Search by antiquity: inns and taverns. Looking for an ancient village from space

Winter is a difficult time for search engines. Many probably know the feeling when during the long New Year's "vacations" you simply do not know what to do with yourself.

So it was with me, the January vacation was coming to an end. Short daylight hours, heavy snowfalls and severe frost put an end to winter fishing.

I couldn’t sit at home anymore, so I decided to visit an old comrade who was spending his weekends in a country winter hut.

An alarming phone call the day before quickly revealed the culinary and domestic needs of the Zimogor. A hunter's menu, refined in its simplicity, was composed of chicken legs, marinated zucchini and salted porcini mushrooms.

I told my family that I was urgently leaving for a "scientific and production council on issues of peace and harmony." They let him go in peace, taking an oath to "discuss" in moderation. I gladly agreed. The saying immediately came to mind
“You need to drink in moderation,” and a measure (old Russian) is a unit of volume equal to 26.24 liters.

Arrived after dark. In an old village house, a Russian stove crackled with firewood. They were quickly brought to the table. The house was divided between two families, from the neighboring half an old resident of the village came to see us at the light.

Grandfather, 85 years old, was still cheerful, tarred home garden and with great pleasure skipped a couple of shots “for warming up”.

The conversation smoothly turned towards the abandoned local villages, and the grandfather delved into the memories of his barefoot youth. From the conversation, the mention of an old inn, once located on the outskirts of a village in the area, was deposited in my memory. An old three-trunked birch served as a sign.

I devoted the rest of the winter to studying old maps and archival materials. I knew the name of the village, but it was not listed on the maps available at that time, I had to navigate along forest roads and, knowing the approximate distance, thus narrow the search circle.

Spring came suddenly, the snow melted quickly, the earth thawed, and the grass climbed up with violent force. When I finally set out to search in the middle of May, the green carpet had already stretched out almost to the knee. BMK (combat vehicle "penny") took me almost to the very place.

“Almost” was, according to my rough calculations, 5-6 kilometers. Hiding the car in the bushes, I change my shoes into rubber boots, walkers, once again check the backpack with the device and rush on foot to meet the beautiful.

The road wound through hills and copses. In the lowlands, where the soil is saturated with meltwater, everything was mixed with loaded timber trucks and agricultural machinery. From the once rich villages, a couple of residential buildings remained. At the edge of the forest, the sounds of saws of lumberjacks were heard, climbing into this wilderness on a T-16 tractor, aptly nicknamed "top-top" by the people, apparently for the characteristic sound of the exhaust.

The road soon merged with the old tract, along which once a year pilgrims return from the procession.

Not for the first time, I was struck by the tenacity and resilience of these people. In many places, the puddles reached the edge of the boots and looked like a pool in length, and yet many pilgrims will go in light shoes and even barefoot.

A small shed at the crossroads gave a reason for a halt. After a short rest and gathering my thoughts, I read the map, consulted the navigator and realized that there was very little left to the cherished goal. After a couple of kilometers, I almost missed the right fork. Turning off the road, he went deep into the forest under the overhanging branches of an old abandoned alley. There were no people here for a long time, in two places the road was blocked by old trees blown down by the wind.

Crawling under one of them, literally nose to nose collided with a line. These early mushrooms are almost never found near the city. Deciding to take a picture of a miracle of nature, I took off my backpack, sank lower, trying to catch the focus and was stunned - mushrooms grew literally on every meter. There were a huge number of them here, and some specimens waved the size of a fist. It was possible to collect more than one basket, but I limited myself to a photo shoot. I didn’t take it with me - mushrooms are a delicate culture, and the day was coming long.

The tops of centuries-old trees appeared - here it is the cherished village! There were no traces of buildings, only house pits overgrown with weeds.

I assemble the device, take out a shovel and slowly start searching, going around the village in a circle.

