The treasure hunter could say the last phrase. Date with Griselda

This time we have prepared Answers to the game Eureka- for phones and tablets with the Android operating system, as well as iphone and ipad (ios).
Do you consider yourself smart? Do you easily cope with puzzles of any complexity? Test yourself with the new logic quiz Eureka! In the application, you will find entertaining tasks for every taste: mathematical, logical, "thinking". Initially, each player has 9 open questions. In order to open the next block, which consists of more intricate puzzles, you will have to solve any 7 of the 9 available tasks. Each time, the puzzles become more and more difficult, which are difficult to pass without a hint - this is why we have posted on our website for the game Eureka - answers to all levels. In total, the free version contains 67 tasks, and we will consider them. For all levels of the Eureka game, we have the correct solutions with comments, so you will not have problems passing the game.
To go to a specific task - just click the gray button with the level you need at the top or bottom of the page. If you have any questions about how to pass the game Eureka for android, ios - write in the comment form at the bottom of each page or on the forum.

Question: In the morning you want to drink tea with milk, but you only managed to pour tea into a glass when someone rang at your door. What should be done to make tea with milk hot when you return: pour milk into it immediately before leaving or after when you return?

Answer: straightaway.

Solution: The cooling rate is proportional to the temperature difference between the heated body and the surrounding air, therefore, tea should be somewhat cooled by pouring milk into it so that further cooling occurs more slowly. Question: The ax weighs a kilogram and half an axe. How many kilograms does the ax weigh?

Answer: 2 KILOGRAM.

Solution: an ax weighs X kg. X=1+X/2, X=2 Question: 30 hungry sharks swim in the bay, gradually eating each other. A shark is considered full if it has eaten three other sharks (full or hungry). What is the largest number of sharks that can feed?

Answer: 9 SHARK.

Solution: 7 sharks will each eat 3 hungry sharks. The remaining 2 hungry will eat 3 previously satiated. Question: Petya, Kolya and Sasha are friends. Petya is Kolya's brother, Kolya is Sasha's brother. Sasha is not Petya's brother. Why?

Answer: SASHA IS A WOMAN. Question: Masha bought flowers for her mother for her birthday. How many flowers will she give her mother if all but two of them are roses, all but two are tulips, and all but two are daisies?

Answer: 3 FLOWERS.

Solution: Rose, tulip and daisy, each with one flower. Question:"The director of the lyceum objects to the cancellation of the decision to ban control over the appearance (clothes) of students." What does it mean? Can students dress as they please?

Answer: YES.

Solution: Security question: Can I walk in any clothes? Appearance control - you can not walk in any clothes. The decision to ban appearance control - you can walk in any clothes. The director objects to the cancellation, that is, not against walking in any clothes. Question: One hundred students studied English and German at the same time. At the end of the course, they took an exam, which showed that 10 students did not master either one or the other language. Of those who remained, 75 passed German and 83 passed English. How many of those taking the exam speak both languages?

Answer: 68 PERSON.

Solution: According to the condition, we have that 10 did not master any of the languages, that is, we get that out of 90 people, 75 passed German, and 83 passed English. Find how many people know no more than one language (one or no language). And we are interested in the maximum possible number of such people.
7 people do not know English (90-83=7). How many people out of 83 "English" people may not know German? Obviously 15 people (90-75=15).
Thus, 15+7=22 students know no more than one language. Accordingly, 90-22=68 people are guaranteed to speak both languages. Question: What sign should be put between the numbers 4 and 5 so that the result is a number greater than four, but less than five?

Answer: COMMA.

Solution: Then you get 4.5 (four and a half). Question: A seamstress bought a 16 meter roll of silk fabric. To sew a wedding dress for her daughter, she cut off 2 meters from it every day. After how many days will she cut the last piece?

Answer: 7.

Solution: The last piece will be cut on the 7th day. Because to get 8 parts, you need to make 7 cuts. Question: A group of caterpillars crawled. One in front and two behind. One behind and two in front, one between two and three in a row. How many caterpillars were in the group?

Answer: 3.

Solution: They crawled one after another. Question: In the theatre, three colleagues were talking in adjacent seats in the stalls: the soil scientist Svetlov, the mathematician Temnov, and the historian Krasnov. “It's amazing that one of us has blond hair, another has black hair, and the third has red hair, but none of us has the same hair color as our last name,” the black-haired man said. "You're right," Svetlov confirmed. What color is the historian's hair?

Answer: BLACK.

