Do-it-yourself didactic speech therapy games. Do-it-yourself multifunctional speech therapy manual "house with games"

Creativity in the work of a defectologist teacher is an integral factor in the success of correctional work.

Probably desirable in any profession creativity to work, and in the work of a teacher-defectologist, he is simply necessary. The children with whom the teacher-defectologist of the point of correctional and pedagogical assistance of the preschool education institution works, due to their age, do not understand why the speech therapist takes them to classes.

In addition, in addition to a speech disorder, they may have features of attention, memory, thinking, children may have insufficiently developed fine motor skills. Just like all children, they can be active, restless or passive, distracted. And the teacher must find an approach to everyone, because the result of his correctional work depends on it.

Special attentiondefectologist teacher should give visibility and games.

The didactic material used by the defectologist teacher (games, exercises) should be colorful and interesting for the child.

A preschooler wants to play - let him play, and the teacher must build his work so that the main task is performed in the game - the correction of the existing violation.

Each teacher-defectologist has his own set of games and exercises in his arsenal - computer or paper, purchased or made by himself. Games are huge.

But no matter how many manuals and didactic games are published, each defectologist in the arsenal will have something of his own, made by himself, some kind of original game, unlike other games. And if he also owns a computer, the possibilities of which are simply endless, then there is a lot of room for imagination.

I offer several samples. simple games made with the help of a computer, which can be used in working with children with speech disorders to automate and differentiate sounds, develop sound-letter analysis, phonemic hearing, correct the lexical and grammatical side of speech, and the ability to compose simple and compound (complex) sentences.

I compose games in the Power Point presentation program: I insert the selected background image (track, snail, snake, caterpillar, table, etc.) and overlay pictures with the desired sound on it. The background of the images should be made transparent.

This can be done in Adobe Photoshop,, or some other program - the one that the teacher owns. Further, if desired, you can make a background allowance.

The plot of a speech therapy game is a matter of the speech therapist's imagination.

Logopedic walkers

Making a grant. Choose a picture-walker, overlay pictures with the desired sound on it, if necessary, arrange a background.

Purpose of the game:

Game progress.

The child “walks” along the path with his fingers, clearly pronouncing fixed or differentiable sounds.

Variants of the game (this and subsequent):

1. Invite the child to find more objects with a given sound in the picture and count them: one Christmas tree, two Christmas trees, three Christmas trees, four Christmas trees, five Christmas trees. In this case, the child learns to coordinate numerals with nouns. For an exercise in agreeing adjectives with nouns, we add a sign - a green tree. The child will need to say: one green tree, two green trees, ... five green trees.

2. Invite the child to choose five pictures they like (for example, a bicycle, a fish) and make sentences with them (“Mom bought a bicycle”, “A fish swims in the river”).

3. Invite the child to choose five pictures they like and play the Greedy game: “My bike, my pig, my hat”, etc. Or the game "Not Greedy": "I gave everything to you, and now I have no bicycle, no pig, no hat." So we train the child in the correct use of case endings of nouns.

4. Invite the child to choose five pictures they like and play the One-Many game: Christmas tree - Christmas trees, pig - pigs, bicycle - bicycles.

On the basis of one picture from the proposed games, you can implement a variety of game options, realizing the main goal - the correction of speech disorders.

Logopedic labyrinths

Making a grant.

Choose a labyrinth picture, insert it into a presentation slide, overlay pictures with the desired sound, and, if necessary, arrange a background.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, development fine motor skills.

Game progress.

The child names the pictures of the maze, clearly pronouncing the sounds.

This game can be played by a child with a speech therapist, or it can be organized with a subgroup of children who automate the same sound. In this case, you will need a cube and chips. The players roll the dice. How many points fell out, so many moves the player can make, clearly pronouncing the words with a fixed sound (or with differentiable sounds). In this game, there is a danger of reaching a dead end, so the child needs to be careful and make sure that this does not happen. In addition to automating sounds, this game also develops visual attention, and answering the question-name of the game, the child learns to make sentences with prepositions.

In addition to fixing sounds, in the games of this series and in the games presented below, you can also offer the same task options for correcting the lexical and grammatical side of speech as in rpg games.

