Accessories and video games. Accessories and video games Playstation 3 game console

Game consoles are not as popular as gaming PCs now, but they still find their buyer and do their job perfectly. It is known that there are two main competitors in the market that produce consoles. We will consider one of them, or rather the product itself. game console Sony PlayStation 3, although somewhat lost its relevance after the release of the fourth version, it can still be useful to picky gamers.


Before considering this model, it is worth briefly noting the history of the release of products from this company. The first version of this console appeared back in 1994. The second came out six years later. Even then it was clear that the release of the third - a matter of time. Therefore, among the fans, rumors began to multiply that and how.

It was officially decided to present the novelty to the world in 2005. Then the Sony PlayStation 3 game console was presented in a "draft" version. A year later, the company decided to announce the cost of the device, as well as information about the sale. In addition, it was decided to announce the release of a new joystick, which was originally called Sixaxis. In the same year, at one of the exhibitions, users could test the device for the first time. Already the first launches of the console indicated all the existing errors. So, complaints about the incorrect operation of some game projects immediately began. There were problems with the image and sound. But the company convinced the user that everything will be fixed after the software update.


The Sony PlayStation 3 game console was presented in several configurations. So, the difference was observed in the volume of railway. A cheaper modification received 20 GB, and the complete set acquired 60 GB. Interestingly, the first option, although it was popular in some regions, was not available specifically in America due to lack of demand.

The very next year after the launch of sales, a version with 80 GB appears, then with 40 GB. The following models are sold that do not support PS2 games. The built-in card reader also disappears. The 2008 update was the top seller. So, the model appeared with an 80 GB hard drive, and instead of the Sixaxis joystick, the legendary DualShock 3 appears.

In Russia, the situation with diversity was different. There were no options for 40, 60 and 80 GB almost immediately. The Sony PlayStation 3 Super Slim and Slim game console was available with hard drive capacities from 120 to 320 GB. There was also a model with 12 GB flash memory.

Slim options

In general, the Slim and Super Slim models did not appear immediately. The first version became known at the exhibition in 2009. The console itself has become smaller, not only in size, but also in weight and energy consumption. The processor was updated, which was now manufactured using the 45-nm process technology, and they also thought about the cooling system. The Sony PlayStation 3 Slim 320gb game console has returned the attention of fans to itself. She became popular instantly in her homeland, and later in the USA and Great Britain. In less than a month, the company was able to sell more than a million copies. The manufacturer realized his mistakes and by 2012 prepared an even more subtle modification. Super Slim has become lighter and smaller than the previous version. There was a variant with a hard drive of 250 and 500 GB.


The design of the Sony PlayStation 3 game console has received a strict but stylish design. The original version weighed 5 kilograms, and the dimensions were impressive: 325 x 98 x 274 mm. Interestingly, it has become larger than the second version and is almost similar in size to its main competitor, the Xbox. Shape - slightly convex, rectangular. The corners are straight and sharp. The attachment can be easily installed both horizontally and vertically. All the elements were placed in the case, including the power supply and the cooling system.

The thin modification received a weight of 3.20 kilograms and reduced dimensions to 290 x 65 x 290 mm, which, of course, made this version more compact than its main competitor. In general, the appearance remained the same. The top was glossy black plastic. According to company representatives, such a strict and, on the other hand, the right choice gives the console an elite look. That is, looking at the appearance, it is immediately clear why the Sony PlayStation 3 game console received such a cost.

The price of $ 800 still not convinced everyone of the elitism of the console. The plastic itself turned out to be very easily soiled. It seemed to attract everything that was possible: dust, fingerprints, dirt, etc. But it was the Slim version that saved the user from this drawback, since the gloss was replaced with matte plastic. The elements on the console have hardly changed their location. Blu-ray - on the right, and instead of a sliding disc tray - just a hole. There were also minor design changes depending on the configurations. So, for example, in a cheaper version, chrome inserts disappeared.


As mentioned earlier, there were three main variations, but each of them had its own modification. So, for example, the 320 GB Slim version was presented not only in black, but also in white, red and silver. This is the only model that had such a large color variety.

The Sony PlayStation 3 500gb game console was also available in black, while white was only available for the Japanese. If the buyer wanted to purchase a light version of the console, then he had to choose between the regular 80 GB version and the thin 160 GB model. The rest of the consoles, which were sold in white, were only available in Japan.


It is clear that the PS3 is not particularly powerful by today's standards. But for the year it was released, it was a good console that worked with a 218 GFLOPS CPU and 1.8 TFLOPS graphics. The crystal functioned for eight threads and had a clock frequency of 3.2 GHz. The GPU was called the "Reality Synthesizer". The well-known company nVidia worked on it together with Sony.

The video card worked at a frequency of 550 MHz, the memory received 256 MB. RAM inside was 256 MB, which at that time was enough. Blu-ray was responsible for the optical media. The laptop-type hard drive was removable, that is, in the event of a breakdown or lack of memory, it could be replaced. There were, as usual, all wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi and the second version of Bluetooth.

USB 2.0 slots were placed on the console to connect external devices. In the first versions of the console, you could find four of them, later, due to economy, their number was halved.


The joystick is the main element without which the Sony PlayStation 3 game console did not work. The price of it separately was impressive, so those who broke or lost controllers endured a lot. Initially, the wireless Sixaxis was responsible for the manipulator. It worked via bluetooth. The battery lasted up to a day of continuous operation. I needed a cable to charge. Four indicators helped to determine the connection to the set-top box.

A feature of this joystick was that it functioned in three planes, identified movements, rotations and various manipulations. So the game could give new sensations and become more realistic. This controller did not have vibration motors, which are known in the later version, so the device itself was lighter.

The DualShock 3 is the controller that later became the main controller and replaced the Sixaxis. He had vibration motors, which, of course, improved game moments. In some games, they behaved individually. In shooters they depicted scatter and interfered with aiming, in car simulators they imitated the steering wheel. The main advantage of this version of the controller was the quality of materials. Thanks to this, the joystick became a long-liver and replaced the previous version.


It was not possible to get rid of the company's problems. As practice has shown, the repair of Sony PlayStation 3 game consoles turned out to be frequent. There were even typical problems for some buyers. So, on the Internet there is information about the "yellow lights of death." This problem was identified on the first versions of the console with a volume of 60 GB. Overheating was noticeable not only by sensations, but also by software details.

