Dragon Age Inquisition where is located. Quests for obtaining specializations


No matter what anyone says, but - almost completely linear role-playing game with corridor locations, so it will be very difficult to get lost here. Consequently, questions related to “I don’t know where to go” disappear by themselves. The same can be said about dialogues. The conversations in the game are more for show and the real load on the plot is only in rare cases. The developers cheated, finally remaking this RPG in the direction of an action-adventure, but oh well.

With the choice of character, there are also no problems and cannot be. No matter how hard you try, you will be offered several classes of absolutely typical heroes, which differ only appearance. Even if you want to initially develop the hero in the direction of, say, two-handed swords or a bow, then in the early stages of the game you will still find one-handed and two-handed, shooting and other weapons. So you can try to redraw your character directly in the game.

It's a completely different matter with the transfer of saves from previous parts. There is no such possibility as such. Instead of the traditional transfer to BioWare, they danced a little with a tambourine and offered us dragon age Keeper: A transfer service for your completed story. At the end of the game, when the results will be summed up, all your past merits and deeds will be credited to you.

The main character will have to close the green portals. The more you close them, the more influence points you can get. Influence points are a key resource, without which you will not be able to progress through the story. It is noteworthy that the mandatory closure of a couple of portals awaits us only at an early stage of the game. The further we move through history, the less developers will let us down and poke our noses into portals. Everything will have to be found by yourself.

As for the character's karma, this indicator is not critical for passing. It will be possible to pass both a good and completely evil hero. At the same time, your allies will not get angry and will not leave you, weakening the group. At least, the author of this material failed to anger his comrades in arms in this way. Instead, the characters around you will react to your actions and your words. Whether your actions are approved or disapproved determines the scale of morality. To be honest, the indicator of this scale on the plot, if it does, is completely negligible, so be rude when you see fit and don’t adapt to anyone, you can get away with everything.

Approximately the same situation with sentencing. We remind you that you are the Inquisitor, called to save the world. And, periodically, while you, in the rank of the savior of the world, will run around, collect herbs on behalf of some village pharmacist, various defendants will be brought to you. Their fate depends on you. You can be cruel, or, on the contrary, you can be the height of humanism: your decisions will not have any consequences, so you can judge according to your conscience.

At the beginning of the material, we mentioned that the locations in the game are corridors. Not only corridor locations, but the world itself is closed. We are only given the illusion of freedom of movement, but this is just an illusion. You will not be allowed to run wherever it comes into your head, this is not for you. The Elder Scrolls, however, there are open spaces and you will have to move around them. Therefore, as soon as you have the opportunity to get a horse, be sure to do it. With a horse, things will move much more cheerfully.

Now, since we have touched on the world and the environment, we should talk about this. The developers have said more than once or twice that the game will be completed in no less than 70-100 hours. Naturally, gamers appreciate those games that you can play a little longer, having tasted plenty of adventure. However, in order for some cunning citizen not to complete the game in a couple of hours, influence points were introduced into it, which were mentioned earlier. Without these same points, you will not be able to break further in the story. And, it just so happened that the influence that you earn in the process of completing the main storyline, you will not be enough. Consequently, you will have to run through the fields and hills in order to harness yourself to the most thankless and dirty work. Simply put: do primitive quests that are not at all suitable for your status as the head of the Inquisition, and grind, grind, grind.

For this activity, you just have to run around all the nooks and crannies of Thedas. Locations in the game are divided into corridor-plot and spacious. Here in these very open spaces you will need to walk from mark to mark, take and complete tasks. With this maneuver, BioWare killed another rabbit: you will have to search for adventures that promise points of influence, to wander into such remote places that you would not have wandered into in your life unnecessarily. There will be many surprises. So, when traveling around Thedas, you don't always have to take the road. Drive into nearby bushes and head down the winding, untrodden paths.

You will also have to periodically visit the headquarters of the Inquisition. This is a fairly useful place, primarily because of the ability to give instructions to your subordinates. You will not get much benefit from this, but it will definitely not be worse. After some time, depending on the complexity of the task, subordinates will complete the work. The secret is that to speed up this process you can change the clock on your computer. Saved the game, logged out, changed the time, logged in, and all your instructions have already been completed. Saving time and effort.

