Complete all optional objectives in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain: Easter eggs and non-obvious features Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain walkthrough


In this guide to Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain we will reveal several secrets of the game, list all the ways to get money, and also give some general tips for passing, without knowing which you risk losing a decent part of everything interesting that was originally put into the game.

Let's start with simple, but not entirely obvious things that have long been known to someone, but for someone were real secrets.

If you can’t find an opportunity to save in any way, then you won’t find it, because you can’t save anywhere. The save system here is based on checkpoints.

Full stealth without killing, no matter what the developers say, harms you. Leaving someone behind you runs the risk of being attacked from behind at the most unpleasant moment. Therefore, if possible, always eliminate the enemy, but do it silently.

Several failures in a row will force the system to offer you a transition to the easiest difficulty. Everything would be fine, but in this case, pathos-serious Snake will run around in a funny chicken hat with a red scallop.

Use sandstorms to your advantage. With their help, you can hide better.

Money in Phantom Pain means just as much as in real life, so instead of mindlessly running around locations, take care of earning an in-game currency called GMP.

Additional money can be earned on additional missions. Here, as in life, there is no easy money, and therefore you have to plow.

Use the Fulton system, with which you can transfer items from combat missions to the base. Send home everything that you think is useful and in demand for further sale. In short: rob and steal. It's not good, but it's profitable.

It is known that until you start using hired labor, it is unlikely that you will be able to get rich on your own. Therefore, after learning the skill of the Combat Squad, put together this very squad and send it on sorties. It will turn out to be an idyll: you are resting, and someone is working for you.

Look for uncut diamonds. They give a lot of money for them.

Sometimes, if you digress from the purpose of the mission, you can run around the back streets and look for such a thing as a rough diamond. For one such Snake will be paid ten thousand coins. So it makes sense to search.

For completing missions that match your rank, or for those that you have already grown out of, as if from a baby's diaper, you will not earn as much as for completing those missions that are higher than your current level. In short: jump over your head and you will be rewarded.

If you are too lazy to do all this, and you yourself are a noble cheater and scammer, then just look on the Internet for a trainer program that will not only pump you a billion money, but also do a lot of useful things like endless ammo, immortality or invisibility. It's not fair, but it's comfortable, and you won't get banned for it, even if you play the official version.

Next, we move on to the main part of our material, where there will be spoilers, so a dilemma will arise here: on the one hand, the material will be useful just for those who have not played The Phantom Pain, but after reading it, it will illuminate the plot a little, and on the other hand , for those who know the plot, and spoilers are not terrible, perhaps this material will not be useful. In general, make up your mind.

Always mark the enemy. In The Phantom Pain, you can mark enemies with binocular radar. This cannot be done in real life, although it would be very useful. Don't rely on your memory, it will fail you anyway. Instead, get close to the base so that you can see all the hypothetical enemies and mark them. This will help to more clearly observe the movement of the enemy around the base.

Take cover in the folds of the terrain and turn the imperfections of the landscape into an advantage. Enemies here are far from blind, and are able to notice you at a decent distance. Therefore, do not neglect shelters, hide behind sandstorms, run along the beams, get close to the base, hiding behind the hills. But most importantly, use strategic heights, both natural and artificial. From a height, you can not only mark all enemies, but simply shoot them or throw grenades at them.

As soon as you can, get your own captive interpreter.

Take "language". By neglecting the performance of secondary missions, you automatically decide for yourself the opportunity to acquire a translator. You need to do this as follows: when performing a secondary task, be sure to take alive a soldier who knows English. Thus, you will get a translator to your team, due to which you will save time, reveal a lot of additional content, and will also be simply pumped faster.

Interrogate enemy soldiers. The Phantom Pain is full of Russophobia, and Hideo Kojima is also a noble Russophobe, whose Russians are always the worst. But if you play this game, then everything suits you. In general, the new rule follows smoothly from the rule of the previous one. If you have already acquired a translator, you can change a little and diversify your tactics: instead of the banal killing of soldiers, you can interrogate them right on the spot. To do this, you need a lone soldier, or a soldier who has strayed from the group. You run up to him in a half-crouched position, from behind, and, having approached almost point-blank, press on the attack. Snake will grab the enemy, and will conduct an operational interrogation. Among the uninteresting information, you will also come across valuable information about the location of secret weapons, reports about the features of the base defense, etc. In general, use the ability to interrogate, it will be useful for development.

Use the darkness of the night. Give up sleep. Night outings in The Phantom Pain can be much easier than daytime ones. If you can't complete a mission because you are discovered ahead of time, then go on it at night. Under the cover of darkness, soldiers without thermal cameras or night vision goggles will be as blind as newborn kittens. Snake, on the other hand, will see everything almost as well as in the light of the sun. In addition, at night it is more beautiful to watch explosions, shooting, flare launches and other special effects. In general, the night in The Phantom Pain is not a time for sleep - that's for sure.

With all the high technology, Snake's main assistant is a horse.

The horse is your main fighting friend in the whole game. Despite the abundance of various newfangled devices, the most useful "thing" in the game is a horse. Call her by blowing the whistle and go on an adventure. Sometimes it is much easier to gallop past a guarded checkpoint on a horse, hanging like a jigit to one side, which will give the enemy soldiers the impression that the horse is running on its own. Such is, at the same time stupid and naive, but also quite an original gameplay move. So-so, horse stealth, which can be more effective than ordinary stealth.

If you want fun, shoot. If you want speed, hide. If you are tired of stealth, and in our opinion - hide and seek, then take the heaviest machine gun and go on a mission. It will be fun and colorful. In the end, almost all players slide into this, since the game is long, and even artificially stretched, but you need to keep in mind that the passage with shooting will take you more time than the stealth passage. Well, if time is precious to you, then avoid civilization. Do not shine on the infrastructures, but try to stick to the most provincial, dense places where no one will notice you for sure.

Take prisoners and send them to work. Killing enemy soldiers is not always good. This, of course, is spectacular and interesting, but not as useful as it could be. At the very beginning of the game, when you already have a base, turn off the soldiers, attach Fulton balloons, better known as controlled balloons, to them, and send the soldiers to your base. After completing the mission, and arriving at the base, you will be able to learn the skills of each soldier, and dispose of them in the most effective way. First of all, we are talking about the construction and improvement of the base. Soldiers can and even should be involved in these works. Such is wartime slavery. In addition, such captives can be used for intelligence purposes, as well as in production. The most intelligent and skilled can be entrusted with the creation of weapons.

Use the Reflex mode. Despite all the toughness of Snake, in The Phantom Pain he can be killed very quickly. Therefore, everything here is like in the Wild West: the one who will have a higher reaction, a firmer hand and sharper eyes will remain alive. To stay alive, Snake will need to demonstrate feline dexterity. Fortunately, it’s not for nothing that he is half a cyborg, and a lot of useful things are sewn into him. One of those things is the Reflex Mode. It is a three-second slow-motion, during which you can take several shots, the main thing is not to panic. A very useful skill in a limited time frame.

Beware of snipers and change your location. If you light up in some area remote from the base, and not just light up, but manage to bring trouble to the enemy, then this place can be fired from artillery, mortars, or combat helicopters. It certainly doesn't seem like much. Well, in the end, it is worth advising to look around. Meeting with a group of snipers in the sands of Afghanistan, as a rule, ends in tears, and not at all for snipers. They are masters of disguise, and they hit very accurately, so be always on the lookout - this is the main thing that Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain will require from you.


Dedicated to a comrade under the nickname KRYJOK, whose attempts to complete these same missions prompted the writing of this guide.
Good day! As many of you know, for unknown reasons, the second chapter of our beloved MGS V is filled with replay missions from the first chapter, but with a few changes. Once I happened to see the game of a friend who tried to complete such a mission and it didn’t work out very well for him. Looking at this, I had the idea that for sure many people suffer with the passage due to lack of time, patience, game money, etc. Therefore, this guide was born, where I will try to describe in detail the ways and options for completing these "special" tasks, as well as reveal some chips that (maybe) will help you in the future.
So let's go!

1. Autonomy (Information war)

This simple mission opens our "parade". But first, a few words about the mode itself.
Autonomy is a classic style of passage for MGSs. You are dropped off somewhere on enemy territory, given a minimum of equipment (almost not at all) and forward, for exploits. Therefore, it is not at all surprising why for beginners, accustomed to different gadgets, guns and partners, missions of this class seem like hell.

1) You will not have equipment. Weapons, costumes, items and companions are not available. Everything will need to be mined locally.
2) Rapid and chicken hat are disabled. Supply Drops, Airstrikes, and Assistance are also unavailable. The only thing allowed is to call a helicopter to the evacuation point.
3) Despite the lack of equipment, still some items will remain with you, namely: an i-droid with all modifications (speaker, for example), a Fulton with all modifications, as well as ONLY prosthetic modifications (for Snake or an avatar). Please note that the landing will take place with the presence of equipped items, that is, there is no possibility to choose something. Therefore, before starting the mission, make sure that you are equipped with the best (portal) Fulton, and that modifications for the prosthesis and the Android are unlocked. In addition, all helicopter upgrades such as armor, missiles, and traps are retained. And yes, do not forget about the character you will play.
Autonomy missions are best played with Snake or the avatar, as prosthetics are available for them. Please note that only the most basic (red) prosthesis counts, but all the improvements will remain with you (mobility, medicine, x2 to collect plants, etc.). It is advisable to open active sonar by this time, as it can be useful for finding the location of enemies.
By default, you will be dropped off at night, but if you replay the task, then there is a risk of being in the light of day.
As a costume, you will only have khaki uniforms available, so don't even count on your favorite "sneaking suits". But don't worry, this is quite a universal uniform, so you won't get the disguise debuff. But with the steps you have to be careful. Although no one canceled the movement of crawling.
It will be much easier for you if you carefully study the area in the open world mode. For each object there are several ways of penetration, and which one you choose is up to you)
So, let's start the mission itself.
1st way. Air assault.
Before the start of the mission, we strengthen the helicopter as much as possible. Armor, traps - all this is necessary. Missiles and platform can not change. Then, in open world mode, we go to the eastern communication point and destroy the air defense radar, if you have not already done so. The result of your work looks like this:

What is all this for? The armor will not allow you to shoot down the helicopter quickly, and the traps will take the stinger missiles away.
Your task now is to land right in the center of this location. Even on the approach, try to either destroy the antennas or eliminate the grenade launchers. After the antennas are destroyed, the mission is considered completed.
Of the advantages of this method, one can name the fact that this is the fastest passage. However, strengthening the helicopter will cost you a pretty penny, and you need some luck so that you don’t accidentally get killed (there will be no armor on the character). In addition, you can forget about some of the additional goals.
2nd way. Distracting maneuvers.
The second way is already more interesting, but it will take more time)
We landed on the only safe point. Night, you are surrounded by enemy checkpoints, no weapons, no equipment .... Scary? Panic? No panic, my friend, because in this situation you are a predator, not a victim.
So, let's look around. On the left you can see Da Vialo Callai, and on the right - the road to the Eastern Communications Point. If you want to pass the assignments, it is better to go to Vialo first. We carefully go around the checkpoint, fortunately, there is enough room for maneuvers. Don't waste your time luring and disabling enemies: a captured machine gun will give you practically nothing, and the clock is ticking. In addition, you can accidentally catch the eye of a truck that periodically rides along the route Vialo - Eastern Communications Point.
There are few guards at the very entrance to the village, literally one soldier near the searchlight. Usually he is armed with a sniper, and in the houses opposite him are two prisoners we need. To neutralize it or not is up to you, but for complete peace of mind it is still worth interrogating and stunning. You can’t leave it on the ground, because soon a truck will arrive in the village, which can detect the poor fellow. And then on the way back, they will raise more kipish at each checkpoint. Therefore, either to the base of the soldier, or to the trash can.
So, the prisoners are saved, sniper in hand (or not). If you really need a machine gun or cartridges, then you can sneak into the village headquarters, there is a small warehouse on the second floor. The very first mission contained information about Miller's whereabouts. The machine gun and cartridges for it will be required. As for me, there is no sense in him without a silencer, but if you are calmer with a gun, then it's up to you)
Now the point of contact. You can go through the narrow mountain paths east of Vialo, or you can go back and follow the road. The time on the road will take about the same, as well as the danger of the path does not change. What is there, what is there you will meet roadblocks and ... wolves! Yes, yes, these cute little animals that can easily spoil the whole mission:
There are 6 different ways to get to the Eastern Contact Point. Usually these are three entrances from the north and south sides. Since the communication point itself is end-to-end, the most obvious ways are the entrances from the road. I do not recommend these paths, since there are few shelters there, which means that the risk of being detected is extremely high. The next two entrances are located parallel to the road, on the rocks. In this case, it is EXTREMELY important to look under your feet. That's why:

The explosion will most likely not kill you, but you will attract attention, and you don’t need it.
But it’s worth taking a mine with you, it can still come in handy.
The northern entrance, which is symmetrical to this, is also guarded by mines, and there is also a guard with night vision devices who will set you on fire from 60m. You can, of course, lure him and strangle him, but this is dangerous. Remember, in case of detection, you will not have rapid and only 5 seconds to "calm down" the soldier who has noticed you. Otherwise, there will be screaming, noise, shooting, and so on.
The last inputs are also located symmetrically with respect to each other. These are the highest entrances. It will be difficult to enter from the south, as a couple of wolves sit at the entrance. But if you want to do additional task for diamonds, then you have to. Wolves cannot be fooled without a decoy bottle, but can be knocked out by hand or counterattack. True, not everyone succeeds. If you don’t get along with animals at all, then capture the nearest soldier to you (the machine gunner stands alone at the entrance to the location), strangle him, bring him to the wolves and put him on the border of their field of vision. You yourself can step aside (sideways, not back) and wait until the soldier wakes up. Or kick, so as not to waste time. As soon as he comes to his senses, the wolves will rush to the intruder, and you can slip through. If they defeat the soldier, you are NOT protected from killing. And if the wolves are killed, then this will not affect your conscience either.
The northern entrance is relatively safe, apart from that big-eyed night vision soldier.
Whichever entrance you choose, you can enter from each. But first I recommend to lie down and look around. Mark all the enemies you see, think over the route, mark the antennas.
And now the fun begins.

