Civilization 5 tips and tactics. Latest news in the world of gaming and IT industry

Hello, I'm Raven. Here I want to share my game tactics in the wonderful strategy of Civilization V! The guide will develop, not all at once)

Character selection:
If you are going to devote the whole game to the war with other civilizations, choose Genghis Khan, he has one very good ability! I personally play for Catherine II, because I am a patriot. I have never played for the rest, I will update this section as the game progresses.
First steps:
We make a city where there is an extensive amount of resources (The rest will appear in the course of studying the "Tree of Research" we make a city there! Great, the first steps have been taken! Now we need to develop and expand territories! There are 2 options to expand the borders: Make your own cities, capture others. If you are going to capture cities like me, start with the weak ones, and then build a road from your capital to the city! Why? There will be an influx of gold, and it is very necessary here! Forgot to mention 3 way to expand the borders: Buy cells. Cells are quite expensive, but there are purple ones!They are sold for cheap.As you advance, you will meet other Civilizations.Now tips: Every time you capture/create a city, make a path to it!Sell unnecessary resources to other states!Are you going to capture the city? Make a lot of units and besiege the city!I also advise you to buy additional (If others are killed), and now a warning!CITY CANNOT CAPTURE RANGE UNITS! That is, guns, archers, etc! The city can only be captured by: Warriors, Knights, Knights with a long sword, foot soldiers, mechanized infantry!

There are several endings in the game, I will only tell you the ones I know!
Military victory: Destroy states and civilizations, take over the world.
Cultural Victory:-
"Normal" ending: You just get to ... 2060-62 and a splash screen appears saying: Civilizations are mired in war and blah blah blah, and you survived, the world will forever remember your triumph.
I don't know more endings, move on to the next last section.
Defense, what is better to study?
So, now you have developed a little, but what's next? You need to put guards in your city, it is desirable to put a long-range unit (Cannons, etc.) How to do this? We make / buy a unit, send it to the city and we will have the inscription "Put in the garrison" click on it and that's it, your unit is in the garrison! If you put a unit in the garrison of the city, then the power will increase. What is better to learn at the beginning of the game? It doesn't matter what you learn at the beginning of the game. But when you get to the middle, there I advise you to study those technologies that are associated with military units! Well, that's if you're going to conquer and destroy, and if not, then learn a lot of different things related to culture and build the wonders of the world!
Here is my guide and came to an end, in the way that I described here I went through the game! Good luck and good mood everyone =)

There are several types of victory. You can win with science by building and launching the first starship to Alpha Centauri. You can achieve cultural superiority over other civilizations or win through diplomacy. In addition, you can follow the beaten path of conquerors: crush your enemies with your chariots and win a great military victory. The first civilization to fulfill one of the victory conditions wins the game. Don't forget to keep an eye on the progress of your rivals: the worst thing is to see an enemy starship taking off from the last city you haven't captured.

Technology and victory

Having mastered enough technologies, you can build a spaceship and send colonists to Alpha Centauri. If you manage to do this before anyone else achieves any other victory, you will get a scientific victory. More details about the ways to achieve victory are described in the corresponding section.

City-states and victory

City-states cannot win the game: only major powers can achieve this.

How to lose

There are three ways to defeat: lose the capital, lose to another civilization, or not score the highest score by 2050.

Loss of the last city

If you lose your last city in combat with another civilization or city-state, you have lost the game. It's just a shame - try not to let that happen to you.

The victory of another power

If another civilization achieves one of the five possible victories: game over - you lose. It doesn't matter how close you were to winning:
whoever wins first wins. Everyone else lost.


If the year 2050 arrives and neither player has achieved victory, the game automatically ends and the civilization with the most victory points wins.

How to win

There are five ways to win:

  • military victory
  • Scientific victory
  • Cultural victory
  • Diplomatic victory
  • Coming 2050

military victory

If you are the last player to retain control of your capital, you have won. Capture the capitals of all other civilizations and hold your own - it's not as easy as it seems. Let's say in a 5-player game you captured the capitals of three players, but at that moment the fourth one stabbed you in the back and captured your capital. If he succeeded, he won instantly. In other words, it doesn't matter who defeated whom: what matters is who was the last to hold the capital. If you have lost your capital, but own other cities, you can still win - cultural, scientific or diplomatic. However, until the return of your historical capital, you cannot win a military victory.

Destruction of the capital

No way. The historical capital cannot be destroyed. It can be captured, but not destroyed. Dropping a nuclear bomb will reduce the population to 1, but the city will not be destroyed. Relax, this is a game. (Remember, you can destroy a civilization by capturing or destroying all of its cities, so destroying capitals is not necessary to wipe out all enemies from the face of the earth.)

historical capital
If your first capital is captured, the other city will automatically become the new capital. It will be similar in everything to the first capital, but it will be possible to destroy it; it also does not count towards a military victory. If you regain your historical capital, it will again become the capital of your civilization.

Scientific victory

You can achieve a science victory by mastering all the technologies needed to build a spaceship, then building all the ship parts and moving them to the capital. When all the parts are assembled, you can launch the ship to Alpha Centauri. If the interstellar flight is successful and the ship reaches its destination before the other players win, then you win a science victory!

Spaceship details
Spaceship parts are built and moved around the map like any other vehicle. For the construction of every detail requires advanced technology. Ship parts are considered civilian units, they self-destruct if they fall into enemy hands. When the part is built, ship it to the capital. You will then have to decide if the part should be attached to the ship. When all the parts are assembled, the ship will take off into space and you will win a science victory!

