Mass calm indoor games for kids. Quiet games


10-15 people sit in a circle. One begins the game with the following question addressed to the neighbor on the right: "Is Mrs. Mable at home?" He must answer: “I don’t know, I’ll ask my neighbor.” And he asks the neighbor the same question, to which he receives the same answer. Participants get all the pleasure from how the words are pronounced. They must be spoken without showing teeth, i.e. biting his lips.

You need 5 or more people to play. The host says some commands. If he says: Robbie says .... (do this), then the rest follow the command. If the leader simply says a command (do something), then it is not necessary to execute it. Anyone who makes a mistake is out of the game. Commands can be the following: close your eyes, raise your arms, lower your arms, jump up, meow, etc. The one who remains last wins.

15-20 different items are laid out on the table. Players are given 30 seconds to remember them. Then the items are covered. Each participant writes what he remembers. Whoever memorizes the most items wins. The game can be made a team game, i.e., not one person remembers, but a team; The team with the most items wins.

4 Lost Sheep
Children's game on the theme: "Jesus the Good Shepherd". Key Thought: The Lord always knows where we are and can always find us as a good Shepherd. 5-50 people play. One person leaves the room, at this time a "sheep" is hiding - some kind of object. The "shepherd" enters and begins to search, and everyone else helps him, clapping their hands, according to the "cold-hot" principle.

5. BAG
The game is good at parsing the Bible story about the healing of the blind. The facilitator invites the children to imagine themselves blind and guess objects by touch. To do this, a bag is taken into which a variety of items are added: a watch, an apple, matches, a glass, etc. If desired, everyone can reach into the bag and pull out objects one by one, guessing them.

6. Crocodile
A minimum of 4 people are required to play. Players are divided into two teams with approximately the same number of people. The first team thinks of a word, for example, "student". Then they call any one player from the opposite team and tell him this hidden word. The task of this player is to pantomime this word for his team to guess it. When the player shows the hidden word, then his team begins to guess aloud. For example: do you show the school? To which the player may respond with a nod of the head, but must not utter any words or sounds. When the word is guessed, the teams switch roles.

A minimum of 5 people are required to play. Everyone stands in a circle, one player goes out. One person is chosen to be the "conductor". He will show as if playing musical instruments, and repeat everything after him. The guessing player enters and everyone starts to play, repeating after the "conductor", the guessing player must find out who the "conductor" is. If he guessed it in less than three attempts, then he stands in a circle, and the “conductor” comes out instead of him, and if he failed to guess twice, then he guesses again, only a new conductor is chosen.

The game is good for the topic of the lesson: how to follow Jesus. You need at least 5 people and a room for the game or space on the street, in the yard, in the forest. One player is blindfolded. Among the remaining players, one is selected, which will be the "required vote". In the room (courtyard, forest) many different obstacles are instructed. The blindfolded player must walk a certain path between these instructed objects, while everyone else advises him how to go. The "right voice" always speaks the truth, yet the rest are deceitful and try to lead astray. The traveler needs to understand whose voice is telling the truth and then constantly listen to him.

Although this game is very simple, but it can become your favorite. It is worth playing it once and you will like it! The game requires one chair less than the number of players. Play 10-20 people. Everyone sits on chairs, one remains in a circle. He gives everyone the names of fruits and vegetables. For example, it turned out, 3 apples, 3 pears and 4 bananas (the one standing in a circle also takes the name of the fruit). The game starts. Standing in a circle shouts out one name: a pear! Those who received this fruit must change their place. Again, there is only one left. He also calls out the name of the fruit, or maybe two at once. If the word "salad" is shouted out, then all players must change places. The game can continue indefinitely.

The game requires two teams of 5-7 people. This game is similar to the Crocodile game. Only here the first team thinks not one word, but a whole Biblical story, for example, how Noah led the animals into the ark. Then the first team calls one player from the second team and tells him what is hidden. Unlike the game "Crocodile", the players of the second team at this time must be in another room. They are called one by one.

So, the first player from the second team learned his task: to depict how Noah brought the animals into the ark. The second player from the second team is called, to whom the first player in pantomime depicts a hidden story. He does this only once, and the second player only looks and does not ask anything. The task of the second player is to understand what they have guessed, so that later they can pass the story on to the third player from their team. So, the whole story is passed along the chain from one player to another. If the guesser knows the story, it will not be difficult for him to portray it himself in pantomime, but if he did not guess, he will begin to show him incomprehensible movements, from which all others will simply be delighted.

The last player of the second team, having watched the pantomime, must say what kind of story it is. It may happen that he will name a completely different story, which will cause general laughter. Then everyone is asked what he understood and what he portrayed. After that, the teams change places.

Requires 10 - 20 people. Everyone is divided into two teams, stand or sit opposite each other, hiding their hands behind the backs of their neighbors. The leader is located at one end of the chains. An object is placed at the other end: an apple, a matchbox, etc. The leader tosses a coin, and the extreme players of the teams watch what falls out, while everyone else should look at the apple (boxes). If “tails” falls out, then nothing happens, and the coin is flipped; if “heads” falls out, then the extreme players of the teams must shake hands with their neighbor, and he passes the signal on until he reaches the opposite end. The latter, having received a signal, must grab the apple. In the team that grabbed the apple, a movement is made: the one who grabbed it sits on the opposite end of the chain, and everyone moves. Now he watches the coin fall out. The team with the fastest movement of all players wins.

The game involves 10-15 people. Everyone stays in the room, one leaves. Players think of some song, for example, "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." The first line of the song is taken, from which everyone receives one word. He will sing it. The guesser enters, and everyone begins to sing only their word. The task is to guess the song.

