My child plays computer games, what should I do? Children and computer games Son plays computer games how to help.

"My child has a computer addiction", "He just tantrums as soon as we ask him to finish the game", "He is not interested in anything but games, is that normal?" - more and more often we hear psychologists from parents. What do children find in computer games? Is it possible to return them to real world? Recommended by the author of a popular book.

The conditions for the development of modern children have changed so radically that even talented teachers and very loving parents find it difficult to adapt. All systems of education of the world did not take into account the possibility of children leaving for imaginary worlds. Having received a classical education, we are sure that this is what should be given to the child. Books first, then computers. The computer today displaces not only books, but also living people.

In the upbringing of "computer" children, three main "hot spots" can be noted.

  1. Initially, they have incorrectly formed settings in relation to the computer. Buying a new "car" is so significant for the child and burdensome for the family that this in itself increases its weight. Despite the fact that the computer and everything connected with it is just a device created by human hands.
  2. Having bought a computer, we most often leave the child alone with him, using the opportunity to relax. I am a supporter of the mediation of any activity of the child by adults, at least at the first stage. This means that in any new situation, the parent must explain to the child how to behave better (become a competent mediator). "Surely we should not only earn and buy this expensive toy, but also play with the child?" the parents ask. Exactly.
  3. No one follows the rules of working at the computer, but sometimes something like "Sabbath vices" is arranged. The computer turns off, and the child is reminded who is the boss in the house.

Situation 1. Computer and discipline

Six-year-old Olya can "work" on the computer just like her father is a programmer. She writes letters on it, draws, plays. But Olya's parents are still for a reasonable limitation of "computer" time. The grandmother who came to visit found that the girl did not draw with pencils and paints, did not sculpt, did not read books. And she has obvious speech therapy problems - Olya does not pronounce "R" and "Sh".

The child categorically refused to draw on paper, explaining that she was doing it on a computer. Dad intervened in the conflict: "Olya is a modern child, she needs a computer!" And then the grandmother decided to put things in order, limiting Olya's stay in front of the display for half an hour. Exactly 30 minutes later, she loudly demanded to immediately turn off the computer, or else: "I will punish you! And I will punish your dad so that he does not protect!" For a psychologist in kindergarten, this situation has long become typical ...

Psychologist's comment. Aggressive interruption of play leaves a much bigger mark on a child's psyche than we might think. From the point of view of the child, the parent does not love him and does not understand if he is not ready to share his joy with him. We, unfortunately, are accustomed to measuring the depth of relationships with people by how sensitive they are to us in difficult circumstances - are they ready to share the trouble with us? And we, of course, know about ourselves that we will never leave our child in trouble.

But children have a different logic. They accept care as the norm, and love is judged by how included the parent is in the joyful side of life. The ideal parent for a preschool child is a very cheerful and kind person, a Clown or a Wizard. With this, you can talk about everything and agree. He is ready to listen. He believes him.

Olya's strict grandmother immediately showed herself to be an "evil" character. And who likes to listen to evil? Olya protested against injustice, in a sense, fought against evil intentions. Because "to punish for nothing" in the mind of a child is, of course, a crime.

Discipline and play are quite compatible. But the aggression of adults only hardens the child and creates the effect of "forbidden fruit". Therefore, firstly, you need to form the right attitudes even before the start of the game: "All children of your age play for half an hour", "Little ones play only with their parents." Secondly, playing on the computer should have alternative activities: "Besides the computer, we can play Lego!", "I really like how you play the piano ... No computer can do that!".

Situation 2. Computers and the need for love

When his parents divorced, Petya was 6 years old. The divorce was initiated by my mother, a strong and ambitious woman. As if apologizing for the suffering, his mother bought him a computer, deciding to herself: "I will raise a talented child, and no one will say that I am a bad mother!"

