Where to exchange iron money for paper. How to exchange your change for paper bills at the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation

Many Russians who are already tired of “tons” of change in vases, on shelves, in pockets and purses, can use it quite rationally, but for this it is necessary to find out which coins are currently accepted at the bank for money.

Collectible old coins: can I sell?

Collecting old coins that have been preserved since Soviet times or owning unique specimens that were once used in everyday life in various countries is considered quite an interesting and informative hobby.

However, such a hobby can also bring material interest to its owner if you use your collectibles as a valuable asset. Many auctions and other significant events have the opportunity to put up valuable coins for sale, in addition, you can sell your masterpieces and buy new, more interesting ones in return.

In Russia, there are more than 25 billion coins of various denominations in circulation. Some Russians also keep old rare versions from the times of the USSR and the RSFSR, as well as the period of imperial Russia, the medieval or ancient period.

What rare and valuable coins exist in Russia?

You are probably interested in: what coins of modern Russia can now be profitably sold, for which collectors are ready to give a lot of money? As a rule, these are rare specimens, sometimes even defective ones.

A lot depends on the safety of the copy, its material of manufacture, denomination, as well as the mint. You need to carefully examine every coin that ended up in your wallet, because sometimes there can be a real treasure.

For information on which of them are now especially valued, read on this page or in the table below:

There are several ways to exchange them for real money.

  1. Banks accept all modern coins of any denomination, for example, when replenishing an account by a client. Anniversary copies are also accepted. To exchange for banknotes, you must submit an appropriate application to the bank.
  2. Sometimes banks buy coins as part of promotions, which can be found on their official websites or in branches. For example, Sberbank periodically buys rare valuables, including Russian commemorative or investment items, as well as those made of precious metals with inserts of precious stones from foreign mints. Read more on this page
  3. If you have previously purchased investment coins made of precious metal from Sberbank or another banking company, then you can sell it back to the same bank! To do this, you need to take a coin, your passport, and if the document on the sale of your "investment" has been preserved. At the same time, the price that the bank will give will depend on the material, sample and safety of the copy you brought.

Typically, financial institutions set a lower price than can be found on the numismatic market. The copy sold to the bank must be in perfect condition in the original packaging.

We repeat once again: only investment coins made of precious metals can be sold to the bank for money. Everything else can be carried to a pawnshop, to the market, or look for online auctions and numismatist sites.

Where can I sell Soviet coins?

USSR coins can be sold by contacting an antique shop or a pawnshop, banks do not accept them! The amount of money that can be bailed out depends on how rare they are. Unique coins in excellent condition have the opportunity to sell quite profitably.

Before going to an antique store, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with various catalogs on the Internet, where there are descriptions and an approximate cost. The study of such information will be needed in order to assess how objective the amount offered by the shop is.

The bank does not take old coins from the USSR period, including those made from precious metals or foreign ones, so you should expect special promotions in 2019 to exchange them for a certain amount.

Everyone at least once in his life asked himself the question of where to exchange a trifle for paper money. At first glance, the question is primitive and this should not be a particular problem, however, as soon as you meet it, it turns out that you have to look for ways, because in practice everything is not as simple as it seems. The solution to the issue depends on some factors, including the denomination of coins, if you can hand over “large” coins from 1 to 10 rubles to a store where they will be gladly accepted, then everything is much more complicated with a trifle. So, let's answer the question of where you can exchange change for banknotes in Moscow and other regions.

Realization of coins

The easiest way is to spend money. But there are some circumstances, for example, you have been saving change to make a purchase, and you do not want to spend it thoughtlessly. Although there is a way out here too - you can pay for a product or service with coins and banknotes of the Bank of Russia, regardless of their face value - this is a law that is regulated Federal Law No. 86 "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation". That is, in a store or other organizations you have refused to accept a change, then you can complain to the Central Bank.

Hotline number of the Bank of Russia for individuals 8 800 250-40-72.

