Assassin's creed syndicate use the secret passage. Passage of the game Assassin's Creed: Syndicate

friendly competition

In the first flashback of the fifth sequence, you will need to blow up Attaway's buses. When you reach the blazing carriage, you will see Miss Attaway. The woman will ask you to drive the carriage. You will be pursued by opponents. Get rid of all the pursuing enemies by shooting them with a pistol. When you find yourself in the courtyard, you will need to find a way to set fire to the buses. There are people nearby who will gladly help in this matter. Use hanging barrels and hallucinogenic darts to kill opponents.

When you're done with this case, then look at the carriage, which has explosives. Push this carriage so that it rolls towards the buses. When the carriage is near them, then shoot from the pistol.

Research and Development

In the new memory of Assassin's Creed: Syndicate, you have to steal the engines. Talk to Miss Attaway to find out who to talk to about trains. Ned Weinert is in custody. Follow through Southwork until you see the police carriages in which the prisoner Ned is being transported. Ned is somewhere at the end of the escort, you will need to stop the carriages before freeing Ned, do this and talk to the specialist.

You will arrive at the station. Find the first crate that the marker points to, dealing with all the enemies you meet. There are three boxes in total. When you find the one you need, then unhook the train car where it is located. Protect Ned, who will try to start the engine.

Natural selection

There is one last step left to finally destroy Milner's business. Now you just need to kill the boss himself. Before that, you will need to lure his Milner out of his hideout. The mission starts at the end of the Thames. Approximately in the middle of the river is a villain resting on a ship. Collect the dynamite located on the ships, place it next to the smuggled goods and detonate it. Make sure all opponents have been killed.

You will soon see Milner. Run along the river, hiding behind the boats. When you get to the docks, use Eagle Vision to spot your target. Move to the left along the docks located below, then turn the corner. Deal with opponents and go through the crane. Climb to the top and jump from the roof directly onto the pipes. From here you can jump kill Milner. In order to escape from persecution, you can use a smoke bomb. Cross the Thames and see Pearl entering the building. Climb up and climb inside through the window. Go down carefully and eavesdrop on the conversation. Then leave the building to complete the mission.

Urgent news

In the fourth memory of the fifth sequence, you must meet Mr. Bell, who will give you a new device. Climb onto the roof of Bell's work building and take out the smoke bombs from the chests. Return to the quest giver and listen to him. Throw the resulting bomb at enemies. Refill your supply of bombs and wait for Bell to give you a signal, then throw the bombs again. And again, they won't work properly. Make a third roll that will be successful. Next, kill the stunned opponents by attacking them from the air.

Follow Bell, jump into the carriage and follow the marker. Bell will go into the building, in which opponents will soon appear. Stun them using bombs, just don't kill the civilians. Bell must enter another office on the other side of the street. Again, kill the enemies that appear.

End of the road

This sequence will become available only after you complete the previous ones. You must get to the station, which can be accessed from the roof with a grappling hook. Use Eagle Vision to find the conductor, who will tell you to find the timetable. The schedule is hanging in the stationmaster's office. It is located in the far corner of this office. Pick it up and return it to the conductor. Together with a crowd of people, you can get to the central station.

There are enemies at this station, so you need to act carefully. Wait for the appearance of the head of security, who wanders along the train. Steal the location plan from him to find a secret passage to the car where Ettaway is located. You can get into it through the roof. There are opponents here, which, in principle, you can bypass. Deal with Pearl and follow away, throwing a smoke bomb. Move north to the beginning of the train, then pull the lever to get out of here.

Lady with a lamp

You have 8 minutes to complete this task. Jump over the fence of the hospital, and then find the auction area as quickly as possible. Jump on the wagon and move towards the goal. Deal with all opponents, and then get this carriage.

Room with a view

It remains to complete the last task of this sequence. You must examine the monument. The problem is that there will be policemen near him. Use the crowd to stay inconspicuous. Pay attention to the officers. One will patrol in front of the monument, while the other two are located on the platform. Wait for the patrolman to leave, and then move straight ahead. If someone suddenly notices you, then just keep moving. Move under the platform so that the enemies chasing you lose sight of you. Now proceed to the monument.

Climb to the top of the monument until you get close to the fire. Next, you will need to get to St. Paul's Cathedral. Near the cathedral there is a statue depicted on the previous monument. Here you have to solve a riddle. All symbols must be located along the metal line. The solution looks like this:

  • Opposite the far right gear is the symbol "69".
  • Opposite the far right gear from below is the “triangle” symbol.
  • The lower gear on the left - the lower gear in the middle - the symbols of the inverted letter "E".
  • Bottom gear on the left - gear on the left in the middle - symbols with three dots.
  • The bottom gear on the left - the gear on top - the symbols "ol".

Climb to the very top, where the open window is located. Climb through it into a secret room. You should be attacked by Lucy Thorne. When she has about a quarter of her health left, Lucy will try to hide from you.

Assassin's Creed Syndicate action-adventure game developed by a developer studio Ubisoft Quebec, from the major projects of which the last game series Unity. The game is out on PS4 Xbox One On October 23, 2015, on the PC, Syndicate was postponed, tentatively until November 18 of the same year. This was done in order to bring the computer version of the game to mind, there are still legends about the broken Unity. The game will take place at the height of the industrial revolution in Victorian London. From the main developers have confirmed the absence of a multiplayer mode, focusing on the capture of the territory, expanding the single player campaign.


For the first time in Assassin's Creed, you can freely switch between two heroes. To do this, click C in main menu games. Also in the game there will be a woman, for whom, in addition to the main character, you have to play. The male character Jacob Frye, using brute force, specializes primarily in close combat. His twin sister Evie prefers to use stealth based on her intelligence and wit. This time in the arsenal of our wards: brass knuckles, revolvers, canes, curved kukri (knives) and swords. The combat system has become much sharper and faster. Moving around London, which, as the developers assure us, is 30% more than Paris, is carried out with the help of a special cable. It will allow you to quickly move through buildings, as well as create quick escape and attack routes. Also in the game there are Carriages that will allow you to quickly move to any of the points. London is divided into six different boroughs: Westmister, The Strand, Town London, Whitechapel, Southwark, and Lambeth. The game is missing a multiplayer mode, also the game will be missing the companion app that was introduced in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag . side missions in Assassin's Creed Syndicate designed for the struggle for power in London, which you will periodically be prompted by the plot in the game. Players will be able to kidnap individual enemies for ransom or acceptance into their gang.

The plot and action of the game

In 1868, the Industrial Revolution began to take place in Victorian London. In order to regain power and revive the Brotherhood of Assassins, the twins Jacob and Evie Frye decide to arrive in London to clean up the criminal gangs run by the Templars. During the game, they will meet famous figures of that era, such as Charles Dickens, Charles Darwin, Alexander Graham Bell, and take part in the royal intrigues of Queen Victoria.

Our guides

Our guides are designed for various knowledge and passage of the game Assassin's Creed Syndicate. You are waiting for the passage of the mission with additional goals, collecting collectibles, searching for various puzzles, tips for passing and pumping, as well as everything about all the clothes and weapons of the main characters.

Task 1 | Sticks in the wheels

After the Helix introductory video, we are transported to London.

Ferris Smelters, Croydon.

We need to infiltrate the plant and kill two people, namely Rupert Ferris and David Brewster. The first target was seen, we get to the door, the control is not so complicated. O-freerunning up, X-freerunning down. The door is locked, you have to disable the machine. There are three in total. We get to each of them and cut down. Security appears, we kill one from the air, we finish off three more on the street. Having got out, we go to the mark on the map.

