Funny questions for children's competitions. Funny games for kids


The players start counting aloud from one to one hundred, calling the numbers in turn. The task of the players is to say the word “true-la-la” instead of numbers that are divisible by 7 or include the word “seven” in their name (you can think of any other funny phrase; and instead of 7, choose another number, for example, 4). The one who makes a mistake is out of the game. The remaining participants start counting from the beginning. You need to keep score quickly, then misses happen often, and the game turns out to be very fun. The winner is the one who has never made a mistake.

Earth, air, water, fire

interesting word game for children on the speed of thinking. The participants of the game form a circle, in the middle of which the driver stands. He throws a ball or a balloon to the players in turn, naming one of the elements: earth, air, water or fire. If the driver said the word “Earth!”, Then the one who caught the ball needs to quickly (while the driver counts to five) name some domestic or wild animal; to the word "Water!" the player responds with the name of a fish or aquatic animal; to the word "Air!" - the name of the bird (flying insect). At the word "Fire!" everyone should wave their hands. Anyone who makes a mistake or cannot name the animal is out. It is impossible to repeat the names of animals, fish and birds.

Word volleyball

In this game, participants stand in a circle and throw a ball or a balloon to each other. At the same time, the player who throws calls any noun, and the one who catches the ball needs to name a verb that is suitable in meaning, for example: the sun is shining, the dog is barking, etc. If the player calls an inappropriate verb, he is eliminated from the game.

All questions - one answer

In advance, you need to prepare cards with the names of various household items. These can be kitchen utensils, household appliances, household and other items, for example: a frying pan, a saucepan, a vacuum cleaner, an iron, a broom, a mop, etc.

The players sit in a circle. The facilitator approaches each participant and offers to pull out a piece of paper with the name of the subject from the hat (box). When everyone has sorted out the cards, the leader stands in the center of the circle, and the game begins. The host asks the players in turn a variety of questions, and the players must answer these questions only with the names of the items they got on the cards (in addition, only prepositions are allowed). Rules: you need to answer questions very quickly, while the one who is talking to the host is forbidden to laugh, while the rest of the participants can deliberately make him laugh.

Options for questions and answers:

  • What is your name? - Mop.
  • And what do you brush your teeth with in the morning - Vacuum cleaner.
  • What is the name of your hairstyle? - Washcloth.
  • And who are your friends? - Frying pans.
  • What do you have instead of eyes? - Spoons.

The main task of the presenter is to come up with such questions, the answers to which involuntarily cause laughter from both specific players and all other participants. The laughing player is out of the game. The most imperturbable participant who knows how to restrain his emotions wins.

Answers out of place

The essence of the game: you need to answer any questions of the host very quickly, without hesitation, with any proposal that is not related to the question asked. For example, the facilitator asks: “Isn’t the weather wonderful today?” The player needs to answer something like this: "I think today is Saturday." If he makes a mistake or answers in monosyllables (for example, says "yes", "no", "true" or "false"), then he is out of the game. One participant in the game cannot be asked more than three questions in a row. The leader's task is to try to confuse the player. For example, he asks: "Isn't it wonderful weather today?" The player replies, "I think today is Saturday." Host: Is today Saturday? Player: "I like to go to the movies." Host (quickly): “Do you like to go to the movies? One, two…” Playing by inertia: "Yes" - that's it, he lost the dialogue and is out!


This simple fun game that does not require any additional props can be played while sitting at a table. A leader is chosen, who asks everyone in turn a variety of questions. The task of the players is to give the same answer: “sausage” or related words: “sausage”, “sausage”, etc. The main thing is to answer with the most serious face. Whoever laughs first is out of the game. The winner is the player who will cope with his emotions to the end and will not succumb to the host's provocations. Laughter during the game is guaranteed!


Fun outdoor game for kids. The host calls the participants words denoting the names of objects, and the players need to quickly find this item and hand it to the host. The difficulty lies in the fact that the presenter calls all objects “back to front”, for example: chyam, akzhol, agink, alquq (ball, spoon, book, doll). Fun for kids guaranteed!

Are you going to the ball?

A fun word game for quick reaction for a small company. The essence of the game: the participants are not allowed to laugh (and even smile!), as well as to pronounce the words: “yes”, “no”, “black” and “white”. The one who violates these conditions gives the phantom to the host of the game - any item he has, after which he leaves the game. When there is no longer a single player left in the game, everyone who has given away forfeits redeem them by completing fun tasks invented by the presenter.

The game begins with the host coming up to each player in turn with the words: “The lady sent you a golik and a broom, and a hundred rubles of money, ordered not to laugh, not to smile, not to say yes and no, black, white do not wear. Are you going to the ball?"

Examples of possible dialogs with player errors:

  • - Are you going to the ball?
  • - I'll go.
  • “Would you like to stay at home?”
  • Not, I'll go. Ouch…
  • What color will your dress be? White?
  • — Yellow.
  • - Then the hat, of course, will be white?
  • - Not white, and pink. Ouch…
  • - Are you going in a carriage?
  • - Most likely in a carriage
  • What will you wear to the ball?
  • Nice dress.
  • — Black?
  • — Blue.
  • - Will it be sewn especially for this ball?
  • - Certainly.
  • “And you will be the most irresistible lady at the ball?”
  • - Necessarily.
  • - And you will kiss everyone in a row?
  • Not! Ouch…

During the game, the host tries to make the one who answers laugh; in addition, he asks questions so that the forbidden words are spoken as soon as possible, and the players pay for it with forfeits.

Children love various funny undertakings, tricks and jokes, so games with elements of humor are very successful in children's companies. Children like to enjoy themselves and amuse their friends and relatives, and adults should encourage this desire, because the participation of children in funny contests and funny pranks develops a sense of humor, helps to liberate themselves and teaches you to brilliantly get out of difficult situations.

Suggested games - practical jokes and humorousEuropean competitions for children decorate children's holiday and will be useful for organizing leisure activities in holiday camps or at school events (the idea of ​​the selection by T. Obraztsova).

1. Draw - trick with photos.

Prepare two strings with very small magnets. Tie one around a photo that you mix with other photos. Announce to the guests that you will now show a photo trick, that is, using the simplest string, pull one special photo out of the box, which is associated with a “very creepy story” (“come up with a very creepy story in advance”).

Throwing the rope into the box, you will attract the photo with a magnet. Moreover, everything will look as if the rope itself wrapped the picture and tied it into a knot. After taking out the photo, “finish off” the guests with your amazing story. Tite in the box

2. Draw for guests "Young palmist"

This drawing will please the guests who have gathered in your house and, for sure, will please the performer - your son or daughter. Its meaning is to tell the child something about each of the guests in advance, and then, having let on significance, announce that your child is making great strides in palmistry. Let the young palmist behave mysteriously, using artistic abilities, prepare a little to use different terms about the line of life, the Mount of Venus, and so on, and give out the information received from you.

Such fun is especially useful if it gives children the opportunity to have fun, participate in the entertainment program and bring benefits.

3. Cheerful team game for children "To the bull's-eye!"

Two teams of 10 - 15 people line up. They are given one apple, which must be passed from the first player to the last, pinching the fruit between the chin and chest. Dropping an apple is out of the game. A team earns as many points as there are players left in the line.

Then the participants must eat this apple: it is again passed to each other, biting off a piece. Whoever ate the fastest gets 5 points. Then we sum up the points for two competitions and identify the winner.

4. Humorous competition "Torture with balloons"

To organize a relay race, you need to recruit 2 - 3 teams of three people.

First stage competitions: a balloon, into which half a glass of water was poured when inflated, must be carried on the head to the intended goal. If the ball falls down, pick it up and keep moving.

