Review of the game The Inpatient: inside a virtual mental hospital. Guide and walkthrough for "Theme Hospital" Department of General Surgery

From rides and balloons (remember Theme Park?), Bullfrog moved on to operating tables and pills. Just keep in mind that the current medical center is not your usual wreck with sadistic orderlies. No, this is an institution of complex structure, capable of healing patients with the most fantastic diseases.

You have to develop the layout of the hospital, take care of the equipment, hire staff and then manage all this economy, successfully curing patients.

The game consists of twelve levels, and in order to complete each of them, certain requirements must be met. You must earn a certain amount of money, earn a good reputation (fewer deaths - and glory will come to you), serve a given number of patients. Of course, there is no special gambling here: economic games require a thoughtful approach. However, the list of diseases, their symptoms and treatments will amuse anyone.

We note the excellent graphics, funny animation and user-friendly interface, significantly improved compared to "Theme Park".

It is possible to play online.

Hospital organization

On each level you need to build a hospital, starting from scratch.


The first concern is to create the main cabinets. To do this, click on the left mouse button and stretch the perimeter of the cabinet to the size you need (the size of the cabinet will be fixed when the outline turns blue). Then arrange the door, windows and take care of the furnishings of the office. A desk and chair are required in the therapy room, to which additional items are added. Fire extinguishers provide safety and make a good impression on VIPs. Benches and trash cans are helpful. The computer will not interfere in the laboratory, the skeleton and bookcase are indispensable for the study room. Plants are pleasing to the eye, but need watering. Plants - this is perhaps the only luxury that is better to give up. All other suggested items won't hurt you.

You can change or move the office (when all visitors leave it). The main offices are therapeutic, psychiatric, pharmaceutical and general diagnostic. A complete list of offices and clinics is given below.


Have you built multiple offices? Now you can hire staff. The workers do the dirty work: they clean up the garbage, water the flowers, repair the equipment. The receptionist directs visitors to initial consultations with a therapist.

We are all human: doctors, nurses and workers are almost the same. By appearance You can't define a doctor's specialty. You need to click on it with the mouse or view "Personnel" in the "Management" menu. Employees also differ in qualifications, and doctors also differ in levels of intelligence and special qualifications (surgeon, psychiatrist or researcher).

The symbol of the surgeon is a scalpel, the psychiatrist is symbolized by the image of an open book. Researchers (their icon is a light bulb) are needed in the laboratory: they improve medicines, develop and improve equipment for treatment.

First patients

As soon as you build the necessary offices and hire the necessary employees, officially announce the opening of the hospital. From now on, you will have visitors. Their number is determined by your reputation, which rises if you successfully heal people, and falls if you do it unsuccessfully.

To determine the needs of patients, watch the "halos" above their heads. If someone wants to go to the toilet, you will see a roll of toilet paper over their head. If the patient is hot, a red face will appear, and if he is sick, then the face above him will be sad.


For every disease, a suitable remedy must be found. Sometimes only a portion of the medicine is needed, and sometimes the intervention of a psychiatrist, a surgeon, the use of special equipment is required.

To help you, we provide a list of diseases that we found in patients of Theme Hospital.

Hospital Growth

It's funny to watch patients wandering around the hospital from one room to another. As the levels get longer and the win conditions get more difficult, you can no longer get by with one therapy room and one pharmaceutical station.

Near the reception, for example, four therapeutic and three pharmaceutical rooms will have to be organized. As your hospital expands, you will be able to purchase additional plots of land and build new rooms on them. Allocate the main building for diagnostic rooms, and adjacent buildings for treatment rooms, an operating room, staff rooms and toilets.


Epidemic is a terrible problem. Epidemics literally haunt you at later levels. It is necessary to carefully identify infected patients and urgently treat them before the arrival of the district inspection. Get preventive vaccinations. Otherwise, you will lose money and your reputation will decrease.

Another trouble- bustle arising in case of need to provide emergency assistance. If you decide to take the helicopter with the victims, all of them will need to be healed in a certain time.

Another attack - earthquake, which causes huge damage to your equipment.

