Dragon age inquisition explore the lab. Tips for the passage of the game Dragon Age: Inquisition

Large well-designed game projects have one important feature - great amount a wide variety of elements that should be considered when passing the game. Most of them can be described in a couple of paragraphs, so it would not be wise to create a separate post for each tip or recommendation. Here I decided to describe just the same all the elements, details and minor points that can seriously make it easier for you passage Dragon Age: Inquisition and make it more fun.

Almost any major role-playing game is quite difficult to start. Thoughts in your head start to get confused - at first you think about choosing a race, then you immediately go on to considering a class, and after a couple of minutes interesting ideas for killing higher dragons begin to creep into your head, and at this time the menu is still “hanging” on the monitor screen with the character editor. In general, such huge opportunities sometimes give up, because sometimes you really don’t know where to start. I hope my advice will help you overcome this minor crisis.

Take advantage of Dragon Age Keep
Team bioware launched a special Internet portal for its new project, which allows you to study in more detail the game events that took place in the first two games of the series, as well as choose how you would act in certain situations. After that, you can import the created world into Inquisition. This is a very innovative solution, because no one has created such a system before.
Choose your race carefully
When choosing a race, you should rely not only on your own tastes and preferences, but also on distinctive features races. That is, if you like to play as a robber, then it is best to choose an elf, since representatives of this race perfectly evade long-range attacks. Qunari have increased resistance to attacks at close range, so they make excellent warriors. Dwarves are not afraid of magical attacks, as they have considerable resistance to magic, but they cannot become magicians. Humans are given an extra skill point, so they are a versatile race and a great choice for beginners.

Do not forget also that the choice of race will depend relations game characters to the main character. In the Dragon Age universe, people still rise above other races, elves are not put in anything, dwarves are practically not noticed, since they rarely get to the surface, and the Qunari are considered strangers with a culture and traditions that are incomprehensible to many.

Think hard about playing as a mage
Each class in Dragon Age: Inquisition is interesting in its own way and is very different from the other in many characteristics. However, magicians still have a peculiar advantage. If you decide to play as a mage, you will be able to feel more strongly on your character the global conflict that has arisen between the templars and mages. This confrontation was shown in almost all games of the series, and it is much more interesting to follow it, having a direct bearing on it. In addition, the magicians have an excellent set of spells, thanks to which you can easily change the composition of your party depending on the situation.

Plus, magicians have an interesting specialization that allows you to complete the game as a sorcerer knight, that is, your magician at one fine moment turns into a powerful melee fighter. Something similar was introduced back in Dragon Age: Origins.

Change the composition of your party
In the first and second parts of Dragon Age, most of the time I ran with a party assembled at the very beginning of the game. Things are a bit different in Inquisition. Naturally, I also had favorites in the game with whom I would like to spend much more time than with other companions. However, one day, going to a non-dangerous region, I decided to change my already established game and take a couple of "newcomers". As a result, I saw them from a completely different perspective. First, there are new conversations and dialogues that allow you to better understand the motives and personality of the characters. Secondly, at higher levels, their fighting style proved to be more effective than I previously thought. In general, you should not constantly go with the same heroes - change them when going to a non-dangerous location and, perhaps, the passage will become even more interesting for you.
Pay due attention to the character editor
The guys from BioWare managed to develop an excellent character editor, thanks to which you can create a truly unique protagonist, and not cut out another "Pinocchio" and immediately go into battle. Do not be lazy and give it due attention. Naturally, there is no need to go to extremes, sitting over the editor all day long, trying to create perfection itself.
Don't be afraid to start over
Everyone can make a mistake, but not everyone tries to correct it. If, after going through the introduction, you realized that the created character absolutely does not suit you (you don’t like his appearance, class or race), then start the game again. It's better to go through the prologue again than to play for more than a hundred hours with a character that you don't like.
Feel free to use the search button
The search button will be useful not only for collecting " loot”- the fact is that it is able to highlight all the important objects in the environment, and therefore with the help of it you can easily find the things that you need on the job.
Turn off lip gloss in the editor
When creating a character, be sure to turn off the lip gloss feature. To do this, go to the "Makeup" section and set the slider for the corresponding indicator to zero. If you do not do this or set the gloss to a minimum, then the lips of the character you created will shimmer a lot in the cutscenes, which annoyed me personally.
Almost free to redistribute the skills of your character only once
Not far from the forge located in the Vault, you can find a small stall - it is located on the right side of the exit. In it you will find an amulet that makes it possible to redistribute the skills of the main character. For the first time, only one coin will be taken from you. This way, you can change skills at the very beginning if you don't like some of them. However, I advise you to save the game before doing this. This will help you redistribute several times until you find the optimal set of skills.
First of all, explore the territory of the Vault
Very soon after the start of Dragon Age: Inquisition, you will be allowed to walk around your new home in the Vault. Formally, you can already go to Inner Earths to start completing side quests, exploring new locations, and so on. However, I recommend that you linger for a while in the Vault. Be sure to check what quests are available in the Shelter section and try to complete them. This will lead to new Sanctuary-related missions as you travel to the Hinterlands. These tasks can be a great source of experience at the initial stage of the game.
Knowledge is power!
Dragon Age: Inquisition presents a very informative code, in which you can find a lot of useful information about the characters, creatures, kingdoms and events of the world of Thedas. Be sure to check it out, especially if you haven't played the first two parts of the series or have forgotten what exactly happened in them. It will also be useful to look at the wiki. This will help you settle into the universe faster and create a personal attachment to game world. Passing the game in this case will become much more interesting.
Don't forget to use research items for their intended purpose
In the Sanctuary in Josephine's office, you can find a character who leads various research projects. She takes yellow subjects for research, which are needed to gain additional experience and damage. Therefore, upon returning to the fortress, be sure to visit this NPC. You can even write a reminder on some piece of paper or on your smartphone, as it is very easy to forget about it.
Runes can be replaced
Runes are incredibly useful additions to equipment. Most weapons can only be equipped with one rune, which adds a unique type of damage to it (Cold, Spirit, Electricity, and so on). The rune is used only once, that is, by installing it in a weapon, you will not be able to remove the rune back later. But it can be replaced with a stronger rune.
Improvements for Bianca are sold on the market
Bianca is the crossbow of the dwarf Varric. Fortunately or unfortunately, but it is the main weapon for this character, so it should be constantly improved, because otherwise the effectiveness of the crossbow will drop sharply. By the way, the main vendor in the Vault will give you one of each Bianca upgrade for free. After that, you can go to the forge and put these improvements on the crossbow. This procedure can be a great mini-learning to improve your own weapons.
Perform any available operations
Companions of the Inquisitor can perform three operations at once. As soon as the operation is completed, you will immediately receive a corresponding message. You can easily forget about it and continue the game. So try right now come back to the war table in order to again engage their comrades in new operations.