Solution: There are 2 statements in the condition of the problem from which it is clear that Svetlov is not black-haired (because these are 2 different people). So Svetlov with red hair. Therefore, Krasnov has black hair. He cannot have blond hair, because then Temnov would have black hair (which contradicts the condition of the problem). Question: One rainy morning, Mary's secretary was out of sorts. She printed four letters to different recipients (with different addresses) and laid them out at random in pre-prepared personalized envelopes. Could it be that only three out of four letters will end up in the right envelopes?

Answer: NO.

Solution: If you put three letters at random into the right envelopes, then the fourth one will certainly be in its place. One, two or four of the four letters might have ended up in their envelopes by accident, but not three. Question: Grade 5 students were divided into "honest" and "liar". The first decided never to lie again, and the second - not to speak or write the truth. At the literature lesson, everyone wrote an essay, which must necessarily contain the phrase "Everything written here is true" or "Everything written here is a lie." There were 17 "honest" and 18 "liars" at the box office. How many essays contained the phrase "Everything written here is true"?

Answer: 35.

Solution: All students will write the phrase "Everything written here is true." "Honest" will write like this, because everything in the essay is true, "liars" - because it is not true. Question: 97 teams take part in the regular competition. The winner is chosen as follows: these 97 teams are divided into pairs, and the teams of each pair play against each other. After the losing teams are eliminated, the winners are paired up again, and so on. How many games do you need to play to determine the champion?

Answer: 96.

Solution: There are 97 teams in total. One team is eliminated after each game. Therefore, in order for only one team to remain out of 97, you need to play 96 times.
This problem can also be solved by summing the number of games in each round: 48 + 24 + 12 + 6 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 96. Question: What has a greater mass - 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of iron?

Answer: EQUALLY.

Solution: Both cotton wool and iron weigh 1 kilogram. Question: Under what circumstances can five boys, three dogs, three giraffes and a mouse get under one umbrella and not get wet?

Answer: NO RAIN. Question: Petya wrote down the numbers from one to one hundred, painted the odd ones in red, and the even ones in black, and decided to add up all the multi-colored numbers. What color is the number that is the sum of an even number and an odd number?

Answer: RED.

Solution: The sum will be an odd number, hence the color red. Question: At night, the dwarf Grumpy descends into the diamond mine. In one night, he spends one candle, lighting his way in the mine. Grumpy can make 1 new candle out of 5 candle stubs. If he has 25 candle ends, how many nights will he have enough new candles to last?

Answer: 6.

Solution: He can make 5 new candles out of 25 stubs, and when they burn out, he can make the sixth of the 5 stubs left. Question: Three fat chickens eat three meaty caterpillars in three minutes. How many minutes does it take for thirty hens to peck at thirty caterpillars?

Answer: 3.

Solution: If three hens can eat three caterpillars in three minutes, then each hen individually will need three minutes for one hen. So thirty chickens can handle thirty caterpillars in the same three minutes. Question: Five diggers dig a 5 m ditch in 5 hours. How many diggers will it take to dig a 100m ditch in 100 hours?

Answer: 5.

Solution: It will take the same five diggers, no more. In fact, five diggers dig 5 m of a ditch in 5 hours. This means that five diggers dug 1 m of a ditch for 1 hour, and 100 m in 100 hours. Question: A steel ladder was lowered from the side of the boat. The bottom 4 steps of the ladder are submerged in water. Each step has a thickness of 5 cm. The distance between two adjacent steps is 30 cm. The tide began, at which the water level began to rise at a rate of 40 cm per hour. How many stairs will be under water after 2 hours?

Answer: 4.

Solution: Two hours later, the same 4 steps will be under water, because at high tide the stairs rise with the boat. Question: A treasure hunter has reached an uninhabited island in the Caribbean using an old map. He wandered for several hours in the dense tropics until he came across a tribe of local aborigines. The elder of the tribe decided to immediately kill the intruder, but first he decided to mock him. The treasure hunter could only say one last phrase in his life. If it turns out to be true, then he will be thrown from the mountain to the rocky shore. If the phrase turns out to be a lie, the wanderer will be torn to pieces by lions. However, the treasure hunter managed to escape.
What was this phrase, after which the elder was forced to release the treasure hunter?

Answer: I'm being torn to pieces by lions.

Solution: Now, if the elder gave him to be torn to pieces by lions, then this phrase would turn out to be true and the hunter would have to be thrown from the cliff. But if he is thrown off a cliff, then the phrase will turn out to be false. The elder admitted that the only right decision would be to let the hunter go. Question: One day Alice met a Lion and a Unicorn resting under a tree. They were strange creatures. Leo lied on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and told the truth on all other days. The unicorn behaved differently: he lied on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays and spoke the truth on all other days of the week. They made the following statements:
Leo: "Yesterday was one of the days I lie."
Unicorn: "Yesterday was one of the days when I lie too."
From these two statements, Alice was able to deduce what day of the week it was.
What day of the week was it?