Petya accepted the gift with joy, especially since the mother herself encouraged the game on the computer, thereby, as it were, confirming that she loves her son. It was also easier for Petya to play and not think about anything than to stay in anxious expectation of worse changes. On weekends, he did not see his father, his parents did not communicate with each other at all, and on weekdays, his mother was busy. And the computer became something of a surrogate parent.

The woman realized it when the child went to school. By this time, he had lost interest in people and school activities, which affected his performance, his peers seemed boring to him ... But Petya no longer expected anything good. He got used to the lack of love and learned to escape by going into the virtual.

Psychologist commentary. To whom is the child more attached - to the mother or the computer? This question sometimes torments parents. We are jealous of a child for a soulless machine, but we are not ready to spend time with him. Previously, a parent was a source of happiness against the backdrop of a rather monotonous reality. Now parents can act as the backdrop for a vibrant, endlessly varied virtual reality.

Empirical observations show that if a child lacks warm relationships in the family, love, tenderness, affection, the risk of developing all kinds of addictions, including computer addiction, increases significantly. Pleasure, which can be obtained easily and simply, is just a surrogate for human love, which the child does not know how to get. Children get stuck at the stage of simpler operations if they do not know or cannot afford more complex ones. And the computer, despite the complex internal structure, is simple, because it is easy to manage. To compete with it, the parent must have a "friendly interface".

Why do they prefer computers?

  1. One on one with a computer, the child gains freedom, which he may lack in real life. The parental control is removed; the usual norms of behavior that require tension, coordination, consideration of the interests of others, change into the rules of the game, which are controlled by the child himself. From a dependent performer, he turns into an active player. This illusion of controlling reality is the strongest motif in video games.. Especially for boys who seek to expand their capabilities, space and improve their psychological status. They get a chance to be winners in virtual world.
  2. Games stimulate the imagination to a certain extent, involving children in new mobile, vibrant worlds. Unexplored, but clearly active is hypnotic effect screen technologies. Moving pictures, like any moving objects, can fascinate and attract attention. High concentration on the game is akin to hypnotic immersion in sleep. Time in this state flies unnoticed, and space narrows to the frame of the screen.
  3. Computer manipulation is easy. The ease with which complex operations are performed is extremely attractive to a child who still finds everything difficult. It also fascinates some parents whose childhood passed without a computer. They think that their children are little geniuses and endowed with special abilities. And children are encouraged by a sense of superiority over adults.
  4. Most of the games are built on the principle of the series: one session ends - another begins, even more interesting. Game developers go out of their way to make the game endless so that it can be played over and over again.
  5. Game characters are exceptionally attractive. It is pleasant to identify with the main character, who is moving towards the goal, overcoming difficulties, it is interesting to follow him, and victory is almost always waiting for him.
  6. A computer game, like any game of chance, is accompanied by the production of hormones. Games are simulations not so much of worlds as of certain vivid experiences, strong emotions. Game addiction is a hormonal addiction. If in real life the child does not receive emotions comparable in strength, he will prefer playing on the computer.
  7. Computer games train operational attention and memory. Children love to learn something new, and then demonstrate their abilities. They like to feel how quickly skills appear.

How to combine the real and virtual life of a child?

