What coins does Sberbank accept. Buying coins by Sberbank: which copies are accepted

If a rare coin, issued by the Bank of Russia 15-20 years ago, was accidentally found in the house, it can be sold to a banking organization or a private buyer. Consider the question of what coins Sberbank buys, how much it is willing to pay for a particular copy, and how the sale is made.

Where to carry the coin - to a bank or to a private person?

Having found a coin, apparently of numismatic value, in a jar of change, a chest of drawers or under a sofa, a person has a natural desire to sell it as expensive as possible. But desires should always be correlated with opportunities, mindful of "he can eat, but who will give him" and / or "you cost a million dollars, but who will buy you."

It is recommended to sell not to banks, but to private buyers and numismatists, commemorative and commemorative coins made of silver and gold or over 30 years old, which over time have gained really great value. Coins made from less valuable metals and not so “ancient” are usually better to carry to Sberbank.

Coins issued during the years of the existence of the USSR and earlier are not accepted by Russian banks. If such coins are lying around in the house or somewhere else, you will have to look for who is buying up old coins and offer them to private buyers / numismatists.

Important: the lists of coins issued after the collapse of the USSR, which Sberbank of Russia buys, are constantly changing. The fact is that financial organizations need coins of a certain denomination and year of issue only within a certain limit - the amount that a legal entity, according to its calculations, can resell to collectors.

Having bought enough of some coins, Sberbank starts buying others. You can find out what he is currently buying in several ways:

  • call from a cell phone to the short number 900;
  • write a letter through the feedback form on the page of the official website;
  • call the nearest bank branch in your locality.

Please note: when asking which banks accept coins, it is almost impossible to find an alternative to Sberbank.

How the price of coins is determined

When buying coins, Sberbank sets the price of each copy based on:

  • metal (alloy);
  • face value - 10 rubles more expensive than 5 kopecks;
  • places of minting - the products of the mint of St. Petersburg are quoted much higher than those of Moscow;
  • Year of release;
  • embossing details - edge, polishing, edges;
  • belonging to a series of coins.

Important: coins are also the more valuable, the better their condition (appearance) - specimens without mechanical damage (scratches, chips, etc.), shiny, not dull, and with other signs of preservation are preferable.

4 denominations of rare coins

The main denominations of coins that are periodically in demand by Sberbank:

  • 5 kopecks;
  • 1 ruble;
  • 2 rubles;
  • 5 rubles.

5 kopecks

In Sberbank, 5-kopeck coins of 2002 and 2003, minted in St. Petersburg, are valued. The cost of a rarity also depends on the alloy - steel or nickel.

The maximum price is 3500 rubles, but there is no guarantee that the Sberbank will appreciate the copy so highly.

1 ruble

The value of relatively rare coins with a face value of 1 ruble:

  • 1997 and 1998 of release from an alloy based on brass - can be valued at up to 5 thousand rubles;
  • 2001, a brass alloy with a protruding edging and a higher nickel content, not officially put into circulation - can cost up to 30 thousand rubles;
  • 2001, issued for the 10th anniversary of the formation of the CIS - costs 10-50 thousand rubles;
  • 2001 from the Red Book series, with silver coating and minting one of 3 species of Red Book animals (argali, or Altai mountain sheep, West Siberian beaver and Sakhalin sturgeon - such coins continue to be issued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation almost annually, however, the demand for them remains high - both singly and as a series Red Book coins are best sold to numismatists.

2 rubles

Sberbank from time to time buys steel coins of 2-ruble denomination of 2003 issue. Their price can reach 10 thousand rubles. depending on the degree of preservation (appearance). In the presence of the SPMD brand, the price can rise to 20 thousand rubles.

In addition, in 2003, commemorative coins were minted without a mint seal with a portrait of the first cosmonaut of the planet, Yuri Gagarin.

Please note: in this series there were also 10-ruble souvenir rarities.

5 rubles

5-ruble coins are worth their weight in gold, but only issued in 1999 in a very limited batch, since the issuer (the Bank of Russia) planned their exchange and withdrawal from circulation. The price of 5 rubles in 1999 can reach 100 thousand rubles.

Also, due to the small circulation and a rare metal alloy, 5-ruble coins of 2003 are valued. But to find them in a "conditional" state is currently extremely difficult. If you are lucky, you can be congratulated, but then it is better to contact not Sberbank, but private numismatists (but not scammers / intruders).

Other copies for Sberbank Numismatics

The bank periodically buys coins of other denominations, so if they are available in the home bank, small things should be regularly inquired at the above contact details of the financial organization.

How to sell a coin to Sberbank

Having made a choice where you can exchange rare coins in favor of the largest Russian bank, the owner of a valuable copy must go through the following procedure for buying and selling:

  • find out the address of the nearest Sberbank branch that buys coins. Not all offices have specialists whose competence includes expert evaluation of the value of coins and acceptance of copies that are of value to the legal entity-buyer;
  • call the right branch, agree on the date and time of your visit in order to sell the coin;
  • come to the office of the financial organization at the appointed time with a coin and a passport;
  • the specialist inspects the coin, checks its condition and sets the price;
  • the seller and the buyer-Sberbank sign an agreement, the client transfers the coin to the bank;
  • Sberbank pays the seller the amount specified in the contract in cash at the cash desk or credits it to a bank card.

Numismatics, collecting rare and expensive coins is quite rare, but extremely profitable. Avid numismatists can sell their collections for a fortune. However, not only they can get several thousand rubles for a coin, but also ordinary citizens of Russia who are not fond of numismatics. Almost every house has a jar or box filled to the top with small change. Some have heard of "mysterious" rare specimens and tried to find them. But what to do with them then?

The easiest way is to sell them to Sberbank of Russia. Its branches are everywhere, and the bank accepts valuable coins, paying large sums for them. However, the financial institution does not accept all possible rare items. Let's see which of them can be sold to the Savings Bank of Russia.

The procedure for buying up Sberbank

Unfortunately, the biggest difficulty that novice or experienced numismatists who decide to sell their collection to the largest bank in Russia will have to face is the frequency of purchases.

The central office of Sberbank changes the “target” of its searches every few weeks. For example, if in January they bought five-kopeck coins of 2001, then in February they will not buy the same value from you - a financial institution began to buy ruble coins of 2003. What is it connected with?

It makes no sense for the bank to buy more rarities than it needs. So after enough coins have been obtained, he starts collecting others. In this regard, it is extremely important to follow the announcements of the central office so as not to miss your luck. Follow the news, follow the Internet resources, and soon your collection will be bought by the Savings Bank.

