Bone helmet poe. Buy unique helmets in Path of Exile

Path of Exile has a lot of different gear to suit any build, and choosing the right helmet can make a big difference in a build. Helmets are divided into several subtypes that give certain characteristics (strength with armor, intelligence with energy shield, agility with dodge), but there are also unique hats that can significantly buff your character. One such example is the helmet “ ”, which has unique buffs such as added physical damage and added to all stats, but it also increases the physical damage your character takes, which can lead to a quick death on high tier maps. Another example is “ ” which grants level 22 blasphemy stone aura support and +1 to the level of socketed curse stones, as well as increasing % dodge and energy shield.

Do not forget that even after choosing a helmet, you should always look for a helmet with the highest proc of stats, even a 5% difference plays a significant role. The helmet can also be enchanted into . An enchanted helmet can increase damage, attack speed and more, when using a certain skill, the right enchant will buff any build very well. Since there are a lot of enchants and they are given to you completely randomly, it can be very difficult to get the right one (for example, damage from a cyclone on “ ”), but after correct enchantment, the value of the item also increases significantly.

One of your character's basic equipment in the game. Helmets have various bonuses and require their own pumpable stats for each type. Helmets give different bonuses, let's take a closer look:

Evasion bonus (requires dexterity)
- bonus to energy shield (requires intelligence)
- bonus to armor and evasion (strength + agility)
- bonus to armor and energy shield (strength + intelligence)
- bonus to evasion and energy shield (dexterity + intelligence)

There are bonuses for wearing helmets in Path of Exile

In the ascension class, the Hierophant has the Enlightened Devotion bonus, which ignores 20% elemental resistance.

The Ascended Hierophant class has a bonus that allows helmet skills to have 1 more totem.

If you want to quickly get a unique poe helmet with the best stats, then you need to contact our experienced "site" team as soon as possible. You can buy Path of Exile helmets from us at the lowest and most affordable price.

How to evaluate rare (yellow) items without skipping expensive items and collecting cheap items, general tips and detailed description correct inspection of equipment!

PoE differs from any other game in a large number of complex mechanics and equipment could not do without such a thing. Items in Path of Exile have great amount various modifiers, boosters, debuffs, can add active skills or change the character's gameplay. The economy of the game is also one of the most complex in the current realities. gaming industry, many factors are involved here, the absence of a certain key currency (it seems to be chaos, but it seems to be exes), the constant start of leagues from scratch allows new market rules to appear and disappear depending on patches, changes in skills, items and bosses.

1. Tools to help evaluate subjects.

I would like to say that the main tools in this category will be your brain and the ability to determine the optimal combinations of modifiers, but in this case it is simply impossible. PoE does not provide all the basic knowledge about what is good, what is bad, how many percent is a lot, and how much is a little, and so on, so even the most resourceful person will not be able to determine on the fly on the first try without playing experience what item is worth something and what not.

Here you need a long study: classes, builds, comparing different items with each other, you need to navigate which things are popular and which are not, to know at least some basic statistics in the game on the demand for different items from players.

An example from recent events: the famous streamer Mathil made a witch build through the Sanctified Path (new skill added in patch 3.4) using the unique Voidforge sword, which can only drop from the game's strongest boss, Uber Elder. Sword and boss have been in the game for several leagues. Before Mathil published his build, the sword cost 40-60 chaos. Immediately after the steel, there are several exalted spheres, or even 4-6 spheres, depending on the time of day. Now that the boom in this item has passed, the price has dropped to 80 chaos. The sword itself has quite good (very powerful) stats, but it is quite niche and cannot be used directly everywhere and by everyone. That is why its price can be so different, although in terms of its stats and the difficulty of obtaining it, it should cost much more. But it's all about supply and demand. The same applies to what period of the league you are playing. PoE has a very unstable economy, which at the start of the league has too little supply, and towards the end of the league has too little demand, as a result, some items are "undeservedly" expensive at the beginning, and some items are "undeservedly" cheap at the end of the league.

Therefore, the tools, first of all, will be various reference materials, sites and some features within the game itself, and only then your brain, processing all incoming information, will make decisions.