Well, the most important thing in Dragon Age: Inquisition is the fights. Humanitarian skills play a minimal role here, however, as in the previous two parts. The main thing is to learn how to fight, and in particular, to learn how to manage a combat team. One of the main skills is the ability to manage the advantages that a tactical pause gives you. A pause can be taken both before the fight and already in the process of the fight. And if at first such an opportunity may seem superfluous, unnecessary, then later, when the enemy goes stronger, it will be very bad without a tactical pause. Using pause allows you to see the weaknesses of your enemies. Take a break and assign roles. Let each hero do what he knows best: the archer shoots from afar, the tank takes damage and deals sensitive blows, and the mage casts spells.

By the way, about spells. There are no healing spells in Dragon Age: Inquisition. This is, in its way, a unique situation when in role-playing fantasy, where magicians are present in abundance, you can only be treated with potions. This innovation was dictated by the need to make the game more difficult and the fights more dangerous. Now the price of each mistake increases many times, and magicians do not become indispensable.

Now for the opponents. Basically, big problems with getting used to the behavior of enemy mobs, you will not have. Everything is rather banal, especially since teammates are not a burden, but rather actively help in battles, sometimes even taking the initiative. Boss battles are an exception in this regard. Bosses in Dragon Age: Inquisition are a separate story. main feature of all bosses is that it is not recommended to approach them close or even close at all. At the same time, the bosses are divided into two parts: those that you can still approach and solve your problems, and those that are completely impossible to approach. In this light, warrior heroes with melee weapons will not look the best, they show themselves well in battle, especially when there are a lot of enemies, they surround, and the surrounding scenery rallied and did not allow maneuvering. There, armor and a sword will play an excellent service, but against bosses, rangers are more suitable.

As examples, let's take three typical bosses: the pride demon, the stone-throwing giant, and the dragon.
The Demon of Pride is the very first boss. He strongly swings his arms and hits with an electric whip, so it is not recommended to get close to him, especially since he is completely invulnerable to blows. At least until you start destroying the rift: the green glowing orb. Energy needs to be pumped out of it. At the same time, your rest of the team should not so much beat the boss as distract while you suck the energy out of the ball. By slightly weakening the rift, you will deprive the boss of immunity. That's when you need to come close and beat him with all the super blows that you have. After half of his lives are gone, he will start calling for help. Here you again need to disperse to the sides, instruct the team to destroy the help that came to the rescue, while the protagonist will weaken the rift again. After the demon has a quarter of health left, it will become available for any strikes. Therefore, it again needs to be surrounded and engaged in close combat.

Quite another thing is a giant throwing stones. The giant is quite immobile and really best to kill from a distance, however it is quite useful to run up from behind and land a few hits on the ankles. The giant will turn around for a long time, but when he turns, be prepared for the fact that he will pick up a stone from the ground and throw it at you. He throws stones very accurately. To avoid being hit, you need to run as fast as you can, while switching to the hero that you plan to throw at. In general, the giant is a boss that can be defeated both in close combat and by firing from a safe distance, but you need to be prepared for the fact that your safe distance is not so safe.

Well, a dragon that exudes ice breath definitely needs to be killed only with remote attacks. If you attack him from behind, you will not have time to make even a couple of blows, as he will wag his tail, and you will fly off a good three dozen meters. It is even more difficult to attack him from the front, because a dragon is a dragon, although it is not fire-breathing, it will not seem enough to you. The dragon is a boss that needs to be fired from afar, but you still have to hide behind obstacles that will be destroyed one by one, so if you drag out the fight, you risk complicating things a lot.

And finally, a few tips.

Be sure to distribute to your assistants at the mission headquarters. The resting helper is useless.

Be sure to collect resources ranging from plants to metals. Closer to the middle of the game, all this will be very useful to you.

In Dragon Age: Inquisition, the world is not very interactive. Often there are villages where there is no one to talk to at all, but if you find a talking NPC, then keep up with him until you get everything you can out of him.

Be sure to set up camp. Fast travel is possible between camps. This alone will save you a lot of time.
Be sure to upgrade lockpicking. In homebrew localization, this skill is called Artful Hands.

Be sure to equip your mage with three staves: red, blue, and purple. With their help, he will be able to break magical barriers, behind which there will be a lot of interesting things. Barriers will different color. By picking up staffs for barriers of the "stone, scissors, paper" type, you will significantly expand your own capabilities.

That's all. We hope that our humble guide to Dragon Age: Inquisition will help you on your difficult journey through Thedas.