The grass interfered greatly, last year's deadwood also did not add comfort to the search. There is a lot of "Soviet" garbage, the last inhabitants left their homes in the 60s of the last century. Decided to walk along the main street. I came across a button - a weight, a couple of Soviet kopecks of the Stalin era, a copper ring. I went deeper into the thicket again, among the wire-tube signals I managed to “hook” a couple more “tips”.

Traces of the existence of the inn could not be found, no broken glass or porcelain came across.
The treasured tree was also not visible. Maybe it rotted from time to time or went to firewood? It was decided to leave shurflenie until the next time. The main thing is that the place does not seem to have been visited by our brother digger, which means that there are definitely chances for good finds.

Time began to run out, I decided to once again walk along the main street. And then, on one “color” signal, an interesting object falls out of the dump. I wipe off the stuck dirt, rinse in a puddle, and in my hands is a weighty bronze seal. A beautiful thing immediately mentally transfers to that era when they wrote with goose feathers in the dim light of a crackling candle and sealed the messages with sealing wax.

Already at home, having washed the find and made a plasticine print, I read: “A.V. Onchukov.

The road home seemed shorter, but this was because he was walking through an already known area. On one section of the road, passing under the shady crowns of age-old dark fir trees, I was pretty scared by a hefty capercaillie. The pensive bird suddenly jumped out from under the feet and rushed along the road for a long time before taking off. Apparently, he was pecking at the pebbles and completely lost his caution, letting him in almost close. A large bird, having taken off, immediately glided deep into the forest and disappeared into it.

Climbing the hill, he once again stopped at the memorial cross on the site of the former village, honoring the memory of his ancestors.

From a height, the village church was visible as if in the palm of your hand. Restoration work has already begun, and I want to believe that in the near future the domes will shine, as before, with gold leaf, and the whole district will be filled with live bell ringing, gathering people to serve in the holy temple.

Life circumstances did not allow me to visit this cherished place again.

Only sometimes, at night, I dream of a fat innkeeper hiding in the back yard a weighty egg-box filled with silver shimmering under the light of the moon ...

Evgeny Zaramenskikh

Before any novice search engine, at the first exit into the field, the question arises: “Where to look for treasures and old villages?” Just walking blindly, in any field you like, means depriving yourself of search success in advance. Therefore, in this article I want to tell novice searchers and treasure hunters how to find a worthy place to search without having old map. I will describe two main ways that will help a beginner achieve at least initial success in finding a suitable site for excavation.

You can safely carry out the first way to search for villages and places of possible treasures right now using the Google program - Planet Earth, free version which can be downloaded from the official website. So, to begin with, we list those places that are potentially interesting to us. First of all, these are separate houses and farms, as well as places of ancient settlements, plowed barrows, which are not objects protected by the state, it would be very nice to walk along the places of the former riverbeds, since there could be areas for swimming and fishing, swimming on boats, people could also lose various items.

As on Google maps - Planet Earth, find an old farm or a separate house.

I answer this question with the help of pre-prepared screenshots. The green circles indicate the places where the change in the soil is visible. Lighter spots are the remains of destroyed and crushed adobe (clay bricks) from which houses were built earlier. To the left of the green circle, you can notice a change in the soil towards a darker shade, this indicates that this place was properly fertilized before - apparently there was a vegetable garden.

How to find a place to search in a garden or vineyard?

There are bright spots here, visible not on bare plowing, but in the vineyard. In such areas, find directly the place where an old house somewhat more difficult. Therefore, navigate by resorting to trees, shrubs and other objects. There are also cases when such spots turned out to be not houses, but simply erosion and erosion of the black soil, but in our business you can’t do without intelligence, so feel free to go out into the fields and wave your reel.

How to find the site of an ancient settlement?

Places where ancient burial mounds are located, demolished by archaeologists or local "natives", can also become a place of success. Agree that household items of ancient people could have been lost near the graves, and in best case you can expect that you will find an old settlement nearby. Do not dig up ancient mounds that are protected by law, as this is an article about the destruction of the country's historical heritage. The photo shows what the mound demolished by archaeologists looks like:

Where else can you wave a metal detector coil?