Note: ship parts cannot be bought, their creation cannot be accelerated. They must be built in the city.

Cultural victory

In order to win a culture victory, you need to fully research all five branches of public institutions, that is, every available public institution in the game. After that, the Utopia project will become available to you. Its construction brings a cultural victory. This project cannot be accelerated or bought: it must be built.

Diplomatic victory

Once the player has mastered the Globalization technology, they will be able to create the UN. After the construction of the UN is completed, every few turns there will be a vote for the title of world leader. If someone gets enough votes in the UN, he will automatically win a diplomatic victory. The required number of votes depends on the number of civilizations at the start of the game. The fewer players in the game, the greater the percentage of votes needed to win.

Who votes?
All civilizations and city-states have the right to vote. The power that built the headquarters of the UN has two votes. Civilizations always vote for themselves, but liberated powers vote for their liberator. City-states vote on who is best treated. However, if they were released, they also vote for the liberator.

If you take a city-state captured by another civilization, you will have a choice: annex it, install a puppet government in its head, or release it. If you liberate a city, it will always vote for you in the UN regardless of your current relationship. If the same city-state is liberated twice, it will vote for the last liberator. If a civilization left the game and you captured one of its cities, you can annex it, make it a satellite, or liberate it. If you liberate the city, civilization will return to the game. A liberated civilization will always vote for you in the UN. If there were multiple liberators, the civilization will vote for the last one.

End of time

If no player has won, the game ends automatically at the end of 2050. The points rating of all surviving civilizations is calculated and the winner is announced. After that, you can continue the game, but it will no longer be possible to win it.

  • the number of cities in the empire;
  • your population;
  • number of open technologies;

Game rating

Most often during the game, one of the players achieves one of four possible victories: military, scientific, diplomatic or cultural. But if no player has achieved victory before 2050, the winner is determined by the ranking of civilizations. If someone achieves victory before 2050, the rating determines his place in the Hall of Fame. The rating is calculated as follows.

If you are out of the game, your rating is zero. It's a pity!

Time to win
By winning before 2050, you will receive a multiplier to the number of points earned. The sooner you achieve victory, the better.

Victory points
You earn victory points for:

  • the number of cells in your boundaries (the least important factor);
  • the number of cities in the empire;
  • your population;
  • number of open technologies;
  • the number of open "technologies of the future";
  • number of wonders built (the most important factor).

Map and game difficulty

The size of the map determines the number of victory points that a civilization receives for tiles, cities, and population. The difficulty level of the game determines how difficult it is to earn a rating: the harder the game, the less points you get for everything (in other words, a crushing victory at the easiest level will cost less rating points than a near draw at the hardest level).

Creating the New Brave World of the fifth Civilization can be a bit confusing at first. The latest official Civ 5 addon has a lot of trade, culture and diplomacy changes, so there are a few things you need to know before you start leading your next civilization to victory. Listen carefully, my lord...

Trade Routes - Your main source of income

The previous parts allowed you to increase income mainly through construction and improvements. Now the trade route system will fill the lion's share of your treasury. If you need to get rich as quickly as possible, research caravans (and later, cargo ships) and you will reach the maximum level of trade routes as soon as possible.

Also keep in mind that there are more profitable trade routes that pass through the partner's resource-rich territory. A wise Trade Prince will want to find more profitable cities for maximum profit. Also, don't forget to protect your trade routes from pirates and barbarians with a good army and navy. Drills Saratov can be bought here.

Tourism is your sword, Culture is your shield

The new way to win in Civilization 5 involves suppressing the Culture of another civilization through your tourism. If you are on the path of cultural development, you need to start this process as early as possible.

However, keep in mind that in this case at the very beginning you will not be able to create a large amount of tourism. Do everything to level up the Great Person and get excellent bonuses. Use trading to make the most of these bonuses, however before trading anything make sure you don't need it later.

Control the World Congress, Control the game to the end

The World Congress from now on is arguably the deciding factor for the rest of the game. Aside from the Diplomatic Victory opportunity that allows you to harm your competitors in a non-hostile way, they can do the same to you. This allows for development in a different direction with shared wonders and research funding. Of course, you can ignore this at your own risk.

Broadly speaking, City-State allies are now more important when they come to provide the majority of possible votes in the World Congress. If you're the good guys, allied votes will lead you to world domination.

Learn to love the new ideology system

The ideologies (freedom, order and autocracy) rightly changed. Now you have an incentive not to join the prevailing world ideology like the first civilization, but to choose two. Also follow pay attention to the tourism system. A civilization with a high level of Tourism can cause unrest in civilizations with different ideologies where their culture is popular.

Also beware of blocking power by a large number of allied states, as they can pass a resolution to the World Congress, claiming the "World Ideology", which makes the game very difficult for states that have a different ideology. There is also a similar resolution for World Religion.

You must keep the above suggestions in mind before you face the brave new world of Civ 5.

Guide to duel games from the first number of the League rating CivPlayers.Ru

It is interesting to play with good players, who can be counted on the fingers here.