The power indicator first blinked yellow, and then started blinking red. As a result, it turned out that the poor-quality assembly, or rather the soldering of the GPU, was to blame. Later, of course, ways to solve this problem appeared. Also, one of the most common bugs was the console's refusal to work with a "foreign" hard drive after the update. This was especially true for those consoles in which the memory was raised to 500 GB or 1 TB.

PlayStation 4. But for some time the consoles that are popular today will remain in demand on the world market, just like the Sony PlayStation 2 game consoles were in demand after the appearance of the third version. What's more, programmers and game designers are still working on new games for the PS3, so anyone who hasn't bought this console yet will be able to buy it and not feel left out.

So, we offer you to look at the Sony PlayStation 3 game console as close as possible, evaluate its functionality, get some tips on choosing a specific version of the gaming system and get acquainted with the basic principles of its operation.

This is what the Sony PlayStation 4 might look like

In order to appreciate the object of the current review and get the best idea about the device, you need to make a brief digression into the history of the Sony PlayStation 3. an IBM Cell central processing unit and equipping consoles with Blu-ray optical drives capable of handling media up to 50 GB.

If everything is more or less clear with the Cell processor, unique at that time, then the presence of Blu-ray format optical drives was met with a slight misunderstanding. Why was the choice, in relation to the realities of that time, controversial?

IBM Cell - the heart of the Sony PS3 game console

The fact is that the technology of "high resolution" was just beginning its victorious march. Not only were there not so many low-cost TV systems on the market that could display an HD-quality picture. More importantly, Sony itself had serious problems with the release of components for Blu-ray optical drives. As a result, the official presentation of the game console took place in the spring of 2006, and it became possible to freely purchase the device in retail sales much later.

At first, Microsoft took advantage of this with its Xbox 360 console (this set-top box was equipped with HD DVD drives), whose sales were higher than those of a competitor. The matter was aggravated by the fact that Sony is the ancestor of the Blu-ray standard, and therefore simply could not make a choice between the Blu-ray and HD DVD formats that were just emerging at that time. In the long run, this decision turned out to be a winning one.

Having coped with technological difficulties, Sony was able to satisfy the demand for the PlayStation 3 in a short time. Later, having won the format war against HD DVD adherents, the Japanese company began to reap the benefits of its correct decision - its consoles can also be considered as a Blu-ray player, while competitor models do not have this functionality.

So, the Sony PlayStation 3 game console has gradually turned from an outsider into the market leader in game consoles, which it should have been from the very beginning. So far, its position is very strong, and due to small updates and, mainly, the constant release of numerous games and new accessories, Sony manages to maintain demand for its consoles.

The first modification of the Sony PlayStation 3

Compact modification of the Sony PlayStation 3 Slim - in this form, the console is sold today in all stores

Since 2006, Sony has released several variations of the game console - after the original version, its more compact and economical Slim version appeared. It is now sold in stores around the world. But Slim itself comes in various configurations, the main difference between which is the use of a hard drive of various sizes. At the moment, consoles with 120, 160, 250 and 320 GB drives are sold in Russia. There are also game equipment options, but we will talk about them a little later.

The full specification of the Sony PlayStation 3 game console is as follows:

  • eight-core CPU Cell BE with a frequency of 3.2 GHz;
  • 500 MHz RSX GPU with 256 MB GDDR3 graphics memory;
  • 256 MB Rambus XDR memory running at processor frequency;
  • 20, 40, 60, 80, 120, 160, 250, and 320 GB replaceable 2.5-inch hard drive;
  • audio and video outputs: HDMI 1.3а, S/PDIF, AV Multi;
  • cables: composite video and stereo sound, S-Video, SCART, D-Sub, DVI, component video, D-Terminal;
  • support for wireless data transmission technologies IEEE 802.11b/g Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 2.0 (EDR);
  • four USB 2.0 ports (two on the 40 GB model);
  • network connection via gigabit ethernet.

So, when purchasing a Sony PlayStation 3 game console today, the buyer faces the main choice - how much hard drive he needs. In order not to make a mistake with the purchase, you need to understand that all the game data of the user or users (if there are several) will be recorded on it, photos, video materials and audio files will be placed. In the online store PlayStation Store, users are offered a large number of various kinds of additional materials (including voluminous videos), demos of upcoming games. Let's not forget about updates for the console itself and games - all the necessary files are also stored on the hard drive. For convenient viewing of photos, watching videos and listening to music, it is desirable to place these files on the hard drive of the set-top box.

In other words, the volume of materials placed on the built-in drive is quite large. If we take into account that game data is tied to a specific user profile (including games purchased in the online store, additional materials for games, etc.), then our advice is to purchase a set-top box with a maximum hard drive. That is 320 GB. Let this option be more expensive than the others - there will be much less problems with the active use of the set-top box.

As for the different configurations, today there are a huge number of options on store shelves, including one or more additional games, accessories (for example, an interesting Move controller). It is quite possible to consider these options - if the buyer has some gaming preferences, then it is better to purchase a kit that includes the desired game. In this case, the kit will cost less than the console and the game for it, bought separately.

There is only one caveat. When buying such kits, you cannot choose the capacity of the hard drive - it is strictly regulated by one name. The good news is that today set-top boxes with a storage capacity of 160 GB and above are offered. There are no obvious losers. But still, our recommendation is, if possible, to take a set-top box with a hard drive of the largest possible capacity.

DualShock 3 - the main controller for PS3

So, suppose that you have chosen a specific version of the game console, paid the required amount, and were about to carry the entire system home for installation and testing. You shouldn't be in such a hurry. Surely the seller will try to advise you something from accessories. What you should pay attention to?

First moment. If you have a high-definition television system that has a free HDMI port, then you should take care to purchase an HDMI cable. The fact is that, oddly enough, this is not included in the package, although the PS3 is capable of playing 1080p movies, and there are even games with Full HD support. So, you need to purchase an HDMI cable. But just do not need to purchase the most expensive cable. Moreover, you can limit yourself to the cheapest option - the quality of the digital signal will not deteriorate at all from this. But the money saved can then be spent on the purchase of mini-games. Or additional materials.

