Intellectual game in elementary grades "the smartest." Intellectual quiz "the smartest third grader" The smartest quiz questions

Literary quiz game "Who is smarter than everyone?"


Leader, class of players.

Preliminary preparation.

From a sheet of colored paper, squares of arbitrary size are cut. In total, several dozen such squares will be required. Each player who gave the correct answer to the host's question receives such a square as a reward. At the end of the game, the guys count the squares, and the one who scored the most of them becomes the winner of the game. Since the game consists of two parts, it would be better if the teacher stocked up with squares of two different colors- for the first and second rounds.


The proposed scenario can be used to hold not one, but two or even three events, since each of the sections of the competition contains a large reserve of game material.


Guys, today we will spend with you fun game titled "Who is smarter than everyone", where you will have to remember some of the heroes of popular children's books - what their names were, where they lived, and what adventures they got into. Just do not rush to make boring faces. All tasks in this game will not be difficult for you at all. On the contrary, I think that you will do them with a smile. The game will go like this: I ask a question, and the one who first raises his hand and gives the correct answer at the same time will receive such a square of paper from me. And to observe who raised his hand first, and who second, and so on, will be my assistants (represents assistants). And at the end of the game, we will calculate how many squares who scored. Who will be able to give the largest number of correct answers, he will receive more squares, he will be the winner. Let's start our game with the easiest tasks.

Here is the first task.

It is necessary to supplement the name of the literary hero. For example, I say the word "woman", and you must finish - "Yaga", I say "dad", and your answer is "Carlo". And so on - is the condition of the game clear? Then let's start. For each correct answer you will receive a reward card. (Alternately names the words to which the guys should name the missing literary “pair”) .

  • Fly (sokotuha, goryukha),
  • chicken (ripple),
  • fox (sister)
  • The Little Humpbacked Horse),
  • sivka (burka),
  • Ivanushka (brother, fool),
  • uncle (Fyodor, Styopa),
  • Crocodile Gena),
  • Dr. Aibolit),
  • shark (doodle),
  • parrot (Karudo (Kesha, etc.)),
  • dog (Abba),
  • mumps (oink-oink),
  • monkey (Chi-Chi),
  • robber (Barmaley (Nightingale),
  • Karabas (Barabas),
  • king (Saltan, Peas, Dadon),
  • Ali (Baba)
  • Ilya Muromets),
  • Winnie the Pooh),
  • Christopher (Robin)
  • Tin Woodman),
  • python (Kaa),
  • tiger (Sherkhan),
  • panther (Bagheera),
  • Koschei the Deathless).


And now - the second task.

Let's remember why we like fairy tales? Probably the fact that in fairy tales the most unusual characters can come to life and talk to us - animals, dolls, trees, flowers and even straw stuffed animals. Now you will need to remember which of the characters bore the following name.

  • Rikki-tikki-tavi (mongoose),
  • Winnie the Pooh (teddy bear),
  • Pinocchio (wooden man),
  • Moidodyr (washbasin),
  • Scarecrow (straw stuffed animal),
  • ugly duckling (swan),
  • baby (boy)
  • Gena (crocodile),
  • Marquis of Carabas
  • (son of a miller)
  • Suok (girl)
  • Pull (an unseen beast with two heads),
  • Donkey Skin (Princess)
  • Matroskin (cat).

Third stage of the game similar to the previous one, where you guessed who the named hero was. It's called "Man is not a man". And now you have to remember whether the named hero was a person or some other creature. Only this stage of the game still bears the peculiar name "Silence". You don't have to answer my question out loud. And you should only nod your head, if the hero is a man, this means that you agree that this hero is a man. And if that character is not human, you should clap your hands. Remember? If this is a person - nod your head, if not - clap your hands, be careful. So quickly remember and show conventional signs, who it:

  • Abba (not human)
  • Piglet (not human)
  • King Dadon (human)
  • mother of the girl Ellie (human),
  • Sivka-Burka (not human)
  • Mouse King (not human)
  • Signor Tomato (not human),
  • gymnast Tibul (human),
  • Ali Baba (human)
  • Ole-Lukoil (not a person),
  • Ilya Muromets (human)
  • Bagheera (not human)
  • baby Roo (not human),
  • poodle Artemon (not human),
  • Mowgli (human).

The first part of our game has come to an end. Now I ask you to count how many coupons you got. The three people with the most tickets are the leaders. They will participate in the second part of our game, where its real winner will be revealed. For their correct answers, the leaders will also receive coupons, only of a different color, so as not to confuse them with prizes for the first part of the game.

So, the second part of the game, which is called "Game with leaders".

The tasks of the second part will be similar to the tasks of the first part, only a little more difficult. And the second part, like the first, will consist of several stages.

The first stage of the game - "Residence" - guess where the heroes of different books lived:

  • Carlson (on the roof)
  • Winnie the Pooh (at the Pooh Edge),
  • uncle Fyodor (in the village of Prostokvashino),
  • Dunno (in the Flower City),
  • Moomin trolls (in the Moomin Valley),
  • Mowgli (in the jungle)
  • wizard Goodwin (in the Emerald City),
  • Nutcracker (in the city of Konfetenburg),
  • a girl named Yalo (in the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors),
  • Pull (in Africa)
  • The Little Prince (on a star)
  • White Rabbit and Cheshire Cat (in Wonderland).

The second stage is "The Beginning of the Book".

Guess the title of the book from its beginning. You need to listen to the opening phrase from the book and remember its title.

  • “It was seven o'clock on a sultry evening in the Zionian mountains when Father Wolf woke up after a day's rest” (R. Kipling, “Mowgli”).
  • “In the city of Stockholm, on the most ordinary street, in the most ordinary house, lives the most ordinary Swedish family named Svanteson.” (A. Lindgren, "The Kid and Carlson").
  • "Beyond the mountains, behind the forests,
    Beyond the wide seas
    Not in heaven, on earth
    There lived an old man in a village. (P. Ershov, "Humpbacked Horse".).
  • "In the midst of the vast Kansas steppe lived a girl, Ellie." (A. Volkov, "The Wizard of the Emerald City").
  • “Once upon a time, in a town on the Mediterranean coast, there lived an old carpenter, Giuseppe, nicknamed Gray Nose.” (A. Tolstoy, "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio".).
  • “In one dense tropical forest there lived and there was a very funny animal. His name was Cheburashka. (E. Uspensky, "Crocodile Gena and his friends".).
  • "Short men lived in a fabulous city." (N. Nosov, "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends").
  • “The blanket is gone.
    The sheet has flown
    And a pillow like a frog
    Ran away from me." (K. Chukovsky, "Moydodyr".).
  • “Some parents had a boy. His name was Uncle Fyodor. (E. Uspensky, "Uncle Fedor, a dog and a cat").
  • "Three maidens by the window
    Spinning late at night." (A. S. Pushkin, “The Tale of Tsar Saptan, of his son, the glorious and powerful hero Gvidon Saltanovich and the beautiful princess of the Swan”).
  • “Once upon a time there was a doctor. He was kind." (K Chukovsky, "Doctor Aibolit"),
  • “The time of wizards is over. In all likelihood, they never existed." (Yu. Olesha, "Three fat men").
  • "Once we were walking in the yard - Alenka, Mishka and I." (V. Dragunsky, "The Enchanted Letter").
  • "Once upon a time there was a pop
    Thick forehead". (A. S. Pushkin, “The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda”).
  • “Do you know how many months there are in a year? Twelve. And what are their names? (S. Marshak, "Twelve months").
  • “There lived an old man alone in our factory, nicknamed Kokovanya.” (P. Bazhov, "Silver Hoof").
  • “Strawberries ripened in the forest. Dad took a mug, mom took a cup, the girl Zhenya took a jug, and little Pavlik was given a saucer. (V. Kataev, "Pipe and jug").
  • “Once upon a time there lived a queen who had a son so ugly that for a long time they doubted whether he was a man.” Ch. Perrot, "Riquet with a tuft").
  • "An old man lived with his old woman
    By the blue sea." (A. S. Pushkin, "The Tale of the Goldfish").
  • "There were once twenty-five tin soldiers in the world." (G.-X. Andersen, "The Steadfast Tin Soldier").

