Article didactic games. Didactic games

The period of preschool childhood is a period of intensive, sensory development of the child. Sensory education serves for successful mental, physical, aesthetic education.

The sensory development of a child is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell, taste. The importance of sensory development in preschool age cannot be overestimated. It is this age that is considered favorable for improving the activity of the sense organs, the accumulation of ideas about the world around us.

After all, as rightly noted by B.G. Ananiev: “The most far-reaching successes in science and technology are designed not only for the thinker, but also for

sentient person."

According to sensory education, in order to form in children any ideas about the properties of objects, as a result of the actions of perception, which are used as standards, the properties of various objects are compared from all others, this is helped by the created didactic computer games.

A didactic game is both a game method of learning for our children, and a form of learning, and an independent game activity for the development of a child's sensory culture. The basis of the didactic game is the relationship between activities and interesting assimilation of knowledge; tasks in the form of fairy tales, riddles, and questions are offered to expand and deepen knowledge. Education and play activities are aimed at developing children's voluntary attention, observation, memorization, comparison, for imagination, the development of curiosity and cognitive interests. Games become more difficult, due to their variability, if the children lose interest in the game.

In their kindergarten, the following tasks are set and solved in their work: continue to create conditions for the enrichment and accumulation of sensory experience through games with didactic material; to form the ability to navigate the various properties of objects (color, size, shape, quantity), to cultivate the ability not to be distracted from the task, to complete the planned game, to strive for a positive result.

To help in working with children on sensory development, I use the following schemes that I developed. The first scheme for the development of the concept of "Value". Based on this scheme, I made the following games:

Game: "Who is faster?"

The tasks of this game are that you need to determine which of the bunnies will be the first to reach the cabbage and gnaw it. You can repeat the color of the tracks.

Game: "Find the same ducks"

The task of this game is to determine if the ducks are the same size, and the big one disappears. You can determine the color of ducks and beaks.

Game: "Who is higher?"

The task is to determine who is higher - the Bear or the Bunny, the Bunny disappears.

Game: "Matryoshka"

The task is given to determine the growth of nesting dolls, the connection of circles and nesting dolls.

Game: "Compare objects"

Animation made for the appearance of houses. In the game, children compare two squares, two houses, identifying them by size.

Game: "What's different"

Children determine the rectangles in width, perform further tasks when Mishka and Pinocchio appear, determine who is thick and thin.

I have developed a Scheme Didactic games to reinforce the concept of "form".

Game: "What figures does it consist of"

Children tell what figures they see in the vomited Cat.

Then they name which figures appear.

Game: "Find only round objects"

We consider objects with children, then the children name only round objects. The disappearance of the square-shaped rug and the triangle-shaped road sign

Game: "The Tale of Kolobok"

The children name the figures that have appeared, come up with their own fairy tale about Kolobok

Game: "Find an object of the same shape"

Define objects of round, square and triangular shape. Together with the children we find 2 objects of the same shape.

To consolidate the color, the Scheme is used. Didactic games to consolidate the concept of "color"

Game "Hide and Seek"

The sun appears, the Cloud hides the sun, the rain drips, mushrooms grow. There is a description of mushrooms by color, you can count, compare in size.

Game "Pick a couple"

You can see different types of shoes, different in color, we remove the types of shoes that cannot create a pair and a pair remains.

Game "Rainbow"

The game has such a beautiful picture of the Rainbow, the children determine the color, and then after the application they name all the colors that the rainbow has.

Colored cars game

Compare cars by color.

Very good for sensory development was the “Development of a system for the polysensory development of children with the help of didactic aids“ Polyana ”,“ Dragon ”made by parents, to consolidate color, size, shape, games with buttons and develop fine motor skills.

Rug "Four Seasons" made by kindergarten staff and parents.

All events were held with the help of didactic games and rug items. Interactive exhibitions, which are a special game developing space, encourage children to actively interact with each other, parents, and the world around them. Children learned about the creation and purpose of objects, played and experimented with the exhibits presented on the rug and enriched their sensory experience in the process of playing. The design of the rug is plot. We organize games at the request of children.

