Achievement guide. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

General information:

Achievement difficulty: 2/10

Offline: 12 (400 )

Online: 0 (0 )

Estimated time to get 400: 5 o'clock

Minimum number of passes: 1

Missable Achievements: None (choice of chapters)

Do cheat codes affect achievements: No cheat codes.

Does difficulty affect achievements: No

Achievements that can be obtained using glitches and exploits: No

Unearned Achievements: No


Welcome to Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons.This is an adventure game with a strong focus on the story of two young brothers who need to work as a team to reach their goal. The game is full of exciting and highly emotional moments that will take your breath away thanks to the beautiful environments and interactions with the characters.


A total of 12 achievements related to the performance of certain actions throughout the game. Although all these actions can be skipped, thanks to the Chapter Selector, you can return to any chapter and complete what you missed during your first playthrough. The only achievement that can cause problems is “Lovebirds/ Lovebirds". Read more about this in the achievement guide.


You must open takeaBreak/ Break"in Prolog and get 20. WishingWell/ Wishing Well” , BunnyBuddies/ Brothers rabbits” And BlackSheep/ White crow"you will unlock in chapter 1 and get 80. You must open Fallingstar/ Falling star" in chapter 3 and get 2 0 . ASadTune/ Sad Melody” , wind pipe/ Pipe” & Lovebirds/ Lovebirds” you will unlock in chapter 4 and get 120. You must open callofthegiants/ Call of the Giants”in chapter 5 and get 40 . Finally, BehindtheCurtain/ Behind the curtain” , Turtlesoup/ Turtle soup” & WhaleSong/ Song of the Whales”you will unlock in chapter 6 and get the last 120.

Cleanup and Conclusion:

After completing the game, you will unlock all achievements if you have used this guide. If you missed something, you can simply use the Chapter Select menu. This also applies to achieving Lovebirds/ Lovebirds” . Read more about this in the guide for this achievement.


big brother moveBig brother interaction -

Little brother move -Little brother interaction -

Camera control - and

Take a Break 20

Children usually play close to home.

This achievement can be unlocked at the very beginning of the game, during the Prologue. You will need to push the cart with the man to the platform, where you need to pull the lever to make it go. Before you do this, take the path on the right that leads to the beach. There will be a bunch of rocks that you can interact with ( or - depending on the brother you choose). The achievement will unlock after you start throwing rocks into the ocean.

Wishing Well 20

To make a wish come true, you need to give up something.

This achievement can be unlocked at the beginning of Chapter 1. As soon as you start, after going down a bit, you will meet a girl playing with a ball. Steal the ball using your little brother and find a well nearby. Throw a ball at him and you will get an achievement.

You can watch the video guide.

Black Sheep / White Crow 40

It's a long way.

This achievement can be unlocked in the same location as “BunnyBuddies/ Brother rabbits ”, but instead of going down to the rabbits, you need to go right and lower the bridge to get through. Behind the bridge you will see some sheep. Take one of them with the help of the older brother, while the younger brother must run in the wheel so that the bridge is lowered and the brother can return and bring the sheep to the location with the rabbits. Now throw a sheep into an extinct fire and it will turn black. The achievement will unlock.

You can watch the video guide.

Bunny Buddies 20

Are rabbits color blind?

During Chapter 1, after the area with the angry dog ​​and climbing up the vine, continue on your way until you see rabbits jumping below. Take the white rabbit as your little brother and put it on the extinguished fire so that it gets dirty and black like the rest.

You can watch the video guide.

A Sad Tune 20

Return the item you thought was lost.

This achievement can be unlocked at the beginning of Chapter 4. Climb up the rocks and go forward and you will notice a man trying to hang himself from a tree. Stop the suicide by grabbing the man by the legs with the older brother, and climb the tree with the younger brother and untie the rope. Then go behind the tree, jump down, and climb into the burnt house along the beam, where you can find a small box. Go back to the man and put the box next to him.

You can watch the video guide.

Love Birds / Lovebirds 60

In a cage, the heart will not love.

This achievement is divided into 2 parts and can be unlocked by following certain steps in chapters 1 and 4. In the first chapter, when you throw a sheep and a rabbit into the fire, before crossing the bridge, go to the right of the wheel and you will see a bird in a cage. Open the cage and release it.

The second part of the achievement must be completed in chapter 4, after you get the achievement “wind pipe/ pipe”, walk past the professor and go downstairs. On the way you will see a telescope, use it with any brother and look in the lower right corner. On the branch you will see a bird, and then another one will fly to it. Enlarge the image withto unlock the achievement.

Note:If you forgot to release the bird in chapter 1 and completed the game, then simply select chapter 1 in the menu and release the bird. Keep playing until the save icon appears. Now you can exit the menu and select chapter 4. Get to the telescope and unlock the achievement.

If you freed the bird and completed the game, but did not look through the telescope in chapter 4, then just load chapter 4 and look through the telescope.

You can watch the video guide.

Windpipe / Pipe 40

Find the right music.

During Chapter 4, you will ride mountain goats to the professor/inventor. Once you get to the lab, you will need to go up the stairs on the left before going to the professor. Now smoothly turn the younger lever on the outside of the structure, while the older brother must move the inner lever so that the pipe overlaps the 3rd and 4th holes on the right.

You can watch the video guide.

Call of the giants 40

First, take a deep breath.

In the fifth chapter in the valley, once you drop the ax to clear a path. After you pass the log, on the way to the giant crossbow, you will need to turn right. You will see a giant horn. Blow into it with the help of your older brother. The achievement will unlock.

You can watch the video guide.

Behind the Curtain 40

You would never get here on foot.

This achievement can be unlocked at the beginning of Chapter 6. As soon as you swim down the river, then turn right and you will see a bloody waterfall on the right side. Swim through it and you will see the ceremony. The achievement will unlock.

You can watch the video guide.

Turtle Soup / Turtle Soup 60

Up, down, slide, bool!

During Chapter 6, after leaving the boat, on your way you will meet a large turtle. Turn right from the turtle and you will find a location with 3 smaller turtles. One of them will be on the platform above, which the younger brother will need to climb on and push down the hill. Then the older brother will need to drag them all to the slide that leads to the water, next to the big turtle. Take them all down the slide and approach the big turtle to unlock the achievement.