Similarly, you can sell change in a bank. In simple words, you can hand over a trifle of 10 and 50 kopecks, 1,2,5 and 10 rubles as payment for services. For example, pay utility bills, pay off a loan, transfer funds to a bank card and carry out other settlement transactions. Federal Law No. 86 also applies to the activities of commercial banks, and they do not violate laws. Although if your case has become an exception, then you can also complain about the actions of an employee of a financial institution.

bank exchange

Another way to exchange change for banknotes in Moscow is to contact a commercial bank. It should be noted right away that the exchange operations of Bank of Russia coins for banknotes is not a mandatory operation, which means that the client does not have the right to demand its implementation. Why is that? All due to the fact that coins and banknotes are banknotes of the Bank of Russia, that is, a payment instrument, that is, it makes no sense to change them.

But, if you still want to make an exchange, then contact any commercial bank. Just check in advance whether the bank provides the service, insofar as the national currency exchange is not included in the range of banking services. But for a commission, you can do it.
Before you go to the bank you need to prepare. First, count all the coins and determine the total amount. Then spread the coins of different denominations into packages. Before visiting the bank, prepare your passport, otherwise, you will be denied the exchange. At the bank branch, you will need to write an application in which you indicate the details of your passport and the amount to be exchanged.

Please note that the counting of coins in the bank is carried out in two ways: by a specialized device or by weighing. In the first case, the coins are counted through the device, and in the second case, weighing on the scales and by the total weight of coins of the same denomination, you can determine their number and calculate the total amount.

The second method is less reliable because the weight of the coin during operation can change, and besides, coins of different years of issue have different weights. For example, 5 rubles of 1997 release weighs 6.45 grams, and 2016 - 6 grams. That is why you must know exactly the amount of coins that you want to exchange for banknotes.

Where can I exchange change for paper money in Moscow, or which bank is more reasonable to contact? In principle, to any commercial bank, for example, Sberbank. But it is also worth considering that most, but note, not all of them charge a commission.

Self-service devices

Here you have two options. The first of them is to use a specialized Sberbank ATM. The essence of the device is that it performs only one function, it is with the help of them that you can change a trifle for paper bills. The principle of its operation is as follows: you load coins into the receiver and receive paper money. True, such a device can only be found in Moscow, since they have not yet been installed in other regions, and in the capital you can meet the terminal at the address: Vavilov street, house 19. By the way, call the Sberbank hotline number, number 8 800 555-55-50, and check with the operator for the location of the terminals for exchanging coins for paper banknotes.

Sberbank self-service terminals

Please note that for the service through the terminal you will have to pay a commission of 3%, but not less than 50 rubles.

There is another option, but it is not connected with the exchange, but with the implementation of settlement operations. The fact is that the terminals of payment systems such as Eleksnet or Qiwi are equipped with a coin acceptor. You can call the device hotline to find out which of them accept coins for payment and use their services. And through the terminal, you can carry out various operations, for example, put money on your mobile phone account, pay for utility services, the Internet or a loan.

Other options

It is worth noting that you can find many options where you can hand over a change in Moscow. You can contact the store and offer an exchange, many of them will only be happy with the little things, which, as a rule, are not enough. But there is no point in contacting large chain stores, since they do not provide such services.

Besides, you can credit the change to the account of a debit bank card. To do this, you need to contact the branch of the bank that issued the card in order not to pay a commission, and through its cash desk to transfer to the account. The cashier-operator of the bank has no right not to accept money and take an additional commission for this. You should be extremely careful here, because in some banks you may be asked to pay an additional fee for crediting small things to your card account, but this is illegal, because cashiers charge a fee for counting coins, but counting money is their direct responsibility, and you pay service is not required. So, after crediting money to the card account, you can cash it out at an ATM without commission.

To summarize, if you want to exchange coins for banknotes, then it is wiser to contact any bank directly or credit them to a card, which will cost you less. If you just want to sell coins, then it is not necessary to exchange them for paper money, pay with them for goods and services.