Second phase: holding the ball between their knees, the players must jump to the finish line.

If the balloon burst, the team receives a penalty point.

Third stage: put the ball on the badminton racket and follow to the finish line.

Fourth: while holding the ball in the air, you need to reach the goal with it.

points in this team comedy competition

are counted for each ball brought to the finish line intact.

5. Surprise for friends "Wonders of telepathy"

This pre-prepared surprise for friends may be unraveled, but it will bring revival and variety to the festive fun. To organize this prank, it is not necessary to have telepathic abilities at all, but good memory won't hurt at all.

The bottom line is this: before the arrival of guests in the premises (others - not where the feast will take place), it is necessary to hide pieces of paper with numbers from 1-25 in advance, all in different places that will not be visible (under the flower pot, under the microwave, etc. .p.) and remember (!) Where what number lies.

Then, at one of the moments of the holiday, the owner announces that he has telepathic abilities and offers to guess the number conceived by someone, asks to write it down on a piece of paper, he himself goes out and pretends that he just did it and says, the note with the conceived figure is there -then. The guests compare what was written and found ... and admire, so several times.

6. Drawing "Fulfillment of desires"

This draw is suitable for any company, you just need to agree with someone in advance. This person at the appointed time should knock on your door and convey the “order”. Any treat can be an order: cake, champagne, ice cream. The task of the one who plays, literally in 5 minutes. before the “order” arrives, start a conversation with the guests that he wants something tasty, and argue with those present that he will now “create a miracle” with the power of thought. You can play a small telepathic session. This is where the person with the order should appear.

7. Cheerful draw "Congratulations!"

Cool prank for a group of teenagers. You need to choose one of your friends who you will make the "birthday man". From the morning of the day off, all the “conspirators” call the “birthday man” in turn and wish him a happy birthday. And so the whole day. Despite the fact that the victim of the prank will refuse and say that his name day is only six months later, the conspirators gather in the evening, buy a cake, wine and flowers and go to visit the “birthday man”. Why not have a great weekend evening!

8. "Fountain on a hot day"

This draw is especially appropriate as a small one. Buy a proper bottle of soda, give it a shake, and offer anyone in your group a refreshing drink. When your friend starts spinning the cork, it is better to move away from him - a fountain of sparkling water will spill from the bottle. If you see fit, then run away from your friend!

9. Joke at the holiday "You ruined my jacket!"

For this prank, you will need a spool of thread. It needs to be put in the pocket of your friend's jacket, coat or cardigan. And be sure the tip of the thread should hang outside. The person wearing the jacket will either see the thread himself, or you will pay attention to it. When you try to remove the thread from the clothes, you get a rather comical situation.

10. "The coolest"

For this joke, you will need a wooden egg that will perfectly look like a real one, and an ordinary hard-boiled one. Invite one of the guests to crush a wooden egg in the palm of one hand. He, of course, cannot do this. Then, deftly replacing the wooden egg with a real one, perform the same trick. Your egg will surely burst. So you can proclaim yourself the strongest strongman, or rather "the coolest"

11. Competition "Snap - splinter!"

First, the host selects two participants, blindfolds them, and asks the guests to help him and attach as many clothespins to the players as possible in the most unexpected places. The second stage: now the players must blindly remove the clothespins from each other. Time - 2 min. whoever has more wins.

12. "Crazy Barbers"

Dial 5 - 6 couples: boy-girl and announce a hairdressing competition. It is better to pick up girls with long hair, they will be "clients". We blindfold the girls. We give the guys colored and shiny varnishes, various hair bands and hairpins. We pinpoint 5 min. The flight of fantasy of "crazy barbers" is not limited by anything. The winner is the one who in 5 minutes. will make the most stunning hairstyle.

13. "Super make-up artist"

The principle of the game is the same as in "Crazy Barbers", only here instead of blindfolds there will be a complete absence of a mirror and instead of hairdressing - a chance to be known as the best makeup artist of the season. Each participant is given a set of cosmetics, which he puts on himself without looking. We also evaluate the winner on the extravagance of the make-up done.

14. "Let's claim the record!"

The Guinness Book of Records contains many of the most "stupid" achievements, why not fool around and add to this collection? (Just remember the safety rules)

We are recruiting 2 teams of 10 people. The game is played in three rounds. First, the teams are presented with a dish of pasta. They are allowed to be eaten without the help of hands. The leader fixes the time during which the people consumed the first dish, and move on to the second. At the same time, the number of players is halved. This time we serve watermelons or melons, cut into large chunks. Here, too, the time of “reprisal” with the product is detected.

For dessert - three large bottles of soda. There are also three players. For how much will they drink one and a half liters of water? We record the time. Then we sum up: the team that (by the sum of the time) of the three competitions ate faster receives a prize - a big cake.

15. "Gourmets"

You will need "exotic" products: boiled turnips, diet bread, drinking whey, any greens.

Five players should not see what lies on the table - we blindfold them. Their task is to name the products in the ear of the five assistants of the presenter from three bites. Answers are recorded and announced after. Which of the players guessed more products, then well done.

16. "Cool cooks"

21. Draw "How to play kukaryamba?"

No more than 20 people sit in a circle.

Host: "Do you know how to play kukaryamba?". The player, of course, responds. What is not. Then he asks the same question to the next one. So everything goes back to the host: “I don’t know how to play kukaryamba either. Then why are you all sitting here?” - and pushes his neighbor to the side.

22. "Ambiguous position"

We are recruiting boy-girl pairs. We tie them back to back and give them a variety of tasks: dance a gypsy girl, wash dishes, chop onions, and so on.

23. "Crocodile" with forgery"

Here the player needs to depict for his team the item that is indicated on the paper. But the players agree in advance that they cannot understand what they are being portrayed.

24. "School Scarecrow"

We line up the participants in a circle and ask: spread your legs shoulder-width apart, raise your hands up, make the most terrible face you can. And now, swaying like trees during a hurricane, say in a terrible voice different sounds like you're scaring someone. Congratulations! You have successfully passed the certification at Scarecrow School!

25. "Babok-Ezhek Competition"

We collect 2 teams and issue a broom or a broom. Then we arrange tests for the players: overcome the obstacle course, take each team member to the finish line, dance tango on a broom, etc. Such a competition is especially good on thematic game program, for example, dedicated to folk tales.

26. "Merry Relay"

We need two teams.

We organize a whole range of competitions for them:

1 carry a full glass of water to the finish line;

2. we carry a head of cabbage on our heads;

5. one holds the player by the legs, and he hurries to the finish line on his hands;

6. two players carry a third player on their linked hands to the finish line;

7. we jump in bags;

8. we grapple with our hands back to back;

9. tie foot to foot and go to the finish line;

10. blindfold and look for the finish.

27. "Wall Walking"

Plays as many people as fit against the wall. We stand facing the wall and put our palms on it. The host asks various funny questions. With each correct answer, the player “steps” with his palm up. The funniest thing begins when everyone's hands are raised to the limit, and the host keeps asking and asking his questions.

28. "Luntiki"

Let's form a circle. The host gets down on all fours and crawls inside the circle with the words: “Be-be-be! I'm Luntik number one!" Which of the players laughed, takes the same pose, only calls himself “Luntik number two (three, four, etc.)”

29. "Istanbul donkey"

We remove the person five players. Everyone else gets into a circle. They should shout as loudly as possible: "I am an Istanbul donkey!". The host chooses the one who turned out to be the loudest in his place. Yes, several times. Then we let in the first remote player. We do the same with him, and when he realizes that he needs to scream the loudest, we launch the third one. But the players must immediately be warned that when a second remote player appears, everyone needs to be silent, then only one will call himself a donkey, i.e. the first remote member.

