Sample questions what where. Questions of school tournaments on the game “What? Where? Protocol of the results of the game “What? When? And why?"

Game plan.

  1. Introduction of teams and captains.
  2. The choice by the captain of the number under which the team will play.
  3. Introduction to the rules of the game.

Rules of the game.

1. Each team is offered 6 questions from various fields of knowledge: mathematics, social sciences, chemistry, philology, physics, natural sciences. The questions were prepared by the teachers of the school.

2. Teams answer in turn, choosing any of the questions proposed to them:

  • from the field of mathematics;
  • from the field of history or social science;
  • from the field of chemistry;
  • from the field of the Russian language or literature;
  • from the field of physics;
  • from the field of biology or geography.

3. One minute is allotted for thinking about the question.

4. For the correct answer, the team receives 1 point.

5. If the team did not give the correct answer, then other teams can answer. For the correct answer to the opponent's question, the team receives 0.5 points.

6. The winning team is the one with the most points.

7. If, according to the results of the game, several teams scored the same number

points, then a “Blitz-poll” is conducted: the leader in turn asks the same number of questions to each team, 20 seconds are allotted for thinking.

8. The results of the game are recorded in the protocol.

9. Summing up the game. Winner's reward ceremony.

Protocol of the results of the game “What? Where? When? And why?"

question number Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4
№ 1
Answers to questions from opponents
№ 2
Answers to questions from opponents
№ 3
Answers to questions from opponents
№ 4
Answers to questions from opponents
№ 5
Answers to questions from opponents
№ 6
Answers to questions from opponents
Answers to additional questions
Outcome of the game

Questions for Team 1.

1. What mathematical term does the word “music” mean in Greek?

Answer. Proportion.

2. Who was the first of the Russian sovereigns to issue a nominal decree on the order of driving in the city?

Answer. Anna Ivanovna.

My first syllable is swept with a broom,
With the second syllable, the informant counts.
In general, I will say, dear friends,
For many patients, instead of sugar, I am.
Name the substance.

Answer. Sorbitol.

4. “Happy hours are not watched.” Name the author.

Answer. A. Griboedov.

5. If you want to cool a pot of water as quickly as possible to room temperature, is it better to put ice on the bottom or on top of the pot?

Answer. When cooled, the colder layers of water, as heavier ones, sink down. Therefore, if you put ice at the bottom, then there will be no mixing, and cooling will take a very long time. For faster cooling, ice should be placed on top.

6. Name the dry valleys in the Sahara, the bottoms of which are filled only during heavy rains.

Answer. Wadi.

Questions for Team 2.

1. The motto of the work sent to the competition of the Paris Academy of Sciences was: “Say what you know, do what you must, be ...”. Finish the sentence.

Answer. ... What to be.

2. What word do Italians express admiration for, and in the 18th century this was the name of a hired killer?

Answer. Bravo.

3. What silver salt is used in medicine?

Answer. AgNO3.

4. “O great, mighty, truthful Russian language!”. Name the author.

Answer. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev.

5. Is it possible to extinguish burning kerosene by flooding it with water (density of kerosene is less than the density of water)?

Answer. It is forbidden. The water will sink down and will not close the access of air (which supports combustion) to the kerosene.

6. Why the Red, White and Yellow Seas have colored names.

Answer. In the Red Sea, the water is red in color - this is the result of the bloom of microscopic blue-green algae. The White Sea owes its name to the ice that covers it for more than two hundred days a year. Yellow Sea - color gives yellow

silt carried by rivers.

Questions for Team 3.

1. Which female mathematician was the daughter of a famous English poet?

Answer. Ada Byron is the Countess of Lovelace.

2. The Mongolian commander Subedei did not allow anyone to touch him, but once in Moscow he even allowed himself to be beaten. Where? To whom?

Answer. In the bath, bathhouse attendant.

3. What substance, widespread in nature, decomposes under the action of fluorine?

Answer. Water.

4. Which two words are short but require deep thought?

Answer. Well no.

Answer. The flight range of a bullet depends, other things being equal, on the initial velocity of the bullet (speed at departure). If the gun is suspended, then it will lean back and the initial velocity will be less and, therefore, the bullet will not fly as far as in the case of a gun fixed motionless.

6. When storing potato tubers, their mass decreases by spring. Explain why?

Answer. Living cells spend organic matter during respiration and evaporate water, so the mass of tubers decreases.

Questions for Team 4.

1. What theorem was called “the bride’s theorem” in the old days?

Answer. Pythagorean theorem.

2. What is the name of the Egyptian about whom Hegel said: "He is a symbol of symbolism."

Answer. Sphinx.

3. What explains the fact that in Russia, unlike Western Europe and the East, there were no alchemists, alchemy?

Answer. There was money in Russia.

4. "I met you - and all the past in the obsolete heart came to life." Name the author.

Answer. Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev.

5. Why do the windows of houses seem dark during the day, i.e. darker than the outer walls, even if the walls are painted dark?

Answer. Because the reflection of light from a wall is always greater than the reflection from transparent ones, i.e. light-transmitting windows.