Autonomy (Information War) (continued)

A. Air maneuvers
Call for a helicopter to land in this area. Enemies will be distracted by the spinner, and you can carefully shoot towards the antennas until they are all destroyed. Don't forget to change positions.
B. A chain of sabotage.
If you feel sorry for the helicopter, then remember the mines that you collected on the way. Carefully sneak towards the antennas and place several mines near the dishes. Mines explode from bullets. In addition, you can stun a soldier with a rocket launcher, but be careful, as the risk of detection is extremely high when fired.
Your best friend in this situation will be a sandstorm. If you listened to me and made preliminary marks, then during a storm everything will be visible, but it will be difficult to notice the shots.
Note: sandstorms occur three times a day: around 9-10 am, 6-20 pm and 3 am. Exceptions are artificial storms, but they are not available here. The duration of the storm is about 1-2 minutes.
V. Ninja with grenades
Pay attention to a small house in the southern part of the post. Usually 3 soldiers are spinning around him, an air defense radar is on the left, and in front is a tent with a table. It is in this house that one of the additional purposes: transmitter.
To complete the mission, it is enough to destroy only it, but here's the bad luck: it's hard to see this device from the window. But if you sneak into this house, then it's a completely different matter. And some oaf forgot some grenades on the table....

The matter remains small: to leave the house without hitting the chairs. If (again) you've marked all the enemies, then you'll be able to get away unnoticed. Then you just need to throw a grenade through the window and you can leave. If you decide to wait for the storm, then it will be even easier to do so. If you wish, you can practice throwing grenades towards the antennas.
So, the task is completed, the goals are achieved. Under the general hype, do not forget to pick up any of the containers in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe communication post, as this is the purpose of the extra. tasks. Most importantly, do not steal these boxes in advance, in open world mode. And it is best to fly to the base on the same container.

7. Extreme (Metal Archaea)

8. Invisible (Impenetrable Darkness)

Excellent story mission with a sabotage bias. But now the saboteur must also be a ghost)


1) In no case should you be detected, otherwise the mission is failed.
2) Rapid and chicken hat are not available.
3) It is necessary to develop C4 for covert passage. Attempting to blow up the tanks with the grenade launcher will result in detection and failure of the mission.
4) Due to the abundance of metal surfaces, enemies can detect you by the sound of footsteps.
Well, as usual, let's deal with the equipment:
Of course, be sure to take C4 with you. Any other explosive equipment will play a trick on you in the form of mission failure, so it's better not to risk it. To carry out enough 1 explosive charge of the lowest level, so the cost will be small.
As for the partners, the character and the costume, this is already up to your taste: there is not much difference, they drop us off in any way at night (only if you do not replay this mission several times in a row). Keep in mind that soldiers wear helmets, so think about the appropriateness of Quaet. Particular preference can be given to camouflage suits if you are used to them: there is a lot of metal floor on this mission, and your steps will attract attention, and such suits will remove this drawback. However, I always go through missions in uniforms and don’t feel any particular discomfort from booming footsteps.
You won't need any special weapons here, but just in case, take a non-lethal pistol with you. Even if you're a killer, non-lethal weapons don't make as much noise as silenced lethal weapons, so you won't draw attention at all when using tranquilizers.
If you are afraid of persecution, you should take a box with you, but keep in mind: it must be waterproof. In the event of rain, it will be very unpleasant if your shelter falls apart right in the middle of a crowd of enemies. A box of smoke can cause a slight nix, this should not be allowed.
So, the passage itself.
They drop us off in Bwala-i-Masa in the middle of some kind of jungle and rub something about the events of past years. Since there is only one landing point, there is no need to choose. When approaching the village, look under your feet, there will definitely be mines. Since it is night now, you can easily go around the village along the river, and then climb the hill: there will not be very many guards, and even that one is trying to stick around in the houses. If you want to evacuate child soldiers, then night is the right time: just find a house with kids and treat everyone to a tranquilizer (I hope you have developed a childish fulton, otherwise you will have to sweat). Be aware that if you hit NOT in the head, the kids will wake up and start running away, and this will attract the attention of the guard. As a last resort, you can use a sleep grenade, if you have one. By the way, if the children themselves discover you, the mission is also considered failed.
One way or another, you passed Bwala-i-Mas. Then you can go or drive through the forest (you will emerge near the northern entrance to Mfinda), or you can go along the road (bypassing the checkpoint). I say drive because you can have a horse, or you can steal a car from the village. If you drive along the road, you can get into a burned-out village and catch a vulture there:
Before entering Mfinda, from whatever direction you enter, I recommend looking around and marking the guards. If you're passing through in a uniform, then it's worth changing the forest camouflage to something close to concrete (for example, steel gray). IMHO, it's easier to enter from the southern entrance: there are fewer guards, and closer to the tanks.
Since there are two goals for the task, I recommend that you first mine the tanks, but do not blow them up. This is necessary because after the pump is turned off (the second goal), the nix will definitely rise, and if you blow up the tanks right away, a blockade will begin and it will be much more difficult to get out of Mfinda.
(Penetration through the south entrance sewers)
(We crawl to the tanks to the left of the entrance).
The tanks themselves are guarded by two guards, periodically a third appears near them. But there are two doors to the separator substation itself, so as soon as you crawl to the fence, immediately jump down to the lower floor. Make sure there is no guard nearby: this guy is walking back and forth. Below you will see a transformer (do not touch it) and a ladder, that's it, it leads to the emergency entrance to the tanks. Now it doesn't cost you anything to mine the barrels and leave the same way you came.
The control box is connected to the separator bridges of the lower dam, through which you can get to the control room. But keep in mind, a guard walks along the walkways, and another one wanders near the room itself. To minimize the risk of detection, lean against walls and keep an eye on the enemy:

At this stage, you will need a mask. suit so that your steps are not heard. If you suddenly hear "hmm?", then quickly take your feet out of your position (and at the same time leave the stores in the direction of the snorting soldier). He comes, shines a flashlight and leaves.
You can get to the control room via the upper walkways: there are usually two guards hanging out there. You can cut them down, or you can go around: one way or another, you will have one way up. There you put the guard to sleep, turn off the pump and jump down through the window. Do not linger near the control room: after a while, the script for a light nix will work, and everyone will start looking for the intruder. Ideally, when this happens, you should be already near the containers of the northern entrance: just then the guard will move away from them, and you can safely blow up the tank and fly away after the cut-scene on the container. Or capture Volker Gears, if that's what you want.
Mission accomplished, rank S is given immediately, unless you have used stealth systems:

9. Invisible (Military economy)

Another exciting mission. But here are some additional goals that are annoying.


1) Decide in advance how you will pass: with add. goals or just The choice of equipment depends on this.
2) Enemy readiness level: pink. Get ready for mines, snipers, machine gun cameras, armored suits, helmets, body armor, etc.
3) In no case should you be detected.
4) To perform additional. container stealing targets need a portal fulton.
5) There is only one checkpoint available, in front of the entrance to the airport.
As always, let's take some time to equip.
It is strictly forbidden to fight here, so you can immediately take off combat pajamas, grenade launchers and other noisy equipment. If you want additional Helicopter blueprint goal: Take C4. The plastid will also come in handy for the quest if you decide
kill the target (but this is optional, there are a lot of ways to eliminate it). I strongly recommend passing the eavesdropping target through stealth camouflages: save time and nerves, as there is only one checkpoint, and if you fail, you will start all over again. Also, scripts can break on this mission: if one of the interlocutors pays attention to you, and the conversation is interrupted, the goal will not be counted.
For a normal walkthrough, any mask will do. a suit or uniform with a slope for concrete structures (dirt, steel gray, steel blue, squares, as well as stone 2 color or night spotted for night time would be ideal). The last two work despite their descriptions.
Any weapon will do, the main thing is that with a silencer: you can remove the target from the rifle, watch in the hangar with a machine gun, machine gun, etc. A "terrorist" option is also possible with mining a truck or an entrance.
So, how to get through:
I recommend not to stand on ceremony with the implementation, but to quickly complete everything and dump it. All secondary objectives can be completed another time with stealth camouflage.
A. Act of terrorism
We penetrate the airport from any convenient entrance and look for the northern hangar, where our targets go after a conversation in the airport building. Walker Gears (2 pieces) are patrolling around the hangar, snipers are sitting on the helicopter landing site. To avoid being caught by them, crawl or immediately drop to the ground when you say Boss get down!
(No, this is the northern hangar)
There are resource containers here, so you can take a position on this place if you want to kill the target with a sniper rifle.
If not, then get into the hangar itself. Before that, you can remove the guards, but you can not touch them: they still walk along trajectories, so you can avoid meeting with them.
You can mine the entrance with a claymore (they can be collected near the entrances to the airport), or you can mine a truck that our targets will sit in:
(Gift at the entrance)
(Bombed truck)
By the way, if you mine only the gas tank, then the truck will explode after a while, taking the lives of passengers. In this case, the kill will not be credited to you, although the task will be completed:

You can also put anti-tank mines in the path of the truck.
B. Abduction of the century (or ambush)
You can also sneak into the hangar and hide there on the right side of the entrance (there are racks with all sorts of trash and resources nearby). For greater invisibility, you will need a box. Then just watch the targets and capture them in any convenient way: stun, put to sleep, put a sleepy mine at the entrance, force them to surrender. In this case, they can simply be killed with two shots to the head.
You can also listen to the dialogue, wait until they get into the car and Fulton the truck with passengers. But such a joke will pass only if there is a portal fulton, and you should also take care that the frontal Walker Gear does not see your theft.
It doesn't matter which path you choose: you can leave through any door, or you can ride on the containers, which have already been mentioned earlier. However, in the event of an explosion, it is MANDATORY to leave through the fulton, otherwise you may be noticed and the mission will fail.

10. Extreme (Code Talker)

An extremely unpleasant mission, but quite passable.


11. Autonomy (Occupying forces)

A difficult mission, especially for an S rank. The autonomy itself is hell for players, and the specifics of the mission are not the best. It's okay, we'll do it.


1) Autonomy. No weapons, no ammo, no partners, no rapid. And you have a khaki suit, a standard arm (but with all the improvements) and that's it.
2) It is worth strengthening the helicopter with armor before starting the mission, if money allows, as this can come in handy.
3) The readiness level of enemies is pink. Meet armored suits, snipers, helmets, body armor and mines, as well as machine guns and Stingers.
4) By default, the mission starts at night, unless you replay it for the umpteenth time.
Discussing the equipment will not work, well, you yourself understand why. So let's get down to business.
You have two drop off points. I recommend using the one closest to Smasei:
Why? Well, firstly, it’s not far to run from it, and secondly, this point is closest to one very necessary checkpoint.
Let's talk about the roadblock. At number 10, it is located between Shahra Ye and Smasei Laman, and there is an ownerless armored personnel carrier with missiles (scientifically MLRS):
Well, the checkpoint itself on the map:

Before stealing, make sure that there is no soldier nearby, and if there is, then get rid of him. When you taxi, in no case go out onto the road and try not to crash into anything: the noise will attract the attention of enemies and it will be bad.
One way or another, you stole the armored personnel carrier, so you can return to Shahra Ye.
I advise you to go in from the entrance from the side of Smaseya: there are fewer guards, closer to the booth with documents, and there are more places for an ambush and you won’t have to drag an armored personnel carrier through the whole village. Stay close to the rocks on your left, but look under your feet: there will definitely be mines. In addition, a sniper is sitting on one of the rocks, so you need to get rid of him, otherwise he will interfere.
(Position for observing the village from the entrance from Smasea)
(Who is this sitting here?)
From the position of an unlucky sniper, I recommend inspecting the village and marking the enemies so that there are no sudden surprises later. The loser himself is either in the tank, or to the base, or to feed the vultures that fly nearby, that’s how you like it. If you interrogate him before that, he will hand over a couple of guys and a booth with documents.
If you want to free the prisoner, he will be nearby. If you don't know exactly where he is, just listen: if some house whines "I want to go home", then your client is nearby. The prisoner's guard walks nearby (just walks), so you can eliminate him if you are strong in melee.
Further to the booth with documents. This is the highest booth, and the Soviet flag flies on it, so don't miss it even without a tip. Try to move on the left side, climbing the buildings: this way you are less likely to catch the eye. In the booth itself, there are two guards: one with a Stinger, and the second with a machine gun and in an armored suit. You can watch for them separately, or you can go behind the booth (be careful, there is a window and you can be seen), click your hand, and when the enemies come closer, just climb into the window, grab the documents and go through another window. If you have already got a stinger, then in the same house there are ammunition for it.
(The same window).
As soon as you activate the papers on the table, the desired targets will appear. Keep in mind that sometimes a bug happens and the targets appear before the papers are taken. Try to leave the village as soon as possible without being seen by anyone. Look under your feet if you return to your armored personnel carrier in a different way: no one has canceled the mines.
Now it's worth considering a place for an ambush. I recommend a place exactly opposite the helicopter landing: there are several large stones there.
(Ambush place)
You can climb into the armored personnel carrier and destroy all the equipment with it. You can put it across the road to buy it some time for you. You can also place stolen anti-personnel mines to stop vehicles for a short time.
And also you can simply call a helicopter to the evacuation point and it will provide you with support. But if he is without armor, he will be easily shot down, so take care of this in advance.
You definitely need to block the road with something, otherwise, after capturing the last tank and vehicle, you may not catch up with the first tank. By the way, trophy stingers are extremely weak, and it is quite difficult to destroy a tank with their help.
Of course, you can capture vehicles in Smasei itself, but this is long and dangerous. In addition, you most likely will no longer receive an S rank.