A high dragon is a fully mature female dragon. These huge winged monsters, conquering the skies and burning all life in their path, are the legendary and rarest of all existing dragons.

In the Dragon Age series, dragon fights have always been very difficult and dangerous. To defeat this flying monster required strong tactics and the ability to control the entire group. And now in more detail. There are ten high dragons left in Thedas, and for completing the game we are obliged to get to know each one (unless, of course, we want a wonderful achievement for ourselves " Storm of Dragons»)

Ferelden Frostbite

The first dragon encountered by most players. This dragon is doing well. inland lands and began to procreate. We, as heroes, are obliged to prevent this, and, of course, the reward for killing the monster is quite good.
Dragon Features:
Attack type: fire
Vulnerable to cold
The battle itself is not difficult, but the dragon often takes off and begins to call on his children to help him, who calmly cut out the gaping archer or magician.
In battle, you should be wary of his fiery breath and, of course, huge paws with a tail. When you lower his health to zero, the dragon will fall and leave you his treasure (search the skull) [Achievement 1\10]

dragon nest


Our next target will be very evil, because we will prevent the dragon from enjoying the meat of the giant and interrupt their amazing fight. The dragon is on Stormy shore on Dragon Island. You can get there by boat from Darwin Estuary (opened by the Red Waters quest). This strong adversary will create a sea of ​​​​obstacles for you before you get that cherished one.
Attack type: electricity
Vulnerable to spirit
It's worth being afraid of the dragon's energy balls, the damage from them is terribly high. In close combat, the dragon does not show itself as such a formidable opponent. The only danger is his energy attacks, take care of magicians, archers. Do not forget about pauses, controls, jars and this monster will bow before you. [Achievement 2\10]

dragon nest

Deep High Dragon

You can find the "Deep High Dragon" in the Western Reach location. In order for the dragon to come out, you need to go through an interesting chain of dragon hunting quests. This dragon is used to living in warmth and comfort, I'm afraid he won't like it when we throw ice magic at him.
Attack type: fire
Vulnerable to ice
The battle takes place as usual. The tank tries not to let go of the boss, the melee damage cuts its paws, the far one is as far away as possible, because. the dragon often likes to please the team with a fireball. She will also interfere with you in every possible way with her paws and tail, but do not forget about the wings! Terrible wind currents created by the flapping of huge wings can spoil your picture well. [Achievement 3\10]

dragon nest

Gamordan Bouregon (Formerly Gamoran Stormrider)

You should start looking for him on the Sacred Plains in Raven Marsh.
His nest is in a pond and this is a huge advantage in his favor. The dragon has an electric attack, which water does well.
Attack type: electricity
Weakness to the spirit
In battle, the dragon behaves as standard. Attacks with paws and tail, sometimes starts chasing a random target from our group. Occasionally, the dragon uses water against us, transferring an electrical charge of great strength through it. If the heroes stand in the water, they will take a lot of damage and be stunned, so try to spend most of your time on land. Further, according to the standard tactics: damage the paw, drink jars, microcontrol, active use of spells and skills. Result - the dragon is defeated! [Achievement 4\10]

dragon nest

big mistral

This dragon is not so difficult to find, but it was on his search that I spent the most time.
Mistral is an ice dragon that lives in the Emerald Cave. To find it, you need to move from the Dreadstone (which is located near the small camp of the criminal Kasandra is chasing after on the quest) to the north. There you will see a huge, beautiful dragon that will not appreciate your visit and will decide to drive away the uninvited guests.
Attack type: ice
Vulnerable to fire
To reduce the damage of the dragon, you need to increase your protection from ice. In close combat, the dragon torments you with sharp claws and a huge tail. Also with the help of wings, he creates wind currents. When the dragon becomes enraged, it freezes its body and creates an armor bar on top of its health. In flight, he releases ice balls, in order to dodge, use tactical control. The battle with this high dragon can last a long time, so stock up on healing potions and other supplies. When his health drops to zero, the dragon will disappear into oblivion and leave only a memory and a wonderful drop. This is how we get closer and closer to clearing the world of Dragons and getting the long-awaited achievement. [Achievement 5\10]

