Dragon age inquisition Stormshore. Stormshore is a Dragon Age fanfic FanFiction

The stormy shore was again restless. Krem no longer remembered who exactly they were fighting with, it seems that they were some kind of crazy robbers who had the courage to enter the territory of the Inquisition. It wasn't that Cram and the Bulls couldn't handle it, it was that their leader just didn't leave them a job. The Qunari attacked the enemies with such fury that they even hesitated for a while. The Iron Bull crushed everyone in its path, brandishing a huge sword and uttering cries of victory. Cram recognized this state of the boss - he was incredibly angry. And if the Bull fell into such a strong phase of anger, then certainly not from scratch. The mercenaries exchanged glances with the guards of the Inquisition who stood nearby, but they only vaguely shrugged their shoulders and began to collect the loot of the robbers.
Having finished with the last of the enemies, the Bull threw away his body with such force that small cracks formed on the stone.
- Um boss? - Carefully and in a casual tone began Krem - Are you all right?
The bull did not smile or even smirk. His face was stern as a stone, releasing a ball of steam from his nose, he said:
- Quite. - and retired to the tent.

In the evening of the same day, the mercenaries and guards were sitting by the fire and eating some kind of stew.
"Don't you know?" Krem snatched from the general whispering. He moved closer to Doliyka and asked if she knew the reason for the boss's bad mood. She just shrugged vaguely and, looking sideways at the tent, from which the Qunari had not left, she said quietly:
- We quarreled.
The mercenaries looked at each other knowingly. Many people knew about the connection between the Bull and the Inquisitor, but few people spread about it. Although it seemed to Cram personally that with the advent of Trevelian, the Bull became a little .. different. In a good way. And something more interesting appeared in their lives than doing the same assignments for a periodically changing amount.
- What about? - Just as quietly and as if looking at the night sky, Cram drawled
- Who can figure them out, - the Dalish woman cursed - out, he even forced us to lock ourselves here again. Didn't go with him.
Or they just didn't get it. - Expressed his assumption Krem.

The bull lay and stared blankly at the ceiling. Unless, of course, there was a ceiling in the tent. Not like in Skyhold. Not like in Trevelian's room. Qunari sighed as it is too heavy and doomed. He didn't like that breath. He didn't even know why he'd dragged himself here, maybe he wanted to kill someone just for the sake of warming up, maybe to unwind.
They didn't quarrel very much, but the offended face of Trevelian (who turned around and stomped loudly down the corridor to Orlais on a supposedly urgent mission) popped up in his memory again and again, and made him feel something unpleasant inside. Bull thought that fighting would help him distract himself - it always did. But after the battle, out of habit, he turned around to check if Maxwell was injured, and realizing that he was not here, he realized that he was bored. Rising, he began to clean the dirt from the weapon. He didn't usually do this, but he felt like he had to keep himself busy. Nearby lay a dragon tooth, a gift from the Inquisitor that evoked Cullen's very surprised face and an unforgettable night.
"Everything," the Qunari decided. I should have just gone and apologized in the end. "You should have apologized from the very beginning, stupid horned one, and not suffer for four days waiting for something."
He heard footsteps, clatter of hooves, and Sera's merry hooting. The inquisitor came to this camp, and despite the night, he was met with cheers and an offer to join the gatherings around the fire. Qunari's ears strained, mechanically polishing the blade of the sword, he tried to catch His voice from the general mass of voices. From what he managed to hear, he understood that the Herald of Andraste was tired, perhaps he would go to rest after a hard day and drink a couple of restorative potions. At least he was alive. Bull had no doubts about Trevelian's survivability (for that matter, the Inquisitor was the most survivable Bull had ever met), but after making sure the Inquisitor was safe, he relaxed a little.
Some time later, when the soup ran out and the most incredible stories were being used to tell, the Bull realized that he had cleaned all the weapons. Rising, he thought about going to Trevelian's tent, but then he decided that he would definitely be noticed, but he did not want to experience interested looks on himself. Some kind of emptiness from anger wandered in the Qunari, he simply stood and looked at the dragon fang, periodically rearranging the weapon in some places. A rustle was heard from behind. The Bull's nose twitched, but the Qunari did not show it. Makvsell seemed to appear out of nowhere, suddenly became visible, and approaching the party member carefully placed his hands on his muscular forearms. The Qunari's back visibly stiffened, and he turned his head slightly to meet Trevelian's apologetic gaze. It seemed to the mercenary that he himself now had the same look (at least he hoped so).
- I missed. - the Inquisitor said simply and a little embarrassedly - Here, I decided to come in, visit you, so to speak.
The bull turned around, and pressing Maxwell, who exhaled sharply, to himself, buried his nose in his light brown hair. Trevelian responded by hugging his sides.
- Kadan, - the Qunari said quietly - I already thought that you decided to exchange your camp life for balls.
“I stepped on a countess twice, spilled wine on a new suit, and nearly fell off my horse on my way here. - Doomedly broadcast the Inquisitor, while the Bull tenderly listened to him and stroked his back.
- In general, a fun day?
- Yeah.
Trevelyan's gaze fell on the dragon's fang lying nearby, the robber smiled, and drawing the Qunari to him, kissed him on the lips. The bull did not remain indifferent, responding to the caress and untying the inquisitorial belt.
- What, right here? Maxwell asked befuddled.
The bull snarled and pushed the Herald towards the makeshift bed.
What if someone hears? - taking off the scapular from the Bull and covering the skin of the Qunari with light kisses, the Inquisitor continued.
- Well, - mockingly drawled the Bull - I can take your mouth with something.
- Oh, how is it? - Raising an eyebrow and pulling off his shoes, the inquisitor pretended to be surprised
The bull loomed overhead, preventing him from escaping.
“Now you can’t go anywhere,” cooed the horned one, “I will have you until you can’t walk.”
Trevelian smacked the Qunari at the spot near the junction of the horn with the head, which the Bull liked.
- Sounds very tempting
The bull almost tore his pants, pulling them off his knees and impatiently kissed the Herald on the cheekbone.

