Ecological game by stations. Game-journey "Ecological quest Ecological quest for elementary school through the stations

The game is a journey for younger students. Topic: Game - a journey to the workshop "Forest Fantasies"

Methodological support educational process(educational and educational - visual aids in floristry and phytodesign, educational and methodological aids, methodological developments in this area)


Love for nature is a great feeling. It helps a person to become more generous, fairer, more responsible. One who knows, studies, understands nature can love and protect it.
Children are characterized by kindness and curiosity, but they lack experience and knowledge, therefore the main task of environmental education is the formation of an ecological culture in children, a responsible attitude to nature, an understanding of the inseparable connection between human society and nature, including a system of environmental knowledge, skills and thinking.
This methodical development aimed at attracting younger children school age to work with different types of natural material, to develop interest in the natural world. This event can be used in the classes of artistic and natural-scientific associations.
The content of the event, forms, methods and techniques correspond to the age characteristics of children.
The work experience of the author of this methodological development under the program of natural-scientific orientation "Ecomir", in the subject - ecology - 1 year.
It is possible to use this lesson by teachers of other educational institutions for circles of a similar orientation, as well as an educational lesson.


Relevance and novelty
AT recent times, in connection with the development of computer technology, the direct, immediate connection of the child with nature is weakening. More and more he gets acquainted with nature through pictures, videos, slides. But nature is a ready-made workshop for the development of a child's fantasy and imagination. And if you combine her gifts with sleight of hand, then you can create a lot of interesting and amazing things.
The "Ecomir" association of our "Center for Children's Creativity" works according to a program of natural-scientific orientation, the subject is ecology, which is developed on the basis of the idea of ​​spiritual and moral development and education of a Russian citizen through the formation of an ecological culture and love of nature.
The key basis in the development of the program are the ideas of the All-Russian environmental socio-educational project "Ecolyata", a feature of the program for the formation of a culture of nature love among students is its focus on the spiritual, moral, aesthetic education of children, the creation of the necessary conditions for the development of a harmonious personality in a child using fairy-tale characters - friends and protectors of nature.
In the classes of the association, we realize children's ideas and fantasies.
Program goal: Formation in students of a rich inner world and a system of value relations to nature, the development of an internal need for love for nature and, as a result, a careful attitude towards it, the upbringing of a culture of love for nature.
Program objectives:
* educational:
- to give students knowledge about the Nature around them, to acquaint them with the diversity of the animal and plant world of their small homeland;
- to expand the ecological and general horizons of students;
- to form the experience of participation in environmental protection activities.
- contribute to the development of understanding of the inseparable unity of man and Nature, understanding of the universal value of Nature:
- to help realize the need to preserve, protect and save Nature for the survival of Man himself on earth;
- to promote self-determination of students in building relationships with Nature and the world around them;
- using new innovative tools to promote the formation of a feeling of love, a versatile value, careful and respectful attitude towards Nature;
- contribute to the development creativity students.
* educational:
- to show the uniqueness, greatness, strength and beauty of Nature;
- educate the need to take an active part in environmental and environmental activities;
- educate respect for the environment, the need for a rational attitude to the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature;
- Take responsibility for your actions.

In order to achieve the set goals and objectives, as well as to involve them in working with natural material, this methodological development has been compiled. The age characteristics of children of primary school age are taken into account: activity, emotional responsiveness, curiosity, desire to do something with their own hands.
During the lesson, children are consistently introduced to different types of natural materials and products made from them. The children have the opportunity to examine, touch, explore each type of natural materials, draw conclusions about their appearance and properties. It is of great importance that all kinds of natural materials can be found within the limits of one's native village, which means that there is a place for nature conservation excursions.
Physical education is held in game form with the use of natural material - cones and allows not only to realize physical activity, but also to show a sense of empathy - to help the squirrel to collect a supply for the winter.
Practical work on making a collage from natural materials corresponds to the level of skills of children of this age: all operations are simple and are accompanied by a slide show. The teacher only needs to follow the clear sequential implementation of the stages of work.
Reflection, carried out at the end of the lesson, allows you to track the effectiveness of this event: how many children were attracted to work with natural material, and how many only showed interest in this lesson.
It is important that children not only get excited about the idea of ​​making various creative works from natural materials, but also involve their parents in this. After all, joint creative work creates a warm atmosphere for communication, helps to maintain a close emotional connection in the family circle.
In addition, children are given the opportunity to see the usefulness and necessity of the Internet for finding different types of crafts.
Topic: Game - a journey to the workshop "Forest Fantasies"
Target: introduce different types of natural material, arouse children's interest in making crafts from natural material.
- to acquaint with different types of natural material;
- arouse interest in the manufacture of crafts from natural material;
- teach how to make a simple collage using sawdust, leaves, tree branches and other types of natural material;
- develop curiosity, observation and cognitive interest in the natural world;
- develop creative thinking, spatial imagination, fantasy;
- to develop and form labor skills;
- educate respect for nature, love for native land;
- to cultivate artistic taste, aesthetic perception of the world;
- educate teamwork and a friendly attitude towards each other.
Conduct form: game - journey.
Methods: verbal (conversation, story), visual (showing samples and slides), practical (practical work on making crafts).
the date of the: 10/06/2016 Association "Ecomir" The age of the students of the association"Ecomir": 7-11 years old (grades 1 - 4)
Number of students: 14 people Equipment: for the teacher: multimedia, presentation - workshop "Forest fantasies", cones and a basket for physical. minutes, masks of animals for the game; for students: sets with types of natural materials (for each table), colored cardboard, markers, felt-tip pens, scissors, PVA glue, Master glue, patterns of animals and birds, plants or mushrooms (children choose ...);
Decor: a medal of a young friend of nature, a drawing "Christmas tree" for reflection, Christmas trees made of colored cardboard with riddles, creative work- paintings (made by hand), drawings on the topic: “Our smaller brothers”, a sample collage made of natural material, safety rules when working with scissors musical line: children's songs, classical calm music literary series: riddles, poems
Vocabulary work: collage, red book, sketch.