Some of the operations can take quite a long time, as the game takes into account real time. Therefore, leave your Expert Advisors overnight to perform the longest of them. It is not necessary that the game be turned on - missions continue to be completed even when Inquisition is turned off.

Take care of your helmets
In the game, you can enable or disable the display of the helmet on the character. This means that formally the hero will wear a helmet and get all the benefits of wearing it, but at the same time he will become completely invisible in the cut-scenes of the game. This feature is very useful, because many people want to see the face of the character, which some could spend a couple of hours creating.
Don't forget to visit your base from time to time
Exploring new regions and completing missions is, of course, good, but do not forget to visit your base from time to time. There are a huge number of things that you can only do in Skyhold that can help you on the battlefield. Therefore, after completing a quest or completing a goal, consider whether it is worth returning to the fortress now to assess the situation and plan further actions.
Make not weapons, but armor
Most of the good weapons you will most likely find on the corpses of dead enemies or in chests. I do not claim that this applies to everyone, since no one has yet canceled the random. However, for me, the creation of weapons was not very profitable, so I switched to armor. In addition, when I started hunting dragons, I had a lot of valuable items, which turned out to be excellent armor.
Develop upgrades for your gear
I practically did not come across good upgrades for equipment in the outer lands, so I recommend create them yourself. Such additions can save your life or help you defeat a particularly strong opponent. For this reason, you should not throw the creation of improvements on the back burner, but rather do it as early as possible.
Keep in touch with your companions
Fighting monsters and running around can sometimes be incredibly fun, but do not forget that we are facing a role-playing project from BioWare, which encourages conversations with your companions. The developers did their best - each satellite turned out to be unique, and talking with many of them is no less exciting than distributing cuffs left and right. With the right conversation, you can open various quests and additional abilities from comrades in arms, and even start a romance with some.
Check outlets in Orlesian cities
In the first half of the game, according to the plot, you have to go to a large city located in Orlais. Several of Dragon Age: Inquisition's top merchants operate here. For example, in this city you can find a merchant who sells pure runestones for next to nothing.
Take everything that is not bolted to the floor
Be sure to pick up things dropped from enemies or lying in chests. Even if you come across "junk", you can still sell it, and our Inquisitor really needs money. In addition, you can often find quite valuable materials needed to craft powerful weapons or durable armor.
Listen to the bard in the tavern
In the Vault Tavern, you can find a wonderful bard girl who can sing several different songs for you. You can greatly expand her repertoire by collecting words for her from other songs. This has little effect on the plot, but it increases the atmosphere of the game.
Don't leave your comrades out of control in battle
The normal difficulty level allows you to focus all your attention only on the main character, allowing the rest of the party members to act on their own. However, in some battles, for example, with high dragons, without additional satellite control is better don't leave, since only you can correctly place the characters, make competent tactics and dodge flying projectiles well. In addition, by controlling your companions, you will learn what it's like to play other classes in this RPG. Often, when walking through the wild lands, your hero or companions will drop a phrase like "It would be nice to look around." It means that there is some hidden object near you. You can find it using the search button. In addition, such areas are usually highlighted on the mini-map. However, they are easy to miss, so always listen to what your comrades in arms tell you, because the nearby bushes may well contain excellent armor or useful materials.
Do not overestimate your capabilities
Each zone has a recommended level range. Therefore, if you decide to go to a region for high-level characters as a low-level hero, then you will most likely have to be taken out of there feet first. But you should also not spend hours wandering through low-level locations, otherwise certain moment you will simply outgrow the unexplored zones, and it will become much more boring to go through them, because the items found there will not correspond to your parameters, and the monsters will not be able to oppose you.
Look for astrariums
Astrariums are mysterious devices created during the time of the true power of the Teventyr Empire and scattered throughout Thedas. In Dragon Age: Inquisition, the player can find Astrariums to be rewarded with Pentagonal Chests.

Astrarium quests are given out in almost every more or less large location in the game. To do this, you need to find the astrarium on the map, which is indicated special badge: a four-pointed star in a circle. Most astrariums are located on the hills, so try to find a path leading to the top of the hill near the hills.

After activating the astrarium, a menu with a constellation will open on the screen of your monitor. Your goal will be to connection all stars as indicated in the figure in the lower right corner, while it is forbidden to pass through each line more than once.

Some constellations can be difficult for you, but if you know exactly how the system works, then opening them will become much easier. The main thing is to find the stars in it, where it converges odd number lines. When they are found, you should start with one of them, and finish with the other, otherwise you will not be able to solve the problem.

However, in a number of constellations of such stars, not to be. Then you can start solving the puzzle from any star, but in it you will have to finish your journey. Sometimes constellations come across with extra stars, that is, to them at all no need lead lines. In order not to fall for the trick, carefully study the diagram below the screen. After drawing all the lines, you should click on the "finish" button located on the left and then the true appearance of the constellation will open to you.