Solution: The lion could tell that he had lied the day before, only on Monday and Thursday. The unicorn could tell that he had lied the day before, only on Thursday and Sunday. Therefore, they could both claim that they had lied the day before, only on Thursday. Question: The robbers on the forest road caught the traveler. And when it turned out that he had no gold, the robbers decided to kill him immediately. The leader of the gang left him to choose how he wishes to die. The traveler accepted the challenge and took the word of honor from the robbers that his wish would be fulfilled. In the next instant, the traveler announced his own verdict. Then the leader spread his hands and let him go. So how did the traveler wish to die?

Answer: FROM OLD AGE. Question: Vovochka bought a piece of laundry soap. After seven washes, the length, width and height of the bar of soap had halved. How many washes will the remaining piece last?

Answer: 1.

Solution: If the length, width and height are halved, then the volume has decreased by 8 times. That is, after 7 washes, 1/8 remained. Therefore, for each wash, 1/8 of a piece is erased.

It is hard to imagine a pirate who would not dream of capturing all the wealth of the world. Not surprisingly, treasure hunting has become one of the undeniable advantages of the add-on dedicated to pirates and nobles. We will talk about all the intricacies of this exciting activity.

Where to begin?

Every aspiring treasure hunter should visit the village shop. There you can buy an inconvenient but cheap shovel and your first treasure map. This card is different from others. Firstly, it is easy to get, while other cards have to be collected from scattered and rarely found fragments. Secondly, the treasure on this map can be found an infinite number of times by the same hero. Other treasures are unique, which means that if one of your heroes found this treasure, then the rest of the inhabitants of the kingdom will not get it.

With any card, there are only two interactions: "read" and "look for treasure." Moreover, the second action may not be available if the unlucky treasure hunter does not have a shovel or the treasure has already been found by someone. If you “read” the map, then a window with a hint about the location of the treasure will appear in the upper right corner of the screen. For example, the clue for the first card is "This card indicates an area where many trees grow." It immediately became clear that the first treasure should be looked for in the forest. When your hero comes to the forest edge, you need to click on the map "look for treasure." If the location is found correctly, the following message will appear:

Referring to the map, the novice treasure hunter will soon find the right place and start digging. In less than an hour, he will become the proud owner of the following treasures:

  • steel shovel
  • a piece of gold-embroidered card
  • title certificate: treasure hunter

With the help of the latter, you can change the title of the hero. Then instead of "Sir Thomas" he would be called "treasure hunter Thomas".

However, treasures can be found without a map. But in this case, there is less chance of finding something. Especially if your treasure hunter is inexperienced. Places where large treasures are most often found: pier; forest; the territory adjacent to the castle; judgment place; a cave and areas where unique treasures are located. If your hero didn't dig up anything on one of them, then it's worth looking elsewhere or at another time.

The outcome of a treasure hunt can be different. Most often, the hero throws up his hands over a pit without treasure.

A little less often, small finds happen when the treasure hunter takes out a bag with a couple of inexpensive gizmos from the pit.

Occasionally, the hero digs up a wooden chest containing several relatively valuable items.

Very rarely - and with great experience - a treasure hunter comes across a golden chest, in which there are many valuable items.

Date with Griselda

It is necessary to mention the dangers that await your hero on the way to the treasured treasure. It's not about the fact that the hero, plunging headlong into the search for treasure, forgets about his daily duties and the completion of the quest. Of course, this may lead to him being imprisoned in the stocks or falling into the Pit of Justice. But still, the fastest way to get there is to dig a hole in the wrong place. Then the tentacle of the beast will come out from there and the hero will have the corresponding moodlet.

If he continues to dig the hole he started or digs a new one, then there is a high probability that the monster will drag him into the Pit of Justice. Therefore, it is better to wait until the moodlet disappears, and only after that continue the treasure hunt.

Unique Treasures

There are only five such treasures in the game. Each of them can be found on a specific map, which must be collected piece by piece. Map fragments can be dug up when searching for treasures, they can be brought by a parrot,

and also they sometimes come across during a forest walk, a sea voyage, a trip to a village shop.

Fragments: 3 pieces
Hint: "The map shows a lone gnarled tree."
Location: next to the cathedral.

