Sberbank has opened a boutique of precious coins and bullion. About coins made of precious metals Coin boutique tverskaya 22

Sberbank gift coins are made from precious metals, so they will always be quoted on the market and have the potential for price growth. By purchasing such coins, you can subsequently sell them to Sberbank or collectors and get much more money than they gave when buying. And, of course, gift coins will become a really expensive and memorable gift to a close friend or relative.

We have collected information for those wishing to buy coins at Sberbank about prices from the catalog published on the official website of the bank. You can check it out below.

What gift coins of Sberbank of Russia are currently produced: catalog, prices

Coins made of precious metals in the Sberbank catalog can be conditionally divided into two types:

  • Collectible or commemorative coins having a high price in the Sberbank catalog. They have complex chasing, may contain inclusions of precious stones, and other design features. This allows them rise in price because they are always in demand by collectors.
  • Actually investment coins Sberbank: their price today is most close to market, since they are produced in thousands of copies and have a simpler design.

Let's take as an example some investment coins from the Sberbank catalog with prices in 2018.

Investment coins series "George the Victorious" can be bought at Sberbank for 2,250 rubles (silver), 26,960 or 29,900 rubles (gold).

The price of a gold investment coin George the Victorious in Sberbank reaches almost 30,000 rubles

The Sberbank catalog contains coins from the series "Zodiac signs". Depending on the issuing country, their price is as follows: silver- from 1.390 to 5.490 rubles, gold- from 10.490 to 27.990 rubles.

An example of coins from the "Signs of the Zodiac" series from the Sberbank catalog (silver). Released in Macedonia and cost 5.490 rubles

Our attention was drawn to these 1000 shilling gold coins, issued in Tanzania in 2017 and reflecting the evolution of the calendar from Julian to Gregorian. The price of this set of two coins is 19.900 rubles.

Two coins of the "Calendar Evolution" series (Tanzania)

Is it possible to buy commemorative or investment coins at Sberbank?

Yes, you can. Sale is carried out directly in bank branches- call the nearest office to find out if they have coins.

According to the catalog on the Sberbank website, you can buy coins in Moscow in a specialized store at st. Tverskoy, 22(open Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 19:30 and Saturday from 09:00 to 17:00). But only coins made of precious metals are sold there.

Can I buy Sochi 2014 coins at Sberbank?

Alas, now these coins are not in the catalog. You can buy them only on numismatic sites or portals for the sale of gold.

Gold coins Sochi 2014 Sberbank: the price for them fluctuates within 18.500 - 23.500 rubles, for individual items (such as Sochi Zayka or Sochi Mishka with 15.55 g of pure gold of 0.999 fineness) they ask up to 41.500 rubles.

Coin of the series "Sochi Bunny"

25 rubles Sochi Sberbank had several issues:
  • 2011. Coins depicting the Rosa Khutor complex: 9.75 million silver (approx. 80 rubles) and 250,000 color prints ( up to 1.000 rubles).

Coin of Sochi 2014, popularly called "Sochi Mountains"

  • year 2012. Talisman coins: 10.000.000 regular mint (approx. 50 rubles) and 250,000 colored coins (approx. 800 rubles).

Sochi 2014 coin with talismans

  • year 2013. A coin with the image of a torch, where the Olympic flame and the outlines of the torch itself are highlighted in red-orange hues. They stand now no more than 500 rubles per copy.

Coin Sochi 2014 with the image of a torch

What coins can be sold at Sberbank of Russia: catalog, prices

The price of gold and silver investment coins in Sberbank in 2018

On a permanent basis, Sberbank accepts only coins made of silver and gold; the price of purchased second-hand coins is usually two times lower than that of their counterparts sold in a bank. An important condition: your products must be of excellent quality.

For silver coins they give mainly from 600 to 40.000 rubles. For example, in Sberbank your coin of 3 rubles (silver) will be valued at an amount from 900 to 15,000 rubles.

The 3-ruble Coin "Russian Ballet" of 1993 will be accepted at Sberbank for 1,300 rubles

In Sberbank, gold coins according to the price catalog are accepted mainly from 2.000 to 400.000 rubles. So, a 50-ruble coin of 2000 with A. V. Suvorov (7.78 grams of pure gold) will be accepted by the bank for 50,000 rubles.

Gold coin series "Suvorov"

Acceptance of old commemorative coins at Sberbank of Russia

The reader, of course, remembers that in the 2000s, commemorative coins issued as part of the series “Ancient Cities of Russia”, “200th Anniversary of the Birth of A. S. Pushkin”, “Russian Federation”, “200th Anniversary of Russia's Victories in the Patriotic War of 1812" and others like them. Some of them are valuable for collectors.

