Game define what sounds. Guess what sounded game

Musical and didactic game "Guess what sounds?"

(for the development of auditory perception)

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge of musical instruments.

Tasks: develop stable auditory attention, the ability to distinguish musical instruments by ear by their sound.

Game progress:

Music sounds. The group includes children, stand in a semicircle.

Echo greeting.

Valeological chant :

Hello golden sun! (children repeat)

Hello blue sky! (children repeat)

Helmet hello we all around. (children repeat)

I am your friend and you are my friend! (children repeat)

We send greetings to all guests (children repeat)

You are very, very welcome! (children repeat)

Musical director : So, my friends, today I suggest you go to the magical land of musical instruments. The way there is very long and difficult. To the music, we will overcome various obstacles. Well, are you ready?

Introductory walking: "On the path" (children perform movements according to the text)

We walk one after another, we raise our legs,

And in a magical land we walk merrily. (walking with knees high)

Suddenly the path is narrow, stand on your toes

We will go carefully without hitting the flowers. (walk on tiptoes)

Suddenly a strong wind arose, it twists the trees.

He leads us astray: "Stop the wind, don't make noise." (torso rotation to the right and left)

On the path, on the path we jump on the right leg (Jump on the right leg)

And along the same path we jump on the left leg. (Jumps on the left foot)

Along the path we easily ran cheerfully. (Running in place)

Here is a magical country, we recognized you! (run and wave hands)

The children sit down.

Musical director : Guys, today we will talk about musical instruments.

Everyone on earth has a home.

Good and fun and cozy in it.

The dog has a kennel, the fox has a hole,

And for birds, the house is a nest, for an owl, a hollow.

Guess the riddle, my little friend,

Where do you think musical sound lives?

Where, guys, does the musical sound live?

Children : Musical sound lives in musical instruments.

Musical director : That's right, musical sounds live in musical instruments, and musical instruments sound when they are played, who?Children: Musicians.

Sound riddles block, Screen 2, window 2. ( Children must guess the sound of a musical instrument .)

Musical director: Guys, our eyes are tired and we need to do gymnastics for the eyes.

Gymnastics for the eyes

We close our eyes, that's what miracles are.

Close both eyes

Our eyes rest, exercises are performed.

Continue to stand with closed eyes.

And now we will open them, we will build a bridge across the river.

Open your eyes, draw a bridge with your eyes.

Let's draw the letter o, it turns out easily.

Draw the letter o with the eyes.

Let's go up, look down

Eyes up, eyes down.

Turn right, turn left

Eyes look left and right.

Let's start working again.

Musical director: And so the guys we got a little rest and proceed to the next task. Now let's remember what groups of musical instruments we know.

(children answer)

Strings, Brass, Keyboards, Percussion. (the music director explains why they are called that)

Guys, I have magic riddles about musical instruments. Do you want to guess them? Children: Yes!

Musical director: I make riddles, and you have to guess them and name which group they belong to this instrument.


1. If you want to play, you need to pick it up

And blow into it lightly - the music will be heard.

Think for a minute… What is it? (Pipe)

2. He has a pleated shirt, he loves to squat,

He dances and sings - if he gets into his hands.

Forty buttons on it with mother-of-pearl fire.

3. As if the girl sang,

And the room seemed to light up.

The melody glides so flexibly. Everything is quiet: playing ... (Violin)

4. Wooden girlfriends

Dancing on his crown,

They beat him, and he rattles - He orders everyone to step in the foot. (Drum)

5. He stands on three legs,

Legs in black boots.

White teeth, pedal. What is his name? (Piano)

6. They took the hammers in their hands

The plates were pounding.

A musical sound is heard

It sounds like this ... (Metallophone)

7. There are bells on it,

We hit him loudly.

We will play with him now

Give me a voiced ... (Tambourine)

8. She only needs three strings for music

Oh, she rings, she rings, she amuses everyone with a game! (Balalaika)

Musical director: Well done, you guessed all the riddles. Now we will have a little rest and play with our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Musicians" ( children show movements in accordance with the text)

Balalaika, balalaika, play us today.

Expand the sides of the button accordion. The drum is our drum.

You are a piano, play us songs to make it more interesting.

The tambourine is sonorous and tight, you ring, knock and sing.

Play the violin in harmony, all the guys cheered up!

Musical director . Here, guys, we played with you. Let's remember what we know about musical instruments? What bands do you know? Well done!

visual material: drum, hammer, bell, screen.

