The front side of the banknote. How to recognize her? Krause coins catalog

Catalog-reference book 'Konros' Coins of the RSFSR, USSR and RF 1921-2014 (rev.37) The updated 37th edition of the Catalog-Reference "Coins of the RSFSR, USSR and Russia 1921-2013" includes regular issues, trial coins, local issues and commemorative coins from precious metals and copper-nickel alloy, as well as bimetallic coins and themed sets. Gives information on mints, circulation, fineness and weight of coins.

Unique catalog of coins of the British colonies

All coins of the world, minted in the 20th century, with market prices for several degrees of preservation. This is a copy of Krause's official electronic catalog. Text search is available.

All coins of the world minted in the 19th century, with market prices for several degrees of preservation. This is a copy of the official email Krause catalog. The quality is very high, it is possible to enlarge images of coins and text up to 400% without losing quality.

All coins of the world minted in the 18th century, with market prices for several degrees of preservation. This is a copy of the official email Krause catalog. The quality is very high, it is possible to enlarge images of coins and text up to 400% without losing quality.

All coins of the world minted in the 17th century, with market prices for several degrees of preservation. This is a copy of Krause's official electronic catalog. The quality is very high, it is possible to enlarge the images of coins and text up to 400% without loss of quality.

Catalog-reference book 'Konros' Coins of the RSFSR, USSR and RF 1921-2013 (rev.35) as well as bimetallic coins and thematic sets.

Supplemented and revised standard catalog of coins of the world from 2001 to the present, 7th edition. All coins of the world, minted in the 21st century, with market prices for several degrees of preservation. This is a copy of Krause's official electronic catalog. The quality is very high, it is possible to enlarge images of coins and text up to 400% without losing quality. Text search available.

The 22nd edition of the famous North American coins & prices catalog by Krause. Images and actual prices of coins of Canada, USA and Mexico.

The issue of monetary units, which are means of payment in a particular country, is always strictly controlled by the state. In most cases, the issue of banknotes, that is, the printing of money, is carried out by the Central Bank of the state or another body that performs similar functions.

In order to avoid the spread of counterfeit money, which can cause enormous damage to the economy, the state usually develops special tools to protect banknotes and coins from counterfeiting. So, such tools can be watermarks, metal or other inserts in the body of a bill, and other elements that are quite difficult to reproduce at home.

In an additional way to protect monetary units from copying is to put down an individual number on each bill. Yes, in Russian Federation the number of each banknote usually consists of a series containing two characters and, in fact, a number consisting of seven digits. The combination of these characters and numbers on each banknote is unique: therefore, there are no two genuine banknotes with the same series and number.

Interestingly, in the process of printing banknotes on one sheet, not the digital, but the letter part of the number is replaced. After the sheet is printed, one digit is changed in the cliché used for printing, after which the process, which involves replacing the letter part, is repeated again.

Number functions

Thus, by the number of a particular banknote, it is possible to establish its characteristics, for example, the year of issue, thereby determining the authenticity of the banknote. However, putting a number on a banknote is also used for other purposes. So, for example, one of them is accounting for the production and wear of banknotes. So, it is known that paper bills have a relatively short shelf life, therefore, after a certain period of time, banknotes of a particular year of issue, which can be determined by number, begin to be gradually withdrawn from circulation.

Another function performed by the numbers printed on banknotes is the accounting of distribution and circulation: by the numbers of banknotes, you can track which regions and in what ways they get. As a result, by tracking the migration paths of banknotes, the Bank of Russia can determine the degree of demand for certain types of funds in different regions and modify the money supply flows accordingly. This will increase the total period of circulation of the money supply in the country and reduce the cost of printing money.

Each banknote, be it a coin or a banknote, has its own "face", or rather, the front and back sides. However, it is sometimes very difficult for an ignorant person to understand where the front side of the bill is and where its back is. Of course, in order to pay for a product or service, such knowledge is not needed, but for some people this issue has an important, sometimes even mystical meaning.