  • 2927$
  • Ancient Powder (5)
  • Magic Fragment (1)
  • Dragon Tooth (2)
  • Map fragment with notes (1)
  • Gilded Rapier (1)

Fragments: 3 old map fragments
Hint: “There is a riddle written on the map. It sounds like this: He runs, and falls, and rushes, and rumbles. My treasures are buried above him."
Location: A section of the road to the castle, located above the waterfall.

  • 1439$
  • Ancient Powder (2)
  • Silvereye Shovel (1)
  • Clay shard (5)
  • Thin bones (2)
  • Captain's Blade (1)
  • Decayed tablet (1)
  • Grubville Jolly Roger (1) (Family Luggage)

Fragments: 5 Holy Map Fragments
Hint: "A note on the map says the map shows the way to the holiest place in this area."
Location: next to the cathedral

  • 1404$
  • Ancient Powder (5)
  • Watcher's Tablet (3)
  • Fragment of a stone map (2)
  • Jacob's Tooth (1)
  • Angel Hammer (1)
  • Magic Fragment (1)

Fragments: 5 map fragments with notes
Hint: "The map indicates that rumor has it that a dragon lived under an ancient tower."
Location: The ruins of a tower near the executioner's hut and judgment seat.

  • 5774$
  • Ancient Powder (3)
  • Ice Fang (1)
  • Ancient bones (10)
  • Thin bones (2)
  • Dragon Tooth (6)

Fragments: 6 Stone Map Fragments
Hint: "With a lot of effort, you can see on the map a giant cliff hanging over the water."
Location: behind the mage's tower and the healer's house

  • Ancient Powder (6)
  • Demonic Shroud (1)
  • Clay shard (8)

The composition of all these treasures is constant, but the amount of money and items can change.

Treasure hunter's trophies

And finally, let's talk more about the items that treasure hunters find. They can be divided into several groups.

1. Fragments of various items. Of these, you can restore the skeleton of an animal or a vessel. To do this, you need to make secret glue from magic powder and well water.

A skeleton parrot is useful to any treasure hunter. The recipe for its re-creation is inscribed on a decrepit stone tablet from the Silver Eye hoard.

2. Tools and weapons, including shovels and an angel's hammer.

3. Items from other countriesin.

5. Various minerals.
6. Unusual finds. In my case, a book with a recipe for a potion of incorporeality.

Who knows how many secrets treasure hunting hides, and what amazing treasures are hidden in the land of your kingdom? Maybe it's up to you to find the most valuable treasure. Good luck on your treasure hunt!

It is believed that Daniel Defoe wrote off his island of Robinson Crusoe from Cocos Island (in Spanish - Isla del Coco), and Stevenson - Treasure Island. And Hollywood screenwriter Michael Crichton used Coconut as the prototype for another mythical island in Spielberg's Jurassic Park.

What is happening in this legendary place today? Alexander Ingilevich, full member of the Russian Geographical Society, writer, specialist in underwater archeology and head of the Archeo expeditionary club, told AiF. Without Borders about this. Since 2004, he has organized and led several expeditions in the footsteps of the campaigns of the Spanish conquistadors in Latin America - Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Panama and Costa Rica, where he searched for answers to the mysteries of ancient civilizations. And recently, together with members of the "Archeo" club, he visited Cocos Island and plunged into its "golden" waters.

impregnable paradise

On a flight via Madrid, we arrived in San José, the capital of Costa Rica, a state in Central America. Then we drove by jeeps to the small port town of Puntarenas. From there, safari boats go to Cocos Island - ships equipped for diving and living on them for divers. From Puntarenas to Cocos, which is located 600 km from the coast, it takes 36-40 hours by sea. During this time, we managed to take a break from the road and acclimatize (the time difference with Moscow is 9 hours minus), and some even put up with seasickness (the Pacific Ocean shakes pretty). For reference: Costa Rica has two seasons, wet from April to October, when it rains every day until noon, and dry, when there is no rain at all.

The island itself does not seem so big from the sea: it takes a little more than half an hour to get around it on a boat. The shores seem impregnable: the height of the cliffs reaches tens of meters. Grottoes and arches are often found near the water in the rocks. In the entire heavily indented coastline, there are only two bays with beaches where ships can dock - Chatham and Wafer Bay. Everything else is sheer walls.