However, although Sberbank of Russia is the most affordable way to sell rare items, nevertheless, these are not the best deals for you. In connection with the "wholesale" purchase of collections, the bank often underestimates the real value of the collections. If you want to sell copies from the piggy bank at a higher price, then you are better off contacting professional numismatists, collectors or buyers. It will take longer, but you will get more benefits. In addition, numismatists do not have such a frequency of buying, which is demonstrated by the Savings Bank of Russia. You can sell them your collection of rare items at any time.

What coins does Sberbank buy?

The most popular financial institutions to buy are coins issued in 1998 and 2003. These include:

  • Ruble 2001 of the Red Book series;
  • 1 ruble 2001;
  • Ruble 1997 issue - yellow, with a nickel alloy;
  • Ruble 1998 with a wide border;
  • 2 rubles in 2003;
  • 5 kopecks issued in 2002. They are made of white metal (steel);
  • commemorative coins issued in 2003 depicting Yuri Gagarin (2 and 10 rubles).

At the same time, all coins of 2003 are subject to a requirement related to the seal of the mint. If your coins bear the sign of Moscow, the bank will not accept them. However, this requirement does not apply to anniversary copies with a portrait of an astronaut. They should not indicate at all which mint they belong to.

The cost of purchased copies

Sberbank, as already mentioned, often understates the real cost of rare items. Therefore, the maximum that you can get for any of the above coins is 30,000 rubles (1 ruble 2001 - silver, with a copper-nickel alloy (brass), 27 mm across, weight 7.5 g). By the way, the price of the coin rises along with the improvement of its appearance. The newer and cleaner it looks, the more the financial institution will pay for it.

Fortunately, these are not the only copies that the bank accepts. There are also more expensive and rarer money, for which the bank is ready to give up to 10,000 rubles. However, their purchase is carried out by the central office extremely rarely. If you are the proud owner of a truly unique, rare and expensive piece, then you better not wait for a specific offer from the central office, but turn to professional numismatists who will be happy to buy this rarity from you for a colossal amount.

Numismatics (Latin for "coins") is often confused with ordinary collecting. The first concept is a part of historical science, whose tasks include the study of coins, their minting and circulation of metal and paper banknotes. The second is the usual common folk hobby of many people in their free time. In other words, it is a collection of rare, old and large-circulation commemorative, nominal and investment metal money from different countries.

In Western Europe, collecting originated in the 14th century.

This is an extremely rare but rewarding occupation. The sites are counting the country of persons associated with the study of collections and actually collectors. Their number fluctuates from thirty to one hundred and fifty thousand. These are those who are members of sections throughout the country, but not all advertise their activities. After all, numismatists have collections that cost a fortune. And both scammers and criminals can hunt for such riches. Find out from the article which coins Sberbank can accept, and go to buy or sell at this institution.

Ordinary collectors often try to sell their collected coins, often gold royal ones, with the image of the last emperors of Russia, various Alexanders and Nikolaevs of all degrees. But they do not know how to implement them safely and profitably.

It has more than twenty thousand branches throughout the vast expanses of the federation, and Sberbank not only lends to the population, keeps their savings, but is also a reliable agent for buying coins. He pays good money for them. But at the same time, the bank does not even buy all the rare metal money. Read about accepting coins by Sberbank in the article.

Below we will talk about which of them and when this financial structure buys up, and which coins can Sberbank accept in 2018? After all, formally, the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation is the same coin collector. And as an ordinary citizen, before forking out, he will also evaluate not only all the qualities of the coin, but also whether he needs it at the moment. Or he already has one and more than one.

And the value of the coin in the collection is also in the fact that the collector can proudly say: "She is the only one left in the world." Bankers don't joke about it. But their selection is also strict.

Important. Acceptance of coins by Sberbank is carried out with strict selection. It may seem to the seller not in his favor.

The owner of the gold coin turns and walks away in search of a higher price. On this path, difficulties await him that he did not even suspect: both fraud and extortion, sometimes with a threat to life. Is it worth the extra cost of such experiences?! Sberbank does not cheat.

Terms of purchase by Sberbank

First, in order, how to try on and sell coins to Sberbank. First, go to the Sberbank branch. A manager and an appraiser will talk to you there. They will establish that your collection is not fake. Next, bargain on the price. After you draw up a contract of sale, show your passport. You receive cash or by transfer to a card.

What can ordinary citizens face when choosing the People's Bank of Russia in 2018 as their counterparty for the sale of monetary value in the form of a collection or just one rare copy, and even made of gold? The greatest difficulty for both novice coin collectors and experienced numismatists is the frequency of purchases. It is established by Sberbank.

Sberbank does not widely advertise the purchase of coins, especially promotions and the time of their holding. It is necessary to follow the messages of the official site. The bitter experience of conducting crazy campaigns to buy up coins for the sake of their own promotion of the bank, which turned out to be a dummy, was issued by one of the Russian banks with a name of three letters (abbreviation). One of his PR videos hangs on the Internet.

And with a proposal to Sberbank to sell it either a collection or a single copy, you must contact one of the many branches. There you will find out the value of your coin, and the time of purchase and sell your coins from precious and common metals. In the same place, you can either confirm or dispel the rumors that the Savings Bank acquired 5 rubles for a certain year for five thousand rubles. In any of its branches, you will find out which coins are accepted at Sberbank and what money is paid out.

How the 2018 Purchase Coin Market Works

The Sberbank price list is compiled by collectors. The bank itself does not have a list of accepted coins, since their price and quantity limit are constantly changing. We will suggest an approximate line of both precious coins and those from circulation, but differing in some features, for which they pay an increased price. The most desirable for the storage of Sberbank, according to collectors of money, are: a nickel, 1 and 2 rubles, five. They entered circulation from 1998 to 2003.

These are such modern rarities:

  • rubles of 2001 from the series on the protection of flora and fauna;
  • as well as the usual, or rather unusual, coinage of 1998 with a broadened edge; the same denomination of the 1993 issue. Its external feature is the yellowness of the metal;
  • two-rouble note;
  • steel pin;
  • coins in honor of the first cosmonaut of the Earth Yuri Gagarin with his portrait.

Important. Sberbank acquires these coins, and then collectors will buy them.

The bank does not acquire rarities beyond measure, it buys only running coins, which other customers will buy in the future. Having collected the required part of the coins of one denomination, he switches to others. Therefore, follow the information from the managers of the Moscow branch of Sberbank. Perhaps you will grab your luck by the tail. And your collection will go to the Sberbank vault.

How much money is paid for money in 2018

Everything written above refers to information about everything, and now the one that collectors expect: how much is metallic money accepted?

Today, the bank buys only its own investment coinage, that is, coins made of gold and silver and issued in small circulations.