Second moment. If you plan to play with the whole company, then it is very desirable to purchase at least one additional joystick. Many projects allow you to play together, which is much more exciting than single missions. Which joystick to take? We advise you to still choose DualShock 3 - it is not only equipped with a feedback system in the form of vibrations, but also supports data transfer via Bluetooth and has motion sensors. A very interesting controller was the Sony Move released in 2010, the main task of which is to control the set-top box with the help of movements. Many games have already been released for it, and all of them are ideal for a group of gamer friends. If you have a small child, they will also love Move and related games.

So, the choice is made. A game console equipped with the most capacious hard drive was purchased, the necessary games and accessories were purchased. Now it remains only to connect the PlayStation 3 to the television system - there should be no problems at this stage. If you have a TV that supports Full HD resolution, then we simply use the previously purchased HDMI cable - both video and sound will be transmitted through it. For other types of connections, everything is also very simple - select the required cable and connect it to the appropriate connectors. There may be some problems with setting up the TV, but the console itself is already completely ready for work, you just need to turn it on.

But even the process of turning on the Sony game console can be done in two ways. The first is turning on directly by pressing a button on the device case. In this case, to control the console, you will need to run the joystick recognition procedure. If there are several of them, then it will be necessary to assign a number to each of them - from 1 to 7. The second is to turn on the console simply by pressing the PS button. The whole procedure starts and ends automatically, but only for one joystick, the rest will need to be authorized by yourself.

When the PlayStation 3 is turned on, XrossMediaBar will open up, a graphical user interface developed by Sony for the BRAVIA consoles and television systems. Everything is simple here - the interface is a horizontal "line" with icons "User", "Settings", "Photo", "Music", "Video", "Games", "Network", PlayStation Network and "Friends".

XrossMediaBar - PS3 user interface

The first menu item - "Users" - allows you to register a new user for PS3 or select from a list of available options.

The "Settings" item speaks for itself - it is here that the user will find access to all system operation parameters without exception, from setting the time / date and network connection to fine-tuning the console.

The items "Photo", "Music" and "Video" speak for themselves - here the downloaded multimedia materials are formed into galleries and libraries, playback of discs with music and films starts from here.

"Games" is the heart of the PS3 game console. Icons are displayed here for launching demo versions of game projects purchased on separate discs or purchased in the online store of games. This is where the gamer can view the list of awards and prizes, manage saved game data. There is also an icon for entering the PlayStation Store, where you can purchase both the games themselves and their demos, additional materials, view commercials, etc. To enter the PlayStation Store, you must first log in to the PlayStation Network using your login.

Let's make a small digression. Purchases in the PlayStation Store are easiest to make with a bank card - just enter all the data required by the system about it once. Money from the card is transferred to a “virtual” account, from which it is then debited when buying a digital product.

"Network" - here is a small list of tools for working with the Global Network, including a browser, a separate label "Search the Internet" and Life with PlayStation.

Next, the PlayStation Network item with the icons "Sign in to the network" (under your own registered network login), "What's new?" with a list of the most interesting news and commercial offers to the user, the icon for launching the PlayStation Home social network and another icon for launching the Store online store.

And the last is the "Friends" item, where you can find not only a friend by his nickname, but also view a list of gamers with whom online battles were held, their achievements. If necessary, you can add them to your friends list and communicate via chat.

In this case, an Internet connection is very important, since a significant component of the console is network battles, communication with rivals and friends, updates for both the software for the console itself and for games, and much, much more. Without access to the Network, the PlayStation 3 loses much of its charm.

How to organize an Internet connection? There are two options here. The first, preferred one, is to use your home Wi-Fi network for this. In this case, everything is very simple. We go into the network settings, select a wireless connection, find our network and, if the network is encrypted, enter the key. Further, everything is carried out automatically.

The second option for connecting to the Internet is a wired connection. Here the algorithm of actions is also simple. You must select the type of connection, specify the login and password. If you yourself set up an Internet connection on your home PC, then there will be no problems connecting the console.

That's all - the device will independently check the connectivity, establish a connection and, most likely, ask for permission to automatically update the software to the latest version. We recommend that you do not disable the update.

Firstly, some identified “bugs” are eliminated with updates, the stability of the system is increased, and functionality is expanded. For example, the latest updates have added support for stereoscopic mode (update 3.30) and the ability to play 3D Blu-ray (3.50).

Secondly, and no less important, by regularly releasing updates, Sony fights against pirates and fans of “hacking” consoles to run unlicensed games. If you choose not to install the latest system software, some services and products may become unavailable. What's more, when you sign in to PlayStation Network, it automatically checks for the latest update. If you refuse to install it, you will not be logged into the network. The only disadvantage of automatic download is that during the download and installation of files, all other operations are temporarily unavailable until the update process is completed.

PlayStation Store - about online store for games, add-ons, betas and more

After the system update is completed software it is advisable to register on the PlayStation Network by choosing a nickname / password combination for yourself. It is this network name that will be used in games, including network games, achievements and records will be associated with it, under this name it will be possible to launch materials purchased from the online store.

So, the preparatory procedure is completed. Now you can safely insert the purchased disc with the game into the optical drive and have fun alone, with family or with friends. There will definitely not be a lack of something to play on long nights and in the company of friends. The list of projects released for PS3 is huge: numerous shooters, action games, racing simulators, RPGs, fighting games, sports sims, strategy games, and even games outside of strictly defined genres, such as Heavy Rain, Little Big Planet, and others. Their list is constantly growing and will continue to expand, apparently, until the release of PlayStation 4.

To expand the gaming capabilities of the console, you can purchase special devices that will make the game much more real. For example, if you decide to buy sports-themed PS3 games, the so-called simulators, then the Playstation Move controller will help you interact with the console with gestures. The Playstation eye camera is able to recognize the movements of the human body and repeat them exactly on the screen. Playstation 3 games have been available for purchase for more than 8 years - since the release of the first console. During this time, a huge variety of games has accumulated on the PS3, which are bought by avid gamers. Despite the release of a new generation of consoles, the developers promise that it will be possible to buy games for the playstation 3 for several more years, as they will be adapted for the console.

How to choose discs for playstation 3

First of all, when choosing a disc, you need to decide on the genre. These can be shooters, simulations, strategy games, RPGs, or even two-player stories. Together with the program, the buyer receives instructions for installing it and a description of the features of the game for Playstation 3, which will not have to be purchased separately.

