Gold deposits - when should you invest in gold? Is it profitable to keep your savings in bullion and coins, and what is a metal account.

World crises make you think about investing in something permanent and practically unchanged. A person wants to be sure of the safety of his funds at the moment, and in the future. What options exist for making such an investment and how good they are, let's judge together.


A person, having a lot of money, will always take care of their safety and value. Therefore, very often he invests money in any projects, developments, promotions. With such investments, he still remains uncertain about the future. The project may fail, or something may simply go wrong, so we can safely say that such investments are unreliable. And here a logical question arises: "But what to do, what to invest money in, so as not to remain in the red after years?" The answer is simple: investing in gold and other precious metals will help.

Precious metals: which one to invest in?

There are many different investment options available these days. But whether they will be reliable for years or even decades, no one knows. One humanity knows for sure: and the stones will always remain in value. For example, gold or silver. These metals have permanent and unchanging physical properties - this is where they differ from money. Metals cannot completely depreciate, and a currency can become mere paper in a matter of seconds.

And as we have already guessed, investments in gold and silver are the most popular and affordable in our time. History shows that these two metals have always been valuable. Investing in gold has a lot of advantages:

  • The money invested can always be returned.
  • Gold cannot lose its value.
  • Gold cannot deteriorate (for example, burn or get wet).

Thus, choosing to invest in a precious metal, you can be confident in the future and not be afraid of crises at all. Investing in gold will not leave you in the red. However, it should be understood that such an investment is long-term. And if you want to make money, an investor needs to play on the difference between the purchase price and the sale price of his gold.

Gold as the main currency of the past

The past shows that gold was quite popular. This is proved by all sorts of "gold rushes" in the Wild West. Works have even been published on this subject. Nathan Lewis wrote the book Gold: Money Past and Future. It talks about the instability of a currency like the dollar and the ever-solid and unfluctuating value of gold, as well as the impact of crises and decades on these two currencies.

It is impossible not to agree with the main idea of ​​the author, because now it is much more reliable in gold than in currency. After all, it is the yellow precious metal that has always been valued, is valued and will be valued - only the equivalent of the assessment will change.

The past also boasts of gold and which for quite a long period were in use in most rich countries. However, over time, people realized that it was unwise to use such an expensive metal to evaluate cheap things, and began to replace gold with cheaper options.

Where can you buy gold?

Today, in almost every good bank you can buy gold or, to put it more correctly, invest in gold. Sberbank of Russia, for example, can easily sell you this precious metal in several forms:

  • Gold bars. They come in various weights: from the smallest to huge kilogram ingots.
  • Golden coins. Most often, these coins are also collectible. Therefore, collectors pay special attention to them. However, if you are rich, you can make a nice birthday present for a friend by buying him a gold coin as a gift.
  • And the third type of investment in precious metal is buying gold jewelry. If you buy gold for your beloved wife, it will not only be a luxurious gift, but also a good investment in case the world economy collapses.

Sberbank sells gold to almost everyone. Of course, the buyer must be of a certain age. In addition, to buy it, you still need desire and money. Thus, it becomes obvious that investing money in gold is available to everyone who has such an opportunity.

Trends in the popularity of gold and silver for a given year

This year, 2014, "gold investors" were able to make good money on the difference between buying and selling gold. This is primarily due to the fact that in recent years, gold has cost a little less, based on the price per gram. This year, there has been an increase in gold prices by about 7 percent of the value of 2013. Looking at this percentage, congratulations to investors holding relatively large holdings of gold - they are a little richer than they were in the past.

It is worth noting that the share of a percentage of the cost is constantly increasing, and so far there are no prerequisites for stopping this growth, and even less reducing this percentage. Here's a piece of advice for those who haven't started investing in gold yet: it's better to hold your money. This is due to the high cost of the metal at the moment. Having invested money now, you can simply lose a certain part of the funds due to the fall in the price of gold in the future.

Custody of gold investments

Many people have a question: "Where to store gold?" In essence, it is very correct and problematic. In modern world conditions, with an increase in the criminogenic component of society, most human habitats are unreliable for storing a large number of values. Therefore, investors are looking for more secure places and keep their gold in them. One of them is a bank with special vaults.