The teacher shows the children a toy drum, a bell, a hammer, calls them and asks them to repeat. When the kids remember the names of objects, the teacher offers to listen to how they sound: plays the drum, rings a bell, knocks on the table with a hammer; names the toys again. Then he sets up a screen and behind it reproduces the sound of the indicated objects. "What does it sound like?" he asks the children. The children answer, and the teacher again rings the bell, knocks with a hammer, etc. At the same time, he makes sure that the children recognize the sounding object, clearly pronounce its name.

Miraculous Pouch

visual material: a bag, small toys depicting baby animals (duckling, gosling, chicken, tiger cub, piglet, elephant, frog, kitten, etc.).

All of the toys listed above are in a bag. The teacher, holding the bag, approaches the children and, saying that there are many interesting toys in the bag, offers to take one out of there, show it to everyone and call it out loud. The teacher ensures that the children correctly and clearly name the toy. If someone finds it difficult to answer, the teacher prompts him.

The following games and exercises help teach children the correct pronunciation of certain sounds in words, help them pronounce words with these sounds clearly, clearly.

To play, you will need a pipe and a bell. Invite your child to listen to each of these children's musical toys. Then ask to turn away and play one of the instruments.

The child, depending on his speech capabilities, should name the sounded toy with a word or onomatopoeia (pipe - doo-doo, bell - Ding Ding). If the child is not yet talking, he can point to the appropriate toy.

Next time, invite your child to compare already three musical toys. Gradually increase the number of children's musical instruments to five. It can be a rattle, a pipe, a bell, a drum and an accordion.

? The game develops auditory attention - the ability to distinguish musical sounds made by different children's musical instruments.

Soundtracks (from 2 years old)

Draw two straight paths (long and short) 2 cm wide on a piece of paper. Take a pipe.

Blow into the pipe for 2 seconds, showing the baby how to lead the index finger along a short path at this time.

Then show the child how to lead a finger along a long path, and at the same time play a long sound (about 5 seconds).

After several repetitions, invite the baby to first listen to the pipe, and then show the appropriate track. If the sound was long, then a long track should be indicated, and if a short sound sounded, then the track should be indicated short.

Playing the pipe can be replaced by a short and long pronunciation of one of the vowels: A, U, O, I, E, Y.

? The game develops auditory attention - the ability to determine the duration of the sound.

Hares and bears (from 2 years old)

Take a drum, tambourine or rattle. Demonstrate to your child how to move to the beat of the drum at different tempos.

Under frequent blows, you need to jump like a bunny, and under rare blows, portray the unhurried gait of a bear.

Invite your child to complete this game task on their own. In the process of playing the drum, in accordance with the tempo of the beats you make, the child will perform different types of movements - jumping like a bunny, or waddling like a bear.

? The game develops auditory attention, a sense of musical tempo.

Legs and legs (from 2 years old)

As you read the poem, show your child how to move. At first, walk slowly, raising your knees high, and then move quickly, with small, trampling steps:

Top-top-top; top-top-top!

Top-top-top; top-top-top!

Then say only the words “Top-top-top!” at different pace. Let the child perform the appropriate movements.

? The game develops a sense of pace, coordination of the pace of foot movement with the pace of speech.

Rain (from 2 years 6 months)

Depict rain on a metallophone or drum. To do this, hit the instrument with chopsticks.

At first, the pace of beats is slow, then gradually accelerates, and at the end it starts to slow down again.

Invite the child to show on a musical instrument how rain of different strengths sounds, to depict how it begins, how quickly it knocks on the roof and how it gradually ends.

Next time, imitate rain with onomatopoeia: "Drip-drip-drip ..." and finger game. To do this, show your child how to tap the table with relaxed hands.

In accordance with the tempo of the movement of the hands, change the tempo of the pronounced onomatopoeia.

Then, without making movements, just say: "Drip-drip-drip ..." at a different pace. Let the baby himself, in accordance with the pace you set, will depict rain.

? The game develops the ability to coordinate hand movements in accordance with the tempo of onomatopoeia or sounds.

Guess where it sounds (from 2 years 6 months)

Ask the child to close his eyes (or tie a scarf over his eyes, put a cap over his eyes).

Invite the baby to listen to where the rattle is coming from and show the appropriate direction with his hand.

To do this, shake the rattle over the baby's head.

The baby will raise his head and reach out with his hands to the toy. Place the toy in the child's hand.

Perform the same actions in different directions: behind (behind the child), below (near the legs), left and right. Each time the baby finds a toy, name the direction where it is: up, down, front, back, left or right.

Diversify the game by offering the baby next time to determine the direction of the sound other toys, for example, a tambourine, a bell, a squeaker toy.

? The game develops auditory attention - the ability to determine the source of sound, forms spatial representations.