Where is the obverse

Obverse - this is the name of the front side of a bill or coin, and this name comes from the French word avers or the Latin adversus, which means "facing the face."

In general practice and special literature, there is no consensus on how exactly to recognize the "face" of a banknote. Each state has the right to independently establish rules in this matter. However, there are some general guidelines for determining the obverse. So, on the front side, as a rule, are depicted:

  • portrait of the ruler, president (current or former), head of state;
  • coat of arms of the state or emblem of the country; sometimes it happens that the coats of arms are placed on both sides, then the obverse is the one on which the main symbol of the power is present, higher in rank or larger in size;
  • legend showing the name of the state, territory;
  • the name of the issuing bank.

And if not a face

Sometimes, however, it happens that the front side of a banknote does not have any of the above features. How to be? In cases where the image placed on a banknote is neither a portrait nor a memorable place, the obverse is considered to be the side opposite to the one on which the denomination of the banknote is placed, or the one where the serial number is indicated.

In the most difficult cases, you should refer to the national catalog of the country that issued the banknote. However, this rule applies rather to coins, because they have a much smaller area, on which it can be difficult to place all the insignia.

Why has the “face” of the ruble changed?

Signs also have obverse features that fall under the general rules. However, at different times these distinctive features were not the same: almost always portraits of tsars were placed on the front side of Russian banknotes, and in Soviet times they were replaced by a portrait of the leader of the proletariat V.I. Lenin, present on banknotes of any denomination. However, after the 1991 coup, the government, and with it the political course of the state, changed dramatically, and very soon a new currency was needed, on which the portrait of Vladimir Ilyich was quickly replaced with the image of the Kremlin, a symbol of state power, the main fortress of the country. From that time until now, the front side of the banknote of the Russian banknote has ceased to show portraits, so as not to depend on the political course of the state. Images of cities and cultural monuments are not ideologically motivated and will be relevant at any time.

Russian hundred

The front side of the banknote of 100 rubles of the 1993 sample was decorated with the image of the Senate Tower of the Moscow Kremlin and the Russian tricolor placed on the dome of the Senate. Actually, banknotes of any denomination had such an image at that time on the obverse, but already in 1995 everything changed: new banknotes were issued in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 50, 100 and 500 thousand rubles. But the new "hundred" appeared a little later - January 1, 1998.

The front side of the bill, the photo of which is placed below, has an image of a quadriga, a Roman two-wheeled chariot drawn by four horses. This bronze chariot of Apollo adorns the portico of the Moscow Bolshoi Theatre.

Initially, the banknote of 100,000 rubles had the same image, but after the denomination of 1997, the horses “lost” exactly a thousand times and took their place of honor on the banknote of 100 rubles. In this form, a hundred exists to this day, however, on October 30, 2013, a new "Olympic" commemorative banknote with a face value of 100 rubles was issued. It is symbolic that its release started exactly one hundred days before the opening of the Olympic Games. The front side has an image of a snowboarder performing at the Olympics, and on the back, a stylized firebird is visible, hovering over the Fisht Olympic Stadium. The total circulation of the "Olympic Hundred" amounted to 20 million copies, and some of them were released in a gift box.

Thousandth note

The obverse of the thousandth banknote of 1993 also had the image of the state flag on it, and already in the 95th the banknote was reissued again. The front side of the coin, put into circulation on September 29, 1995, commemorates the sights of Vladivostok - the top of the rostral column in the form of the Manjur sailboat, which was installed at the entrance to the city in 1982. The second drawing on the obverse is the image seaport Vladivostok, located in the famous Golden Horn Bay, which itself has a rich history. However, even in this form, the “thousand” did not last too long - a denomination broke out, and again it took January 1, 2001 to see the light of a new banknote with a face value of 1000 Russian rubles, its obverse was decorated with a monument to Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise, erected in honor of the founder of the city by the inhabitants of Yaroslavl.

The second image on the front side of the banknote is the background for which it serves. In this form, the "thousandth" exists today. Although it has been reissued twice, appearance it did not change, only the degree of protection was added.

