Description of interactive game for children. What are interactive games? Interactive games for children: goals and features of introduction to the educational process

When working with preschoolers, the choice of interactive games as a teaching method remains debatable. Its application in kindergarten may depend on the level of readiness of educators, their mastery of the features of this technique. It will be difficult to analyze all aspects of this problem, but the article will allow the educator to expand their understanding of the specifics of using interactive games in teaching preschoolers.

A small historical excursion

The English word "interactive" means the ability to talk, interact with someone. Compared to active methods, interactive methods are focused not only on the extensive interaction of the teacher with preschoolers, but also on the interaction of the latter with each other, and the role of the preschooler becomes dominant in the learning process. The role of the educator here is reduced to developing a lesson plan and directing the activities of preschoolers to achieve the proposed goals.
In organizing interactive games with preschoolers, the most important thing is to create conditions in which they would gain important experience in social behavior. Here, interactive play means not only the interaction of children with the teacher and with each other, but also the organized activity of cognition in the social direction. In these games, children not only learn new things, but also learn to understand other people and themselves.

The principle of interactive games

There are many such games, but they are all similar and based on a certain algorithm:

  • The teacher selects exercises and tasks for a group of children. Sometimes required preparatory lesson.
  • Children are presented with a problem that needs to be solved or a goal that needs to be achieved. The teacher should be able to clearly formulate the goal of the task so that the children do not have a feeling of incomprehensibility and even uselessness of the proposed lesson. They need to explain the rules of the game and clearly instruct.
  • To achieve the goal, children have to interact during the game. In case of difficulties at some stages, the teacher connects and corrects their actions.
  • At the end of the game, you need to give the children some time to relieve tension, and then analyze the results with them and summarize. When analyzing, you need to focus on the emotional side - the feelings experienced by the children, and also discuss what they liked and what was difficult, how the situation developed, what the participants did, and what the result was.

It is important that children who have tried themselves in a new situation enjoy the game. An interactive game should not be confused with a business or role-playing game. The latter is more like a theater: the solution to the problem is not the main thing in it, there are simply actors and observers. In a business game, professional skills are formed on the basis of personal qualities and experience gained.
Next, several options for typical interactive games for the middle and older categories of preschoolers will be offered.

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It is curious that entertaining mathematics for preschoolers is of interest not only to kids, but sometimes also captivates adults. Informative and at the same time int...

A game based on the Russian folk tale about the turnip

At the preparatory lesson preceding the game, children need to be introduced to this tale and discuss it with them.
Issues for discussion:

  • What is a turnip (a vegetable grown in the garden)?
  • Why didn’t grandfather manage to pull out the turnip alone (it was very large, so grandfather couldn’t handle it alone)?
  • Who helped the grandfather (first the grandmother, then the granddaughter, the Bug, the cat and, finally, the mouse)?
  • What does a fairy tale teach (a difficult matter can only be mastered together)?

Next, the teacher offers to color the children with illustrations for this tale. To move on to the game, you need to collect 2-3 teams of 6-7 children. It is necessary to prepare in advance several identical sets of cards, which depict characters from a fairy tale, as well as felt-tip pens, pencils and plasticine.
Then the teacher needs to clearly formulate the task. In the next room on the table there is a real or molded from clay, plasticine or a painted turnip. Entering this room in turn, each child remembers a fairy tale, and then all the children work together to make a mosaic, arranging the characters in the order described in the fairy tale. Each team is given a set of hero cards. The team player chooses a hero for himself and puts him on the table in the sequence that existed in the fairy tale.
Next, the teacher warns the participants of the game that certain conditions must be observed:

  • time is limited to 10 minutes;
  • you can not speak, but communicate only with gestures and facial expressions.

When the task is completed, the children are invited to proceed to the next stage: each child must blind or draw a turnip located in the next room. When the game ends, the teacher and the children analyze its results together: they share what worked and what didn’t work out very well, to whom and why it was difficult, whether everyone coped.