Speech therapy caterpillars

Making a grant. Select a caterpillar picture, insert it into a slide, overlay pictures with the desired sound, and, if necessary, arrange a background.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, development of fine motor skills.

Game progress.

The child advances the chip along the caterpillar, clearly pronouncing the sounds.

On this material, in addition to fixing sounds, you can also work out the agreement of numerals and adjectives with nouns, the singular and plural of nouns, and the ability to make sentences.

Speech paths

Making a grant. In the "Insert" function, select "Shapes", insert a suitable shape, multiply it and make a track out of it. Then put pictures with the desired sound on the track, if necessary, arrange the background.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, development of fine motor skills.

Game progress.

The child “walks” along the path with his fingers, clearly pronouncing the sound. Further, the child, answering the question (for example, “Who is the goat calling?”), Makes a simple sentence (“The goat is calling the kid”).

On the material of the games in this series, you can also work out the coordination of words in a sentence, the selection of features for an object, the singular and plural of nouns, etc.

Speech therapy collections

Making a grant. Insert a picture into the file (for example, a mushroom, strawberries), multiply it and make a track out of it (you can take pictures of different mushrooms), then overlay pictures with the desired sound on them, if necessary, arrange a background. You will need a dice and chips.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, development of fine motor skills.

Game progress.

Players take turns throwing the die - how many dots fell on the die, how many pictures you need to advance the chip, clearly pronouncing the name of the pictures.

Speech therapy snakes

Making a grant. Select a snake picture, overlay pictures with the desired sound, and, if necessary, arrange a background.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, development of fine motor skills.

Game progress.

Players take turns throwing the dice - how many points on the dice fell out, so many moves can be made by the player, clearly naming the words with a fixed sound. And here you can also choose three to five pictures, make sentences with them, count them, matching the numerals with the nouns. Then you can close or remove the pictures and give the child a task: “Remember what pictures were on this snake” (development of visual memory).

speech therapy domino

Making a grant. In the "Insert" function, select a table, insert it into a slide, fill the table with the color you like, overlay pictures with the desired sound.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds.

Cut the picture material horizontally, then vertically between identical pictures (can be laminated) and play like a regular domino. The only difference is that instead of dots on dominoes there are pictures, and you need to name them, coordinating the numeral with the noun.

Speech therapy snails

Making a grant. Choose a picture-snail, overlay pictures with the desired sound, if necessary, arrange a background.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, development of fine motor skills.

To play, you need a dice and chips. A child can play with a speech therapist, or you can organize a game with a subgroup of children with whom the pronunciation of the same sound is consolidated.

Game progress.

Players take turns throwing a die - how many points fell out, as many moves a player can make, clearly naming words with a fixed sound.

The goal of the game for the child is to get to the prize (it can be a chip, a picture, a sticker or some other prize), and for a speech therapist it is to fix the delivered sound in the child.

The options for using the game of this series can be the same as in the games of other series, or they can have their own - it's up to the teacher's imagination.

What is audio automation?

Sound automation - a stage in correcting incorrect sound pronunciation, following the setting of a new sound; aimed at the formation of the correct pronunciation of sound in connected speech; consists in the gradual, consistent introduction of the delivered sound into syllables, words, sentences and into independent speech. (Handbook of a speech therapist / M.A. Povalyaev. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2008.-445 p.) In other words, the delivered sound is still very fragile and without reinforcement, the child can quickly “lose” it.

It is possible to proceed to the automation of the set sound only when the child pronounces it clearly in isolation with repeated repetition. You should not introduce into syllables and words a sound that is not yet pronounced clearly enough, as this will only lead to the consolidation of incorrect skills.
Automation of the delivered sound should be carried out in a strict sequence:

Syllable - word - sentence - connected speech

Often children lose interest in individual lessons, in which the sound delivered to them is automated. One of the reasons for the loss of interest is the rather long stage of audio automation. In my classes, I offer children various games, which contribute not only to fixing the set sound, but also develop attention and memory.

I bring to your attention several games for automating the sounds W, H, W, L, R.

The game "Seeds for a cockerel"

Game progress: The cockerel will get a grain if the child correctly names the picture, in the name of which there is a sound Sh.