After activating your first astrarium, you will immediately be given a quest to search for the rest of the constellations. All of them will be marked on the map. To complete this task, you will have to activate all of them. The last of the astrariums will indicate the approximate location of the cave, where the reward for your labors will be waiting for you. The exact place is not marked, and therefore you, most likely, will have to carefully explore the location. The entrance to the cave is usually hidden among trees or small hills. Inside there may be different opponents: from giant spiders to vile living dead. Here you will find pentagonal chests where rare equipment is stored.

In total, there are fifteen Astrariums in Dragon Age: Inquisition - three for each of the five game levels: Crestwood, Storm Coast, The Hinterlands, Emerald Graves and Western Reach. For activating all the constellations, you will be given the Astrologer achievement.

Hurry up - make people laugh
Do not rush and make rash decisions. Plan your next step carefully and set yourself multiple goals at once. You don't need to rush through the story like a locomotive, otherwise you will miss a lot of interesting things prepared for you by the developers. In addition, in this case, you will not be able to get used to the world and personally experience all the hardships, joys and losses of the Inquisitor. Also try to explore new zones where you can meet a lot of interesting characters and complete a couple of exciting quests. Some side quests are practically as good as the main storyline in terms of their intensity of passions and unexpected twists.
Use tactical mode in difficult battles
Most of the battles on the average difficulty level will not be any particular problem for you. But in some battles, you still have to sweat a lot. Can ease a serious battle tactical mode with which you can assess the situation and plan your next steps. Therefore, they should not be neglected.
This is not an escape! This is a tactical retreat!
Anything can happen in the game, including getting into a situation in which it is impossible to win. In this case, it may be much wiser not to die along with your comrades on the battlefield, but to try to escape, group your forces and rejoin the battle. Remember, this is not an escape, but just a tactical retreat, so don't beat yourself up for doing it.
Before replenishing potions, drink the remaining ones in inventory
Quite often, when completing tasks, you will notice crates of elixirs on the ground. They are quite useful, as potions are one of the most effective ways to heal a hero during battles. But before replenishing your supplies, give the task to your companions to drink all the elixirs they have left. This will replenish their health bar and maximize their total hit points before you get more potions.
Keep companions belonging to different classes with you
There are quite a few restricted locations in Thedas that can be accessed in a number of ways. For example, locked doors can be opened by robbers, fragile walls can only be broken through by warriors, and magic barriers can only be removed by magicians. Therefore, I recommend keeping as diverse a team as possible in your party.
Conquer mountain peaks
Finally in a game from BioWare main character can jump. Now fences and fallen trees are not an obstacle for you. Moreover, if you wish, you can even climb to the top of a nearby mountain. The main thing is not to give up when slipping and keep jumping towards your dream. When you get to the very top, your party members will automatically transfer to you.
In the later stages of the game, you can skip regular equipment
Toward the end, picking up simple equipment will become unprofitable, as they will be bought in stores for next to nothing, but they will take up useful space in your inventory. Collect only purple and blue items.

On this I, perhaps, will finish. If you also have helpful tips, then you can write them in the comments to the post.

We keep going dragon age Inquisition. I recorded the previous videos a long time ago, but the new party is being created simultaneously with the passage, so from fresh memory, things are going easier. In this "season" we will finish the story with Gerion Alexius, explore new locations, save the soldiers of the Inquisition, acquire new satellites and come close to closing Gaps.

Calm before the storm

The video begins with the clearing of Wolf's Hollow. I still need to convince Dennett to give the horses to the Inquisition, and the wolf problem is one of the additional tasks(Elaina's quest) on the way to this goal.

After that, we close one of the gaps near the exit to the world map and return to the command headquarters. I invest the earned specificity points in the Massace Method. This is a military stat for the Inquisition that adds 5% to experience gained from killing enemies. In my opinion it is very useful, the main thing is to develop this ability as early as possible. Then I distribute orders to agents. Now you need to make a choice of a story quest in favor of mages or templars. I chose the "magical" path because stories with magicians tend to be more interesting.

Dorian also joins our group. We leave for Redcliffe to meet with Master Geryon Alexius.

Forward into a bleak future

Here we watch the plot cut-scene. The bottom line is that Gerion's son Felix told us about Geryon's trap, so at the meeting the Inquisition warriors prepared in advance interrupt the guards of the master. But the sorcerer, with the help of a certain talisman, casts a temporary portal. As a result, Dorian and our protagonist - the Herald of Andraste - are transported into the future one year ahead.

Once in the basement of the castle, we notice that everything around is already overgrown with red lyrium. Not good. Only half of the group will have to go through this segment, so we act carefully and quickly.

In the dungeon we find the rest of the partners - Cassandra and Solas. We learn from them that after our disappearance, no one could prevent the Elder from gaining power, and the world of people was filled with an army of demons. But all is not lost, if we find Geryon, then with the help of his talisman we can go back in time and change the course of history.

In full force we go in search of the villain. The main local enemy is venatori fanatics, they are essentially ordinary soldiers. But the most dangerous are Venatori archers and Venatori spellcasters. Always try to kill the caster first, because casting away from the main mess, he deals massive damage.

Save Leliana

We continue to move through the dungeon, through the torture chambers and cages with prisoners that mutate into red lyrium crystals. The main task is to find Leliana, which is quite easy, you won't miss, but besides, in the same room, don't forget to pick up the key to the prison from the guard's corpse! Don't repeat my mistake. I didn’t notice him right away and then several times I searched the entire location up and down. There is no marker for this key, and without it the door cannot be opened.

There is nothing more important in the video after Leliana. The rest of the time I'm just looking for the key.

How to get to the throne room of Alexius

Continuation of the passage of a gloomy future. Mostly solid fights. Through the underground passage we get into courtyard, we look at the giant gap and again into battle with the demons and venatori.

The most important task is to open the door to the throne room of Alexius. To do this, you will need to find 5 Red Lyrium Shards. The shards are located respectively in the possession of five Venatori spellcasters, scattered throughout the different rooms of the castle. In this video, I collected 4 out of 5 shards.