A game based on the folk tale "Teremok"

The game is played according to the same algorithm. Before it starts, a preparatory lesson takes place, where children get to know or remember the plot of this Russian folk tale and discuss it. Questions proposed for discussion:

  • Where was the teremok located (in the field)?
  • Who first settled there (mouse-norushka)?
  • What other animals lived in the teremka (frog frog, sister fox, runaway bunny, gray barrel top)?
  • Why did the bear climb onto the roof (he couldn’t climb into the teremok, because he was too big)?

After that, the children should be invited to color the pictures for the fairy tale, which are chosen by the teacher. Then comes the next stage of the interactive game (see the previous version). When the task is completed, the kids are invited to independently build a teremok from materials prepared in advance by the teacher or brought by the children. When the game is over, start analyzing its results.
Resorting to interactive games when teaching preschoolers, the teacher may encounter weak motivation for children (“falling out” of the game, lack of interest, etc.). There are problems with methodological literature and game development.

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Game "Pet"

It also begins with a preparatory lesson, where the kids are introduced to the proposed animal (here - chicken), referring to any kind of art. They offer to name Russian folk tales with this animal, solve riddles, remember poems, cartoons, tongue twisters, where the hero is a chicken.
Examples of riddles:
Appeared in a yellow coat.
Farewell, two shells! (Chick.)

White round lay for a long time,
Suddenly it crackled ... (Egg and chicken.)

There was a white house
wonderful house,
And something thumped in him.
And he crashed, and from there
A living miracle ran out -
So warm, so fluffy
And golden. (Egg and chicken.)

I wake everyone up on time
I don't wind up the clock though. (Rooster.)

Gets up first of all
"Ku-ka-re-ku!" - sings. (Rooster.)

After reading the verse "Chicken" by K. Chukovsky, the teacher asks about it.
A beautiful chicken lived with me.
Ah, what a smart chicken she was!
She sewed me caftans, sewed boots,

Sweet, ruddy baked pies for me.
And when he manages, he will sit at the gate -
Tell a story, sing a song.

After reading the fairy tale “Ryaba the Hen” to the children, the teacher asks what it is about. This is followed by a fairy tale by K. Chukovsky about a chicken, followed by questions: “How did the chicken behave and why, who consoled him?”
“There was a chicken in the world. He was small. Here's one.
But he thought he was very big, and lifted his head importantly. Like this.
And he had a mother. Mom loved him very much. Mom was like this.
Mom fed him worms. And there were these worms like this.
Once, a Black Cat ran into my mother and drove her away from the yard. And there was a Black Cat like this.
The chicken was left alone at the fence. Suddenly he sees: a beautiful big rooster flew up on the fence, stretched out his neck like this. And shouted at the top of his voice: "Crow!". And he looked around importantly: “Am I not a daredevil? Am I not good at it?" The chicken liked it very much. He craned his neck too. Like this. And, with all his strength, he squeaked: “Pee-pee-pee! I'm a nerd too! I'm great too!" But he stumbled and fell into a puddle. Like this.
A frog was sitting in a puddle. She saw him and laughed, “Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! You are far from the rooster! And there was a frog like this.
Then the mother ran up to the chicken. She took pity and caressed him. Like this".

Then the next stage of the interactive game begins, which aims to introduce children more closely to the pet.
One half of the children gather around the table with white and colored paper, glue, plasticine, scissors and designer parts lying there. They have to jointly create the image of a chicken. However, children should not communicate verbally. The teacher can change the game depending on the preparedness of the children. If it is difficult for them to complete the task, then they are offered the choice of making individual parts of the chicken from any material (plasticine paws, paper wings, body and head from designer elements). The teacher should not invent anything for the children, but only direct their creative imagination in the right direction. After completing the work, the children evaluate the results and share their impressions. And the second group of preschoolers guesses what the children of the first group did.

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Interactive game "Forest animal"

At the preparatory lesson, children are introduced to the animal (let it be a squirrel), they read a fragment from Pushkin's "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", the tale "The Squirrel and the Wolf" by L. Tolstoy, they offer riddles about squirrels:
Who from the tall dark pines
Threw a bump at the kids
And into the bushes through the stump
Flashed like a flame? (Squirrel.)