Course progress.

1. Organizational moment. Greetings. Performance.
(The screen saver is Forest.) The teacher appears in the costume of the Forest Fairy.
I'm in the forest, for a walk
I invite you to go
More interesting adventure
We guys can't find
Become friend after friend
Hold hands tightly
Along the paths, along the paths
Let's go for a walk in the forest
And forest animals, of course
We will definitely find it.
- Hello, my young friends, know-it-alls and how-tos! I am a Forest Fairy, I think I have known many people since early childhood. Each of you at least once visited the forest. This year has become very fruitful, there are a lot of berries and mushrooms in my forestry. You live in an area where you are surrounded by fabulous forests - all these are my possessions. The inhabitants of my forest kingdom are next to you when you are happy and happy, next to you when you are sad. Those who are observant must have met a hedgehog crossing the road or a squirrel jumping from branch to branch, many different birds - all these are my friends!
- Guys, who met my forest friends? (Answer children).
- Yes, guys, animals and plants are near you. But today my soul is anxious, because children have begun to forget about plants and animals, about the beauty of nature, they spend a lot of time on computer games, Internet, TV. This makes me very sad. I came to you to find new real friends of nature in my fairy forest. Tell me guys, do you like nature? (Answer children).
2. The main part.
1) Acquaintance. Communication of the purpose of the lesson.

- Then let's get to know you! You already know me, and now I will ask you to stand in turn, give your name and briefly tell which animal or plant you like and why? (Children answer briefly, 1-2 sentences).
- I am very glad to meet you, now I know more about you and I see that you really love animals and nature. The beauty of nature is wonderful and unique, it gives you room for imagination and creativity. Today I want to introduce you to the various types of my natural gifts, show how people's imagination turns them into beautiful works of art, and teach you how to make a collage (vocabulary work).
Do you know what a collage is? (children's answer).
Collage (from French coller - gluing) is a technical technique in the visual arts, which consists in creating paintings or graphic works by gluing objects and materials that differ from the base in color and texture onto a base.
- Today I invite you to visit my Workshop - Forest Fantasies. (Show the corresponding slide). I am a fairy - a forest craftswoman, and will you be my apprentices today? Do you agree?
- We will go on a journey on foot. Firstly, walking is good for the health and development of your body, and secondly, you can fully enjoy the beauties of nature. Hearing the sound of the wind, the rustle of leaves, the crackling of branches and the singing of birds - these are my friends, very cool!
- But in order to get to my workshop "Forest Fantasies", you need to overcome a difficult path through magical stations:
A difficult road awaits you -
It's no secret
…To help you a little,
I will give you three tips:
Follow the path into the forest.
Each in his own way.
Try to help.
To all who are waiting for help.
- Guys, on your way you will meet fairy-tale characters, my assistants.
- Good luck!
The guys are met by "Ekolenok" - Herringbone.
Hello guys. I am "Ekolenok" - Herringbone. You need to play with me so that you can go further. And only when I am sure that you know how to protect nature, I will guide you further to the next station.
Let's check how you know the rules of behavior in nature. I will give you suggestions. If you agree with them, say yes, and if you don't agree, say no. Clear? Then, attention!
The game "If I come to the woods."
- If I come to the forest and pick a camomile? (Not).
- If I eat a pie, will I throw out a piece of paper? (Not).
- If I leave a piece of bread on a stump? (Yes).
- If I tie a branch, will I substitute a peg? (Yes).
- If I make a fire, but I will not put it out? (Not).
- If I mess up a lot, but I forget to clean it up? (Not).
- If I take out the trash, will I bury the jar? (Yes).
- I love my nature, I help her! (Yes).
Well done! Made me happy! For the fact that you know how to behave in nature, I want to give you gifts from my magic chest. My Christmas tree friends will help us on the journey. (Hands out Christmas trees cut out of colored cardboard, on the back of which riddles about forest animals are glued).
The guys are met by "Ekolenok" - Clever.
- Hello guys. I am "Ekolenok" - Clever.
I welcome you to STATION 2 "GUESS"
Riddles about forest animals: APPENDIX No. 1
- Riddles solved, what clever, real know-it-alls! Then we move on...
The guys are met by "Ekolenok" - Tikhonya.
- Hello, friends! I am "Ekolenok" - Tikhonya.
Do you know what the Red Book is? (children answer)
- Yes, right. The Red Book is a list of rare and endangered animals, plants and fungi.
I suggest you guess the name of some plants and animals that are listed in the Red Book. Attention to the screen, crossword.
- Well done, guys, coped with the task.
STATION 4 "Iskusstvovedkovo"
The guys are met by "Ekolenok" - Naughty. - Hello, baby! Now we'll see what you can do. Here are your drawings on the topic: "Our smaller brothers." What wonderful drawings you have drawn! Everyone showed their creativity. APPENDIX No. 3
- Well, guys, are you tired? Let's play…
("eco-kid" - Naughty offers to relax)