You can watch the video guide.

Whale Song 20
Stop, smile and sing.

This achievement can be unlocked by going a little further after getting the “ Turtle Soup / Turtle Soup". As soon as you go upstairs and run after the girl, she will stop by a tree. You need to continue moving further along the area to the left until you reach the bench. Let both brothers sit on the bench and enjoy the last moment.

You can watch the video guide.

Falling Star 20

Patience is a virtue.

This achievement can be unlocked at the beginning of Chapter 3. After you pass the forest with wolves that will try to attack you, you will reach the cemetery. Instead of going down left and down, turn right towards the statue. Interact with the statue by one of the brothers and you will see a shooting star. The achievement will unlock.

Note:For some players, the achievement unlocks if both interact with the statue.

You can watch the video guide.

We go along the path, open the door and move through the thick of the forest. The evil dog guards the site, which means that first, as an older brother, we climb a petrified mountain. As soon as the dog moves away, as a little brother, we instantly climb onto a stack of hay. We change the movements of the brothers, we pass to the other side. Crossing the waterfall and climbing the branches. As an older brother, we help the youngest to find himself at the top. We throw the rope rope and climb the cliff together.

As a younger brother, we stand on a wheel that spins and, without stopping, we move in any direction. As an older brother, we cross the bridge, pick up the lamb, bring it to the wheel and put it in the middle, first getting rid of it from the younger brother. Collectedly, we move forward, rising up and stepping around on the right side. Along the way, we stumble upon a distressed troll. He us the way to his stolen darling. We follow the creature so that it moves us up. We continue to receive support from a friend. As soon as he begins to lift us to the bulge, hold down the impact key and move to the left. We move down, expect the troll and step over the impromptu bridge. Climbing the branches, we jump to the bulge and again we wait for the creature. After we move to the left side. Then, we will be moved to the other side, climb up and walk around. Let's dive into the water together. As a younger brother, we cling to the back of the older brother, having moved to the shore, which is opposite and we go into the hole.

Chapter 2

We reach the familiar wheel, grab it and move to the right side. We jump through small gaps and drive up to the water. We pass up the stairs, we make our way between the stations and find a long detail. We raise it up from two sides and drag it around on the right side. We place the part opposite the rotating gears and as a result we stop them. We move to the left side, we reach the device and take it from the front side. We push forward, and then in whichever direction you want. We change the course by holding down the "forward" keys for the older brother and, of course, the "back" key for the smaller brother or in reverse order. We stick out the bridge and move forward along it.

Passing landslides, with the older brother we throw up the younger brother. As a little brother, we climb even higher, gain acceleration and cling to the chain, while holding down the action key. The device is terminated, now we, the older brother, can move to the right side.

Climbing up the stairs, we step further and turn left. We kick the mechanism and alternately cling to the various chains as brothers. We pass to the other side, we throw the little brother up, we pull the handle with him and twist him without stopping. As an older brother, we cling to the chain and pass the corridor open to us. As a younger brother, we continuously walk along the higher side and clean the corridors in a timely manner. Having reached the chain, we cling to it and, with an older brother, turn the device clockwise. We copy our actions again. Together we climb up and put the rope into action. We quickly rush to the right until everything collapses.

As a little brother, we walk through the cage and slowly approach the evil giant, bypassing heaps of bones. Inconspicuously we select the key and transfer it back. Having opened the lock, with the older brother we pull the handle and release the troll. The giant notices the disappearance and immediately comes running to us.

With the older brother we hold the handle, and with the other brother we go into the middle of the cage, luring the enemy into it and get out, penetrating through the cage. The handle, of course, needs to be released. The troll, in gratitude, found a chain, along which we climb up. We run further, go down and pull the device forward - to the right - forward. To change the direction, hold down the "forward" key for the older brother and, of course, the "back" button for the younger brother or in reverse order.

Having moved the troll, we move the device back - to the left - forward and we ourselves move along the aisle that has arisen.

The trolls are together again. How at the same moment a giant appears and tries to grab us. Having not safely calculated his efforts, he collides with one of the mounts. As a little brother, we climb down, stop at the surviving three mounts, attract the enemy to a collision and successfully run away from an unreliable place. Having opened the hatch in the center, with the older brother we pull the handle, and with the younger brother we lure the thug into the center. At the same time, we step on the hands of the thugs and with the help of the troll we move up. Saying goodbye to the trolls, we move on to the Tree of Life.

The game control is sharpened for the joystick, you can also play on the keyboard, but it will be very difficult.

Part 1: Prologue

We watch a video about the story of the death of the mother of two brothers. Then the older brother appears with his sick father lying on the cart. To control the younger brother, use the right stick, for the older brother, use the left. By the way, you will often need simultaneous control to perform various tasks. So, back to the game. We roll the cart along the road to the crossing, to speed up the cart, we control two brothers at once. On the left we see a lever, pull it with the help of an older brother. When we got to the other side, we approach the eldest of the brothers to the ladder on the rock and help the youngest to climb the hill, from there we throw off the rope for the youngest, and by controlling the eldest we climb it to the top. Here we approach the lifting mechanism with two brothers and at the same time begin to turn it. A video insert begins, where the doctor will tell us how to save the father, and what is needed for this.

Part 2

We run down to the bridge, through which the local boy with a stick will not let us through. We go around it, on the right there will be a descent down to the river. Here we learn that the younger brother is afraid of water. With the elder brother we go into the water, with the younger we grab the elder and swim to the hill to our right. We get out of the water, and right in front of us we will see a rock with roots hanging down, and using which you can climb up. They will not let us pass through the gate, the same boy who did not let us pass through the bridge. Further we climb on stones on the rock up. Just run forward, jumping on the ledges. We grab onto the ledge and climb to the left and get into the city. Here we will be given a hint on how to control the camera. Next, we go through three huge barrels and climb up the grid. Passing over the roofs and going down, we will see our villain with a stick, he will close the gate in front of us. To drive him away, we climb between the bars of the grate, and release the puppy on the boy. Frightened, he runs away from the dog, we open the gate, and we can go through. Going a little further, you can see a trembling "villain" climbing onto the barrels, running away from the puppy. You can tease him if you like. Next, we reach the raised bridge, douse the person sleeping next to him with water, show him the manuscript (which the healer gave us at the beginning of the game) and he lowers the bridge.

