Interactive fairy tale quiz for elementary school. "Own game" based on fairy tales with a presentation for elementary school students

Annotation for the presentation game:

The game - presentation "Good Tales" with sound is designed for preschool children

Development program: power point

Purpose of the presentation: Clarify and enrich children's knowledge of fairy tales.


1. Develop the ability to recognize a fairy tale on assignment.

2. Develop speech, imagination, fantasy, thinking.

3. Raise interest in reading fairy tales, love for oral folk art.

The game - presentation "Good Tales" was made in the Power Point program with sound. It includes fragments using animation, hyperlinks to images are placed at the end of the presentation, colorful backgrounds and pictures based on fairy tales are selected in the presentation. Game - presentation consists of ten slides that change with a click. Each presentation slide has a task where the children in game form reinforce knowledge about fairy tales by choosing one of the answers by pressing the right mouse button.

1 slide: Title

2 slide:

“Find the object that the fox found from the Russian folk tale and name this tale?”

Four pictures are offered, you need to choose desired item and click on it. If the wrong answer is selected, then the image shakes with a knocking sound, if the correct answer is clicked, then the object moves, the sound “Applause” is heard.
The transition to the next task is carried out by pressing the left mouse button anywhere on the screen
3 slide: You need to complete the task and answer the question:

“Find which of the fairy-tale heroes the bear put in the box, and guess this fairy tale?

Six fairy-tale heroes are offered, you need to choose one and click on it. If the wrong fairy-tale hero is selected, then the image shakes with a knocking sound, if the correct answer is clicked, then the fairy-tale hero moves into the box and the sound “Applause” is heard.

4 slide: You need to complete the task and answer the question:

"Guess the fairy tale and what is mixed up in it?"

You need to choose fairy-tale characters not from this fairy tale and click on them with the “mouse”. If the correct fairy-tale hero is selected, the image disappears, the sound "Applause" is heard.

5 slide: You need to complete the task and answer the question:

“What object did the heroine of the fairy tale lose and name this fairy tale?”

You need to select the desired accessory and click on it with the "mouse". If the wrong accessory is selected, then the image disappears with a knocking sound, if the correct accessory is clicked, the item moves, the sound “Applause” is heard.

6 slide: You need to complete the task and answer the question:

“What material did Naf-naf build his house from?”

Five types of building material are proposed, you need to choose the right one and click on it. If the wrong answer is selected, the image disappears with a knocking sound, if the correct answer is clicked, the object moves down and the sound “Applause” is heard.

7 slide: You need to complete the task and answer the question:

“Guess the animal that belongs to each of the fairy tale characters and what fairy tale they are from?

Using the mouse, you must first click on any fairy-tale hero, and then on the animal that belongs to this fairy-tale hero. If the correct answer is selected, the object moves and the sound "Applause" is heard.

8 slide: You need to complete the task and answer the question:

“Guess what size chair the girl broke and name this fairy tale”

Three chairs of different sizes are offered, you need to choose the right one and click on it. If an incorrect answer is selected, then the image shakes with a knocking sound, if the correct answer is clicked, the object moves up and the sound “Applause” is heard.

9 slide: You need to complete the task and answer the question:

“What animal helped Khavroshechka to carry out the orders of her stepmother?»

Four fabulous animals are offered, you need to choose one and click on it. If the wrong answer is chosen, then the image disappears with a sound, if you click on the correct answer, then the fabulous animal moves down and the sound "Applause" is heard.

10slide: You need to complete the task and answer the question:

What did the grandmother "Kolobok" cook from?

Seven items are offered, you need to select one and click on it. If the wrong answer is selected, the image disappears with a sound, if the correct answer is clicked, the subject moves down and the sound “Applause” is heard.

Dear teachers and parents - participants of the exhibition!

Interactive game-quiz

for students

5 classes

"In the world of fairy tales"


  • On the playing field (next slide), the player selects the category and question number. The transition to the slide with the question occurs by pressing the button with the number. For example,
  • By clicking the button, we check if the answer was correct. For each correct answer, the player receives one point. The one with the most points wins.
  • Return to the playing field is carried out by the control button in the lower right corner of the slide.
  • The played number disappears when returning to the playing field.
  • The button on the playing field stops the game at any time.


folk tale

literary tale

Writers and their names

figure it out

In the name of which fish

can you cast spells?