Entering the building, we make our way carefully, along the way you can kill several bandits who will interfere with us. We enter another plant, but our goal is already there, we just need to get to it. It is best to act stealthily, since we are in the enemy zone, when detected, the enemies will immediately attack. There are a lot of bandits around the closet in which Ferris is located, we climb through the top, and kill him from above. Let's watch the video. Now we get out of the factory, jump down onto the train, and deal with the guards that are chasing us. And then an unscheduled stop occurs, the train flies down the cliff, our hero miraculously escapes. Now we go down to a safe place.


£1000 XP 2000 Initiate's Belt.

Part 2

Task 1 | Simple Plan

Starrick & Co., London.

We are on the train, Evie is clearly thinking through her plan of action, the Piece of Eden is in the laboratory. To begin with, we unhook the locomotive, suddenly security appears. From around the corner we kill one, and then we finish off the second, and so we run to the engine cabin, along the way we kill everyone who will interfere with us. Having unhooked the locomotive, our train will soon arrive at its destination. The zone is red, there are a lot of guards, so that it would be easier for us to navigate, we will climb to the viewpoint. Let's watch the video. Now we inspect the area, mark the enemies and move on.


  • Kill enemies with hanging barrels

It is best to act discreetly, it is not worth the risk. Let's do a test first. Two guards will stand in front of the crane, barrels will hang above them, we throw a knife into the barrels, and thereby kill two birds with one stone. We run further, turning to the right, we throw a knife into one more barrel and immediately kill two. We climb onto the building, then we go down, and throw a knife into the barrel and kill the last bandit. We have several entry points, it is best to enter through the door on the first floor, before that we kill one bandit. Entering inside, a conversation of two bandits is heard, they are interrogating one of the captives who was caught on the street. We rise to the top, kill them, and the prisoner tells us that the laboratory is underground, but in order to get into it we need a key. We get out into the street, and run to another building. Going inside, use eagle vision to find our target, it will be highlighted in gold. We wait until the target starts to leave, and we sneak up, steal the key, and instantly run to the entrance to the laboratory. Again, several entry points, we pass through the main gate, while no one is there. We use eagle vision, we find the entrance, the door is guarded by a bandit, we kill, it is better to throw a smoke bomb, so it will be easier to neutralize it. There will be an elevator inside, we go down. If you have a double kill skill, then we can easily deal with the guards there, and look for Sir David Brewster. We make our way through the drains, and going to the window we see our goal, and now we will send it to another world.


  • Kill Brewster from the air

To begin with, we will kill the guards, so it will be easier to get close to the target. To complete the test, we climb higher and kill him. Let's watch the video. Something went wrong, and for the emission of the Particles of Eden, the building begins to collapse, we quickly get out of it. We almost do not have time to fill up the building, get out from under the rubble outside.


£1075 XP 2100 Practical Cloak.

Part 3

Task 1 | Where the grass is greener

Whitechapel, London.

We watch the video, Jacob and Evie arrive in London. First you need to find Henry Green of the London Assassin, but then a little boy steals money from Jacob, we run after the thief, through the alleys. On the way, we meet two bandits, we kill them, Evie comes running to us, and we decide to inspect the territory.


  • Get there before Evie

Go ahead, run fast, we need to overtake Evie at all costs, there will be an elevator ahead, use it, and run longer on the roof to the mark. And then there is Henry Green. The twins tell why they are in this city. Jacob offers to create his own gang under the name "Rooks" to stop Starrick. Henry Green also told us everything, in the end we take a leap of faith, and follow Henry to his shop. Along the way, Jacob runs over Charles Dickens. Charles is the eyes and ears of this city, he knows everyone here. But the bandits notice us, we need to act quickly until help arrives, Henry gives us revolvers and hides.

We quickly get into the carriage and leave, two carriages with bandits are chasing us, we shoot at the horses and break the carriages of the enemies, then we rush to Henry's shop. There he dedicates us to the course of the matter, tells about each Templar and about our future allies.



£485. XP 350.

Task 2 | Abberline, right?

The twins are looking for Sergeant Frederick Abberline in one of the lanes in Whitechapel. Abberline came to the meeting, but in a different form. To return London to freedom, we must capture one of the districts, but first we need people from Abberline's list. We need to bring them to him.


  • Deliver the object alive

We rise to the roof, mark the target, jump into the haystack, quickly and quietly grab it, and lead it to the carriage. Now we quickly deliver it to its destination.

Our next target in the second quarter, after passing a short distance, we find the target and try to kill quietly.


  • Kill a target with a box of dynamite

It is best to get close to the box from behind, kill the guards that are preventing us, and carefully set fire to it, and run away as far as possible. After we leave the red zone.

In the next quarter, ten hangmen must be killed.


  • Free and protect the Dodgers

There are ten targets in total, it is better to kill them stealthily, and then free two Dodgers. We have liberated three blocks of Whitechapel. Now you need to kill the gang leader, and then the area will be completely free.

Task 3 | Catch a waif

The twins meet a Girl named Clara, if we help her, she will tell us extremely important information. We need to get into the plant and free the children who are the main labor force. We're heading to the place.


  • Don't raise the alarm

We carefully penetrate the plant, first of all we kill the foreman, it is better to wait for him and only then attack from around the corner. To make it easier to kill all the guards, we will use throwing knives so that we are not noticed. And now we release the children.


£300. XP 120.

We are heading to Henry Green, we have the last target left - this is the leader of the gang. Henry gives us the kukri weapon, so it will be easier to deal with enemies. Now we agree on a meeting place and collect a gang. 10 bandits will go against us, we make various combos and deal with enemies as quickly as possible. After the fight, the leader of the gang appears, and he immediately tries to escape on the train. We run after the train, climb onto it, and kill all the guards, and then we go to the leader himself. It is better to shoot him with a revolver, after the cartridges run out we push him from the car. He is dead. The area is completely captured, the gang belongs to us. The train now also belongs to us.

Task 4 | freedom of speech

Jacob picked up a broken device similar to a harpoon from the murdered gang leader. Henry tells us who can fix it, we start our journey to Alexander Graham Bell, he is a talented engineer. Alex repaired the harpoon for us, attached it to the assassin's bracer, in return we must put fuses on Big Ben. Alex intends to invent a phonetic telegraph to transmit not dots and dashes, but real speech. Having reached the Big Ben on Alex's carriage, we rapidly climb up with the help of shengbiao.


  • Install fuses without going below 30 meters

Having risen, we install the first fuse. After, we go down a little lower, and cling to another building, parry above the ground, and install the second fuse, do the same with the third. Next, we make a leap of faith from the tower, and head to Alex. When he comes, he thanks us, and now we need to get a few metal components.


  • Kill a guard from the air while on a zipline

Having risen to the roof, we cling to the other roof with a hook, and from the air we kill the guard to complete the test. After we cleared the first chest, we run to the second, kill all the guards and pick up the metal. Now we can make something we need, for example, you will need upgraded smoke bombs, and an ammo holster. Well, let's run to Alex's workshop. He already gave Jacob shengbiao.


£1575. XP 4100. Tourist suit.

Part 4

Task 1 | telegraph news

Once in Alexander's shop, he tells us that he did not have a shipment with cables for installing a telegraph. He created for us a new weapon, which is deadly, when heated, they turn into a gaseous substance that poisons the body and leads to instant death. We need to deliver all the lost cargo, we are heading to the task point.