Collectors have an amateurish opinion: Sberbank understates the cost of rare finds. They indiscriminately believe that for any of the above list you have to pay not 30,000 rubles, but much higher. But after all, not all such “appraisers” know in what condition this or that coin went to the Sberbank vault, perfect, or even with minor, but still defects.

After all, many rarities accidentally break out of the cash flow, fading and with scratches. Sberbank believes: the newer the coin looks (not by the date of minting), the higher the price will be. More expensive copies are also accepted, and they are paid much more.

But such buying by its main office in the capital of the Federation is carried out sporadically. If you are the owner of such a rarity, then do not expect demand from Sberbank, sell it to numismatists, they are ready to fork out for the presence of a particular copy in their collection.

Important. Even the most valuable rarities, Sberbank will not buy every last one, it is not a collector, but a trading institution, and it is more profitable for it when there are fewer rarities, then their selling price will increase.

Why get crazy money

For a five, minted for almost two decades, Sberbank will pay one hundred thousand rubles. For what features? It was not only a small circulation of coinage, but also the last one for this denomination.

Fifty dollars in 2001 was also bought for the same amount.

Sberbank does not promote itself by buying and selling coins, so its shares are not advertised widely.

Coins will be accepted and valued higher if they look great, and everything that is engraved on both the obverse, the reverse, and the edge is in such a condition as if the coin had just come from the machine. “Injured” products can be bought at Sberbank for no more than what it was minted from. The highest score will be given to a coin stored in a box that has not been damaged in any way. She will be overrated.

What affects the price

There are several options:

  • original appearance;
  • unique (small circulation);
  • from a series or collection;
  • brass or gold.

Standard: the proceeds will not exceed five thousand rubles for a round piece of good condition.

How much is investment coinage?

The national bank of the country buys gold and silver banknotes, the so-called investment ones, at a fixed value, and not at the market for ordinary coinage. Sberbank annually puts up for sale more than a hundred investment and collection coins made of precious metals.

Moreover, minted not only in Russia, but also in a number of countries in North America and even Africa. Therefore, when selling your coin savings, subject to inflation, invest in luxurious monuments of the country's history, which will not devalue, but, on the contrary, will increase in value. These coins are not taxed, except for those minted under the investment project of the Sberbank of the Russian Federation, but they were purchased before 2011.

Throughout 2018, the Savings Bank of Russia buys only investment coins of its own minting from precious metals - gold and silver - and issued in small circulations. This is an incentive for the fact that in a few years their value will increase, and you will sell them back to Sberbank of the Russian Federation.

What old coins does Sberbank of Russia accept?

Having inherited a piggy bank of old coins, many of our compatriots do not know what to do with this inheritance. Not many people know that Sberbank not only sells, but also buys coins from the population. Fortunately, he buys not only gold and silver collectible and bullion coins.

What coins did Sberbank buy in 2015

It should be noted that the bank does not buy coins on an ongoing basis. You cannot visit the bank at any time and sell your coin collection. As a rule, before buying, the central branch of the Savings Bank announces the upcoming purchase of coins. Coins are required by the bank in a certain amount. After the bank has acquired such a certain number of coins, it stops buying operations.

If we talk about 2015, then the Savings Bank bought coins issued in Russia after 1991. Also in great demand at the Savings Bank are rare coins that were issued at the beginning of the new millennium. If you are the owner of rare commemorative coins, they will be purchased regardless of the place of their minting.

In 2015, Sberbank bought coins that were issued in 2001 and 2003 in denominations of 50 kopecks, 1 ruble and 10 rubles. If we talk about coins issued by the St. Petersburg Mint, then in addition to commemorative coins, Sberbank used coins: 1 ruble, 2 rubles (including commemorative coins), 5 rubles, 10 rubles (strictly commemorative coins).

At what price does Sberbank buy coins?

The value of coins is greatly influenced by factors such as appearance and safety. Coins that are well preserved and have a pristine appearance are more expensive than coins that have lost their attractiveness over time. For example:

  • A coin worth two rubles of 2003 issue can be sold from 6 to 10 thousand rubles.
  • A five-ruble coin of 2003 can be purchased by a bank for 6,000 rubles (subject to its excellent condition).
  • A very rare coin, the denomination of which is 5 rubles, issued in 1999, can be sold for 100 thousand rubles or more. This coin did not have a large circulation, which is why its value is so high.

As can be seen from the examples, the cost of coins can be different and is determined directly at the Sberbank branch. It is worth noting that the bank purchases coins at a lower cost. So before selling coins, find out its value at specialized auctions.

Coins in denominations of 5 kopecks differences and value Counting on good money when selling coins worth 5 kopecks of 2002 is worth those owners whose coins have a distinctive sign. As a rule, coins in denominations of 5 kopecks were issued by the mints of St. Petersburg and Moscow. And under the horse's hoof on the reverse side of the coin there should be a symbol of Moscow or St. Petersburg.

Ruble coins and their differences. Deciding to check your collection of coins for value, you should consider some factors:

  1. Wide coin border. On the ruble, having a wide edging, the petal of the pattern is superimposed on the edging itself. On a regular coin, the petal of the pattern is in full size.
  2. Coins in denominations of 1.2.5 rubles 2003. A distinctive feature of these coins is that the mintmark located under the eagle's paw is slightly lowered.

The cost of coins in the Savings Bank

The Savings Bank of Russia is buying up coins of 1.2.5 rubles at a price of 5000 per piece. The coin must meet certain requirements:

  • was released in 2003;
  • under the paw of the eagle there should be a symbol of Moscow or St. Petersburg.

This cost of coins is due to their small circulation of only 15,000 pieces throughout Russia.

Ways to receive and sell coins

You can get and sell coins in various ways:

  1. Sell ​​your coins to a bank institution. When choosing this method, you need to remember that banks do not buy all coins, but only those that have a certain year of issue and distinctive features. Although the bank buys coins at a lower value, the way the bank buys coins guarantees safety and reliability.
  2. Sell ​​or buy coins on an online auction. In this case, the chance of selling rare coins at a higher price is very high. To participate in the auction, you need to take photos of the coin from the side and both sides, register on the site, write a description of the coin and indicate its value.
  3. Directly find a seller and a buyer. This is done through thematic forums, where photos and descriptions of coins are a prerequisite. After an agreement between the buyer and the seller of coins is reached, the seller sends a parcel with coins cash on delivery, which the buyer pays upon receipt. The disadvantage of such a sale of coins is that often the parcels do not reach, getting lost along the way.