A good subject-developing environment has been created in the group, there is a rich didactic material on sensory education, parents helped us acquire. We use it for games on the didactic table.

In order to identify the interests, needs, requests of parents, the level of their competence on the issues of sensory development and education of preschool children, a survey, conversations, consultations, information sheets, thematic exhibitions, and holidays were conducted.

At the diagnostic stage, computer games were used, with the help of which the initial level of development of visual perception was revealed. Depending on the result, the zone of proximal development was determined for each child, individual work was compiled, certain games and tasks were offered.

Thus, thanks to the creation of a unified educational space in the kindergarten, with the professional competence of teachers and a sufficient level of pedagogical culture of the parents of pupils, high-quality sensory development and education of preschoolers is carried out, stimulating them to active learning, obtaining maximum information from the outside world.

J. Preschool education 1975 #1



(second junior group)

Many researchers - teachers and psychologists (E. I. Tikheeva, F. N. Bleher, A. I. Sorokina, E. I. Udaltsova, Z. M. Boguslavskaya, V. N. Avanesova and others) -

Didactic games are considered as an important means of comprehensive development of children. In an entertaining form of play, you can acquaint children with a wide variety of phenomena of reality, develop thinking, memory, observation, attention, quick wit and other qualities.

The use of didactic games in the learning process contributes to the expansion of children's ideas, activation, consolidation and application of knowledge.

Didactic play combined with direct teaching is a valuable tool for the mathematical development of children.

In our article, we tried to generalize the experience of kindergartens in the use of didactic games in the process of introducing children of the fourth year of life with quantity, to show on the actual material how to solve problems in the form of a didactic game.

The program for the development of elementary mathematical representations of children of the fourth year of life in the section "Number" provides for the acquaintance of children with the set as a single whole, consisting of homogeneous elements. Children learn to make rpvnny of separate objects in accordance with the image, to single out one object from a group, they learn to distinguish between "many" and "one".

To solve this program problem, you can use such didactic games as "Petrushkgzhn guests", "Picking mushrooms", "In the forest", "Duck with ducklings" and so on.

At first, it is better to play the game “Collection G (sh £
bov", "Duck with ducklings", "In the forest", these games
more simple. The material in the game "Collecting GrJ
bov" are baskets, mushrooms, in the game <<УЩ
ka with ducklings "- ducklings, in the game" In the forest " ^Sch
mushrooms, cones.41

The game "Petrushka's guests" has several layers! her. The complication is that children zn\sh compress with the formation of a multitude of different! native subjects, united by one about! a common sign (different animals - a dog * ka, a bunny, a bear, a cat, a fox - parsley's guest). In the game, children see the formation of a set of individual elements three times n% | different material (parsley guests, candy apples), twice - crushing the set!.

on the elements. F

Mushroom picking I

Material for the game: Christmas trees set up sch
separate group room locations, mushrooms,!
baskets or buckets according to the number of children.

Game progress. Children sit on high chairs semi-i
all around." In front of them, on the floor, were placed fir-|
ki and mushrooms. J

De-.i, this is our forest. Look, there are a lot of mushrooms under the Christmas trees. Now I will give one basket for each, and you will go to pick mushrooms.

The teacher puts baskets on the table for the number of children; asks: “How many basket-^ check did I bring?” Answers: "A lot"; ■ invites everyone to take one basket; sprite-. wonders who has how many baskets, how many baskets are on the table (none). Then the educator invites the children to go into the forest and pick one mushroom each. Next, the teacher asks individual children how many fungi they have in the basket (one), and how many fungi under the Christmas trees (none).

The teacher invites the children to put the baskets on the table, notes that everyone put one basket (Galya put one basket, Nadia put one, Tanya one, etc.), everyone put one basket, and in total, look how many baskets. Then the teacher asks: "How many mushrooms are in each basket?" One. Offers to see how many mushrooms the children have collected. From the baskets, the teacher, with the help of the children, puts the mushrooms on the table. The children notice that they put one mushroom from each basket, and Yesego got a lot of mushrooms.