I wear a fluffy coat
I live in a dense forest
In a hollow on an old oak
I chew nuts. (Squirrel.)

We recognized the animal with you
According to two such signs:
He is in a fur coat in a gray winter,
And in a red coat - in the summer. (Squirrel.)

* * *
Know that this is not a trifle:
Spruce in the forest, under the spruce squirrel,
Squirrel sings songs
And the nuts gnaws everything,
And nuts are not simple,
All shells are golden
The nuclei are pure emerald...
“The squirrel jumped from branch to branch and fell right on the sleepy wolf. The wolf jumped up and wanted to eat her. The squirrel began to ask:
- Let me in.
Wolf said:
- All right, I'll let you in, just tell me why you squirrels are so cheerful. I'm always bored, but you look at you, you're all playing and jumping up there.
Belka said:
“Let me go up the tree first, I’ll tell you from there, otherwise I’m afraid of you.”
The wolf let go, and the squirrel went to the tree and said from there:
"You're bored because you're angry." Anger burns your heart. And we are cheerful because we are kind and do no harm to anyone.
After Tolstoy's fairy tale, children are asked what they learned from here about squirrels, how did the squirrel that faced the wolf behave?
At the end, another poem about squirrels is read to the children.

For children from 3 to 7 years old, an extremely effective and efficient method of learning is an interactive game. It allows you to easily tell the kids about the world around them, introduce them to the heroes of fairy tales and at the same time teaches them to interact with each other to achieve the ultimate goal. You can read about what types of interactive games for preschoolers are and how to conduct them in this article.

What it is?

Modern society is based on communication. Career, leisure, family - all the most important spheres of a person - depend on interpersonal relationships. “Do not have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends” - this saying only reinforces the need for interactive games. So what is it? Games in an interactive format are the activities of preschoolers, which take place under the control of the educator and are aimed at understanding the world around them and solving problems through teamwork.

This format of the game allows you to teach children conflict-free and productive communication with peers, to become friendly and tolerant. Children are the main subject in the interactive game. It is best to provide them with a comfortable position and the complete absence of distractions. After explaining the rules of the game, the children themselves must interact with each other, the task of the educator is to gently guide the process in the right direction.

Do not confuse an interactive game with a role-playing or business game. In the first option, everyone is assigned certain roles and situations, the second is aimed at developing business qualities and negotiating skills. Interactive games, in turn, teach a completely different thing - constructive communication with others.

Types of games

Among the variety of games for preschoolers with an interactive element, the following types can be distinguished:

  • Games based on fairy tales are popular in kindergartens. Such performances are understandable to kids, because they feature characters known to them since childhood. Just in case, before similar game you need to conduct a preparatory lesson that will remind children about the heroes of history. Leading questions from the teacher will help the kids remember the plot and the meaning of the fairy tale.
  • Games that introduce children to the world around them. For preschoolers, simpler topics are taken: “Pets”, “Hard-soft”, “Who lives in the forest”, etc. For schoolchildren, topics can be more difficult: self-control games that teach group support and help you get to know classmates better come out on top. With the help of a poetic form (it is best perceived by ear), the teacher greets the children and explains what the rules will be.
  • Games using presentations or an interactive whiteboard successfully complement the lesson and make it more exciting and visual. For schoolchildren, the presentation may include collective tasks for literacy or arithmetic, and for younger children, images of animals and various quizzes. However, when using a computer, one should not forget about the main goal of an interactive game - to establish communication between children.

Purpose and benefit

Set clear goals:

  • Improve your child's communication skills.
  • Let him get to know himself and the children around him better.
  • Learn to achieve goals through teamwork.
  • Learn the basic life rules of society.
  • Learn better learning material.

But the main goal of children's interactive play remains the development of the skill of successful and productive communication with peers. After all, by communicating, the child not only learns to achieve the intended task together, but also receives feedback that forms his idea of ​​himself. The importance of this is difficult to overestimate, and in many kindergartens and other educational institutions, this method of communication is a mandatory part of the program.