Win strategy

The probability of losing, if you do not get into obviously exorbitant debt, is small. If you notice that you are not coping with the game (not on time), reduce the speed of the game. In general, when starting the game at a new level, it is useful to reduce the game speed to one. This will allow you to plan your hospital without haste.

It is quite possible to win in Theme Hospital without using all the features of the game. If the passage does not cause great difficulties, you can, for example, not deal with the regulation of treatment fees. It is enough to hire good employees, conduct scrupulous research and not try to keep up with big but risky money (for example, accepting a patient with only a 50 out of 100 chance of curing) - and you will easily pass any level.

If you assume that at the level you are currently solving, you will sooner or later have to build a second therapy room, immediately think about where it will be located (it would be nice - closer to the entrance). Otherwise, there may not be a good place for him.

Resources allocated to SPECIALIZATION research should be better spent initially on the development of diagnostic equipment. In the future, you may encounter many diseases for which it is difficult to find cures. But without diagnostic equipment, you will not be able to establish a diagnosis and it will simply not come to treatment. When all available equipment has been developed, start intensive research on new drugs and do not forget to improve existing equipment.

Build a study room and train doctors while the hospital is quiet. It is important to have enough surgeons (at least four in each operating room). Use a good consultant for training. It is cheaper to train your own specialist than to hire a doctor of the same qualification.

Build a spacious laboratory so that it can be expanded later.

Place benches and Coke dispensers in crowded places. Such a machine pays for itself after twenty-five uses.

Hiring employees. Psychological climate in the team

Always hire the best staff. Do not be shy, inviting more qualified employees, expel the old ones.

Tired staff is bad staff. Build large offices with all amenities. This will have a positive effect on employee morale. Fence off the empty parts of the building with benches, otherwise unintelligent workers will wander into unheated corridors, freeze and definitely demand an increase.

Build a large room for staff, or even better - two, at different ends of the hospital. Put up a pool table, TV and video games.

A rested employee is much more useful than a tired one. Let your specialists rest in the staff room as soon as the fatigue indicator reaches 40%.

How to provide emergency care

First of all, find out how many victims have arrived and what kind of assistance they need.

You can treat six to eight people in the pharmaceutical room, about six people in the psychiatric room, and up to four in the operating room. If there are more victims, then either refuse to take them, or send extra patients home.

If the office needed for assistance is located near the heliport, you can take in more victims. The ability of the doctor and nurse also matters.

Over time, you should learn to quickly assess the hospital's current emergency care capacity.

your reputation

For cured people you get a reward. But do not deprive the incurable of attention. If no one dies in your hospital in a year, you will receive a $10,000 reward.

How to deal with epidemics

Set the slowest game speed by pressing 1 as soon as the epidemic message appears.

Inspect the entire hospital and send home patients with infectious diseases.

Prevention of epidemics is simple and obvious: destroy rats. To do this, press 1 every time you see one of the creatures. Instruct the worker to clean up the corpses of rats.

You can cheat a little by returning to the past (the presence of "saves" makes such a maneuver possible). Identify the disease that caused the epidemic, and then load a "save" made before the epidemic began, and immediately remove all patients with this disease from the hospital.

Equipment safety

Call workers regularly to repair equipment. Do not operate equipment at full capacity.

Whenever an earthquake warning appears, check the condition of your equipment: the effects of an earthquake can be the equivalent of six uses, which can render worn-out equipment unusable.

Replace obsolete equipment.

Eminent guests want to see the hospital

Invite celebrities. They are almost always satisfied, and this can mean a monetary reward. By turning down well-known public figures (if you have a mess in the hospital), you increase the likelihood of an inspection coming to you suddenly.


First level

You need to heal 10 people and make sure that your reputation score is at least 200 units.

Set up a reception desk, build a therapist's office, and hire a receptionist and a doctor. Patients will start coming soon.

A little later, equip a psychiatrist's office and hire a doctor with the appropriate qualifications. You need a pharmacy office and a nurse to serve the sick.

Be ready to accept suspicious patients - "patients with a swollen head." They fit the inflation room.

Second level

You must earn a reputation of at least 300 units and save at least $10,000 in the bank. You also need to cure 40 people.

You are in an infected area. Organize the hospital so that you can receive as many patients as possible. Plan to build a laboratory.

