Dragon Age Ostagar and the Korcari Wildlands. FAQ on the passage of the game Quest testament in dragon age

Quest walkthroughs are placed in spoilers so that those who do not want to accidentally read in advance and learn something superfluous would not spoil their enjoyment of the game.


In the case of the chosen origin "noble person": in the Korcari Wilds a little further than the meeting point with the wounded soldier, you will see a wild flower, white with a red center. Daveth (partner) will say that the dog-keeper from the camp in Ostagar is looking for such a plant, because he thinks that with its help it will be possible to heal mabari war dogs, poisoned by the blood of darkspawn. Upon returning to Ostagar, all that remains is to find the kennel and demand reward- 50 crowns, 20 or nothing.

In other cases: when approaching the kennel in Ostagar, a dialogue will begin. He will ask your hero, as a new recruit of the Gray Wardens, to go into a cage with a dog poisoned by the blood of darkspawn and put a muzzle on him (or you can kill him and complete the quest, thereby). After that, the kennel will add that to heal this dog, you need a certain flower that grows in the Wildlands of Korcari, white with a red center. When you bring it, the kennel will make a healing ointment.

How to get the: go to the cage with the deserter near the infirmary in Ostagar and talk to him. He will claim that he did not intend to escape at all, but actually tried to steal the key to the chest of magicians. Now, after spending several days in a cage, he is ready to exchange this key for food and water. Food can be obtained from the guard nearby:

You can give food in exchange for a key (Aleister's approval +1, if available in the party) or for nothing (Aleister's approval +2). There is another option to kill the deserter and take the key (Aleister's disapproval -5). Having received the key one way or another, it remains to choose the moment when the pacified person will not be near the chest and take its contents (this must be done before entering the tower of Ishal).

Korcari Wilds

How to get the: go to the body of the missionary Jogby (Jogby), floating in the lake near the passage to Ostagar, take a letter from his father Rigby, read about the hidden supplies and find the chest using the clues:

  • Find a tree that has fallen on top of a ruined house (you need to turn around to see it),
  • Pass under a bridge made of a fallen tree (do not miss it, because there are three hanged men on that tree),
  • Go around the collapsed tower on the right,
  • To stand between a high ruined arch and a standing stone overgrown with moss,
  • Walk along the path of stones and roots (there will be a pack of wolves),
  • Find two large statues and a chest between them.

Reward: two-handed Chasind Flatblade made of gray cast iron. Also in the chest there will be another letter to Jogby, in which Rigby writes that he could not find the Hasinds ...

Code: Letter to Jogby (A letter to Jogby), Farewell letter to Jogby (Farewell Letter to Jogby).

How to get the: find the body of the missionary Rigby (Rigby) on the platform behind the bridge from the fallen tree, it will have a sheet with his will. Next, you should make your way to the former Rigby camp at the site of the Tevinter ruins in the northwestern part of the Wildlands, pick up the box from the cache in the fire and the Clay Idol amulet (+10 resistance to cold). You can open the box and keep its contents (an unenchanted amulet) or take it to Jetta in Redcliffe Village.

Code: Rigby's Last Will and Testament (Rigby's Last Will and Testament).

How to get the: you need to find missionary Rigby's diary in his camp in the northwestern part of the Wildlands, it lies in a chest between two tents, read it and look around (you should hold down the TAB button) - the first sign will be found under the roots of a tree nearby. Next, you should activate it with the right mouse button (aim with the TAB key pressed), after which other signs will become visible (look at the map). Each of them must be approached and activated in the same way. The activation sequence does not matter, the last one will still be a sign near the bridge with a darkspawn ambush and traps. Hasind's cache can be found in a rotten tree in a clearing south of the bridge.

Reward: a very good set of weapons and not only - a barbarian steel mace (Barbarian Mace), an iron Chasind crusher (Chasind Crusher), a bow of the Wildlands from a yew tree (Wilds Bow), a leader's helmet (Thane Helmet) and a robe of the Chasinds (Chasind Robes).

Code: Signs of the Chasind.

How to get the: pick up a note and a bag of ashes (Pouch of ashes) from the body of the deceased soldier behind the bridge with the ambush of the creatures of darkness and traps. Read, if you want to check this information, climb the hill to the north and scatter the ashes on a pile of stones. After that, Gazarath will appear...

Code: Pinch of Ashes (A Pinch of Ashes).


How to get the: go to Lothering according to the story. At the entrance, your company will be stopped by bandits who will demand 10 silver coins for permission to enter the village. What can be done:

  • try to pay off, but the bandits will not stop there and will want 20 more silver coins,
  • tell the bandits that a poorly guarded trade caravan is following you, they can believe it,
  • intimidate the bandits with their belonging to the Gray Wardens (however, having learned about this, they may covet the reward promised for you and Alistair's heads),
  • provoke an attack (refuse to pay).

If the option to fight is chosen, then during the fight it is worth concentrating on the leader of the bandits - he capitulates when he becomes almost a corpse. Then you can demand to give back all the loot (more than gold in total), and then let them go or still finish them off. It will also be possible to inform the family of robbed elves sitting near the bridge in Lothering about the fate that befell the bandits if they die or run away. Finally, in the church you can find the head of the templars, Sir Bryant, he will reward you with 20 silver coins for the news of the disappearance of the bandits (you can also ask him for additional help and he will give you the key to the chest of drawers).

Note: there should be ancient elven boots in the chest of drawers in the church of Lothering, but due to a mistake they are not there. Read about how to fix it.

How to get the: after a showdown with the bandits near Lothering, you can notice right there, on the highway, the body of the templar they killed. Take the medallion and note from the body, read it. Apparently, the deceased was Sir Henrik (Ser Henric), who was looking for the Urn of Sacred Ashes. Next, you should find his friend, Sir Donall, in the church, tell him about the fate of Sir Henryk and return his medallion. Sir Donall can clarify the situation a little more - it turns out that the urn is being sought for Earl Eamon of Radcliffe, who has fallen ill with an incomprehensible illness. If you ask for a reward, then Sir Donall will give out 1 gold.

Code: Sir Henric's note (A Note from Ser Henric).

How to get the: go to Elder Miriam in Lothering. She will ask you to find medicinal plants in the forest and make at least three small healing poultices for the sick, wounded and refugees. To do this, you need three elven roots (Elfroots, grow even in Lothering) and three flasks (Flasks, you can buy from Barlin). Still, of course, you need to understand the herbs (contact the Morrigan, if that). Reward: 50 silver coins.

How to get the: go to Barlin in Dane's Refuge and ask if there is a well-paid job in Lothering. Barlin will offer to get three bottles of Venom so that he can poison the traps in his fields. To make such poison you need three animal poisons (Toxin Extracts, can be obtained from giant spiders that settled north of Lothering), three flasks (Flasks, can be bought from Barlin) and a good knowledge of poisons (contact Leliana). Reward: 75 silver coins.

How to get the: approach Allison in Lothering. She really wants to set traps in her fields following the example of Barlin and asks to make her three rope traps (this is the same as traps, Spring Traps). To do this, you will need three triggers (Trap Triggers, can be bought from Barlin) and some knowledge of traps. Reward: 50 silver coins.

How to get the: talk to Stan, sitting in a cage, at the northern exit from Lothering. From various sources, you can learn that Stan was put in a cage for the murders. However, he will express his readiness to atone for crimes by helping the Gray Wardens in the fight against the creatures of darkness. To release him, you need the key to the cage, which is kept by the Reverend Mother, the following options are possible:

  • to convince the Reverend Mother to release Stan into the custody of the Gray Wardens, this is difficult to achieve, to facilitate the task it is worth making a donation to the church, and the more the better;
  • if Leliana is in the party, then the Reverend Mother will release Stan at her request;
  • if one of the party members has the skill of stealing, try to steal the key;
  • if one of the party members has the hacking skill, try to hack the cage.

Trying to intimidate the Reverend Mother will amuse the Morrigan (+4) and shock Alistair (-13). Note: Stan must be released from his cage before completing any of the following quests: Broken Circle, Arl of Redcliffe, Paragon of Her Kind, or Nature of the Beast.

Preacher's Board in Lothering (Lothering Chanter's Board):

How to get the: read an announcement on the preacher's board near the church that Sir Bryant promised to pay 3 gold to whoever manages to eliminate three gangs of bandits that have dug in north of Lothering. Then it remains to do this and receive a reward from the preacher Devons (Chanter Devons, in addition to gold - the leader of the third gang must be equipped in full heavy steel armor).

Note: after that, the next two quests become available.

How to get the: read a notice on the preacher's board stating that farmers are complaining of pestilence attacks north of Lothering. After that, look for three bears, deal with them and take the reward from the preacher - 1 gold.

How to get the: read on the preacher's board about a boy whose mother went missing almost a week ago. The daredevil who found her body or some things that could be remembered by an orphan is promised a reward of 50 silver coins. Sarhi's body lies outside the field, surrounded by a pack of wolves. You should fight them off, pick up the copper filigree ring and return for a reward.

The Circle of Magi

How to get the: find at least half of a torn book in the library on the first floor of the Circle Tower and conduct experiments by activating various objects in strict accordance with the description of the summoning rituals (there are significant discrepancies in the names of the Russian translation!).

Exercise one: Summoning Font, Tome of Spirit Personages, Summoning The First - ends with the appearance of a Spirit Hog.

Exercise two: Summoning Font, Rodercoms Uncommon Calling, Statue of Magus Gorvish, Summoning The Second - ends with the appearance of a clever rogue (Trickster Whim).

Exercise three: Summoning Font, Elvorn's Grande Bestiary, Common Table Carving Spot, Spiritorum Etherialis, Statue of Magus Gorvish, Novice Phylactery , Summoning The Third - ends with the appearance of the Fade Rifter bereskarn, which you will have to deal with (the reward will be leather gloves (+10% to damage from electricity), the so-called electrified mitts (Charged Mitts )).

Exercise four (is a sequence of all three previous ones): Summoning Font, Tome of Spirit Personages, Rodercoms Uncommon Calling, Statue of Magus Gorvish, Elvorn's Grande Bestiary, Table Carving ( Common Table Carving Spot), Spiritorum Etherialis, Statue of Magus Gorvish, Novice Phylactery, Summoning The Fourth - Arl Foreshadow appears last, followed quickly rob before it evaporates and get a note for the codex.