Interactive games for preschoolers

The simplest version of the game is a variation on the theme of the fairy tale "Turnip". Children learn to communicate with each other using facial expressions and gestures. After a short preparatory lesson, during which the students remember the characters and the plot of the tale, the main part begins. During it, the children are given the task: to line up cards with characters in the same order in which they appear in the fairy tale. A complicating element is the ban on the use of words: babies should use only gestures and facial expressions.

Another option for an interactive game is the "Pet" activity. With the help of cartoons, poems or fairy tales, children are introduced to the selected animal at a preparatory lesson. Then the next stage begins: the kids are given a table with paper, glue and paints at their complete disposal. Children are divided into teams of 2-3 people. Together they need to make an image of an animal or bird. At the same time, the teacher should not interfere in the game in any way, he is assigned the role of an observer. After the game, the results are discussed, the pupils exchange impressions with each other and discuss the mistakes and actions of each other.

For children of primary school age

Playing with interactive elements will be very different for children in primary school schools. At this age, the guys already know and can do a lot, so the tasks for them will be an order of magnitude more difficult. Here is an example of several interactive games for school:

  • Topic: "What can be dangerous in the outside world." Schoolchildren need to be divided into groups: "dishes", "household appliances", "clothes" and "furniture". Each group of children should, with the help of a teacher, name objects that are dangerous in everyday life, which can be harmful if mishandled. Then the children watch a presentation on this topic, consolidating their knowledge.
  • For children school age fit very well interactive games related to cartoons. Using the heroes of the cartoon "Masha and the Bear", you can attract the attention of primary school children and make them more actively involved in the game. After a short preparatory lesson, which highlights the topic of the interactive game "Where the air works", the children are divided into groups and set off together with Masha and the bear on a fabulous journey around the world. Each group should name those inventions of man that work with the help of air. Accompanying the process is an interactive presentation.

Board games

Interactive board games have gained great popularity, which are enjoyed by everyone - from young to old. It requires a certain perseverance and concentration, so the minimum age of children for such activities is 4-5 years. Modern world board games offers a wide range of activities that will not only entertain the company, but also help to learn new things or consolidate the material. The word "interactive" in the name indicates feedback or some kind of interaction. Often such board games react to the actions of children and encourage them to develop dexterity, fine motor skills and coordination. Here is an example of such benefits:

  • Everyone famous game"Operation", in which the child needs to carefully remove the disease without touching healthy organs. Such entertainment not only develops coordination, but also helps to learn the names of the internal organs of a person.
  • "Shark Hunt" - is board game, which consists of playing field, chips, four fish and a hungry shark. Players take turns tossing chips. The rolled colored sides on the dice indicate fish of the same color. They need to have time to move before they are eaten by a hungry shark. The game does not carry a special educational load, but children really like it.
  • "Crocodile Dentist" - fun game, in which the sick crocodile needs to press all the teeth in turn, avoiding the patient if possible. If you get on it, the crocodile will immediately close its mouth, which will mean a loss. The game trains dexterity and coordination.

Games enhanced with presentation

Modern facilities, which are equipped with schools and kindergartens, significantly increase the effectiveness of interactive games. Due to the specifics of attention concentration, it is advisable to use computer presentations already in the classroom with younger students. They can increase the degree of assimilation of the material and the effectiveness of everything can be used both as an addition to an interactive game, and as an independent part with tasks, questions and quizzes. On this moment there are many examples on the web interactive presentations on any topic.

Didactic games

Do not confuse interactive games for classes with didactic ones. In the first, one way or another, there is communication, interaction. In the second, the main element is active cognition followed by evaluation. Examples of didactic interactive games include:

  • Games with objects. Children need to pick up objects of the same shape, size, etc.
  • verbal didactic games usually aimed at improving pronunciation, expanding the vocabulary of children.
  • Board games are played with visual aids. Most often, these are paired cards and "Memory", which train the memory and observation of the child.