Why didn't it work out

wedding of a heron with a crane?

Out of pride

What a new way of fishing

fox invented?

wolf tail

In which kingdom do the events take place?

all Russian folk tales?

In the Far Far Away Kingdom,

in the thirtieth state.

What is the real name of the Frog Princess?

Vasilisa the Wise

How many years did the old man from the fairy tale about the golden fish go fishing?

Thirty years and three years

On what island did Gvidon build his palace,

son of Tsar Saltan?

On the island of Buyan

What was the name of the lonely boy from the fairy tale

"Black chicken, or underground inhabitants"?


How many sorceresses did the king call to the feast

on the occasion of the birth of a daughter

in the fairy tale "The Sleeping Princess"?


What magic

used by the old lady

mistress of the cherry orchard, -

to make Gerda forget

where is she going and who is she looking for?

Combed her hair with a magic comb

to which this illustration is drawn

S.Ya. Marshak

What is the real last name

writer Anthony Pogorelsky

a) Alexey Perovsky

b) Alexander Petrovsky

c) Alexey Petrov

Alexey Perovsky




In 1817, the first graduation of the famous Lyceum took place. Within seventeen days, future graduates had to take an exam in fifteen subjects. It sounds amazing, but the future famous writer was neither in the top five, nor even in the top ten in terms of academic performance. Of the 29 possible, his result is only the 26th. He knew only three subjects brilliantly - fencing, Russian and French.

About whom in question? Name this writer.

He was tall,

thin and stooped. The character of the storyteller

was also very nasty and disturbing:

he was afraid of robberies, dogs, loss

passports; afraid to die in the fire,

so I always carried a rope with me,

so that during a fire

get out through the window.

He suffered from toothache all his life,

and seriously believed that the number of teeth in the mouth

I was afraid of poisoning -

when Scandinavian children chipped in for a gift

favorite storyteller and sent

the world's largest box of chocolates,

in horror refused the hotel and

sent it to his nieces.

State the name of this person.




A.M. Gorky shrewdly said about this writer: "An almost heroic face, amazing sincerity, a living vessel of great love."

About whom did M. Gorky speak so sincerely? The portrait of this writer will help to give the correct answer.

Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin

In this easy rebus, the name of a well-known fairy-tale character is encrypted.


The name is encrypted in this rebus

a children's fairy tale that almost everyone knows.

red Riding Hood

In this rebus, the name of the Russian folk tale is encrypted

Fox and Crane

What word did Kai want to put together from ice cubes?


This rebus encodes the names of a boy and an adult who is always cheerful, loves to eat and play.

Back forward

Attention! The slide preview is for informational purposes only and may not represent the full extent of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Gymnasium No. 6 of the city of Arkhangelsk is a member of the All-Russian project “Successful Reading”. The purpose of this project is to introduce children and adolescents to reading. The project is implemented by the Education Support Fund, St. Petersburg State University and the State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen. Within the framework of this project, children read books from the list given to them and perform various tasks in the “Reader's Portfolio” on the content of the works.

Teachers organize and control the work of children, develop and conduct extra-curricular activities based on read works and various travel lessons using ICT, which are of great interest to children. The most popular among students are games, quizzes prepared using computer presentations. We present the development of one of them to the festival.

Lesson scenario

Purpose: To promote the formation of reader interest and the disclosure of the creative potential of younger students.

  • Increase the motivation of younger students to read;
  • To promote the development of speech, language sense, logical thinking, creativity;
  • Build communication skills in a group;
  • Expand the vocabulary of students, horizons;

Participants of the game: students primary school(8-9 years);

Form of carrying out: game lesson;

Technical means and equipment: a screen, a media projector, a computer, a microphone, a board, drawings-posters depicting a fabulous train, multi-colored signal cards, sheets with crosswords, markers, puzzles in envelopes.

Game plan:

  1. Organizational moment (mobilizing stage) - 5 minutes
  2. Journey through the "stations" - books:
  3. Eduard Uspensky "Crocodile Gena and his friends" - 5 minutes;
  4. Evgeny Schwartz “The Tale of Lost Time” - 5 minutes;
  5. Hans Christian Andersen "Tales" - 5 minutes;
  6. Alan Milne "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all" - 5 minutes;
  7. Nikolai Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" - 8 minutes;
  8. Alexei Tolstoy "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio" - 5 minutes;
  9. Summing up and rewarding teams - 7 minutes.