What valuable coins does Sberbank of Russia accept in 2018

    • What coins does Sberbank of Russia buy in 2018?
    • Coins that can be sold to Sberbank
    • What coins, what year can be handed over to Sberbank for money in 2015?
    • How to sell Sberbank coins
  • What coins does Sberbank buy in 2018
      • Modern Russian coins, the value of which is many times higher than the face value. The most valuable coins of modern Russia prices.
    • What coins does Sberbank accept in 2018
  • What coins does Sberbank accept in 2018
    • Conditions for accepting coins

What coins does Sberbank of Russia buy in 2018? - silver, with copper-nickel alloy (brass), 27 mm across, weight 7.5 g). By the way, the price rises along with the improvement of its appearance.

What valuable coins does Sberbank accept in 2018?

What coins does Sberbank accept in 2018? Interesting information can be found in the “Promotions” section, maybe at a certain time the cost of the product will be higher. Getting advice and resolving disputes is carried out on a single line with the number 8-800-555-55-50, you will be told the requirements and a list of offices that you can contact. Appearance at one of the announced departments; Evaluation of the product by a special specialist; Announcing the amount of the transaction; Upon agreement to the proposed conditions, a contract is signed; Receipt of money is carried out by transfer to a card or in cash after treatment.

What coins does Sberbank buy in 2018 What coins does Sberbank of Russia buy? Before contacting a bank branch, we recommend that you study the information on the Internet in order to find out how much collectors offer for it, perhaps you will get much more from private buyers.

What coins does Sberbank of Russia buy in 2017-2018?

You can buy such coins in various ways: find it in a piggy bank, get change for a fare, or find it on the street. What coins, what year can be handed over to Sberbank for money in 2015? With the MMD sign, it can be sold for 30,000 rubles. Also, the bank will buy a jubilee ruble of the same year, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the CIS with the sign of SPMD for 10 - 50 rubles.

What coins does Sberbank buy in 2018

Home - Actual - Metals, coins - Sberbank Notes Deposits with a high interest, Deposit with a gift, Deposits in other banks How much do you want to invest? 10000, 30000, 50000, 100000, 200000, 300000, 500000, 1000000, 2000000, 3000000 rubles. Sberbank Online@yn, Sberbank Website, Sberbank Phones, Deposits, Loans, Mortgages Our readers are interested in the question of what valuable coins does Sberbank of Russia accept in 2018? Indeed, this organization periodically buys, and we found out what exactly they are ready to buy at the bank's offices.

Coins that Sberbank buys in 2018

The bank periodically buys the following rare coins:

  • 50 kopecks, 2001 issue;
  • 1 or 10 rubles of 2001;
  • 1 ruble, 2.5 rubles 2003 (Petersburg Mint);
  • Commemorative coins of 2003 with the image of Yuri Gagarin.

The cost of valuable coins that Sberbank of Russia accepts in 2018 is constantly changing, it is best to find out the current information on the bank's website or immediately come to your nearest branch. Consultations on the issue of buying and selling coins are conducted by calling the Sberbank hotline at 8-800-555-55-50. If you want to know where it is better to invest money in order to earn money this year, then follow this link. If you are interested in deposits, then you can get acquainted with the best offers of banks here.

If you want to know how to get a loan without refusal? Then follow this link.

Rare and valuable coins of Russia 1997 - 2017 and 2018

What coins does Sberbank buy in 2018: how to sell, catalog

Remember, these are not the only copies that the bank announces to purchase annually. What coins does Sberbank accept in 2018 Conditions for accepting coins An organization can legally refuse to buy if scratches and mechanical damage are found on the products. It will still be possible to return a banknote, however, the price may fall in relation to the original, it will depend on the content of precious metals.

The cost is formed from the following indicators:

  • safety of the coin;
  • availability of documents confirming the right of ownership;
  • uniqueness of the product (number of coins in circulation);
  • special series or collection;
  • face value and cost of materials used in production.

First you need to find out on the Sberbank website which are currently accepted.

What coins does Sberbank buy?

There were also historical figures and architecture of the city of Sochi on the image. What year does Sberbank accept coins? Their release date is 2013. Today, in addition to investment coins, there are also commemorative coins of 1, 2, 5, 10 and 25 rubles.

Ten-ruble coins won the greatest popularity. Their design at creation was one of five directions:

  • Significant dates of the country.
  • Cities of military glory.
  • ministries of the country.
  • ancient cities of the country.
  • Russian Federation.

Prices depend on the denomination, series and design, as well as the year of issue and mint. The cost of one commemorative coin of 10 rubles at the beginning of the current year ranges from 20 to 5 thousand rubles.
During the Olympic Games in Sochi, interest in our coins increased. Many numismatists tend to buy coins with original designs.

In other words, you can sell to the bank only those coins that are made of precious metals - gold, silver, platinum, and you must have documents confirming that the purchase was made in the bank branch. The price can be determined either by the catalog, if it is a rare copy, or by the actual cost of the material from which it is made. Please note that not all offices sell and buy, most often you need to contact large regional branches or head offices.
It is better to clarify this information in advance by calling the bank's hotline.
The maximum price of 3500 rubles as XF. 1 ruble Ruble copies are much more expensive, and today valuable coins can be easily identified by the years of issue.

  1. 1997 and 1998 - MMD, made of brass alloy, differ in the width of the edging and can cost from 2 to 5000 rubles;
  2. 2001 - MMD, a brass alloy with a higher nickel content and a protruding edging, was not officially put into circulation, and therefore is one of the most precious, you can get up to 30,000 rubles for it;
  3. 2001 anniversary - issued in honor of the 10th anniversary of the formation of the CIS and is redeemed at a price of 10 to 50 rubles;
  4. 2001 from the "Red Book" series - have silver coatings, a ribbed edge and embossing depicting 3 species of animals listed in the Red Book of Russia - the West Siberian beaver, the Altai mountain argali and the Sakhalin sturgeon, a circulation of 7500 copies.

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Many people who decide to sell old unwanted coins are interested in where they can be handed over, consider this using the example of banks and find out which coins are accepted by Sberbank of Russia, the largest financial and credit organization. Firstly, it does not have to be very old, obsolete money. It is possible that they are only a few years old, and they were obtained on public transport or in a nearby store for change. Secondly, these can be quite modern coins issued in honor of a certain event or on a significant date, which were not issued in circulation or were issued in limited quantities.

Everyone knows that collectors and numismatists are engaged in buying up metal banknotes, and often they are ready to pay serious sums for some rare copy. However, not everyone has the desire and ability to look for specialists, having no idea about the value of coins and the growth of their value.

For advice, you can contact the specialists of Sberbank, but it must be borne in mind that the bank makes a buyout with some features.

The most important advantage of Sberbank over narrow specialist numismatists is its availability in all regions of Russia. The owner of a rare coin will not have to collect information about local collectors for months, and he will be able to quickly receive payment for it. To do this, it is enough to find out which coins Sberbank buys for the current application in 2018.