Part 3

We go forward until there is a fence in front of us, open the gate with the help of our older brother and run to the field with haystacks. Here the dog will interfere with us. To run through the field, bypassing the dog, we distract the dog with one brother, and run across the field with the other, climbing on a hill. And so, distracting the dog in turn, we cross the field. We run forward, climb up the roots, jump over the rocks until we have a ledge in front of us. We throw the elder brother of the younger one up, and the younger one throws off the rope for the elder. Next, we climb the ledges. At the top we will see a farm. We go to the bridge and next to the standing wheel. Here the younger ones will need to climb into the wheel and start running, and the older ones will need to cross the bridge, take the sheep, transfer it to the wheel and put it there instead of the younger brother. So we can cross the bridge together. Then we go to a hill from which we will see a field with a dog. Here we carefully climb the ledge of the rock. We see a crying troll. He will show us the way. Then he will throw us on a rock. We are waiting for the troll to rise to us and help to cling to the roof of the house. We climb on the roof to the left and go down to the ground. And here our kind troll will help us, playing the role of a bridge. We run to the roots and climb up them, when they run out, we jump and, grabbing the ledge, again climb to the left. And again the troll will serve us as a crossing. Here the troll will throw us over again. We climb the roots, cling to the ledge and move to the left. Then we perform the same steps again. Then the troll takes us in his hands and jumps into the abyss. Once in the cave, we go into the water with the older brother, cling to him with the younger brother and, having crossed the lake, we go to the cave, which the troll pointed to.

Part 4

We run in the cave to the lattice door. As a younger brother, we squeeze between the bars and twist the mechanism to open the door for the older brother. We go to the wheel, cling to it and go down. We climb the rocks and see a certain mechanism. We need to stop him. To do this, we go up the stairs, find the pipe, raise it and, bringing it to the mechanism, insert it between the gears. A bridge is formed on the left, using it, we pass to the other side. Next, we will see another mechanism. We move it alternately to two buttons and we see that the bridge has moved forward. We run forward, while jumping from rock to rock. Here we will need the elders to throw the younger upstairs. As a younger brother, we run up the stairs and jump onto the rope hanging in front of us. The wheel has stopped, with the older brother we climb up on it. We move straight, go up the stairs, and see the mechanism. We push it with two brothers to start the mechanism with chains. We cling to the hook and get to another platform. Here we put the younger brother upstairs. With the younger brother we turn the lever, and with the older brother we grab the chain and go to the next platform. We repeat these steps again. While the older brother is riding, grabbing the chain, the younger brother will run forward and grab the hook. With the older brother, we will push the mechanism forward, and the younger one will be on the other side. Here, repeat the steps with the spinning mechanism and chains. When the two brothers are reunited, we run forward to the rings sticking out of the rock. We climb up along them and grab onto the metal structure, along which we move to the left. Once in front of the littered room, we climb along the grate to the ledge. We move along it to the right, jump along the collapsing structure and jump to the first ledge. We run forward and grab the "hanger". Rolling down and running forward, we see a female troll in a cage. Opposite us will be a lattice door. We squeeze through the bars with the younger brother and steal the key to the cell lock from the guard. We open the lock, then we return to the lever and with the older brother we pull the lever, thereby opening the cage. Next, a guard will see us. To get rid of him, we open the cage, and with the help of our younger brother, we lure the guard into the cage and close it. The female troll (hereinafter we will call her “troll”) throws off a chain for us so that we can climb onto the platform along this chain. We run forward until the troll gets on the mobile platform. Here we have to go down and push the mechanism to set the platform in motion. Then we just run forward, and we see how the troll family is reunited. But then an evil orc appears and spoils all this mercy. To get rid of it, you need to embed it into 4 pillars with chains. Then bring him to the center of the room, pull the lever with the elder brother, and throw him into the abyss. After the guard has sunk into the abyss, the troll helps us climb the rock.

Part 5

After a short cutscene, we see the older brother wake up to the howling of the wolves. We take a burning branch from the fire, wake up the younger brother, and, driving away the wolves by waving the torch, we move forward. Then we get into a small settlement, and go down to the house. We knock on the door, an old man comes out to us. We talk to him with our older brother, and a local resident opens the gate for us. After we are outside, a wolf attacks us and forces us to jump into a mountain river.

The younger brother grabs onto the older one and swims after the lanterns. Once on a rocky surface, first with the older brother, and then with the younger one, we pass along the old tree to the opposite side. Run along the path to the tree, and along the branch we move over the waterfall. But here, in any case, one of the brothers will fall down, and you will find yourself in the river. Further, the younger brother will again try to climb over the branch, but it will break and hang. The older brother should pick up this branch and move to the side. Here you have to be very careful, as some mythological creatures in the form of trees will try to grab the younger brother. To prevent this from happening, do not forget to raise and lower the younger brother. IN certain moment, the evil beings will still manage to break the branch, and the younger brother will fall into the water. As an older brother, we must grab the younger one and carry him to land.

Next, we fall into the hallucinations of the younger brother. We run forward, we pass along the huge hand to the other side. Now control is available only for the younger brother. Here we learn that the huge woman is the mother of the brothers. We approach her, interact, she raises her hand, which covered their father. We run up to the father and watch the video.

Waking up, we run along the path, then turn right and see a man who is trying to hang himself. We grab this person with the older brother, and climb the tree with the younger brother and untie the knot. After saving the man, we return back to the path and go to the bridge. As a younger brother, we squeeze through the bars, go up, jump onto the blades of the mill and find ourselves on the other side. With the younger brother we run up to the bridge mechanism, with the older brother we pull the lever, and with the younger brother we turn the mechanism. Thus, we lower the bridge. We run forward, cross the log across the abyss, jump onto the rock and climb the ledge. Next, we see the video insert.