The third stage is "Kits and dogs".

Depending on which animal is among the characters in the book I have named, you will need to bark or meow, and then name this animal. Please note that in some of the books you will meet two of these animals at the same time.

  • "Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof." (Dog Bimbo).
  • Crocodile Gena and his friends. (Dog Tobik).
  • "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio". (Cat Basilio and poodle Artemon).
  • Russian folk tale "Turnip" (Dog Zhuchka and cat Murka).
  • "Doctor Aibolit" (Dog Abba).
  • Russian folk tale in the processing of V. I. Dahl "The Snow Maiden" (Dog Bug).
  • "White-fronted" (Dog White-fronted).
  • "Puss in Boots" (Cat).

Now let's calculate which of the leaders scored the most cards for the correct answers, he will be the winner in our literary game.

See also:

Intellectual game


Leading: Good afternoonWe welcome spectators and participants of the game "The smartest"! Today is a 3rd grade student league match. 12 players took to the podium to compete for the title of "The Smartest". It is my pleasure to introduce you to the participants of the game.

Introducing the participants in the game (participants briefly describe themselves, what they are interested in, etc.).

Leading: We start the game. First, a few words about its rules. The game consists of three rounds. In the 1st round, you answer questions from a variety of areas of knowledge. Each question has 4 possible answers. You need to choose 1 correct answer from them. You have 5 seconds to answer each question. In total I will ask 12 questions. The top six will advance to the semi-finals, where two finalists will be determined.Attention! You are ready? So let's start round 1!

1st ROUND Round 1 questions:

1. What syllable denotes a note? a) fub) fa c) welld) ha

2. What is sugar made from? a) from sugar beet + b) sugar syrupc) chalkd) from the sap of trees

3. Where are the ears of a grasshopper? a) on your feet b) on the headc) on wingsd) on the back

4. What is the name of the beginning of the river? a) a streamb) source + c) mouthd) depression

5. Which of the following animals is not an amphibian? a) tritonb) toadc) a snake + d) frog

6. Which leaves have a patterned shape with sharp corners? a) oakb) maple+ V) spruced) fake

7. What mineral is formed in swamps? a) peat + b) clayc) sandd) salt

8. What is cynology? a) film scienceb) dog science + c) the science of mushroomsd) the science of logic

9. Which of these words is the name of a flower? a) tumblerb) dunnoc) forget-me-not + d) unwashed

10. What is not made of wood? a) paperb) paper + c) matchesd) pencils

11. What is the name of the part of the word that comes before the root?

A) prefix +
b) suffix

V) ending

d) word base

12. Which of these birds can fly?

b) chicken

V) ostrich

d) seagull +

If there are more than six winners, the participants are given additional questions. Those who are the first to cope with a large number of questions go to the second round. After each additional question the result is checked, whether there are winners.

Additional questions of the 1st round:

13. How many colors does the rainbow have? a) 6 colorsb) 7 colors + c) 12 colorsd) 8 colors

14. What does it mean to "beat the buckets" ? a) mess around b) work hardc) dreamd) fight

15. What product is not made from milk? a) cheeseb) cottage cheesec) sunflower oil + d) sour cream

16. What happens to the kidneys in spring? a) they fallb) they burst + c) they exploded) they roll

17. What animal is depicted on the coat of arms of Russia? a) lionb) bearc) a swand) eagle +
18. Who wrote the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse"? a) Pushkinb) Ershov + c) Zhukovskyd) Tolstoy

19. What is Rita's full name?

a) Regina

b) Arina

c) Maria

d) Margarita +

20. Do these mushrooms grow in a friendly family on a stump?

a) again +

b) mushrooms

c) oils

d) mushrooms

21. What is Papa Carlo's musical instrument?

a) goose

b) barrel organ +

c) button accordion

d) piano

22. Which month has the fewest days?

a) in May

b) in July

c) in February +

d) in October

23. Which tree sheds needles for the winter?

a) spruce

b) cedar

c) pine

d) larch +


Leading: Many thanks to the guys who took part in the game, but lost. And we wish good luck to all those who made it to the semi-finals!So, in front of me are 6 semi-finalists. They showed top scores in the first round and will continue to fight for reaching the final. But before we determine the order of the answers, we will hold a "decoder" contest.

Match the words in the two columns:

Kind of sport

Leading: You need to match words from two columns.

For example: football - ball

The less time you spend, the higher the serial number of your speech with further answers. Attention!

Participants complete the task, the results are summed up.

Leading: So, the participants will start in this order ...(calling names) Categories of knowledge:


Each player, in order of priority, chooses a category. Each player will be asked 10 questions, where he must give as many correct answers as possible.

Proverbs: * The morning is wiser than the evening)
* The quieter you go, the further you'll get)
* Always learn to read and write .... (useful)
* Labor feeds, and laziness ... (spoils)
* No friend - look, but found ... (take care)
* Do not be hasty, but be ... (patient)
* Do not rush with your tongue, hurry up ... (by deed)
* Do not learn to destroy, but learn ... (build)
* Seven nannies have a child without ... (eyes)
* Do you like to ride, love and ... (carry sledges)

Writers and Poets:
* Who told us about Uncle Styopa? (S. Mikhalkov)
* Who is the author of "Cinderella"? (Ch. Perrot)
* Say the name of Barto. (agnia)
* Who invented babies: Dr. Pilyulkin, Dunno, Donut?

(N. Nosov)
* Who wrote the fairy tale "Three Bears"? (L. Tolstoy)
* Whose heroes are these: Barmaley, Fly-sokotuha? (K. Chukovsky)
* Author of the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"? (H. Andersen)
* What plush character did Alexander Milne create? (Winnie the Pooh)
* What are the names of the fairy tales that the people composed? (Russian national)
* What is the name of the poet Samuil Yakovlevich ... (Marshak)

* A goat who lived with his grandmother? (grey)
* Grasshopper sitting in the grass? (green)
* Killing grandfather with a shovel? (ginger)
* Does the car that runs sway? (blue)

* The headdress of a girl who carried pies to her grandmother? (red)
* The color of the bear, which is found in Siberia? (brown)
* Bathrobe, from the one who sat under the tree and treated animals? (white)
* Name the third color of the rainbow. (yellow)
* The color of the flower that looks like a bell? (blue)
* With what ink did the four grimy imps draw the drawing? (black)

* Where did the frog, cockerel, mouse and hedgehog live? (in the tower)
* Home of the beaver. (hut)
* Workers came without axes, cut down a hut without corners. (anthill)
* Winter bear rookery. (den)
* A house without windows, without doors, a room full of people. (cucumber, watermelon)
* Sturdy wooden house with a round small window. It stands on a long leg so that cats do not climb. (birdhouse)
* Along a narrow path - head and horns. Who crawls so slowly, carries his house on himself? (snail)
* Tourist accommodation. (tent)
* Log house. (hut)
* The home of the fox. (Nora)

* What was the name of the cow from Prostokvashino? (Murka)
* What words did Ali Baba say to open the cave? ("Sim-Sim, open up")
* And what did Mowgli say when he needed help? ("You and I are of the same blood. You and I")
* Names of the three little pigs? (Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf)
* What was the name of the giant who married Princess Fiona? (Shrek)
* Who did Winnie the Pooh and Piglet visit? (to Rabbit)
* Kid's Friend. (Carlson)
* Where was the field of miracles? (in the country of Fools)
* The old woman who had the rat Lariska? (Shapoklyak)
* In which fairy tale were snowdrops collected in December? ("Twelve months")