(children put on animal masks, show the habits of animals)
We came to the fairy forest
How many miracles are around here.
Here comes the bunny
He ran away from the fox.
The gray wolf roams in the forest,
He is looking for prey.
Only the bear sleeps in the den
So it sleeps all winter.
- Well, what rested, played? Then off you go, new adventures await you.
- Thank you, my little friends, and have a good trip to the Forest Fantasies workshop.
The guys are met by the "Old Man - Forester"
- Good afternoon! Finally, you have reached our workshop. I am a forester, the main assistant of the forest fairy. But, in order to get started, you need to help me understand the types of natural material.
Acquaintance with natural material and crafts from it.
1. Gold coins fall from a branch. (Leaves). (slide show).
Open the boxes that are on your table and take out a bag of dried leaves. The leaves of different trees are a wonderful material for making appliqués. Leaves are best harvested and dried in autumn. Describe the properties of this natural material.
What color are the leaves? What are their shape and size? Try bending the leaf. What's happening? What is this quality? (Answers of children). You can collect leaves in any corner of our city.
From the leaves you can make interesting applications-pictures. (slide show).
2. Without windows, without doors, the upper room is full of people. (Seeds). (slide show).
Consider the seeds that are in the box. Seeds are formed in the fruits of plants. Once ripe, they can be harvested and used to create original works. Describe the qualities of this natural material.
What can you say about the color, shape and size of the seeds? (Answers of children). Do I have to travel far to find and collect seeds?
See what interesting compositions are obtained from seeds. (slide show).
3. Grow on branches in groups,
covered with shells. (Nuts). (slide show).
Nuts are different - walnuts, forest (hazelnuts), pistachios. And there are fruits that have similar properties. These are acorns and chestnuts. Let's take a closer look at this natural material. What are their distinctive features? Try them by touch. (Answers of children). Where can you find these fruits?
From the shells of nuts, chestnuts and acorns, you can make toys, decorations, decorate decorative panels. See what crafts are made from these natural materials. (slide show).
4. Every spring, spruce paws
Old lamps are replaced with new ones. (Cones). (slide show).
Take out the bag of cones. Cones are the fruits of coniferous trees. They also differ in appearance and size. Let's take a closer look at them. Who knows what tree each cone is from? (Pine and spruce). This is a great material for voluminous toys. Where can you find cones?
See what skillful hands can turn cones into. (slide show).
5. In spring - silky grass,
in summer - spiked cornfield,
Dry, very brittle, her name is ……. (Straw). (slide show).
Straws are dry stems of ears of grain crops: wheat, oats, barley, rye. You can find it in the summer on the fields in the vicinity of our city. Take out the bag, open it and feel the straw stalks to the touch.
What are they? Describe them appearance. Inside the stems are hollow, empty. People have been using it for a long time to make light, durable things. Hats, baskets, furniture, household items, toys are made from straw.
And the straw paintings are also very beautiful. (slide show).
6. Yellow little chicken
Breaks through the house with its beak. (Egg). (slide show).
Eggshells are a great material for children's creativity. Let's take a look at this stuff. Take out the bag of shells.
What color is she? What properties does the shell have? It is fragile and breaks into pieces easily. You can collect shells without leaving your home. It is easy to process, well painted and glued.
See how applications made using the mosaic technique look like. (slide show).
7. Light, airy,
All birds need it. (Feather). (slide show).
Bird feathers are a very delicate and beautiful material. Just as the species of birds in nature are varied, so are their feathers.
Take out the feathers that are in the box. Open the sachet and feel them. Describe the properties of feathers. What are they? Feathers can be collected from nature and used for voluminous work and flat appliqués.
See what kind of pictures fantasy helps to create. (slide show).
8. Snail house, clam house,
It can become a very unusual toy. (Shells). (slide show).
These are indeed empty houses of snails and mollusks. Let's see what shells are in your boxes. Where can you find them? (On the sea, as well as many snails in the garden). Open the bag, touch the shells. What are the properties of this natural material?
This is an amazingly beautiful, diverse in color and shape natural material. Seashells make unusual toys and decorations. (slide show).
9. Yellow, white and loose,
Heaped in the yard.
If you want, you can take
And play "kulichiki". (Sand). (slide show).
Take out the sand bag. This material is familiar to all of you from childhood. Sand is a necessary material for a person. It is necessary for the manufacture of building materials, concrete, glass. What is the main property of sand?
Sand can be painted with paints in different colors. A drawing is applied to the cardboard with glue and then sprinkled with sand. You can also use small stones.
You get great pictures. Look how beautiful it is. (slide show).
10. Hiding in the ground
Transforms in hands.
Fire is tempered
Turns into a dish. (Clay). (slide show).
It is also a natural material. The picture shows layers of clay. Have you ever found clay? Let's look at its properties. What color is the clay? And also red, white, yellow. Remember the piece of clay. What is happening to her?
People have long used this property of clay - plasticity - to make dishes. After firing, the products became hard and did not let water through. Such products are called ceramics.
Many useful and beautiful things can be molded from clay. (slide show).
Forest Fairy - Well, my dear friends, you got acquainted with my natural gifts. Did you like their crafts? Which materials do you like the most? (Conversation with the guys).
Put all the bags back into the box and push it aside. (Introductory slide show).
- Attention! My apprentices, are you ready for the most difficult work? (children answer)
- Today you will have to work hard. We will make collages from natural material. You can present your works to friends, relatives, to whom you wish. And remember that giving gifts is as rewarding as receiving. Learn to give kindness and attention.
So, we ended up in the creative workshop "Forest Fantasies" we will work in pairs.
Your collages will complement the exhibition of the Forest Fantasies workshop. And remember that creative work is a way to express your mood, it is a way of self-expression.
But before starting work, look at what I got ... (I offer a sample) APPENDIX No. 4
Remember, we have already performed various works from natural and waste material. They are plot and abstract.
And this picture, what do you think?
- That's right, the plot.
What material is this collage made of?
– this collage is made of natural material (colored sawdust, tree branches, leaves, blades of grass).
What tools did I use to make my work?
- Scissors, glue, felt-tip pens. Correctly! Well done!
Now think over your composition and make a sketch.
A sketch is a preliminary sketch, that is, an approximate drawing of the intended work.
Distribute the work, one can work with the proposed animal, bird, insect or mushroom, who chose what colored sawdust, the other cuts the leaves and branches. Together you compose the plot, and then glue it all to the base. The basis for work is colored cardboard. Before doing the work, let's repeat the safety rules when working with scissors (rules on the board). APPENDIX No. 5
- Follow these rules!
Well, now it's time to work. Show your imagination and skill (calm music sounds during work).
(practical work - making a collage from natural material).
Description of the work of making a collage APPENDIX No. 6
Fizkultminutka. Bump games. (Light cheerful music sounds).
Get up from your seats, stand next to me. Pick up a pine cone. Roll it in your hands. The open scales are hard and sharp, they prick your palms, but this is not harmful, but on the contrary, it is useful. There are many important points on the palms and fingers. Such a massage will help improve the condition of the whole body. You can also play with the cones. Game "Help the squirrel!" (The guys take turns throwing a cone into the basket. If the cone hits, everyone jumps; if the cone does not fall into the basket, everyone stamps their feet. After the game is over, the scattered cones are collected and put into the squirrel basket).
- Rested? We continue to create...
- Well done boys!
You have worked hard and ended up in the workshop "Forest Fantasies", I propose to place your work on the main exhibition of our workshop.
We are all glad to see you!
Let's start our show!
They tried very hard, mastered,
Fantasy world realized
Cut out applications
Made up variations.
- Do you like your job? I love it too! And I present to each of you the sign of my assistant - the medal of a young friend of nature. (Medals made of cardboard on a ribbon, the picture is in APPENDIX No. 8, if you wish, you can find any picture you like).
After working with a napkin, dry your hands and clean up the workplace. Gather and put everything in a box. And remember, always wash your hands with soap and water after work.
3. Conclusion. Reflection.
Here our journey has come to an end. I was very glad to meet and communicate with such capable, cheerful and kind guys like you. I hope our meeting was useful to you. Tell me, what natural gifts did you meet today? Name. (Answers guys). Now you know that you can make beautiful and interesting products from them.
Guys, look what a fluffy Christmas tree we have here. What is missing from it? (Answers guys). Let's decorate it! I will give you three cones. Pick just one.
- If you like communication with nature and working with natural materials - choose a golden cone,
- if you liked looking at finished creative works more, choose a silver cone,
- if you didn’t like our trip and you just don’t like to make crafts, choose a white cone.
Now go to the Christmas tree and attach the cone. (Children glue cones on the Christmas tree, on the back of which a piece of double-sided tape is glued. You can take any colors for the cones).
I look at this Christmas tree and see that I have more friends. I really want to have more and more such friends every year. And use the Internet and a computer for business: there you can always find interesting material on the manufacture of various crafts. Do it yourself and invite moms, dads, grandparents to help you. After all, in a good company, any business is better argued.
Goodbye my young friends! See you soon in the natural world!
"Ekolyata" thank the children and invite them to join the ranks of young environmentalists. Then they offer the guys to take an oath "Ecolyte - young defenders of nature" APPENDIX No. 9
- And now let's listen to the anthem "Ekolyat - young defenders of nature" APPENDIX No. 10
- Treats for children from forest dwellers.
Thanks to all! Until new creative meetings!
1. Collection "In Union with Nature", Moscow-Stavropol, "Ileksa" "Service School", 1999
2. M.I. Nagibina, "Natural gifts for crafts and games", Yaroslavl, "Academy of Development", 1997
3. Suvorova V.M. Experience in environmental work with schoolchildren. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.
4. Internet resources.
Urban settlement Sanchursk, Kirov region
Head of the association "EKOMIR" MKOU DO "CDT"
1st qualification category: A.A. Kolesnikova
town Sanchursk

