Scenario of the extracurricular event "Field of Miracles" "History of traffic rules". Game "Field of Wonders" with a presentation for primary school students Scenarios of the field of wonders for 10

One of the most important educational tasks of the school is the formation of active cognitive interest of students. This goal is served by various forms of intellectual games, including the “Field of Miracles” well known to children. I offer my colleagues a selection of materials for the thematic games “Field of Miracles”, which I conducted for fifth graders. In older grades, tasks for games were made by students from one of the class groups. Thus, the students, enthusiastically looking for an answer to an entertaining question, subsequently, with no less enthusiasm, made a selection of questions for the next game.


The first game. Any modern person knows how the phrase “I don’t understand you” sounds in the language of the Australian Aborigines.

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Comment: When the Europeans, who first set foot on the coast of Australia, saw a strange marsupial animal, they asked the locals what it was called. “Ken-gu-ru,” they replied, which means “I don't understand you” in the Aboriginal language.

Second game. In ancient China, soaked mulberry bark was split into thin sheets and boiled in a lime solution for 2 hours. Then the resulting mass was smashed with hammers, glue was added to it, poured with water and passed through a sieve. The mass that settled in the sieve was overturned on a board, pressed and dried. So in ancient China they got what we use now every day.

Comment: Translate the title of the song into French...

Game with spectators. In Russia, this product, spicy, with an unusual taste, occupied an honorable place in both wedding feasts and funeral rites. He was very sweet and dear. What product are we talking about?

Final game. In the old days, amulets were often written with a word to which miraculous power, a magical meaning, was attributed. Now it has lost these properties and has become complete nonsense. Say this word in Latin.



Isaac Newton is said to have liked to sit under an apple tree. Everyone knows what discovery this habit led to. The topic of today's game is discoveries and inventions.

The first game. The oldest stone buildings were erected from hewn stone blocks, and this invention allowed the architects of ancient Rome to build masterpieces of architecture that amazed the imagination of both their contemporaries and tourists of our days.

Commentary: This system sends out sound waves that bounce off an object and create an image on the monitor. In medicine, this is used in ultrasonography (ultrasound).

Third game. This item was invented in ancient Egypt. Then it was completely made of wood. According to the idea of ​​the Egyptian masters in the 19th century, Linius Yale made a modern metal model, completely preserving the principle of operation. We usually call it "English".

Game with spectators. In 1744, the English chemist Joseph Priestley noticed that when mercury oxide was heated, gas was released. If you bring a candle to it, the flame flares up brighter. In those days, scientists believed that during combustion, substances lose a special substance - “phlogiston” (from the Greek “flame”). Priestley called the gas he discovered "dephlogisticated air". What is this gas called by modern chemists?


The first game. About two hundred years ago, the original art of the portrait appeared in France. These portraits were cheap, so this type of art received the support of the French Minister of Finance, a greedy and unpleasant person. The French began to call these portraits by the name of the miserly minister. Say this last name.

Third game. What used to be called “bone shaker”, “spider”, and now they call it “fast foot”?

Game with spectators. The Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich made an inscription on a book dedicated to falconry, which later became the proverb “time for work, and hour for fun”. What did the word "fun" mean?


The first game. This word is directly related to the theater, but in Greek it means “goat song”.


Commentary: This was the name of the song in honor of Dionysus, the god of fertility; it was sung by people dressed up as goat companions of Dionysus, with horns and tails tied. In Greek, the goat is “tragos”, the song is “ode”.

Second game. If you have read the myths of Ancient Greece, then you know that the king of the gods Zeus had 9 friendly daughters. They were constant companions of the god of light - the golden-haired Apollo and were called the Muses. One of them was the muse of tragedy. Say her name.

Blitz tournament with spectators.

