DIY tangram: a fun and rewarding activity. Tangram game for children, printable tangram patterns for children Assemble a 7 part triangle

For development spatial representations children, constructive thinking, logic, imagination and ingenuity are very useful geometric puzzle games. One of these games is an ancient one. Chinese game Tangram.

Photo © Algodoo

What is the mystery behind this game?

Origin of the game

The game was born in China over 3000 years ago. Although the word "Tangram" was coined a little over a century ago in North America, the Chinese game was known as the "board of seven figures of wisdom."

According to one legend, the Great Dragon, who lived among people, entered into battle with the God of Thunder. And the God of Thunder cut the sky with an ax into 7 parts that fell to the ground. The pieces were so black that they swallowed up all the light on earth, thus destroying the forms of all objects. The dragon, saddened by such a tragedy, took these seven parts and began to build various forms and creatures, starting with man, animals and plants.

Another legend tells of a monk who instructed his disciples to travel by painting the world's diversity of beauty on ceramic tiles. But one day the tile fell and broke into 7 pieces. The students tried for seven days to assemble the tiles into a square, but to no avail. And then they decided: the beauty and diversity of the world can be made up of these seven parts.

What is a game?

The puzzle consists of seven geometric shapes by cutting the square:

2 large right triangles

1 medium right triangle

2 small right triangles

1 square

1 parallelogram

Each of these parts is called a Tang (Chinese for "piece").

A variety of situations are laid out from these figures. The game has 1600 decision options, which include big variety animals and humans, objects and geometric shapes.

As with other puzzles, tangram can be completed alone, or you can compete with other players.

How to play Tangram?

Draw a square on the cardboard and divide it into parts. It is better to use double-sided colored cardboard. If this is not available, take ordinary colored cardboard, glue it on the wrong side and cut out the shapes. So the details will be more dense. Make several of these sets in different colors.

To begin, ask your child to fold these pieces into a square again. It is better if the child copes with the task without looking at the drawing of the square. But if it does not work, you can use the sample.

When laying out the figures, it is easier for the child to use patterns with traced components. Contour patterns are more difficult to reproduce.

On a note

A tangram can be cut from a sheet of soft magnet (magnetic tape). An excellent option would be to take sheets of different colors. Then it will be possible to collect tangrams directly on the refrigerator.

When playing, the following rules must be observed

  1. when compiling images, all seven figures are used;
  2. the figures must be in the same plane, i.e. should not overlap each other, be located on top of other parts;
  3. all parts must be contiguous, i.e. have a point of contact with other parts.

Real drawings of those objects, the silhouette image of which is created using a puzzle game, are very useful. In this case, it will be easier for the child to imagine the depicted object and, perhaps, to make up his own version. Such classes are very useful in preparing children for schooling.

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Schematic source:

It is noteworthy that the word "tangram" itself is actually an old one. English word, composed of two parts - "tan" - Chinese and "gram" - in Greek "letter". In China, the game is called Chi-Chao-Tu (7 ingenious figures).

The essence of this puzzle lies in the folding of 7 geometric tanram figures of various silhouettes, as well as in inventing new ones. Imagine, it is estimated that 7000 different combinations can be made from the elements of the tangram. When solving the puzzle, you must follow only 2 rules: the first - you must use all 7 tangram figures, and the second - the figures should not overlap each other.

What is the use of tangram?

Folding according to tangram schemes contributes to the development of perseverance, attention, imagination, logical thinking, helps to create a whole from parts and at the same time foresee the result of one's activity, teaches one to follow the rules and act according to instructions. All these skills are necessary for the child while studying at school, and in adulthood.

Tangram: schemes for younger students

It is better for young children to offer simple and interesting tangram patterns, such as animal silhouettes. We offer to collect together with children a cat, carp, camel, fox, turkey and duck. Please note that one picture can be changed quite a bit by moving several figures, and the assembled animal changes position, that is, it seems to come to life.


carp and camel


duck and turkey

For you detailed description tangram scheme with the image of a hare.

1. We will begin to make the first figure of our hare from the head - a square. Attach the ears to the head: a medium-sized triangle and a parallelogram. We will make the body from 2 large triangles, and the paws from small ones.

2. Our bunny was frightened of something and changed its shape: he pressed his ears, folded his paws. Let's lay out the body from 2 large triangles, connecting them in the form of a parallelogram. We will attach the head from the square to the body, and the ears from the parallelogram to the head. It remains to make paws from 2 small and 1 medium triangles.

3. The hare stopped being afraid and decided to look out from behind the bush: he pricked up his ears (a parallelogram and a middle triangle), and he also had a tail - a small triangle.

And this is how a fox chasing a hare looks like.

Tangram patterns for high school students

A fifth grader can already safely take on more complex tangram schemes - images of people in motion. Also, children of this age will surely like the intricate silhouettes of numbers and letters.