1. Get into the habit of a poultry house - expect trouble.
A red tail sweeps up traces. (Fox)

2. Here are needles and pins crawling out from under the bench.
They look at me, they want milk. (Hedgehog)

3. We will recognize the animal
According to two such signs:
He is in a white coat in winter,
And in a gray fur coat - in the summer. (Hare)

4. Who deftly jumps along the Christmas trees and flies up to the oaks?
Who hides nuts in a hollow, dries mushrooms for the winter? (Squirrel)

5. A ball is rolling in the forest, it has a prickly side.
He hunts for bugs and mice at night. (Hedgehog)

6. He looks like a sheepdog. Every tooth is a sharp knife!
He runs, baring his mouth, ready to attack a sheep. (Wolf)

7. Not a lamb and not a cat, wears a fur coat all year round.
Fur coat gray - for summer, for winter - a different color. (Hare)

8. In summer, he walks without a road between pines and birches,
And in winter he sleeps in a den, hiding his nose from the frost. (Bear)

9. From branch to branch, fast as a ball,
A red-haired circus performer gallops through the forest.
Here on the fly he plucked a bump,
He jumped on the trunk and ran into the hollow. (Squirrel)
10. Slender, fast, horns branched, worn all day. Who is it? (Deer)
11. I knock - I get food, but I don’t knock - I’m hungry! (Woodpecker)
12. Who wears a forest on his head? (Elk)

Exhibition of drawings on the theme "Our little brothers"

Collage sample from natural material

Rules for working with scissors

Scissors are sharp tools. Use scissors with care!
1. Keep scissors in a certain place.
2. Do not hold the scissors with the sharp ends up, pass the rings forward.
3. Do not leave scissors open at the workplace.
Description of the stages of making "Collage" from natural material.
Material used: for the base - cardboard, felt-tip pens or markers, patterns of animals, birds, mushrooms and butterflies, eyes, natural material: colored sawdust, leaves, moss, cones, acorns, blades of grass, small branches of trees, etc. , PVA glue and Master glue.
1. Making an animal.
We take the selected template of an animal, bird or mushroom, circle it on cardboard with a felt-tip pen or marker. Using PVA glue. sprinkle with colored sawdust of a suitable color.
2. Creating a story
Everyone creates their own story. Using branches we imitate trees, with the help of leaves, blades of grass, moss and other natural material we create nature, that is, the environment in which our forest friend lives. We glue everything using PVA glue, and the Master on the base is cardboard.
3. We cut out the made animal, bird or mushroom from colored sawdust with scissors and glue it on the base, in the center of the finished plot.
4. We glue the eyes to our forest friend (the children brought the purchased ones, you can draw and cut them)
5. Insert our product into the frame. The collage is ready! (Instead of a frame, you can use candy boxes)

