Fun indoor games for schoolchildren. Harry Potter game series

The boys sit on one bench and the girls on the other. Boys call any names of girls. If these names are girls, then they get up and tell a little about themselves. Then the girls call any names of the boys. This continues until all children have been named.

"Named Chairs"

Chairs are placed in a circle close to each other. Players stand on them. At the signal of the host, all players must change places so that all names are arranged alphabetically. Players, without touching the floor, move on the chairs. Instead of chairs, you can use bricks, stacks of books, prepared wooden chocks.

"Remembrance Cheat Sheet"

Each player receives a card with his name. Players are divided into 2 or 3 teams. The first group enters the game. All the players in this group introduce themselves, giving their first and last names, and tell a little about themselves. After that, all cards with the names of the first team players are given to the opposing players. After conferring, they must correctly distribute the cards to the players of the first team and remember the name of each. For each correct answer, the team receives a point. Then the second team appears.

Relay race "Name or surname?"

Before the match, the players are divided into two teams. Each player takes a step forward and clearly pronounces their first and last name:

1st stage: team players take turns running up to their sheet of drawing paper and writing their last name, returning back, shouting their name. Keep doing this until all players have signed up.

2nd stage: teams should exchange sheets of paper. Running up to a piece of drawing paper, you need to write his name against the corresponding surname of the opponent. The team with the fewest mistakes wins.


The boys sit opposite the girls in pairs. The girls whisper their name to the boy from their couple. After that, the boy sitting in the front row tells the neighbor the name of his partner. He speaks quietly so that the rest of the boys won't hear. The second boy tells the third the name of the first girl and the one sitting opposite him. So until they reach the last boy: he calls the names of all the girls in turn. If the name is called correctly, then the girl gets up, if not, she remains seated. Then the girls learn the names of the boys, and so on.

The team that was more accurate and attentive wins.

"Jolly Plumber"

The guys stand in a line, holding hands. A leading plumber is selected. He stands with his back to the players and says: "The water has gone." After that, the children take turns saying their names. When they reach the last one, the players continue to call the names in the opposite direction (2-3 times). After that, the host says: “The tap is closed,” turns to face the players and calls their names. Each correct answer is a point. After that, a new leader is chosen, the game resumes.


The guys are divided into two teams. The first players each run up to their chair, on which are small envelopes (according to the number of participants). The name of the addressee from another team is written on the reverse side. After reading the addressee's name, the "postman" shouts it out loud, and the addressee raises his hand and shouts: "It's me!" Then he goes for another letter.

Wins the most fast command. The organizers can write the meanings of the names on the back of the cards. These cards at the end of the game can be announced and presented.

"Unusual Math"

The children sit in a circle facing each other. The teacher (leader) gives the task: “Let's start counting in a circle. The one who has a number that is a multiple of three pronounces his name instead of the number.

Option:"He who accounts for a number divisible by two pronounces his name instead of a number."

"What is your name"

Everyone stands in a circle with their arms outstretched in front of them. The starter of the game throws the ball through the center of the circle to one of the participants and at the same time calls his name. After the throw, he lowers his arms. After the ball goes around everyone and everyone lowers their hands, the game begins in the second round. Each of the participants throws the ball to the person to whom he threw it for the first time, and again calls his name.

It's September, and that means the long summer vacation is over. Across Russia, schoolchildren have already managed to visit educational institutions on September 1, but in the Moscow region everything starts today. Rejoice in this or pick up other impressions about this - it's up to you. One thing we know for sure, now there will be much less time for video games, but on the other hand, every hour spent in your favorite game will feel completely special. However, someone has long since finished their studies and is now working for the good of society, so the September jitters about the new academic year are alien to them. But memories are not alien. Today Gamebox has prepared for everyone a list of 10 school games.

Persona 5

The plot of this game, as in the previous parts, is focused on the difficulties of life in modern society. The main characters decide to oppose the system and try to break free from the shackles of stereotypes. The action of Persona 5 takes place not only on the territory of the school, but also in a parallel world. The atmosphere here is slightly different from previous games in the series, but fans need not worry - Persona 5 has kept everything best qualities popular franchise.