* Ears sensitive upright, tail disheveled with a hook. I won’t let a stranger into the house, I’m sad without a master. (dog)
* Less tiger, more cat, brush-horns above the ears. He is gentle in appearance, but do not believe: this beast is terrible in anger. (lynx)
* Which bird breeds chicks in winter? (crossbill)
* He loves sweets very much, and when autumn comes, he climbs into a hole until spring, where he sleeps and dreams. (bear)
* She takes juice from flowers and accumulates sweet honey in honeycombs. (bee)
* I settle down cleverly: I have a closet with me. Where is the closet? For the cheek! Here I am cunning! (hamster)
* What kind of animal, tell me, brothers, can climb into itself? (mink)
* Who jumps on his hind legs, hides his son in a warm bag? Who, standing up to his full height, leans on his tail? (kangaroo)
* She lives in the reeds, her house is among the swamps, where there are frogs, tsap! - and there is not one wah! (heron)
* The beast is the biggest in the jungle, marching ahead - believe! It shines menacingly with tusks, deliciously crunches with leaves. (elephant)


Leading: Congratulations to the finalists!

The 2 finalists who came out choose a question for 1 point, for 3 points, for 5 points in turn ...

Questions for 1 point:
1. Who did Winnie the Pooh want to convince that he was a cloud, not a bear? (bees)
Which berry is black, red and white? (currant)
You and I, and we are with you. How many of us? (two)
On whom did Thumbelina make her journey to the warm climes? (on swallow)
Questions for 3 points:

    I've been wearing them for many years, but I don't know how to count them. (hair)

    Circus performance venue. (arena)

    What is the last letter in the patronymic of any man? (letter h)

    A bad head does not give them rest. (legs)

Questions for 5 points:

    What is the main currency unit in Russia? (ruble)

    What is the plural form of the word "person"? (People)

    How many hours in one day? (24)

    Where does it all end? (letter ё)

Awarding the winner with a certificate of honor.


"The cleverest"

1. Historical muse. (Clio)

2. Husband of Thumbelina. (Elf)

4. Pseudonym of the writer Samuel Clemens. (Twain)

5. Spy biography. (Legend)

6. The writer who gave the world the legendary Lefty. (N. Leskov)

7. Bird living in newspapers. (Duck)

8. Eared standard of stubbornness. (Donkey)

9. Eavesdropping insect. ("Bug")

10. Lunch at the monastery. (meal)

11. "Flock" insect - a pest in agriculture. (Locust)

12. Checker, who made a career. (King)

13. Animal world. (Fauna)

14. Palm Nut. (Coconut)

15. A close-knit group of people. (Team)

16. A certain diet. (Diet)

17. The lightest gas. (Hydrogen)

18. Highly gifted child. (Prodigy)

19. Early morning. (Dawn)

20. Thunderous applause. (Ovation)

21. Light sports boat. (Canoe)

22. Pick at the miners. (Kylo)

23. The beginning of the river. (Source)

24. A small fan. (Fan)

25. The highest achievement in sports. (Record)

26. Red line. (Paragraph)

27. Theater of light genre. (Variety show)

28. Vase for a flower pot. (planter)

29. Chocolate tree. (Cocoa)

30. Enthusiasm, passion. (excitement)

31. A large flock of sheep. (Otara)

32. Men's headdress of Muslims. (Turban)

33. The totality of actions, events of the novel. (Plot)

34. White mushroom. (Borovik)

35. Place outside the shop window. (Showcase)

36. Leading corps de ballet dancer. (Corypheus)

37. Port loader. (Docker)

38. What is recruited all life. (Experience)

39. Marine predator and the surface of the roof. (Scat)

40. Curdled milk from mare's milk. (Kumiss)

41. Tomato puree. (Tomato)

42. Singing art. (Vocal)

43. Athlete from 18 to 20 years old. (Junior)

45. State-city in Rome. (Vatican)

46. ​​Play on words. (Pun)

47. Road with trees on both sides. (alley)

48. Spectacle snake. (Cobra)

49. House in the form of a tower in Ancient Rus'. (Terem)

50. Sea travel. (Cruise)

51. Fig tree. (Fig)

52. Large bee. (Bumblebee)

53. Dictionary, vocabulary. (Lexicon)

54. The best grade of hard coal. (Anthracite)

55. Large round bread. (Loaf)

56. The main genre of urban folklore. (Joke)

57. Preventive medicine. (Hygiene)

58. Insurance document. (Policy)

59. Medical preparation for vaccinations. (Vaccine)

60. Building art. (Architecture)

61. Rich country house. (Villa)

62. Deepening at the top of the volcano. (Crater)

63. Garden shears. (Secateurs)

64. Astronaut suit. (space suit)

65. Eloquent person. (Speaker)

66. Parliament in the USA. (Senate)

67. Whirlpool on the river. (Pool)

68. Woolen fabric with pile on the coat. (Ratin)

69. Foreign money. (Currency)

70. Method of suggestion with a word. (Hypnosis) .

71. The largest cellist of the 20th century (Rastropovich).

72. Russian folk three-stringed plucked instrument (balalaika).

73. Singer-narrator of ancient Celtic times in the Middle Ages (bard).

74. Toothed whale (sperm whale).

75. Name at once all the ropes, ropes, cables available on the ship. (rigging).

76. In the coat of arms of which state is the harp depicted? (Ireland).

77. First President of the United States (Washington)

78. Name the city in which the subway first appeared. (London, 1863).

79. National animal of Japan (monkey).

80. What is laminaria? (seaweed).

81. The largest archipelago on Earth. (Malay).

82. Large Christian temple. (Cathedral).

83. The front of the building (facade).

84. Muse of literature, poetry and music. (Euterpe).

85. God is a blacksmith Ancient Greece(Hephaestus).

86. Jewish church (synagogue).

87. Muslim holiday (Ramadan).

88. Football player's shoes (cleats).

89. Basic law of the state. (constitution)

90. How many fights did Suvorov lose? (No one).

91 . How many labors did Hercules perform? (12).

92. The smell of what plant does a fox emit? (Violet).

Purpose of the game: To develop cognitive interest in various branches of science, to identify the most erudite student among 7th graders, to instill interest in the study of scientific and educational literature, to maintain an emotional mood and positive motivation for learning.

Equipment: computer, screen, hourglass for 1 minute and 10 seconds.

Regulations on the game: The game is held among students of the 7th grade. 12 students are participating. Applications for the game are accepted 3 weeks before the game. The game is played in three rounds.

Round I: all 12 players participate, each player is asked 18 questions from different areas of knowledge. It is proposed to choose the correct answer from four possible ones. 1 point is given for a correct answer.

Round II - semi-finals: 6 players with the most points in Round I participate. There are 12 questions to choose from. categories: geography, history, animals, fairy tales, mathematics, literature, man, linguistics, music, scientists, art, plants.

Round III - final: three players with the most points in round II participate. Participants must name their special topic, questions on which they will be asked if they reach the final. The answer to the “own” question is worth 2 points, to the question of the opponent - 3 points, to the general question - 1 point.

The order of answering questions in the I round is decided by a draw, and in the II and III rounds - the game "Decipherer".

The player with the most points in the final wins. He is awarded the prize as "The smartest".

Question number 1: Who wrote the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila"?

1. M.Yu. Lermontov 2. A.S. guns n 3. L.N. Tolstoy 4. N.V. Gogol

Question number 2: Which of the artists painted the painting “Bogatyrs”?

1. I. Repin 2. V. Serov 3. V. Vasnetsov 4. N. Roerich

Question number 3: What is the name of the segment connecting the vertex of the triangle with the midpoint of the opposite side?