Game Creation Algorithm

All interactive games contain a certain algorithm that must be followed when creating a scenario. During the game, children should follow the following points:

  • Gaining knowledge - before the lesson, it is necessary to explain the basics of constructive communication, ways and means to achieve the desired result.
  • Analyzing the behavior of other children during play helps the child become aware of other people's intentions and develop empathy and empathy towards others.
  • Then the child must build a strategy to achieve the desired result and stick to it during the interactive game.
  • Finally, when with the help of the collective efforts and guidance of the educator, the goal is achieved, the game is considered complete.

Using this method, you can come up with an interactive game for any topic. A little imagination and creativity - and you will have a unique method of raising a child.

Scientists have long established that a person assimilates 80% of information with the help of the eyes, and only 15% - with the help of hearing. Therefore, in the recommendations, teachers are strongly advised to use visual printed materials or presentations. They increase the motivation of children and help them to better master the art of interpersonal communication.

Also, one should not forget that children should achieve the goal through teamwork, and adult intervention in this process should be minimal. The task of the teacher is to prepare the kids for the lesson, set a goal for them and only a little, if necessary, guide them during the game. If these conditions are met, the benefit and effect of an interactive game will not be long in coming.


Every educator and teacher would like to see their pupils successful and prepared for serious trials outside the school walls. To effectively solve problems in adulthood, often only one thing is needed - communication. Interactive help develop these qualities in preschoolers and thus lay the foundation for their successful future.

The choice of this method in working with preschoolers is debatable. In our opinion, the possibility of its use in depends on the preparedness of the educator, primarily on the possession of the features of this technique. Of course, in a small article it is impossible to analyze all aspects of the problem. The task of the author is to expand the ideas of the educator about the specifics of the application interactive game method in working with preschoolers.

Let's start with a short digression into the history of the issue. The concept of "interactive" came to us from in English(interactive: inter - between, between; active from act - act, action). It means the ability to interact, to have a conversation, a dialogue with someone. Unlike active methods, interactive methods are focused on a wider interaction of preschoolers not only with the teacher, but also with each other and on the dominance of the activity of preschoolers in the learning process.

The role of the educator in interactive game practically comes down to the direction of children's activities to achieve their goals and to the development of a lesson plan.

The main thing in the organization interactive game with preschoolers– creation of conditions for gaining significant experience of social behavior for them. By interactive play, we mean not just the interaction of preschoolers with each other and the teacher, but a jointly organized cognitive activity social orientation. In such a game, children not only learn new things, but also learn to understand themselves and others, gain their own experience.

There are many options for interactive games, but the way they are played is quite universal and is based on the following algorithm:

  1. Selection by the teacher of tasks and exercises for a group of children. (It is possible to conduct a preparatory session.)
  2. Preschoolers are introduced to a problem to be solved, with a goal to be achieved. The problem and purpose of the task should be clearly and easily formulated by the teacher so that the children do not have a feeling of incomprehensibility and uselessness of what they are going to do. Children are informed about the rules of the game, they are given clear instructions.
  3. During the game, children interact with each other to achieve the goal. If any stages cause difficulty, the teacher corrects the actions of preschoolers.
  4. At the end of the game (after a short pause, designed to relieve tension), the results are analyzed and the results are summed up. The analysis consists of focusing on the emotional aspect - on the feelings that preschoolers experienced, and discussing the content aspect (what was pleasant, what caused difficulty, how the situation developed, what actions the participants took, what was the result).

It is important that children enjoy the game by trying themselves in a new situation. Should not be confused interactive game with role-playing and business game. The role-playing game is essentially like the theater: in it, the solution to the problem is not the main one; most importantly, there are those who play roles and observers. In progress business game there is a formation of professional skills on the basis of acquired experience and personal qualities.

We bring to your attention several options interactive games for children middle and senior groups.

Option 1. Interactive game based on the Russian folk tale "Turnip"
Before the game, a preparatory lesson is held, in which children get acquainted with the text of a Russian folk tale, discuss what they have read.