In this game, we have to play the role of a difficult teenager and find our place in the world of a closed boarding school, among teachers, various groups of teenagers, representatives of the opposite sex, and so on. The game is waiting for you open world and a non-linear story in which most of the decisions are made by the player. It depends on your actions whether he will go to study (study is represented by original mini-games), or will help one of the factions with which he currently has good relations. Or maybe go on a date.

Harry Potter game series

In the Harry Potter universe, all eyes are on the fictional Hogwarts school. But I didn't say that we will talk exclusively about virtual analogues of schools close to reality. After all, it's nice to lighten up an overly serious environment with a pinch of magic at the start of the school year, isn't it? From this point of view, the Harry Potter series certainly deserves attention. At the moment, there are about 15 games in this franchise for a variety of platforms and ages. Including story-driven adventures based on J.K. Rowling's books and films of the same name.

Katawa Shoujo

Katawa Shoujo is a visual novel in the dating sim sub-genre that follows a boy and five girls with a variety of physical and mental traumas. Main character- a simple student Hisao Nakai, who, after a heart attack, ends up in a school for teenagers with disabilities. Now he has to make new friends and even (carefully, spoilers!) find the love of his life, and maybe die.

Obs Cure

Obscure is Survival Horror from a third party, the developers of which were clearly inspired by films like The Faculty. The game has a school in which something mystical is happening. There are several students, each with their own unique ability, as well as a number of minor gameplay differences. And there is a goal - to understand what is happening. At the same time, we can choose only two of the five heroes, and manage one, with the ability to switch between them.

South Park: The Stick of Truth

Have you ever dreamed of being in the universe south park? Well, thanks to the games in this franchise, you have that opportunity. In South Park: The Stick of Truth, you act as a newcomer to the city, which means you have to make friends from scratch, get into school, etc. Over time, you will be drawn into the life rhythm of the new city and find that its inhabitants participate in one large-scale role play. There are bad guys and there are good guys. That's just the battle between good and evil has grown from a joke into a real fight.

The Sims 4: Go to School

The Sims 4: Go to School is an unofficial mod for classic game. Here it is proposed to act as a Sim-child and go to school. In the process of training, you will have to perform various tasks, as a result of which your academic performance will develop. The mod features an elementary and high school, as well as excursions to the museum and library. At the same time, you will also need to complete a number of tasks during the excursions. The modification also includes weekly collector competitions, a costume day, and even the ability to skip classes.

Life Is Strange

Is it worth talking about what kind of game Life Is Strange is? After all, this is an incredibly popular title, and the school is far from the last place here. Game world LiS is divided into linear locations in which the player can interact with both mandatory and optional items and characters. At the same time, the heroine of the game constantly comments on her actions and likes to share her thoughts aloud. Thus, the developers have established contact between the player and the protagonist. The key feature of the project is the ability of the heroine to turn back a short period of time in order to choose the appropriate answer in the dialogue or open a new one.

The Coma: Cutting Class

The Coma: Cutting Class is a 2D game in horror genre, in which you, as a simple student of a Korean high school, go to your educational institution in the morning, fall asleep in class, and wake up in the middle of the night, wondering why no one woke you up. Packing up and heading home, the character discovers that the dark corridors of the school are fraught with something terrible. Can you help the hero get out? Try some after class.

The Orchard of Stray Sheep

The Orchard of Stray Sheep is a sad and romantic visual novel in which we play as Itiru Yamada, a teacher who comes to a closed academy located on an island to teach there. Soon the hero meets the girl Casserol, who is also a newcomer to the academy and they begin very happy days. However, gradually Ichiru remembers another girl. The one he once lost.

Members: teacher, students.

Conduct form: a game.

Epigraph: "Playing is serious business."

Event progress

A. Creating a favorable atmosphere, organizing communication

Method "Weather Forecast"

Purpose of the method: to develop positive motivation, create a favorable atmosphere for the interaction and communication of game participants.

Equipment: large sheet of paper and colored markers or blackboard and colored crayons.

Working time: up to 10 minutes.

Conditions for implementation. Fix your mental, emotional state and try to convey it with the help of "weather forecast".

What is our forecast today?

Is the heart clear or frosty?

Is it foggy, is it raining?

Or maybe the winds here and there?

What do you have - zero or plus ten?

Please guys, I'll answer you.