Alexius, bye bye

After all the fragments are collected, open the door to the throne room. A small story scene and final fight with master. I think that you can defeat Gerion Alexius without any problems, the main thing is not to step on the green trap runes that the sorcerer puts. If you have problems, then watch the video from the 6th to the 20th minute.

Done, we select the amulet from the corpse and return to the past. In this time dimension, Alexius is still alive, but he realizes that resistance is futile and renounces his claim to Radcliffe.

In conclusion, we offer an alliance to magicians. Two options are possible here: make the magicians prisoners of the Inquisition or allies. I chose the second option. As a result, he received "total approval" of the elf magician Solas and at the same time "total condemnation" from Cassandra and Sera.

Storm Coast

We are back at command headquarters. We discuss recent events and plan further actions. To begin with, I checked the inventory and equipped more good weapon and armor. The choice is not to say that it is very large, but it is all the more pleasant to find rare artifacts.

The next deed was to spend 4 Influence on Storm Coast scouting, thus opening up access to the area. That's where we'll go. I will say right away that in this location I completed all the quests, set all the landmarks, collected all the fragments and astrariums, which took a lot of time. Therefore, I am adding the next 5 videos to the same section and briefly, in a nutshell, I will describe the content of each.

New enemy Baby dragons. Solution of the first astrarium (Constellation Fervanis). Search for fragments. At the end of the video (around the 28th minute) I looked at the battle between the dragon and the troll. It is not clear whether this script was scripted, but in the future I did not find either a dragon or a troll here.

Closing the gap. Exploration of the area, opening of the second camp. Found the first part of the diary Gray Warden(16th minute). Bears... Where without them. Found the second part of the Gray Warden's Diary (26th minute).

The opening of the third camp and the task "Hold the Storm Coast" is completed. I found an entrance in the farthest part of the map, but the door is closed and it is not known how to open it. Completion of the main quest of the location "Putting things in order". The soldiers of the Inquisition were sent to meet with a group of robbers on Storm Coast but contact with them was lost. At the 11th minute, the second found astrarium (Constellation Servani). At the 23rd minute, the third astrarium (Constellation Bellitanus). It has a small catch, two extra stars. Solving all riddles with astrariums opens the entrance to a cave with useful artifacts on the map. In my case, it was the Dreamweaver's Staff, the Free Marche Banner Cap, and the Red Crossing Doom unique bow. Most likely the loot drops out randomly.

I continue to explore the location and complete the mission "Stormshore Regions". I close the most difficult gap. From time to time, elven amulets come across in the game that can be launched. Solas approves of this, but what their purpose is is not yet clear.

Well, the last episode about the Storm Coast. There is nothing important here, I collect the remaining hard-to-reach fragments.

Dealing with cases in the Vault

Having advanced far enough along the plot, I completely forgot about the tasks in the home location. It remains to talk with the pharmacist Adan, make armor and collect materials for weapons for the Inquisition.

The blacksmith has various interesting possibilities. For example, you can modify items, which will not only improve the characteristics of the product, but also change its appearance. Unfortunately, the upgrades themselves drop out so rarely that I almost don't have them.

There is also the possibility of crafting weapons and armor. To do this, you need a sketch of the future item, as well as the components necessary for its manufacture. The characteristics and appearance depend on the quality of the component. For example, I assembled an elven hood. This is a very simple sketch and only requires cloth (3 pieces for armor and 6 pieces for protection). But in my inventory, I have accumulated several types of fabrics: glossy cotton, checkered fabric, brocade, semi-velvet, lamb, thin velvet, cotton, silk. So by combining the type of fabric, we get a variety of characteristics and even a different appearance.

Another useful person in the camp is the alchemist. He can improve existing potions (plus tinctures and bombs), as well as create new ones. As usual, you need a recipe and the required assortment of herbs. From the new I created the bomb "Bottle with bees." I also wanted to improve the healing potion, but there was no dawn lotus in the inventory, which grows in the swamps.

At the end of the video, I return to the headquarters of the command and choose the exploration of the mission "Explore the fragments", which opens up another interesting area - the "Forbidden Oasis".

forbidden oasis

Forbidden Oasis is a small but very confusing location. If you plan to collect all the fragments here, then you will need to study it thoroughly. Why collect the pieces at all? Firstly, you will need 6 pieces to open the door to the local temple, and inside the temple there will be 3 more such doors. Behind each of these doors are 3 rooms. Inside the rooms are sarcophagi, opening which you get protection points from a certain type of magic (magic of the spirit, fire and ice). And the rooms themselves are also separated by magical doors. The deeper you go, the more difficult the door, and the more fragments it will require.

In the above two videos, only collecting fragments and exploring the location. The temple will be in the video below. Between them there is still gameplay, which I did not begin to write down, because the essence is the same. Shard collection. As a result, as well as on the Storm Coast, he collected and completed everything that was available. Even a side quest with a woman who asks to find an engagement ring in a cave. The problem here is that there are 50 spiders in the cave, and they are not ordinary, but infected (more persistent and aggressive) and attack with the whole crowd. The battle, of course, was epic, even my bombs with bees were used, but this episode is not on the video.

It is difficult to give any advice on the passage of this location, because even after watching the video, you are unlikely to understand which way I went. Here, until you yourself explore all the paths, nothing will work.

Brown Mire

The video begins with the very spidery cave of Par'as, which I wrote about above. Only it has already been cleared, I returned the ring and in return received the key to the locked door. I return to the cave and open the door, inside is a box with useful good.

After that, we open the door to the Temple of Pride with fragments, and then the process that I described. You can watch the video. In total, I managed to open two rooms in the direction of spirit magic and one each in the magic of ice and fire. This depleted my supply of shards.

We finish the Forbidden Oasis and go directly to the Brown Marsh. The location was opened a long time ago, but somehow there was no chance to go. The plot mission here is to rescue the soldiers of the Inquisition, who were captured by the local Aboriginal accelerators Avvars.