13. RING
8-20 people play. For the game you need a thread and a ring. The thread is threaded into a ring and the ends are tied. Everyone stands in a circle, holding the thread in front of them with both hands. The thread must be taut. One person is in the center of the circle. He must find the ring, which the other players are constantly moving along the thread. The next person to go into the circle is the one who has the ring.

The game requires 5-15 people. The host with one player comes out and changes some detail in the appearance of this player. For example, they unbutton one button, roll up a sleeve or change their hairstyle. They then return to the rest of the players, who must guess what has changed.

Game for the development of memory. 3-12 people play. The first player says: "I take a suitcase and put in it ... a cucumber." The second player continues: "I take a suitcase and put a cucumber, a tree in it." Etc. Everyone adds their word to the chain. The last person to correctly name the entire chain wins.

special game on New Year's Eve
Why "White Elephant", I don't know, but that's how it's called.

This game is good to play on New Year's Eve or Christmas Eve. But this is optional.

So, each participant in the game (7-25 people) brings with him a gift wrapped in such a way that it is impossible to guess what is inside. All gifts are placed under the tree.

All players gather in one room and watch what is happening. The game starts. The first participant goes to the Christmas tree and takes any gift he likes. He unfolds it in front of everyone, shows it, demonstrates it and sits down with a gift in his place. Then the second participant gets up and chooses a gift for himself. He can take the gift from under the tree or take the gift from the first player. And so each next participant can take a gift from under the Christmas tree or pick up an already unwrapped gift from one of the players. If a gift is taken away from someone, then this person chooses a new gift for himself. He can again take something from under the tree or take it from someone else. But he cannot take back the gift that was just taken from him. The game is considered over when there are no gifts left under the tree.

During the game, each person who has already received a gift should not hide it from others, but rather advertise what a wonderful present he has, take whoever wants, I don’t feel sorry. This game teaches sacrifice.

NOTE: in order to play this game, you need to warn everyone in advance that there will be a "White Elephant", explaining the rules. Gifts should be such that they can be useful to both the guy and the girl.

Everyone is blindfolded, except for the host. He must constantly move around the room with a bell in his hand. The rest try to catch the leader by ringing the bell. Sometimes they catch each other and are convinced that they were mistaken when they heard the ringing of a bell in the distance. The player who caught and recognized the caller becomes the leader.

Participants sit on chairs. The leader leaves the room. At this time, one of the players is covered with a blanket, the other players change places. Then the leader is called. He will have to find and determine as quickly as possible: who is not in the room. If the leader calls the hiding person, the latter becomes the leader. The winner is the one who quickly determined: who is not.

Find some volunteers to come out in front of the group. Everyone takes water in his mouth and begins to gurgle. Swallowing is not allowed! You can stop for a few seconds to take a breath. From laughter and gurgling, water is splashed on the floor - then the participant is disqualified.

20. Blinds and Bluffs in the Dark
Attach a small piece of paper to the back of each player. Blindfold each eye. Then give each player a pencil. The goal of the game is to roam around the room and recognize the people you're running into while trying to hide your own identity. This can be achieved by changing the voice, refusing to speak, changing the trajectory of movement around the room, not allowing anyone to touch you. On the back of each person he encounters, the player must write who, in his opinion, this person is. The game continues until you feel that most of the players have been able to write something on each spin.

Have all team members entering the room take off their shoes and put them in a bag. Leave the package in the next room. From each team, a runner is selected who will run after the shoes described by each of the players on his team. So, the first describes the signs of his shoes, the runner runs after her, brings, the second says the signs of his shoes. The goal of the game is for the runner to quickly find and bring the shoes of his team.

This team intellectual game is sure to please you. It is good for her to have 1-3 hours left, for example, if you celebrate the New Year in a friendly company.

It takes a little preparation to play. Let the facilitator take an encyclopedic dictionary and write down a few words that no one knows on a piece of paper. For example, these:

. LOPAR - the name of the Sami peoples used in literature

. RETURN - an obsolete name for skimmed milk that was returned from dairies to farms to feed calves

. PERCAL - thin cotton technical fabric made from non-twisted yarn

. RECHITSA - a city in the Gomel region, a pier on the Dnieper

. SUTRA - in ancient Indian literature, a laconic and fragmentary statement

. Kimbundu - the language of the Bambundu people

. Melon - in Russian architecture of the 15th-17th centuries, a decorative detail, thickening in pillars, columns in window frames

. GOKCHA - the former name of Lake Sevan

. SCOTSIA - (from Greek - darkness) - an asymmetric architectural bummer with a concave profile of two arcs of different radii

After that you can play. Play 4-5 teams of 1-5 people each. All teams are given the same blank sheets of paper, exactly the same on which the leader wrote out the words for himself. The facilitator reads the first word without revealing its meaning. Each team writes its own meaning of this word (i.e. invents). Then the facilitator collects all the sheets, puts his sheet with the correct answer to them, shuffles and begins to read. After he has read all the versions (along with the correct answer), each team must guess the correct answer. If she guessed right, she gets one point. If her answer was accepted by the other team as correct, then she gets one more point (or two, or three, if two or three teams believed her answer).

In this game, the task of each team is not only to guess the correct answer, but to write their own answer so that it looks like the truth, and everyone believes this "truth".

The team that scores the most points wins.

This is a mini relay.

Two teams with the same number of players receive a pair of rubber gloves, a bag that is hermetically sealed and contains sweets for each player. At the command of the host, the first player from each team puts on gloves, opens the bag, takes out and unfolds the candy, poisons it in his mouth, closes the bag tightly, takes off his gloves and passes everything to the next player. The team that completes this operation first wins.

This is also a mini relay.

Each team receives a bowl of water and a bar of soap. At the command of the facilitator, each team tries to wash off the soap using only hands and water. After a certain time, the host checks the size of the soap of each team. Well, of course, a small piece .....