1. The mountain on the slopes of which the Muses lived.


Scenario of the game "Field of Miracles" for younger students

Ryabichenko Nadezhda Vladimirovna, primary school teacher, MKOU "Mikhailovskaya OOSh", Kikvidzensky district, Volgograd region
Short description:
This material for elementary school students is presented in the form of the game "Field of Miracles" on the theme "Inhabitants of the underwater kingdom". The game can be played in the lesson of the world around, as well as in extracurricular work on the subject.
Target: consolidation and expansion of children's knowledge about the inhabitants of reservoirs.
- to form in students a sense of love for their native nature;
- to develop cognitive and creative activity, ingenuity, curiosity, horizons.
The Field of Miracles drum, two caskets, a black box, prizes, pens, sheets of paper with an alphabet, a computer, a multimedia projector, a presentation with a game and pictures of the inhabitants of the reservoirs.
Explanatory note to work with the presentation
At the beginning of each round of the game, the final and the super game, when the presenter reads the task, a presentation slide with a scoreboard, which consists of rectangles, opens in front of the players. The player names a letter of the alphabet, and if there is such a letter in the word, the presenter or his assistant clicks on the rectangle where it is located (or rectangles, if there are several such letters in the word). After the word is guessed and all the letters are open on the scoreboard, a picture with the image of a representative of the underwater world opens by clicking anywhere in the presentation. Leading:
Good afternoon, dear guys. I am glad to welcome you today to our wonderful game "Field of Wonders" on the theme "Inhabitants of the underwater kingdom". (A slide with the name of the game is projected onto the screen).

The rules of the game are familiar to all of you.
The game takes place in three rounds, each of which involves 3 players. Before each round there is a qualifying round, according to the results of which we will find out who will be in the top three players.
Each player will have sheets of paper with an alphabet on which you must mark all the letters named so as not to repeat.
The player calls the letter of the alphabet, which, as he believes, is present in the hidden word. If there is such a letter, then it opens on the scoreboard, and the player receives the dropped number of points and can spin the drum again. If the answer is incorrect, the turn passes to the next player. If the player knows the word, then he can name it immediately without guessing by spelling. If he dares to name a word, but makes a mistake in at least one letter, he leaves the game.
For three successively guessed letters, two caskets - one with a prize, the other empty.

The first player to guess the whole word wins. Players who win in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd round go to the final. The winner of the final receives the main prize. He can take part in the super game.
All words - answers in each round of the game must name one object.
And one more rule - the audience should not prompt.
First qualifying round.
1. Name a poisonous sea animal with long tentacles. (jellyfish)
2. Large marine crayfish. (lobster)
3. The largest freshwater fish that lives in rivers and lakes. (som)
Task for the first three players.
Scientists call these animals amphibians because these animals can live on land and in water. They love calm backwaters, lakes and ponds - quiet places with stagnant fresh water. Some of them do well in salt water. (frog)

Second qualifying round.
1. People live under water,
Walks backwards. (crayfish)
2. Water masters,
Building a house without an axe. (beavers)
3. Tail wags,
Toothy, not barking. (Pike)
Task for the second three players.
These animals love to live in the water. However, they are born on land. To breed their offspring in the summer, they lay their eggs in dug holes on the shore of a reservoir. Animals feed on small fish, tadpoles, pond snails. (turtle)

Third qualifying round.
1. This is the name of the item for sewing and the fish, which has an elongated body. (fish - needle)
2. Marine animals, in their shape resemble trees or shrubs. (corals)
3. You can see them at night in the sky, as well as in the sea. (stars)
Task for the third three players.
This animal can be found where it is damp. He has a soft tender body. The animal can stick to the stone so that you can not tear it off even with a knife. It loves to travel at the expense of others: clinging to the bottom of the ship, it calmly moves thousands of kilometers from its birthplace. (snail)

Game with spectators.
These formidable, toothy animals are among the ancient inhabitants of the planet Earth. Very similar to crocodiles, but differ in their size. They are much smaller than crocodiles. Also, their difference is that in a crocodile all teeth are perfectly visible if its mouth is closed, and in this predator all teeth are visible only when its mouth is open. And, unlike crocodiles, they can only live in fresh water. (alligator)

The final.
This spider, the only one of all spiders that lives in water, is very beautiful. Its abdomen is covered with hairs, which are lubricated with a fatty substance. Between these hairs is the air that the spider breathes. And this spider brings air to its nest. The more air there is in its nest, the less often it appears on the surface of the water. The spider weaves its housing from the web and attaches it to plants, stones that are in the water. (silver)

Super game.
These animals are called orderlies of the sea. They clean the seas of dead animals. Some species of these animals live in fresh water. They swim well, many quickly and dexterously crawl sideways. (crab)

At the end of the game, the winner is awarded.

