Scarves are needed. Penetration and fastening of pits

At the construction site, the uninitiated can hear many new terms. One of these terms is - pit. Let's see what it is?

What is a shurf?

A pit is an ordinary pit for inspecting the foundation and (or) soil base, as well as for taking soil samples during geological surveys. Actually, the work of digging holes is called - pitting.

Now let's answer common questions about drilling.

What are the dimensions of the pit in the plan are usually?

The size in terms of the pit should be such that it is convenient for the specialist to carry out all the necessary work in the pit. In the pit, it should be convenient to squat down, bend over for sampling, etc. If the existing foundations are shallow (laying the foundation below the ground up to 50 ... dig deeper, it is rational to expand the pit to a size in terms of 1x1 m.

What should be the depth of the hole?

The depth of the pit is taken from the following considerations:

  1. If the pit is made directly near the existing foundation, then it is made to the base of the foundation (where the foundation rests on the soil base). Sometimes, to measure the width of the sole of the existing foundation, the pit is made deeper - below the sole of the foundation by 10 ... 20 cm ( Attention! It is possible to deepen the pit below the base of the foundation if the foundation is in a satisfactory condition and is a sufficiently cohesive, monolithic structure).
  2. If the pit is made before the start of new construction, then it is carried out to the design depth of the future foundation.

It should be noted that if the pit is made deep in loosely cohesive soils (for example, sandy soils), then either slopes should be performed or the soil should be fixed with wooden shields.

Where should the hole be made?

In any case, before pitting, you should consult on this topic with a specialist, that is, with the one for whom these pits are performed. But in general, you can consider the following rules:

  • if there is a basement in the building, the pits should be made in the basement (outside, the pits will be very deep);
  • in the absence of basements, pits can be performed both outside and inside the building;
  • if possible, pits should be placed at the intersection of two main walls (in this case, when using one pit, it is possible to inspect the foundations immediately under two walls);
  • during new construction, they try to carry out the pits in close proximity to the building spot.

How many holes to make?

The number of pits is determined by a civil engineer who performs a survey of building structures or a geologist who conducts engineering and geological surveys.

I hope you now understand the concept pit and began to better understand the builders.

If you need advice on this, you can contact me at .

You were advised by an expert

Ismagilov Andrey Olegovich

First of all, the customer must understand that without extracting the pits and inspecting the structures of the foundations, the surveyors can draw conclusions about the state of the foundations of the building only by indirect signs. Holes are needed in order to:

  • establish the type of foundation, its shape in plan, dimensions, depth, previously made reinforcements, as well as grillages (when examining pile foundations in each pit, their diameter, pitch and average number per 1 m of foundation are measured) and artificial foundations;
  • examine the foundation material with the definition of the class of concrete, grade of stone and mortar, and sometimes to open the reinforcement of the foundation;
  • take samples of soil and foundation material for laboratory testing;
  • establish the presence of waterproofing and determine its condition.