Signs of authenticity

Each state issuing its own banknotes is simply obliged to take care of protecting their authenticity. Of course, it is no secret that counterfeiting banknotes and coins is a criminally punishable act, but, unfortunately, such knowledge is not able to stop counterfeiters who are thirsty for profit. Most often, the signs of authenticity are evenly distributed over the entire surface of the bill, but in some cases, most of them are given to the obverse.

For example, the signs of authenticity, most often visible from the front side, are:

  • moire pattern - a special area that changes its color and has visible rainbow stripes;
  • kipp effect - a hidden image that can be seen only when looking at a bill at an acute angle;
  • infrared marks - part of the image is covered with a special compound that tends to glow in infrared radiation;
  • embossed inscriptions - made specifically for visually impaired people;
  • microperforation - the denomination of the banknote, stuffed with small holes, for people with impaired vision;
  • located in a certain place;
  • drawing an image using color-changing paint.

Of course, there are other signs - watermarks, security fibers, magnetic marks, microtext, micro-pattern, protective metallized thread, and so on, but they are most often present on the back or in the thickness of the banknote itself.

What kind of money the bank will not accept

Oddly enough, but in some cases a bill will not be accepted even if it is real. Banks withdraw from circulation (without reimbursement of cost) the following banknotes:

  • dilapidated, badly worn;
  • withdrawn from circulation (at the end of the voluntary exchange period);
  • parts of banknotes, the area of ​​which is less than 55% of their original size;
  • banknotes damaged by water, fire, chemicals, if less than 55% of the original area remains together with the destroyed areas;
  • they also do not accept banknotes if the reverse or front side of the bill does not have one of the two denominations, numbers, or if they are badly damaged: lack of a security thread, severe damage or replacement of the portrait, change in the denomination of the banknote in the corners;
  • the same applies to torn, cut into several parts, glued banknotes, if one of the whole parts belongs to less than 55% of the area.

Money omens

Well, now you know where the front side of the bill is, so it's time to talk about the most popular and, they say, effective sign associated with the obverse. If you want to have money always and in large quantities, you should treat it with respect. There is an opinion that the money in the wallet should be located strictly obverse to its owner, and in a certain order - from larger to smaller, so that when opening the wallet, the most large bills looked straight into your face. And in no case should money lie “upside down” - they can “take offense” and leave. Someone believes in signs, someone does not, but it’s not difficult to turn your money to face you, so what prevents you from trying - what if it works?

The catalog of coins was created in order to give you the most complete information about coins from different countries of the world: colorful images, characteristics, descriptions, information about types, circulations, years of issue and approximate market prices for coins of different types. We are confident that the coin catalog will be a handy and useful tool for any collector.

General information about the catalog

The catalog contains information about coins from different worlds, different historical periods. You can always see the total number of coins in the catalog on a special page with statistics. Please note that this number is constantly increasing - our editors are working every day to develop and replenish the catalog.

The main page of the catalog consists of several parts:

  1. Images and short descriptions coins.
  2. Group navigation.
  3. Page navigation and coin display control.
  4. Link to open advanced search.

Using the advanced search system, you can search for coins based on various parameters:

  • denomination, metal and year of minting;
  • Krause catalog number;
  • text description of the coin in Russian or English.

Please note that the search in the text description of the coin takes into account the morphology and word formation of Russian and English, so you can just write the keywords you are interested in - the catalog itself will give you not only coins with a full match of the keywords, but also coins in which the keywords are used in different forms. For example, the query "Sydney" will return not only coins with the description "Sydney, colored enamel", but also coins " Olympic Games in Sydney."

If you selected some filters in the advanced search and clicked the "Apply" button, then the values ​​you selected will be saved and you can safely navigate through different groups and pages - the filters will be enabled. In order to disable the effect of the selected filters, you must click on the "Reset" button.

Detailed information about coins

By clicking on the "View detailed information» you will be taken to a page with a detailed description of the coin.