For example, Sberbank stores gold in special rooms that are protected with the latest technology. Neither thieves nor swindlers can get there, and only the owner will be able to look at his wealth. In addition to banks, there are special private vaults in Europe that keep any material assets safe and secret from everyone.

If you think that all these options are unreliable, you can organize your own storage by buying and installing a modern safe in your home, which is very difficult to break into, let alone carry away. Investments in gold require special storage conditions for it.

Buying gold bars as an investment

Gold bars are probably the most boring way to invest in gold. They cannot be looked at like coins, they cannot be worn like jewelry, but they can be stored in a very large volume, and this is the biggest plus of this type of investment. The weight of gold bars can reach 1 kilogram.

Sberbank sells gold in bars of various sizes, starting from 2 grams. Thus, everyone can come and invest their money in metal currency. Having bought this metal in this form, you can immediately open a gold account, on which your grams or kilograms will lie. It is very important when buying to choose a reliable bank for this business. For example, some state or the most quoted in the country. Having done this, you can safely invest money at the moments of a fall in the price of gold.

Buying gold as an investment

It has long been known to everyone that gold coins are also the subject of investment. Those who are bored of storing gold bars can buy it in coins. This, in our opinion, is more interesting, and there is always some variety.

Buying gold coins is very easy. First you need to find a bank that sells them. Information about this should be known to any employee in the bank. Having learned that such products are being sold, we approach a competent employee and express a desire to buy. If you are lucky, the bank will be able to offer several varieties of coins and set a price for them. And then you yourself will choose one or another option and buy it. Investments in gold through the purchase of coins are very developed in the countries of America, Europe, and recently began to develop in our country.

If in the future you are going to sell gold coins, it is best to rent them to private collections or pawnshops. It is possible that the price in these places for buying gold will be slightly higher than in the bank where you bought it. And it's worth thinking about. After all, the main purpose of investment is to accumulate money, not to spend it.

Investing in Gold: Jewelry

Investing in gold, and more specifically in gold jewelry, is the most difficult option to make a profit. However, this type of investment is the most enjoyable for you. Now let's explain why. Ingots and coins are, of course, good, but products made from these precious metals show your material status. A person who has beautiful, weighty gold jewelry is always perceived as a rich man. In addition, it is much more pleasant to give your wife a gift in the form of gold jewelry and thereby, perhaps, secure the future for your family.

This option of investing money is the least profitable, since, in addition to weight, money is also taken for the work done - for the manufacture and sale of the product. On the other hand, it will become the most pleasant for you. However, as always, the choice is yours. As they say, how many people, so many opinions.


Having considered the concept of investing in investments and how to properly profit from it, we can say that this type of investment is reliable and promising. By choosing gold, you will protect yourself by almost 95 percent from any global crises, because it will always remain in value. History proves this to us - yes, a centuries-old history in which this metal has always been of great value.

Gold has always been synonymous with wealth, capital is also stability and reliability, at least in an economic interpretation. Thousands of years ago, gold was not only a means of payment, but also a means of accumulating and saving one's own fortune.

Thousands of years have passed, but the situation has not changed radically, and today gold is actively used for savings and capital storage. Moreover, there are a lot of examples, from ordinary women in India who buy gold items to create their own "financial parachute". According to their laws, all the gold on a woman is her property and with it she leaves her husband's house, it is interesting that a similar practice is common in the Muslim world. Without exception, all the central banks of the world, which keep part of their reserves in gold, and not virtual, but physical.

Interestingly, most of the physical gold of the EU countries is stored in the US, and last year there was a rather big scandal (in narrow circles) when a part of European countries decided to take their gold from the US. The process, as far as the press reported, has already started, but in reality, the transportation of gold will take at least 5 years.

If everything is more or less clear with Indians and central banks, then Was it worth investing in gold for the average person?

How to invest in gold, available options

There is a fairly small set of tools for investing in gold for ordinary citizens; to work with the same sand, nuggets, permission from the Assay Office of the Russian Federation will be required. The available list includes the purchase of coins, bank ingots, the purchase of jewelry. A separate line is the opening of special metal accounts - OMS (impersonal metal account).