In places where rivers or streams used to flow, you can try your luck, since people settled along the banks of the rivers, there was a constant influx of fresh water. Also, any moment, a reservoir can become a source of not only water, but also food, for this you just need to throw a fishing rod or net. So I'm showing you what it looks like. google map- Planet Earth ancient river bed:

As we have already found out, we need to pay attention to the places where people used to live. As a rule, artifacts of human activity are the remains of destroyed buildings: fragments of foundations, building bricks and tiles. If you see a place on the field where pieces of building stone, ceramics, dishes and glass are scattered, do not try to avoid such areas. It has been proven by practice that ancient coins and other antiques come across along with fragments of ancient ceramics.

Good luck on the hunt, more fun swag and new positive impressions!

According to the Internet. The source is not clear. The author respond, well said :)

VIDEO. "Where to go to dig." Working with cards.

At the start of a search with a metal detector, there are two main questions for a beginner. The first one is to buy a metal detector. The second is where to start looking. It's good if the Beginner has a comrade who is already experienced and will help. If there is none, you will have to go through the basics yourself (everything is actually not difficult!).

My step-by-step instruction how I choose a point to search with a metal detector. What programs do I use and when. Having understood the construction of the action, you will no longer have the question “How to find a place to cop?”.

Where are you going to dig?

Wherever you go with your metal detector, you will dig up. If you come to a farm of the 19th century, you can expect coins, horse meat, a couple of crosses, an amulet and a bunch of any iron body kit, the life of a person of that time. If you came to the place where the German hospital stood in 1942 (and even in winter, so that there were more losses in the snow). Here are your findings of the Second World War. We went out to the ash pan of the early Iron Age, then you immediately jumped out))

First, determine what finds you are looking for. For example, I mostly dig royal coins. Finding a place is easy, the finds are predictable, and most importantly, the pleasure of the search itself.


To search in the old days (I have coins of the 17th-19th century), I select the detecting point on the map. But in order to make it convenient, we need programs in which such maps can be “twisted” and somehow compared with the modern picture of the world. I used to have a whole battery of such programs, now I use only two.

Ozi Explorer

A program for raster maps (those that used to be paper, but now they have been driven into a digital format picture). I use a fairly old version of Ozi Explorer for a large computer (Windows floor). Although the version is old, everything works stably in it and has everything I need.

And most importantly for big screen computer (not on a phone or tablet), it’s most convenient for me to survey the open spaces in one fell swoop. Any scaling, switching between maps.

For example, a map from the 19th century:

The same point on the Soviet military map general staff:

And right there, I can see this place in a modern satellite image:

This is for the big brother (in the sense of a desktop PC), but it's inconvenient to carry a laptop with you to the cop. Now we need a similar program that can work with the same cards, but on the phone.

An analogue of the Ozi Explorer program (and with maps of the same format), for phones based on the Android OS. Sufficiently stable and reliable to reach the spot in the field. Plus it's free. You can download it.

How to install an old three-way map in a smartphone on Android -.

All of the tools. Now we need maps. Who and what was going to dig. If you are in the Second World War, you need maps of the Red Army, German and others. I need old maps, before the beginning of the 20th century.

Here I also described options for programs with a metal detector.


If it's only about detecting (not about everyday everyday navigation), and searching for coins, just 3 sets of cards are enough for me. Trehverstovka of the 19th century, a map of the Soviet General Staff and satellite imagery Google.

Maps 3-layout

Very detailed map. which surprises me all the time with accuracy (of course at that time). How could such a map be created, on a scale Russian Empire and at the same time only from the ground? (no aerial photography)

Let's get this card. It will also require binding files so that you can easily switch from the same point to more modern cards. Well, in the field to follow it, it goes without saying.

Alternatively, without installing the Ozi Explorer program and searching for linked maps, you can already use it on the Internet. Service is the place.