Code: Summoning Sciences, The Notes of Arl Foreshadow.

How to get the: in the Great Hall on the third floor of the Circle Tower, find five torn pages, read them and conclude that the magicians who wrote these pages were victims of the swindler Beyha Joam. After that, when moving around the global map, a random encounter will occur with him and his gang, as a result of which you will gain reward- hood with cameo (Cameo Cowl, +2 cunning, +0.5 health regeneration in battle).

Code: Five pages, four magicians (Five Pages, Four Mages).

How to get the: in the Tower of the Circle, find and read the notes for the codex: three on the first floor (in the students' rooms and in the library), two more on the second floor (near Owain and the blood mages) and the last one on the third floor, in the Great Hall. After that, in the rest room of the Great Hall, you need to activate the statues in this order:

  • a statue with a vessel in hand (The vessel in hand);
  • a statue with a raised sword (A sword raised);
  • a statue with a lowered sword (A sword lowered);
  • statue with a shield (Shielded from each side) in the central room near the stairs to the fourth floor.

If everything is done correctly, then the task will be updated and it will be possible to go down to the first floor to the door to the basement. When you try to open it, the demon Shah Wyrd (Shah Wyrd) should appear, you just have to deal with him and pick up reward- Yusaris, Dragonslayer (silverite two-hander with 2 slots for runes, +20 fire resistance, +5 damage against dragons).

Code: Watchguard of the Reaching; Yusaris, the Dragonslayer (Yusaris: The Dragonslayer).

How to get the: find the body of the blood mage at the northern exit from Lothering to the Imperial Highway (this must be done before the destruction of the town) and pick up Bel Grus' letter. Next, go to the Circle Tower and find Bel's Cache on the second floor.

Code: Repentance of the criminal (Maleficarum Regrets).

Redcliffe (Redcliffe)

Quests Lost Child and Lost in the Castle you can take by agreeing to help the village of Radcliffe repel the attack of the walking dead, and the rest - after the battle.

How to get the: talk to Kaitlyn, who is weeping in the Redcliffe Church. She will ask you to find her younger brother, Bevin. You should find Caitlin's house in the village, go to the bedroom on the first floor and open the closet in which Bevin is hiding. Persuasion or intimidation can force him to hand over the key to the chest on the second floor containing the family sword, The Green Blade. If it does not work out, then you can try again in the church.

Since the sword costs money, Caitlin should pay for it: 50, 75, 100 or 500 silver (but it is not necessary to pay). The selected amount will affect the attitude of the party members towards you - Morrigan will be against any payment, Stan will approve the amount from a hundred. In addition to the sword, Caitlin can beg for a kiss, and after the battle, help them both leave for Denerim.

How to get the: talk to headman Murdoch about helping the defenders of Radcliffe village and promise the blacksmith Owen to find his daughter, Valena, in the castle, despite the disapproval of Morrigan and Stan (-5). Valena can be found in a small closet on the lower floor of Redcliffe Castle (Main Floor). You can tell her about the underground tunnel or offer to wait in this pantry, in any case, she will run away, and then she will stay in the forge.

However, if Valena is not found before Connor is healed, then she will be considered dead and will have to tell Owen about it. Then later a new blacksmith will appear in the village with a different set of goods for sale, you can buy the Far Song bow from him (i.e., if you save Valena, then you can’t buy this weapon). Reward:

  • Amulet - if you tell Owen about the death of Valena, and then introduce yourself to the new blacksmith as Owen's relative,
  • Armored Dwarven Armor (Shielded Dwarven Armor) - if you save Owen's daughter.

Note. If Valena is saved, Owen will have Boots of Diligence, part of the Diligence Armor Set on sale. The blacksmith who replaces Owen sells the Distant Song bow, possibly the best bow in the game. Make your choice.

Brecilian Forest

How to get the: speak politely to Cammen in the Dalish camp. He languishes over the elf Gheyna, and she does not take the poor fellow seriously, because. he's just a hunter's apprentice. You can help the couple connect:

  • having obtained for Kammen the skin of a wolf in the forest so that he could finally become a hunter,
  • convincing Geina (influence skill!) that Kammen's social position is not that important.

Reward there will be a book of the Saga of Iloren (you can give it to a hermit or sell it). Or you can separate the couple forever:

  • seducing Cammen and telling Heine about it (if you have a heroine),
  • seducing Geina and telling Kammen about it (if you have a hero),
  • after assuring Geina that Kammen secretly hates her,
  • telling Heine that Kammen was really just going to get her into bed.

Code: The Tale of Iloren.

How to get the: stumble upon a wounded elf, Deygan, in West Brecilian, and decide what to do with him:

  • leave him or kill him
  • take it to the Dalish camp, handing it over to a patrol led by Mithra along the way.

During the inspection of the wounded, you can assign his things: a dagger, arrows, blackened leather boots and a figure of a Dalish hunter carved from maple wood (note that this will worsen relations with the clan). If you save Deigan, then the next time you visit the camp, you can talk to him and get a reward - Sapphire, and if the elf's things were stolen, you can return the figurine and not spoil relations with the Dalish.

How to get the: talk to Varathorn in the Dalish camp and agree to look for him in the Brecilian forest for iron bark, from which he can make special weapons and armor. Bark can be found in West Brecilian, on a fallen tree near the northern exit to the eastern part of the forest. Then it remains to take it to the master and decide on the reward:

  • ask Varathorn to make a Wolf-Killer bow (Wolf-Killer, requires 28 dexterity, damage 8.40, critical hit modifier 1.40%, armor penetration 7.20, +4 damage against the dead, +8 damage against beasts),
  • ask the master to make a silverite breastplate, Varathorn's Armor, requires 30 strength, armor 8.92, fatigue 8.75%, +3 armor, +20 resistance to the forces of nature, +25 endurance),
  • if you have enough influence, convince Varathorn to do both,
  • refuse the reward and receive a consolation prize - Varathorn's Amulet, +20 resistance to the forces of nature, -1 physique),
  • be overly greedy and stay with the bark.

Note: this quest should be completed quickly to avoid glitches.

How to get the: either convince Athras in the Dalish camp to tell about his wife, Danyla, who has been infected by the werewolf curse, or stumble upon Daniella in East Brecilian. According to Atras, Zathrian claims that Daniella is dead, however, he does not allow Atras to see her body. Atras is convinced that Daniella is alive but has become a werewolf and hopes you can find her in the forest. You will indeed find her in East Brecilian Forest, among a group of werewolves, after which you will be able to:

  • kill Daniella out of pity (Wynn and Leliana would approve)
  • refuse to kill her and then Daniella will attack you herself.

Daniella will ask you to give Atras her scarf (Scarf). For this scarf, you can exchange something with the Hermit (Mad Hermit) or transfer it to Atras for its intended purpose and get reward - Athras's Pendant, which can also be used in exchange with the Hermit. The choice of your lines in the last conversation with Atras can cause a different reaction from the companions (for example, mentioning that Danielle loves Atras will cause Morrigan's disapproval (-3) and Leliana's approval (+2)).

Note: if this quest is not completed, and you took the side of the werewolves and decided to kill the Dalish, then Atras will attack you and the werewolves, and if you decide not to kill the Dalish, then Atras will say that he is leaving to look for Daniella himself (there will be no reward).


Naga beater Bemor (Nug Wrangler Boermor) asks for the return of at least one naga to him - alas, everyone fled in different directions. The quest ends after delivering one naga to him, however you can bring four more for money.

You should look out for pink, loudly squeaking creatures in the area, catch them and deliver them to the beater:

  • to the right of the gate to the Commons of Orzammar,
  • near Brother Burkel,
  • on the bridge leading to the Arena of Trials,
  • near the entrance to the Deep Roads,
  • in a nook next to Janar's gunsmith's door.

Reward: 12 silver and 25 experience for each brought naga.

Code: Nag (Nug).

Brother Burkel of Radcliffe Church, who hangs out in the Commons near the entrance to Dust Town, says he returned to the land of his ancestors to spread the light of faith. He would like to open a church in Orzammar that will carry the Song of Light to the dwarves, but this requires the permission of the Keepers. You can promise Berkel to put in a good word for him with the Chronicler of Chronicles (this will cause Leliana's approval +2 and Stan's -5 disapproval), or tell him not to interfere with the religion of the dwarves (there will be no second conversation).

Chronicler Shaper Czibor resides in the Shaperate quarters in the Diamond Quarter. In a conversation with him, you can use persuasion or intimidation (possibly for a character with a developed influence skill), as well as cunning. If your character is powerful or cunning enough, then the Chronicler will give Brother Berkel permission to open a small church in Orzammar, otherwise you will have to upset Berkel with a refusal.

Note: you learn from the epilogue that after the opening of the church in Orzammar, many new converts appeared among the dwarves and this caused problems. The council decided to close the church, but Brother Burkel resisted and was killed during a peaceful procession. The council declared the death an accident, but news of the unrest reached the Church above, where they began to talk about the High Priestess contemplating a new Crusade...

When completing the quest about finding Jarvia in the Carta Hideout, you can stumble upon a note about Jammer's hiding place. From this note it follows that somewhere here in a chest, locked with a special lock, loot is hidden. To open it, you will need three gizmos from three other bandit chests, and each of them contains three items, but you need to take only the cheapest one(The Gray Warden will receive one injury for each incorrect item taken, and he himself will disappear from the inventory, so you should not worry about lost profits):

  • Kanky's Common Box, mark 1 on the map): silver dress ring (Silver Costume Ring),
  • Jammer's Common Box, mark 2 on the map): iron letter opener (Iron Letter Opener),
  • Pique's chest (Pique's Common Box, mark 3 on the map): pomegranate decoration (Garnet Trinket).

As soon as you collect all the correct items, they will disappear from the inventory, and instead of them there will be a key to the chest with prey, which is located in the cubbyhole with manual deep hunters (mark 4 on the map).

Reward: 7 gold 55 silver 45 copper and a Helmet for two cores (Longrunner's Cap, light helmet, +0.5 to restore stamina in battle).

Code: Jammer's Stash.

From a conversation with Shaper Assistant Milldrate, you will learn that the Keepers have been robbed - they have lost a rare tome. The thief is most likely branded from the slums and is described as bald.

