Presentation “Interactive game according to traffic rules for children of senior preschool age. Electronic game according to traffic rules "Smart signs Interactive traffic school

Anastasia Vatekhova
Presentation "Interactive game according to traffic rules for children of senior preschool age"

For older children preschool age

Target: creation of the necessary conditions in the preschool educational institution to prevent child injuries on the roads, increase the competence of teachers in ensuring safe life children.

Educational tasks:

Consolidate knowledge children about transport, about modes of transport;

Fix the rules for using public transport;

To consolidate knowledge about the dangers that children may encounter on the street;

Consolidate knowledge children about signals and types of traffic lights;

To consolidate the ability to distinguish and understand the meaning of some road signs;

To improve the skills of behavior on the road through the study of traffic signs;

Pin skill children apply the acquired knowledge about the Rules of the road in free activities children.

Development tasks:

To develop the ability to recognize the types of land transport by various criteria;

Repeat the rules of behavior on the street. Traffic Laws;

Develop attentiveness, observation when performing a task;

Develop logical thinking;

To develop speech is proof.

Educational tasks:

educate at children respectful attitude to the Rules of the road and the desire to follow them;

To develop a culture of behavior in order to prevent child road traffic injuries;

To cultivate the ability to listen carefully, not to interrupt, to supplement and correct the mistakes of their comrades.

Corrective tasks:

Learn to compare, highlight the main, essential;

Develop the ability to group objects;

Cultivate sustained attention;

Improve auditory perception;

Expand and activate vocabulary preschoolers to introduce new words: traffic controller, rod, partner;

Develop positive behavioral skills;

Coordination of speech with movement.

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Svetlana Lunegova
Electronic game according to traffic rules "Smart signs"

Explanatory note

Preserving the life and health of a preschooler, ensuring his safety are important tasks of a kindergarten, the solution of which requires teachers to search for new and effective forms and methods of work. Alarming traffic police reports suggest that children need to be constantly reminded of the need to follow the rules of the road. Given such a feature of preschoolers as involuntary attention, we believe that didactic tools for traffic rules should be bright, interesting, including the action of various analyzers (vision, hearing, movement, touch, etc.). SDA, we decided to create an electronic game "Smart Signs".

Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of preschoolers about the rules of the road.


1. Teach children to analyze the traffic situation and select the appropriate traffic sign.

2. Develop mindfulness and logical thinking.

3. Raise the desire to follow the rules of the road.

Predicted result:

Children know the names of road signs, correctly correlate them with the traffic situation, children show respect for the observance of traffic rules.

Method of use:

The use of this electronic game involves conducting preliminary work with children to get acquainted with road signs, with their name and purpose in a traffic situation.

The electronic game "Smart Signs" can be used by the child individually when working with a personal computer. In this case, a preschooler or a couple of preschoolers can act independently, turning to the teacher only in case of difficulty.

You can use several personal computers for which children work or groups of children competing with each other. That child wins (the group that is the first to complete all the tasks of the game correctly.

In addition, the game "Smart Signs" can be carried out using a presentation for a group of children. In this case, an adult operates with a personal computer, acting on the instructions of the young participants.

Used information resources: Postovoy picture Pictures - traffic signs Pictures "Traffic situations" Pictures of "Dyudyuka" Picture "Car" Picture "Steering wheel"

If you answer correctly, you will move on to the next question. Otherwise, you will know your result. Click on the answer to go.