We repeat this trick with all the other players who are waiting for their turn.

30. "What do you look like?"

The host leaves, and the players guess one of those present. The facilitator then asks questions like “what kind of tree does this person look like?” or “what animal?”

It turns out very funny if the presenter himself is guessed. If he manages to guess, then the hidden person is naked. If not, then everything starts again.

31. "Strange Animal"

The task of the presenter is to guess and show the animal with the help of pantomime. But the players agree in advance that in no case will they name the correct answer, even if they guess. So the game with the poor leader continues until the moment he guesses what is happening.

32. "Complicated relationship"

Contests for children's day birth! We select contests for the child's birthday individually. If you have ordered a birthday from us, you can choose the competitions that are suitable for you for your child's birthday.

Competition for children from 4-6 years old "Dwarfs" and "giants"

Game description:
Children stand around the leader, who tells that there are very small people in the world - dwarfs, and there are huge ones - giants. When the host says: “Dwarfs!”, He sits down on all fours, lowers his hands, showing with his whole appearance what small people they are. He even pronounces the word "dwarfs" in a thin voice - that's how tiny they are.

When the guys learned how to correctly follow the commands, the host warns that now he will see who is the most attentive.

Leading: Remember, children, the correct commands: “Dwarfs!” and "Giants!" All my other commands do not need to be executed. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game.

First, the host gives the correct commands, and then the words “dwarfs” and “giants” are replaced by similar ones. The one who makes the fewest mistakes wins.

Competition for children from 4-6 years old "Listen to the signal"

Game description:
Children go stand in a circle with the leader and move in a circle. The host gives pre-arranged signals - sound (clap hands). For example: when the host claps his hands once, the children freeze, when he claps twice - the children run, when three - the children go. Whoever makes a mistake is out.

Competition for children from 4-12 years old "Children's bowling"

Children's bowling is a very entertaining game. Develops awareness of cause and effect, hand-eye coordination, general motor skills.
Game description:
A line is marked with a rope. Skittles are made from plastic bottles or ordinary skittles are used. The child is placed behind the line and he must roll the ball so as to hit the pins.

The one who knocked down the pin the most wins. If the same number of pins are knocked down, then the round is repeated.

Competition for children from 4-12 years old "Tails"

Game description:
This game is played by two people. The players are tied around the waist with a rope so that a "tail" hangs from behind - a knot at the end of the rope. The player must catch the opponent's tail knot so that he does not have time to catch his own tail knot. Whoever caught the "tail" of the opponent first - won. The game is played with cheerful music.

Game for children from 4-10 years old "What did we do today?"

Game description:
The leader is chosen. He leaves the room for a moment. The rest of the participants agree on what action they will portray.

The driver returns and turns to them with a question:

What did you do today?

Children answer:

What we did, we will not say, but now we will show you!

And they begin to portray the action that they agreed on. (they eat, play the violin, dance, brush their teeth, etc.)

From these movements, the driver guesses what they were doing. If he guesses correctly, then choose another driver. If not, then the driver leaves again, and the players will think of another action.

Competition for children from 4-12 years old "Collective art"

Game description:
The game requires two teams. The first player in each group starts at the top of the sheet and draws the head of a face along with the beginning of the neck, the rest of the team does not see what he has drawn. Then the player folds the paper so that only the very end of the neck is visible, and passes the sheet to the second player. The second player continues the drawing, wraps the sheet so that only the bottom lines are visible, and so on until the last member of the team.

After the sheet unfolds and the result can be evaluated.

Competition for children from 4-12 years old "Art relay race"

Art relay - calm, interesting game which develops creativity, thinking, imagination and the ability to work in a team.
Game description:
The game requires two teams. Groups have to draw an animal or any object in a certain period of time. In this case, one participant at a time has the right to draw only one line, circle or oval. The team with the drawing that looks more like an animal wins.

Competition for children from 4-12 years old "Candy on a fishing rod"

Game description:
Tie the end of the fishing line to the candy wrapper (instead of the hook).
With the help of a fishing rod, we pull the candy to the mouth, unfold it (without helping with our hands!) And eat it.

Whoever does it faster wins.

Competition for children from 4-12 years old "Volleyball with a balloon"

Balloon volleyball is an entertaining game that promotes the reaction, agility and coordination of the players.
Game description:
The game requires two teams. At a distance of one meter, chairs are placed opposite each other, on which the players sit. The floor is divided by the rope in the middle between the teams. Children play volleyball. The ball must fly over the rope, the players must not get up from their chairs or take the ball in their hands. You can only push the ball. If the ball fell on the opponent's territory, the team gets a point. The game goes up to 15 points.

Game for children from 4-6 years old "Looking for a toy"

Looking for a toy good game to develop a child's mindfulness.
Game description:
Around the room, secretly from the child, a toy is placed, which should be in plain sight. The child must find a toy. One selected participant leaves, the toy is placed somewhere in the room, a blindfolded child is introduced. The rest of the participants should guide the child, prompting: "Warm", "Cold".

Game for children from 4-10 years old "The sea is worried"

Game description:
The host turns away from the rest of the participants, who are dancing to the music, imitating waves, and says loudly:

"The sea is worried,

The sea is worried two,

The sea is rough three

Marine figure freeze in place!

At this point, the players should freeze in the position in which they find themselves. The host turns around, goes around all the players and examines the resulting figures. Whoever moves first of them is eliminated from the game and becomes a "supervisor" - helping the leader to find those who have moved.

You can use another version of the game, when the host examines all the figures and chooses the one he likes the most. This child becomes the leader.

Game for children from 4-12 years old "Nesmeyana"

Nesmeyana is a fun children's game for developing imagination, ingenuity of participants, and communication skills.
Game description:
One participant is chosen - Princess Nesmeyana, who sits on a chair in front of the rest of the guys. The goal of the rest of the participants is to make the "princess" laugh without touching her at the same time.
The participant who made her laugh becomes Nesmeyana himself.

Game for children from 4-10 years old "Cats and mice"

This old Russian game develops children's reaction and endurance well.
Game description:
Two drivers are chosen - a cat and a mouse. The rest of the players stand in a circle, holding hands, thereby forming a gate between themselves. The cat is behind the circle, the mouse is in the circle.

The task of the cat is to enter the circle and catch the mouse. In this case, the cat is allowed to break through the chain of players, crawl under clasped hands or even jump over them.

The players try not to let the cat inside the circle. If the cat manages to get into the circle, the players immediately open the gate and release the mouse. And they try not to let the cat out of the circle. At the end of the game, when the cat has caught the mouse, they stand in a circle, and the players choose a new cat and mouse.

Game for children from 4-12 years old "Eskimo blind man's buff"

Game description:
The driver is blindfolded and thick mittens are put on his hands. Then the players take turns approaching him, and he must determine by touch who is in front of him. If the driver has identified the player, then the identified player becomes the driver, if not, the following players are suitable for identification in turn.

Game for children from 6-12 years old "Guessing"

Game description:
The driver thinks of an object on a topic agreed in advance (furniture, animals, a holiday, etc.), and the players must guess what kind of object it is by asking questions to which the driver answers yes or no. Whoever guesses the word becomes the leader.

Game for children from 4-12 years old "Broken phone"

The game "spoiled phone" is a good entertainment for children, along the way developing hearing and attentiveness.
Game description:
The facilitator whispers a word or phrase into the ear of one player, and he passes it on to another player in the same way, and so on in a chain.

The last player says aloud what he did and compares with the original. Then the leader moves to the end, the next player becomes the leader.