6. In swampy areas of the tundra, many plants suffer from a lack of moisture. What is it connected with?

Answer. Cold water is poorly absorbed by plants, as root pressure decreases and the sucking force decreases.

Blitz poll.

  • What is the name of the French oceanographer (a person who studies the problems of the world's oceans) and the name of his ship.

Answer. Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Calypso.

  • Humans have 10 fingers. How many fingers are on ten hands?
  • Which scientist is the author of the chemical language?
  • In the Egyptian pyramid, a number is inscribed on the tomb, which is divisible without a remainder by all numbers from 1 to 10 inclusive. Name this number.

Answer. 2520.

  • Is it possible to approach the horizon line.

Answer. You can't get close because of the sphericity of the Earth.

  • Which Russian princess first became a French queen?

Answer. Anna, daughter of Yaroslav the Wise.

  • What is greater than the product of all digits or their sum?

Answer. Sum.

  • What type of art do the following names belong to: Charles Gounod, Camille Saint-Saens, Adolphe Adam, Hector Berlioz, Georges Bizet, Jules Massenet, Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel.

Answer. Music.

  • What does the needle have to do with trigonometry?

Answer. The term "radian" comes from the Latin word "radius" - spoke, beam.

  • “Across the midnight sky an angel flew…”. Name the author.

Answer. Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov.

  • In the sarcophagus of the Egyptian pharaohs, two lines intersect, what did they mean?

Answer. The confluence of the Nile into the Mediterranean Sea.

Intellectual game "What? Where? When?" for high school students. Abstract with presentation.

The development is intended for a class hour or extracurricular activities in grades 9-11. The questions are designed not only for specific knowledge, but also for the general erudition and ingenuity of children of this age.
After learning, the game is the leading type of activity in which the development of social communication skills, the emotional environment of the child takes place. and if the game is educational, then this is a real opportunity to grow intellectually.
There are more questions in the script than were used in the game. Those interested can add their own questions. A slightly different organization of the game compared to the usual "What? Where? When?": not 1 team of Experts, but teams of all classes, sitting in turn at the game table, on which questions are laid out in envelopes. There are also super-blitz questions, when 1 player remains at the table, who must answer 3 questions in 1 minute (20 seconds of reflection for each question).

Intellectual game "What? Where? When?" for high school students. Presentation script.

Target: develop students' cognitive abilities, interest in learning
the surrounding world.
creation of conditions for the manifestation of abilities, intellectual skills of students;
development of such qualities as the ability to listen to another person, work in a group.
1. According to folk legends, the creation of Japanese writing and the choice of the hieroglyphs that exist today were influenced by creatures very close to people. Who are they? (These are chickens with their own peculiar paw print)

2. How should Europeans look at Arabic miniatures in order to see them the way Arabs see them? (The Arabs write from right to left, which left an imprint on their entire culture. Accordingly, the eyeball moves. Therefore, in order for the movement of the European's eye to coincide with the movement of the Arab's eye and he saw the true picture, you need to look at the miniature with a mirror)

3. In the first half of the 18th century, a cocked hat decorated with lace and feathers was a fashionable headdress, but usually they did not wear it, but kept it on the fold of the left hand. Why? (A fashionable powdered wig interfered with wearing a hat on the head, but the cocked hat was a necessary accessory for bows)

4. Everyone knows the painting by Leonardo da Vinci "Mona Lisa" ("Gioconda"). What detail of appearance is missing from the woman depicted on the canvas, while every person has this detail? (Brows)

5. The French and the British claimed the hand of this beautiful lady. At the same time, the dispute between them turned into an armed clash, as a result of which the lady herself suffered. Who is this lady? (Venus de Milo. The statue was found intact, but then lost its arms as a result of an armed clash)

6. What was the name in Russia of the occupation of apprentices who beat off chocks from a log to make wooden spoons? (Beat the thumbs)

7. How is the traditional Japanese art of miniature netsuke sculpture related to the Japanese kimono? (The kimono has no pockets, and all the necessary items are attached to the belt with the help of a counterweight keychain. Netsuke play the role of such a keychain)

8. Francis Drake, when meeting with Queen Victoria, raised his hand and covered his eyes with it. After the corsair explained the meaning of this gesture, the queen granted Drake the title. How did the famous pirate explain his gesture? What does this gesture mean now? ("The beauty and magnificence of the queen blinded me," Drake replied. Now this gesture is a salute of military honor)

9. In the 14th-16th centuries. this dress was worn by men. Starting from the 17th century, it became exclusively female. He had many names: a curtain, a kumashnik, a motley, a fur coat, etc. What kind of outfit are we talking about? (Sundress)

10. Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich made an inscription on a book dedicated to falconry, which later became a well-known Russian proverb. Reproduce this inscription. ("Cause - time, fun - hour." According to the dictionary of V.I. Dahl, one of the meanings of the word "fun" is falconry)
11. A Russian folk riddle asks: "What are they looking at, but not seeing? What do they know about, but do not know?" The ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus said this: "While I am, she is not yet, and when she comes, I will no longer be." What is this about? (Death)