Sberbank buys only a few types of coins, and this list is constantly changing according to the situation in the regions and on the market. For example, in March, a bank may accept metal banknotes in denominations of 5 rubles of 2003 issue, and in April they will no longer be sold, as there will be a demand for other collectibles.

There is no exact long-term forecast or references, according to which coins will be bought from the population. Changes to the catalog are made depending on the volumes purchased by the bank, fluctuations in the numismatic market and a number of other circumstances.

Basically, Sberbank of Russia acquires post-Soviet coins no earlier than 1991, and they can differ in several ways:

  • place of manufacture - the Moscow Mint (MMD) or the yard of St. Petersburg (SPMD);
  • denomination - from 5 kopecks to 10 rubles;
  • year of production;
  • metal alloy;
  • elements of images and details of embossing - additional edging, edge execution or polishing.

If you have such a list of options at hand, an attentive buyer can find an old penny or a valuable gold piece quite quickly and get an attractive material bonus for them.

5 kopecks

Coins in denominations of 5 kopecks in 2002 and 2003 differ in the place of manufacture and alloy - steel or nickel, and you can rent them at a price of 3 to 5 rubles. The cost of St. Petersburg copies in good condition will be somewhat higher, there is no additional edging in the SPMD coinage, and several transverse folds are applied to the cloak of St. George the Victorious. The maximum price of 3500 rubles as XF.

Ruble copies are much more expensive, and today valuable coins can be easily identified by the years of issue into circulation.

  1. 1997 and 1998 - MMD, made of brass alloy, differ in the width of the edging and can cost from 2 to 5000 rubles;
  2. 2001 - MMD, a brass alloy with a higher nickel content and a protruding edging, was not officially put into circulation, and therefore is one of the most precious, you can get up to 30,000 rubles for it;
  3. 2001 anniversary - issued in honor of the 10th anniversary of the formation of the CIS and is redeemed at a price of 10 to 50 rubles;
  4. 2001 from the "Red Book" series - they have silver coatings, a ribbed edge and embossing depicting 3 species of animals listed in the Red Book of Russia - the West Siberian beaver, the Altai mountain argali and the Sakhalin sturgeon, a circulation of 7500 copies. The coins of this series are issued by the Bank of Russia almost annually in a limited edition of 10,000 pieces and are in great demand in whole series and in single versions. This demand is explained by the growth of patriotism and national consciousness of the population, as well as a steady increase in the cost of unique banknotes.

In the applications of Sberbank, 2-ruble steel coins of 2003 issue sometimes appear. They depict a double-headed eagle, and their price can reach up to 10,000 rubles, depending on the appearance and degree of damage. The SPMD stigma can increase the value of money up to 20,000 rubles.

Also in 2003, commemorative coins with a portrait of Yuri Gagarin without a mint seal were issued and are in demand. Sometimes the lists also include 10-ruble souvenir items from this series.

To compare the cost at which coins were bought in Sberbank and in other organizations, an example is the starting price of a proof-lot of a 2-ruble coin in 2003 of 420,000 rubles, which was exhibited at the Rare Coins cash auction in 2016.

In 1999, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation planned to exchange 5-ruble coins, a very small batch was released into circulation, and now their value can reach up to 100,000 rubles. The coin is made of steel alloy, with a double-headed eagle in the reverse shape and does not differ in any way from subsequent circulations, except for the year of issue.

The 2003 coins are also valued for their small mintage and unique metal alloy. But since they were all released into circulation, it is almost impossible to find copies in very good condition without damage and defects in 2018.

Information on where to return the coins can always be obtained at the nearest branch or through the official website of the Savings Bank. If the copy seems rare, but is not included in the published list, in any case, it is worth consulting with specialists, since the bank is often ready to purchase single items according to special regulations and an individual price. Expert requirements and collection preferences change every year, new trading houses and auctions open. An electronic antique boutique will help you exchange Soviet coins that are no longer needed today for a real amount, professionally evaluate exclusive gold pieces or give a certificate where they are accepted at a bargain price.

Some banks take coins of different denominations for good money, regardless of the condition of the product. This once again proves the demand of the market for modern banknotes and the expediency of paying attention even to trifles, especially in wallets and home piggy banks.

Watch a video about what coins Sberbank buys for very good money!

Numismatics, collecting rare and expensive coins is quite rare, but extremely profitable. Avid numismatists can sell their collections for a fortune. However, not only they can get several thousand rubles for a coin, but also ordinary citizens of Russia who are not fond of numismatics. Almost every house has a jar or box filled to the top with small change. Some have heard of "mysterious" rare specimens and tried to find them. But what to do with them then?

It makes no sense for the bank to buy more rarities than it needs. So after enough coins have been obtained, he starts collecting others. In this regard, it is extremely important to follow the announcements of the central office so as not to miss your luck. Follow the news, follow the Internet resources, and soon your collection will be bought by the Savings Bank.

See also: Replenishment of Yandex.Money wallet

However, although Sberbank of Russia is the most affordable way to sell rare items, nevertheless, these are not the best deals for you. In connection with the "wholesale" purchase of collections, the bank often underestimates the real value of the collections. If you want to sell copies from the piggy bank at a higher price, then you are better off contacting professional numismatists, collectors or buyers. It will take longer, but you will get more benefits. In addition, numismatists do not have such a frequency of buying, which is demonstrated by the Savings Bank of Russia. You can sell them your collection of rare items at any time.

The most popular financial institutions to buy are coins issued in 1998 and 2003. These include:

  • Ruble 2001 of the Red Book series;
  • 1 ruble 2001;
  • Ruble 1997 issue - yellow, with a nickel alloy;
  • Ruble 1998 with a wide border;
  • 2 rubles in 2003;
  • 5 kopecks issued in 2002. They are made of white metal (steel);
  • commemorative coins issued in 2003 depicting Yuri Gagarin (2 and 10 rubles).

Sberbank, as already mentioned, often understates the real cost of rare items. Therefore, the maximum that you can get for any of the above coins is 30,000 rubles (1 ruble 2001 - silver, with a copper-nickel alloy (brass), 27 mm across, weight 7.5 g). By the way, the price of the coin rises along with the improvement of its appearance. The newer and cleaner it looks, the more the financial institution will pay for it.

Fortunately, these are not the only copies that the bank accepts. There are also more expensive and rarer money, for which the bank is ready to give up to 10,000 rubles. However, their purchase is carried out by the central office extremely rarely. If you are the proud owner of a truly unique, rare and expensive piece, then you better not wait for a specific offer from the central office, but turn to professional numismatists who will be happy to buy this rarity from you for a colossal amount.