10-15 people play. It is possible that 2-3 people know what the essence of the game is. The leader is a customs representative.

So, everyone in turn says: "I'm going abroad and I'm taking with me .... (a table, a chicken, a volcano, etc.). If a person calls an object by the first letter of his name, then the leader (customs officer) says: "I skip" For example: Dima - money, Tanya - TV

Otherwise, the customs officer will not let you through. The task of the players is to understand by what criterion they are allowed to go abroad.

26. BUN
game for those who like to laugh

A large piece of a bun is stuffed into a person's mouth so that he can hardly speak. Then he is given a text to read. He begins to read with expression (let it be some unfamiliar verse).

Another person writes down for him what he understood, and then reads aloud to everyone. Its text is compared with the original.

For the game you need 15-40 people. People should at least know each other's names, but it's better to be well acquainted. One person walks out the door. Some of the rest are seated on a chair and covered with a blanket. The person who left the door enters back. His task is to guess who is under the covers. If there are a lot of people, this will not be so easy to do.

Two participants stand opposite each other - in front of them on a chair lies a prize. The facilitator counts: "One, two, three ... a hundred, one, two, three .... eleven, one, two, three ... twenty", etc. The winner is the one who is more attentive and the first to take the prize when the host says "three"

29. Cucumber
The players stand in a circle, in the center of which is the leader. The circle should be tight - shoulder to shoulder, and hands are behind. An ordinary fresh cucumber is taken, preferably a larger one, and passed around. The task of the presenter is to determine in whose hands this cucumber is now. And the task of the players is to pass the cucumber to each other, and, when the host is not looking, bite off a piece. You need to chew very carefully so as not to arouse the host's suspicions. If the operation was successful, and the cucumber was eaten unnoticed by the host, then this very victim of his own inattention will fulfill the desire of the already full meeting!

For the competition, a matchbox lid is taken and put on the nose (stronger). The task is to remove the cover with the help of facial movements. The best result is obtained when the box is tightly worn on the nose.

The host is chosen - Ruslan, the rest of the participants play the role of "head". To do this, it is necessary to divide as follows: one plays the role of the left eye, the other - the role of the right, the third - the nose, the fourth - the ear, etc. Then it is necessary to compose such a mise-en-scene so that a figure resembling a giant's head is formed. If there are many participants, then it is good to give someone the role of left and right hands. Ruslan stands in front of the "head" and does the simplest manipulations. For example, he may wink, then yawn, sneeze, scratch his ear, etc. "The Giant's Head" should accurately reproduce all these actions. You can complete the task at a slightly slower pace.

32. I HAVE A BIRD...
Game for laughs. 5-15 people participate. A match is inserted into the mouth between the teeth so that the mouth cannot be closed. Then each in turn says, “Hi! My name is ... I have a bird, her name is ... (cuckoo, nightingale, sparrow, etc.) Everyone else must guess the name of the bird.

This game is played by 7-15 people. Each player is assigned a number from 1 to 15 (according to the number of participants). Everyone sits in a circle, the game begins. Players make such movements: two claps, two palms on the knees. Everyone does it at the same time, this is how the rhythm of the game keeps. The first one starts: "One-one (two claps), five-five! (two palms on the knees)". The player with the number five continues: "five-five, eight-eight." So, until someone goes astray: misses or goes astray. Then that player is out. And its number can no longer be pronounced, otherwise it will also be considered an error. There should be two winners.

The game is similar to the game "Numbers", but instead of numbers, everyone invents a gesture for themselves. For example, scratch your ear, clap your hands, show your horns, etc. It's much more fun and harder.

Guests are divided into two teams. Each has a captain. Teams sit opposite each other, everyone takes off one shoe or boot and throws it in the center in one pile: you can put extra shoes. The captains don't see it. The task of the captain is to put shoes on his team. The first team to wear the shoes wins.

What to do when it’s dreary and cold outside, it’s raining, or just tired of wiping your pants on a hill near the entrance? It's time to gather a fun company of playful boys, dreamy girls and ... play at home! But not bending over the screen of a tablet or phone, but simply. Simply, simply, simply in...

1. Sharp eye

Number of players: 2 or more people.
Props: dishes (jar, bowl, pan, etc.), a sheet of paper, scissors.
Training: Before the start of the game, the participants should carefully consider the chosen container and try to mentally imagine it.

Rules of the game: On a signal, the players must cut the lid for the chosen vessel. The winner is the one whose cap matches the hole of the selected item as closely as possible.

2. Plucked chicken

Number of players: 4 or more people.
Props: clothespins.
Training: Divide into 2 teams: "hens" and "catchers".

Rules of the game:"Catchers" cling clothespins to their clothes (the same number, so that everything is fair). Their goal is to catch up with the chickens. If the "catcher" caught the "chicken", he clings to her clothespin. By the way, it is the “catchers” who will become “plucked”. Moreover, the more the “catcher” is plucked, the better! Victory will go to the one who quickly frees himself from his clothespins. Then the teams change places and the game continues.

3. Whose shoe?

Number of players: 3 or more people.
Props: shoes for players, blindfold for each player.
Training: Take off your shoes and put them in a pile.

Rules of the game: Players stand in a circle, in the center of which is a mountain of shoes. Blindfold their eyes. The host mixes the shoes and gives a signal. Everyone starts looking for their shoes (you can try them on). Anyone who thinks they have found their shoes must put them on and stay in them for the rest of the game. Everyone takes off the bandages and looks at the result.

4. Live knot

Number of players: 4 or more people.
Props: no.
Training: Get in a circle.