But behind them is a real paradise - virgin tropical rainforest. When you go on a boat along the coast, you see how waterfalls fall from the cliffs into the sea. There are about two hundred of them on the island, and in the rainy season it becomes even more. However, there is no source of fresh water. Where are the waterfalls from? Above, in the mountains, there are lakes that are fed by rain. Therefore, fresh water on Cocos is always in abundance.

treasure on treasure

Since ancient times, Coconut has received two names: "pirate's safe" and "Mecca of treasure hunters." They say that treasures worth almost 1 billion dollars are stored in its depths. They have been searched for since the beginning of the 19th century. and up to our days. This time full of human dramas is best characterized by the story of the persistent captain August Gissler.

A German adventurer obsessed with treasure hunting, he founded an agricultural colony on Cocos in 1889 and dug up almost every piece of island land, spending 50 thousand then dollars on it - in full confidence that Inca treasures were hidden on Cocos, plundered by conquistadors led by Pizarro. As a result, the colony withered due to weak communication with the mainland, and Gissler found only a dozen old Spanish coins. After 19 years of fruitless searching, he was removed from the island in complete exhaustion.

Coconut itself was discovered by Europeans in the 16th century. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. pirates used it as a base where they could stock up on fresh water and wood to repair ships. Then, according to legend, they began to hide treasures on it. Then Cocos was a refuge for whalers, they tried to turn it into an exile prison and plantation. Both attempts failed. But treasure hunting and adventurous tourism flourished. More than 300 search expeditions have already visited this Mecca of fortune hunters, but none of them declared success. Or did she not admit it?

What are they looking for in Coco? One of the treasures belongs to the legendary British pirate Henry Morgan. The other is to the oceanographer, writer and, again, the pirate William Dampier. Buried gold on the island and the former captain of the English Royal Navy Alexander Graham, nicknamed Benito Bonito, or the Bloody Blade. There is also a legend about the "treasures of Lima" - Spanish state and church valuables taken from Peru during the war of independence (including, for example, a golden human-sized statue of the Holy Virgin with a baby). All this was hidden on Cocos by the English captain Scott Thompson.

nut holiday

However, there are other treasures on Cocos - its unusually rich flora and unique underwater world. Because of them, the island is declared a nature reserve and a UNESCO heritage. And you can visit the "pirate's safe" only with the permission of the authorities of Costa Rica. But even if it is available, landings of the same divers are rare - only a couple of times in 10 days, while the boat is on the roads in the bay.

The island and the 20-mile sea zone around it are guarded by several rangers - tough guys serving on a rotational basis. It depends on them whether you can get off the boat ashore. They may be allowed, or they may not.

When our ship anchored in Chatham Bay, they approached in a Zodiac-type rubber motorboat, boarded, and the first thing they did was check the papers of all the arrivals. There were two rangers: one is elderly, and the other is a very young boy. Both had the same facial expression: self-awareness of their own importance. And not without reason, given the difficulties with the protection of the reserve.

Later, photographing the surroundings of the ranger base, I could not understand - what kind of mess do they have there? Old outboard motors, bags of nets, coils of fishing line and even boats and boats abandoned on the shore. As it turned out - the property of poachers, the prey of rangers over the past four months. Rangers do not stand on ceremony with poachers: this is evidenced by holes in the sides of confiscated boats. In addition to the Zodiacs, the Rangers also have speedboats with powerful engines and wheelhouses.

One of the local attractions is a suspension bridge over a stream, woven from fishing tackle, fishing lines and nets, decorated with plastic and foam buoys. Behind him, the trail climbs the slope through the jungle. In places it is covered with rotten foliage, wet and slippery. On the right - a steep cliff, on the left - a stream bed, thundering streams of water and sharp stones. The heart sometimes stops in fright, but then you come to a spectacle of incredible beauty - a waterfall falling from a height of two hundred meters, and this redeems everything. Below is a small lake with warm water, where you can swim.

And, of course, coconuts, after which the Spaniards named the island. Wandering along the shore, we saw newly planted groves of coconut palms and freshly sprouted nuts. At one time, the groves of these trees were almost completely cut down.

On this account, there is a colorful testimony of the famous British traveler Lionel Wafer, after whom one of the two bays of the island is named. On one occasion, sailors who wanted to please themselves, almost the entire crew went ashore, cut down several dozen palm trees, collected nuts and collected about 20 gallons of coconut milk. Then they sat down on the trunks and began to drink, making toasts to the king and queen. We drank a fair amount, but no one got tipsy. However, the liquid so dulled their senses that they could neither walk nor even stand on their feet. The rest of the crew, who did not participate in the entertainment, had to load these sailors into boats and send them on board. Five days passed before they finally came to their senses...

Comment on the article "Pirate safe: how to find the treasures of Cocos Island?"