  • If you answer correctly, you will move on to the next question. Otherwise, you will know your result. Click on the answer to go.
  • 1. Pavement.
  • 2. Sidewalk.
  • 3. Bicycle path.
You have scored one point.
  • You have scored one point.
  • With such knowledge, it is dangerous to go out into the street. This is dangerous for your life.
  • Where should pedestrians walk when there is no sidewalk?
  • 1. On the right side of the road.
  • 2. On the right side of the road.
  • 3. On the left side of the road, towards the traffic.
You have scored 2 points.
  • You have scored 2 points.
  • You urgently need to learn the rules of the road.
  • How should a pedestrian walk on the sidewalk?
  • 1. Keeping to the left side.
  • 2. Sticking to the right side.
  • 3. Sticking to the middle.
You scored 3 points. Sorry, but you urgently need to repeat the rules of the road
  • You scored 3 points. Sorry, but you urgently need to repeat the rules of the road
  • What should pedestrians do if, while crossing the intersection, the green signal of the traffic light changed to yellow, and you did not have time to cross the road?
  • 1. Quickly cross the street.
  • 2. Return to the sidewalk.
  • 3. Stop on the center line and wait for the green signal.
You scored 4 points. Sorry, but your life is in danger and you urgently need to repeat the rules of the road
  • You scored 4 points. Sorry, but your life is in danger and you urgently need to repeat the rules of the road
  • The bus stopped at a stop, you got off it. How to cross the road when exiting the transport?
  • 2. Behind the bus.
  • 3. In front of the bus.
You scored 5 points. I'm sorry, but you're still in danger. I earnestly ask you to repeat the rules of the road.
  • You scored 5 points. I'm sorry, but you're still in danger. I earnestly ask you to repeat the rules of the road.
  • To whom do pedestrians obey if the intersection is regulated by a traffic light and a traffic controller?
  • 1. Traffic signals.
  • 2. Signals from the traffic controller.
  • 3. That's right.
You scored 6 points. I'm sorry, but you're still in serious danger. I kindly ask you to repeat the rules of the road.
  • You scored 6 points. I'm sorry, but you're still in serious danger. I kindly ask you to repeat the rules of the road.
  • At what age is it allowed to ride a bicycle on the road?
  • 1. From the age of 14.
  • 2. From the age of 13.
  • 3. From the age of 12.
You scored 7 points. It's a pity, but if you are under 14, then it's too early for you to ride a bike on the roadway.
  • You scored 7 points. It's a pity, but if you are under 14, then it's too early for you to ride a bike on the roadway.
  • How far from the right side of the road is cycling permitted?
  • 1. Not more than 0.5 m,
  • 2. Not more than 1.0 m.
  • 3. Not more than 2.0 m.
You scored 8 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to ride your bike on the road.
  • You scored 8 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to ride your bike on the road.
  • Is cycling allowed on the side of the road?
  • 1. No.
  • 2. Permitted as long as it does not interfere with pedestrians.
  • All right.
You scored 9 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to ride your bike on the road.
  • You scored 9 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to ride your bike on the road.
  • Is it allowed to carry a passenger on a bicycle?
  • 1. No.
  • 2. Allowed, a child under the age of 7 in an extra seat.
  • 3. Allowed for everyone without exception.
You have scored 10 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to ride your bike on the road.
  • You have scored 10 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to ride your bike on the road.
What part of the street is for pedestrians?
  • What part of the street is for pedestrians?
  • 1. Roadside.
  • 2. Sidewalk.
  • 3. That's right
You scored 11 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to go outside without an adult.
  • You scored 11 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to go outside without an adult.
  • On which side of the sidewalk should pedestrians walk?
  • 1. On the left.
  • 2. On the right.
  • 3. That's right.
You have scored 12 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to go outside without an adult. You are a danger to other pedestrians.
  • You have scored 12 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to go outside without an adult. You are a danger to other pedestrians.
  • What traffic signal is forbidding traffic?
  • 1. Red
  • 2. Green.
  • 3. Yellow.
You have scored 12 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to go outside without an adult. You don't even know the traffic lights.
  • You have scored 12 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to go outside without an adult. You don't even know the traffic lights.
  • Which side of the road do pedestrians walk on when there is no sidewalk?
  • 1. On any side.
