How to make board games with your own hands: ideas, instructions and photos. Let's Make DIY Board Games for Kids Teenage Board Games from Waste Material

Marina Suzdaleva

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of board games for the development of a child. After all, this is the development of attention, memory, thinking, fine motor skills, perseverance, speech, and not rarely the emotional sphere. But what can compare with a board game made by yourself for a child or directly with him, and taking into account the interests of the child, his hobbies and the best ways to perceive information. The participants made 14 boards for their children and share their ideas with us, and some of the materials for printing (links in the text), so that you can quickly play with your kids in exciting games.

The idea of ​​the game came by itself, it’s still too early for us to walk, but we are already playing lotto and memory. I chose pictures of animals and insects that live in the ground. Some we know, some we just met.

The list includes: a mole, a shrew, a ground squirrel, a jerboa, a hamster, an earthworm, a May beetle larva, a bronze beetle.

I chose real pictures. I wanted to give the child an idea of ​​​​what these animals look like. Printed in 2 copies, pasted on cardboard, cut out and play. While all the pictures at once are difficult for my daughter, we play 5-6 pairs.

Tatyana Golovanova, Moscow region.

My daughter and I made a walking game. I only helped her draw the outlines of the Earth and the contours of the continents, she did the rest.

Of course, the game turned out to be simple, but my daughter made it herself and even signed the rules herself and drew arrows. And now it's her favorite board.

Gudimova Olga and daughter Varvara, 5 years old.

Production: I took 4 A4 sheets, lined them with 2x2cm squares, glued the sheets together. Draw the continents.

The game itself: arrange " gems”, according to the number of players, we take figures and put them in Europe, we live there. In turn, we take a card and begin to move, whoever collected the most stones won, if he went out of the field, you stand at the beginning.

Ekaterina Adnodvortseva and children Vanya 4 years old. 8 months and Nastya 3 years old. 3 months, Moscow.

Adventure game "Earth is our home"

I wanted to tell Anyutka about the peculiarities of our planet. The game is made as a route (to enlarge the picture with the board game or the rules - click on the photo).

It leads from our bus stop, through the city, village, forest and field, the railway bridge over the river, lake and swamp, through mountains, plains, cliffs, gorges, rocks and canyons ...

Next, we will learn the continents, seas and oceans, and climatic zones. There is also a desert where a lizard runs, a caravan moves sedately and cacti and olive trees grow, there is a savannah with a lion, a giraffe and a zebra, there are tropics and a temperate continental climate. The island of Madagascar, where the lemur lives and the hoopoe flies, where the limestone mountains and the suspension bridge over the canyon are located. There is also Antarctica with penguins, seals and glaciers. The ocean where jellyfish, starfish, shell, blue whale, hammerhead fish, urchin fish, octopus, dolphins live, algae grow.

The game will also tell about people who explore and study the earth. There is also a climber conquering the top of the mountain. And a surveyor measuring land on a plain. And a diver diving into, where an electric stingray, swordfish and shark live. Archaeologists are excavating, miners descend into the mine, the fisherman catches fish.

Stages of work on the game:

  • The players take turns throwing the dice, rearranging their figures by the same number of points as the number of points on the dice;
  • Black circle - skip 1 move;
  • Red circle - a few steps back;
  • Green circle - a few moves ahead.

The winner is the one who first travels around the Earth and gets to. It is he who symbolizes the connection with the very center, the core - the heart of the Earth. Having passed all the stages of the route, travelers will get acquainted with the features of our planet, and will be able to look into its depths.

Elena Semenova and daughter Anya, 2 years 1 month, Nizhny Novgorod.

I suggest you play miners. Our mine is not ordinary, but multi-level, and on each floor various minerals are presented.

I drew the field (mine and minerals) on A3 paper. In addition, cards were prepared with the number of moves +/- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... and cards with the names of the fossils presented in the game.

Initially, I planned to go down into the mine, but I realized that for our age there would be confusion with +/- signs. Therefore, our numbering of the floors of the mine begins in the very depths, from where the game begins.