(Total - 45 minutes)

Organizational moment (mobilizing stage ) (slides 1-2)

On the screen - a fragment from the cartoon "Vacation of the crocodile Gena", the melody of the song "Blue Wagon" sounds. Guests and participants of the game take their places.

Host: Today we are going to have an unusual journey. Guess where?

(Answers of children).

Today we will go on a journey on a fabulous train to visit the heroes of our favorite books and check which of you was the most attentive reader.

The host gives the participants of the game (5 teams of 6 people) tickets with the numbers of cars, the participants take their places at the tables, according to the number on the “ticket”.

Game tables stand in a row (one after another), decorated with posters depicting fairy-tale wagons.

During the game, children “ride” from “station” to “station”, participating as a team in various intellectual and creative competitions. For the completed task, the team receives a fabulous key, the keys at the end of the game will need to be exchanged for letters from which the word will turn out.

Presenter: The signal for departure sounds - the journey has begun!

On the screen is a fragment from the Shapoklyak cartoon (see attachment), which invites everyone to start the journey.

Journey through the "stations" - favorite books:

Station 1. Eduard Uspensky “Crocodile Gena and his friends” (slides 3-13)

Host: Eduard Uspensky is an amazing person! When he was little, he really wanted to become an academician or a minister, but he was educated as an engineer! I wanted to become an adult humorist, but I became a children's writer! Based on his books, he wrote scripts for cartoons, created his book publishing house Samovar and worked as a radio and TV presenter. Of course, you are all familiar with the heroes of his works. Now we will check which team was the most attentive when they read the book “Crocodile Gena and his friends”.

Teams take turns answering questions about this book, after which the correct answer is highlighted on the slide.

1. Where did Cheburashka work? (toy store, discount store, clothing store)

2. What did Gena the crocodile like to play with himself? (chess, sea ​​battle, tic-tac-toe)

3. What role did the crocodile Gena play in the children's play? (wolf, grandmother, Little Red Riding Hood)

4. Favorite animal of the old woman Shapoklyak (mouse, rat, hamster)

5. The name of the famous doctor to whom Shapoklyak ran? (Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov)

6. Who removed Shapoklyak from the tree? (ambulance, police, fire brigade)

7. What did the monkey Maria Frantsevna accidentally stick in her cheek? (alarm clock, pipe, pince-nez)

8. What did Cheburashka ask the storekeeper in the warehouse, except for nails? (bent hammer, bent ax, bent tongs)

9. Who came up with the idea of ​​making the roof of the House of Friendship out of a fence? (girl Galya, girl Marusya, boy Dima)

10. Who gave a speech at the opening of the House of Friendship? (crocodile Gena, girl Galya, Cheburashka)

Station 2. Evgeny Schwartz “The Tale of Lost Time” (slides 14-20)

Host: Dear children! Tell me, please, what is the main idea of ​​the fairy tale by Evgeny Schwartz? (Children's answers.)

You are absolutely right, you need to value time, save it and not waste it. Every nation has many proverbs and sayings about this. Now you will receive proverbs that are torn and messed up, they need to be collected and read.

Teams receive task sheets with “torn” proverbs that need to be restored.

Checking the completed task occurs with a demonstration of the corresponding slides.

Station 3. Hans Christian Andersen “Tales” (slides 21-42)

Host: And here is the next station! We ended up in Denmark, the birthplace of Hans Christian Andersen. His stories are loved not only by children, but also by adults. Of course, you have read about the Ugly Duckling, about Thumbelina, the Little Mermaid, the Snow Queen and the Swineherd, about Eliza and the Princess and the Pea. Let's remember these heroes.

So, let's begin! Guess the hero!