In Dust City, find and kill Shady Corebit, there is a receipt on his body. It is similar to those that are printed in the Arena of Trials and all crumpled, the bet was clearly unsuccessful. In the middle of the northern wing of the Arena, you will see a group of suspicious types led by Craftsman Gredin (Fixer Gredin). Of course, they will have to be dealt with (you can get to this wing only after talking with Dulin Forinder or completing the quest Perfect). Pay attention to standing next to the thugs Jertrin (Jertrin), this is a buyer of stolen goods and he wants to buy a tome. Quest completion options:

  • Gertrin will pay 2 gold and 30 silver for the tome,
  • assistant chronicler Mildrat will thank you, but will not give you anything (and experience will not increase either).

Note: if you want to sell the tome, then you should do it right away, Gertrin will not talk to you again.

On the streets of Dust Town you will see Zerlinda begging for her son. If you give her 5 silver coins or ask about her situation, you can find out that she once belonged to the caste of miners, but gave birth to a son from an untouchable, after which her relatives renounced her (because according to gnome traditions, the boy inherits the father's caste) , and the father of the child abandoned her (because he wanted a daughter to get into the caste of miners). You can try to help Zerlinda one way or another (Wynn will approve +2):

  • try to convince or intimidate (influence skill!) her father Ordel, who often visits the Orzammar tavern "At the taverns", to take her back with the child;
  • persuade Zerlinda to leave the child in the Deep Roads (as required by her family), after which she can return home;
  • if the quest Song in the Deep Roads completed, then:
    • advise Zerlinda to seek help from Brother Berkel herself,
    • try to persuade (influence skill!) Brother Burkel to let her stay at the new church;
  • tell Zerlinda about the lack of castes on the surface and convince her to leave Orzammar.

Reward: for reconciling Zerlinda with her family, experience points are added, ~200EXP.


Once in the Denerim Trade District, you will certainly meet Ser Landry, who will recognize you, since he was also under Ostagar, and will challenge you to a duel in order to avenge the Gray Warden for the betrayal and death of King Cailan (he believes Loghain's words). You can:

  • (influence) lie that you are not a Gray Warden at all, then Ser Landry will apologize and leave,
  • (influence) convince Landry that if he is wrong he will kill an innocent, then he will say that he feels you are guilty, but he has no proof, so he will meet you again when he finds them, and leaves,
  • agree to a duel and have a brawl with Landry and his supporters in the alley behind the Gnawed Noble Tavern,
  • refuse to duel, after which Landry will leave, saying that this is not all (later, during the transitions along Denerim, you will fall into an ambush set by him).

Reward: inscribed mace (Engraved Mace, veridium, damage 6.50, agility +1, damage +1, psychic resistance +5%) from Ser Landry's body.

Blackstone Irregulars

Volunteer quests can be started by talking to the Blackstone liaison at Dane's Refuge in Lothering, or later by seeing another liaison near the Redcliffe Church or in the Denerim Tavern.

How to get the: Agree to deliver draft letters to three recruits:

  • Dernal Garrison, Redcliffe, who lives in a house opposite the stone bridge on the way to the mill;
  • Patter Gritch in Lothering, lounging in the church, near the entrance to the Reverend Mother's room;
  • Varel Baern, Denerim, found in Elven Alienage.

Note. The letter must be delivered to Gritch before Lothering is destroyed, otherwise the quest will remain unfinished.

Code: Letter from the Blackstone Irregulars.

How to get the: in the Denerim tavern "Bitten Nobleman" agree to deliver four notices of the death of volunteers who died in the service to their wives:

  • Sara to the Denerim Market District;
  • Tania to Dirty Back Alley, Denerim;
  • Larana to the Spoiled Princess Inn at Lake Calenhad Docks;
  • Irenia to Redcliffe Chantry.

Code: A letter of condolence from the Blackstone Volunteers (Blackstone Letter of Condolences).

How to get the: agree to return the stolen supplies of the volunteers by tracking down the deserters who appropriated them and dealing with them:

  • Deserter Sammael, Lake Calenhad Docks (Sammael the Deserter, Lake Calenhad Docks);
  • Deserter Tornas, Frostback Mountains (Tornas the Deserter, Frostback Mountains);
  • Deserter Layson, Denerim, Port backyards (Layson the Deserter, Denerim, Run-Down Back Street).

Note. The diary indicates that Sammael is in the Brecilian Forest.

Community of Mages (The Mages" Collective)

Quests can be started by talking to community liaisons at Calenhad Lake Wharf, Denerim Market District, or Redcliffe.

At the pier of Lake Calenhad agree to deliver notices of dismissal to three not-too-prominent apprentices of the mage Terraster:

  • Starrick - found near the main gate to Orzammar,
  • Fayd - idle in the middle of the Denerim Market District,
  • Sheth - in the Curiosities of Thedas, in the Denerim Trade District (Wonder of Thedas).

Reward: 2 gold.

Code: Letter of Termination.

At the pier of Lake Calenhad Agree to find and bring back 10 Deep Mushrooms. These mushrooms are quite common in various containers, but if you don't have 10 of them, they can be purchased from the Ruck gnome merchant in the Deep Roads. Reward: 1 gold.

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So, you've installed the game, you've gone through all the trouble of it, and you're running it, expecting something interesting. But on the way there is such a difficult stage as the creation of a character. If you remember the events of Baldur's Gate or Neverwinter Nights, you will understand that the choice of race and gender did not affect the beginning and progression of the main plot in any way. Except indirectly, in particular in relation to you representatives of other races. Here everything is not so Let's look at the possible options for creating a character.

The very first and most fundamental will be the choice of gender. You will be able to solve some issues more easily if you play as a woman. But you can also get more problems on your pretty head. Therefore, try to understand what you prefer - the ability to solve several problems with the help of intimacy, or to be able to persuade any character with the help of force or cunning. The choice is yours, as in a huge number of cases in the game.

The next interesting moment, from which the passage begins its branching dragon age The beginning is the choice of race. Keep in mind that this choice will probably be the main determining factor in many game situations. The passage of Dragon Age Origins is almost completely non-linear. Only some highlights you will have to go through. The rest is up to you. But let's take a look at the races. We are offered the three most common races of Ferelden - humans, elves and gnomes. Note that depending on which race you choose, this will be your backstory. But keep in mind that races have nothing to do with the generally accepted ideas about them. Humans are a dominant race that is very divided. They almost do not care about their own kind, but at the same time - they brought two other races to their knees. Think about whether you like these characters? On the other hand, you can take care of all your neighbors, distribute money to all the poor... Think and choose. The next race is elves. Nothing to do with the beautiful and proud elves of Tolkien. Elves are enslaved by people and their main occupation is serving people. But not all elves are satisfied with this. Naturally, there are rebels who have not left the forests and are cruel to everyone who does not look like them. And the last - gnomes. The most neutral race. They are constantly attacked by the creatures of darkness from underground, but they do not despair. Strong warriors, they are endowed with excellent resistance to magic. Which, however, prevents them from becoming magicians. So the balance is not broken. Choose.

Further, when choosing a character, the class in which you will improve your skills decides a lot. For humans and elves, this is a warrior, mage and thief. For the dwarves - only a warrior and a thief. Reasons - see above. In general, I will say from personal experience that in the passage of Dragon Age Beginning you will really need a competent thief. There will be a lot less abandoned chests that can't be cracked. Although, if this is not important to you ... The choice is yours, for the umpteenth time.

And the last thing they offer you is the choice of a biography, which will determine the beginning of your adventures. A person has only two types of biography - this is the option "Noble person" when choosing a warrior or thief, and "Mages" when choosing a magician. The elves have a somewhat richer choice - when choosing a warrior or a thief, the options "Valley Elf" and "City Elf" are available. In the case of choosing a magician - naturally the option "Magi". For gnomes, when choosing any class, two biography options are available - "Commoner Dwarf" and "Noble Dwarf". Choose what you like best. Walkthrough Dragon games Age will change from this as well.

So, the main points of determining the type of character behind. Now you need to customize the appearance of the character, his voice and portrait. Well, I'm not here to advise you. You can do absolutely anything you want. It won't affect anything. Apart from your aesthetic taste, of course.

After you create the appearance - it's time for the characteristics. Here I will be brief. There are six stat options: Strength, Dexterity, Willpower, Magic, Cunning, Constitution. It is impossible to calculate all possible variants of the initial distribution of characteristics. But let's take a closer look at each. Strength is strength and it is. Affects damage dealt to enemies, adds melee accuracy. In general, the most important characteristic for warriors. Dexterity - affects the probability of hitting the enemy and the damage from piercing and small arms. Dexterity is also needed for those who want to fight with dual weapons. Willpower - no description needed here. Affects the amount of mana for mages and the amount of stamina that is spent on performing skills and special attacks. Magic is the most important indicator for magicians. Increases the effectiveness of spells. For other classes, it affects the effectiveness of other semi-magical actions. Cunning - determines the ability to learn. Best skill for rogues, as many rogue skills require cunning. Constitution - affects the amount of maximum health of the character. An essential skill for everyone. Only mages will be able to do without it more or less normally if they develop damage at a distance normally.