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R. Stevenson "Treasure Island" 140. D. Defoe "Robinson Crusoe" 141. ! Mine Reed "The Headless Horseman" and others. 142.! Zh. Verne "Captain Grant's Children", "Mysterious Island", "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea", "Around the World in 80 Days" and Pirate's Safe: How are they looking for the treasures of Cocos Island?

Pirate safe: how to find the treasures of Cocos Island? Without Borders" said Alexander Ingilevich, full member of the Russian Geographical Society, writer, specialist in underwater archeology and head of the Archeo expedition club.

This is a logic game for all ages.

And we, in turn, decided to help you with the passage of this game.

In the game you will find achievements / awards that will help you compete and lead among all players!


  • Level 21

Question: A steel ladder was lowered from the side of the boat. The bottom 4 steps of the ladder are submerged in water. Each step has a thickness of 5 cm. The distance between two adjacent steps is 30 cm. The tide began, at which the water level began to rise at a rate of 40 cm per hour. How many stairs will be under water after 2 hours?

Answer: 4

Solution: After two hours, the same 4 steps will be under water, because at high tide the stairs rise with the boat.

  • Level 22

Question: A treasure hunter has reached a desert island in the Caribbean using an old map. He wandered for several hours in the dense tropics until he came across a tribe of local aborigines. The elder of the tribe decided to immediately kill the intruder, but first he decided to mock him. The treasure hunter could only say one last phrase in his life. If it turns out to be true, then he will be thrown from the mountain to the rocky shore. If the phrase turns out to be a lie, the wanderer will be torn to pieces by lions. However, the treasure hunter managed to escape.
What was this phrase, after which the elder was forced to release the treasure hunter?

Answer: The lions will tear me apart

Solution: Now, if the elder gave him to be torn to pieces by lions, then this phrase would turn out to be true and the hunter would have to be thrown from the cliff. But if he is thrown off a cliff, then the phrase will turn out to be false. The elder admitted that the only right decision would be to let the hunter go.

  • Level 23

Question: Once Alice met a Lion and a Unicorn resting under a tree. They were strange creatures. Leo lied on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and told the truth on all other days. The unicorn behaved differently: he lied on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays and spoke the truth on all other days of the week. They made the following statements:
Leo: "Yesterday was one of the days I lie."
Unicorn: "Yesterday was one of the days when I lie too."
From these two statements, Alice was able to deduce what day of the week it was.
What day of the week was it?

Answer: Thursday

Solution: Leo could tell that he lied the day before, only on Monday and Thursday. The unicorn could tell that he had lied the day before, only on Thursday and Sunday. Therefore, they could both claim that they had lied the day before, only on Thursday.

  • Level 24

Question: The robbers on the forest road caught the traveler. And when it turned out that he had no gold, the robbers decided to kill him immediately. The leader of the gang left him to choose how he wishes to die. The traveler accepted the challenge and took the word of honor from the robbers that his wish would be fulfilled. In the next instant, the traveler announced his own verdict. Then the leader spread his hands and let him go. So how did the traveler wish to die?

Answer: old age

  • Level 25

Question: Little Johnny bought a bar of laundry soap. After seven washes, the length, width and height of the bar of soap had halved. How many washes will the remaining piece last?

Answer: 1

Solution: If the length, width and height are halved, then the volume has decreased by 8 times. That is, after seven washes left 1/8. Therefore, for each wash, 1/8 of a piece is erased.

  • Level 26

Question: A camera was stolen from the postman Pechkin. There were three boys in the post office at that time: Kolya, Sasha and Yura. Uncle Styopa interviewed all three boys. Kolya claimed that Sasha stole the camera. Sasha said that he did not steal the camera. Yura said that he was not to blame for anything. But Uncle Styopa immediately realized that only one boy did not lie. Who is the thief?

Answer: YURA

Solution: If Kolya stole the camera, then Sasha and Yura are telling the truth. If Sasha stole, then both Kolya and Yura tell the truth. If Yura stole, then only Sasha speaks the truth. So the thief is Yura.

  • Level 27

Question: Several Siamese cats, sailors, a cook, and one-legged Captain Hank arrived on the ship Pobeda from the southern port. All of them, taken together, had 15 heads and 41 legs (or paws). How many cats were on the ship?

Answer: 6

Solution: Since there are exactly several sailors on the ship (that is, at least 2), a cook and a one-legged captain, we subtract them from the sum of heads and legs. After that, there will be 11 heads and 34 legs for several cats and sailors.
Then either a system of equations is compiled, solved and an answer is obtained. Or note that the total number of legs in cats should be divisible by 4. This means that among the remaining 11 heads, sailors, there can only be an odd number of 1,3,5,7, etc. By enumeration of these numbers, the only solution is found.
In total on the ship: 6 cats, 7 sailors, cook and captain.