Which of Andersen's heroes had to be hired by the king himself and at the same time do simple dirty work, herd pigs? (Prince Swineherd)

What was the name of the girl who was born from a wonderful flower that looked like a tulip? (Thumbelina)

They were all the same except for one. He was cast last, there was not enough tin, but he also stood on one leg, like his brothers on two (Steady Tin Soldier)

Walked along the road: one-two, one-two. Knapsack on the back, saber on the side. He was walking home from the war (Soldier)

He loved to dress up so much that he spent all his savings on it. For every hour of the day, he had his own special dress... (King)

“Glorious children you have!” said the old duck, with a red patch on its paw. – Everyone is very nice, except for one... He is very big, but some kind of wonderful...” (Ugly duckling)

His heart turned into a piece of ice... (Kai)

About whom these lines are: “You will have a wonderful husband. The queen herself does not have such a velvet coat”? (Mole)

Which of the characters in Andersen's fairy tales had a kiss? colder than ice"? (The Snow Queen)

Who used an umbrella to send fairy dreams to children? (Ole Lukoye)

Host: Well done! And now - on the road! We are waiting for new books and new tasks!

Station 4. Alan Alexander Milne "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all" (slides 44-45)

Host: This bear cub is loved and known by children in many countries. Why do you love him?

(children's answers)

Winnie the Pooh was a dreamer, an inventor and a real poet! He came up with different songs that can cheer up anyone! What was the name of these songs?

(children's answers)

Well done! Now each team will receive texts with his “grumps”, “puffers”, “noise makers” and “nozzles”. You will need to prepare and choose one representative of the team who can expressively read his lyrics (see all lyrics in Appendix 1)

If I scratch my head -
No problem!
In the head of my sawdust
Yes Yes Yes.
But although there are sawdust,
But Noise Makers and Howlers
(And also Chants,
Puffers and even
nozzles and so on)
I write well

Children recite Winnie the Pooh songs from the stage and receive another key for a job well done .

Station 5. Nikolay Nosov “Adventures of Dunno and his friends” (slides 45-47).

Host: Friends! We arrived at the next station. Tell me, what are the names of Dunno's friends, how many were there?

(children's answers)

Host: Now we will check how well you know these characters. So, each team will receive an envelope with puzzles, they will need to draw up an image of the hero of the book by N. Nosov.

To the music, the children complete the task.

On the slide - Dunno's friends. The host thanks the guys for their work and hands over another key.

Station 5. Alexei Tolstoy “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio” (slides 48-57)

Moderator: Dear book lovers! Our train stopped at the last station. The game is coming to an end. The last task is a crossword puzzle! We just have to get the last key! Be careful!

3. Summing up and rewarding teams(slide 58)

The keys received for completed tasks are exchanged by the participants of the game for letters, from which the word FRIENDSHIP is added together,

Facilitator: all participants proved themselves during the journey: they were active, attentive readers, they knew how to work in a team. The main thing is to always be friendly! You are great! See you soon!

Slides and text of this presentation

slide 1

A million fairy tales for children An interactive game based on Russian folk tales

slide 2

Dear friend! I am a brownie Kuzka. And this is my magic chest with fairy tales. I have a million of them. Evil Baba Yaga wants to take away the chest. To save the chest, you need to beat Baba Yaga. If you win, the chest and fairy tales will remain with me. If you lose, Baba Yaga will take the chest and she will get all the fairy tales. And we will lose fairy tales. But before you play, be sure to get acquainted with the Rules of the game by clicking on this icon

slide 3

Ha ha ha! Try to beat me! Nothing will work for you!
Rules of the game
The first person to correctly answer the question of the qualifying round takes part in the game. Questions and four expected answers will appear on the monitor screen, only one of which will be correct. The fifth, tenth and fourteenth questions are fireproof levels. The player is given one minute to think about the answer to the question. If there is no answer or the answer is incorrect, the game ends. To select an answer, the player needs to click on the selected element with the answer with the mouse. The questions become more difficult with each round. The player can use hints: 50:50 (two incorrect answers are removed), "Wizard" and "Scientist cat". To get a hint, you need to click on the element with the mouse. If the element is used, it is blocked. Starting from the second level, all hints are blocked. To unlock an unused hint, you need to activate it with a mouse click.
Start the game

slide 4

The title of which fairy tale is written without errors?
A: "Zayushkin house"
D: Chanterelle with a Saucepan
S: "The cockerel and the beanstalk"
In: "Dasha and the Bear"
Qualifying round

slide 5

scientist cat
Moore! I think it's Ivan
Crex, pex, fex! Of course it's Stephen!
100 points
What male name is most often given to the hero of a Russian folk tale?
D: Stepan
C: Ivan
A: Emelya
B: Mitrofan

slide 6

What figure is most often found in Russian folk tales?
200 points
Crex, pex, fex! Of course it's number three!
Moore! I think it's five!
A: Five
At three o'clok
C: Four
D: Two
scientist cat