Each of the options has its pros and cons, but in all options except for bank accounts, investing makes sense only in the long term from 5 years. It is worth noting that in addition to fairly large minuses, there is also a huge plus.

The big advantage of investing in physical gold is its high liquidity, almost at any time gold can be converted into a "live" ruble. At the same time, the correct selection of instruments allows for such a conversion with minimal losses, of course, in comparison with most other instruments suitable for investing money (more details here).


Bank bars are marked bars with documents with gold 999.95. Usually sold in hermetically sealed packaging, banks require identification when buying.

When buying a bank bar, be sure to check the availability of all documents for gold, plus keep the receipt.

Cons of investing in bullion

  • - the need to pay VAT (18% of the cost of gold, which will not be returned in the future);
  • - Difficulty selling. they reluctantly buy bars, while very carefully checking not only the documents of the gold itself, but also its physical safety. The presence of scratches or abrasions gives an almost 100% guarantee that the bank will not redeem the ingot.
  • - high discount on sale. Banks buy back with a spread of at least 20% to the market price.

Pros of investing in gold bars

  • — high liquidity;
  • - 100% protection against inflation, crises and devaluation, not only the ruble but also the dollar.
  • — in the long term of 5-6 years, at least 30%, with a profitability of 70%

Where is the best place to buy bullion?

It is optimal to buy outside of Russia, in most countries such a purchase is not taxed, which will save 18%, plus in Russian banks the difference between the market price and the sale price of bank gold differs by 20-25% (this is especially noticeable on small bars). Abroad, the spread is an order of magnitude lower. True, you can buy only within a certain limit (check with customs before buying), everything above is subject to an additional customs fee.


The Central Bank is mainly engaged in minting gold coins and there are two fundamentally different categories:

Investment coins- they are of the greatest interest to the buyer. So when buying them, you do not need to pay 18% VAT, in most cases the spread between the market price and the sale price is relatively small. And most importantly, such coins are bought with pleasure not only by banks, but also by jewelers.

It is worth noting that transactions with gold (except jewelry) between individuals are prohibited, but who bothers to find more interesting options than the banal sale of investment gold coins, for example, exchange.

Commemorative coins– these coins have a price much higher than the gold equivalent face value and are of value to numismatists and collectors. Investing in this tool is quite risky without knowledge and relevant acquaintances.


Gold jewelry was and probably will remain for a long time the main tool for saving capital in the east, Arab and Indian women have already been mentioned. The Slavs do not have such a tradition, but this does not prevent our women from investing.

Indeed, the configuration

wife - gold - decoration - investment

represents a specific aspect of our life and by and large cannot be a standard. In fact, this option of investing in gold is only suitable for the wives of wealthy men who must be ready for quick changes in their lives, while not having other tools to create a "financial parachute".

In fact, investing in gold jewelry is only profitable if the jewelry is very old or a work of art (which is hypothetically capable of going up in value). In all other cases, such investments are not profitable, since the sale of such jewelry is made by weight, and the purchase by weight plus the work and margin of the store. That is, in any case, the conversion of gold back into money will be with a minus.

Metal accounts, deposits in gold

Impersonal metal accounts (OSM) are opened in banks and have a more virtual basis, in most cases we are not talking about physical metal (it can be in gold, platinum, silver). In fact, there is a purchase of virtual metal, at a market price, and when withdrawing money, it is sold at the same market price (set by the bank).

This tool is very convenient and here's why:

Advantages of metal accounts in gold, silver

  • — high reliability. De facto, such investments completely protect capital from inflation and devaluation.
  • - high liquidity. You can convert your savings back into cash very quickly.
  • - the absence of additional. All transfers are made at the current exchange rate of gold in the bank.


  • - the money is in the bank, that is, all the risks associated with the bankruptcy of a financial institution fall on the shoulders of the depositor.
  • - you can earn only when the price rises. Unlike, they are practically not charged for OSM, and if there is, then they are scanty.
  • — OSM does not fall under the guarantee of deposits.

