Outdoor games middle school age. Outdoor games at school indoors and outdoors for children of primary, secondary and senior classes

In children 7-9 years old, subject-figurative thinking prevails: they are prone to dramatization, reproducing in movements what they hear, see, observe. Many games of children 7-9 years old are based on direct imitation of phenomena, actions from the surrounding life. But the idea, the themes of these games, in comparison with the games of preschoolers, become richer. The characters acting in the games are endowed with additional morals and traits noticed by children.

The level of development of the speech of young schoolchildren allows them together, in a certain rhythm, coordinating words with movements, to pronounce recitatives that are required in many games ("October", etc.), which gives children great pleasure.

The natural memory abilities of children of this age are quite large. But children are better at capturing what is interesting. For example, they remember well the successful techniques of movements from a certain game situation and creatively reproduce these techniques in similar situations; retain in memory visual-figurative explanations of the game by the teacher, recitatives, as well as the rules of the games they have learned to play. Children capture emotional experiences for a long time when performing successful and unsuccessful play actions.

In children aged 7-9 years, the bone-ligamentous apparatus is plastic and flexible. It is easily pliable to deformations under the influence of one-sided load and large muscle tensions, as well as long-term static body positions. The muscles are relatively weak, in particular, this applies to the muscles of the back and abdominals.

The age characteristics of young schoolchildren do not allow the use of games with carrying, transferring, throwing heavy objects (stuffed balls) and dragging. Games associated with monotonous movements and long-term preservation of static body positions are not recommended at this age.

In children 7-9 years old, the ability to respond to various external stimuli improves. At the same time, the ability to quickly move the body in space is formed more slowly. Therefore, outdoor games are more accessible to them, requiring not so much the extremely fast movement of the body in space ("Fleet-legged team"), but the speed of performing individual (single) movements and motor reactions: a game with a quick ball passing ("Ball Race"), with additional tasks to sudden stops, resumption and change of direction of movement ("Salki").

Outdoor games for children of middle school age

Children 10-11 years old develop the ability to abstract thinking, conscious control over movements. The further development of children's speech allows them to better navigate in more complex outdoor games. Children themselves agree on how they will play, coordinately distribute roles among themselves, with great analysis make up teams that are approximately equal in strength; jointly establish a plan of action, exchange comments; discuss the game, share their impressions ("The ball to the captain", "Fight for the ball").

The perception of children 10-11 years old is gradually improving. Children are already able to understand the main tasks of play actions, to subordinate secondary tasks to them.

Along with the involuntary memorization of interesting things in games, with memorization by association, 10-11-year-old schoolchildren should already perform conscious, volitional work on memorization. For example ("Passing balls in columns").

For children 10-11 years old, there are outdoor games that create conditions for the manifestation of quick responses and at the same time help to improve the ability to overcome short distances in the shortest possible time (relay race along an obstacle course, etc.).

Outdoor games for teenagers

The thinking and speech of children aged 12-14 is becoming more mature. Teenagers' games that are complex in content and form (for example, "The ball to the captain") require the prudent application of a number of previously acquired motor skills and abilities in new combinations and combinations, with greater complexity of game situations.

The development of memory in adolescents allows them to memorize numerous game rules, memorize the most appropriate game techniques and actions.

The muscular system continues to develop, but still lags behind the overall growth of the body. The relative mass of muscles and their strength increases. Muscles gradually adapt to moderate static loads, to significant, but short-lived stresses.

For teenage girls, almost the same outdoor games are suitable as for boys. However, girls are inferior to boys of the same age in games that require quick movements, great exertion of strength, and relatively long intensive active actions.

Outdoor games for boys and girls

Outdoor games at senior school age help healthy meaningful rest, strengthen the physical strength of those involved. With pedagogically justified application, they contribute to the development of purposeful perception, consistency and logic of judgments, liveliness of imagination in 15-17 year old schoolchildren, help the manifestation of volitional motor activity, interest in sports.

By the age of 15-17, boys and girls have significant experience in participating in a variety of outdoor games.

On the lessons physical education the use of some outdoor games is indicated by the program as auxiliary exercises: when studying throwing in athletics, volleyball, basketball.


Movable group games for children not only improve health and develop the child's body, but also give the skill of collective interaction. The older the children, the more difficult the rules of the game and this is no coincidence. In the game, the child gradually learns to accept and follow the agreed or established rules and norms of behavior.

Pull in a circle

This is a collective game, the optimal number of participants is 6-8 people. They stand in a circle and hold hands. A circle with a diameter of about 1 meter is drawn in front of the toes of their feet. Inside this circle, a smaller circle is drawn, so that there is a distance of 50-40 cm between the first and second circles. These 50-40 cm are the forbidden zone. Players walk left or right holding hands. At the command of the host "Pull!", Each player tries to pull his neighbor, located to the right or left of him, beyond the line of the large circle. However, he himself can be at any moment beyond this line, therefore, escaping, the player can step over the restricted area and find himself inside a small circle - on the "saving island". A player who enters at least one foot into the space between the large and small circle is out of the game. The same fate befell those players who unhook their hands. When there are fewer players and they cannot surround the line of the large circle, everyone stands in front of the line of the small circle and the game continues. There is no longer a "saving island" here, and everyone who crosses the line is out of the game. In the future, you can complicate the game by putting pins instead of the drawn restricted area, in this case the task is not to knock down the pins.