  • 2. On the right side, towards the traffic.
  • 3. On the left side, towards the transport.
You scored 13 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to go outside without an adult. you are a danger to other pedestrians.
  • You scored 13 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to go outside without an adult. you are a danger to other pedestrians.
  • What geometric shapes do traffic signs have?
  • 1. Triangle, square, circle, rectangle.
  • 2. Triangle, square.
  • 3. Square, circle, rectangle.
You have scored 14 points. It's a pity you were wrong. But not knowing the road signs is very dangerous.
  • You have scored 14 points. It's a pity you were wrong. But not knowing the road signs is very dangerous.
  • What is the name of the sign that is installed near schools and kindergartens?
  • 1. "School"
  • 2. "Children's institution".
  • 3. "Children"
You have scored 15 points. It's a pity you were wrong. But not knowing the road signs is very dangerous.
  • You have scored 15 points. It's a pity you were wrong. But not knowing the road signs is very dangerous.
  • What is the name of the intersection?
  • 1. Crossroads.
  • 2. Detour.
  • 3. That's right.
You scored 16 points. It's a pity you were wrong. But you don't know the most dangerous place on the road.
  • You scored 16 points. It's a pity you were wrong. But you don't know the most dangerous place on the road.
  • The most dangerous places on the streets of the city?
  • 1. Crossroads.
  • 2. That's right.
  • 3. Road.
You scored 17 points. It's a pity you were wrong. But you do not know the most dangerous places on the road.
  • You scored 17 points. It's a pity you were wrong. But you do not know the most dangerous places on the road.
  • How many pedestrian crossings are there at the intersection?
You scored 18 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Please refer to the rules of the road.
  • You scored 18 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Please refer to the rules of the road.
  • Our faithful friends and helpers on the streets of the city.
  • 1. Drivers and policemen.
  • 2. Pedestrians.
  • 3. Road signs.
You scored 19 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Please refer to the rules of the road.
  • You scored 19 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Please refer to the rules of the road.
Name the parts of the road.
  • Name the parts of the road.
  • 1. Roadway, curb, ditch.
  • 2. Roadway, ditch.
  • 2. Ditch.
You have scored 20 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Please refer to the rules of the road.
  • You have scored 20 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Please refer to the rules of the road.
  • What is the name of the people who use the transport?
  • 1. Drivers
  • 2. Pedestrians.
  • 3. Passengers.
You scored 21 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Please refer to the rules of the road.
  • You scored 21 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Please refer to the rules of the road.
  • What does the word "pedestrian" mean?
  • 1. Walking.
  • 2. Walking step.
  • 3. Walking on a pedestrian crossing.
You scored 22 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Please refer to the rules of the road. Your score is very high.
  • You scored 22 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Please refer to the rules of the road. Your score is very high.
  • What mode of transport can be jumped off on the go?
  • 1. From the bus.
  • 2. From the car.
  • 3. From the plane.
You scored 23 points. It's a pity you were wrong. If you don't have a parachute, jumping on the move is deadly.
  • You scored 23 points. It's a pity you were wrong. If you don't have a parachute, jumping on the move is deadly.
  • Is it possible to transport passengers on the streets on a bicycle?
  • 1. Yes.
  • 2. No.
  • 3. Only adults.
You scored 24 points. It's a pity you were wrong. You were missing quite a bit.
  • You scored 24 points. It's a pity you were wrong. You were missing quite a bit.
The bus stopped at a stop, you got off it. How to cross the road when exiting the transport?
  • The bus stopped at a stop, you got off it. How to cross the road when exiting the transport?
  • 1. Only after the departure of the bus (trolleybus).
  • 2. Behind the bus.
  • 3. In front of the bus.
You scored 25 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Your life is in danger. You were missing quite a bit.
  • You scored 25 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Your life is in danger. You were missing quite a bit.
  • Can a car that is not moving create a danger?
  • 1. Maybe.
  • 2. Can't.
  • 3. I don't know
You scored 26 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Your life is in danger. You were missing quite a bit.
  • You scored 26 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Your life is in danger. You were missing quite a bit.
  • Well done!!!