12. As you know, the national flag of France consists of 3 stripes: blue, white and red. But the width of the stripes is not the same. They are related as follows: 30-33-37. Why? (It is with this proportion that the stripes of these colors seem the same)

13. Why do workers in Athens at night scatter around the Parthenon specially brought pieces of marble? ((It is fashionable for tourists to take pieces of marble from the ruins of the temple as a keepsake. The Athenian authorities were forced to resort to this deception in order to save the outstanding monument from destruction)

14. As you know, any open window can be climbed from one side or the other, regardless of whether it faces west or east. What "window" was arranged in such a way that, open to the western side, it did not give the opportunity to get into it from the other side, although it was at ground level? (St. Petersburg - "a window to Europe" - was built as a fortress guarding the western borders of Russia)

15. How did women's wide skirts cause mass extermination of whales? (The domed skirts of the 18th century retained their volume thanks to skeletons, the best material for which was whalebone.)

16. Why did the French writer Guy de Maupassant prefer to dine at a restaurant located on the Eiffel Tower? (Belonging to the number of ardent opponents of the Eiffel Tower, who claimed that it disfigures the face of Paris, Maupassant preferred to dine at the restaurant located on it because it was the only place in the city where this tower was not visible)

17. What was the purpose of the ladies in the 16th century. wore animal skins suspended on a chain from the belt? (On these skins, fleas were supposed to gather, abundantly planted in the folds of puffy dresses)

18. Super blitz (questions for one player). Theme - "Calendar"
1) Everyone knows astronomical time, but there is also biological time. In what units is it measured? (in generations)
2) What were the consequences for Russia of the record made in the 12th century. : "January 30, Friday. Before lunch the day is cold and windy, and in the afternoon it thaws ... in the night it was frosty beyond measure"? (This was the first weather report. This is how the weather service was organized in Moscow)
3) The father with a sly smile asked his first-grader son a question: "Name the largest, last number." When I received the answer, I was very surprised. What number did the son say? (31. This is the largest number of days in a month)

19.Black box.
It is inextricably linked to the sea. It was a component of the shell of warriors in ancient Greece. In ancient China, this served as money. What is it? (Salt, which, for example, was impregnated with the canvas shell of an ancient Greek warrior)

Presentation on the topic: Game What? Where? When?

Intellectual game "What? Where? When?"

This game is designed for extracurricular work in geography with 6th grade students and pursues goal expanding their horizons and increasing interest in learning. The game can be used to organize a public review of knowledge, school holidays, seminars to study the experience of extracurricular work, a methodological week at school.

Game scheme:

1. Preliminary qualifying games in 6th and 6th grades a week before the main game. The winning team represents the class in the main game.

2. Main game.

Rules of the game:

1. The game is attended by one team from a class of 8 people.

2. The number of spectators can include everyone: classmates of the players, students of other classes, teachers, parents.

3. Two weeks before the game, the teacher introduces the players to the scheme of the game and its topics (geography, ecology), gives the necessary explanations.

4. Before the start of the game, cards with the numbers of questions are laid out on the tables at which the teams sit, and the team captains indicate the name of the team there.

5. After the question asked by the teacher, the team is given 1 minute to think about the answer and for the captain to bring the card with the answer to the jury of the competition.

6. The jury is represented by the deputy director for VR, head of the school library, members of the School Council. They count the number of correct answers and give points to the teams.

7. At the end of the game, the jury sums up the results.

Questions and answers.

    These lakes are the largest in the European part of our country. One of them is the largest freshwater lake in Europe, the other is the largest salt lake in the world. Name them. (Lake Ladoga and the Caspian Sea).

    A.S. Pushkin has these words about this city:

I love you, Peter's creation,

I love your proud, strict look,

Neva sovereign creation,

Its coastal granite,

Your fences have a cast-iron pattern,

your thoughtful nights

Transparent dusk, moonless brilliance,

When I am in my room

I write, I read without a lamp,

And the sleeping masses are clear

Deserted streets and drills

Admiralty needle,

And, not letting the darkness of the night

To golden skies

One dawn to replace another

Hurry, giving the night half an hour.

What city are these lines dedicated to? (Petersburg).

    In severe winters, when ice reaches a large thickness in lakes and stagnant reservoirs, fish are born from a lack of oxygen. What needs to be done to prevent this? (Make holes, cover them with reeds with a pointer).

4. It looks implausible: frogs, fish, crayfish, jellyfish, grains of wheat fall to the ground along with the rain. One of the inhabitants of the small Argentine town of San Justo spoke of what happened on January 10, 1973: “I thought my husband had gone crazy because he screamed:

Look, the cow is flying through the air!

I turned around and froze. Indeed, a cow flew through the air.

What terrible natural phenomenon resulted in the described events? (Tornado).

5. The only boundaries of this sea are the currents covering the sea space with an area of ​​6-7 million km2. There are about 60 species of fauna and flora in the sea; among them a huge accumulation of algae. Their presence gave the name to the sea, and because of its unusually green color, sailors who first found themselves in the area mistook it for land. What is this sea? (Sargasso).

