equal strips.

Purpose of the game:

Systematize knowledge of numbers from 1 to 5;

Strengthen counting skills within 5;

Develop memory, attention, logical thinking;

To arouse interest in the subject through the game.

Game objectives:

Fixing the account from 1 to 5;

Contribute to the development of logical thinking: the ability to compare, compare, analyze, generalize, draw a conclusion; arbitrary attention, memory, self-examination and self-control.

Perform search tasks;

Learn to apply knowledge in changed conditions;

To promote the development of a sense of camaraderie and friendship among students; instilling interest in the account.

DOWNLOAD: To download pictures, you need to hover over the picture with the mouse and right-click, and select save image as ... . Save the picture on your computer, then you can print it and work with your child.

Developed by:

Dubeiko Alexandra Borisovna

Didactic game "Solve the mathematical flower"

Target: The development of mental abilities, cognitive activity.

Tasks: Develop mental ability, consolidate the ability to count and correlate quantity with a number, fix colors. Develop the ability to correct a mistake if made. Develop interest in gaming activity with adults and peers.

Equipment: The game consists of cards on which flowers are depicted with examples.

A card with colored stripes in front of which there are numbers from 1 to 10.

colored petals different colors(these are the answers).

Game actions: The child takes a card and solves an example. Having solved the example, he looks at the colored table. Checks its answer with the color and closes the example with the corresponding color petal. So decides the whole flower.

Didactic game with counting sticks.


Development of logical thinking, imagination and memory;

Development spatial representations;

Development of fine motor skills of hands;

Development of coordination and ingenuity.

Equipment: counting sticks, cards with subject images.

Game progress: Children practice drawing geometric shapes on the plane of the table.

From colored counting sticks, children make up various images, geometric figures, elementarily modify them. Tasks are given with subsequent complication.
Children first make object images from sticks: houses, boats, simple buildings, pieces of furniture, then geometric shapes: squares, triangles, rectangles and quadrangles of different sizes and with different aspect ratios, and then again various object images.
Appointment. Development of spatial representations, consolidation of knowledge about the properties and distinctive features of geometric shapes.

Didactic game "Mathematical puzzles"


Systematize children's knowledge of numbers from 1 to 10;

Strengthen counting skills within 10;

Develop memory, attention, logical thinking, speech, Creative skills;

Arouse interest in the subject through play

Tasks: fixing the count from 1 to 10; preparing children to study addition and subtraction; focus on the place of a number in a series of other numbers; promote the development of logical thinking: the ability to compare, compare, analyze, generalize, draw a conclusion; arbitrary attention, memory, self-examination and self-control, perform tasks of a search nature; learn to apply knowledge in changed conditions; promote the development of a sense of camaraderie and friendship among students; instilling interest in the account.

Rules of the game:

In order to get a picture, the child needs to fold the strips with numbers in order.

Didactic game "Comparison by size"

Target: Correlation of objects by size

Equipment: subject images.

Game progress. The child is invited to arrange butterflies, nesting dolls, etc. in order of increasing size.

Didactic game "Comparison of sets"

Goals: To form in children the ability to compare sets, to fix the score.

Equipment: two-lane counting cards, sets of pictures and geometric shapes.

Game progress: in the application way, lay out objects and compare, equalize sets in quantity, adding and removing one object.

Elena Komlygina

The purpose of the printed board game is the use of didactic games in the formation of elementary mathematical representations in preschoolers, the formation of elementary mathematical representations.

The idactic game requires perseverance.

Only in the game the child joyfully and easily reveals his abilities, masters new skills and knowledge, develops dexterity, observation, imagination, memory, learns to think, analyze, overcome difficulties, while absorbing invaluable communication experience. I really want my wards to have an effective development of elementary mathematical ability, intellect, skills of the culture of speech communication, improvement of the aesthetic and moral attitude to the environment.

interesting math puzzles for kids studying the score within 10. In order to get a picture, you need to collect stripes with numbers in order.

Not everyone can immediately get distracted from the picture and focus on the numbers, but there is still a flaw in the usual puzzles where it's just a picture.

There are a great many pictures on the Internet! I took it to my taste! I printed black and white, A5 format, for clarity and color, A4 format, for the direct activities of children! To puzzles lasted as long as possible, I laminated them with tape

I cut it into 10 parts and voila! The children appreciated my many hours of work!

Related publications:

One of my main tasks, as a teacher-psychologist, is to promote the development of such cognitive processes as: attention, memory,.

Didactic game "Mathematical puzzles" Board game. used as visual material aimed at the development of the visual.

Purpose: to generalize and consolidate the knowledge of children about memorable places in the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. Tasks: To teach how to collect a complete picture from a multitude.

my babies junior group love very much entertaining games, puzzles and puzzles. They develop imagination, logical thinking, teach children.

Math Games. special role in cognitive development the preschooler is given didactic games. With their help, they are clarified and fixed.

Consultation for parents "Math games" Learning to count. Math games. Circles. For the game you will need: Twenty circles made of cardboard or plastic (two colors). Can.

Summary of the lesson "Mathematical news" Program content: Reveal the level of material covered in mathematics; exercise in quantitative and ordinal counting, consolidate knowledge.

On this page of the site, you can download developing mathematical puzzles for free and print them out (preferably on a color printer). To make the pictures more dense, stick them on thick paper, cardboard or laminate. So they will become more durable and convenient to use. Then cut them into strips along the contour, mix and give to the child. The task of the young mathematician is to add segments with numbers in order to get a whole image. Working with puzzles will be interesting and useful for children in early age from two to six years old, studying the numbers of the first ten.

Playing with numerical puzzles contributes to the development of attention, visual memory, logical thinking, fine motor skills. The main task of this form of learning is to systematize existing knowledge about numbers and consolidate counting skills from one to ten. It will also be interesting for the child to make a whole out of separate parts, suggesting what should happen in the end, thereby developing his creative abilities and thinking.

Thus, having mastered the counting of the first numbers, the baby will be ready to learn new material - subtraction and addition to ten. Learning through play is always more effective, as it arouses interest in the subject, enthusiasm and curiosity.

Puzzle Score from 1 to 10

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