Keep your establishment clean, try to raise your reputation as high as possible.

“Patients with a long tongue” will come to you - you need an appropriate clinic.

It is also necessary to equip a cardiological room for diagnostics.

To expand the hospital, look at the city map.

Third level

This time you will open a hospital in a wealthy area. First you need to earn a good reputation.

Accidents are possible. Urgent care will be required, and a large number of patients with the same disease will be brought to you. If you manage to cure them all within the allotted time, you will increase your reputation and earn a cash bonus.

Patients with delusions of grandeur may come.

Plan your budget so that you can build an operating room and next to it - a ward.

Earn 20,000 dollars.

Fourth level

Make sure that all patients are happy with your hospital, treat them well and try to avoid deaths. Your reputation is at stake.

Don't worry about money: it will appear when you get a good reputation.

It doesn't hurt to educate your doctors to broaden their scope. They will treat patients with serious illnesses.

Raise the reputation of the hospital to 500. Your balance must exceed $50,000 and your income must exceed $10,000.

Fifth level

There are many patients with various diseases in this hospital. Doctors have just left the medical institute, so it is necessary to build a study room and improve their qualifications.

You have only three staff training consultants at your disposal, so try to keep them happy with everything.

Your hospital is located on the site of a geological fault: frequent earthquakes are possible.

Get your reputation to 400 and your balance to $50,000. You need to heal 200 patients.

Sixth level

Use all your abilities to organize the good work of the hospital. It should bring a stable income and be able to cope with any illness.

The local atmosphere is very favorable for the spread of germs and infections. If your institution is not scrupulously clean, epidemics are inevitable.

Your balance must be $15,000 and the cost of the hospital must be at least $140,000. You must heal at least 300 people. Service rate - 50.

seventh level

Here you will be under the close supervision of the minister. Deaths should not be allowed - they are very harmful to the cause. Make sure the staff is in top shape and that you have the necessary equipment.

Earn 600 Rep. And 200,000 dollars of balance. Your hospital must cost at least $160,000. You must treat at least 350 people.

eighth level

You choose how best to organize the work, how to achieve a good profit.

Very rich people live in this area, they are ready to pay big money. To win this level, you must accumulate $300,000.

Ninth level

Now you have to deal with the arrangement of the hospital for the poorest. You will not be paid big fees, but you will need experienced employees and good equipment.

Your hospital must cost $200,000 and your bank must have $400,000. You must treat at least 500 patients and increase your service rate to 60.

Tenth level

You should pay attention to the effectiveness of medicines.

There have been some comments from the head of the Commission on Health Protection, so make sure that your hospital has nothing to blame. Try to avoid deaths.

We advise you to save a place for the "clinic of jelly". Increase the effectiveness of your medicines to at least 80%, reputation - up to 650 units. Bring the institution's balance to $500,000. Serve at least 65 patients and cure at least 500 patients.

Eleventh level

You have been given the chance to build the best of the hospitals in a prestigious area. Here you can earn big money and gain a high reputation.

But there will be many problems. A UFO has been sighted in the area. Prepare your employees for unusual visitors.

Get the cost of the hospital to $240,000 and the bank balance to $500,000. Your reputation must reach 700. To win a level, you need to cure 600 patients and bring the service rate to 70.

twelfth level

You need to buy more land, treat all diseases (that's all) and get all the rewards. Are you ready for this?

Earn $650,000, heal 750 people, and raise your reputation to 800. You must serve at least 70 people, and the cost of the hospital must be more than $250,000.

Prize Level

If at any level you manage the hospital well and manage to kill a lot of rats, you will be allowed to play on the "bonus" level.

Here you need to kill as many rats as possible in the allotted time, using weapons of various types.

There are three such "bonuses" in total. Which one you land on is determined by the number of rats destroyed.