  1. To get started, decide: what does a computer mean in your family, in the life of any person? Coveted prize? A measure of well-being? Window to the world? Technical assistant? A device that makes life easier? The exaggeration of the importance of the computer by adults increases its importance in the life of a child. Exaggerated fears of the computer play the same role. By sacralizing the computer, we create an aura of supersignificance around it. A calm, almost indifferent attitude to technology allows you to use it with great intelligence, accuracy and benefit. And most importantly, it will not lead to such a deformation of the value system, in which a soulless piece of iron with wires is deified.
  2. Low self-esteem in a child- this is the soil for the formation of any unwanted addiction. If there are too few pleasant stimuli that bring joy, soothe, cheer, surprise, laugh, inspire, any pleasure, including playing on a computer, can cause addiction. This means that, not only exaggerating the importance of the computer, but also underestimating ourselves, our child, we are pushing him to be content with the role of a simple executor of other people's programs, including computer ones. He doesn't need more. And low self-esteem is the result of weak parental love.
  3. The computer will take a special place in the life of a child, if he has no friends and other significant connections with the world. This is a real problem in an era of individualism and life in large, densely populated cities. If you have any opportunity to create conditions for joint games, stay in a peer group, do not miss it.
  4. The standards for a child to stay in front of the screen are approximately as follows. Up to 3 years no computers and set-top boxes! At least up to 3 years... Because reality is difficult to compete with the virtual world, in which everything uninteresting is filtered out and all the most "cool" is collected. After 3 years, the game time should be dosed and be a maximum of half an hour, preferably in interruption, for 15 minutes. You can make a rule: "Computer only on weekends!", "Either computer or TV!", "We only play together!". Such rules are the basis of the culture of using information resources.
  5. The rule "We play only together!" especially important, because it guarantees the inclusion of an adult in the game process. But most importantly, we teach the child the manner of the game, we model the attitude towards the computer. It is easier for children to cope with the irresistible desire to play more and more if they see adults stop. Put a clock nearby, explain that the time limit is a condition of the game.
  6. How to answer a child's question, why limit time? At 4 years old, you can tell a fairy tale about a monkey who loved oranges very much, but overate, and her tummy hurt. Remind me that the little men have not only a head and arms that are so necessary for a computer, but also legs, a back, a tummy. They also want to play, run, jump. Otherwise, not a person will grow up, but a tadpole with a weak body. The kids are impressed! Put in the queue outdoor games and computer games. Children love both and calmly switch from one interesting activity to another.

A traditional question came to my mail: what to do if children sit in computer games from morning to evening? There was a short correspondence:

Question from Elena: "What should I do if my children are captured by online games? Warn, punish - everything is hostile. Of course, I try to explain to them the negative of online games, but they still want to play."

Me: "Elena, I'll tell you what to do if you promise to do what I say."

Elena: "Hello Nikolai Ivanovich! I will try very hard to do what you suggest, I promise."

Me: "Elena, I'm a literalist. I didn't ask if you would try, I asked if you would do it. Trying and doing are very different things. Let's agree on what you will do, and not just try. I don't give tasks that are beyond human strength.

So what do you need to do? The task is specific. The first is a warning: "If I see you in computer games - lose your computers."

The second is implementation. I think that the very next day you will see the child in the game. Your actions - for a week the complete deprivation of children of computers. Selected, password-protected - any method is good. If computers are needed for lessons, that's their problem, you warned them.

Thirdly, computers are returned in a week, but for future punctures they are cut down again for a short time, for a day or two. Here is a scheme for taking a bitter medicine.

Fourth - when the children understand that it is useless to fight with you and start behaving decently, you can let them play computer games after they have done all the lessons, and a strictly defined time. What - here already decide for yourself.

Will you? And let me know the result."

Six months later, the answer came.

Hello Nikolai Ivanovich!

​Your proposal on the issue of computer games and children turned out to be effective. It was not easy for me, I was able to use it only together with the “Wall” exercise - they don’t argue with the wall, they just do it. For our family, computer games are a specific game "Tanks-online", other "shooters" are not yet attracted to my children. I put off the answer for a long time, because I myself did not immediately decide to act, and the best decision did not come to me immediately. Finally settled on this.

1. Reduced the free time of children. I used different methods - training, swimming pool, but it really turned out to be very important.

2. I allow children to play Tanki Online, but only if two conditions are met: "Lessons are done right away" and "All lessons are done properly." Specifically, you can only play until 20:00, i.е. if you did the lessons later - there is no game. As soon as I came up with this, everything became somehow easy: the children immediately sit down for lessons, do not hang out idle, well, they just try to do everything on time.