1.1. directly to the instruments. The first and most, most useful functionality that will help you is offered by the game itself. In the settings, section interface, find the item "Extended property descriptions" and unequivocally check the box there. Now, holding Alt and pointing at any item, you will see detailed descriptions of all modifiers on it, which of them are suffixes, which prefixes, the level of the item itself and the range of numerical characteristics on each of the modifiers.

Explain the importance of each item. The first is the item level. This is not the level at which it can be put on, but the level of the location at which it fell out. The level of the item, also known as ailevel (itemlevel, ilvl), depends on what modifiers can appear on this item. And what tiers these modifiers might be there. That is, it will help us understand whether an item can have strong characteristics at the current moment or when recrafted. The higher the item level, the better. Therefore, the higher the level of the cards that you go through, the more potentially powerful items you can find.

Next, suffixes/prefixes. Without going too much into the details of crafting, depending on what is on the item and what is not, it will either be able to get an additional SPECIFIC characteristic that you need or not be able to. Suffixes and prefixes are a kind of “nests” on an item, but not for skill gems, but for stats. Certain stats that can theoretically appear on an item always correspond to either a suffix or a prefix. Therefore, if, for example, an item already has 3 parameters of suffixes, then it means more stats that can only be a suffix. You won’t be able to craft there.

The third point, shooting ranges and the names of each individual modifier. This is the key thing. And it is especially useful for beginners. It is not difficult to understand at the beginning of your game that, for example, life and resists are needed on armor. I read it once in some guide and that's it, now you know this basis. But the number of these parameters on the clothes ... this is a real test. Without game experience, it is impossible to know that, for example, on a 60-70 belt, health to the 70th level is already not enough and 80+ would be needed. And that 40-50 is generally a disaster. And that's just one belt. But life can be everywhere. And on what subject how much can its maximum be? What is the optimal amount? How much to look for? This is where these ranges will help. Pointed, clamped the viola, read the shooting gallery. The larger the number of the dash, the worse the characteristic in terms of quantity. That is. T1 is the maximum and best amount. It cannot be higher. T2 is worse, T4 is even worse, and so on, the higher the number, the more the mod sucks. Now, if you find gloves with life and resists, you can simply understand whether they have a lot of these characteristics or not enough. And it is on the level of the item, it is also ailevel, which tier of mods on the item can appear at all. For example, an item with an ilevel of 25 can never spawn T1 life. I think the pattern is clear here.

The last thing that the pressed alt button will show us is what kind of numerical roll we have in a particular dash of the mod. That is, let's say T6 of such and such a parameter gives us from 15% to 20% increase, T5 already gives 21% -26%, and now a specific% that is on our subject will also be shown. These values ​​can be recast by using a Divine Orb on an item and are especially useful on unique items. Although they do not have "tiers" of their modifiers, the spread of these percentages can be gigantic, and this will determine whether the item is worth one chaos or one copy. Therefore, in order not to get lost, first look at your roll, and then, driving a similar item in the trade, see how much it costs with this particular roll.

How can this tool be used for concrete examples from the game, I will describe further, but for now, consider the following tool.

1.2. The website is our main source of price statistics for all items in the game. I highly, very strongly recommend studying it for any player who is going to devote a lot of their time to Path of Exile. This is just a giant layer of information that will allow you to keep abreast of events in the general game economy. Incant prices, item bases, unique items, divination cards, prophecies, cards, skill stones. A summary of price statistics for the last week will let you know where the market is going, whether to get rid of certain items or, on the contrary, buy more of them.

1.3. The section of the site will help a lot with identifying good item bases. In PoE, unfortunately, many bases have the same item appearance. And sometimes it can be difficult to find out if the base of the item is good or bad. And in general, players who do not spend hundreds of hours in the game every month can get used to all the names of the best item bases that are in the game quite slowly, so fixing them on this site can be very good. Those who use the Russian-speaking client, of course, will also have to climb the Russian wiki, where there will be translated base names. Databases are sorted from highest level to lowest level. The rest of the site is devoted to other crafting things, which I will not cover in this build, since the guide is not about crafting.

1.4. The site - here you can see all the existing mods that can appear on each type of equipment. More useful for crafting, but if you have no problems with English and are curious about what might be on a particular type of item, this is an ideal choice. Studying such resources will definitely help you in the future.