Slide 7

What proverb do the heroes of fairy tales repeat before a difficult task?
300 points
Crex, pex, fex! Of course, the answer is C!
Moore! I think the answer is A
A: Doesn't carry its burden
B: A woman with a cart is easier for a mare
S: Measure seven times, cut once.
D: Morning is wiser than evening
scientist cat

Slide 8

What ordinary object replaced the map or compass for the heroes of fairy tales?
500 points

Moore! I think the answer is D!
A: Tablecloth self-assembly
B: Flying carpet
C: Walking boots
D: Ball of thread
scientist cat

Slide 9

At what time of the year do the events of the fairy tale "By the Pike's Command" take place?
1000 points
Crex, pex, fex! Of course, the answer is A!
Moore! I think summer!
A: In winter
B: Spring
C: Summer
D: Autumn
scientist cat

Slide 10

What tool did the soldier cook soup with?
2000 points
Crex, pex, fex! Of course it's an ax!
Moore! I think it's an ax!
A: Hammer
B: Planer
C: Ax
D: Saw
scientist cat

slide 11

What did a man and a bear divide into tops and roots?
4000 points
Crex, pex, fex! Of course it's a turnip!
Moore! I think it's beets!
A: Turnip
B: Carrot
C: Potato
D: Beets
scientist cat

slide 12

From the fur of which animal did Morozko give a fur coat to an old man's daughter?
8000 points
Crex, pex, fex! Of course it's sable!
Moore! I think it's a fox!
A: Fox
B: Fox
C: Squirrel
D: Sable
scientist cat

slide 13

What birds helped Baba Yaga steal Ivanushka?
16000 points
Crex, pex, fex! Of course, these are swan geese!
Moore! I think the answer is C!
A: Thieving magpies
B: Jackdaws-sticks
C: Geese-swans
D: Ravens
scientist cat

Slide 14

What other fish, besides the golden one, is capable of fulfilling human desires?
32000 points
Crex, pex, fex! Of course it's carp!
Moore! I think it's a pike!
A: pike
B: Perch
C: Karas
D: Ruff
scientist cat

slide 15

What new mode of transport was invented by Emelya the Fool?
64000 points
Crex, pex, fex! Of course it's a stove!
Moore! I think the answer is A!
A: Flying carpet
B: stove
C: Walking boots
D: Riding a pike
scientist cat

slide 16

In which fairy tale the combined efforts of the heroes help to defeat even the forces of nature?
125000 points
Crex, pex, fex! Of course the answer is D!
Moore! I think it's "Repka"!
A: "The Frog Princess"
B: Hare hut "
S: "Kolobok"
D: "Turnip"
scientist cat

Slide 17

In what fairy tale did the hut stagger from the thrown hat?
250000 points
Crex, pex, fex! Of course it's C!
Moore! I think the answer is C!
A: Marya Morevna
B: "The Frog Princess"
S: "Ivan the Peasant's Son and Miracle Yudo"
D: "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf"
scientist cat

Slide 18

What did mother give to Vasilisa the Wise before her death?
500000 points
Crex, pex, fex! Of course it's a doll!
Moore! I think it's a mirror!
A: doll
B: Veretence
C: glomerulus
D: Mirror
scientist cat

Slide 19

What is the name of the most famous collector of Russian folk tales?
1000000 points
Crex, pex, fex! Of course the answer is D!
Moore! I think the answer is D!
A: P.Bazhov
In: S. Aksakov
From: V.Dal
D: A.Afanasiev
scientist cat

Slide 20

Thank you for participating!

slide 21

Hurray for the WINNER!!!