Issues for discussion

  1. What is a turnip? (Turnip is a vegetable that is grown in the garden.)
  2. Why couldn't grandfather pull the turnip out of the ground alone? (The turnip grew very large, and one person was unable to pull it out of the ground.)
  3. Who helped grandfather? (Grandma, granddaughter, dog Zhuchka, cat and mouse helped grandfather.)
  4. What does a fairy tale teach? (Only together can even a very difficult task be done.)

The teacher invites the children to color the illustrations for the fairy tale.

To conduct the game, it is necessary to form two or three teams of six to seven children, prepare in advance several identical sets of cards with the image of the heroes of the fairy tale "Turnip", pencils, felt-tip pens, plasticine.

The teacher clearly formulates the task. In the next room, there is a painted (sculpted from plasticine or clay) or a real turnip on the table. Each child in turn goes into the next room and remembers the story; then they all work together to compile the mosaic, placing the characters as they acted in the fairy tale. (Teams are given a set of cards with the image of heroes. Each player chooses one hero and places it on the table, depending on how he acted in the fairy tale.)

The teacher warns children about the need to comply with the following conditions:

  • work no longer than 10 minutes;
  • You can communicate only with facial expressions and gestures (non-verbally).

After completing the task, the teacher suggests moving on to the next stage of the game: each player must “create” an object that is in the next room (draw, mold a turnip).
At the end of the game, preschoolers, together with the teacher, analyze the results of the work (they talk about what happened, what didn’t, whether everyone coped with the task, who found it difficult, why).

Option 2. Interactive game based on the Russian folk tale "Teremok" (the game algorithm is the same)
Before the start of the game, we conduct a preparatory lesson in which children remember (or get acquainted) with the text of a Russian folk tale, discuss what they have read.
Issues for discussion

  1. Where was the teremok? (In field.)
  2. Who was the first to live in a tower? (Mouse-norushka.)
  3. Which of the animals lived in the tower? (Louse mouse, frog frog, runaway bunny, sister fox, spinning top - gray barrel.)
  4. Why did the bear climb onto the roof? (The bear could not fit into the teremok, as it is very large.)

Then the children are offered to color the illustrations for the fairy tale (the selection of illustrations for coloring is carried out by the teacher)

Then proceed to the next step interactive game"Teremok" (see option 1).
After completing the task, the teacher invites the children to build their own teremok (the material is prepared in advance by the teacher himself or the children bring it). At the end of the game, as in option 1, analyze the results.

Using interactive games in teaching preschoolers, the teacher is faced with the problems of motivating participants (the interest of the preschooler, "falling out" of the game, etc.), the development and use of this method in teaching and educating preschoolers (game development, methodological literature, teacher qualifications, etc.).

Option 3. Interactive game "Pet"
As usual, before the game, a preparatory session is held, in which children are introduced to the selected animal (in our case, chicken) through an appeal to various types art, offer to guess riddles, name Russian folk tales, recall cartoons, poems, ditties, tongue twisters, the main character of which is a chicken.

Appeared in a yellow coat.
Farewell, two shells! (Chick.)
White round lay for a long time,
Suddenly it crackled ... (Egg and chicken.)
There was a white house
wonderful house,
And something thumped in him.
And he crashed, and from there
A living miracle ran out -
So warm, so fluffy
And golden. (Egg and chicken.)
I wake everyone up on time
I don't wind up the clock though. (Rooster.)
Gets up first of all
"Ku-ka-re-ku!" - sings. (Rooster.)

The teacher reads a poem by K. Chukovsky "Chicken", asks what chicken is described in the poem.

A beautiful chicken lived with me.
Ah, what a smart chicken she was!
She sewed me caftans, sewed boots,

Sweet, ruddy baked pies for me.
And when he manages, he will sit at the gate -
Tell a story, sing a song.

