Development of mobile games. Outdoor games for the development of dexterity in preschoolers

This material is about the impact of outdoor games on the development of the child will allow not only teachers of physical culture, but also teachers of after-school groups, teachers primary school properly organize the activities of the children. Understand when it is necessary to change educational activity to physical activity. This work will be useful for children 7-10 years of age.

IN the influence of outdoor games on the development of the child

Many prominent teachers came to the conclusion that the lack of movement not only adversely affects the health of children, but also reduces their mental performance, inhibits overall development, and makes children indifferent to the environment. Movements are the first sources of courage, endurance, determination of a small person, and for older people - a form of manifestation of these important human qualities.A high need for movement is genetically inherent in the human body.

The teacher in the lesson has the opportunity to influence the class and each student individually through outdoor games that increase the child's physical activity. Physical activity is a natural healthy need of a developing organism. Physical activity in childhood acts as a prerequisite for mental development.

Influence outdoor games for child development

Outdoor games reduce the feeling of fatigue, tone up nervous system improve the emotional state, increase the efficiency of schoolchildren.

Games are very emotional, they carry a large charge of energy, they are not only a means of physical development, but also of spiritual education. In games there are always ample opportunities for personal qualities, initiatives. They give pleasure, cause positive emotions, create mood, help strengthen friendship and mutual understanding. They show joint actions to achieve the goal.

In the game, children experience the joy of struggle, overcoming, labor stress, the joy of confidence in their team and in themselves. Games form a friendly atmosphere and correct the position of each individual in the team. Preferably organized outdoor games, which makes it possible to regulate the emotional state and motor load of children.

Even a small victory in the game generates a positive emotion of inspiration, which enhances the student's need to achieve the goal, thereby positive emotions compensate for the lack of unsatisfied needs, which lead to stagnation and degradation, to stop the process of self-movement and self-development. Mobile learn the language of communication, mutual understanding and mutual assistance. Association of students in joint game contributes to the further enrichment of the individual.

To find the best way to organize a healthy climate in the classroom, use a playful pedagogical position more often. The educational value of the game, its comprehensive influence on the development of the child is difficult to overestimate. The game is organically inherent childhood and with skillful guidance from adults, it can work wonders. She can make the lazy one industrious, the unknowing - knowledgeable, the inept - a craftsman. Like a magic wand, the game can change the attitude of children to what seems to them sometimes too ordinary, boring, boring.

The game will help the teacher to rally the children's team, to include closed and shy children in active activities. Conscious discipline is brought up in games, children are taught to follow the rules, justice, the ability to control their actions, correctly and objectively evaluate the actions of others. The game for children is an important means of self-expression, a test of strength.

In games, the teacher can get to know his pupils, their character, habits, organizational skills, creative abilities, which will allow him to find the most correct ways of influencing each of the children. And, which is also very important, games bring teachers closer to children, help to establish closer contact with them.There are different games: mobile, plot, imitative, musical, didactic, etc.

All of them are very necessary and useful in their own way to children, all should be used by the teacher in his work. But mobile games occupy a special place among them. As shown by special studies. Schoolchildren spend 85% of their time awake in a sitting position, and this has a detrimental effect on their health. Outdoor games are the best medicine for children from motor "hunger" - hypodynamia.

Many of them have existed since time immemorial and are passed down from generation to generation. Time makes changes to the plots of some games, fills them with new content that reflects modern life. Games are enriched, improved, many complicated variants are created, but their motor base remains unchanged.

An important advantage of outdoor games is that in their totality they, in essence, exhaust all types of natural movements inherent in a person: walking, running, jumping, wrestling, climbing, throwing, throwing and catching, exercises with objects - and therefore are the most universal and an indispensable means of physical education of children.

A characteristic feature of outdoor games is not only the richness and variety of movements, but also the freedom to use them in a variety of game situations, which creates great opportunities for initiative and creativity. Mobile games have a pronounced emotional character. While playing, the child experiences the joy of exerting physical and mental strength necessary to achieve success.

A teacher of physical education, a primary school teacher has the opportunity to teach children many games, to instill love for them, to ensure that they firmly enter the children's life. For this, the necessary conditions are created. must be included in everyone's life. children's team, boldly combined with other activities.

It is appropriate in many cases. If children are tired of classes and they need relaxation, if they are naughty and need to be calmed down, if some task or work process needs to be made interesting - in these and in many other cases, the game can be an indispensable assistant to the teacher. In our school teachers elementary school spend physical culture minutes, physical culture pauses in the classroom, morning exercises before training sessions, dance moves and outdoor games during breaks and holidays. (Games: knock down the skittle, guess who?, paints, trickle, hopscotch, bilbock, who is faster, etc.)

Children attending after-school groups (despite impossible homework) must play games on fresh air: "At the bear in the forest", "Cones, acorns, nuts", "Wolf in the ditch", "Sparrows, crows". "Third extra", etc. For the comprehensive development of schoolchildren, it is extremely important to master various movements in a timely manner, primarily the main types - running, walking, jumping, throwing, climbing, without which it is impossible to actively participate in outdoor games, and in the future to successfully play sports.

Mastering the skills of these movements by children, mastering the correct ways of their implementation enriches the motor experience necessary in gaming activity, a variety of life situations, work and life. Exercises expand the range of motor abilities of children, facilitate the further assimilation of the school curriculum in physical education. Intensive work of more muscles when performing movements places high demands on the main functional systems of the body and at the same time has a training effect on them.

A variety of basic movements and their variants makes it possible to develop and improve speed, strength, endurance, and flexibility. Children develop mental abilities, perception, thinking, attention, spatial and temporal representations. The child must master the movement shown to him and be able to act in accordance with the image just as deftly, quickly, technically correct.

During the performance of movements by children, the teacher actively forms their moral and volitional qualities: purposefulness, perseverance, endurance, courage, honesty. When performing movements, the emotional state of children is enriched. They experience a feeling of joy, uplift from the manifested motor actions.An important means of developing movements are outdoor games.

The emergence of outdoor games goes back to the distant past. Each nation created its own national games. In Russian villages and cities, mobile games were widespread among young people. The regular participation of children in outdoor games leads to significant positive changes in such natural species movements like walking, running, jumping. Also, the development and improvement of children is facilitated by the use of various objects (flags, balls, hoops, etc.)

Outdoor games are mostly collective, so children develop the ability to navigate in space, coordinate their movements with the movements of other players, find their place in a column, in a circle, without disturbing others, quickly run away or change place on the playground on a signal. The role of mobile children in increasing the motor activity of children is very important. They are of particular importance for increasing the physiological stress on the child's body.

The influence of outdoor games on the development of children's movements largely depends on how long this game lasts. The longer and more actively the child acts in the game, the more he exercises in one or another type of movement. In outdoor games - a motor task. Her child can approach the correct independent decision through trial and error and through a conscious, purposeful choice of an action and a way to perform it. Solving a motor problem, trying different movements, a child may come across an effective solution.

Mobile games are divided into 2 groups:

  • games for the accumulation of motor experience;
  • games to reinforce movements.

In the first group of games, that is, in games for the accumulation of motor experience the teacher tells the children the ways of various solutions to the motor problem, since the movements are unfamiliar and hinder the child's difficulties. In games to consolidate movements, the role of the teacher is reduced to indirect guidance, that is, the teacher uses a reminder, makes instructions, etc.

Therefore, when selecting games at different stages of learning, it is necessary to take into account the originality of these two groups. This can be seen in the process of the game "Run and jump". Children are taught to do a long jump with a run, that is, motor experience is accumulated in the process of this game. The teacher can then enter new game"wolf in the ditch", where children can independently solve a motor problem, since in this game there is a consolidation and improvement of the technique of a long jump from a running start.

That is, the child is placed in such a game situation, where you need to perform the main movement, independently choosing the way to solve the motor task, based on this game situation. Mobile games should be varied. However, options are needed not only to add variety to support children's interest in the game, but also in order to solve pedagogical problems - improving movements, educating physical qualities, while performing more complex game actions, rules.

In order to work on the quality of basic movements in the process of an outdoor game, the teacher must carefully consider the methodological methods of managing an outdoor game. When choosing an outdoor game, it should take into account: the age of the children, the level of their abilities, the number of players, the appropriateness of joining a team (team), a place to play, the time of year. But in the process of outdoor play, the teacher must constantly monitor the quality of the performance of the main movements by the children, focusing their attention on the correct performance of one or another element of the movement.

At the first stage of training, the teacher introduces the children to the rules of the game, draws attention to the performance of a particular movement and the quality of performance. At the second stage, when the basic movements are improved in the process of outdoor games, the teacher gradually complicates the games, introduces game options, thereby strengthening the children's skills and abilities in various situations and conditions.

It is very important that children in the game get used to accurately perform movements. included in it. The conditions of the game, its rules should encourage children to qualitatively perform basic movements. If in games errors in the performance of basic movements have no consequences, then in the future children cease to correlate violations in the performance of basic movements with the failure of their actions.

It is also necessary to pay great attention to the organization of independent motor activity of children throughout the day. It is also necessary to use preparatory and various game tasks for the development of various muscles. The systematic and consistent use of such exercises and games helps to achieve good results in teaching children different types of basic movements.

Children 7-10 years old are independent and active. Their movements become more accurate, faster, dexterous, they better orient themselves in space, act more confidently in a team. Despite sufficient motor experience, independence and activity, children of this age need the help and guidance of an adult in organizing outdoor games, relay races, and exercises. During outdoor games and exercises, they must be taught to follow certain rules, because this will save time on organization and increase the duration of the game.

Children must learn:

  • start and stop games at the signal of the teacher
  • quickly and accurately occupy places to start the game
  • play honestly, without cheating; if caught or tagged during the game, quickly go to a certain place
  • during fishing, do not hit your comrades, do not grab clothes, but lightly touch with your hand
  • not to run into others while running, to be able to dodge easily, and if someone accidentally bumped into - not to be offended
  • do not run out of bounds
  • if during the game someone slipped, fell - do not laugh at him, but, on the contrary, run up and help a friend get up
  • to play together, not to be arrogant when you win, but also not to lose heart after losing.

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Outdoor games as a form of active learning in physical culture

The game is a very emotional activity and its use in the education of young people is very useful. Among great variety outdoor games are widespread.

A characteristic feature of outdoor games is the pronounced role of movement in the content of the game (running, jumping, throwing, passing and catching the ball, resistance). These motor actions are motivated by its plot (theme, idea). They are aimed at overcoming various difficulties, obstacles placed in the way of achieving the goal of the game.