  • blow head- swollen head. The cause of the disease is drinking carbonated water from the spout of the siphon. The treatment takes place in the “inflation clinic”. The inflated head is pierced, and then a smart device inflates it again to the desired size.
  • TV personalities- telemania. The reason is round-the-clock TV viewing. It seems to the patient that he is the host of a cooking show on television. An experienced psychiatrist must persuade the patient to sell the TV and buy a radio.
  • gut rot- gastric ulcer. The cause of the disease is the immoderate intake of cough mixture "Doctor Mom". Symptoms - no cough, but the complete absence of the walls of the stomach. The nurse should give the patient a set of enveloping preparations.
  • Heaped piles- haemorrhoids. The reason is reading newspapers in the toilet and their subsequent use for other purposes. Symptom - the patient has a feeling that he is sitting on a bag of peas. Invented by pharmacists, a pleasant-tasting drink with high acidity is able to dissolve the bumps from the inside.
  • Sleeping illness- drowsiness. This disease is caused by increased activity of the carotid gland. The patient constantly feels the desire to "switch off". The nurse should give such a patient a large dose of a strong stimulant.
  • The squits- diarrhea. Can be caused by eating pizza found under carpet. The symptoms, we fear, are known to you. A mixture of astringent chemicals given to a patient will strengthen the sufferer's insides.
  • Spare ribs- extra ribs. The disease develops as a complication of a bad habit to put any question point-blank. The symptom is an unpleasant languor in the chest. Extra ribs are removed by surgeons in the operating room.
  • Kidney beans- stones in the liver. The cause of the disease is the patient's tendency to throw stones at someone else's garden. These patients usually have bruising under the eyes. Two surgeons must remove the stones without spilling bile.
  • Corrugated ankles- accordion heels. The disease is typical for people who constantly exceed the speed limit on the roads. Symptom - uncomfortable to wear shoes. A sip of a slightly toxic mixture of herbs and spices flattens the heels.
  • uncommon cold- severe runny nose. May be caused by improper atmospheric conditions. Symptoms are a runny nose, cough, and discoloration of the lungs. This ailment will be cured by a large portion of a strong potion.
  • Fractured bones- fractures. The reason is clear: a fall from a great height onto concrete slabs. Symptoms are loud crackling and inability to use damaged body parts. Plaster is applied. It is removed using a device with a laser device.
  • Transparency- transparency. This terrible disease (the body becomes transparent) is caused by licking yogurt from the back of the lids of open cups. A specially cooled and colored liquid medicine will save the patient from this misfortune.
  • Slack tongue- long tongue. It arises from the chronic discussion of Mexican serials. Symptom - the tongue lengthens five times. Treatment to tears is simple: the tongue is inserted into the tongue cutter and shortened quickly, effectively and painlessly.
  • Invisibility- invisibility. Appears in overly modest patients. They don't feel any discomfort. And sometimes they use their disease for selfish purposes. The nurse should give such a patient a colored drink that will soon return the patient to full visibility.
  • golf stones- pigeon eggs. The cause of the disease is a passion for ruining other people's pigeon houses. Symptoms are visions, delusions, and intense feelings of shame. We need an operation, which will involve two surgeons.
  • infection laughter- infectious laughter. The cause of the disease is an addiction to the classic sitcom. Symptoms are uncontrollable laughter and the repetition of unfunny phrases from films. A qualified psychiatrist should explain to the patient that the situations that cause him Homeric laughter are not at all funny.
  • broken wind- winds. Occur as a result of gymnastic exercises after eating. Symptoms - behind the patient people are blown away by the wind. It is necessary to quickly drink a mixture of special water molecules.
  • Baldness- baldness. May be caused by lying and making up stories in order to become popular. The symptoms are a radiant head and agitation. The hair is sewn to the patient's head (without stitches) using equipment that causes severe pain.
  • Sweaty palms characteristic of people who experience an overwhelming fear of shaking hands. Shaking hands with such a patient is like grabbing a wet washcloth. The psychiatrist must persuade the patient not to invent problems for himself.
  • Sharp fattening(the patient recovers very quickly) can be caused by any surprises from the patient's life. This painful process can only be stopped surgically using a lancet.
  • Irradiation is due to the mistaken use of plutonium instead of chewing gum. Such patients feel very bad. The patient should take a deactivating shower.
  • vomit causes spicy Georgian or Chechen cuisine. Semi-digested food is expelled from the patient in the form of scattered pieces. You need to drink a special astringent solution, which no longer allows anything to jump out.
  • Hairiness, accompanied by an exacerbation of smell and hearing, may be the result of a long stay under the moonlight. The electrolysis apparatus is able to remove hair and clog pores.
  • Scabies caused by small toothy insects. The patient constantly itches, which leads to inflammation. Invite the patient to drink a sticky syrup to keep the skin from itching.
  • Expression characteristic of patients immersed in memories of the 1970s. Symptoms are high hair, dark glasses, platform shoes and bright makeup. The psychiatrist must use modern hypnotic techniques to convince the patient that his outfit is out of fashion.
  • nose hair grow out of the habit of condescendingly snorting at those who are lower than the patient in their social position. In sick people, such a bush of hair sticks out of the nose that a stork could well make a nest on it. The nurse must prepare a disgusting drink that prevents hair growth.
  • Broken heart. The patient is convinced that there is someone younger, thinner and richer, and that someone ... and that someone ... (followed by sobs). Symptom - the patient tears up photographs for hours. Treatment - two surgeons open the chest and carefully, without breathing, repair the heart.
  • Appendicitis suffer patients who absorb
  • fruits with seeds. Symptom - the patient tries to climb the wall. Two experienced surgeons must remove the appendix in the operating room.
  • jelly may be due to diet
  • rich in gelatin, as well as intense shaping. The patient vacillates all the time and falls frequently. For medicinal purposes, the patient is poured into a molding machine in a special room for a while.
  • iron lungs are caused by the inhalation of urban smog. Such a patient can exhale fire and scream loudly underwater. An operation is required.
  • Hot blood appears in patients who often become the object of jokes and practical jokes. The red liquid in the patient's vessels evaporates on contact with clothing. A psychiatrist who can calm the patient can solve this problem.
  • king complex- megalomania. The spirit of the king enters the patient's brain, the patient puts on bright suede shoes and eats cheeseburgers. The prichiatrist must demonstrate to the patient how ridiculous he looks.