twelve sticks

This is a complicated game of hide and seek. First choose the driver. He takes a stone and puts a small board on it. It turns out a throwing device resembling a catapult. At one end of the board, 12 sticks are placed the size of a short but thick pencil. When everything is ready, one of the players with a strong foot steps on the free end of the flip board. The sticks scatter and everyone runs to hide. The driver collects the sticks and puts them in their original place, after which he goes in search of players. If the driver has noticed one of the hiding people, he runs to the board, touches it with his hand and loudly pronounces the name of the discovered player, after which he leaves the shelter. The driver continues to search. If during the search one of the players managed to run up to the board, ahead of the driver and break the sticks, then the driver starts collecting them again, and the rest hide. If the driver has found all the players, the game is over and with the help of a rhyme a new driver is selected to continue the game.

Defense of the fortress or We train the goalkeeper.

Players stand in a circle at arm's length from each other, draw a circle in front of their toes. In its middle is placed a tripod of sticks tied at the top. This is a "fortress". One of the players goes to the middle of the circle to protect the "fortress". On a signal from the leader, the players begin to throw the ball between themselves and, seizing the moment, throw it into the tripod. The driver protects the "fortress" by hitting the ball. He moves freely in a circle. If the ball hit the tripod and moved, but did not knock down, the game continues. The driver can again put him in the middle of the circle. if the "strength" fell, i.e. the tripod fell, the one who did it goes into a circle and becomes the "defender of the fortress." If throwing the ball, the player stepped over the line, this throw is not considered. The game can be complicated by placing 4-5 pins instead of a tripod, in which case the game is considered over when all the pins have fallen, while the "fortress defender" has no right to raise and put the pins back.

Second extra vice versa

Choose two leaders. The participant stands in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. One of the drivers runs away, the other catches up with him. Running around the circle is prohibited. When the evader is in danger, he can stand in front of any player standing in the circle. The one who is behind is considered to be the driver and begins to pursue the player who has just been in the role of a catch-up. The chasing player needs to be especially careful, as at any moment he can play the role of killer. screaming.

Double burners with ball

On the site, you need to draw two parallel lines at a distance of 30-40 steps from each other. Two leaders are chosen by lot. The rest of the participants make up two teams, and breaking up in pairs, stand behind the line on opposite sides of the site.

Drivers have one ball in their hands, they occupy the center of the site. On a signal, each of them throws his ball up twice and catches it. As soon as the balls are thrown for the first time, the first couples in the columns separate their hands and run towards each other. The task of the players of each team is to connect in new pairs with the players running towards them. Drivers try to interfere with them and try to knock out (stain) them with the ball. If the players managed to meet and they were not tarnished, then they form new pairs. If two players are knocked out, they become the leaders. In this game, two teams do not compete, but rather unite to achieve a common goal. The winners are those who have not been tarnished during the game.

Methodical collection "Games for primary school students"

Physical education teacher - Sazonov Alexey Sergeevich
School - MBOU lyceum No. 26, Shakhty, Rostov region

Collection of outdoor games for children of primary school age.

INTRODUCTION This collection includes outdoor games that can be used in sports activities and while walking in kindergarten, at physical culture lessons in primary school, as well as in the preparation of various scenarios sports holidays in the form of competitions and relay races. In the first part of the collection you can find games of any orientation, both for the hall and for the sports ground. Many games can be included in the calendar-thematic planning as outdoor games in cross-country training, track and field training, gymnastics and when planning the variable part of the work program.
The second part of the collection presents only those games that were included in my calendar-thematic planning for physical education for grades 1-4 (3 hours).


grandpa horn
By purpose and character, it is a kind of game "Trap".
Two lines are drawn on the playground at a distance of 10-15 m. A circle with a diameter of 1-1.5 m is drawn between them in the middle to the side.
From among the players, a leader is chosen (“fifteen”), but he is called “grandfather-horn”. He takes his place in the circle. The rest of the players are divided into two teams and stand in their houses behind both lines.
The driver loudly asks: “Who is afraid of me?”
Playing children answer him in chorus: “No one!”
Immediately after these words, they run from one house to another across the playing field, saying:
Eat a pie with peas!
Eat a pie with peas!”
The driver runs out of his house and tries to “spot” (touch with his hand) the running players. The one whom the driver "tarnishes" goes with him to his house-circle.

Don't drop the ball
Purpose of the game: learning in a playful way to jump and run, agility and coordination of movements.
On the playground, two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 4-6 m (depending on the age of the children playing).
Playing children are divided into 3-4 teams with an equal number of participants. Teams line up in a column at the first line at a distance of 1.5 m from each other. Everyone standing first receives the ball and pinches it between the legs.

Free place
The purpose of the game: the development of speed qualities, dexterity, attention.
A leader is chosen from among the players. The rest of the children stand in a circle, also outlining a small circle (40 cm in diameter) around their legs. The driver runs up to one of those standing and touches him with his hand. After that, the driver runs in one direction, and the player in the other. Each of them tends to go around the circle faster and take the vacant place. The remaining of the two without a place becomes the driver, and the game continues.






Department of Correctional Pedagogy


Completed: student 44 groups

Semenko A.N.


Kuzmina L.A.