According to SP 11-105-97 "Engineering and geological surveys for construction. Part I. General rules for the production of work", a pit is a mine working with a maximum depth of up to 20 meters. However, we will set aside the official definitions, since the survey is a more narrowly focused type of activity and has its own characteristics. In the survey, the depth of pits of 20 m can only be found on unique structures and the customer should not take the picture of terrible destruction to heart. The average depth of the pit of an average building for an average customer, based on our practice, is about 2 meters if the pits are torn off from the unheated side of the building, and even less if the pit is torn off from the basement.
In the survey of buildings, the pit is a vertical excavation in the ground with a depth of 0.5 meters below the base of the surveyed foundation, which is torn off next to the wall or column of the building. The dimensions of the pit in the plan are determined by the size of the base of the foundation, its shape, as well as the properties of the soil (when the soil is shedding, it is usually easier and more profitable for workers to dig a larger pit than to strengthen its walls with boards). Most often, the depth of the pit is not more than 2 meters, the dimensions in terms of 1.5x1.5 meters from the outside of the building, and the depth is up to 0.8 meters, the size in terms of 1x1 m from the basement of the building.
Strip foundations are opened directly along the sheer edge of the wall. Pillar foundations should be opened by one of the following three methods given in the Manual for the inspection of building structures of buildings of OJSC "TsNIIPromzdaniy" (see figure):
    1. Opening "at the corner" - is used in the presence of a symmetrical geometry of the foundation in terms of, with dense placement of equipment and the impossibility of dismantling it; in the absence of sedimentary deformations, as well as during re-examination;
    2. Opening "on two sides" - is used in the presence of unacceptable sedimentary deformations of the above-ground part of the building in this area; when designing a significant increase in the load on soils or with asymmetric foundations;
    3. Opening "along the perimeter" - is used in case of an emergency condition of the building site associated with subsidence of the base soil. The opening of foundations in this way is carried out in sections no longer than 1.5 m; it is not allowed to open the foundations simultaneously along the entire perimeter.
The number of pits depends on the availability of documentation, the space-planning and structural design of the building, on the condition of the building (presence of sedimentary deformations), and on the purpose of the survey. For example, according to MRR 2.2.07-98 "Methodology for examining buildings and structures during their reconstruction and redevelopment", control pits for examining the structure, dimensions and material of foundations arrange 2-3 pits per building, the pits are torn off from the outside or inside, depending from the convenience of opening them. In reality, it is usually necessary to lay much more pits, and when they are separated, sometimes one or two pits turn out to be useless due to an obstacle encountered in the form of an old foundation, communications not indicated anywhere, a large boulder or piece of concrete. Surprisingly often, in a small, but repeatedly reconstructed building, it is necessary to lay much more pits than in a huge workshop with the same type of structures - this fact is sometimes difficult to substantiate to the customer, but without comprehensive data on the design of the foundations, the analysis of the operation of the building structures will be flawed initially. When there is a design, and even more so as-built documentation for a building, the number of pits can be reduced, provided that the control pits show full compliance with the actual design of the foundations to the project and in the absence of sedimentary deformations in the building - alas, sometimes it happens that the only one of several control pits reveals complete the discrepancy between the foundations and the project and even the previous survey of the building (there are hacks among the builders and among the surveyors), and then you have to upset the customer with additional work with the appropriate estimates. It is also important for excerpts of pits to have a technical assignment for a survey from designers or coordination of pitting sites with them - after all, designers initially understand which structures will be loaded as a result of the project, and also know which places they need to check when designing an extension. When assigning the number of pits and their locations, the examiners take into account the following factors:
  • the structural scheme of the building, the number of different types of differently loaded load-bearing structures, the possibility of opening several foundations with one pit - ideally, it is necessary to have information about the foundations of all different different structural elements;
  • the state of the building structures, blind areas, the presence of sedimentary deformations - it is advisable to lay a pit near sedimentary cracks in order to see the state of the foundation in a critical place;
  • availability of design, executive or survey documentation;
  • availability of technical specifications from designers;
  • the presence of a technical assignment from the customer (the customer may have his own ideas about the reconstruction of the building, well, he can simply know where in the building, in his opinion, there are significant sedimentary cracks);
  • the possibility of extracting pits outside the building without the consent of the supervisory authorities - approvals will take more time than survey work (either long or expensive), therefore, alas, where possible, pits are most often torn off without permits, that is, illegally (also therefore, the pits are easier to tear off from the inside of buildings);
  • the availability of documentation, information on underground communications from the operating service, the customer, the availability of inputs to the building of communications after a preliminary inspection - the layout of the pits must be agreed with the operating service or with the customer;
  • weather conditions, the presence of drainpipes, slopes - it is difficult to tear off the pits and examine the foundations in conditions of constant flooding, and it is also dangerous to flood the basement (well, in winter, chiseling frozen ground will be much more expensive for the customer);
  • basement operating conditions, floor construction and basement finishing, blind area construction - to compare the complexity of restoring structures and performing earthworks and works on opening hard coatings;
  • minimizing the volume of earthworks - this factor is one of the least significant.
As you can see, to develop a scheme for drilling an object, an analysis of many factors is required. Moreover, after analysis, it sometimes turns out that it is completely or partially impossible to excavate the foundation for a particular structure without significant costs and inconvenience for the customer (for example, the internal walls of warehouses or factories with fragile or sterile products in the basement or on the first floor). It is also obvious that the development of a survey program and a commercial offer based on it without a site visit (and this is required by 99% of customers already at the first telephone conversation) is nothing more than a convention, which means that there is a high probability of additional work or lack of information obtained during the survey. Based on our practice, we can say that at least 4-5 pits come off in the average surveyed building, most of them from the basement, most of the pits are laid in the corners at the junctions of walls and columns. With rare exceptions, the pits are torn off by hand, because with any of the most remarkable documentation on the location of communications inside and outside the building, according to Murphy's law, an element of communications is necessarily detected during the passage - and therefore, for excerpts of the pits, certain qualifications and experience are also required from the pit worker.