Game "Treat the mouse with cheese"

Purpose: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound Sh in words.

Game progress: The child is invited to treat a hungry mouse with cheese. If the child names the pictures and clearly pronounces the sound Sh-mouse will receive a treat, if not, then he will remain


Game "Kolobok"

Purpose: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound L in words.

Game progress: If the child calls the picture and vaguely pronounces the sound of the L-kolobok, the fox will eat it. If he correctly names the picture and clearly pronounces the sound L-kolobok will “run away” from the fox.

Game "Treat the bear with honey"

Purpose: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound Ch in words.

Game progress: The child is offered a bear with a barrel of honey. If the child names the pictures and clearly pronounces the sound Ch, the bear will receive a treat, if not, then he will remain hungry.

The game "Treats for the squirrel"

Purpose: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound Sh in words.

Game progress: The child needs to clearly name the pictures with the sound Ш, thereby treating the squirrel with cones and mushrooms.

Gift Truck Game

Purpose: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound R in words.

Game progress: The child is explained that he will now be a loader. And he will ship gifts. To load all the gifts, you must clearly name all the pictures with the sound R.

I have in my piggy bank similar games and to automate whistling sounds. All of these games will help the child make the long stage of automating sounds fun. The child will perform tasks with interest and, consequently, work efficiency will increase.

The game is the most powerful sphere of self-expression. The use of games in speech therapy work contributes to sensory and mental development (development of visual perception, figurative representations, comparison of objects, their classification), assimilation of lexical and grammatical categories of the native language, consolidation and enrichment of acquired knowledge, memorization of speech material.
The proposed manual can be used in the correction of sound pronunciation, the development of phonemic perception, the accumulation and enrichment of an active dictionary, the development of grammatical structure and coherent speech, fine motor skills.
"Articulation gymnastics"
Purpose: to develop the articulatory apparatus of the child.
Description: The child is invited to look at pictures of articulatory gymnastics exercises and perform them. Exercises are selected for the sound being worked out.
Game "Name the pictures"
Purpose: automation of sound (R, S, W, etc.) in words.
Description: The child is invited to consider the proposed pictures and name the depicted objects (fish, cow, fox, scarf, and so on). At the first stage, the speech therapist names the pictures, and the child repeats, then the child independently names the objects.
The game "Find a word for a given sound"
Purpose: automation and differentiation of sounds S-Sh.
Description: The child is asked to choose only those pictures, the title of which has a sound depicted in the center of the flower.
Game "Fruits"

Description: invite the child to name the fruits shown in the pictures. Ask to tell where they grow (on a tree), what can be cooked from them.
Game "Find all the fruits"

Description: invite the child to name only those pictures that depict fruits. What pictures are superfluous, why?
Game "Vegetables"
Purpose: activation of the dictionary on a given topic.
Description: Invite the child to name the vegetables shown in the pictures. Clarify where they grow (in the garden).
Game "Find all the vegetables"
Purpose: activation of the vocabulary on a given topic, development of mental activity, attention.
Description: invite the child to name only those pictures that depict vegetables. Name extra pictures, explain why?
The game "Find all the sea creatures"
Purpose: activation of the vocabulary on a given topic, development of mental activity, attention.
Description: invite the child to name only those pictures that depict sea inhabitants. What pictures are superfluous, why?
Game "Find clothes"
Purpose: activation of the vocabulary on a given topic, development of mental activity, attention.
Description: invite the child to name only those pictures that show clothes. What pictures are superfluous, why?
Game "Tell the tale" Kolobok "
Purpose: development of coherent speech, logical thinking, attention, memory.
Description: the child is invited to remember the characters and tell the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" from the pictures (an adult reads the fairy tale before class).
Game "Collect a fairy tale"
Purpose: development of coherent speech, thinking, attention, memory.
Description: the child is invited to choose the characters of the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man", arrange them sequentially according to the plot, tell a fairy tale.
Game "Continue the story"
Purpose: development of coherent speech, attention, thinking, memory, hand motor skills.
Description: invite the child to arrange the pictures in the correct sequence according to the plot of the fairy tale. Tell a tale.
The game "What are the children doing?"
Purpose: expansion of the verb vocabulary, development of coherent speech.
Description: invite the child to look at all the pictures and name what the children are doing (skating, playing hockey, dancing, etc.)