1. Midline 2. Bisector 3. Height 4. Median

Question number 4: What is the name of the science of the Earth and the person living on it?

1. Geography 2. Geometry 3. Geology 4. Biology

Question number 5: What action does the line of the fraction indicate?

1. Addition 2. Subtraction 3. Multiplication 4. Division

Question number 6: The section of the science of language, in which the rules for writing words are studied, is called:

1. Phraseology 2. Vocabulary 3. Spelling 4. Phonetics

Question number 7: The musical term “Allegro” means:

1. Slow 2. Fast 3. Moderately 4. Slowing down

1. S. Marshak 2. N. Nosov 3. K. Chukovsky 4. R. Kipling

Question number 9: What is the true equality of two ratios called in mathematics?

1. Equation 2. Expression 3. Proportion 4. Identity

Question number 10: The science that studies the plant kingdom is called:

1. Botany 2. Zoology 3. Anatomy 4. Chemistry

Question number 11: In what year did the events that marked the beginning of the National Unity holiday, which is celebrated on November 4, take place?

1. In 1917 2. In 1812 3. In 1945 4. In 1612

Question number 12: What is the dependence of one variable on another called in mathematics?

1. Proportion 2. Induction 3. Equation 4. Function

Question number 13: What organs does a person have two?

1. Heart 2. Kidney 3. Stomach 4. Liver

Question number 14: What is the largest planet in the solar system?

1. Earth 2. Jupiter 3. Venus 4. Pluto

Question number 15: A geometric figure consisting of a point and two rays emanating from it is called:

1. Beam 2. Triangle 3. Angle 4. Cut

Question #16: Composer of the National Anthem Russian Federation:

1. A. Alexandrov 2. A. Pakhmutova 3. M. Blanter 4. V. Soloviev-Sedoy

Question #17: How many players are on the football team?

1. Five 2. Ten 3. Eleven 4. Twelve

Question number 18: What is the name of a geometric figure, consisting of a set of points located at a given distance from a given point?

The six players with the most points advance to the semi-finals.

SEMI-FINAL. The game "Decipherer" (figures out the order of answers to questions.)

art form:

Answer: music.

During 1 minute Participants answer questions from their chosen category. Correct answer - 1 point


The largest state in the world. - Russian Federation

The outlines of which country on the map resemble a boot? - Italy

The smallest city-state Vatican

Reduced image of the earth's surface on paper - Map

An imaginary line on the earth's surface drawn at the same distance from the poles Equator

The highest volcano in Russia - Elbrus

What is the irregularity of the earth's surface called? Relief

Which mountain, according to the beliefs of the ancient Greeks, served as the place of residence of the Hellenic gods? - Olympus

The highest point in the world - Mount Everest

Capital of France - Paris

What are flat areas of land called? - Plains

What is the name of the strait in the northern hemisphere, along which the border between the Arctic and Pacific oceans passes? - Berengov

Is the Yellow Sea in the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean? - In the Pacific

A piece of land surrounded by water on all sides Island

The city where cars of the Zhiguli brand are produced - Tolyatti

The longest river in the world - Nile

Where a river flows into another river mouth

What is the name of the Slavic alphabet created by Cyril and Methodius in the 9th century? - Cyrillic

Chief god of the Incas Sun

Where did the Maya live? Yucatan Peninsula in Central America

Founder of the Roman Empire - August

In what country did an uprising led by craftsman Wat Tyler take place? - England

Who eradicated heretics in Spain in the 15th century? - Inquisition

The main organizer and leader of the Hussite troops in the Czech Republic - Jan Zizka

How is the word "lecture" translated from Latin - Reading

Pictures or patterns from pieces of colored glass, fastened with lead rims - stained glass

In what century did the Renaissance originate? - In the middle of the 14th century in Italy

What is the translation of the word "knight" - Rider

In what year did the Christianization of Rus' take place? - In 988

As in Holy Scripture they call the holy people who teach the people and prophesy about the coming coming of the Savior of the World - prophets

The people who lived on the Black Sea coast in the VI century BC - Scythians

Which of the French rulers proclaimed himself emperor - Napoleon Bonaparte

How many years did World War I last? 4 years (1914 1918)

How many states participated in World War II? - 61 states


What extinct animal is considered the progenitor of the elephant? - Mammoth

The most numerous arthropods of our planet - Insects

How many legs do insects have? - Six

Respiratory organ in fish Gills

The largest of modern fish - Whale shark

Which marine animal produces a water fountain when exhaling? - Whale

How do amphibians reproduce? - lay eggs

Respiratory organ in amphibians Lungs

The largest American boa constrictor - Anaconda

A lizard that can change its color depending on the background of the environment - Chameleon

A snake "wearing" a hood - Cobra

The smallest bird hummingbird

Dolphin Habitat - Water

The marsupial bear cub is a symbol of Australia - Koala

Animals that see not with their eyes, but with their ears - The bats

Armadillo habitat - America

Who has teeth growing all his life? - In rodents

Animals that build dams - beavers

In which Pushkin's fairy tale did the girl turn into a swan? - "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"

How many brothers did Little Thumb have? - Six

Who was the miller's son in the fairy tale "Puss in Boots"? - Marquis de Carabas

How many years did Sleeping Beauty sleep? - 300 years

American director who shot the full-length cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" - Walt Disney

What was the name of the group in which the cat, dog, donkey and rooster sang? - "The Bremen Town Musicians"

On the lip of what fabulous animal do men plow? - Miracle Yudo whale fish

Who coined the word midget? - English writer Jonathan Swift

Gulliver's profession - ship doctor

A tiny girl grown from a barley grain - Thumbelina


Triangle with one angle greater than 90 degrees obtuse

What are numbers that are divisible by 2 without a remainder called? - Even

What is the name of a mixed number whose fractional part is zero? - Proper fraction

A number that is evenly divisible by a given number Multiple

What is the Latin letter for the perimeter of a figure? - R (pe)

How many Arabic numerals are there? - 10

How many digits are in the tens of millions place? - Seven

What is the line segment that joins the midpoints of two sides of a triangle called? - middle line

Name of the side of a triangle opposite the right angle Hypotenuse

Name the smallest even natural number - Two

What are lines that do not intersect in a plane called? - Parallel

Equality, true for any values ​​of the variables - Identity

Under what action with exponents are the exponents added? - When multiplying

What is the number (pi)? - Approximately equal to 3.14

What is the third power of a number called? - cube number

How many equal sides does an isosceles triangle have? - Two


The name of the tsar in Pushkin's "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" - Dadon

Name of the horse Don Quixote - Rosinante

Homer wrote about this king of Ithaca - Odysseus

How many years did Robinson Crusoe spend on a desert island? - 20 years

- “One for all and all for one” - such a battle cry was ... - At the Musketeers Dumas

Which of the literary heroes flew on a cannonball? - Baron Munchausen

Which famous detective lived in an apartment on Baker Street? - Sherlock Holmes

What was the name of the tiger in Kipling's book Mowgli? - Shere Khan

Who sent the girl Alice to Wonderland (author)? - Lewis Caroml

A boy with wings who lives on the island "Somewhere" - Peter Pan

Which of the Russian classic writers was called Leo? - Tolstoy

Who wrote the fairy tale "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"? - A.N. Tolstoy

Surname of Uncle Styopa - Stepanov

On what street did the scattered man live? - Basin

How many fingers does a person have? - 20 fingers

The organ of vision Eye

What kind of shell does a person have? - ear

What are the portable houses of Asian nomads called? - Yurt

Translated from Latin, the word "jacket" means ... - short

Strict tall hat with a geometric name - Cylinder

Components of the human skeleton - Bones

What gas is inhaled by a person? - Oxygen

In Asian countries, a long strip of fabric wound over a skullcap - Turban

What is cotton fabric made from? - From cotton

Jewelery inserted into the holes made in the earlobe - Earrings

Disease - curvature of the spine - Scoliosis

The muscle that works when the arm is bent Biceps

The most important fluid in the human body is Blood

What is bread made from? - From flour

Rules to follow to stay healthy Hygiene

Where is the organ of taste located in humans? - On the tongue

The science that studies the laws of heredity? - Genetics


Words with the same root One-root

The grammatical basis of the sentence - Subject and predicate (main members)