Purpose: to develop the musical and creative abilities of children.


  • give children an idea of ​​the sounds of the world and how to extract them
  • to consolidate children's knowledge of musical instruments and their sound.


  • develop the cognitive processes of children (attention, perception, memory, imagination, thinking)
  • develop musical abilities of children (auditory perception, rhythm, tempo, timbre)
  • stimulate and enrich the creative manifestations of children in playing children's musical instruments


  • contribute to the formation of emotional responsiveness, love for the world around
  • educate the need for communication with music.

Equipment: media library, visual aids, musical instruments, objects of the surrounding world (wooden sticks, rustling bags, a bunch of keys, a box of cereals, a bunch of buttons, cubes, a glass cup, metal utensils, a sheet of paper)

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

To the sounds of waltz music, a fairy enters the hall.

Fairy. Hello my friends! Surely you don't recognize me? I am a fairy from the magical land of Soundland, in my world there are a lot of different sounds. It's very fun and interesting. And I would like to invite you to visit me. And you would like to go with me to my country of Soundland. Do you want to get acquainted with the sounds of my country?

Well, that's good. First, let's get to know each other and greet each other.

In my magical land, everyone greets you differently, someone sings, and someone just says “Hello!”, And I want to get to know you and say hello with sounding gestures, see how.

2. Greeting

We get acquainted with sounding gestures (claps). You need to clap your name, while saying: “My name is ...”
Now let's say hello like this: "Hello friends" (According to the syllables Hello - 3 claps, friends - 2 clicks)
Now repeat after me. (Children repeat the movements.) Well done! Guys, you and I did not even notice how we ended up in my magical land.

3. A moment of knowledge

Fairy. And now sit down more and more comfortably, I will introduce you to the sounds that live in this wonderful country of Soundland.

(Watch the audio presentation “In the World of Sounds.”)

You see, guys, how many sounds there are in the country of Soundland, they all surround you too. Some sounds are produced by themselves, for example, the sounds of animals, natural phenomena, and some depend on us, people, for example, the sounds of construction and musical instruments. A person needs to make an effort to sound these objects (the fairy approaches the table with objects)

4. Sound extraction “Different sounds”

Fairy. There are items on this table. Come up to me and choose any object you wish (children choose objects: wooden sticks, rustling bags, a bunch of keys, a box of cereal, a bunch of buttons, plastic cubes, a glass cup, metal dishes, a sheet of paper, a glass bottle). And now let's see what we need to do to make our objects sound. You see, guys, what interesting sounds, different in their sound, you and I got sounds, and you and I were convinced that sounds can be extracted from what, children? Children's answers: from different subjects.

Guys, look what I have. What is it? (sticks). What material are they made from? (children's answers are from wood)

These are not simple sticks, these are sticks - toys, they can walk, jump and run. Let's make our sticks walk and count: one, two, three, four. And now let's make our sticks run. And also count. Well done! Let's turn our sticks into legs and play with them.

5. Rhythmic game “Legs”

Legs, legs, did you walk?
We walked - 2 times (walk with chopsticks)

Legs-legs did you run?
We ran - 2 times (sticks run)

Legs-legs did you dance?
We danced - 2 times (cross movements with chopsticks)

Legs legs are you tired?
We are tired - 2 times (put sticks on knees)

And everything started again. (The game is played 2 times)

Did you guys enjoy playing with sticks?

But on this table I have musical instruments, playing on them we will hear musical sounds. I want to play with you the game "Guess what sounds?"

6. Musical didactic game “Guess what sounds?”

Fairy. Which of you guys is brave and will be able to play these musical instruments, hiding behind a screen with musical instruments, and the rest of the children will listen carefully and try to find a picture for these musical instruments.

(Musical instruments: spoons, tambourine, glockenspiel, drum, bell, maracas and related these picture tools.)

- Well done boys!

Have you noticed that musical sounds are different from the sounds of various objects? How? What can we say about them? What are they? And tell me, please, what is the name of this instrument? (Fairy points to the piano.)

You know, guys, if you play these instruments with a certain rhythm, you can get a beautiful coloring of the music. Tell me, what are the names of people who compose music? (Composers.)

Would you like to be a composer too? I know one interesting children's song. Try to guess it.

(The fairy sings the children's folk song “We Lived at Granny's” on the piano.)

Fairy. Did you guys know the song? Let's sing it together.

(Children sing the children's folk song “We Lived at Granny's”.)

Fairy. And now, guys, you have the opportunity to try yourself as a composer. Let's decorate the song “We Lived with Grandma” with the sound of other musical instruments that you have.

