How many ps4 consoles have been sold. Press release


~PS4 software sales topped 50.4 million in the same period
"UNCHARTED 4: A Thief's End" has sold more than 8.7 million copies worldwide~

SAN MATEO, CA January 4, 2017– Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) today announced that sales of the PlayStation®4 (PS4™) computer entertainment system and its software have increased during the Christmas period. Details:

  • Over 6.2 million PS4*1 consoles were sold during Christmas 2016.
  • As of January 1, 2017, a total of over 53.4 *2 million PS4s have been sold worldwide.
  • PS4 software sales also remained strong, with over 50.4 *3 million copies sold worldwide through retail and digital downloads on the PlayStation®Store as of January 1, 2017. UNCHARTED 4: A Thief's End *4 has sold over 8.7 million copies worldwide as of December 21, 2016.

“We are truly grateful to our fans and partners for the tremendous support that has helped us make this holiday season one of the best we've ever had,” said Andrew House, President and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment. “We will strive to build on this year's success by expanding the PS4 application portfolio, enriching the industry with the revolutionary gaming experience of the PlayStation VR system *5 and the high-end PlayStation4 Pro *6 console, while improving online services. We're committed to continuing to make PS4 the best place to play."

The PS4 system is currently available in 123 countries/regions*7 worldwide.

*1 Quantity retail sales consumers calculated by SIE. Collected PS4 sales data in Japan and Asia for the period 11/21/2016 to 1/1/2017, in North America and Latin America for the period 11/20/2016 to 12/31/2016, in Europe from 11/1/2016 21/2016 to 12/31/2016.

*2 Retail sales to consumers calculated by SIE. Sales data collected in Japan for the period 2/22/2014 to 1/1/2017, North America for the period 11/15/2013 to 1/1/2017, Europe and Latin America for the period 11/29 /2013 to 12/31/2016 and in Asia from 12/17/2013 to 1/1/2017.

*3 Retail sales to consumers calculated by SIE. Sales data collected in Japan and Asia for the period 11/21/2016 to 1/1/2017, in North America and Latin America for the period 11/20/2016 to 12/31/2016, in Europe from 11/21 /2016 to 12/31/2016.

*4 Includes worldwide sales data based on Blu-ray Disc copy sales and digital sales.

*5 PlayStation®VR

*6 PlayStation®4 Pro

*7 As of 12/7/2016

About Sony Interactive Entertainment

Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) is the world leader in interactive entertainment software. The company represents the PlayStation® brand and family of products and services. PlayStation has been a market innovator since the launch of the first PlayStation in Japan in 1994. The PlayStation family of products and services includes PlayStation®4, PlayStation®VR, PlayStation®Vita, PlayStation®3, PlayStation®Store, PlayStation®Plus, PlayStation ™Video, PlayStation™Music, PlayStation™Now, PlayStation™Vue, PlayStation®Original and software PlayStation® by SIE Worldwide Studios. The company's headquarters is located in San Mateo, California. SIE is a subsidiary of Sony Corporation and has global functions. The company's headquarters are located in California, London and Tokyo.

"PlayStation" is a registered product of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. "PS4" is a product of the same company. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Sony at CES 2019 announced the sale of more than 91.6 million PlayStation consoles 4 as of December 31, 2018. The company noted that during the pre-Christmas high season, 5.6 million PS4 units and 50.7 million games for the console were sold (in total, more than 876 million copies of PS4 games were sold worldwide during the entire time). latest console Sony). At the same time, it was announced that the latest PlayStation exclusive blockbuster was sold out by more than 9 million players. By the way, "only" 86.1 million consoles of this family, which entered the market more than 5 years ago, were sold.

All this suggests that Sony remains the undisputed leader in the current generation of consoles. Microsoft, in order not to look too faded against the backdrop of a Japanese competitor, has ceased to provide reliable information on console sales. Xbox One back in 2015. She has since replaced sales numbers with relative numbers that allow the company to show growth without explaining exactly how many people have opted for Xbox One or use its services.

“We continue to view engagement as a key measure of success and no longer report overall console sales. a Microsoft spokesperson told Variety in early 2018. - During our Fiscal 2018 Q3 report, we announced that the gaming division's revenue grew 18% year-on-year, driven by a 24% increase in sales of Xbox software and services, and the number of Xbox Live active users increased by 1 % compared to the same period last year, up to 59 million people. We continue to see a significant increase in the amount of time the average user spends on Xbox Live and we are committed to delivering unprecedented new experiences for players on Xbox One, Windows 10 and mobile.".

Unlike Microsoft, Sony executives are happy to be direct about the size of the PlayStation business. The last concrete information we were told about Xbox One sales was in 2016, when it was said during the EA reporting conference that 19.1 million Xbox One systems had been sold to that point. All in all, it's extremely unlikely that Microsoft will be able to match the PS4's sales figures this generation.

Nintendo, in turn, has already sold 22.86 million hybrid Switch consoles- an impressive figure for a system that has been on the market for less than two years. However, Sony will already be promoting the PlayStation 5 by the time the Switch begins to catch up with the PS4 in terms of sales. By the way, 91.6 million PS4 systems sold suggests that the console has every chance of getting around the success of the Nintendo Wii, which used huge success and was sold in 101.63 million copies.

The VGCharts website released the latest data on the state of the game console market: last week, Microsoft sold 107,863 Xbox consoles one. Thus, the total number of consoles sold exceeded the mark of 20 million and amounted to 20,067,310 copies.

For comparison: over the same period, Sony managed to sell 290,312 PlayStation 4 consoles. In February, PS4 sales were also better than Xbox One - Sony has no reason to worry at the moment. 37,947,351 PlayStation 4s have been purchased worldwide so far.

PS4 sold twice as many games

The data on the number of games sold is also interesting: while 779,891 Xbox One games were sold last week, the PlayStation 4 showed more than double best result- 1,840,210 games. In this way, both console manufacturers as well as third-party developers make good profits. Therefore, rumors that Microsoft is going to leave the market game consoles not to be taken seriously.

Best Selling Games for Xbox One

Since the launch of Xbox One, 116,833,042 games have been sold. bestsellers for this game console are: Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 (6.61 million), Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (5.05 million), Grand Theft Auto V (4.34 million), Halo 5: Guardians (3.70 million) and Fallout 4 (3.66 million).

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