The secondary member of the sentence, which answers the questions of indirect cases - Addition

Section of the science of language that studies phrases and sentences - Syntax

How many vowels are there in Russian? - Six

The seventh letter of the Russian alphabet - Yo

Words of the same part of speech that are the same in sound and spelling, but different by lexical meaning - Homonyms

Root with the word talented - Talent

What part of speech has a tense category? - Verb

What part of speech is the word "game"? - Noun

How many letters "a" in the word "Spartakiad"? - 4 letters

Gender of the word "Coffee" - Male

How many suffixes are in the word "basketball player"? - Two

The science that studies the true ancient meaning and origin of words - Etymology

How to spell "windy day" or "windy day" correctly? - Windy

How many roots are in the word "bread cutter"? - Two - bread- and -cut-

The part of speech denoting the sign of action - Adverb

Is the word (not) perplexing spelled together or separately? - Slitno

The signs with which the melody is recorded - Notes

How many groups of instruments does a symphony orchestra have? - Three

Sequential pitch sounds - Gamma

How many musical keys are there? - Two: violin and bass

What instrument is the violin? - bowed

Where was Johann Sebastian Bach born? - In Germany (Eisenach)

Who is called the "King of the Waltz"? - Strauss

How many lines are in a musical staff? - Five

What should "carve out of people's hearts music" according to Beethoven? - Fire

At what age did Chopin write his first piece of music? - At 7 years old

What note is between the notes "E" and "G"? - F

Founder of the Russian tradition in music - Glinka

The greatest tenor in the world - Enrico Caruso

One of the genres of vocal miniature, most often performed - Song

What character of music is denoted by "dolce"? - Gently

Group of four performers - Quartet

How is the word "melody" translated from Greek? - Singing, song

downvote sign - Flat

Rhythm unit - share

A sign indicating that it is necessary to sing loudly - Forte

How is the word "note" translated from Latin? - Sign

What note is written between the first and second lines of the staff? - F

An outstanding ancient Greek scholar from the city of Syracuse - Archimedes

The philosopher who lived in a barrel - Diogenes

The great Italian astronomer, who exclaimed before his death: “But still it spins!” - Galileo Galilei

Who created the oath that doctors of all generations take? - Hippocrates

A scientist who proves the origin of man from a monkey - Darwin

What continent did Columbus discover? - America

What country was Nicolaus Copernicus born in? - Poland

Russian mathematician who created non-Euclidean geometry - Lobachevsky

The scientist who created the periodic table of chemical elements - D. Mendeleev

The creator of the alphabet with which the telegraph works - morse

To whom are Nobel Prizes awarded? - Scientists, public figures, writers

Science, the founder of which is Newton? - Physics

What area of ​​science did Ivan Petrovich Pavlov work in? - Physiology (biology)

Whose name is the temperature unit used in Russia? - Celsius

Science that studies earthquakes - Seismology

The invention of the American engineer P. Spanser, widely used in the kitchen - Microwave

What triangle in question in the famous Pythagorean theorem? - About Rectangular

Our famous countrywoman, an outstanding mathematician - Sofia Kovalevskaya

Mathematician who developed the coordinate method - Descartes


A person playing a musical instrument Musician

The picture, which depicts household items, elements of inanimate nature, fruits - Still life

Stone engraving - lithography

How is the word graphics translated from Greek? - I write, I draw

What are water-based paints called? - Watercolor, gouache

What is the name of the artist who painted the sea? - Marine painter

The artist who painted the painting “The Rooks Have Arrived” - Savrasov

The image of the surrounding nature on the canvas - Scenery

In which country is the Statue of Liberty located? America

A person who studies art Art critic

The building intended for performances, productions - Theater

A painting depicting the image of a person - Portrait

Hall where paintings are exhibited for viewing - Exhibition

An art form that studies melodies, sounds - Music

The result of the sculptor's work - Sculpture

A building in which rare and wonderful items are collected in some branch of science and art - Museum

Sculpture of the image of a man from metal, clay, stone or wood - Statue

The person who plays the part on the stage Actor


What is the name of the lily of the valley inflorescence? - Brush

A green substance found in the leaves of plants - Chlorophyll

The gas given off by plants Oxygen

Energy source for plants - Sun

How bacteria reproduces Bisection

What kingdom does yeast belong to? - Mushrooms

Seaweed body - Thallus

What color is a fern flower? - Ferns don't bloom

A forest dominated by coniferous trees: spruces, pines, firs - Taiga

Homeland of soy China

Plant Science - Botany

Homeland of rice India

The plant from which semolina is made Wheat

The axial part of the shoot, consisting of nodes and internodes - Stem

How many petals does a cruciferous flower have? - Four

What family does garlic belong to? - Lukovichnykh

A plot of land where flowers and ornamental plants grow - Flowerbed

Inflorescences in cereals - Spikelet

FINAL: Game “Decipherer” (figures out the order of answers to questions.)

Encrypted word consisting of 6 letters: The largest peninsula in Russia.

Answer: Taimyr

Participants within 1 minute are invited to remember the location of “their” cells, i.e. question numbers, colored according to the color of the place behind which the player is standing.

Target: development of cognitive activity of students.

Game progress

Greetings to gamers.

We welcome spectators and members of the club "The smartest". 12 players took to the podium to compete for 3 trips to the super final and compete for the honorary title of "The Smartest". I am pleased to introduce you to the contenders for a place in the superfinal game of the club "The smartest".

So, ... (name the participants in turn).

The players take turns introducing themselves to the audience - a mini-story about themselves. There is a general greeting for all those present.

We start the game "The smartest". First, a few words about its rules.

The game consists of 3 rounds (rounds). In the first round, you answer questions from various fields of knowledge. Each question has 4 possible answers. You need to choose the only correct one from them. You have 5 seconds to answer each question. In total I will ask you 12 questions. The top six participants will advance to the semi-finals, where today's three finalists will be determined.

Attention, are you ready? So, we begin the first round.

I round (qualifying)


1. Which of the characters in A. Barto's poem sighed: "Oh, the board is swinging ..."?

3) bull;

4) a horse.

2. Which plant never has flowers?

1) Fern;

2) chestnut;

3) cactus;

4) potatoes.

3. How many planets are there in the solar system?

4. Which coniferous plant sheds its needles in autumn?

2) juniper;

4) larch.

5. What is the name of the fruit of the watermelon plant?

3) berry;

4) drupe.

6. These birds were used in ancient Greece to send messages over long distances. What are these birds?

1) Larks;

3) pigeons;

4) swallows.

7. What is the name of the science that studies the past of mankind?

1. History;

2) geography;

3) mathematics;

4) literature.

8. What was the nickname of the Russian Tsar Ivan IV?

1) Great;

2) Terrible;

3) Wise;

4) Brave.

9. How is amber formed?

1) From the resin of ancient pines;

2) from underground;

3) at a chemical plant;

4) from animal fat.

10. What is the name of the underground part of the plant?

2) root;

3) flower;

4) stem.

11. What word can you call such plants as goose onion, blueberry, anemone?

1) Letniki;

2) primroses;

3) vespers;

4) deciduous.

12. What is sugar made from?

1) from sugar beets;

2) sugar syrup;

3) various berries;

4) from underground, from chalk.