The next two items are skills and abilities. It makes no sense to describe them, since each class has dozens of them and you will have to choose them, starting from which class you have chosen. Potmou - it's up to you. And affect, during the passage of Dragon Age Origins, this can only affect the complexity of the passage. With the right distribution of parameters, it will be a little easier. If it's wrong, it's more difficult. But, I think, for the first time it makes sense to play the game at an easy level in order to get to know the world, its features, get used to the gameplay of the game.
So, the character is created and it's time to play the game. Depending on this, your passage will depend. Therefore, let's look at several options for passing. And let's start, perhaps, with my favorite man-thief. So, the passage of the game Dragon Age Origins by a human thief begins! I'll start by describing character creation so you can follow my path as closely as possible. So, I choose the male gender, the race is human. The class is a thief. Biography - a noble person. We will not dwell on appearance, pick it up to your taste. Next, we distribute the characteristics. I made the following adjustments: Strength - 13, Agility - 16, Willpower - 12, Magic - 11, Cunning - 16, Constitution - 11. At the beginning of the game, my skills are Influence, Poison Making, Combat Training. From skills - Dirty fight, Skillful hands, Possession of the weapon in each hand. This is the starting position, now you know it and can correctly distribute your skills. Keep in mind that your maximum level is 25. Therefore, distribute your opportunities competently and thoughtfully. So, the hero is created, it's time to fight. You appear in your father's castle, where the gray guard has come. But the father does not want to let you go with this very gray guard. You are, after all, his youngest son. He decides that he needs to find Fergus, your older brother, who is leaving for the war with his father, and tell him all the details. Yes, get ready for long dialogues, which are better to read in order not to miss a single important detail in the information. So, let's go in search of Fergus! If you look at the mini-map in the upper right corner of the screen, you will notice a white arrow pointing somewhere outside the visible map. Pressing the call key big map you will see a flashing triangle in the lower left corner of the map. This is the place you need to get to. Fergus is waiting for you there. You may come across several side quests. I advise you to visit the library and read a couple of books to replenish your knowledge of books. One of them is a meeting with Gilmour, who will come to you and tell you about your dog that climbed into the kitchen. And the head cook, your old nanny, is threatening to leave because of this. Go to the kitchen for the dog. I think you'll need a companion. To get a mabari (a fighting breed of dogs) as a companion, go to the kitchen and talk to the cook. She is completely dissatisfied with the behavior of the dog. You should not talk too rudely to Nan, otherwise you will be offended. Although ... What's the difference to you? But she still raised you. Choose yourself. But a smart dog barks for a reason. Do not scold him, he wants to tell you something. He smelled rats in the kitchen and you have to kill them. Further along the path, you will meet your in-game mother talking to the guests. They should not be rude and fence all sorts of nonsense. And you can flirt a little with the maid of honor. The passage of the game Dragon age Origins provides for several possible novels. Yes, if there was a game in full virtual reality, there would be no price for it. Oh well, it's time to go to Fergus. You can find it in the lower left corner of the map. Come and politely participate in the conversation. Yes, you will hear a prayer and a little guidance for your brother on the road. And... you'll be sent to bed. If you have examined the entire territory of the castle, you can go. But don't you think that your sleep will pass peacefully? Everything would be too easy. The castle will be attacked at night. Your faithful dog will wake you up and... a servant will run through the door with the news that the castle was attacked. But he will not have time to say who attacked it. Immediately pause the game and dress up your character. Yes, he undressed at night. The realism of Dragon Age is amazing. Kill two soldiers and do not forget to search the corpses. Yes, it should be mentioned that after killing these two archers, I was given the next level.

You will immediately have to kill two more soldiers and your mother will join you, who can still give heat! She will tell you that the soldiers of Howe, a friend of your father, attacked the castle. Talk to her and move out. Go into the room to your brother's wife and you will find two corpses there - actually the wife and the son. I don't know about you, but it pissed me off. After walking a little forward, you will talk to your mother. Ask if there is anything else you can do and she will tell you that she has the treasure key. I propose to search successively all the premises, killing all the soldiers along the way. Experience is never redundant. Yes, and you should look into the treasury for the family sword. Pretty good weapon for the first time. Even my thief liked it. And lastly, go to the central room marked on your map, as you may not be able to continue searching the castle later. Well, searched? Destroyed along the way all the enemies? Okay, let's go to the central room. Here we meet Sir Gilmour, who will tell you that his father has gone towards the kitchen. Great, that's what we need. Do not rush to go there, but first clear the rest of the premises. When you're done, move to the kitchen. There you will see a dying father who wants you to leave him here. The gray guard Duncan will immediately appear, who will tell you that the gate has been broken through. The father does a beautiful thing and begs Duncan to help get his wife and you out of the castle. Duncan will agree, but will demand payment. He wants you to become a gray guardian. Well, okay, you have to agree. A thief who brings justice is, of course, a little funny, but ... it is. And so it happens in life. Even if you refuse to join the Gray Guard, Duncan will exercise his right to demand recruitment. Okay, this is also nothing, but also the mother will leave you, staying with the father. Okay, come what may. On the way, through the back door, with Duncan. It will be difficult further, but nothing, we have no way out. We leave for Ostagar, where we will have to meet with the creatures of darkness. Right there you will pass a small initiation into the Gray guards.

In Ostagar you will be met by the king himself, who is not aware of what happened in the castle. Oh well, we'll have to tell the king about Howe's betrayal. The passage of the game Dragon Age Origins enters on new level. We need to become a gray guard. At least in memory of my father. And the king will promise to turn his troops against Hou as soon as the army of the creatures of darkness is defeated. Don't be rude to the king. But I don't mind stealing it? He has very good armor. Well, okay, go to the camp of the Gray guards. Yes, and the initiation ritual should be carried out. When you get to the camp - you will need to find Alistair, another Gray guard to start the ritual. But, as always, we are in no hurry to quickly run there. You can talk to the guards in the tents of the King and Teyr Loghain - you will learn some new information. Also find a subdued magician who will tell you a little about the nature of magic. I advise you to talk to everyone with whom you can, because the game is so interesting that you want to know absolutely everything about it. Well, have you talked? Not tired of the passage of the game Dragon age? Me too. So go ahead. You can sell unnecessary things to the quartermaster, he will also ask about the red-haired elf, who was supposed to run with chain mail in her hands. But ignore it for now. Catch the elf messenger in the camp and convince him that the sword from the blacksmith needs to be handed over to you. He will not be superfluous for you? When you get tired of running around the camp or you do everything you can - go to Alistair - his location is indicated on the map. There you will find Alistair and one of the magicians arguing. Although this is more reminiscent of Alistair's mockery of the magician. After the magician leaves, talk to Alistair and he will tell you a lot of new things. For example, that during the preparation he will accompany us! I think it's good news. Yes, you can talk to him ironically, he will not be offended. Yes, we will also learn about the unspoken confrontation between the church and magicians. An interesting situation in the world, right? Anyway, Alistair will join us and we will go to Duncan. A marker on the map leads to it, and getting there is not difficult. Duncan will tell us that in order to complete the test, you need to find three vials of darkspawn blood and find scrolls in the outpost ruins that you will find in the wild lands. Naturally, you will have to go through crowds of darkspawn. Because Alistair will go with you. Ask more about the scrolls to get more information. When you're ready - advance to that part of the territory that has not yet been advised to go - to the Wildlands! Get ready for the first serious skirmishes.
So here you are outside. The map is shaped like the letter "U". You start in its upper left side, and the end of the main task, that is, the location of the documents, is in the right side. But do not rush there headlong. Do not forget that the more tasks you complete, the more monsters you kill, the more experience you get. And the easier it will be the passage of Dragon Age in the future. Not far from the place where you enter the wild lands, and, more precisely, to the right, in the water, lies the corpse of a missionary. From it you can take a letter that gives rise to a new task. For this task, you need to find a place where the deceased was supposed to meet his father. Detailed signs can be found in the table of contents of the code. But for now, remember and put this moment aside. Let's move on. Going a little further, you will find a caravan that was destroyed by the creatures of Darkness. And there will also be a surviving soldier who will ask you to bandage him. Agree, and he will wander to your camp. Defeatist moods will immediately begin in your squad and offers to return. Don't react to it. Your goal is to complete the task with honor. Or without it, but still pass? If you go further south, then on the left, against a small wall, you will find a wild flower. Take it for yourself - the kennel from Ostagar will need it. If you turn clearly to the west, there will be another passage and the first skirmish with the creatures of darkness. Kill them or they will kill you. There will also be a camp in which there is a chest with Rigby's diary - another piece for you from the codex. Complete exploration around a large lake with islands inside, which you don’t even have to meddle in - you just can’t go there. Further - because of two more reservoirs, we have three roads to the south. One between the lakes, and two along the edges. Let's take the western road first. It curves so well to the east, where all three of these paths meet. Well, it doesn’t matter, they are also worth going through. On the easternmost path you will find a platform with the dead missionary Rigby, whose journal you recently found. On his body you will find a will that will add one more task to you. Then complete the bypass of these paths and you will see one common path into which they merge. It goes to the southeast, but there is a corner near it, along which you should go clearly to the south, without turning to the east. Then climb up the mountain, finished with the wolves, and find the two statues that were mentioned in the note from the body of the missionary. When you open the chest, there will be things and a note from the father of the deceased missionary. And his father is a certain Rigby. Who would have thought? Well, it doesn't matter. Mission "Missionary" completed. Yes, it should be said that the passage of Dragon Age is replete with side quests, so rejoice! Yes, after you found Rigby's will - go back to the Hasinda camp where you found his diary. Now a cache is available there at the place of the fire, in which the indicated box lies. Take it without opening it, you will still need to deliver it to Rigby's wife in Redcliffe. Well, that's all for now side quests in this area are completed, it's time to move on. Following that path to the southeast, you will meet the first boss. Although further you will lay down similar bosses left and right. Yes, and do not rush to run after him. Painfully there are unpleasant traps. You can lure enemies towards you with an archer, or you can lead your soldiers one by one past the traps. Immediately, when you destroy everyone, pick up a bag of ashes and fragments of local legends from the body of a soldier. You will need them later. Further, the road forks. I suggest you immediately go south, to the fire, and destroy a couple more creatures of darkness. In principle, nothing complicated. They sit near the fire in stealth mode and crawl out when you get there. Kill them and move on. Go first to the north, there, on the ledge, you will find a bunch of stones. Before you use it, get ready for a very serious fight. But the reward is nothing. Pour the ashes that you picked up from a dead soldier onto a pile of stones. An old powerful spirit will appear, which must be destroyed. After him will remain chain mail and boots. Boots - for the magician, chain mail - for the warrior. In general, not in vain you filled it up. From the heap of the right, move east on the map, then north. But do not rush forward. Kill the creatures of darkness that attacked you, along with their leader, look around, make sure that you have done everything you can in the wild lands and have been everywhere. When you're ready, go north. Entering the ruins, you will find the guard's cache, from which you need to pick up documents. But don't rush to use it! First undress Daveth and Jori completely. You won't have to fight yet, and they will leave your ranks. Therefore, it is better to take what you can. Ready? Now use the cache. Op-pa! Surprise. The cache is empty. But you should talk to Morrigan. In the future, she will be your companion and an excellent magician, so you should not quarrel with her. Ask her to take her to her mother, who took the documents from the Gray Wardens' cache. New turn of events! Mother Morrigan took the papers because the seals of the Gray Wardens had decayed. She saved the papers for you and is giving the papers to you. She will also tell you that the threat of the black plague is stronger than the Gray guards think. This is what we need to convey to Duncan. After the conversation, Morrigan will lead you out of the forest and straight to Ostagar. That is why I said that the passage of Dragon age in the wild lands had to be completed before the final conversation.