What negative factors entails a passage of pits for the customer - you should know about these inconveniences in advance:

  • noise when opening the blind area, the concrete floors of the basement, the first floor with the help of a chipper, cutting the reinforcement with the help of a grinder - this does not allow working outside at night if the object is located near residential buildings;
  • dust of small fractions when opening hard coatings (blind areas, floors, finishes), dust when extracting a pit;
  • humidity when extracting a pit from inside the building, the need to ventilate the basement;
  • the probability of flooding the basement with atmospheric precipitation when opening the pits outside the building - this does not mean that it will definitely flood (in our practice this has not happened yet), but the probability of flooding with improper covering of the pit and water drainage, as well as with excess precipitation or strong wind increases;
  • damage to the blind area when extracting pits from the outside - for a length of about 1.5-2 meters and for the entire width of the blind area is dismantled (a rare exception is bypassing a well-reinforced narrow blind area and extracting a pit under it);
  • damage to the floors of the basement or the first floor of the building and the wall decoration adjacent directly to the pit;
  • damage to the waterproofing layer of foundations or floors of the building;
  • the impossibility of operating the premises in the place of excerpts of pits until they are completely sealed;
  • the need to restore finishing coatings, blind areas.
In our practice, as a rule, we tear off the pits with the help of our workers, because sometimes (despite the experience of the workers) the direct guidance of an engineer is required so that the pit is passed to the base of the foundation (an engineer is already working below) and that excess soil is not removed from under soles, which threatens with deformations of the foundation, as well as to prevent damage to the foundation structure. The presence of an engineer during the flooding of the pit is especially important for a quick examination, since the subsequent open pumping of water from the pit is not always permissible and is fraught with additional foundation sediments in case of washing out dusty soil particles from under the sole (if any). After driving the pit, the engineer takes measurements, if necessary, makes openings of the waterproofing and structural layers, removes samples of materials. Backfilling of pits is usually also carried out by our own forces, with soil compaction by manual rammers or watering. After backfilling the pit, it is recommended to let the backfill soil settle and compact (if outside, wait for the ground to thaw and the soil to be washed with precipitation), and then proceed to seal and restore the blind area or floor structures. Restoration of the blind area or floor is usually carried out by the customer - if this is done by the survey organization, then, as a rule, a subcontractor appears to carry out these construction works, and the customer simply overpays. If the customer has workers, he may well organize the excavation and backfilling of the pits on his own - this will reduce the cost of survey work.

We recommend that the customer treat with understanding and patience the need to excerpt the pits, since this is an important type of work on the inspection of the building. The more detailed the building is examined, the less likely it is that problems will arise during its reconstruction or operation. And sealing the basement floor or restoring the blind area is not a big problem. The inconvenience associated with extracting the pits usually lasts no more than 1-1.5 weeks.

Dmitry Kuznetsov,

The underground part of any building is hidden under the ground, so it is not even possible to visually inspect it, unlike ground structures. A qualitative survey of the foundation of existing buildings is facilitated by pits dug from the outside of the structure or from the inside. Their location is determined depending on the design of the building itself, the distance to nearby buildings, and also on the level of the foundation footing.

When is an Underground Inspection Necessary?

Checking the condition of the foundation and the base under it is required in the following cases:

  • increase in the number of storeys of the building;
  • technical re-equipment of production;
  • overhaul associated with increased loads;
  • the appearance of significant cracks on the facade and distortions of openings;
  • development of unacceptable drawdowns;
  • the need to build nearby foundations, etc.