Good day, friends. A mysterious friend was in our office today.

At first, maybe for half an hour he circled the common room, refusing any help.

Then he left and came back half an hour later. And so three times. As a result, he came up to me and asked what coins Sberbank accepts in 2018.

It turns out that he has already accumulated a whole collection of various commemorative coins.

He decided to get rid of them. Provided him with an up-to-date list of coins. I will share it with you, dear readers. Suddenly, you have a huge collection.

Antique coinNumismatics, collecting rare and expensive coins is quite rare, but extremely profitable. Avid numismatists can sell their collections for a fortune. However, not only they can get several thousand rubles for a coin, but also ordinary citizens of Russia who are not fond of numismatics.

Almost every house has a jar or box filled to the top with small change. Some have heard of "mysterious" rare specimens and tried to find them. But what to do with them then?

The easiest way is to sell them to Sberbank of Russia. Its branches are everywhere, and the bank accepts valuable coins, paying large sums for them. However, the financial institution does not accept all possible rare items. Let's see which of them can be sold to the Savings Bank of Russia.

Unfortunately, the biggest difficulty that novice or experienced numismatists who decide to sell their collection to the largest bank in Russia will have to face is the frequency of purchases.

The central office of Sberbank changes the “target” of its searches every few weeks. For example, if in January they bought five-kopeck coins of 2001, then in February they will not buy the same value from you - a financial institution began to buy ruble coins of 2003. What is it connected with?

It makes no sense for the bank to buy more rarities than it needs. So after enough coins have been obtained, he starts collecting others. In this regard, it is extremely important to follow the announcements of the central office so as not to miss your luck.

Follow the news, follow the Internet resources, and soon your collection will be bought by the Savings Bank. However, although Sberbank of Russia is the most affordable way to sell rare items, nevertheless, these are not the best deals for you.

In connection with the "wholesale" purchase of collections, the bank often underestimates the real value of the collections. If you want to sell copies from the piggy bank at a higher price, then you are better off contacting professional numismatists, collectors or buyers. It will take longer, but you will get more benefits.

In addition, numismatists do not have such a frequency of buying, which is demonstrated by the Savings Bank of Russia. You can sell them your collection of rare items at any time.

At the same time, all coins of 2003 are subject to a requirement related to the seal of the mint. If your coins bear the sign of Moscow, the bank will not accept them. However, this requirement does not apply to anniversary copies with a portrait of an astronaut. They should not indicate at all which mint they belong to.

Sberbank, as already mentioned, often understates the real cost of rare items. Therefore, the maximum that you can get for any of the above coins is 30,000 rubles (1 ruble 2001 - silver, with a copper-nickel alloy (brass), 27 mm across, weight 7.5 g).

By the way, the price of the coin rises along with the improvement of its appearance. The newer and cleaner it looks, the more the financial institution will pay for it. Fortunately, these are not the only copies that the bank accepts. There are also more expensive and rarer money, for which the bank is ready to give up to 10,000 rubles.

However, their purchase is carried out by the central office extremely rarely. If you are the proud owner of a truly unique, rare and expensive piece, then you better not wait for a specific offer from the central office, but turn to professional numismatists who will be happy to buy this rarity from you for a colossal amount.

source: Selling coins to Sberbank is a good way to make money if you have suitable samples on hand. Admission rules are constantly changing, in 2017 a number of innovations and special conditions should be taken into account. Now Sberbank buys only its own investment coins, which were issued in limited quantities from precious metals.

The organization may legally refuse to buy if scratches and mechanical damage are found on the products. It will still be possible to hand over a banknote, however, the price may fall in relation to the original, it will depend on the content of precious metals. The cost is formed from the following indicators:

  • safety of the coin;
  • availability of documents confirming the right of ownership;
  • uniqueness of the product (number of coins in circulation);
  • special series or collection;
  • face value and cost of materials used in production.

First you need to find out on the Sberbank website which coins are currently accepted. Interesting information can be found in the "Promotions" section, maybe at a certain time the cost of the product will be higher.

Getting advice and resolving disputes is carried out on a single line with the number 8-800-555-55-50, you will be told the requirements and a list of offices that you can contact. The process consists of steps:

  1. Appearance at one of the announced departments;
  2. Evaluation of the product by a special specialist;
  3. Announcing the amount of the transaction;
  4. Upon agreement to the proposed conditions, a contract is signed;
  5. Receipt of money is carried out by transfer to a card or in cash after treatment.

The catalog with photos and prices is located on the official resource, in it you can find almost all the information of interest. Here you can also see the difference between buying and selling investment coins, the investment will be profitable only in the long term.

You should sell after three years have passed, otherwise you will have to pay a tax of 13%, which makes the deal less attractive. Often you have to wait much longer for the difference to justify the investment.

Demand is also present for ordinary coins, their list is strictly defined, the buying period rarely exceeds 2 weeks. Sberbank bought coins of a certain year, with a special edging, with or without a mint mark. Up-to-date information can only be found on the website.

The purchase is not made in all offices, not everywhere there are specialists with the proper level of qualification. Before going to the bank, it is better to clarify the possibility of selling by phone.

source: Having received an old, collectible coin at your disposal, or simply finding preserved old copies in your possession, the question arises: “Where to sell such coins?”. One of the reliable ways is to contact Sberbank of Russia. Its branches are located throughout the country and in almost every city there are those that accept and sell coins.

There are certain restrictions that may become an obstacle to the transaction. In this article, we will tell you how to find out if Sberbank will buy coins from you and what their prices will be.

Almost on a permanent basis, they accept samples of gold, silver, investment, as well as rare commemorative and commemorative coins. Coins of the times of the USSR and Tsarist Russia are valued for commemorative or anniversary issues.

Speaking about rare coins of regular circulation and non-precious ones, buying does not take place on an ongoing basis, it will not be possible to contact the nearest branch and sell the entire collection. This is due to the fact that the bank buys only certain copies in limited quantities.

You can get acquainted with the list of currently purchased money on the official website of the bank or at the nearest branch. Having received the required number of purchased coins, the position is closed and a new one appears. In general, purchase updates occur every 2-3 weeks. In 2015, Sberbank of Russia accepts the following copies:

  • year of issue 1999 - 5 rubles;
  • year of issue 2001 - 50 kopecks, 1 ruble, 10 rubles;
  • year of issue 2003 - 50 kopecks, 1 ruble, 2 rubles, 5 rubles.

After making sure that the bank will redeem the coins you offered, you should find the nearest branch that deals with such operations. The official website of the bank will help clarify all the necessary information about the nearest branch engaged in operations for the purchase and sale of valuable coins. Arriving at banks with you, you must have an identity document.