Rules of the game: At the command of the leader, the players stretch their right hands to the center of the circle and take someone by the hand (you can’t take a neighbor). Then the players extend their left hands and do the same. But! You cannot take the hand of someone you already hold with one hand. The result is a live node. The leader's task is to unravel the knot without breaking his hands. Players, at his request, can step over each other, climb between the hands, etc.

5. Great cook

Number of players: 2 or more people.
Props: 2 spoons (forks) and fruits (vegetables), blindfold.
Training: wash fruits (vegetables).

Rules of the game: The volunteer picks up spoons (forks) and by touch tries to recognize the fruits (vegetables) that the leader hands him. Potato, carrot, onion, pear, tomato, cucumber, etc. can be used.

6. Conductor

Number of players: 5 or more people.
Props: no.
Training: Players stand in a circle, one person goes out the door.

Rules of the game: A "conductor" is chosen from the remaining players in the room. He shows how to play musical instruments, and the rest repeat after him all the movements. The guesser enters the room during the "concert", he must determine who is the "conductor". If he manages to do this in less than three attempts, he becomes in a circle, and the former "conductor" goes out the door.

7. Salad

Number of players: 6 or more people.
Props: cards with the names of vegetables / fruits (by the number of players), chairs (one less than the players). The names on the cards can be repeated, for example, 2 apples, 3 pears, etc.
Training: Distribute cards to the players.

Rules of the game: Everyone sits on chairs, one remains in a circle (he also has a card). The host (the one who is standing) shouts: “Pear!”. Those who have a card with this name should change their place. The driver takes a chair and one of the players is left without a seat, he becomes the center of the circle and the game continues. You can shout out two or three names at once. At the word "Salad!" all players change places.

8. Who is faster?

Number of players: 10 or more people.
Props: an object as a prize (an apple, a stone, etc.), a coin.
Training: Everyone is divided into two teams, stand or sit opposite each other, hide their hands behind the backs of their neighbors. The leader stands at one end of the chain, and a prize item is placed at the other.

Rules of the game: The host tosses a coin. If “tails” falls out, nothing happens, the coin is tossed again, if it’s “heads”, the last player of each team must shake hands with a neighbor. So, along the chain, the signal is transmitted to the other end. The last one must grab the prize. The player who did it first brings his team a point, moves back to the end of the chain and the game continues. The team with the quickest change of players wins.

9. Animated mechanisms

Number of players: 8 or more people.
Props: no.
Training: Players are divided into two or more teams. Each team, secretly from rivals, decides which mechanism (vacuum cleaner, washing machine, hair dryer, etc.) it will represent.

Rules of the game: Everyone should take part in the dramatization. You can imitate the sounds of the mechanism, depict dimensions with your hands, but you cannot speak. A team scores a point if it guesses the opponent's mechanism. Those who have more points win.

10. We are tired of meowing!

Number of players: 8 or more people.
Props: blindfolds according to the number of players, chairs to limit space.
Training: Players are divided into two teams: one - piglets, the second - kittens.

Rules of the game: Kittens should meow, and piglets should grunt. Everyone is blindfolded and mixed among themselves in a circle of chairs. It is necessary to gather your team as soon as possible, without leaving the circle.

Dear guests! We are glad to meet you on the official website of the MAOU kindergarten No. 27 "Lesovichok".
MAOU Kindergarten No. 27 "Lesovichok" is a preschool educational institution for pupils aged from two months to the termination of educational relations.
The main purpose of the activity Institutions - implementation of educational activities on educational programs of preschool education, supervision and care of children.
Main activities Institutions:
- implementation of educational programs of preschool educational education, including those adapted for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
- supervision and care of children;
- organization of health care for pupils (with the exception of the provision of primary health care, the passage of periodic medical examinations and medical examinations);
- creation of the necessary conditions for catering for pupils and employees of the Institution.
Motto:Kindergarten always live for centuries and for years! May cheerful laughter sound and success accompany!
Credo: The principle of adaptability, creativity, individualization, readiness to make creative decisions, professionalism, responsibility.>>>

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Calm games for children at home, in kindergarten and on a walk

Created on 09/08/2011 02:27 PM Updated on 09/08/2011 02:27 PM

"Calm games for children at home, in kindergarten and on a walk"