6. This is a drainless very salty lake called the sea. The water resembles brine, so it is uninhabited. Name the sea. (Dead).

7. These lakes are the largest in the European part of our country. One of them is the largest freshwater lake in Europe, the other is the largest salt lake in the world. Name them. (Ladoga and Caspian).

8. He is the smallest among others, the coldest, the smallest. Name it (Arctic Ocean).

9. About this continent, even before its discovery, there was a firm belief that

he exists. It was called the "Unknown Southern Land". What is this

mainland? (Australia).

10. A small ship sank in March 1889 off the western coast of Africa. A month later, Europe received information about the shipwreck. How did this happen if there was no communication with the ship? (The Gulf Stream).

11. This country has not given the world any cultivated plants or domestic animals. Because before the arrival of Europeans, local residents did not know agriculture and cattle breeding, but were engaged only in hunting and collecting wild edible plants. Name the country. (Australia).

12. Name the largest island in Russia. (Sakhalin)

13. This river originates from a small spring on the Valdai Hills and after a few kilometers it spills into a huge reservoir. Name it. (Volga).

14. Which continent is washed by all the oceans? (Eurasia)

15. A vision that occurs in the desert over an overheated flat surface. (Mirage)

17. What is heavier than 1 kg of iron or 1 kg of down? (Same)

19. Who initiated the development of America? (Christopher Columbus)

20. What marine life claims to have eight limbs? (Octopus)

21. The only vehicle whose driver remains a pedestrian on one leg. (Kick scooter)

22. The only city in the world that immortalized itself in a sandwich with a cutlet. (Hamburg)

23. The only thing that everyone living on Earth does constantly. (breathe)

24. The only country in the world whose astronauts have been on the moon. (USA)

25. The only river flowing from Baikal. (Angara)

26. Plants secrete it. (Oxygen)

27. There are four of them in a year. (Seasons)

28. It happens when there is no rain: it is hot, like in the desert. (Drought)

29. That which comes from the sun, and in the evening from a lamp. (Light)

30. Is Europe a part of the world or a mainland? (part of the world)

The jury sums up. There is a game with fans.

Questions for fans:

1. There are more than 2600 nature reserves in the world. In our country, the number of reserves exceeds 150. What reserves in our country do you know? (Astrakhansky, Oksky, Caucasian).

2. Finish the phrase: “The Shilka and Argun rivers give rise to the river ... (Amur).

3. This ocean is called the water artery of the Earth (Atlantic)

4. Above this line, the snow does not melt. What is this line? (Snow).

5. The name of which bird is the same as the name of the fruit? (Kiwi) 6. Golf, football, badminton, tennis originated in England. Is this true? (Yes)

7. How do they write in Japan: from right to left or from top to bottom? (Top down)

8. Into whom do people who are called werewolves in legends turn into? (Into the wolves)

9. W. Churchill called this country “a mystery surrounded by mystery”, and Napoleon said that “there are no roads, only directions” in it. Name the country. (Russia)

10. The homeland of this tree is Australia, Tasmania. Currently, it is bred all over the world, including on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Its leaves have medicinal properties. Its height reaches 100 meters, the tree is resistant to drought. Name it. (Eucalyptus).

Based on the results of the game, the results are summed up and the winning team and the most active fans are awarded.

1. This herbal plant is affectionately called "silk grass" by the people. What is this plant?

(Feather grass)

2. What do mice, a nutcracker, a Christmas tree and a girl have in common?

(These are the characters in the story.)

3. In thirty seconds you need to name the time of the year that Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin liked the most.


4. There are rumors that in Hollywood, based on one fairy tale, an action-packed action movie called “Seven Dead in a Second” will be shot. Name the main character in this movie.

(Brave Tailor)

5. In these two very famous Russian fairy tales, there are six main characters, but only one hero is in one and the other fairy tale. Moreover, in one fairy tale this hero is the first, and in another - the last. What kind of fairy tales are these, who is this common mysterious hero?

(Tales: “Terem-Teremok”, “Turnip”, the hero is Mouse)

6. Which fairy-tale hero, because of his gullibility and stupidity, lost his personal fishing tackle?

(The wolf lost its tail)

7. "For joy in the goiter breath stole ..." Who and why?

(At the fox from Krylov's fable "The Crow and the Fox")

8. What word consists of half a letter?

(The word "regiment")

9. Name a hole that is directly related to music.

(Orchestra pit)

10. He is the sickest person in the world who is treated with cookies and jam and sweets.

(Carlson, who lives on the roof)

11. This tree lives for more than one hundred years, and therefore for many nations it is a symbol of power and longevity. It does not bend in the wind, its leaves do not tremble, its branches do not groan. What is this tree?


12. Where did the Bremen Town Musicians go?

(To the city of Bremen)

13. The title of Karabas-Barabas.

(Doctor of puppet science)

14. This product is now an integral part of confectionery. He came from India, from where he came to the Persians, Arabs, and then Christopher Columbus brought him to America. What is it if it is known that we get it from simple beets?