Medical offices

Diagnostic rooms(diagnosis) The more spacious the office and the more things in it, the more authoritative the doctor feels.

Therapeutic office(GP "s office). Here, patients receive their first consultation. The patient comes here to find out what disease he has.

The therapist directs the patient either to other diagnostic rooms or to a room where the patient can be cured. IN therapy room can be taken by any doctor. Necessary furnishings - a desk (desk), filing cabinet (filing cabinet), chair (chair).

General diagnostics room(general diagnosis). This is where a more accurate diagnosis is made. From here, the patient is again sent to the therapist to study the results of the examination carried out here. In the office of general diagnostics, any doctor can see you. Furnishings - screen (screen), trolley (crash trolley).

IN psychiatric office(psychiatric) refer patients with mental disorders. A psychiatrist should work in this office. The psychiatrist can make a diagnosis and start treatment if it is within his competence. Furnishings: screen, couch (couch), chair (comfortable chair).

Ward(ward) is used for both treatment and examination. Patients are referred here in the postoperative or preoperative period. In the process of diagnosis, patients are under the supervision of a nurse. Furnishings: desk and bed (bed).

IN x-ray room take pictures of the internal organs (so that doctors can understand the patient's illness). Any doctor can work in the X-ray room. It is important to repair x-ray equipment in a timely manner. The situation is an X-ray machine, a radiation shield.

Cabinet of cardiography(cardiogram). Here, patients are diagnosed and, if necessary, registered before being sent back to the therapy room. Any doctor can visit the cardiography room. Equipment must be monitored. Furnishings - electrocardiograph (cardio), screen.

Another device for a thorough examination is a scanner. Patients then go to the GP's office to get a referral for treatment. IN scan room any doctor can do it. Remember to keep your equipment in good condition. Furnishings - scanner, panel, screen.

Blood analysis- one of the components of the diagnosis of patients. The device checks the composition of the patient's blood, detecting violations. Any doctor can visit this office. This equipment also requires timely repair. The setting is a blood analyzer.

Ultrasonography is the best diagnostic method, but it requires expensive equipment. In the ultrasound room, any doctor can take. Equipment needs to be monitored. The setting is an ultrasound machine.