dragon nest

Northern Hunter

Our next high dragon lives in Crestwood. This dragon was my first and left a bunch of pleasant and unpleasant memories of itself. In my opinion, the fight with this dragon was the most difficult. Perhaps because he was the first, and I did not have enough experience in fighting such monsters, my level was very low, and my clothes left much to be desired. But still, by blood and sweat, by the power given to us, I mastered it, and so began my hunt for dragons.
Attack type: electricity
Vulnerable to spirit
Keep an eye on your mages and rogues, because they are the sweet targets for the electro-sphere, which can kill almost any hero in a matter of seconds. You should also be wary of his attacks with paws and tail, but do not forget about the dragon's breath. After a ton of cans for health, a hundred skills used and a couple of three deaths, our dragon will finally give up and leave you with a sweet bonus in the form of new things. [Achievement 6\10]

dragon nest

Sand Weeper

To find this Dragon, head to the "Whistling Wastes" location and, starting from the first camp, go up along the right edge of the map. Soon you will see a beautiful entrance between the mountains, this will be the passage to our sleeping dragon. Carefully approach the monster without waking it up ahead of time, and start attacking with a tank.
Attack type: fire
Vulnerable to ice
This Dragon has strong legs and often likes to flap her wings. To break through its scales, you will have to try hard, since the dragon often blocks its health with armor. You won’t be able to relax in this battle, the Dragon can take off and instantly collapse on any of your heroes. Use jars, control all the heroes and do not forget about the pause, and this fiery beast will fall at your feet. [Achievement 7\10]

dragon nest


To fight this ice beauty, we need to repair the bridge in Emprise du Lion. The dragon cannot stand the heat and often likes to refresh the entire team with icy breath.
Attack type: ice
Vulnerable to fire
During the battle, it is worth protecting the tank from ice attacks as much as possible, otherwise the battle will be fast. Other heroes actively use fire magic and deal damage with all possible ways. During the battle, the Dragon decides to take a break, spreading his mighty wings, he will fly away into the heavenly heights.
In this location, after the capture of the fortress, there is a quest for all dragons before you go hunting - do not forget to take it. [Achievement 8\10]

dragon nest


This supreme dragon can be easily found on the second tower after crossing the bridge (quest beacon shown). Fights with two dragons are pretty similar and easy, so we won't talk much here, let's get down to business.
Attack type: ice
Vulnerable to fire
The dragon is very active on the battlefield and constantly jumps from side to side. A weak hindrance in his murder will be his breath and a fierce desire to survive, but when the dragon realizes her inevitable fate, she will call on offspring to help. Get rid of help as soon as possible! It is the little dragons that make up the whole problem of this fight. Percentage by percentage of the Dragon's health will drop to zero and he will finally be defeated. Last target, here we go! [Achievement 9/10]

dragon nest

Highland Destroyer

Here it is, the last fight! Are you already in anticipation? Be sure to save!!! Achievement may not be given the first time and then you will have to repeat killing the dragon.
We will find this monster in the third amphitheater behind the bridge, however, the mark on the map on the assignment will help you.
Attack type: fire
Vulnerable to Ice
This dragon poses a huge threat! Throughout the battle, he will protect himself with armor and constantly call on his children, who have considerable damage, and killing them is not so easy. Here are some dangerous factors during combat: jump attack, stun, summon lesser dragons, fire breath, fireballs point by point (mortar principle). All this can take away your victory. I was lucky to kill this monster the first time, but at the end of the fight, the monster killed my Bull with one blow. The fight lasted about five minutes and the fiery queen surrendered. Drop, achievement, applause to the winners. [Achievement 10\10]

dragon nest

Publication date: 01/05/2015 17:24:46

In Dragon Age: Inquisition, you can meet as many as 10 high dragons, and finding them is not as easy as it might seem. And guides in the text version, unfortunately, are sometimes not very clear. Therefore, it was decided to make a video instruction for those who crave the blood of dragons! This video acts as a menu that allows you to choose exactly the location in which you are looking for a huge lizard, and after clicking, you will be transferred to the video you need, in general, this is the first interactive guide for finding dragons.

True, I would advise you to attack dragons after you reach level 14-15, otherwise even the weakest lizard will suit you Kuzkin's mother.

Well, in order for this post not to be empty, I will also describe all the dragons separately, and we will start with the smallest!

Ferelden Frostback Level 12

It is located in the very first location - The Hinterlands, you can find it if you go northeast from the Sunset Camp. On the way to the big dragon, I advise you to avoid the small ones, as the big one is constantly circling around your squad and shooting fire. I experienced in my own skin what happens to those who do not obey this advice.

It is a fiery lizard, does not tolerate cold.