Outdoor games contribute to the mental development of those involved. They improve their inner speech and logic, the ability to recognize the intentions of rivals, the ability to interact with partners, in a constantly changing environment, to correctly and quickly respond to the current situation with the most effective action.

Increase through games functionality body, develop physical qualities: strength, speed, agility, endurance, flexibility.

Games have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system of those involved, contribute to the formation of dynamic stereotypes, this facilitates the execution of movements, makes them more economical.

The ability to play outdoors, without special training, changing the rules at will, allows you to adjust the load in accordance with your level of preparedness.

Of particular pedagogical importance are collective (group) outdoor games. All collective outdoor games have a competitive element, as well as mutual assistance, mutual assistance in the interests of achieving the set goal. Characteristic for collective games is the ever-changing situation in the game, which requires the players to react quickly. Therefore, in the course of the game, relationships change all the time: everyone strives to create an advantageous position for himself and for his team, in comparison with the “opponent”. Competitions are held in outdoor games. They can be carried out in separate games, the tasks in which must correspond to the physical capabilities of students of approximately the same age, homogeneous classes. But it is pedagogically more valuable to hold competitions in a complex of outdoor games, which include various games, contributing to the education of various physical qualities and skills. Outdoor games are not only a means, but also a method of physical education. concept game method in education reflects the methodological features of the game, i.e. methodological difference from other methods of education (element of competition, plot, imagery, various ways to achieve the goal, relative independence of action).

The game method is used mainly for the complex improvement of movements in complicated variable conditions. Movable

games as a means of physical education and a game method contribute to the education and improvement of physical qualities. In addition, outdoor games improve and consolidate natural movements and separately the skills and abilities acquired in gymnastics, athletics, skiing, speed skating and other sports.

The game is one of the most effective means of professionally applied physical training, since, by influencing a person in many ways, they contribute to the development of those qualities that are urgently needed by a future specialist in his work activity (attention, emotional stability, endurance, etc.).

Pedagogical value outdoor games and their characteristics

The practice of educating the younger generation in our country indicates that the game is one of the important means of shaping high moral and physical qualities.

The main content of outdoor games is a variety of movements and actions of the players. When properly managed, they have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, muscular, respiratory and other systems of the body.

Outdoor games increase functional activity, involve various large and small muscles of the body in a variety of dynamic work, increase joint mobility.

Especially valuable in terms of health is outdoor outdoor games in both winter and summer, since when moving outdoors, metabolism increases significantly with an increase in oxygen flow, which has a positive effect on the whole body. Under the influence of physical exercises used in games, all aspects of metabolism (carbon, protein, fat and mineral) are activated. Muscular work stimulates the functions of the endocrine glands.

Outdoor games can have such a beneficial hygienic and health-improving effect only with the correct setting of classes, taking into account the age characteristics and physical fitness of those involved.

It should be borne in mind that outdoor games limit the possibility of accurate dosing of the load, since it is impossible to foresee the actions of each student in advance. Constantly changing situations in the game, high emotionality of interaction do not allow programming the content of exercises for individual participants and accurately adjusting the load in magnitude and direction. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that physical exercises are optimal. With systematic playing games, intense loads can be applied so that the body gradually adapts to them. Games should have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of those involved. This is achieved by optimal loads, as well as the organization of the game, which would evoke positive emotions in students. Poor organization of the game, leading to negative emotions, disrupts the normal course of nervous processes, stresses appear, which is harmful to health. The rules in outdoor games help to streamline the interactions of participants, eliminate excessive excitement. Clear objective refereeing, according to the rules of the game, causes positive emotions among the players. Outdoor games with their regular use help to develop dynamic stereotypes, which facilitates the execution of movements.

Students (17-21 years old) continue to grow and develop the body. The process of ossification of the skeleton, the development of muscle strength is not yet over. The weight of young men mainly increases due to an increase in muscle mass and bone growth. In girls, the muscular system, especially the muscles of the shoulder girdle, develops more slowly than in boys. Body weight in girls increases due to an increase in the trunk, pelvic volume and body fat. The formation of the joints is completed, and they become less pliable to morphological changes. During this period, puberty in young men ends. The ability for abstract thinking, analysis of phenomena, conscious attitude to one's actions and the actions of comrades increases significantly. Inhibitory functions become more perfect, students develop will, endurance.

Boys and girls are stabilizing interest in one or another sport. Games with high tension should not be played for a long time, as they will lead to overtraining and overstrain. But to improve motor skills, it is necessary to repeatedly repeat active actions in the game. Girls have less speed, strength, endurance in games than boys. Therefore, outdoor games are held separately with them. The main place in this period is occupied by sports games, and outdoor games are an auxiliary tool that allows you to improve and consolidate individual actions, tactics of behavior for various sports.

Outdoor games with sports elements can also be used as a warm-up, as leisure in one sport or another.

Pedagogical requirements for the organization and conduct of outdoor games

When organizing and conducting outdoor games, it is necessary to take into account the focus on achieving educational, educational and health-improving results. The leading and guiding role in the conduct of games should belong to the teacher. The educational, educational and health value of the game largely depends on it.

The teacher should be the organizer of the game and the educator in the process of its implementation. Using the game, he pursues the following goals:

1. Strengthen the health of those involved, promote their proper physical development.

2. To promote the acquisition of the necessary motor skills, abilities and improvement in them.

3. To educate those involved in the necessary moral and volitional qualities.

4. To instill in students organizational skills and the habit of systematically playing games on their own.

The teacher needs to determine the main educational tasks that he outlines when conducting a particular game (for example, improving the skills of throwing and catching a ball, throwing at a target; consolidating the skills acquired in gymnastics, athletics; educating players of courage, coordination of actions , collectivism, education of orientation skills, etc.).

The leading principle in teaching is the principle of consciousness and activity. Before the game, the leader must explain to the students its content and tasks, as well as the rules of the game. The conscious behavior of the players makes it possible to improve the game, creatively realize it, while the interest of the participants increases significantly, and the educational impact of the game increases.

The choice of game primarily depends on the task set before the lesson. Defining it, the teacher takes into account physical fitness, the number of participants and the conditions of the game.

The choice of game directly depends on the place of its holding. In a large narrow hall, games are held with a linear construction, in which the players take part in turns, in a large hall or on a playground, you can play games with loose running, with throwing large and small balls, with elements of sports games. In winter, skiing, skating, sleighing, games with snow buildings are held on the site. The choice of game also depends on the inventory. Due to the absence or unsuccessful replacement of it, the game can be upset.

When playing indoors, it must be ensured that there are no foreign objects that interfere with the movement of the players. If the games are held in the gym, it is advisable to remove the shells (bars, crossbar, etc.) in the back rooms. If the shells cannot be removed from the hall, then they must be placed against a short wall and protected with benches, netting, mats. Window panes and lamps should be covered with nets. Before playing games, check and wipe the floor with a damp cloth.

The teacher is obliged, having outlined the game, to foresee the entire process of the game and to foresee what moments of it can cause excitement, dishonest behavior, a drop in interest in order to think in advance how to prevent these undesirable phenomena.

It is important that the environment is conducive to the correct process of the game, instilling organizational skills, good mastery of the rules, comradely behavior in the game, the manifestation of one's individual abilities, and the ability to fight in a team for the interests of the team.

Mobile games for the development of speed of movement

1. "Third extra"

Position of the players: standing wide, the players form a circle, the distance between the players is 2-3 meters. The driver and one player are located outside the circle.

Game progress: the driver catches up with the free player around the circle. The evader must stand in front of one of the pairs, then the last player of the pair becomes the “third wheel” and runs away from the driver. If the driver manages to stain a free player, they change roles.

2. Running in a circle

Position of players: teams of players are arranged in a column one by one opposite each other on opposite sides of the circle.

Game progress: players run in a circle, trying to catch up with the opponent. After two laps, the next player runs. The winner is the one who catches up with the opponent or finishes the run first.

3. "Who is faster"

Position of players: players in a column of two run in a circle.

Game progress: at the signal of the teacher, the last couple overtakes their column (each from the outside). Whose player does it faster - brings the team a point.

4. "Wolf and sheep"

Position of players: 1 or 2 players are assigned as leaders and are located in the middle of the court. All other free players take a place behind the court line.

Game progress: at the signal of the teacher, free players try to run across to the other side of the site, while dodging the drivers. Each spotted player changes roles with the leader.

5. Circular tags

Position of the players: holding hands, the players form a circle. One free player in the circle. The driver stands behind the circle, he is a catcher.

Game progress: the driver tries to catch up and tarnish the player from the circle. The rest should not let this happen. The circle is constantly moving in the same direction as the catcher.

6. Paired tags

Location of players: two drivers hold hands. The rest are freely placed on the field.

Game progress: a pair of drivers spots free players. Those caught change places with the drivers.

7. Relays

Position of players: players line up in columns one by one behind the start line.

Game progress: each player reaches a certain mark and returns back to his team and stands at the end of the column. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

8. Relay

Position of players: participants in a sitting position, in a prone position, in an emphasis from behind, etc. calculated in numerical order. The teacher calls the number, and the team members who match these numbers run around the flag and return to their places.

Outdoor games and relay races for the development of jumping ability

1. "Fifteen jumps"

One driver is located in the center of the site. The remaining free players in the field. The driver jumps on one leg, stains free players. The caught player changes roles with the driver.

2. "Rod"

The driver with a rope in his hands is located in the center of the circle formed by the players. The driver spins the rope at a distance of 30-40 cm from the floor, all players take turns jumping over the rope. The one who hit the rope changes roles with the driver.

Players are placed in columns one by one behind the start line. The first numbers, standing behind the starting line, perform a long jump from a place with a push of two legs. Landing is fixed on the heels. From this place, the second numbers jump. The team that has the best result by the sum of the lengths of all jumps wins.

4. "Steam leapfrog"

The teams are lined up in columns of two in front of the starting line. On a signal, one of the partners of the first pair runs forward and takes the position of a half-tilt forward with his head down, leaning with straight arms on the knee in front of the standing leg. The second partner performs a jump from a short run, legs apart, the first one jumps over it, etc., having thus covered the entire specified distance, the partners return to their team and pass the baton.

5. "Relay with jumps"

Players are placed in columns one by one behind the start line. At the signal of the teacher, the first players jump over several barriers 30-40 cm high. They run back to their team and pass the baton to the next player. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Options: jumps are performed through partners who are in emphasis while sitting on their knees.