So, now the most difficult part of the guide, both for me and for you, begins. For the last time, I will say the main thing that I want to convey and which does not concern advice: no guide will help you more than curiosity and studying the game as an integral phenomenon. Without knowing a huge breakthrough of information about basic things, about the popularity of certain assemblies, without knowing how the main mechanics of the game work, in any case, it is impossible to understand the gaming market at a sufficient level. Understanding prices and so on will come only, ONLY with experience. However, I think I can make the first steps easier for you.

2.1. Our search and selection of items begins with their base. Only the name of the item we see at the beginning, when it falls out of the enemy. Tip 1 follows from this: there are items on which its base is a decisive thing, and there are items on which it practically does not matter (or does, but it does not matter much). Why is that? If it's a main hand melee weapon, for example, its base is an incredibly important detail, as any local modifiers and numbers on it will generate all of the character's DPS. It is local mods and numbers that will be the backbone of the entire character that will use it. At the same time, as for example, some shoes for evasion, depending on the base, they will differ by 50-100 evasion, which is a very small figure and practically does not play any role. Therefore, the first thing you need to try to figure out is what types of items are highly dependent on the base, and which are not.

They vary greatly in usefulness depending on the base: All weapons, quivers, chest armor.

Here we are only interested in high-level bases with optimal local numbers, or, if these are quivers or some weapons, then with the correct implicit modifiers. An intrinsic property is a mod that is located above all and is separated from the rest by a dash and does not depend on the rarity of the item, but only on its base, such as + to health on rings with coral. Bad and unpopular bases will hardly sell as you will never be able to get high fDPS / a lot of armor / a lot of energy shield on them / or their own property is significantly inferior to the own properties of other items in the same category. Examples: A one-handed ax with a low-level base can get a T1 modifier (if picked up on a high-level map) for +physical damage and T1 +% physical damage, which will affect its local damage number. However, it will be inferior in total DPS to a high-level ax base with T5 and T6 physical damage modifiers, since it simply has much more local, pure physical damage numbers. Example two: low base armor versus high base armor. Even if the first one with well-modified mods, the +% armor modifier will not increase 700, like a high-level base, but 200-300 of the original armor. On chest armor, the number of initial protective indicators is always high (relative to other equipment slots), so they are important there.

Not much difference in usefulness depending on the base: gloves, boots, most helmets.

What do I mean by saying there is not much difference in benefits depending on the base? I mean that an item with a bad base, but good mods in the above categories of items will be useful and absolutely playable as well as an item with a good base and good mods. It will be a little weaker, but most often it will be a small difference. Of course, there are also various bases here, such as Spiky Gloves with their own ability to increase melee damage or Bone Helmet, with an increase in minion damage, however, finding them is much harder and they fall out less often. And if you are just looking for a good item in one of these slots, then you can choose any base, the main goal in these categories is the modifiers on the item.
They differ in usefulness depending on the base, but even not the best bases with good modifiers are sold with a bang: rings, amulets, belts.

Jewelry itself is the rarest type of item in the game, and the base on such items, although very useful, however, a well stocked item, even with a bad base, can easily cost a few copies. And the principle of operation of different bases is different here, they are not scaled by level more / less, they just differ in properties. If in a weapon a lower level base almost always means worse in pure numbers, then here instead of 25% crit chance you get 25% resistance or 25 health. That is, the difference in own characteristics is not so linearly scalable. Yes, in the end, for example, opal or steel rings will be the strongest for most builds that use physical or elemental damage, but this does not mean that the ruby ​​ring for such builds will definitely be much worse or even more unplayable.

Summing up a little on this sub-item, we can say the following: weapons, quivers, breastplates - you need to go to or any other crafting resource or some guide with an overview of item bases and study those that are now popular / most powerful / have the most local damage numbers / have the best own properties in their niche. I will not describe each type of item here, because it will take forever, but I strongly advise you to study the issue and immediately get used to weeding out useless bases in the game. Gloves, boots, helmets, you can pick up almost everything, except, perhaps, the lowest level bases. Bijouterie - definitely all jewelry is useful and it is impossible to judge from the base whether it is good or not.