If you have not finished something, then it is better to immediately return and do everything. But we will assume that you have finished everything in the wild lands and now you no longer need to go there. Then go to the kennel (its location is marked on the map). He needs to give the very flower that you picked up at the beginning of the passage of the Wildlands. We are offered 20 crowns for a flower. Few? You can bargain. He will give you all his money, 50 crowns. Doesn't your conscience bother you? Here it hurts me. But the money is badly needed. Therefore, we will leave conscience a little for later, when the wallet will allow us to act like a lord. Now you can go to Duncan, who is waiting for you to perform the ceremony. Talk to him, tell him about Morrigan and her mother, and you need to start the ritual. Do not pull the rubber, it is better to agree immediately. Alistair will take you to the old temple, and then doubts about the gray guards will begin again. Yell at them, it won't change anything anyway. Soon Duncan will appear and tell about the ritual. It turns out that we will have to drink the blood of the darkspawn that you brought! That's the news. Although, what only muck did not happen to drink. Either way, let the ritual begin! Daveth will be the first to drink blood. But... Not destiny. He won't survive. Jory will refuse to drink blood and Duncan will kill him for his apostasy. You will be third in line. And, quite logically, you will survive the ritual. After all the little things, Duncan will say that we should go with him to the king. Yes please. Moreover, you will be returned to your companions faithful dog. Yes, and by this point I was already the fifth level. Now go to the quartermaster and sell him everything you don't need. I advise you to leave only things for magicians. They will come in handy. When finished with the sale - go to the king for advice. Here you will see an interesting scene of a dispute between the king and his father-in-law. The king will congratulate you on becoming a gray guard. You can talk a little cheeky, but you will still be ordered to go to the lighthouse with Alistair to light the fire and give a signal. Yes... We are not sent into battle, but on some strange mission. Here's some interesting news.
Well, now it's time to go to the tower and wait for the signal to light the fire. Go across the bridge to the east and watch an interesting cutscene about preparing for the battle. Yes, the developers have tried. I noticed many different expressions on the faces of warriors - from expectant to frankly frightened. And then the creatures of darkness appear ... But we will not use spoilers, you can watch the video yourself. All I can say is that it's definitely worth watching. Everything is very beautiful. But the video is over and it's time to proceed directly to the execution of Duncan's order. After crossing the bridge, you will be informed that the tower is captured and all hope is only on us. We'll have to light the signal fire ourselves. And... a mage will temporarily join us. Quite an interesting class, I must say. So, you need to get into the tower marked on the map. Along the way, I advise you to clear the entire perimeter to the entrance to the tower in order to gain additional experience. When you clear the yard in front of the tower, go inside. And do not be afraid to clear each level with great care - extra experience will not hurt you. But it's not worth dragging out time either, after all, they are waiting for a signal from you ... There is nothing special to say about the first level of the tower - mediocre enemies, mediocre things. When all enemies are defeated - go to the second floor. The only thing to note here is the book lying around - additions to your codex. Pick it up, open all chests, destroy all enemies ... in general, have fun as your heart tells you. Passing the Dragon Age game is also a fun process. Before climbing to the third floor, rest, wait for the restoration of life and stamina, save - and only then rush forward. The third level is notable for the fact that weapon racks appear here. Yes, there are more monsters. Still, they weren't a problem for me. There will also be a hall with cages of dogs that can be lowered onto the creatures of darkness. Before moving to the fourth floor, do not forget to rest, recover, save and mentally prepare. Here you will find a battle with the main monster in this tower. This is an ogre, a rather vicious creature, but it is also not difficult to kill it, the main thing is not to let it approach long-range characters. As soon as he dies - immediately press pause and completely undress the magician. He will no longer travel with you. Take things from the barrels and light the signal tower. And again there will be a video clip in which you will see the betrayal of Thur Loghain. He did not go to the aid of the king, but withdrew the troops. And... The king fell. As Duncan fell, having accomplished the last feat in his life. There are no more gray guards. There is no more king. Only you remain. And the only hope for saving Ferelden is you. But not everything is clean with you either. In your footsteps, a crowd of creatures of darkness burst into the tower and an arrow hits you. Your eyes are closing. Is it possible that the life of a great warrior will end so ingloriously, without having begun as it should? Who knows...

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Main plot
Initiation into the Gray Guards
In the ancient fortress of Ostagar, Duncan will introduce us to King Cailan, after which we will be kindly given free time to look around, get comfortable, and then find the gray guard Alistair and talk with him about initiation into the order. We won't get much from him. In general, Alistair will be a creepy mumbler until the middle of the game (although not devoid of wit), but at the same time one of your most devoted friends. So, after talking with him, we return to Duncan. By that time, all the other applicants for initiation into the gray guards will already have gathered there (you could talk to them before when you wandered around the fortress). Duncan will bring you all up to date and send you to prepare for the ritual in the Korcari Wilds.

infected blood
Duncan's first assignment. You, your two fellow challengers, and Alistair will have to find 3 portions of Corrupted Blood. It can only be obtained from the corpses of the creatures of darkness. So go hunting. This area is full of genlocks and hurlocks, so you can collect many times more blood than you need.

Cache of the Gray Wardens
Duncan's second assignment. In addition to blood, you must find a cache of gray guards in the Korcari Wildlands, which contains ancient treaties obliging different peoples of Ferrelden to help the guards during the pestilence in the fight against the creatures of darkness. The cache will be in the depths of the wild lands in ruins. As soon as you get close to the chest, the sorceress Morrigan will appear. One of the most charismatic characters in the game (if not the most). Alistair will immediately begin to doggie with her (he is generally distrustful of any sorcerers). We ask him to be silent (preferably politely, so as not to be offended) and ask the beautiful witch about the documents. She will appreciate your courtesy and say that her mother has the documents at the moment. We ask Morrigan to take us to her. Having given the documents, Flemeth (this is the name of Morrigan's mother) will begin to make some strange hints that the king will lose the battle and in general it will cost him his life. After listening to all this, we return to Ostagar to Duncan.

As soon as we give Duncan the documents and blood, the initiation ritual will begin. It consists in the fact that each of the applicants must drink a portion of the blood of the creatures of darkness from a silver bowl. Your first brother, alas, will die, the second will be afraid to drink blood and try to kill Duncan in order to escape from the initiation (Duncan will kill him for this), you drink the blood and stay alive. Now you are a gray guard. Drinking blood will help you feel the creatures of darkness, and sometimes see their actions in your visions.

After initiation
As soon as you wake up after the experience, go to the military council. There Teyrn Loghain and King Cailan will discuss the plan for the coming battle. In the end, the following will be decided: all the gray guards, including Duncan, will go with Cailan and his army; Teyrn Loghain will lie in wait with the rest of his army for a signal from the tower of Ishal. The two remaining gray guards (you and Alistair) will have to give the signal.

Tower of Ishal
The battle has begun. Make your way through the crowds of creatures of darkness to the tower of Ishal, and then to its upper floor. From time to time, tower fighters will help you. At the very top, a mini-boss in the form of an Ogre will be waiting for you. This is a very strong opponent and you won’t be able to win the battle without losing healing poultices. Try not to let the ogre grab you or Alistair by the scruff of the neck, because. in this case, one fighter will immediately be out of the game. As soon as the monster is defeated, set fire to the signal fire. Next, you will see a very tragic screensaver. Loghain, seeing the flames of the tower, will command a retreat. King Cailan will have his sternum broken by the ogre lord. Duncan will kill the monster, but he himself will die from wounds received in battle. The darkspawn will break into Ostagar and storm the tower of Ishal. You and Alistair will fight to the last breath, but in the end you will lose consciousness. And when you are on the verge of death, Flemeth will appear in the form of a huge bird and save you.

When you wake up, you will see the beautiful face of Morrigan. She will say that several days have passed since you were saved. Thanks to her healing potions, your life is already out of danger, and Alistair is completely healthy as a bull. Get dressed and go to Flemeth. The old witch will tell you that the invasion of the creatures of darkness is not just a surge in their activity, but another Pestilence. As the only remaining Gray Wardens in Ferrelden, you and Alistair must gather new army to fight the creatures of darkness. Ancient treaties will help us with this. we must win over the Dalish elves, the mages of the circle, the knights of Redcliffe and the dwarves of Orzammar. Complicating matters is Teyrn Loghain's treachery, which has left Ferrelden on the brink of civil war. We have to get to the traitor and make him answer for his atrocities. Before all this, you need to get to the nearest settlement, standing on the imperial highway, in order to replenish equipment and clarify the situation. The village of Lothering fits perfectly. Flemeth will send the Morrigan with us. Through the secret paths of the Korkari wildlands, a young sorceress will lead us to the imperial highway.

Secondary quests
mabari wolfhound
In Ostagar, talk to the kennel. He will tell you that many mabari, having bitten the creatures of darkness in battle, begin to get sick with the plague. A cure for it has not yet been found, there are only rumors about a miraculous herb. After this conversation, the task in the diary will not be displayed, but you will definitely remember this useful information. As you travel through the lands of Korcari, you will find this flower. Bring it to the kennel and sell it for a tidy sum. Of course, you can give the plant just like that, but the war is not the best time for charity.

Hungry deserter
In Ostagar, you will come across a hanging cage with a prisoner. Ask him about how he got there. It turns out that this little thief who decided to delve into the chest of magicians and even stole the key to it, but he was caught. However, he will still have the key and he will agree to give it to us if we bring him something to eat. You can get food from the cell guard. He will give it to you either for 10 pieces of silver, or for free if your persuasion skill is learned to level 2. You can also just kill the prisoner and take the key from the corpse (it's better to do this before meeting with Alistair, because otherwise his favor for you will decrease). After the initiation ritual (by that time it will already be night), go to the camp of magicians to the chest. It will be impossible to open it during the day, because. a pacified sorcerer will stand near him, who will read you a sermon on the topic "what is bad" every time you approach the chest. We take the junk. All task completed.
Note: If you have installed premium content with the official DLS "Return to Ostagar", then it is better to open the chest upon returning to the ancient fortress. In this case, things in the chest will be an order of magnitude better. It does not matter whether you get the key from the prisoner for food or take it from the corpse of the poor fellow after Ostagar is captured by the creatures of darkness.