Often, the problems of the underground part of the structure are indicated by external damage on the walls, which are determined visually, as well as the jamming of several doors at once, located in the same plane or not far from each other. In these cases, experts give an unequivocal conclusion that the structure is experiencing deformations, and this is most likely due to the weakness of the base or the beginning of the destruction of the foundation.

During the overhaul of the facility, which involves increased pressure on the ground, it is mandatory to conduct a survey of its underground part, for which it is necessary to dig pits.

In some cases, it is enough to study the technical documentation. But in the absence of it or the occurrence of significant subsidence, confirmed by systematic observations, as well as during work related to the reconstruction of old buildings, it is impossible to do without a direct examination of the state of the foundation and foundation.

Inadmissible deformations, distortions and subsidence of buildings can occur for various reasons that appear immediately, over the years or after the soil thaws. The sources of problems are:

  • atmospheric water seeping into the ground and soaking the base;
  • groundwater resulting from leaks from water supply or sewerage networks, as well as reservoirs and heating mains;
  • groundwater rising above the permissible level;
  • insufficiently compacted base or backfill;
  • freezing or washing out of the soil;
  • displacement of soil layers relative to each other, etc.

When pitting, soil samples are taken at the base of the foundation, the structure is visually inspected and, if necessary, samples of materials (concrete, mortar, stone) are taken for further laboratory research. Often they open the fittings.

Rules for the construction of pits

The pit is a dug hole that exposes the wall of the tape, the support of the columnar or the side of the slab foundation. The locations of the recesses are determined based on specific conditions. Problem areas are prioritized, and if it is necessary to survey long-length zones, the choice is left to sites that can least of all become an obstacle to passers-by or people living nearby.

When marking pits, builders should not start only from the convenience of working conditions and accessibility of the territory. Research is almost always carried out in populated areas, so the presence of pedestrians near the object cannot be eliminated. But others also need to remember that the foundation survey is only temporary, and the ongoing activities are necessary, appropriate and not critical.

Without fail, the pit must be laid in places where the deformation of the walls is clearly visible. Also drilling can be done:

  • in the busiest areas of the building;
  • in each independent part of a multi-section house;
  • in the areas of additional supports.

Sites where the condition of the soil or foundation is defined as emergency require special attention. In this case, in addition to the problem area, reliable zones are examined where a pit is arranged, after which the results of the study are compared. For the foundation of the reconstructed object, drilling and inspection of structures together with the base is carried out at the installation sites of load-bearing columns and walls. And in the case of a partial superstructure - only in the area of ​​reorganization.

The number of holes depends on the initial purpose of the foundation revision. When reconstructing or overhauling a building that does not provide for an increase in loads, it will be enough to perform 2-3 control pits. When eliminating the flow of water in the basement or on the ground floor, pits are dug in each of the flooded areas, and when the basement is deepened, one pit is made near all walls. In the most loaded areas, double-sided pits are allowed.

In places of change in the level of laying the foundation or a significant jump in the height of the structure, additional pits are often arranged.

Each hole is dug below the depth of the foundation by half a meter. Depending on the tightness of the territory and the size of the deepening, the walls of the pit are made with slopes or strengthened with vertical shields with spacers. The minimum area of ​​the bottom of the pit in relation to its depth is:

  • 1.25 m2 - up to 1.5m;
  • 2 m2 - from 1.5 to 2.5 m;
  • more than 2.5 m2 - from 2.5 m.

In buildings with basements, drilling is carried out from the inside, which significantly reduces labor costs when excavating. The pits, in this case, have, as a rule, a depth of 0.8-1.2 m and dimensions along the bottom - 1.0 * 1.0 m.

As a result of the foundation survey, they find out or clarify:

  • the depth of the underground part;
  • overall dimensions in plan;
  • type and strength of the structure;
  • the presence of defects and damage;
  • class of concrete and brand of stone (according to samples - in the laboratory);
  • condition of the waterproofing layer;
  • violation of the position relative to the vertical axis;
  • the presence of any amplification.

