Slow projectiles path of exile. Path of Exile - Introducing Void Keeper Unique Items

Cremation is one of the new skill gems that has been introduced in the latest league. I have to say, he turned out pretty good. With this skill, you can level, farm cards, and deal with bosses quite quickly, especially those that are relatively immobile.

It happens like this: you cast a bunch of corpses around the boss, and then undermine them with Cremation. Three fiery sources appear, which scatter small balls around and the boss's health decreases right before our eyes. Of course, those bosses that constantly move back and forth are a little more difficult to fight (because they constantly go beyond the limits of the Cremation skill), but they can be dealt with.

If necessary, another stone is used - Volatile Dead. This skill summons three homing orbs that self-locate and explode. Yes, it is possible that these fireballs do not always choose the targets that they would like, however, even with them, the cards are cleared very quickly. At the same time, more and more corpses appear around you due to mobs. This means that you do not need to re-cast skills and you can summon such erupting volcanoes (Cremation) or homing projectiles (Volatile Dead) where at least one corpse is located.

An elementalist with a 4-link item and the Cremation skill can go through the entire storyline and maps up to Tier5 without any problems. At least with two labs. Next, you need to take a six-link, two more labs and start running cards from Tier10.

To tell the truth, Path of Exile already had a spell to blow up a corpse, but it was not very effective. And the effect is one-time: bang and that's it. From one explosion, not like a boss, even some yellow mob is unlikely to die. Three sources of damage appear here at once - this is 3 times more effective. If you still position the Persian so that the fire surrounds him, no mobs will get there. Unless long-range and bouncy ones can cause trouble, but they can be, as they say, kited ...

How, in fact, to call the corpses. The first way is the old fashioned way, with the Deserate skill. It is more commonly used to raise zombies, Spectra of certain types. The second is a new skill that also appeared in the December league. This is Unearth. For this skill, you will need to select as many as 3 holes - GMP, Unearth and Fast Casting. Thus, the character will cast a lot of "bones" at once, which can then be set on fire through Cremation and deal with all enemies.

Cremation and Volatile Dead skills are completely replaceable. Cards can be cleaned with the second skill, that is, create homing balls. And for bosses - Cremation.

Cremation is a fire AOE spell, which means it can fit a variety of classes. And a priest, and an elemental witch, and a noblewoman, and a trickster. I, as usual, took the witch - there is no point in downloading crits, which means that Elemental Overload will be required to increase the damage. Leveling in general is quite obvious: first passives for spell, then for fire, everything else - health, armor, regen. If necessary, you can take a series of passives for protection through mana - MoM-build. It will require at least 4 passives, plus something else for accelerated mana regen.

It is worth noting that if Volatile Dead is used, then it does not matter at all where exactly the “bones” are cast. This means that this work can be entrusted to the totem. Thus, the bundle mentioned above changes: GMP, Unearth, Spell totem.

Cremation damage is quite high. At the very least, the storyline and even maps up to the fifth level can be completed in a four-link with Controlled Destruction, Elemental Focus, Controlled Destruction, and Cremation stones. Further (and this is already level 72+, you can find better equipment, so that you can gain more or less decent armor and increase fire damage (due to rings, a helmet and weapons). You can also go through the plot using wands, when you exit the map it is look for scepters, they provide much more elemental (elemental) damage (sometimes 2 times than wands), which means you will get a couple of extra hundreds to spells.

Such a scepter cost only 1 chaos. At the same time, the damage is one and a half times more than with wands.

The passive tree for elemental damage looks something like this. It takes an elemental witch, which after a lab can reduce the reflected damage from mobs (or you need to walk carefully on such maps), plus the passive Ash, frost and storm is taken, which reduces the reflected damage by another 10%. For damage, spell damage, fire damage are taken, the rest is health and regen. As for MoM passives, it's up to you.

This is what damage numbers look like in Path of Building. Even though Cremation shows lower results, the result is more impressive in the end. Especially with slow-moving bosses and essences.

There is another interesting use case for Volitile Dead and Cremation skills. It is to convert fire into chaos. Such a procedure is possible with the Consuming Dark daggers. Each adds 40-60% to fire damage, and 30% of the total damage then converts to chaos and poisons mobs in addition. In this case, however, the tree looks completely different. It takes chaos damage instead of fire damage. Accordingly, the elementalist will not enter here - the occultist is more useful, because it does not increase chaos damage. One of the features of the occultist is curses. Along with the Doedre Skin item (appeared, by the way, in PoE 3.1), you can apply curses to increase chaos damage, slow down debuffs, reduce the physical damage of mobs, etc. True, this item is designed for energy shield builds - perhaps with it you can think about a CI build. However, I didn't think so. For me, health builds in the current realities look more attractive. They are cheaper and easier to gain survivability (due to regen, block, armor, dodge).

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In the center of the Atlas of Worlds are cards with 4 Void Guardians, which have a fairly high chance of giving players one of their two unique items. And today the developers of the action RPG Path of Exile decided to consider unique items Hydra, Phoenix and Minotaur:

- Eye of Innocence. If you're lucky, you can get this amulet from the Phoenix. The power of the amulet is revealed only when the wearer is on fire, but in this state, fire attacks become a serious source of health leech. Characteristics:

  • Requires level 68.
  • +22 Agility, 10% Chance to Ignite, 53% increased Damage when Ignited.
  • Takes 100 fire damage when you set an enemy on fire.
  • 2% of Fire Damage Leeched as Life (when Ignited).
- snake pit. Need an extra enchantment projectile? Take the "Snake Pit". Do you need 2 projectiles? Take two "Snake pits"! All spells will receive an additional projectile from the Hydra's ring, but frost spells will also receive an increase in cold damage. Characteristics:
  • Requires level 68.
  • +22% Cold Resistance, 33% increased Cold Damage.
  • 7% increased Cast Speed.
  • Enchantments have an additional projectile.
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- brain shaker. The shock inflicted by this club slows the cast and movement speed of enemies, as they now have a concussion. Characteristics:
  • Requires level 63, 212 Str.
  • Physical damage - 162-444, critical strike chance - 5%, attacks per second - 1.25.
  • 20% increased Stun Duration on Enemies.
  • Adds 99 to 327 Physical Damage.
  • 50% of physical damage becomes lightning damage.
  • 15% chance to Shock, 10% chance to Frighten enemies.
  • Enemies Shocked have 30% reduced Cast Speed.
  • Enemies Shocked have 20% reduced Movement Speed.
The Atlas of Worlds expansion for Path of Exile is expected to release on September 2nd.

The Bestiary League will add the “Ghost Shield Throw” skill to the action/RPG Path of Exile, so the team decided to tell you more about this innovation. This ability throws a ghostly copy of your shield that shatters on impact and deals shard damage to enemies. This skill uses the shield's defensive stats to deal damage to targets.

The skill has an additional critical strike chance from energy shield. And along with a shield, you can safely carry a weapon in your right hand to benefit from its properties.

The ability interacts in a rather unusual way with the various available projectile modifiers. The chaining feature will allow both the shield and the shards to chain damage to groups of nearby enemies, but it will not give your character the ability to control when the shield explodes.

Forking allows the shield to split into two shields when it hits an enemy. Because of this, a double ejection of fragments occurs (they also branch out). Pierce is applied to secondary projectiles. And increasing the speed of the projectiles will increase the range of the fragments.

The extra projectile modifier only works on secondary projectiles (although the ability already has eight extra projectiles). Unfortunately, Multi-Shot Support does not work with Spirit Shield Throw. Full version an overview of this skill is in

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