Works of children from natural materials.
The main exhibition of children's works of the workshop "Forest Fantasies"

Medal of the young friend of nature

Oath "Ekolyat - young defenders of nature"
I am an honest, kind and caring person. I want to join the ranks of the Ecolyat.
I love all living beings, so I promise to always protect and take care of our smaller brothers!
I love to breathe clean air, so I promise to protect green spaces, plant new trees and take care of them.
I want to drink clean water, swim in clean rivers, seas and lakes, so I promise to protect water bodies from pollution, save tap water.
I love walking through beautiful fields and forests, so I promise to clean up after myself anytime and anywhere, sort household waste and recycle.
By joining the ranks of Ecolyat - Young Defenders of Nature, I swear that I will do my best to become the best friend of Nature, reliable and faithful.
I swear to direct all my knowledge and strength to the care of Nature, animals and plants.
I swear to bring knowledge about nature to the people around me.
I swear! I swear! I swear!
Anthem "Ekolyat - young defenders of nature"
Words: Zotova Tatyana Vladimirovna
Music: Dzreev Igor Sergeevich
The sun shines brightly in clear skies,
Streams murmur merrily in the mountains,
On the edge of the forest near the spruce,
Trills are loudly pulled by nightingales.
The beauty of nature captivates us,
Gives strength, inspiration,
Surprises with miracles
But only those who protect her!

We are Ecolyata - nature defenders,
Animals, plants are great friends,
Protect and love nature
Look around and you will see
Every day is filled with magic
Rainbow, fog and white frost,
Or rain outside your window.
A priceless gift is securely guarded,
Nature's silence, her peace,
If we sincerely love nature,
So, we love the Motherland with you.
We are Ecolyata - nature defenders,
Animals, plants are great friends,
The riches of the earth are young heirs,
You and I stand guard over nature!
We are Ecolyata - nature defenders,
Animals, plants are great friends,
Protect and love nature
To save life on planet Earth.

Presentation on the topic: Game-journey to the workshop "Forest Fantasies"

Station game for younger students. Traditions and life of the Nenets

Elena Votinova

Journey game« Ecological quest»

Organizers and presenters: teacher-speech therapist E. M. Votinova, teacher-psychologist E. S. Votinova.

Target: pass obstacles. Collect the letters of the word - "NATURE" (7 STATIONS)

fostering a sense of love for nature, respect for all living things, the formation ecological culture.


Organization active rest children in order to form ecological awareness and respect for nature.

Consolidation of previously acquired knowledge about the protection and respect for nature.

To consolidate knowledge and skills of behavior in nature.

Raising friendly relationships between children, creating a positive emotional mood.

Formation of a healthy lifestyle for children.

preliminary work: view ecological fairy tale"Perform a Miracle" (MBUK DKZH); cartoons: "Rules of conduct in nature", "Fixie tips - What does it teach ecology» , "Pharmacy for KOAPPA"; drawing on the topic « Ecology» ; conversation over Ecology with children(tutors).

Equipment: letters "NATURE", game cards-tasks at stations, notes, prizes - seeds of flowers, vegetables, potatoes for planting.

Leading: Dear guys! Today we are going on a unique, very interesting and informative journey through ecological path. On the way, you will need knowledge and ingenuity, friendship and resourcefulness, speed and accuracy in completing tasks. As with any hike, you must help each other. Act together, have fun and you will be lucky.

So, our holiday begins with environmental"greetings".

Children go through 7 stations, at each station they receive letter:

1 station. The game"What's First, What's Later"

2 Station - "Mysterious".

Riddles about the animal world.

Movable the game"Fire, water, air"

3 station. The game"Who lives where?"

4 station. "Musical pause"

5 Station. The game"Whose tail?" (Card with animals and tails)

Movable the game"Tails"

6 Station. The game"Know by touch" (peas, beans, rice, millet, buckwheat in bags)

7 Station. "How to behave in the forest?" (Rules of behavior)

Movable attention game"Find and shut up"


In the forest on one leg

The cake has grown (Mushroom).

Standing in the meadow

In a red dress Tatyanka,

All in white dots (Amanita).

Not a bird, but with wings

(Butterfly, dragonfly, ladybug, etc.).

Roams the field, looking for calves, lambs (Wolf).

Guess what hat

A whole bunch of fur

The hat runs in the forest

Gnawing bark at trunks (Hare).

It will curl up in a ball, it is not given to take it. (Hedgehog).

Walking in summer, resting in winter (Bear).

Who wears a forest on his head? (deer and elk)

Without wings, but faster than a bird flies from tree to tree. (squirrel)

Oh, bells, blue color

With tongue, but no ringing (bell)

There is one such flower

Do not weave it into a wreath.

Blow on it a little

There was a flower and there is no flower. (dandelion)

After passing all the stages, the children receive prizes.

Related publications:

Quest - game "Space Journey" Children and adults kindergarten No. 59 made an exciting "Space Journey". Space.

Quest - game "Journey through the island of Health" for children 1 junior group. Prepared by the teacher of the first category Khalilullina Svetlana.

In our group, a quest game was held using ICT called "Journey with Kolobok to the Fairy Forest". Kolobok came to visit the guys.

Cheerful music sounds. Children gather in the central square of the kindergarten. Each child and educators have elements in their image.

Quest - the game "Journey to Multland". (based on cartoons by V. Suteev) Purpose: comprehensive development of children in various directions: cognitive; physical; speech; musical; social and communicative.

Quest game "Journey for the secrets of health" Purpose: to form in children a positive attitude towards healthy lifestyle life. Tasks: Fix.

, Classroom guide

Division into teams.

Leading: our planet is recognized as imperfect; unable to withstand the radiation of the Absolute planet, it is exposed to radiation. Get out of here before it's too late! Today I will give you a chance! You have the opportunity to occupy the territory on the Absolute Planet, for which you will need to show your abilities and skills. So, the selection of the inhabitants of the new planet begins. It is necessary to move from station to station in an interesting way, so that the unity of the team and its individuality can be seen. Reade set Go!