There are a lot of guides on the net, let's play to civilization, but a few guides and instructions for a good game are enough

Duel Guide

I will mainly describe a map similar to pangea, since a duel on closed maps such as a shootout and plains is peculiar

1 place under the city

For duels, one of the most important is hammers, the capital should have hammers, if there are no hills around, but there are sawmills, then this is tolerable, if there are not even forests, then it is better to move in search of a better start to hammers

The best place for a capital is on a hill near the river count the tiles in the radius of the capital should be 15-20 good tiles that the capital can process (assuming it grows to 15) so sometimes it's better to get away from the water if you lose in hammers and cages

There is a lot of empty water here, but a lot of potential for hammers, by putting the second city on the water and sending caravans, we will compensate for the lack of food

The choice of a place for the capital is very important, I note that cards with a strategic balance give iron and horses for the capital, but as is commonly believed, the usual standard gives more opportunities for settling cities

The capital on the hill will give an additional hammer, which is very difficult to win back in a duel and will be a strong bonus at the start

If it is possible to move the capital up the hill without much loss in the surrounding territory, then this must be done

At the start, think about where you can move to view units, starting intelligence for a multiplayer game is very important, but it is also important to understand that perhaps by moving a settler to the meadows, you will connect additional hills for the capital or additional barn resources

Perhaps the best solution would be to put the city on a suite
the best suites are considered, mining suites that require ore, these are fast suites, because ore is a cheap technology and will allow you to settle quickly

Forget about playing with one city! cities are important in civilization,

There are different strategies for dueling for tradition and for will, both are good and require skill and skill.

Remember the important axiom! pure will or pure tradition is much better than turns and combinations (aqueducts for free are strong and pure will with its bonuses are strong)

For a good game of civilization, the most important place for the second city will be!

The first thing we do at the start is to conduct reconnaissance with your war, look for a place for a fast second city, and possibly for a third, important point, that the second city is traditionally faster than by will, and there is an opportunity to quickly reach an important place under the second city, but the will compensates for the rapid spam of cities

2 what we are building in the capital
especially important for beginners

If you need to reach important cells quickly, then we build a monument, if there are cells with 3 food or 2 food + 1 hammer in the first radius, then we build a scout because intelligence is very important, sometimes you can build a worker from the start, (cases when there is little food or on the contrary, there is a lot of forest, we study good ore with the first tech and cut the forest immediately, speeding up the starting production) but we lose in exploration, and the search for ruins

If you want to learn how to play well forget the game for an early tribute! as an axiom, forget about spamming wonders in your cities, one rule, if you build a starting wonder, then build only one! you have to understand that the best civilization players don't just spend hammers

Those spamming an army at the start for tribute is a fail in 80% of the cases, because you can lose soldiers in an attack attempt or from barbarians and you will have to replenish the army, and there will be little production

Build 1 scout or 2, but the 2nd scout may already be superfluous and the loss of 2-3 moves in the game with a scout can steal a slave, so we steal slaves with the second scout
therefore, you can not build a slave, but steal it, but for the years it will appear only on the 15-22nd move (starting from growth 3, a slave is built near the city of the state)

For example, a good place for a second city on diamonds is a fast ore resource + 3 food nearby
we put those second city on hammers and food! moreover, in the new addon, the river has already become not so important, but desirable, hammers and starting food are important, so that the second city can grow to 3 quickly enough

Let's settle down! New cities on the hills are as strong as the capital. Even stronger. hammers are more important for the second city (in my opinion, King Solomon's mine is the most powerful natural wonder for the second city)

There are 2 resettlement tactics

The first one is making settlements on size 3 to the barn, the second one is making settlements after the growth of capital 5, but you can also take a super risk to build settlements on the growth of capital 2, this is a risk, but it will allow you to get a settler earlier

The tactics of the game are different, the game of tradition in 4 cities is very good, but an important point to understand is that such a resettlement will not give you the opportunity to build a fast national college, but it will give you a lot of hammers

For playing 4 cities the most important thing is having horses, stones on the map and luxes, those 4 luxes and horses/elephants in each city will give you 4+4+4+4 = 16 happiness from luxes and 2+2+2+2 = 8 happiness from circuses 1+1+1+1 = 4 happiness from quarries

Those for the development game, the most important thing is happiness, and you will have enough hammers anyway, the advantage of such tactics is a lot of production and science! 4 cities you must place before turn 50

Those buildings scout scout village slave (archer, archer) village village
then the barn, etc., first of all, we process horses for the circus, since at the start, happiness is very important, when there is happiness, according to tradition, your 4 towns will grow in an instant by leaps and bounds, with caravans and free aqueducts, and especially with the opening of the civil service!

But one of the best strategies is a game of 3 cities, because there are not always horses in all cities and 5 suites) we put 2 fast cities, build a national college and then settle,
those if you see such a strategy does not include the construction of miracles! and if you want a miracle then make it a rule that only one!

Religion will be an important point, and if it is possible to build a sanctuary (usually it is built in the second fast city), you can also build a sanctuary in the capital in front of the village

Those even early Stonehamge can give you religion and happiness, which is so necessary for tradition, we let the caravan go as early as possible, but if you don’t have happiness, then first of all solve the problem with smiles for growth, as the caravan will be useless at the start and will give you only that 3 food, if you let it go later you will get 4 food, the water caravan seems to be 6 food

You must put the second city in a protected place and the second factor in a place where you can easily lead it

Make it a rule to play from defense and not to waste hammers, if you are building something, you should understand why! control the approaches to your city keep recon units on the approach routes! good rushers can push through even 1 tile!

It's always easier to defend than to attack! the one who plays on defense always wins and for defense we build 3-4 chariots a couple of peaks and horses, we go out to the well-aimed if it doesn’t help

Saving up money because in the new addon, money is very important, and it is important to buy cells and pantheons for culture, because it takes a very long time to reach the 3rd radius with the second city
to be continued!

Someday this war will end.