I love Sony. I also love Sony Ericsson. Let's leave everything that is happening now, everything will be fine. With all my love, I am well aware that not all things are unconditionally good, they suit me one hundred percent. Here now you can give examples for a long time, list the advantages, but I’d rather focus on the Sony Playstation 3. The gaming division of the company lives a little apart, develops, by and large, regardless of the “big Sony”, which is probably why it turns out to do such brilliant things . Take at least the same PSP. Many of my friends, and I myself am the owner of the console, it is interesting to observe who uses it and how. Oddly enough, games are not in the first and not in the second place here, most of them use the PSP to watch movies, photos, and only occasionally play. It would seem that this is a game console, but thanks to the excellent display, it is very good as a video player. Surely, this moment was taken into account during development, and for sure that is why the prefix turned out to be so universal. It is not at all shameful to give it even to a forty-year-old person, I myself made such a present at the request of one comrade - entertainment before going to bed, drive races. If we talk about the Sony Playstation 3, then sometimes it is bought far from gaming purposes, because it is also one of the most inexpensive Blu-ray players on the market. We have already published an excellent article about this prefix by Alexei Dorozhin, I recommend reading it for a general acquaintance with the PS3 system.

I won't repeat myself, let's talk about something else. There are not so many PS3 users in our country, compared to the army of PC players and the shelves of Xbox 360 owners. I won’t say anything about the Nintendo Wii here, because it’s still not such a “serious” console, please understand me correctly, by seriousness I mean the presence of high-profile and known to every teenager games. When the PS3 hit the market, many were put off by the price, a small number really interesting games, plus for many, the impossibility of hacking has become a stumbling block. For many economical Russian guys, this moment is important, well, how is this so - you can’t “chip” the drive and run toys downloaded from torrents? By the way, the PS3 still remains unshakable, unbroken and just as frightening for fans of "freebies".

However, for anyone who doesn't care about these things, the PS3 can be a very useful household item. I will give myself as an example: I have been playing on the computer all my life and I would never have thought that at the age of thirty I would switch to a console. I'll get used to the joystick. Well, and so on. However, here it is, done. I don't even remember the last time I ran the game on a computer, it was a very long time ago, almost a year ago. I have long adapted to the joystick, the price of games has long ceased to scare me. It’s just that I don’t need to buy everything in a row, my home collection has Metal Gear Solid 4, Call of Duty 4, Battlefield: Bad Company, Battlefield 1943, in general, a set of shooters, not counting the first toy, it’s not even know what to call it. Spy saga is probably the most correct definition. There are a few more children's games, but the daughter was not imbued. My wife plays racing sometimes, but the female part of the family prefers the Nintendo Wii. I understand that I will be reproached again for long lyrical digressions, but it seems to me that the psychological moment is important. Before the New Year holidays, many of you will want to buy and try something new, I believe that PS3 can be such a purchase. But it is important to understand the capabilities and features of this console, and they are. Let's say that I would add the extreme versatility of this thing to the unambiguous pluses, in my house the PS3 performs several additional functions at once:

  • Watching video is constantly happening, whether it's DVD or Blu-ray discs, whether it's viewing from a "flash drive" or a hard drive. With the release of the latest firmware, films that would not open, I have not seen for a very, very long time. In general, PS3 as a video player is a brilliant thing.
  • Storing photos on a hard drive, it is convenient for guests to show where they went, what they did, and so on using the TV.
  • Using a browser, chatting with some comrades; not used as often, but also very useful.
  • Using PSN to download demos, videos, full games. An excellent add-on where you can not only download demo versions, but also full-fledged games. For example: the same Battlefield 1943 costs a little more than four hundred rubles, despite the strange graphics, this network shooter can seriously captivate, it is difficult to get rid of it (here many just have nostalgia for the original BF 1942).
  • Using DLNA to exchange any information with other devices is rarely used, but it also sometimes helps out.
  • Listening to music - used very rarely.

New versions of software for the set-top box appear with enviable regularity, and often this is not just a correction of any shortcomings, but the addition of new functionality. If we recall the latest "firmware", then the appearance was changed, desktop effects were added, new menu items were added, support for remote playback for the Sony Ericsson Aino phone, and so on and so forth. The console is becoming more and more perfect, turning not just into a gaming system, but into something more. It is with the help of such things that Sony has won an army of fans - when your expectations are justified beyond measure, and even the development of the purchased item does not end there.

However, it cannot be said about the cons of the system either; I had a 40 GB PS3, two USB ports, a version for Russia (I can’t say the exact index). I took a try, and therefore chose a small volume, because I did not understand what I was paying for. There was a desire to change the hard drive, but now it's too late. In general, everything was fine with her, but the touch buttons on the front panel angered me a little. They are very easy to offend, which we did regularly as a family. The second and main negative feature is the noise. No matter what they say about turning it on from a joystick or from a set-top box, I didn’t manage to catch the moment when the cooler starts to howl. You could play Bad Company for an hour in a row, and the console was as quiet as a mouse. But then you go to the menu, and it starts - PS3 takes off. Only when the console was turned off came the understanding of what real silence is. This feature was also depressing when watching movies, I had to turn up the volume very much, which did not add enthusiasm. Otherwise, there were no critical moments. Stuttering in Battlefield is normal and has more to do with the games than the console. You can write separate articles about the incredible problems with connecting to the Bad Company multiplayer, there’s nothing to blame here on the PS3. Well, now after such a long and tedious introduction, let me tell you about the PS3 Slim. You could already see reviews of this set-top box on foreign sites, in Russia samples for testing will begin in October, my sample came from the USA thanks to a kind person (Oleg, thanks again!).


The dimensions of the console have changed, and this is perhaps the main thing. The numbers look like this: 290x65x290 mm, for the old set-top box it is 325x98x274 mm. The Slim weighs 3.2 kg, the original PS3 weighed five kilograms. Is it good? Undoubtedly. Although the console is not a computer, in any case it takes up much less space. For me, downsizing means you can fit more stuff into the TV shelf, Apple TV, and so on. The material has changed, instead of varnished, matte, rough plastic is used. This is good, the prefix was quickly covered with dust, I had to constantly blow it, wipe it. Now the dust is invisible, but this does not mean that it is not there, of course. In any case, the prefix looks much neater, before taking pictures, I did not wipe it. I already wrote about the new thing on the blog, there was one comment about the cheap appearance due to the change in plastic. I will say this: this is not a phone to admire. If the original PS3 looks impressive, then Slim takes another one, you will understand everything in the course of the review.