15. What kind of water is suitable only for the literate?


16. Two mothers have five sons, all in the same name.


17. Easy, round, but do not pick up the tail!


18. Walking in the field, but not a horse, flying in the field, but not a bird!


19. Gray cloth stretches out the window.


20. Round, but not money,
Red, but not a girl,
With a tail, but not a mouse.


21. Who has one leg, and even that without a boot?


Conducting the game in the fifth - sixth grades

1. This lake is the "pearl" of Siberia. Pure water, impenetrable taiga along the coast, nowhere else found species of fish. And yet - it is the deepest on Earth! What is this lake?


2. "For the strong, the weak is always to blame." What story are these lines from? Who is their author?

(Krylov's fable "The Wolf and the Lamb")

3. What happens if you mix completely opaque sand, the same opaque soda and other opaque materials?

(Glass components listed)

4. Man learned to cultivate this vine in his gardens. She gives him sweet tasty berries of more than twenty-five thousand varieties. What is this liana?


5. “I am a tree, but absolutely without leaves, very hard, and the color is not green, but black. For you people, I am warm, light. What's my name?


6. This sea is not a sea, but the "marine" Seas of Marmara or the Aegean would envy its size. For a precise definition, we will say that not only salt is extracted from it, but also oil.

(Caspian sea-lake)

7. “I am energy, and plastic, and fabric, and cosmetics, and medicine, and even fat. Say my name."


8. When rays of sunlight pass through the air, we see them as white light. What color will the rays of the sun be if raindrops meet on their way?

(Get a rainbow: seven colors)

9. This plant is warm and moisture-loving. And so much so that it grows only in water. It is very beneficial for cultivation, as in a warm climate it “yields” three times a year. They feed half of humanity.


10. These travelers move only on the ocean, there are especially many of them in the Southern Hemisphere. But a meeting with them is undesirable for ships. What are these mysterious strangers?


11. This material is truly priceless. They drink, eat, make houses, works of art, jewelry from it. Ancient books were "written" on it. What is this well-known material?


12. On it are cities and countries, animals and plants, famous people and great events. Without it, there is no correspondence. For some, it is a passion. What is this mysterious stranger?

(Postage Stamp)

13. These outstanding architectural monuments amaze with their size and grandeur, especially since they were created more than two and a half thousand years before our era. The height of the largest of them is one hundred and fifty meters, and one hundred thousand people built it. What is this "wonder of the world"?

(Egyptian pyramids)

14. Translated from Italian, this word means “fresh”, “raw”; it is very closely related to the colors and walls of the room. What it is?


15. This was first made from plant fibers in China, then from the compressed core of a marsh plant. In the 10th century in Europe, it appeared from boiled and ground rags, tree roots, bamboo chips. It was also made from straw, rye, wheat, oats, nettles, algae, reeds, etc. Now it is cartographic, lithographic, documentary. But the production of this has put humanity in front of a serious environmental problem.


16. Previously, it meant a light temporary building, usually used for trade at fairs. Then it is a folk theater, a spectacle of a comic nature. What is this word?


17. Many of you have listened to the musical fairy tale "Peter and the Wolf". And who is its author?


18. In ancient times, Japanese children stuck goose feathers into a small, strong apple and manipulated it with a simple device. In a minute, you must name the game that this unripe apple started.


19. What is the name of the river, which is made up of a note and a consonant letter.


20. Name a river named after a famous female name.


21. "The secret always becomes clear" - such
serious conclusion and suddenly - semolina! In what work are they linked together?

("Deniska's stories" by Dragunsky)

Playing games in 7th grade

1. This great poet was a talented artist, prose writer and, at the same time, a serf. Who is he?

(N.V. Shevchenko)

2. "Octave" - ​​from musical theory.
"Octet" - a group of musicians or singers. Octahedron is a polyhedron.
Octane is a chemical compound.
What do these different concepts have in common?

(General - the presence of the number eight - "octa")

3. The first information about this instrument that has come down to us dates back to 1688. He is the main member of the folk orchestra. What kind of instrument is this, if it is known that it is often mentioned in Russian ditties?


4. A long time ago in one country there was one holiday every 1417 days. What kind of holiday is this, if it is known that a pentathlon was held during it, and after it poets recited poems and hymns, and orators glorified the winners?


5. This fun was invented a thousand years ago in the East. Fuck-bang! Red, white, green stars flash in the evening sky and slowly fall. Now this invention has allowed a person to master one more element. What is this fun? For the answer - a small hint in the form of the words "union", "energy", "blizzard".


6. “Bad songs of a nightingale in the claws of a cat”, or “A helpful fool is more dangerous than an enemy”, or “Happy hours do not watch”, “And Vaska listens and eats”. How can one name these expressions from literary works, which we often use?


7. Our distant ancestors, hunting, specialized in certain types of animals, therefore, in the technical means of hunting. But there was one "universal" hunting tool that had far-reaching environmental consequences. In thirty seconds tell us about it or even show it.