6. "Jump the stick"

Players line up one at a time. The first player has a gymnastic stick in his hands. A player with a stick walks along his column, holding a stick at a height of 30-4 cm from the floor. All other players jump over it. When everyone has jumped over, the guide passes the stick to the second standing. The team wins, where everyone takes turns leading and which finishes the jumps first.

Outdoor games and relay races for the development of dexterity

1. Relay

Players line up in columns one by one behind the start line. The guiding player performs 3-4 somersaults over the head on a gymnastic mat, then runs around several obstacles and comes back, passes the baton to the next one.

Variations: somersaults are performed through a partner in an emphasis sitting on his knees.

2. Relay

Players line up in columns of two behind the start line. From each team, players move in pairs up to a certain distance in this way: the first one jumps over a partner who is in a standing position, leaning forward with a jump, legs apart, then crawls between the partner’s legs and the players change roles. Back, both players return running, holding hands, and pass the baton to the next player of their team.

3. Somersaults in pairs

Players are positioned in pairs in front of a track of gymnastic mats. One player lies on his back, the second stands near the partner's head. Partners hold each other by the shin, thus forming a wheel, in this position somersaults are performed.

4. Football sitting

Players line up in two teams. Mini-gates are placed on opposite sides of the hall. Players in an emphasis sitting behind play football. The game lasts two halves of 15 minutes.

5. Ball race

Players form a circle and count on the first or second. The first numbers - one team, the second - another. At the signal of the teacher, the players pass the ball to a partner of their team. The team whose ball catches the partner's ball wins.

6. "Cockfight"

A pair of players is located in a circle with a diameter of 3 meters. Players stand with their hands behind their backs, on one leg. Jumping on one leg, you should push the partner out of the circle or make him lose balance by standing with the other foot on the floor.

7. "Fifteen in the lying position"

A pair of players is located in an emphasis lying, facing each other. On a signal, the players must reach the partner’s hand with their hand, while not allowing their hand to stain the partner and maintain the prone position. The winner is the one who stains a large number of times in a certain time.

8. Runners and Steeds

Players of one team - "runners" - can freely run around the area of ​​8x8 meters. Within 15 seconds, in turn, each of the rivals - the “horse”, jumping on one leg, must spot one of them, knocking out the game. After all the "runners" leave the area, the teams change roles. The winning team is determined by the shortest time to complete the task "horses".

9. "Shuttle with stuffed ball"

Two teams line up on opposite sides of the court. A stuffed ball weighing 3-4 kg is placed between them at the same distance. The captain of the team, who starts the game, runs to him, takes and pushes him with his hand from the shoulder towards one of the opponents, who directs the ball in the opposite direction from the landing site. The winner is determined by the throw of the last player of the team.

10. "Accurate calculation"

The two teams are lined up one at a time. The players have a stuffed ball in their hands. Each of the players must throw the ball in a certain way (with two hands from below over the head) and hit the hoop located at a distance of 5-8 meters. The team with the most hits wins.

Mobile games for strength development

1. "Drag a partner"

Players line up in pairs facing each other. There is a boundary line between them. At the signal of the teacher, each player by the hand must pull the partner over the boundary line.

2. "Wall to wall"

Players form one line and are calculated on the first or second. The first numbers on command perform a 180° turn. Holding hands, the team must pull the opponent to their side over the boundary line. Distance 2 meters from the team.

3. "Barrings"

4-5 players are arranged in a circle, holding a tied rope in their hands. There is a skittle at a distance of 2 meters from each player. At the signal of the teacher, the player, holding the rope with one hand, takes out the pin. The winner is the one who manages to pull the partner and take the pin.

4. "Cockfight"

A pair of players is located in a circle with a diameter of 2 meters. Each of them bends around the leg, puts his hand behind his back. At first, the participants try to push the partner out of the circle with their shoulders and torso or make them lose their balance and stand on the second leg.

5. "Toss the ball"

Players form two teams and are located on the volleyball court on different sides of the net, each team has four stuffed balls weighing 1 kg. At the signal of the teacher, the task of the players is to throw the balls to the side of the opponent. The team with no ball left on their side wins.

6. Relay

Players form two teams and are arranged in two lines, and in their team they form pairs. At the signal of the teacher, the player takes his partner by the ankle joint, the partner, in emphasis on the hands, passes to a certain mark.

Mobile games for the development of quick reaction

1. "Kick the ball"

Players are placed in pairs facing each other. In the hands of one ball. The player with the ball must extend his arm forward, the partner tries to knock the ball out of his hands. The task is to remove the ball, not to let it be knocked out.

2. "Catch up with a partner"

Players are located in pairs on the front volleyball court facing each other. The player with his back to the volleyball court performs three hand claps to his partner, turns 180° and runs away. After a series of runs, the players switch roles. The point is given to the player who managed to run away from the partner outside the volleyball court, or the one who caught up with the partner.

3. "Be careful"

Players are located around the perimeter of the sports hall. Players move in a circle, one by one in a column. At the signal of the teacher, the players perform tasks (change direction, speed, stop, jump). The one who completes the task last is out of the game. The last 5-6 players become the winners.

4. "Falling Stick"

The players are in a circle. One driver stands in the center with a gymnastic stick, one end of which is on the floor, and the other is in the hands of the driver. Players standing in a circle are calculated in numerical order. The driver calls any number and releases the stick, then whose number is named, must cover the stick, preventing it from falling to the floor.

5. "At the air target"

Two teams stand in lines facing each other at a distance of 18-20 meters and are calculated in order. Everyone has a tennis ball in their hands. The leader from the center of the site tosses the volleyball and calls the number. Opponents under this number need to hit the target with their ball. In case of a hit, the player receives a point. Then another number is called, and so on. The winning team is determined by the number of points scored.

6. "Catch the ball"

Players are divided into two teams and are located at the sidelines of the volleyball court facing each other. Players are settled in order. The teacher throws the ball into the volleyball net and calls any number. Both players with this number try to take possession of the ball. The one who succeeded, performs the transfer to the first player of his team, who passes it along the line further. The player who failed to take possession of the ball runs around the players of his line, trying to overtake the ball, which is passed by the players of the opposite team. If he succeeded, then the point is awarded to his team. Then the game starts again. The team with the most points wins.

Bibliographic list

1. Byleeva L.V., Grigoriev V.M. Games of the peoples of the USSR. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1985.

2. Vasilkov G.A., Vasilkov V.G. From game to sport. -M.: Physical culture and sport, 1985.

3. Korotkov I.M. Mobile games in sports. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1991.

4. Cooper K. Aerobics for well-being. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1987.

5. Linchevsky E.E. Psychological climate of the tourist group. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1981.

6. Nerobeev V.N. Sports attractions. - M.: Enlightenment, 1970.

7. Soloveichik S.L. Teaching with passion. - M.: Children's literature, 1976.

8. Yakovlev V.G. Games for children. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1975.

The development of dexterity in older children before school age

Agility ability to cope with any motor task

Agility- the quality that the child quickly learn new movements in their combination, depending on changing conditions as quickly, correctly and resourcefully as possible.
A child can be considered dexterous if he can quickly follow the rules of outdoor games and game tasks, taking into account changing conditions.
Dexterity is needed when performing all basic movements, in outdoor games, sports exercises

There are two ways to develop dexterity.

1. Agility increases with mastering new diverse movements
2. Agility increases if a complication is given, a new combination of familiar movements, the usual conditions for performing the movement change.
Methodical techniques that increase the manifestation of motor coordination and dexterity
1. The use of unusual starting positions and the rapid change of various positions.
2. Changing the speed and tempo of movements, the introduction of various rhythmic combinations, various sequences of elements.
3. Changing the way you do exercises
4. The use of exercises with various objects, the use of objects in basic movements. Items must be of various shapes, masses, volumes, textures.
5. Performing agreed actions by several participants
6. More complex combination of basic movements
7. Complication of the conditions of outdoor games.
Agility exercises do not spend a long time at the beginning of motor activity, as they require great clarity of muscle sensations, intense attention.
I bring to your attention outdoor games for the development of dexterity for pupils of senior preschool age

Outdoor games

"Sly Fox"

Target: development of dexterity, exercise in loose running
Game description:
The players stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. To the side, outside the circle, the house of the “fox” is indicated. At the instructor's signal, the children close their eyes, and he goes around them from the outside of the circle and touches one of the players, who becomes the leader - the "sly fox". Then the children open their eyes and in chorus 3 times (with a short interval) ask (quietly at first, then louder and louder): “Cunning fox, where are you?”. After the third time, the player, chosen by the “sly fox”, quickly runs out to the middle of the circle, raises his hands and says: “I'm here! All the players scatter around the hall, ”and the“ cunning fox ”catches them (touches them with his hand). After the "fox" catches and takes 2-3 children to his house, the instructor says: "In the circle!" - and the game resumes. If the "fox" cannot catch anyone, then a new driver is selected.

"Hunter and Hares"

Target: Development in pupils the ability to perform movements on a signal; exercise in throwing, in running with dodging, in jumping on both legs.
Equipment: balls.
Game description:
On one side of the site, a place is outlined for the hunter appointed by the teacher. On the other side, the locations of the "hares" are indicated by circles. Each circle contains 2-3 hares. The hunter walks around the site, as if looking for traces of hares, then returns to himself.
The teacher says: "Hares ran out into the clearing." "Hares" run out of their circles and jump on two legs, moving forward. According to the teacher’s word “hunter”, the hares run into circles, and the hunter, without leaving the spot, throws a ball at them. The hare that the hunter hit with the ball is considered shot, and the hunter takes him away.
After two or three repetitions of the game, the number of those caught is counted and another hunter is selected.
Rules of the game:
1. You can run out of the circles only after the words of the teacher “hares ran into the clearing”, and return back only at the signal “hunter”.
2. The hunter must throw the ball at the feet of the escaping (without leaving the spot).
Instructions for playing the game:
The instructor must ensure that the children throw the ball with both their right and left hands. To complicate the game, you can enter two hunters. In addition to hares, other animals can be included in the game: foxes, bears and others. In this case, the children are divided into several groups and placed in several places in the room: foxes in one place, hares in another, and so on. Those animals run out, which the teacher calls, and make the appropriate movements.