Interactive game in the elementary school "Field of Miracles" according to traffic rules

Down with boring conversations. It is more interesting to teach children safety through exciting games and quizzes.
The game "Field of Miracles" according to the rules of the road is designed for students in grades 2-4.
Target: Consolidate knowledge of the Rules of the road.
The game is recommended for students in grades 1-4.
Rules of the game:
The game is played in three rounds, each with 3 players.
The host thinks of the word indicated on the scoreboard. Players take turns spinning the drum and guessing the letters that make up the word. The player who guesses the word the fastest wins. A game with spectators and a super game is envisaged.

Game progress.

I. Organizational moment
- Hello, dear guys! Today we have an unusual lesson, today we will become participants in the famous game "Field of Miracles".

II. Setting the goal of the game.
- Whoever thinks that he knows all the rules of traffic rules and knows how to use them, clap your hands.
- Who knows all the rules, but does not know how to apply them correctly, stomp your feet.
- Who does not know everything and does not know everything, raise your hands up and wave them.
- Guys, I see that you already know a lot. So we start the game.

III. Game "Field of Wonders"
Attention to the question of the first qualifying round. You must raise your hand to answer. A shout out for an answer is not accepted.

What a miracle - a long house!

The windows light up all around.
Wears rubber shoes
And it feeds on gasoline.

And so we have determined the first three players.
Attention to the task of the first three players.
Task for the first "troika" of players.
Self-propelled four-wheel
vehicle (Automobile)

And playing with the audience
Type of public transport (Bus)
And we continue the questions of the second qualifying round, I remind you that you need to raise your hand to answer.
The question of the second qualifying round.
Wonder wand, she
Everyone is familiar, everyone can see:
During the day it is noticeable, and in the evening -
Illuminated from within.

We have decided on the 2nd trio of players.
Assignment to the second "troika" of players.

Attention to the question of the 2nd trio of players.
Place of intersection, junction
or branching roads at the same level. (Crossroads) and

Game with spectators
Road for pedestrians (Sidewalk)
Third qualifying round. Attention, the answer is accepted only with a raised hand.
The question of the third qualifying round.
Who keeps order on the road?

We have a 3rd trio of players.
Task for the third three players

Attention question!
It happens aboveground, underground, ground (Transition)
The final.
The best traffic rules experts take part in the final. Let's applaud them.
Attention question:
Violators are afraid of him (Inspector)
The undisputed winner is...let's give him a round of applause!

Kiladze Natalia Valerievna

MOU secondary school №27 Volgograd

Primary school teacher

Cognitive game according to traffic rules "Automosaic" (grades 3-4).

Goals: Promotion of traffic rules among students and prevention of child road traffic injuries.


    Check and consolidate knowledge of traffic rules for cyclists.

    Expand the children's horizons in the field of bicycle history.

    Build teamwork skills.


    road signs;

    scoreboard and mosaic elements;

    scoreboard for the "Field of Miracles";

    blanks of signs and felt-tip pens.

Event progress.

    Org. moment

Vedas. Today we will become participants in the educational game "Automosaic". To do this, we will be divided into 3 teams of 7 people.

    Team greetings.

Vedas. It's time to familiarize yourself with the rules of the game. Teams must complete the car from 9 jigsaw puzzles as quickly as possible. In front of each team hangs a scoreboard with the outline of the car. The game consists of three sectors (red, yellow and green) according to the complexity of the tasks.

    Red sector - simple tasks and questions. They are worth only 1 point (the team receives 1 element of the car).

    Yellow sector - tasks and questions are more difficult, you can earn 2 points if you give the correct answers (accordingly, the team receives 2 elements of the car).

    Green sector - you will need to apply a lot of knowledge, but the correct answer gives you as many as 3 points.

Vedas. Clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

Feet go down the road

And two wheels are running.

The riddle has an answer

This is my ... (bike).

    Communication of the theme and objectives of the game.

Vedas. The theme of our game program is "Bicycle and everything about it." Many of you like to ride a bike on a sunny day. It is wonderful! But does each of you know and follow the rules of the road? How often do careless cyclists get into an accident or cause one! Today we will remember the rules of the road for cyclists and learn many interesting facts from the history of the bicycle.

"Do you know that…"

    Bicycle in Latin means "fast-footed".

    On September 15, 1801, in the midst of the celebrations on the occasion of the ascension to the throne of Alexander 1, an unusual vehicle appeared on the square in front of the Moscow Kremlin. Of course, you guessed it was ... (a bicycle).

    The first bicycle with pedals and a steering wheel was built in Russia by the inventor Artamonov.


Vedas. According to the results of the draw, the choice fell on the team ... Guys, your move, you choose any block and any sector.