Conclusion, OSM is a very convenient and practical tool if you need to “wait it out”, but you won’t be able to make money on it. You also need to choose banks very carefully, my advice is either a large state-owned Sberbank of Russia and its gold account or large foreign banks

Is it worth investing in gold in 2016

You cannot find a more reliable tool for saving your own money, gold exists and will be the main savings tool for many years to come, but this option will not allow you to earn and make a big profit. By and large, even after 10 years, by converting gold into money, you will simply receive the face value of your capital, taking into account past inflation and the depreciation of paper money.

And now a little video with the opinion of experts on investing in gold.

It is best to store your savings for the long term in gold bars or coins. Russian economic analyst Mikhail Khazin told about this in an interview with journalists, a correspondent reports.

“Long-term investment - I don’t see anything better than gold yet. Just think about what you can bury in the garden for 20 years, and then dig it out so that it’s worth something. There have never been cases where gold could not be sold or exchanged, and this "It's gold, not jewelry. Either gold coins with certificates, or gold bars. In general, a person who takes care of this can figure it out in two weeks," Khazin said.

In his opinion, today there is inflation both in the dollar and in the euro. Therefore, making long-term investments in these currencies, Khazin believes, is stupid. "If you take 100 euros or a thousand euros, bury it in a glass jar in the garden and dig up this jar in 15 years, then you are unlikely to buy something with them, you will buy two boxes of matches for them, for example," he gave an example expert.

"If you take 100 euros or a thousand euros, bury it in a glass jar in the garden and dig up this jar in 15 years, then you are unlikely to buy something with them, you will buy two boxes of matches for them, for example," he gave an example expert

"But if we are talking about saving up before the holidays, then this is absolutely normal. At the same time, in order to secure all these short-term fluctuations, we need a basket of currencies. That is, yuan, yen, dollars, euros, rubles. The main thing is so that there are many of them and then the mutual fluctuations are extinguished," the Russian analyst added.

As for securities, according to Khazin, one must be able to work with them and be able to understand world processes. Just like that, mindlessly investing your money in them can be very reckless, the analyst believes.

Expensive metals, in particular gold, are a profitable asset to store and increase profits. Most citizens of our country are familiar with only one way of investing - the purchase of ingots of various weights with subsequent storage and sale.

But there are other methods of profiting from the values ​​of the bowels of the earth, and in each of the listed operations there are pitfalls that can nullify the profitability of the transaction. How not to get into trouble - we will consider further.

The most profitable types of investments in metals are the purchase of valuable coins and compulsory medical insurance.

Coins, in turn, are differentiated into two more types:

Golden, having historical value

They consist of 50-70% aurum, which significantly increases their liquidity, and also, every year they become more ancient and more expensive. Avid numismatists are willing to pay fortunes for the opportunity to own rare collectible gizmos.

Investment banking

This is a type of money created specifically to simplify the banknote storage system. As an example, you can take the coin of George the Victorious. Its face value is only 50 rubles, but the true value is much higher. The percentage of gold content in it is 65 units, which is 7 grams in weight equivalent. On exchanges, in pawnshops and banks, the price of aurum varies in a wide range, but on average it is 1300 rubles per gram. Therefore, one coin will cost the owner 9-10 tr.

There are many benefits to this type of investment. First of all, they are not subject to tax costs, which saves up to 20% of capital when buying, but you will have to sell the valuables including VAT, which will be 13%. Financing in coins is long-term, since they are bought and sold strictly at the internal rate of the bank. In order not to lose at reverse auctions, keep an eye on the condition of the coins. Bitten by a cat, with blackening or other defects, they will drop sharply in price.

An impersonal metal account frees the depositor from the need to store both money and gold - everything is stored in a special cell under round-the-clock state protection. Replenishment of such an investment is possible by depositing cash, transferring metal from another account, or adding gold to the cell. The whole process resembles the usual manipulations with a cash deposit, only without withdrawing interest.

Is it worth it, is it profitable to invest in gold in Sberbank?

Sberbank carries out more than half of all banknote transactions in the country, which indicates its reliability and development. The institution offers the most favorable conditions for the storage of metals in comparison with small financial institutions. Over the past 16 years, gold has appreciated by 244% against the ruble. On average, it brings from 6 to 14% of the annual income to the investor. The specific figure depends on the situation in the state and on the common market.