The state of the artificial and natural base is determined by the soil sample taken in the same pits. In some situations, additional drilling is required.

Options for opening foundations

One of the walls of the pit, designed to examine the strip foundation, is the vertical surface of the underground structure itself. For free-standing columnar foundations, there are three options for opening them:

  • double-sided - the pit is dug out along two adjacent sides of the foundation reinforced concrete pad;
  • angular - the pit is also located on both sides, but not for the full length of the faces of the base of the foundation, but only half;
  • perimetric - the structure is exposed from three sides completely, and from the fourth - partially.

A two-sided pitting scheme is used in the event of significant sedimentary deformations in the pit digging zone, with an asymmetric shape of the foundation sole, or when considering the possibility of increasing the load on the supporting structures after the reconstruction of the facility. The corner pit is arranged with the same dimensions of the sides of the reinforced concrete base in terms of and the absence of subsidence processes. For industrial buildings, they also take into account the uniformity of loads from equipment and the inadmissibility of its dismantling or moving to another place in the future.

Digging a hole around the perimeter is used in critical situations when a maximum inspection of the underground part of the building or a thorough analysis of soil conditions is required. But the opening of the foundation, in this case, is allowed to be carried out not immediately along the entire perimeter, but only in sections that are no more than one and a half meters long, otherwise the building under investigation may collapse.

It is not uncommon for a building that is small in area and number of storeys to dig much more pits than for a huge production workshop with similar designs. The fact is that the process of responsible examination is more influenced by specific conditions, visual assessments, as well as preliminary control measurements and studies, rather than the human factor. It happens that with minimal verification, significant discrepancies between the underground structure and the technical documentation and even previous studies are revealed. It is then that additional research is required.

Inspection of foundations with the help of pits is carried out by specialized organizations in the presence of terms of reference, project documentation for the work with a clear indication of the location and size of the pits, as well as permission from supervisory authorities.

The presence of professionals and the guidance of engineers when digging holes is necessary in order to:

  • excess soil from under the foundation was not accidentally removed to avoid additional subsidence;
  • when the pit is flooded, problem areas could be quickly examined, since with intensive pumping of water, the rock is additionally washed out, including the sand cushion;
  • the specialist was able to adjust the dimensions of the pit to be able to perform more accurate measurements;
  • correct soil samples and samples of materials were taken.

Upon completion of work, each pit is filled with layer-by-layer compaction. Further, from the outside, the blind area is restored in accordance with all the rules, and from the inside - the floor.

Negative moments of drilling

Before you decide to examine the foundations by digging out the pits, you need to understand that the work will entail certain inconveniences that can affect not only the owner of the building, but also others. Namely:

  • noise during the destruction of the blind area or concrete floor;
  • dust and dirt;
  • the appearance of moisture;
  • the probability of flooding in case of untimely pumping of atmospheric waters;
  • damage to waterproofing;
  • difficulty in moving around the house;
  • the impossibility of exploitation of the surveyed areas.

But, despite the difficulties, it is necessary to understand the importance of the arrangement of pits, provided for a visual acquaintance with the problems of foundations and the foundation under them. Inconvenience, in this case, is temporary.

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How to choose the right place?

The first important indicator is the presence of finds around the foundation and in the garden near this house. If they are, and especially in large numbers, then by all means dig! Finds around will also tell you about the approximate age of this pit. The older, the more promising, of course. If the house disappeared in the 20th century, then get ready to dig for Soviet garbage. Well, if it disappeared under the tsars, then this is almost a clean place! But to find such a place of a long-vanished house is still hard work. It is a separate story to find the foundation of an old drinking establishment, an inn or a postal station. Then a huge number of finds is provided. Also of interest are the houses where not peasants lived, but for example workers of the railway, mills, civil servants and any officials. Unlike the rest, they always received their salaries in hard currency on time. And of course, buttons and buckles 🙂. Well, and a few more additional signs showing the prospects of the fund you have chosen:

  • Pieces of rusty roofing sheet come across in the dump. After all, not everyone could afford a metal roof.
  • There are ceramic dishes. The poor ate mainly from wood.
  • The presence of glass. Alcohol bottles, pharmacy bottles, glassware.