At first it was very difficult, there was a serious confrontation. I was worried: is it possible, in principle, to change the child's attitude to computer games? For a while, these games became like candy for the child, some kind of super value. “Mom, I did all my homework, I tried, let me play!?” - i.e. can I have this candy, and if not, then why did I try, did something, worked? Everything was measured by this game, and any explanations that this is necessary for later life were not perceived or perceived as something abstract. “Well, they still play!?” ... and new disputes and grievances began.

But gradually the children had other interests, and when sport appeared in the child's life, everything somehow calmed down by itself. Now the children have become interested in sports, the rules of sports, they boast of their achievements in the pool. I am especially pleased when my children answer the questions of classmates - "Which tank did you win?" - "I had no time to play ..."

In general, the situation is resolved, but I still have questions. One of my children studies well, participates in all school competitions and olympiads, and even in city competitions, I think he can play this game “tanks online” a little, but the other one also wants to play, and his academic performance is lower. And seeing that that child is playing, he begins to act up, in addition to all other whims - “You love him more than me ...”, etc. This direction is very painful for me, but I try to level the situation, as follows - I tell him with a smile: “Son, how can I not love my hands, you are the right hand, the other son is the left hand; my hands are mine and I love my hands equally..” Am I doing the right thing?

Elena, for a feminine approach to raising children, this is a good answer. In the opinion of men, this is a weak answer, since it sounds like a defense and justification. To make excuses in front of your own children? especially where they lead badly??

The male answer is simple: “Of course, I love him more - he’s not lazy like you, he studies better. Correct your studies, you will catch up with your brother, you will have the same rights. whatever you want. Can you improve your studies? I can help."

Complaints to relatives

​​​​​​​From another consultation: “My son constantly asks to be allowed to play on the computer. If I don’t allow it, he starts complaining to his relatives, attracting them to his side. What should I do?”


Formulate son two simple rules: you can play on the computer only after 1) you reported to me that all the lessons were done, and I accepted it from you; 2) You behave decently and do not upset your mother. Addition and clarification: "If you complain about your mother to relatives, I have to have difficult conversations with them, and this is not included in my plans, this spoils my mood. Accordingly, if you complain to relatives, you upset your mother and are left without computer games. Repeat what you understand?

Videos from Yana Happiness: interview with professor of psychology N.I. Kozlov

Topics of conversation: What kind of woman do you need to be in order to successfully marry? How many times do men get married? Why are there so few normal men? Childfree. Parenting. What is love? A story that couldn't be better. Paying for the opportunity to be close to a beautiful woman.

Reading time: 2 min

Computer addiction in adolescents is a pathological predilection for a computer with maximum time spent on it. For the first time, some experts started talking about this dependence in the 80s of the last century, but many did not recognize this diagnosis. But the fact remains that the obsessive, pathological predilection of people for spending most of their time at the computer is more obvious and therefore problematic every year in modern society. Particularly disturbing is the fact that adolescents are more likely to become addicted to computers.

Computer addiction in adolescents reveals itself in several forms: gambling and Internet addiction. Currently the treatment computer addiction not even properly developed, and with this frightening phenomenon, many parents are left alone.

Causes of computer addiction in teenagers

There are several reasons for the emergence of computer addiction. The computer is a powerful tool for processing and storing information, and therefore this feature becomes attractive to many individuals. But computer addiction in adults is not able to compare with the catastrophe that occurs in adolescents who need specific treatment for this condition. For a teenager, as for a thinking person, access to information is of great importance, and the wider it is, the more attractive it is.

Researchers have discovered a disturbing fact: the age of active use of a computer is decreasing and today it is hardly surprising that 6-year-old children handle technology better than many adults.

Parents, having given unlimited access to a computer, at first rejoice when the child is always at home, sits quietly, does not interfere with doing their own business and relaxing. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with this, because the sooner a person learns the basics of working with a computer, the better, but there are disturbing statistics indicating a new disease - computer addiction. This is due to the fact that the teenage psyche has not yet formed and is very vulnerable, because it is not without reason that teenagers instantly become addicted to bad habits.