The game "Duck with ducklings l: i" uses a lake layout in which a duck and ducklings swim according to the number of children. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that there are a lot of ducklings, and there is only one duck, then the children play with the ducklings.

All beput one by one vtchky.

The duck calls the ducklings: "Quack-quack-quack." Children lower the ducklings into the lake, they note that there are a lot of ducklings in the lake.

Material for the game: contours of Christmas trees, cones, mushrooms, a voluminous basket, a bear.

The teacher puts Christmas trees on his table - this is a forest, mushrooms and cones are located separately from each other in front of the Christmas trees.

Turning to the children, the teacher says: “Children, this is a forest. You see, there are a lot of fir trees in the forest, a lot of cones, a lot of mushrooms. And here is the bear-bear came to the forest. Look, he has a basket. Now he will pick mushrooms, he does not know how to count. Let's help him. The bear picked a mushroom and does not know how many mushrooms he picked. Children, how many mushrooms did the bear pick? One. That's right, the bear put one mushroom in a basket. The bear also found a mushroom. How many more mushrooms did he pick? (The teacher shows the mushroom to the children. Answer: “One mushroom.”) Look, the bear found another mushroom (puts it in a basket), one more, one more, one more, one more. The bear collected all the mushrooms near the Christmas trees. How many mushrooms, children, are left near the Christmas trees? No one.

Come on, bear, show me how many mushrooms there are in the basket. How many, children, does the bear have a mushroom? Lot. You see, the bear collected one mushroom at a time, but he scored a lot.

The bear roars (a voiced toy is used).

Educator: “What do you want to say, bear? Well, tell me uh^_XS| -Dsha "l ^ e ^ - tko

Children, he says he wants to give you mushrooms. How much do you, bear, want to distribute mushrooms to children? The mouse growls.

Educator: "He says:" One at a time. Hand out, bear, your mushrooms. And you, children, see if the bear is not mistaken, if he will give everyone one mushroom. He asks the children: “How many mushrooms did the bear give Tanya? One mushroom. How much is Sasha? One. Mishka handed out mushrooms, he didn’t even have enough for everyone. Look how many mushrooms the bear has in the basket. No one. And how many of them does Sasha have? How much does Tanya have?

Educator: “The bear is roaring again. What are you, a bear? Tell me. Children, the bear saw that he did not have a single mushroom left in his basket and was crying (roaring). Let's give him the mushrooms."

The teacher with a basket and a bear approaches the children, the children put the mushrooms.

Educator: “Tanya put one mushroom, Sasha put one. Everyone put in one gri-UV. And how many vbears became mushrooms? M: wow.

The bear took the mushrooms to his house and again came to the forest to collect cones. Look how many cones are in the forest. Lot. The bear took one cone, one more, one more, one more, one more, etc. The bear collected all the cones. How many cones are left near the trees? None. How many cones does the bear have? Lot. The bear carried the cones home, but the basket is held unevenly, so the cones began to fall from the basket. Look how many cones the bear has fallen from the basket ... One, one more, one more, one more, etc. How much did the bear have fallen from the basket of cones? Lot. Let's see how many cones the bear has left. (Shows a basket.) None. The bear lost all the cones and came home with an empty basket.

Parsley are our guests; .-.

Material for the game: parsley, dog, bunny, cockerel, bear, cat, fox; big beautiful box, it contains 6 apples, 6 sweets.

The teacher puts parsley on the table, says: “One hundred, children have parsley’s birthday. He has many friends. Now they will come to him in th "-t-r. Let's see how many: x;. Gsstsi will go to the parsley. So I came home (the toy is placed on the table in front of the parsley). How many dogs? One.