Almost immediately at the entrance to the Korcari Wildlands, you will find the corpse of a missionary named Jogby. He will have a letter from his father, Rigby, from which you will learn how to get to the cache of Rigby himself according to the signs. The algorithm is described in detail in your diary, so I will not dwell on it. Let me just say that you need to find an iron chest between two statues. In it you will find a Hasindi two-hander (very good for the beginning of the game). Once you clear the chest, the quest will end.

In the center of the Korcari lands you will find the body and Rigby himself. With him there will be a will in which he will ask to give the box from the cache to his wife Jetta in Redcliffe. The cache is located in the west of the Korcari lands, we pick up the box and hand it over to its destination when we find ourselves in Redcliffe (the woman will be in the city church).

Khasinda way sign
In Rigby's cache in the west of the Korkari lands, you will find his diary, from which you will learn about Hasindi way signs. Approach them in turn (by clicking on one sign, you will open the next one). All signs are displayed on the location map as crosses. After finding the last sign, you will discover the location of the Hasindi cache in the south of the Korkari lands (an abandoned camp with a hollow tree lying in the middle of a clearing). We search the cache and close the quest.

A pinch of dust
Walking through the wild lands of Korkari, you will stumble upon the corpse of a certain Marcus, from which you will take away a note and a bag with the ashes of an unknown. Climb up the hillock near the waterfall and spread the ashes. A dead man will appear, kill him and take valuable things. That's the whole quest.

Note: Complete side quests in the Korcari Wildlands before bringing the darkspawn blood to Duncan. After that, it will no longer be possible to return to this location..

Ostagar's camp

(main plot)

Upon your arrival in Ostagar, you will be personally greeted by King Cailan, who is eager to defeat the hordes of darkspawn and perpetuate his name as the winner of the next Blight. From a conversation with him, you will learn that the royal army has already won several victories over the creatures of darkness and Kaylan hopes for their final defeat in the upcoming battle. The king leaves for a meeting with the commander of the army, Teirn Loghain, and you have to explore the camp, visiting the kennel with a sick mobari, a hungry deserter imprisoned in a cage, talk with the quartermaster, with the magician Wynn, who will later join your squad, look for various items and talk with Duncan about your forthcoming entry into the ranks of the Gray Wardens. In addition to you, you can meet two more recruits in the camp - the thief Daveth and the knight Sera Jori.

You have to find Alistair, who should enlighten you about joining the ranks of the Gray Wardens. Alistair can be found near the command headquarters in the northeast corner of the map. You will find him arguing with one of the army mages. After the mage leaves, you can ask Alistair about the Gray Wardens, Duncan, and the upcoming ritual. It turns out that just being ready to become a Gray Guardian is not enough; for this, you need to go through a special ritual of Initiation. You have to return to Duncan with Almster.

(100 experience, a permanent member of Alistair's squad)

Infected Blood and the Cache of the Gray Wardens

(main plot)

Returning with Alistair to Duncan, you will receive a task - to go to the Konkari Lands and get three vials of blood of the creatures of darkness, in addition, you have to find ancient documents that speak of an agreement between elves, dwarves and magicians to help the Gray Wardens during the Blight. The party heading to the Konkari Lands also includes Alistair and two recruits you've already met at the camp.

While in the Korcari Wilds, don't forget to pick the Spit Flower. Darkspawn blood can be obtained after any fight with him, and documents should be looked for in the ruins located in the northeast. On the way to the ruins near the bridge in the south, you will have to face a squad of darkspawn led by an emissary mage. Right in front of the entrance to the ruins, you have to fight the creatures, which are led by a very strong Alpha warrior.

Having dealt with the enemies, inspect the ruins, the chest is visible immediately, but as soon as you approach it, a dark-haired girl will appear who will say that the documents in the chest have long been gone, and that her mother has them. The girl will introduce herself to you as Morrigan and agree to take you to her mother. Her mother Flemeth will calmly give you the documents, and instruct Morrigan to guide you to the camp.

When you hand Duncan the documents and vials of darkspawn blood, he will immediately announce that everything is ready for the ritual.

(2750 exp and Oath of the Guardian amulet)

In the wild land of Korcari


Not far from the place where you entered the territory of the Wildlands, you will find the body of the missionary Jogby. He will have a letter from his father, Rigby, with a hint on where to find their chest. The chest is located in the southern part of the map. Several wolves live nearby, including an alpha wolf.

(two-handed Hasind Flatsword and other items from the chest)


In the central part of the map you will find the body of missionary Rigby. In his will, you will find out where he hid some of his things in an abandoned camp located from this place. The box contains a simple amulet, which should be taken to his widow Jetta. You can find it in the Church of Redcliffe Village.

Hasinda guiding sign

In the western part of the map you will find an abandoned camp and a chest containing Rigby's missionary journal. After reading the magazine, a new mark will appear on the map - a trace of the Khasinds' camp. You need to explore the parking lot and go to the next one, which also appears on the map. As a result, the signs will lead you to the Hasind treasure hidden in the south of the Wildlands (behind the bridge with the Gerlock emissary).

(Barbarian Mace, Jasindi Crusher Hammer, Wildlands Bow, Warchief's Helm, Hasindi Robe)

A pinch of dust

On the body of a soldier found near the place where you fought the hurlock emissary, you will find an ash bag and a leaflet describing the local legend. Following the instructions of the legend and pouring the ashes onto a pile of stones, which is located northwest of the bridge, you will summon Gazarath, which you will have to fight

(Sorcerer's Prop boots)

mabari wolfhound

When you first inspect the camp, you will see that the kennel is standing near the cage with the mabari dog. In a conversation with you, the kennel will say that the owner of the dog died, and the dog swallowed the blood of the creatures of darkness and is unlikely to survive. He will ask you to put a collar on her to give her medicine. If you agree, you will have a chance to get a true friend and fighter in your team. But in order to cure the dog, you need a Wildflower that grows in the Korcari Wildlands.

After you find and give the flower to the kennel, he will say that after the fight you can visit the dog, which seems to have accepted you as its owner.

Give the flower to the steward, and after certain events, you can get the dog to be your constant companion.

(250 xp and 20 silver if not asking for a reward;
500 XP and 50 silver coins if you ask for a reward;
250 XP when attaching a dog in the Abandoned Farm location).

Note: If you're playing as a noble who already has a mobari, then after you find the flower in the forest, Daveth will mention that the kennel keeper needed something similar to treat the dogs. In this case, you can simply give the flower to the steward and receive a reward.

Hungry deserter

In Ostagar's camp, you will see a man locked in a cage, guarded by a guard. Talk to the prisoner, who will say that he has not eaten or drunk for many days. He will ask the guard to take food and water for him. In addition, the prisoner will say that he has the key to the chest of magicians. You can try to convince him to give food to the prisoner, if it doesn't work then buy it from him or steal it. Having obtained food, give it to the prisoner, he will also give you a nag from the chest.

The chest is guarded by the pacified, who leaves after evening.

(100 experience and the contents of the chest of magicians)

Note: You can take possession of the key by killing the prisoner during the dialogue

Initiation into the Gray Wardens

(main plot)

The essence of the ritual of initiation into the Gray Wardens is that you have to drink the blood of the creatures of darkness prepared by the magicians, as a result of which the recruit either dies on the spot, or acquires immunity to the poison of the creatures of darkness and the ability to feel their presence.

During the ritual, Davet will die, and Ser Jori, who does not want to drink blood and entered into battle with Duncan, will die. Your hero, having drunk from the Cup of Initiation, will lose consciousness for a while, but will survive. As a result, your hero became the Gray Warden with all the ensuing consequences. Now you have to go to the War Council.

Battle of Ostagar and the Tower of Ishal

(main plot)

At the War Council, King Cailan and Loghain will draw up a plan of attack, during which the king and the Gray Wardens must step forward and lure the darkspawn. And Loghain's army is to attack them at the signal. Your hero and Alistair will be assigned to light a beacon on the tower of Ishal, which should be a sign for Loghain.

The battle begins. Run across the bridge to the tower, where the guards will inform you that the creatures of darkness that have come from nowhere have completely occupied the tower. After that, two more fighters will join you. Your task is to clear the way to the top floor of the tower. Don't forget to look around, as there are chests and boxes with things.

Ishal Tower consists of four floors. The first three are filled with darkspawn. The fourth floor is guarded by a fairly powerful ogre, which you have to fight.

Having dealt with the ogre, light a signal fire. At this moment, hordes of creatures of darkness burst into the hall and everything around fades ...

A video will follow, from which it will become known that Loghain betrayed the king and ordered his army to retreat at a time when the army of the king and the Gray Wardens needed help. In the end, King Cailan and the Gray Wardens died...

(1500 exp, Havard's shield)

Flemeth Hut

(main plot)

Waking up from the wounds received at Ostagar, you will find the Morrigan next to you. She will tell you about what happened on the battlefield, about Loghain's betrayal and that, for reasons unknown to her, her mother decided to save your hero and Alistair from certain death.

There is a legend in a witch from the Wildlands, whose name is Flemeth. The legend says that many centuries ago, Bann Konobar married the beautiful girl Flemeth of Highever, who had a hidden talent for magic. For a while they lived happily until Ozen, a young poet, appeared and won her heart... Konobar killed Ozen and imprisoned Flemeth in the highest tower of the castle. Angry and heartbroken, Flemeth created a spell that summoned a spirit into this world to her husband. But the spirit took possession of Flemeth herself. Having become possessed and out of her mind, she killed Konobar and all his people, and then fled to the Wildlands...

Mother Morrigan Flemeth and Alistair are waiting for you outside. Flemeth will give advice - to assemble a new army from all the peoples of Ferelden, since ancient treaties have been preserved. You have to get the support of the elves in the Brecilian Forest, the people of Redcliffe, the dwarves of Orzammar and the mages from the Circle of Mages. In addition, Flemeth will send his daughter Morrigan with you.