7. Game-improvisation on musical instruments “Lived at Granny’s”

1. Primary performance of children's full improvisation.

2. Secondary performance with a learned rhythmic pattern.

To become good composers, you need to have different musical abilities (be able to listen to music, hear others in a joint game, and of course correctly perform various rhythmic patterns). Is it hard to be a composer?

After such a wonderful song that you have decorated with your instruments, you can relax.

8. Relaxation “Silence”

(against calm music)

We sit on chairs
Let's all close our eyes.
We will listen to the sounds
They walk nearby.
Sounds can be extracted
Shout and tap.
You can also play them
You can sing and dance.
To hear sounds
We all need to be quiet.

9. Summary of the lesson

And now we open all our eyes, did you guys like my country of sounds? What sounds do you like the most? Sounds of various objects or musical? Why? That's right guys! Musical sounds are melodic, colorful, ringing, and can cheer people up. I would like to know what mood you are in today from the meeting with the sounds. And our suns will help me to know this. (Shows children 2 suns: smiling and sad.)

Look, are they the same? Match your mood with the suns and approach them.

I am very glad, guys, that you are all in a cheerful mood. You are all such interesting, creative kids. And I think that if you try, you will become real composers.

Well, I need to go to my magical land of Soundland. Let's say goodbye to you using the sounding gestures we already know.

10. Farewell

"Goodbye friends!"

The fairy leaves to the sound of music.

Target: studying the level of development of memorization, recognition of the sounds of the world.

Diagnostic material: audio recording with sounds of the surrounding world: traffic noise (tram, car, train), knocking, door creaking, people's voices, leaves rustling, birds singing, bees buzzing, vacuum cleaner, kettle, paper rustling, broken glass, human cough, applause; pictures with the image of sounding objects.

The diagnostic game is carried out with a subgroup of children (2-3 children).

Diagnosis progress: Children guess riddles, but riddles are not simple, but sound. The answers are recorded in the table.

The duration of each passage is 5 seconds.

The duration of the children's answers is 20-30 seconds.

Results processing:

1 point - the child correctly named the object or accurately pointed to the picture with the image of this object.

0.5 points - the child pointed to a picture with an image of an object with doubt or not immediately (on the second attempt), called it with a hint.

0 points - the child did not name the object and could not show it in the picture or showed it incorrectly.

Evaluation of results:

17 - 14 points - high level;

13.5 - 9.5 points - average level;

9 - 5.5 points - the level is below average;

5 - 0 points - low level.

Didactic game"Fast - slow, loud - quiet"

Target: studying the features of children's perception of the tempo of sounding through distinguishing between movements with a change in fast and slow tempos and studying the perception of the intensity of sounding and changing the nature of movements in accordance with it.

Necessary equipment: tape recorder, audio recording with contrasting fragments of music.

Diagnostics is carried out with a subgroup of children (4-5 people).

Diagnosis progress: Children are invited to dance to the music. It is especially emphasized that you need to dance as the music prompts - quietly, loudly, slowly or quickly. Children can run, move quickly to fast music, perform smooth, not abrupt movements to slow music, when loud music sounds, children can run, jump, clap their hands loudly, but when quiet music starts, children walk on their toes, quietly, carefully. The installation is given - listen to music carefully.

Evaluation of results:

High Level(+)- the child, without delay, changes fast movements to slow ones, quickly and correctly reacts to the change of musical fragments, independently completes the task, shows emotional responsiveness to music.

Intermediate (+–)- the child changes the nature of the movement 2-3 seconds after the start of the sound of a new musical fragment, looks at the completion of the task by other children, copies them, reproductively performs the task assigned to him, is not independent, sometimes an adult's prompt is required.

Low level (-)- the child does not cope with the task; does not change the nature of movements, does not react to the change of musical fragments.

Didactic game

"Guess what musical instrument this is?"

Target: the study of the perception of the timbre of musical sounds.

Diagnostic material: musical instruments (pipe, rattle, drum, bell, harmonica), screen, pictures of musical instruments.

Organization of children: a subgroup of 4-5 people.

Diagnosis progress: Children are invited to guess what kind of musical instrument sounds. Behind the screen are musical instruments that are not visible to them. On the screen are pictures of these tools. The teacher reproduces the sound on a musical instrument and asks the pupils - what musical instrument sounds? Or what musical instrument do I play?

The children's answers are recorded in the table.

Results processing:

1 point is assigned if the child correctly named the musical instrument.

0.5 points - if the child, doubting, pointed to a picture of a sounding musical instrument or showed it correctly on the second attempt, called it with a hint.