The problem of computer addiction in adolescents most acutely arose during the period of rapid development information technologies and modern children cannot imagine their life, leisure and study without a computer at all. Psychologists are sounding the alarm that computer games cause addiction, which is analogous to drug addiction. Currently, the computer in the life of a teenager occupies the first place in importance.

How to wean a teenager from a computer, or at least distract him? This interests many parents. Adults need to tell children about their experiences, but without using prohibitions, reading morals and making scandals. Such methods are effective for ten-year-olds, but not for sixteen-year-olds.

Symptoms of computer addiction in teenagers

The child quickly changes mood, perception of the world around him, daily routine. Computer games replace food and sleep, real communication with comrades. There is rapid fatigue, irritability, isolation, secrecy,. A child who spends a lot of time at the monitor forgets about his duties, household chores, studies, meetings, agreements, hygiene and experiences a feeling of emotional uplift only during the game.

Symptoms of gambling addiction in children include increasing screen time; complete concentration on the game, refusal to spend time with friends, inability to control oneself, not keeping the promise to parents about the end of the game, forgetfulness, withdrawal syndrome - the inability to sit down at the monitor causes rage, crying, isolation.

Separately, physical symptoms are noted in those suffering from addiction to the computer. This headache, dry eyes, back pain, weight loss, change in sleep patterns.

What attracts children to virtual game? Online Games give children a sense of the competitive effect that creates excitement. Thus, an addiction to the computer is formed in children, this happens especially quickly if the child is successful in a virtual game, but not in real life. Role-playing games dangerous for suggestible children who copy the behavior of their heroes. It is necessary for adults to look closely at what kind of games the offspring plays. Virtual modern games made so high quality that a person with a low level of criticality blurs the line between its imitation and reality.

Signs of computer addiction in teenagers

Gaming addiction to the computer is dangerous for its severe consequences. Being in the virtual world, a teenager is never practically adequately able to control real time and everywhere late: misses classes, skips school.

The problem of computer addiction in adolescents appears in the form of aggression that occurs in the process of games. If something does not work out for a child, then a storm of emotions arises, destabilizes, and the psyche is also shaken. The teenager transfers all the negativity into the real world.

The problem of virtual communication also manifests itself in the fact that a child's personality is greatly disappointed in real life, in which everything is not so simple, and when communicating with a computer, sooner or later everything starts to work out for the child.

Signs of computer addiction can be expressed in visual impairment, beriberi, malnutrition (quick snacks), non-observance of personal hygiene rules, etc.

There are different types of addictions in teenagers: Internet addiction and gambling addiction. Dependence on computer games varies by type of game. Allocate role-playing, strategic, non-role-playing games (arcades, flash toys, puzzles) and gambling.

Treatment of computer addiction in adolescents

Due to the fact that addiction to a computer negatively affects the child's psyche, it is classified as a serious danger, and if this process is not stopped in time, then a lot of problems will subsequently appear that will have to be eliminated with the help of a psychotherapist.

What should parents do if they are addicted to computer games? It makes no sense to scold, punish, a teenager, because there will be aggression and hysteria in response. A teenager should be rid of addiction correctly. Parents need to understand that it will not be possible to save a child forever from a computer. Subsequently, knowledge of the computer will play a positive role: the child will study more successfully, prepare for exams, but it is still necessary to reduce the influence of the computer. Parents should talk about the insecurity of sitting at a monitor for a long time.

Often, computer game addiction turns into a clear problem at the age of 10, and therefore adults should control the time the child spends at the monitor so that a painful addiction does not arise. It is necessary in parallel with the computer to captivate the child with other activities: sports, creativity, travel, field trips. If a child is addicted to games, it is recommended that parents diversify their lives with games of a developing or sports nature and participate in them themselves, for example, Management, football, volleyball, tennis, badminton, swimming, martial arts.

You should limit your child's use of the Internet and set time limits. Teenagers can be allowed to sit at the monitor up to 2 hours a day.