Regarding the basic package: it includes the set-top box itself, a cable for connecting to the network, a DUALSHOCK3 joystick (with vibration), a MiniUSB cable for charging the joystick, an AV cable. Everything you need, it's very good that the kit has the right joystick. I’ll note an interesting detail: I already have a “dualshock”, and so, it’s a very strange thing - the joystick from the PS3 Slim kit works at least twice as much as it was bought separately. Whether this is a problem of a particular accessory, or it's something else.

At the moment, PS3 Slim only exists in black, but the PS3 Final Fantasy XIII bundle has already been announced - a white prefix with a pink pattern, white DUALSHOCK3. Interestingly, it has a 250 GB hard drive, sales of the kit will begin in December and only in Japan.


The touch buttons have been replaced with regular ones, you can see how they look in the photos. The indicator lights are just as sleek and small as ever. These buttons are pleasant to press, try it in the store, you will understand. I'm ready to do this all day long.


Compared to the original PS3, it's just heaven and earth! There is no noise, the operating console is almost inaudible. How it was possible to achieve such a result is not clear, because the matter is hardly only in the use of other components, it was also necessary to organize the cooling of the system in a special way. In general, they are just great, they did a great job. Moreover, even the disk in the drive behaves quietly and neatly.

Heating is not particularly felt, the console remains warm even after an hour of playing the game application. Not hot. To install the set-top box in a vertical position, you will need an original accessory called CECH-ZC1, which was not needed before.

Power consumption

According to the manufacturer, PS3 Slim consumes much less electricity, by a third. It's hard to verify, but we'll take our word for it.

Ports and connectivity

As in the old PS3, there is Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 2.0 (if there was 2.1, one would assume that the joystick works longer therefore), two USB ports, HDMI, AV Multi OUT, Digital Out - everything is as before . The slim version “lost” a card reader, a couple of USB ports, if this is critical for you, then you can wait with the purchase of Slim. Although, what can be critical here - I don’t understand, you can connect an external device using a MiniUSB cable.

For me, two points are important: that there is Wi-Fi and that there is HDMI, and that at least one USB. All this is here. By the way, there is an interesting possibility here, here is an excerpt from the press release: “The new PS3 system supports the Bravia Sync function. By connecting a PS3 system to a Bravia TV with an HDMI cable, you can use the TV's remote control to access XMB on the PS3. In addition, you can put the system into standby mode - when you turn off the Bravia TV, the PS3 system will also turn off. Another reason to buy in the future is a TV from Sony.

By the way, you can familiarize yourself with the full characteristics of the new console.

How much is?

In Russia, PS3 Slim will go on sale in October this year, the estimated price for a version with a hard drive 80 GB will be about thirteen thousand rubles. A prefix from the USA with a 120 GB disk cost me 12,500 rubles with delivery, but there is one “but”. I think you already guessed which one. The trouble is with discs like DVD and Blu-Ray for our zone are not supported, in other words, PAL will not work (but NTSC). That is, films from a hard drive or media are played absolutely normally, there are no problems with games, but, in fact, you can forget about movies on disks. Either look for “multi-zone” discs, or order them on Amazon - I, of course, will not deal with all this. The main consumer of DVDs in the family is a child, cartoon spoolers and all that, for me the loss is not big.

Here I will also mention a couple of positive points. The appearance of the new version, of course, will serve as an impetus for the sales of the original console, so it will be possible to join the PS3 for very good money starting from November-December. There are a lot of versions for sale, both basic and bundled with games.


Should I change my “fatty” to PS3 Slim? I think that it all depends on your personal attitude to noise, for me only this shortcoming was critical. Everything else is just a "facelift", there are not so many fundamental differences from the regular PS3. So I will not call for a replacement, then decide for yourself.

By the way, you are reading this material now, and Sony reported on a million sold PS3 Slim, in the USA the launch was incredibly successful. There are several reasons for this, I will omit the point about the consumer society and sleepyboys greedy for new products, something else is important.

The PS3 environment is already in place, the online store is well established, and the Play Station Network has more than 27 million registered users. More than a thousand games have been published on discs, even more downloadable games (more than 1400, as it is written on the official website). There is something and with whom to play. Moreover, before the end of the year we will have several more hits, the main of which is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. This game will be released on several platforms, including PC and Xbox 360. Both Sony and Microsoft are preparing special "bundles" for Modern Warfare, interesting synchronization, but it looks more interesting in the case of Sony PS3. Especially for a beginner. Here you have an updated, fresh console, and an excellent joystick, you don’t have to pay for participating in a network game (hello, Xbox!), I won’t say anything about additional features. Bearing in mind the experience of playing on the PS3 in the past Call of Duty, we can already say that it will not be boring.

Sony PLAYSTATION 3, PS3(jap. 3 Pureisute:sen Suri:) - game console seventh generation, the third (formally) but fourth, taking into account the PSP (PS1, PS2, PSP and, then, PS3) in the PlayStation family of gaming systems. With the PS3, you can play games, watch movies, listen to music, send email, and surf the web. PS3 has also supported most PlayStation and PlayStation 2 games since its launch.

The main competitors of the console are Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Nintendo's Wii. The PS3 was released in Japan on November 11, 2006, on November 17 in North America (including Mexico in the first quarter of 2007), and in March 2007 in Europe. Initially, there were two system configurations, the main difference of which was the size of the hard drive: 20 GB in the cheaper version and 60 GB in the complete set. The 20 GB model was relatively popular in Japan, but was discontinued in North America on April 11, 2007 due to low demand. On July 9, 2007, Sony announced that the 80 GB model would be available in North America in August 2007. Also on October 5, 2007, a version with a 40 GB hard drive appeared, which did not support games from the Sony PlayStation 2 and without a built-in card reader. On August 20, 2008, an update to this version appeared with an 80 GB hard drive. It is equipped with a DualShock 3 joystick and, like the previous 40 GB model, has only 2 USB connectors and does not support the PlayStation 2 format.

At the moment, sales of the console with a 60 GB disk in Russia are officially discontinued. Thus, three versions of the console remained on the Russian market - with hard drives of 40, 80 and 160 GB (sales of the latter began on October 31, 2008).

At the moment, sales of the console with a 60 GB disk in Russia are officially discontinued. Thus, two versions of the console remained on the Russian market - with hard drives of 80 and 160 GB (sales of the latter began on October 31, 2008).
At the same time, the console with 60 GB is rightfully considered the best version of the console due to its compatibility with PSOne and PS2, the best quality of the casing and the built-in card reader.