"Wolf in the Den"

Target: The development of courage and dexterity among pupils, the ability to act on a signal, an exercise in long jumps with a run.
Equipment: two dashes or two cords.
Game description:
Two parallel lines are drawn in the middle of the site at a distance of 80-100 cm from one another - this is a "ditch". Along the edges of the site at a distance of one or two steps from its border, a “house of goats” is outlined. The teacher appoints one playing "wolf"; the rest depict "goats".
All goats are located on one side of the site (house). The wolf gets into the ditch.
At the teacher’s signal “wolf in the ditch”, the goats run to the opposite side of the site, jumping over the ditch, and the wolf at this time tries to catch (touch) them. Caught, he takes (to the right or left) to the goal of the moat. Then the teacher says again: “The wolf is lying,” the goats run across to the other side, jumping over the ditch.
After three or four runs (according to the condition), all the captured goats return to their home and another wolf is appointed (selected) (but not from among the captured goats).
The duration of the game is 5-7 minutes.
Rules of the game:
1. Goats run out of the house at the signal "wolf in the ditch."
2. A wolf can only catch goats in a moat.
3. A goat is considered caught if the wolf touches it at the moment when it jumps over the ditch, or if it gets into the ditch with at least one foot.
Instructions for playing the game:
1. The duration of the game is set depending on the number of runs (that is, the number of jumps made by the goats, about 12-16 jumps).
2. The lines forming the moat may not be parallel, that is, already on the same side, so that children who find it difficult to jump can still jump over.
3. To complicate the game, instead of one wolf, you can choose two.

Game options:
There are not one, but two wolves in the ditch. Two ditches are drawn (the distance between them is 3-4 meters), in each - one wolf.

Don't stay on the floor (on the ground)

Target: The development of endurance, dexterity among pupils, the ability to act on a verbal signal, quickly navigate in an environment (find a free elevation and climb it); exercise in running, jumping in depth, in catching.
Game description:
In various places of the site (room), closer to its borders, objects 25-30 cm high are placed, on which children must climb: stairs with steps, boards placed on a dais, low boxes, benches (at least 25 cm wide). A trap is selected. They put a bandage on his hand. Children are placed in different places of the playground.
To the beat of a tambourine, children walk, run or jump around the playground, depending on the pace and rhythm that the teacher gives. The trap takes part in the general movement. At the signal of the teacher, "catch" all the children climb the placed objects (elevations). The trap catches those who did not have time to jump on the dais. Those caught sit aside.
After the game is repeated 2-3 times, the catches are counted and a new trap is selected.
The game restarts with a new trap.
The total duration of the game is 5-7 minutes.
Rules of the game:
1. You can’t run around the room after the word “catch” - you have to climb onto a hill.
2. You can take any place.
3. You need to catch only after the word "catch".
Instructions for playing the game:
1. The teacher makes sure that the children jump off the platform with both feet and land softly, bending their knees.
2. It is necessary that the children scatter throughout the area away from the objects on which they must climb.
Game options:
Children are built in a circle. In the center of the circle stands a trap, appointed by the teacher. At the signal of the teacher "Run!" the children run around the room. The trap runs after the players, trying to tarnish. It is impossible to stain someone who, while running away, stands on a gymnastic bench or, raising his legs, sits on the floor, that is, those whose feet are not on the floor. The one whom the trap touches with his hand becomes the trap. He should stop, raise his hand and say: "I'm a trap!". The new trap is not allowed to immediately touch the old one with the hand. If the trap cannot stain anyone for a long time, then the teacher says: “One, two, three - run into the circle!” The children are built in a circle, the teacher appoints a new trap, and the game resumes.

"Bird flight"

Target: development of dexterity among pupils; strengthening the ability to climb, navigate in space.
Location: the game is played in gym, on the playground.
Game description:
Children stand scattered at one end of the playground (room). They are birds. At the other end of the site there is a climbing tower or a gymnastic wall with several spans, a pyramid, a double ladder.
At the signal of the teacher: “The birds are flying away!” - birds fly, spreading their wings (children, raising their arms to the sides, run around the site). At the signal: "Storm!" - birds fly to the tower - hiding from the storm in the trees. When the teacher says: “The storm has stopped,” the birds descend from the tower and fly again.
The teacher should be near the climbing equipment in order to help the children if necessary.
If the gymnastic wall has few spans, children can climb on benches, boards placed on chairs, or other climbing devices.

"Traps - Christmas Trees"

Location: The game is played in the gym, on the playground.
Game description:
Children are randomly placed on the playground, the trap is in the middle. On a signal: "One, two, three - catch" - everyone scatters around the site, dodging the trap. The guys are trying to help each other out, since the trap cannot stain those children who will face each other and, stretching their arms to the side down, will depict a Christmas tree.

"Owl - Owl"

Target: development of dexterity, carefully listen to the signal, stand still for a while.
Location: The game is played in the gym, on the playground.
Game description:
On one side of the hall is marked "owl's nest". In the "nest" is placed the driver - "owl". The rest of the players portray birds, butterflies, beetles, mice, etc.
They run all over the room. After a while, the instructor says: “Night!” The players stop on the spot in the position in which they were caught by the night. The "owl" flies out of its "nest", flaps its wings and looks who has moved. The one who moves, takes him to his nest. The instructor says: "Day!". "Butterflies", "beetles", "birds" come to life, wake up and run and fly again. After “2 sorties for hunting”, the number of those caught is counted. Another "owl" is chosen.

"Swan geese"

Target: development of dexterity, carefully listen to the signal; dodging exercise.
Location: The game is played in the gym, on the playground.
Game description:
At one end of the site, a line is drawn - the “house”, where the geese are located, at the opposite end there is a shepherd. To the side of the house is the "wolf's lair". The rest of the place is "meadow". The teacher appoints one as a shepherd, another as a wolf, the rest depict geese. The shepherd drives out the geese to graze on the meadow. Geese walk, fly across the meadow. The shepherd calls them "Geese, geese." The geese answer: "Ha-ha-ha." "Do you want to eat?" "Yes Yes Yes". "So fly." "We are not allowed. The gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home. "So fly as you want, just take care of the wings." The geese, spreading their wings, fly home through the meadow, and the wolf runs out, cuts off their path, trying to catch the geese (touch with your hand). The captured geese are carried away by the wolf. After 3-4 runs, the number of those caught is counted, then a new wolf and a shepherd are appointed.
Rules: Geese can fly home, and the wolf can catch them only after the words "So fly as you want, just take care of your wings." The wolf can catch geese in the meadow up to the border of the house.
Options: Increase distance. Enter the second wolf. On the way of the wolf there are obstacles that must be jumped over.

"The Snow Queen"

Target: development of dexterity, speed of movement.
Location: The game is played in the gym, on the playground.
Game description:
The Snow Queen is chosen. Children run around the hall. Anyone touched by the Snow Queen is considered frozen. This child should stay in place (freeze). After a while, the game stops and the number of losers is counted. After a short pause, the game resumes. Children choose the Snow Queen using a counting rhyme.

"Homeless Bunny"

Target: development of dexterity; dodging exercise.
Location: The game is played in the gym, on the playground.
Equipment: circles or hoops
Game description:
From among the players, a "hunter" and a "homeless hare" are selected. The rest of the children - hares are located in the houses (circles drawn on the ground). A homeless hare runs away from a hunter. A hare can escape by running into someone's house, but then the hare standing in the circle becomes a homeless hare and must immediately run away. After 2-3 minutes, the teacher changes the hunter.

"Bear and bees"

Target: development of dexterity; strengthening climbing skills, the ability to act on a signal
Location: The game is played in the gym, on the playground.
Equipment: wall, bench, low log
Game description: Children are divided into two equal groups, one is bears, the rest are bees. At a distance of 3 meters from the house of bees, a forest is outlined, there are bears. On the opposite side, at a distance of 8-10 meters, there is a meadow. The bees are located in their home - on a hill (wall, bench, low log). At the signal of the teacher, they fly to the meadow for honey and buzz. At this time, the bears climb into the hive and feast on honey. At the signal of the “Bears” teacher, the bees fly to their hives and sting (touch) those bears who did not have time to escape into the forest. The bees then return to the hive and the game resumes. When the game is repeated, the children change roles.

"The kite and the mother hen"

Target: development of dexterity, training in game form main types of movement
Location: The game is played in the gym, on the playground.
Game description: 8-12 pupils can take part in the game. A “kite” and a “brood hen” are selected, the rest of the “chickens”. A circle with a diameter of 1.5-2 m is drawn on the side of the playground. This is the “nest” of the “kite”. He goes to his nest, and the "hen" takes the "chickens" for a walk to the playground. They walk in a chain: they hold on to each other (by the hands or by the belt). At the signal of the teacher, a “kite” flies out of the nest and tries to grab the last “chicken” in the chain. The mother hen, spreading her arms, does not let the "kite" to the "chickens"
Rules of the game: neither the kite nor the mother hen use force. "Kite" should try, running around, to deceive the "brood hen", grab and carry the caught "chicken" to his house. If the "kite" grabbed the "chicken", then he should follow him.


Target: strengthening the ability to jump in length, developing dexterity
Location: the game is played on the playground.
Game description: Classics (5 - 6) are painted on the asphalt.
The child takes a flat stone and throws it into the first class. Then he jumps on two legs to the first class, picks up a stone and jumps back. He throws a pebble into the second class, and he himself jumps first into the first class, and from it to the second. She also picks up a pebble and jumps through the first class. Then he throws into the third class and so on until he goes beyond the class line. After that, the rest of the children begin to jump. When the turn comes again to the first child, he takes his pebble and throws it into the class that he did not get into before. So all the children take turns playing. The child from the group who passes all classes first wins.


Target: development in pupils of endurance, dexterity, the ability to coordinate movements with words; exercise in running and squatting, building in a circle and walking in a circle.
Location: The game is played in the gym, on the playground.
Game description: The players are divided into two unequal groups. The smaller one forms a circle - a "mousetrap", the rest of the "mice" - they are outside the circle. The players, representing a mousetrap, hold hands and begin to walk in a circle, saying: “Oh, how tired the mice are, they gnawed everything, everyone ate. Beware, cheaters, we will get to you. We will put mousetraps for you, we will catch everyone now. Children stop and raise their clasped hands up, forming a gate. Mice run into and out of the mousetrap. According to the word of the teacher: "clap", the children standing in a circle, lower their hands and squat - the mousetrap slammed shut. Players who do not have time to run out of the circle are considered to be caught. Caught mice move into a circle and increase the size of the mousetrap. When most of the mice are caught, the children switch roles.
Rules: Lower clasped hands at the word “clap”. After the mousetrap is slammed, you can not crawl under your arms
Options: If there are many children in the group, then two mousetraps can be organized and the children will run in two.

