Games with cereals: we develop fine motor skills of kids. We play with grits

Faith Dedyura
Educational games with cereals for children 3 years old

Educational games with cereals at 3 years old. Note to parents. While on vacation or just on weekends, parents do not know what to do with their child! Children love to play with water, sand, but for a change, you can offer your child games with different grains. It is very interesting and exciting to play! And yes, kids are always addicted to something new.

We'll need:

Rag bags (or multi-colored socks of the smallest size);

several plates, lids and boxes (from under yogurt, cottage cheese);

1-2 trays;

strainer, spoon;

glue, cardboard, stencil, and of course, a good mood.

Well, now you can start!

1. Bean baths.

Pour beans (peas) into a plate or box, throw small toys there and stir. And we begin to come up with games, it all depends on your imagination! For example, you can give the task to the baby to put his hands in the beans and look for toys.

If the child is already speaking, tell him to feel and name what is hidden in the beans.

The same can be done if put in a container of manna grits a few beans. The kid gropes them with his fingers and puts them in a bowl. And mom loudly counts the finds until they all are found.

2. Patterns on the tray.

In a thin even layer, scatter some small groats, semolina or flour is more suitable.

If you pass by rump finger, you get a contrast line.

We teach the child to draw. Let him draw a wand, a circle, a square, a sun, a house with a roof, a simple ornament.

On a loose tray, show your baby how to pinch groats(this exercise develops fine motor skills soothes the child). Using this technique in the future, you can pour tracks, make simple drawings. For "bulk" drawings take different types croup.

3. Magic bags.

Take 10-15 small bags and fill them with peas, beans, rice... you can also use cotton wool, acorns, pine cones, crumpled paper, matches as a filler.

You should get 2 bags with the same filling.

Invite the child to find identical bags by touch. Then - guess what is poured where.

4. Draw with glue - this game is more difficult.

We will need a sheet of cardboard and a simple stencil, such as a dog or a flower.

Give the child glue, let him smear it inside the stencil, then pour semolina groats on the smeared surface, press down.

We remove the stencil and get "painted over" picture. If the child does not like to draw with a stencil, let him run the glue over the paper as he wants. Then fill this sheet with semolina, press down and shake off the excess groats. Look what happened!

Thus, the child fine motor skills develop, memory, imagination, perseverance, ability to draw.

I have described a few games, which can be used with groats It all depends on your imagination!

My child loves to play with groats but don't try to hold the baby for too long! 10-15 minutes will be enough, otherwise groats will be scattered everywhere, the child will simply get bored!

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Cereals are not only a valuable food product in the arsenal of the hostess. This is also a good game material that develops fine motor skills and imagination in children from the age of one. It is easy to organize games with buckwheat, semolina, rice cereals, lentils or beans, pasta. It is advisable to gradually introduce children to each of the bulk materials. They have a different color, shape, degree of hardness, which provides a wealth of impressions and sensations.

The benefits of playing with cereals

Many parents, for safety reasons, are in no hurry to acquaint their one-year-old children with small objects. It is important not to hide them from the baby, but to teach them how to handle them correctly. The first months of exercise with cereals, one way or another, will be under the close supervision of adults. Mom will be able to observe how the child behaves and prevent dangerous situations.

The benefits of didactic games with cereals have been proven by psychologists, speech therapists and other children's specialists. Classes stimulate and develop:

  • fine motor skills important for drawing and writing;
  • imagination and attention;
  • sensory perception;
  • sensory cognition of substances and objects;
  • speech development.

For many children, developmental exercises with croup in a calm, trusting environment have a calming effect. You can practice them with children who have learned to sit.

Initially, it is quite difficult to focus the crumbs' attention on this lesson. However, over time, the child will learn to concentrate and will play with cereals for longer and longer.

Preparing for games

The main attribute of such games is a variety of cereals that can be completed in a plastic tray divided into sectors. At first, it is better to deal with a baby who is sitting in his highchair. All the necessary components will be conveniently placed on the countertop, and to localize the cleaning area, you should lay an oilcloth or newspaper on the floor.