Directly at the branch or before the trip, you must write a statement that describes all the coins, their denomination, year of issue. You can clarify the wording and get a sample application directly from the bank.

Having handed over to the employee all the samples that you want to sell, they will be sent for examination, often carried out right in the office with you. The expert will give his opinion on the authenticity and the price that the bank can pay. The further choice to sell at the proposed value of the coin or not is up to you.

The estimated cost will depend very much on the safety of the submitted copies. Traces of wear and minor damage visible to the naked eye will greatly reduce the final price. The maximum value can be obtained for a copy in perfect or close to perfect condition. The evaluation will take place directly at the bank, by one of the employees.

Having carefully examined the condition, the appraiser will offer you a price for which the presented medallions will be bought from you. It is worth considering that the cost of some coins may be underestimated, this is due to bulk purchases, on the other hand, positions sometimes appear that cannot be sold anywhere except Sberbank. Approximate cost:

  1. 2003, denomination of 2 rubles 6-10 thousand rubles.
  2. 2003, parity 5 rubles to 6 thousand rubles.
  3. 1999, denomination of 5 rubles 100 thousand rubles.
  4. the rest of the samples cost about 5 thousand on average, some can reach 30 thousand.

You can also sell coins at auction, which increases the chance of a better deal in terms of value. To do this, you will need to provide high-quality photographs, go through registration, and sometimes independently carry out the procedure for confirming the authenticity of the coin.

You can also find a buyer through Internet forums and ad sites, but there is a high chance of falling into the tricks of scammers. By choosing a bank, you save yourself from unnecessary time costs and the chance of being deceived.

For the proceeds from the sale of coins, you can immediately purchase one or several bank offers, conditionally exchanging your old collection samples for new ones. Money can be received both in cash and transferred to a card of Sberbank or another bank in Russia.

Summing up, I would like to say, whether you are a numismatist trying to get rid of more coins from your collection or just a person who has found a large number of coins of the USSR, Russia or other ancient samples, Sberbank of Russia is a great place to implement your idea.

You can find a branch in any city, prices may be lower than auction prices, but you get a 100% guarantee of the transaction. A huge advantage is the purchase of copies that are not bought up by either numismatists or just collectors, this allows you to profitably sell most of the money that will end up in a closet or be thrown away.

So, you can sell most of your can of coins over a long period of time, but still get a good amount.

source: Collecting coins brings a good profit. At the same time, not only avid numismatists can receive money for the sale of coins, but also ordinary citizens who are lucky enough to find a valuable or rare coin. Found a jar of old coins at home and don't know what to do with them? Try to find rare coins among the pile, because banks are ready to pay for them.

The easiest way is to contact Sberbank of Russia, which has branches even in small towns.

The very first problem that awaits a person who decides to sell coins is that purchases have a certain frequency, so you need to follow the news. The purpose of the search for Sberbank is constantly changing: so if in January coins of 2001 were in demand, then in February the purchase of coins of 2003 had already begun.

The reason is simple: as soon as a sufficient number of the desired coins have been obtained, the search goals change and completely different ones become in demand. Therefore, it is so important to follow the news from the central office in order to accurately sell your collection to this bank.

The sale and purchase of coins is carried out in more than 800 different branches throughout the country, each person has a chance to sell collectible or commemorative coins to the bank, having previously learned the price from an employee.

This is the easiest and most convenient way to sell your accumulated copies, but get ready for the fact that you won’t get so much for them. The fact is that the bank conducts bulk purchases, as a result of which the real cost of copies may be somewhat underestimated.

Therefore, if you want to benefit from the transaction, you need to contact numismatists directly. This is risky and takes more time, but you can get a lot more for your collection. And here the doors are always open, unlike the periodic buying of coins by Sberbank.

What coins Sberbank buys in 2017, you will learn from the news of the bank, but usually this financial institution most often announces promotions for the purchase of such coins:

  • 2 and 10 rubles issued in 2003 with a portrait of Gagarin without specifying the mint;
  • 1997 rubles in nickel alloy and yellow;
  • 1998 rubles with a wide border;
  • 2 rubles of 2003, and priority in accepting coins of 2003 is given to coins minted by the mint in St. Petersburg;
  • 5 kopecks from white steel 2002.

A catalog with prices and photos is posted on the bank's website, where you can clearly see which coins Sberbank buys. Remember, these are not the only copies that the bank announces to purchase annually. There are also more valuable rare coins, the price of which is 10 thousand rubles and more. But the central office rarely buys them from citizens.

Therefore, if you are lucky enough to find a truly unique coin, then it’s better not to wait for an offer from the office, but try to find a buyer yourself who will appreciate the beauty.

The list of bought coins changes every few months, since only a certain amount of the declared denomination is needed. If you do not make it by the declared date, then the purchase will no longer be carried out, because a completely different denomination is already in demand.

If we talk about collectible coins made of precious metals, then Sberbank always has a demand for them. Therefore, first verify the authenticity of the copy, evaluate it with a knowledgeable person, and then go to the bank.

Rare coins of 1997-2010 are bought up at a price that is formed based on a number of parameters:

  1. the mint that issued them;
  2. year of minting;
  3. face value

A well-preserved appearance is of great importance. The prices for coins that Sberbank buys depend on whether they have defects and are approximately equal to:

  • 2 rubles in 2003 can cost from 5 to 10 thousand rubles;
  • a five-ruble coin is sold for 6 thousand;
  • rare found coins of 1999 with a face value of 5 rubles are considered the most valuable due to the fact that the circulation was too small. They are ready to buy it from the seller for an amount of more than 100 thousand rubles;
  • commemorative coins of 2001 with a face value of 1 and 2 rubles will cost 30 thousand rubles each.

The average price of coins sold in 2016 is 1-5 thousand rubles, we can say that this trend will continue in 2017. The maximum that Sberbank will pay for incredibly rare coins is only 30 thousand rubles, as noted above, the purchase is massive, and therefore the corresponding cost has been set.

At different auctions, you can sell several valuable coins a little more expensive, but first you will need to prove their value and it is much easier to immediately take a piggy bank with you to the nearest branch of Sberbank.

It is worth mentioning separately the coins with manufacturing defects and defects: 5 kopecks 2002-2003 without a designation of the place of minting, non-magnetic 10 and 50 kopecks of 2007 and the anniversary ruble with Gagarin of 2001 (without designation of the place of minting).

The price for them is determined individually. Please note that coins of 2 and 10 rubles from 1999 to 2010 are not valuable and you can get from 20 to 100 rubles maximum for them.