I see several options for the game:

  1. The heroes take cards with numbers one by one and start moving along the mine, getting fossils from the floors they stopped on (here you can also use a cube, but then the movement will only be up). The game can be played until one of the participants reaches the surface, or you can immediately specify the number of horses. During the game, you can discuss what we will do with the resources received.
  2. We draw out the name of the desired mineral and play until someone mines it.
  3. We draw out the name of the desired mineral and independently determine how many floors you need to climb / descend.

Kudryashova Nadezhda and Anya, 4.7 years old, St. Petersburg.

Since Vladik loves to play checkers very much, we had no doubts about what kind of board game we would make with him. We decided to make mountain checkers.

In the course of the game, the daughter specified the shades of colors of what was invented or said like this:

  • We remember what is yellow and she says: “Bird, she has a yellow breast!”
  • And also says: “Do you know when there is green water? When there are trees around, they are reflected in the water!”

Memory "Mole"

And I already came up with another game alone - an interesting surprise for Yana. This is the "Krotik" memorial. On the first sheet of the picture it is easier - for small children, then it is more difficult to remember - for older children.

You can download the "Krotik" memorial by.

Larisa Fedotova and daughter Yana.

Daniel and I made a board game - a walker. Very simple - this is our first experience. The game was called "Journey to Africa".

An elephant, a giraffe and a monkey lived in the same zoo. They missed their home and decided to go to Africa. They had to travel along the road in transport (land), cross the mountains - fly by helicopter and plane (air) and sail on the sea (water).

Tired of the mess in the nursery? Tired of endlessly collecting toys for the child?

We glued the road, stickers with different types of transport, a giraffe, an elephant, a monkey and the mainland Africa.

Defined the rules:

  • black arrow - go back 2 cells;
  • white - go 2 cells forward;
  • we fall into the circle - we take a card and complete the task.

They came up with different and serious questions concerning the earth and air, and funny ones - jump on one leg, clap your hands, portray how a monkey jumps, and even “wash your hands”, etc. Questions can be changed, added. We took a cube, chips from another game and played today with great pleasure for about an hour.

Daniel said that he would paint Africa later. Thanks for the challenge, I wouldn't have risked doing it myself.

Daniel 5 years 3 months and grandmother Shatalova Lyudmila.

Our expedition on the topic "Earth" has ended, and in order to consolidate the knowledge gained, I decided to make just such an uncomplicated game. You can download the game from .

It can be used both as a lotto, and as a “Find a Pair” (picture-drawing correspondence), and as a memorial ... We remembered the structure of the earth again - we laid out the soil-sand-clay-stones in order. Played "Where can I find it?" Desert sand; stones - the sea; soil - a field ... We remembered that stones are precious and ordinary, that salt is a mineral ...

Since our printer is black and white, we played with black and white pictures.

Baibulatova Rezida and children Tolstikova Angelina (5 years old), Tolstikova Dina (almost 4 years old), Orenburg.

Anya is also fond of the cartoon "Thomas and Friends", so for our walker we took the map of the island of Sodor (the scene in the cartoon) as a basis. The map of the island can be downloaded from. Printed it on 2 sheets of A4, pasted them on a sheet of A3. We drew a route for the trains: from the depot through the stations, a stone quarry, a castle, a clay quarry, docks, a sawmill and a lighthouse to the finish line.

The rules are standard. Getting on the red one, you need to skip a move, on the green one - make an additional move, on the shaded one - change the route, i.e. move on or take a detour along a longer path, or vice versa cut off along a short path. We drew arrows when you need to "accelerate" - move forward, or move back.

We also glued images of different engines at different places on our route, marking them with question marks. When you get there, you need to "talk to the train" - to guess the riddle. Riddles I picked up on the theme "Earth". You can download by . Subsequently, I plan to make cards with a large number of riddles, questions or tasks on various topics.

Ksenia Tsyurupa and daughter Anya.

Walker "Adventures of the Mole"

For the game we need a cube and chips.

The game provides:

  • skips (when the mole needs to harvest and when the mole finds a treasure chest) - yellow circles;
  • additional moves (when the mole meets a shrew and when he crosses the underground lake on a boat) - green circles;
  • move forward along the arrows (when the mole finds another move) - green arrow and backward (when the tunnel collapsed) - red arrow.

The one who gets to the mole hole first wins.

Anastasia Zotova and sons Grisha 4 years old and Andrey 1 year old. 3 months, Vladivostok.