13. Where are the ears of a grasshopper?

1) On the legs;

2) head;

3) wings;

14. What is the name of the beginning of the river?

1) Source;

4) depression.

15. Which of the heroes of the fairy tale "The Golden Key" is a doll?

1) Papa Carlo;

2) Tortilla;

3) Malvina;

4) Duremar.

16. Name who is depicted on the coat of arms of the Russian Federation?

1) Single-headed eagle;

3) double-headed eagle;

4) lion and eagle.

17. Which of the following is not an amphibian?

1) Triton;

3) a snake;

4) frog.

18. What is the name of the number 2 in the expression "6: 2"?

1) Private;

2) divider;

3) divisible;

4) reduced.

19. How can you name pairs of words: deep - shallow, quiet - loud?

1) Homonyms;

2) synonyms;

3) antonyms;

4) polysemantic words.

20. Which of the following words is obsolete?

1) Helicopter;

2) conductor;

3) to say;

4) astronaut.

21. Which of the following is not a planet?

2) Sun;

4) Venus.

22. Name the correct statement:

1) The moon revolves around the earth.

3) The moon revolves around Venus.

2) The earth revolves around the moon.

4) The sun revolves around the moon.

23. What fairy tale was not written by G.-Kh. Andersen?

1) "The Snow Queen";

2) "Ugly duckling";

3) "Puss in Boots";

4) "The Steadfast Tin Soldier".

24. What is the correct name of the tale of the Brothers Grimm?

1) "Three brave men";

2) "Five brave men";

3) "Seven brave men";

4) "Six brave men."

25. Which of the listed writers wrote stories about nature?

1) S. Mikhalkov;

2) V. Suteev;

3) A. Barto;

4) V. Bianchi.

26. Which of these characters in the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky was the “head of the washbasins”?

1) Bibigon;

2) Aibolit;

3) Barmaley;

4) Moidodyr.

27. Which of these fruits is a nut?

2) avocado;

3) hazelnuts;

28. Which of these birds is not an owl?

3) nightjar;

4) owl.

29. Which of the following fairy tales does not belong to the pen of V. Suteev?

1) "Uncle Misha";

2) "Aunt Cat";

3) "Different wheels";

4) "Under the mushroom."

30. Why was Cipollino put in jail?

1) Crossed the street at a red light;

2) pulled Cherry's pigtail;

3) stepped on Prince Lemon's corn;

4) told an obscene anecdote.

1) K. I. Chukovsky;

2) A. N. Tolstoy;

3) E. N. Uspensky;

4) V. V. Suteev.

32. How many days did Pinocchio's money lie on the Field of Miracles?

1) One day;

2) not at all;

3) seven days;

4) two days.

33. What flowers did the stepdaughter pick in the fairy tale "12 months"?

1) Violets;

2) lilies of the valley;

3) snowdrops;

34. Whom did the little robber give to help Gerda?

1) Firebird;

2) Deer;

3) The Little Humpbacked Horse;

4) Sivka-Burka.

35. Which tower is called "leaning"?

1) Pisa;

2) Eiffel;

3) Ostankinskaya;

4) water pressure.

36. What got Kai in the eye?

1) Snowflake;

2) mote;

3) a piece of glass (mirror);

4) ice.

37. Who founded the city of St. Petersburg?

1) Santa Claus;

2) Saint Peter;

3) Peter I;

4) Semyon Petrov.

38. How many wishes did the old man have for a goldfish?

3) three;

4) four.

39. What is cynology?

1) Cinema science; 3

2) the science of dogs;

) the science of mushrooms;

4) the science of logic.

40. How many colors make up the spectrum?

41. What is produced by vaccination?

1) Immunity;

2) intuition;

3) instinct;

4) reflex.

42. What is the name of the part of the land, washed on all sides by water?

1) Peninsula;

2) continent;

3) mainland;

4) island.

43. What comparison is used when talking about very heavy rain?

1) Like from a barrel;

2) as if from a bucket;

3) as from a saucepan;

4) as from a tank.

Good luck on your next tour! Thank you so much for the participation of the children who are dropping out of the game.

Physical education minute

Two girlfriends in the swamp

Two green frogs

Washed early in the morning

Rubbed with a towel

They stamped their feet,

hands clapped,

Leaning left and right

And they returned back.

Here is the secret of health.

Hello to all fitness friends!

"Right and Left Hand"

Try to do this exercise without mistakes: with your left hand, pat yourself on your left leg, and with your right hand, at the same time, stroke yourself from top to bottom on your right leg.

The task is much more difficult than it seems at first glance! Try it!

II round

Welcome to the game "The smartest"! I have 6 semi-finalists in front of me. They showed the best results in the first round. But before we determine the order of the answers, we will hold a competition "Decipherer".


The hidden word will be simultaneously a combination of individual letters (as on a telephone).

For example: female name 4 1 6 3 0 (Mary), night bird 6 5 11 (owl).


The less time you spend, the higher the number of your speech with further answers. Attention task:

Coniferous tree 6 5 6 5 1 (pine).

So, the participants will start in this order... Summing up the preliminary results.

So, they are in the lead ... (three finalists).

III round

Before me are the three semi-finalists. They showed the best results in the second round. But before we determine the order of the answers, we will hold the following small competition. In it, you will need to link concepts in pairs.

For example:


He coped with the task faster than anyone ..., 2nd - ... 3rd - ....

Final round rules

In this round, you will need to use the game die to play the following categories, which will be provided to us by my assistants (fairy-tale heroes):

So, in this round, the time for your answers will be limited. Your task is to give as many correct answers as possible to the questions of your chosen category in 1 minute.

I ask the fans to support ... (Summarizing the preliminary results.)

Our little brothers

1. In Africa, there are racing competitions on these huge birds. Name them. (Ostriches.)

2. There is such a riddle: “I swam in the water, but remained dry.” Of course it's a goose. But indeed, in waterfowl, feathers do not get wet in the water. Why? (Because they are greased.)

Z. This magnificent jumper, capable of jumping 9-12 m in one jump, is depicted on the coat of arms of Australia along with the emu. Who is this? (Kangaroo.)

4. This is the only animal on the planet whose coat has a green tint. But it is not the animal's fur that is to blame, but tiny blue-green algae growing right in the animal's fur. And moth butterflies live in the thick fur of this mammal. Name this animal. (Sloth.)

5. In this animal, the horn on the head is not a bone outgrowth, as in other animals with horns. Its horn is composed of densely glued hairs. What kind of animal is that? (Rhinoceros.)

7. On our planet exists great amount various animals: mammals, fish, insects, birds, reptiles. And which of them is the most? (Insects.)

8. Both the beetle that eats ants and the king of beasts have this name. (A lion.)

9. Which insects are well known to us and are among the most ancient inhabitants of the Earth? (Cockroaches.)

10. What is the largest animal in the world? (Blue whale.)

11. Which animal that lives in water builds dams? (Beaver.)

12. Which bird has a leathery bag under its beak for laying the catch? (Pelican.)

13. What kind of delicious juice does a bee drink on a flower, and then bring it home to make honey? (Nectar.)

14. The horse has a striped shirt, like a vest,

A horse is a horse, not a sailor,

What's the oddity?

Here is the question! (Zebra.)

15. Wild forest pig. (Boar.)

16. This fish, here's to attack,

Opened the evil mouth

She has so many teeth

What can a dentist eat. (Shark.)

17. What does a camel carry on his back? (Hump.)

18. Guess what kind of bird: a dark little one,

White from the belly, tail parted into two tails. (Martin.)

19. Who does not breathe through the nose at all: neither on land, nor in water - nowhere? (Fish.)

20. How does a fish breathe? (Gills.)

21. Forest "telegrapher". (Woodpecker.)

22. Toothy predator, which is better not to meet in the sea. (Shark.)

23. Lazy bear, living in Australia, with a bag, like a kangaroo. (Koala.)

24. They are bitten by a bee. (Sting.)

25. Not a man, not a beast, but a river dweller with a mustache. (Som.)

26. When he is in a cage, he is pleasant,

There are many black spots on the skin.