Tangram develops abstract thinking well, so it will be useful for preschoolers who are preparing for school and.

Tangram in design

Adults can not only play tangram with kids, but also to go further - to use the technique of this puzzle in the design. You can decorate the interior in an original and beautiful way with bookshelves in the form of tangram figures.

Realize your most interesting ideas, it all depends on your imagination.

olesya tabakaeva

(fun game with minimal cost)

Development fine motor skills for preschoolers is the main task, as it forms the correct and coherent speech. But along with fine motor skills, the child needs to develop logic, spatial and constructive thinking and quick wit.

I want to bring to your attention an exciting puzzle game tangram- an old oriental puzzle of geometric shapes. According to one of the legends tangram appeared almost two and a half thousand years ago in ancient China.

The task of the player in the developing game « tangram» fold the figures from the pieces of the puzzle so that, firstly, all parts of the puzzle are necessarily used, and, secondly, the details do not overlap each other. The figurines can be turned over as you like, put either side up. Here, in fact, are all the rules.

With the game tangram You can introduce children starting 3-4 years old. First, you can introduce the child to different geometric shapes. Next, the child can impose shapes tangram on the finished sample It will be a very difficult task for him. This is a game that develops children's combinatorial abilities, imagination, attention and the ability to act according to instructions.

For older children, tasks can be complicated, for example, no longer impose figures on the sample, but lay it out next to it, the sample may not coincide with actual size, or you can invite the child to independently make a figurine invented by him

How to do do-it-yourself tangram

So for work we need materials:

Cardboard sheet

simple pencil (or any writing instrument)

From a sheet of cardboard we cut out a square I have 20 * 20. We draw a diagonal in the square - we get 2 large triangles. We cut one of them into 2 small triangles. We mark the middle on each side of the second large triangle. We cut off the middle triangle and the rest of the figures at these marks. (square and parallelogram).

so started

draw a square in my case 20.5 * 20.5

draw a diagonal in a square

divide one of the triangles into two equal

find the midpoint of the sides of a large triangle draw a line

find the midpoint of the side of the large triangle draw a line to the corner of the small [


find the midpoint of the side of the small triangle and connect it with the diagonal of the large triangles

we find the middle of the next large triangle and draw a line to the corner of the square, the remaining part will be a parallelogram. tangram ready

tangram ready to cut

to with tangram it was more interesting for a child to paint it, in my case, the children painted it with ordinary wax crayons

we have collected such a cute cat from our tangram

as a result of folding figures tangram we get silhouettes resembling figures of animals, birds, trees, people, household items, etc. etc.

here are some schematics

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To develop the thinking and imagination of a child, you can use various means and methods, one of which is the tangram game. You can start working with such a fascinating and useful puzzle at preschool age. It will be interesting for children to fold a house, a fish or a cat from simple shapes, and colorful diagrams will help them avoid mistakes.

What it is?

The puzzle itself came to us from ancient China, and the fact that it is more than a thousand years old indicates that it is fascinating and useful. The word, somewhat unusual for native Russian speakers, in Chinese means "seven boards of skill."

The essence of the game is simple: from seven geometric figures on a plane, you need to build something given by the scheme. It can be a figure of a person or an animal, plants, some household items, toys, and older preschoolers can be asked to build numbers and letters.

The composition of the set is as follows:

  • triangles (five of them) differ in size - large and small, two each, the middle one;
  • parallelogram;
  • square.

Interestingly, if you add the elements in a certain sequence, you get a square. You can buy a ready-made puzzle, and even more interesting - make it yourself from thick cardboard, painted in different colors, - so it will be easier for the baby to navigate the diagrams.

Creative freedom is limited by two simple rules– one element cannot be superimposed on another, but all of them must be involved in the construction.

Brief history of the technique

Legend has it that a certain emperor of China began to use the tangram for the first time, who was very worried that his future heir did not show due interest in the learning process. Then the monarch called for help three wise men - a mathematician, an artist and a philosopher, who, by joint efforts, came up with magic square. Thanks to him, you can perform a huge number of tasks. And the capricious prince finally began to learn.

It is known that even Napoleon at one time was engaged in folding tangram figures.

About the benefits

Puzzle exercises are definitely good for kids preschool age, because in an unobtrusive form they develop useful skills:

  • teach spatial thinking;
  • form and consolidate the concepts of color and shape;
  • improve attention, imagination;
  • develop the ability to "read" the scheme-instruction;
  • learn to visually divide the whole object into parts;
  • help the development of fine motor skills, since the kids put the figures on the table with their fingers.

The purpose of such training is to improve the thinking of the child. At the same time, the variety of schemes helps to maintain interest.