Game for children from 6 to 10 years old "Golden Gate"

Game description:
In the Golden Gate game, two players stand opposite each other at a distance and, holding hands, raise their hands up. Get "gates". The rest of the children stand one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the person walking in front, or simply hold hands. The resulting chain should pass under the gate.

"Gate" pronounce:

"Golden Gate

They don't always miss!

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second is prohibited

And for the third time

We won't miss you!"

After these words, the “gates” abruptly lower their hands, and those children who were caught also become “gates”. Gradually, the number of "gates" increases, and the chain decreases. The game ends when all the children become "gates".

Game for children from 6-12 years old "Composing a fairy tale for a birthday boy"

Game description:
The facilitator opens a magazine or book on any page and, without looking, points his finger at the word that comes across. The first storyteller must come up with a phrase using this word. This continues until all players come up with a proposal, maybe two or three. The result is an interesting story. We write down the story on a prepared form, give it to the birthday man.

Competition for children from 6-12 years old "Fisherman and goldfish"

Game description:
Participants stand in a circle. The leader in the center twists a rope with a knot at the end or a skipping rope. The end of the rope must pass under the feet of the players who must not touch it. Whoever touches the rope is temporarily out of the game. Those who never hit the rope win.

Competition for children from 6-12 years old "Hold the ball"

Game description:
Two pairs are created. For each pair, a circle is drawn with a diameter or a hoop is placed. Players stand in this circle, they are given a balloon. They must, without leaving the circle, blow on the ball so that it rises and falls above them and above the boundaries of their circle. You can't touch the ball with your hands. The pair that can last the longest wins.

Game for children from 6-10 years old "Empty place"

Game description:
The participants of the game stand in a circle, and the driver remains behind the circle. The driver walks around the circle and touches one of the players, touching the shoulder or arm. This means that he challenges this player to the competition. The driver runs around the circle in one direction, and the called one runs in the opposite direction. Having met, they greet each other, shake hands and continue to run further, trying to race to take the free place (left by the called player). The one who managed to take this place remains there, and the one who remains without a place becomes the driver, and the game continues.

Game for children from 6-10 years old "Guess whose voice"

Guess whose voice is a fun game that develops auditory perception and contributes to more relaxed communication of children.
Game description:
The players stand in a circle and hold hands. The driver, who stands inside the circle, is blindfolded with a scarf. Everyone walks in a circle, singing:

"Here we built a circle,

Let's turn back together."

(Turn around and walk back)

"And how do we say:" skok-skok-skok ",

The words "skok-skok-skok" are spoken only by one player, indicated by the host.

Competition for children from 6-12 years old "Claps"

Game description:
The players stand in a circle. Each participant receives a serial number.
All players begin to rhythmically clap together: twice on their hands, twice on their knees. At the same time, one of the players says his number for clapping his hands, for example - “five-five”, and for clapping his knees - the number of any other player. Whose number he called - continues the game, clapping his hands and calling his number, clapping his knees and calling any other number. Who goes astray - out. The player who did not have time to call his number or who called the number of an already eliminated participant leaves the game. The last two remaining players win.

Competition for children from 6-12 years old "Three, thirteen, thirty"

Game description:
The host of the game stipulates in advance: which of the numbers - which action means. For example: 3 - hands up, 13 - on the belt, 30 - hands forward, etc.

Players are built in a line at a distance of arms extended to the sides.

If the host says "three" - all players should raise their hands up, with the word "thirteen" - hands on the belt, with the word "thirty" - hands forward, etc.
Players must quickly perform the appropriate movements, gradually the leader increases the pace. Who has gone astray - stands next to the leader and distracts the rest with wrong movements. The most attentive wins.

Game for children from 6-10 years old "Dragon Tail"

Game description:
Players stand one behind the other, taking the person in front by the waist. The one in front is the head of the dragon, the last one is the tail.
The “head” of the dragon tries to catch its “tail”, and the “tail” must dodge the “head”, while all the other guys should not disengage.
When the front player catches the back player, the caught one becomes the "head".
Game continues.

Game for children from 6-12 years old "Liberation Action"

Liberation action is a dynamic game that develops well the hearing, attentiveness, coordination and reaction of the leading player, and the dexterity and reaction of the other players.
Game description:
They form a circle of chairs where the participants of the game sit.
In the center of the circle sit a blindfolded "guard" and a "captive" with hands and feet tied. The rest of the participants in the game "liberators" are trying to free the prisoner, that is, they are trying to untie him. The guard must intervene. Hitting any participant, he takes him out of the game, he must go behind the circle of chairs. The player who manages to free the captive without being caught becomes the guard himself the next time.

Game for children from 6-12 years old "Waves in a circle"

Game description:
Chairs are set tightly to each other in a circle. There are as many chairs as there are players. One of the players (leader) stands in the center of the circle. The rest of the players sit on chairs, and one of the chairs remains free. The driver must have time to sit on a free chair while others move back and forth, interfering with him. When the driver manages to take a seat on the chair, the player who did not have time to interfere with him becomes the new driver.
The driver can give commands to the participants "Right" (players must move clockwise one place), "Left" (players must move counterclockwise one place) or the "Chaos" command. With the "Chaos" command, the participants must quickly change places, the leader tries to sit on any free chair. The player who occupies a chair that was free before the "Chaos" command becomes the driver.

Competition for children from 6-12 years old "Siamese twins"

Game description:
Participants are divided into 2 teams, and the teams are divided into pairs. Pairs of players stand side by side with each other and hug each other by the shoulders. It turns out that the one on the right has only the right hand free, and the one on the left has only the left. Together they are the “Siamese twin”. And this "Siamese twin" needs to run to the plate on which the sweets lie and unfold the candy together and eat it. The team that ate all the candies the fastest wins.
If there are few children, then the couples compete with each other. You can give a task: tie shoelaces or make an envelope out of paper.

Game for children from 6-12 years old "Hunting"

Hunting - an active game for the development of dexterity, emancipation, coordination of movements for children.
Game description:
The names of all the participants in the game are written on the cards. The cards are shuffled and distributed to the players. The players dance to the music and at the same time keep an eye on the one whose name is written on his card as inconspicuously as possible. As soon as the music stops, the hunter must grab his prey. But each prey player, in turn, must grab the other player for whom he is the hunter. The cards are then shuffled and the game continues.

Game for children from 6-12 years old "Copy of the monument"

A copy of the monument - a game that develops mindfulness in children and adolescents, helps to overcome shyness.
Game description:
Two players are selected from those present. One of them (the copier) is taken out of the room and blindfolded, the second (the monument) at this time should take some interesting pose and freeze in it. Enter the player-copier blindfolded. He must by touch determine the position in which the player-monument is frozen, and take exactly the same. When the player-copier takes a pose, then they untie his eyes and everyone compares what happened.

Game for children from 6-12 years old "Spoiled Fax"

Game description:
Players sit down one after another, looking at the back of their neighbor's head. The first and last players are given a pen and paper. The last player draws a simple figure on the sheet, and then the same one with a finger on the back of the neighbor in front. Each next player draws on the back of the person sitting in front what he felt on his back. The first player redraws on paper what he felt on his back, after which the resulting pictures are compared.

Game for children from 6-12 years old "Cockfight"

Game description:
With a rope or tape we delimit the floor. Two players stand on opposite sides of the rope.
Starting position: players stand on one leg opposite each other, and their hands are hooked into the lock behind their backs. The player's task is to move to the side of the enemy without disengaging his hands and without putting his other foot on the ground. At the same time, prevent the enemy from going over to his side. You can only push with your shoulder or chest. The loser is also considered the one who lowers the second leg to the ground or unhooks his hands.