Novosibirsk 2011


The physical education of the younger generation is an integral part of communist education. It is carried out in unity with moral, mental and aesthetic education, because the goal of public education is to prepare comprehensively developed builders of communist society, physically healthy, capable of successfully working in various fields.

Main tasks physical education at school are health promotion, promotion of proper development, teaching students vital motor skills, education of physical, volitional and moral qualities.

Outdoor games are one of the effective means of versatile physical education of the younger generation, an indispensable companion of happy children. Junior and middle school age is the most favorable time for the inclusion of outdoor games in the process of education.

As the student develops, the content of outdoor games becomes richer, the games acquire more and more options, the increasingly complex conditions for the interaction of the players begin to gradually approach the requirements characteristic of sports games.

In secondary school, playing games contributes to solving educational and health problems, preparing students for passing the standards of the TRP complex. In children's and youth sports schools, outdoor games are one of the means of general physical training, they contribute to the technical and tactical training of young athletes. Much attention is paid to outdoor games during the winter and summer holidays of students, in the practice of special medical, cultural and educational institutions.

mobile game child sex age


Mobile is a game built on movements. The target setting and activities of the players are determined by the plot (concept, theme) of this game. The rules specify the rights and obligations of the participants, determine the ways of maintaining and recording the results of the game. Outdoor games are characterized by independent, creative motor actions (with or without objects) performed within the rules.

The plot, rules and motor actions make up the content of an outdoor game. The content of the game determines its form, i.e. such an organization of the actions of the participants, which provides an opportunity for a wide choice of ways to achieve the goal, satisfaction with the very process of the game.

The "game method" involves not only any specific outdoor games, but also the use of the methodological features of the game in any physical exercise. They attract trainees with their emotionality, accessibility, diversity and competitive nature, help in the main correctly, but in a lighter form, to perform the elements of the studied techniques and tactical actions and at the same time contribute to the development of physical qualities.

Thus, under the concept game method"We mean the pedagogically purposeful use of the game in physical exercises to solve the problems of the comprehensive physical education of those involved.


Ya.A. Comenius -highly appreciated the role of games "consisting in motion" for solving health-improving, educational and educational tasks.

Emphasizing the great importance of the correct management of games by the elders, J.A. Komensky said that, subject to the necessary conditions, the game should become "a serious matter, i.e. either the development of health, or rest for the mind.

K. D. Ushinsky - XIX century.He attached great importance to the game as a means of education. He considered the child's play as the child's reality with his actions and experiences. He emphasized that this reality is more interesting to the child than the life around him, because it is more understandable to him. In the game, the child gets acquainted with everything around him, tries his hand and independently disposes of objects, while in reality he still does not have any independent activity. According to Ushinsky, games do not pass without a trace for the future life of the child and to a certain extent contribute to the formation of his personality. Games have a significant impact on the development of children's imagination, especially at preschool age.

P. S. Lesgaft.He considered games as one of the effective means of physical education and upbringing. P. S. Lesgaft paid a lot of attention to games in physical education classes: in the elementary grades, he devoted half a lesson to games, and in the middle grades, a third of the lesson. He believed that outdoor games are of great educational and educational importance, that they are a more complex action than individual gymnastic exercises.

V. G. Marts.He strove to ensure that outdoor games as a valuable means of physical and moral education were introduced into schools and kindergartens. Martz considered outdoor games as a means of physical and moral education of children, he developed a method for managing games, and believed that the success of a game largely depends on leadership.

V. G. Martz organically connected the mobile game with sports. He considers the most uncomplicated outdoor game the first step of the ladder along which the child has to climb to the very top - to a sports game.

A. S. Makarenko.In his opinion, games are a means of preparing a child for life, a transitional stage for work. In games, children are brought up activity, initiative, a sense of collectivism. But not every game has an educational value, but only one that is active.


It is important to provide for some differences in the content and form of outdoor games for children of different age groups, as well as skillfully select them, based on specific conditions. In the hands of a teacher, they can become an excellent means of improving the processes of growth, morphological and functional development of the body, helping to increase the level of general physical fitness of those involved, etc.

Outdoor games for children of primary school age

In children 7-9 years old, subject-figurative thinking prevails: they are prone to dramatization, reproducing in movements what they hear, see, observe. Many games of children 7-9 years old are based on direct imitation of phenomena, actions from the surrounding life. But the idea, the themes of these games, in comparison with the games of preschoolers, become richer. The characters acting in the games are endowed with additional morals and traits noticed by children.

The level of development of the speech of young schoolchildren allows them together, in a certain rhythm, coordinating words with movements, to pronounce recitatives that are required in many games ("October", etc.), which gives children great pleasure.

The natural memory abilities of children of this age are quite large. But children are better at capturing what is interesting. For example, they remember well the successful techniques of movements from a certain game situation and creatively reproduce these techniques in similar situations; retain in memory visual-figurative explanations of the game by the teacher, recitatives, as well as the rules of the games they have learned to play. Children capture emotional experiences for a long time when performing successful and unsuccessful play actions.

In children aged 7-9 years, the bone-ligamentous apparatus is plastic and flexible. It is easily pliable to deformations under the influence of one-sided load and large muscle tensions, as well as long-term static body positions. The muscles are relatively weak, in particular, this applies to the muscles of the back and abdominals.