Many coins are very rare, some are even taken out of circulation, and therefore are of value. But the lucky man who found them in his piggy bank should not rejoice ahead of time. Sberbank sets a number of criteria for the appearance of accepted coins, so you won’t be able to return coins with defects:

  1. just good looks. If it is satisfactory, the price may be reduced, a poorly preserved one may not be accepted at all;
  2. on all coins of 2003 issue there must be an imprint of the mint of St. Petersburg;
  3. if we are talking about commemorative coins, then they should not have information about the mint at all.

Therefore, follow the news to find out the dates for accepting coins from the Russians.

source: As you know, valuable coins are valuable not only for collectors of numismatists, but also directly for the banking institutions of the country. But here we are talking about certain types of coins. And we will try to figure this out.

Despite the fact that in rare coins, all the nuances that make them especially valuable are understood only by avid numismatists, great collectors, even an ordinary person can make money on such pennies. There are two conditional types of kopecks that you need to know about:

  1. Rare, rare specimens.
  2. Specially cast pieces made of precious metals.

If we talk about the second option, then such coins are produced directly by the banking institutions of the country for the purpose of further sale. By the way, this is a rather profitable decision to invest your capital in the purchase of such coins, since over time they only become more expensive, thereby becoming a profitable investment.

It is important to know that such products are accepted back only by those banks that were originally engaged in their implementation. For example, coins issued by any other banking institution in the country are not among those accepted by Sberbank now or previously.

As for the simplest kopecks, which, as it turns out, are of value to collectors and, most importantly, to the Sberbank of Russia, their list is dynamically changing. It all depends on how many coins of a certain denomination, year of issue or series were needed to collect.

When the desired number of kopecks is collected by the bank, their acceptance is completed. Not so long ago, for example, coins of 5 kopecks, issued in 2001, were the goal of this financial institution. But a month later, apparently having bought the required number of copies, Sberbank stopped collecting them.

The coefficient of value offered by the institution for coins, of course, often exceeds their true face value, but it is important to understand that in the case of non-precious pennies, experienced numismatists do not go to bank branches. We will return to this issue later.

In order to be aware of what year coins are accepted at Sberbank, it is necessary to systematically monitor the news updates on the institution's website, as well as on specialized Internet resources where such information is published.

To begin with, we return to rare kopecks, which, as we have already said, experienced numismatists in no case hand over to Sberbank of Russia.

And all because selling these copies can be much more profitable. It is only necessary to place relevant ads on thematic forums or sites. Online platforms for selling all kinds of goods are also ideal.

Other coins, which may not be accepted by bank branches, but carry a sufficiently high value, can be sold to numismatists for quite large sums. It can be several thousand rubles, or maybe a couple of hundred thousand rubles.

The sale of such coins, of course, is also carried out through online auctions, on thematic forums, of which there are quite a lot on the Web today.

There you can also be prompted with information that relates to rare coins that are valued by collectors today, data on why and for what such specimens are valued. It is possible that you also have a coin in your house or in your wallet that you can easily sell for a couple of thousand rubles, but you had no idea about it.

source: Having inherited a piggy bank of old coins, many of our compatriots do not know what to do with this inheritance. Not many people know that Sberbank not only sells, but also buys coins from the population. Fortunately, he buys not only gold and silver collectible and bullion coins.

It should be noted that the bank does not buy coins on an ongoing basis. You cannot visit the bank at any time and sell your coin collection. As a rule, before buying, the central branch of the Savings Bank announces the upcoming purchase of coins.

Coins are required by the bank in a certain amount. After the bank has acquired such a certain number of coins, it stops buying operations.

If we talk about 2015, then the Savings Bank bought coins issued in Russia after 1991. Also in great demand at the Savings Bank are rare coins that were issued at the beginning of the new millennium. If you are the owner of rare commemorative coins, they will be purchased regardless of the place of their minting.

In 2015, Sberbank bought coins that were issued in 2001 and 2003 in denominations of 50 kopecks, 1 ruble and 10 rubles. If we talk about coins issued by the St. Petersburg Mint, then in addition to commemorative coins, Sberbank used coins: 1 ruble, 2 rubles (including commemorative coins), 5 rubles, 10 rubles (strictly commemorative coins).

The value of coins is greatly influenced by factors such as appearance and safety. Coins that are well preserved and have a pristine appearance are more expensive than coins that have lost their attractiveness over time. For example:

  • A coin worth two rubles of 2003 issue can be sold from 6 to 10 thousand rubles.
  • A five-ruble coin of 2003 can be purchased by a bank for 6,000 rubles (subject to its excellent condition).
  • A very rare coin, the denomination of which is 5 rubles, issued in 1999, can be sold for 100 thousand rubles or more. This coin did not have a large circulation, which is why its value is so high.

As can be seen from the examples, the cost of coins can be different and is determined directly at the Sberbank branch. It is worth noting that the bank purchases coins at a lower cost. So before selling coins, find out its value at specialized auctions.

Coins worth 5 kopecks distinction and cost Counting on good money when selling coins worth 5 kopecks of 2002 is worth those owners whose coins have a distinctive mark.

As a rule, coins in denominations of 5 kopecks were issued by the mints of St. Petersburg and Moscow. And under the horse's hoof on the reverse side of the coin there should be a symbol of Moscow or St. Petersburg. Ruble coins and their differences. Deciding to check your collection of coins for value, you should consider some factors:

  1. Wide coin border. On the ruble, having a wide edging, the petal of the pattern is superimposed on the edging itself. On a regular coin, the petal of the pattern is in full size.
  2. Coins in denominations of 1.2.5 rubles 2003. A distinctive feature of these coins is that the mintmark located under the eagle's paw is slightly lowered.

The Savings Bank of Russia is buying up coins of 1.2.5 rubles at a price of 5000 per piece. The coin must meet certain requirements:

  • was released in 2003;
  • under the paw of the eagle there should be a symbol of Moscow or St. Petersburg.

This cost of coins is due to their small circulation of only 15,000 pieces throughout Russia.

You can get and sell coins in various ways:

  1. Sell ​​your coins to a bank institution. When choosing this method, you need to remember that banks do not buy all coins, but only those that have a certain year of issue and distinctive features. Although the bank buys coins at a lower value, the way the bank buys coins guarantees safety and reliability.
  2. Sell ​​or buy coins on an online auction. In this case, the chance of selling rare coins at a higher price is very high. To participate in the auction, you need to take photos of the coin from the side and both sides, register on the site, write a description of the coin and indicate its value.

Directly find a seller and a buyer. This is done through thematic forums, where photos and descriptions of coins are a prerequisite. After an agreement between the buyer and the seller of coins is reached, the seller sends a parcel with coins cash on delivery, which the buyer pays upon receipt.

The disadvantage of such a sale of coins is that often the parcels do not reach, getting lost along the way.

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