slide 22

Resources used:
Chernykh O.G. Game lessons on literature. Grade 5 - M.: VAKO, 2008 - Baba Yaga .html - chest with fairy tales vintage cuckoo wall clock - Ivan the peasant's son - scientist cat - at the behest of the pike http:// turnip ball http://www.arira. .jpg - 150506 tops and roots geese -swans Yemelya on the stove view&id=548 – ax porridge &h=288&w=352&sz=23&hl=en&start=42&tbnid=yGGTFGwqlJ6iwM:&tbnh=98&tbnw=120&prev=/images%3Fq%3D%25D0%25A3%25D1%2582%25D1%2580%25D0%25BE%2B%25D02%2 %25B5%25D1%2587%25D0%25B5%25D1%2580%25D0%25B0%2B%25D0%25BC%25D1%2583%25D0%25B4%25D1%2580%25D0%25B5%25D0%25BD%25D0%25B5%25D0 %25B5%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Dru%26sa%3DN%26start%3D36%26newwindow%3D1 - morning is wiser than evening azasello/kino/morozko/morozko_27.jpg&imgrefurl= 98&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3D%25D1%2581%25D0%25BA%25D0%25B0%25D0%25B7%25D0%25BA%25D0%25B0%2B%25D0%259C%25D0%25BE%25D1%2580%25D0 %25BE%25D0%25B7%25D0%25BA%25D0%25BE%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Dru%26sa%3DN %26start%3D90%26newwindow%3D1 –Morozko http://biography.sgu..jpg - Ivan the Fool

Natalya Zhuchkova
Quiz "Journey through the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin" with an interactive game for children of senior preschool age

Quiz« Journey through fairy tales. FROM. Pushkin»

Prepared by the teacher-speech therapist of the first category Zhuchkova N. A. for older children and preschool group.

Target: Summarize knowledge children according to fairy tales A. FROM. Pushkin


Consolidation of the skill to recognize by quotes fairy tales A. FROM. Pushkin

The development of attention, memory, thinking in preschoolers

Education of a moral personality


Projector, laptop with presentation and interactive game;

Question cards;

- "magic" bag, apple, mirror, rope, fish;

Sectioned pictures with illustrations from fairy tales A. FROM. Pushkin;

Board game "Fisherman": 2 fishing rods, basin-lake, fish;

Coloring pictures for participants quiz.


Near the seaside, the oak is green;

Golden chain on oak volume:

Day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes around in circles....

Guys, tell me, please, from which fairy tales are poems? Who is the author of this poem... (A.S. Pushkin) That's right, today we will go on an exciting journey through fairy tales Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Please, introduce yourself: 1 team "Goldfish" and her captain - Varvara, 2nd team "Golden Roosters" and her captain - Margarita. Teams will answer questions quiz and for each correct answer to receive a golden candy fish in your basket. So, let's begin.

Competition No. 1: "Name fairy tale right» (slides 3-8)

Leading: Let's remember the names fairy tales A. FROM. Pushkin. Teams answer in turn.

- "At Lukomorye ..." (green oak)

- « Tale of the fisherman (fish)

- « The Tale of Tsar Saltan, …» (about his son, the glorious and mighty bogatyr, Prince Gvidon Saltanovich and about the beautiful Princess Swan)

- « Tale of the Golden...» (cockerel)

- « The Tale of the Pope and ...» (about his worker Balda)

- « Story about the dead princess and ... " (about seven heroes)

Competition No. 2: "From what fairy tale excerpt

1. Three girls under the window, Spinning late in the evening. ( « The Tale of Tsar Saltan…» )

2. “My light, mirror! Tell me the whole truth…” (« Story .)

3. “A year or two passes peacefully. The cockerel is sitting quietly. (« Tale of the Golden Cockerel» .)

4. "Got back old man home. On the threshold sits him old woman And in front of her is a broken trough. ( « The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish» )

5. "Once upon a time there was a pop, oatmeal forehead". (« Story about the priest and his worker Balda")

6. “In a distant kingdom, In a distant state, Once upon a time there was a glorious king Dadon” ( « Tale of the Golden Cockerel» .)

7. Again the prince walks by the sea, Does not take his eyes off the blue of the sea; Look - over the flowing waters the white swan floats. ( « The Tale of Tsar Saltan» .)

8. “Wind, wind! You are powerful, You drive flocks of clouds, You excite the blue sea, You blow everywhere in the open. Have you seen where the princesses are? ( « Story about the dead princess and the seven heroes")

Physical education minute "Who's extra?"