8. You need to sing or name a song in Romance in one minute.

(any romance)

9. Do you know a great man who "fell, slandered by rumors"?

(A.S. Pushkin)

10. This space object moving in an elliptical orbit does not exceed 800 kilometers in size. They even came up with a special name for it, consisting of two Greek words: “star” and “view”. We will call the translation of the second: “eidos”. But you will name the first word, just like the whole word.


11. Why is there always snow on the tops of mountains? After all, their surface is closer to the sun?

(Temperature drops with height)

12. That something that is the same has nothing in common?

(Words are homonyms)

13. Name the mountains, if it is known that they are small in height, but great in length, extraordinary beauty, and unprecedented wealth in them. And also remember the fairy tales about ... However, you probably already guessed what kind of mountains they are.

(Ural Mountains)

Playing games in 8th grade

1. This trendy fabric has been known for a very long time. It was she who Christopher Columbus chose for the sails of "Saint Mary", and the Americans began to call her "denim" in honor of the city of Nimes. What is this fabric?


2. At the World Exhibition in Paris in 1855, twelve bars of unknown material attracted general attention. It was so expensive that it was only used for jewelry. And now objects from it are so common that this material is called the material of the 20th century. What is it?


3. All of you have read the work of A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" And what epigraph did the author choose for it?

("Take care of honor from a young age")

4. Housing is a serious matter. But if there is no stone, no wood, or even earth for a dugout to build, then snow is used. This is how the Eskimos of Greenland erect their igloos. Snow slabs are stacked on top of each other and the result is a dome - a hemisphere. Then an operation is carried out to strengthen the walls, an operation that could not be simpler than anything! In a minute, guess how the Eskimos achieved the strength of the igloo?

(A candle or a torch was lit under the dome, the snow melted, turning into ice)

5. After "putting in order" a piece of music can be performed by another group, be simplified or complicated. What is "tidying up"?

(Music arrangement)

6. In 1912, one of the firms launched a confectionery product in the shape of a triangle. In a minute you should name it to us, especially since everyone still loves to eat it very much.

(Cake "Napoleon")

7. They say: "The nomad is the son of the desert." What is the correct way to say this saying from an ecological point of view.

("Nomad is the father of the desert")

8. This type of African-American folklore originated in the United States in the second half of the 19th century as a form of solo singing. Its themes are closely related to the social conditions in which the performers were: suffering, fear, unhappy love. Then he had a great influence on the formation of jazz. What kind of musical art is this?


9. In one well-known capital, on one well-known square, a remarkable building has been standing for four centuries, amazing everyone. On a common base, there are nine parts of the building of different heights and differently finished, forming an octagonal star in plan. The central dome rose above the rest. The clergy, as well as all mere mortals, call this building.... How?

(Intercession Cathedral or St. Basil's Cathedral)

10. "Give me a foothold, and I will turn the whole world." Who owns these legendary words?


11. In the music of this composer - deep feelings, impetuous impulse, he is inspired by the ideas of the French Revolution. We are more familiar with his sonatas. But it is striking that he wrote the most remarkable works absolutely deaf. Who is this composer?


12. In China, the entrance to the room is traditionally hung with a screen, but in Russia - no, the entrance (doorway) is free. Why? For a clue, remember the "evil one."

(In China, it is believed that the devil climbs straight, while the Orthodox (Russia) look for detours)

13. In a minute, you need to name an ancient profession that contains the words "law" and "field."


14. The device you need to name can "write far." This is his literal translation. But he writes not in letters, but ..., however, we guessed what kind of device it was.


15. In the tropical forests of South America, a seemingly inconspicuous tree grows - hevea. If you cut its bark, then white milky juice will come out, like our dandelion. The Peruvian Indians used this juice in wet weather... Then you have to continue how. What was the result?

(They put the feet under the dripping juice, which hardened and shoes were obtained in the form of galoshes)

16. In front of us in the picture is “something”, which means “dead” in translation. What is this?

(Still life)

Playing games in high school

1. Name the island where the most ancient wooden buildings of the North of Russia are collected.

(Kizhi Island)

2. As you know, in the clothes of the ancient Greeks there were no pockets where you could put a small key, for example, from a jewelry box.
How did the highly cultured Greeks get out of the situation?

(Instead of a key, rings were used, the pattern on which was used as a key)

3. Outstanding German playwright, writer, director and theater critic, creator of such great plays as Mother Courage and Her Children, The Life of Galileo, The Threepenny Opera.

(Berthold Brecht)

4. This science appeared more than a thousand years ago in Khorezm and was created by the great Uzbek scientist Mohammed al Khorezmi, and it operates along with what they “consider”, what they “write”. What is this science?


5. About two hundred years ago, scientists discovered what is four-fifths of one of the spheres of the Earth. Translated from Greek, it means "lifeless", because it is not suitable for combustion and breathing. What is it?


6. Initially, the drawings of this item were found in the manuscripts of Leonardo da Vinci, and this item was first built according to the design of the Russian naval officer Mozhaisky in 1885. The working model of this object was created in 1903 by the Americans, the Wright brothers. In order to guess this item, you just need to remember one more name for aluminum.