Bunny jumped. How many bunnies came to congratulate parsley? One. The cockerel came to congratulate the parsley on his birthday. How many cockerels? __ Odid, - Mishkd, Rnshel How many bears? One. A fox came running from the forest. How many foxes? One. But the cat came to congratulate the parsley. How many cats? One.

Children, all the guests came one by one. And how many guests came to the parsley?

Children, parsley guests brought him gifts for his birthday (the teacher puts a box on the table). "Let's see how many gifts the guests brought to parsley." Shows. Asks: "How many gifts?" He answers: "A lot" and says "Let's see what kind of gifts these are."

The teacher takes out one apple after another and says: “Look, apples. One apple, one more, one more, one more. How many apples are there? Lot. Let's see what else the guests brought to the parsley. Candies". He also takes them out, puts them in a row and says: “One candy, one more candy, one more, one more, one more and one more. And how many candies? Lot".

Showing the children an empty box, asks how many gifts are in the box? No one. Ackcuu".j;;:; on the table? A lot.

Educator: “You see, children, I put one gift at a time, but it turned out to be a lot of gifts.”

At the end of the game, we can say that parsley treated his guests with apples. He gave one apple to the dog, one to the bear, one to the bunny, one to the fox, one to the cat. And how many apples did parsley give out in total? Lot.

How many apples did he give the dog? How many apples did he give the bear? Etc.

Finishing the game, the teacher says: “Petrushka was pleased that many guests came to wish him a happy birthday. You helped to find out how many guests came and how many gifts they brought.”


When teaching children the ability to highlight one object and a lot, you can use the games “What has changed”, “Hares in the garden”.


Material for the game: Christmas trees, mushrooms, bunnies.

There are many Christmas trees and one mushroom on the table in front of the children. Educator: "Children, now let's play the game" What has changed. See what you see on the table. How many trees? How many mushrooms? Now you close your eyes, \ then open them and say what has changed. The teacher leaves one Christmas tree and puts a lot of mushrooms. Children open their eyes and say how many Christmas trees and mushrooms there were and how many there are now. After that, the teacher puts a lot of Christmas trees and a lot of mushrooms, then one mushroom and one Christmas tree. The complication of the game is that the teacher can replace the toys. For example, put one bunny and a lot of Christmas trees or a lot of bunnies and one bear ^ - In the future. For example, put one Christmas tree, one fungus and a lot of bunnies, etc.

In the second younger group, children are taught to compare one group of objects with another, using overlay techniques and applications.

When implementing this program task, it is possible to hold the games "As many - how many", "Bears visiting children." "Bring as many toys as I have."

M and sh k and visiting children

Material: toys-3 bears. 3 cars, 4-5 chairs, 4-5 cups, a table, 4-5 sweets.

Game progress. There is a knock on the door, three cars drive in one after another. The teacher puts cars with bears in a row on the table. Bears greet children.

Educator: “Children, how many bears came to us? Lot. How many cars? Lot. How do you say “please say? Equally,

there are as many bears as there are cars, on each ma.
tire one bear. 1? .

A bear roars. : ..:■■-...;."-"*

Educator: “Children, do you hear the bears roar? They walked and got hungry. Let's treat them to tea. Igor, please bring one table here.”

Then the teacher invites one of the children to bring as many chairs as there are bears, put the chairs in a row near the table, arranging them one by one from left to right. The next child, at the suggestion of the teacher, puts the bears on the chairs.

Educator: “How many chairs and bears? Why did all the bears have enough chairs? Alla, bring cups for each bear and put them on the table in front of the bears. How many, children, did Alla bring cups? Did she place them correctly?

Go, Igor. Treat the bears with sweets. Here. they are in a vase. Give each bear a candy. How many, children, did Igorek give the bears of sweets? As many as bears. How many cups and sweets are there for each bear? One by one, equally."

The teacher calls the children, invites them to give the bears tea. Educator: “The bears got drunk with tea and sweets and want to go for a walk. On these machines they will go for a walk with you. Enough cars for all bears? Why?

Here our guests are ready to go. Let's take them for a walk, let's ride them. They love to ride."