And again we will take on the role of the embodiment of the people's will, hidden behind the mask of an eminent ruler. Led by us, yesterday's savages will invent the wheel, discover America, curb nuclear energy and soar on a gigantic starship to Alpha Centauri - if this nuclear energy does not turn them, yesterday's savages, into the smallest radioactive dust. In the meantime, let's figure out how to achieve one and avoid the second. What paths are available to us to achieve the highest goal?

Absolute world hegemony.

Do you like the sound of swords and the chirp of machine guns? In this case, military victory is your method. Like 19 years ago, the scheme is simple: roll all opponents into concrete. And allies too. In the early stages of the game, as well as on tight maps, conquest is the fastest and most efficient way to win. But nothing prevents you from waiting for your personal Oppenheimer or Kurchatov, and then show everyone Kuzkin's mother! It is a pity that the possibilities of military expansion in the last creation Firaxis very limited, but more on that later.

And we are not dreaming of the roar of the cosmodrome.

Patient's choice. Having studied the necessary technologies, you need to build the elements of the spaceship, bring them to the capital (the enemy does not sleep - if a starship part is attacked, it will self-destruct) and put together. A team of daredevils plunges into suspended animation aboard an interstellar vessel, a column of flame escapes from the nozzles, and the expedition leaves their home planet in order to overcome four and a half light years to the star Alpha of the Centaurus constellation in thirty years. “Our footprints will remain on the dusty paths of distant planets…”

Yes, and mister Meyer either a hoaxer or an ignoramus. There is not a single planet in the closest star system to the Sun...

Of all the arts, the most important for us is ...

Want a truly epic game? If so, head for a cultural victory. Previously, this had to increase the level of abstract culture in the capital and throughout the empire; now everything is easier. The key to victory is the Utopia project, which will become available for construction after a full study of the five branches of social institutions. More on this later.

In the name of world peace.

According to Civilization The United Nations is the most powerful organization in the world. We will not talk about secret Masonic lodges and Zionist conspiracies, but simply agree with the henchmen Sid Meier. After the construction of the headquarters of the Blue Helmets, every few turns there is an election of a world leader, who immediately wins a diplomatic victory. Not only full-fledged powers vote, but also city-states. About them, again later.

And what have you been doing all this time?

According to tradition, if no one bothered to win before 2050, then the game simply counts the points scored and determines the winner by their number. The easiest and most uninteresting way to get the better of your opponents.

There is no dominance victory in the game for the first time in many years. Now it is not enough to take possession of vast territories and feed a whole legion of inhabitants. Feel free to buckle up!

City-holiday, city-dream... city-prison?

Perhaps the least changes have affected cities and their management. Most of the innovations are cosmetic.

Bread alone.

Each citizen eats 2 units of food per turn. If more food is grown than needed, then the surplus is sent to the barn: when it is full, the population will grow by one. Nothing new. Equipment of colonists and workers freezes the growth of the city until the end of their production, as in Civilization IV. With enough shields, expansion can be carried out at truly Mongol speed! The main thing is that the population of the city has already reached 2, otherwise the settlers cannot be hired. Discontent greatly hinders the growth of cities - the surplus is lost, if not completely, then partially.

As before, the lack of provisions causes the population to decrease to a level where everyone is fed. The poor location of the city can be compensated by farms, various buildings or Wonders, which will be discussed later.

Happiness for everyone, for free!

A very, very interesting solution - the mood of all cities is summed up into one common indicator, and all changes relate to it. Population growth and empire expansion decrease National Happiness, Rare Resources, Cultural Buildings and Wonders increase. If the indicator falls below zero, the growth of cities slows down, and a significant drop also reduces the combat effectiveness of the army! So it is difficult to be a bloody dictator, although an ordinary dictator is not forbidden by anything. However, in any huge power will never be calm. Something reminds...

Despicable metal

Who would have thought that roads would turn from a source of income into a bottomless abyss for government money? So now each road tile costs the government 1 gold per turn. A little? And if under your command is a huge empire stretching over millions of square kilometers? You can, of course, do without roads ... Again, deja vu.

There are many ways to get hold of some money: at the beginning of the game it is very profitable to rob barbarian camps (sweet revenge!), later - ringing "gifts" from friendly city-states, trade routes (the city's connection with the capital brings regular income) and so on. But the costs are different anyway! The maintenance of units and buildings is fixed and does not depend on a bunch of factors, as in the previous "Civilization".

But there are also useful costs. Now for a certain amount it is allowed to buy cells so that they join the city. The problem when one city could not seize several resources at once with its influence is solved: just buy these territories, and that's it. For gold, you can purchase buildings and units, if time does not endure and the enemy is at the gate. Or if a colossal pile of money burns through the pocket. Yes, the modernization of obsolete troops still requires financial investments, and considerable ones. As well as buying a "friendship" with a city-state; more about this in the relevant section.


Since ancient times, every city in Civilization(from the 3rd part) annually produced a certain amount of culture points, having accumulated which, this very city expanded its borders; v Civilization V it is not necessary to wait for expansion, since the territory can be purchased for currency. In addition, a developed culture has a beneficial effect on the minds not only in their own country, but also abroad. Settlements with disgruntled residents and weak culture, being close to your borders, may defect to your camp.

However, now the role of culture in games has become more significant. The general cultural level of civilization affects the availability of new social institutions (more about them in the relevant section). Points are accumulated, and upon reaching a certain number of them, you can choose a new policy. Each time the required amount increases.

Everybody is dancing!