(Aircraft, aluminum is a "flying" metal)

7. It is very light, it is everywhere. And in space - a common substance. What is it, if it is known that the English scientist Cavendini called it "combustible air"?


8. What you need to guess was first drawn by Leonardo da Vinci in 1495. In 1817, this was recreated in Germany by the forester Draize. They called it "bone shaker", and later - "spider". What is this subject? To clarify, let's say that many of you have it.

(A bike)

9. In the XIV-XVI centuries in the countries of Western and Central Europe there were great changes in the economy and culture. In contrast to the old ecclesiastical view of man as an insignificant being, there was a conviction that man has the right to enjoy the joys of life. What is the name of these centuries?


10. This person is a doctor. It is characteristic of his worldview that he considered man an integral part of nature. Health and disease put in close connection with the climate of the country in which a person lives, sanitary conditions of life. This doctor and his school achieved the greatest success in surgery. And the concepts of honor and dignity of a doctor are also associated with his name. Who is this physician?


11. The great Italian scientist Galileo wrote about this science that it “... is the most powerful means for sophisticating our
mental faculties and enables us to think and reason correctly. What is this science?


12. This great Russian scientist - the creator of the theory of the structure of matter, the mechanical theory of heat, philologist, linguist, geologist, geographer. The list of his specialties can go on and on, but you already guessed who he is.

(M.V. Lomonosov)

13. This Russian artist traveled a lot around the world, was interested in Russian architecture, the art of Scandinavia, Western Europe and America. In 1923 he organized a scientific expedition to India, where he created his famous landscapes. Since then, this artist has tirelessly studied the East, organized the Institute of Himalayan Research in the Western Himalayas, where he remained to live. Who is this person?

(Nicholas Roerich)

14. Before you is a certain ratio: 21-78-1. In a minute you have to name what it belongs to.

(This is the composition of the air: 21% - oxygen, 78 - nitrogen, 1% - other impurities)

15. There is a certain belt of beasts, which, being renewed every month, remains constant from year to year. What is it?

(Zodiac signs)

16. All of you have seen the famous icon of the "Trinity", which depicts three youths - angels at the table around the sacrificial cup. Who is the author of this painting?

(Andrey Rublev)

17. On it are cities and countries, animals and plants, famous people and great events. Without it, there is no correspondence. What is this mysterious "stranger"?

(Postage Stamp)

18. In the 17th century, the Dutch scientist Van Helmont introduced a word derived from the Greek "kaos". Now the word is used as widely as the substance is widespread. What is this word?


19. In the XVII-XVIII centuries, according to the drawings of the best artists, fabric was woven in the form of paintings by hand, which later began to be produced by machines. It had great artistic value, and then began to be used both in draperies and upholstery. What is this fabric?


20. In the former Sultan's Turkey, there was a certain advisory body, consisting of ministers and senior dignitaries, which was called after the place for recreation. What is this organ?


21. In ancient Greece, hymns were sung in honor of the god Dionysus (Bacchus), accompanied by mimic movements and music. Later, these works, in their praise, became close to odes. Now it is used more in an ironic, figurative sense. What are these hymns?


22. In ancient Mexico there was a certain coin, the name of which became the main currency of many colonial countries. What was her name?


23. In France, at the end of the 18th century, they took a cubic decimeter of water from the Seine at a temperature of four degrees Celsius. What was the prototype?


24. What you need to name in Latin means "mountain resin." It was invented in 1822 and is so strong in strength that it is called “material for centuries”, and with additives it can be even stronger, even warmer, even lighter. Without it, we cannot imagine the construction of buildings. What is this?


25. This state, which you need to name, does not exist in nature, and in space too. It is created artificially by lowering the pressure. You probably already guessed that this...


26. You all know what jargon is. You need to name how this word sounds literary. And for a hint, remember the Golden Fleece.


27. You need to name the fleet of the Spanish king Philip II, equipped by him in 1588 against England and destroyed partly by a storm, partly by the English and Dutch naval forces. Hint: after the word "invincible" the word suggests itself...


28. All of you know the state of Great Britain. Another common name is the name of one of the provinces: England. Do you know the oldest name for England? For a clue to his first word, remember the type of weather often encountered there.

(Foggy Albion)

29. For each nation, singers and poets were called in their own way: among the Eastern Slavs, for example, boyans. And what was the name of such a singer among the ancient Celts? To answer this question, tie together a poet, a composer, and a performer.


30. There is a city in the USA that is famous for the fact that its name is called a card game, a dance that is a kind of waltz, and woolen fabric. What is this famous city?


31. In 455, one ancient Germanic tribe took possession of Rome and destroyed many works of art in it. In thirty seconds you have to name this tribe, especially since now those who do the same are called that.


32. During the campaigns of Alexander the Great, the Greeks saw in India something that they later called "the wool of a tree." What is it?


33. The Hermitage keeps unique pocket watches. In their metal egg-shaped case, in addition to the actual clockwork, there was also a clockwork mechanism, a musical apparatus, and a tiny theater - an automaton with moving figures. Who made these watches? For a hint, let's clarify that all inventors are often called by this name.