Compiled by: teacher Dospalova Irina Leonidovna

Even for the most sociable child, kindergarten is stressful. Try to spend a few hours in a big noisy company - and if you are a calm and "quiet" person, you will soon have a headache, irritation will begin to accumulate, and a desire to go home faster will appear. And your baby spends the whole day in such an environment, so by the evening the seething tension is ready to break out along with tears, screams, whims.
What can parents do to help their child relieve daytime stress? Unfortunately, there is no magic remedy - one for all. It is always necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of a small person: age, character, temperament.
First, you should carefully observe the child, talk with caregivers to determine what kind of help your daughter or son needs. If the baby is constrained and timid during the day, and “catches up” in the evening, you need to help him relax, speak out, but not allow him to become even more excited.
If the child is a "hurricane" in the kindergarten, and cannot stop at home, it is in the power of the parents to smoothly, gradually transfer the energy "into a peaceful channel." It is good to plan the evening in advance so that the child is gradually released from the accumulated tension, participating in the life of the family, and at the same time, so that he has time to be alone with his thoughts and events of the day.
One of the best anti-stress techniques is a calm game. It allows the child to be liberated, to relax. Try to follow a few simple rules. First, the choice - to play or not to play - should always remain with the child. Perhaps just today he is so tired that he just wants to take a walk or read. Secondly, the "evening" game should not be noisy, accompanied by running around and shouting.
Players, holding hands, form a circle. The driver is placed inside the circle. A paper cap is put on his head to cover his eyes. Everyone walks in a circle, singing:
We have built a circle
Let's get back together all of a sudden.
(Turn around and walk back)
And how do we say: "hop-hop-hop",
Guess whose voice?
The words "skok-skok-skok" are spoken by only one player, at the direction of an adult (point at him with a gesture). The task of the driver is to guess by the voice who said these words. If he succeeded, he becomes in a general circle, and the one whose voice he guessed becomes the leader instead of him.
Players line up in a circle and diverge to the width of outstretched arms. The leader stands inside the circle. He shows the guys different movements, which they must repeat exactly. But there are two movements that cannot be repeated; others must be done instead. For example, when the leader puts his hands on the back of his head, the players should sit down with their legs crossed, and when he leans forward, they should clap their hands two or three times. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.
Forbidden movements must first be shown and the movements that replace them must be thoroughly rehearsed. After that, the game is played at a fast pace.
Whoever makes a mistake, repeats a prohibited movement or replaces it incorrectly, is out of the game.
Everyone is divided into two teams (or even two pairs).
- When I blow one whistle, - the adult says - the first team (the right side of the hall) should say "tic" in chorus, and when I blow two whistles, the second team (the left side of the hall) should say "so" in unison. Let's try.
The adult first alternates the whistles correctly, then gives two whistles in a row one after the other, then two times one at a time, etc. The guys make mistakes, shout out of place, this causes laughter and fun.
By the number of mistakes made, we determine which team won and announces its decision.
“Let everyone remember the three movements that I will show,” the adult says.
First - bend your arms at the elbows, hands at shoulder level;
second - stretch your arms forward at shoulder level;
the third is to raise your hands up.
An adult shows the movements, everyone repeats after him two or three times in order to remember the number of each movement. Then the game begins.
Next, the adult shows one movement, while naming the number of the other. The players, on the other hand, must make those movements that correspond to the named number, and not those that the leader shows, but inevitably get lost looking at him.
The players sit on the sides of the room. Choose a driver. He walks past them, repeating three words: "Fish, beast, bird ..." Stopping suddenly in front of someone, he says one of these words, such as "bird." The player must immediately name some bird, for example "hawk". You can not hesitate and name those animals, fish or birds that have already been named before. Anyone who gapes or answers incorrectly pays a forfeit. After that, he “redeems” him (reads poetry, dances, etc.).
Everyone is seated at a long table. On one side of the table is the driver. Someone is given a coin (or other small object). Keeping their hands under the table, the players quietly pass the coin to each other. Suddenly, the driver shouts: “Hands on the table!” Everyone should immediately put their hands on the table with their palms down, including the one who at that moment has a coin in his hand. The driver tries to guess who has the coin (by sound, hand position, etc.). At his command, the hand must be raised. If the driver makes a mistake, the game is repeated. If you guessed right, then the one who had the coin becomes the driver, and the driver sits down with everyone at the table.

GUEST(according to E. Blaginina)
The guest puts on a handkerchief, enters the middle of the circle, bows to everyone and says:
- So I came to visit you.
The guys answer:
- We are very glad that we came.
The guest smiles, looks around at everyone and asks:
- Tell me guys
How did you spend your day.
The children answer in unison:
- We'll tell you everything.
In order -
In the morning we did exercises!