Children of the fourth year __ life-at-at-vosiri-nimml reproduce one and many sound movements, they are taught to establish by quantities) the equality of sounds, objects, movements.

In solving this program problem, such games as "Let's help the white barrel bull", "Petrushkinny \>r - rushki", "Fox and kittens", etc.

Help me “bull-calf - white man \

Material for the game: fairy house, tz gushka, cat, mouse, rooster, dog, calf.

“Once upon a time there was a frog frog, a lamb mouse, a white-footed cat, a cock-golden comb and a dog Bobik in the house.

Once in the evening, all the animals gathered near the house.

Suddenly a goby is walking through the forest - a white barrel: “Moo! I got lost in the forest, I won’t find the way, I’ll have a bad time if the animals don’t help.

The animals "say": "We will help you, but first you complete our tasks." The frog "says": "How many times I croak, so many times you mumble."

Educator: “Listen, ~etn. attentively. right, the bull will do the job.

The frog croaks from one to three times, the bull bellows the same number of times.

The teacher asks: “How many times did the bull growl?” The children answer: "As many as the frog croaked." Other "animals" offer either to shout the same and the same number of times, or to bring the same number of any toys, or jump as many times, or turn to the window as many times, etc. At the same time, the "bull" can perform the task correctly , may be wrong. When they make a mistake, children should notice the mistake and correct it.

The bull performs the first task correctly.

At the end of the game, the teacher notes that the children helped the bull well. With their help, he completed all the tasks of the animals correctly. Now they will show him the way home.

Petrushkina toys

Material for the game: a beautiful bag for toys, 2-3 identical toys, for example 3 nesting dolls, 3 balls, 2 pyramids, a cube.

At the beginning of the game, the teacher announces to the children that parsley will come to their lesson. There is a knock on the door. The teacher brings parsley and a bag, invites the children to find out by touch what is in the bag (toys), how many there are.

Further, the teacher says that parsley wants to play with the children. How many radar pegrushka will hit the tambourine, so many toys need to be taken out of the bag. Parsley knocks from one to three times. The teacher invites the children to take out the toys until there is not a single toy left in the bag. Each time the child, taking out the toys from the bag, says: “I took out as many toys as I hit the parsley on the tambourine”.

Then the teacher invites the children to play with parsley in a different way. You need to take as many identical toys from the table as many times parsley is hit on a tambourine. The child should accompany his actions with words, for example: “I took as many matryoshka dolls as the number of times parsley hit the tambourine.” First, the educator himself shows how to complete such a task.

Material: hats of a fox, a hare and kittens. Game progress. The game is played in groups.

The teacher plays with the children. Whoever perceives well one and many sounds is appointed as a hare, chooses a fox, the rest of the children are kittens. Children put on hats of kittens, a hare, a fox. The hare will run away to the house, the fox is hiding in the forest.

The teacher says: “Send the kittens to the meadow. It's good on the meadow, the sun is shining, the birds are singing. Kittens run and play. The fox saw the kittens, wanted to catch them and drag them into the forest. The kittens were frightened and ran to the hare's house. They ask a hare: "Bunny, open for us, otherwise the fox will catch us." Bunny says: “Meow one (many) times, then I’ll let you in.” Children meow. Whoever makes a mistake, the hare does not let him into the house, he is taken away by the fox. The game can be repeated two to four times.

In the second junior group, individual classes can be entirely carried out in the form of a didactic game.

The above didactic games for children of the fourth year of life are simple, close to their direct experience, built on the basis of active practical activity with specific sets, based on the widespread use of visual material. The goal for children is to play and not to learn. During the game, the educator achieves the assimilation of the relevant program material by the children.

For kids, it is better to use games that reflect a variety of life situations that are close to the experience of children, certain relationships between actors that contribute to the assimilation of the rules of behavior. It is important that games are valuable both in terms of education and upbringing.