Later, when all the apologies had been uttered and accepted (sometimes not in the most standard form), the tension was relieved, and the Inquisitor's hair was finally disheveled, the Bull still pulled away from Trevelian's attractive and demanding lips and lay on his back. Maxwell was breathing heavily, the blush on his cheeks and half-closed eyes spoke of complete satisfaction. The Qunari fished a blanket out of one of the sacks and covered the Herald with it.
“Still, it’s not very comfortable in a scarf,” he said, lying on the mercenary’s shoulder, “but I liked it.
- Still would. But I promise to repeat everything in your bedroom. You can scream all you want there.
“I don’t scream like that, only when you…” here the inquisitor fell silent and became embarrassed. There was no strength left for further conversations, all the same, the Bull pretty much exhausted him.
- Sleep. said the Qunari, and moved a little to make Trevelian more comfortable to lie down. However, he still possessively threw his leg over the Bull and buried his nose in his side.
The dragon's fang gleamed a little in the darkness, the sentries stood at their posts, the fire was maintained.
All was calm on the Storm Coast.

sixth part passing Dragon Age Inquisition could be called "Dragon Slayer". For the first time I killed a dragon, and not even one, but four at once. Although it is worth noting that the most difficult dragons are yet to come. Let's go through the story a bit. I didn’t write down some episodes: Serah’s and Vivien’s quests, cleaning up the “Brown Mire” area, collecting fragments, etc. So if something is missing in the passage, then this does not mean that I missed some points. But the most important thing in the description, of course, will be.

Storm Coast - Winsomer the Dragon
Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 81
At the headquarters of the command, I activate a new task - "Red Templars". An entrance will now open at the westernmost point of the Stormshore map. Inside, as you might guess from the name, there are templars... red ones... You can also find a Black Lotus plant here, as well as a locked door (the door requires a "red templar key", but where to get it is unknown). We interrupt the enemies, of which there are not so many, and go out to the shore with a boat. This transport can be used to get to the "Dragon Island".