But even in the remains of a relatively poor house, you can also search well. I noticed a rather strange pattern in myself: the richer the village and the more stone houses in it, the fewer finds come across in it. But this is on the surface.

As practice shows, the greatest concentration of finds comes along the walls, under the entrance to the house and along the stove.

I chose a place where many coins were raised in the gardens, starting with scales, including copper, and ending with a 1961 coin! Well, the house must be quite old, especially since the oldest coins came across from this region! So, there was a hut already in the 1600s!

Where to begin?

After choosing a place, it must be thoroughly cleaned. After all, the better you clean it, the fewer finds you will miss. Around the selected foundation, we clear the space from tall grass, bushes. We remove surface debris, collect all the metal. We try to ring and dig as many signals as possible around the hole. Here we will throw and call the soil dump from the pit. At the cleaning stage, interesting finds can also come across.

My place was already fairly cleared by the past diggers, but they did not touch the foundation, although it is very old. And little grass grows under the oak.

What is needed for a sling?

For more convenient digging of the hole, of course, a shovel will be required. It is better to take a fiskar. It is more convenient to work with a full-size shovel: you do not need to bend over, and it is easier to recline the earth. And working already in a small pit, there is nothing better than a shortened fiscars. Due to their curved shape of the handle, it is convenient for them to collect earth from the bottom of the pit. If you have a simple garden straight shovel, then spoil her health specifically.

Now let's talk about the device, or rather about the search coil. For foundation pits, it’s best, but what’s better ... you need to take a sniper coil, preferably dd and preferably high-frequency. In order not to miss a single small target, whether it be scales and small silver or copper.

For a little trick, we need a magnet! With it, we will catch carnations and other ferrous metal debris from the dump, which drowns out useful signals. A search magnet, a magnetic trawl or a homemade magnetic bundle will do. It can be made from powerful magnets from hard drives, speakers, and any other strong magnets that can be attached to a wooden plank.

Since the spring before last, I took care of the future and bought a 4.5″ Garrett Ace Super Sniper coil for my device for 2800 rubles. During the crisis, its price jumped to 5k. I considered alternatives from other coil manufacturers, but still took it from Garrett. I will write more about it later.

How to scurry?

When everything is prepared and cleaned, then you can directly proceed to the pit. To begin with, we make a trial exploration pit along the wall or diagonally. I distinguish 2 types of shuffling:

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  1. This is layered shurfling. That is, first set a larger feeler and ring, then almost completely reduce the sensitivity and again check the entire area of ​​​​the foundation. Next, remove the layer of earth with a bayonet - half a bayonet and repeat the above again. and so on until you reach the mainland, that is, to hard-to-dig soil without traces of human activity. And of course, we call the blade and, if there is a magnet, we clean it from ferrous metal.
  2. Gradual churning. We dig a small strip, about a meter and a half wide, along the entire length of the foundation to the mainland, calling the dump and the pit. Then we dig the next same strip next to it, digging in the resulting hole and also calling it along with the dump. Continue like this until the end of the foundation. This method allows you to save energy, since after the end of the work the pit will be almost buried.

The very minimum is a pit 1 x 1 x 1 m. It will completely let you understand the whole meaning of the pit and give you the first finds.

It was the first method that I used. Since there was just a huge amount of trash and the device went crazy in the house pit. But I found my first coin from the pit in the pit. It turned out to be the money of 1749. My suspicions were confirmed, the place is really very old!

What finds come across while snorkeling?

Almost any foundation is a layer cake. And on each layer there are corresponding finds.

  • Above is the Soviet period with all sorts of rubbish, including that which got there during the destruction of the house. But if you clear it of large debris, then there will certainly be finds in it.
  • Deeper is the late imperial layer. Forged items come across: tools, tools, household inventory. Also, red ceramics already come across, and, well, fragments of dishes. And of course, coins Nikolaev and Alexandrov.
  • earlier empire. From Peter 1. Ceramics also come from the companion, but already gray, older. Semi-fossilized rot and pieces of rusty iron. And the coins here are already more interesting. And just as great is the chance to find any rarik.
  • pre-Petrine period. Various scales. And that says it all.