When choosing games for children, the educator must take into account at what stage of the implementation of the “Kindergarten Education Program” the children of his group are, what material op.ii have already learned, what needs to be studied. The educator "starts from the learning task and the content of the game. When choosing a game, the educator comes up with which game is better to take to communicate new knowledge, which one to consolidate, which one to apply knowledge in new conditions.

The teacher should have several games on the same program topic.

At first, he selects and conducts simple games for children, then more complex ones.

Didactic games to introduce children to quantity can be carried out not only in the classroom, but also in their free time, especially with those children who are lagging behind in mastering the program material.

The educator should be well aware of the games to introduce children to the number, know their content, learning tasks, rules, game actions. This makes it possible for him to choose a game at the right time to solve certain learning tasks.

The teacher thinks in advance the methodology of the game, the organization of children in it, taking into account the visual-effective, figurative nature of the thinking of the kids, he himself joins the game, directing the actions of the children, achieves a solution to the learning problem. » First, the teacher gives the children the opportunity to examine the toys used by the wig-re, touch them. Only then does he proceed to explain the game.

Different games require different organization. Some can be carried out by planting children in a semicircle (“Let's help the bull - a white barrel”; “Petrushka's guests”, “As many as”), others as mobile (“Fox and kittens”, - “Mushroom picking”), t; etl - for the ashes ("Bears visiting children", "What slithered"). But every time the teacher makes sure that all the tsoti see the material used well. in the game, acted with it, since three-year-old children acquire knowledge about the number on the basis of practical operation with elements of specific sets.

Methodology for carrying out __dilakti-vdsk1 "\u003e 1; group on "-e.k ^ komstvz" ^ children of the fourth year of life with the number has much in common with the method of managing didactic games, which provide for the solution of a wide variety of tasks of teaching children.

■ ■■-. ^: ".""■ „■■■r- Chudnova


A didactic game is such an activity, the meaning and purpose of which is to give children certain knowledge and skills, the development of mental abilities. Didactic games are games designed for learning.

Didactic games in the pedagogical process play a dual role: firstly, they are a teaching method, and secondly, they are independent gaming activities. As the first, they are widely used in classes to familiarize children with the environment, wildlife, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, the development of speech in order to teach children certain ways of mental actions, systematization, clarification and consolidation of knowledge. At the same time, the content of the game and its rules are subordinated to the educational tasks put forward by the specific program requirements of a particular type of activity. The initiative in choosing and conducting the game belongs in this case to the educator. As an independent gaming activity, they are carried out during extracurricular time.

In both cases, the teacher leads didactic games, but the role is different. If in the classroom he teaches children how to play, introduces the rules and game actions, then in independent games of pupils he participates as a partner or arbiter, monitors their relationship, evaluates behavior.


In the management of games, three stages should be distinguished: preparation, conduct, analysis of the results.

1 ). The preparation for the game includes the following: selection of the game in accordance with the tasks of educating and teaching a specific age group, taking into account the time (during class hours or outside school hours), place (in a group room, on the site, on a walk, etc.); determination of the number of participants (whole group, subgroup, one child).

The preparation for the game also includes the selection of the necessary didactic material (manuals, toys, pictures, natural material).

The teacher chooses a game, invites the children to play, starts herself and invites the children.

younger age: a visual explanation of the entire course of the game in the process of playing together with an adult.

Average age: clarification of 1-2 rules, private ones are given during the game in joint activities with an adult, you can use a trial course of the game, where the teacher clarifies the rules.

older age: a verbal explanation of the rules before the game, an explanation of the meaning of the rules, if complex, then a show and a trial move are used.

2 ). If the teacher carefully prepares for the game, then its very conduct will not cause difficulties. In any didactic game, there should be both game rules and game actions. If one of these conditions is missing, it turns into a didactic exercise.

The teacher controls the process of the game, reinforces the ability to play, monitors the implementation of the rules, using a reminder, additional explanation, assessment, questions, advice.

younger age: the educator plays the role of a leader, during the game he connects game actions with the rules.