2.2. Item modifiers. We have already dealt with modifier tiers and how to understand whether a large amount of some stat has been rolled on an item or a small one, but we have not figured out what stats to look for on different items. Here I warn you right away, I can NOT describe ALL useful mod combinations. In addition, the meta of the game and builds changes all the time, so perhaps some more modifiers will be introduced through the league and they will become more useful. However, I will write down those combinations that I personally know are useful and I will separately indicate which of them are useful, but cheap, and which are useful, but expensive.

One-handed swords, axes, rapiers, claws, two-handed swords, axes, maces, bows with this combination of modifiers: % increased physical damage, adds x to y physical damage, and % increased attack speed. Aim for the highest possible tier of each of the modifiers. And also, the better the base of such items, the more powerful and expensive the item will be. Additional powerful modifiers on swords will be: Critical Hit Chance, Critical Hit Multiplier.

Daggers, wands, one-handed sceptres, as such, do not have a main bundle as such, compared to weapons for attacks, however, they have a list of universally useful modifiers, which you need as many as possible on the item: % increase in spell damage, +% to critical damage multiplier, + % Spell Critical Chance, % increased Elemental Damage (on scepters).

Armor of any type, for any slot: chest, gloves, boots, helmets - health is absolutely mandatory everywhere. Only equipment with energy shield that has a high level base can be highly valued without a good health roll if it has a mix of both % and flat energy shield rolls. For bibs, in addition to HP, at least 2 resistances are required, ideally - 3 resistances (but you can hardly find such armor so that all these rolls are high enough). In addition to all this, the final useful mod will be % increase in armor / evasion, depending on what kind of base you have. On helmets, the situation is similar, but the mod for “+x to the level of minion stones” can also fit well into this combination. In addition to life and resistances, gloves have a useful mod in the form of a % increase in attack speed. On boots, it's basically all the same protective HP and resistances and an increase in movement speed. A very important parameter that should be prioritized on them over resistances, but not over health.

Shields: the most important stats are block chance, health. For energy shield shields, caster stats are very important, increased spell damage, increased spell crit chance, increased spell casting speed, and then resistances come next in importance. On shields with evasion, attack speed is important, and +% to the chance to dodge attacks / spells is also useful, in addition to all the same resistances.

Charms: Costume jewelry is much, much more complex in this regard. There can be a lot of combinations here, here are some of them: + to maximum life, x% increased crit chance, x% increased crit multiplier, x% increased elemental damage with attacks. This combo is just great for various crit builds focused on elemental attack damage, for example, like the Frost Blades build here on my site. An ideal addition in modifiers to such an amulet would be + x% to all resistances or an increase in accuracy, which will take the last free suffix on the item. Another good combination would be an increase in spell damage, an increase in the speed of casting spells, + to maximum life, an increase in the damage of one of the elements and resistances. There can be many combinations, but the essence is not difficult to grasp. The main thing is to group all the stats according to one archetype, melee, elemental damage, spell enhancement, perhaps a completely protective amulet for builds that use MoM, then life, mana and resistances are needed.

Rings: Good combos are usually very well casted life guards and resistances. It is these slots that are most often used to raise the character's resistances. Other modifiers that would be a nice bonus are cast speed, attack speed, increased elemental damage with attacks, and adds x to y physical damage to attacks. Mods like intelligence, agility, strength, hit, and mana regeneration can also be useful for many players, however, these parameters will not make the item more expensive, but rather the opposite.

Quiver: +to maximum life, crit chance, crit multiplier, attack speed. This is an ideal version of a regular quiver, since there is a very high competition for suffixes, there is simply nowhere to push resists.

Belt: necessarily health. Here it will meet very often and quite often with very decent rolls. Then an increase in elemental damage with attacks and the rest in resistances.