An ordinary Russian may wonder: does Sberbank accept commemorative coins? We answer: sometimes yes, the bank announces the purchase of rare Russian coins, including commemorative ones. Buying continues few weeks(until Sberbank acquires the required amount), after which the action is curtailed until a new announcement. Before visiting a bank branch, call to find out if the buying is ongoing and if there is a specialist in this office who can assess the value of your coins.

Usually, the purchase of commemorative coins in Sberbank is limited to coins for 1 0 rubles with Yuri Gagarin 2003 release. With the image of an astronaut, coins with a two-ruble denomination of the same year are also accepted.

A ten-ruble commemorative coin with Gagarin often falls into the lists of coins bought by Sberbank

Sberbank also sometimes buys a coin 5 rubles 2003 with emblem Petersburg Mint.

A rare coin of 5 rubles in 2003 with the emblem of the St. Petersburg Mint. For it they can give from 3,000 to 6,000 rubles

Is there a reception of USSR coins in Sberbank?

Yes, but only if it precious metal coins. There are few such catalogs of buying coins by Sberbank. An example is the 1980 chervonets (known as the "Sower"), for which the bank will give 20,000 rubles.

The famous "Sower" of 1980

Ahead of the new year, and on the eve of this holiday, we are wondering what to give our loved ones, relatives and friends. We rush from store to store, trying to find the right gift and spending a lot of time on it.

Sberbank has already decided on a gift and offers you to choose coins and bars as a gift. Why coins and bars - because it's better than just a gift.

To visually see and choose the necessary gift, a special boutique of Sberbank was opened. This is the first boutique of precious coins and bars.

There you will find coins on various topics, and you can pick up for any occasion. The variety of goods is so great that even with a small budget you can choose the right coin for yourself. Art and religion, history and sports, horoscopes and architecture - this is not all that is in this boutique.

In addition to all this, you can purchase investment coins and precious gold and silver bars.

Assistance in the selection of goods will be provided to you by consultants who are ready to answer any of your questions. There are also coin catalogs, the latest demonstration equipment to simplify the selection of goods.

The boutique operates according to the following schedule:

  • Monday - Friday from 08:30 to 19:30
  • Saturday from 09:00 to 17:00,
  • Sunday is a day off

Store Address: Moscow, st. Tverskaya, 22

  • lucky gift
  • Memorable souvenir
  • Investment instrument
  • Collectible

Why are coins so popular?

  • Advanced Manufacturing Technology
  • original design
  • Wide thematic selection
  • New items every week
  • exclusivity
  • Memory for the ages

Coin offer from Sberbank of Russia:

Coins made of precious metals can be a good gift, souvenir, collector's item, as well as an investment tool.

Sberbank of Russia offers its customers a wide range of commemorative and investment coins.

  • the best world samples of coins from the Bank of Russia and 30 leading foreign manufacturers.
  • meeting the ever-increasing customer demand for precious metal coins.
  • constant expansion of the range.
  • availability of coins throughout the Russian Federation from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. Operations with coins are carried out by more than 800 internal structural divisions of the bank
  • the opportunity to sell investment and commemorative coins to Sberbank, for which purchase prices are set in the Bank's branches
  • an opportunity for the client to purchase a relatively new investment product with the potential for price growth

Information about the availability of coins and prices in your region can be found in the branches of the bank and in the "Important" section on the Coins from precious metals page.

Since November 2016, Sberbank has started selling coins made of precious metals in satisfactory condition at reduced prices.

The line of coins includes both coins with minor technological defects due to a long period of circulation or storage (scratches, traces of oxidation, damage to the outer or inner packaging), and coins that do not have a certificate of the manufacturing plant, which does not reduce their attractiveness as a commemorative coin. a gift or an exhibit of your own collection.

Purchasing coins at discounted prices gives you a unique opportunity to become a member of the precious metal coin market and choose the product that best suits your preferences.

The prices for coins of a satisfactory condition sold by Sberbank PJSC can be found in the “Useful to know” section on the page of coins made of precious metals.

Authorized points of sale for coins of satisfactory condition can be found in the "Important" section on the page of coins made of precious metals.

Dear Customer!

All of us very often have to make gifts - for relatives and friends, colleagues and partners. Therefore, we are pleased to invite you to visit the first boutique of Sberbank's precious coins - a place where you can choose a gift for any occasion!

Art and religion, history and sports, horoscopes and architecture - here you will find coins of various subjects from around the world for any budget.

Additionally, you can buy investment coins, as well as gold and silver bars.

At your service are the most complete and up-to-date catalogs of coins, modern demonstration equipment, as well as consultants who will assist in choosing and answer questions.


Monday-Friday from 09:00 to 20:00.
Saturday from 10:00 to 18:00

Phone details:
8 916 690 05 72, 495 500 55 50 and 8 800 555 55 50


Your Sberbank

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