Treatment of computer addiction in a teenager is a rather long and difficult process that requires the participation of the child himself and his parents. After a teenager refuses to play games, it is necessary to fill the void formed in life with some kind of creativity or occupation, a new hobby. To rid a teenager of Internet addiction should be tactful, it is impossible to completely prohibit the use of a computer. The child will not feel comfortable if he feels different from everyone else, abandoning the computer completely. However, it is also impossible to allow a child to constantly play without rules and time limits. Often, children's personalities involved in the computer turn into closed ones, lose interest in education, stop communicating, and show aggression towards loved ones.

If a teenager increasingly asks to be left alone, and he skips classes at school, sits all night at the computer, does not get enough sleep, refuses to eat, then there are all signs of a computer addiction on his face. Attempts to free yourself from this addiction often lead to depression, which recedes after the child returns to his usual sitting at the monitor. In this case, a psychotherapist will be an assistant in curing computer addiction.

Many parents doubt the need to treat a teenager's addiction to a computer, attributing it to a hobby. Dependence is dangerous because teenagers of this age period (14-16 years old) are at the most difficult stage of their development, which can cause various psychological problems in the future. Instead, a teenager sits all the time at the computer, when he should start building his first relationship with the opposite sex, set meaningful goals for himself, and look for his place in society. The surest solution for gambling computer addiction is to seek help from specialists who will give valuable recommendations and begin effective treatment. The treatment of this condition is based on the experience of addiction therapy.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

Ekaterina Kraeva, a TV journalist and mother of two, is looking for ways to bring her six-year-old son back “from the war” and asks other parents how to deal with a child’s love for computer shooters. Experts believe that the passion for games is not a bad thing, and advise how to turn the situation to your advantage.

My six year old son even plays computer in his sleep. Almost every morning, Yaroslav tells that he dreamed of a hero from GTA or Minecraft. Every day after returning from kindergarten he asks to let him play on the computer. On New Year he ordered a game console. When he refuses to turn on the shooter, he answers with loud sobs. Walking with friends prefers games on the Internet. He seems to have become one of the "cyber addicts".

Cyber ​​addiction is an addiction to computer games. The first signs: the child cannot be torn away from the game, he becomes closed, the circle of his communication and interests narrows. Consequences: imbalance, absent-mindedness, loss of social ties.

I remember ten years ago Internet clubs worked in St. Petersburg. Once I went into one of them and was shocked. Dozens of schoolchildren sat at computers in the daytime. They were like an army of zombies. Now the same zombie lives in my apartment. He doesn't hear me asking him to turn off his computer. He can refuse food for him. He is a resident of the virtual world.

Let those parents who The children were never allowed to play computer games. I'm sure there are only a few. Two years ago, when my son demanded attention, and I needed to take care of my baby daughter, I myself, I confess, turned on online games for him. Bouncing for coins, Mario quickly got tired of the child, and he switched to bloody shooters. When my husband and I realized that we were losing Yaroslav, we limited the time spent in another reality to 30 minutes a day and enrolled in a chess club. But now he plays at a party with his friends.

I'm very scared, but forbid him to play in my opinion, not an option. Today, computer games are a sign of the times. A friend of mine has schoolchildren who spend all weekends on the Internet. He thinks it's okay. Children will play enough, then they will get bored and stop. Another acquaintance, a professional gamer, spent six years at the computer, taking breaks for sleep and food. He recently got married and says that it was this that saved him from addiction, there were other goals in life.