After the video, we run forward, we go down to the paddock with mountain goats. We saddle two animals, go back to the slope and turn left. During the trip, just jump from stone to stone. Having reached a safe area, our heroes will release the mountain goats. We go forward and see the scientist. He will throw off the gear to us, which will need to be installed in the mechanism, which is located above. We raise the gear with the older brother and run forward. We throw it to the other side of the bridge. We jump over ourselves, pick it up again and go upstairs. With the younger brother, we move along the beam to the other side, and with the older brother we throw the gear into the hands of the younger. We insert the gear into the mechanism and scroll the handles. The platform with the scientist rises, and he starts to run away. We run after the scientist, and then we talk to him. Then we go down to the glider and take off. To tilt our flight vehicle to the right, we move the brothers in this direction; to tilt it to the left, we move it to the left. After the glider lands, we will see a short video. Then, we climb up the roots, jump and cling to the stakes sticking out of the rock. In turn, we swing the brothers and move to the left along the stakes, and then along the beams. Climbing to the surface, we run to the gate, and climb up the grate. At the top we cling to the beam and move to the right. Then you need to swing, grab the elbows of the statues. Having reached the last one, we go down. We run to the wooden gate, climb up the stakes. At the top, we go to the left and, after passing along the beam, again we climb up the stakes. Once in the tower, we begin to walk along the boards, parallel to each other. Then we climb the huge steps upstairs and climb out the window. We climb up the stakes, grab the beam and move to the left until we can climb the bridge. Next we go to the tower. With the help of books, we will be able to get to the bed, from where then, along the wall, we will move to the table. Here we will see a griffin locked in a cage. To free him, we climb onto the shelf with our younger brother, squeeze through the bars, climb up the stakes, cling to the crossbar and move to the left to the chain. We jump and grab the handle of the chain, the weight of the younger brother is not enough, so the older brother grabs the legs of the younger brother and pulls him down. The cage rises, the griffin is released. In gratitude, he will take us on himself. Having delivered us, the exhausted griffin will fall. We run forward and cross the suspension bridge.

Part 6

We move forward along the path and see a dead giant warrior. We run down the path, and then forward. A huge hand will block the way for us, in order to move it away, with two brothers we rest against the arrow and push. We go further, and we fall into the river, where it will be necessary for the younger brother to grab onto the older one. Having got out on land, we run to the ledge, we seat the younger brother upstairs. We climb the branch with the younger brother and move to the left so that it falls, and the older one can grab onto it. We run forward, a giant will lie in front of us to remove it from the path, we jump and grab the arrow. Then we move forward until we see the giants lying in the bloody river. We climb up the ledges and jump over to the other side, then we go along the hand of the ax to the opposite ledge and push the arrow. We run forward until we get to a large crossbow. We pull the string and shoot the giant right in the head. We return a little bit back, and having gone back to that side, we run in the direction in which the arrow from the crossbow flew. We move forward, then we climb along the ledge of the rock through the bloody waterfall.

We run to the bloody altar. Going down to the place of sacrifice, we see two bloody streams, and between them is a drawing of the Deity of the local tribe. We get up under the streams, thereby turning red, climb on the shoulders of the younger brother, and go to the natives. They take us for their God and begin to worship. We approach the girl, free her and run after her to the boat. We are sailing in a boat on the river. There is nothing complicated here, the main thing is not to get caught by a killer whale. We swim to a huge skeleton and go down to land. Now we just run after the girl, jumping on the ice floes. We follow the girl past the turtle. We climb along the ledge of the rock, and then we climb up the stones. We run further, the girl explains to us that we need to cut down the tree. We rise a little higher, there is a saw in the tree, we saw the tree, we take the saw and go down back. We saw the tree that the girl pointed out to us. Falling, it allows us to go to the opposite side. We run after the girl. She leads us to a castle with a raised bridge. We rise to the catapult, push it. The girl climbs instead of the core. To launch the catapult, pull the lever with the older brother. Following the girl, we launch the younger brother, with whom we lower the bridge for the older one. We run to the other end of the castle, where we transfer the older brother to the younger one. On the way, we notice that something invisible and huge is wandering around the castle. Before us will be closed gates. The girl will jump over them and open them to us. Here we will need to disguise ourselves as frozen people in order to hide from an invisible giant. We run further, the girl jumps onto the platform and moves the mechanism to the brothers. We climb on this mechanism and get on the opposite platform. Again we disguise ourselves as frozen people. When the giant leaves, we run after the girl and go into the house. But the invisible giant, seeing us, destroys our shelter. We run across the stone bridge, pursued by the giant. But the old bridge does not withstand the giant and collapses down along with our invisible enemy.

Part 7

We run after the girl to the tunnel, through which we descend into the spider's nest. Inside, the girl turns into a huge spider and wraps us in cobwebs. Swing the ball to get free. While the arachnid is trying to kill the older brother, we take the acceleration of the younger brother and push the spider. She turns over, now, playing for her older brother, we tear off the paws of a vile creature. We repeat these steps a few more times. When we tear off the last paw, the arachnid will pierce the older brother. After killing the spider, we drag the older brother to the exit, but an avalanche occurs and we are thrown down. Next, we watch a video. After him, driving the younger brother, we climb up the tree. Here we see a white liana, along which we climb into the nest. From the nest we will see shining water, we are heading towards it. Having collected a flask of healing water, we go down the hill, inside the tree. Below we will see the deceased older brother. It's time for a rather sad video. After the video, we drag the body to the grave and bury the brother. Next, we watch the video again.

Part 8: Ending

We just run forward until we see a river in front of us. The younger brother falls into despair, but then the spirit of his mother appears and encourages him. Gaining courage, we enter the water and swim to the wrecked ship. We climb up the ship. Next, we will be a mobile platform, pull the lever and get to the other side. Then we jump onto the ledge and run to the doctor's house. Let's watch a short video. After watching, just run upstairs. We run up to the bridge and see a healed father, grieving at the grave of his wife and son. Watch the final video. Game completed.

We get up with the cart on the platform and pull the lever with the older brother. We move to the lift. We help the older brother to climb the ledge on the right to the younger, then lower the rope to the younger. Together we twist the mechanism and raise the platform. The local doctor is unable to help his father and gives a scheme by which you can find the Tree of Life and a healing elixir.