Children read the Russian folk tale "Ryaba the Hen", and ask what it is about. Then the children are introduced to the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Chicken". They offer to answer the questions: “How did the chicken behave? Why? Who consoled him?"
“There was a chicken in the world. He was small. Here's one.
But he thought he was very big, and lifted his head importantly. Like this.
And he had a mother. Mom loved him very much. Mom was like this.
Mom fed him worms. And there were these worms like this.
Once, a Black Cat ran into my mother and drove her away from the yard. And there was a Black Cat like this.
The chicken was left alone at the fence. Suddenly he sees: a beautiful big rooster flew up on the fence, stretched out his neck like this. And shouted at the top of his voice: “Crow!”. And he looked around importantly: “Am I not a daring fellow? Am I not well done? The chicken liked it very much. He craned his neck too. Like this. And with all his strength he squeaked: “Pee-pee-pee! I'm a nerd too! I'm great too!" But he stumbled and fell into a puddle. Like this.
A frog was sitting in a puddle. She saw him and laughed, “Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! You are far from the rooster! And there was a frog like this.
Then the mother ran up to the chicken. She took pity and caressed him. Like this".

The teacher then moves on to the next step. interactive game, the purpose of which is to diversify children's ideas about a pet, to teach them to see a living being in different aspects. Children (half a group) are placed near the table, on which are colored and white paper, scissors, glue, plasticine, designer parts.

The task is to jointly create an image of a chicken. Children should not communicate with each other verbally. Depending on the preparedness of the children, the teacher can make changes to the game. If preschoolers find it difficult to complete the task, they are asked to determine which part of the bird they want to create and from what material (make paws from plasticine, cut out wings from paper, assemble the head and body from the details of the designer). The task of the teacher is not to invent anything for the children, but only to direct their imagination in a creative direction.

After the end of the work, the children share their impressions, evaluate the results of their work. The second group of preschoolers must guess what was created by the children of the first group.
Option 4. Interactive game "Forest animal"

Before the start of the game, a preparatory lesson is held, in which preschoolers are introduced to the selected animal (in this case, a squirrel), they are invited to solve riddles, listen to a fragment of "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ..." A.S. Pushkin and L.N.

Tolstoy "Squirrel and Wolf".
Who from the tall dark pines
Threw a bump at the kids
And into the bushes through the stump
Flashed like a flame? (Squirrel.)
I wear a fluffy coat
I live in a dense forest
In a hollow on an old oak
I chew nuts. (Squirrel.)
We recognized the animal with you
According to two such signs:
He is in a fur coat in a gray winter,
And in a red coat - in the summer. (Squirrel.) * * *
Know that this is not a trifle:

Spruce in the forest, under the spruce squirrel,

Squirrel sings songs

And the nuts gnaws everything,

And nuts are not simple,
All shells are golden
The nuclei are pure emerald...
A.S. Pushkin

Next, the children are read a fairy tale by L.N. Tolstoy "The Squirrel and the Wolf" and offer to answer the questions: "What did you learn about squirrels from this fairy tale? How did the squirrel behave when faced with the wolf?
“The squirrel jumped from branch to branch and fell right on the sleepy wolf. The wolf jumped up and wanted to eat her. The squirrel began to ask:
- Let me in.

Wolf said:
- All right, I'll let you in, just tell me why you squirrels are so cheerful. I'm always bored, but you look at you, you're all playing and jumping up there.
Belka said:
“Let me go up the tree first, I’ll tell you from there, otherwise I’m afraid of you.”
The wolf let go, and the squirrel went to the tree and said from there:
- You're bored because you're angry. Anger burns your heart. And we are cheerful because we are kind and do no harm to anyone.

In conclusion, the teacher reads a poem about a squirrel written by an unknown author especially for children; asks what qualities squirrels stand out from other forest animals.

Who plays there in the burners?
These are red squirrels:
golden coats,
Tails are fluffy.
Jumping up and down the branches

And they hide nuts in the hollow.

Fidgets, rascals

Cones are dragged into their house,
Lots of berries and mushrooms
Until the winter cold.
These squirrels are not lazy,
Very kind hosts.

In this case interactive game acts as a tool that allows you to significantly diversify the form of cognition of the surrounding reality.

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