Relay race "Nimble ball"

Target: development of dexterity, speed of movement
Location: The game is played in the gym, on the playground.
Equipment: ball
Game description:
The players in the teams are built in a column one by one, the distance between the players is one or two steps (depending on the method of passing the ball). The starting position of the participants is a wide stance, legs apart. The ball is in the hands of the guide. On a signal, the ball is passed from hand to hand in a conditioned way and is also returned back. The relay is performed several (4-6) times in a row. The team that completes the passes first wins.
In the game you can use large inflatable balls (basketball, volleyball and others).
Ball passing methods:
a) with two hands from above with an inclination back, the last player, having received the ball, rolls it along the guide floor between the legs of the participants;
b) in the same way, the ball is passed back from hand to hand from below, between the legs;
c) with two hands on the side (left and right) with turns of the torso.
Jump option.
The teams are built in columns one at a time, the distance between the players is 1 m. The ball is in the hands of the guide. On a signal, the ball is passed from hand to hand in a stipulated way to the end of the column. The last player, having received the ball, quickly runs forward and, standing in front of the column, continues to pass the ball, and so on.
The game ends at the moment when the first number returns with the ball to the place of the guide.

Through the stream.

Target: Development of dexterity; exercise in jumping on both legs, in balance.
Equipment: two cords
Game description:
All players sit on chairs or on the grass. Two cords are placed 5-6 steps from the players, the distance between which is 1 ½ - 2 m - this is a stream. Children must cross over the pebbles (planks) to the other side, "without getting their feet wet." The planks are placed in such a way that children can jump with both feet from one pebble to another.
According to the word of the teacher, "let's go" 4-5 children cross the stream, the rest are watching them.
The one who stumbled, steps aside to "dry shoes."
After all the children have crossed the stream, the game resumes.
You can repeat the game 2-3 times.
Rules of the game:
1. The loser is the one who stepped foot in the stream.
2. You can cross the stream only according to the words of the teacher "let's go."
Instructions for playing the game:
3. Instead of boards on the site, you can draw circles.
4. Planks should be placed across the stream so that 4-5 children can cross the stream at the same time.
Game options:
After repeated repetitions of this exercise, you can draw several streams, one wider than the other. . In this case, the children jump first over a narrow stream, then over a wider one, and finally over the widest one. If one of the children did not jump over the first or second stream, he should try to jump over it again and only then approach the next one.

"Who is faster"

Target: Development of dexterity; exercise of pupils in running in various directions; strengthening the ability to build in a column
Location: The game is played in the gym, on the playground.
Equipment: 3-4 flags
Game description:
Children are divided into 3-4 groups with the same number of players: each group is given flags of any one color. At different ends of the site or on one side, 3-4 flags of the same colors are placed on stands. Each group line up in front of the flag of their color. When the players line up, the teacher hits the tambourine, and the children begin to walk, run, jump around the playground in different directions. Movements change depending on the rhythm and pace given by the teacher. At the signal "In place!" - children run to their flag and form a column (facing the flag). The teacher notes which group lined up first.
After two or three repetitions of the game, at the moment when the children run, jump, the teacher says: “Stop!”. At this signal, all players stop and close their eyes. Meanwhile, the teacher changes the places of the flags and says: “To the places!”. Children open their eyes and hurry to line up in a column against their flag. It is noted which column was built first.

Prepared by: 2nd year student,

Faculty of Education,

DP groups - 23,

Ryasnyansky Sergey.

Checked by: Ulyanova O. A.

Baranovichi, 2009

Outdoor games as a means of developing and improving motor skills, physical and personal qualities.

1. An outdoor game, its definition and specificity. 3

2. Outdoor game as a means and method of physical education. 7

3. The theory of mobile games. 8

4. Classification of games. 10

5. Methodology for outdoor games. eleven

6. Conducting outdoor games in different age groups. 13

7. Education of expressive movements in outdoor games. 15

8. Literature 17

Mobile game: its definition and specificity.

An outdoor game is a conscious, active activity of a child, characterized by accurate and timely completion of tasks related to the rules that are mandatory for all players. According to the definition of P.F. Lesgaft, an outdoor game is an exercise through which a child prepares for life. Fascinating content, emotional richness of the game encourage the child to certain mental and physical efforts.

Mobile game specifics consists in a lightning-fast, instantaneous response of the child to the signal “Catch!”, “Run!”, “Stop!” and etc.

An outdoor game is an indispensable means of replenishing a child's knowledge and ideas about the world around him, developing thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, and valuable moral and volitional qualities. In the game, the child directs his attention to achieving the goal, and not to the way the movement is performed. He acts in accordance with the game conditions, showing dexterity and thereby improving movements. During the game there is not only an exercise in existing skills, their consolidation, improvement, but also the formation of new personality traits.

The deep meaning of outdoor games is in their full-fledged role in the physical and spiritual life that exists in the history and culture of every nation. Outdoor games are always a creative activity in which the child's natural need for movement is manifested, the need to find a solution to a motor problem, so the preschooler realizes freedom of action in these games. While playing, the child not only learns the world but also transforms it.

Many scientists have been looking for ways to harmoniously develop children. So, in the created P.F. Lesgaft to the system of physical education, the principle of harmonious development was fundamental, and the physical and spiritual forces of a person were considered as qualitatively different sides of a single life process that allows forming people of an “ideal-normal type”. According to P.F. Lesgaft, harmonious development is possible only with a scientifically based system of physical education and upbringing, in which the principle of awareness prevails. Consciousness of movements provides an opportunity to rationally and economically use them, perform them with the least expenditure of effort and with the greatest effect, and also contribute to the spiritual development of a person.

Harmonious development occurs with a holistic, complex, balanced realization of all the potential capabilities of a person, and one-sided development is detrimental to the individual, often bordering on a psychological or physical illness.

The preschooler implements freedom of action in outdoor games, which are the leading method of forming physical culture. In pedagogical science, outdoor games are considered as the most important means of the comprehensive development of the child. The deep meaning of outdoor games is in their full-fledged role in the physical and spiritual life that exists in the history and culture of every nation. An outdoor game can be called the most important educational institution that promotes the development of physical and mental abilities, the development of moral norms, rules of conduct, and aesthetic values ​​of society.

Outdoor games are one of the conditions for the development of a child's culture. In them, he comprehends and cognizes the world around him, his intellect, fantasy, imagination develop in them, social qualities are formed. Outdoor games are always a creative activity, in which the child's natural need for movement, the need to find a solution to a motor problem, is manifested. Playing, the child not only learns the world around him, but also transforms it.

Children of primary preschool age imitate everything they see in the game. However, in the outdoor games of kids, first of all, it is not communication with peers that is reflected, but a reflection of the life that adults or animals live (they fly like sparrows, wave their arms like butterflies with wings, etc.). The desire to spiritualize inanimate nature is explained by the desire of the child to give the image depicted in the game a living character, and when he gets used to the image, he turns on the mechanisms of empathy and, as a result, morally valuable personal qualities are formed: empathy, complicity, complicity. Due to the developed ability to imitate, most of the outdoor games of children of primary preschool age are of a plot nature.

At the age of 5, the nature of children's play activity changes. They begin to be interested in the result of an outdoor game, they strive to express their feelings, desire, realize their plans, creatively reflect the accumulated motor and social experience in their imagination and behavior. However, imitation and imitation continue to play an important role in the older preschool age.

Outdoor games are characterized by the presence of moral content. They bring up goodwill, desire for mutual assistance, conscientiousness, organization, initiative. In addition, outdoor games are associated with great emotional uplift, joy, fun, and a sense of freedom.

Outdoor games of different content make it possible to trace the variety of approaches to finding ways for the harmonious development of children. It is conditionally possible to distinguish several types of outdoor games that contribute to the comprehensive development of preschoolers in different ways, carry a different social orientation.

Catch-type games are inherently creative in nature, based on excitement, motor experience and strict adherence to the rules. Running away, chasing, dodging, children mobilize their mental and physical strength to the maximum, while they independently choose methods that ensure the effectiveness of play actions, improve psychophysical qualities.

Games that require inventing movements or instant termination of action on a game signal encourage children to individual and collective creativity (inventing combinations of movements, simulating the movements of vehicles, animals). Games such as "Freeze", "Stop", "The Sea Worries" and others require the players to stop moving at the appropriate signal, while it is necessary to maintain facial expression and body muscle tension in the position in which they were caught by the game signal. Spirituality and expressiveness of movements in such games are extremely important.

That is why G. Gyurdzheev in his school of harmonic development widely used similar games. He believed that exercises requiring a signal (command) to stop the movement, while maintaining facial expression, make it possible to feel your body in positions that are unusual and unnatural for him, and thus expand the individual set of "stamp movements and postures". He argued that the style of movements and postures of different peoples, classes, eras, is associated with the characteristic forms of thoughts and feelings, this connection is so close, "that a person can never change either the way of thinking or feeling without changing the repertoire of his motor postures" . Proving that the automatism of thoughts and feelings is rigidly connected with the automatism of movements. Gurdzheev wrote: “We do not realize to what extent our intellectual, emotional and motor functions are interconnected, although in some cases we can observe how strongly our mood and emotional state depend on our postures.” (52, 1989, no. 9). If a person deliberately assumes a posture associated with a feeling of sadness or despondency, then soon he will really feel sadness and despondency. In the same way, fear, indifference, and disgust can be evoked by artificially changing one's posture. The started movement is stopped in the game by the “stop!” command. The body becomes motionless and freezes in a position in which it has never been in ordinary life. In a new unusual posture, a person becomes able to think in a new way, feel in a new way, know himself in a new way. The circle of the old automatism is being destroyed.

Stop - exercise is at the same time an exercise for will, attention, thought, for feeling and movement. In these games, special attention is paid to the expressiveness of actions invented by children that activate mental processes, carry out sensory corrections, role training, form the psychosomatic and emotional spheres, developing the mechanisms of empathy. They train facial and large muscles, and this contributes to the release of enderphins (hormone of joy), which improve the condition and vital activity of the body.