To develop a sustainable interest in classes, to accelerate the achievement of a positive result, I developed a multifunctional, mobile didactic manual "Zvukotsvetik" for the development of all components of oral speech, which consists of 12 pages of the book.

The manual contributes to the activation of the activities of preschoolers, the individualization of education and upbringing, has a developing, educational and educational value. It can be used in joint and independent correctional and educational activities with children.

First page on fixing the rule of self-control over the pronunciation of sounds, on the formation of an acoustic-articulatory image of sound. E.A. Ivanova. I hear, I see, I feel - I'm right!

Second page for merging sounds into syllables, fixing acoustic and articulatory images of sounds. Children guess the sound, talk about the correct articulation, read the syllables.

V.M. Akimenko. New speech therapy technologies.

Third page to fix the sound pronunciation of sound in syllables, the development of auditory attention, memory, rhythm, fine motor skills.

Children memorize syllables (words) with their fingers show each syllable (word) and pronounce it, relying on the footprints of animals. You can invent any rhythmic pattern

Fourth and fifth pages for the development of melodic-intonational expressiveness of speech. Ability to change the strength of the voice, pitch, rhythm, tempo.

Techniques for working on each rhythm :

1. Sing according to the scheme, with a pointer showing the symbol of the sound being pronounced.

2. Sing according to the scheme, slapping the rhythm.

3. Sing from memory, slapping the rhythm.

4. Play the rhythm of the "song" with different vowels.

While working on the rhythm on the fifth page we develop auditory perception, auditory memory in children, teach them to reproduce the rhythm according to the model, to invent their own rhythmic patterns.

T.V. Alexandrova. Live sounds or Phonetics for preschoolers.

Sixth page « Soundtracks» are used in the automation of sounds in words, the development of phonemic perception, the skills of sound analysis of a word, the development of lexical and grammatical representations, coherent speech, attention and memory.

Jobs offered:

1. Remember how to pronounce the sound correctly. Choose a track. Lead your finger along the path, naming the words. Don't forget to pronounce the sound correctly.

2. Walk along the path, naming words that begin with a sound ...

3. Walk along the path and name the words that answer the question WHO ?; walk along the path and name the words that answer the question WHAT?

4. Walk along the paths, naming words with adjectives.

5. Say the word, divide it into syllables, highlight the stress.

6. Remember the words that you said and remembered.

7. Make up sentences with the words you remember.

8. All tracks go from (…). Choose which path (...) will take and where it will come.

9. Come up with a short story about what will happen to (…) if (she) meets (…), (…), (…).

10. Tell about the adventures (…) to your mother and your friends.

Seventh page "Three-story house" to consolidate the correct pronunciation of sound, to develop the skills of phonemic analysis and synthesis. We learn to pronounce the sound correctly, determine the position of the sound in the word (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end).

Pages 8 and 9 of "The Engines" to improve the syllabic structure of a word, develop the skill to determine the number of syllables in a word, the ability to determine a stressed syllable, designate it with a scheme.

There are four locomotives with different number of windows. Children should clap and arrange pictures with a different number of syllables into the corresponding trains. Determine the stressed syllable in each word. Put or show the scheme of the word, indicating the stressed syllable.

Tenth page "Two dolls" used at the stage of differentiation of correctly pronounced sounds. children assignments are offered:

  • Recall the acoustic-articulatory image of sound. Pronounce correctly. Name what they have in common. How are differentiated sounds different?
  • "Give dolls with different names pictures" with the appropriate sound.
  • Determine the location of the sound.
  • Count the number of syllables.
  • Come up with an offer. Count the number of words in the sentence.

Eleventh page used when introducing prepositions.

Jobs offered:

  • Execute the instruction.
  • Answer the question: "What did you do?"
  • What is a small word?
  • Acquaintance with the scheme of the preposition.
  • Find the scheme on the page "Rechetsvetika", come up with a sentence.
  • Count the number of words in the sentence, determine the place of the small word.
  • Write a proposal outline.