12. Extreme (Sahelanthropus)

The final boss is the hardest one. Well, or not really)


1) Sahelanthropus has become survivable 3 times, and it has also become much more painful to beat.
2) It is worth strengthening the turntable with armor, otherwise the robot can knock it down very quickly, and your reputation will suffer (although this will come with time).
3) Still, it's worth opening GGM 25. Well, honestly.
4) The box, oddly enough, protects against the explosions of these black blocks. Might come in handy if you're around.
Everything is brief here: we put on the most bulletproof pajamas (you can go without it, but you have to try), well, or masks. a suit with accelerated regen, grab the GGM 25 (something else is possible, but this gun, as for me, is more reliable) and hit Sahelanthropus on the white cylinders on the back and belly. At the same time, dodge his impromptu whip. From a couple of triple hits on these cylinders, he becomes noticeably ill. Then another helicopter will fly in, it will also help a little. Of course, you can use standing equipment, but it is not red here, which means that this bandurina will destroy them quickly.
Alternatively, you can hit the head, then this will trigger a cut-scene with a flying boy and allow you to complete all the extras. targets in one playthrough.
In general, everything is quite simple, purely a little longer due to the increased survivability of the boss.

(Pay attention to these top hats on the belly)

Final part

That's all, dear reader. I hope this guide has helped you in completing these difficult missions, and also revealed some gameplay features to you. Below I will list them again, and also add a couple of new ones that may also be useful to you.
1) NVD level 4 allows you to navigate well during a sandstorm, and also highlights interactive objects and enemies. And mines.
2) With the help of the Horse, you can capture light cars by simply ordering the horse to "do its business" on the road.
3) If you hit an enemy with a bait bottle, the nearest wild animals will attack him. In addition, this way you can get rid of stunned enemies by simply throwing the bodies into the territory of predators.
4) If you shoot at a pole during the rain in Africa, everyone standing under it will be stunned.
5) The box, oddly enough, protects against explosions. My box is my castle.
6) If you stick a poster of a soldier on the box and stand up to your full height, then the enemy will salute and leave you alone.
7) If you are being chased, then put on the box and press the spacebar (jump out of the box), and then crawl away. The box takes all the unwanted attention.
8) Using the speaker function, you can capture the car by turning on the lullaby of the desired region. You can also get rid of the pursuit by climbing into the toilet and turning on the recording of a soldier with a sick stomach. But for some reason, after that, the cassettes disappear.
9) You can stun animals by running over them with a horse: saves ammo and silencers. In addition, aggressive animals cannot reach you while you are on horseback.
10) Enemies won't hear you if you crawl on your belly even a meter away from them.
11) The location of posts and patrols at different times of the day is different in some locations. If during the day the soldiers stand under awnings, then at night they cluster near the searchlights. Take this into account when drawing up a penetration plan: if you have been to this location during the day and were able to get through, it is not a big fact that at night there will not be a guy with a flashlight.
12) There are 2 to 5 penetration paths for each location. Seek and find)
13) The degree of your visibility can be determined empirically: if you are sitting and the enemy notices you from a distance of 60m or more - the uniform does not fit, if it notices from a distance of 30m - it will do, if it does not notice at all - perfect. By "notices" is meant the moment when the enemy pays attention, begins to pursue and you have a white sector on the screen. Usually it is written on the uniform for which area it serves, but in the case of event costumes, you will have to determine it yourself (otherwise vegetation is an extremely loose concept).
14) The strength and cost of air strikes can be adjusted with the arrows on the keyboard. But remember that the cheapest option is the fastest.
15) Reset dipole. reflectors jams all electronics and radio communications, and also turns off spotlights and headlights. If you have problems with cameras or don't want help during the fight - this can help you. However, about the latter, you can simply destroy the antenna.
That's all I want to tell. Any of your comments and remarks will not go unnoticed, so write, do not be shy;)

Mission 7: Blood Copper
Mission 8: Occupation Forces
Mission 9: Help and retreat
Mission 10: An Angel with Broken Wings
Mission 11: Surrounded by Silence
Mission 12: Road to Hell
Mission 13: Impenetrable Darkness
Mission 14: Common language
Mission 15: Traces of ghosts
Mission 16: Traitor Caravan Mission 17: Rescue of Scouts
Mission 18: Blood Ties
Mission 19: On the Trail
Mission 20: Voices
Mission 21: War Economy
Mission 22: Liberation of the platform
Mission 23: White Mamba
Mission 24: Close Encounter
Mission 25: Avenger's Faithful Hand
Mission 26: Hunting
Mission 27: Root Cause
Mission 28: Code Talker
Mission 29: Metal Archaea
Mission 30: Skull
Mission 31: Sahelanthropus
Mission 33: [Autonomy] Information War
Mission 34: [Extreme] Help and retreat

The main task:

  • A Soviet soldier recruited by the CIA has stopped communicating. Evacuate this "mole".

Personnel with skills:

  • Climber
  • Specialist in electromagnetic mines
  • Missile Control Specialist

Additional tasks:

This is the main task, so you must complete it without fail. The CIA agent has escaped and is in the desert. His location will be marked with a yellow marker. When approaching the indicated point, you will see four Walker Gears prowling through the desert in search of an agent. You either eliminate these soldiers, or sneak up to the agent and evacuate him unnoticed. However, be careful, you do not have much time before the soldiers of the search party discover the fugitive.

From the task it becomes clear that the CIA agent must be evacuated before the arrival of the search party, which consists of four Walker Gear. As soon as you get close to the desert, a conditional countdown will begin to search for an agent. To get to the fugitive faster, take an SUV on a mission, or call something through support. Quickly plot your route along the edge of the desert, bypassing the members of the search party. As soon as you find the agent, evacuate him with the Fulton. You can try to destroy the search party, but then you will have to run all over the desert, because the Walker Gear comes from four directions to the location of the fugitive.

The best option for this task is to wait until the search party finds the CIA agent, because after that all four soldiers will gather at one point and you will not have to run through the desert after them. As soon as they call a car to transport the fugitive, put them to sleep with a tranquilizer and evacuate.

After the search party locates the agent, one of the soldiers will call an SUV to transport the fugitive. After a while, an SUV will arrive. Your task is to put the driver to sleep and evacuate him. This task can be accomplished in three ways:

  • The first way: wait until the driver arrives at the fugitive and evacuate him.

  • Second path: ambush on the way of the SUV from the palace of Lamar Haate. The road in the desert is marked by ruts from cars. Block the road with a car, or just shoot the driver with a sniper rifle.
  • Third way: evacuate the agent before the search party finds him. This will lead to the fact that the search party will endlessly search for the fugitive, and the driver with the car will constantly stand near the Lamar Haate Palace, waiting for an order. You will only have to get to the Lamar Haate Palace and evacuate the driver together with the SUV.

  • The first prisoner is located in the Shago village in the central building on the 1st floor. Be sure to evacuate him before evacuating the CIA agent, because after this event the mission area will narrow and the village of Shago will become inaccessible, as a result of which you will have to complete the mission a second time.

  • The second prisoner is in the Lamar Haate Palace. He is imprisoned in one of the dungeons that are located near the palace building. There are no restrictions when rescuing this prisoner, so he can be dealt with at any time.

To complete the task, you must follow a certain chain of events. After the search party finds the CIA agent, they will call a car that will transport the fugitive to the Lamar Haate Palace. The agent will be placed in a cell and sentries will be posted. After some time, you will be informed on the radio that unknown people have captured the outpost and advanced in the direction of the Lamar Haate Palace. Then an SUV will drive up to the palace from which a driver in a black balaclava will get out. This is the Soviet soldier who was planning an assassination attempt on a CIA agent. If he enters the agent's cell, he will inevitably be killed and the mission will fail. As soon as he gets out of the car, put him to sleep with a tranquilizer and evacuate.

Video passage to the rank "S" with additional tasks №1,2,3,4,5:

DEMON POINTS. The game has a hidden karma indicator. If you prefer to play aggressively, the shard in Snake's head will grow little by little, looking more and more like a horn. Eventually you will reach the Demon Snake stage and Big Boss will be covered in indelible blood. The fastest way to score demon points is to burn hostages, enemies and subordinates, finish off the wounded, deal critical damage to teammates and develop nuclear weapons. Merciful deeds like saving people and animals with Fulton and destroying nuclear weapons take away demon points.

EASTER Eggs EVERYWHERE. In Africa, a recording from P.T., the famous interactive teaser for the canceled Silent Hills, can be heard on the radio. Also in the game, you can pump an active “false target”, and then instead of a rubber Snake, it will take the form of Lisa from the same P.T.

CHICKEN HAT- one of the most easily accessible jokes. It is offered to put on after three mission failures, but can be activated at any time in the settings. In this ridiculous hat, the player may not be afraid of detection: the enemy who notices Big Boss will begin to choke with laughter instead of declaring an alarm. But keep in mind, after the third discovery, the hat disappears until the next mission. Or attempts.

A GAME many references to literature. For example, the pig's head on Eli's desk (and jacket) is a tribute to William Golding's Lord of the Flies. But George Orwell's 1984 received the most attention.

REFLECTION in the helicopter window does not show Big Boss, but the avatar that you created in the prologue of the game. To see it, zoom in on the camera from a certain angle. And think about what that might mean in the context of the story.

FREQUENTLY you can find hidden sound effects. Hitting with a bionic arm while running is a reference to the movie The Six Million Dollar Man,

BIRTHDAY. If you return to the base on the day that you marked as your birthday in the prologue, you will see a cut-scene with congratulations from your subordinates. Snake will even receive a special gift.

SHOWER not only washes away the blood from Big Boss, it restores his strength and rids him of dirt. If you don't wash for too long, Big Boss will start to stink - and enemies will notice his scent. Ultimately, the next time you return to the base, you will be shown a video where Big Boss, covered in flies, gets out of the helicopter, his soldier turns back from the stench, and Ocelot pours a bucket of water on him.

TIKHONE got a lot of special cut-scenes and hidden animations. In the helicopter, in first-person view, she can be seen trying to seduce Big Boss in various ways. And if you have won her full trust and take her on assignments, then some videos will change. Let's say the birthday scene changes, and instead of a bucket of water from Ocelot, you get the opportunity to take a shower with Tikhonya.

QUIET not only sings Sins of the Father, but also listens to Snake Eater, the main theme of MGS 3, in his cell.

REMOVE the enemy can be a good dozen non-obvious ways. Throw an empty magazine at his head, activate a snag (inflatable Snake) near him, jump on him from a height, throw the body of another enemy (or hostage) at him, mark him with a landing point for supplies or vehicles. Even imperceptibly hang him on the fifth point C-4. Experiment!

IF ON THE MISSION YOU HAVE HIT, in the helicopter Wig Boss will have a catheter tube sticking out of his arm.

Aiming point-blank at the enemy, you will force him to surrender. He will put down his weapon and, on command, he can lie down on the ground or tell you the necessary information - about hidden hostages, resources or routes of other soldiers (the same can be found out by capturing the enemy). Be careful: if you don't aim for a few seconds, the enemies jump up and draw their weapons. And some may immediately draw a knife to throw themselves at Snake.

SENTINES ADAPT to your tactics. As the game progresses, opponents will better arm themselves, put inflatable tricks and mines. The more you eliminate enemies with headshots, the more soldiers will appear with helmets that prevent one-shot kills and from which paralyzing darts fly off. If you prefer the night, there will be more soldiers with infrared goggles. But by sending your fighters on missions to destroy enemy supplies, you can keep the number of equipped enemies to a minimum several missions ahead.

KOJIMA loves to come up with explanations for game chips. The phantom cigar speeds up time for a reason. but because it contains special psychoactive plants that affect the perception of time.