The age characteristics of young schoolchildren do not allow the use of games with carrying, transferring, throwing heavy objects (stuffed balls) and dragging. Games associated with monotonous movements and long-term preservation of static body positions are not recommended at this age.

In children 7-9 years old, the ability to respond to various external stimuli improves. At the same time, the ability to quickly move the body in space is formed more slowly. Therefore, outdoor games are more accessible to them, requiring not so much the extremely fast movement of the body in space ("Fleet-legged team"), but the speed of performing individual (single) movements and motor reactions: a game with a quick ball passing ("Ball Race"), with additional tasks to sudden stops, resumption and change of direction of movement ("Salki").

Outdoor games for children of middle school age

Children 10-11 years old develop the ability to abstract thinking, conscious control over movements. The further development of children's speech allows them to better navigate in more complex outdoor games. Children themselves agree on how they will play, coordinately distribute roles among themselves, with great analysis make up teams that are approximately equal in strength; jointly establish a plan of action, exchange comments; discuss the game, share their impressions ("The ball to the captain", "Fight for the ball").

The perception of children 10-11 years old is gradually improving. Children are already able to understand the main tasks of play actions, to subordinate secondary tasks to them.

Along with the involuntary memorization of interesting things in games, with memorization by association, 10-11-year-old schoolchildren should already perform conscious, volitional work on memorization. For example ("Passing balls in columns").

For children 10-11 years old, there are outdoor games that create conditions for the manifestation of quick responses and at the same time help to improve the ability to overcome short distances in the shortest possible time (relay race along an obstacle course, etc.).

Outdoor games for teenagers

The thinking and speech of children aged 12-14 is becoming more mature. Teenagers' games that are complex in content and form (for example, "The ball to the captain") require the prudent application of a number of previously acquired motor skills and abilities in new combinations and combinations, with greater complexity of game situations.

The development of memory in adolescents allows them to memorize numerous game rules, memorize the most appropriate game techniques and actions.

The muscular system continues to develop, but still lags behind the overall growth of the body. The relative mass of muscles and their strength increases. Muscles gradually adapt to moderate static loads, to significant, but short-lived stresses.

For teenage girls, almost the same outdoor games are suitable as for boys. However, girls are inferior to boys of the same age in games that require quick movements, great exertion of strength, and relatively long intensive active actions.

Outdoor games for boys and girls

Outdoor games at senior school age help healthy meaningful rest, strengthen the physical strength of those involved. With pedagogically justified application, they contribute to the development of purposeful perception, consistency and logic of judgments, liveliness of imagination in 15-17 year old schoolchildren, help the manifestation of volitional motor activity, interest in sports.

By the age of 15-17, boys and girls have significant experience in participating in a variety of outdoor games.

At physical education lessons, the use of some outdoor games is indicated by the program as auxiliary exercises: when studying throwing in athletics, volleyball, and basketball.


Game selection

The choice of game, first of all, depends on the task set before the lesson. Determining it, the leader takes into account the age characteristics of children, their development, physical fitness, the number of children and the conditions for the game.

From 3 to 300 people can participate in outdoor games.

When choosing a game, it is necessary to take into account the form of classes (lesson, recess, group lesson, holiday, walk). If the lesson and the break time is limited, then the time of the walk is not limited; the tasks and content of the games at recess are different than in the lesson; at the festival are mainly used mass games in which children of different ages and backgrounds can take part.

The choice of game directly depends on the place of its holding. In a small hall or corridor, games are played with a linear construction, games in which they participate in turn. During walks and excursions outside the city, games on the ground are used.

When playing games outdoors, weather conditions must be taken into account. If the air temperature is low, then all participants should be active, in hot weather it is better to use sedentary games in which the participants perform the game task in turn.

The choice of game also depends on the availability of benefits; due to their absence and unsuccessful replacement, the game may not take place

Preparing a place to play

For outdoor games, you need to choose a flat green area, it is best to make it rectangular, at least 8 m wide and at least 12 long. It is desirable that benches be located at a distance of 2 m from the field.

In winter, the playground must be cleared of snow and surrounded by a snow bank or ice track that can be used for skating.

When playing games indoors, it must be ensured that there are no foreign objects in the room that interfere with the movement of the players. Window panes and lamps should be covered with nets. Before playing games, the room must be ventilated and wipe the floor with a damp cloth. Before holding games on the ground, the leader is obliged to familiarize himself well with the terrain in advance and outline the conditional boundaries for the game.

Game Explanation

The success of a game largely depends on its explanation. Starting to explain, the leader must clearly imagine the whole game.

The story should be short. The exception is games in the lower grades, which can be explained in a fabulous, exciting way.

  1. name of the game;
  2. the role of the players and their location;
  3. game progress;
  4. the purpose of the game;
  5. rules of the game.

The story should not be monotonous. The story should not use complex terms. New concepts, new words need to be explained.

For better assimilation of the game, it is recommended to accompany the story with a demonstration. It may be incomplete or complete. When explaining, it is necessary to take into account the mood of the students. Noticing that their attention has weakened, the leader should shorten the explanation or revive it.