The theoretical power of the PlayStation 3 is two trillion floating point operations per second (2 Tflops), which is 35 times greater than the capabilities of the PlayStation 2. The console supports and is based on open APIs.
The PS3 processor is a multi-core Cell Broadband Engine jointly developed by IBM, Sony and Toshiba Corporation. Cell consists of one processor element based on the POWER architecture (PPE - POWER Processor Element) and eight synergistic processor elements (SPE - Synergistic Processor Element).
The set-top box also uses the RSX GPU or "Reality Synthesizer", created by NVidia and SCEI. The video chip operates at a frequency of 550 MHz and has 256 MB of memory. The GPU is a slightly modified G70.
The PS3 has 256MB of XDR DRAM made by Rambus.
The main optical media for PlayStation 3 games is Blu-ray, but the set-top box's drive also allows you to play regular DVDs and CDs. For a 2.5″ hard drive with a capacity of 40 gigabytes or more, it is possible to disable and replace it with a larger one. The set-top box was equipped with card readers for reading Memory Stick, CompactFlash, SD and MMC cards, in new models they were removed due to the cost of the console.
Network and wireless technologies are provided by Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b/g), Gigabit Ethernet and Bluetooth 2.0 standards. The set-top box has four USB 2.0 ports for connecting external devices.

Upscaling(English) upscaling) is the process of increasing the resolution and quality of a digital image or video.

Used at the hardware level in some DVD players and in the Sony PlayStation 3.

Also used when enlarging images. The picture is better than when the resolution is simply increased.

Interface and operating system

XMB interface (Xross Media Bar)

The set-top box has a full-fledged operating system, for which patches and updates can be downloaded through the online service. The system includes a full web browser that allows you to browse the Internet and check your mail.

The PS3 GUI called Xross Media Bar (XMB) was developed based on the interface of the portable consoles PSP and is the control center for console features. The program allows you to view photos, play music and movies from your hard drive. In addition, XMB provides compatibility with USB devices such as keyboards and mice. There is the possibility of communication between players, including through voice and video chat. The interface uses two types of accounts - administrator and user, with the help of which parents can limit, for example, the amount of money spent by children in an online store.

You can install an operating system from the GNU / Linux family on the console, for example, such as: YDL Linux (Yellow Dog Linux), Yellow Dog Linux for Sony PlayStation 3, Ubuntu, Fedora 7, however, some hardware features will not be available (for example, a 3D accelerator) .


  • heavy rain
  • Grand Theft Auto IV
  • God of War III
  • Killzone 2
  • Little Big Planet
  • Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
  • Uncharted 1/2
  • Gran Turismo 5
  • Final Fantasy Versus XIII

media player

In addition to games, the console can be successfully used as a video player, both standard and high definition(up to 1920×1080). Movies can be watched from both Blu-ray and regular DVDs (for example, in DivX or MPEG-4 format), and you can also use the set-top box as a client for a home media server (for example, FreeNAS).

Price and equipment

PS3 packaging, version "60Gb"

Sony has released two different configurations of the PlayStation 3. The "Premium" or "60Gb" version includes a 60 gigabyte internal hard drive. This version of the set-top box is also equipped with a Wi-Fi interface, an HDMI output and a card reader. The "Core" or "20Gb" version with a 20 GB hard drive does not include Wi-Fi and a card reader, but supports the ability to replace the hard drive and add missing interfaces using adapters. Initially, the company did not intend to equip the junior version of the set-top box with an HDMI connector, but on September 22, 2006, Sony changed its mind, and, in addition, reduced the price of the "Core" version in Japan to $ 429. Also, both versions do not include HDMI- cable required for full HD output.

Also supplied with the attachment:

  • One controller
  • USB cable
  • Stereo AV cable (Stereo AV, Component, D-terminal, multi-terminal)
  • LAN cable
  • Power cord

On November 11, 2006, PS3 sales began in Japan, and on November 17, the console was released in North America. The launch of the PlayStation 3 in Europe took place in March 2007 due to a lack of production capacity, in addition, the configuration of the console for this region has undergone changes. Since April 11, 2007, the production of the junior version of the console, "20 GB", has been discontinued.

On July 8, 2007, Sony announced a price cut for the 60 GB North American version of the set-top box, now priced at $499, and also announced a new model with an 80 GB hard drive that will go on sale in August for $599. .

On October 18, 2007, Sony announced a price cut for the 80 GB version of the set-top box for North America, now priced at $499, and a new model with a 40 GB hard drive was officially announced for America, which will go on sale on November 2, 2007. $399


Opportunities 20GB(NTSC) 40 GB (PAL, NTSC) 60 GB (NTSC) 60 GB (PAL) 80 GB (NTSC)
Removable 2.5" hard drive 20 GB
40 GB 60 GB 60 GB 80 GB 80 GB 160 GB
USB 2.0 ports 4 2
Color Black
Black, white (Asia only) Black Black Black Black Black
IEEE 802.11b/g WiFi Not Yes
Flash card adapter Not Not
Chrome panel Not Not
External finish Glossy Glossy Glossy Glossy Glossy Glossy Glossy
SACD playback Yes Not
PS2 compatible Hardware
Not Hardware Hardware Software Not

All models include: Blu-ray/DVD/CD drive, HDMI 1.3a and Bluetooth 2.0 support

Prices by region

Region Declared value 20GB Model 40GB Model 60GB Model 80GB Model
European Union EUR Not for sale €399 Sales discontinued €399
Great Britain GBP Not for sale £299 Sales discontinued £299
Japan JPY ¥49,980 ¥39,980 Sales discontinued ¥39,980
USA USD Sales discontinued $399 Sales discontinued $399
Canada CAD Sales discontinued Sales discontinued $669,99
Russia RUB Not for sale 15990 Sales discontinued 15990


DUALSHOCK®3 Wireless Controller

Buzz!™ Wireless Remotes


SIXAXIS Wireless Controller

Sixaxis is a wireless controller that works via Bluetooth communication. According to Sony, the battery is enough for 24 hours of use, and it will use a USB cable to recharge from the set-top box. The process of recognizing additionally connected wireless controllers is easily visible on 4 LED indicators. Up to seven controllers can be connected to the PlayStation 3 at the same time.