  • Level 28

Question: The winemaker poured the rest of the day's wine into a twenty-liter barrel, and it was filled to the brim. At this time, neighbor Lucas looked into the shop and asked to sell him five liters from this barrel. The winemaker had at hand only two buckets of 7 and 13 liters, but he quickly coped with the task. What is the minimum number of transfusions he needed to get 5 liters?

Answer: 8

20 | 0 | 0
7 | 0 | 13
7 | 7 | 6
14 | 0 | 6
1 | 6 | 13
1 | 7 | 12
8 | 0 | 12
8 | 7 | 5

  • Level 29

Question: Vovochkin's grandfather walked home from the metro. Suddenly it began to rain heavily, and grandfather even had nowhere to hide and nothing to hide from the water. Grandpa got home, soaked through and through. But not a single hair got wet on his head. Why?

Answer: He is bald

  • Level 30

Question: Vovochka rides in the back seat of the car. His parents gave him a helium balloon. The windows are closed. What will happen to the ball (relative to the body of the car) when the car accelerates forward (enter the number of the answer option)?
1) Move forward
2) Fly back
3) stay in the same place

Answer: 1

Solution: The ball will move forward. The inertial forces in the car push the bodies backward, but also compress the air at the rear of the closed car. This increased air pressure pushes the balloon forward. For similar reasons, when a car moves in a circle, the balloon leans towards the center of the circle.

What do treasure hunters manage to get, does the earth easily part with its valuable secret "stuffing" and how legal is such an activity?

There are hobbies that are not welcomed by the law, but every year they gather more and more fans under their “banners”. These include the search for treasures with the help of metal detectors. People who are passionate about this business are outraged when they are called “black diggers”, and position their occupation as one of the outdoor activities like fishing, where the process itself is much more important than the “catch”. Moreover, they come across few truly valuable things. Most often, "tips" - coins of the Soviet era - are taken as trophies.

So what is it - a profitable, but illegal business, or is it still a hobby? The correspondent of "NG" decided to experience the symptoms of the "gold rush" and for one day became the "shadow" of the treasure hunter.

Cross on the map

There are several thousand owners of metal detectors in Belarus who try to look for artifacts in their free time. In spring and autumn, in the midst of field work, holding shovels at the ready and melancholy waving the "sticks" of the detectors, they measuredly pace through the fields, sensitively listening to the signals of their "gadgets" in the hope of hearing the "same" cherished sound signaling the metal hidden underground .

Vitaly became a "digger", as he calls himself, a few years ago. I asked for it as a partner. Preparations for the "sally" began with the study of maps that are freely available on the Internet.

"Expedition leader" opens an old layout map. According to him, the maps of the surveyor Fyodor Schubert, dated to the first half of the 19th century, are especially popular among the “diggers”. He imposes modern maps on the layout. A rather large village is marked on the oldest one. The later, Soviet "layer" shows only a few houses. The satellite sees nothing but a plowed field.

Today we will “roll up” exactly here, - Vitaliy decides. “Perhaps the land will give back a couple of items that the villagers have lost here for generations. Of course, such objects have already been trodden up and down by my hobby colleagues, however, as the saying “diggers” says, there are no “knocked out” places!

Miss Fortune

Since the treasure hunting season has barely opened, we still have a chance to arrive on the spot first and “skim the cream”. Unfortunately, these hopes were not destined to come true: having come to the most promising section of the field, we see a lot of filled holes - a sure sign of the search activity of competitors. However, Vitaliy does not lose heart: each “digger” has his own equipment, his own style of searching. Yes, luck plays a big part.

I remember, we cooperated with the guys, the three of us went in search. Among us - a beginner with a simple detector. We, experienced people, with good equipment, found a few Soviet kopecks, and this one took and located a silver coin on the first try!

We start searching. From the outside, the “digger” looks like a blind man with a cane. Slowly rearranging his legs, he leads the device on a long handle in front of him. From time to time the detector starts beeping with different “voices”. A low tone indicates the presence of iron in the earth, a high tone indicates the presence of non-ferrous metal. As soon as the device breaks into a squeak, Vitaliy stops and tries to "feel" the boundaries of the object. Sometimes it takes seconds, more often it takes several minutes. And then comes the most intriguing moment - the extraction of the find. Vitaly carefully breaks the clod of earth hiding the artifact into two parts. “Empty rock” is thrown aside, “ringing” is broken again. The smaller the lump, the more excitement ...