Our main enemy here is the undead, a few demons, and also periodically those same natives. As the name suggests, the area is a swampy area. And if the enemy will stand in the water, then magic and abilities will not work on him. Therefore, you need to move along special islands on which you need to light a curtain fire. The undead will crawl out to look at the magical light, and here we are already giving a full procast.

Almost everything here consists of battles. I found a hut in the swamps, but you need a key from the door. Haven't found it yet. Thus, we reach a small fort. If you climb the wall, then there is another locked door, but this time you don’t need a key, but the “Skillful Hands” skill, which I apparently don’t have. Where to get it is not known. I play as a rogue class, and among all the skills available for learning, I didn’t notice “Skillful Hands”.

A little more and got to the fortress of Hargrave, the citadel of the Avvars. The leader of the aborigines, the Hand of Korg, is waiting here. Apparently I exhausted him with endless resurrections. By the end of the video, the doomed boss is just running around and not even trying to hit anyone.

Well, the last video from the "second season" passing Dragon Age Inquisition. We select the key from the killed leader and save the soldiers of the Inquisition. At the exit from the fortress, we recruit into the Inquisition one of the Avvars - Looking at the sky. You can end there. The rest I just gain experience in battles in the swamp. There are many tough marsh fishermen here that drop Bronto skins. It would be nice to craft a new armor out of it.

Ready? Go!

- I'll make you better pants, Cassandra.
- I appreciate it.

Update your knowledge of the world

Dragon Age: Inquisition involves a lot of lore about the lands of Thedas, its people, and the events of the first two games in the series. It is worth finding out about all this before you start playing. For this purpose, I have written a spoiler-free guide, which will serve as a useful introduction for newcomers, and will help refresh the memory of veterans. After you read this, you will want to do something different.

In Dragon Age Keep

Bioware did something very cool for Inquisition: Dragon Age Keep website. Keep lets you go through all the events of the first two games, make or redo all the key story choices, and then import your own customized world state into new game. If you're unfamiliar with the series, it's still a good idea to familiarize yourself with the basics before you start, but it's definitely worth using Keep before you start playing.


Play as the race that suits you best

Races in Inquisition largely determine how they are treated in the world. Humans are mostly towering over others, elves are humiliated for the most part, dwarves are rare and can't use magic, and qunari are outsiders who almost no one understands. However, each race has inherent traits that make it more suited to a particular role. Elves are good at dodging ranged attacks, making them good rogues; Qunari have resistance to melee damage, so they make better fighters. Dwarves have increased magic resistance, and they cannot choose a magic class. Humans get an extra skill point, making them more all-around. In essence, I would advise you to just play for the race that you are most interested in.

Consider playing as a mage

All classes in Inquisition interesting, and they are all very different. Mages, however, have some peculiarities. The fact is that being a magician, you will probably feel your character more involved in the global conflict of magicians and templars, which determines a lot in dragon age. In addition, the spells are quite interesting and varied enough to have different types of parties to support your mage. There is also a mage specialization that allows you to complete the game as a sorcerer knight, giving you a powerful melee attack, effectively turning your mage into a swordsman spellcaster. It's too powerful, but when you use it, it's just a bomb. All classes in Inquisition entertaining and you really can't go wrong with any of them. However, it is worth trying to play a magician.

Spend your time on the character editor

character creation editor Inquisition nice and imposing, and well worth the time to fine-tune the character's hair and face. Remember that you can press a button and have him say a few different phrases to help demonstrate how he or she will look throughout the cutscenes.

You can start over

See. We all do it. Everyone who's ever played a Bioware game created a character, went through the intro, and then concluded they didn't like the way the character looked and went back to the editor. Allow yourself to do so dragon age. It's better to go over the first few hours with a character you like than to play 80 hours with a character you don't like.


Turn off lip gloss

My biggest character creation tip is this: Under Makeup and Tattoos, drag the Lip Gloss slider all the way to zero. Trust me, if you leave it on even a tiny bit, your character's lips will shimmer in cutscenes.

On PC, set mesh quality to high

I find the PC version Inquisition pretty flexible in terms of performance. However, there is one setting you'll want to max out: the mesh. For some reason, if you set the mesh quality to medium, the character's hair will become very shiny and look like plastic. Maybe it's a bug, or maybe it's a feature of my computer, but if you get shiny hair, you can fix it by changing the grid settings.

Turn off your helmets

You can disable helmets in the game, which means your character will technically still be wearing the helmet and get the protection and bonuses it adds, but the helmet itself will be invisible in the game. I find this approach highly preferable. However, if you love helmets, stay in them.


You can redistribute your character once for free

Near the forge in the Vault there is a small stall, which is located in the upper right corner from the exit. In it, you can purchase an amulet that will allow you to redistribute your skills. The former will cost one coin, meaning that if you don't like your character's stats early in the game, it's very easy to reroll them. My advice: if you decide to do this, save your game first. Redistribute your skills, then head out into the fields and see if you're happy with your new abilities. That way you can always reload and save the potion for later.

Redistribute character skills at a later stage

It's also a good idea to progress through the game and redistribute the character's skills at a later stage of the game at least once. I found that I never used some of the abilities I had acquired, and by rerolling the skills again, I recreated much the same character, but saved a few points to use in more useful areas for my game. Each redistribution costs 345 coins, which is relatively cheap.

Explore the Vault first

Shortly after the start of the game, you will be able to walk around your home base in the Sanctuary. While you can technically travel to the Hinterlands to start questing and traveling, first linger in the Sanctuary for a while. Under the "Hideout" section, check what tasks are here and complete them. When you go to the Hinterlands, you will receive a few more quests that are related to the Vault; do them as well. It's an easy source of extra experience early in the game, and you'll be able to level up a few before you get into fights.


Return to base as often as you can

It's tempting to go out on extensive field trips, but it's generally a good idea to return to base each time to check. There are a lot of things you can do at home, and each of them will make your work in the fields easier. Once you've completed a task or two, consider going back and seeing what's what.