Competition for children from 10 to 12 years old "Knees"

Game description:
The players sit close to each other. The left hand of each lies on the right knee of one neighbor, and the right hand on the left knee of the other. If the circle is not closed, then the extreme put one hand on their knee. During the game, you need to quickly clap your hand on your knee, without breaking the sequence: one hand after the other. If someone clapped out of turn or simply raised his hand, he removes the “mistaken hand”. In the end, one or more winners remain. For more interest, you need to keep a high pace during the game.

Let's talk today about how a question answer game for kids can improve family communication. You will read the questions that parents have come up with for their children. Among them there are interesting, funny, as well as serious topics. At the same time, these issues take into account the interests of young children, adolescents and young people. This is a game that can be played during dinner, lunch or during a trip when traveling or going on vacation.

The purpose of this game is to help establish communication between parents and children, starting to be genuinely interested in each other. Having received the child's answer to the question asked, always try to understand what is behind his answer, additionally asking him: why?

Believe me, over time, the questions of parents and the answers of children will not cause mutual embarrassment, moreover, you will understand what is in the heart of your children.

  • Which of your friends do teachers like the most?
  • In what subject do you dislike the teacher the most?
  • Are you afraid to fly on an airplane?
  • How would you like to decorate, arrange your room, if you are allowed to do it according to your taste or imagination?
  • What is your favorite childhood toy?
  • Which photos do you like the most - teenage or childhood?
  • Do you want to have a pet unusual animal? Why yes or no?
  • Has anything been imitated from what they saw in the movies? What exactly and why?
  • What is the most enjoyable thing you and your parents have done in the last three years?
  • What two things would you like to do with your parents this coming weekend?
  • What is the most pleasant, good thing your friend has done for you?
  • What were you really afraid of?
  • Can you describe the most beautiful place you have ever visited? What attracted you so much?
  • Tell us about your two favorite films. Why did they like it so much?
  • How do you like to relax: play computer games or play with friends in the yard?
  • What would you like to spend the accumulated money, allowance, bonus, inheritance on?
  • Your parents drink, what is your attitude to this?
  • What personal accomplishments in school or sports are you proud of?
  • Do you love your grandparents, relatives? How often would you like to meet with them, on what occasions?
  • Do you consider your housemates to be good people or not?
  • When do you like or, on the contrary, do not like to communicate with your parents?

Questions for children

  1. Could you tell your parents that you are sad and stressed? How do you see the help of parents, how can they help?
  2. How would you describe your parents to other people, what do you like most about them, what do they need to get rid of?
  3. Do your friends lie to their parents? When and why do they do it?
  4. Who do you consider the three greatest musicians in the world?
  5. What should be, in your opinion, the ideal teacher?
  6. Do you want to be alone? How often, what time of day, why?
  7. What do you like to eat when you are sad? What dish can lift your spirits?
  8. Can you name your top 5 qualities?
  9. If you find out that your friend has stolen something, what will you do? Will you tell your parents about this?
  10. Do you like to watch violent movies: action movies, horror movies? Are they worth watching?
  11. What kind of sport would be good for you? Do you want to be an athlete?
  12. Should we always be honest today? Do you want to always be treated fairly? What should parents do to ensure that their children are always honest with them?
  13. Are you proud of your friends and why?
  14. When you're scared, how do you calm yourself?
  15. How would you describe your parents to friends?
  16. Do you consider yourself smarter than your friends? Would you like to always be better than them?
  17. Are you envious of those who are better in some way, superior to you?
  18. What's the best way?
  19. At what age are children allowed to watch any films, programs: 16 years old - early; 16 years - late; Is 16 years old okay? And how long can you watch?
  20. Do you consider your area where you live dangerous or safe? Why is it dangerous or safe?
  21. What is your attitude towards music, rap songs, hard rock, metal: are they good or bad?
  22. When you're not in the mood, can you offend others because of it? Has this happened to you before, how did you feel after that?
  23. Can you apologize if you're wrong? Can you forgive others?
  24. Let's take historical figures: who do you want to be equal to, to be like and why?
  25. Can you remember, tell the three most pleasant memories of kindergarten, elementary school?
  26. What type of girls/guys do you like the most and why?
  27. What is your earliest memory of your childhood?
  28. Have you had the same dream several times? Could you explain this phenomenon?
  1. Should parents hug and kiss their children, even teenagers? Do you personally like it?
  2. Why do young people like piercings?
  3. Do you like the way your parents dress? Doesn't bother them appearance if friends see you on the street with your parents?
  4. Do you want your parents to come home from work earlier for you? What would you like to do with them?
  5. Is it good or bad if parents pay money for children to help around the house? If well, how much, in your opinion, should such assistance cost? Is it right or wrong to pay money to children?
  6. Would you like to be friends with those who are associated with some kind of criminal gang? What will you do when you see that “skinheads, ultras, titushki” are coming towards you?
  7. Your opinion: how do your parents drive? What score for compliance with the rules traffic would you put each of them separately?
  8. How often do your parents lose control of themselves? Do they show irascibility, aggression? What do you feel, feel at such moments?
  9. Is it possible for children from the age of twelve to fall in love or date a boy? What is the best age for this?
  10. Do you think the religion of your parents is correct or not?
  11. What qualities should a true friend have? What qualities do you like the most?
  12. Which of the following do you think would be better and why: Dinner with the whole family while watching TV? 2). A hearty dinner with a lot of varied food? 3). A simple family dinner with good communication, funny jokes without watching TV?
  13. What do you think is in space beyond the stars?
  14. Imagine being able to change three things about your appearance or personality to be chosen?
  15. Which of your parents' friends do you consider the most cheerful, reliable, good friend?
  16. In your opinion, what makes a person truly beautiful: qualities, appearance or money?
  17. Which children in your class are considered the most popular, authoritative? What makes them so popular?
  18. What family rules, traditions do you most dislike and annoy, or vice versa, do you like?
  19. On a five-point system, tell me, how do your parents perform their duties towards you? How much would they bet?
  20. What would you like to do if you could become invisible for one day?
  21. Have you been offered to try cigarettes, drugs, smoking mixtures? What will you do if you are offered, should you refuse?

Questions for teenagers

  1. What would your parents want you to be: a politician, a famous athlete, a movie star, a missionary, or a famous scientist?
  2. Do you know what sexting is? How do you deal with this?
  3. What is your view on gay relationships? What will you do if one of your friends or acquaintances turns out to be such a person?
  4. Is it right or wrong for children to receive sex education from a young age? At what age and why?
  5. Is the school curriculum sufficient for sexual education of children, or is it, first of all, the responsibility of parents?
  6. Would you be able to talk openly with your parents about issues of sex education, sex? Yes/no/why?
  7. Do you know what a pedophile is and what are his tricks? How should children behave when faced with a pedophile? Why is it worth telling parents about such people if the children have encountered them?
  8. What do you understand by the term "dating, dating"? Perhaps dating without intimacy? Why not rush into it?
  9. What does the word "success" mean to you?
  10. Suppose you were promised to fulfill one desire, so that you choose: 1) to be the most beautiful and attractive; 2) become a genius; 3) free, voluntarily help people different countries in disaster management?
  11. Do you think children suffer from the divorce of their parents? To tell your parents if they want a divorce?
  12. Do children need to play sports, at what age?
  13. What punishments from parents do you consider really unfair or undeserved?
  14. Do you believe in God? Should parents devote time to the religious education of their children?
  15. What kind of disability is easier to endure, reconcile with it: blindness, deafness, inability to walk or do something with your own hands?
  16. When is the best time, in your opinion, for a girl or a guy to get married?
  17. Would you be able to sacrifice your life for another person, for example, saving him?
  18. Can a guy with a girl he likes be just friends?
  19. What should be the ruler of your country?
  20. At what age should a child be jailed for a crime?
  21. Why do some people dislike animals and others dislike children?
  22. What do you think: are men and women equally smart? Who is more intelligent?
  23. Should a girl wear makeup or not, what kind of girls do you like?