How to make a game We draw a circle with a compass - this is our land. We make another circle around. Between the circles draw circles with numbers. We mark the start, finish. From each number we draw an arrow back. The base is ready. It remains only to find a cube and figures that we will walk with (we had from another game, but you can take chess pieces and toys from kinder surprises, for example, and make a cube yourself).

The essence of the game: we roll a die, walk with our figure, stop at a circle with a number and take the top card with a question about the earth and everything connected with it. If the answer is correct, then we make the next move from this place, but if the child has forgotten something, then be sure to remind him and help him answer, but move the chip one step back along the arrow. The one who gets to the finish line first wins. You can play several times until the children learn the material in full, make new questions to make it more interesting. At the same time, you can repeat in practice some experiments and experiments.

If there is one child in the family, then you can play with a grain of sand or any toy. And sometimes, on her behalf, forget the answer or speak incorrectly, let him help her and at the same time train her attention and memory.

Sample questions:

  • is there water in the soil? How to find out?
  • is there air in the soil? How to find out?
  • what is sand?
  • what is clay?
  • what are the stones?
  • why is the mole blind?
  • who lives underground?
  • Which plant fruits ripen underground?
  • What are the layers of soil?
  • What is the order of soil layers (bottom to top)?
  • what fertilizes the soil?
  • what is the use of soil?
  • who explores the soil?
  • draw the layers of soil.
  • what does soil do for plants?
  • what do animals do for the soil?
  • how do people use the land?

Older children can make questions more difficult.

The game was drawn by Yakovleva Nastya, 6 years old.

Game "Adventures of worms"

The idea for the game came about after Tim was trying to get a couple of earthworms out of the bottom of a foundation pit.

We needed:

  1. a piece of thick paper about A3;
  2. gouache paints and brushes for them;
  3. colored paper;
  4. foil cardboard;
  5. 3 buttons;
  6. glue, scissors;
  7. a piece of polyethylene or a new bag.

First, draw a slice of the earth on paper, add grass, sky and the sun. Then we cut out circles from colored paper the size of a 5-ruble coin - 25 pieces of the main color, 3 red, 4 yellow and 6 blue. The choice of the number of circles depends on the scheme of movement.

Now lay out the circles according to the invented scheme. We have been doing this for almost three years, so the scheme turned out to be non-standard and we had to adjust by drawing arrows of movement.

We are preparing the players. We cut out three worms from foil cardboard and glue each of them on a button for ease of movement.

Again, for convenience, we “laminate” the playing field with a piece of film, or tape, or a new transparent bag, or stationery film. You can play like this, but the buttons cling to the circles and roughness on the wallpaper (we have a wallpaper with a three-dimensional pattern that imitates the heterogeneity of the earth).
We come up with the rules of the game and write them down on a sheet (the picture will enlarge if you click on it). Let's play!

We made this game for Tim with his middle son Artemy (2 years 9 months)

Anna, Timofey and Artemy Vernyaev, Meget village, Irkutsk region.

Did you like board games with your own hands? Save it for your wall to make one of them and delight your child with a new desktop!

We have a great idea - a "magic bag" with all sorts of things, which contains handmade games for children that will keep your fidget busy for a long time. So roll up your sleeves and get ready to have a great weekend with the kids with our homemade play ideas for toddlers.

We offer you a bunch of ideas on what you can do with a child at home when he is bored and tired of all the toys a long time ago. At the same time, you don’t have to spend much on new games, it will be enough that you have at hand to make new fun for children with your own hands.

10 DIY games for kids to keep kids busy at home

A selection of great games that you can make with your own hands for your child to keep him busy at home.

drawing illusion

Children love to draw, but frankly, it's always stressful for mom. If you don’t know what to do with your child at home, give him colored and thick sheets, brushes and a small container of water instead of white paper and paints.

He will dip the brush into the water and draw on colored paper. The paper will darken where water gets in, and your child will think he is drawing. Disaster in the apartment does not happen.

Do-it-yourself constructor for a child

What to do with a child at home if he is from one to three years old? Children at this age simply love toys with many details.