A high mood is not only an indicator that is pleasant to the heart. A positive number of happiness points are added up, and when enough has been accumulated, the Golden Age will begin. Each cell will increase productivity: +1 to shields and +1 to income; the development of new technologies will accelerate, and the mood will rise. And so for 10 moves; if the Golden Age is initiated by a Great Man, then the heyday will be shorter.

Away, dilettantes!

The need for specialists has not disappeared to this day. Since the 4th part of the game, their number has decreased, and only four varieties remain:

  • artist; produces culture points and increases the chance of a great artist being born; works in temples and museums;
  • engineer; gives an increase to shields and to the chance of the birth of a great technician; works in factories and workshops;
  • economist; earns money for his native country and hastens the birth of a great merchant; "hunts" in the markets and banks;
  • scientist; helps with the development of new technologies, increases the chance of a great inventor being born; lives in libraries and universities.

    If all cells in the influence radius of the city are occupied, fresh blood becomes specialists automatically.

    Geniuses and villains.

    Finally Firaxis they saw the light: after all, it is obvious that the embodiment of the will of the nation knows everything that was, and everything that will be. Therefore, many random parameters in Civilization V acquired a very specific meaning. For example, now we know exactly when the Great Man will be born. The special great man points (thanks to Captain Obvious!), accumulated by the city, will one day give the world a genius, and then begin to accumulate again. Points for the birth of the Great Commander are collected through successful military operations. Each Great Person can initiate a Golden Age, plus they can erect a special building or perform a unique action.

    Great Artist - builds a landmark. If a resident works on this tile, it will give a great increase in culture points. After construction, the Artist will disappear. It can also produce a cultural takeover; it is enough to go into no man's land or territory not occupied by you. The artist will disappear again, but the cell where he stood and the six surrounding "dice" will join your state. You can't take cities like this. Even without that, the cultural takeover infuriates computer opponents.

    Grand Technician - builds a manufactory that produces "shields" in a stream. Can force the construction of a building, including a Miracle. Most often, after this, one move is enough to complete the work on the building.

    Great Trader - builds a trading post, where phenomenal customs fees are collected in your favor. With the help of the Merchant, an economic mission is opened: the chosen policy not only changes the attitude towards you for the better, but also brings tangible profits.

    Great Inventor - opens an academy where yesterday's farmers and miners are pushing forward domestic science. The Inventor can also immediately learn any technology available.

    Great commander - builds a citadel in which friendly troops defend themselves many times more successfully than in an open field. The Warlord himself gives surrounding fighters bonuses to combat power, defense and ranged attacks.

    It is worth remembering that the Great Man is a non-combat unit, but cannot be captured. If the enemy attacks a genius, he will lay hands on himself.

    Wide is my native land...

    “And what will the birds do, hares? Do they need uranium?

    The day came when the earth stood still. Sadly, the global war is a thing of the past. Since each deposit of useful resources needed for the production of different types of troops has limited reserves. No, they do not dry out - let's just say: they are rented out. If you trained a squad of swordsmen and spent a unit of iron, then as long as this squad exists, they will not return their share. As soon as the brave warriors lay down the wild little head, the iron will be restored. And so with all kinds of resources. Because of this, combat operations are severely limited: the most powerful units - knights, musketeers, tanks, submarines - require priceless fossils ... it's better not to talk about nuclear war at all. ICBMs belie their name; they will not reach another continent - the range radius is not enough! In addition, uranium is very rare. Taken together, all this is a savory spit in the face of realism, and a simple peasant joy: to shower the enemy with warheads and curse him in rage when the “answer” arrives.

    There are three types of resources: bonus, strategic and luxury.

    Bonus Resources

    They give insignificant bonuses to cell indicators. The benefits are small, but they diversify the landscape.

    • Bananas; +1 to food; appears in the jungle; plantation is required for processing.
    • cattle; +1 to food; pasture; pasture.
    • deer; +1 to food; forest, tundra, hills; camp.
    • A fish; +2 to food; coast; fishing boat.
    • Sheeps; +1 to food; pasture, hills; pasture.
    • Wheat; +1 to food; plain, floodplain; farm.

    Luxury (rare resources)

    The inhabitants of your empire will always be happy with new gifts of nature, which look so beautiful in a gold frame ... That is why the citizens arrange a holiday as soon as you provide them with access to one or another luxury. For the duration of the holiday (which is 20 turns!) the rate of development of the city will increase by 25%. And finally: only the first found rare resource brings benefits. The rest you can safely trade, bartering for yourself what is missing.

    • Cotton; +2 income; pasture, plain, desert; plantation.
    • Dyes; + 2 to income; forest, jungle; plantation.
    • Furs; +2 income; forest, tundra; camp.
    • Gems; +3 income; forest, pasture, plain, desert, tundra, hills; mine.
    • Gold; +2 to income (why so little?); pasture, plains, desert, hills; mine.
    • Incense; +2 income; plain, desert; plantation.
    • Ivory; +2 income; desert; camp.
    • Marble; +2 income; pasture, plain, desert, tundra, hills; quarry.
    • Pearl; +2 income; coast; fishing boat.
    • Silk; +2 income; Forest; plantation.
    • Silver; +2 income; tundra, desert, hills; mine.
    • Spices; +2 income; jungle; plantation.
    • Sugar; +2 income; floodplain, swamp; plantation.
    • whales; +1 food, +1 income; coast; fishing boat.
    • Wine; +2 income; pasture, plain; plantation.

    strategic resources.

    The basis of the economy and industry. Opened upon reaching a certain technology, limited in quantity. To master them, you need to build a special improvement and draw a road.