If a deposit in gold has already been made and you keep it at home, then the bank is ready to accept minerals weighing from 1 gram. up to 1 kg. After an expert assessment of the sample and condition, you will be told the amount of the transaction. The same weight can be invested in CHI. Details are above.

Should money be kept in gold? Storage specifics

Unlike stock exchanges with their options, gold is a real and tangible form of investment and a win-win option for enrichment.

It does not depend on fluctuations in exchange rates, it is difficult to destroy it in global catastrophes. This type of investment is also covered by insurance (except CHI), which makes it attractive.

Is there any problem to exchange gold for money later?

The liquidity of gold in any form has always been at its best and continues to hold its own. You can pay the cash equivalent of an ingot or coin to you at a pawnshop, jewelry store, bank, or ordinary individuals who want to purchase metal.

How to use gold as money?

It is best to use gold as a way to store banknotes, and use money as money.

In this material:

Gold is the most liquid asset in the world. Moreover, throughout the history of the market, the price of the precious metal has risen relentlessly. As a result, increasing the level of funds invested in it. Let's figure out how to invest in gold and is it worth investing in it?

What motivates investors to invest in gold: reasons

Investing in gold is a recognized way to diversify finances. Buying gold allows you to reduce the risk of depreciation in times of high inflation, to receive a steady income during strong financial disasters.

Gold, as mentioned above, is the most liquid asset in the capital market. It can be sold at any time by transferring it to any world currency, in the shortest possible time frame.

Benefits of investing in gold:

  1. The most stable asset with constant growth in value;
  2. An excellent insurance tool against the consequences of global financial and political crises;
  3. High rate of profitability;
  4. High liquidity ratio;
  5. Universal diversification asset.

Many opponents of investing in gold argue that the precious metal is not able to provide a significant indicator of profitability in comparison with various securities, financial derivatives (derivatives) and debt obligations that are traded on the financial market. However, as history shows (the crisis of 2008), with accurate calculation and the right time, profits can reach 90 percent of the initial investment.

Opportunities to invest in gold

For obvious reasons, people's investment in gold is not as common in Russia as it is abroad. But recently this tool of earnings has become more accessible. Banking organizations offer many investment services, and among them is the purchase of precious metals.

Buying gold bars

The purchase of gold bars is the most well-known way of investing money. However, like all other investment instruments, buying a gold bar has its own specific features.

An ingot of gold is a pure chemical element with a fineness of 999.95. Two main types are produced: stamped and cut off ingot (from large sheets). In the vast majority of cases, gold bars have a round weight. The most typical values ​​(in grams): one, ten, one hundred, one thousand. Not so long ago, gold bars appeared the size of a regular credit card (ChipGold), weighing from 1-20 grams.

When buying a gold bar, you should definitely pay attention to whether any contamination is observed in it. It is important to check the documentation (manufacturer's passport and certificate). The following must be indicated on the cashier's check:

  • purchase price;
  • The weight of the gold bar;
  • The amount of purchased metal;
  • Serial number;
  • Try;
  • Name of noble metal;
  • The time of the transaction.

Today there are two types of quality classification: excellent and satisfactory. Each gold bar must comply with GOST R 51572-2000.

Opening of OMS (impersonal metal account)

Among the advantages of using CHI as an investment tool is the absence of storage costs. The thing is that when opening an impersonal metal account, the client does not receive precious metal in his hands. All gold is stored in special vaults of the bank. Also, CHI is not subject to personal income tax. There is no need to pay VAT.

Before opening a metal account, the following requirements must be met:

  • Select a bank, check for licenses;
  • Check the reputation of the bank, because not a single metal account falls under the deposit insurance program for individuals;
  • Find out what types of gold deposits the selected bank offers. The legislation of the Russian Federation spelled out two possible options;
  • Prepare all required documents for opening CHI (identification account, passport);
  • Find out if you will not need to pay additional money for maintaining an unallocated metal account. According to the current legislation, VAT does not need to be paid.

In most cases, the opening of CHI is free. The only cost incurred by the depositor is the spread between the buy and sell price (at the time of account cancellation). One of the disadvantages of this method of investment is an insignificant percentage of accrual (up to two percent) or its complete absence. An impersonal metal account is perfect for speculative transactions in order to make a profit.