Winsomer settled on the island. This dragon, despite the 19th level, is quite a formidable opponent due to strong electric damage. My party of rogue (primary Persian), mage (Dorian), archer (Sir) and tank (Blackwall) sold out quickly. Of course, Blackwall showed miracles of resilience, but with his damage, it would take a week to kill a dragon. As a result of the confrontation, it was decided to return to this animal later. You need to gain an advantage in level, craft equipment not only for yourself, but also for your allies, and also upgrade the tincture of protection from electricity. Then we will definitely win.

How to Defeat a Dragon - Northern Hunter

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 82
AT dragon age Inquisition can find 10 dragons. If it doesn't work out with Winsomer or another strong dragon, then you need to find someone simpler. A northern hunter from Crestwood would be fine. This dragon also uses electricity magic, but it only has a level 13, which is quite capable even without the use of protective potions.

Dragon loot is the best: in addition to weapons, armor and crafting blueprints, such unique items as dragon gland, saturated dragon blood, dragon tooth, dragon membrane (level 4 cloth), dragon scale(Level 4 skin) dragon bone(metal 4th level).

Also in Crestwood are the heads of the Assassin's Guild. Just one sign was not enough for me to create a knife for the killer's path. In addition to the signs, you also need a special book, which can be found next to Cole. There should be another one in Val-Royeaux from a bookseller, but in my case it was not (I bought all the books).

Head Girl of Crestwood, Josephine, Leliana

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 83
No, this is not a love triangle, but only a brief retelling of the content of the video. We judge the elder of Crestwood, we build relationships with Josephine, we consult with Leliana, who for some reason does not like the whole story with Josephine. At the same time, Leliana herself does not want to enter into a vicious relationship. It's a pity, I expected to see a serious showdown between the girls for the Inquisitor! In general, the options are

Possible romantic interest for female Inquisitors:
Blackwall, Sera, Josephine, Iron Bull

Possible Romantic Interest for Female Inquisitors (Elf characters only):
Cullen, Solas

Possible romantic interest for male Inquisitors:
Cassandra, Josephine, Dorian and, for the stronger fans, the Iron Bull! Omg.

Forgotten Temple of Dirthamen

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 84
Here full walkthrough mission "God of Secrets". Collected all the runes and remains. At the end, we perform the ritual, summon and kill the demon, collect loot from the chest.
Whistling wastelands

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 85
The first of several videos on a new large location - Whistling Wastes. Here I also did almost everything, including the search for mosaic elements (except for the quest "Notes in the Wasteland"). The main task is to find 5 graves of dwarves, in each of which take a part of the key. The first found grave at 25 minutes. The main thing is to light the torches in the right order, and there will be happiness.

A map of the area with all the graves can be viewed in the video "The Whistling Wastes - Fairel's Tomb" (from 30 seconds).

Whistling Wastes - Part 2

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 86
We continue the wasteland. I found a shop with weapons and armor, where for only 6100 I bought a very good helmet of the 22nd level for the rogue class - the Drasky Helmet. Armor level 44, as well as bonuses to defense and agility.
Whistling Wastes - Part 3

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 87
We wander through the desert at night, close the gaps, chop spiders, rob the tombs of cows, collect a rare plant - vandal's aria. It is found in such large numbers only in the Whistling Wastes. Useful for improving potions.
Whistling Wastes - Part 4

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 88
I don't think I need to explain what's going on here :)
Whistling Wastes - Part 5

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 89
At the 20th minute of the grave, in which I did not immediately notice the door (why are the doors of the dwarves in Inquisition so narrow?). In general, always try to walk "on the wall" so as not to miss anything.
How to Defeat the Dragon - Sand Weeper

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 90
The Sand Weeper is a level 20 fire dragon in the Whistling Wastes. The battle took a quarter of an hour (starts from the 7th minute and ends at the 21st). Quickly enough he took off all his health and relaxed a little, believing that the job was done. But it was a big mistake. The dragon at some point knocked out everyone except Blackwall and spawned his cubs, which prevented the Gray Guardian from reviving his comrades. The situation became critical when Blackwall was practically out of health. The computer enemy seemed to have acquired a human mind and spitefully poured fire without stopping. The prospect of an early reboot and wasted time was not at all pleasing, but the battle still managed to be pulled out.
Whistling Wastes - Fairel's Tomb