I described the main bundles of modifiers on items that will be useful on those items that will most often just fall out of your enemies. I didn't list craft mods here, didn't list essence mods, fossil mods, shaper mods, elder mods, but why? Everything is simple. Having in mind the general structure of useful modifiers on all these items, you should have a general picture of what, where and for whom it is useful. And any of the, let's call them so, "exclusive" mods that come with a specific craft or a specific item base - this is already an addition and expansion of the possibilities that ordinary items can basically give. You won't be getting 300 Elder/Shaper items a day, unless you're going to farm them for 24 hours straight (so for those items, I just suggest picking them up, identifying them, offhand guessing if it's worth the buffs that the item offers effort in order to find it in a pettrade with properties identical to it and then either look for such an item, or discard it if it is obviously garbage), their modifiers are already written on the essences, so you just have to think for yourself how well each of them fits into the "archetypal" set of properties of a regular rare the subject of the base on which you are going to apply the essence, and fossils ... this is a completely separate conversation. The topic is so vast, and subject to change in the upcoming 3.5 patch, that now I'm not even sure it's worth describing them in full. Again, the poeaffix has all the possible mods that can get on any item using any crafting method on it. But to determine the price of each of these mods, here, apart from the gaming experience, not a single guide will help you, because not a single person will write such a detailed post.

A general tip about modifiers: always group them for some character archetype that could then use that item. Increasing spell damage + flat physical damage on the dagger, which is a local mod and will increase the damage of the weapon itself = not the best combination. But 3 mods in a row that give bonuses to pure spells = a great combination. So in everything. Also, it's very, very helpful to read the wiki article about global/local modifiers. This will remove half of the confusion associated with weapons and determining what is good and what is bad. This is not so difficult, but it will help in understanding everything that happens with objects.

2.3. Now, what is expensive, what is cheap. I will say that the item is expensive or cheap relative to other items, and not in general. Since at the beginning of the league a worthy rare amulet that will cost an exalted orb by the end can cost 8-10 chaos. And it is impossible to say what is expensive and what is cheap. However, some average-good boots at the beginning of the league can cost 2-3 chaos, and by the end they will not cost a sphere of change. Therefore, we evaluate objects relative to each other.

If you play in a trade league... most rare items You don't need to lift at all. It will be a waste of time and the pursuit of trifles. Most of the good mod combinations that I have described above are very cheap on trading floors, and although the items themselves are useful and powerful, their cost is low and not worth the time spent looking for similar results that can be bought for 1-2 chaos.

Instead of listing everything cheap, I'll just say that it makes sense in most cases to raise. And remember, my opinion is my opinion, I only advise. If you do not agree with my point of view, do what you think is right.

So, it makes sense to pick up the following items: all the amulets and rings that fall from the first tier of cards. Belts are not for everyone, but my personal opinion is that it is much easier to buy a good belt than to find it, and it is rather difficult and too cheap to sell. Amulets and rings have the ability to be well stocked even with not the best aillevel, there is a wide range of good parameters and they fall less often than armor or weapons. They take up very few inventory slots. It makes sense to raise them, identify them, and if at least 2-3 useful fashion from one direction of strengthening the character will be T3 and higher, then this is already a good piece of jewelry, which should be inspected by driving in similar characteristics on the trade. 4-5 useful mods T3-T4 and higher - jackpot, at the start of the league you can generally get up to 2-5 copies (tested from personal experience, somewhere on the T3 map I found the perfect amulet in one of the past leagues, with all crit mods, Accuracy, HP and elemental damage from attacks, bought in 20 minutes for 4 copies, despite the fact that modifier tiers were not the highest).

Next on jewelry. Everything that does not even have a couple of T3-T4 and above mods is a rather controversial thing. Jewelry with only T6 and below is already considered garbage. It can be useful, and even better than what you are wearing, but it has practically no trading value. People find a lot more than they can use, which is why the trade league is just overflowing with good items that are sold for next to nothing. Speaking from my own experience as a solo player in a solo league, in terms of SSF, things like this can and most often are quite good value. But the trade league is not always run by benefits, but most often by the rarity of something and the demand for this rarest something.

In addition to any jewelry on the maps, all things with good bases with an item level of 78+, if you don’t play very much and you don’t farm doctors for dozens of hours, can also be of value to you. In general, top crafting item bases with item level 82+ are very expensive, especially if they are shaper or Elder items. Then we can talk not about chaos, but about exes. So there is always a point in farming higher-level content. As for good bases with itemlevel 78+, these are just rarer items than the average on the market, and they have the potential to roll good tiers of modifiers, thanks to the high ilevel. So here the choice is yours, if not too lazy - you can pick up various rare boots/gloves/weapons, identify and if an item with good mods and high tiers drops out, look at the trade how much it can cost.