More 3 layouts, there are also old SGP maps, General Land Survey Plans. They are older, more detailed (for example, they denote a well, a spring, etc.). Their scale is about one verst. But no matter how much I tried to bind to GPS, I did not succeed. In addition, they are less likely to be found (especially in the right place) on the Internet.

Maps of the General Staff of the USSR

Military maps of the General Staff of the USSR. Great accuracy! I very often use it as a reference for linking other cards. It is easiest to find it on the Internet and immediately with a binding for Ozi Explorer and Androzic. It will be useful for any type of search.

For example, you can compare the terrain with old maps. Or in search of a Scythian settlement, find the highest point in this place. Yes, and just do not get lost, and go without problems to the starting point.

There are several map scale options. If there is a 500-meter line in your area, that's good. The mileage is great too. A scale above 2 kilometers in one centimeter will not help much.

By the way, if you carefully look at these maps, you can see the designations of non-residential places. Perhaps these are places of former farms, which were driven into collective farms before the Second World War. I dug in such places from fifty silver coins USSR (early Soviets), but the usual ones can’t be counted.

Satellite maps

I use these maps as an auxiliary tool, and most often on a large computer. What to quickly understand what is now at the place where I want to go. It often happens that houses now stand on the site of the tavern. Or a gas station was built at the place of the intersection where the nalivaychik stood. So that this does not lead to an idle departure, I always look for a field or forest there.

Choice of detecting point

When I have programs for navigation and “twisting” maps, the maps themselves are in different variations, the process of choosing a point is pleasant and no less exciting than the search itself.

If I'm looking for coins, I have to choose the places where they were lost. Where were they lost? Where they were in constant circulation! This is a tavern, an inn, a postal station, a customs outpost, a fair, and liquor stores. Slightly less catch in the places of former villages and farms (however it happens, not a fact).

There are also very good points for searching with a metal detector, the places where churches used to stand. There are super examples, and if you haven’t dug there before, the value of the finds will not be inferior to the pourer (sorry for the balance of concepts, I say it as it is).

But I didn't get any results. I explain to myself that they did not pay the miller with money, but gave flour for work.

Study the symbols on old maps and choose what you like. But most likely “fat” places, such as taverns and inns, have already been examined before you and don’t expect that you will be the first there)) Try from the farm, there are a lot of them and they easily give 5-6 coins per day plus bonuses in the form crosses, incense, etc.

At the cop's point

Well, you have arrived at your cop point. It’s wonderful if you have such a view in front of you! When I see such freedom and know that something happened here 150 years ago, my legs run away from the car, and my hands assemble a metal detector on the go))

But before you fully immerse yourself in the search, you still need to make sure that you have correctly reached the desired point. The most common confirmation (even before I dug the first coin here) is . If there are any, we begin to search in full force.

Inns in Russia were the prototypes of modern hotels and hotels. As a rule, before the revolution, these were special rooms in which not only the travelers themselves, but also their servants, horses, could stay for the night.

The emergence of the hospitality industry

The need for inns or their prototypes appeared almost at the same time when people had a desire or need to travel. At that moment, demand created supply. Inns appeared in Rus', in Europe - taverns and taverns. In all countries and on all continents there were analogues.

Depending on the era, they met different requirements. But at all times they performed the main task - they gave people the opportunity to stay overnight.

Development of hotels since ancient times

Historians managed to establish that the first hotels on planet Earth appeared about two thousand years ago, at the very beginning of our era. These were original analogues of pre-revolutionary inns.

Like so much that we now use, they arose in Ancient Rome And Ancient Greece. In these states, which at that time were the most developed, they were called hospiteums. Wealthy merchants stayed in them, who went on distant voyages to establish trade relations with new partners. Itinerant artists settled in simpler establishments, who traveled with numbers from city to city, thus earning little money. Both religious pilgrims and minstrels found shelter here. Mostly they were wandering people who spent most of their lives on the road.

Inns appeared in Rus' much later.

What did ancient hotels look like?