He is a predatory beast, although a little,

Like a lion and a tiger, like a cat. (Leopard.)

27. In the Far North, this animal is harnessed to a sled. (Deer.)

plant life

1. How is the name of the aster plant translated from Greek? (Star.)

2. Unlike all other fruits that we eat, we eat this one only in an unripe form. (Cucumber.)

3. This wild berry got its name because its branches are completely covered with sharp thorns, like the skin of a prickly forest dweller. (Blackberry.)

4. This plant is called almost the same in different languages. For the Poles, it is "drifting", for the Germans - "ground berry". In Russian, the name of this fragrant wild berry sounds very similar. (Strawberry.)

5. This tree blooms later than other trees, but spreads such an amazing aroma that you can recognize it by smell from afar. In addition, its flowers are an excellent remedy for colds. (Linden.)

6. The word kaput in Latin means "head". When buying this healthy vegetable, mom often says: “Give me this head, please.” (Cabbage.)

7. This primrose gets its name from its leaves. Outside they are dark, smooth and cold, and inside they are warm, soft and light. (Coltsfoot.)

8. In Russia, on the night of June 22, they celebrated the holiday of Ivan Kupala. Boys and girls searched in the forest for a fern flower, which, according to legend, brings happiness. Could they find him? Why? (No. The fern flower does not exist.)

9. In Russia, as, indeed, in many other countries, this large flower is called the “flower of the sun”, the “solar son”, from the seeds of which useful oil is obtained. In addition, it is an excellent air purifier. (Sunflower.)

10. Why are the lower branches of spruce near the ground, and pine - much higher? (Pine is a photophilous plant.)

11. This cute-looking swamp plant is a real predator. It “feeds” on mosquitoes and other insects. And what is it called? (Sundew.)

12. Beautiful young girls are often compared with this slender, tender tree. And in the old days they wrote on the bark of this tree, using it instead of paper. What is this tree? (Birch.)

13. In the hot sun, it dried up and bursts from the pods ... (peas).

14. This is not a swing at all, but such a plant - Monkeys have fun, you can swing to your heart's content. (Liana.)

15. A relative of the Christmas tree has non-thorny needles,

But, unlike the Christmas tree, those needles fall. (Larch.)

16. On a branch - sweets stuffed with honey,

And the skin on the branch is a hedgehog breed. (Gooseberry.)

17. What kind of tree is standing, there is no wind, but the leaf is trembling? (Aspen.)

18. Sisters are standing in the field -

Yellow eye, white eyelashes. (Chamomile.)

19. If you dry the grapes, what happens? (Raisin.)

20. Exotic, hairy, green, but sweet and sour fruit. (Kiwi.)

21. Hey, bells, blue color,

With a tongue, but no ringing! (Bell.)

22. A blue flower that can often be found in rye. (Cornflower.)

23. Thorn on a rose. (Thorn.)

fairy animals

1. Poodle Malvina. (Artemon.)

2. Doctor Aibolit's dog. (Abba.)

3. Uncle Fyodor's dog. (Ball.)

4. Dog Ellie. (Toto.)

5. A dog that helped grandparents pull a turnip from the ground. (Bug.)

6. Turtle from the fairy tale "Golden Key". (Tortilla.)

7. Panther from Mowgli. (Bagheera.)

8. Boa constrictor from Mowgli. (Kaa.)

9. The rat of the old woman Shapoklyak. (Lariska.)

10. Chicken ... (Ryaba.)

11. Piglet is a friend of Winnie the Pooh. (Piglet.)

12. Cheburashka's friend. (Crocodile Gena.)

13. A cat from the village of Prostokvashino. (Matroskin.)

14. A fly from a fairy tale by K. Chukovsky. (Tsokotuha.)

15. Cow from Prostokvashino. (Murka.)

16. Donkey. (Eeyore.)

17. Skate ... (Humpbacked.)

18. "Blind" cat from the fairy tale "Golden Key". (Basilio.)

19. Tiger from "Mowgli" (Shere Khan.)

20. A smart cat from a fairy tale by Charles Perrault, who was inherited by his younger brother. (Puss in Boots.)

21. Friend of the cat Basilio. (Fox Alice.)

22. A cat that helped grandparents pull a turnip out of the ground. (Murka.)

23. A calf born in the village of Prostokvashino. (Gavryusha.)

24. The kitten that got into the hat and scared Volodya and Vadik. (Vaska.)

25. Bear teaching Mowgli the Law of the Jungle. (Baloo.)

26. What was the name of the toad in the fairy tale of the same name by B. Zakhoder? (Grey Star.)

27. A puppy from a fairy tale by V. Suteev, who, together with the Snowman-mailer, went to Santa Claus for a Christmas tree. (Bobik.)

28. The names of two mice in the fairy tale "Spikelet". (Spin and twist.)

29. The leader of the wolf pack that sheltered Mowgli. (Akela.)

30. The dog from V. Oseeva's story "Why?", on which the boy blamed for breaking his father's cup. (Boom.)

Kaleidoscope (general knowledge)

1. What is the name of the liquid cosmetic hair wash? (Shampoo.)

2. What is the name of a rubber nipple for a baby? (Empty.)

3. What is another name for a children's top toy? (Yula.)

4. How many months does a year consist of? (12.)

5. What is the name of a curly or curled strand of hair? (Curl.)

6. What is the name of the children's winter wagon on 2 skids? (Sled.)

7. Which month starts winter? (December.)

8. What is the name of a special book in which student progress is noted? (Magazine.)

9. What is the name of a measure of length equal to 10 centimeters? (Decimeter.)

10. Name in order the colors of the stripes on the flag of the Russian Federation. (White blue red.)

11. What animal ate the grasshopper in the song from the cartoon "The Adventures of Dunno"? (Frog.)

12. Which note is followed by the note "D"? (Before.)

13. What color is obtained by merging red and yellow? (Orange.)

14. Which bird has forty "A" in its name? (Magpie.)

15. What is the name of a household electrical appliance for grinding coffee beans? (Electric coffee grinder.)

16. What is the name of the device for preserving food at low temperature? (Fridge.)

17. What is the name of the vehicle designed to fly people into space? (Spaceship.)

18. Which character in the fairy tale by E. Uspensky shot pigeons with a slingshot? (Old woman Shapoklyak.)

19. What character in K. Chukovsky's poem "Telephone" asks to send galoshes? (Crocodile.)

20. What book did Carlo Pinocchio's dad buy when he sold his jacket? (ABC.)

21. What character captivated the main character of the poem "Fly-Tsokotuha"? (Spider.)

22. What is another name for the boletus mushroom? (White.)

23. What celestial body did Dunno and Donut fly to? (Moon.)

24. What bird does not have its own nest? (Cuckoo.)

25. Which bird has the smallest body size in the world? It can be confused with an insect. (Hummingbird.)

26. Who sings this song?

If I scratch my head, it doesn't matter.

In the head of my sawdust, yes-yes-yes. (Winnie the Pooh.)