Explore Research Items

There is a character in the Sanctuary who stands in Josephine's office. She leads the research, and between missions, you can give her all your yellow research items. You should definitely do this in order to get extra damage and experience while talking about the enemies you study. Every time you come home, keep this in mind among the things to do, because it's easy to forget about it.

Sell ​​your valuables

Do you know how many useless items you find in the world in RPGs to sell to a merchant? AT Inquisition this is also good enough. But did you also know that most RPGs (including other Bioware games) refer to these things as "junk" or "loot"? AT Inquisition they are called "values". (I didn't know either.) You can even weed out an item as "value" in your inventory, just like you used to weed out "garbage".

For a moment, look at this - although it is silly and not obvious, but has the same concept - as easy money. Every time you go to the merchant, sell all your blue valuables to quickly get money and free up space in your inventory. However, keep the yellow items, because they are usually research items that you can turn into stat bonuses. It's best to just check them out every time you get home before going to the merchant.


Always run operations

Your colleagues in the war room can perform three operations at the same time. You will receive an alert each time the operation ends, but it's easy to forget about it and keep playing. Try to return to the war room as often as possible - so all your three advisers will always be involved each in their operation.

Run long operations overnight

Operations are in real time and continue to run even if the game is turned off. This means that it makes sense to assign longer operations to be performed while you sleep.


By the way, it is very tempting to sit all night in dragon age and then go to sleep. This is not recommended because your body needs sleep functionally.

Buy upgrades for Bianca from the market

Varric Bianca's crossbow is unique in Inquisition, as it is the only weapon in the game that it recognizes. This means you have to upgrade regularly to keep it on par with your other gear. You can do it right away, but still, head to the main weapon dealer in the Vault to get one of each type of Bianca upgrade for free. Then go to the forge and install the upgrades. This process can serve as a pretty good mini-learning to improve weapons.

Craft Armor, Not Weapons

While the crafting system in Inquisition can be cool to use (even though it's too fiddly), you're more likely to find great gear on the battlefield than craft it. I found weapon crafting rarely worth it, so I made some pretty good armor, and specifically, when I began to kill dragons and collect valuable skins and bones from them. Generally speaking, you can avoid making a lot of things and just use the things you find around unless you really want to make your own gear.

Create upgrades for your equipment

However, it is usually worth going to create your own pieces of armor for legs and arms, and weapon upgrades. You're unlikely to find what you need in the fields, and crafted weapon attachments will add utility upgrades to your gear.


You cannot remove runes, but you can replace them

Runes are the other most useful thing in making equipment; most weapons can have a single rune inserted that will give them some unique damage. One thing about runes: using it on a weapon destroys it, which means you can't extract the rune and use it again on another weapon. At the same time, you you can replace the existing one with a new, more powerful rune. For a while I did not understand this, so I avoided inserting them, while I should have used them. Don't be like me! Use your runes.

Give a name to your created equipment

You can give a name to your armor or the weapons you create, and you definitely should. "The Thinker" is a much better name than "Cold Resistance Hat" or whatever.

Check out the shops in Val Royeaux

Early enough in the story, you'll arrive in the Orlesian city of Val Royeaux, which is home to some of the best markets in the game. Specifically, there is a merchant that sells pure runestones cheaply, which you can use to create runes when you return home.


Talk to everyone

It's tempting to just run around and fight monsters all day long, but don't lose sight of the fact that this is a Bioware RPG, which means it encourages those who take the time to hang out with their team members. The characters in this game are great and worth talking to until you've explored all the possible discussions you can get. Over time, these conversations will unlock new dialogue options, amazing new character development paths, side quests, and even (of course) novels.

Go listen to the bard in the tavern

AT Inquisition in the tavern is just a wonderful bard. She sings several different songs, and as you find new lyrics around the world, her repertoire will expand. You can find the words in the "Stories" section of your codex, and read them while you listen to the song. She definitely has an extraordinary ability to play lead and rhythm guitar at the same time, but don't dwell on it. Maybe she just has a magic tool or something.


Change your group

In past games dragon age I almost always went with one party assembled for the whole game. Inquisition a bit different for some reason - while I definitely had favorites in the group, I liked to mix and match different party members a lot more. And as it turned out, this is a great way to pass. Traveling to a region that is not very dangerous? Consider taking on characters that you rarely take on. You'll hear all sorts of new conversations and dialogue, get to know the characters better, and might be surprised to find that you actually enjoy fighting side by side with someone you haven't had that much fun with before.

Try to control other party members in combat

On normal difficulty, it's very easy to focus on your main character and let the rest of the party do their thing. However, it can be really interesting for a change to take control of someone else during the course of the battle. My first playthrough was as a mage, but I occasionally spent time playing Iron Bull in combat. It's really fun to use just circling the battlefield and dealing crazy damage with the giant hammer. It was, I must say, a completely different experience than playing a mage. Trying out different characters can also give you a taste of what other classes are like in case you're about to start a second playthrough.

Pick up everything

It's too bad there's no "pick all" button that allows your character to vacuum up all the little bags that drop every time you defeat enemies. But... she's gone. So you have to go through and collect all the loot pieces individually. The bottom line is that you should definitely do this: you can not only find really useful crafting materials and weapons lying around, but also collect valuables and other items that can be sold for money.


Use the search button

The search button is useful not only for loot - it highlights all in the environment and can make it easier to find the items you are looking for here. During the study, I pressed it constantly when there was something to pick up nearby. If nothing happens, you will hear a loud sound effect.

Hear when hidden items can be found

Often while walking through the wilds, your character or one of the party members will say something like "Let's look around!" This means that there is something hidden nearby, something that you can find by pressing the search button and following the beep. Your minimap also highlights these areas if you happen to be in them, but this is easy to miss, so it's usually best to keep your ears up to hear if someone from the party says this.


Along with all letters, side conversations, codex, journal entries, and all reports in the war room, Inquisition contains an unimaginable number of entries. While it's much easier to just scroll through the new codex entry and other text on the screen, try to slow down and actually read them. They do a lot to explain what's going on in the world around you, and they're pretty well written and fun to read.