To determine the preposition, an additional cube with schemes of "small" words is offered.

Z.E. Agranovia To help speech therapists and parents. A collection of homework to overcome the underdevelopment of the phonemic side of speech in older preschoolers.

Twelfth page to get acquainted and consolidate the rules of speech:

  • The text consists of sentences.
  • Sentences are made up of words.
  • Words are small and large.
  • Each word is written separately.
  • The first word is capitalized.
  • Proper names are capitalized.
  • A period is placed at the end of a sentence.
  • Words are made up of syllables.
  • Syllables are made up of sounds.
  • Sounds are vowels (Sing, there is no barrier, girls).
  • Consonants, pronounced with a barrier in the mouth, boys. (Angry, hard and affectionate, soft).
  • Without vowel sounds, a syllable (song) will not work.
  • How many vowels in a word, so many syllables.

G.A. Vanyukhin "Rechetsvetik"

Consolidation of pronunciation in combination with the development of phonetic analysis develops the mental abilities of children, directs their attention to the sound side of speech. It teaches to observe to compare, that is, it forms generalized phonemic representations, which, in turn, become an incentive for improving articulation. This is also facilitated by the ability of children to qualitatively assess their speech and the speech of others, that is, self-control. The connection between the formation of a phonetic-phonemic system and the development of the lexical-grammatical structure of speech, forms the correct communication skills, affects the quality preparation of children for school.

In order for a child to attend speech therapy classes with pleasure and perform the tasks offered to him with interest, it is necessary to come up with new, interesting didactic games with different pictures, plots and material.

I offer to your attention didactic aids for individual speech therapy classes for automation different sounds, the formation of intonation expressiveness, the development of hand-eye coordination and so on.

These manuals help diversify the lesson, increase the efficiency of correctional work.

Home-made didactic game for automating sounds "Adventure Road"

Purpose: to consolidate and refine the skill of correct pronunciation of previously learned sounds.

Tasks: development of auditory and visual attention, perception; development of visual-motor coordination, orientation in space; vocabulary expansion

Materials: Large empty candy box, cut out pictures from old postcards and magazines, pictures with clipped sound.

Homemade didactic game to automate sounds

Description of the work with the allowance:

The child is invited to travel. On the way, he will open magical doors and complete tasks. If everything is done correctly, then at the end of the journey he will receive a small surprise.

At the end of the journey, the child receives a small prize.

For example, to automate the sound "r" you can take a small typewriter. Drive along the road, imitating the sound of the motor rrrrrr, drive up to the door, open it and say the names of the pictures. Behind the last door, the child finds a surprise - it can be a candy, a picture, etc.

Home-made didactic game on the formation of intonational expressiveness of speech "Rhythmic Journey"

Purpose: the formation of a rhythmic pattern in a series of syllables for the correct perception of intonation expressiveness, which creates the prerequisites for setting a logical stress, correct reading of a phrase.

Description of the work with the allowance:

The speech therapist invites the child to play with the squirrel. The squirrel loves to jump on branches and flowers - she does it well, while she sings something. And the squirrel sings different songs: and la-la, and sa-sa-sa and shi-shi. If the flowers are located nearby, then the sounds are pronounced in a row, and if at a distance, you need to pause. Let's try to jump on the flowers together with the squirrel.

Similar exercises are carried out with other animals.

Homemade didactic game "Magic bag"

Tasks: development of fine motor skills, spatial perception, consolidation of the ability to coordinate numerals with a noun.

Description of the work with the allowance:

The child takes out a small bag from a large bag, in which there is a ribbon with beads sewn to it. Slowly pulls out the tape and counts on each bead. For example: one hat, two hats, three hats and so on.

The task can be made more difficult by doing the same exercise with your eyes closed.

Homemade didactic game "Wonder TV"

Purpose: strengthening reading skills; selection of sound against the background of syllables, words; consolidation of sound-letter analysis; formation of the syllabic structure of words; development of phonemic awareness.

Description of the work with the allowance:

After the word is read, the picture turns over and the child sees if the picture matches the word that he read. On the bottom strip, you can invite the child to independently lay out the name of this item, after removing it from the top strip.

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