For example, Mr. Potato. cut out potatoes from felt, also cut out eyes, nose, hats, mustaches, and other attributes from felt of other colors for him. You can carry it with you in your bag or leave it at home, but in any case, Mr. Potato will bring a lot of joy. best game hard to imagine for kids.

The second option is possible.

Spy bottle - a game for children with their own hands

All that is required is a good rummage in your drawer in search of all sorts of unnecessary little things: buttons, small toys, thimbles, keys. Take a picture of them, laying them out on the table, then put them in a bottle and fill them with rice or other cereals.

When you need free time, give your child a photo and ask them to find all the elements in the picture. Such games for kids can be created with their own hands again and again.

Ice cream stick games for kids

Great way to keep kids busy at home.

Print out drawings of various geometric shapes(triangle, square, rhombus) and let your child, using the picture, try to fold the same stick figure. Unlike counting sticks, which also work, popsicle sticks are not easy to lose.

You can also make a puzzle out of ice cream sticks. To do this, a few more ice cream sticks (or use those for figures, but on the back). Cut any photo into strips and glue to sticks. Your child will be able to put the puzzle together to make a picture. The advantage of this game for kids is that it is not a pity to lose or spoil it, and it is also easy to make a new one.

DIY lacing games

A great idea for keeping a child busy at home is to give him an object with holes in which you can slip the lace. Cut out figures from foam rubber, cardboard or a paper plate, make holes along the edges. Give the child some kind of strong rope that can be threaded through these very holes.

With the same success, you can use cocktail tubes or fluffy wire instead of cord and a colander (skimmer) instead of cardboard to keep the child at home for a while.

DIY games with plastic utensils

Surely, every mother somewhere at home had plastic spoons and cups from some kind of feast lying around. Of these, you can also make educational games for kids with your own hands.

Take several transparent, white and colored plastic spoons. After that, with a marker, draw the same patterns on one colored and one transparent one. On the remaining spoons, also draw different figures according to this principle.

The point of this game for toddlers is for your child to be able to find two spoons with the same icon and put them one on top of the other. This will not only save you if you do not know what to do with your child at home, but also teach your child to distinguish between figures.

You can do the same with plastic cups. Such games will be able to keep the baby at home for a long time.

stringing pasta

We have all seen what children do somewhere in the classroom, so why not play with dry pasta at home.

Give your child pasta that has a hole in it and a piece of string, after tying a large knot at one end to keep the pasta from falling off. Kids can make beads or just a long, long bunch of pasta in different shapes and colors.

You can also suggest stringing pasta on wire or sticks stuck in a plasticine or foam base. Also, pasta can be replaced with other materials: colored beads or cardboard.

Sorting squares of colored cardboard

Another activity that not only entertains, but also develops. For this do-it-yourself game for children, buy colored cardboard, cut it into small squares of different colors and attach it to a clothespin. Lay out a palette of colors in front of the child and let him try to attach a square of cardboard of the desired color with a clothespin. This is both a fun and educational game for kids.

We model figures with our own hands

To keep your child entertained at home at no extra cost, give them Playdough and toothpicks (there's an edible version of the marshmallow and straw game) and encourage them to create 3D shapes using Playdough to connect the sticks.

DIY cardboard box games

To take a child at home, make him out from under his shoes. The box itself can be turned into table soccer with a pair of cocktail tubes. And the lid goes into the ball maze: just glue ice cream sticks or cocktail tubes to the box.

Sunlight games

Put, put a piece of paper next to it and invite the children to circle the shadow along the contour.

Crafts from colored paper

Colored paper crafts are an easy way to keep a child busy for quite some time. It is not necessary to do something specific, you can simply give a set of cut out figures (stripes, circles, squares, rectangles, triangles) and invite the child to dream up.

water games

A quick way to keep a child busy at home without much effort on the part of adults: pour water into the basin, pour small items (caps from plastic bottles, balls) and let the baby get them with chopsticks, a spoon, a scoop.

obstacle course at home

Take colored tape, electrical tape or masking tape, stick it on the floor in the form of paths and islands. Then, to keep the kids entertained, invite them to pass an obstacle or race with toy cars, roll a small ball around the track, blowing on it through a straw for cocktails.

Funny drawings and collages from improvised materials

A simple recipe for entertaining a child at home with drawing. Just give him unwanted magazines, flyers or old postcards, scissors, glue, paper and pencils. Then the child cuts out characters that are interesting to him, sticks them on a blank sheet, and draws what he sees fit.