The main elements of the page:

  1. Technical information about the coin (country, denomination, metal, weight, diameter, fineness, Krause number).
  2. Form for leaving an application for this coin.
  3. Description of issues of this type of coins (years of minting, mintage, quality of minting, additional notes, as well as an approximate price, according to our data).
  4. A form for buying such a coin (shown if these coins are in the store).
  5. A field for your comment on this coin or for replying to other users' comments.

Information about coin issues

Information about the issues of the coin is given in the table under the main description of the coin. In addition to such technical things as circulation and minting quality, from this table you can find out the approximate market prices for coins of these issues.

We do not like theoretical discussions about the numismatics market. All prices that you see in the catalog of coins are the real prices at which the coins were mined and bought. In the table you see the average coin prices for the last period. By clicking on the chart icon, you can see the dynamics of coin prices over time in order to assess the changes taking place in the market.

Applications through the directory

In addition to providing information, you can use the coin catalog to tell us about coins that you are interested in. For this purpose, we have developed an application mechanism.

If you are authorized on the site, next to each coin in the catalog you will find the link “I want such a coin!”. After clicking on it, a form opens in which you can optionally indicate comments on your application and confirm the application.

The administration of the store prepares new exhibits in the store, first of all, according to your requests. Let us know about the coins you want to find and we will do our best to get them for you.

If coins appear in the store that match your requests, you will find out about this from the letter that will be sent to your mail, and from the message at the top of each page of the site.

Near each offer, the time during which this offer is assigned to you and other users who have left the same application is indicated. Until the specified time, no one else sees and cannot buy this coin. When this time comes, the offer becomes available for order to other users as well.

If the coin suits you, you can buy it. In this case, your application is automatically considered completed and removed from the site. If it does not suit you, you must refuse it by clicking on the appropriate button. At the same time, we will ask you to indicate the reason why the coin does not suit you. This is necessary so that we know what exactly you did not like in the coin and would find a coin for you that is more suitable for your application.


They wrote to me that the coin was set aside for me until a certain time, but someone had already bought it. How so?

We do not reserve coins for certain users. We give priority to buying pending coins everyone users, leaving applications on them. Thus, there was an application for a pending coin from another user and he bought it faster than you.

What happens if I refuse your offer on my application? How many times can you refuse coins?

You can refuse coins on request until we provide you with the coin you want to buy. There are no sanctions because of your refusal and there will not be. If you are not satisfied with the quality or price of the coin, feel free to refuse it and we will continue to search for the most suitable coin for you.

If you indicate "I already have" as the reason for rejection, we will automatically delete your application. This reason is created for those cases when you bought a coin somewhere else and forgot to cancel your application on the application management page.

I made an application and I immediately got offers for it. But these are the same coins that I saw in the store and did not buy, because they did not suit me. Why are you showing them to me?

In order to more accurately fulfill your application, we need to know what does not suit you in the coins presented in the store. Simply opt-out on the offer page and indicate the reason for the rejection. If we showed you a coin in offers, and you refused it, it will never be included in offers a second time.


Krause catalog. All coins of the world from 1801 to 1900

Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Release year: 2007
Colin Bruce, Thomas Michael.
Genre: Numismatics
Publisher: Krause
Number of pages: 1248
Description: Krause Standard Catalog. All coins of the world from 1801 to 1900.


Dmitry, Odessa


25-12-2016 21:52:14


Directory directory. Coins of the RSFSR, USSR and Russia 1921-2018 (V.E. Semenov)

ISBN: 978-5-94088-039-4

Author: V.E. Semenov
Release year: 2018
Genre: Numismatics

Russian language
Number of pages: 94
Description: The catalog-reference book "Konros" on the coins of the USSR and Russia is already out in the 45th edition. When describing coins, information about mints, circulation, fineness and weight of coins is indicated, the diameter is indicated. Contains average market prices, as well as a plan for issuing coins for 2019. Convenient and practical catalog of coins of the USSR and Russia. Coins are divided into types (by denomination and in chronological order) and varieties with under...


Directory directory. Coins of the RSFSR, USSR and Russia 1921-2018 (Semenov V.E.)