Northern Hunter Level 13

Located in Crestwood, southwest of the Three Trout Camp. I advise you to destroy all living creatures in the circle, if at least someone is near the dragon, otherwise while I was valiantly fighting the dragon, a buffalo attacked me and spoiled the whole hunt.

The dragon is electrical, and has a vulnerability to spirit magic.

Abyssal High Dragon Level 14

Located in the location - Western Limit, in the southwest. In order to meet this dragon, you have to complete a series of tasks from a fellow named Frederick. He can be found near the camp at Nazaire Pass. The tasks are not difficult and do not require any hints, so I think you can handle it without any problems.

This dragon is fiery, and as a result, it is vulnerable to the cold!

Gamordan Stormrider Level 15

Lives in the northeast of the Sacred Plain location. In order to get close to this little animal, you need to clear the passage on the command table, and then we go to the very end of the swamps.

Another electric animal, only a little different - it can electrify water, so be careful or you will not be healthy. Resistant to electricity, but vulnerable to spirit magic.

The Greater Mistral Level 17

This lizard settled in a location called the Emerald Graves. You can find it far to the north, if you go from the camp in Stonethug.

Prefers fire, afraid of cold - act guys.

Vinsomer Level 19

This dragon is located in the location - Stormy Coast. In order to find it, you have to storm the fortress in the Darwin Estuary in the west - where it is, you can see in the video. As soon as you cut out the entire population of this fortress, at the very end a boat will appear before you, approaching which you will go to the Dragon Island.

Vinsomer is vulnerable to the magic of the spirit, resistant to electricity and, as a result, uses it.

Sandy Howler Level 20

Found in the Whistling Wastes, far west of the Sandcliff camp. What is remarkable - when you find a reptile, it will sleep sweetly!

When you wake her up, she will spit fire at you, but she will react very sharply to cold attacks. Also, she calls for help little dragons.

The next three players are somewhat more difficult, because it seemed unreasonable to show them all at once on the first map! It was decided to make a separate submenu for them:

Well, now, to the dragons themselves:

Hivernal Level 19]

One of the weakest dragons in Emprise du Lyon. In order to get access to it, you need to build a bridge, giving instructions for this at the command headquarters. Be in the first colosseum you meet.

Kaltenzhan Level 21

The middle brother in Emprise du Lyon. In order to get access to it, you need to build a bridge, giving instructions for this at the command headquarters. Be in the second colosseum.

He loves the cold, and is afraid of fire. The video clearly shows that against him it is required to take magicians with a fire element into the squad, otherwise there will be almost no sense from the magician. Calls for help in the form of small dragons.

Highland Ravager Level 23

The strongest dragon in Emprise du Lyon. In order to get access to it, you need to build a bridge, giving instructions for this at the command headquarters. Be in the third colosseum.

Prefers fire, afraid of cold, so feel free to take Vivien with you. Calls for help in the form of small dragons.

To be honest, this is my first experience in compiling guides of this kind, and guides in general. Therefore, criticism is welcome, and especially advice.

Thank you for your attention.

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The next draw will take place on January 31st. Feel free to try your luck! Phoenix Point receives Sokol13.

avtor-avtora wrote:

I don't know what kind of incident you had. I didn't have that. There, when it happened, you find a cave, no matter which one. It appears on the map as a "cave" icon, but that one is not.

Well, yours is a little different =)

gypiend wrote:

in general, when I walked in the Whistling Wastes, I had such an incident. Went through one place. there was nothing, then I found a scroll (nothing was indicated on the map), I go through again, op! The cave has appeared. So it’s not a fact that they are all marked, as a rule, those that you find with the help of the Astrarium are marked, or whatever it is called =)

I don't know what kind of incident you had. I didn't have that. There, when it happened, you find a cave, no matter which one. It appears on the map as a "cave" icon, but that one is not.

avtor-avtora wrote:

Well, you asked there during the game you find so many scrolls and notes that you can’t remember everything. But even so, I read almost all the scrolls and notes, and if they contained information about the location, it was marked on the map with an exclamation / question mark. But not this cave.

In general, when I walked in the Whistling Wastes, I had such an incident. Went through one place. there was nothing, then I found a scroll (nothing was indicated on the map), I go through again, op! The cave has appeared. So it’s not a fact that they are all marked, as a rule, those that you find with the help of the Astrarium are marked, or whatever it is called =)

Post edited by user 01/06/2015 07:04:34

gypiend wrote:

Isn't this one of the caves that opens up after you find the scroll?