We leave the house and go to the bridge. The boy does not allow the brothers to pass. We go down to the river on the right. The younger brother cannot swim. We cling to the back of our older brother and swim in a bundle. On the shore we climb the wall of branches. We pass to the other side to the next wall with stones. Hold down the action button, after jumping up, hold the button again. We jump over the boulders and clinging to the ledge, go around the fence. We use the camera rotation buttons to look at the square, after which we climb the "barrels". We rise along the grid on the wall and one by one we pass along the ridge of the roof. Again on the way this kid, who prevents the brothers from passing. With the younger brother, we squeeze through the bars of the lattice and rotate the handle. The mechanism opens the gate and the dog chases the boy away. We pass further to the drawbridge.

! Many objects and people in the game can be interacted with. In this case, each brother will behave in his own way. !

Let's be a guard. Immediately use the younger brother for this, and then show the manuscript to the elders. We cross the bridge and leave the village.

Chapter 1

We go along the road, open the gate and go through the gloomy forest. The field is guarded by an evil dog. Alternately run the brothers from stack to stack so that the dog does not catch the small ones. Standing on a stack, you can whistle and call the dog to you. We climb the branches. With the older brother we plant the younger one, lower the rope and climb the rock.

As a younger brother, we get into the wheel and move in any direction. The elders cross the bridge, take a ram and put it on the wheel.

White crow

  • It is in every family.
Another achievement at this location can be obtained as follows: we take one of the sheep and carry it with our older brother to the already familiar clearing with rabbits, dip it in the ashes, as well as eared rodents, and get the achievement.

Brothers rabbits

    Thanks to you, the rabbits are now playing together.

Do not rush to leave, because if you go further to the left of the place where the sheep are grazing, you can find a place where rabbits run: four black and one white. With the younger brother we grab the white rabbit and smear it in ashes.

Now both brothers can safely move on. We rise higher, we go on the right side along the ledge. On the other side, you will meet a sad troll. The brothers will ask for directions and help them pass on. We approach the troll and accept his help. He will take us to the next level. Again we climb into his paws and hold down the action button. We climb to the left without releasing the button. We go further and use the troll already as a living bridge. We climb the stones, climb the branch and wait for the troll to restore the path to the left. Next, the troll will transfer the brothers to the other side, climb the wall and go around the mountain to the end point. Together with the brothers in an embrace, the troll jumps into the water. With the younger brother, we grab onto the back of the older one and cross the water obstacle. We go into the hole.

Chapter 2

We reach the grate. Small we climb through the bars and open the passage for the elder. After passing further, we cling to the rotating wheel and move to the right. We climb the cobblestones. At the mechanism with gears we go further, we will soon find a long metal part. We lift it from two ends and carry it to the mechanism. We put it across the gears, stopping the movement and incapacitating it. Now you can easily go to the other side. We get to the retractable bridge. We stand behind the mechanism and move it first forward, and then to the left and right alternately.

Having jumped over the dips, we plant the younger one with the older brother. He, in turn, must climb the ladder and hang on the chain to stop the movement of the wheel. Now, as an older brother, we climb up the wheel. Climbing up the stairs, again we push the mechanism by the handle. We grab each brother for a separate chain and go to the next platform. The path is blocked by a sliding gate that needs to be opened. We plant the younger brother, and the older ones are transported further on the chains. We run across the younger brother to the next handle and twist it. For the older brother, the actions are the same. Having reached the end with the younger brother, we cling to the chain, and now with the older brother we help him cross the cliff by moving the handle clockwise. Next, we again open the gate for the older brother and do the same with the crane to transfer the younger one. We go up. After climbing the wall, climb to the left and jump from ledge to ledge, holding the action button again in time. We grab the bungee and go down. We quickly run to the right, jumping over the abyss between the platforms, until everything collapsed.

The brothers discover the troll. She is locked in a cage, the key to which is with the thug. The younger brother squeezes through the bars. We move towards the thug, bypassing the heaps of bones so that the enemy does not hear. After taking the key, we return back. Use the key to open the cage and pull the lever. After the release, the thug noticed the loss and rushed at the brothers with a club. With the older brother we hold the lever, with the younger brother we run into the cage and, having lured the thug there, we get out through the bars. At this moment, the older brother release the lever. The enemy is caught and arrested. The troll found the chain and pulled the brothers out. We follow her. It is necessary to move the platform with the troll to the other side. We get down and move the mechanism forward, to the right, forward. Then we return it to a neighboring position in order to get over the collapse ourselves.

In the arena, the trolls meet each other after a long separation. But at that moment, an enemy appears and interrupts the family reunion. Accelerating, he crashes into the fastening of one of the four chains, destroying it. As an older brother, we climb the stairs and stand at the lever. As a junior, we lure the enemy to attack, standing at the fortifications and running back in time. Having freed the central hatch, with the younger brother we lure the enemy so that he runs through the center and with the older brother we pull the lever. At the same time, we crush the tall man on our hands and climb to our troll friends. This is where the journey with them ends and the brothers set off on their journey.

Chapter 3

After resting by the fire, the brothers continue on their way in search of the Tree of Life. During this time, wolves crawled out of the forest. We follow the path, using the action button to drive away the animals with a torch. We enter the territory of the cemetery and go down to the watchman's house.

There is a bell near the house, so you can wake it up by ringing the bell or knocking on the door. We show the watchman the manuscript, he will open the gate leading from the cemetery. Not far from the exit, another wolf attacks the brothers. They have no choice but to jump into the water. With the younger brother, we grab onto the older one and swim to the stone at the very waterfall. We cross the tree and go down the path. We climb the branch and move to the left side. The kid unsuccessfully grabs a stone and falls down. The elder jumps to the rescue. The current separates the brothers into two paths. The younger ones grab onto the branch and rise to the middle so that the creatures above and below cannot reach us. Senior also grab a branch and move to the left side. At this time, with the younger brother, we adjust the height according to the situation, so as not to fall into the branches of the revived trees.

Having fallen into the water, we swim to the younger brother, pick it up and float to the surface. Waking up, we go forward and stand on our hands. The older brother was drugged. Approach and interact with the eye, then with the body of the father. The older brother lashes out and starts beating the little one. Good thing it's just a dream...

Chapter 4

We go back to the fork and go to the bridge. As a younger brother, we squeeze through the grate and grab onto the blade of the mill. When the blades on the two mills are opposite each other, we jump over and run to the bridge control handle. With the older brother we raise part of the bridge, with the younger brother we put forward the second half. We cling to the left side of the right side with the help of loops and run to the other side. Having reached the fork, the brothers are going to the house on the hill. We go down and saddle mountain goats. We return to the fork and climb up the mountains, using the action button to jump over the abyss.