What other parents and experts say

Vitaly Reingeverts:“And what, in fact, is evil from a computer? If a child is restricted, he will only want more ... Their future is still associated with computers, so why shouldn't he understand this and understand what and how? And the choice of games and entertainment on a tablet or computer is just for the parents. How and what you learn to use, so be it. My daughter is happy to draw with pencils and paints, and on an iPad, and on a tablet (which connects to a computer). And there’s no iPad nearby, and it’s not necessary, although at the age of five she played a lot for a month. ”

Anna Bruner:“I have a family friend, the child is not even four, plays ONLY with a computer. Parents indulged the interest of the baby and bought a real one. And what - he sits by himself, picks himself, does not shine ... As a result - a delay in the development of speech, he stopped playing with his peers altogether. We do not knowingly buy any game consoles David, only real family and educational games in boxes. And a teaching computer for children - but no more than 40 minutes: just enough for the child to learn the score in English up to 10 and a couple of phrases. As soon as Davydka plays longer, he sleeps badly. I try to distract him with other games or activities.”

Masha Khersonets:“I would say that cartoons set the stage for computer and other addictions. This is a problem for us adults as well. We, the TV generation, want more and more easily accessible entertainment ourselves. It is much easier for us to turn on a movie, a cartoon than to go to the skating rink with a child, wash the landing, plant flowers outside the window. Cartoons, movies, toys, the Internet - they all have one very unpleasant property. You seem to be doing something - walking, worrying, busy with something. But in fact, you are not living your own life at this time.

Konstantin Kozlovsky, teacher (direction "Robotics") of the Center for Technical Creativity of the Pushkin District: “The positive influence of a computer on a child is obvious: reaction, hand motility, attention, memory, logic, visual perception develop. A child who is fluent in the computer enters the world of the latest technologies more confidently.

But staying behind the screen should be limited in time. At four years old it is no more than 20-25 minutes, from six years old 30-35 minutes, at eight years old 40 minutes.

If there is a computer in the house, it is almost impossible to move a child away from it. See what sites the child visits, what he plays. Offer an alternative - try to replace just a game with an educational one, during which the child will not only follow the "instructions", but also create cartoons, websites, video clips, and program robots. Believe me, there is nothing more joyful for a child of any age when he sees that his work is producing results: the robot is moving in the right direction, the cartoon makes people around him smile, and the site becomes the winner of the competition.

It is important to explain to children that in no case should you play for money, including virtual ones. Since this leads, firstly, to psychological dependence, and secondly, to the illusion of the possibility of earning money by playing.

Victoria Goreva, methodologist at the Center for Technical Creativity and Information Technologies of the Pushkinsky District:“If a child has already made friends with a computer, he is drawn there, then it will be difficult for parents to arouse in him an aversion to what he loves. But try to switch the child to useful activity Can. That is, you do not remove the child from the computer, do not forbid him to use it, but offer an alternative: not just play, but play, create yourself.

In our center, experienced teachers introduce children to the computer world. For beginners, there is a course “A computer at my house”, and older children will be taught how to create websites, games, video clips, and make cartoons on their own. For real boys "Practical electronics and the basics of robotics." For students in grades 9-11, training is provided under the programs "Business Office", " Ambulance for PC”, “School of Programming”, “Computer and Profession&”, “We Pass the Unified State Examination and State Examination in Informatics”.

This year, new directions have appeared, including “ English language and the Internet”, “French and the Internet”, “German and the Internet” and many others.

In almost all our associations, children work using a computer. But we are aimed at helping the guys to take their leisure time, decide who they want to become, what to do, learn the basics of their future profession. Programming, robotics, radio communications and foreign languages, publishing and journalism, making films and cartoons, the art of photography - children can learn new technologies and meet like-minded people. All classes are free.

Dmitry Olshansky, psychoanalyst (M.P. Konchalovsky Institute of Clinical Medicine):“Ask yourself what prompted you to put your child at a computer, console or psp: the desire to occupy his attention with something, to make the child sit and be silent, the desire to somehow unload yourself and devote time to your business? Depending on the motivation, one can seek liberation from addiction.

In the case described by Ekaterina, it is important that the mother let her son play in response to the demand for attention, so it is not surprising that he became so attached to the computer - this is a sign of his mother's disposition. Secondly, it was connected with the birth of a second child, so the issue of gambling addiction cannot be resolved in isolation from the issue of jealousy towards the sister.

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