A shovel on a pit should be waved more carefully. Often in house pits there are whole bottles or royal dishes. It will be a shame if you split them with a careless movement of the fiskar.

The case of finding a bookmark with coins is not excluded. Well, or a small treasure. The richer the house, the naturally more treasure. I think that the chance of them being in such places is greater than in vegetable gardens or other places. Even if something was hidden in the attic, it will fall down!

But get ready and dig a lot of garbage. That's how I got the ring from the barrel. You can’t look for coins with such items, they will jam all useful signals.

A couple of nuances

If the settlement is old enough, and you have reached the mainland and have already collected a lot of finds from the pit, then do not be too lazy to dig for a bayonet. The older cultural layer may reappear. After all, a new house could be put in the old place. And by removing a layer of earth from the mainland, you can find a hole.

Summing up

Well, let's summarize everything that was said earlier. Foundations are a rather time-consuming, but still great alternative to a field cop, especially when the latter is not possible. The preservation of coins and other finds on the foundations is an order of magnitude higher, since no aggressive substances such as fertilizers were introduced there. And as the coin fell there 300 years ago, so it will lie in the ground until you find it! If you are not ready to work hard or have health problems, then it is better not to take on the pit. And do not forget to bring the place back to its original state - bury your creation 🙂 .

I also advise you subscribe to the channel "Old Vyatka", where you will find many videos about detecting, metal detectors, navigation, cartography and coin care:

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Every treasure hunter who searches for treasures in old houses knows perfectly well that it is difficult to open the layers of earth using traditional methods.

Also, foundation builders and repairers understand that in conditions of dense urban development it is quite difficult to make a high-quality repair of the foundation, because it is not known what the depth of the foundation, its type and size, even the thickness is sometimes difficult to calculate. Therefore, when it is necessary to make a survey of foundations, it is recommended to use the technology of pitting.

What is the essence of this technology

When the building has visible signs of damage associated with the destruction of the foundation, then it is necessary to determine the degree of damage to the structure and the possibility of its repair. In such cases, it is strictly forbidden to use well drilling, because the destruction can continue. In such cases, they dig a hole in several places.

A pit is a deep round hole that is dug to the maximum possible depth along the outer or inner surface of the foundation. When a foundation survey is carried out for the purpose of repair or restoration, there may be about a dozen such pits, and sometimes even more.

The pits are located symmetrically with respect to the surface, in most cases they are equipped on the outside of the building, because it is difficult to dig inside.

When to Inspect Foundations and Foundations

  • With a planned increase in the number of storeys of the building;
  • Changing the purpose of the building, technical re-equipment of the production building;
  • Capital or planned repair of the foundation associated with the appearance of visible signs of deformation of the supporting structure;
  • With the appearance of significant cracks, deformations and subsidence of the basement floor, as well as the facade of the house;
  • In the event of subsidence, not related to seasonal fluctuations in the soil;
  • When designing and starting the construction of other buildings nearby;
  • If you need to carry out restoration and restoration work in architectural monuments, sculptures with pedestals and other similar structures.

In some cases, to examine the foundations and obtain the finished result, it will be enough to study the technical documentation for the building. But for old buildings, such projects simply cannot be found, because they do not exist, and construction archives were not maintained then.

But, when the building gives systematic subsidence, the situation worsens, and it is also necessary to carry out the restoration of the existing building, then the foundation is inspected in full. And drilling here will be the best method.

Causes of deformation and destruction of building foundations:

  • Rainwater that has penetrated deep into the foundation through cracks, pores, or a damaged drainage system;
  • Aggressive groundwater contaminated with chemicals that got deep into the base from damaged sewers;
  • Ground water raised above the permissible level;
  • When mistakes were made in the design of the foundation, poor-quality building materials and products were used that were not designed for design loads;
  • Natural aging of building materials, in particular sandstone, limestone and rubble;
  • Through the occurrence of third-party vibration from new industrial and administrative buildings, which affects the foundation from the outside;
  • Displacement of soil layers, other reasons.