- Like this and like this
More like this and like this! -
the guys answer and show how they did the exercises.
- And then? - asks the Guest.
- Sat down for breakfast
Everyone ate without a trace!
- How?
- Like this and like this
More like this and like this!
The guys show how they ate porridge, drank milk, wiped themselves with a napkin, thanked for breakfast.
- And then? - Gostishka asks again.
- went for a walk
They caught motley butterflies.
- How?
- Like this and like this
More like this and like this!
The guys show how they caught butterflies with nets.
- And then?
- Then they bathed,
They swam and splashed in the river.
- How?
Like this and like this
More like this and like this!
The guys lie on the carpet (on the grass), somersault, splash, swim.
- And then?
- sat down to dine
Everyone ate with gusto.
- And then?
- lay down later
And fell into a deep sleep.
Everyone goes to bed, snore, snore. Then the guest says:
- Well, I see, kids,
You had a nice day.
The children bow and say in chorus:
- Goodbye!
We are very glad we came!
Come tomorrow afternoon
We'll sing a song for you!
- How? - asks the Guest.
The children sing their favorite song. When the song ends, Gostishka says:
- I'm not in a big hurry.
If you ask me, I'll sleep.
- How? - shout the guys.
- Like this and like this
Still like this and like this -
Gostishka says and starts dancing. All the guys join hands and dance with Gostushka.
One of the players - the guesser - is asked to leave the room. In his absence, the guys agree on what action they will portray. Returning, the guesser addresses them with these words:
- Hello guys!
Where have you been
what did you take out?
The players respond
- What we saw -
we won't say
and what we did - we'll show you!
And they begin to portray some kind of action, for example, they play the button accordion, balalaika, ride a horse, ride a bicycle, row, swim, etc.
The guesser must determine by their movements what they were doing. If he guesses, they choose another guesser, and if he makes a mistake, he must retire again to give the players the opportunity to think of another action.
You can play the game in a different way. The players are divided into two groups and agree on who will guess and who will guess. The guessers go into the next room. The rest of the guys agree on what profession they will portray.
When the guessers return, they are asked the question:
- Do you need workers?
- What can you do? - asks, in turn, one of the guessers. In response to this, the guys begin to depict what they have in mind. For example, they show work in a carpentry workshop, and everyone does different things: one planes, the other saws, the third hammers in nails, etc. You can portray any work that is familiar to the guys.
If the guessers answer correctly, the groups switch roles.
The guys sit down, leaving most of the room free. One of the players is asked to leave for a while. While he is gone, they take out some small object (a book, a toy, a handkerchief) and hide it in one or another place accessible for inspection.
When the player returns, it is explained to them that they must find the hidden object. The song will help him with this. When he approaches the subject, everyone will sing loudly, and when he moves away, quietly.
The search begins. The guys sing a song and carefully follow the actions of the player. The song goes louder, quieter, then completely freezes when he makes the wrong decision.
If you repeat the game, you can complicate it.
The player must not only find the object, but also guess what to do with it (put it in another place, hide it in a pocket, put it on your head, etc.).
In this, the guys also help him with their singing.
on a noisy day, a "quiet pier" awaits him, eight hours in the garden will not seem to him such a deafening eternity, and the stress will recede.
You will need a box of paper clips. Paper clips are piled on the table. At the signal of the leader, the opponents (2-4) assemble the chain with the help of paper clips. The winner is the one who collects the longest chain of paper clips in a certain time.
You will need: Bean seeds, pumpkins, large pasta, etc. All seeds before the game are mixed and divided into identical piles according to the number of players. At the signal of the leader, the participants in the game must sort all the seeds into different piles. The first one to complete the task wins. Options: Hold a blindfold competition, arrange a team competition.
All children leave the room. Someone hides a big, loudly ticking alarm clock. The children return and look for the alarm clock. If someone has found it, then whispers in the ear of the presenter, where is the alarm clock and silently sits on the floor. The child who was left standing last, as a punishment, entertains all the children - he sings or reads a poem. Tip: for small children, it is better to put the alarm clock on a saucer or something metal so that it can be heard better.
Children sit in a circle and carefully look at each other's clothes, trying to remember who is wearing what. Then the driver is chosen with a counting rhyme and he goes out the door. Several children change clothes and call the driver. He must determine who is wearing other people's things and to whom they belong.
You will need many pairs of shoes, towels. Children sit in a circle or at a table covered with paper or oilcloth. Everyone puts his shoe or slippers on the table. Then the children take turns blindfolded and try to find their shoes by touch.
Option: For older children - look for your shoes on the table all at the same time. Guess the voice. Children sit in a row. The driver sits with his back to them, next to the assistant (preferably an adult). The assistant calls the children one by one, without naming names. Children behind the leader in a voice depict some kind of animal. The driver must guess who it is. If he guessed right, he changes places with him.
Children sit in a row or circle. The driver walks in front of them and, pointing to each in turn, says: "Water, earth, air." He can stop at any moment. If the driver stopped at the word "Water", then the child he pointed to should name a fish, reptile or animal living in the water. If it is called "Earth" - you need to name the one who lives on earth. If it is called "Air" - the one who flies.
A chest (box) filled with various things is being prepared. Each of the players puts his hand into the chest (you can’t look !!!), gropes for any thing and says what it is, and then pulls it out - for verification.
For any number of players. The first player draws a house on a board or easel. The next player remembers the drawing, then closes his eyes, turns around himself and, without opening his eyes, draws a window, a door, a chimney or a bird on the roof to the house.
What kind of drawing will turn out, in the end?
Participants of the game are invited to consider any jar, bowl or pan. You can't take it in hand. Then take a sheet of paper and try to cut the lids for the jar so that they fit exactly into the opening of the jar. The winner is the one whose lid exactly matches the opening of the jar.
Everyone sits in a circle with the leader in the center. He asks everyone in turn: "Do you like your neighbors?". If someone does not like it, the question follows: "What kind of neighbors do you need?". The player must name either names or some sign that his new neighbors should have. For example: "I need neighbors in jeans" - then everyone in jeans changes places, two of them sit in the places of former neighbors. The driver can also take the vacant seat. To whom the chair was not enough, he becomes the leader, and everything starts all over again.
Everyone plays in sequence. You need to count in order from one to infinity (as many as you get), but instead of numbers that end in three or are divisible by three, you need to say "good afternoon." That is, the first says "one", the second - "two", the third - good afternoon, the fourth - four, the fifth - "five", the sixth - good afternoon, etc. The one who made a mistake is out of the game until there is only one winner.
They play standing in a circle. The host starts: “Grandma went to the market and bought an old coffee grinder” and shows how she will grind coffee (she turns the imaginary handle of the coffee grinder with her right hand). The person standing next to him repeats the same words and also begins to turn the handle, etc. round. When everyone is involved in the process, the turn again reaches the leader, and he shows the following movement: "Grandma went to the market and bought an old iron" (strokes with her left hand, without stopping grinding). The following circles: Grandma bought an old sewing machine (push foot on the pedal), rocking chair (sway), cuckoo clock ("Cuckoo, Cuckoo, Cuckoo,"). The point is to do everything at the same time.
The king is sitting on a chair. The other players sit in a semicircle a few meters away from him so that they can see him well. With a hand gesture, the king calls one of the players. He gets up and silently goes to the king and sits at his feet to become a minister. During this movement, the player listens carefully. If a player makes even the slightest noise (rustle of clothes, etc.), the king sends him to the place with a hand gesture.
The king himself must remain silent. If he makes a sound, if he makes a sound, he is immediately deposed from the throne and replaced by the first minister, who takes his place in complete silence and continues the game (or the tired king announces that he must be replaced and invites the minister to take his place) .
The players sit in a circle. The host starts by saying to his neighbor on the left, "That's my nose," but at the same time touches his chin. The neighbor should answer him "This is my chin", pointing to his nose. Having received the correct answer, he turns to his neighbor on the right and says to him: "This is my left foot", showing him his right palm. His neighbor should reply, "This is my right hand," pointing to his left foot, and so on. You should always show a part of the body that is different from the one being talked about.

Take care of your hands

The players form a circle, standing at a distance of one step from each other. The teacher appoints one driver, who becomes in the middle of the circle.

Children stretch their arms forward with palms up.

At the signal of the teacher: "Take care of your hands!" the leader tries to touch the palms of one of the players.