Presentation Game "Field of Miracles" for primary school students on the topic "Inhabitants of the underwater kingdom"

Game "Field of Wonders" on the theme "Birds" for elementary school students

Ryabichenko Nadezhda Vladimirovna, primary school teacher, Mikhailovskaya School, Kikvidzensky District, Volgograd Region
Short description:
This scenario for elementary school students is presented in the form of a game "Field of Miracles" on the theme "Birds". The game can be used when conducting extra-curricular activities on the subject of "the world around us", as well as in a summer health camp.
Target: consolidation and expansion of children's knowledge about birds
- to form in students a sense of love for their native nature;
- to develop cognitive and creative activity, ingenuity, curiosity, horizons.
Explanatory note to work with the presentation
Tasks for each round of the game, final, super game and game with spectators are read by the teacher. At this time, a slide opens on which there is a scoreboard with a certain number of figures, the number of which is equal to the number of letters in the guess word. When you click on a shape, a letter appears. When the word is guessed and all the letters are open on the scoreboard, you need to click anywhere in the presentation to display the image of a bird. Leading:
Good afternoon, dear guys. I am glad to welcome you to our game "Field of Wonders" on the theme of "Birds". (A slide with the name of the game is projected onto the screen).
The rules of the game are familiar to all of you. There are three rounds in the game, 3 players participate in each round. Players take turns naming the letters in the word. If the named letter is in the word, then it opens on the scoreboard. If the letter is incorrectly named, the turn passes to the next player. If the player knows the word, then he can name it immediately without guessing by spelling. If he dares to name a word, but makes a mistake in at least one letter, he leaves the game.
The first player to guess the whole word wins. Players who win in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd round go to the final. The winner of the final can take part in the super game.
Before the start of each round, a qualifying round is held.
First qualifying round.
1. Which bird is considered the most talkative? (magpie)

2. A bird that breeds in winter? (crossbill)

3. Name a bird that doesn't build a nest or take care of its chicks. (cuckoo)

Task for the first three players.
This bird is called the water sparrow. Its main feature is that it swims well, dives and even runs along the bottom. But this bird has another name. Which? (dipper)

Second qualifying round.
1. Very important,
Black, brave.
He walks on the arable land,
Chervyakov finds. (rook)

2. A trill flows in the blue sky,
Like a soft flute.
He meets spring - red meets,
It tells us about it. (lark)

3. During the day he sits in a hollow, is silent.
Hooting at night, laughing,
He wants to start hunting. (owl)

Task for the second three players.
The gray owl is a very useful predator. Imagine, she alone, hunting field rodents, saves almost a ton of bread a year! What is the other name of this bird? (tawny owl)

Third qualifying round.
Birds in fairy tales
1. Which hero of the fairy tale went to visit the fox? (crane)

2. The bird, which in one of the tales was saved from the cold by a little girl. (Martin)

3. Name the birds from which the river, apple tree and stove hid the sister and her brother. (geese)

Task for the third three players.
This bird of prey is the fastest of all birds in the world, capable of reaching speeds of over 322 km/h. (peregrine falcon)

Game with spectators.
The forest lark is not easy to see, its coloration is the color of grass, and it knows how to hide. Some trills of this bird are very melodic:
"yuli-lu-li". Because of these overflows, she was given a second name. (yula)

The final.
The name of the bird snipe comes from the French word. Translated into Russian, the root of this word means "beak". This small bird lives in damp places: it loves marshy swamps, damp meadows, marshy shores of reservoirs. People call this bird... (lamb)

Super game.
Usually, daytime birds of prey are silent, but this one seems to be asking for something - it is whining. For this, she was nicknamed the buzzard, but her "official name" sounds different. Name it. (buzzard)

Game "Field of Wonders" on the theme "Birds"

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