Try to stick to level-appropriate quests and zones

Each zone or task in Inquisition assigned a recommended range of levels. You will know if you are heading into an area that is too difficult for you, as you are more likely to get trampled. But while it's possible to spend hours running through low-level zones, once you've exceeded the recommended level, it can cause you to suddenly outgrow zones you haven't explored yet. And as you research them (you really should do this in the game!), the stuff you get won't be as good as the higher tier stuff you already have. It's a rather controversial attempt to strike a balance, and perhaps not quite right, but going into zones that are strictly for your level is a good idea.

Skip the most tedious side missions

Not all side missions Inquisition are equivalent. Some of them are all just tedious gathering tasks, especially the claim quests you get in each zone. You can always complete them if you want, but they are completely skippable. The game has many other, more interesting side quests, so you can earn all the power points you need without having to do any of the gathering quests. In general, there are one or two "main" storylines in each zone, as well as some other quests that the journal entries recommend, and they are more thorough than just "collect such and such a number of such and such items." Focus on them, unless you're a fan of gathering quests.

Don't fight a giant on rocky terrain

Speaks for itself. If you are going to fight a giant, try to figure out if you can lure him away from the rocky areas. Otherwise, things will get pretty messy.


Use tactical mode for tough battles

It's easy to get caught up in the rhythm when you're just going through battles on auto-pilot, but only until you encounter a strong enemy who kicks your ass. If you feel that the course of the battle has changed, immediately switch to tactical mode and start issuing specific orders.

If you're close to defeat, run away

If you find yourself in a no-win situation and lose a few members of your party, you can still run away as you are in an open world. Go to the hills - and your group will move to your location. Even those who are badly injured. I don't know if it's magic or something. Of course, you won’t get experience for such a battle.

Drink potions before refilling them

Sometimes during missions you will run past potion crates. They can be useful as potions are the only way to heal yourself in the thick of combat. However, before replenishing your potions, order each character to drink one of their remaining potions. This will restore their health. before that how you replenish your inventory, maximizing the amount of health points (and potential number of health points) you recover.

Run around with the versatile party

There are several types of locked doors in Thedas, and you'll want to run around with a motley party to make sure you can open them all. There are regular locked doors that your rogues can unlock, and there are more advanced doors that require the Inquisition special skill to get through. In addition, there are walls that only a warrior can destroy, and magical barriers that only a mage can destroy. So you'll want to have all three classes in your group at all times.


Fight the dragon side by side with the Iron Bull

I'll say it straight. The first time you go to fight a dragon, take the Iron Bull with you. Trust me.

Basically, just keep Iron Bull around.

You know what? Just keep the Bull in your group at all times. He's the best.

You can conquer that whole mountain

You can jump into Inquisition, which is very important for a Bioware game. This means that when you come to a big mountain or other obstacle and you want to know what is on the top and what lies around, you can jump and climb to the top. Don't let small slips and shifts discourage you! If you really believe, you can overcome this weird jump-and-slide component. role play and eventually reach the top. Once you're there, your party will magically join you.

Over time, you may start to skip regular gear.

After a certain point in the game, picking up white, "regular" weapons and armor becomes unprofitable. They cost little in the store and only take up space in your inventory. Rather than picking them up and then destroying them, it's better not to bother. Pick up only blue and purple things.


Do not hurry

I give this advice for most games with open world like this one, but it's especially applicable to Inquisition. Do not hurry! Slow down and explore. There are so many cool things in this game, and most of them are off the beaten path. You can collect enough power points to unlock a new storyline, but instead go explore everything. You'll find new areas to unlock with those points, as well as interesting dungeons, exciting side quests, and some standalone storylines that await you in wild lands. Do not speed up your passage in the game, waste your time.

So, we decided to prepare for you a guide to the passage of the game, thereby arming you with knowledge so that in the future you will not have any serious problems with the game. This guide will be displayed as tips.

Unfortunately, you will not be able to transfer saves from past games in the series, but this does not mean that all your old merits and awards will simply disappear - nothing has been forgotten. All decisions that you once made in , as well as in . To do this, you just have to use a service called Dragon Age Keep. With the help of this program, you will transfer all the brightest and most epic events from past games in the series, all the old settings will be restored. Thus, any decision made a long time ago will be reflected in the new world of the game. And besides this, you have a great opportunity to refresh old memories from past parts.

This let's say "personnel" issue and in the game it is almost the most important. You will spend the bulk of your journey in this great game in good company, so it's important to keep your team balanced. You should definitely have a warrior with a shield, as he will take all the main attention of the enemies on himself. It is also extremely important to have one rogue and one mage each. The magician will be able to support your entire group, and not only you, even your other allies. And the robber will deal the most damage - which is very important. Well, give the last place to the one you like best. At the very beginning of the game, you will get a balanced group: here you will have a warrior or, as everyone used to call him a "tank" - Kassandra, an interesting magician named Solas, well, old Varrik, known to everyone as a robber. A little later, of course, you can easily change your composition.

We will try to disassemble this advice on magicians. In your organization, you can recruit three magicians who can be in your group, they are Vivien, Solas and Dorian. Please note that heroes should not be developed according to the same template, that is, they should put all skill points into the same pyromancy. Let each of your heroes develop in different directions, on magicians, let it be a school of spirit, lightning, cold and much more. The main thing is that all this does not happen again! Thus, do the same with the warrior and the robbers - develop them in different directions! Also choose your party members so that the team is unique and not repeated!

While traveling around the world, you will meet more than one barrier on your way. Such barriers usually block the way to something very valuable and interesting. To destroy these barriers, you will have to shoot them with a staff. But the whole difficulty lies in the fact that there are three types of magical barriers: the first is fiery, marked in red; the second is icy, indicated in blue, and the third is spiritual, which is indicated in purple. Each barrier can only be destroyed by the corresponding element. More precisely, the opposite: the fire will deactivate the ice barrier and, accordingly, vice versa, well, electric attacks are used against the spiritual barrier. If you are striving to ensure that you do not miss anything in the game, then we recommend that you do not neglect this advice.