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 91
Behind the dragon is Fairel's Tomb, which must be opened using key pieces. But as I said above, I missed one part, so I had to return. In the tomb you can find the drawing "Excellent rune against demons."
How to Defeat the Dragon - Fereldan Frostbite

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 92
Despite its name, Frostbite uses fire magic. This level 12 dragon can be found in the northeast of the location Hinterlands(video 2:20).
History of Varric

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 93
This video is completely dedicated to the passage of Varric's quest. We return to Vallamar, kill the bad gnomes, watch the cut-scene. It took 10 minutes for everything. I spent about the same amount of time on upgrading Bianchi (Varric's crossbow). In one of the previous parts, I was already in Vallamar. At that time, it was not possible to open the 3rd level of the map. So he will be available only in this mission.
How to Defeat the Dragon - Deep high dragon

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 94
This level 14 dragon can be found in Western limit(in the southern part). We approach the researcher Frederick and take the quest to lure the dragon. We set traps, wait, kill. Abyssal High Dragon is also a fire dragon like Frostbite, so if you're planning on going early, it makes sense to stock up on fire protection potions.
arbor wilderness

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 95
Corypheus plans to find and appropriate an ancient elven artifact - Eluvian (later it turns out that he needs a certain source of sorrow), and we plan to interfere with him. The bottom line - we run through the forest to the desired marker, you can turn on invisibility and not be distracted at all by the showdown between the templars and the soldiers of the Inquisition.

We reach the temple of Mythal, watch the cut-scene and solve puzzles of the first class level elementary school– walk on the tiles without stepping on the same tile twice. The task is simple, but the implementation is such that sometimes, for some unknown reason, the “double-click” still works, so you have to repeat the procedure again.

Temple of Mythal and bugs

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 96
So, we are still in the elven temple. The main task is to prevent the leader of the red templars, Samson, from getting to the Source first. The commander jumps into some kind of hole and then the first choice appears: jump after him or solve some tile puzzles as Morrigan advises. In this case, I listened to the advice and went to run on the tiles. I think that you can go through this episode in both ways, but if you don’t pass the test of the temple, but immediately go after Samson, then he will most likely get to the source first, which is not very good in terms of the plot, besides, I would not have received the achievement " Fruits of pride. But just in case, before the tiles, I decided to make a manual save, which later played a very important role.

The puzzles are solved and the door to the inner hall is open. I go in and I don't feel any trick. But if I didn’t pass this place for the first time, I would know that a cut-scene should work immediately at the entrance, and inside the halls there should be fights between the templars and the ancient elves. In short, there was a serious bug. I ran all over the temple and even found a waterfall, where, in theory, Samson should be.

Further worse. Not understanding the meaning of what was happening, I decided to jump into the waterfall ... And then suddenly I realized that all this time my mind was inside the matrix, and now it is free. In front of me is a real, gigantic real world and open field. With all my strength I ran towards the horizon, leaving Corypheus and the elves behind. And everything would be fine, everything would be fun, but then the autosave icon in the corner of the screen painted a not very rosy picture of the early completion of the passage. How lucky I was manually preserved on the tiles…

Against elves

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 97
Safely rebooted, ran through the tiles again and entered the hall. This time the cut-scene is triggered! A pretentious elf with a tattoo of a tree promises to help defeat the enemy, but after that we must leave the temple and never return here. Morrigan advises to think carefully, as we ourselves may come in handy with the Source that Corypheus is hunting for. In the end, I choose the option against the elves - "We may need a source."

In this scenario, I get a lot of negative reaction from the allies. In the temple, you will have to fight both with the elves and with the templars. And at the end, Morrigan kills the head elf so that he cannot destroy the Well. The option is not very optimistic, but if this is the price of an important elven artifact, then I am ready to accept it. Just in case, I save in this place and reboot to go through this episode again, but with the support of the elves.