Buying gold coins

The acquisition of investment and anniversary gold coins is one of the most effective ways not only to protect your funds from the harmful effects of inflation, but also to earn a considerable amount of money.


  • No need to pay VAT;
  • Do not depend on changes in state legislation;
  • Are not subject to the reliability of the banking sector;
  • Opportunity to earn double profit.


  • Low liquidity;
  • Overpriced, possible loss in case of urgent sale;
  • Storage costs.

Investing in gold coins has specific features, especially when compared to buying gold bars or opening an OMC. The price of gold coins is made up not so much of the current quotes of the precious metal on the market, but rather the level of demand. In the vast majority of cases, the date of issue of the coin, its circulation and appearance play an important role. Before buying gold coins, it is best to look at the reviews of those who have already worked with similar investment vehicles.

Purchase of precious metal in Sberbank

In Russia, market relations began to develop actively in 1997. Today, there are a significant number of financial operators on the market offering opportunities to invest in gold. The register of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation contains about two hundred banking organizations that have licenses for operations with precious metals. In this example, consider the possibility of buying gold in Sberbank.

Sberbank offers its clients both standard and measured gold bars. Each is produced in Russia with a mass of one to a thousand grams. As in any other financial operator, the cost of gold in Sberbank is higher than the current OMS quotes.

The process of buying gold at Sberbank is simple. All that is required from the client is an identity document. On the part of Sberbank employees, all transactions (with precious metal) are carried out only in the presence of the client. Legal issues at the time of buying gold are provided by Sberbank.

In Sberbank, you can also purchase bullion, depersonalized metal accounts (OMS), investment coins. Also, special lockers are available in Sberbank, with a small cost of renting them.

Profitable gold buying strategy

There are two ways to trade gold - hedging risks, and buying for profit. As stated above, gold is an ideal defensive asset against the financial turmoil of the world. In the vast majority of cases, investors acquire the precious metal in order to diversify their assets, or to protect themselves from the harmful effects of rising inflation. All of these methods involve extracting extremely low levels of profit.

However, despite the seemingly “calm nature” of gold as an investment instrument, one cannot make great money on it. The principle is simple - buy low, sell high.

The main driver of the value of each asset is the volume of transactions. Today, the main buyers of the precious metal are:

  • Jewelry workshops;
  • Exchange-traded funds;
  • High-tech companies;
  • Central banks of the world.

Before finally deciding to invest in precious metals, it is important to determine the following parameters:

  1. The ratio of supply and demand (who buys, who sells);
  2. Dynamics of production volumes (if there is a glut of the market, the price will not grow);
  3. The economic situation in the leading countries of the world (in the vast majority of cases in the United States).

Having determined all of the above components, you can make a purchase decision.

A striking example of a profitable investment in gold is the financial crisis of 2008. At the beginning of the crisis (November 2008), the cost of one troy ounce of gold was $762. Over the next three years, the value of the precious metal rose by more than 100 percent to $1,762 (August 2011). But what contributed to such a rapid rise in the price of gold?

Gold price dynamics

Financial cataclysm, uncertainty, bankruptcies - a huge number of banks, investment funds and government regulators around the world began to shift their assets into gold, in fear of losing their capital. The level of demand for the precious metal was several times higher than the available volume on the market. An ideal situation for profitable investment in precious metals.

Similar situations occur in different financial markets with a frequency of four years (according to the well-established theory of crisis phenomena). However, even in calm times, you can make money by buying and selling precious metal using a simple “Corridor trading” strategy. Now, due to the crisis, we are again seeing a decline in gold prices and this is a good time to invest in it. It is important to catch the moment when the fall ends and the rise begins.


When deciding to buy a precious metal, you should always conduct a thorough and rigorous analysis, weigh all the risks and opportunities, and always take into account the following:

  • The cost of gold does not always rise, there are times when the price begins to correct and decline;
  • Novice investors should not use short-term gold trading strategies. The best choice is long-term;
  • Always work with licensed resellers. There are many financial pyramids and scammers on the market.

You should also be wary of buying securities of gold mining companies that do not have their own reserves of the precious metal. This may indicate a lack of production results, and as a result, a decrease in the value of shares on the market.

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