Well, you asked there during the game you find so many scrolls and notes that you can’t remember everything. But even so, I read almost all the scrolls and notes, and if they contained information about the location, it was marked on the map with an exclamation / question mark. But not this cave.
p.s. Although it is possible that I found it before the mention of it, I say it by accident

Isn't this one of the caves that opens up after you find the scroll?

Cassandra, Varric and Solas join you in the Prologue. You will not be able to refuse their company.

Unlike this trinity, you can opt out of recruiting any of the followers below.


After the scene with Lord Seeker Lucius during the quest "The Danger Is Not Over", an envoy of the Circle of Magi will appear in Val Royeaux at the Summer Market, who will give you an invitation to a party on behalf of a certain sorceress Vivienne. This will give you the Imperial Enchantress quest. Go to the indicated place (you need to go to the world map for this). After you watch the cutscene and decide what to do with your opponent, Vivien will offer her services to you.

Iron Bull

The quest "Captain Bulls" will appear in your journal after returning from Val Royeaux and talking with your advisors. Exit the Church and talk to the mercenary messenger - Krem. He will invite you to a meeting with the leader of their group, Iron Bull. The Iron Bull is located on the Storm Coast not far from your first camp. Talk to him and you will be able to recruit him as an ally, and the rest of his mercenaries will join the Inquisition as an additional military unit.


After you witness the strange meeting between Lord Seeker Lucius and Reverend Mother Evara, following the quest "The Danger Is Not Over", literally in a few minutes, while exploring the Summer Market, an arrow with a mysterious message will pierce the ground under your nose. This will activate the "Red Jenny's Friend" quest.

In accordance with the message, look for "red clothes" in the market, on the pier and in the tavern. Go to the marked places and look for a red handkerchief on the floor - for this you need to activate the search button. It's not as difficult as it looks - the right place is marked with a quest marker, so you will always have an idea where exactly to start looking. In addition, the red scarf is quite bright and attracts attention. (But you still need to press the search button to activate it.) The tavern and the marina are located on the same level, but the desired market is on the top - go to the map to be transported to the right place (map levels can be changed in the upper right corner ). After you find all three messages, you will receive a key and a new location that you can visit by opening the world map. Go there, watch the video, kill the enemies that have appeared and decide whether or not to take an unexpected ally as a permanent companion.


Upon your return from Val Royo, Leliana will share with you her worries about the strange disappearance of the Gray Wardens in Ferelden and Orlais. This will give you the Lone Guardian Quest. Go to the place marked on the map of the Hinterlands and help To the Gray Warden with his "recruits" to fight off the attackers. After that, you will have the opportunity to get him as an ally.


You meet Cole during the Defenders of Justice quest, although he will not join you during this quest. Cole himself will find you after completing the quest and you will get the opportunity to recruit him into your group.
If you didn't follow the path of the templars and chose the Whisper of Seduction quest instead, Cole will find you when you start the next story quest, tell you what happened to the templars, and offer his services.


Recruiting Dorian is pretty much the same as recruiting Cole, except that you have to follow the mage path and choose the quest "The Whisper of Seduction" to meet him. (Theoretically, you can meet him and still choose the templars, as you can visit Redcliffe and talk to the mages before you get to the "point of no return". The point of no return for these two quests is the moment they both become available on your map of military operations.)

If you have chosen the quest "Seductive Whispers", then Dorian will accompany you during this quest, and after it you will have the opportunity to recruit him permanently. If you chose the Defenders of Justice quest, then, like Cole, Dorian will show up in the Vault himself at the beginning of your next story quest, tell you what happened to the magicians in Redcliffe, and offer his services.

You will receive the specialization quest when you first enter Skyhold. You will need to first complete the "Inquisitor Specializations" operation on the command headquarters table. Upon its completion, and no time is required to complete it, you will have three mentors in your fortress (according to the number of specializations that are available to each class). If you didn’t add a quest upon arrival to Skyhold and there is no command headquarters for the corresponding operation on the table, then you should visit some location and return back to Skyhold. Then you should talk to each mentor and take a task from him to learn a particular specialization. You can complete all three quests from each teacher, but you can finally choose only one specialization. You can get an idea about each of the specializations from a conversation with a mentor, as well as by looking at the skill tree of your party members, because each of them has their own specialization.