Comic, funny questions for children

  1. What two vegetables would you be sorry to give to other children?
  2. What will you keep for yourself (one thing is a must) - a long nose, big ears, ear hair, obesity, armpit hair?
  3. Suppose you were allowed to become a cheerful designer of your parent's house, apartment, what would it look like?
  4. Who do you want to be like: a clown, a showman, a humorist, a comedian?
  5. How much money could you spend per week buying and eating carrots, beets, and other vegetables?
  6. What movie scenes can make you laugh?
  7. Is it normal if a boy cries while watching a comedy and laughs when watching a tragedy? What is your attitude towards such a boy?
  8. To choose for yourself: wings, paws or tail?
  9. You smeared someone with toothpaste in a dream, but who would you like to smear?
  10. Imagine that you met a lion in the forest, how would you run away from him?
  11. What animal would you agree to become for one day: a hare, a hippo, a mole or a skunk?

Game rules question answer for kids

  • It is mandatory to answer the question. You can make faces, roll your eyes, thinking how to answer. This causes laughter.
  • Leading questions can be added to the main question. If you wish, you can ask questions strictly on topics or alternate from different topics.
  • Avoid questions that embarrass others. For example, about breaking up someone's relationship.
  • Ask no more than 2-5 questions per game. It's better than bored with a flood of questions. At the request and consent of others, the quantity can be increased.


Children don't like interrogation questions. Such questions are not safe territory for them. They don't know where they will lead them. The child thinks: “Either I am being interrogated or they will give a lecture.”

Children evade answers because: 1) they are afraid of trouble; 2) they are not interested in questions; 3) they do not see the sincere interest of parents because of the standard questions; 4) too complex questions for their perception to give a sincere answer. What result? Monosyllabic answers, short conversation and poor communication. Here is a standard set of many families.

What if…

  1. … will my parents criticize what I say? Agree not to criticize. Criticism stifles the conversation. Everyone has the right to their opinion, their choice. In the question-answer game, everyone must respect this right. It may be necessary to revise the question or answer, but this is a personal choice and your answer.
  2. …I can't think of an answer? This happens extremely rarely. But you can always ask the next question, and answer this one next time.
  3. … don't want to answer the question? Remember, everyone can only skip 2 questions without explaining why. Just say "next question please". There is no need to put pressure on someone who does not want to answer a sensitive question for him.
  4. ... I would like to answer someone else's question? You will have such an opportunity after the one who was asked answered it.


When viewed as a question-and-answer game for children, do you think it can improve relationships with children? What other questions or games help you create a good family environment?

Sincerely, Andronicus Anna / Elena!

The article provides a description of more than 30 funny games for children. The author is a methodologist Natalia PRISHCHEPENOK.

Funny game for kids MORE WORDS

Target: development of figurative and associative thinking; vocabulary replenishment.

Members: two teams.

Exercise: to a given word, think of as many words related to this concept as possible. The team that comes up with the most correct words wins.

For example, the words "forest" and "field" are given.

Relevant Association Words

  • Forest: forester, trees, glade, mushrooms, mushroom pickers, berries, grass.
  • Field: grass, strawberries, cows, shepherd, tractor, arable land, etc.

The teacher can prepare in advance cards with images corresponding to the given concepts. In this case, children can choose among the different images they need and voice the name of what is drawn in the picture.

Funny game for kids UNUSUAL RELAY

Target: development of coordination.

Members: two teams.

Exercise: to pass the relay distance in some unusual way.

For example: backwards, left side forward with side steps, right side forward with side steps, back to front together, holding a book on his head, closing his left eye, closing his right eye, on all fours, jumping with huge jumps, squatting, moving as if on skis, moving as if on skates, in fins, in boots of a very large size, with a huge soft toy in their hands, with gymnastic sticks in their hands, which represent ski sticks.

The main thing is to correctly and in detail explain to the children each method of movement.

Funny game for kids POET COUNT

Target: development of attention, thinking; strengthening the ability to count.

For example, in this way:

Ours - one, Tanya - two, loudly - three, crying - four!
Dropped - five, into the river - six, the ball - seven.
Hush - eight, Tanechka - nine, don't cry - ten,
Do not drown - eleven, in the river - twelve, the ball - thirteen!

For this game, you can use other short poems, in particular, A. Barto from the "Toys" cycle, A. Usachev and other authors known to children.

Funny game for kids CHANGE NUMBERS

Target: development of attention, speed of reaction, consolidation of knowledge of numbers.

Exercise: have time to take a seat.

All children stand in a circle so that their shoulders touch each other. The driver stands in the center of the circle. All are calculated in numerical order. The driver has number 0. The driver announces which numbers are changing places, and while they are changing, he tries to quickly take one of the vacant places. If he succeeds, he takes the number of the one who did not have time to take a seat, and he becomes the leader with number 0.

Funny game for children MOUSE WITHOUT MINK


Exercise: run away from the cat.

Participants stand in pairs facing each other, join hands and raise them at shoulder level or above their heads, forming a “mink”. Two drivers are selected - Mouse and Cat (Cat). The mouse runs away from the cat, she can run into the hole. The one to whom the Mouse turned out to face in the mink becomes the Mouse and must leave the mink, running away from the Cat. If the Cat catches the Mouse, they switch roles.

Funny game for children SHORE AND STREAM


Exercise: correctly jump into the stream or onto the shore.

If the game takes place indoors, on the floor, two ropes are laid out in parallel at a distance of one meter from each other. If the game takes place on the street, two parallel lines are drawn. It will be a stream and banks.

All children stand at the beginning of this fun game on the shores. At the command of the host "Stream!" children jump into the stream. At the command "Shore" - they jump ashore. The host gives commands very quickly and randomly. Those who make mistakes are out of the game. The most attentive player who never makes a mistake wins.

Funny game for kids SUN, MOON, PLANETS AND COMET

Target: development of speed of reaction, dexterity, coordination.

Exercise: perform actions correctly.

All children stand in groups of three, holding hands. Between themselves, they agree on who will be the Sun, who will be the Moon, and who will be the planet.

One of the children is a comet. He is on the playing field alone. The leader loudly calls the Sun, the Moon or the planets, or says two names at once. Those whom he named should change places and again stand in threes. The comet at this time is trying to get up to someone in a circle. You can't kick out the Comet. The one who did not have enough space becomes the new Comet and the game continues again. The leader can change not one person, but two, and all at once.

Funny game for kids FOREHEAD, CHEEK, KNEES

Target: development of speed of reaction, attention, coordination, ability to listen.

Exercise: perform the task correctly.

You can play both standing in a circle and sitting at a table. The host calls and at the same time points to his forehead, cheek and knees. Children should do what he said. The facilitator can confuse children by saying one thing and pointing to another. Children shouldn't make mistakes. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game.

Funny game for kids DANCE MARATHON

Target: development of artistic abilities, sense of rhythm, plasticity.

Exercise: dance according to the leader's wishes.

The teacher turns on a cheerful rhythmic melody, the children begin to dance, and the teacher tells them in what way they should dance.

For example: imitating the movements of monkeys; using skittles in the dance; copying the movements of a football player; like primitive hunters; depicting a boiling kettle; imitating the movements of a weightlifter; portraying penguins; squatting down; standing on one leg; depicting an airplane; imitating the movements of a skier; pretending to be a butterfly; imitating the gait and habits of a bear; pretending to be a fan; as if in a dream; depicting the movements of a marathon runner.