Premises intended for treatment (treatment)

The possibility of treatment in a psychiatric office and in the ward was mentioned above, in the section on diagnostics.

IN operating room(operating theater) are treated for many diseases. The operating room should be spacious and equipped with everything necessary equipment. When planning a hospital, be sure to place the operating room next to the ward. At least two surgeons are required to work in the operating room. Furnishings - X-ray viewing window (x-ray viewer), sink (sink), operating table (operating table), screen (surgeon screen).

IN pharmaceutical office(pharmacy cabinet) patients come in for the treatment of which a medicine is required. As more and more medicines are being developed, there is an ever-increasing flow of people into this office. You may need another one later. A nurse should work in the pharmacy office. The setting is a pharmacist's office.

IN inflation clinic(inflation clinics) treat patients with such a serious condition as a swollen head. The inflated head is pierced and again inflated to the desired size. Any doctor is suitable for inflating patients. The inflation device must be constantly maintained in working condition. The setting is an inflator.

Patients who are diagnosed with "long tongue" in the therapy room are sent to the appropriate clinic ( slack tongue clinic). Using a complex mechanism, the doctor shortens the tongue, thereby returning the patient to normal life. In the tongue shortening clinic, any doctor can take. The situation is a tongue cutter (constantly keep it in working condition).

In the clinic fracture treatment a plaster removal machine equipped with lasers was installed. There should be a nurse here. The equipment (gypsum remover) needs regular maintenance.

Recovery clinic hair accepts patients suffering from severe baldness. The doctor controls the apparatus, which will quickly cover the patient's bald head with new hair. Any doctor can take here. The equipment of this clinic needs to be repaired in a timely manner. Furnishings - volositel, panel.

Clinic of decontamination deals with patients who have received an increased dose of radiation. Modern equipment is used, which sprays the patient with a decontaminating stream. Furnishings - panel, door.

IN jelly clinic patients are placed in the molding machine. Any doctor can work here. Equipment needs to be repaired.

Electrolysis Clinic intended for the treatment of patients suffering from hairiness. Any doctor can work here. The device needs to be repaired from time to time. A panel and an electrolysis apparatus are required for operation.

DNA clinic. Here they treat patients whose DNA contains alien codes. The DNA repair apparatus is a very complex mechanism, so (!) it makes sense to put a fire extinguisher in this office. Do not forget to periodically repair expensive equipment. This clinic should be staffed by a physician with researcher qualifications. The setting is a panel, a DNA repair apparatus.

Auxiliary facilities (facilities)

staff room(staff room) is designed for the rest of your employees. Furnishings: sofa (sofa).

Toilet(toilets) - an absolutely necessary room. If there are many visitors, put more booths (toilet) and washstands (sink).

IN laboratories(research dept) invent medicines and equipment, as well as improve them. The presence of the laboratory allows the hospital to expand the range of patients served. A doctor with the qualifications of a researcher should work here. Laboratory environment - desk, file cabinet, autopsy apparatus.

study room(training room) will help your interns and doctors to gain additional skills and improve their skills. A consultant who is a surgeon, researcher, or psychiatrist teaching in a classroom can transfer his knowledge to another doctor. Physicians who already have these skills will be even better at putting them into practice after training in this office. Furnishings - projector and chair.


At your disposal are eight numbered places for recording. You can use any of them. But then it is impossible to get any explanation for each of the "preservations". We advise you to write down on a piece of paper what and under what number you “saved”.

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A few basic rules:
* Discharge patients in groups (up to 5 people can wait at the counter) to get a score multiplier;
* The character can carry several items with him (tray at the bottom left of the game interface), at most levels it makes sense to carry one or two of the most requested items and replenish them in the inventory as you use them;
* The progress of the tests / accumulation of stars / search for Oliver is saved when you exit the level back to the map screen. You can focus on any of these tasks instead of all at once if doing them all at the same time is difficult. For example, you can first deal with the level challenge, then go through the level again to find Oliver, and collect three stars a third time.

Levels 1 - 10

Levels 11 - 20

Levels 21 - 30

Levels 31 - 40

Levels 41 - 50

Levels 51 - 60


From simple to complex:

Complete levels 1 - 10

Complete levels 11 - 20

Complete levels 21 - 30

Complete levels 31 - 40

Complete levels 41 - 50

Complete levels 51 - 60

Make sure you have all the desks full and have at least one patient waiting to be discharged.