ISBN: 978-5-94088-037-0
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Semenov V.E.
Release year: 2017
Genre: Numismatics
Publisher: CJSC Konros, St. Petersburg
Russian language
Number of pages: 94
Description: Due to the unstable situation in the Russian numismatic market, the timely updating of current prices for various coin types seems to be very relevant - which was done in this publication. The catalog contains current market prices for all coins of a given period, an approximate price gradation is also indicated in accordance with the safety of the coin, the plan for issuing coins for the next year by the Central...


Coins of the RSFSR, USSR and Russia 1921-2016. May 2016. Reference catalog (V. Semenov (ed.))

ISBN: 978-5-94088-035-6

Author: V. Semenov (ed.)
Release year: 2016
Genre: Collectibles, coins and banknotes
Publisher: Auction house "Konros"
Russian language
Number of pages: 88
Description: The reference book includes descriptions and images of regular issue coins, trial coins, local issue coins and commemorative coins made of precious metals and copper-nickel alloy, as well as bimetallic coins and thematic sets. When describing coins, information about mints, circulations, metal fineness and weight of coins is indicated, their ...


Catalog-reference book "Konros". Coins of the RSFSR, USSR and Russia 1921-2012 (Edition December 31, 2011)

Release year: 2011
Genre: Numismatics
Publisher: Konros-Inform
Russian language
Number of pages: 42
Description: "Coins of the RSFSR, USSR and Russia 1921-2012" includes regular issues, trial coins, local issues, commemorative coins made of precious metals and copper-nickel alloy, as well as bimetallic coins and thematic sets. Gives information on mints, mintage, fineness and weight of coins. Contains market prices as well as a release plan for 2012.


Coins and banknotes of the world №1-4

Format: PDF (scanned pages)
Release year: 2013
Genre: Numismatics
Publisher: Hachette Collections
Russian language
Number of pages: 16
Scan by: Vitautus & Kali
Official site:
Description: Collect coins and banknotes from five continents, learn how to decipher their symbols and images in order to penetrate into the depths of the history of the peoples of the world. Collecting coins and banknotes is one of the most ancient hobbies. This pleasant pastime was first spread among emperors, monarchs and aristocrats, over time it turned into a public entertainment ...


Coins and banknotes of the world №№01-120

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Year of issue: 2013-2015
Genre: Numismatics
Publisher: Hachette collections
Russian language
Number of pages: 28
Description: Want to hold a bill from the reign of Saddam Hussein? or Afghan banknotes before the Taliban spread in the country? Admire the exoticism of Tanzanian coins, Zambian banknotes or unique Indian coins. The collection of coins and banknotes of the world invites you to look into the unknown corners of our planet and get acquainted with the amazing monetary units of the countries of the world. Scanning and processing: Vitautu...


The Complete Encyclopedia of World Tanks. 1915-2000 (Gennady Kholyavsky)

ISBN: 985-13-8603-0, Military History Library

Compiled by: Gennady Kholyavsky
Release year: 2006
Genre: Encyclopedia, military history
Publisher: Harvest. Minsk
Russian language
Number of pages: 601
Description: This book is a reference publication devoted to the problems of formation and development of world tank building. For the first time in one book, such extensive factual material is collected, including information about the history of creation, design features, combat use and evolution of almost all serial tanks produced in the world since 19 ...


warships of the world. Heavy cruisers of Italy (1927-1945) (Trubitsyn S. B.)

ISBN: 5-98830-002-2
Series: warships peace
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Trubitsyn S. B.
Release year: 2004
Genre: Military equipment
Publisher: ANO Eastflot
Russian language
Number of pages: 71
Description: The book is dedicated to the history of design, construction and combat service of Italian heavy cruisers. Italy was among the victorious powers of the First World War and took its rightful place at the peace conference at Versailles. In 1923, a program for the development of the Italian armed forces was developed. All Italian heavy cruisers were named after the cities received by ...


A new catalog of strong earthquakes on the territory of the USSR from ancient times to 1975 (Kondorskaya N.V., Shebalin N.V. (ed.))