(the task of the leaders at the stations is to convince the guys that you don’t need to fly to any planet, you need to take care of your own. In addition, at the stations, the guys receive syllables from which they will have to collect a phrase)

"Program of Life".

So that universal chaos does not happen on the Absolute Planet, the ecology is not violated, it is necessary to develop requirements for the inhabitants of the planet (rules of life on the planet).

(And on our planet, can we comply with these requirements? It is easy to do! After all, then it will become easier and more pleasant for all of us to live.)

"One mote, two motes."

We often think that if we drop a candy wrapper on the ground, we will do a lot of harm. And if everyone drops a candy wrapper? .. What will this lead to?

Now you will prove to me that one sheet of paper is a lot. Your task is to get the whole team through the sheet.

(Station leader: " You are very friendly and cohesive. It is in your power to help our planet not to perish..»)


(Answer: Human footprints should not turn into scars on the body of the earth. Take care of it.)

"Oh, this world"

Assemble the cut landscape drawing. Annex 2

(Station host: “Only on our planet you can find such beautiful places. Do not rush to leave our planet. Let's save its beauty!”)

"We're for it"

Prepare and display a creative miniature "We want to live in a clean area!"

(Station host: “And on whom does the cleanliness in the area depend? On ourselves. We are the owners of our planet and we are responsible for it”)

"We are speaking"

Come up with and say the chant "We are for a healthy nature"

"Don't rush to throw it away"

Come up with 15 ways to use an empty tin can; light bulbs, disposable cup (optional)

"Environmental Kaleidoscope"

  • Does a butterfly have the most sensitive nose? (Yes)
  • Are there no claws on the tracks of a lynx? (Yes)
  • Does the wolf run backwards? Not
  • Does a fly have 6 legs? (Yes)
  • Can a thrush freeze its tail? (no, he winters in the south)
  • Does a cuckoo have a male? (Yes)
  • Does the squirrel eat fresh mushrooms? (No)
  • Are birds more afraid of hunger than cold? (Yes)
  • Is the swift flying the fastest? (Yes)
  • Do ants swim? (Yes)
  • Is a black leopard called a panther? (Yes)
  • Is the ostrich the biggest bird on earth? (Yes)
  • Does a dragonfly live in the forest? (No)
  • Does the tree grow in winter? (No)
  • Do grasshoppers have ears on their feet? (Yes)

Find out by the name of the literary characters of animals, birds, insects:

  • Gena (crocodile)
  • Rikki-tikki-tavi (mongoose)
  • Kaa (boa constrictor)
  • Ludwig14 (fox)
  • Matroskin (cat)
  • Gray neck (duck)
  • Shushara (rat)
  • Torila (turtle)
  • Baloo (bear)

(Station host: “We still have not revealed the secrets of our nature so much. Why fly to another planet”?)

(At the last station, the guys must collect the phrase. Hint: “We remain on Earth!”)

Host: And so, I'm ready to send the ship to the new Absolute planet. You have collected a password that will allow you to go. Whoever says it louder and friendlier will take soft seats at the window. (Children shout "We stay on Earth!").

Host: Don't you understand? Well, it's your choice. This is your planet, then don't let it die!

Galina Khalitova
Scenario of the ecological game-quest "Help nature"

Ecological quest

« Help nature»

Compiled: Khalitova G.S. and Shirimetova L. B--- specialists kindergarten №35.

Target: Formation of elements in preschoolers ecological consciousness. Development ecological culture of children.


Development of cognitive, friendly and responsible attitude to nature, desire to provide assistance to natural objects.

Upbringing ecological culture of behavior, obtaining basic knowledge and skills of competent behavior on nature.

Game progress:

Leading: Hello dear participants, guests ecological quest"Connoisseurs nature» . I'm glad to see you here. Nature is our wealth Preserving this wealth for the next generation is our task and duty. Man is part of this nature.

Mikhail Prishvin said: “Fish need clean water - we will protect our reservoirs. Various valuable animals live in forests and mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, mountains. Fish - water, the beast - the forest, steppes, mountains. And a man needs a home. And guard nature means to protect the Motherland. And to protect our nature, you need to know her secrets, secrets, you need to be able to live with her in friendship and harmony. Do you love nature? Do you live with her in friendship and harmony? (The woodsman appears)

Lesovichok: Who is it that made such a noise in my household? Come back to litter!

presenter: We don't make noise, we are here to find out who is better with nature, protects and cares for her and of course test our knowledge about ecology.

Lesovichok: And then I thought, tourists who pollute my forest. Here they were recently alone, they did this here.

want me help clear the forest?

presenter: Of course we do.

Lesovichok: Then you need to complete tasks and go through ecological stations. After each completed task, the forest will be put in order, and you will receive a piece of the puzzle, what the forest should become. If the task is not completed, the forest remains polluted. And me help and show your knowledge.

Children go to stations

1 "Learn by description". Station "PERNATAYA" Group No. 9 (Bondarenko)

The facilitator reads the description of the birds in turn for each team, the team members must guess from the description which bird in question and choose it from those available on the easel.

1. “This bird has a large head and a short beak. Plumage earthy color. Habitat - open areas: fields, deserts, steppes, forests. This is one of the first birds that appear with us in the spring and remain until late autumn. They have the ability to imitate the singing of other birds. The song of this bird is a sonorous, iridescent trill. Sings in the air, on the fly. Food consists of insects, grains, seeds of plants " / lark /

2. “This bird is fighting, a predator. The upper side of the body is blackish-gray, the underside is white with reddish-red lines. In Europe, it is found everywhere, chooses all kinds of forests, especially in mountainous areas, and does not avoid people. All small birds are well aware of and afraid of this most dangerous enemy. When attacking, he often misses, but it happens that he grabs 2 birds at once ” / hawk /

(For the correct answer, they receive a piece of the puzzle with a clean forest, And the children must recognize the birds from the layouts.