For many years appearance hotels remained virtually unchanged. These were two-story buildings with outbuildings in which horses or other animals used for transportation could be left. On the first floor there was a large and spacious room. In it, the guests rested, ate and talked. The second floor was divided into many rooms in which visitors stayed for the night.

In ancient times, hotels, in fact, were centers of cultural life. They could communicate with a variety of people, including famous minds of their time, have a drink and a snack, learn about the events taking place in the surrounding cities and distant countries from which travelers came. It was in the taverns that such entertainments as cockfights and darts were born. It is worth noting that often these were quite dangerous places. They attracted dashing people who sought to profit by robbing a merchant who was returning from a successful deal or a wealthy traveler who had drunk on alcohol.

Hotels in the Middle Ages and Modern times

In the Middle Ages, hotels moved to churches. The ministers of the church sought to shelter pilgrims going to holy places. Everything changed only in 1530, when a decree was issued prohibiting the settlement of wandering travelers near churches. It was then that there was a need to revive private hotels.

IN different countries certain requirements were imposed on such institutions. For example, in England, the owners were obliged to provide guests with a friendly atmosphere, comfortable and pleasant conditions, as well as plentiful and tasty food.

Interestingly, the modern form appeared not in Europe, but in the USA. This happened around the middle of the 19th century. It was then that they began to rent not just separate rooms with beds, but full-fledged rooms with all amenities in the form of a toilet and a bathroom.

Hotels in Rus'

It is believed that in our country the hotel business appeared around the 11th-13th centuries. It was then that they began to appear. First of all, they were popular and in demand among messengers. Postal stations were born in the 15th century. It was possible not only to spend the night on them, but also to wait out bad weather or change horses if the traveler was in a hurry and did not intend to waste time on rest.

In the 18th century, the rapid construction of inns and taverns began throughout Russia. It is noteworthy that they were built on a national basis. For example, "English", "Greek" or "Armenian" courts appeared in Moscow, "Dutch" and "German" courts were widespread in Nizhny Novgorod.

Inns (hotels) in Russia were not just hotels. Active trade was constantly conducted here, shopkeepers came to them, warehouses with a wide variety of goods were formed around. Those inns were outwardly very different from modern hotels. They had gates, towers.

The real boom of the hotel business began in the 20th century with the advent of high-speed transport, which greatly simplified and accelerated the movement between cities. At the beginning of the century, there were about four and a half thousand hotels in Russia. And this is not counting taverns and other establishments for a short rest.

In the USSR, the impetus for the development of the hotel business was the organization of major all-Union social and political events. They were attended by a huge number of guests from all over the country, representatives of other states. All of them needed to be settled. Moreover, it was necessary to offer both a modest version to the engineer from the factory, and a more comfortable one for representatives of the foreign delegation. It became possible to talk about European service in Russia only after 1993. Russia has moved from a planned economy to a market economy, in these conditions hotels and hotels began to strive to meet European standards.

Number of stars

Today, there are both small private hotels and entire chains with offices in almost all countries of the world. The latter can be recognized as enterprises of the highest level of service. These include the famous hotels "Hilton", "Marriott" or "Best Western".

The division of hotels into categories appeared in the UK. From there, this fashion was adopted by all the others. There were hotels with only one star. Here the guest could be offered the most minimal set of services. As a rule, they were located on the outskirts. Two stars were given to slightly larger hotels that had their own restaurants and bars. They were already moving closer to the city center.

Three-star hotels had to meet the basic requirements of service. The list of obligatory services was wider. A four-star hotel was considered a first-class establishment. Travelers could count on service highest quality and comfort. As a rule, they had restaurants with cuisines from different nations of the world.

Five-star hotels deserve the highest rating. On their territory, in addition to bars and restaurants, there were supposed to be spa centers and other entertainment. In such hotels, guests are offered the widest range of services - up to a personal butler.

Modern inn

Today, some entrepreneurs prefer to call hotels in the old fashioned way. For example, the inn "Grinn" is one of the few country hotels in the Kursk region. This is a comfortable two-story hotel complex, which has a basement and attic floors. All this gives it a special uniqueness. Nearby - a picturesque landscape area and secure spacious parking.