    The game "Automosaic"

Pedestrian ABC block.

Red Sector (1 Point)

    The pedestrian is...

A. A person doing work on the road.

B. A person walking on the sidewalk.

B. The person in the car.

    What traffic rules must a pedestrian follow when crossing the road?

A. Cross at right angles.

B. Do not stop on the road unnecessarily.

B. Do not eat ice cream.

3. Is it dangerous to walk on the edge of the sidewalk?

A. Not dangerous as the sidewalk is for pedestrians.

B. Not dangerous, as vehicles should not go close to the sidewalk.

B. Dangerous, as there is a danger of being hit by nearby traffic.

Yellow sector (2 points)

    What is a sidewalk?

A. Road for cyclists.

B. Road for pedestrians.

B. Road for transport.

    What should a pedestrian be guided by if the traffic controller's gesture contradicts the requirement of a traffic light?

A. The gesture of the traffic controller.

B. Traffic signal.

B. Act at your own discretion.

3. What does a flashing green traffic light mean?

A. The traffic light is out of order.

B. The green signal is timed out.

B. Movement prohibited.

Green sector (3 points).

    How should a pedestrian column move along the roadway?

A. On the left side of the road, towards the moving traffic.

B. On the right side of the road, in the direction of traffic.

    Why can you ride a bike at night without the lights on?

(Trick question: you can’t ride at night without a flashlight, even on a bicycle),

Block "Do you believe ..."

Red sector (1 point)

    that you can only ride a bike on the roadway from the age of 14? (Yes).

    that a child up to 10 years old can be transported on a bicycle. (Not).

    What is the first thing you should check your brakes before riding a bike? (Yes).

Yellow sector (2 points)

    that the road sign "Intersection with a bicycle path" belongs to the prohibition group of signs? (No warning)

    that a double-decker bicycle was built in England? (Yes).

    that a cyclist may not stop at an intersection at a red light if there are no vehicles and he does not create an emergency? (Not).

Green sector (3 points).

    that for the first time in Russia the rules for cycling were developed in Moscow. (No, in St. Petersburg).

    that a bicycle for 9 riders is called a noniplet. (Yes).

    that the first bike path was built in Paris? (Yes).

Vedas. Around 1493, the brilliant artist Leonardo da Vinci made a drawing of a machine driven by pedals. True, some scientists claim that the drawing belongs to one of the students of the famous artist.

Block "Nimble artists"

Red sector (1 point)

"Find the mistake"

Pupils receive painted road signs. Task: find errors.

Yellow sector (2 points)

"Color the Signs"

Pupils receive black and white road signs. Task: color them correctly.

Green sector (3 points).

"Draw the sign"

Pupils receive outlines of road signs. Task: draw signs.

Vedas. The height of the largest bike is 3.4 meters, and the diameter of the front wheel is 3,048 m. It was created in 1989 by Dave Moore from the USA. And it was tested on June 4 of the same year by Moore's compatriot Steve Gordon.

Block "Field of Miracles"

Students can open any 2-3 letters. Task: Guess the word.

Red sector (1 point)

Name the great Renaissance artist who sketched the bicycle.

Yellow sector (2 points)

Guess one of the first bike names.

Green sector (3 points).

Guess the name of the sports two-seater bike.

Vedas. The longest bike is a tandem. Its length was 20.4 m, and it easily fit 35 cyclists. On April 20, 1979, this chulo set off on its first journey. True, the bike drove only 60 km, after which, with screams and a terrible roar, all 35 participants in the grand race fell to the asphalt. The lack of coordination of the team affected. By the way, it is impossible to lift this tandem alone, since it weighs 1100 kg.

But the New Zealander Terry Tesman built a bicycle 22.24 meters long, which weighed 340 kg, his brainchild overcame as much as 246 meters on February 27, 1988.

    Summarizing. Reflection.

Vedas. That's the end of our game today. Let's summarize. The winning team was...

But I think that there are no losers in this game, everyone can consider themselves a winner.

It is important to remember and observe the Rules of the Road: for a cyclist, a pedestrian, and a driver! Our lives and the lives of those around us depend on it.

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