Such games not only help to occupy the child so that he does not get bored at home, but also develop imagination, train fine motor skills.

Now you know what to do with your child at home, and what toys you can quickly and easily build with your own hands.

Board games- a useful invention that will help a child of any age to spend time usefully. Such activities will give the sea positive emotions the whole family. With their help, the kid will increase his intellectual abilities, learn to think logically and learn a lot of new and interesting things.

There are countless desktop entertainment in stores, but this is not a reason to refuse to make games with your own hands. Today we will tell you about some interesting and easy-to-use options with which you can make board games for kids.

DIY board games for children


Such entertainment is perfect for kids 5-6 years old. The child, together with you, can take part in creating the necessary elements for this game. Classes perfectly develop fine motor skills, imagination, help the baby to reveal their creative potential. The game will bring a lot of positive emotions, teach kids to count, concentrate and be organized.

What elements will be required to make a walking walker and what can they be made of?

  • Field.

As a field for basis you can take a regular cardboard. Draw on it with pencils or paints the route for the game. It can be circles or any other shapes of various colors. If you are not confident in your artistic abilities, use applications. Cut out the necessary elements from colored paper, fix them on cardboard with glue.

For the game to be fun, you need a little of it. complicate. To do this, draw arrows from one element to another, with the help of which, during the game, the participant will return a few circles back or vice versa, forward.

Highlight a couple of other details with a certain color or draw some kind of sign on them. These elements will be with surprises. When the player is on them, he will become the owner of the prize.

Decorate the remaining voids of the field with little animals, draw a forest, houses, etc. Turn on your imagination, but do not overdo it so as not to overload the game.

Rules of the game develop yourself. Come up with an interesting story, you can in the format of a fairy tale. For small children, choose simple plots, for older kids, complicate the task.

PECULIARITIES! Teach your child not to despair and to accept defeat in games with dignity, and most importantly, continue to believe in yourself.

  • Cube.

You can use a ready-made cube or cut it out of cardboard according to a template, indicating the necessary numbering on each resulting square.

  • Task cards.

Cards are needed when hitting a particular cell. Cut out rectangles of the same size from cardboard, write a task on one side, for example, “skip 2 moves”, “return to the start” or more creative ones: “jump up as many times as many steps in the game you went through”, “eat candy” and etc. Let your kid take part in the process of creating cards, because this is a very exciting activity that will develop fantasy and imagination. If you do not have drawing skills, then try to make DIY printable board games for children by designing cards using a graphics program on a computer. All materials will only be printed.

  • Chips.

To make chips, use felt of different colors. Sew 2 circles together, fill with filler. Or, make a cone out of plain paper by folding it into a bag, and then cutting off the excess at the bottom. This craft is stable and easy to perform, you can decorate it as you wish.

Products from puff pastry in the form of various little animals can also be used as chips. All participants will enjoy the process of their production.


This game is loved by many children. And it’s not at all necessary to spend money and buy it in a store, because making puzzles with your own hands is much more pleasant. Classes with them are suitable for children over 1 year old. They will help develop perseverance, accuracy, imagination, mindfulness, fine motor skills. In addition, the baby will learn to distinguish colors and think logically.

Of course, you can take a ready-made template on the Internet and print it out by cutting it into squares along special lines. But we will make felt puzzles. This material is durable, pleasant to the touch and completely safe for children, in addition, it is a pleasure to work with it.

What you need to make a puzzle?

  • Felt in different colors.
  • Threads.
  • Scissors.
  • Needle.
  • A bar of soap.

PECULIARITIES! To make a puzzle, choose felt of good density.

Work order.

  • First, decide what kind of puzzle you will make. Use patterns from the Internet or specialized magazines.
  • We cut out the necessary details of the application (in our case we will make a duck), and then the base-square.
  • Now we attach the body of the duck to the base and sew it with small stitches along the edge. You can use a sewing machine or you can do these steps manually. Choose a needle that is not too thick so that there are no ugly holes from the stitches.
  • Thereafter sew on beak to the body in the same way.
  • We embroider an eye. Or you can cut a small circle out of felt and sew or glue it to the duck's head.
  • We apply the puzzle pattern to our base. Outline gently with soap or a pencil.
  • Cut out details.
  • And now, in order to give the toy a finished look and ensure good structural strength, we retreat from the edges of the resulting elements by 1-2 cm and lay a line. Or we take a piece of felt, attach the details to it and lay a line along their edges, then cut off the excess.