    • Aluminum; +1 to shields; plain, desert, tundra, hills; mine; need to study electricity.
    • Coal; +1 to shields; pasture, plain, hills; mine; theory of science.
    • Horses; +1 to shields; pasture, plain, tundra; pasture; animal husbandry.
    • Iron; +1 to shields; pasture, plain, desert, tundra, snow, hills; mine; iron processing.
    • Oil; +1 to shields; jungle, swamp, desert, tundra, snow, ocean; well, platform; biology.
    • Uranus; +1 to shields; everywhere; mine; nuclear physics.

    Over the mountains, over the rivers...

    In addition to old acquaintances, landscapes and their features in Civilization V Debuted Wonders of Nature. They exist from the very beginning of the game, and it is impossible to destroy them. The one who first finds such a Wonder will receive an increase in the mood of the people, and if this creation of a bizarre nature is within the city influence, it will give +2 to shields and +3 to income for the cell where it is located.


    • Coast - shallow water in close proximity to land. Food - 1, shields - 0, income - 1. There are no combat modifiers. The cost of moving is 1.
    • The desert is only useful because you can find strategic resources there. P 1, Shch 1, D 1; -33% to defense, SP 1.
    • Pastures are plains with fertile soil. P 2, W 0, D 0; -33% to defense, SP 1.
    • Hills - often rich in resources, increase the radius of view of the unit located there. P 0, W 2, D 0; +25%, SP 1.
    • Mountains are folds of the earth's crust that are impassable for land units. P 0, W 0, D 0.
    • An ocean is a body of water that is far from the coast. P 1, SC 0, D 1; no modifiers, SP 1.
    • Plains are not as fertile as pastures, but they provide a bonus to shields. P 1, W 1, D 0; -33%, JV 1.
    • Snows are lifeless territories that compensate for their uselessness with minerals. P 0, W 0, D 0; -33%, JV 1.
    • Tundra - frozen lands from the subpolar regions, where there is almost nothing. P 1, W 0, D 0; -33%, JV 1.


    • Radioactive contamination is the result of a nuclear strike or an accident at a nuclear power plant; workers can clean up the pollution, otherwise you can't build an improvement here. - 3 to food, - 3 to shields, - 3 to income; -33%; move cost is 2.
    • Floodplain - an annually flooded low valley where the soil is ideal for cultivation (in Civilization III floodplains regularly provoked epidemics; now there is no such thing). P +2, SC 0, D 0; -33%; SP 1.
    • Forest - dense thickets of deciduous and coniferous trees, useful for harvested lumber, game and much more. Grants P 1, S 1, D 0 regardless of terrain. +25%, SP 2.
    • Ice - lifeless hummocks, passable only for aviation and submarines. П 0, Ш 0, Д 0, no modifiers.
    • Jungle - for many civilizations at the initial stages they are the main source of everything, but then they slow down development. P +1, SH -1, D 0; +25%; SP 2.
    • Swamps are dead places, completely useless for growing cities. P -1, SC 0, D 0; -33%; SP 2.
    • An oasis is a source of life in the middle of the desert; the only chance for a newly founded city not to fade away. P +3, SC 0, D +1; -33%; SP 1.
    • Rivers are full-flowing streams rushing to the ocean. They are always found between squares, and give adjacent territories +1 income. When attacking across the river, the unit will receive -25% attack, and the crossing costs two movement points. If there is a bridge, then these fines are cancelled. Rivers also increase the defense of the city standing on the shore.

    Development of virgin lands

    Of course, it is not very advisable to work in an open field - it is much better to sow rye and mine ore than to collect berries and stones. But improvements are vulnerable: they can be ruined. Such an ignoble deed will enrich the villain a little, and the owners will have to restore the infrastructure for three long moves. If you interrupt the construction of an improvement, then you can continue it later, but only if you do not start another improvement on the same cell.

    As always, land improvements are made by workers. On the water expanses, their equivalent is work boats. These ships disappear after they create an oil well or fishing boats.

    • Road - connects the capital with other cities, creating trade routes and speeding up units. Requires money for maintenance, three moves are built, available immediately after the invention of the wheel. Unlike other upgrades, roads can be driven on anyone's territory.
    • Railroad - acts similarly, gives a bonus to movement.
    • Farm - Increases food production.
    • Mine - necessary for many strategic resources, supplies the city with shields, and sometimes gold.
    • Trading post - increases income.
    • A sawmill is a compromise when it is a pity to cut down a forest, but there are not enough shields.
    • Pasture, camp, plantation, quarry and oil well - they are needed only for resources, they cannot be built on other landscapes.

    In addition to building mines and farms, sometimes it is necessary to slightly improve the surrounding landscape. Therefore, workers are able to cut down the forest (3 turns) and the jungle (6 turns), as well as drain the swamps (5 turns). And you can also appoint your foreman to the workers, and they will begin to build improvements everywhere, guided only by their own opinion. Sometimes it can be very harmful, but if your empire has long reached the number of 20 cities, it will not be superfluous to “freeze the hands” of your henchmen.

    Carrot and stick? Shootings and propaganda?

    The new government system is very reminiscent of an RPG skill tree: 10 branches, some of which exclude others. Once you start studying one, you can't get rid of its advantages (and disadvantages) without a revolution. If there is a need to move from autocracy to liberalism, then the old branch will “turn off”, and the new one will become active. Each branch has five institutes; having studied any five branches completely, the Utopia project becomes available, opening the way to a cultural victory. Some branches become available only in a certain era.