Distribution to teams

  • The players are distributed at the discretion of the leader in cases where it is necessary to make teams of equal strength (during complex sports games).
  • The players are divided into teams by calculation: they stand in a line, they are calculated for the first or second; The first numbers will make up one team, the second - the other. This is the fastest way, it is most often used in physical education classes. But with this method of separation, the teams are not always equal in strength.
  • Separation by figured marching or calculation of the driving column. There should be as many people in each row as there are teams required to play. The composition of teams with this method is random and often not equal in strength.
  • Allocation to collusive teams. Children choose a captain, divided into pairs, agree who will be who, and the captains choose them by name. With this distribution, the teams are almost always equal in strength. It can only be used in cases where the game is not limited in time.
  • Distribution by appointment of captains. Children choose 2 captains, who take turns choosing players for their team. This method is quite fast, and the teams are equal in strength. The negative side is that captains are reluctant to take on weak players, which often leads to resentment and quarrels.
  • Permanent teams can be not only for sports games, but also for complex outdoor games and relay races.

Team captains selection

Captains are direct assistants to leaders. They organize and accommodate the participants, distribute them according to their strength and are responsible for the discipline of the players during the game.

Captains are chosen by the players themselves or appointed by the leader. When the captain is chosen by the players.

They learn to appreciate each other at their true worth and, expressing confidence in their comrade, encourage him to greater responsibility. If the players are not well organized or do not know each other well, then the leader appoints the commander.

Sometimes he appoints passive players as captains, thereby contributing to the education of the necessary character traits. In permanent teams, captains are periodically re-elected.

Isolation of drivers

It is desirable that in the role of waters, so that as many children as possible in the role. Drivers can be identified in a number of ways:

  • As directed by the head. The leader appoints the driver, taking into account his role in the game. The advantage of this method is that the most suitable driver is quickly selected. But at the same time, the initiative of the players is suppressed. The head appoints a driver in the case when the children do not know each other. Upon appointment, the manager must briefly explain his choice.
  • By lot. By calculation, throwing and in other ways. Often they use the method of counting, throwing - the one who throws the stick, stone, ball, etc. further leads. This method takes a lot of time.
  • The choice of the players. This method is good in pedagogical terms, it allows you to identify the most worthy leaders. It is good to prioritize the selection of a leader so that each participant has been in this role. This contributes to the development of organizational skills and activity.
  • According to the results of previous games. This must be communicated to the participants in advance so that they strive to show the necessary qualities in the game.

The listed methods of choosing leaders must be alternated depending on the task, the conditions of the lesson, the nature and number of players and their mood.

Dosage during the game

In outdoor games it is difficult to take into account the capabilities of each participant, his physical condition at a given time. Therefore, excessive muscle tension is not recommended. It is necessary to provide optimal loads. Intensive loads should be alternated with rest.

When starting to conduct, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the previous activity and the mood of the children (after great physical or mental effort - games with less intensity).

It should be borne in mind that, with an increase in the emotional state of the players, the load in the game increases. Players who are passionate about the game lose their sense of proportion, wanting to surpass each other, do not calculate their capabilities and overstrain. It is necessary to teach children to control and regulate their actions in the game. The load of younger students should be increased more gradually than older ones. Sometimes it is necessary to interrupt the game, although the players have not yet felt the need for rest.

You can arrange short breaks, using them to analyze mistakes, count points, clarify rules, shorten distances, reduce the number of repetitions. You can increase the mobility of the participants in the game, complementing the obstacle, increase the distance.

It is desirable that all players receive approximately the same load. Therefore, you can only remove losers from the game for a very short time.

The duration of an outdoor game also depends on the weather. In winter outdoor games, athletes must intensively perform movements without interruption. It is impossible to give the players strong loads, followed by rest, so as not to cause perspiration, and then rapid cooling. Winter Games should be short term. The direction in the game depends on the size of the site, and the larger it is, the more directions the participants receive.

Drag over the line

Training.Two teams of players stand one against the other along the line drawn between them. Boys stand against boys, and girls against girls, approximately equal in physical strength. Four steps behind each team are the players allocated for scoring.

Game content.At the command of the teacher, the players approach the middle line and take one (or two) hands. At the second signal, everyone tries to pull his opponent over the line where the assistants are standing. The player who has been pulled over by touching the scoring player with his palm can again go over the line and play for his team again. Each player who is dragged earns one point for the team that pulled him.

The team with the most points during the game wins.

Rules of the game:1. In the course of the game, only hand grips are allowed. 2. It is allowed to drag one by one, in pairs, several players at the same time.

Relay race with sticks and jumps

Training.The players are divided into two or three equal teams, which line up in columns one at a time three to four steps apart. They stand parallel in front of the line, in the hands of the head player is a gymnastic stick.

Game content.At the signal of the teacher, the first numbers run to the mace (stuffed ball) installed at 12-15 m, run around it and, returning to their columns, pass the stick with one of the ends to the second numbers. Holding on to the ends of the stick, both players hold it under the feet of the players, moving towards the end of the column. Everyone jumps over a stick, pushing with two legs. The first player remains at the end of his column, and the second one runs to the counter, goes around it and carries a stick under the feet of those playing with the third number, etc. The game ends as soon as all participants run with a stick. When the starting player is again the first in the column and a stick is brought to him, he raises it up.

The team whose players completed the task first without making mistakes wins.

Rules of the game:1. It is forbidden to let go of the ends of the stick when it is carried underfoot. 2. It is forbidden to drop the stick. 3. All players are required to jump over the stick.