The “weather forecast” graph is compiled as follows: on the Y-axis (vertically) the temperature of the emotional state of the participants is plotted (10-12 divisions are enough), on the X-axis (horizontal) the participants in the interaction are fixed.

Each participant (1, 2, 3...) talks about their state of mind on this moment. The last sign of this condition is the temperature, which is fixed on the Y-axis.

The teacher can speak first to set the right tone for the game.

I wouldn't say it's clear

And my heart is so beautiful.

Often things obscure everything,

The mental degree is lowered.

But when I see you

extraordinary, smart class, -

And I want to smile right away.

Well, how can the temperature not rise?

So I get down to business.

And ten degrees, believe me

I put myself boldly!

Students may not be in such a rosy mood. And it's natural. How many people - so many states and moods. After all participants have reported their “mood level”, all temperature points are connected and a graph is built.

Participants can optionally (if the graph does not look very rosy) analyze it (not the best temperature to start with; probably, judging by the graph, not everyone will succeed today; maybe postpone everything for the next time, etc.).


Man is subject to everything

We'll be fine.

The graph simply once again confirms the idea that each of us is individual and has the right to his own state of mind and feeling, perception of this world.

Swap method

The purpose of the method is to create a relaxed, favorable atmosphere for the start of communication and the inclusion of students in activities.

Number of participants: up to 30 people.

Equipment: chairs (participants can also stand in a circle and change places, running from one place to another).

Working time: 5 minutes.

Conditions for implementation. A kind of response to the teacher's questions will be a quick reaction of the participants by changing their places. Thus, they will express their attitude to various phenomena, objects and events. It is desirable that the actions be performed quickly, on the last word of the teacher's question.

Teacher questions:

Who has long woken up, stretched sweetly?

Who took up the case in the morning, who will answer boldly?

Come on, quickly answer: “Do you drink green tea for breakfast?”

Who loves a sandwich for breakfast?

Who drinks coffee often?

And who will be the fastest?

Who brings breakfast?

And who rode with the wind?

And who did not get to school by car, but on foot?

Who has a bad mood without change in the morning?

And who stretched in the morning, the sun, smiled at the world?

And who wants to quickly greet friends?

And to whom our fellowship suddenly lifted the mood?

Then the guys join hands and, moving alternately to the right, then to the left, say:

Left friend and right friend - how not to smile?

Because it's so nice to talk to them.

Teacher. I hope that the mood and smiles that appeared on your faces will help our further interaction.

B. Creating conditions for concentration and concentration

Method "Magical Unity"

The purpose of the method is to achieve a special coincidence of the actions of partners.

Equipment: large coins or large objects that make a distinct sound.

Number of participants: 10-20 people.

Working time: 10 minutes.

Conditions for implementation. The game begins in pairs, gradually moving into threes, fours, etc. The game requires full concentration on one's actions and the actions of a partner. If the participants are successful, then this usually causes them amazement, they experience great pleasure. Concentration and a sense of accomplishment increase mood and willingness to actively and cooperatively pursue other activities.

1. Participants are divided into pairs and sit at the tables. Everyone has a coin of the same denomination. The larger the size of the coin, the more "fun" it rings when it falls on the table.

2. Achieving synchronicity of actions is not easy. So give the participants some time to adjust to each other.

3. Partners simultaneously spin their coins, while trying to get them to stop at the same time.

4. Upon reaching the result, the game becomes more difficult (three, four, etc.).

B. Creation of conditions for the exchange of activities

Method "Workshop of the future"

The purpose of the method: the development of thinking, the formation of value orientations, "I"-concepts, the acquisition of experience in creative activity, modeling and designing activities.

Equipment: sheets of paper (A4), pens.

Number of participants: up to 30 people.

Working time: from an hour or more.

Conditions for implementation:

1) the teacher introduces the participants to the goals and objectives of each stage, the procedure and conditions for their implementation;

2) the teacher introduces the problem (the guys can suggest the problem, you can discuss the problem together); for example, they work on the problem “Culture of a modern city and a person

3) the guys prepare two sheets of paper and a pen;

4) positive (+) and negative (-) aspects of the socio-cultural state of urban life are recorded;

5) Participants present the results of their analytical work using a short commentary.