The main feature of Sixaxis is the ability of the controller to determine its position in space, as well as to capture movement and rotation in three planes, which will allow you to use new techniques in games that do not require pressing buttons. Sixaxis does not support the vibration function, which also makes the device lighter. According to the company, the vibration was removed from the controller solely to reduce the price of the device, although it was previously thought that the vibration features interfered with the motion sensors.

Sixaxis replaces the Analog switch and its indicator on the front of the controller with a PlayStation logo button similar to the Guide feature on the Xbox 360 controller. Some buttons have been increased in height for greater comfort. The levers "L2" and "R2" at the rear have become almost analog, now their degree of pressure can be adjusted like the pedals in a car. Analog joysticks have had their maximum deflection angle increased, as well as increased sensitivity.

At TGS'07, SCEI officially announced the DualShock 3, which differs from the original controller in the presence of vibration.

Blu-ray remote control

On December 7, the company also released a remote control with which the set-top box can be used as video player Blu-ray discs with standard features: rewind, switching between movie chapters, menu navigation, etc. The planned cost of the device is € 24. Can be included in some packages.

Component AV cable

The component AV cable is used to connect the PlayStation 2 and PLAYSTATION 3 system to a TV.

AV cable

An AV (Integrated Audio/Video) cable is used to connect the PlayStation system to a TV.

HDMI cable (3 meters)

S-VIDEO cable

This cable is used to connect the PlayStation system to a TV. Supports standard definition (576i) output, compatible with most TVs with S-VIDEO* input.

PlayStation Network

Once you have set up your PLAYSTATION 3, you can go online and join the PLAYSTATION®Network service.
The Network section is located in the main menu - here you will find the most advanced features of the PLAYSTATION 3. Network gives you access to the online version of the Owner's Manual, and also connects your PS3 and PSP and opens up a vast world of Internet and content in the PLAYSTATION® Store.
The Internet browser is your window to the Internet. Navigate your favorite websites, bookmark your most visited places, and use up to six windows for quick browsing.
If you log into PLAYSTATION®Network under the Friends category in the Main Menu, you will have access to the PLAYSTATION®Store.

There you will find free game demos, high-definition promotional videos, and much more different games. You can also buy and download full games, including those only available on PLAYSTATION 3.

Internet play
Your unique global identifier, ID, will allow you to enter the world of online multiplayer games, regular tournaments and competitions, will give you the opportunity to create and share various content with other PlayStation Network users.
Internet play

PlayStation Store
Visit the PlayStation Store to download PS3 and PSP exclusives - full games, high-definition movies and game trailers, as well as betas and community game demos.

Friends and messaging
Send text, audio and video messages to friends and family and stay connected using PlayStation Network's management tools.

Visit the Internet
Go online effortlessly with the built-in web browser on PS3 and PSP systems.

How to register?

PC Registration

You can register for the PlayStation Network at using the link below. If you have a PSN ID, you can also use it to instantly access PlayStation Network from your PS3.
Register now at playstation[dot]ru.

PS3 Registration

1. Connect your PSP to the Internet with a broadband connection.
2. Select [Sign up for PlayStation Network] from the PS3 main menu and create a new account.
3. Done! You can log on to the network.

PSP Registration

1. Make sure you have installed the latest system software updates. They are available at
2. Check if your PSP has wireless connectivity.
3. Select [Sign Up for PlayStation Network] from the main menu of your PSP and create a new account.
4. You can now log into the Playstation Network from your PSP.

PlayStation Home

Chat with friends
Meet friends, make new friends, chat with them and play online games, then return to PlayStation Home to discuss the completed game and organize a new one.

Explore a 3D world
Home is a stunning hi-res project featuring Central Plaza, Bowling Alley, Shopping Centre, Home Theatre, your own room, themed play spaces and more.

Get Home Free
Since you have a PlayStation Network account and access to the PlayStation Store, you can download Home for free.

PlayStation Home Surfing

Red Bull Air Race Game
In Red Bull Air Race, you'll be the pilot of an aircraft (whose characteristics you set yourself) and overcome a difficult air track with obstacles. Beat the records of other players in this high-speed test of your nerves and reactions.

Bowling Alley
Get together with your friends and open a bowling alley right at home with arcade-style virtual bowling. Compete with each other in knocking down pins, visit private rooms play space and enjoy the pool.

PSP-3000 Treasure Hunt
Find out more about the exciting new events taking place at PlayStation Events Space to celebrate the launch of the PSP-3000...

home theater
Sit back in front of the Home Theater to watch trailers for upcoming games and movies and learn about the latest technology. Watch videos will be updated regularly, so check back often.

PS Home items, mini-games, videos and other paid content on PSN are purchased with credit cards and PSN Gift Cards of $20 and $50!

Deciphering Playstation 3 Error Codes

Below is a list of all known bugs, which are issued by the PlayStation 3 in case of various unforeseen situations. If the proposed solutions do not help you, then you need to contact Sony technical support by phone: 8-495-258-76-69 (for Moscow) and 8-800-200-76-67 (free of charge from anywhere in Russia).