0 points - the child did not name the musical instrument and could not show it in the picture or did not show it correctly.

The evaluation of the results is carried out in accordance with the table:

Didactic game "Long or short track?"

Target: to identify the features of children's ability to distinguish the duration of sound.

Diagnostic material: pipe or triol, or piano, long and short strips of the same color for each child.

Organization of diagnostics: subgroup of 10 people.

Diagnosis progress: Children are invited to play with the kolobok, which rolled into the land of sounds, where all the tracks are musical - short and long. The teacher says: “Listen and show which path the bun has rolled now.” Then he plays the instrument either a long or a short sound. Children in response raise the track corresponding to the duration of the sound (either long or short). 4-5 repetitions are carried out.

The results are entered into a table.

Results processing:

High level (+)- the child quickly and independently shows the correct stripes, confidently performs the task, is interested. To the question - why did you choose this track? - answers correctly (long, sounds more; because so ... (imitates in voice).

Intermediate (+–)- the child can change the strip several times, but at the end show the correct path, can look at the answers of other children, i.e. does not independently complete the task, sometimes with a little prompting from an adult; does not answer the clarifying question.

Low level (-)- the child picked up the wrong strip, did not cope with the task, even with the help of an adult, repeats after the children not confidently.

Based on the results of the diagnostics, the teacher makes a conclusion about the features of the development of the pupils' musicality. Based on them, developmental work continues, the musical education of children in kindergarten.

Diagnosis of peculiarities of perception of music by children

Senior preschool age

The purpose of pedagogical diagnostics: to study the peculiarities of the perception of musical works by children of senior preschool age.

Supervision of children musical lesson

(behind the process of listening to music)

aim observation is to study the features of emotional responsiveness of older preschool children to music.

Supervision is carried out in accordance with criteria:

The child's attitude to the process of listening to music (indifference, pleasure, enthusiasm, dislike);

expressive-mimic expression of emotions during listening (frowns, smiles, laughs, sighs, cries, is indifferent, concentrated);

accompaniment of music with movements (stomping, clapping, swaying to the beat of the melody, dancing, motionless - focused, distracted by other activities not related to music);

aesthetic evaluation of a musical work (it does not happen independently, with the help of a teacher);

Variety of verbal evaluation (uses many adjectives, comparisons, associations, 1-2 typical adjectives, other means of evaluation, does not seek to evaluate the work, does not participate);

reaction to music (immediately, in the process of listening, after listening, delayed in other activities).

Conversation with children

Target: study of the features of emotional responsiveness of children when listening to musical works of various nature.

Children are invited to listen to the works of P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Doll's Funeral" and "Italian Song". After listening, a conversation is held about the emotional and figurative content of the music. sample questions:

1. Did you like the music? Why? What music did you like more?

2. What mood is expressed in the first work? In the second?

3. When do you have such a mood, such feelings?

4. Do you feel the mood more often, as in the first work or in the second? Why?

5. What is the nature of the music (of each piece)?

6. What do you want to do after the music has been played?

Based on the results of observation and conversation with children, conclusions are drawn about the features of children's emotional responsiveness to music and it is determined to which of the conditionally distinguished groups the child belongs.

GROUP A: In the process of listening, children express pleasure, joy, enthusiasm, while clearly showing emotions (smiles, laughs, frowns, cries - depending on the nature of the work). They often accompany music with movements (claps their hands, sways to the beat, sings), give an aesthetic assessment of a piece of music on their own in the process of listening or immediately after listening, while using a sufficient number of adjectives, comparisons, examples from life. Children adequately determine the nature of both works, using various adjectives when evaluating them. Musical works evoke a vivid emotional response in children, as well as a desire to express emotions through adequate movements, demonstrations, examples from personal experience. Children definitely feel the opposite nature of the works. This indicates a high level of emotional responsiveness to music.

GROUP B: Children enjoy the process of listening to music, but at the same time remain indifferent or listen intently, swaying to the beat or remaining static. It is difficult for them to evaluate a piece of music on their own. With the help of the teacher, 1-2 typical adjectives are called that characterize the work immediately after listening. Children adequately determine the emotional nature of the works. They find it difficult to explain why they liked this or that work, however, outwardly, they react quite vividly to the contrast of the music. This indicates an average level of emotional responsiveness to music.

GROUP C: While listening to music, children are usually indifferent or focused on other activities. They do not accompany the music with movements, remaining in a static, indifferent position. Children feel the nature of the works, but experience difficulties in evaluating them even with the help of a teacher or constantly refuse to evaluate. This indicates a low level of emotional responsiveness to music.

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