As soon as a child standing in a circle notices that the driver wants to touch his hands, he immediately hides them behind his back.

Those children whose palms were touched by the driver are considered losers. When 2-3 losers appear, the driver chooses another child instead of himself (but not from among the losers) and changes places with him.

Magic word

The leader shows various movements and addresses the players with the words: “Raise your hands, stand, sit down, stand on your toes, walk in place ...”, etc.

The players repeat the movements only if the driver adds the word “please”. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

hot hands

Children form a circle.

The leader stands in the center of the circle. The players standing around him raise their hands to waist level and hold them with their palms up.

The driver seeks to smack someone in the palm of his hand. The players, escaping, quickly lower their hands. The one whom the leader knocks down becomes the leader.

If there are a lot of players, two or three people can be driving. The players may not remove their hands, but turn them palms down.

The game goes faster when the driver tries to quickly move around the circle in different directions.


Children form a circle and walk in a circle one after another.

At the driver's signal: "Stop!" stop, clap four times, turn 180° and start moving in the opposite direction. The one who makes the mistake is out of the game.

Earth, water, air

Children sit in a circle or in a row.

The host walks between them and, pointing at each in turn, says the word: “Water!”. The child he pointed to should name a fish or an animal that lives in the water.

If the driver said the word "earth", the child calls the one who lives on the ground, if the word "air" is called - the one who flies.

Golden Gate

Two leaders are appointed. They stand up, holding hands, and raise them up, showing the gate. All other participants pass through the gate, saying:

Golden Gate

They don't always miss.

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is forbidden

And for the third time

We won't miss you.

Leading hands down at the end of the verse. Before whom the gates are closed, that participant stands up together with the leaders, raise their hands.

The game continues until all participants have turned into a gate.


The horse is running, running. (Clap hands on knees.)

The horse is walking on the grass. (Three palms of hands.)

And here is the barrier (We take air into our mouths and hit our cheeks.)

And another barrier...

Actions are changing. The game is repeated several times.


Children choose the "owner" and two "buyers", all the rest playing - "paints".

Each paint comes up with a color for itself and quietly calls it to the owner. When all the paints have chosen a color, the owner invites one of the buyers.

Buyer knocks:

- Knock Knock!

- Who's there?

- Buyer.

- Why did you come?

- For paint.

— For what?

- For blue.

If there is no blue paint, the owner says:

Walk the blue path

Find blue boots

Take it back and bring it back!

If the buyer guessed the color of the paint, he takes the paint for himself.

A second buyer approaches, the conversation with the owner is repeated. So buyers pass in turn and dismantle paints.

The buyer who guessed the most colors wins.

When the game is repeated, he acts as the owner, and the players choose the buyers.

The buyer must not repeat the same paint color twice, otherwise he gives way to the second buyer.


Children stand in a circle, and the leader stands inside the circle. He holds a ring in his palms, which he quietly tries to pass to one of the guys. With palms folded into a boat, the leader in turn opens the palms of the children. Children closely monitor the actions of the driver and their comrades. And the one who got the ring does not betray himself.

At the signal of the driver: “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch!” - a child with a ring runs into the center of the circle. He becomes the leader.

If the children noticed his ring before the signal, then they do not let him into the circle. The game in this case is continued by the former driver.


Children form a circle, walk in a round dance and say:


Play the horn

One two Three -

Tanya, turn over!

The named girl (boy) should turn 180 °. Game continues.

Who left?

Children stand in a circle or semicircle.

The teacher invites one of the players to remember those who are nearby (5-6 people), and then leave the room or turn away and close their eyes.

One child is hiding.

The teacher says: “Guess who left?” If the child guesses correctly, he chooses someone instead of himself. If he makes a mistake, he turns away again and closes his eyes, and the one who was hiding returns to his place. The guesser must name it.

Who has arrived?

Children stand in a circle or scattered.

The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

Who has arrived? (Put together the palms and fingers of both hands, clap the tips of the thumbs 4 times.)

We, we, we! (The tips of the thumbs are pressed against each other and motionless, with the tips of the remaining fingers they quickly and simultaneously clap 3 times.)

Mom, mom, is that you? (Clap with thumbs.)

Yes Yes Yes! (Clap with index fingers.)

Dad, dad, is that you? (Clap with thumbs.)

Yes Yes Yes! (Clap with the tips of the middle fingers.)

Brother, brother, is that you?

Oh sister, is that you? (Clap with thumbs.)

Yes Yes Yes! (Clapping with the tips of the ring fingers.)

Grandpa, is that you?

Grandma, is that you? (Clap with thumbs.)

Yes Yes Yes! (Clap the tips of the little fingers.)

We are all together

Yes Yes Yes! (We clap our hands.)


Children form a circle.

Without holding hands, the children move with side steps, first in one direction, and when the words are repeated, in the other direction, saying:

Together we dance -

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,

Our favorite dance

This is lava.

The host says: "My fingers are good, but the neighbor's is better." Children take each other by the little fingers and repeat the words with movements to the right and left.

Then the driver gives other tasks:

My shoulders are good, but my neighbor's is better.

My ears are good, but my neighbor's is better.

My eyes are good, but my neighbor's is better.

My cheeks are good, but my neighbor's is better.

My waist is good, but my neighbor's is better.

My knees are good, but my neighbor's is better.

My heels are good, but my neighbor's is better.


Two players stand opposite each other.

The players simultaneously clap their hands, and then join their palms in front of them (right with left, left with right). Then the palms are joined crosswise - right with right, left with left. Then clap - and again palms together.

At first, the movements are done slowly, and then faster and faster until the palms are tangled. Then the game starts over.


Put your hands on the floor (table). Clench one palm into a fist, put the other on the plane of the table.

Simultaneously change the position of the hands. The complication of the exercise is to accelerate.