    As already mentioned, in order to adopt policies, it is required to accumulate culture points - that is, the player is directly interested in increasing the intangible wealth of the people.


    Best option for small states - most policies affect only the capital, and do not provide expansion benefits. Adopting a tradition provides a +1 bonus to food in the capital. In fact, traditions are the development of autocracy and feudalism.

    • Aristocracy: 33% bonus for miracle production.
    • Oligarchy: +33% combat capability of military units within the empire.
    • Lawfulness: Reduces discontent from the population in the capital by 33%.
    • Landed Elite: 33% faster population growth in the capital (requires Oligarchy, Aristocracy).
    • Monarchy: Buying a cell is 50% cheaper (requires Oligarchy).


    Don't like living in cramped quarters? Choose your will and expand your empire until you have enough strength! Settlers gather twice as fast, and the path of autocracy becomes closed forever.

    • Collectivism: New cities start with 50% food up to level 2.
    • Republic: +1 to points in each city.
    • Citizenship: Workers build upgrades 25% faster.
    • Meritocracy: +1 happiness for every city connected to the capital (requires Citizenship).
    • Representation: +1 Culture in each city (requires Citizenship).


    Way of the Warrior. Let the neighbors cry tears of blood! When fighting a barbarian, your troops will receive a 25% bonus to combat power, and notifications will appear about the appearance of barbarian settlements within known territory.

    • Warrior's Code: A Grand Warlord appears outside the capital.
    • Warrior Caste: Each city with a garrison reduces the unhappiness of the empire by 1.
    • Discipline: Gives a +15% strength bonus to the adjacent (neighboring) cell with a friendly unit.
    • Military Traditions: Experience gain is doubled.
    • Professional army: upgrading a unit requires half the funds.


    The branch becomes available in the Classic Era. An excellent choice for a future cultural superpower (strange, of course - religion has stopped pushing the arts forward since the Middle Ages). From the very beginning, gives +2 to the mood of the nation.

    • Organized Religion: The amount of happiness needed to start the Golden Age will be reduced by 25%.
    • Reformation: Empire immediately enters golden age after turn 6 (requires Organized Religion).
    • Theocracy: In home cities, unhappiness from overpopulation will be reduced by 20% (requires Organized Religion).
    • Mandate of the Sky: Half of the number of happiness points each turn will be converted into culture points.
    • Free Religion: Unlocks two institutions (requires Mandate of Heaven).


    Available from the Middle Ages. Lucky to be surrounded by a galaxy of dwarf states? Become their great friend! Policies deteriorate 25% slower.

    • Aesthetics: Influence on city-states cannot fall below 20.
    • Cultural diplomacy: income from policies will double; happiness from rare resources will increase by 50%.
    • Educated Elite: Neutral city-states will sometimes gift a Great Person.
    • Charity: when giving gold to a policy, 25% more influence is generated.
    • Scholastic: All allied city-states grant a research bonus equal to 33% of their own science.


    Factories - workers! Land for the peasants! Power to the people! Do you want to build a huge empire, but are afraid of corruption and other sores of giant powers? Then arm yourself with the precepts of Marx and Lenin. Buildings are built 25% faster, but - only starting from the New Time; prior to this Order is not available.

    • Communism: +5 shields in every city.
    • Nationalism: +25% to the attack of all types of troops.
    • Planned Economy: The unhappiness from the number of cities has been halved.
    • Socialism: Building maintenance costs are reduced by 10%.
    • United Front: Politicians lose interest 33% faster for all nations except your nation.


    Only your nation is worthy of victory! The rest are just a pathetic imitation of a Human! Crush the insignificant troops of these slugs, raze their capitals to the ground! In short, autocracy is for lovers of continuous intervention. Immediately reduces the cost of maintaining the army by 33% - what is needed to train the hordes of true Aryans in military affairs. Available from New Time, incompatible with will and freedom.

    • Populism: Damaged military units deal 25% more damage.
    • Fascism: The amount of strategic resources in the empire will increase by 2 times.
    • Militarism: -33% unit cost.
    • Police State: -50% unhappiness in captured cities.
    • World War: For 20 turns, all military units gain +33% attack bonus.


    If your strong point is the deep and comprehensive development of existing cities, freedom is for you. The dissatisfaction of specialists in the cities is halved. Available since the Renaissance, does not tolerate autocracy.

    • Free Speech: Reduces the cost of culture by 30%.
    • Civil society: Specialists consume only half the usual amount of food.
    • Constitution: +100% culture in cities with a Wonder.
    • Democracy: +50% chance of great people being born.
    • Universal suffrage: +33% city strength.


    There is no limit to perfection - and we will not stop following the Truth ... If you are impressed by being ahead of the rest, then wait for the Renaissance and adopt rationalism - and immediately enter the Golden Age for 5 moves! Yes, we ask the pious not to disturb: religion does not tolerate science.

    • Freedom of Thought: Adds +2 Science per trade route (requires Secularism).
    • Humanism: +1 happiness from each university.
    • Scientific Revolution: Gives 2 unexplored technologies (requires Free Thought).
    • Secularism.
    • Sovereignty: +15% to Science if the mood is expressed as a positive number (requires Humanism).


    On the seas, on the waves - in pursuit of profit. Sea nations and money-hungry are strongly recommended. Income in the capital is increased by a quarter, available since the Middle Ages.