The board puzzle game is ready.

By the same principle, you can sew more complex puzzles, consisting of more parts.

IMPORTANT! Already at the stage of making a board game, a child can gain invaluable experience, prove himself as an artist, designer, reveal his Creative skills and unleash creativity.


Another one interesting game do-it-yourself for children. To make a labyrinth, you will need a lid from under the box, glue or a glue gun, scissors, a pencil, a ruler and cocktail tubes.

Work order.

  • Draw with a ruler and a pencil inside the lid lines for the future labyrinth. You can come up with it yourself or take a template from the Internet as a basis.
  • Cut the tubes to the required size.
  • Apply glue to the lines and fix the tubes with it on the line. You can use double sided tape instead of glue.
  • Everything, the toy is ready. It remains to take a ball (bead) that will pass through the maze.

If you have never made board games for children at home, hurry up to try it, because this is a simple and very exciting activity.

How to make a board game for kids: Poleznoe video

Do not know how to make board games for children to do it yourself? Watch a master class on making an exciting board game:

Who among us did not play in childhood a variety of board games, rpg, lotto and dominoes with pictures! Perhaps there is no such person. We see that today's children are also happy to do this (unless, of course, a computer is not available to them at that time).

In this section, we offer you hundreds of successful options for making board games for children on your own. You will see: the very process of creating a homemade game on your own will captivate you! In the course of creativity, you will certainly come up with several of your innovations in your favorite version of the game. And how nice to see the sincere passion of children for a home-made game! For example, when in the evening, while waiting for their parents, children play it with such interest that even with the arrival of mom or dad, they are reluctant to break away from the game.

Create cool board games with your own hands, MAAM will help!

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Have you noticed how all children transfer the sun from the sky to their album sheet? Irina Ivaskiv is with you. But in the same way, you can use everything that surrounds us to make board games with your own hands. Early childhood development is practiced all over the world. And you can't do without games. With the help of games, it is easier for a child to think, perceive and learn new material. The choice of board games in stores is huge, but the description does not always correspond to the content and justifies the expectations from the purchase. And the prices are such that you won’t stay in this department for a long time. But it's so easy to make board games with your own hands - a little ingenuity, time and improvised means! Here are just a few of the most popular and beloved board games that you can easily make yourself.

Walkers / Walkers

"Walkers" is one of the most favorite children's games. Average number of participants: 2-4 people. You will need: a playing field, a cube and chips.

For playing field suitable:

  • for preschoolers: a simple route with the plot of a familiar folk tale (for example, Little Red Riding Hood, Gingerbread Man, etc.)
  • for older children: geographic map with more complex navigation and overcoming various obstacles and tasks

The size of the field, the length of the route, the complexity of the tasks should be commensurate with the age of the participants in the game. You can make a field from cardboard, whatman paper, remnants of wallpaper. Don't forget to turn on cells with tricks when, having stopped at a certain cell, the player either gives up the move or goes back 3 cells. Mark the start and finish, show the direction of travel with arrows.

The cube for the game can be made from thick paper or purchased ready-made in the store. Chips for the game can be made from coins, unnecessary buttons, favorite figures. In a word, the flight of your imagination and, voila, do-it-yourself board games are ready! The rules of these games are very simple. The point is to get to the finish line first. Players take turns throwing a digital die and, according to the number rolled out, make the required number of moves, moving around the map.

Maze games

Enough simple game, but captivates even adults. From the materials you will need a lid from a box of sweets, a glue moment, tubes for cocktails and a small ball (a large bead or a plasticine ball will do). A drawing of a labyrinth can be found on the Internet, peeped in magazines with crossword puzzles or in educational materials for preparing for school. But it will be much more fun to use your own imagination! Draw a picture, glue the tubes and ... get started! Diversify the board game with a stopwatch: come on, who will take the ball out of the intricate maze faster?