For elves

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 98
The third time I had to run through the tiles. We go into the hall, listen to the elf. I renounce claims to the Source and choose the pro-elven option - "Let's help each other."

In this scenario, I get the approval of the allies. In the temple, you don’t need to fight with anyone at all, since the elven guide will lead the other way. At the same time, you can find runes on the walls and chests that are not available when passing against the elves. In addition, Morrigan does not kill the elf, as he allows the source to be used. In short, this option goes under the slogan of the hippies - "Make Love Not War".

The fight with Samson in any case is very simple. This boss is level 21 and has a very painful hit, but in both cases aggroed at Blackwall's tank, which he can't damage at all. We calmly stand aside and watch as Sera cuts arrows into a carcass. On the video it may seem that the fight is difficult, but in fact I just didn’t try very hard, since the outcome was already known in advance.

Trial of Samson

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 99
He turned on the recording, as he planned to carry out the first execution and cut off Samson's head with his own hands. I haven't executed anyone yet, but when I decided to do it with a notorious villain, I was not given this option. But once the video is recorded, then let it be. That's all for now.

We continue to pass Dragon Age Inquisition. I recorded the previous videos a long time ago, but a new party is created simultaneously with the passage, so, from fresh memory, things are easier. In this "season" we will finish the story with Geryon Alexius, explore new locations, save the soldiers of the Inquisition, get new companions and come close to closing the Breach.

Calm before the storm
Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 11
The video begins with the clearing of Wolf's Hollow. I still need to convince Dennett to give the horses to the Inquisition, and the wolf problem is one of the additional tasks(Elaina's quest) on the way to this goal.

After that, we close one of the gaps near the exit to the world map and return to the command headquarters. I invest the earned specificity points in the Massace Method. This is a military stat for the Inquisition that adds 5% to experience gained from killing enemies. In my opinion it is very useful, the main thing is to develop this ability as early as possible. Then I distribute orders to agents. Now you have to make a choice story mission in favor of mages or templars. I chose the "magical" path because stories with magicians tend to be more interesting.

Dorian also joins our group. We leave for Redcliffe to meet with Master Geryon Alexius.

Forward into a bleak future

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 12
Here we watch the plot cut-scene. The bottom line is that Gerion's son Felix told us about Geryon's trap, so at the meeting the Inquisition warriors prepared in advance interrupt the guards of the master. But the sorcerer, with the help of a certain talisman, casts a temporary portal. As a result, Dorian and our the protagonist- Herald of Andraste - are transferred to the future one year ahead.

Once in the basement of the castle, we notice that everything around is already overgrown with red lyrium. Not good. Only half of the group will have to go through this segment, so we act carefully and quickly.

In the dungeon we find the rest of the partners - Cassandra and Solas. We learn from them that after our disappearance, no one could prevent the Elder from gaining power, and the world of people was filled with an army of demons. But all is not lost, if we find Geryon, then with the help of his talisman we can go back in time and change the course of history.
In full force we go in search of the villain. The main local enemy is venatori fanatics, they are essentially ordinary soldiers. But the most dangerous are Venatori archers and Venatori spellcasters. Always try to kill the caster first, because casting away from the main mess, he deals massive damage.

Save Leliana

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 13
We continue to move through the dungeon, through the torture chambers and cages with prisoners that mutate into red lyrium crystals. The main task is to find Leliana, which is quite easy, you won't miss, but also in the same room, don't forget to pick up the key to the prison from the corpse of the guard! Don't repeat my mistake. I didn’t notice him right away and then several times I searched the entire location up and down. There is no marker for this key, and without it the door cannot be opened.

There is nothing more important in the video after Leliana. The rest of the time I'm just looking for the key.

How to get to the throne room of Alexius

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 14
Continuation of the passage of a gloomy future. Mostly solid fights. Through the underground passage we get into courtyard, we look at the giant gap and again into battle with the demons and venatori.