  • Shoot darts at the fire

We see that the guards are standing next to the fire in order to complete the test faster, we shoot darts into the fire, and thus the enemies will kill themselves, and we will only have to pick up the cables. There, by the river, three more will stand, and next to them is a chest, we shoot into the fire, and wait until they kill each other. There is one box left, it will be closer to the house, behind the gate, we do everything in the same way. Well, everything didn't go according to plan, we were noticed by the guards, they are going to send the cargo to Starrick, we quickly intercept them. And once on the ship, we interrupt them all. And we open the box. Let's go back to Alex.

Task 2 | Big box escape

So, Miss Thorn, Starrick's assistant, is transporting some very important thing in a chest, our task is to intercept the contents of this box, perhaps this is a Piece of Eden. Upon arrival, Jacob will deal with the arrows, and our task is to cut out everyone who interferes and open the chest and take the contents. Having interrupted the guards, we sneak up to the chest, inside there are documents, and some book with the sign of the assassins. But Jacob did something, we need to get out quickly, otherwise we will be caught. They are chasing us on horseback to quickly deal with the enemies, we shoot at the horses, after the chase began to lag behind, it is better to jump onto the train faster.


£500. XP 500. Hunter Cape.

Task 3 | Play by ear

We haven't found a piece of Eden, but the records Evie stole are priceless. It is said that the Assassins found a shroud in London, this artifact can heal wounds. We need to inspect the Kenway house, probably in it we will reveal secrets.


  • Find all the items in the Canway collection, there are 7 in total

It must be remembered that near the house, and in the house itself, there are a lot of guards, you need to act covertly. The most suitable entry point is on the rooftop, so we are less likely to be noticed. Having entered inside, we carefully make our way, kill the guards that prevent us from approaching the goal, and inspect all the items. Next, we head to Henry in the room with the piano. You need to solve the puzzle.


  • Solve the piano puzzle without error

Before you start, turn around and go to the door, a little higher, the notes "DADEFD" will be written. Now let's play it on the piano. And a secret room opens, we need to find Kenway's treasure. We go down and inspect everything carefully, going a little forward, interact with the sheet, Evie found an artifact, but the key is in a completely different place. We were noticed by the Templars, we need to quickly hide, to the left of us, there will be the helm of the Jackdaw, turn it, and run through the secret passage. We run, turn right, and get out on the gun.


£850. XP 625. Protector's Outfit.

Task 4 | spoon of syrup

Starrick put his syrup on the market, but it only made people worse. The seller tries to sell him, but as soon as Jacob intervened, he immediately went on the run. We catch up with him, making our way through the sewer shafts. Having caught him, he tells us that near the hospital, he saw the suppliers of this syrup, we are heading there. Having reached, we see our goal, we need to steal the plan.


  • Steal the plan discreetly

Our goal starts moving, we get into the carriage and follow them, stopping near the building, we sneak towards our goal. Having entered inside, we slowly sneak, and after waiting for the moment, we quickly steal the plan. Now we need to find a certain sales manager, having reached the point, we are looking for our target, and then we kidnap him.


  • Stay unnoticed

We carefully lead him, and then we interrogate him, he tells us that the syrup is made at the distillery, near the large building at the brewery. Then we kill him.


£485. XP 350. Brass knuckles the power of a raven.

Task 5 | unnatural selection

We arrived at the distillery, now we need to open it and prevent the syrup from spreading. We go down and interrupt the guards, and then Charles Darwin appears on the scene, he is our ally, we break open the door and enter. Charles turns the handbrake, and disables the structure, you need to quickly run away before we get poisoned.


  • Kill everyone in the building with gas

It's better to act covertly. We slowly sneak up to the valves and open them, but first we throw smoke bombs at the enemies. We quickly rise to the third tier, and do everything in the same way. Upstairs we have two more, and a little higher one, we disable them too. The building is filled with smoke, Jacob is suffocating, we quickly get out. Charles is waiting for us there, he found out that all samples of the syrup were sent to the hospital, then we go there.


£485. XP 350. Black leather belt.

Task 6 | Origin of the syrup

Charles told us about a man who works in a hospital and knows who supplies him with syrup. His name is Richard, we quickly run, get into the carriage and chase him. Jumping onto the roof of the carriage, we throw off the guard, and try to damage the carriage in order to scare Richard Owen. Breaking down more about everything, soon he tells us about Dr. Eliotson. We need him.


£410. XP 250. Blueprint. Reinforced bracer.

Task 7 | Overdose

Jacob infiltrates the mysterious Lambeth Asylum to put an end to Dr. Eliotson's atrocities. First, we synchronize to explore the territory. Then we go down into the building itself, and carefully penetrate to the door. Our target Dr. Eliotson.


  • Stop your ECT session
  • Don't take a single shot

We make our way further, just below us, there will be two guards who mock the sick, kill them, and thus perform the first test. We have two ways to kill the doctor, but I will choose one that is more brutal. So, having made our way into the office, we steal the corpse, and hide it, and returning to lie down in his place, one of the assistants will take him to the bed directly to the doctor, there we will have a chance to kill him. After waiting for the right moment, we kill the mad doctor. Let's watch the video. Then we leave the area.


£1330. XP 1125. S&W MODEL 1 revolver.

Part 5

Task 1 | Room with a view

Dr. Eliotson is dead. We play as Evie, we need to find a piece of Eden, first we examine the monument. There will be enough guards there, so we will immediately use shenbiao. And use the clue that directs us to St. Paul's Cathedral.


  • Take a leap of faith from rope to haystack

Since we are at the top of the monument, we can quickly complete the test, we hook the cable to the building directly above the haystack, and jump, as soon as we fly over the haystack, let go of the cable, and make a leap of faith. And now we are going to the cathedral, there we rise to the top of the tower, and use the hint.

You need to solve the puzzle. There will be several identical signs, we turn them along the axis, and point them at each other, and so on with each of these gears. On the other tower, an entrance has opened for us, we run there and examine the local artifact. But then Lucy Thorne appears. She wants to take the artifact from us, let's stop her.


  • Reflect all of Lucy's blows

First, throw a smoke bomb, and quickly attack Lucy, use a counter attack, and avoid her attacks. Let's watch the video. Evie tried to throw Lucy off the window, but she grabbed the artifact and fell with it, and immediately disappeared without a trace. A piece of Eden is lost.


£1025. XP 650. Lady Melina's dress.

Task 2 | friendly competition

Jacob meets Attaway, the founder of a trucking company that has become a major competitor to Starrick's trucking company, owned by Malcolm Millner. We decided to help Ettaway, get into the carriage, and head to the destination. There is one of Millner's sixes, the chase is after him, we will try to catch him and kill him.


  • Rescue the omnibus driver from the pursuer

We quickly chase after him, and shoot at the horse, he dies. We go further to Millner's warehouse. He is preparing explosives to blow up Miss Attaway's omnibuses. Let's disturb him. We sneak in, kill the guards near the omnibus, and push this cart with explosives to other omnibuses, and set it on fire. And then we quickly run away. Miss Attaway, she didn't tell us anything, only that we had one more task to do.


£785. XP 500. Eagle Kukri.

Task 3 | Lady with a lamp

Arriving at the hospital, Clara became ill, after the death of Eliotson, instead of drugs, they began to sell fakes. One of the nurses named Florence Nightingale will help us cure Clara, but ingredients are required. In eight minutes, we need to have time to find everything, and give it to Florence. We quickly go to the merchant. He needs to steal the ingredients.