Although it is located outside the city, it is not far from the regional capital. Just 25 kilometers from Kursk. Moreover, this is one of the holiest places in the region - the town of Svoboda, Zolotukhinsky district. So today, as in pre-revolutionary Russia, it attracts a large number of pilgrims from all over the country. For seven hundred years, the icon of the Mother of God of Kursk has been located here, which the Orthodox consider miraculous. The Russian Orthodox Church Abroad even recognizes it as its main shrine.

The hotel has standard and superior rooms, suites and junior suites, a VIP room and a presidential suite.

"The Captain's Daughter" Pushkin

Often inns were described in works of Russian literature. After all, they were the centers of social life.

For example, in the famous work of Alexander Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" the first meeting between Grinev and Pugachev takes place in the inn. It plays an important role as a kind of saving place, to which the future disturber of the masses helps the protagonist, who has fallen into a snowstorm, to get to.

It is at the inn that Grinev draws attention to the duality of Pugachev. The severity and impregnability that caught his eye during the meeting in the snowstorm faded into the background, the ferocity in the guise of a hero immediately disappeared.

Turgenev's Tale

The Russian writer even wrote a story called "Inn". It tells about an inn, which is located at the same distance from two county towns. Cab drivers, convoy men, clerks, merchants constantly stop in it.

In the story "The Inn" Turgenev was one of the first in Russia to draw attention to the fact that a new type of village kulak had developed in society. In the conditions of a serf village, real bigwigs and businessmen appeared, who were very similar to Shchedrin's characters - the Razuvaevs and Kolupaevs.

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Good luck to all visitors to this blog! I would like to tell you now about the search on the old roads. After all, in places where once there were people, you can always find something. And the road is just the same place of relative concentration of people. And if there were a lot of them, then they lost their coins and jewelry there.

The most delicious roads in terms of traffic density and, accordingly, the most promising in terms of finds are the old roads. Once, before the construction of the railway, these were major highways, along which people of different incomes traveled and walked at all times of the year. The largest road we have in Russia is the Old Ekaterinensky tract or the Siberian tract. It was also called the Kolodny tract in another way. Much of this once busy road is now abandoned and unused. In the dust of this old road, many different coins still lie today. The range is wide. From the scales to the stop 🙂 . On such old tracts, birch trees partially planted by order of Catherine II, later called Catherine's, still remained. Now they are big ugly rotten trees, and in some places there are just big stumps. Such landmarks also betray the location of the old road. And of course, villages have been standing along the main roads since ancient times.

The roads between the villages are also quite interesting places. But unlike the tracts, which more or less had the same location, inter-village shifted from time to time. for example, when thawed or bypassing the resulting bumps or puddles with mud. You can also get good coins there.

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Roads to the mills also have a place to be. Books often went there and lost their property. The miller himself could also leave with money, for example, to the market and lose coins from his wallet.

We also carefully call all bridges, crossings, ascents and descents. After all, any shaking could lead to spilling coins from pockets!

Also, along the roadsides, a traveler could sit down behind a bush as needed, and, of course, performing a natural process, shake out his coins on the ground and leave, forgetting about them.

If the road was heavily used in Soviet times, then be prepared for a huge number trash! Wire, spare parts from equipment, iron and much more. Also, the roads could be covered up and, therefore, all the finds are buried under a layer of backfill and the metal detector no longer detects them. This is exactly the problem I encountered on the detecting on the old highway. It was sprinkled with sand, and there was nothing in it except aluminum. If you drove along the road for a long time, then bent coins will certainly pop up. I saw how people raise imperial and Soviet copper coins, bent almost in half!

Search on the roads is also interesting. At any moment, you can stumble upon an old vanished building. Like an old post office. Or an inn that wasn't marked on the maps. But at the same time, to dig on the roads, you need to have the patience of a steam locomotive due to the large amount of garbage.

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