Only in our big and "great" country exchange of coins for banknotes, exchange of coins or exchange of banknotes are significant problems for many people. Almost everyone has a whole arsenal of coins of small denomination at home. And who is not familiar with the situation when all family members, returning from work, from a store, or from school, unanimously get rid of an excessive amount of small denomination coins that have accumulated during the day in a wallet, shaking them out on a table, in a bedside table or in a piggy bank. Yes, and where else to put them! If you pay for travel in public transport with a handful of change - the conductor looks like a wolf, if you pay with a small denomination coin at the post office when paying for utilities - the whole line will look with longing at how the postal worker manually counts the coins, because they don’t have special devices, and in the store, a lot of small coins can also not be taken at once. Where, then, is it possible to exchange coins for banknotes, or exchange banknotes of large denominations for banknotes of smaller denominations and vice versa? Such services are mandatory provided by all banks in Russia, but only for a fee.

Rules for the exchange of coins for banknotes or the exchange of coins and banknotes

The direct responsibilities of banks include the mandatory provision of this type of service to both the population and enterprises. But how difficult and expensive it is to implement! And especially ordinary citizens. So, what is the procedure for exchanging or exchanging coins and banknotes in Russian banks, and what is the price?

In accordance with Article 5.8 of the Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of April 24, 2008 N 318-P "On the procedure for conducting cash transactions and the rules for storing, transporting and collecting banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia in credit organizations in the territory of the Russian Federation", cash is exchanged by a cashier bank on the basis of the client's application for the exchange of cash in any form in one copy.

The operation is carried out by the bank upon presentation by the client of an identity document. An application for the exchange or exchange of coins or banknotes is written to the address of a specific bank unit. And in the text of the application itself, drawn up in an arbitrary form, the following information is indicated:

  • The name of the organization or the surname and initials of an individual;

  • The date the application was made;

  • The total amount of cash in figures and words;

  • The amount of banknotes or coins of the Bank of Russia and the number of pieces to be exchanged, separately for each denomination;

  • At the end of the application, the client's signature is affixed.

Writing statements is not a problem, the problem is preparing cash for exchange or exchange ....
Coins and banknotes must be sorted by denomination, then recalculate the amount for each denomination - without this you will not fill out the application. No one will accept coins that are not sorted by value. So, when advising clients on the exchange of coins, Sberbank advises: “... before contacting the bank, sort the coins according to their value. In large divisions (not additional offices, but central offices in your district / city / region) there are machines for counting coins ... "Well, if there is no machine for counting in your branch of Sberbank - again a queue and again sidelong glances?

What year coins can be exchanged at the bank?

In accordance with the Instruction of the Bank of Russia dated December 26, 2006 No. 1778-U "On the signs of solvency
and the rules for the exchange of banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia "only banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia that are solvent and have the force of a legal means of cash payment on the territory of the Russian Federation are subject to exchange. If it is less and less clear with banknotes, then a reasonable question arises about coins - which years of issue can be exchanged at a bank? Or rather, coins of what years of issue are considered legal tender? Indeed, among the coins there are often coins that have long been withdrawn from circulation. So, the following coins of the Bank of Russia are solvent:

  • denomination of 1 kopeck - sample 1997
  • denomination of 5 kopecks - sample 1997
  • denomination of 10 kopecks - sample 1997
  • denomination of 50 kopecks - sample 1997
  • denomination of 1 ruble - sample 1997
  • denomination of 2 rubles - sample 1997
  • denomination of 5 rubles - sample 1997
  • denomination of 10 rubles - (combined) sample 1997
  • denomination of 10 rubles - sample 1997 (in circulation since 01.10.2009)

On the obverse of all solvent coins, below the line or under the figure of a snake, not the year of the sample, but the year of minting of the coin is indicated, and it can be any, starting from the sample specified by the Bank of Russia (from 1997 onwards .. 1998 .. 2004 .. 2009 ...). Consequently, all coins of any year of minting are subject to exchange, starting from the year of issue of the sample, i.e. from the year of the first issue of a coin of this denomination.

Paragraph 4 of the same Directive of the Bank of Russia (No. 1778-U dated December 26, 2006) states that the exchange of banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia that have the force of legal tender in the territory of the Russian Federation and do not contain signs of forgery, but are damaged , is made without limitation of the amount. And there is no charge for the exchange. Keep this in mind when contacting a bank with a request to exchange damaged coins or dilapidated banknotes.