  • Don't kill the merchant

We stealthily sneak up on him, and steal what we need. Now we go to the pharmacist. There is a problem, the pharmacist was attacked, we kill the bandits. All the medicines are in the cart, but it is stolen, we get into the carriage, and quickly follow the thief.


  • Steal the apothecary's wagon in less than a minute

We catch up with him, and throw him off the wagon, and now we get to the place of delivery. We give medicines to Florence. Clara will get better soon.


£625. XP 450. Blueprint Drug Efficiency II.

Task 4 | Urgent news

Alexander Bell told us that Starrick was sending us false messages. And then the bandits came to him, who want to take away the telegraph from Alexander. It was he who made for us electric bombs that stun opponents. Let's not kill krugs, but first we'll play with them and try out new weapons. We get to the point, and wait. And as soon as Alexander says the word "pumpkin" we throw a bomb. Wait, goals. As soon as he says the word "radish" we immediately act. And the last word is "tomato", the enemies are very angry, and they are already resorting to tough measures, jump down and kill them.

We are heading to the telegraph station.


  • Neutralize bandits by throwing electric bombs

We attack enemies by throwing bombs at their feet. We penetrate inside while Alexander reconfigures the telegraph, we protect it, we interrupt the guards. We redirect to the other side, and wait until he sets everything up there. We run across to another department, and interrupt the guards who want to interfere with us.


£925. XP 1400. Electrobombs X5.

Task 5 | Research and Development

Ms. Attaway has information on the "internal combustion engine", this design will bring Millner a lot of money, let's stop him, we need to intercept the train.


  • Don't kill any of the police convoy

We follow the convoy, wait until it stops, and immediately attack, quickly throw smoke, and steal the carriage, drive to a safe place. We release Ned, she will help us. We're on a train, we need to check all the boxes and find the engine.


  • Unhook reinforcement wagons, 2 in total

We immediately kill the guards, and unhook the car, head to the third box, only there is an engine, unhooking the last car, interrupt the guards, and wait until our train arrives, reloading the cargo.


£785. XP 500. Sir Lemay's cane.

Task 6 | Natural selection

Mellner is on the run, trying to save his cargo ferry, kill him, make him pay with his life. We go to the ferry.


  • Don't touch the water in the river

To do this, we use our hook, cling to the beams, and fly from place to place, and get to the desired ferry. And so is our cargo.


  • Destroy two contraband shipments at the same time

We kill the guards with the help of bombs. Stealth is not important, we attack openly. We shoot them with a revolver. Now let's do the tests. We take three boxes of dynamite and put them between the boxes with the cargo, and quickly set fire to it, and immediately run away, two cargoes are destroyed, we completed the test. And we destroy the last two. And that Millner appears, we run to kill him, and after waiting for the right moment, we kill him. Let's watch the video. Mellner said something about family ties, between Attaway and Starrick, we need to sort it out, run to Attaway. She betrayed us, she just took advantage of us, so we're heading to the station.


£785. XP 500. Black leather bracer.

Task 7 | End of the road

Jacob goes to Waterloo Station to retrieve the engines and kill Pearl Attaway, who turns out to be a Templar. Soon Starrick's men will be unloading the engine wagons. At the train station, we have the possibility of murder. Our goal is Ettaway.


  • Release the stationmaster
  • Use the secret passage

First, we release the head of the station, for this we penetrate inside the building, and with the help of murder weapons we cut down everyone. And let's leave the boss. Now we go down, bypass the guards, and look for a secret passage. Which will be in the sewers. Having made our way through it, we will use a unique murder, we are looking for the head of security. We kill him, and we found out that the train has unprotected parts, we quickly head there. Let's watch the video. And we run away to the driver's cab to hide on the train.


£2105. XP 2650. Crossroads belt.

Part 6

Task 1 | Good deed

A man named Edward was attacked by bandits, they threaten him with violence, he gets into a carriage and leaves them. We quickly sit down, and catch up with the guards, shoot them, and take his carriage under control. And we get to the omnibus factory, then you need to find the contract and steal it.


  • Don't let the target leave the factory

We penetrate inside, mark the target, and head towards it, we secretly interrupt the guards. We sneak up on the leader, and kill him. We leave the factory and return the contract. These people will get things done quickly.


£900. XP 750. Blueprint Bracer"Mirage".

Task 2 | An annoying nuisance

Tower of London

So we need to return the stolen, we penetrate into the restricted area. And look around the area. We have several possibilities. Chief among them is the opportunity for murder.


  • Kill less than 5 royal guards

We have an ally, he will help us make a unique kill. But first you need to kill three disguised Templars. To do this, use eagle vision, and mark them, and now we kill. Now we head to him, and with the help of him we penetrate the Tower. And as we get to Lucy Thorne, we wait for the moment and kill her, but she does not tell where the shroud is. We leave the restricted area.


£1150. XP 650. Master Assassin Outfit.

Task 3 | Identification

Our goal is a certain Mr. Dredge, we penetrate the building.


  • Don't kill the cops

Having crept up to Dredge, we kidnap him, and secretly take him out of the building. Later it turns out that this is Mr. Abberline. He tells us information about bank robbers.


£955. XP 550. Jade Kukri.

Task 4 | Tea ceremony

We need to find the weapons of the smugglers, but it is located on one of the ships, we make our way there alive. We are in the forbidden territory, we kill the guards, and we inspect the first cart, but there is no cargo in it. We go to the second, there is also empty. Near the third there are guards, three people, we kill them with the help of smoke bombs. And we examine the cart, the weapon is there. We are waiting for him to be taken away, and we begin to pursue the cart. We pursue them for several minutes, it is best to move along the roofs. And here we come to the appointed point.


£830. XP 400. Mesh belt.

Task 5 | Dirty money

We need to get Tapenny. There are several possibilities.


  • Find the secret passage

We use the possibility of a unique murder, we will kidnap the commander of the guard. He tells us that Tapenny is in the vault looking at his paintings. We penetrate to the second floor, and look for a secret passage. Going down, we sneak further to the vault. There will already be a lot of bandits, but we need to hide behind the picture in order to make a unique kill. To do this, we kill the bandits who will interfere with us, and we make our way to the picture, and hide behind it. We wait for our target, and then we kill. Let's watch the video. The target is killed, we leave the restricted area, first we throw a smoke bomb, and we run. The bank will be closed for several weeks, the robbers are detained.


£2615. XP 3650 Master Assassin Outfit.

Part 7

Task 1 | Plans changed

We went to one of the princes of India. The plans that were needed were taken away. But they can be returned, in which case Henry will help us.


  • Instruct Henry to divert the attention of two opponents

There are several guards who interfere with us, let's ask Henry to distract them. The first chest is empty. The next two will also be empty, you need to ask one of the Templars, he must know where the documents are. He told us that they were hidden. But Henry is gone. The children said that he was kidnapped. We are looking for him and follow the tracks of the carriage.


  • Kill two guards with hanging barrels

We interrogate witnesses on the spot, one of them reports that they saw how Henry was taken to the basement, we go down there, and throw a knife into the barrels, then we release Henry, and hide from the place.


£1450. XP 850. Purple Retribution Blueprint.

Task 2 | Political games

We need to follow the Prime Minister, he is in the Sinop Palace, we need to get into it.