For exercise mom will need:

  • small toys (cars, figurines from kinder surprises);
  • toy dishes;
  • plastic scoop;
  • several bowls or containers;
  • strainer;
  • rustling candy liners;
  • chestnuts, acorns or nuts.

We play with kids 1-2 years old

The introduction to cereals is usually easy for the little ones, because most children like everything new. If the baby was apprehensive about the new activity, the adult should also get involved in the game, demonstrating its capabilities. Children under three years of age learn through imitation of loved ones. They see how interesting it is to shift small objects, and gradually learn to do it on their own.

At first, it is enough for the child to shift the cereal from the box to the box, try to hold the grains with his fingers. Gradually, the task becomes more difficult, and the child learns:

  • transfer bulk into containers or children's dishes with a spoon or mug;
  • take beans, pasta or peas with tweezers;
  • throw grains through a narrow hole in the bank, listening to the sounds;
  • look for a small “treasure” (a toy, a candy) in a tray with loose goods with your hands;
  • look in the semolina for larger bulk (pasta, beans) sifting with a strainer;
  • lay out colored letters, paths, ornaments from cereals;
  • independently bury and dig out small toys;
  • pour small cereals, semolina or salt with a pinch;
  • stomp your feet on the groats scattered in the basin.

To occupy the crumbs in the kitchen while mom is preparing food, the sensory box will allow. To create it, you need a large plastic container, which should be filled halfway with cereals of different sizes and colors. In the lid, you need to make two holes for small hands so that the baby can sort out loose, but not litter at the same time.

We play with a child 2-6 years old

After 2 years, the baby will like to sort cereals of different shapes, colors and sizes. Before work, several types of bulk materials should be mixed and a tray with divisions should be prepared so that the baby can decompose each variety separately. You can use plasticine or modeling dough, showing the baby how to press the grits into it and create a pattern.

In order for the child's fantasy to fully manifest itself, you can paint the cereals in the colors of the rainbow. There are several ways to do this:

  • fry semolina in a pan so that it changes color;
  • dilute gouache in two tablespoons of vodka, pour 5 tablespoons of semolina or rice, mix and air dry;
  • crumble the crayons and mix them with semolina;
  • crumble the pencil lead, rub it on paper, pour semolina on top and mix;
  • color white beans, pasta, rice or semolina with food coloring or diluted gouache water and dry in the oven at a temperature of 150-200 degrees;
  • large pasta can be painted with gouache.

Games with cereals with a child of 3-6 years old become more difficult and interesting. At this age, he distinguishes colors and shapes well, can create amazing compositions from cereals and pasta.

For general development, you can try soaking and germinating cereals, or decomposing them into matchboxes and signing each. A more difficult task is drawing and applications from bulk materials. It requires not only imagination, but also perseverance.

Drawings with sand and semolina

Many parents are attracted to special sand drawing tablets (we recommend reading:). To understand whether the child likes this activity and whether it is worth buying a tablet, you can try drawing with semolina. For the first time you will need a bright tray. Mom should evenly distribute semolina over the surface and show the baby how you can draw beautiful patterns with your fingers.

There are many master classes on the topic of drawing decoys. For example, you can complicate the task by using colored semolina or rice. It is necessary to prepare a simple picture on paper (for example, a flower or a boat). Alternately, you should coat it with glue and ask the baby to pour the cereal onto the glued area. It is important to immediately shake off the remnants of the cereal and gradually form a beautiful picture that will decorate the creative album.

Pasta Applications

Pasta of various shapes - nests, shells, bows, stars, spaghetti, are well suited for cute children's applications. To work with a preschooler, mom should prepare:

  • pasta of various shapes after dyeing;
  • liquid glue;
  • thick cardboard;
  • paints and brushes;
  • plasticine.