2 "Fabulous Questions". Station "SKAZOCHNAYA" Group No. 2 Zhidok I. L.

The storyteller shows pictures.

1. "Name a fairy tale in which one of the main characters suffered due to non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules" / "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"/

2. "Name a fairy tale that describes the destruction of a unique plant at the whim of a girl." / "The Scarlet Flower" /

3. "Name the tale of the giant vegetable" / "Turnip" /

4. "Name a fairy tale that describes the collection of primrose for a bouquet" / "Twelve months"/

5. "Name a fairy tale that describes a rare / magical / species of birds with bright plumage" / "The Little Humpbacked Horse" /

6. "Name a fairy tale in which a fish is endowed with an ability that is not inherent in it in reality" / "By magic" /

3 "Performance". Station "THEATRAL" Group №5 Andreeva I. F.

One participant chooses plot pictures that depict fairy tales about animals. Children with a teacher show a fairy tale.

4 "Riddles - folds"/for kids/. Station "MYSTERIOUS" Tkachenko E. G.

Enigma: asks riddles to children from each team in turn.

1. There are a lot of them in summer, and in winter they all die out. They jump, buzz over the ear, what are they called ... / flies /

2. We are in the forest and in the swamp, we are always everywhere find: in a clearing, on the edge, we are green .... /frogs/

3. A huge cat flashes behind the trunks, golden eyes and ears with tassels. But this is not a cat, look, beware; goes hunting insidious .... /lynx/

4. Whoever finds my long move will immediately say - this is .... /mole/

5. Who in the world walks in a stone shirt, walks in a stone shirt ... / turtles /

6. A round house with a green roof, every day is rounder and higher, it has no windows and doors and a hundred friends live in it, a hundred cheerful little ones and is called a house .... /watermelon/

8. Not water, not bread, but no one can live without it? (air)

9. Came for a day and left after a year? (New Year)

10. We saw him dressed in winter and summer. And in the fall, all the shirts were torn off the poor thing. (wood)

11. He will not knock on the door, on the window, but will go up and wake everyone up. (sun)

12. Sister and brother live: everyone sees one, but does not hear. Everyone else hears, but does not see. (Thunder and lightning)

13. People live under water, walk backwards. (crayfish)

5 station "Laboratory nature» Group No. 12 Sukhacheva S. A.

laboratory assistant: Today we will watch and be surprised.

Experiments with sand and water. On the table are devices for filtering water with help activated carbon and cotton wool.

6. Station "Terminal"

Children are invited to collect puzzles received at the stations.

Lesovichok: Oh and you helped me, well done, what. And the forest was put in order and the puzzles of the pure forest were assembled.

Lesovichok: Guys, the forest also thanks you and invites you to dance a fun dance. "Coo-coo"

Leading: So our game has come to an end. Many thanks to everyone for participating! Summing up the results of our today's meeting, I would like to say that a person is a reasonable part of nature, his connection with her is inextricable and natural. Nature- the home of all mankind, the natural source of beauty and the first assistant in raising a child.

It is in the power of people to save it, explore it, use it for the benefit not only for themselves, but also for the world around them.

Lesovichok: The earth is our native and only home,

So let Peace and Happiness settle in it!

Otherwise, there will simply be no Earth!

(Treat from Lesovik)

Related publications:

Dear colleagues! Did you know that 125 million trees are cut down annually for the production of paper in the world - this is a whole.

Formation of the ecological culture of preschool children by introducing them to nature As proven by psychologists, for children preschool age are characterized by visual - effective and visual - figurative thinking. Therefore, the main ones.

Summer is a fun, amazing time! Summer is the most favorable period for strengthening the physical and mental health and development of children.

Synopsis of the quest game "Journey of the snail through the land of insects" Synopsis of the game-quest "Journey of the snail through the land of insects." Purpose: To foster interest in insects, humane and respect for nature.

OBJECTIVE: creation of conditions for development cognitive abilities children in the process of playing, the formation of independence and initiative in a variety of.

MBU DO DDT Gukovo.

Urban game program for younger students. The scenario of the ecological game "House under the blue roof"

All teams lined up on the square.

THE SONG "Wounded Bird" SOUNDS

HOST COMES OUT: Hello, dear friends! The all-Russian environmental public movement "Green Russia" announced the start of the All-Russian subbotnik "Country of my dreams". After all, the country is our common home, and it depends only on you and me whether our house will be clean, light and comfortable! Today, on September 16, our whole country takes part in the subbotnik. This event has become a real holiday. Subbotniks, eco-lessons are held in different cities, master classes and environmental games.
And therefore, today we have gathered here, on Victory Square near the House of Children's Creativity to participate in the city ecological game- the quest "A house under the blue sky!".

Rules of our game:

1. 12 teams participate in the game.

Each team will visit 6 game stations. At each play station, you guys will be met by teachers from the House of Children's Creativity.

Success at each station will be different - some teams will receive green tokens, some - blue or light green tokens. After passing through all the stages of the game, the team captains provide their tokens to the chief referee of the game - methodologist Zaitseva Natalya Viktorovna. What tokens the team will have more - that place will be taken by it in our game. More greens - 1st place, blue - second, light green - third.

Each team will move through the stations - along its own route.
Captains are invited to receive route sheets.



Equipment: start line, 2 playing fields (drawn square on the asphalt - 3 m x 3 m, with cells 30 cm x 30 cm, letters in the cells) at a distance of 7 meters from the start. Each player is given one plastic or plywood ring.

Leading: Guys, you have a playing field in front of you, the task of each player is to run to playing field find one name of an animal, bird or fish, put a ring on the first letter of this word and go back, passing the turn to the next player. The winner is the team that found 6 words (more words) on the playing field - the names of animals and came to the finish line first. The winner receives a gold token, 2nd team a silver token. If the team found less than 6 words on the playing field - a bronze token.