(quests Nature of the Beast, Earl of Redcliffe, Perfect, Broken Circle, permanent member of the Morrigan squad)

A child does not need a good father. He needs a good teacher. A man is a good friend. And a woman is a loved one. And in general, let's talk better about stitches-tracks.

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, "Distant Rainbow"

The peace of Ferelden is threatened by more than just the Blight. Hundreds of scum of all stripes raised their heads, waiting for the end of the world. We can both join them and punish the scoundrels. To make sure you don't miss a single opportunity, we've compiled a list of side missions that haven't been covered on our pages yet.

  • Ostagar and the wildlands - the beginning of the story
  • Lothering is alive dead city
  • The circle of magicians - magical secrets
  • Redcliffe - universal appeal
  • Sanctuary - Classic Easter Egg
  • Brecilian Forest - traces of corruption
  • Orzammar - thieves and their prey
  • Denerim Quest Series
  • Guilds - Find All
  • Sheila - raw beauty

Let's start with the backstories of our heroes. In each case, we will be able to complete several additional tasks, but they are not difficult - training. You can even skip them and rush straight to Ostagar. However, painstaking exploration of the initial territories will bring you not only money, experience and some equipment. At the very beginning, when the hero is very young and inexperienced, you can learn a lot of interesting things about the world, which you won’t be able to figure out later. So we advise you to look into all corners, at least at first.

Each backstory will bring you something useful, make your path easier. A noble person will get a dog, a Dolean - a good bow ... in a word, to each his own. But there is one hero who will be much easier than the rest at the start. This is a noble dwarf - he leaves with Duncan, jingling more than twenty gold pieces in his pocket! Well, let's go after them.

Ostagar and the Wildlands

sick dog

Dwarven Politics

Talk to the kennel in the camp, and he will tell you about the sick mabari, who swallowed tainted blood. To cure him, you need a special flower that grows in the wild lands of Korcari. According to the plot, you still have to go there, so feel free to agree. Look in the ruins a couple of meters from the place where you will meet a wounded soldier. The cured dog will join you after the Ostagar battle if you haven't got a pet yet.

Hungry Prisoner

An unfortunate soldier hangs in a cage in the camp. He is not only not released, but also not fed. The poor man will ask you to get him some food. Before giving consent and food, ask the prisoner why he was imprisoned. At the end of the story, you can demand the key to the chest of magicians from the prisoner. Food can be obtained from the guard by convincing or bribing him. And the chest will be opened only after returning from the wild lands, when the pacified one leaves it.


You can trick the messenger Peak into getting a good sword. But first, the boy must be caught - find him with the ash warriors, and then run after him.

Missionary Chest

Not far from the border of the wildlands, you will find the body of the missionary Jogby. From it you can remove a letter with hints - where to find the treasure. Look for the chest in the south of the map.

Chasing tracks

In the west of the wildlands is an abandoned parking lot and a chest containing a magazine. Read it and follow the mark that appears. A chain of such traces will lead you to the treasure.

last will

The dog plays the role of a psychoanalyst

The professor is sleeping - the students are happy

In the middle of the wasteland, you will come across the corpse of Rigby. The will describes where his belongings are hidden: in an abandoned camp to the west of the body. Having dug out the chest, you can either open it or take it to the widow Jetta. She is waiting for you in the church of Radcliffe.

Ash Demon

On the corpse of a soldier, not far from the hurlock emissary, lies a bag of ashes and a sheet with a local legend. The legend is true, and by pouring the ashes onto a pile of rocks northwest of the bridge, you will summon Gazarath, the "orange" demon of wrath. Good trophies await the winners.


Create three Poultices/Traps/Poison Bottles

The tasks are of the same type, they are taken from Miriam, Allison and Barlin, respectively. There is nothing complicated, only the appropriate skills and components are needed, which are bought from Barlin and collected on the map.

Deceased Templar

At the entrance to the location after the battle with the bandits, you will find the corpse of a templar. Things from it should be taken to Ser Donall in the church.

On a note: in the same church, you should reveal to Sir Brian that you are a gray guard and ask for help. He will give you the key to the poultice cabinet.

Preacher's board

If you complete all four tasks from the local preacher's board, you will receive a good sword as a reward.

Circle of Magi


On the first floor of the tower, in the library, you can perform several summoning exercises. To do this, find two halves of the book: in the library and next to the stairs to the next floor. Perform all three rituals and the task will be completed. But that is not all. Repeat all three rituals in a row and activate the fourth summoning flame - it is in the room where the second half of the book was. A creature will appear and quickly disappear. It can be robbed by obtaining a note. But that's not all! On the preacher's board, you can later take a task that talks about disappearing travelers. It turns out that the demon we called decided to profit. We kill him, take away the trophies, inform the preacher and go to fill the pangs of conscience with ale.

The main character makes it clear with her whole appearance how she wants to be a gray guard and save the world

Apparently, this is the only way Oghren sees us all...

Guardian of the Limit

What dwelling of magicians does without secrets? We definitely have it in our tower. To unravel, you need to find several student notes: a couple in the student rooms, another one in the library, two are next to Owain and the blood magicians, and finally one will be in the main hall. Now activate the three statues in the large hall - a statue with a bowl, with a raised sword, a lowered sword - and a statue with a spear (it's in another room, in the center of the floor). Go down to the first floor, go to the place where you met Wynn, and try to get into the basement. Kill the guard and pick up a great sword that will help you, for example, defeat Flemeth.

Jenny's Casket

In the office of the main sorcerer, you will find not only Flemeth's grimoire, but also a chest. It can be delivered to a house in the market district of Denerim near the Curiosities of Thedas. Unless, of course, you picked up the note about Red Jenny after meeting Zevran. As a reward, you will receive money, but no information about this mysterious box.

Enchanted Templar

On the fourth floor, you will meet a templar possessed by a demon of desire. If you attack them, you will get some good trophies, but if you let them go, you will most likely not see them again, but there is a small chance to meet them on the map above the mountain of corpses: the demons will satisfy their insatiable hunger. Here they can not avoid reprisals!


Gathering troops

Bann Tegan gives us story mission(with which several additional ones are connected): prepare the village for a siege. To do this, you need to talk with Perth and Murdoch. The first will ask you to bring him amulets. We will receive them from mother in the local church. In addition, in the shop you can find a bunch of barrels of oil. Perth should also be told about them.

Murdoch will ask you to bring more soldiers and get weapons for them. The ranks of "volunteers" can be replenished by the dwarf Dwinn, if you persuade him well. Several recruits will bring us a local tavern. First of all, this is a suspicious elf at the table. Your robbers will help you discover his spy essence. The innkeeper himself, Lloyd, will go after the elf, he will have to threaten. But it's better to first ask the waitress Bella and the men in the tavern about their lives. You can promise to help the waitress, and for the defenders you can negotiate free ale from Lloyd. Weapons can be begged from the blacksmith, promising him to save his daughter.

Mor came to one noble noble family

Spectacular lighting makes Stan even more convincing

The blacksmith's daughter

You will find it in the castle, in a small storage room on the ground floor.

hidden boy

Caitlin is standing in the church, asking to find her missing brother. He hid in the closet at home. After asking the boy, we learn about the family sword, which can be both appropriated and returned.


If you play as a magician, you are able to independently enter the shadow to free the son of Eamon. The demon will offer a deal. You can get an extra spell point, blood mage specialization, "forbidden pleasure" with a demon... Please note - the choice will affect the ending of the story.


In the village itself, as well as in the temple, there are no additional tasks (except to consider the delivery of scrolls to the church of Denerim as such), but there is an amusing “Easter egg”, which can already be considered a classic of role-playing games. After the end of the story mission, return to the village and go to the local cemetery. Epitaphs you will surely like. Here are just a few of them:

    Cheryl isn't here. She was cremated.

    "I can do an ax too" - Jim, sword swallower.

    Multiplayer with love.

    Great-great-grandfather Gygax.

In order to play as Sheila, you need to download the separate Stone Guardian module. Let's get to know this dangerous girl better.

Gifts to Sheila
Present Where to look
Magnificent Amethyst Dusty City of Orzammar, Alimar Market
Magnificent Diamond Orzammar Commons, Trader Garin
Magnificent Emerald Orzammar Commons, Figora's Store
Magnificent sapphire Orzammar Commons, Trader Legnar
Magnificent Malachite Circle Tower, Quartermaster
Magnificent Pomegranate Denerim Market District, Wonders of Thedas
Magnificent Ruby Elfinage, Alarita shop
Magnificent jade The cellar of a house in Honnleath
Magnificent topaz Frost Mountains, Trader Faryn

Sheila is a former gnome who became a golem. She manages to combine femininity (for example, she wants to sew red shoes) and feigned rudeness ("Let's go crush a couple of heads"). In general, jokes about the "hermaphroditism" of the golem are perhaps the most curious in the entire game. By the way, she hates all birds without exception, which she constantly reminds of (“I don’t believe in the Creator. After all, a rational being will never create birds! What was he thinking about ?!”).

In combat, Sheila is a true all-rounder. She can be a hit-boy, a shooter, a controller, and even support. In the last incarnation (a branch of racks), it is most effective. Destroying a group of a golem in a stance, a healer, a magician, and a warrior with a two-handed weapon is almost impossible. There is only one inconvenience: the movement of our talisman takes some time.

As you can see from the table, there are no special gifts for her, but you can easily please her by dressing her in crystals for the first time.

The personal quest is related to the restoration of memory. Sheila is curious to know who she was before she became a golem. The quest can be obtained after talking with Perfect Karidin, according to the story. To complete it, go to the Kadash teig that appeared on the map of the deep paths. Go through the teig up to the statue of the heroine.

Forest Brecilian

bitten wife

In the Dalish camp, talk to Atras. His wife was bitten by werewolves and everyone says she's dead, but he doesn't believe it. Danaila will be waiting for you near the northern entrance to the eastern forest. Save her, unfortunately, will not work.

iron bark

Weaponsmith Varathorn will ask you to bring him rare ironwood bark, which local craftsmen use to create magnificent equipment. The bark can be torn off from a fallen tree near the northern passage to the eastern forest. As a reward, the master can receive a bow, armor (or both, if you insist), or an amulet, if you give up everything.

Elf in love

Last family photo. Very soon, most of them will not be alive - traitors are worse than filth...