(Ivan Petrovich Kulibin)

34. What you need to name was considered indivisible until recently. This name was born in ancient Greece in the 5th century BC. What is this “indivisible”?


Brainring "History of our region"

1. According to archaeologists, people first appeared on the Don... I wonder where?

(In the lower reaches of the Northern Donets and on the coast of the Taganrog Bay)

2. What do you think was the main occupation for the most ancient inhabitants of the Don region?

(For the most ancient - hunting)

3. Don steppe... Without end and without edge! Wormwood and wormwood! And what was the name of the Don land before?

("Wild Field")

4. Scientists still argue about the origin of the word "Cossack". Do you know at least two interpretations of this word?

("Kosogi" - the people of the Caucasus.
"Kazars" - Scythian peoples.
"Kaz" is Turkish for "goose". The name of the vagrant warriors among the Tatars.
From the Polovtsian “Guard.” “Ko” is armor, “boundary” is the border, that is, “a person guarding the border.”)

5. The highest body in many countries is the parliament. And what was the name of the Cossacks?

(Military circle)

Class hour - game for high school students

Target: development of intellectual activity of adolescents.

Preliminary preparation: it is necessary to divide the guys into teams of six people in advance. If your class is not divisible by six, then you can either increase or decrease the number of players. Teams must come up with a name for themselves and prepare answer cards.

Team ______________ Question number __________


Cabinet decoration: The league table is hanging on the board. It contains the names of the teams and the numbers of the questions. In the table you will mark the points scored by the teams.

Class hour progress

Teams sit at separate tables. First, the teacher explains the rules of the game: he reads the question and gives one minute to think, 10 seconds before the end of the minute, he starts the countdown. The team captain must at this time write the answer on his answer sheet and hand it in to the teacher. If the team did not have time to submit an answer before the minute ends, the answer is not counted. Then the teacher reads the correct answer and enters the data in the table.


1. Inhabitants of hot deserts and semi-deserts - fennec fox, caracal, gerbil, eared hedgehog and others are owners of rather large ears. Perfect hearing has nothing to do with it, but what role do their ears play?

Answer: they contribute to the cooling of the body - a kind of heat exchanger.

Test: any answer, where the words "cooling", "coolness" will be.

2. In the play "The Blue Bird" Maeterlinck describes Time: "An old man with a gray beard, in a classic robe, in one hand - a scythe, and in the other ..." Name the second attribute of Time.

Answer: hourglass.

Note: hours.

3. Frank Baum, in his book Tik-Tok of Oz, spoke about six fairies living in the palace of the Queen of Light. These were the fairies (pause) of Solar, Lunar, Starry, Daylight, Firelight and another, the youngest fairy, quite capable of replacing all the others. Name her.

Answer: Electric light fairy.

Test: any answer that contains the word "electricity".

4. There are centuries-old traditions in the Burmese puppet theater. So, for example, dolls depicting noble persons are made from expensive camphor wood, figures of commoners and animals are made from cheaper ones. Answer with one adjective, which mythological heroes, regardless of gender, age and rank, are kept in a separate box to avoid trouble?

Answer: negative.

Offset: bad.

Failed: demons, devils - besides them there are still many negative heroes.

5. Insert the name of a popular TV show into Alexander Belyaev’s joke: “There are flowers for your mother’s uncle with a big mustache

donated! - A vacuum cleaner would be better, (pause) ... after all! Fill in the pass.

Answer: Field of Wonders.

6. Listen to the list: sea otter - 60 meters, bottlenose dolphin - 200 meters, harp seal - 280 meters, elephant seal - 500 meters, leatherback turtle - 1200 meters, sperm whale -

2000 meters ... For Pierre Frol from Monaco, this figure was 123 meters. But for a man, this is a world record ... A world record in what?

Answer: deep diving.

Credit: as directed to dive.

7. A wonderful wizard from Schwartz's fairy tale "An Ordinary Miracle" nailed nails with lightning, a hurricane carried him furniture, dishes and mirrors from the city. And what natural disaster did he call to help his wife, who was churning butter?

Answer: earthquake.

8. In 1974, Alexander Khmelik and Boris Grachevsky lit the "Fitilek" at the Gorky film studio, which soon turned into this. Name everyone who is invited to pay attention in the song.

Answer: girls, boys and their parents.

Answers only boys or only girls or girls and boys without parents - do not count.

9. Monuments are erected not only to real heroes, but also to literary characters. The sculptures of Ostap Bender, the Little Mermaid, the Little Prince and even Baba Yaga are well known. And in the city of Hannibal, Missouri, there is a monument to two residents of St. Petersburg. Name them both.

Answer: Tom Sawyer and Huck Fin.

10. Among their varieties are "butterflies", "snails", "ears", "feathers", "straw". Their standard sizes are 35-40 centimeters in length, from 0.7 to 0.9 millimeters in cross section. Journalist Oleg Osipov writes that the convolutions of the brain of almost any inhabitant of one European country are always occupied by them. Call them in your native language.

Answer: spaghetti.

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