The most important task is to open the door to the throne room of Alexius. To do this, you will need to find 5 Red Lyrium Shards. The shards are located respectively in the possession of five Venatori spellcasters, scattered throughout the different rooms of the castle. In this video, I collected 4 out of 5 shards.

Alexius, bye bye

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 15
After all the fragments are collected, open the door to the throne room. A small story scene and final fight with master. I think that you can defeat Gerion Alexius without any problems, the main thing is not to step on the green trap runes that the sorcerer puts. If you have problems, then watch the video from the 6th to the 20th minute.
Done, we select the amulet from the corpse and return to the past. In this time dimension, Alexius is still alive, but he realizes that resistance is futile and renounces his claim to Radcliffe.

In conclusion, we offer an alliance to magicians. Two options are possible here: make the magicians prisoners of the Inquisition or allies. I chose the second option. As a result, he received "total approval" of the elf magician Solas and at the same time "total condemnation" from Cassandra and Sera.

Storm Coast

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 16
We are back at command headquarters. We discuss recent events and plan further actions. To begin with, I checked the inventory and equipped more good weapon and armor. The choice is not to say that it is very large, but it is all the more pleasant to find rare artifacts.
The next deed was to spend 4 Influence on Storm Coast scouting, thus opening up access to the area. That's where we'll go. I will say right away that in this location I completed all the quests, set all the landmarks, collected all the fragments and astrariums, which took a lot of time. Therefore, I am adding the next 5 videos to the same section and briefly, in a nutshell, I will describe the content of each.

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 17
New enemy Baby dragons. Solution of the first astrarium (Constellation Fervanis). Search for fragments. At the end of the video (around the 28th minute) I looked at the battle between the dragon and the troll. It is not clear whether this script was scripted, but in the future I did not find either a dragon or a troll here.

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 18
Closing the gap. Exploration of the area, opening of the second camp. Found the first part of the Gray Warden's Diary (16th minute). Bears... Where without them. Found the second part of the Gray Warden's Diary (26th minute).

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 19
The opening of the third camp and the task "Hold the Storm Coast" is completed. I found an entrance in the farthest part of the map, but the door is closed and it is not known how to open it. Completion of the main quest of the location "Putting things in order". Soldiers of the Inquisition were sent to meet with a group of bandits on Stormy Coast, but contact with them was lost. At the 11th minute, the second found astrarium (Constellation Servani). At the 23rd minute, the third astrarium (Constellation Bellitanus). It has a small catch, two extra stars. Solving all riddles with astrariums opens the entrance to a cave with useful artifacts on the map. In my case, it was the Dreamweaver's Staff, the Free Marche Banner Cap, and the Red Crossing Doom unique bow. Most likely the loot drops out randomly.

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 20
I continue to explore the location and complete the mission "Stormshore Regions". I close the most difficult gap. From time to time, elven amulets come across in the game that can be launched. Solas approves of this, but what their purpose is is not yet clear.

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 21
Well, the last episode about the Storm Coast. There is nothing important here, I collect the remaining hard-to-reach fragments.

Dealing with cases in the Vault

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 22
Having advanced far enough along the plot, I completely forgot about the tasks in the home location. It remains to talk with the pharmacist Adan, make armor and collect materials for weapons for the Inquisition.

The blacksmith has various interesting possibilities. For example, you can modify items, which will not only improve the characteristics of the product, but also change it appearance. Unfortunately, the upgrades themselves drop out so rarely that I almost don't have them.
There is also the possibility of crafting weapons and armor. To do this, you need a sketch of the future item, as well as the components necessary for its manufacture. The characteristics and appearance depend on the quality of the component. For example, I assembled an elven hood. This is a very simple sketch and only requires cloth (3 pieces for armor and 6 pieces for protection). But in my inventory, I have accumulated several types of fabrics: glossy cotton, checkered fabric, brocade, semi-velvet, lamb, fine velvet, cotton, silk. So by combining the type of fabric, we get a variety of characteristics and even a different appearance.

Another useful person in the camp is the alchemist. He can improve existing potions (plus tinctures and bombs), as well as create new ones. As usual, you need a recipe and the required assortment of herbs. From the new I created the bomb "Bottle with bees." I also wanted to improve the healing potion, but there was no dawn lotus in the inventory, which grows in the swamps.