ENEMIES ARE PEOPLE TOO. In a sandstorm, soldiers cover their eyes with their hands, in rain they try to find shelter. Shooting a tranquilizer dart will make them scratch, and if you put a knocked out enemy on the bed, other soldiers will not pay attention to him. If they see him in any other place, they can reprimand him for sleeping on duty. If a patrol officer reports a suspicious box to headquarters, he will receive a scolding for stupidity. But another detail is especially interesting: sometimes a grenade thrown into the crowd can force one of the soldiers to cover it with his body in order to protect his comrades.

FULTON BALL can be shot down. Enemies know this too - and will certainly prevent you from transporting their comrades to the base. Also note that the fullton does not work if there is an obstacle above the victim (say, a roof), and bad weather reduces the likelihood that the target will reach the helicopter rather than crash. Also, enemies may notice the disappearance of a stationary weapon or a container with resources, but the disappearance of other patrols will not cause suspicion if they are sent into the sky at least at a distance of thirty to forty meters.

EVACUATE QUICKLY you can also use Fulton, you just have to pump it. When you can pick up vehicles and containers, you can go into the sky with them - you just need to get used to it.

SOME SOLDIERS Snake has a special characteristic of "badass". Because of them, other fighters are sometimes sent to the sickbay.

SKILLS fighters give you access to new opportunities. For example, a recruited translator will allow you to interrogate enemies who speak a certain language, or a dog handler will help you design a combat suit for your dog. But there is also a special specialist - the legendary gunsmith. Having acquired it in your army, you will be able to flexibly customize weapons. To do this, you will need to perform a series of special side-ops. The rest of the specialists can be calculated by interrogating soldiers or by pumping binoculars, then when pointing at a fighter, he will display his characteristics and possible skills.

IF EQUIPPED Snake with a silver shield, he will protect you from damage, even when resting on his back. Therefore, by climbing into the D-Walker with a shield, Snake becomes practically invulnerable from any direction.

REINFORCEMENTS in alarm mode, they come only if an enemy fighter contacts the headquarters and requests help. To avoid this, you must either have time to kill / put the fighter to sleep with a walkie-talkie, or destroy all communication dishes in the camp. To destroy the plates quietly, without explosions and unnecessary attention, you will have to develop and take with you ... a water pistol. If you eliminate the enemy when he managed to get in touch, but did not have time to report the situation, the nearest fighters will be sent to search for him.

SPECIAL AWARDS The game gives out for the fulfillment of certain conditions. For example, you can develop a water pistol when you save the children in the 18th mission, completing side-operation 143 will allow you to “develop” that same Boss bandana, and for capturing the legendary jackal you can create a fulton portal: it cannot be interrupted, it never fails and works even under the roof. Some rewards are unlocked by playing a certain style - say the third Fulton upgrade will be available when you send 500 people into the sky with them.

Anyway, WATER GUN- a useless toy, which, however, can be successfully used on the battlefield. Having approached the enemy from behind with this "weapon", you can force him to lie down on the ground. You can also use a water gun to distract opponents - just spray water in a certain direction, the enemy hears the sound and goes to check what is happening there. With it, you can put out the fire, creating dark areas in which it is so easy to hide from stupid opponents. Water jet undermines mines. Well, if you accurately spray the enemy in the face, then the effect will be exactly the same as from a stun grenade (the enemy will be disoriented for 3-4 seconds). Last but not least, water destroys any electronics, so it is now possible to disable communication devices, radio transmitters and light switches without "noise and dust". But against the fiery man, this gun is powerless.

IF DESTROY communication dishes right before the C2W mission, it will end right on the opening credits.

LIKE THE FAMOUS BOSS The End from MGS 3. Tikhonya can photosynthesize - and can lead a sniper duel with Snake as long as he wants. However, there's nothing stopping you from just summoning a supply crate on her head./

ADDITIONAL COSTUMES are unlocked as a rewards option. Thus, Raiden's cyberninja costume will be available if you complete all the main missions with an S rank. This condition does not apply to missions marked Extreme, Subsistence and Total Stealth. Raiden's suit will make Snake much faster and allow him to jump much further. The Gray Fox costume will unlock after completing the main missions on Hard difficulty (available after beating the game for the first time). Other costumes (silver and gold Naked Snake) are unlocked by completing additional missions, and the cool Diamond Dogs leather jacket is unlocked by completing secret mission 46.

TRANSFER saves from the Ground Zeroes prologue will give you access to the Solid Snake costume and the Big Boss costume from the prologue, and at the same time will allow you to replenish the base with new recruits. For example, Hideo Kojima, in which all the characteristics are twisted to the maximum. It is a pity that he is attached to a certain unit and cannot be played as him. By the way, if you did not save Kojima in Ground Zeroes, you will have such an opportunity in The Phantom Pain - in one of the additional missions.

FOR QUIET the game also stocked up with a special suit. If you defeat her in a duel in the "Expert" mode, you can dress up the girl in the costume of Sniper Wolf - the most charming boss of the first Metal Gear Solid game. Other Tikhon's costumes open by themselves, you just need to achieve her location.

YOU CAN PLAY NOT ONLY FOR BIG BOSS. You are free to choose any fighter from the task force for any mission. Moreover, both men and women received voice acting to interrogate opponents. But keep in mind, especially if you are storming another player's FOB, that only Snake has the ability to use the prosthetic biolocator and that the other fighter's insufficient skill level affects the gameplay for him. And only Snake will return from the mission alive in any case. An operative killed on a mission will die forever.

MANY POSSIBILITIES management will have to figure it out on your own. For example, that in some rocks there are cracks along which you can climb. Snake also knows how to roll on the ground, pretend to be dead and lower his head while sitting in a truck.

EVERY PARTNER brings tactical benefits. The horse is the most stealthy vehicle in the game, because Snake can slide onto his side so that his enemies do not see him. The dog marks surrounding enemies best of all, can attack on command and help you out in close combat: if you took the enemy at gunpoint, and he pulled out a knife, the dog will not allow you to hit Snake and cause an alarm. The D-Walker makes Snake faster and stronger without making him unable to sneak up on enemies. Quiet marks enemies and can support with sniper fire: shoot at a selected enemy on command, take down a soldier who spotted you, and even fire at a grenade thrown by Snake to make it detonate faster.

TIKHONA CAN GIVE ORDERS through the iDroid menu. In the "Support Partners" section, you can send her to any sniper position in the area to scout the area or prepare for an attack.

TRUST PARTNERS increases if Snake takes them on main missions and uses them in combat. Increased trust allows you to develop new equipment for them and opens up new teams. For example, a horse can be trained to defecate on command - manure on the road will temporarily disable enemy vehicles, and the dog will learn to attack enemies and distract their attention with barking.

AUDIO CASSETTES are responsible for half of the game's plot. Only there you can find out that Ocelot's nickname, Shalashaska, came from his other two nicknames - Shashka and Sharashka. Story recordings can be listened to at any time. There is also a player in the game, and in order to replenish the playlist with new songs, they need to be found on tape recorders scattered across enemy camps. PC players are free to load any audio files from their hard drive into the player, whether it's their favorite song or a recording of the legendary scene from the movie "Blood and Concrete", - you just need to drop the files into the CustomSoundtrack folder located in the game folder.

FOR HELICOPTER you can develop a loudspeaker, after which the function "put the track on the helicopter" will appear in the player's menu. Then the loudspeaker will constantly broadcast the track you have selected (including user ones) to the entire district. This will not affect the gameplay in any way, but it will cheer you up.

We are developing a loudspeaker for a helicopter (Droid > Mother Base > Development > Helicopter):

Turn on the music (iDroid > Missions > Cassette Tapes):

SOME AUDIO RECORDINGS ARE USEFUL. If you have at least 60% confidence in Tikhona, after completing any mission with her, you will receive a cassette on which she hums the song Sins of the Father. As long as you play this tape, Snake's hands will not shake when aiming. In some places you can find a cassette with the sounds of a soldier defecating (Johnny Sasaki's father?). If you lock yourself in the toilet and turn it on, opponents who notice you will stop searching (unless they are in alarm mode). African and Afghan music causes nearby enemies from their respective regions to go to sleep. You can also find cassettes with the voices of soldiers - they are able to stop the alarm. All useful cassettes break down over time, but they can be found again.

ANIMAL SOUND CASSETTES allow not to frighten off animals of the same species as in the recording. To get them, send an animal in Fulton, and you can find the corresponding cassette in the base on a special platform. The platform for animals is located separately, it can only be accessed from a helicopter. In the menu for selecting a landing point at the base, you will need to press a special button that will be displayed on the screen. By the way, the audio recording with the roar of a bear scares off enemy soldiers.

ANIMALS CAN BE USED IN COMBAT. You just need to develop a bait and use it near the enemy base. If she attracts aggressive beasts, they will keep the soldiers busy for a while. Snake's pets are not far behind: the dog can be taught the "face" command, and the horse can be left in the middle of the road. At the sight of a horse, the enemy transport will stop, and the driver will try to drive the animal away.

ON THE BASIS A LOT OF INTERESTING but no one will lead you by the hand. For example, over time, posters of Paz Ortega, drawn in anime style, can be found on the main platform and used as stickers for the box. Each platform has a side quest with a shooting range, and as you explore the base, you can find diamonds and emblems to customize your own logo. Patrolmen can help you with this: interrogate them, they will tell you where they saw good. Interrogation, like beating, will only increase the morale of your soldiers, because Big Boss himself made them happy with his attention!

MANY OPTIONAL SCENES appear on the base randomly. For example, a cut-scene in which Ocelot teaches the fighters what Big Boss explained to him in Metal Gear Solid 3. But some episodes will have to be found. So, at the very top of the medical platform, you will find a door with a blue lamp above it. Enter there and one of the most powerful optional scenes in the game will open up to you. If you have played the previous games in the series, the experience will last for a long time.

HIDDEN REPLICATIONS There are also many in the game. For example, when you save Kaz in the first mission, he will ask you to say the words he has been waiting for nine years. If you press the right button, the Boss will say his signature "Kept you waiting, huh?" names, say "2+2=5" (a reference to Orwell's 1984 novel) or the famous "La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo" - the code name for the Patriots.

SPECIAL HIDDEN CUT SCENE will only appear if all players in The Phantom Pain get rid of nuclear weapons. But this is such a utopian condition that it was only found in the game files.

FASTEST the way to move around the base and camps of opponents is a box. To use it in the game, there are special transport platforms located at the very edge of the camps. But in order to get to the right platform, you must first take the appropriate sticker from it. Then you can return to it from any other platform: just stand on it, put on the box and hold down the button that will appear on the screen. You can only move within the biome (you can't get to Afghanistan from Africa or leave the base) and only if the alarm is not turned on at the base.

It is a pity that the enemies in the fifth part have forgotten how to see traces of blood and prints of wet feet, but in general their level of intelligence has increased. If you have activated the alarm, the soldiers will not finally calm down until the end of the shift

BOX is an indispensable tactical tool, master it as soon as possible. It will allow you to hide in a conspicuous place and take the enemy in sight at the most convenient moment. If you are spotted from afar, turn your back on the enemy and jump: Snake will fly out of the box and be able to crawl away. But keep in mind - you have a limited supply of boxes, and jumping out of the box, you will not return back to it. And watch out for the rain.

Fury of Volgin, the impact of The Boss on the world. photographs of little Hal Emmerich. the shadow of fate over the "Outer Skies" - many plot elements cannot be understood and felt without knowledge of the past parts of MGS

THE MOST DIFFERENT TRICK. As you play, you will not only be able to design boxes with different types of camouflage, but also sculpt posters on them. Scattered throughout the world of the game are posters depicting various soldiers and women. They can be stuck in the box selection inventory by pressing a special button. Stick it on, stand in the box facing the enemy, and he will take you either for a soldier or for a woman. In the second case, he will come up and admire, becoming completely vulnerable to the crown CQC. Hit him in the jaw, grab him by the throat - he's all yours.

SOLDIER OF THE PAST ARMY Snake can be brought to his senses. The first option is to get on the medical platform (yes, in that room) an audio cassette with a "special cover" of Love Deterrence straight from the MGS: Peace Walker soundtrack. Another way is to approach the fighter in the box. He will look at her for a long time until he recognizes Big Boss in you, after which he will salute.

CARDBOARD ALLOWS even roll down a hill. Just run up the slope and jump. Are there things in the world that the box is not capable of?!

Are you having problems with the evacuation of interpreters? Having trouble capturing blueprints? Or maybe you have problems with the evacuation of prisoners and animals? Or the destruction of mines, heavy infantry and other things? It doesn’t matter, because you can find a guide for completing any task in our site and in this section. If you have any comments or find an error, then write it in the comments, and we will definitely answer you!

Screenshots coming soon! Stay tuned!

Passing tasks for capturing blueprints

Purpose of tasks: In each mission, you need to capture the blueprints of the enemy, which will be useful for the research part of your main base.

1 - Blueprint Capture: "RIOTSMG"

To find this drawing, you first have to get to the village of Vialo. You can see the location of the drawing in the screenshot, which is a little higher. In addition, do not forget that you can always interrogate the soldiers who will gladly tell you where the drawing you need is located.

2 - Drawing capture: "STUNARM"

You can see the location of this drawing in the screenshot above. The plan of the power plant is also indicated there. It is enough for you that you simply rise above. There, having dealt with (at least) three guards, you can easily pick up the drawing.