Relay with leapfrog

Training.The players are divided into two teams, which stand in columns, one parallel to one another. The intervals between teams are 3-4 m. In front of each column, at a distance of 8-12 m from the starting line, a circle (1.5 m in diameter) is drawn or a rectangle is drawn. The first numbers of the teams get into it. Everyone rests his hands on one leg and, leaning forward, hides his head.

Game content.At the signal of the teacher, the players standing in the columns in front run forward and perform a vault, pushing off with both legs and leaning their hands on the back of a friend (leapfrog jump), and then stand in his place. The jumped players run back to their columns, touch the next players with their palms, and then stand behind their teams.

Those who received a hand touch run forward, perform a vault and remain in circles, etc. The game ends when all players have finished jumping, i.e. the player who was first jumped over by jumping over a teammate will remain standing in the circle, and the one jumped over will cross the start line from where the players started running.

The team that finishes the relay the fastest wins.

Rules of the game: 1. It is forbidden to run beyond the starting line until the returning player touches the next player with his palm. 2. The jumped player must not change his posture during the game and stand outside the circle (square).


Training.A circle with a diameter of 2 m is drawn on the floor. All players are divided into two teams and line up in two lines near the circle (one opposite the other).

The winner is the player who manages to push the opponent out of the circle or make him stumble, thereby bringing the team a victory point. The team with the most wins wins.

Rules of the game: 1. It is forbidden by the rules to remove hands from the back. 2. The match ends in a draw if both players are outside the circle at the same time. 3. The game continues until everyone has been a fighter. 4. Captains also fight among themselves (last).


Training.For the game you need towns and tennis balls (preferably by the number of players). The participants of the game are built in one line and are calculated on the first or second. The first numbers - one team, the second - another. If the width of the court does not allow everyone to stand in one line, then the players form two lines, one at the back of the other. In this case, each line is a team. A line is drawn in front of the toes of the players, beyond which it is impossible to go when throwing the ball. At 6 m from this line and parallel to it, they are placed in a row (one and a half steps from one another) interspersed with 5 towns of two colors. According to the color of the towns, the teams are given names (for example, blue and white).

The team that manages to push their goals further in the course of several throws wins.

Rules of the game:1. The towns are put in new places after the volley of one of the teams. 2. Thrown balls are picked up by the players of the other team. 3. The teacher's assistant puts the downed towns in new places.


Outdoor games play a big role in mental and physical development child. Various outdoor games help to develop various muscle groups of the body, coordination of movements, contribute to the development of speech and thinking.

But in order for the effect of the game to be positive, it is necessary to take into account the physiological characteristics of children of different ages when choosing it; in many ways, the success of the game depends on the choice of the venue and the preparation of this place for the game, the explanation of the rules, the division into teams and the choice of drivers.

As for the dosage during the game, excessive muscle tension is not recommended. It is necessary to provide optimal loads. Intensive loads should be alternated with rest.


1. Byleeva L.V., Korotkov I.M. - Outdoor games, M: 1982

2. Korotkov I.M. - Outdoor games at school, M: 1979

Korotkov I.M. - Outdoor games for children. M: 1978

Yakovlev V.G., Ratnikov V.P. -Mobile games, Prospect: 1977


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FOX IN THE CHICKEN COOP ( middle group)

Tasks: To develop children's dexterity and ability to perform movement on a signal, exercise in dodging, catching, climbing, deep jumping.

Description: A chicken coop is outlined on one side of the site. In the chicken coop on the perch (on the benches) there are chickens, the children stand on the benches. On the other side of the site is a fox hole. The rest of the place is a yard. One of the players is appointed as a fox, the rest of the chickens - they walk and run around the yard, peck grains, flap their wings. At the signal of the “Fox”, the chickens run away into the chicken coop, climb onto the perch, and the fox tries to drag the chicken that did not have time to climb the perch. He takes her to his hole. The hens jump off the perch and play resumes.


A fox can catch chickens, and chickens can climb a perch only at the signal of the teacher "Fox!".

Options : Increase the number of traps - 2 foxes. Chickens climb the gymnastic wall.

HARE AND WOLF (middle group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, exercise in running, jumping on both legs, squatting, catching.

Description: One of the players is appointed as a wolf, the rest depict hares. On one side of the site, hares mark their places with cones, pebbles, from which circles or squares are laid out. At the beginning of the game, the hares stand in their places. The wolf is at the opposite end of the site - in the ravine. The teacher says: “The bunnies are jumping, hop - hop - hop, onto a green meadow. They pinch the grass, listen to see if the wolf is coming. Hares jump out of the circles and scatter around the site. They jump on 2 legs, sit down, nibble grass and look around in search of a wolf. The teacher pronounces the word "Wolf", the wolf comes out of the ravine and runs after the hares, trying to catch and touch them. The hares run each to their own place, where the wolf can no longer overtake them. The wolf takes the caught hares into the ravine. After the wolf catches 2-3 hares, another wolf is selected.


Hares run out at the words - hares jump.

You can return to your places only after the word "Wolf!".

Options : You can’t catch those hares that the hare-mother gave a paw to. Put cubes on the way - stumps, hares run around them. Choose 2 wolves. A wolf to jump over an obstacle - a stream.

AT THE BEAR IN THE BOR (middle group)

Tasks: To develop in children endurance, the ability to perform movements on a signal, the skill of collective movement. Exercise in running in a certain direction, with dodging, develop speech.