Leading: I will name heroes from different fairy tales and you listen carefully. If the hero from Pushkin's fairy tales then you should clap your hands. If the named hero is from another fairy tales - stomp your feet. Ready…

Cheburashka, brothers-heroes, fox, Snow Maiden, mosquito, Little Humpbacked Horse, pop, Kolobok, Crane, Swan Princess, Leopold the cat, Tsar Saltan, Karabas-Barabas, sister Alyonushka, fish, Prince Gvidon, Baba Yaga, Balda, Hen Ryaba.

Competition No. 3 - competition of captains "Magic bag"

Leading: Team captains have to get out of "Magic bag" in one subject and name from which fairy tales this item.


Apple ( « Story )

Mirror ( « Story about the dead princess and the seven heroes")

Rope ( « Story about the priest and his worker Balda")

Rybka ( « The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish» )

Competition No. 4: "Collect a picture"

Leading: You have cut pictures on your tables, you need to collect them and guess from which fairy tales the hero depicted on them.

Physical education for spectators

Competition No. 5: « Interactive game - quiz» (slides 10-29)

Leading: Questions will now appear on the screen. Each question has 3 possible answers. You need to choose the correct one from them.

1. What kind of hero Pushkin's fairy tale, is King Dadon?

BUT. " Tales of the fisherman and the fish".

B. " Tales of the Golden Cockerel".

AT. " Fairy tales about the priest and about his worker Balda.

2. Where did you live an old man with his old woman from Pushkin's fairy tale about the fisherman and the fish?

A. In a dugout.

B. In the hut.

G. In a hut.

3. Who did Prince Gvidon turn into the tale of Tsar Saltan?

A. In a bear

B. In a sparrow

B. In a mosquito

4. Who gave King Dadon a golden cockerel?

A. Sage

B. Old man

V. Queen

5. For what salary did Balda agree to work for the priest?

A. Free

B. For three clicks on the forehead

B. For 3 rubles

6. What did old man by catching a goldfish?

A. Placed in an aquarium.

B. Released to the sea.

V. Boiled the ear.

7. Who helped Prince Elisha find the bride-princess?

A. Wizard

8. With whom did the imp run around the sea from « Fairy tales about the priest and his worker Balda"?

A. With a bunny

B. With a mouse

V. With Balda

9. How many wishes old women performed by a goldfish

B. Four.

10. What was the name of the leader of 33 heroes from Pushkin's fairy tales about Tsar Saltan?

BUT. foreman

B. Ilya Muromets

V. Uncle Chernomor

11. On which island did Prince Gvidon, the son of Tsar Saltan, build his palace?

A. on treasure island

B. on Buyan Island

B. On the island of Tsar Saltan

12. What kind of fishing tackle did you catch fish old man from Pushkin's fairy tale?

A. With a fishing rod.

B. Seine.

V. Sachkom.

13. An object that « fairy tale about the dead princess and the seven heroes" spoke in a human voice

B. mirror

B. Self-assembled tablecloth

14. What you asked old woman at the goldfish?

A. new trough

B. washing machine

B. New bath

15. Where did the squirrel live in « Tale of Tsar Saltan...»

A. in the hollow

B. in a cage

B. In the crystal house

16. How Balda and the imp competed in « fairy tale about the priest and about his worker Balda "?

B. played checkers

B. ran a race

17. Who was spinning late at night in « Tale of Tsar Saltan...» ?

A. three little pigs

B. three girls

B. Three heroes

18. Who did Prince Gvidon save from a kite?

A. swan

B. dove

V. Firebird

Competition number 6. "Catch the goldfish"

2 teams catch fish with fishing rods, who is faster.

Competition No. 7 "Painting Connoisseurs" (slides 30-33)

Picture on the screen "Alyonushka" V. Vasnetsov; "Ivan Tsarevich on a gray wolf" V. Vasnetsov; "The Swan Princess" M. Vrubel.

Question: "Which picture shows Pushkin character? From what fairy tales?

(Answer: "The Swan Princess" « The Tale of Tsar Saltan» .)

presenter: - So ours ended quiz how many wonderful fairy tales A. FROM. We remember Pushkin how many heroes remembered him fairy tales. It's time to take stock. Captains, go to your baskets and count your goldfish.

Well done, friendship won. All participants receive as a gift a coloring picture with heroes from fairy tales A. FROM. Pushkin. And the fans-spectators receive a goldfish-candy.

Sources: sample questions for interactive game

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