  • Don't kill the Sinop Club guards

Inside, mingling with the crowd, we try to stay close to the Prime Minister, and listen to his conversation. And then the first target appears, we intercept it, but as soon as he begins to leak information to us, he is immediately killed. We run after the shooter.


  • Don't let the arrow hit you

Use the hook to climb onto the roof and catch it. And then he tells us everything.


£1150. XP 600. Belt with iron plates.

Task 3 | Private security

The Prime Minister is in danger, and that's when his carriage was attacked.


  • Crew must not take more than 50% damage

We climb up and interrupt the shooters. Here below, more guards arrived, and we interrupted them. Suddenly the carriage is stolen, we quickly take the team in hand and behind the carriage.


  • Steal a crew in less than 1 minute

We accelerate, and jump on the enemy from the top and kill. We take the crew to a safe place. Let's watch the video.


£1250. XP 667. Red and gold cloak.

Task 4 | Mrs. Disraeli's Charioteer

Our walk is unfortunately canceled, the governor's wife is waiting for journalists whom she does not want to see. But we will help her with this, just get rid of them and that's it.


  • Instruct the girl to distract the journalists

A girl will sit near the entrance, we bribe her, and make our legs, from journalists. We return to Miss Disraeli. Escort Miss Disraeli to Devil's Acre. When we get there, we will take the miss through the slums.


  • Don't get caught by bandits in the slums

Quietly we escort Miss Disraeli to the best pub in London. But trouble is right there, Desmond was stolen, we run after the thief, it will be easier to search for him by the barking of a dog. Having selected the dog, we return back and pick up Miss Disraeli. But the thief returned, but not alone, but with a gang, we get into the carriage, and leave, and return the governor's wife home.


£1250. XP 700. Design Bracer of Death.

Task 5 | Impeachment initiation

Jacob is about to kill the Earl of Cardigan in the Houses of Parliament. There are several possibilities, but a more suitable one is the opportunity to kill.


  • Don't kill the cops
  • Don't let the target see you

We get to the parliament building, and we are waiting for our target, which needs to steal the password from the door, waiting for the right moment, we steal what we need. We are looking for an entry point to the building, and finding a certain door, we sneak up to it. They demand a password, we tell it, and quickly kill the assistant to the Earl of Cardigan, and then Cardigan himself. Let's watch the video. We leave the parliament building, just as we got into it.


£3730. XP 4250 Scoundrel Outfit.

To begin the passage of the eighth chapter, you need to free several areas that are under the rule of Starrick.

Part 8

After a long liberation of areas, new story missions are available to us.

Task 1 | strange couple

A well-known stage director in London invites Jacob to his theater to offer him a business proposal. In the end, Maxwell Roth will help us destroy Starrick's power. Now we get into his carriage and drive to our destination. The explosives will be delivered to Starrick soon, but we won't let them fall into his hands.


  • Use the moving train

The train is already very close, jump on it, and head to the station. At the destination, a lot of security. We sneak out of the train. And looking for explosives.


  • Set fire to all the dynamite to destroy it

After killing five guards, we set fire to the first box of dynamite, and immediately run to the second. We do the same with the rest of the boxes. Now we need a driver, having marked him with the help of eagle vision, we kidnap him, and lead him to the locomotive. And we're leaving.


£1410. XP 750. Lady Kiriel's Shawl.

Task 2 | Triple theft

Soon three minions of Starrick are about to disappear, this time Maxwell Roth will go with us, we sit in his carriage, and we go to the National Gallery.


  • Don't kill anyone at the target location
  • Don't let the target escape the abduction

We're on site, looking for clues to find out where Hetty is. One boy witnessed the theft, the statue was hidden in the sewers. You do not need to kill anyone, the best way is to take one guard and lead him with you. So no one will see us. Approaching Hattie. We kidnap her, and calmly lead to the carriage. The next target in the park, having arrived, we look for it and kidnap it, we carefully lead it to the carriage. And the last target is in Scotland Yard. This is a policeman, having entered the house, we sneak up on him, and kidnap him. And we lead to the carriage. Then we get to the meeting point.


£1410. XP 750. Assassin's Bracer Design.

Task 3 | To the delight of the public

A new task from Maxwell, we go to the workshop where they make weapons for Starrick's army. Maxwell offers to blow it up, so let's do it.


  • Don't kill anyone while planting explosives

No one needs to be killed, only knocked out, having reached the boxes with dynamites, we take them, and put them to the workshop. We run to Roth. Maxwell is crazy, he wants to kill the children who are in this workshop. We quickly run there to save them.


  • Save all the kids in less than 2 minutes

We take out all the children from the house, and then a bandit runs up, kill him, and take out another one, then another. An employee of Rota brought us an invitation to the Rota Theater.


£1410. XP 750. brass knuckles copper love.

Task 4 | The final

We are at the Alhambra theater, our goal is Maxwell Roth. There are several possibilities, but let's take the opportunity for a unique kill. First, let's kill the guard and take the mask from him. Next, we get inside, inspect the area. We head to the place for the possibility of a unique kill.


  • Kill Roths without using a ranged weapon

To begin with, let's kill the dummy Rots, and only then we will release the mechanic so that he lowers the grates. Having freed the mechanic, we watch the video. Maxwell set fire to the entire theater, well, our move, we rise to the top and cut the rope. Let's watch the video. Now we run from the theater.


  • Leave the Alhambra in less than 90 seconds

We got out.


£3730. XP 4250. Vampire Blueprint.

Part 9

Task 1 | big trouble

We have information about where the shroud is located. There will be one ball soon, and Starrick will be there. He will try to steal the shroud, but we must stop him. First, let's get invitations to the score. We are heading to the Gladstones' house.


  • Don't kill the cops

The Gladstones were not there. But the girl saw how the two carriages parted. Mr. Gladstone drove to the right, we go there. We're there, he's having a private party here. We carefully sneak up to the tent, and steal the invitation. Now you need to steal Mrs. Gladstone's invitation. She is at the station. She is guarded, waiting for the right moment, we steal the invitation. Now, to complete the task, we steal the carriage of Mrs. Gladstone.


  • Don't damage the Gladstone crew

We steal the carriage with confidence, and deliver it to St. James Park.


£1580. XP 850. Devil's Handshake Blueprint.

Task 2 | Impressive outfit

Jacob meets with Abberline to discuss how to smuggle weapons into the ballroom. In order to carry weapons to the score, Freddy will need a guardsman's uniform. Well, let's climb St. Martin's Church, look around the area. And we go to pick up the uniform.


  • Don't kill anyone

We calmly go down, sneak up on the guardsman, knock him out, and take him to a secluded place. We pick up the uniform, but you need to hide the body.


  • Hide the body in the carriage

We throw the body into the first carriage that comes across, and we take Freddy's clothes.


£1580. XP 850. Belt of the Master Assassin.

Task 3 | family policy

The plans for the restoration of Buckingham Palace are gone, so you have to make do with copies. But Prince Duleep can give us copies, but we need to complete a task for him. Get on with the job.


  • Steal the carriage without entering courtyard
  • The carriage must not take more than 50% damage

We are not allowed to enter the courtyard. Therefore, we will do everything from the roof of the building. In order for the horse to leave the yard, we will scare it, throw a smoke bomb under its feet, and wait until the horse leaves the yard. Then we get into the carriage, and we go to Dulip, we pick him up, and then, according to his instructions, we deliver all the famous personalities of London to their destination. After we followed all the instructions, the prince told us where the copies of the restoration were. We return the crew to the place.