Ball games play a special role. The well-known German teacher F. Frebel, noting the versatile impact of the ball on the psychophysical development of the child, emphasizes its role in the development of coordination of movements, hands, and, consequently, in the improvement of the cerebral cortex. He believed that almost everything a child needs for his versatile development is given to him by the ball. Of particular importance are games in which the actions of a child with a ball are accompanied by words and songs appropriate to the moment and mood. A large role is given to these games in the works of P.F. Lesgaft, V.V. Gorinevsky, E.A. Arkina, V.N. Vsevolodsky-Gerngross and others. These games develop the eye, motor coordination functions, improve the activity of the cerebral cortex. According to Lowen, hitting the ball improves mood, relieves aggression, helps get rid of muscle tension, and causes pleasure. Pleasure, in his opinion, is the freedom of movement from muscle armor, muscle tension.

Games with elements of competitiveness require proper pedagogical management, which implies the observance of a number of conditions: each child participating in the game must have a good command of the motor skills (climbing, running, jumping, throwing, etc.) in which he competes.

Thus, while playing and implementing various forms of activity, children learn about the world around them, themselves, their body, invent, create, while developing harmoniously and holistically.

The value of outdoor games

Outdoor play is one of the important means of comprehensive education of preschool children. Its characteristic feature is the complexity of the impact on the body and on all aspects of the child's personality: physical, mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education is simultaneously carried out in the game. They are considered as the main means and method of physical education. Being an important means of physical education, outdoor games simultaneously have a healing effect on the child's body. In the game, he practices a wide variety of movements: running, jumping, climbing, climbing, throwing, catching, dodging, etc. A large number of movements activates breathing, blood circulation and metabolic processes. This, in turn, has a beneficial effect on mental activity. The healing effect of outdoor games is enhanced when they are held outdoors.

It is extremely important to take into account the role of growing tension, joy, strong feelings and undying interest in the results of the game that the child experiences. The child's enthusiasm for the game not only mobilizes his physiological resources, but also improves the effectiveness of movements. The game is an indispensable means of improving movements, developing them, contributing to the formation of speed, strength, endurance, and coordination of movements. In mobile play, as a creative activity, nothing fetters the child's freedom of action, in it he is relaxed and free.

The role of outdoor play in the mental education of a child is great: children learn to master spatial terminology, temporal orientations, act consciously in a changed game situation, in accordance with the rules and learn about the world around them.

Psychological research shows that, thanks to play activities, a child practically masters space and substantive activity At the same time, the very mechanism of perception of space is significantly improved. In the game, the perception of space appears in its main forms: direct, cognitive-sensory (sensory-figurative) and mediated (logical thinking, concept). The ability to navigate in the environment is facilitated by the deliberate creation of obstacles to the fulfillment of the game task (“Through the hoop to the flag”, “Wolf in the ditch”, “Brave guys”, etc.). This develops in children the ability to independently choose the best method of action based on fairly well-developed visual estimates of the distance and taking into account the time for performing actions.

In an outdoor game, the child exercises in determining the proximity or remoteness of objects, a person, thanks to which he develops visual assessments, as well as spatial and auditory orientation (“Far - close”, “Here, then there”, “Blind man's blind man's bell”, etc. d.).

Outdoor games form the simplest temporary orientations in children. They are expressed: in awareness of the sequence of game actions - first, then, after that, before that, all at the same time, etc.; in the quick performance of game tasks on a signal, within the period indicated to the children. In these games, the child exercises in a quick assessment of spatial landmarks, in the sequence of actions and their temporal duration.

Very important is the orientation of the child among the rapidly moving scattered children. It is the most difficult, due to the need for an instant reaction to the continuous change in the game situation. However, in the process of repeating games, children of older groups successfully master this skill ("Cunning Fox", "Catching", etc.).

Great educational value is inherent in the rules. They determine the entire course of the game, regulate the motor activity of children, their behavior, relationships, and contribute to the education of moral and volitional qualities. The rules create certain conditions in the game, under which the child, with appropriate guidance, cannot fail to show the qualities brought up in him. The requirement of steady implementation of the rules contributes to overcoming egoistic emotions and motives in achieving the goal. According to E.A. Arkina: “The rules are the first social stimulus that regulates and directs the child's behavior in accordance with the requirements of the team. In games, for the first time, sprouts of deep feelings, comradely friendship and love are born. Under the guidance of the educator, the rules become an effective means of shaping the best aspects of the personality: honesty, justice, friendship, courage, self-control, perseverance, will. As noted by A.V. Zaporozhets: "These vital moral qualities, gradually acquired by the child, turn into the internal property of the child's personality."

Games help the child to expand and deepen their understanding of the surrounding reality. Performing various roles, depicting a variety of actions, children practically use their knowledge about the habits of animals, birds, insects, natural phenomena, vehicles, and modern technology. During the game, memory, ideas are activated, thinking, imagination develop. Children learn the meaning of the game, memorize the rules, learn to act in accordance with the chosen role, creatively apply the existing motor skills, learn to analyze their actions and the actions of their comrades. Outdoor games are often accompanied by songs, poems, counting rhymes, game beginnings. Such games replenish vocabulary, enrich children's speech.

Outdoor games are also of great importance for moral education. Children learn to act in a team, to obey the general requirements. Children perceive the rules of the game as a law, and their conscious implementation forms the will, develops self-control, endurance, the ability to control their actions, their behavior. Honesty, discipline, justice are formed in the game. An outdoor game teaches sincerity, camaraderie. Obeying the rules of the game, children practically practice moral deeds, learn to be friends, empathize, help each other. Skillful, thoughtful leadership of the game by the teacher contributes to the education of an active creative personality.

In outdoor games, the aesthetic perception of the world is improved. Children learn the beauty of movements, their imagery, they develop a sense of rhythm. They master poetic figurative speech.

An outdoor game prepares a child for work: children make game attributes, arrange and put them away in a certain sequence, improve their motor skills necessary for future work.

In outdoor games, the child has to decide for himself how to act in order to achieve the goal. Rapid and sometimes unexpected change of conditions makes us look for more and more new ways to solve emerging problems. All this contributes to the development of independence, activity, initiative, creativity, ingenuity.

Creativity is common to all outdoor games. Creative activity is unique to man. It is always social in content and expresses the freedom of the individual. The game as a condition of social freedom leads to creative activity, shaping and developing it. The initial stage in the formation of creative activity in children is imitation, which is especially characteristic of outdoor games of young children. During this period, the child imitates everything he sees. The educational value of imitation was noted by N.K. Krupskaya: “The imitation of a child is nothing but a special form of creativity - the reincarnation of other people's thoughts and feelings. This is the period when social instincts begin to develop very strongly in the child, and human life and human relationships become the center of attention. It is thanks to the developed ability to imitate that most of the outdoor games of young children are plot-based.

An outdoor game always requires children to be creative: to find the most rational ways of action, to make the right decision on their own, to find a way out of the created game situation. She imposes certain responsibilities on the children. Children perform various roles in the game, certain rules. They take their game seriously.

The mobile game is one of the sources of children's creativity. Any good outdoor game, even the simplest in terms of its content and rules, gives food to children's imagination, awakens the thought. With the systematic conduct of games with rules that are interesting and close to children in terms of content, we meet with a new type of children's creativity - children themselves come up with options for games and even completely new games with rules.

The child, entering the role, creates and creates an image. The richer his knowledge and ideas about the game image, the more accurate the game image he created. With appropriate pedagogical guidance of outdoor play, the teacher introduces the child's creativity into a certain channel, determined by its content and rules. The teacher, directing children's creativity, supports children's interest in the game.

Mobile play requires activity and creative initiative from the child, since it never consists of automatic activity. Thus, an outdoor game is one of the main conditions for the formation of a child's creative thinking.

Developing and improving the creativity of children in the game, we educate a socially active, intelligent, versatile person who treats any activity thoughtfully and creatively. Satisfying the need for movement, developing creativity in the process of motor activity, we form physical culture.

Thus, in pedagogical science, outdoor games are considered as the most important means of the comprehensive development of the child. They are an indispensable means of replenishing the child's knowledge and understanding of the world around them, the development of thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity. It not only develops physical and mental abilities, but also valuable moral and volitional qualities are studied and based on the general rules of behavior in a team, ethical values ​​in society are assimilated. An outdoor game develops fantasy, imagination, independence, creativity, initiative, activity, forms the spiritual wealth of a person. During the game, there is not only an exercise in existing skills, their consolidation and improvement, but also the formation of new mental processes, new qualities of the child's personality.

2 . Mobile game as a means and method of physical education

In the formation of a diversified personality of a child, outdoor games with rules play an important role. They are considered as the main means and method of physical education. Being an important means of physical education, an outdoor game at the same time has a healing effect on the child's body.

In the game, he practices a wide variety of movements: running, jumping, climbing, climbing, throwing, catching, dodging, etc. A large number of movements activates breathing, blood circulation and metabolic processes. This, in turn, has a beneficial effect on mental activity. The healing effect of outdoor games is enhanced when they are held outdoors.

It is extremely important to take into account the role of growing tension, joy, strong feelings and undying interest in the results of the game that the child experiences. The child's enthusiasm for the game not only mobilizes his physiological resources, but also improves the effectiveness of movements. The game is an indispensable means of improving movements, developing them, contributing to the formation of speed, strength, endurance, and coordination of movements. In mobile play, as a creative activity, nothing fetters the child's freedom of action, in it he is relaxed and free.

The role of outdoor play in the mental education of a child is great: children learn to act in accordance with the rules, master spatial terminology, act consciously in a changed game situation and learn about the world around them. During the game, memory, ideas are activated, thinking, imagination develop. Children learn the meaning of the game, memorize the rules, learn to act in accordance with the chosen role, creatively apply the existing motor skills, learn to analyze their actions and the actions of their comrades. Outdoor games are often accompanied by songs, poems, counting rhymes, game beginnings. Such games replenish vocabulary, enrich children's speech.

Outdoor games are also of great importance for moral education. Children learn to act in a team, to obey the general requirements. Children perceive the rules of the game as a law and their conscious implementation forms the will, develops self-control, endurance, the ability to control their actions, their behavior. Honesty, discipline, justice are formed in the game. An outdoor game teaches sincerity, camaraderie. Obeying the rules of the game, children practically practice moral deeds, learn to be friends, empathize, help each other. Skillful, thoughtful guidance of the game by the teacher contributes to the education of an active creative personality.

In outdoor games, the aesthetic perception of the world is improved. Children learn the beauty of movements, their imagery, they develop a sense of rhythm. They master poetic figurative speech.

An outdoor game prepares a child for work: children make game attributes, arrange and put them away in a certain sequence, improve these motor skills necessary for future work.