In addition to the fact that you develop characters in the game, you will also have to develop the organization itself - the Inquisition. Complete tasks that will increase the level of your organization and be sure to download special skills / abilities / perks / passives. First of all, we recommend that you upgrade "Skillful Hands", more precisely, it's "Deft Hands, Fine Tools". It is located in a category called "Secrets", in other words "Secrets". This feature will allow absolutely all heroes with the Rogue class to open complex locks, behind which you will find very valuable loot!

With a properly grouped team and if they are still at a very high level, then the bulk of the battles in the game should take place without using this tactical pause. But sometimes, nevertheless, you will come across very difficult battles, in which even a second plays a lot. This is where the pause mode comes in handy. When it gets too "hot", then rather switch to a tactical view and carefully look, think and give orders to your wards. In general, according to this principle, it will be necessary to move to the very victorious end. Although it takes more time, it significantly increases the chances of survival.

First of all, we advise you to visit those locations where it is possible to set up a Camp. In this case, you will definitely not regret your time spent. There are two points worth noting here: the first point - you can move extremely quickly, which thereby helps to complete secondary tasks; the second point - it will come in handy when the most "rush hour" of the battle occurs and you have no jars of healing potion left.

Tip Eight - Talk to everyone who can talk

Any veteran who plays the game knows this advice, but if this is your first time encountering their games, then take this into your arsenal. Let the previous games from these developers have been smaller in all parameters, but here ... here you need to talk to absolutely everyone. Communication with any creature of this world will help you understand this world much more and learn more about the relationships between diverse personalities. In addition to all this, you can also get a quest. And by the way, your allies will help you tell a lot more than any other character. Therefore, we recommend that after each significant quest, talk with your associates. Thus, you will definitely not miss the chance to increase or decrease the reputation of this ally, you will also be able to get a very interesting task or even see an interesting picture, for example, when Kassandra beats Varric.

As you progress through the game, you will almost constantly stumble upon a variety of mines / mines or plants. Here you just need not to be lazy and collect all this. This will happen quickly enough and the benefits will not be small. For example, with the help of the collected materials, you can improve / create equipment. And we will tell you more - resources are needed to raise your organization! In addition, in order to complete any quest, you will also need resources. And in the end - it will just drag you out, we assure you.

While you're out there shredding dragons and trying to save the world from disaster by the sweat of your brow, your advisors are eating their back seats in the fortress. Therefore, so that they do not feel like "chocolate", it is necessary to constantly load them with work. As often as possible, try to return to your home and load them with work. Instructions are issued in the meeting room. For example, your agents will be able to collect gold in support of your organization, settle political problems, establish very useful contracts, even get equipment for you, but that's not all, we don't reveal much to make it interesting. Each Expert Advisor has its own execution time, so everything can take from a minute to several hours. The counter will move in real time, so we recommend that you give the most difficult and long tasks for them. But when you return, the adviser will already be ready to provide you with a report.

According to the developers themselves, it can take as much as 180 hours of play! Therefore, if you don’t like something in the new hero, or if you did something wrong, then feel free to start playing again. It's best to donate those miserable couple of hours in order to eventually complete the game to the very end.

In your hideout of the Inquisition, on the right side of the entrance there is a small shop - here they can sell you unique item, with which you can reset all of your hero's skill points. This way you can redistribute them in a new way! , use this item to radically rebuild an uncomfortable hero, unless of course you really like the skills.

We will talk about the shelter of the Inquisition, because it's just a huge location, where there are a large number of very different and interesting objects/objects/things/characters and so on. After all, the plot of this game is built in such a way that you can easily skip this Vault and go to new location. We recommend that you do not do this, because you still need to carefully study the headquarters, talk with all the comrades-in-arms, complete a couple of tasks and carefully study the assortment of local artisans.

Besides the fact that you can start operations here, in the Vault you can also study a variety of found items that you were able to find during your travels. For their study, you will certainly receive bonuses - for example, more increased damage against certain enemies. Don't forget about this opportunity, because it is very useful in the passage.

At the very beginning of the game, you will meet a gnome named Varric, who will be armed with only one crossbow. You won't be able to change his weapon, but you can buy a variety of upgrades/improvements for her! Try not to forget to do this, because Varric is no weaker than the rest of your team members.

In a location called "Hinterlands", you need to get to the owner of the horses as soon as possible - a story task. This character will be able to give you a horse, which will greatly facilitate your journey in the game.

Still, it is not recommended to constantly move on a horse. After all, when traveling on horseback, you will not be able to hunt or collect useful resources, much less conduct another battle. In battle, you will find yourself in a rather awkward position. We recommend you ride on already explored locations. And to move over longer distances, it is best to use the system of local camps, which will take you instantly to the selected point.

Soon the game will take you to a place called Val Royeaux - a huge city with a bunch of shops! Carefully study the local assortment - here you can find a lot of useful items for yourself at quite reasonable prices. And by the way, we recommend that you keep the money until a visit to this city, because at first you can endure until a visit to Val Royno.

It is worth noting that, as always, the game fit just perfectly! One of your main tasks is to develop the Inquisition and spread its influence. For this quest, every good deed will benefit (any quest completed will increase the influence of your Inquisition!).

When you open the quest log, your eyes will immediately rush to the story quests, of course, the thought immediately arises to complete them first. We recommend that you do the following: open your map and choose your route to the intended story mission, and on the way to your goal, just complete additional / side tasks. We assure you that you will enjoy the experience very much.

It's not just one continuous war/battles/skirmishes/battles, tragedies/pain/sadness - it's love too! Choose the one or the one you like the most, set a goal for yourself! After that, learn a little about this character, study her / his character carefully, start to eventually agree and constantly lean towards her / his side. The romantic lines here are worked out just perfectly, so just enjoy!

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