Tariffs for the exchange of banknotes and coins in Russian banks

Well, now about the main problem of exchanging coins and banknotes through a bank. The exchange of coins for banknotes, the exchange of banknotes for banknotes of a different denomination and the exchange of coins (with the exception of damaged ones) - all this costs money, that is, this service is paid in banks. I agree, any service should be paid, but why is it so expensive! Yes, so that it would not be habitual for us, people from the street, to run to the bank and distract them with our worldly problems. Therefore, some banks, including Sberbank of Russia, have set such a minimum cost for the operation that it is cheaper and easier for them to "bury these coins as Pinocchio did." To prove my words, I will give the tariffs for the exchange of banknotes and coins of several Russian banks:

№№ BanksExchange servicePrice
1. North-Western Bank of Sberbank of Russia (for other territories, tariffs may differ from those given)Exchange of banknotes of the Bank of Russia for banknotes of a larger denomination2% of the amount, min 100 rubles. for the operation
1% of the amount, min 50 rub. for the operation
2. Bank24.ru1% of the amount, but not less than 200 rubles
3. CB "Gagarinsky" CJSCExchange (exchange) of banknotes for other banknotes0.5%, minimum 30 rubles.
Exchange of coins for banknotes1.5%, minimum 30 rubles.
Exchange of banknotes for coins1.5%, minimum 30 rubles.
4. Bank of MoscowExchange of banknotes of the Bank of Russia for banknotes of the Bank of Russia of another denomination1% of the amount, min 30 rub.
Exchange of coins of the Bank of Russia for banknotes of the Bank of Russia10% of the amount, min 200 rubles.
Exchange of banknotes (coins) of the Bank of Russia for a coin of the Bank of Russia of another denomination10% of the amount, min 200 rubles.
5. JSCIB OBRAZOVANIE (CJSC)Exchange of coins and banknotes of the Bank of Russia for coins or banknotes of the Bank of Russia of a larger or smaller denomination0.7% of the amount, minimum 40 rubles

And so I presented this picture. “They didn’t shake out” the little things in my family in the amount of, well, let’s say, 100 rubles, it will be hard not to bring it to the bank at a time anymore. I sort coins, write an application for the exchange of small things for banknotes and go to Sberbank. The exchange of coins for banknotes in the North-Western Bank of Sberbank of Russia costs, as you saw above, 1% of the amount, min 50 rubles per operation. Of the amount of 100 rubles, 1% will be 1 ruble, but I will pay the minimum amount, that is, 50 rubles. So, before my eyes, my funds decreased by 50%, and the cost of the bank's services also amounted to 50% of the exchanged amount. What if I brought my coins for exchange to the Bank of Moscow? Oh, according to their tariffs, the bank would take all the change I brought for exchange and I would still owe the bank 100 rubles. Cool, isn't it? So, some banks set such draconian tariffs in order to discourage us from exchanging coins for banknotes through banks. Now it’s clear why there are problems in shops and bazaars with sellers - it’s too expensive to buy a small change in a bank.

And there is one more problem with the exchange, which I mentioned above in a glimpse - "not to convey to the bank more at once - it will be hard." Just imagine such a situation. A man collected little things for 1 kopeck for 50.00 rubles. It will be a large bag with 5000 coins. One kopeck coin weighs 1.5 grams according to the data of the Bank of Russia. We multiply 5000 by 1.5 grams and get 7500 grams or 7.5 kg. Not everyone will carry such a weight, but if you take into account the exchange rates of banks, then they will not carry it.

But the exchange of banknotes of large denominations for banknotes of the Bank of Russia of smaller denominations in the tariffs, for example, of such a large bank of Russia as Sberbank, is not even registered, there is no such service in the bank. On my last visit to Sberbank, I happened to observe such a rare but interesting picture. A young woman withdrew a certain amount of money from her account through an ATM located right there in the bank hall. And the ATM gave her the entire amount in denominations of 5,000 rubles. After asking the queue for permission, the woman went to the cash register window and asked the cashier to exchange one large bill for smaller bills. And in response I heard: “You need to write an application and it will cost you 1% of the amount, i.e. 50 rubles". “So, just 2 minutes ago, how did I withdraw this amount from your ATM, and pay again?” the woman asked in surprise. She left without exchanging the banknote. Maybe it was a racket in a separate branch of Sberbank, I don't know. But something has become wrong in the actions of our bankers! Gone is humanity and rationality, or something, but it's a pity.