Funny game for kids FUN QUESTIONS

Target: development of the ability to think outside the box; updating the experience and knowledge of children.

Members: individually and as a team.

Exercise: Answer the questions of the presenter correctly.

The teacher asks questions, the children answer. The first person to answer the most questions correctly wins. For each correct answer to the question, the answerer can be given a token.


1. Why in the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" the Wolf ate Grandmother, but in "Well, wait a minute" - no?(Answer: because in "Just you wait" there is no Grandmother).

2. How many fingers are on two hands? What about ten hands?(Answer: 10 and 50)

3. How many eyes do two dogs have? What about two octopuses?(Answer: 4 and 4).

4. One egg is boiled for 5 minutes. How many minutes will five eggs boil?(Answer: 5 minutes).

5. Three horses rode 3 kilometers. How many kilometers did each horse ride?(Answer: three kilometers).

6. Which is tastier: 2 teaspoons of sugar or 4 tablespoons?(Answer: the same. The taste does not depend on the volume or quantity).

7. The houses on the street are numbered from 1 to 22. How many times does the number 2 appear in the numbers?(Answer: 6 times).

Funny game for kids

Target: development of attention, acting skills, a sense of empathy.

Members: two teams.

Exercise: depict from the team members the plot of any picture prepared and issued to the teams by the educator. Image accuracy is evaluated.

A complicated version of the game - the picture can be revived and convey what the characters depicted on it say. You can also invite the children to come up with what happened to the characters in the picture before the moment that is shown in it, and what will happen after.

Funny game for kids ONE, TWO, THREE - GO RIGHT!

Target: development of speed of reaction, coordination.


All the children go in a circle, and the leader - the teacher or the child - counts. If he says: “One!”, everyone goes in the same direction as they went. If he says: "Two!" everyone should turn around and walk in the opposite direction. If - "Three!", Start moving in jumps. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

Funny game for kids ATTENTION!

Target: development of attention, speed of reaction, coordination, ability to listen to the task.

Exercise: correctly match actions with words.

All players line up. The leader - a teacher or a child - gives all the children a task. You can complete the task only if, before voicing the task, the leader says: “Attention!”. If this word is not present, the task is not necessary to perform. Those who make a mistake are out of the game. You can play with two teams. In this case, the team that has more attentive players by the end of the game wins.

Examples of tasks: Attention! Hands to the side! Hands up! Attention! Let's bounce! Etc.

Funny game for kids MAGIC WAND

Target: development of creative abilities, acting skills, attention, coordination.

Exercise: in turn, picking up an ordinary wand, turn it into some object and perform actions with it corresponding to this object. All other participants in the game must guess what kind of item was shown.

Funny game for kids UNUSUAL ALPHABET

Target: development of creative abilities, non-standard thinking; consolidation of knowledge of letters, properties of various materials.

Members: individually and as a team.

Exercise: fold the letters of the Russian alphabet from improvised materials. You can also add numbers from unusual materials.

Funny game for kids

Target: development of non-standard thinking, attention; vocabulary replenishment.

Exercise: call the word that the host said, "back to front." You need to start with simple words: cat, dream, forest. Then you can gradually complicate the game.

A variant of the game is to ask children to find and say words that are read the same way both forward and backward. In this way, you can introduce children to the concept of a palindrome.

Funny game for kids CONTINUE THE WORD


Exercise: continue the word, the beginning of which was said by the presenter.

For example: steam ... (... move, ... cart), self ... (... flight, ... stall), tele ... (... visor, ... background), colo ... (... juice, ... knock), transfer ... (... gate, ... pin , ... nose, ... move), auto ... (... sink, ... beads), electric ... (... fireplace, ... garland, ... pump), great ... (... grandfather, ... grandmother), from ... (... screw, ... kaz, ... start, ... vet), kara ... (... ndash, ... s, ... belly), short ... (... bka, ... on, ... wa), voro ... (... tnik, ... that, ... nka, ... on, ... beat ), shu ... (... ba, ... m, ... tka), but ... (... ch, ... that, ... ha, ... juice, ... l), glue ... (... ver, ... d, ... yonka, ... tka).

You can also play in teams. In this case, the beginning of the word comes up and says one team, the second - continues it. Then the teams change.

Funny game for kids BALLS WITH NUMBERS

Target: development of thinking, attention, oral counting skills.

Exercise: solve example. All players stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to one of the players, saying a simple addition or subtraction action. The one who got the ball in his hands gives an answer and sets the following example by throwing the ball to another player.

The second version of this fun game: the teacher calls a number or a number and throws the ball. The person who catches the ball must name the number or number one less. Called numbers and numbers should not go one after another.

Funny game for kids BALLS WITH LETTERS

Target: development of thinking, attention; vocabulary replenishment.

Exercise: pick up a word.

All players stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to one of the players, pronouncing any letter of the Russian alphabet. The child who caught the ball must say a word (noun) that begins with this letter and throw the ball to the next player, calling another letter.

A complicated version of this fun game: the one who named the word throws the ball to another player with the question: “What is he doing?” or "What?". The one who catches the ball answers the question and throws the ball to the next player, naming a new letter.

For example: P - bird - flies, T - TV - shows, C - sun - shines.

Funny game for kids BALLS WITH PROFESSIONS

Target: development of thinking, attention; vocabulary replenishment.

Exercise: determine what a person is doing.

All players stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to one of the players, calling any profession. The one who caught the ball must say a verb denoting an action suitable for this profession, and, in turn, throws the ball to the next player, naming a new profession.

For example:

1 player: Pilot

2 player: Flies. Salesman

3 player: Sells. Teacher, etc.

Funny game for kids

Target: development of thinking, attention; vocabulary replenishment.

Exercise: come up with a story.

All players sit in a circle. The teacher starts a fairy tale by taking an item out of the bag. Then he passes the Fairy Pouch to the next player. He, in turn, takes out an object from the bag and continues to tell the tale. Everyone can add one suggestion. If it is difficult for children to begin to compose an interesting story, you can invite them to answer the questions: “Who? With whom? Where? What for?".

The items in the Fairy Bag can be very different: small toys (for example, from kinder surprises or made from plastisol), pocket calendars, stationery, plastic teaspoons, key chains, cubes.

The teacher during the game helps the children, asks them leading questions, helps to make the story interesting.

You can first tell the children about the “Revitalization of Objects” technique proposed by the Italian storyteller Gianni Rodari to children whom he taught to compose fairy tales.

ON A NOTE. Magic bags at low prices in a specialized store " Kindergarten» - .

Funny game for children I GIVE YOU

Target: development of creative, acting abilities of children; activation of life experience.

Members: two teams.

Exercise: depict the subject.

In turn, each team depicts an item that it will give to the other team. The team that was given a gift must guess what they were given.

Alternatively, it is possible to determine in advance on which holiday the gift will be given, thus, a closer connection is made between the game and the life and life experience of children.

Funny game for kids

Target: development of mental abilities, the ability to classify; activation of life experience.

Members: two teams.

Exercise: find out piecemeal.

For the game you need a screen. The teams are on opposite sides of the screen. One of the teams from behind the screen shows some object in parts. For example, a doll. First, a piece of the dress is shown. If the team guessed what it was the first time, it gets five points. If there is no answer, for example, doll hair is shown. Then, if the object is still not guessed, the handle and leg of the doll. Thus, each time the team has the opportunity to earn one point less. Then the teams change.

Items can be very different and unexpected, the main thing is to show them from more difficult to guess fragments to simpler ones.