Thus, an outdoor game is an indispensable means of replenishing a child's knowledge and ideas about the world around him, developing thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, and valuable moral and volitional qualities. When conducting an outdoor game, there are unlimited possibilities for the complex use of various methods aimed at shaping the child's personality. During the game, there is not only an exercise in existing skills, their consolidation and improvement, but also the formation of new mental processes, new qualities of the child's personality.

Mobile game theory

The origins of outdoor games are rooted in ancient times. The history of the emergence of games allows us to understand their educational value. Many types of folklore confirm the assumption of scientists that the origins of outdoor games are laid in the primitive communal system, but there is almost no information about this. Data on the development and life of the child, his games at the early stages of the development of society are extremely poor. Practically none of the ethnographers set themselves the task of such a study at all. Only in the 30s of the 20th century did special studies by Margaret Mead, dedicated to the children of the New Guinea tribe, appear.

The game has been a companion of man since time immemorial. In it, the cultures of different peoples demonstrate similarities and great diversity. Many of the games were of great originality, depending on the properties and way of life of the people.

According to N. S. Volovik, the purpose of the ancient games is not entertaining, but practical. By the actions of the game and the words of the song, people tried to ensure their future success in the upcoming works. ancient game there is a magical ritual in which the desired is depicted as valid, the present is projected into the future. Since a person depended on nature, the animal and plant world became the main subject of the image in the game songs.

In the earliest historical periods of society, children lived a common life with adults. The educational function was not yet singled out as a special social function, and all members of society, raising children, sought to make them participants in socially productive labor, to pass on the experience of this labor to them, gradually including children in forms of activity accessible to them.

The employment of mothers and the early inclusion of children in the work of adults led to the fact that in primitive society there was no sharp line between adults and children, and children very early became truly independent. This is emphasized by almost all researchers. With the increasing complexity of the means and methods of labor and with its redistribution, there was a natural change in the participation of children in various types of labor. Children have ceased to take a direct part in complex and inaccessible forms of labor activity. The younger children were left with only certain areas of household work and the simplest forms of production activity.

With regard to the most important areas of labor, but inaccessible to children, they are faced with the task of mastering the complex tools of such labor as early as possible. Reduced tools of labor appear, specially adapted to children's abilities, with which children practice under conditions that approach the conditions of the real activity of adults, but are not identical with them. Children, of course, cannot independently discover how to use these tools, so adults teach them this. Exercises with reduced weapons have some elements of the game situation. Firstly, this is some convention of the situation in which the exercise takes place. Secondly, when performing an action with reduced tools, the child performs an action similar to that performed by an adult, and, consequently, there is reason to assume that he compares, and perhaps even identifies himself with an adult. Thus, these exercises may implicitly contain elements of the game.

We should also consider reflections on the emergence of P. F. Kapterev’s mobile game: first of all, we must remember that the game is a very wide phenomenon; not only children play, but also adults; not only people play, but also animals. P. F. Kapterev believes that all human activity stems from sources of two kinds: natural-organic and socio-cultural. Children live much more by natural-organic needs than by socio-cultural ones. They are taught to the latter through education. Left to themselves, they willingly shed their cultural shell and become closer to nature. Children have a mass of free forces and energy that is not spent on labor to satisfy needs. These forces and energy require an outlet, encourage activity, and cause a variety of exercises. This children's activity has the character of a game, i.e., directly pleasant activity.

In the pedagogical history of many peoples, outdoor games were given great importance. They were considered as the basis of physical education, as an activity that meets the age needs of the child.

According to the theory developed by K. Gross, outdoor games serve as a means for exercising various physical and mental forces. Childhood lasts until we are fully prepared to independently wage the struggle for existence, and if this preparation, this development of all physical and mental forces is carried out with the help of games, then games belong not only to a very important, but also central place.

The outstanding Russian teacher P. F. Lesgaft developed an original system of physical education. A large place in it is given to the mobile game. Play is defined by Lesgaft as an exercise by which a child prepares for life. It is an independent activity in which the child's own initiative develops and his moral qualities are brought up. He considered outdoor games the most valuable means of comprehensive education of the child's personality, development of his moral qualities: honesty, truthfulness, endurance, discipline, camaraderie. One of the first P.F. Lesgaft proposed the use of outdoor games in the upbringing of children. His words are known: "We must use games to teach them (children) to control themselves." In the game, one must "teach them to restrain their divergent feelings and, in this way, teach them to subordinate their actions to consciousness."

The ideas of P.F. Lesgaft were successfully implemented by his followers and students (V.V. Gorinevsky, E.A. Arkin).

V.V. Gorinevsky considered outdoor games to be the main type of motor activity and a means of comprehensive education of preschool children. He considered outdoor play as a means of shaping a child's personality, since moral and volitional qualities are brought up in children during the game. Joy, fun V.V. Gorinevsky considered a prerequisite for gaming activity, without them the game loses its meaning. He attached great importance positive emotions in the game, as they heal the child's body.

E. A. Arkin considered outdoor play an indispensable means of child development, the main lever of preschool education. He saw the advantages of the game in its emotional richness, attractiveness, mobilizing the forces of the child, giving him joy and satisfaction. Outdoor games, according to Arkin, help to strengthen the body through the development and improvement of the motor apparatus. Games teach children to discipline, concentration and regularity of actions.

The most important place in the life of a preschool child is occupied by folk outdoor games. The enormous educational value of these games was pointed out by everyone who, one way or another, came across them in their scientific and pedagogical activities.

Folk outdoor games originate from the depths of folk pedagogy. Children early age were brought up in families on jokes, nursery rhymes, fun games associated with the initial movements of the baby himself. In the life of the older people, there were folk games with a variety of motor content, including game beginnings that were tempting for children, sing-alongs, and counting rhymes. All this still retains its artistic charm, educational value and is the most valuable game folklore.

The study, selection of various folk outdoor games is necessary and appropriate in educational work with children. Acquaintance of children with samples of national, original game folklore and the introduction of some samples of folk games into the lives of children will strengthen a good aesthetic attitude towards the original creativity of peoples and, thereby, towards its representatives.

First of all, it is necessary to turn to the works of E. A. Pokrovsky. This outstanding scientist noted that in the life of the people of various types of games and games from ancient times occupied a prominent place. He was one of the few who paid attention to such a feature of folk games as the reflection in them of the history of a particular nation. E.A. Pokrovsky emphasized that outdoor games are of great educational importance, as they require "the most extensive participation of all spiritual and bodily forces."

Based on analysis national games he came to the conclusion that the character of the people, no doubt, leaves its noticeable imprint on many manifestations of the public and private life of people. This character is also reflected in children's games, being reflected in them the sharper and more distinctly, the more enthusiastically and naturally the children play, and therefore with greater freedom to manifest their national character.

Outdoor games E.A. Pokrovsky considered children to be the most natural form of physical exercise, corresponding to their anatomical and psychological characteristics. Children's outdoor games, taken from the treasury of folk games, meet national characteristics, fulfill the task of national education. They act not only as a factor in physical development and upbringing, but also as a means of spiritual formation of the individual.

The need to pay attention to folk games in the upbringing of children was pointed out by the teacher E. N. Vodovozova. She recommended borrowing games from her people and diversifying them in accordance with the life of this people. An outdoor game should teach ingenuity and resourcefulness. The main condition for these games is to develop the child's imagination so that later he himself, without the help of a teacher, could invent such games.

A. P. Usova attached great importance to the use of folk outdoor games. She noted that, first of all, games serve as an undoubted proof of the talent of the people and an instructive example of the fact that a good children's game is an example of high pedagogical skill; what is striking is not only this or that particular game, but also how folk pedagogy beautifully defined the sequence of games from infancy to adulthood.

Folk games are figurative, so they mainly captivate children of preschool age. Games contain an element of struggle, competition, and, therefore, evoke emotions of joy, fear and encourage caution, and this captivates children.

An analysis of the history of the creation of the theory of outdoor games and theories of leading teachers and psychologists dedicated to the outdoor game allows us to conclude that the game is a means of physical, mental and moral education.

Classification of games.

Mobile games are classified according to different parameters:

According to the age;

According to the degree of mobility of the child in the game (games with low, medium, high mobility);

By types of movements (games with running, throwing, etc.);

The following classification is adopted in the theory and methodology of physical education.

Outdoor games with rules: plot, non-plot, fun games, attractions and sports games (volleyball, basketball, badminton, towns, rounders, table tennis, football, hockey).

Story-driven games reflect in a conditional form a life or fairy-tale episode. The child is fascinated by game images. He is creatively embodied in them, depicting a cat, a sparrow, a car, a wolf, etc.

Non-plot mobile games contain motor game tasks that are interesting for children, leading to the achievement of the goal. These games are divided into games of the type: dashes, traps; games with elements of competition (“Who will run to his flag sooner?” Etc.); relay games (“Who will pass the ball sooner?”); games with objects (balls, hoops, cerso, skittles, etc.).

fun games - used for small children (“patties”, “horned goat”, etc.).

Sport games, according to M.P. Goloshchekina, E.I. Adashkyavichene and others, are used in the senior and preparatory groups at school.

The level of development of basic motor qualities - dexterity, speed, endurance allows the child to successfully master motor skills (running, jumping, throwing) and sports exercises (skiing, cycling, swimming, etc.). The listed motor qualities also include muscle strength, i.e., the ability to manifest muscle efforts, on which the correct mastery of movements depends. Without sufficiently developed strength, one cannot run fast or for a long time, swim, ski, jump high, throw far. A strong strong child easily masters new movements, he is self-confident, able to endure difficulties and even loves exercises with a greater load.

Force- this is the ability of a person to overcome external resistance or resist it due to muscle efforts (tensions).

The quality of strength is expressed through the totality of strength abilities.

Force abilities- this is a complex of various manifestations of a person in a certain motor activity, which are based on the concept of "strength".

Power abilities are manifested not by themselves, but through any motor activity. At the same time, various factors influence the manifestation of power abilities, the contribution of which in each case varies depending on specific motor actions and the conditions for their implementation, the type of power abilities, age, gender and individual characteristics of a person.

There are actually power abilities and their combination with other physical abilities (speed-strength, power agility, power endurance)

Own power abilities manifest themselves: with muscle tension of the isometric (static) type (without changing the length of the muscle). The development of proper strength abilities can be aimed at developing maximum strength.