This can be done even at the very first level. Serve the very first patient so that they wait at the discharge counter, and the next visitors take the shower, chair and beds.

Have in inventory desired subject before the patient asks for it.

You will most likely get this achievement in passing during the game. During the game, you have the option to carry scissors, scalpel, cotton wool, headphones, etc., just carry one or two of the most requested items with you.

Get 750 quick bonuses.

Get in passing during the passage if you serve patients quickly and attentively.

Walk 40 miles.

Get in passing during the passage of the main levels. If not received, pay attention to the additional levels.

Make 50 people happy with the Princess.

Send your dog often to entertain newly arrived patients waiting to be seen.

Get 3 hearts in each mini-game.

Purchase all 62 furniture and appliances upgrades available in the game.

You get coins for completed shifts. 60 shifts is not enough to buy all the upgrades. Most likely, you will have to replay some levels several times.

Find Oliver the guinea pig in each of the game's 60 main levels.

Get 3 stars for each of the 60 main levels.

Purchase all 13 objects for the new Hospital Wing.

Objects are purchased with diamonds, and you get diamonds for completing challenges.

The Patients
Successfully complete all 90 challenges in the game - 60 in the main levels and 30 in the advanced ones.

Unlock all other (described above) achievements.

A detailed guide that describes all the potential outcomes of a moral choice - how to save all survivors or kill them

Your choice in the video game The Inpatient determines which events occur and which do not. The exclusive prequel to the unforgettable thriller Until Dawn instead of switching you from one character to another, as was the case in the original game, offers you to play as a single protagonist. It is a patient who is in a hospital in a psychiatric hospital that you visited in Until Dawn. You will experience the events taking place there from a first-person perspective.

In this guide, we will tell you about the choice and its consequences. Depending on how you react to various events, you will either leave the shelter with a group of survivors, or leave a bloody trail of their corpses behind you. There aren't many major decisions in total, but they will allow you to earn unique achievements - so there will always be two or three reasons to replay.

And what is even better than the concepts storyline, you need to find all 21 memories - check out our separate a guide that describes the location of all collectibles, as well as an article dedicated to all achievements of The Inpatient.

Before proceeding to a direct description of the actions, there are several important facts that you should familiarize yourself with. First - some characters will die under any circumstances, regardless of your actions. Second, you can't save your progress or choose a particular chapter, so if you make a choice, it will be saved for the entire passage. If you want to do anything differently, you will have to restart the game from the beginning.

The Inpatient is a game designed for multiple replays. You will need several visits in order to consider all possible options. On average, it takes about two and a half hours for one passage.

After completing the preface, there are two key points that can lead to preventable deaths. To see the best ending, you need to save Ted, David and Susan.

How to save David: do as David says from the very first meeting, and he will be fine.

    For killing David, you can get Achievement "Hands in Blood".

How to save Susan: When you follow the path through the courtyard, trying to get to the church, you must voluntarily go inside first. When they tell you, stay where you are.

    If you don't stand still or enter the church first, Susan will die. By sending her to the church first, you will receive Achievement "Sacrificial Lamb".

In addition to saving or killing David and Susan, there are many other possible deaths or rescues. Most of them are hopeless regardless of the gamer's choice. In fact, only Ted, David, and Susan are really "important" to the game. This will allow you to see a good ending. If all three made it out of the mountain, you'll also get achievement - "Better not look back".

A little later, in Bragg's office, you can leave him alone or force him to join you. Tell him to follow you.

    If you tell Bragg to stay, you earn Depth of Despair achievement.

You will be able to rescue Viktor towards the end of the game. Wait until he gets to the elevator door and then continue up to the cable car station. This is how you earn "Unhinged" achievement.

At the very end, if everyone is dead, you will have the option to kill Ted. Instead of pushing a button, sacrifice it. In this case, you will get the famous Achievement "Death Before Dawn".

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    Houses and estates in Skyrim On the territory of Skyrim, you can not only rush with weapons and cut out everything that moves on assignment or without. Here...