At the end of the video, I return to the headquarters of the command and select the exploration of the mission "Explore the fragments", which opens up another interesting area - the "Forbidden Oasis".

forbidden oasis

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 23
Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 24
Forbidden Oasis is a small but very confusing location. If you plan to collect all the fragments here, then you will need to study it thoroughly. Why collect the pieces at all? Firstly, you will need 6 pieces to open the door to the local temple, and inside the temple there will be 3 more such doors. Behind each of these doors are 3 rooms. Inside the rooms are sarcophagi, opening which you get protection points from a certain type of magic (magic of the spirit, fire and ice). And the rooms themselves are also separated by magical doors. The deeper you go, the more difficult the door, and the more fragments it will require.

In the above two videos, only collecting fragments and exploring the location. The temple will be in the video below. Between them there is still gameplay, which I did not begin to write down, because the essence is the same. Shard collection. As a result, as well as on the Storm Coast, he collected and completed everything that was available. Even a side quest with a woman who asks to find an engagement ring in a cave. The problem here is that there are 50 spiders in the cave, and they are not ordinary, but infected (more persistent and aggressive) and attack with the whole crowd. The battle, of course, was epic, even my bombs with bees were used, but this episode is not on the video.

It is difficult to give any advice on the passage of this location, because even after watching the video, you are unlikely to understand which way I went. Here, until you yourself explore all the paths, nothing will work.

Brown Mire

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 25
The video begins with the very spidery cave of Par'as, which I wrote about above. Only it has already been cleared, I returned the ring and in return received the key to the locked door. I return to the cave and open the door, inside is a box with useful good.
After that, we open the door to the Temple of Pride with fragments, and then the process that I described. You can watch the video. In total, I managed to open two rooms in the direction of spirit magic and one each in the magic of ice and fire. This depleted my supply of shards.

We finish the Forbidden Oasis and go directly to the Brown Marsh. The location was opened a long time ago, but somehow there was no chance to go. The plot mission here is to rescue the soldiers of the Inquisition, who were captured by the local Aboriginal accelerators Avvars.

Our main enemy here is the undead, a few demons, and also periodically those same natives. As the name suggests, the area is a swampy area. And if the enemy will stand in the water, then magic and abilities will not work on him. Therefore, you need to move along special islands on which you need to light a curtain fire. The undead will crawl out to look at the magical light, and here we are already giving a full procast.

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 26
Almost everything here consists of battles. I found a hut in the swamps, but you need a key from the door. Haven't found it yet. Thus, we reach a small fort. If you climb the wall, then there is another locked door, but this time you don’t need a key, but the “Skillful Hands” skill, which I apparently don’t have. Where to get it is not known. I play as a rogue class, and among all the skills available for learning, I didn’t notice “Skillful Hands”.

A little more and got to the fortress of Hargrave, the citadel of the Avvars. The leader of the aborigines, the Hand of Korg, is waiting here. Apparently I exhausted him with endless resurrections. By the end of the video, the doomed boss is just running around and not even trying to hit anyone.

Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough video - Part 27
Well latest video from the "second season" of the passage of Dragon Age Inquisition. We select the key from the killed leader and save the soldiers of the Inquisition. At the exit from the fortress, we recruit into the Inquisition one of the Avvars - Staring at the sky. You can end there. The rest I just gain experience in battles in the swamp. There are many tough marsh fishermen here that drop Bronto skins. It would be nice to craft a new armor out of it.

The Storm Coast, like almost every terrain in the game except for the main story maps, is unlocked after you complete a reconnaissance mission on your war table. This will cost you 4 influence points.

The passage through the red cave in the southwestern part of the map and the quests associated with it will open only after you pass a certain part of the main story.