Average age: the educator acts through the rule and does not directly suggest game actions.

older age: the rules are explained before the game, children are involved in explaining their content.

3 ). Summing up the results of the game is a crucial moment in managing it. The teacher notes those who followed the rules well, helped their comrades, were active, honest. Analysis of the game should be aimed at identifying effective methods of its conduct, as well as mistakes made (what did not work out and why).


The structure of the didactic game includes: task, action, rule, result, conclusion of the game.

Task. Each didactic game has a clearly defined task, which is subordinated to the actual didactic goal. Children are offered such tasks, the solution of which requires a certain intellectual tension, mental work. Performing a task in the game, the child activates his thinking, exercises memory, observation.

The tasks of didactic games are reduced to several types:

  1. Compare and select objects according to the same, different or similar features (the task becomes more complicated in accordance with the age of the children).
  2. Classify and distribute objects or pictures. Children classify pictures or objects according to the type or material from which they are made.
  3. Identify an object by several or only one attribute. Children guess objects from a simple description, or one of them describes a thing, and the rest guess.
  4. Exercise attention and memory. Children must remember some fact or a certain composition of objects, a group of players, etc., and determine the change that has occurred in their absence.

Action. In each didactic game, the task is performed by an action that determines and organizes the behavior of each child and unites the children into a single team. It directly attracts the interest of children and determines their emotional attitude to the game.

The action in the game must meet two main conditions:

a) be sure to obey the task and fulfill the educational goal of the game;

b) be entertaining and exciting until the end of the game.

In a well-designed didactic game, children should not suspect that they are learning anything. Here, the activity should, to a greater or lesser extent, hide the educational, didactic purpose of the game.

rule: activity in the didactic game is strictly related to the rules. They determine how the child should behave during the game, what he can and what he should not do. It is important that the rules correspond to age characteristics and are compensated by entertaining activities. Therefore, it should be interesting so that the child willingly obeys the rules.

Result, conclusion of the game: the result of the game is the solution of the problem and the fulfillment of the rules.

The result is evaluated from two points of view: from the point of view of children and from the point of view of the educator. Evaluating the result from the point of view of children, we take into account what moral and spiritual satisfaction the game brought to children. Performing didactic tasks, children show ingenuity, resourcefulness, attention, memory. All this gives children moral satisfaction, increases faith in their own strength, fills them with a sense of joy.

It is important for the educator whether the task has been completed, whether the prescribed actions have been carried out, whether it has brought certain results from this side. At the end of some didactic games, you need to reward its participants, praise the children, or entrust them with leading roles in the game.


Didactic games differ in their educational content, cognitive activity of children, game actions and rules, organization and relationships of children, and the role of the educator.

In preschool pedagogy, all didactic games can be divided into 3 main types: games with objects, desktop-printed and word games.

Games with objects: for them it is necessary to select objects that differ in properties: color, shape, size, purpose, use, etc.

Board games This is a very fun activity for kids. Most often, didactic games with paired pictures, split pictures and cubes are used. At the same time, for middle-aged children, one or more objects should be depicted: toys, trees, clothes or utensils. Children can independently differentiate their distinctive features: size, color, shape, purpose. To work with split pictures, older preschoolers can be offered to independently fold the whole picture from its parts without first examining the whole image.

word games built on a combination of words and actions of the players. In such games, it is required to use previously acquired knowledge in new connections, in new circumstances. Therefore, in the younger and middle groups, games with the word are mainly aimed at developing speech, educating the correct sound pronunciation, clarifying, consolidating and activating the dictionary, developing the correct orientation in space, and forming dialogic and monologue speech.