Funny game for kids DRAWING

Target: development of creative abilities, coordination, imagination.

Members: two teams.

Exercise: guess what the participants from the other team “drawn”.

The players of each team take turns drawing different objects in the air with a brush or pencil. The opposing team guesses what their opponents drew. For each correctly guessed drawing, the guessing team is awarded a point. After that, the teams change.

Funny game for kids LETTER FROM…

Target: development of creative abilities, imagination; vocabulary replenishment; development of thinking.

Exercise: to tell what kind of letter some toy could write to children.

A more complicated version: a letter from some object or concept: weather, color, wood, table, pencil, paints, scarf, mittens, skates, skis.

Funny game for kids POINT OF VIEW

Target: development of creative abilities, imagination; vocabulary replenishment; development of figurative and divergent thinking.

Exercise: describe an object from different points of view.

For example: a car - from the point of view of dad, mom, the road along which it goes; a cat that sleeps on or under it; rain that drips from above.

Kashu - from the point of view of the cook who cooks it; the child who eats it; pots in which porridge is boiled; plates into which it is poured; a person who is hungry; a well-fed person.

Funny game for children MATRYOSHKA WORD

Target: development of thinking, attention; vocabulary replenishment; strengthening the ability to read.

Members: command.

Exercise: find in the words written on the cards other words that are, as it were, “hidden” inside. For each word found, the team receives a point.

Examples of words: draw, deer, gingerbread man, aquarium, swallow, corner, heel, sand, pie, success, hammock, tip, top, eight, vegetables, dragonfly, scarf, joke, screen.

Funny game for kids WORD PICTURE

Target: development of creativity, imagination, empathy; vocabulary replenishment; development of figurative and divergent thinking.

Members: individually and as a team.

Exercise: to convey in expanded sentences a concept, a short phrase that the presenter offers.

For example: He was delighted - He laughed, his eyes sparkled, he jumped for joy and began to jump and jump around the table, shouting loudly and joyfully.

Opposite task: Express in one word a colorful description of the manifestation of feelings that the facilitator offers.

For example: His brows furrowed, he slammed his fist on the table, threw the stool aside and shouted menacingly - He got angry.

Funny game for kids AH and OH

Target: development of a sense of empathy, the ability to intonate.

Members: two teams.

Exercise: to convey interjections and intonation-emotional state, given by the presenter. One team performs the task, the second tries to determine the voiced emotion.

Funny game for kindergarten RHYMS

Target: development of creative abilities, imagination, empathy, vocabulary replenishment.

Exercise: come up with rhymes for the given words.

Before playing this fun game, the teacher tells the children that words that have the same last three or four letters are considered rhymes.

Examples of words for selecting rhymes: task, day, juice, friend, book, hungry, rowing, neighbor, pillow, night, fairy tale, kitten, spring, summer, puddle, knee, flower, dot.

Subsequently, mono with the children to play the fun game "Burime", inviting them to compose quatrains based on the proposed rhymes.

Funny game for kids WHAT AM I DOING?

Target: development of creative abilities, imagination, acting abilities, coordination, activation of the life experience of the players.

Members: individually or in two teams.

Exercise: show some action so that others can guess what the action is. The action can be invented by the players themselves, and the leader can offer.

Examples of activities: peel and eat an orange, drink a cup of very hot tea, wash a window, eat a candy, peel and cut an onion, eat a slice of a lemon, make a phone call, walk through a puddle, comb and braid your hair, jump rope, go skiing , twist a hoop, make and eat a sausage and butter sandwich, peel a hard-boiled egg, peel a soft-boiled egg, lace up your shoes, put on a fur coat, watch football on TV.

Funny game for kids FEEL THE DIFFERENCE

Target: development of creativity, imagination, coordination and empathy.

Exercise: show the nuances of different actions so that the actions differ from each other.

The leader calls the action, the children perform. The facilitator can tell the children how one action differs from another.

Examples of actions: smile / laugh / grin / giggle / laugh, talk / whisper / grumble / shout / grumble, walk / stomp / rush / march / flutter, jump / jump / jump / jump / jump / jump / jump, sing / hum / bawl /purr.

Alternatively, you can invite children to rank the actions: from the calmest to the most active and stormy, and vice versa.

Funny game for kids

Target: development of creative abilities, figurative thinking.

Members: individually and in teams.

Exercise: finish the picture by including in the plot an object or character already drawn or glued to a piece of paper.

Funny game for kids PAINTED NAME

Target: development of creative abilities, imagination, figurative thinking.

Exercise: draw your name the way the child himself feels it.

After this game, you can introduce the children to what their names mean, talk with the children about whether they know why or in honor of whom they were named that, what other names are in their family.

A complicated task is to draw the names of your family members, your last name.

Funny game for kids WHAT DID YOU GET?

Target: development of creative abilities, imaginative thinking, coordination.

Members: two or more teams.

Exercise: draw an object blindfolded by the whole team, drawing individual details of the picture in turn.

After the drawing is ready, the other teams must understand what happened to their opponents.

Funny game for kids SAME AND OPPOSITE

Target: replenishment of children's vocabulary; development of speech, figurative thinking.

Members: individually and in teams.

Exercise: for each uttered leading word, come up with as many synonyms and antonyms as possible. For each invented word, the person who came up with it gets one point.

Words can come up with the commands themselves. In this case, one team says the word, the second - its synonym and antonym. Then the teams change.

Funny game for children AS IN A FAIRY TALE

Target: replenishment of children's vocabulary; development of figurative thinking.

Members: individually and as a team.

Exercise: pick up epithets for nouns that are used in Russian folklore and Russian folk tales.

This game is best played after studying the relevant topic in a direct learning activity (DLL) class or after reading Russian folk epics, fairy tales, listening to Russian folk songs. You can talk with children about why the people awarded this or that phenomenon, object or person with such epithets; to what else can one choose the same definitions.

Examples: good fellow, golden wheat, fine day, clean field, clear eyes, silky hair, black eyes, scarlet lips, white birch, burning tears, wild head, red sun, ruddy apple, dark forces, faithful friend, fierce enemy, a sharp look, a tasty piece, a dense forest, dear mother.

Funny game for kids CHANGE THE LETTER

Target: vocabulary replenishment; development of speech, thinking; strengthening the ability to read simple words.

Members: individually or as a team.

Exercise: changing one letter in a word, get a new word from it (children are offered simple words made up of cards with letters).

For example: cat-mouth, rome-rice, rice-fox, forest-lion, lac-bow, onion-beetle, hour-tea, hour-bass, tea-paradise, genus-year, bass-bak, bak-bock, house-com, ox-shaft, ball-sword.

The second version of this fun game in kindergarten is to make a chain of three words.

For example: chalk-mol-goal, shield-whale-cat, bass-bis-rice, fox-forest-lion, gam-gaz-las.

The third, more difficult version of the game is to make new words by changing one letter in four-letter words.

For example: dad-paw, mom-frame, mountain-time.

The fourth option is to make a chain of three four-letter words.

For example: river-hand-flour, dew-spit-goat.

The fifth version of the game is to compose words, each time changing one letter in five-letter words.

For example: mouse-mouse, cat-crust-mink, crust-mink.

The sixth version of the game is to make a chain of words from the most possible number of "links" in the chain, each time changing one letter in the word. Thus, you can play in two teams or individually "for the winner".

For example: tea-hour-bass-bak-bok-juice, bridge-post-port-para-vine, honey-ice-lad-lak-poppy-mag-mig-feast-steam-heat.

ON A NOTE. Finger and puppet theater at low prices in the specialized store "Kindergarten" -

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