We walked around Africa

Children stand in a circle or scattered.

The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

We walked around Africa (Stomp our feet.)

And they picked bananas. (Depict picking bananas.)

Suddenly a huge gorilla (We circle a large circle with our hands.)

Nearly crushed me. (We knock with the right, left hand on the chest.)

Ladies for mom, ladies for dad (We knock on the right, then on the left knee.)

And I will not cheat myself. (We knock with the right, left hand on the chest.)

Children stand in a circle or scattered.

The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

Ten, nine, (clap hands)

Eight, seven, (Slap on the knees.)

Six, five, (clap)

Four, three, (Spank.)

Two, one. (They clap.)

We are with the ball (They cover their eyes with the inside, then the outside of the palm.) We want to play.

Just need

We find out: (Clap for every word.)

Ball who will (Stomp on every word.)

Catching up. (They sit down.)

Find and shut up

Children stand in a row facing the teacher.

He invites them to turn around and close their eyes, while he himself hides an object.

With the permission of the teacher, the children turn, open their eyes and begin to search for a hidden object. The finder of the object comes up to the teacher and quietly, in his ear, says where he found it. If the child said correctly, he steps aside.

The game continues until all the children have found the object.

low - high

Children stand in a circle.

The adult says: “We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and different Christmas trees grow in the forest: wide, low, high, thin. I will tell:

"High" - raise your hands up;

"Low" - squat and lower your hands;

"Wide" - make the circle wider;

"Thin" - make a circle already.

The game is more fun if an adult tries to confuse the children.


The game begins with the roll call of the driver with the players:

- Ding, ding, ding!

- Who's there?

- Where?

- From the land of fairy tales.

- What are they doing there?

- Wash (dance, draw, run, comb their hair, squat, smile, etc.).

The players imitate or perform the named action.

five names

Children are divided into two teams.

Two players, a boy and a girl (representatives of two teams), stand side by side in front of two lines.

On a signal, they must go forward (first one, then the other), taking five steps, and for each step, without the slightest mistake, hesitation (without breaking the rhythm), say some name (boys - the names of girls, girls - the names of boys). At first glance, this is a simple task, in fact, it is not so easy to complete.

You can name five other words (animals, plants, household items, etc.). There are many names, but not everyone will be able to pick up five names and pronounce them one after another without delay in the rhythm of the step.

The winner is the one who copes with this task or manages to name more names.

Edible - inedible

Children stand in a circle.

The driver pronounces the word and throws the ball to the player.

If the word means food (fruits, vegetables, sweets, dairy, meat and other products), then the child to whom the ball was thrown must catch it (“eat”). If the word denotes an inedible object, the ball is not caught.

A child who has not completed the task becomes the driver, calls the intended word and throws the ball to someone.


Children are scattered.

The teacher gives a signal: "Tick!" - children make inclinations to the left-to the right; on a signal: "Yes!" - stop, and on a signal: "Knock!" - bouncing in place. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game. Signals are repeated 5-8 times. The sequence of signals must change.

At the end of the game, the most attentive player should be noted.

Three, thirteen, thirty

Choose a driver. The players stand in a circle and open their arms outstretched. The driver stands in the center of the circle. When playing the game for the first time, it is desirable that the teacher be the driver.

The teacher explains that if he says: "Three" - all the players put their hands to the sides; if he says: "Thirteen" - everyone puts their hands on their belts; if he says: "Thirty" - everyone raises their hands up (you can choose any movement).

The teacher quickly calls one or the other movement. The player who made a mistake sits on the floor. When 1-2 players remain in the circle, the game ends; winners are announced.

Free place

The players sit in a circle.

The teacher calls two children sitting next to each other. They stand with their backs to each other and at the signal: "One, two, three - run!" - they run in different directions around the circle, run to their place and sit down.

The adult and all the players note which of the guys was the first to take a free place.

Then the teacher calls the other two guys, the game is repeated.

Sit, sit, Yasha

Children form a circle.

In the center of the circle is a blindfolded child. The rest of the players, holding hands, walk in a circle and say:

Sit, sit, Yasha,

Under the walnut bush.

Gnaw, gnaw, Yasha,

Hardened nuts

Gifted to dear.

Children stop and clap their hands:

Chok, chok, piglet,

Get up, Yasha-man.

The child-driver gets up and slowly circles inside the circle.

Where is your bride

What is she wearing

What is her name

And where will they bring it from?

With the last words, "Yasha" goes to the children, chooses any child, feels him and tries to guess who he found, describe his clothes and call him by name.

Guess what they did

Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher chooses one child who moves away from all the players by 8-10 steps and turns his back to them. He must guess what the players are doing.

Children agree on what action they will portray. According to the teacher: "It's time!" the leader turns, approaches the players and says:

Hello children!

Where have you been?

What did you see?

Children answer:

What we saw, we won't say

And we will show you what we did.

If the driver guesses correctly, he chooses another child instead of himself. If he answers incorrectly, the game is repeated with the same driver.


Children move freely around the hall (platform).

For one clap of the leader, they should jump, for two clap - sit down, for three clap - stand up with their hands up (or any other movement options).

All children imitate some kind of action, for example, they play the accordion, ride horses, etc. The driver guesses the action being depicted. If the driver did not guess correctly, then he loses. The children tell him what they did and come up with a new action. The driver guesses again.

Then another driver is selected, the game is repeated.


Children stand in a circle or scattered.

The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

My neck, my ears, (Palms rub my neck, ears.)

We wipe them dry. (Imitate rubbing with a towel.)

Cleanliness is everything. (Threaten with finger.)

We brush our teeth too. (Imitate brushing teeth.)

One-two-three, one-two-three (clap hands)

Brush teeth cleaner three! (Imitate brushing teeth.)

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