3 - Drawing capture: "IR-SENSOR"

You can see the location of this drawing if you look at the screenshot above. If you got to the right place from the south side, then you can get to the doors with the least resistance. Along the way, you have to deal with a maximum of three fighters, but on the condition that you do not make a fuss. By the way, do not forget to pull out an audio cassette from a nearby tape recorder.

4 - Blueprint capture: "ANTI-THEFT DEVICE"

In the camp where this drawing is located, there will be a fairly large number of fighters with an A + rating and another A ++. So we recommend that you try to evacuate as many people as possible. If you are not eager to engage in battle, then just make your way carefully inside the desired tent and take the blueprint there. In addition, pay attention to the fact that the location will be patrolled by a large truck, so be careful. To deal with a sniper at a distance, use a tranquilizer. And keep in mind that you need to immediately shoot him in the head so that he falls asleep.

5 - Drawing capture: "GUN-CAM DEFENDER"

The blueprint you need is shown in the screenshot above. So, you have to make your way to the blueprint for the airport. As soon as you get to the right building, enter. If you try to stick to the back of this place, then you have a maximum of three people to kill. In any case, when you find a drawing, quickly take it and leave this place.

6 - Drawing capture: "UA-DRONE"

Having reached the indicated place, you can drop soldiers who will gladly tell you where and how to find the drawing you need. As soon as you receive the information, the location of the blueprint will be marked. Having taken the drawing, you can safely leave this place.

Passage of tasks for the evacuation of translators

1 - Evacuation of an interpreter - Language: Russian

Your goal: Evacuate, which is able to translate the "Russian language".

If you complete this task, then you will get the opportunity to understand all Russian conversations, and during interrogations too. Thanks to this, when interrogating any prisoner, you will be able to find out not only about the hostages, but also about rough diamonds, blueprints, useful specialists and commanders (a similar situation will be with the capture / rescue of other translators). That is why the search for translators and their rescue is very useful for passing and the game as a whole.

First of all, get to the marked point. Upon arrival at your destination, you will be able to see a building with red doors. Two soldiers (on the street) will guard this building. The translator, in turn, is inside. From time to time he will go outside to stretch his legs. Remember that the guy with the red beret is not worth killing. The rest can be easily shot. As soon as you look at the translator through binoculars, he will immediately check in as your target. After that, you can get rid of the guards and start capturing the translator. As soon as you get to it, the first thing to do is crack it on the head, and then evacuate it with the help of the Fulton installation. After the evacuation, the task will be considered completed.

2 - Evacuation of an interpreter - Language: Pashto

Your goal: Evacuate a soldier who is able to translate "Pashto language"

Move to the corresponding marker and soon you will be able to notice the hostage, which will roll on the ground, and surrounded by two fighters. The guard post that is located there will accommodate six soldiers, so it is better to deal with those enemies that are patrolling the area first, because they are located farther from the rest and there will be no problems with them. Try to get rid of the enemies so that at the very end there are two soldiers who are standing near the hostage. After killing them, free the hostage and at this stage, the task will be completed.

3 - Evacuation of an interpreter - Language: Afrikaans

Your goal: Evacuate a soldier who can translate "Afrikaans".

On your turntable, land in the indicated place. First of all, keep in mind that, unlike the story mission, here you have to open the map yourself and put the appropriate mark in the area marked in blue. The translator you need to capture in this task will be an ordinary fighter, as in the case of capturing a Russian translator. There will also be two soldiers near the translator, so do not shoot the person you need.

Use your binoculars to determine who is who. Once the interpreter is marked, get rid of the two soldiers and capture the interpreter. And by the way, if it so happened that you got caught in rainy weather, and the level of your evacuation squad is low enough, then it’s better not to risk it at all and take out the translator on a turntable.

4 - Evacuation of an interpreter - Language: Kikongo

Your goal: Evacuate a soldier who is capable of translating the "language of Kikongo".

Move to the marked point. The translator you need will be a prisoner. It will be located in one of the tents, which, in turn, are located in the northeastern part of the guard post at the Munko Ya Nyoka station. By the way, in the ward where you find the prisoner, you can also find a drawing. We also recommend that you either neutralize or kill all the soldiers who will be here, but it is better to do this after the evacuation of the translator.

Passage of tasks for the evacuation of experienced fighters

Purpose of tasks: In each task, you need to evacuate a fighter who has valuable skills.

1 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 01

Having reached the key point on the map, you will immediately see a bridge in front of you, which is located near a small outpost. Pay attention to the other end, because that's where the small cliff is located. The soldier you need will be at the very top of this cliff. At the same time, keep in mind that two ordinary fighters will still accompany him. To get your target marked, just go out onto the bridge and go forward a little. As soon as the right person notices you, he will shoot and thus remain marked.

Now let's move on to how to get to it. So, the best way is to go down to the ravine below and climb the wall opposite. Next, you need to go around everything on the left side. From there, you can already crawl up the slope above. Soon you will have a beautiful view of all three fighters. You can neutralize the right person with a tranquilizer, and then shoot his guards. In any case, as soon as you neutralize unnecessary fighters, and your target is neutralized (not fatal), use the Fulton system, which will take this person to the base. At this stage, the building will be completed.

2 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 02

First of all, you should understand that this fighter will not be very useful in the late stages of the game, but will be extremely effective in the early stages, which is very good. You can find it in a village called "Da Vialo Kallai". He will be surrounded by a whole "pack" of soldiers, so keep that in mind. In addition, he is engaged in patrolling among other fighters. He patrols exclusively the center of the town. To find out its more accurate location, catch some fighter on the outer perimeter and interrogate him. As a partner, it is better to take the "D-Dog", which will allow you to determine all enemy targets from a distance. If you don’t have this partner, then binoculars will help you out. In any case, as soon as you get to the target, stun it and evacuate it with Fulton technology.

During the capture, we recommend that you first neutralize the fighter who will be located the farthest. With your actions, you will be able to alert the soldiers who are near him. As soon as they leave, you will have to deal with that soldier who is not a sniper. In any case, after neutralizing the first soldier, neutralize the sniper with a tranquilizer.

3 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 03

Besides the fact that you will have the main goal, you will be able to neutralize and evacuate other enemies who will have the same skills: "A +" and "A ++". In any case, as soon as you get to the target, neutralize and evacuate it.

4 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 04

You can see the location of the fighter in the screenshot above. Finding this person will be very simple, but as for the evacuation, certain complications may arise there. Your target will be located near the armored vehicles, which will stand still. You have to crawl to the target, and when you get there, neutralize it with a tranquilizer. By the way, you can shoot him in the chest a couple more times, but be careful, because if you hit his head, the task will fail. So, after you have neutralized your target, put "SI-4" on the equipment and evacuate along with the fighter. After that, just run back and blow up the equipment. While they all rush to the technique, you can safely leave this place without paying attention to anyone.

5 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 05

In this task, be extremely careful, because it is in it that it is easiest to shoot the desired target. First of all, mark all the fighters with binoculars, or use a partner (preferably "D-Dog") to mark all the targets. In total, there will be eight fighters and two snipers in this place on one rock. First of all, of course, kill the snipers and only after that start looking for the target you need. In order to put everyone in the camp to sleep, use tranquilizers.

6 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 06

You have to evacuate one of the soldiers in the enemy army. It will be located at the outpost, which is located in the northeastern part (from the enemy's eastern communication point). You will need to get to the blue area. It is best to take a dog as a partner. The dog will help you not only to identify all the enemies, but also to highlight the desired target. It is better to start your attack from the hill, having previously dealt with the snipers. Try to use a gun that is loaded with tranquilizers. Going down, try to very carefully shoot all the enemies that are left. To complete the mission, you need to evacuate a key target.

7 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 07

The place where you can get a tough fighter with just a lot of combat experience is located in the southwestern part of the guard post near the Munko Ya Nyoka train station. Move to the middle of the blue circle (which will be on the map). There you can find an armored personnel carrier. Soldiers will stand on the sides. One of these fighters will turn out to be that tough fighter with a lot of experience. Mark it through your binoculars, or have a D-Dog partner do it. Once everyone is marked, it will be necessary to deal with the snipers who are in front of one transporter, which in turn is located on a hill. Go around this transport from the side with which there is the very cool fights. Better to put him down. Having done this, start evacuating equipment first, and then neutralize the second fighter. And evacuate two fighters, because the two of them are useful. Two more enemy fighters will be located a little further, but after the evacuation of the target, the task will be completed.

8 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 08

Landing should be on the east side of the Mfinda oil field. And it is better to land there, because you run the risk of facing strong enemies, whose resistance will be almost invincible. In general, having landed in the indicated place, move to the oil field, simultaneously looking for the desired target. Keep in mind that a huge number of enemies await you at the base, so it's better to call a turntable to help. But at the same time, keep in mind that your helicopter can shoot down a key target. So for starters, it's best to evacuate the target and only after that call the turntable to start the total meat grinder.

9 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 09

Your next stop is the Kiziba guard camp (which is located in the southeast). There you again need to evacuate one experienced fighter. Upon arrival to this place, move in a northeasterly direction from the guard camp. Your target will be free to roam the guard post with a soldier holding a shield. So, starting to turn the operation, go around this post along the perimeter and deal with all the snipers along the way. After you neutralize all the snipers, it's time to sneak in from the same side where the enemies are not looking and neutralize each enemy from behind. Remove opponents one by one until you cut down the desired target and evacuate it, after which the task will be completed.

10 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 10

This target will be located in the northeastern part of the abandoned village called "Dithadi". Once you land in the blue area (which is marked on your map), head northwest. Literally after a couple of meters you stumble upon the same guard post where your target lives. In this place, in addition to a bunch of soldiers, there will also be a tank. That is why it will be necessary to be extremely careful here. Don't forget to tag everyone with binoculars. As soon as you evacuate the desired target, the task will be completed and you can leave this place.

11 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 11

The first step is to choose a landing site. The best place will be the western part of the station "Munko Ya Nyoka". If you want to land right at the station itself, then keep in mind that this will be a very dangerous undertaking. In any case, as soon as you land at the indicated place, immediately begin to move in a northeasterly direction. Thus, you will get to the station itself, where you will find the fighter you need. Having captured the target, evacuate it, and then leave this place yourself.

12 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 12

You have to evacuate this soldier already from the guard post of a certain Kungeng mine. And you need that guard post, which is located in the southwestern part. Choose a landing place closer to this place, after which you can safely move to the specified area. And keep in mind that the fighter you need will be located in the southwestern part of the guard post itself. The natural thing to know is that the target will not be walking alone, so for starters, as usual, we look at everyone through binoculars, remove the guards, and only after that take care of the key target. Having evacuated the fighter, the task will be completed.

13 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 13

You once again have to evacuate a soldier from the enemy army. This time it will be necessary to look for him already in Africa, somewhere in the vicinity of the fortress called "Spugmai". By the way, you could already get acquainted with this place, going through the storyline. In the second chapter, you have to look for a container with a film in this place. In any case, it is better to take "D-Dog" with you as a partner.

So, first of all, remember that as soon as you land in this place, they will start shooting at you from all sides, so first of all, neutralize all enemies. There will be a sniper on the nearest hill - he is your target. Having stunned him, quickly evacuate him and bring him down from this hot spot.

14 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 14

Get to the southern part of the base and deal with a small "pack of enemies" there. The soldier who will stand on the roof is exactly the fighter that you need on assignment. Once you get to the top, use the tranquilizer rifle to neutralize the soldier from a distance without killing him. Rising a little higher, turn your attention to two soldiers who are patrolling this building. You can not remove them, but just gently sneak past. And there, having reached the desired target, neutralize it, evacuate it and the task will be completed.

15 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 15

So, your next stop is a certain Lufwa valley. After landing at this place, you have to get to a house called "Toker's Code". The desired fighter will be inside the house. It will be possible to capture it only in two ways: 1 - to lure; 2 - arrange a real meat grinder. As soon as you disable your target and evacuate it, the task will be completed.

16 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 16

You can find the last experienced fighter in the camp of the central base, which is located in Afghanistan. You will again have to visit OKB Zero, where you once met the Skull, your main enemy. Upon arrival there, to begin with, you will need to get through a couple of outposts. If you stick to the right side, then no one will be able to see you. Your target is the commander. That is why move continuously towards it. As soon as you get to him, take out a pistol with tranquilizer charges and fire at him. Perhaps another soldier will stand next to him - he can also be neutralized with the help of tranquilizers. In any case, having laid down the desired target, immediately evacuate it. After a successful evacuation, return back to your base.

Passage of tasks for the evacuation of prisoners

Purpose of assignments: In each mission, you need to evacuate a prisoner who has been captured by the enemy. There is evidence that this prisoner has valuable skills.

1 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 01

You can find this prisoner in the territories of the eastern contact point. In order to find out more accurate coordinates, in the place that was indicated earlier, you will need to grab one of the fighters who are on the outside and interrogate. After that, you have to deal with the rest of the enemies. As for the camp itself, inside you will find only one enemy with a shield. Shooting from behind is not recommended. It is better to take a pistol in your hands, which is loaded with tranquilizers, attract attention and shoot some fighter in the face in slow motion. Having done this, you will only have to evacuate it and that's it.