On the way to the house, the brothers meet the inventor, who is stuck on the platform. He gives a gear and asks for help to get him upstairs. We take the gear with the older brother, jump over to the other side of the bridge with the younger brother and stand facing the older one. Release the action button with the older one, and press the younger one. At the top, when crossing the beam, we do the same. We insert the gear into the mechanism and twist the lever together. We follow the inventor.

We go down the stairs to the flying machine.

In the air, it is necessary to taxi the car, moving the brothers left / right.

Having flown to the right place, the brothers decide to connect with a rope for insurance and fast movement. We climb the wall along the branches and cling to the yellow details. We release the action button of one of the brothers, swing and cling to the detail to the left. So we do it alternately with two brothers to get to the edge. Climb up the gate and climb to the right. Using the swing method, we overcome a series of statues.

On the last statues, you should act faster and more carefully, because. they will collapse. We climb to the gate. One of the brothers clings to the central upper part and the second we fly to the right side. We also climb to the upper part with it and swing with another brother to catch on to the next one. Having risen to the ledge, we go to the left side and we pass along the board. Between the windows we grab the details and go upstairs. Walking on the crumbling floor. When the brothers meet, we climb the stairs and exit through the window into the air. In the same place, we again climb along the yellow details and climb to the left along the bridge using the buildup method. We go through the open door.

The brothers ended up in the house of the giants, everything is so big. We climb on the books on the bed, from it to the windowsill and head to the table. As a younger brother, we climb through the cage, climb up the details, climb the ledge to the left and jump onto the handle. With the older brother, we help the younger one to lower it to the end. A strange animal that looks like a mixture of a griffon and an owl leads the brothers out of the tower.

Chapter 5

On the bridge, the brothers go to the location of the battlefield with a bunch of dead bodies of giants. We go down the path. On the way, we remove the hand, moving the arrow in it. Having rolled into the water, we grab the younger brother behind the older brother's back and go ashore. We throw the small one up and, under his control, grab the branch and move to the left to a position where it will be possible to catch on with the older brother. We go further and climb the stones, go to the other side along the spear. Synchronously we grab and move the arrow in our hand to cut off the hand of another warrior blocking the way. Then we turn left and cross the branch to the other side. We rise higher to the giant crossbow.

We grab the handle of the bowstring, pull it back and make a shot right in the head of the warrior. We go down and already freely pass the "tumbled down barricade". We pass through the waterfall. Some kind of ceremony is observed below. The blood-stained brothers continue on their way. The blood will soon be washed off the bodies as they pass through the falls.

Having reached the place of the ritual, we use the hint near two small streams. We bathe the brothers in the blood and put the younger brother on the older one, pretending to be some kind of deity worshiped by this tribe. Now, in this guise, we pass through the crowd and save the girl. After they are declassified, we run after the prisoner as fast as we can.

Chapter 6

We sit in the boat and swim out of the cave. Management is designed for the coherence of two players, so to turn left - use the rowing of the right brother and vice versa.

A killer whale will appear half way. Don't stop and watch the circles on the water or she will destroy the boat when she jumps. Having reached the skeleton, we disembark and jump from ice floe to ice floe to advance. Watch out, ice! We follow the young lady past the turtle.

Climb up the rocks and move to the left. There will be a saw in one of the trees. We are like brothers on both sides and saw the tree to pull out the saw.

We return to the girl and saw one more to cross it to the other side. Through the bridge we get to the entrance to the city. The bridge is raised and there is no way to get inside. On the right will be the ballista. We push her brothers from behind. The girl gets into the catapult, the older brother holds the lever and when she is ready to fly, let him go. In the same way, we transfer the younger brother. Together with the girl we lower the bridge for the elder.

An invisible monster walks in the city. The brothers are on opposite sides. We move forward to the end, the elder must be transported to the right. We grab the part and climb to the right along the beam. A clever girl will simply jump over such a distance. Entering the gate, the steps of an invisible monster will be heard. We hide behind the frozen bodies, holding the action button. We do the same, having crossed with the help of a crane to the other side. We run into the house. This time, the monster discovers the heroes. The house goes on an air flight, and we have to run away as much as we can across the bridge. The bridge subsequently collapses under the monster's weight, and the heroes are saved.

Chapter 7

The older brother fell in love with our companion, and despite the warning of the younger brother, we climb into the hole where the girl leads. In her abode, she reveals herself and turns out to be a spider. She wraps the brothers in a web ball and hangs them in her hideout. Waking up, we sway from side to side to free ourselves.

The whole fight with her boils down to the fact that when the spider grabs the older brother, we accelerate the younger one and crash into it. After she lies on her back, we approach the older brother and, with the action button pressed, we pull out her leg. We repeat this procedure until she is left without legs. Dying, the spider plunges her claw into the stomach of her older brother. We go forward, the collapse will throw off the brothers and they will ride to the very place that they were looking for all this way - the Tree of Life. The brother needs help, he gives the younger one a flask and sends him to get medicine. We run along the winding branch to the very top and fill the flask with blue elixir. We slide down the trunk.


After burying his brother and collecting medicine for his father, the younger brother returns to the village. We go home. Now the younger brother has the abilities of the older brother. Hold the action button and the younger and older brother to swim. We do the same with the lever on the platform and the hill near the approach to the house. The next morning we go to the father and see him alive and well. Let's watch the final video. Game completed.

]For some reason, all the replicas are in Basurman, regardless of the chosen language. Sadly, of course, but in principle everything is clear and so. Although... Okay, let's not complain, let's play.