Didactic games in mathematics lessons and in extracurricular activities An increase in the mental load in mathematics lessons forces teachers to use such teaching methods that help maintain students' interest in the subject being studied, activity throughout the lesson. An important role is given to didactic games - one of the modern methods of education and upbringing. It is advisable to use didactic games both in the classroom and in extracurricular work on the subject. The inclusion of didactic games in the lesson makes the learning process interesting and entertaining, creates a working mood among students, facilitates overcoming difficulties in mastering and consolidating educational material, and improves the efficiency of intellectual work. In extracurricular activities, games stimulate students to acquire new additional knowledge, teach them to navigate in unusual situations, and develop the creative potential of schoolchildren. Didactic game is not an end in itself in the lesson, but a means of education and upbringing. Play should not be seen as pleasure for the sake of pleasure. This is a type of creative work, closely related to other types of educational activities. The game form of classes is created in the classroom with the help of special game techniques and situations, which are a means of encouraging and stimulating students to intellectual activity. The implementation of game techniques and situations in the lesson form of classes takes place in the following main areas: the didactic goal is set for students in the form of a game task; the educational activity of students is subject to the rules of the game; educational material is used as a means of the game; an element of competition is introduced into the educational activity; the success of the didactic task is associated with the game result. During the didactic game, discipline is an important point. If the communication of students in the game is made purposeful so that they feel the benefit of such communication in the process of cognitive activity, then positive results can be obtained both in learning and in the formation of personality. Mutual assistance and mutual control both simplify and complicate the work of the teacher. They simplify because in a number of cases it gets the opportunity to transfer some of its functions to schoolchildren. The complication of the teacher's work is associated with the need for flexible guidance of students' cognitive activities during didactic games, successful selection of teams, and organization of effective communication during the game. The didactic game has a stable structure. Its main components are: game design, rules, game actions, cognitive content or didactic tasks, equipment, game results. Unlike games in general, a didactic game has an essential feature - the presence of a clearly defined learning goal and a pedagogical result corresponding to it. The game intent is most often expressed in the name of the game. It appears in the form of a question that designs the course of the game or in the form of a riddle. It makes the game educational. Each game has rules that determine the order of actions and behavior of the participants during the game. Game actions, regulated by the rules of the game, contribute to the cognitive activity of students, give them the opportunity to show their abilities, knowledge, skills and abilities to achieve the goal. Cognitive content lies in the assimilation of the knowledge and skills that are used in solving the educational problem posed by the game. Didactic game equipment includes technical teaching aids and visual aids: tables, models, cards. The result of the game gives it completeness. It is an indicator of the level of achievement of students either in the assimilation of knowledge or in its application. The combination of all elements of the game and their interaction increases the level of organization and efficiency of the game. The value of didactic games lies in the fact that in their process children acquire new knowledge on their own, actively help each other in this. When conducting didactic games, monitor the preservation of schoolchildren's interest in the game. It is better to spend it expressively, emotionally. The teacher must also be included in the game to some extent, otherwise his guidance and influence will not be natural enough. The mathematical side of the content of the game should always come to the fore. Then the game will fulfill its role in the mathematical development of children and instilling their interest in mathematics. When organizing didactic games with mathematical content, it is necessary to consider the following issues of methodology:  The purpose of the game (educational, educational and developmental).  The number of players in general, the number of players in the team.  What didactic materials and manuals will be needed for the game.  How to introduce students to the rules of the game in the least amount of time.  Rules of the game.  How to ensure that all students participate in the game.  How to organize your regulation of the game.  How to ensure the constant interest and activity of all participants in the game.  What conclusions should be communicated to students in the conclusion. It is more expedient to use didactic games not when mastering new knowledge, but when checking learning outcomes, consolidating skills, and developing skills. When organizing games, it is necessary to adhere to the following provisions:  The rules of the game must be simple, precisely formulated, their mathematical content must be understandable to students.  The game must take place in the activity mode.  The didactic material used should be easy to use.  Each student should be an active participant in the game.  Control of the game must be open, clear and fair.  During the game, it is necessary to monitor the mathematical literacy of students' reasoning, the correctness of their speech. In the game forms of classes, the ideas of joint cooperation, competition, self-government, education through the collective responsibility of each for learning and discipline in the classroom are implemented. The presented collection of didactic games in mathematics includes author's developments for lesson and extracurricular work.

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