27. What is the stem of a word? (Part of a word or a word without an ending.)

28. Dwelling of Baba Yaga. (A hut on chicken legs.)

29. Which of the inhabitants of the marshes became the wife of the prince? (Frog.)

30. What did Cinderella lose? (Crystal shoe.)

31. The apparatus on which Baba Yaga flies. (Mortar.)

32. Cheerful onion man. (Cipollino.)

33. The hero of a Russian folk tale traveling on a stove. (Emelya.)

34. How many brothers did Ivan the Fool have? (Two.)

35. The smartest shorty in Flower City. (Znayka.)

36. The postman of the village of Prostokvashino. (Pechkin.)

37. Who said the magic words: "Fly, fly, petal, through the west, to the east ..."? (Zhenya.)

38. Who caught an extraordinary pike? (Emelya.)

39. Who became the ugly duckling? (Swan.)

40. Who got into the Looking Glass? (Alice.)

41. There are only three in this tale: three heroes, each with three objects. Name this story. ("Three Bears".)

42. From which city were the heroes of the fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians"? (Bremen.)

43. Flickers over a flower, dances, waves a patterned fan. (Butterfly.)

44. Stretched like an accordion, a miracle stove under the window. (Battery.)

45. That was the name of the mother of Jesus Christ. (March.)

46. ​​Strong wooden house

With a round small window.

He stands on a long leg

To keep the cats out. (Birdhouse.)

47. People always have it,

There are always ships. (Nose.)

48. Lives in water, has no beak, but pecks. (Fish.)

49. A relative of the bench. (Shop.)

50. They don’t sow, they don’t plant,

They grow up on their own. (Hair.)

51. He will come running and hide the sun, and then he will cry again. (Cloud.)

52. A beautiful picture that can be stuck anywhere without glue. (Sticker.)

53. Household cat, who is very fond of Uncle Fyodor from Prostokvashino. (Matroskin.)

54. They are rowed while sailing on a boat. (Paddle.)

55. It contains salt water, you can’t drink it in any way. (Sea.)

56. What a long snake lay down in the middle of the street,

One has only to turn on the tap, will it pour and pour? (Hose.)

57. Who is in charge on the ship? (Captain.)

58. A warm house in the garden for cucumbers and tomatoes. (Greenhouse, greenhouse.)

59. What was the name of the owner of the Humpbacked Horse? (Ivan.)

60. Last time I was a teacher,

The day after tomorrow - the driver;

He must know a lot

Because he ... (artist).

61. What was the famous fairy-tale soldier made of? (Tin.)

62. I need this notebook to put marks there. (Diary.)

63. According to Shapoklyak, so green and flat. (Crocodile Gena.)

64. From whom did the dishes run away? (From Fedora.)

65. This is the name of the holidays for your dads and moms. (Vacation.)

66. What is the name of the number that appears in the student's diary? (Grade.)

67. First you need to brew it, and then drink it. (Tea.)

68. What is the short name for a flying saucer? (UFO.)

69. This is the name of an orange, and an apple, and a tangerine. (Fruit.)

70. Sailors are "cleaning" her. (Deck.)

71. What is another name for a good or evil sorceress in fairy tales? (Fairy.)

72. His scythe will mow in the field,

In winter, the cow eats them. (Hay.)

73. Seven brothers in the calendar - 5 work and 2 rest. (A week.)

74. He is afraid of everything in the world. (Coward.)

75. He gets to his rooftop house with the help of a motor on his back. (Carlson.)

76. In the fog, he sends his light to the ships - a saving signal. (Lighthouse.)

77. They lay me on the mattress, they call me ... (sheet).

78. Inside it is cold, cold, hungry opens it. (Fridge.)

79. It has glass in the window and a picture on the wall. (Frame.)

80. A lamp standing on the floor on a long leg. (Floor lamp.)

81. No ship, no boat, no oars, no sails, but it floats - it does not sink. (Raft.)

82. What were the names of the first two people whom the Lord created? (Adam and Eve.)

83. This product, which is made from milk, is usually eaten with pancakes. (Sour cream.)

84. Hanging in the garden, among the trees, you can swing in it and sleep. (HIamak.)

85. This boy was raised by animals. (Mowgli.)

86. We have Santa Claus, and in Europe - ... (Santa Claus.)

87. Satirical children's film magazine. ("Jumble".)

90. How did the Wolf catch fish in the fairy tale “Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf”? (Tail.)

91. Frozen water. (Ice.)

92. If you do not leave it, then the ship will sail away. (Anchor.)

93. Sugar in pieces. (Refined.)

94. The bottom of the shoe. (Sole.)

95. Bed sheet for the little ones. (Diaper.)

96. Granddaughter of Santa Claus. (Snow Maiden.)

97. Fairy hat. (Invisible.)

98. Not attending school without a good reason. (Absenteeism.)

99. The shortest month. (February.)

100. Chief chimney specialist. (Chimney sweep.)

Guess (encrypted proverbs)

1. What kind of pancake usually turns out lumpy? (First.)

2. Which bird, according to popular expression, always praises its swamp? (Sandpiper.)

Z. What can not be thrown out of the song? (Words.)

4. Which animal is not a goose friend? (Pig.)

5. How many unbeaten "give" for one beaten? (Two.)

6. Do they blow it, having burned themselves in milk? (To the water.)

7. Without which there is no smoke? (No fire.)

8. What does Moscow not believe? (Tears.)

9. Why can't you cut out what is "written with a pen"? (with an axe.)

10. What should be forged while it is hot? (Iron.)

11. What kind of poultry chicks are “counted in autumn”? (Chickens.)

12. Without which animal do mice have expanse? (Without a cat.)

13. What product is the head of everything? (Bread.)

14. What hairstyle is called "girl beauty"? (Kosu.)

15. Which person's hand, according to the proverb, "does not fail"? (The giver.)

16. Who, according to the proverb, is “afraid of business”? (Masters.)

17. How many people with spoons are "to one with a bipod"? (Seven.)

18. Which bird, according to the proverb, “does not feed fables”? (Nightingale.)

19. What, according to the proverb, “flies when the wood is cut down”? (Slivers.)

20. What time of day do all cats appear grey? (At night.)

22. Who whistles on the mountain? (Cancer.)

23. What gift is not looked in the mouth? (To the gift horse.)

24. What does a proverb advise to carry if you like to ride? (Sled.)

25. You can’t throw on someone else’s mouth ... (shawl).

26. Big voyage - big ... (ship).

27. If you collect a thread from the world, then what will you collect naked? (Shirt.)

28. Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred ... (friends).

29. What should you not sit on if you want to eat kalachi? (On the stove.)

31. Do not judge by words, but by what? (On business.)

32. According to a well-known proverb, how should one be born, if not beautiful? (Happy.)

33. What was torn off in the bazaar to the curious Varvara? (Nose.)

34. For what, says the proverb, do they not take money? (For asking.)

35. The mother of what is called repetition? (Teachings.)

36. According to the proverb, how many hands does a smart head have? (One hundred.)

37. Without what there is no ruble? (Without a penny.)

38. What is wiser than the evening? (Morning.)

39. What can not be bought, judging by the proverb? (Health.)

40. Seven are not waiting for him. (One.)

41. Where should you not meddle, not knowing the ford? (In water.)

42. How many nannies have a child without an eye? (At seven.)

43. What fruit falls near its tree? (Apple.)

44. Why is debt red? (Payment.)

45. What does money love? (Check.)

46. ​​When does appetite come? (While eating.)

47. What can't you hide in a bag? (Shsha.)

48. What can not be cut down with an ax? (Written with a pen.)

49. Which horse will not spoil the furrow? (Old.)

50. On which mouth can you not throw a scarf? (On someone else's.)

51. Without what you can’t take a fish out of the pond? (Easily.)

52. When are chickens counted? (In autumn.)

53. How is a wedge knocked out? (Klin.)

54. What should every cricket know? (Your sixth.)

55. Where do all roads lead? (In Rome.)

56. How many years do they wait for the promised? (3 years.)

57. What should be cooked in summer and what in winter? (The sleigh is prepared in the summer, and the cart in the winter.)

58. Without what there is no rose? (No spikes.)

59. Which animal "stepped on the ear"? (Bear.)

60. What is done with the thief's hat? (Lit.)

Our game has come to an end, thanks to all the participants and fans.

Winner's reward ceremony.

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