£3080. XP 1600. Cloak of Victory.

Task 4 | The final

Here we are at the ball, so the drawings are in our living room, to get there we need a key, for this we take a guardsman, and let him lead us to the door, and then we knock him out, and open the door, break open the chest, and take the drawings. We head to the entrance to the vault. But then Mrs. Disraeli stops us and takes us to Queen Victoria herself to introduce her. Let's watch the video. While Evie is dancing with Starrick, we take control of Jacob, and we go to Abberline, pick up the equipment. And there is information that instead of the guards on the roofs there are Starrick's people. We kill them, you can not sneak up, but just brutally kill them. Now let's free the prisoners. And kill all the Starrick impostors.


  • Free all groups of royal guards

We jump down, throw a smoke bomb, and interrupt the impostors, and free the hostages. We do the same with the next group on the other side. All impostors are killed. We give the equipment to Evie, and run to the entrance to the vault, Starrick is somewhere there. But it wasn't there, Jacob was in danger. We play as Evie, quickly run to save Jacob, go inside and run to Starrick. Starrick has created some kind of protective wall.

We pass it, and enter the battle, use all attacks, and make counterattacks. Evie throws a blade at him, in the stomach, but it's useless, the shroud heals Starrick. Jacob steps in. He quickly attacks, we stab him in the chest with a blade, but there is no sense. We are trying to weaken him with the help of Evie, but it does not work. Jacob and Evie land the last blows on him. Let's watch a long video. End!

The game starts very interesting. Namely, from the dirty deeds of the Abstergo corporation. During the cutscene, you learn that the Templars are looking for the Piece of Eden in Victorian London, but since the Brotherhood of Assassins cannot be allowed to get such an item from their worst enemies, they are also going to go to Victorian London in search of this little thing. For this case, "modern assassins" will use the memory of Jacob and Evie Fry, who lived in industrial London, however, where you need to go. The screensaver continues, moreover, in the course of which you are even slightly introduced to the "Grand Master" (Starrick), who ruled all of London at that time.

Sticks in the wheels

Ferris Smelters, Croydon 1868

So, it all starts with the fact that a certain George tells the purpose of arriving in this place and, in the end, introduces you to the very “twins” who became the main characters of the game. Jumping on the train, you go to your goal. You will now play as Jacob Fry. Your first task: (industrial tycoon). First subtask: . As soon as control passes to you, you will see the “65 m” icon in front of you - this is the distance to the key target. Getting to the key point is not difficult. Along the way, you can make sure that your goal is a real bastard: small children plow at the factory in inhuman conditions.

Upon reaching the gate, it turns out that they are locked. You have a new subtask: . Run to the key point - it's not far. In total, it will be necessary to twist three valves. Having slowed down production, a new subtask appears: . You can kill the first bandit by simply jumping on him. After killing him, move on. Next, you will have to fill up three bandits. In battle, just hit and press the indicated buttons in time, because this is how you will be able to carry out counterattacks and other tricks.

Advice: Always remember that the dead can be searched for valuables. With them you can find not only money, but also other equally useful things, for example, knives.

After the fight, go to the doors. Find the key point on the screen and get to it. The paths to the checkpoint are completely different, so how exactly to move to it is up to you. Jump down from the crane and then you are introduced to such a detail gameplay as "Discovery". Your new key point is a little further away and there will be bandits along the way, so there are three options for how to complete this part of the task: 1 - just run; 2 - stealth (running on roofs, boxes, etc.); 3 - kill (that is, kill all the bandits and calmly get to the key point).

Advice: Any assassin has Eagle Vision, so Jacob and Evie Fry are no exception. This ability allows you to determine the location of enemies, so you can always be aware of where the current position is and how your opponent is moving. In addition, marked enemies with this skill will be able to see through walls.

In any case, once you get to the key point, climb up. After passing through the doors to the adjacent part of the factory, you are introduced to another gameplay detail - "Stealth". There you will also stumble upon another bandit, who must be removed from the road as usual. Either way, move on. Having determined the location of the enemies, go around them, or remove them from your path.

Advice: Be careful during the passage of tasks, because in some places there are chests with useful things. In the chests come across completely different items, for example, money and knives, or something else no less useful.

Having reached the key point, you have a new point, so again on the road. After passing through a certain selection room (where people are selected for work), you get to the working shop, where a new cutscene begins with the participation of the main target - Rupert Ferris. After literally making you hate him once again, you're back in control and your main objective has been updated. Your new task: . It’s just not possible to get to the goal, because there will be bandits who need to either get around or kill. I recommend climbing to the very top to the pipes and go through them to the premises of your key goal. There already jump down to the roof and in any case go through the doors. Ahead will be a bandit who is impossible not to kill.

After you have removed the obstacles, go further, go down the stairs and find yourself in the neighboring part of the work shop. From the balcony you are standing on, you can see Rupert's "booth" - go there. Having reached the house, two passage points appear. Through which passage to go further - it's up to you. In any case, you will reach the goal.

After killing Rupert, the cutscene starts. During the cutscene, Rupert says that by his death you have achieved little - he is just one "cog" in a large mechanism. Although it is important, Starrick will have a new "part" to replace the "cog".

After the splash screen, your new task is: . The control point is nearby. The path is linear. Jumping on the train, guests suddenly appear - two bandits. It won't be hard to kill them. On the way, you will have to defend yourself from the bandits two more times. As a result, there will be six bandits in total, but they will attack in two. As soon as you kill them, the cutscene starts.

The screensaver is epic. The bandits moved the rails, and the train flew onto the unfinished railway. Naturally, he crashed. Since you can't take Jacob with such tricks, he escaped. As soon as control passes to you, you have a new task: . Climb down and quickly get out of this place. The whole path is built on jumps - nothing complicated.

Simple Plan

Starrick & Co. London 1868

"Evie embarks on her plan to kill David Brewster and retrieve the Piece of Eden."

It all starts with the fact that Evie Fry considers the plan of a factory and determines the place where the Piece of Eden is supposedly located. Soon, guests will come to the girl - bandits. Only one bandit remains in this part of the train, and the other leaves. Remove the bandit who was left to guard this part of the train.

Advice: At this point, the game will tell you to whistle in order to get the bandit's attention - so do it. But when you do this, don't forget that you can do this trick on other enemies as well, just by getting their attention and gently moving them out of your way.

After killing, your new task is: . Move forward. You can throw a knife at the second enemy - instant death if hit. After going a little further, you again stumble upon a bandit - remove him from your path and climb onto the wagon. Soon the roofs of the wagons end and you need to remove two bandits from the path. Once you've done that, keep moving forward. As you walk past the refugees, you can see a couple more bandits in front of you, but they are now on the roof, so the task is a little more complicated, but nothing too difficult.

Advice: When 50 meters remain to the target, this means that now you are near the trailer, inside of which there is one bandit and a chest. If you want to get useful things - do not miss this place and be sure to look inside (below is a screenshot with the location of the chest).

In the end, there is not much left to the key place. Now it will not be difficult to get to the place where you need to unhook the locomotive, since you will no longer meet any enemies. Having unhooked, the splash screen starts and the screen darkens. Soon you will arrive at the right place. Your new task: . Most of the bandits leave to look for that part of the trip that you disconnected, so consider that you got rid of half the problems.