Psychologists recommend offering this game for the development of logical thinking to children from 4-5 years old. The field can be made from any material that is at hand: wood, fabric, felt, paper. Chips must be of two colors (5 pieces for each player). For girls, chips can be made in the form of flowers or hearts, for boys - in the form of small cars or balls. There are countless ideas here: clouds and suns, months and stars, mittens and snowflakes, dogs and bones, etc. Any material for chips is also suitable: plasticine, buttons, lids from mashed potatoes, cubes, old puzzles painted in one color. Opponents choose chips by color or shape. The first player to complete the entire row horizontally, vertically or diagonally wins. For older children, the number of cells on the field may be more than the standard nine. Use for them and more "adult" design.

Tic-tac-toe with hearts
Pebble Tic-Tac-Toe
Tic-tac-toe from buttons
Tic-tac-toe from felt
Tic-tac-toe with Velcro
Tic-tac-toe from the constructor
Tic-tac-toe in the playground

Fancy checkers

By creating this board game yourself, you can move away from the design standards of classic checkers. For example, draw a playing field not with black-and-white cells, but with yellow-green ones, and populate such a lawn with ladybugs or frogs as checkers. Here everything can be realized. To make the field, take a thick cardboard, mark it with a pencil into identical 10 * 10 cells, paint the cells in a checkerboard pattern with watercolors or colored pencils. For checkers, you can take 40 caps from bottles of drinks or jars of baby puree. Color them with a marker, stick stickers of the desired color (20 for each player). Even if the required number of covers is not at hand, together with the child, mold the missing characters from plasticine.

Domino / lotto

Children and adults enjoy playing this game so far, no computer game can't compare to dominoes. The main rule: build a chain of knuckles, putting halves with an equal number of dots on top of each other. These do-it-yourself board games are a rich platform for creativity! You can use flat, smooth, approximately the same size pebbles, wooden ice cream spatulas, pieces of plywood, multi-colored felt. For a child of 4-6 years old, it is better to make a colored domino or loto with images of animals and objects with which he is familiar. Older children will be more interested in playing classic game with an account.

Colored dominoes from ice cream sticks
Lotto with stickers
Dominoes from pebbles
geometric dominoes

Scrabble games

Perfectly develop vocabulary, thinking, imagination, logic, spelling. These board games can be easily made by hand. They are suitable for schoolchildren, because they need both reading and counting skills. The rules of the game are for each player to make up a new word from the available letters by adding one of his own letters. For the field, you will need a thick sheet of cardboard in the shape of a square with 15 * 15 cells and letters (cut out of cardboard, bent from wire, or taken from a magnetic alphabet). At the beginning of the game, determine how many points will be awarded for letters of a certain color: for a red letter, for example, 1 point, for a green letter, for example, 2 points, etc. Color in a few squares on the field. These will be bonuses: hitting these cells, the points will be doubled. The one who earns the most points wins.

Wordmaker from magnetic letters
Scrabble in interior design
Scrabble decorations for the Christmas tree

Games for attention

The board game "Double", very popular all over the world, can also be made independently. This will require 57 round or square cards with two images. Each picture should be repeated on different cards from three to eight times. Print the images on the printer and color. You can also use multiple sets of the same stickers. The rules of the game are to find a pair - a match on two cards, one's own and the main one. Whoever determines the match first, shouting out the matching object loudly, takes the card for himself. The player with the most cards wins.

Flea game

Game = fun, the number of participants is 2 people. A coin is pressed on the edge of the bean, and it jumps like a flea. Purpose: to hit the opponent's goal with a bean. The one who hit is given a point and the flea is removed from the field. If the flea hit its own field, it can be used again. If the flea hit the opponent's field, the flea is removed from the field, but the point is not counted. If the flea hits its own goal (which only doesn’t happen in football!), The point is credited to the opponent. They play until someone runs out of fleas. For the manufacture of the field, a candy box is suitable. Glue the inside of the box with colored paper, and the walls with a thick cloth (so the beans will fly less out of the box). For fleas, use beans of 2 colors. The last preparation is a couple of large coins.

Other DIY board games


Making board games with your own hands is not difficult, and the joy from them is many times greater! And they are also good because you can not only play them together, but you can also make them together!

© Irina Ivaskiv

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