The pitting method makes it possible to clearly establish the composition of the base, its depth and the composition of the mineral components. When pitting, soil and foundation samples are taken at various depths, a visual inspection of the structure is carried out, and samples of building compositions are taken. Often it is necessary to completely open the foundation in order to examine the condition of the reinforcing layers.

How to properly arrange pits

Considering that a pit is a hole dug vertically or at a slight angle, which completely opens the surface of the foundation, then you need to dig it correctly.

Places for installing recesses are selected individually in each specific case, places with clearly localized damage to the base are considered priority. Also, the pits can look like a long trench, if you need to examine adjacent sections of the tape base.

When choosing a digging site, you do not need to start only from the convenience of work. Inspection of foundations should be carried out in full, regardless of the complexity of the work being carried out, because the reconstruction and repair of foundations is always carried out in densely populated areas with dense buildings.

Therefore, before starting work, you need to warn others, and all such work is temporary and after a few days the pits are again covered with soil.

Examination of bases and foundations is of a forced and critical nature in places of clearly visible critical damage. Also drilling is carried out:

  • in each independent part of a sectional multi-storey building;
  • at the places of installation of additional supports.
  • Areas where building damage is considered critical also require special attention. In such cases, pits are installed not only in the emergency zone, but also in neighboring areas in order to detect reliable zones and balance the building by load transfer.

    As a rule, during the reconstruction of a house, a foundation survey is done along the entire perimeter of the building, but with a possible superstructure, only in a specific area.

    How many holes need to be made?

    • The amount depends on the degree of damage to the foundation. If it is a strip or monolithic foundation, then the pits are made every 1 meter or even closer. Also, 2-3 control samplings are always performed in independent places, in order to then make a comparative analysis of the composition of the foundation and the soil around it.
    • If you only need to conduct an examination, then make 2-3 pits for every 10 meters of base length.
    • When eliminating the entry of groundwater, pits are dug already in advance dried areas of the basement or basement. And if the basement is deepened, then one hole in the middle of each wall is enough.
    • In cases of detecting fluctuations in the level of the base or a significant drawdown, the pits are installed double-sided in order to find the cause of the drawdown.

    All pits are always dug to a depth below the sole of the base for at least another half a meter.

    The results of drilling can be as follows:

    • there is data on the depth of the underground part;
    • the overall dimensions of the base are obtained;
    • the laboratory received information about the state of the foundation and the degree of its strength;
    • the presence of defects and destruction;
    • class of concrete, brand of stone;
    • there is data on the state of waterproofing;
    • base geometry can be checked;
    • also, an increase in loads on a specific section of the foundation will always be detected.

    How to open foundations by drilling

    Given that one of the walls of the pit, which is used to examine the foundations, will be the outer surface of the foundation, then there are three main options for opening them:

    • double-sided - then the pit is dug out on both sides symmetrically and connected from below the sole. It is used if there are significant deformation subsidences or if there is a possibility of the influence of excess loads from superstructures.
    • corner - a hole is also dug on both sides, but it does not connect and has a slight slope. The depth in such cases may not be to the very bottom of the sole. It is satisfied with the same dimensions of the reinforced concrete base and the absence of the influence of sedimentary processes. When examining the foundations of industrial facilities, the uniformity of loads from the installed equipment and the lack of the possibility of dismantling are also taken into account.
    • perimetric - complete exposure of all surfaces of the foundation on three sides, and the fourth may not be exposed. This method is used in critical situations where a complete inspection of the base or ground is required. But the opening of the foundation, in this case, is allowed to be carried out not immediately along the entire perimeter, but only in sections that are no more than one and a half meters long, otherwise the building under investigation may collapse.

    Sometimes a situation arises when more pits are used for a small private house than when examining a huge industrial enterprise.

    The reason for this lies in the following: the specific conditions for the analysis and sampling, as well as preliminary measurements, largely affect the survey.

    As a rule, all this is done by professionals, so the human factor is minimized. It happens that during the initial sampling there are already significant discrepancies between the design and the technical documentation. Therefore, additional drilling is required.

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