2 - Prisoner Evacuation - 02

It will be quite problematic to evacuate this prisoner. In order to somehow facilitate the passage of this task, we recommend that you first go to the indicated place, but at night. There you will need to interrogate someone, as usual, to find out the key coordinates. Once you get the information you need, the first thing to do is determine the location of the enemies. First, deal with the sniper, who will be located at the top. First of all, it should be killed because your balloon is 100% noticed and 100% will raise the alarm because of this. In any case, as soon as you deal with the sniper, take care of the enemies that are located around the entire perimeter and, in the end, evacuate the indicated target.

3 - Prisoner Evacuation - 03

You can find this prisoner only in the very depths of the specified base. In any case, you have to deal with the lion's share of enemies. So as soon as you get to the specified target, evacuate it, and the task will be completed.

4 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 04

Perhaps one of the easiest evacuations: deal with enemies, evacuate the target and the task is over.

5 - Prisoner Evacuation - 05

The simplicity of this task lies in the fact that you can easily shoot all the enemies with a sniper rifle that is loaded with tranquilizers, after which you can just as easily evacuate the target, and the task will come to an end.

6 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 06

There are as many as six fighters in this area. Two of them will be snipers, and one of them will be located on top of the watchtower - he should be taken out first. As soon as you take out the snipers, you must advance to the tent and kill the rest of the soldiers there. Moreover, if you do not remove the sniper, but immediately move towards the tent, you should remove everyone very quietly so that the sniper will not notice your deeds in any case. And by the way, you can put the sniper to sleep, as he has a very good rating. In the end, evacuate the prisoner, and with him you can grab a sniper.

7 - Prisoner Evacuation - 07

So, you have to look for this hostage in a place already familiar from previous missions. The territory of the search will be the fortress "Spugma". If you have a D-Dog partner, then your target's location will be marked in green. The prisoner, in turn, will be located in the northern part of the ruins of the fortress themselves. Once you get there, you have to climb to the hill, which is located between the stones. In general, finding the right place is not so difficult. As soon as you evacuate the specified person, the task will be completed.

8 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 08

You can find another hostage on a plantation called Bampewe. And by the way, in this place it is better to try not to raise the alarm, as more than two dozen soldiers will rush at you. In order to get to the goal, try to keep to the top of this camp. So you can not only get there faster, but also get through most of the soldiers. As soon as you reach the target, immediately evacuate it.

9 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 09

This time, the hostage will be in a place called Aabe Shifap. This place will be ruins. And keep in mind that you can land immediately in the ruins. As soon as you are on the ground, first of all shoot a couple of snipers, and after that just start looking for a place where you could take cover. You can also call your spinner again to finish off the remaining enemies. In any case, you just have to get to the hostage, evacuate him and fly away from here.

10 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 10

You should land in the northern part of Kabul - this is the southern part of your key point. You have to get into the Lamar Haate Palace. And keep in mind that you will find the hostage you need to save not in the ruins of the palace itself, but in the northern part of this place. There are 3 metal cabins. And in one of these booths the hostage himself will sit. As soon as you get to the target, evacuate it, and the task will be completed.

11 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 11

Having taken a new task, go to the landing point, which is located in the western part of the village called "Masa". As soon as you are near the village, go a little south, because that is where you need to find the hostage. The hostage will be a girl, and it will turn out that she climbed onto the roof of a small house, near which an angry wild dog will run. After neutralizing the dog, climb onto the roof and evacuate your target.

12 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 12

The next place where you have to look for a hostage will be Point 17. This place is an industrial zone "Ngumba". Moving to the place, along the way you have to remove about ten soldiers. By the way, you can use the turntable, which will provide you with fire support. If there is heavy fog outside, then the hostage will have to be dragged to the landing point. You can find the hostage himself under a tarpaulin, so don't miss him.

13 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 13

Your new stop is the southeastern part of the guard post at the Bampewe plantation. The hostage, in turn, will be hiding on a hill, on a hill next door (behind the stone). In addition, learn that soldiers will roam this territory, who will mainly move in pairs, which can clearly complicate the passage with an inconspicuous and silent liquidation. As soon as you get to the hostage, evacuate him as usual and return to your base.

14 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 14

You have to get to the southern part, which is located near the Kungeng mine. You can find the hostage there, as in the previous task - under a tarpaulin. If you move to the hostage exactly to the mine, then you will go much closer, but in any case, you have to deal with the enemies and evacuate the hostage, after which the task will be completed.

15 - Prisoner Evacuation - 15

This time, the hostage will have to be pulled out of the airport called Nova Braga. The first step is to decide on the landing point and the best place will be the southeastern part of the blue zone. After landing there, move to the main gate, and then go through it. In the main building of the airport, you will need to go up to the second floor, and then go to the right wing. From here you can freely get to the hangar, where your target is being held. As soon as you manage to evacuate the target, immediately dump yourself.

16 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 16

It is better to choose a landing site a little further than the blue zone, because if you fly too close, you will simply be blown to pieces. In any case, once you are on solid ground, move to Munko Ya Nyoka Station. In order to make it easier to deal with the enemy's flying machine, call your own flying machine - a helicopter. As soon as the enemy's turntable is broken, you can safely kill the rest of the fighters. You can find the hostage inside the house, which is located at the opposite end of this camp. And by the way, to replenish supplies, do not forget to evacuate a couple of containers.

17 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 17

You can find the next hostage in the southeastern part of the northeastern post of the Kungeng mines. It is better to choose a landing place somewhere in the eastern part of the coordinates given to you. As soon as you land, head to the blue area, where you will run into enemies. The desired target will be located in one of the buildings near the cliff on the left side (on the plantation). Look for him in one of the buildings. Moreover, it will be possible to evacuate the hostage only after you destroy about a dozen enemy fighters.

18 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 18

Having taken a new task, land in the eastern part of the village of Shahra Ye. Houses will be located along the cliff on the left side. Either in the third or in the fourth house there will be a hostage. Once you evacuate her, you can head back to your helicopter center.

19 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 19

After taking the task, immediately go to the northern part of Kabul. Try to get as close as possible to OKB Zero. In one of the rooms, at the very end, you can find the hostage you need. Moreover, as soon as you find it, it will have to be pulled out and then evacuated. On the right side of this place, near the opposite wall, you can find four extremely useful containers that can be evacuated in the same way. When you evacuate the last container, you can climb on it and fly away with it in order to return to base faster and not drag yourself back to the pinwheel landing site.

20 - Prisoner Evacuation - 20

You have to evacuate one more hostage from Munko Ya Nioka Station. As usual, choose a place for landing (preferably somewhere in the southeastern part of this very station). After disembarking, get to the station, where be sure to call your helicopter again to help you deal with enemy flying equipment, then get to the target and evacuate it.

Passage of tasks for evacuation from the old GB

Purpose of tasks: In each task, you need to find and evacuate a surviving soldier from the old GB (old main base). Defeated nine years ago, they still walk the battlefield.

Among all other tasks, there are 10 unique missions that are related to the search for soldiers who were in the old team of the game's protagonist - Snake. And keep in mind that until you complete the current task, the next task will not open. And after each successfully completed building, do not forget to go and talk with Paz. After each completed task, you are entitled to a photo. You give the photo to Paz, listen to what they say to you, and leave the infirmary to complete a new task.

As soon as you accept the mission, you are sent to find the target within the specified area. The specified target must not be killed, but quietly sneak up and neutralize. Any weapon that has tranquilizers can be used. Also, it's best to start your search at night, because that's when you're the hardest to spot. Also use a cardboard box more often. At the end of each task you get a photo.

1 - Evacuation from the old GB - 01

Location: Southeastern part of Afghanistan;

Execution conditions: Finish the sixth episode;

30.000 GMP.

The soldier you need to find will be at the very top of the hill, which is located in the northeast side of the contact point.

2 - Evacuation from the old GB - 02

Location: Southwestern part of Afghanistan;

Execution conditions: Finish the eighth episode and the previous task (see above);

Reward (except photo): 60.000 GMP.

You can find this fighter in the southwest side of the village called "Shago Kallai". There is nothing difficult, except that if this fighter notices you, he will use a smoke grenade.

3 - Evacuation from the old hospital - 03

Location: Northern part of Africa;

Execution conditions: Finish the sixteenth episode and the previous task (see above);

Reward (except photo): 80.000 GMP.

4 - Evacuation from the old hospital - 04


Execution conditions: Finish the twentieth episode and the previous task (see above);

Reward (except photo): 90.000 GMP.

So, your new stop is on the west side of the Nova Braga airport. If this soldier already notices you, then he will use a stun grenade.

5 - Evacuation from the old GB - 05

Location: Northeast Africa;

Execution conditions: Finish the twenty-third episode and the previous task (see above);

Reward (except photo): 100.000 GMP.

You can find this soldier in a mine called Kungeng. This fighter will have a shield with him, so putting him to sleep will not be so easy.

6 - Evacuation from the old hospital - 06

Location: Southeast Africa;

Execution conditions:

Reward (except photo): 120.000 GMP.

You can find the next fighter in the eastern part of the station, which is called Munko Ya Nyoka. This unit will have equipment that will allow it to camouflage well. The only advice that will be useful here is to use a night vision device.

7 - Evacuation from the old hospital - 07

Location: West Africa;

Execution conditions: Finish the thirty-first episode and the previous task (see above);

Reward (except photo): 140.000 GMP.

Your new stop is the supply base, which is called "Yaho Obu". Having reached this place, you need to go a little below the bridge in a southerly direction. The soldier you find will have a cloaking device with him.

8 - Evacuation from the old hospital - 08

Location: East Africa;

Execution conditions: Complete the thirty-fifth episode and the previous task (see above);

Reward (except photo): 180.000 GMP.

You need to get to a certain valley "Lufva". The soldier who lives here has the same camouflage equipment as the previous one.

9 - Evacuation from the old hospital - 09

Location: Eastern part of Afghanistan;

Execution conditions:

Reward (except photo): 200.000 GMP.

You can find the soldier at the very top of the hill on the east side of the village called Shahra Ye. This fighter, like the previous couple, will have a cloaking device. In addition, if this soldier spots you, he will use a stun grenade.

10 - Evacuation from the old GB - 10

Location: Northwestern part of Afghanistan;

Execution conditions: Complete the thirty-eighth episode and the previous task (see above);

Reward (except photo): 300.000 GMP.

This soldier will be among the ruins, which are called "Aabe Shifap". Nothing fancy, except that he will have a cloaking device.

Passage of tasks for the evacuation of animals

1 - Evacuation of the lost sheep

Your goal: Evacuate a sheep that has strayed from its flock and is now in the designated area.

The first thing you have to do is to save the unfortunate sheep, which is located on the territory of the village of Vialo. To begin with, you have to deal with enemy fighters and only after that evacuate the sheep.

2 - Catch the legendary bear

Your goal: It is necessary to catch a unique brown bear, about which the locals write legends. Due to its monstrous strength, capture can be difficult.

The first thing to remember is that you can not catch the eye of this animal. The second thing to remember is that you will not be able to put him to sleep with a single shot. Moreover, having fired once, the bear will surely notice you and then you will feel very bad. We recommend that you stay at a long distance, get your sniper rifle with tranquilizers and start firing. By the way, it would be a great idea to call an airstrike with sleeping gas. In any case, as soon as the wild animal falls asleep, immediately evacuate it.

3 - Catch the legendary ibis

Your goal: It is necessary to catch a unique ibis, about which the locals write legends. Its beautiful blue feathers are said to be reminiscent of the ancient Egyptian god Thoth.

As a partner, it is best to take the "D-Dog", as this dog will seriously help you in tracking the monster. You can deal with this animal in the same way as with the bear in the previous task. Shoot as usual with a tranquilizer sniper rifle. Even if the small head of this animal is a tiny target, hitting it is still real. As for the location, the bird will most likely be located on the opposite side of the cliff. You can get there thanks to the bridge, which is located in the north. Getting to this bird will also not be easy. As soon as you cross the bridge, you need to go a little forward and after, go around all the rocks in a clockwise direction (that is, on the right side). As soon as you manage to euthanize this bird, immediately evacuate it.

4 - Catch the legendary jackal

Your goal: It is necessary to catch a unique jackal, about which the locals write legends. Rumor has it that the color of his skin is reminiscent of the ancient Egyptian god Anubis.

As a partner, it is again better to take a dog that will help track the desired target. As soon as you track down the animal, then immediately shoot it with a sniper rifle with tranquilizers. In order for this animal to fall asleep, you will need to shoot about five times in the body, or once in the head. In any case, as soon as you put the jackal to bed, evacuate.

Passage of tasks for the evacuation of the legendary gunsmiths

Evacuation of the first legendary gunsmith

Your goal: It is necessary to evacuate the legendary gunsmith, while traveling through the territories where conflicts occur.

The desired target will be located surrounded by three opponents. On the head of each opponent will be a helmet. The helmet will not be only on the one you need. We recommend that you use a grenade that will neutralize everyone with electricity. Once you neutralize the entire group, fire the tranquilizer weapon at the target you need for the assignment, after which you can safely get rid of the rest of the fighters.

Evacuation of the second legendary gunsmith

Your goal: So, the gunsmith you found in the village of "Musa" turned out to be just a master's apprentice. You need to continue searching and find his mentor.