    • Mercantilism: -25% purchase cost in cities (requires Unions).
    • Merchant Navy: +3 shields in coastal cities (requires Naval Traditions).
    • Naval Traditions: Gives +1 to SP and visibility for naval units.
    • Protectionism: +1 happiness from each luxury resource (requires Mercantilism).
    • Unions: -20% of road and rail costs.

    The magic word is a parliamentarian ...

    Main difference Civilization V from ancestors - the inability to trade technology. Once it was possible to live in clover, fusing drawings to backward rivals at a "modest" price. An echo of the past is a research agreement. The two states are “thrown off” into a common fund, and for 30 moves the research speed in both countries increases. At the end of the agreement, each party receives free technology.

    The rest of the diplomatic operations have migrated to the game from the previous "Civilizations": trade, demands, exchange of cities, declaration of war / making peace, open borders, mutual defense - everything is like the old days.

    A tribute to progress - a new look for leaders. Each of them has their own model, landscape, they speak their native language, gesticulate abundantly. The thing is extremely useless, but pleasant to the modern player.

    Small golden...

    One of the major innovations in Civilization V- city-states. Small civilizations that do not build settlers, but successfully develop, improve adjacent territories, keep up with the times and have rich resources. Policies are not competitors to large countries, but can be a good help. Friendship with a dwarf state can provide various benefits.

  • cultural policy; as the name suggests, increases the growth of culture in your country.
  • Warlike policy; regularly supplies combat units - always modern to the current era.
  • Seaside policy; supplies your cities with food.

    Of course, no one forbids simply annexing the baby by military means. True, there is little benefit from this: it is much more profitable to make friends with crumbs. And if you have annexed several city-states, the rest may make a general alliance against you; they will not go to the world. But the main thing: policies that sympathize with you will definitely choose your candidacy in the elections of the world leader.

    For starters, if you find the policy first, it will reward you with modest but non-refundable cash. In the future, if you want to establish relations with the city, you will have to shell out a lot of money. In addition to banal bribery, influence grows when you donate troops or workers to a policy, and when you fulfill its requests (reprisal against barbarians, destruction of another policy, construction of a Wonder of the World, etc.). Influence drops (including goes into the red) when your troops trample the fields of a potential voter. Inaction slowly brings the level of influence closer to zero. The biggest favor is liberation: if another country captures the polis, and you take the city and give it freedom, then a grateful small nation will always vote for you in the election of a world leader, even if influence drops to zero. Through various manipulations, you can improve relations to the point where the polis becomes your ally: then he will provide all his resources, along with on-duty incentives in the villa of culture points, food or soldiers.

    The war is changing.

    There is no other way to say it... Almost immediately after the announcement, Firaxis announced that they had abandoned the usual square cells - they would be replaced by hexes (hexagons). They didn't lie. So now one hex can only be attacked from six sides (instead of eight, as in the old days). But the map has become smoother, right angles and ugly broken coastline have disappeared.

    Well, now - a little mourning. The stack system is finished; no more than one military unit and one civilian unit can be placed in one hex (this rule does not apply to aviation). However, one unit may cross a space occupied by another if there are enough movement points. That is why it is important to have an extensive road network so that units do not get stuck in each other.

    There are more benefits to undoing stacks than you might think. The fighting settled down, became deeper, or something. Of course, the tactical component was strong before, but now it's worth thinking about troop movements, attacks and counterattacks.

    Another good news is that even the largest army crosses water barriers in no time! This is because each squad gets on the transport automatically (as in Rise of Nation) when he is ordered to get to the other side. Beware of the enemy fleet - an attack by a warship on a transport leads to the immediate sinking of the latter. One "but": the aforementioned manipulations require the "Optics" technology, and to move through the ocean - also "Astronomy".

    All units are divided into 6 types:

    • melee troops;
    • ranged troops;
    • fleet;
    • aviation;
    • nuclear weapon.

    Civilians are captured when attacked by combat units. Close combat is conducted in the old fashioned way: two groups collide, whoever is stronger - that and slippers. When there is no absolute advantage, the battle ends in a draw: the troops remain in their original positions, having received damage. Arrows and artillery can inflict damage on the enemy with impunity, but if they are forced into close combat, then the matter is rubbish. Artillery must also be positioned in its own hex, which takes one turn; only then can she open fire. All ships are long-range: boarding in the game is not honored even by pirates (who are sea barbarians). Aviation is based in cities and aboard aircraft carriers, and is only capable of operating within a certain radius. Nuclear weapons are monstrous warhead yields. Bombs simply destroy all troops at the point of impact (plus incompatible damage to buildings and infrastructure, as well as pollution). ICBMs can wipe out any city, except for historical capitals, along with the effects already mentioned. The bomb can be dropped using aircraft from a city airfield or from an aircraft carrier, missiles are based in a populated area, on a nuclear submarine and a missile cruiser.

    Cities are no longer defenseless! Each of them can fire at the enemy in a small radius around them, but if there is no garrison, the enemy will easily capture the city. Only one unit can be in the garrison, and its power affects the level of defense of the city, expressed by a bar similar to the health of units. Enemy attacks lower this level; when it drops to zero, any unit will be able to expropriate the city.

    By the way, a small innovation regarding the capture of cities; after a successful attack, you can not only assign or destroy it, but also make it a puppet. The puppet will manage the construction itself, share gold and help in research, the invader will have to protect it. At any time, a puppet can be attached to your empire, but a large number of occupied cities will have a bad effect on the mood of the people.


    Of course, this article does not cover everything. A lot of nuances, details and details are simply impossible to cover in one material: try, test, look for your own way. Who seeks, he will find.

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