After two hours of searching, among our trophies were several aluminum stoppers from apothecary bottles, two flattened copper shells, a lead seal, and a handful of bolts. I'm annoyed. Where are the coins, treasure, treasures? My guide laughs: “Welcome to the harsh realities of modern treasure hunters!”.

Finally, luck smiles at us: a yellow round gleams in a break in the earth. Is it gold? Alas, just a copper "advice" - a five-kopeck coin minted in 1932. Five meters later, another encouraging signal - we have another 20 kopecks in our hands. But this is clearly an old coin.

Looks like a beetroot. These were minted during the time of the Commonwealth, - Vitaliy suggests uncertainly, carefully holding the round in his palm.

If you can't, but really want to

Excitement directly dazzles, imperceptibly for me passes about five hours! I noticed that Vitaly often glances at the nearby road, clearly nervous. I'm getting to the delicate part of the conversation about the legality of our actions. It can be seen that the treasure hunter has thought about this more than once:

We, amateur diggers, are guided by the Regulations on the Protection of Archaeological Sites during Excavation and Construction Works, which was approved by Council of Ministers Resolution No. 651 on May 22, 2002. According to it, it is forbidden to carry out unauthorized excavations at archaeological sites. But can this field, plowed up and down a hundred times, be equated with them?

I remind Vitaly that in 2012 additions were made to the resolution. In particular, a ban has been introduced on the use of metal detectors without special permission from the National Academy of Sciences.

So same all the same applies to archaeological sites! I, like 99 percent of my hobby colleagues, don’t even go there, my conscience simply won’t allow it. And if you can’t use detectors at all, then don’t sell them on every corner ...

The head of the department for the protection of historical and cultural heritage and restoration of the Ministry of Culture, Igor Chernyavsky, is ready to argue with Vitaly. According to him, today unauthorized excavations are prohibited not only at archaeological sites, but also in places related to human life. These include territories where once there were villages and farms. True, the regulatory framework on these issues is still being developed, the specialist admits, therefore, by and large, there is nothing to present to the diggers today. Igor Cherniavsky and his colleagues are more worried about the preservation of the heritage in terms of excavation literacy.

All earthworks should be carried out exclusively by professionals with the permission of the National Academy of Sciences, - the specialist emphasized. - Removing artifacts from the ground, the archaeologist analyzes their location, explores the cultural layers. According to these and many other signs, he can “read” the earth like a book and enrich science with new facts.

Not being a specialist in archeology, I cannot judge the value and preservation of objects in “our” field. Vitaly, on the other hand, defends his innocence: the metal detector “hits” 30 centimeters - to the depth of the tractor plow. Everything below and not yet damaged by technology is inaccessible to “diggers”...

Code of the "digger"

I'm on an even more "slippery path":

Society treats the so-called black diggers negatively deservedly. And how do you differ from them?

There are very few people who are ready to tear up monuments and graves at night for the sake of profit. And if such a bastard comes across to me or my colleagues, he will receive a fiskar in full! - emotionally declares Vitaliy (fiskar - a special shovel for excavations). - After all, people like us become outlaws because of them!

The "diggers" have their own unwritten code of laws and rules. For example, they avoid sown fields so as not to trample the shoots. Each dug hole is leveled. Found metal objects, ranging from fragments of equipment to foil and corks, are taken with them or dragged to the edge of the field so that colleagues do not “call” in vain.

The profitability of amateur excavations is questioned by my “guide”:

What have I found in three years? The oldest coin found in a friend's garden is dated 1765. There is one tsar's money, a few boratinos and polushkas, a small seal with initials, a handful of buttons from different eras, and a box of “advice”. Who can sell a button or a royal copper, if even rare silver coins are often valued by the weight of the metal?

Along with his colleagues, Vitaly dreams of cooperation with museums, but is afraid to “light up”. He says that the “diggers” will gladly give their finds to the state, and in exchange they only ask for permission to fearlessly roam the fields and do what they love.

The soil pushes the objects buried in it to the surface. That is why the “diggers” love freshly plowed fields, where the tractor plow does most of the work for them. However, beginners are still out of luck here. Vitaly says that only after months of training did he learn to determine at what depth and what exactly “rings” underground - foil, a bottle cap, a rusty nail, or something more valuable.

By the number of treasures found, Belarus ranks first among European countries. Since the beginning of the 19th century, more than one and a half thousand treasures have been registered on the territory of our country, more than four hundred finds belong to the post-war period.

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