My dad is sick, we need to take him to the doctor. We press together the buttons responsible for the actions of the brothers and drag dad to the doctor. As soon as we got used to the controls, we drove up to the raised bridge, rolled the cart onto it. To the right of the bridge there is a ladder, we go along it, we go to the pile of stones with the older brother and press the action button, we get the achievement "Break" , back to the top.
We move the older brother (hereinafter - SB) to the lever and long press the button for its action (hereinafter - RT). So, the next obstacle is the elevator. We take the SB and bring it under the ladder, hold down the RT, he must stand up to help his younger brother (hereinafter referred to as the MB), approach the SB to the SB and hold down the action button (further LT). MJ will climb the ladder and drop the rope SB (press LT), climb up. Here you need to click the lever with both brothers (Action buttons at the same time + Movement of the joysticks in a circle counterclockwise). So everything is at the top - go ahead.
Let's watch the video. So instructions received, you can go. The problem is that some fool is preventing us from passing. We go to the right and swim across the river, clinging to the MB for the SB (RT). We swim to the left under the bridge. We get out of the water and climb the fence (RT and LT, respectively). That idiot again. Okay, there are ledges on the right - we climb on them (you need to hold down the action button, when the brother clings, you need to hold the joystick up and quickly release and press the action button). Then we jump over the stones (this is done automatically), and climb along the ledge, holding down the action keys. We let go - we slide down the roof, further through the bales, then along the ropes, we go along the roofs, we go down ... Isn't it time to deal with this imbecile ?! We squeeze the MB through the grate and, turning the lever, open the cage with the dog.

So, let's move on. You can play with the cat. Then we see a sleeping guard (?), MB (RT) should wake him up, it’s good that he didn’t roll him for such things. Next, SB shows him a scroll (LT). I'm going over the bridge.

Bishop 1-2

Do you see grandma sitting? We run past her to the girl who plays ball. If you want an achievement "Wishing Well" , then take the SB ball and go to the well a little to the right and behind and throw the ball. Crazy achievement, to be honest.

So we run to the gate, rest against them and move with common force (RT and LT + joystick).

We can either run across the bridge, or go down to the right and play the harp.
We run through the forest, we see a guard dog. It is easy to deceive her - we put the brothers from different ends, as soon as she runs up to one brother, we run on to the other and climb onto the haystack, so alternately.

We roll down to the waterfall and run to the roots, climb up. We jump on the stones, then on the already familiar ladder and drop the SB rope. Now jumping over rocks. We pass further and run from the wheel with the bridge to the right, there will be a cage, it must be opened.
A little to the left we see rabbits. The problem is that the black brothers don't want to play with the white brothers. We grab his MB, carry him to the fire pit, quickly press and release the RT, our rabbit turns black, and we get the achievement "Brother Rabbits".
The bridge is lowered by the movement of the wheel. We become the MB to the wheel and press the joystick to the side, the bridge lowers, we run the SB to the other side and catch the ram, carry it to this shore and launch it into the wheel instead of the MB. We climb the stones, then we run to a narrow place and bypass the ledge. We see a troll, we watch a video.
There should be no difficulty here. we jump, climb, approach the troll (we just approach, we don’t press anything), he throws us, guides us, etc. So until we get to the cave. There, the MB clings to the elder and they swim across to the hole.

Cave. MB squeezes in and turns the lever (LT + turn action stick). Sat passes, the grate goes down. We run, we run, we approach the wheel. We press the action keys - the brothers cling, we are transferred down. Run, jump - nothing complicated. We approach two gears. We need to slow them down. We run up the stairs, then past the tanks - there will be a pipe, we hook it together and drag it to the gears, turn it perpendicularly and bring it to them, the gears will wedge.

So the next thing We harness the brothers to the big handle and drag it to the fork, turn it - we press the buttons one by one with this thing, a bridge appears.
Then another spinning wheel. We climb onto the ladder on the MB ledge and run to the top, holding the LT from the ledge and clinging to the hook - the wheel rises. SB clings to the wheel and climbs up.
We pass to the already familiar double lever - we turn on the carousel with hooks - we cling, and we are on the other side.
We climb onto the ledge of MB and continuously turn the lever, SB Clings to the hook and penetrates to the next island. It's the same there. The younger brother runs parallel. He will jump over the open bridge. Hatem will cling to the arrow, and the older brother will carry him further. Further, everything is the same. Then we climb and jump. We reach the braid, climb up. Then again we jump along the ledges, which here look like rings. We climb onto the ledge, jump over it at the right moment - joystick to the left + RT / LT.
Then again, essentially the same garbage, but you need to jump with the second brother quickly - otherwise the cornice will fall with him. Then we go to the throttle - we cling to both brothers and press forward. Then we quickly run until the plates under us collapsed. We are on the other side. We see a troll (apparently our green friend was killed by her). OK, MB needs to go through and get the key, don't step on the bones. The key must be held by the LT, otherwise it will fall. We open the cage and the troll runs away, and we get tired with the disgruntled jailer. There is no way out - you need to lock it up. We run SB to the lever and press it. Next, MB lures the troll (attract attention - LT) into the cage and crawls out through the rod, SB, naturally releases the lever. The troll does not fall, so we approach from two sides and help (RT and LT). Now we climb into the arms of our familiar troll (RT and LT).

Episot 3.

We approach the wolf SB, but not very close, so as not to bite, and in his face with a torch. We keep the MB closer to us and make our way along the path, occasionally poking the oncoming wolves in the face with a torch. Well, we got to the cemetery, at least it’s light here, our hero throws out the torch for some reason, it’s immediately obvious that the lad didn’t play quests. We run to the house and ring the bell. Without hello, we show the gatekeeper a scroll, he lets us out of the gate. Here we, of course, encounter a wolf, but the torch is gone. Let's see the insert. In the water we press LT, and we swim together with our brother to the stone, there along the log - and forward. Pay attention - flashlights are prudently stuck in the river. We run past the benches - we approach the branch and climb up. We climb on it, jump on the stone and ... we see what comes of it. And I thought we'd kill zombies... Not all dreams come true...
Next, we need to climb a branch, which also threatens to burst. Evil Ents (or whatever you like to call them) prevent us from climbing the ledge. We take the snag SB and carry it to a safe place. We only find such things as evil spirits crawl out and ... we watch a new video. Swim to the brother in the water and help him get out. We run along the path and see a huge hand. Of course, you need to stand on it (the most reasonable action when you see a giant hand!). We get to the giant mother of our brothers. SB is immobilized. We take MB, we approach the giant head and stroke it (RT). We look at the new insert.