After getting rid of the bandits on the way to the viewpoint (or just slipping past them), climb up the rope. Upon reaching the checkpoint, the cutscene begins. During the cutscene, you are introduced to a certain Lucy Thorn, who is an occultist and thus David Brewster, who is a scientist. Judging by the bandage Lucy Thorne and the conversation with the scientist - she belongs to the Order of the Templars.

After the cutscene, you are introduced to a new gameplay detail called "Become an Assassin". Your new task: . Your additional subtask (optional): . The side objective is simple and doesn't make much sense: you're either luring enemies under where you can drop barrels, or you're already dropping barrels in places where enemies are standing. Moreover, it is much easier to break the rope with a knife - remember this. In this not too complicated way, you will collect five deaths, and complete an additional task that will bring you a good reward at the end of the game.

In any case, you should not be too distracted from the key task. Move very carefully to the new checkpoint. You can kill bandits along the way, or you can work "purely on stealth" - you choose. As soon as you find yourself near the train, which is shown in the screenshot below, go down into the underground passage, what will be there. Along the way, you can kill the sleeping bandit (or leave him alone). In front of him there will be a passage to the right - you go there. Then turn left and go straight to the stairs.

Advice: In this underground passage under the train, going to the very end and turning to the left, look around, because it is in this place that there is another chest full of useful things and this is the only way you will find it (below is a screenshot with the location of the chest).

As soon as you find yourself inside the building, then carefully listen to what the people above are talking about, because soon they will lay out valuable information for you without realizing it. You learn from them that an interrogation of a man who was caught on the territory of this plant is taking place upstairs. As a result, you will have a new task: . It's time to get to the key point at the top. Along the way, you may have to remove a couple of bandits. There will be two enemies near the hostage, so you have to get rid of them.

After killing them, the cutscene starts. From the hostage, you learn the location of the laboratory and that you need a key to it. Your new task: . I recommend after the conversation to get out on the roof, because there will not only be good review territory, but even from there it is easiest to get to the next key place. In any case, it's up to you to decide.

In the end, once you get to the right building, you will have places on the radar, thanks to which you can get inside. Inside, use the "Eagle Vision" to find the target, which is the treasured key. Remember: key goals are always marked in gold. As soon as you find the target, you have a new task: . You can use any method - do not be shy.

Advice: In the task where this “key keeper” is located, there will still be a chest. Moreover, it is best to look for the chest from above (even despite the fact that it has a grayish glow), since the viewing radius will be increased and thus it will be easier to find it (below is a screenshot with the location of the chest).

If you are having problems due to the number of enemies nearby, then use a smoke bomb. So you will quickly deal with the enemies and be able to pick up the key. After taking the key, your new task is: . And now it's best to get out on the street and move towards the goal from there.

Advice: There are a lot of chests in the buildings in which you can find a lot of useful items, so if you are not lazy, you can hunt a little more in search of boxes, but as usual, be extremely careful (below is a screenshot with the location of the chest).

Inside the large building, on which secret passages will be marked, there will be a door and secret laboratory. In addition to the fact that along the way you will come across a bunch of bandits, the entrance will also be guarded by a bandit, moreover, bald and healthy. In any case, kill him and click on the door, after which the cutscene will begin.

Advice: In the same huge building there is also a chest. But in order to find it, it is better to climb higher inside the building to find it. Inside the box, as usual, there will be money and a couple of useful things (below is a screenshot with the location of the chest).

Once inside, go to the elevator and go down by pressing the lever. While you are descending, you will again be shown another element of the gameplay - “Improving skills”. You will also get the opportunity to pump something with Evie, if you want, of course. Going down, you get a new task: . If you have pumped a skill called "Double Kill", then below you can test it on two bandits (and more than once). In any case, move on - the path is linear. At some point, the cutscene will start. Here you will again be shown your goal, which must be removed.

Your new task: . Additional task (optional): . At the first opportunity, use Eagle Vision to mark all the guards in the next room (one, by the way, you can instantly remove with a knife). In any case, climb higher and get over to the balcony where two bandits are (or were) standing. Once on the balcony, if you have time, finish off two bandits, and if not, then follow them and kill each one by one, but be careful.

So, in order to kill David from above, you need to climb the iron fittings from above in his hall. Climbing up is not difficult, because there are many paths. Therefore, as soon as you are at the top, at the first opportunity, jump on the scientist and kill him. The splash screen will start.

You learn from the scientist that the Knights Templar have found a more powerful Piece of Eden and now Starrick is unstoppable. After the dialogue, the laboratory comes to an end, because the generator that stands here has been rebooted. Having gained control over the heroine, you get a new task: . There is nothing difficult in escaping: run, overcome obstacles. At some point, you fall under the rubble. Your new task: . Move along the only available path. Nothing complicated. Once you choose to Fresh air, the task comes to an end.

Advice: At the end of the game, there will be a score for what you did in the task. You will receive an additional reward if you have completed all Additional tasks(in this case, drop the barrels on five enemies and kill the scientist from the air). If some of the tasks were not completed, then you can not expect an additional reward.

Where the grass is greener

Whitechapel, London 1868

"Jacob and Evie try to find Henry Green, leader of the London Assassins"

London meets not too friendly - the boy steals Jacob's wallet. Your first task in London: . Chasing the boy leads you straight to the bandits, so you have to defend yourself. Kill the bandits. After the fight, Evie comes to you, during a short conversation you start to compete. Your new task: "Get to the factory." Your optional task (optional): . Overtaking her will not be a problem - she runs like a princess.

Upon arriving at the checkpoint, a cutscene begins. During it, Henry Green comes to you. So he tells you about what Starrick is on this moment be at the pinnacle of power. Then Jacob comes up with a brilliant idea to create his own gang, which will include all the offended people of London. And the gang will be called "Rooks". Of course, no one appreciated Jacob's brilliant idea.

As soon as control passes to you, you have a new task: . You will need to climb up the huge chimney of the plant. Climb up. Nothing complicated. A cutscene will start at the top. After talking with Henry, your new task is: . Jump down with a Leap of Faith. At some point, the cutscene will start. So you will meet Charles Dickens and stumble upon the bandits of the enemy gang.

After the splash screen again, you have a new task: . You will sit on the carriage, and you will have to fight the bandits on it. It's not that hard to fight them. It will be enough that you cut and ram them. As soon as you deal with them, your task will be updated and the following will appear: . Upon arrival to the assassin of London, he gives you valuable information and gives you new instructions. After talking to him, the task is completed.

Advice: Always remember that while completing missions, additional tasks periodically appear, completing which, at the end of the task, you will receive an additional reward. In this case, if you completed the side mission: Get there before Evie. Get some money and experience.

Capture Whitechapel

After talking with Henry Green, your first "big" task begins. In it you have to capture the whole area. The area is called Whitechapel. But capturing the area is not so easy, because you first need to complete four tasks and at the very end fight with someone like the Big Boss. You can find the walkthrough of all tasks below.

Mission: Abberline, right?

First of all, take care of this task, since it is the closest. In the corner you will have a task:. Upon arrival, you meet your sister (since you are playing as Jacob). And so the task begins. An interesting screensaver will begin. After talking with the local cop, you have a new task: .

Advice: This quest is a bounty hunt. You need to capture the target and deliver it to the collection point. For a target that is delivered alive, the reward will be much greater. In addition, after the leader is delivered, the vigilance of the local police will be weakened.

Upon arrival at a key point, your main task is updated and an additional task appears: main task - , additional task - .