Description: A line is drawn on one side of the site - this is the edge of the forest. Behind the line, at a distance of 2-3 steps, a place for a bear is outlined. On the opposite side is the children's house. The teacher appoints a bear, the rest of the children are at home. The teacher says: "Go for a walk!". Children go to the edge of the forest, picking berries, mushrooms, imitating movements and say in chorus: “I take mushrooms and berries from a bear in a forest. And the bear sits and growls at us. The bear at this time sits in his place. When the players say "Growls!" the bear gets up, the children run home. The bear tries to catch them - to touch them. The captured bear takes to itself. After 2-3 caught, a new bear is selected.


The bear has the right to get up and catch, and the players - to run home only after the word "growls!".

The bear cannot catch children behind the house line.

Options : Enter 2 bears. Put obstacles in the way.

BIRDS AND CAT (middle group)

Tasks: To develop determination in children, to exercise in running with dodging.

Description: A circle is drawn on the ground or a cord with tied ends is placed. The teacher chooses a trap that becomes in the center of the circle. It's a cat. The rest - birds, are outside the circle. The cat is sleeping, the birds fly into the circle for grains. The cat wakes up, sees the birds and catches them. All the birds fly out of the circle. The one touched by the cat is considered to be caught and goes to the middle of the circle. When 2-3 birds are caught, a new cat is selected.


The cat catches birds only in a circle.

The cat can touch the birds, but not grab them.

Options : If the cat can't catch anyone for a long time, add another cat.

THROUGH THE STREAK (middle group)

Tasks: To develop dexterity in children, exercise in jumping on both legs, in balance.

Description: All the players sit on chairs, 2 cords are placed 6 steps from them, the distance between them is 2 meters - this is a stream. Children must cross the pebbles - planks to the other side without getting their feet wet. The planks are placed in such a way that children can jump with both feet from one pebble to another. By the word "Let's go!" 5 children climb over a stream. The one who stumbled steps aside - "dry shoes." All children must cross the stream.


The loser is the one who stepped foot into the stream.

You can only move on a signal.

Options : Increase the distance between the cords, bypass objects, moving to the other side. Jump on one leg.

CAT AND MOUSE (middle group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to act quickly on a signal, to walk, keeping the shape of a circle. Practice running and catching.

Description: All players, except for 2, stand in a circle, at arm's length, and join hands. In one place the circle does not close. This passage is called the gate. Two players are behind the circle, depicting a mouse and a cat. The mouse runs outside the circle and in the circle, the cat follows it, trying to catch it. The mouse can run into the circle through the gate and crawl under the arms of those standing in the circle. The cat is only at the gate. Children walk in a circle and say: “Vaska is gray, his tail is fluffy - white. Vaska is walking - a cat. He sits, washes, wipes himself with his paw, sings songs. The house will inaudibly go around, Vaska, the cat, is hiding. Gray mice are waiting. After the words, the cat begins to catch the mouse.


Those standing in a circle should not let the cat pass under the clasped hands.

The cat can catch the mouse around the circle and in the circle.

The cat can catch, and the mouse can run away after the word "waits."

Options : Arrange additional gates, introduce 2 mice, increase the number of cats.

HORSES (middle group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to act on a signal, coordinate movements with each other, exercise in running, walking.

Description: Children are divided into 2 equal groups. One group depicts grooms, the other - horses. A stable is outlined on one side. On the other - a room for grooms, between them a meadow. The teacher says: “Grooms, get up quickly, harness the horses!”. Grooms with reins in their hands, run to the stables and harness the horses. When all the horses are harnessed, they line up one after another and, at the direction of the teacher, walk or run. According to the teacher "Arrived!" grooms stop horses. The teacher says "Go to rest!". Grooms unharness the horses and let them graze in the meadow. They return to their places to rest. Horses calmly walk around the site, graze, nibble grass. At the signal of the teacher, “Grooms, harness the horses!” the groom catches his horse, which runs away from him. When all the horses are caught and harnessed, everyone lines up one after the other. After 2-3 repetitions, the teacher says: “Take the horses to the stable!”. The grooms take the horses to the stable, unharness them and give the reins to the teacher.


The players change movements at the signal of the teacher. At the signal "Go to rest" - the grooms return to their places.

Options : Include walking on a bridge - a board laid horizontally or obliquely, suggest different trip goals.

RABBITS (middle group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to move in a team, to find their place on the site. Exercise in crawling, running, jumping on 2 legs.

Description: Circles are drawn on one side of the site - rabbit cages. Chairs are placed in front of them, hoops are tied vertically to them or a cord is pulled. A chair is placed on the opposite side - the watchman's house. Between the house and the cages of the rabbits is a meadow. The teacher divides the children into small groups of 3-4 people. Each group stands in a circle. "Rabbits are in cages!" - says the teacher. Children squat down - these are rabbits in cages. The teacher alternately approaches the cages and releases the rabbits onto the grass. The rabbits crawl into the hoop and start running and jumping. The teacher says "Run into the cells!". The rabbits run home and return to their cage, crawling back into the hoop. Then the watchman releases them again.


The rabbits do not run out until the keeper opens the cages.

The rabbits return after the teacher's signal "Hurry to the cages!".

Options : In each cage, put a bench or chair according to the number of rabbits.