You find yourself in Afghanistan, where a new gunsmith is waiting for you, who instructed the previous one. Walk around and jump to where your target is located. Use the tranquilizer gun to take out the guards along with the key target. After that, you can evacuate the gunsmith and a couple of useful soldiers.

Evacuation of the third legendary gunsmith

Your goal: The gunsmith you found at the central base also turned out to be an apprentice. Continue wandering through the conflict zones to find and evacuate the master. For the third time, you will definitely be lucky.

Having received a gunsmith from this task, you will get along with him the ability to customize weapons at your discretion and your taste. You have to go under the fort. Near the first doors there will be two ordinary soldiers, so after getting rid of them, switch to the target and evacuate it.

Container evacuation

Your goal: In this task, you need to evacuate the materials that will be required to develop your main base.

All that is required of you in this task is to find a small house, which is located in the very center of the blue circle. Near this house there will be containers. There will be a couple of guards near the containers, so after neutralizing the soldiers, take care of the evacuation of the containers and the task will be over.

Scout evacuation

Your goal: It is necessary to evacuate a soldier from the reconnaissance detachment, which was captured by the enemy.

So, now you have to find an important scout, who is located somewhere in the northern part of Kabul, somewhere in the territory of the town of "Da Gvandai Khar". As partners, it is best to take "D-Dog" as usual. In the city, in one of the houses there will be a prisoner who will be chained to a pipe. When you free this person, it turns out to be Hideo Kojima. After that, you will only have to evacuate it. To do this, simply get out of the territory of the task.

Passage of tasks to save the poor fellows

1 - Poor fellow - 01

Your goal: Evacuate a prisoner who has been captured by the enemy. There is evidence that the prisoner has useful skills.

In the first task, you need to get to the Yaho Obou supply base and rescue the prisoner there. This task is interesting because you can get inside the outpost under the walls of the building without any problems. The hole leading inside is located near the wall, which is located in the northeastern part. As for the soldiers, a part will patrol the top floor, and two more will guard the prisoner. Past the soldiers who are guarding the target, you can slip when they are not looking in your direction. In addition, inside the cells you will also not be heard. And yet, there will be a grate in the door, so through it you can shoot at the guards.

2 - Poor fellow - 02

Your goal: The attempt to evacuate the prisoner was unsuccessful, so one of the Diamond Dogs employees was captured. You need to save both the employee and the prisoner.

You can find this person in the same place where you found the "Sting" in the storyline of the game. As for the enemies, you can evacuate almost everyone, because each of them has a high rating. As a partner, as usual, it is better to take a dog. It is useful in that it will not only mark targets, but will also bark, thereby luring enemies out.

3 - Poor fellow - 03

You can find this prisoner on the roof of the longest house, which is located on the other side of the airfield (immediately opposite the central terminal). Once the hostage has been evacuated, you can safely leave this place.

4 - Poor fellow - 04

After selecting a new task, move the marker to the blue circle. From there, move the marker in a slightly southwesterly direction. The place of action will be the Lufwa valley. You have to save two prisoners. First of all, move to the Toker Code house. Move until you find the first prisoner in one of the tents. Before you evacuate him, first neutralize all the guards. In addition, from this prisoner you will learn where and in what place you can find the second hostage. Get to the indicated house, go around the perimeter of the house in a clockwise direction and then climb higher - uphill. In this place, not far from the waterfall, somewhere on the ledge, the second hostage will also sit.

5 - Poor fellow - 05

Having chosen a new task, try to move as close as possible to OKB Zero. You have a difficult task - you need to break through to the very end of the base. In addition, there will also be two hostages. Before the very last gate (on the right side), be careful, because there will be a hostage sitting here. You already know how to evacuate. After evacuating the first hostage, go back to the gate and kill the last enemies. After killing the guards, you can safely evacuate the second hostage. The hostage will be sitting in the building in front on the right side.

Passage of tasks for the destruction of heavy infantry

Purpose of tasks: In each task, you must destroy heavy infantry. The fighters with whom to fight are able to defend themselves very effectively.

1 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 01

So, in the very first task you need to kill two soldiers who will be dressed in heavy armor. Without any difficulty, you can kill them with a rocket launcher, or any other explosive weapon / device. You can also try to sneak up on them from behind. The targets will be located at the guard post of the Lamar Haate Palace, which is located in the north. In addition, keep in mind that there may be a red butterfly near the soldiers. If you shoot this red butterfly, then an explosion will occur that will kill all your enemies.

2 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 02

Land in the northern part of Kabul. You will find yourself in the southeastern part of the guard post of the Yaho Obu supply base. The two key targets you need will move along the left side of this camp. They move on a hill along the road. If you are an excellent shooter, then you can kill two key targets at once with one rocket launcher. Once the kill is successful, you can leave this place.

3 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 03

After choosing the next task, land as close as possible to the marked area on the map. You have to deal with heavy enemy infantry. It is located in the eastern part of the guard post of the Aabe Shifap ruins.

4 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 04

Having taken the next task, move to the indicated place. Your stop is a village called "Shahra Ye". You have to neutralize three soldiers who will be dressed in heavy armor. What to do with them - kill or evacuate - is up to you.

5 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 05

The key objectives of this quest will be at the guard post near the village called "Dithadi" (south side). This time you have to deal with four fighters. As usual, each fighter will be dressed in heavy armor. Do not forget that each of these soldiers will have very good skills, so it will be more useful to evacuate them to the base, but it's up to you.

6 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 06

You have to find a "pack" of heavy infantry, which is located somewhere in the southeast guard post from the airport "Nova Braga". There will be four enemies. One of these tough fighters will sit on the tower - remember. As usual, we use a rocket launcher to eliminate it, or we work quietly and imperceptibly for the sake of evacuation.

7 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 07

After taking this task, you need to go to the western guard post, which belongs to the mountain transit point. As before - you need to destroy four soldiers. Keep in mind that each of them has an A++ rating, so it makes sense to evacuate them.

8 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 08

Having chosen the next task, land in the place that will border on the blue area (where you need to destroy the marked infantrymen). This time, the scene of action will be the guard post of a certain fortress "Smasei". Upon arrival at the specified location, as usual, you need to get to the key targets and kill them. And by the way, learn that this time there will be five enemy targets, so try to be extremely careful.

9 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 09

The key objectives in this mission are conveniently located in the eastern part of the village called "Masa". You also have to land even to the east of the specified area, after which you will only have to go a little forward and deal with enemy soldiers. You can kill them as usual with a rocket launcher, grenades or a grenade launcher. There will be six enemy targets in total, and all six soldiers will strictly roam the hill on the right side.

10 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 10

Your next stop is the southeast guard post of Bumpawe Plantation. This is where your new goals will be. It is best to plant somewhere in the southwest side of the key area. As soon as you disembark, immediately move to the camp. There you will need to kill four infantrymen in heavy armor. And remember that in addition to them there will also be ordinary - ordinary enemies.

11 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 11

This time it will be possible to land directly in the blue area, which will be on your map. You have to find and destroy six heavy infantrymen. So, four of the key targets will move in a group, and the other two will move individually, so they make great targets for your flare gun.

12 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 12

Your next targets will be located at the southwestern guard post, which is located in the Ngumba Industrial Zone. It is best to land in the northeastern part of the marked area. As soon as you disembark, start moving as usual to your destination, where you then start searching for enemy soldiers. In total, you have to destroy six heavy infantrymen.

13 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 13

Having taken the next task to destroy the enemy infantry, go to the indicated place. So, the key targets this time will be located in the northeast guard post of the Nova Braga airport. It is better to land as close to the blue area as possible. As usual, the easiest way to destroy them is with a rocket launcher or a grenade launcher. There will be eight heavy infantrymen in total, and this does not take into account ordinary enemies, which include both snipers and machine gunners.

14 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 14

You can find the following enemies in an abandoned village called Ditadi. There you have to get to the northeast guard post. It is best to choose a landing site somewhere in the southeast side of the key area. As soon as you disembark, move to the very center of the blue area. There you can find eight key targets that you have to destroy. Ordinary - ordinary fighters will not be here, so no one else will bother you.

15 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 15

Location: guard post (in the southeast) of the fortress called "Smasei". As usual, you need to take out the heavy infantry. There will be eight key targets in this post, who will also be assisted by four ordinary soldiers, so be careful.

16 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 16

So, finally, you have to destroy the last squad with heavy infantry. You can find this last detachment in the Kiziba military camp, in the guard post, which is located in the northwestern part. It is best to land somewhere in the northeast side, near the blue zone. As soon as you are on the ground, move immediately to the guard post. In addition to the key objectives, there will also be about three ordinary soldiers, so be careful.

Passage of tasks for the destruction of puppets

Purpose of tasks: In each task, you have to destroy the roaming soldiers who were once puppets of the "Skull". And even though they are out of control, they have lost their mind forever and are dangerous enemies.

1 - Puppet Destruction - 01

In this mission, you can land at a point even with a high threat level, because the Yaho Obu supply base will be literally overwhelmed with only puppet soldiers who will not really pose any threat to you. You have to kill seven puppets in this mission. You can find them in rooms that are located throughout the landing zone area.

2 - Puppet Destruction - 02

Do not be afraid, in this task you can safely land on the territory of the Nova Braga airport. Here you have to kill eight puppet soldiers. They will roam inside the main terminal itself. In addition, remember that brand new containers will have to appear around the perimeter of the airport, which you should try not to miss and evacuate.

3 - Puppet Destruction - 03

Move to the western part from a place called "Da Shago Kallai". A village will be located to the west, and in the village there will be eight puppet soldiers - destroy them.

4 - Puppet Destruction - 04

In this mission, it is best to land in the northeast side of the guard post of the industrial zone "Ngubma", which is located in the west. As soon as you disembark, move to the blue area. Make your way through the gorge from the right side (if you go to the left side, then this task will be considered failed). You need to find the guard post, because that's where there will be eight puppets that you need to kill. And they won't be all in one pile. They will be scattered around the mountain. As a partner, it is better to take the "D-Dog", because only with him it is easiest to determine the location of key targets.

5 - Puppet Destruction - 05

So, land on the territory of the Lamar Haate Palace. After disembarking, make your way inside what is left of the fortress itself. Inside there will be puppets, as before - there are eight in total. They will be located in different rooms, so you have to look for them a little.

6 - Puppet Destruction - 06

As soon as you go down, immediately start clearing the plant called Serak. There will be eight puppets in this factory. They will be located both inside and near the plant. You can find the entrance to the factory on the first floor from the facade.

7 - Puppet Destruction - 07

This time the landing takes place in the town of "Da Gvandai Khar". As usual, the area will be cleared of puppets. If you have not destroyed the radar that is located here before, then it's time to do it. If you do not do this, then your pinwheel will not be able to land on the campus. If the radar has not yet been destroyed, then you have to land on the south side of the city. Your goals this time will be seven in total, and all of them will be located in the very center of the town.

8 - Puppet Destruction - 08

Landing should be in the northern part of the Lufwa valley. After disembarking, you should move to a mansion called Toker's Code. There are eight puppets waiting for you to kill.

9 - Puppet Destruction - 09

The landing site will be the east side of the village called Vialo. As soon as you find yourself in the right place, get down from the turntable and move carefully to the village. Starting with this quest, each puppet will begin to carry an armored suit, so the difficulty level will increase. The easiest way to destroy such enemies is with a rocket launcher, or grenades that can be thrown at your feet. In total, in this mission you need to destroy seven key targets, so go ahead and with a song.

10 - Destruction of puppets - 10

Your new landing point is the eastern part of the Aabe Shifap ruins. There will be a guard post to the east. As soon as you disembark, move to that very guard post and destroy eight puppets there. All of them will be located on the street, so nothing will make it difficult for you to notice them.

11 - Puppet Destruction - 11

In this mission you have to visit the fortress called "Da Smasei Laman". Landing will be at points with a high level of threat - this is the best option. When you are on the ground, enter the cave inside the rock (as in one of the story missions) and make your way to the hall with water. It is here that you have to face key goals, of which there will be eight in total. After their destruction, you can get out of here thanks to the helicopter. And by the way, do not use a rocket launcher, as the corridors here are narrow, so not only your enemies will be hit, but you yourself. A grenade launcher and grenades are more suitable here.

12 - Destruction of puppets - 12

You will land on the territory of a village called "Shahra Yeh". If it so happened that you don’t have an active point there, then get out of the place, which is located on the northwestern side of the village itself. In any case, you will have to face twelve puppets, each of which will have an armored suit. And keep in mind that as before with a grenade, they will not be able to immediately smash them. Hitting with one grenade, you only tear off the helmet. It is better to throw the second grenade at your feet. In addition, some kind of rifle, for example, an assault rifle, will help a lot in this battle. Shoot should be in open parts of the body, and more than once!

13 - Puppet Destruction - 13

The next landing site should be the southeastern part of the northeastern post of the Kungeng mines. Once again, you have to deal with eight puppets that will walk around this territory. The whole group of enemies will wander in the jungle - in the very center of the zone that is highlighted on your map.

14 - Puppet Destruction - 14

It will land, it will have to be in the red zone on the Bampewe plantation. Puppets will roam the territory of this settlement, so it will not be difficult to find them.

15 - Puppet Destruction - 15

Land on the south side of the village called "Masa". On the territory of this village you have to destroy eight puppets. Each puppet will be equipped with an armor suit. And pay attention to the fact that explosive barrels will be located throughout the village, thanks to which you can easily get rid of your targets. But do not forget that some puppets will also be located inside the houses.