On a sheet of paper, mark the contours of the application with a pencil. Apply glue along the contour and apply pasta until dry. Let the kid choose the shape and colors of the pasta. For example, the eye of a fish is a dark wheel, and the scales are wavy yellow or green pasta. You can dream up together, “populating” the lawn with orange and red pasta stars, or making a fluffy coat of spirals for a lamb.

magic pouches

Beans are one of the most suitable materials for a variety of games and applications. It has a different shape and color palette, makes interesting sounds when in contact with plastic, wood, water and other materials. In addition, it is absolutely harmless to the crumbs (even if he accidentally swallows a grain, nature will help to cope with this).

Games with beans or peas develop the tactile sensations of a 3-4 year old baby, teach counting and comparing sizes and shapes. After getting acquainted with them, you can consolidate the impressions received with the help of magic bags. To do this, you need 3 similar bags and the same amount of semolina, buckwheat and beans (peas).

You should offer the baby to shift the cereals into bags, tie them with ribbons and re-sort. Further, according to the sensations of the fingers, he needs to determine in which bag which cereal is located. Don't put them away after the game. It is possible that the baby will want to touch them again, stimulating the development of tactile sensations and fine motor skills with the help of cereals.

Finger exercises with bulk materials are unlikely to bother a child, because there are a considerable number of them. The main thing for parents is the willingness to constantly develop creative abilities in the crumbs. The result of early exercises will be high mental activity of the child, good imagination and clear speech.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in Clinical Psychology

Hello dear parents!

This article will focus on educational games with cereals with children aged 1 year and over. Although I offered my son to mess around with cereals when he was still at the age of 6-7 months. At that time, he squeezed the cereal into a fist and unclenched it. He was very interested in how the grains between the fingers get enough sleep. And of course, these are new tactile sensations. Now we are already a year and a half old, but our interest in cereals has not passed. We use: rice, buckwheat, semolina, beans, peas, millet, pearl barley - in short, everything that is at home.

With the help of such games, the child develops the coordination of his movements, learns to think logically, stimulates his speech, and of course, fine motor skills, beloved by everyone, are involved.

If this is the first time you have decided to do this kind of activity with your baby, I recommend, as a safety measure, to start over with cereals such as semolina. Explain to him that the cereal does not need to be pulled into the mouth, we only play with it.

Then, when the child gets used to it, gets used to it, you can use rice, buckwheat or peas. If a child even accidentally puts it in his mouth, nothing terrible will happen.

Then it will be possible to switch to beans, beans, pearl barley. Under no circumstances leave the child unattended, his hands and mouth should always be in front of you! And of course, each mother decides for herself whether such a game and such cereals are suitable for her child.

Make room for these games. Be prepared that the child will be like a bird - a swan waving its arms and throwing cereal overboard. Let it be a place where it will be easy to sweep the grits, or lay a blanket and sit with the baby in its center, after the games, just collect it and all the grits will remain in the blanket, shake it off and that's it. Let the child sit comfortably and see how you show him.

What can be done with this very cereal, let's see:

  1. Of course, we train our hands and get used to working with a large spoon, a small spoon. Suitable and wooden spoons, all kinds of ladles. Let them be several and different, so the child will learn to use them. And pour with their help from one bowl to another.
  2. We use a bottle, preferably a transparent one. A plastic one with a narrow neck will also work. We put our beans, beads, pasta, peas there.
  3. We teach the child to scoop up the grits of a children's mug and pour from it, for example, into a cup.
  4. You can pour with a spoon into the same bottle using a funnel. If there is no funnel, you can make it yourself. We have such a funnel glued to the side with tape.
  5. We are looking for hidden secrets in the croup. It can be small molds, toys, fridge magnets.
  6. We feed different animals (made from an ordinary tea box)
  7. From thick paper or cardboard, you can make a ramp and pour cereal on it. We also glued it to the side with tape.
  8. Mix semolina with peas, and sift with a strainer to leave peas.
  9. Pour the cereal into molds.
  10. We hide large pasta in the grits. Let the baby find them and put them in a separate container.
  11. Mix a small amount of different cereals (except for millet and semolina) and let the child sort the contents into different containers.
  12. You can also use special equipment, load a dump truck or excavator and transport goods.