WHERE YOU CALLED (middle group)

Tasks: To develop in children hearing, attention and endurance.

Description: Children sit in a circle or along a wall. One of the educators playing as directed becomes in the center of the circle or in front of those sitting. At the signal of the teacher, he closes his eyes. The teacher gives one of the children a bell and offers to call. The child in the center of the circle should, without opening his eyes, indicate with his hand the direction from which the sound comes. If he points correctly, the teacher says “It's time!”, The player opens his eyes. And the one who called - picks up and shows the call. If the driver made a mistake, he closes his eyes again and guesses again. Then the teacher appoints another driver.


The driver opens his eyes only after the word of the educator "It's time!"

Options : Unwind the driver; instead of a bell, enter a pipe or other musical instrument.


Tasks: To develop in children the ability to act on a signal. Exercise in throwing with the right and left hand.

Description: Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle a circle is laid out of the rope, the ends of the rope are tied, the circle can be drawn. The diameter of the circle is 2 meters. Children are at a distance of 1-2 steps from the circle. Sandbags in hand. At the word of the educator, “Throw it!”, Everyone throws their bags into the circle. "Pick up the bags!" - says the teacher. Children pick up bags, stand in place. The teacher notes whose bag did not hit the circle, the game continues. Children throw with the other hand.


You need to throw the bag at the word of the educator “Throw it!”

Raise at the signal "Raise!".

Options : Instead of pouches, throw cones; divide the children into subgroups, each throws into its own circle; increase the distance.

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to act on a signal. Exercise in throwing into the distance with your right and left hands, in running, in color recognition.

Description: Children stand along the wall. Several children, named by the teacher, stand on the same line in front of the rope laid on the floor. Kids get pouches 3 different colors. According to the teacher, “Drop it!” children throw the bag into the distance. The teacher draws the attention of the children to whose bag fell further and says: “Pick up the bags!”. Children run after their bags, pick them up and sit down. The teacher calls other children who take the places of those who threw the bags. The game ends when all the children have dropped the bags.


Throwing and lifting bags is possible only at the word of the teacher.

Options : Set guidelines - who is next. Throw cones, balls, spears.

PLANES (middle group)

Tasks: To develop orientation in space in children, to consolidate the skill of building in a column. Practice running.

Description: Children are built in 3-4 columns in different places of the site, which are marked with flags. The players pretend to be pilots on airplanes. They are preparing to fly. At the signal of the educator, “Get ready for the flight!” children circle with their arms bent at the elbows - they start the engine. "Fly!" - says the teacher. Children raise their arms to the sides and fly in all directions, in different directions. At the signal of the educator "To land!" - planes find their places and land, line up and go down on one knee. The teacher notes which column was built first.


The players should fly out after the teacher's signal "Fly!".

At the signal of the educator "To land!" - the players must return to their columns, to the places where their sign is posted (a flag is placed).

Options : While the planes are flying, swap the flags, take them to the opposite side. Change the leaders in the columns.

FIND YOUR PAIR (middle group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, according to the word, quickly builds in pairs. Exercise in running, color recognition. Develop initiative and ingenuity.

Description: The players stand along the wall. The teacher gives everyone one flag. At the signal of the teacher, the children scatter around the playground. On another signal, or on the word “Find yourself a pair!”, Children with flags of the same color find a pair for themselves, each pair, using the flags, makes one or another figure. An odd number of children participate in the game, 1 must be left without a pair. The players say: "Vanya, Vanya - do not yawn, quickly choose a couple!".


The players get into pairs and scatter at the signal (word) of the educator.

Each time the players must have a pair.

Options : Instead of flags, use handkerchiefs. To prevent children from running in pairs, introduce a limiter - a narrow path, jump over a stream.

COLORED CARS (middle group)

Tasks: To develop in children ATTENTION, THE ABILITY TO DIFFERENTIATE COLORS AND ACT ON A VISUAL SIGNAL. Exercise children in running, walking.

Description: Children sit along the wall, they are cars. Each is given a flag of some color. The teacher stands facing the players, in the center. In the hand - 3 colored flags, according to the colors of the traffic light. Raises the flag, children with a flag of this color run around the site in any direction, on the go they buzz, imitating a car. When the teacher lowers the flag, the children stop, and at the signal “Cars are returning!” - go step by step to their garage. Then the teacher raises a flag of a different color, but can raise both 2 and all 3 flags together, then all the cars leave the garage.


You can leave the garages only at the signal of the teacher, return to the garage also at the signal.

If the flag is omitted, the cars do not move.

Options : Arrange landmarks of different colors in the corners. At the signal “Cars are leaving”, at this time, swap landmarks. Invite children to remember different brands of cars.

SHAggy DOG (middle group)

Tasks: Teach children to listen to the text and quickly respond to the signal.

Description: The child pretends to be a dog, he sits on a chair at one end of the playground, and pretends to be asleep. The rest of the children are at the other end of the room beyond the line - this is the house. They quietly approach the dog, the teacher says: “Here lies a shaggy dog, with his nose buried in his paws. Quietly, quietly, he lies - either dozing, or sleeping. Let's go up to him, wake him up, and see what will happen? The dog wakes up, gets up and starts barking. Children run into the house (stand behind the line). The role is transferred to another child. The game is repeated.

Options : Put up a barrier - benches in the way of children; in the way of the dog.

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