For example, "+":

Socially organized living environment;

Good living conditions;

The ability to carry out a large number of direct personal interactions, contacts;

A sufficient number of material and spiritual conditions for the existence, formation, development and activity of a person;

Availability of high-level information exchange;

Opportunities for the intellectualization of labor and development on this basis of the individual;

Comfortable and well-maintained living conditions;

Availability of cultural and art institutions;

Opportunity to participate in physical education and sports;

good conditions for creative development children;

A large number of service facilities;

Free access to information resources and cultural values;

Opportunities for self-realization and self-determination of personality.

For example, "-":

Numerous groups of people are scattered over a large area, there are no direct contacts between them;

Many conditions have been created for rivalry and envy;

The need to obtain high qualifications, the requirement for increased attention;

Large expenditures of human energy, mental stress, which affects health and well-being;

High qualifications require long-term training, which leads to late social maturity of young people;

The monotony of buildings, life in skyscrapers causes a feeling of discomfort and abandonment;

Difficulties in familiarizing with cultural values ​​due to large distances (residential areas on the outskirts and the center);

Feeling lost and irritable, which many people experience in the city crowd, an acute desire to retire;

Forced, not always pleasant contacts with numerous neighbors;

Increased noise level and the corresponding negative reaction of the body to this;

Hypodynamia, stress loads;

Environmental problems, lack of conditions for the full biological functioning of the body.

Participants can not only comment on their analytical conclusions, but also listen to their opponents on particularly important issues and problems.

This stage of work ends with a general presentation by the teacher.

Children love to run, jump, compete.

Outdoor games develop not only dexterity, endurance, reaction speed, but also many of the games we offer develop attention, logical thinking, and the ability to quickly switch.

Swan geese

The game develops reaction and endurance of your child.

On one side of the site, a line is drawn that separates the "goose". In the middle of the site, 4 benches are placed, forming a road 2-3 meters wide. On the other side of the site, 2 benches are placed - this is a "mountain". All players are in the "goose house" - "geese". Behind the mountain, a circle “lair” is outlined, in which 2 “wolves” are placed.

On a signal - “Geese-swans, in the field”, “geese” go to the “field” and walk there. At the signal “Geese-swans home, the wolf behind the distant mountain”, the “geese” run to the benches in the “goose house”. Because of the "mountain" the "wolves" run out and catch up with the "geese".

Players who are never caught win.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: attentiveness, endurance, coordination, dexterity, thinking, reaction

Number of players: 4 or more

Place of play: street


In order to better remember the names, in order to train attention and the ability to quickly switch from one task to another, you can play such a game in a company of up to 15 people.

The host invites the guys for a certain amount of time (for 10, 15 or 20 seconds) to change places like this:

- so that all names are arranged alphabetically;

- so that everyone stands by the color of their hair (brunets on the left, blondes on the right);

- so that everyone stands in height (left - small, right - large).

Note. These exercises can be even more fun if there are wide benches, sofas, or very stable sturdy chairs. Then the guys must complete the tasks, standing on the benches, and cross without stepping on the floor.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: attentiveness, coordination

Number of players: 5 or more

Place of play: indoor

Hurry up to pick up

With this game you can have fun in a team.

A participant with a volleyball in his hands becomes a circle with a diameter of 1 meter. Behind the player are 8 tennis (rubber) balls.

On a signal, the participant throws the ball up, and while he is in the air, he tries to pick up as many balls as possible and, without leaving the circle, catch the ball.

The participant who managed to pick up more balls wins.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: attention, coordination, agility, reaction

Number of players: 2

Place of play: street

Items needed: balls

Cones, acorns, nuts

A mobile game that children really like.

Children stand in threes and, holding hands, form a circle. Each of the three has a name: "cones", "acorns", "nuts". The leader is outside the circle.

The host says the word "nuts" (or "bumps", "acorns"), and all the players who have this name change places, and the host tries to take someone's place.

If he succeeds, then he becomes a nut ("acorn", "cone"), and the one who was left without a place becomes the leader.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: attentiveness, coordination, dexterity, thinking, reaction Number of players: 7 or more

Place of play: street

Birds, fleas, spiders

The group is divided into two teams. Each team, secretly from the other, decides who it will be - "birds", "spiders" or "fleas". Two teams stand in a line in the center of the hall, face each other with a gesture denoting the chosen animal.

Spiders run away from birds, fleas from spiders, birds from fleas. The one who did not have time to reach the opposite wall goes to another team.