Way of the knight

Taken from Lord Chance de Lyon. We collect majestic heraldic symbols in the Sacred Plain, defeating enemies here:

Veridium can be found in the same location. You can also ask Cullen to collect resources in the Sacred Plain at the command headquarters. A book with descriptions of the techniques of the knight either near Blackwall, or bought from a seller in Val-Royeaux. Then we collect the standard on the table of applications next to the quartermaster and talk with Lord Chance de Lyon to finally select a specialization.

Path of the Ripper

Taken from the Destroyer Tram. We collect potion textbooks in Crestwood by defeating opponents in these locations:

Creeping Vine can be found in Sacred Plain, Emerald Graves, and Emprise du Lion. You can also ask Leliana to collect resources in the Sacred Plain at the command headquarters. A book with descriptions of the methods of the ripper is either found near the Iron Bull, or bought from a seller in Val-Royeaux. Then we fulfill the last condition on the application table next to the quartermaster and talk with the Destroyer Tram to finally select a specialization.

Path of the Templar

Taken from Ser. We collect broken temple vessels from demons in the Hinterlands.

The Embryo can be found in the Hinterlands, Crestwood, and the Emerald Graves. You can also ask Leliana to collect resources in the Emerald Graves at the command headquarters. A book with descriptions of the techniques of the templar is sought either near Cassandra, or bought from a seller in Val-Royeaux. Then we prepare the potion on the application table next to the quartermaster and talk with Ser to finally select a specialization.

storm path

Khim teaches this specialization. We collect devices for holding essence from demons in the following locations on the Storm Coast:

Spirit Essence often drops from ghosts. We are looking for a book with descriptions of storm techniques either in Sera's room, or we buy from a seller in Val-Royeaux. Then we collect a vial of smoke on the application table next to the quartermaster and talk to Khim to finally select a specialization.

Path of the killer

Assassin specializations are taught by the Heiress. Assassin's Guildmaster Badges drop from enemies in Crestwood in these locations:

A book with descriptions of assassination techniques is either found near Cole or bought from a seller in Val-Royeaux. The roots of death are to be found in Western limit or in the Whistling Wastes. You can also perform an operation on the command headquarters table by asking Leliana to collect herbs in the Whistling Wastes. After that, we collect a knife on the table of applications next to the quartermaster and talk with the Heiress to finally select a specialization.

Mechanic's path

The task is taken from the Three-Eyed. Needles of needleback leaders are collected, in fact, from their corpses in the Western Reach:

Obsidian can be found in the Hinterlands, Crestwood, Sacred Plain, and Emerald Graves. You can also send Cullen to collect resources in Crestwood by performing the appropriate operation on the command headquarters table. We are looking for a book with descriptions of mechanic techniques either near Varric, or bought from a seller in Val-Royeaux. After that, we collect tools on the application table next to the quartermaster and talk with Three-Eyed to finally select a specialization.

Path of the Necromancer

This specialization is taught by Viuus Anaxas. Nevarran skulls are found in the Storm Coast in the following areas:

Bloodstone is found in Emprise du Lion or the Emerald Graves. You can also send Cullen to collect resources in the Emprise du Lion by performing the corresponding operation on the command headquarters table. We are looking for a book with descriptions of the necromancer's techniques either near Dorian, or bought from a seller in Val-Royeaux. After that, we make a decorated skull on the application table next to the quartermaster and talk with Viuus Anaxas to finally select a specialization.

Path of the sorcerer knight

The task is taken from Commander Helen. Wisp Essence drops from ghosts in the Brown Marsh in these areas:

Lapis Lazuli is collected in the Western Reach, Sacred Plain and Whistling Wastes. You can also send Cullen to collect resources in the Whistling Wastes by performing the appropriate operation on the command headquarters table. We are looking for a book with descriptions of the tricks of the sorcerer knight either near Vivien, or bought from a seller in Val-Royeaux. After that, we make a spiritual blade handle on the application table next to the quartermaster and talk with Commander Helen to finally select a specialization.

Path of the Rift Mage

Quest issues your mentor. Venatori tomes are obtained, in fact, from the corpses of the Venatori in the Sacred Plain in these locations:

Fine Velvet also drops from Venatori in the Sacred Plains. A book describing the magic of ruptures can be found either near Solas, or by purchasing from a vendor in Val-Royeaux. After that, we create a book about gaps on the table of applications next to the quartermaster and talk to your mentor to finally choose a specialization.

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