Apparently, not only female characters are copied from popular people ... And Eddie Murphy not only voiced the donkey from Shrek

sick gall

In the camp, the caretaker of the Gaul Elora had a misfortune: one of her wards is sick. You can, using survival, find out what is the reason, or you can convince the caretaker that the animal is incurable.

bitten elf

In the center of the western part of the forest, not far from the ogres, lies a wounded Deygan. It can be taken to the camp, cured, robbed, abandoned or killed. A wealth of choice - isn't that what we want from a good role-playing game?

On a note: if you first rob an elf, and then send him to the camp, then he can return things and restore relations.

death dream

To the south of the Great Oak lies an abandoned, but very cozy camp, in which one is drawn to rest... Waking up, one or more members of your squad will start a fight with a shadow that created the illusion. Defeat the demon and re-examine the "cozy" halt.

It is interesting: after finishing the story mission in the woods, go to the camp and talk to Leliana. She will play you a song from the main menu of the game.


Lost son

The story is over. The hero stands on the road and looks thoughtfully at the sunset... But it's too early for him to rest!

In the Common Halls we will come across Filda. Her son went to the deep paths and did not return. We will find the hand in the teig Ortan, it is connected with the plot - do not miss it.


Burkel wants to open a church in Orzammar. You can help him with this by convincing the chronicler (in the hall of the keepers) to give permission. You will receive a meager reward, but this church will have a decisive influence on the fate of the world. And not the best...

Dwarf Mage

Dagna really wants to get into the circle of magicians. It is possible, by telling her father Jannar about her daughter's plans, to prevent her, or you can help by talking to the first sorcerer, if he, of course, is alive. As a reward, we will get a good rune or lyrium. In addition, Dagna will become an outstanding scientist.

Naga Search

All his pets fled from the beater Bemora. Nagas must be searched for in the Common Halls, there are five of them in total. For each beast we get 25 silver coins. And if after that you talk with Leliana, then she admits that she really wants such an animal for herself. You can get it in Dust Town from an idle dwarf for a modest fee. Now this "hedgehog" will live with you in the camp.


After receiving the first task from any of the contenders for the throne and leaving the Diamond Halls, you will see how the local bandits threaten the merchant Figor. If you follow them into the shop, you can help the merchant. If you settle the matter peacefully, he will thank you and stay to trade, and if you kill the robbers, then ... he will scold you and run away.

Fights without rules

In the west of the Halls of Trials, in a small room, there is a gunsmith who will offer to take part in the battles. The reward for each battle is trifling, but the ring that you get after four victories is not bad for blood mages.

unwanted child

In Dusty City, you can find an unfortunate gnome who was kicked out of her family because she gave birth to a son from an untouchable. You can force her to get rid of her son, as her relatives want, or you can convince the latter that they are wrong and restore the family.

dragon in the throne room

This is how you need to put two characters in the throne room to summon a dragon

If the blanks are over, but you need to say something, it turns out like this

The architecture of the gnomes sometimes surprises. After studying the inscriptions on the throne, we will get a note in the codex. Now you need to correctly position the members of the squad: one in the "dressing room" on the square in the center of the hall, and the other two in the throne room itself, in its southwestern part, on the buttons that look like the end of an arrow. We click on the throne again with the last character and get acquainted with the local prisoner.

The thieves

Running past the king's treasury, you will come across a group of thieves who were trying to dig a tunnel. Deal with them and get a well-deserved reward from the guard who came running to the noise.


In one of the chambers for the nobility, you will meet the herbalist Vidron standing by the bed of a dying lady. He will tell you that she was poisoned and ask you to make an antidote. Then he will give you a recipe, which will be the main reward.

stolen book

The chronicler's assistant in the Halls of Keepers wants us to find a valuable book that was recently stolen. Trickster lives in Dust City. Negotiations with the thief will come to a standstill... But the note picked up from the corpse will lead us to the bandits, who are just carrying the tome to the fence in the Halls of Trials. After the battle, the book can be either sold to the same fence or returned to the keepers.

The missing pedigree

Dwarf Orta believes that she comes from a noble house Ortan, but that's bad luck: the family tree records disappeared in the teig of the same name. At least she didn't find them in the Halls of the Guardians, which meant there wasn't anywhere else. The records really lie in the center of the teig, not far from the Ruka cave.

List of golems

In the room with the Anvil of the Void, there is a table that lists all who have become golems. The names can be copied and taken to the chronicler.

Treasure of wanderers

Find four piles of stones in Caridin's Crossing:

    At the western exit to the map.

    Southwest of the bridge.

    Not far from the intersection of three roads.

    East of the Deep Hunter's Cave.

Our pet naga named Shmoplez. They seem to get along well with the dog.

After that, a mark with a vagabond's cache will appear on the map.

Legion Honor

As soon as we collect all the parts of the Dead Legion armor, we will be given the quest " dead castle". Now we can get the emblem of the caste of the dead from the sarcophagus (in the room of the legion in the dead ditches) and take it to the chronicler. But before you leave the temple, equip someone in full armor and activate the legion relic.

Earthman Sword

AT deep paths you can get hold of one of the best one-handed swords - Grounder's Honor. First, find the tomb in Ortan teig (southeast corner). Now we are looking for pieces:

    The pommel lies in the Ortan teig in a vase in Ruka Cave.

    The hilt can be removed from the corpse of a genlock emissary at Caridina Crossing (the genlock is waiting for you in the tunnel that runs from west to south).

    The blade is removed from the corpse of an ancient darkspawn in the Dead Ditch (on the bridge in the center of the map).

Once you find everything, return to the tomb.


In the charter shelter, we will get Jammer's diary, which talks about the treasure. We need to find three chests: Jammer himself, Kanky and Pique. From them we get a silver ring for a dress, an iron letter opener and a pomegranate decoration. You can't take anything else! It remains to find a cache near the tamed bronto and open it.

The life of the keeper

To receive the task, touch the wall of memories in the Halls of the Guardians. Now find three runestones:

    Near the head of the miners in the Common Halls.

    In the southeast caves of Caridin's Crossing.

    In the western of the central rooms in the Dead ditches.

We return to the wall of memories for a reward.

Torn Demon

Gnomes are solid guys: if they already destroy the demon, then the pieces are carried over all the lands: what if they grow together? You can collect these pieces on the deep paths.

    Limbs in the northwest of the Aedukani teig.

    The torso and head are at Caridina Crossing, in the southeast and northeast respectively.

We take it to the altar in Ortan teig and revive the demon. We have another choice - to let him go for money or to kill him. This time it's final. What will you choose?


Help the law

Near the house of the blacksmith Wade is Sergeant Keelone. He will complain to the authorities and ask for help to deal with crime. You can act both by force of conviction, and simply by force. If you want a high reward, listen to what the customer prefers.

Dark dealings

Trying to explain the fool
to the dwarf that it is impossible to "fall into the sky." Wynn and I are still trying to get through to consciousness, and Sheila offers ... basically the same thing, but in a much faster way.

Eamon has a great sense of beauty. In all his mansions can be found
real works of art

On the other side of the house, the forge stands the sly Couldry. Only robbers can meet him. He has two task lines: for thieves and for burglars. In both lines, stealth will be extremely useful to you.

It is important: do not forget to leave too noticeable companions in the camp for the duration of the mission.

Before the meeting of the lands, we will be able to perform three thefts and two break-ins. Another theft and two burglaries after. If your stealth is not at the master level, then money, persuasion and fists will help you in some tasks.


In one of the lanes (you will visit there when you destroy the bandits by order of the church) you will find the corpse of Ser Frieden, who died trying to destroy the sect of blood magicians. You can finish this noble deed - go to an abandoned house (a new location on the map of Denerim) and cut out the villains.


Evil has settled in the orphanage in the elfinage, which the templar Otto will tell you about. Gather some clues, including questioning the elf girl sitting on the doorstep. After cleaning the shelter, do not forget to return the amulet to the elf.

Prisoners of Howe

In the cellars of the estate of Earl Howe, you can find several prisoners at once.

    Bann Sieghard's son hangs on a rack in the torture room, who will intercede for you at the meeting as a reward.

    In prison, the templar Irminrik went mad. Take his ring to Banana Alfstanna.

    Veteran Reksel also could not stand the imprisonment. It is necessary to tell the preacher Rosamund about it.

Guild Quests

The tasks of most guilds (preacher boards, Blackstone volunteers, assassins and "interested ones") are mostly completed without problems: the benefit of the targets is marked on the map, or at least their approximate location is described. But there are a few exceptions.

If in the final task volunteers you choose the side of the father, then in order to get to the son, you must not go to Lothering, which will be destroyed by this moment, but simply pass the town. Taoran will come across to you in a "random" encounter.

Love notes that one of interested(tasks are given by the innkeeper in Denerim's Bitten Nobleman), scattered literally all over the world. Finding them is not easy. Here are all the places:

    In the Dalish camp, behind the merchant.

    Near the entrance to the ruins in the Brecilian forest is a secret door on the left.

    In the royal palace of Orzammar, in an inconspicuous room in the east of the palace.

    In Orzammar's charter hideout, in the room to the right of the hall where Jarvia fell.

    In another hideout, this time in a village, next to the entrance to a house with a bloody altar.

    In the tavern "Spoiled Princess" near the tower of magicians.

    In the tower itself, on the second floor, in the east room.

    AT windmill Redcliffe (where secret passage to the castle).

    In the basement of Redcliffe Castle, just before the entrance to the courtyard.

    At Wade's forge in Denerim.

    In the brothel "Pearl" (location in Denerim) in the southeast room.

    In Eamon's manor in Denerim in the northwest room.

In addition to these same faces, they will make you run and mages from the community.

blood marks

We need to bleed four doors in Denerim: two in the Trade District and one each in Dirty and Dark Alleys.

Places of power

We need to activate four places of power.

    A grave in western Brecilian.

    Altar in the teig Ortan.

    A tree in the Denerim alienage.

    Stairs to the second floor of the tower of magicians.

Scrolls of Banastor

You need to find five scrolls at the following addresses.

    The southeast ruined room on the second floor of the mage tower.

    Northwest room on the third floor of the Mage Tower.

    Southeast library in the abandoned temple with the ashes of Andraste.

    Western barracks (entrance from the center) in an abandoned temple with the ashes of Andraste.

    Southeast room in werewolf lair.

The rest of the tasks should not cause difficulties.

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