Age: from six years old

Purpose of the game: relaxation, concentration

Number of players: 10 - 30

Place of play: spacious safe room


This interesting game developing dexterity, accuracy and coordination. Children stand behind the circle line. In the center of the circle is the leader. One of the players has a ball. Those outside the circle throw the ball at the leader, trying to hit him, or pass the ball to a friend to make a throw.

The leader runs around dodging the ball. The player who did not hit the leader with the ball takes his place.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: attentiveness, endurance, coordination, dexterity, accuracy, reaction

Number of players: 3 or more

Place of play: street

Items needed: ball

Give me a hand

Before the game, children choose a territory beyond which they cannot run out.

One leader is selected - a tag, the rest of the players freely move around the site.

Salka begins to catch players who run away from him, with the children eager to join hands with the closest player.

Hand in hand, they stop facing each other. In this case, the tag does not have the right to tag them.

If the tag caught up with a single player, they switch roles.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: alertness, endurance, agility, reaction

Number of players: 4 or more

Place of play: street

Jumpers - sparrows

Great children's game. First, a circle is drawn on the asphalt with chalk.

In the center of the circle is the leader - the "crow". Behind the circle are all the players who are "sparrows".

They jump into the circle and jump inside it. Then they also jump out of it.

The "crow" tries to catch the "sparrow" when it jumps inside the circle.

If the “sparrow” is still caught, then he becomes the leader and the game starts all over again.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: attentiveness, dexterity, thinking, reaction

Number of players: 3 or more

Place of play: street

british bulldog

Playing affects the stamina and reaction of the child.

Children assign two catchers ("bulldogs"). The Bulldogs stand on one side of the court, and everyone else on the opposite side. At the signal of one of the "bulldogs" all players must run to the other side. But so that the player is not caught by the "bulldogs".

The game continues until all the runners turn into bulldogs.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: endurance, reaction, strength

Number of players: 4 or more

Place of play: street

homeless hare

Interesting game for younger kids school age. A hunter and a homeless hare are selected from among the players. The rest of the players are hares, draw a circle for themselves, and stand inside.

The homeless hare runs away, and the hunter catches up with him. The hare can escape the hunter by running into any circle, then the hare that was standing in the circle must immediately run away, because he becomes homeless, and the hunter will hunt him. As soon as the hunter catches the hare, he himself becomes a hare, and the former hare becomes a hunter.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: mindfulness, endurance, thinking, reaction

Number of players: 3 or more

Place of play: street

White bears

Polar bears is an outdoor collective game for children of primary school age. Develops active creative motor actions motivated by the plot of the game.

On the edge of the site, which is the sea, a small place is outlined - an ice floe, on which the driver stands - the "polar bear". The rest of the "bears" are randomly placed throughout the site.

"Bear" growls: "I'm going out to catch!" - and runs to catch "bear cubs". Having caught one "bear cub", he takes him to the ice floe, then catches another.

Two caught "bear cubs" join hands and begin to catch the rest of the players. Having caught someone, two “bear cubs” join their free hands so that the caught one finds himself between the hands, and shout: “Bear, help!”.

"Bear" runs up, taunts the one he has caught and takes him to the ice floe.

The next two caught also join hands and catch the rest of the cubs.

When all the "bears" are caught, the game ends.

The last player caught wins and becomes the polar bear.

Note. The caught "bear cub" cannot slip out from under the hands of the couple surrounding him until the "bear" has taunted him. When catching, it is forbidden to grab the players by the clothes, and those who run away run out of the boundaries of the site.

Age: from six years old

Game development t: dexterity, reaction, fantasy

Number of players: 7 or more

Three, Thirteen, Thirty

Three, Thirteen, Thirty is a game that develops the attention and quick reaction of children well. It can be used at school for physical education minutes for elementary school students.

The participants in the game stipulate in advance: which of the numbers - which action means. Players are built in a line at a distance of arms extended to the sides.

If the driver (teacher) says "three" - all players should raise their hands up, with the word "thirteen" - hands on their belts, with the word "thirty" - hands forward, etc. (You can come up with a variety of movements). Players must quickly execute the appropriate moves.

Age: from six years old

The game develops: attentiveness, reaction

Number of players: 7 or more

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