Putting things in order

Automatically given by Scout Harding when you visit Stormshore for the very first time. Some robbers are rampant in this area. Several of your people went to negotiate with their leader, and nothing was heard from them after that. Head to the meeting point. In an abandoned hut, you will find the bodies of the missing soldiers, and from the papers scattered around, you will learn a couple of interesting things - the bandits who killed them belong to a certain sect called the Blades of Hessarian, and they mention a certain "cross of mercy" with which you can come to him for negotiations. If Iron Bull is in your group, he will offer to challenge the leader of the bandits to a duel, and if Blackwall is present in it, he will offer to recruit bandits to help the Inquisition.

If you are not interested in recruiting a sect, then all you need to do is just go to the camp and kill everyone there. All sect members will be hostile by default.

If you like the ideas of the Bull and Blackwall, you first need to craft the Cross of Mercy on your order table (you need to find 2 Serpentine and one Deep Hunter skin for this), put it on (it takes up an amulet slot) and come to the camp already in this form Blades of Hessarian. In this case, you will be met peacefully, taken to the leader, and if you manage to defeat him in a fair fight - your group against him and his hunting dogs - then the rest of the Blades will swear allegiance to you and will henceforth be considered agents of the Inquisition.

Watchmen on the Coast

Given automatically after you visit the Storm Coast. The Gray Wardens were seen here, but what exactly they were doing here is unknown to anyone. Visit four points where you saw Gray Wardens and look for traces of their stay. You need to use the search function to find their letters and diaries. From the records found, it will become clear that the Guardians were looking for someone, apparently - their fellow Guardian - but who exactly and why - will remain a mystery. Till.

Darkspawn Hunt

Received after you arrive at Skyhold and complete the mission to scout for the appearance of the Darkspawn on the Storm Coast on your table at the command headquarters.
You should close the gaps from which the Creatures of Darkness appear. There are four in total. Blackwall is good for this mission, as he gives you approval every time you kill the Darkspawn. You will also need a magician, as only he can close the gaps.

One of the failures is located in a cave at the northern end of the map, the second is in a cave to the south of it (although the icon points to a place next to the astrarium, the desired tunnel is actually underground. The third tunnel, south of the previous one, is on the surface. The last one is located in a cave near the lyrium waterfall.
Usually, several Darkspawn are walking around each failure, led by a harlock leader. (Although for some reason I didn’t have them at all in the northernmost cave. We went out to breathe fresh air, whether?)

The quest automatically ends when you close the fourth gap.

Red Waters

Awarded after completing the Stormshore Templars Headquarters mission, which appears after some time has passed after you arrived at Skyhold.

It’s good to take Varric on this mission - not only because in the cave where you will need to go, there are 4 deposits of red lyrium (you can always return to them later, after all), but also because he will give you get a light commendation every time after the battle with the red templars.

Go to the southwestern cave, which was previously inaccessible. A pair of red templar knights wanders around her. In the cave itself, you will find remains from which you can remove the Key of the Red Templar. Alternatively, the key can drop from one of the templars you personally killed. Go further, go ashore and follow into the second cave. After another fight with a group of red templars, which will include Shadow, using stealth and backstab, you will see that the bridge leading further has collapsed. Go back a little. In the left wall (if you stand with your back to the bridge), the skull painted on the wall has a gap, which is sometimes difficult to notice. Go there.

You will enter a large two-tiered hall with two groups of red templars on each. Clear them and go through the bottom in the only direction available to you. You will need the Red Templar's Key to open the door leading further. Behind it, you will come across a destroyed bridge, and next to it is an elven artifact for Solas. Then the path will be closed.

Return to the very beginning of the two-tiered hall, go to the second tier. One of the smaller treasure rooms will have a hole in the wall that leads through a cave and a bridge into another treasure room. Get down from it along the stairs down, where a couple of red templars, including the Shadow, will be waiting for you. If you turn left from the stairs, you will see that you are just on the other side of the destroyed bridge. You don't need to go there now, so turn right. At the exit of the cave you will see a group of their two red templar knights and Shadow. When you deal with them, this will complete this quest and give you a new mission for your command post.

After completing the quest, a fast travel point will appear in the former Red Templars lair in case you decide to return here.

A boat by the cave near your final showdown will take you to the island where the local dragon lives.

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