Passage of tasks for the destruction of tank units

Purpose of tasks: In each task, you simply need to destroy enemy tank units.

1 - Destruction of the tank unit - 01

2 - Destruction of the tank unit - 02

3 - Destruction of the tank unit - 03

4 - Destruction of the tank unit - 04

5 - Destruction of the tank unit - 05

6 - Destruction of the tank unit - 06

7 - Destruction of the tank unit - 07

8 - Destruction of the tank unit - 08

9 - Destruction of the tank unit - 09

10 - Destruction of a tank unit - 10

11 - The destruction of the tank unit - 11

12 - Destruction of a tank unit - 12

13 - Destruction of a tank unit - 13

14 - Destruction of a tank unit - 14

Passage of tasks for the destruction of armored vehicles

Purpose of tasks: In each task, you need to destroy the specified armored vehicles of the enemy.

1 - Destruction of a unit of armored vehicles - 01

After taking the first task, you have to make your way to the Yaho Obu supply base. It is best to land in the southern part, since there you will immediately find yourself next to a soldier who is guarding an armored vehicle. In general, there will be about four soldiers in the district. All of them will guard only one armored vehicle. You have to either kill everyone and blow up the equipment, or evacuate everything - you choose.

And remember that if the alarm was not raised, then you will have the opportunity to sneak up to the equipment from behind and after, use the Fulton function. As soon as you deal with all the soldiers, the task will be considered completed.

2 - Destruction of an armored car unit - 02

The landing zone will be located inside the blue area, where the unit with enemy vehicles will be located. This time, in addition to vehicles, four soldiers will roam the area, and about six soldiers will guard the armored car. It is better to go around everyone and get to the enemies that are further away, and then quietly neutralize them. And remember, if you're not going to kill the soldiers, then it's better to neutralize them with tranquilizers, because the shock lasts much longer than the stun. In general, in this way you can deal with the rest of the fighters. As soon as you deal with the soldiers who are patrolling the area, switch to the armored car and evacuate it, after which the task will be completed.

3 - Destruction of the armored car unit - 03

Your drop point will be located right in the key zone, so you will end up near the unit that guards the armored vehicles. You have to deal with enemy vehicles (there will be two armored vehicles in total) and kill all the soldiers (there are six in total), or else evacuate everything. Two groups of soldiers, in which there will be two soldiers, are all located on the sides, so take care of them first. You can deal with them however you like, but we recommend using a pistol with a silencer. First, take care of those soldiers who are closest. As soon as you deal with the enemies around the perimeter, then take care of the other two. After that, go back and make your way to the enemy armored vehicles to evacuate them. In the end, you will have to deal with two lone fighters.

4 - Destruction of the armored car unit - 04

You again have to either destroy enemy soldiers along with armored vehicles, or else evacuate. Moving to the indicated goal, try not to miss the patrol, which consists of four soldiers. Having dealt with enemies, make your way to enemy vehicles. Three soldiers will stand beside her. As soon as you deal with them, you can safely evacuate the armored car, and at this stage the task will be completed.

5 - Destruction of a unit of armored vehicles - 05

The location of the enemy column: the western part of the guard post in the south, which is located near the village of "Ditadi". You have to deal with one enemy armored vehicle, one tank, two snipers and four soldiers. The equipment will be located close to each other. Sniper firing points are located on two sides. In addition, there will be ordinary soldiers and one mortar. To begin with, it is better to deal with snipers and mortar crew, and then switch to ordinary soldiers and only at the very end evacuate the equipment.

6 - Destruction of a unit of armored vehicles - 06

The new location will be a train station called Munko Ya Nyoka. It is best to choose a landing site with a lower level of threat, but also so that this place is within the redistribution zone of the blue color. In any case, as soon as you get to your destination, you will realize that you need to evacuate one turntable and two armored personnel carriers. Two enemy soldiers will guard all the vehicles, so you can either neutralize them or evacuate them. To begin with, we recommend evacuating the helicopter and only after that engage in armored vehicles. If the situation gets worse, then call armored vehicles.

7 - Destruction of a unit of armored vehicles - 07

First of all, choose a drop zone. It is better to choose the place that will be closer to the village, to the city, or to the outpost. You have to destroy nine enemy units, among which there will be one turntable and two armored vehicles. Among the enemy soldiers there will be a few snipers, and the rest will be infantry. When you fly up to the enemy base, then it is best to sit down at the machine gun in order to immediately remove the enemy helicopter. When the turntable is shot down, then do not waste time and immediately switch to enemy armored vehicles. In addition, you can also try to shoot a couple of enemy soldiers at this time. In any case, when you land, just finish off the remaining enemies.

8 - Destruction of a unit of armored vehicles - 08

In the southern part of the town "Da Gvandai Khar" you have to neutralize or evacuate one enemy armored vehicle and seven enemy fighters, among whom three will be snipers and are generally located in the opposite direction. As soon as you disembark, move along the road to the right side, and cross to the other side, where you will find snipers. After you kill the snipers, take care of the soldiers and, in the end, evacuate the enemy vehicles.

9 - Destruction of the armored car unit - 09

The task is quite simple, because you just need to destroy two enemy armored vehicles, eliminate two snipers and four ordinary soldiers.

10 - Destruction of a unit of armored vehicles - 10

Now you have to go to the territory of the airport called "Nova Braga". You need to land in the southeast side. It will be necessary to destroy one turntable, two heavy tanks, neutralize six ordinary fighters and two snipers.

11 - Destruction of a unit of armored vehicles - 11

The next landing site will be the ruins of Aabe Shifap. Get ready to be thrown out in the middle of nowhere, because your enemies will notice you right away. As soon as you land, immediately get out of here like crazy. You have to destroy or evacuate one turntable, two enemy armored vehicles, neutralize three snipers and neutralize five ordinary soldiers. As soon as everyone is finished, you can safely call a helicopter and leave this place.

12 - Destruction of a unit of armored vehicles - 12

Landing this time should be somewhere in the southeastern part, not far from the Mfinda field. After disembarking, start moving to the blue area. Prepare to be met with strong resistance. In order to somehow facilitate your task, we recommend calling fire support. While the helicopter will fire at the enemies, you will have a great opportunity to mark the enemies and call for shelling. In addition, keep in mind that an enemy helicopter will also fly in this place. The turntable should be destroyed first of all, because it will interfere very much. In addition to her, you will also need to destroy two tanks and six ordinary soldiers, including a couple of snipers, a couple of machine gunners and a couple of grenade launchers.

13 - Destruction of a unit of armored vehicles - 13

Landing should be in the southeastern part of the guard post of the abandoned village "Ditadi". There will be two enemy armored vehicles, one assault turntable and six regular soldiers. Through binoculars, try to mark enemy tanks. As soon as you mark them, then immediately destroy them with the help of shelling. After that, you should lure the turntable onto yourself and deal with it. You can hide behind any rocks. Once lured, call your own helicopter, after which the enemy's helicopter will be shot down. Moreover, if your helicopter is poorly pumped, then it is your turntable that will be shot down, keep this in mind. In any case, after that you will only have to deal with enemy fighters.

14 - Destruction of a unit of armored vehicles - 14

The last task will take place on the territory of the Lamar Haate Palace. Landing should be a little south of the key point. This is done so that enemies do not notice you. Get ready in advance for the fact that you have to face a very powerful enemy helicopter, which, at best, will have to be hit about ten times with a rocket launcher. In addition, there will also be enemy armored vehicles, the strength of which is only half that of a turntable. That is why the final battle of these tasks will be much more difficult than the previous ones. Try to use shelling and dropping ammunition as often as possible, and just be extremely careful.

Passage of tasks for demining bombs

Purpose of tasks: In each task you need to neutralize the installed, as well as forgotten mines. Diamond Dogs is involved in this case at the request of a humanitarian organization.

1 - Demining - 01

Try to take a dog for this task, because thanks to it you will be able to find mines, which will be instantly indicated on your map. They will look like a red curved line. You can either blow them up from afar, or carefully sneak up and press the deactivation button.

2 - Demining - 02

You will have to land in the northern part of Kabul, on the east side of the Lamar Haate Palace. After disembarking, move to the area that is marked on your map. Use a dog to clear the mines the easiest way. Two mines will be located on the right side just behind the rocks - the middle of the marked area on your map.

3 - Demining - 03

Having taken a new task, land on a turntable a little south of the place that is indicated on your map. An oil field called Mfinda will be located nearby. Move to the marked marker. Upon arrival, you have to neutralize eight mines. All mines will be scattered throughout the location, so the dog will help you a lot here. Mostly mines will be hidden between barrels and ruins. Moreover, even if you complete this task during the day, we recommend that you still use the night vision device, which will allow you to highlight all the mines. By the way, do not forget that mines can be located near each other, or near a hot substance.

4 - Demining - 04

Go to the next place that you will need to defuse. The new place will turn out to be expensive through the guard post, which is in the west of the Smasei fortress. There you will meet four soldiers - deal with them. After that, turn to the right side and there you will already find a minefield, where eight mines will lie.

5 - Demining - 05

In the southern part of the northeast guard post of the Munko Ya Nyoka station. You should move between the rocks, where the mines will be located. There will be nine minutes in total. The very last mine will be closest to the guard post, right at the wooden barriers. To make it easier to detect mines, use the night vision device.

6 - Demining - 06

Your next stop is the southeast guard post of Nova Braga Airport. You should land in the northeastern part of the blue area, which is marked on your map. In total, you have to neutralize nine mines. If you can't find all the mines, then a dog that will mark them all will help you a lot in this matter.

7 - Demining - 07

This time you have to clear the road that goes through the northwestern guard post of the village, which is called "Shahra Ye". You should drive on an asphalt road. When you pass the grass that lies between the rocks, turn into this passage and go straight. Soon you will come across a minefield. There will be eleven mines in total. Before you start neutralizing the mines, it's best to clear the outpost a little further away first, because deactivating the minutes will make a lot of noise and thereby attract the attention of your enemies.

8 - Demining - 08

This time you have to go to the southeastern guard post of the Bampewe plantation. Plant in the southwest side of the key area. After disembarking, make your way to the indicated territory and move to the very center. There will be mines. There will be eleven mines in total. They will be located across the entire slope: from the bottom to the very top. A couple of mines will be located near the barrels that are filled with fuel, so try not to get too close to them.

9 - Demining - 09

10 - Demining - 10

Passage of tasks to search for runaway children

Purpose of tasks: In each task, you have to search for and evacuate children who have escaped from the main base.

1 - Search for runaway children - 01

If you do not have this task, then you need to complete the episode from the second chapter. Move to the base, which is marked on your map. Get down closer from the side of the cliff. There will be a fence near the nearest building - jump over it using containers or boxes. And by the way, Quiet will help you a lot in this task, which will be able to mark all the targets on the territory of this base. When you get to the other side, you have to go around the building in a clockwise direction - remember this.

Near the entrance inside will be a soldier. Do not rush to remove it and move inside. Wait for two more enemies to enter this building. After that, pick up the time and move after the spinner flies over your head. Immediately after the turntable, you need to rush to the soldier who is outside this building and drag him inside some room. After that, you have to take the boy and very carefully get out of this room so that the pilot of the turntable cannot notice you.

A jeep will be parked in the back of the house. It is better to get to him and already dump him from this military base. Once you're behind the wheel, get out of this hotspot. And if a turntable chases you, anyway, the task will be completed soon. So the boy will automatically disappear and everything will be fine.

2 - Finding Runaway Children - 02

Now you have to go to a mansion called the Tolker Code. Inside this mansion, you need to find another child. When you stumble upon the soldiers, wait for the moment when they report the location of the child, and only then kill them. As soon as you recognize the place where the boy is being held, go there and pull him out. And keep in mind that if the soldiers see you with a guy on their shoulders, then with a 100% probability they will start firing at you, so I will kill the boy 100%. That is why we recommend that you first clean up the territory and only after that engage in the evacuation of the boy.

3 - Search for runaway children - 03

You have to be in the same place where you once fought with Quiet. On one of the nearby skyscrapers there will be another child. It is necessary to climb up and in the very corner of the building to find a fault. Having got out upward, evacuate the boy. The evacuation will require a Fulton for children, and for it it will be necessary to raise the level of support to level 24.

4 - Finding Runaway Children - 04

Move to the marked building. Along the way, kill every enemy that will interfere. Near one of the buildings there will be a car with a radar. If you destroy this car, then your enemies lose the ability to call for reinforcements. In any case, make your way inside the building where the radar once stood and move up the stairs. You need to go up to the third floor. There, find a room in which there will be a broken floor. Move along the very narrow ruins until you find the child. As soon as you take it, you have to take it out along the same path that you got here. In addition, if necessary, ask Silent to examine the location carefully so that she marks all enemy targets. By the way, she can also mark the location of the boy.

5 - Finding Runaway Children - 05

Move to the cave. Thanks to Silence, you will be able to find enemy soldiers and generally carefully examine this location. The child you need will be on the right side, slightly above the entrance. In addition, there are a couple of zombies in the same place. You can get there thanks to the room with a pond. As soon as you deal with all the enemies, take care of the evacuation of the boy.

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