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Kondorskaya N.V., Shebalin N.V. (ed.)
Released: 1977
Genre: History of earthquakes
Publisher: Nauka
Russian language
Number of pages: 536
Description: The catalog contains the most complete information about strong earthquakes in the USSR. When compiling, a new method of complex interpretation of data was applied, on the basis of which all the material of macroseismic and instrumental seismological observations was reworked. All data are presented in a unified form that provides direct coding and input into a computer for solving various seismological, seismo...


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Author: Collection
Release year: 2014
Genre: Historical prose
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Ternovsky Evgeniy
Duration: 16:43:41
Description: The book includes only reliable sources, not retellings based on rumors and conjectures. The purpose of this publication is to contribute to the complete clarification of the truth about the bloody events and the coup of 1801 (the assassination of Emperor Paul I). The book includes the most reliable and important testimonies of eyewitnesses of those events, both direct participants in the coup, and persons who were close to Emperor Paul, his family...


Russia in the XIX century (1801-1914) (Pushkarev S.G.)

ISBN: no
Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Pushkarev S.G.
Released: 1956
Genre: history
New York: Chekhov Publishing House
Russian language
Number of pages: 509
Description: The book "Russia in the 19th century (1801-1914)" by the outstanding Russian historian Sergei Germanovich Pushkarev was published by the American Chekhov Publishing House in 1956. “... in all areas of life - in the field of state building, social organization, economic activity and cultural creativity - Russia in the pre-war era quickly and successfully moved forward, getting rid of its backwardness and its shortcomings ...


All the gold in the world, or Vacation in Zurbagan (Leonid Ostretsov)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Leonid Ostretsov
Release year: 2014
Genre: Modern prose
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Irina Vorobieva
Duration: 15:46:47
Description: The exciting, dizzying plot of the novel develops in an amazing country, familiar to everyone from the books of Alexander Grin. There, in the intricacies storylines and turns, covering different countries and epochs, life plays a bizarre game with the destinies of heroes. This is the first book by the young author Leonid Ostretsov, and it promises success.
Add. information: Read from the edition: M. Vagrius, 2004
Cleaned up by: sky4all Processing...

but I

Jack Ryan Universe 05. All the Fears of the World (Clancy Tom)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Clancy Tom
Release year: 2013
Genre: Action novel
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Vyacheslav Gerasimov
Duration: 45:21:55
Description: An action-packed novel by the most popular American writer Tom Clancy, written in the form of a political detective story and dedicated to the struggle of the intelligence services of Washington and Moscow against international terrorism and terrorists' attempts to unleash a third world war. Jack Ryan Universe 1. Patriot Games 2. The Hunt for Red October 3. The Kremlin Cardinal 4. The Real Threat 5. All the Fears of the World 6. Without Pity 7. Before...


All about the most famous orders of the world. Reference Atlas (Sergey Afonkin)

ISBN: 978-5-9603-0085-8
Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Sergey Afonkin
Release year: 2008
Genre: Orders, medals, insignia
Russian language
Number of pages: 208
Description: The book tells about the famous orders of the world and, first of all, about the orders of Europe. The most detailed are the orders of Austria, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Sweden and Japan. Provides information about all the orders of Russia. The texts tell about the history of the creation of the order, its symbols, the number of degrees and the rules for awarding. At the same time, each such...


The role of the masses in the liberation war of 1648-1654. and the reunification of Ukraine with Russia (Yu.A. Pinchuk)

Format: DjVu, Scanned pages
Author: Pinchuk Yu.A.
Released: 1986
Genre: History
Publisher: Naukova Dumka
Russian language
Number of pages: 216 Scanning and processing: GPU3
Description: The monograph covers the Soviet historiography of the liberation war of 1648-1654. and the reunification of Ukraine with Russia. The decisive role of the masses in these events and the degree of study of this problem in the historical literature are revealed. The inconsistency and anti-science of the bourgeois-nationalist interpretations of the issues under consideration are shown. For researchers, teachers and students of history...

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