Variety of tasks

Tangram for preschoolers is an exciting and useful activity that you can start from 4-5 years old. First, the kids get acquainted with a new set for themselves, study its elements, find a triangle on the instructions of their parents, show which one is large and which is small. Next, adults print out the diagram in full size, inviting the crumbs to overlay the elements on the drawing. It can be houses, animals, birds, fish, a Christmas tree, a little man.

Gradually, the tasks become more complicated, the children are offered a hint scheme, which in size may no longer correspond to the real “dimensions” of the figures, and the task is to fold something, such as a bird.

Children, as a rule, also become interested in the fact that several varieties of birds can be added from a specific number of elements.

To prevent preschoolers from being bored, you should come up with a plot - for example, compose a fairy tale about animals that would like to settle in a house. In order for each of them to take their own "room", you must assemble the beast from the elements of the puzzle. Next, preschoolers are offered the following scheme:

They make a cat, a hare, a horse, a fish, a duck, a dog. Next to the house, we can “plant” a fir tree to make it beautiful (its diagram is also presented above). Finally, a man built a dwelling for the menagerie - his figure is also on the diagram.

You should not torment the child with numerous compilations of animals, for one lesson 2-3 is enough, the next day you can continue the "settlement".

Cat lovers can be invited to compose these animals from puzzle elements according to the following schemes:

The installation is given something like this: today is the day of cats, let's try to collect as many various kinds. Or another option: a cat came to visit us, told a lot of new things about her relatives. Let's show her how we can collect cats.

The houses are also very interesting, of which you can make a huge variety of tangram elements:

Together with the child, you should discuss what kind of house he would like to build, for example, for his pets, and then invite him to work. If something does not work out, do not be nervous and shout at the baby, such an attitude will only destroy his desire to comprehend the secrets chinese puzzle. It is best to help, hold, praise for the efforts, then the result will be very soon.

When working with a tangram, it is important to use the game element, invent fairy tales and fascinating stories. Otherwise, the baby will quickly get bored and will be engaged through force. Therefore, it is better to tell him about the magic square, which, at the behest of a good sorceress, broke up into several fragments, literally everything can be created from them. But the sorceress needs an assistant, so the child is temporarily endowed with miraculous power, and according to the magic book (drawings and diagrams), he will inhabit the fictional kingdom with various inhabitants, build houses, boats, Christmas trees and so on.

Tangram is a great mental workout that will help you have fun and consolidate useful skills. Among huge amount schemes you can find those that will appeal to every preschooler.

Tangram is a puzzle that is a square cut into 7 pieces in a certain way. For preschoolers, the tangram is a great lesson to prepare for school. And at the age of 5-6 years, children love to play very much. They are interested in puzzles with pictures.

The goal of the game is to collect figures of people, animals, birds, numbers, objects from tangram parts ...

Tangram game rules:

  • B assembled figure must include all seven parts.
  • Parts should not overlap.
  • Parts must be adjacent to each other.

Tangram scheme

(print possible in Word download file by clicking on the picture with the mouse)

Parts of a tangram

This is the tangram itself, fictitious pictures are obtained from its parts. You can buy it, but it's easy to do it yourself using the construction scheme. The drawing can be printed on colored paper on a printer or drawn independently using a ruler. Cut out puzzle pieces from colored paper. Then, laying out the desired figure, glue it on a dense sheet.

An example of a dog scheme - made by 1st grade students for a lesson in mathematics and technology.

The game for children tangram can be in several levels of difficulty. It is better to start with the simplest - lay out the figure according to the model.

Scheme - rocket

So you can fold a house out of a tangram.

At the second stage, you can invite the children to lay out the figures in a solid pattern.

And the third level, the most difficult: to come up with your own figures that look like people, animals, birds. We offer pictures invented by children.

Tangram pattern - fox

hare and camel

Scheme - man

Figures - fish

Print the scheme of tangram animals.
(fox, cat, hare, camel, horse, dog)

Print out the tangram number chart

(Clicking on the image will download a Word document file in docx format, which can be printed using Word)

There are various legends about the appearance of the tangram. Here is one of them...

Almost two and a half thousand years ago, the long-awaited son and heir was born to the elderly emperor of China. Years passed. The boy grew up healthy and quick-witted beyond his years. One thing bothered the old emperor: his son, the future ruler of a vast country, did not want to study. It gave the boy more pleasure to play with toys all day long.

The emperor summoned three wise men, one of whom was known as a mathematician, the other became famous as an artist, and the third was a famous philosopher, and ordered them to come up with a game, amused by which, his son would comprehend the beginnings of mathematics, learn to look at the world with the watchful eyes of an artist, would become patient, like a true philosopher, and would understand that often complex things are made up of simple things.

Three wise men came up with "Shi-Chao-Chu" - a square cut into seven parts.

Many figures can be obtained from parts of a tangram. You can invite the child to make, for example, a transport - a boat, an airplane, figurines - swordsmen, a rooster, a pelican, a tree, a candle.

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