We have been playing with beans since 10 months. Cereals and pasta appeared much later, when Antoshka scattered everything less.

The first games with beans were not at all like they are usually described in articles on the development of fine motor skills - the child sits and concentrates on shifting the grains, pouring them with a spoon.

Antoshka simply took a handful of beans and scattered them around. But it was so much fun!

After a year, we started walking on slides of beans. It is on the hills, because It was very unpleasant for Antoshka to step on individual beans.

In the article, I will conditionally call all cereals, meaning the above products.

How to play with grits

Benefit games with cereals and beans is huge. There are many ways to develop your baby's fine motor skills, but playing with dangerous little things is the best.

During games you can tell the properties of cereals: loose, rough or smooth, wet or dry. Comment on the child's actions or your own, and develop so its speech.

Use pasta or beans as counting material.

Take care of safety and. The most important thing in playing with bulk materials is the safety of the child. You can't be distracted for a second. As soon as I turned away for a moment, Antoshka put everything in his mouth, but I quickly distracted him to a more useful activity.

The danger is not only in swallowing cereals. It will most likely come out naturally (but I don't recommend experimenting!). A child may stick grains or beans up his nose or ear. So, as I said, safety comes first.

Get ready for the mess. The child will scatter everything. Unintentionally or on purpose, but at least a few grains, or maybe a kilogram, will definitely end up on the floor. Therefore, we played on the floor for the first time.

If you are not mentally prepared for such a turn of events, you can limit yourself to a small handful - let the baby shift one grain at a time. It is not necessary to pour the entire package onto the tray.

How to quickly remove cereals. Periodically, we play large-scale games - we use beans, millet, pasta at the same time and in large quantities. To make cleaning easier, I put a basin under the corner of the table where everything wakes up more often. And at the end of the game, I choose pasta and white beans from the general pile, because it is larger, I sift the rest. Millet is perfectly sieved through a toy sieve or colander, and semolina through a regular sieve.

I store I have cereals for playing in plastic containers.

How to color cereals

Rice and pasta we paint gouache, because We don't have food coloring. I just add a little gouache to the rice (if the gouache is dry, you can drop a little water), Antoshka mixes everything with his hands. Painting- this is standalone game with cereals, no less interesting than all the others. We dye rice in small batches for specific creative works.

Concerning pasta, then I paint each pasta separately. Antoshka prefers to paint pasta in a bowl, mixing several colors. It turns out a dirty gray color, but the child likes the process!

Manka perfectly stained gouache, it turns out a pleasant, not too bright color. But corn grits painting lends itself poorly, and there is no special meaning in this. But like I said, painting is a great game.

Games with cereals, beans and pasta

Pour cereals. These are the simplest, but loved by all the kids games. You can simply pour from bowl to bowl, into a funnel, with your hands, spoons, a small ladle.

Looking for treasure. We hide small toys in the groats and look for them. Then we count the catch. Rescuing animals from quicksand. We are looking for stickers under a layer of millet.

We cook soup from a mixture of cereals and feed them toys. We love to cook according to the "recipe". I tell Antoshka that for the soup we need 1 teaspoon of beans, 2 tablespoons of buckwheat, 3 teaspoons of oatmeal, 1 pinch of semolina, etc. We break the spaghetti there. At the same time, the child learns to count.

Sifting, mixing cereals and pasta with semolina. Millet can be sifted through a toy sieve or colander.

We transport goods and play different story games- desert, construction site, etc.

Sorting in appearance, shape, color. We lay out in trays for eggs, molds for ice, both in heaps, and one at a time - each in its own house.

We feed Gosha with pasta. I already talked about our chick Gosha in an article about. Antoshka loves to feed him very much. We also push the beans into a narrow hole in a jar of wet wipes.

Doing pasta beads. If you color them, you can alternate the color.