00710102 - DNS error. The DNS server is not available. Try setting ]]> OpenDNS servers as DNS servers. and
80010001 - Serious bug, the ability to run games is disabled (Physical damage to the BluRay drive is possible).
80010007 - Error when trying to start. Try restarting your PlayStation 3.
80010014 - The downloaded content is corrupted. Usually occurs in case of an error when downloading games from PSN. You need to repeat the download.
80010017 - Unable to run game from Blu-ray disc.
80010036 - Deletion error.
8001050B- It is not possible to run the game demo from the hard drive when a Blu-ray disc is inserted. Remove the disc.
8001050D- Error when starting the console. Remove the disk from the set-top box, insert it again and reboot the system.
80010510 - The game cannot be launched from the hard drive - the reason is unknown.
80010514 — BD disc read error.
80010516 - Error starting PSONE game. Remove the disk, insert it again, and reboot the system.
80022D27- At the moment it is not possible to compare trophies. Please try again later or reboot your device.
80022D68- Trophy sync error, please try again later.
80023102 - Credit card information error, please check the correctness of the entered data.
80023103 - Credit card information error, please check the correctness of the entered data or try again later.
80028801 - Starting with firmware version 1.8, this is a bug with playing files in the ".ts", ".m2t" and ".m2ts" containers. To play, you need to rename them to ".mpg" and they will be played.
8002880C- Error playing DivX video files of unsupported type.
80028818 - Same as error 80028801
80028E01- Unable to connect to the Internet. Try rebooting your router.
80028EA5- Unable to connect to PSN. Try changing the DNS settings to those described in 00710102, if that doesn't help, contact technical support.
80028EA6- Internet connection error, problems with the router. Try rebooting your router.
80028F10- Incompatibility of game format with image output formats. The reason for the occurrence is the disks of the wrong region as the prefix. The only normal way to fix it is to connect the set-top box to the TV via HDMI.
80028F17- Error starting PS2 game. Remove the disk, insert it again, and reboot the system.
80028F18- Incompatible PS2 disc. Occurs if you insert a disc with instruments, IQ Remix or another non-standard disc into the console.
80028F19- Error starting PS2 disc. Cannot read the data stored on the hard disk. Use the set-top box toolkit to fix the problem.
80028F1A- Error starting PS2 disc. Network error.
80029023 — The key exchange timed out. Try to connect again.
80029024 — The IP address has timed out, check that your DHCP server is running.
80029301 - Error deleting data from PS2 virtual memory card. To fix, remove the memory card that has the error.
80029513 - Content protection error when installing the game on disc. There are no users in the system who bought this game.
80029516 - You must be logged into PlayStation Network to play the game.
80029564 - Error installing content downloaded from the network. Usually occurs in case of an error when downloading games from PSN. You need to repeat the download.
80029945 — Movies on a BD-R disc cannot be played.
80029946 — Error launching a DVD movie in a video format incompatible with the set-top box (NTSC on a PAL system).
80029C68— The file(s) are corrupted. Usually happens with files on an external hard drive.
8002A10D- Unable to add friend to XMB or use chat - cause unknown.
8002A220- PlayStation Network is unavailable. Reboot the set-top box and wait for the service to restore normal operation.
8002A227- Your console has been banned from accessing the PlayStation Network. Contact technical support.
8002A231- This PSN-ID is denied access to PSN. Usually the reason for such blocking is fraud with credit cards. For example, payment for PSN through intermediaries at bargain prices - $ 100 for 100 rubles. You need to contact technical support and find out what can be done to solve this problem, or get a new PSN-ID.
8002A515- PSN login error.
8002A548— Unable to authenticate on the server.
8002A705- Unable to connect to the game server. TCP and UDP ports required for correct operation are closed. Check your router settings.
8002A71A- NAT error, you can connect to the game server, but you won't be able to join games and create your own.
8002A854- The PSN service timed out.
8002AD23- Your connection type does not allow you to start network mode. This usually happens if you have a NAT3 connection type.
8002AE1D- An error occurred while establishing a connection to the server. This is usually a DNS server issue.
8002B241- A DVI cable was used to connect the set-top box, sound transmission is not possible.
8002F029- Firmware update problem. It is possible that the firmware file is corrupted.
8002F147— Cannot update the firmware via the Internet. Possible solutions: disable proxy, try not to use Firewall, disable UnuP support.
8002F147- It is not possible to update the set-top box via the Internet.
8002F994- The update server is overloaded, please try again later.
8002F997- Error updating the set-top box from external media.
8003041F- An error occurred while copying a file from a network share. Try repeating the process.
8003051E- The game will not be saved.
80030920 — Error copying the file, the file is corrupted or there is not enough disk space. Try repeating the process.
80031150 - Error saving system settings. Damage to system information. Press "X" to restore the default settings.
80031601 - An error occurred while creating the user account.
8013013D- WPA key error, insufficient signal strength, or unsupported encryption such as WPA2 is used. For WI-FI network.
8013013E- WEP key error, try to create a key from only numbers, switch to WPA or turn off encryption.
8013030 - System error due to failed update download.
80130301 - Your connection type does not allow you to join PSN. Usually happens if your connection type is NAT3.
8013030F- Access point not found.
80410418 - DNS error.
80410A0B— PSP internal error, please contact technical support.
8070102 - DNS server error, DNS server not found.
80710016 - Playstation Network is currently unavailable, please try again later.
80710092 - An error occurred, the PSN session was terminated. Timed out connection timeout or temporary communication failure. A very common mistake is if the region of your PSN account does not match the region of your console.
80710101 - Connection error.
80710102 - IP address conflict. Try changing the IP address of the set-top box or rebooting the router.
80710104 — No connection with the gateway. Try rebooting the router.
807101FF- DNS error.
8071053D- A hard reboot of the system is required. Put the set-top box into sleep mode (hold down the power button and hold it for ten seconds), when the set-top box turns off, turn off the power switch on the back of the set-top box and remove the power cord from it. Also unplug your router for three to five minutes. Then turn on the router, turn on the set-top box and create a new connection to the network.
80710541 - Server connection timed out. Press "X" to restore default settings.
80710723 - Your connection type does not allow you to start online mode. As a rule, it happens if the type of connection is NAT3. Try to open TCP ports: 80, 443, 5223 and UDP ports: 3478, 3479, 3658 or add your set-top box to the DMZ.
80710736 - Unknown video playback error.
80710A06- An error occurred while trying to install the game. Try downloading the game again.
80710B23- Playstation Network is unavailable, maintenance work may be underway or there are too many users. Try later.
One of the possible causes of this problem, in addition to prevention, may be incorrect Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) settings in the router and set-top box. Try changing the MTU settings in your router and set-top box from "Auto" to 1500 or lower, such as 1492, 1480, 1472, 1478, 1462, 1454 and so on until the connection to PSN is restored. If you also have a computer connected to the router, you can use the command ping -f -l, where #### is the MTU size to find the appropriate packet size. Ping with new values ​​until you get a response from the server and try to use the received value.
80710B24- Playstation Network is not available.
80710D23- Overheating of the console. Unplug the box from power completely (turn on the switch at the back and unplug the power cord) and let it cool down for 30 minutes.
80711008 - Your connection type does not allow you to start network mode. As a rule, it happens if the connection type is NAT3
81019002 - Unable to copy saves.

Interesting Facts

Astrophysicist Gaurav Khanna used 16 PlayStation 3 to create a "supercomputer," writes Reghardware. The scientist connected the set-top boxes with an inexpensive Ethernet adapter, and loaded them under the Linux operating system to enter data into the consoles.

He uses the resulting system to study the activity of black holes for the Department of Physics at the University of Massachusetts. With this project, Hanna wants to describe the properties of the gravitational fields that arise when black holes collide.

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