For information: Sberbank revised tariffs. Now the exchange of a coin of the Bank of Russia for banknotes of the Bank of Russia is free of charge, and the exchange of banknotes of the Bank of Russia for banknotes of a larger denomination costs - 1.5% of the amount, min 100 rubles. for the operation.

Small money in the form of coins tend to accumulate in wallets and pockets. Sooner or later, there is a desire to exchange them for banknotes, which are much more convenient to use. No one wants to carefully count coins when paying in stores and unnerve the queue. The best way out in such a situation is to hand over a trifle to Sberbank.

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Can they refuse to accept trifles

There is a provision according to which an employee of any bank branch must carry out the exchange of banknotes and small change at the request of the client. However, a banking institution charges a commission for carrying out exchange transactions, and their size in different branches may not match. Commissions are 1-3%, but cannot be less than 100 rubles. The commission can be paid separately or you can receive an amount reduced by the amount of the commission.

Bank employees are not always ready to change money. In order not to waste time in vain, it is advisable to contact the hotline in advance and find out where and when you can exchange change. Institutions located near restaurants and cafes are most willing to carry out this procedure, since such organizations often go to the bank to exchange large money for smaller ones, since they need change coins. If it is not possible to agree with an employee of a financial institution, you can try to change money at the nearest store.

What to do in case of refusal

In case of refusal to exchange coins for banknotes at Sberbank, the client has the right to submit a written one.

Employees of the institution may try to explain their refusal to exchange by “objective” circumstances:

  1. The illegality of the client's wishes.
  2. Lack of funds intended for such operations.
  3. Malfunction of the equipment for recalculation.

None of these reasons are legitimate or justified.

Important! To exchange a large amount, it is best to visit a banking institution at a time when there are the least number of customers.

The procedure for the exchange of metal banknotes

To exchange change for paper money at Sberbank, you must follow a certain procedure, especially if it concerns a large amount. You should act like this:

  1. Put the pennies separately according to the face value.
  2. Calculate the sums individually of them.
  3. Have your passport with you.
  4. Fill out a free-form application at the institution.
  5. In the document, list all denominations and amounts to be exchanged.

Next, the employee of the institution will recalculate and stamp the application, as well as sign it. After that, the corresponding amount of cash is issued. Counting can be done manually or using a special device. Such devices recognize banknote denominations and accurately count them.

Important! It is advisable to clarify in advance whether there is such a device in the nearest bank branch. Its presence allows you to avoid mistakes when exchanging coins for banknotes at Sberbank. In addition, in branches with such equipment, they are less likely to refuse to carry out exchange transactions.

There is a limit for the exchange of small things in Sberbank. If the little things have accumulated less than 100 rubles, the employee will legally refuse to carry out the operation.

Terminal usage

It has become easier to exchange small change at Sberbank for banknotes with the advent of terminals. They are installed in the branches of the credit and financial structure as part of the improvement of service. True, so far it is not possible to use such a technological method everywhere.

The machine works as follows:

  1. The user pours coins into a special receiving compartment.
  2. The equipment classifies and counts them.
  3. The screen displays the final value and size of the commission, as well as the amount to be issued.
  4. The client is given banknotes for the required amount.

It is easy and convenient to use such equipment for exchanging small things for banknotes at Sberbank. Its use significantly reduces the number of claims and complaints in the branches of the organization. In this case, customers can be sure that they will accept metal banknotes.

Important! The commission for the exchange through the terminal is 3%. Machines do not change banknotes in the amount of less than 100 rubles.

Exchange alternatives

Despite the fact that in the Russian territory, metal money of any denomination is considered a full-fledged means of payment, banks refuse to make an exchange. In such cases, filing a complaint will not be the only way to hand over a change at Sberbank. The client has the opportunity:

  1. Deposit a certain amount into an existing account in change.
  2. Use metal banknotes to replenish the card.
  3. Pay off the monthly loan amount.
  4. Buy currency.
  5. Purchase lottery tickets at the bank's cash desks.
  6. Open and deposit funds in small change to a card account.