A O V M A P 3 A Z C
A G C O 3 YO L O S


Equipment: large cubes - 5x5, they have signs with professions, 2 tables, cards with objects. The time to complete the task is 2 minutes.

Host: FOREST is our wealth! FOREST is the green dress of our Earth. Where the forest is always clean air. FOREST is a home for animals and birds. FOREST is a pantry that generously gives its gifts: nuts, mushrooms, berries.

Cards with professions - musician, doctor, carpenter, chemist, shipbuilder.

1. Paint.
2. Fir oil
3. Books.
4. Camphor.
5. Atlases and maps.
6. Newspaper.
7. Flavors.
8. Corks.
9. Glue.
10. Jewelry.
11. Glucose
12. Charcoal.
13. Piano.
14. Plastic
15. Building materials.
16. Pencils.

The host distributes tokens: if the task is completed correctly - a gold token, silver - if there are cards left or mistakes are made (no more than 2), bronze more than 2.


Equipment: accordion, animal masks or hats (for example: fox, cat, duck, zebra, lion, cow, etc.)

HOST: (One team takes part) Guys, imagine that there will be a concert at the zoo. Pick up "artists" to perform a familiar song in the same way as an ensemble with ... (this is your choice). Dress up as animals and sing a familiar song with the voices of these animals.

The team receives a gold token - if it turned out to be a very good number, if not very friendly - a silver token, a very weak performance - a bronze token.


Equipment: Large plastic barrels, bowling pins, mushroom cards

LEADER (2 teams): Imagine that you went to pick mushrooms in the forest, walk through the forest and see that there is a lot of garbage in the forest, of course you, like true ecologists, will collect garbage - bury it in pits, but large containers that you found in the forest, take it with you. Your task is to recover from the mushrooms, rolling the barrel between the trees (skittles), collect all the useful mushrooms, and not collect one dangerous mushroom, under the trees and bushes and return home safely.

Relay of two teams. The winner gets a gold token, the second team gets a silver one, and those who knock down the pins get a bronze one.


Equipment: waste cubes, 8 containers different color.

HOST (2 teams): In many civilized countries, there is a separate way of collecting garbage. There are garbage containers of different colors on the streets. They put the appropriate garbage in them. You can try it today too. Task: In front of you are 4 containers of different colors.

1. White (“Book” icon) - paper, newspapers, magazines, cardboard.
2. Yellow (Bank icon) - cans, bottles, plastic, metal.
Z.3 green (“Sausage” icon) - food waste.
4. Black - (Skull and lightning icon) hazardous waste. (batteries, light bulbs, broken phones.)

The names of the waste are written on the cubes. The cubes are laid out on the site.

On command - each team puts garbage in containers. The time to complete the task is 1 minute.


The winner is the one who collects and puts the garbage into containers more and without errors. Silver token - up to 5 errors, more than 5 errors - bronze token


Equipment: colored (yellow and green) cylinders and square boards, with pasted pictures of animals.

LEADING (2 teams): All animals talk in their own way. A cow mooes, a mouse squeaks, etc.

Cylinders and plywood are laid out at a distance of 5 meters.

A task- as soon as the leader says - who says so: for example - which of the animals “howls”, 1 member of each team runs, finds an object (cylinder or plank) with the corresponding animal and brings the object with a picture to the start, the second listens to what word the leader will say repeats same. A total of 12 animals need to be guessed by the team, i.e. each child will have to run 2 times. The team then builds a tower with the items they brought. The winner was the first to build a pyramid and correctly identified all the animals without errors and built the pyramid the fastest. If more than 5 mistakes were made - a bronze token.

Order of questions:

1. Dove - cooing
2. Snake - hisses
3. Goose - cackle
4. Sheep - bleats
5. Goat - mekaet
6. Lion - growls
7. Fish - gurgling
8. Horse - neighs
9. Squirrel - clicks
10. Chicken cackles
11. Bee - buzzing
12. Owl - hoots


Equipment: a labyrinth in the form of a flower drawn with chalk on the asphalt, 5 squares of different colors.

LEADER (one team): The task of the team is to go through the maze with the whole team without stepping on the line - find 5 squares of different colors in 30 seconds, then bring the squares to the leader. For each color of the square, come up with 2 vegetables or fruits that will match the color of the squares.

Yellow - lemon, banana, pepper, cherry plum, potato
Red - tomato, pepper, cherry, sweet cherry
Green - cabbage, cucumber, parsley, dill, celery, kiwi, avocado, quince, peas
Orange - carrot, sea buckthorn, pepper, pumpkin, orange, tangerine
Violet - eggplant, beets, plums, cherry plums, peppers, basil.

If they met the time and named vegetables and fruits - a gold token, did not meet, but named - silver, did not meet and did not name - a bronze token


Equipment: drawing paper A 2 , felt-tip pens, easels (4)

Creating posters for nature conservation:

1. "Protect the forest!"
2. "Save water!"
3. "Keep clean!"
4. "The earth is our home"
5. "Let's save the air!"
6. "Let's save the world around us!"
7. "Don't be late to save the planet!"

Presenter: Guys, we ask you to line up in your places and show everyone the environmental posters that you have made! All great fellows! Photo for memory!

Moderator: Dear players, let's start awarding.

Awarding with diplomas

Our game has come to an end. Tell everyone, friends, parents, classmates that you have become participants in the All-Russian action "Green Russia", which was held throughout the country today. After all, our country is our common home under a blue roof - and it depends only on us what it will be like! Love and protect our planet!

Game stations:

1. "Relay with rings" - teacher Revina M.Yu.
2. "Station of good thoughts" - teacher Semenova M.A.
3. "For mushrooms" - teacher Yugova M.V.
4. "Beauty - purity" - teacher Pinkina L.B.
5. "Pyramid" - teacher Bobrova M.A.
6. "Labyrinth" - teacher Kuznetsova N.A.

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