Speed-strength abilities are characterized by non-limiting muscle tension, manifested with the necessary, often maximum power in exercises performed at a significant speed, but usually not reaching the limit value. They manifest themselves in motor actions, in which, along with significant muscle strength, speed of movements is also required (for example, repulsion in long and high jumps)

Speed-strength abilities include:

1) fast power,

2) explosive power.

Fast strength is characterized by unlimited muscle tension, which is manifested in exercises that are performed at a significant speed that does not reach the limit value. Explosive strength reflects the ability of a person in the course of performing a motor action to achieve maximum strength indicators in the shortest possible time (for example, at a low start in sprinting, in athletics jumping and throwing, etc.).

Specific types of strength abilities include strength endurance and strength agility.

Strength Endurance- this is the ability to withstand fatigue caused by relatively prolonged muscle tension of a significant magnitude.

Force Agility manifests itself where there is a changeable nature of the mode of operation of the muscles, changing and unforeseen situations of activity (rugby, wrestling, bandy, etc.).

The highest increases in strength abilities are from 4 to 5 years. At the age of 5 to 6 years, some slowdowns in strength indicators were found. It is necessary to take this into account when organizing purposeful work to develop the strength abilities of preschoolers.

Exercises for the development of strength abilities are divided into 2 groups: with resistance, which causes the weight of thrown objects, and the implementation of which makes it difficult to carry out the weight of one's own body (jumping, climbing, squatting). The number of repetitions is of great importance: a small amount does not contribute to the development of strength, and too much can lead to fatigue.

It is also necessary to take into account the pace of the exercises: the higher it is, the fewer times it should be performed. In strength exercises, preference should be given to horizontal and inclined positions of the body. They unload the cardiovascular system and the spine, reduce blood pressure at the time of the exercise. It is advisable to alternate exercises with muscle tension with relaxation exercises.

IN kindergarten a variety of exercises should be used to develop the strength of all muscle groups, focusing on the extensor muscles.

Given the anatomical and physiological characteristics of preschoolers, one should not strive to maximum results and exceed the norms for long jumps, high jumps, as this can adversely affect the development of the skeletal system, as well as internal organs. Exercises that cause breath holding and great stress on the body are not recommended.

The intensity of the exercises performed, the mass of objects (sandbags, etc.), the dosage of physical activity should be increased gradually.

Outdoor games are of a different nature and serve different purposes: for the development of physical qualities, for relieving fatigue, for the formation of body functions. For the development of strength abilities, the following outdoor games can be recommended. These games can be carried out in the form of exercises for resistance to external forces and exercises for volitional muscle tension. You can use games in pairs and group games, where team players are distributed according to the strength and growth of partners.

Outdoor games

  1. Push the parterre out of place with a push of the palms.
  2. Drag the opponent over the line moving back.
  3. Pulling an opponent for the hands of the same name.
  4. Take away a stick or any other object from an opponent, turning him in one direction or another.
  5. The kite and the mother hen. The players stand in the back of the head to each other and wrap their arms around those in front of them. The first in the chain depicts mother hen, other - chickens. One of the players kite. He tries to grab the last chicken in the chain, but the mother hen in every possible way prevents this, blocks kite the way with outstretched hands. All players help the mother hen by moving around the court so that the end of the chain is as far away from kite.
  6. Fishing rod . Children stand in a circle. The teacher is in the center of the circle. He holds a cord in his hands, at the end of which is tied a bag of sand. The teacher rotates the rope with the bag in a circle above the ground itself, and the children jump up, trying to prevent the bag from touching their legs. (Preliminarily explain to the children that, when jumping, you need to strongly push off and pull up your legs.)
  7. Bears and bees. The players are divided into two groups: a third of them are bears, the rest are bees. On the gymnastic wall beehive. On the one hand, the place of the lair is outlined, on the other, the place of the meadow. Bees are placed on the gymnastic wall. At the signal of the leader, the bees descend, fly to the meadow for honey and buzz. Bears climb onto an empty hive and feast on honey. At the signal "Bears!" all the bees fly into the hive, and the bears get down and run into the den. Those who did not have time to escape into the den are stinged by bees (touched by hand). Then the bees return to the hive and the game resumes. A stung bear does not go out for honey, but remains in the den. Rules of the game. Bees do not catch bears, but touch them with their hands. Each new action starts on a signal. You can’t jump off the gymnastic ladder, you have to get down.

8. Flight of birds. Children (birds) gather on one side of the hall, opposite the gymnastic wall or benches. At the signal “fly”, the birds fly around the hall, spreading their wings (arms to the sides) and waving them. At the signal “storm”, the birds fly to the trees (children climb a wall or a gymnastic bench). When the teacher says: “The storm has passed,” the birds calmly descend from the trees and continue to fly. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

9 Monkey Catching . Children depicting monkeys are placed on one side of the site near the gymnastic wall. On the opposite side are two or three catchers. The catchers agree among themselves what movements they will do, go to the middle of the site and perform them. The monkeys climb the wall and watch the movements of the catchers from there. After completing the movements, the catchers leave, and the monkeys get off the trees (walls), approach the place where the catchers were, and repeat their movements. At the signal of the educator "Catchers!" the monkeys run to the trees and climb them. Catchers catch those monkeys that did not have time to climb a tree, and take them away to themselves. After 2-3 repetitions, the number of monkeys caught is counted, other catchers are appointed. The game is repeated.

10. Race balls in a circle . Playing in a circle clockwise or counterclockwise pass stuffed balls, while one ball catches up with the other, at a signal the balls change direction.


  1. tug of war . A line is drawn on the site. The players are divided into two teams and stand on both sides of the line, holding a rope in their hands. At the driver's signal, "One, two, three - start!" Each team tries to pull the opponent over to their side. Whose team manages to do this is considered the winner. Rules of the game. You can start tug-of-war only on a signal. The team that crosses the line is considered defeated.
  2. Holding the shuttlecock on the racket. The members of the two teams line up in columns, one after the other. Each team chooses a racket and a shuttlecock. The player standing in front of everyone must take a racket, put a shuttlecock on it and run to the flag and back. Then the player passes the racket with the shuttlecock to the next participant. If the shuttlecock falls to the floor while running or passing, the player must stop and place the shuttlecock on the racket, only then continue on his way. The team whose participants complete the relay first wins.
  3. Running with a stuffed ball. The players are divided into two or three teams and stand in columns one at a time. Players in front have stuffed balls in their hands. At the signal of the head, the participants start running with the ball in their hands to the flag and back. The ball is then passed to the next player. The team whose participants complete the relay first wins.
  4. Penguin run. Teams line up in columns in front of the starting line. The players standing first hold a willy or medicine ball between their legs (above the knees). In this position, they must reach the flag standing 10-12 steps away from them and go back, passing the ball with their hands to the second number of their team. If the ball fell to the ground, you need to pinch it with your feet again and continue the game. Those who finish the run stand at the end of the column. The team that manages to complete the relay faster and without errors wins.
  5. Jumping on one leg. The players are divided into two teams and stand on one side of the court. On a signal, the participants start jumping on one leg to the flag. Near the flag, they change the foot, if they jumped on the right foot to the flag, then from the flag to their team on the left. Having passed the baton, the participant stands at the end of the column. The team that manages to complete the relay faster and without errors wins.
  6. Riders .Teams line up in columns in front of the starting line. Each team has a hip-hop ball (a large ball with two handles. On a signal, the first participants sit on the ball astride and jump on it to the flag and back. The team whose participants completed the relay first wins.
  7. Jumping from hoop to hoop. There are 4-5 hoops on the floor. Players line up on one side of the court. On a signal, the first players begin to jump from hoop to hoop. Jumps are performed with both legs at the same time, hands on the belt. Jumps are performed to the flag and back. The team that manages to complete the relay faster and without errors wins.
  8. The most accurate . A basket or hoop is installed near the flag. At a distance of 2-3 meters from the hoop, a basket with bags is placed (bags in a basket according to the number of participants). Each team member gets the right to one throw of the bag, he must try to get into the basket. After the throw, the participant returns to the team. The team with the most accurate hits wins.
  9. spider run . Teams line up in columns in front of the starting line. Participants take a position on all fours with their stomach up, feet forward and move in this position to the flag and back. The team that manages to complete the relay faster and without errors wins.

10.Firefighters in training Children are built in three or four columns facing the gymnastic wall - these are firefighters. The first in the columns stand in front of the line (base line) at a distance of 4-5 m from the gymnastic wall. On each span of the gymnastic wall, bells are hung at the same height (on a rail). At the signal of the teacher, the children standing in the columns first run to the gymnastic wall, climb it, ring the bell, go down, then return to their column and stand at its end; The teacher notes the one who completed the task the fastest. Then the signal is given again and the next group of children runs, etc. At the end of the game, the teacher marks that column whose children completed the task faster, that is, they deftly climbed up and rang the bell. When climbing the gymnastic wall, attention is drawn to the fact that the children do not skip the slats and do not jump, but leave the last slat of the gymnastic wall. When conducting this game, the teacher provides insurance for children. Option: you can attach an inclined ladder to the gymnastic ladder.

11.Who will throw further. The players are divided into two teams and stand on one side of the court. Players in front have stuffed balls in their hands. At the signal of the teacher, the children standing first in the columns throw the ball with both hands from behind their heads and stand at the end of the column. The leader marks the one who threw the farthest .. Then the signal is given again and the next pair throws, etc. The player who threw the farthest is given a point. The team that earns the most points wins.

12. Passing the ball in a column. The players are divided into two, three or four teams and stand in columns one at a time. Those in front have a stuffed ball. At the signal of the leader, the transfer of balls back begins. When the ball reaches the one standing behind, he runs with the ball to the head of the column (everyone takes a step back), becomes the first and starts passing the ball back, etc. The game continues until each of the team players is first. It is necessary to make sure that the ball is passed with straight arms with an inclination back, and the distance in the columns would be at least a step. The ball can be passed from above, from the side, from the bottom between the legs.

13. Sled racing (on the street). The players are divided into two or three teams and stand in columns one at a time. Each team has a sled. One participant sits on the sled, the other takes the rope. At the signal of the leader, the participant who holds the rope pulls it and carries his friend to the flag and back. Then this task is performed by the next couple, etc. The team whose participants completed the relay first wins.

Outdoor games are mainly focused on the activation of motor activity. They can be used for morning exercises, physical education classes, for a walk, during leisure and holidays. When choosing a game, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the children, their age, the degree of physical activity, the level of motor skills, the place where the game is held. .


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