In the latter case, we are talking about free plastic, which is issued immediately upon contact. The whole procedure takes very little time. You can also withdraw money from the card as soon as possible at any ATM. And the card itself can be used for its intended purpose for making cashless payments.

In the bank, you can make any payments with coins. It is not forbidden to pay traffic police fines, utilities or other services with such banknotes. In this case, there can be no refusal to accept money. If there are problems in this regard, you need to contact the support service. Such actions are regarded as a violation of the internal regulations of the financial institution.

Special Promotions

The management of the financial institution is aware of the problems that customers have when they want to exchange coins for banknotes at Sberbank. Large-scale promotions are periodically held to encourage citizens to surrender coins. People who hand over a change for a set amount are given paper bills, and sometimes commemorative commemorative coins.

The reason for doing this is very simple. The Central Bank is interested in returning metal banknotes to circulation, since their shortage is regularly observed in the financial market. As a result, the regulator is forced to order new batches of coins, and this is not cheap. That is why the Central Bank is beneficial if people change coins for banknotes.

Today, every citizen has the opportunity to exchange coins for banknotes at Sberbank. In order to simplify your task and not face a refusal, it is better to clarify in advance the rules for accepting metallic money by cashiers of a certain branch. It is important to remember about the presence of commissions. If the question concerns a small amount, the exchange will be unprofitable for the owner of banknotes.

The easiest way to exchange is to use automatic terminals. The main difficulty lies in the fact that they are not installed in every branch, moreover, a 3% commission is charged for the exchange.

Where can I deposit coins?

Where can I deposit coins?

What to do with pennies?

Currently, there are coins of the following denominations in cash circulation: 1 kopeck, 5 kopecks, 10 kopecks, 50 kopecks, 1 ruble, 2 rubles, 5 rubles, 10 rubles and 25 rubles. All of them are solvent, but among them there are little-claimed coins of the Bank of Russia - these are coins with a face value of 1 kopeck, 5 kopecks and 10 kopecks.

Many of us do not see the point in carrying handfuls of accumulated coins with us, so they pour this worthless small things into various vases, jars, baskets, caskets ... In the end, all these containers are filled with kilograms of "money" and the question involuntarily arises - where to put the penny coins denomination?

In this article we will tell you how to hand over the accumulated change.

Which banks accept small coins?

Coins of any solvent denomination and any year of minting, which is indicated on the front side of any coin (obverse), must be accepted at any Russian bank, including our beloved Sberbank. In exchange for kopecks in the bank, we are obliged to issue coins of a larger denomination or paper bills.

In accordance with Article 5.8 of the Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of April 24, 2008 " On the procedure for conducting cash transactions and the rules for the storage, transportation and collection of banknotes and coins of the Central Bank in credit institutions in Russia» the exchange of cash by cashiers of banks is carried out upon a written application of the client, which is drawn up in any form in a single copy, and upon presentation by the client of a passport or other identification document.

Yes, it's really not as simple as one might imagine. The application, although it is written in free form, according to the same Regulation of the Central Bank, it must contain the following information:

  • Full name of the individual who applied to the bank;
  • the date of the application;
  • the total amount of cash to be exchanged (required to be spelled out in words);
  • detailed decoding of coins by face value (1 kopeck - 234 pieces, 5 kopecks - 482 pieces, etc.).

By the way, before you go to the bank, take the trouble to sort the coins by value. It is unlikely that the cashier will want to do this work for you.

Can all banks exchange change for paper money?

Many complain that in practice it is not always possible to hand over a large number of small coins to the bank. The cashier replies with a smile that she would gladly accept the coins, but literally 5 minutes ago the calculating machine broke down in the bank and it is not known now when it will be repaired. To the question " where to donate coins? The bank employee just shrugged his shoulders.

You can return coins in the Russian Post

The branches of the Russian Post still work with kopecks every day, accepting correspondence for sending, handing over change. Therefore, sorted coins are accepted there quite willingly. In addition, in any department there are high-precision scales that help determine the number of coins in an instant, because each coin has its own standard weight.

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