We put the pasta on the rod(skewers). This option is simpler than beads and therefore suitable for the smallest. You can hold the skewer in your hand or fix it in plasticine. You can make several of these rods and string pasta on them, sorting them by color.

Laying out along the contour, for example, a track, a circle of beans. For older kids - along the contour of the coloring. You can also upload drawings - the sun, a face, etc.

We lay out logical series. White beans - red - white - red. Or pasta with a bow - shell - bow - shell.

For applications, I draw templates or use ready. Here are a few examples our works:

Colored rice leaves. We made several trees - with autumn attire, winter (white rice snow), spring, summer.

Making hay for the cow. In the right place, Antoshka smears the workpiece with glue and sprinkles it abundantly vermicelli. Shake off and get a haystack.

We load the truck with millet. Here it is similar - glue stick or regular PVA + millet.

Coloring from cereals. You can take a coloring book for the smallest ones, cover it with a layer of glue or plasticine and “paint” with cereals. For example, we made this chicken from corn grits, and the eye is made of plasticine.

We plant butterflies on a flower. Together with Antoshka, we color the pasta in the form of bows and glue them on the painted flower using plasticine or PVA.

You can also make a millet path, rice snow, bean patterns, etc.

Pressing pasta in the form of transport on plasticine strips. The green stripe is land transport, the blue ones are water and air. At the same time, of course, we count cars, planes, etc.

Add up seeds in a bag. Smear the brown plasticine over the nublon and press the seeds into it.

Doing bean filling for the pie.

Laying out the pattern. We press beans or pasta into a layer of plasticine, making a path, letters, patterns. So you can learn letters and numbers.

Making a hedgehog spaghetti spikes. The smallest ones can be offered to pull out the spaghetti you inserted.

Start with simple games that require a minimum of preparation from you. Gradually new ideas will come to you. You will not even notice how games with beans and cereals will become part of your life.

The more the baby plays with objects that are different in structure to the touch (soft, hard, rough, smooth, etc.), the more actively and correctly he speaks.

Groats (one type) can be poured into the basin . Add a spoon or a small scoop, various jars, bottles, animal figurines that can be hidden in the groats. You can put beads in the groats and then take them back with your hands and put them in a jar. You can sort them by color.

Grain games

pouring.Take several plates or other containers. Let the child pour the cereal into the bowls. He can do this both with his fingers and with a spoon. Pay attention to the baby that there is a lot of cereal in one plate, little in the other, and nothing in the third. Compare quantities: more, less, the same.

Rain. Pour cereal from one plate to another. In the process, show the little one that you can raise the plate higher and lower. Hear how she makes noise. Play the game "Rain": let the child pick up a handful of cereal, raise the handle and pour out the cereal, imitating how it rains. For her, it is better to take beans or peas to make it easier to clean.

Games with cereals will help develop the child's muscular, visual, nervous and skeletal systems

Tracks. From beans, for example, you can make paths - short and long, lay out various drawings - geometric shapes, letters, houses, etc.

Filling out the forms. Take any molds (for example, for plasticine or sand), put them on a flat surface and invite the child to fill them inside with grits. It can be picked up by hand or with a scoop.

Tweezer games. Give the baby tweezers and invite him to grab the beans with them. This game develops perseverance, and, of course, motor skills.

Well. Take any plastic bottle. Tell the child that this is a well that is completely empty, there is no more water in it. And our bear is very thirsty. Help the bear fill the well. Take the cereal and pour it into the narrow neck of the bottle with your hands.

You can also :
- Spoon the cereal from one bowl to another.
- Try it with a fork. Explain to the baby why he did not succeed.
- Pour the peas with a glass, a plastic bottle (you can take it from under the yogurt).
- Pour the cereal into a glass through a funnel.
- Pour the peas into a deep and flat plate.
- Ask the kitten to pour the cereal into a yellow bowl, and the blue chicken, etc.
- Pour and pour the peas into the container by hand.

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