Episot 4

We run to the bridge. So SB presses the lever, but the bridge does not hold. OK, MB runs up the stairs and clings to the blade of the windmill, jumping from one to another (do not try to repeat at home, as they say). Jumps down, runs to the lever. twists it, the hold is extended, the SB releases the lever - there it is!
We run further. See the mountain goat corral? We open it perfectly and sit down on the goats (RT and LT). We ride the goats longer, without stopping, because the stones are crumbling behind us. We jump to the video insert and release the goats (this is done automatically). We see a funny weirdo who throws a gear to us. We take the gear and drag it to the collapsed bridge, release the RT - and transfer the gear. Likewise with the log. Then we put the gear between its two companions, turn the lever.
So we got to the weirdo! Now we run along the ladder and move the SB pipe with the propeller to the penultimate pipe, and let the MB turn the lever. Well, we got the achievement "Stupid"!
We run the myom of the inventor, we see a paraglider. What do we have to do? Great! GO! We control the paraglider by moving the brothers on the holder. Nuss!!! Oh, what are these, bats?! You need to reach the tower, do not try to land on the intermediate ledge (this is a bad idea).
So, we see ledges. We climb. Then we release one (ONE!) Brother and swing it with the joystick, at the right moment we press the action button (RT or LT), so we move along the ledge. Batman nervously smokes on the sidelines, Robin and Catwoman are also jealous. We get to the braided line and climb onto the ledge.
Next, we climb onto the grate, climb, then you understand. After we climb on the rivets on the door and move on. Impressive parents do not show!
We watch the video and go into the DOOR (you can’t say otherwise!). We climb on the books on the bed and move on. We get to the cell. SB will not fit through here, but MB - easily! We jump, jump, jump, then we pull the lever, but the MB is too easy! No problem! We bring the SB and grab it (RT). Isn't this owl cute?!
We are watching the video ... damn, how cruel the developers are ...
Okay, let's move on.

Episot 5

This is a jamb, these vultures would not have devoured us ... We run forward, we see a hand. Let's hit the arrow together and push. Apparently, the events of Skyrim took place here. How long is it short, we get to the ladder, plant MB, SB runs under a tree branch. The MB grabs and moves towards the SB, the branch bends. Further, I think it's clear. We reach the warrior with the mace. From the ledge we jump to the arrow, the dead giant falls down - the path is clear. We run, we climb, we jump - everything is as usual. We reach the arrow, push it together - the ax falls and cuts off the leg of one of the dead giants. Rather, the action would have already begun, otherwise I was already bored ...
We run past the leg, we reach the sitting giant, there is no way to go - to the right to the log and along the slope to the huge crossbow. The universe is clearly favoring us. If there are giant-haters in my audience, they'll get their dose of endorphins right now. We pull the arrow back and the Security Council presses the lever. The path is free, even though the MB makes claims to us.
We run past the giant, and then down, jump through the crevice, and run further. Having reached the bloody waterfall, we press against the wall and go around. Here you go! We are now all in the blood, impressionable please imagine that this is strawberry jam. I don't like these drawings with spiders... Ooooh! River! We washed up!
So, we see the pagans, it’s a pity it’s not clear what the brothers decided. Okay, time will tell. So we smear ourselves in blood, stand under the streams and approach the bloody SB figurine and press RT, approach it with MB and press LT. So now we pass by the natives. We watch the video, now we quickly run out the door.

Episot 6

We follow my aunt. At the pier we jump into the boat. Management here is such a joystick forward - the corresponding brother rows. Along the way you will see a stream of blood, swim past it into the crevasse and get the achievement "Behind the Curtain" .
Let's swim further, uh... killer whale, we'll swim around. So we swim carefully, but quickly into the gap. Oops! There are already two of them! We swim forward into the skeleton. We get out and jump on the ice, then we run - we see a huge turtle (I remember there was such an achievement!), So it is - we run to the right, grab the SB turtle and drag it to the hill, there you need to lower it into the gutter, on the way you will find another one.

So the third one is on a ledge (with a ladder, of course), we climb the MB, we approach, we press the RT - the turtle rolled down. Here you go "Turtle Soup" our!

Now we crawl sideways along the ledge, and what would you think? Rock jumping of course! Have you forgotten how it's done?
So these frozen little men ... mmm okay, this aunt is showing somewhere, but it’s not fucking clear, damn it! So we go upstairs, there we see a saw, we saw a tree (with joysticks, of course), we take a saw, we go to the tree next to my aunt and we saw it. We move to the other side, hear the roar? I do not like it! So we reach the snow army, we push the catapult. SB presses the lever and launches the aunt to the fortress, then launches the MB (climb - RT). There we turn the lever. We run SB across the bridge. Soooo! I was right, an invisible monster like the Invisible Beast from Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves.
We run forward, jump on the ring, on the placket, reunite with the MB. This aunt gives! She probably served in the special forces ... she would have clearly passed the TRP!
So we are in the yard. But the Unknown Horseradish (hereinafter - HX) is coming and we are hiding behind the snow figures (the action keys are next to them), we run further along with our aunt. So she pulls the "arrow" for us, we jump in and move! Again NH, hiding again. So we run to the house, we go in. Yes, we have been noticed. We run without stopping and without delay. Well, NX is over, but SB seems to have found a girlfriend. A few two-dimensional spaces and after a dispute with MB, we climb into some kind of hole. So, it seems that there will still be spiders, but Toy has already decided that he has become paranoid. Wow! Not that it's completely unexpected, but ... still not bad! Now it’s clear how this woman managed to jump like that. Let's call it CV, for brevity.
So let's rock the cocoon of the CV! Here, now we will drag the MB to ourselves. CV pounces on SB! We accelerate and run into it. Now SB rips off her leg.

It will be like this 6 times... Damn, I tore off 6 legs, why did I climb further... Well, what to do now?!

Epistos 7 + Epilogue

We hobble forward. Well, now the avalanche. But not in the first! What? Have we arrived?! Already? And I'm just starting to get the hang of it! We are waiting for the sequel! Oh no, the adventure continues!
We run along the root, we make our way along the root, we climb along the vine (?) into the nest (?). From the nest we run to the source.
Here I will end my story, since my goal was to write a guide, I did it. I will not spoil unnecessarily.

ZY: Epilogue. At the pond, to swim, press LT and RT at the same time and the joystick forward. Also with a lever. With a ladder you need to press and release.

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