So, the first target to capture is not difficult: jump into the hay, carefully get out, sneak up to Homer Dalton and capture him. After capturing, a circle is formed around you, into which enemies must not fall, otherwise suspicions will arise. In fact, everything is simple here. Capture is simple. The carriage is nearby. Bringing a hostage there is even easier. After putting the bastard into the carriage, get in and go to the key collection point. The path will be absolutely safe. For delivering the hostage alive, you will receive an additional reward (experience and money).

Quest: Templar Hunt - Harold Drake

Since after completing the previous task, this task is the closest - go to it. Upon arrival at a key location, you receive two tasks: the main task - , the additional task - . And remember that by killing the "large" Templars, the influence in the area where you are located will decrease.

Don't forget the Eagle Vision skill. When you mark goals and find a key goal, your main objective will update: . In addition, remember that there will be a bunch of “small fish” around the target, that is, ordinary bandits. It is better to be careful with them and clean them very carefully. By the way, there will be chests right there, so when looking around the area, try not to lose sight of anything.

There shouldn't be any problems with the extra task. After removing a couple of bandits, you will clear your path and easily reach the boxes, near which lies dynamite. Then it remains only to set fire to the dynamite and dump it out of here. After setting fire to the dynamite, quickly get out of the area of ​​this task. Soon the target dies, you get out of the marked area, and the task icon appears. If you destroyed the target with dynamite, then you will receive an additional reward in the form of experience and money.

Quest: Gang Hideout - Spitalfields

This quest will be the closest, so go to the specified location, which is related to the affairs in this quest. Upon arrival, you are introduced to the gang's first hideout. Also, your main task is updated and an additional one appears: main task -, additional task -. It is better to climb a house to carefully examine the area. Here, by the way, you will meet the first shooter and sentry. Archers attack from a long distance, they can detect you and even call for help. The sentries raise the alarm. To begin with, I advise you to deal with the targets that walk along the alleys. After that, you can take care of the clock and arrows. Otherwise, everything is simple and there are no special tactics here. Just remember that you are an assassin.

As for the side quest... it's best to free the dodgers after you've taken out the sentry, gunners, and most of the bandits in the alleys, as they can not only cause trouble by seeing you, but also kill the captives. There will be two hostages in total. As soon as you kill everyone, the task will be completed, and if you completed the additional task, you will also receive a bonus reward! And by the way, after a successfully completed task, a fight with an enemy gang will begin, but nothing complicated.

Mission: Catch a homeless child

It's time to go to the last part of the city and thus on the last task. On the spot you meet your sister. Talk to her. The girl will be very businesslike, and you won’t have to chase her. She will share the necessary information with you, but only on the condition that you free the kids from the factory. Your new task: . Go to the indicated point. The factory is located nearby, so you can quickly get to the right place.

Upon arrival, your task is updated. This time you have two main tasks and one additional task: the first main task is , the second main task is , the additional task is . If everything is simple with the first two tasks, then problems may arise with the latter. Better to start climbing up. By the way, here you will meet a new type of bandits - the Leader. Since the leader (who, by the way, will also be a foreman) is not only a strong opponent, but also a LEADER, it is better to remove him quietly in order to sow fear among all other enemies. Try to kill everyone as accurately as possible. It is better to remove those who walk alone first. By freeing all the kids and not raising the alarm, at the end of the task you will also receive an additional reward (experience and money).

Thus, you are already freeing the last area. Open the map and take a close look at it. At this stage, a new task opens for you:. So put a mark and go to a key place in order to kick the hangman gang.

Quest: Gang War

Your task in this task: . Run to the specified point. Upon arrival at the indicated place, you meet your old friend. A very interesting and exciting scene begins. You will be given a new weapon. After the cutscene, you have to decide which weapon to take with you to the showdown. Soon the carnage begins. Your task: . A typical wall-to-wall fight begins. As soon as you come out the winner, another screensaver appears. Your target is Rexford Kaylock, dumping you on the train. Run quickly to him. Upstairs (on the train), a fight awaits you. Throwing ordinary fighters off the train, the battle with the Boss begins. The fight with him is not too difficult, so you will soon gain the upper hand. As soon as the leader of the gang is killed, a new cutscene will begin, in which you will receive a train, a cat pistol, and even several new members of the Rooks gang.

freedom of speech

After a little training, go to a new story mission. Upon arrival, you are introduced to Alexander Graham Bell. As soon as the cutscene comes to an end, and control passes to you, get into the carriage and go to the indicated place. Your new task: . When you get to Big Ben, the main task is updated, and you get an additional task: the main task is , the additional task is .

Climb over the fence and use your shenbiao (cat hook). After releasing the cable, go upstairs. Near the bell at the top, you will be able to install the first fuse. If you are going to climb up and synchronize, then do not jump down in any way, because this way you will fail the additional task.

So, getting to the second fuse is not a problem. It is enough just to aim and release the cable, and then fly to the next tower. Upon arrival, go to the shield and install the second fuse.

There may be problems with the third point, because now you have to fly more than one tower. First, release the cable to a thin pipe, and from it to the large tower of the cathedral. Moreover, it is better to release the cable to the tower as high as possible. Next, you will have to release the cable to the lower tower. Now again release the cable to a small pipe. And only now you will be able to release the cable, which will lead you to the top of the last tower. There, in the last shield, install the last fuse. Your new task: . Grab some carriage and go! Upon arrival at Bell, a cutscene begins.

The splash screen ends and you have a new main task and an additional task: main task - , additional task - . Go to the key point.

So, once in place, it will not be difficult to complete an additional task. You can just rush in and start fighting all the enemies. And do not forget about the arrow, which is located on the roof. In any case, once you defeat all the bandits in this place, search the chest and get 100 metal components. It's time to go to the next point, which is not so far away. After killing all the enemies there, open the chest and get another 100 metal components. Now you need to make a smoke bomb - make it.

Your new task: . It is located nearby. Upon arrival, a new screensaver begins. At this stage of the passage, another one has come to an end story mission, so it will count what you did. If you have completed all additional tasks, then you will receive additional experience and money.

In the next cutscene, Green shows a plan to take over London. At this stage of the passage, all linearity ends, and now you are able to choose which task is best to complete now.

telegraph news

"Jacob and Evie visit Alexander Graham Bell and learn of a new memory"

After a small and short cutscene, control is again transferred to you. Your new task: . In addition, you also have hallucinogenic darts. Climb up the building and take a good look around. You will get a new main task and an additional task: main task - , additional task - . If everything is simple with the main task, then with the additional one it is a bit incomprehensible. So, by shooting a hallucinogenic dart at a fire source, you will thus begin to spray poison under high temperature.

Having dealt with the first enemies, you will have two new main tasks: the first task is , the second task is . And don't forget about additional task. If you see any barrel with fire, near which there will be bandits - be sure to shoot. If you do not have enough darts, then you can find them in chests that are located throughout the territory. In addition, you can also release gang members and hire them to serve you.

As for the cables, it is not a problem to find them and pick them up. In any case, there will be barrels near the right boxes, so with the help of hallucinogens you can easily deal with enemies. As a last resort, you can use the guys from the gang, who will be here as hostages. Having obtained the last - the third cable, the splash screen begins.

After the splash screen, you have a new task:. Keep in mind that in order to get to the desired ship, you have to run along the rest of the ships, and extremely quickly, otherwise you risk not being on time. As soon as you deal with the ship with the bandits, open the indicated box. Inside you find poison. Your new task: . As for the poison itself, soon its effect on you will stop and everything will be in order. Upon reaching, the screensaver begins.

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