Now, if we talk not about what is worth / not worth raising, but about whether it is worth trying to sell some specific subject and what it depends on. I will say this, an item with solid T1-T2 useful and well-configured mods will always sell. And expensive. Т2-Т4, it will be possible to sell, but it is possible at an average price. Below - it already depends very much on a specific set of modifiers, base, market conditions, and so on. An item with a majority of T5-T6 is almost impossible to sell. Or sell an alchemist for half, but who needs such a trade.

3. What did not fit in the guide.

More detailed description of shaper/elder bases, hints for unique items and analysis of the cost of gems. I simply don’t have enough time to write all this, so one day there will be a continuation of this guide, where I will touch on these topics, but I declare this part finished.

general information

Witch. Profession: Necromancer. The main skill is the creation of a ghost.

We will use life, mind over matter (aka MoM) and energy shield. There is no CI version for this build, and somehow I don't think it's needed. The survival rate you will have is beyond your eyes.

So the pros:

  • Suitable for beginners;
  • Ideal for league start;
  • Cheap pumping;
  • Ultra, mega, super a lot of damage;
  • Security is top notch, meaning it's well-suited for hardcore;
  • Passes all content.

There may be difficulties with breaking the chayula due to the fact that it must be passed very quickly, and the locations are not very convenient for movement. But the boss himself will fly away in an instant. We did not test the hall of great masters, but with the right ghosts it should go.

  • With you, few people want to play in a party, because due to the large number of minions, it will be difficult for other players who are not used to your crowd to navigate the game situation;
  • It is better not to meddle with cards without regen, but they are passable;
  • Uber-lab cannot run through all the keys, because the ghosts will kill the extra ones in the room from the arena in the first and second stages;
  • Animatron can die on difficult bosses, so it is recommended to use it only on maps.

At level 92, the stats look something like this:

You can see that you have a fairly large effective life pool - that's HP, plus energy shield, and plus unreserved mana. I currently have almost 8k in total. However, in my build, I experimented a lot and added damage wherever possible. Often sacrificing survival, because it is already behind the eyes.

Second important point defense is a high block chance.

We actively use bone offerings. I remind you that thanks to the node of the Lady of Sacrifice, which I take after the first labyrinth, your offering affects not only the minions, but also you. I'm getting more armor on the hero and on the tree, and more flasks for armor and incoming physical damage reduction. Of course, all resists must be capped, that is, the resistance of each element is at least 75%.

As for the attack

ladies good advice to everyone who is always tormented by the question: “I have 100-500 damage on my skill at such and such a level. And this is the norm? The answer for any skill and for any level is the same. If at the locations that correspond to your level, you kill everything, then it's normal. If not, then no.

Before we move on to bundles and stuff, for those who are completely new, important information about ghosts and animatronics

If you fumble, you can jump directly to

What should a beginner summoner know about ghosts?

First, you can create a ghost from any corpse on the ground, except for unique monsters. The ghost will fight on your side, using the abilities of the mob you created it from. The ghost lives until it is killed, or until you remove the Ghost Cast skill from the socket on your gear.

I won’t talk about all the ghosts in the world, it makes no sense. I will focus on the fire spectra that I use myself. For some other ghosts you will need other support gems, be careful. Accordingly, the colors of the sockets may change.

Secondly, you will need the highest level ghosts.

It is important to know that the characteristics of a ghost depend on both the level of the cast ghost skill gem and the level of the ghost itself.

It's difficult, but let's figure it out.

There are 3 restrictions here:

  1. This is the level of the corpse you created it from. For example, in a location of level 60, you have all the corpses of level 60. Of these, you can summon Spectra no higher than level 60.
  2. If you are creating Corrupted Corpses, then pay attention to the maximum level of corpses that it allows you to create. This is indicated in the description of the stone.
  3. The Ghost Cast Stone also has a similar limitation, so look there too.

When you pump all these stones to a maximum level of 20, then you can summon Spectra up to level 100. In fact, of course, there are no such locations in the game yet, and we will most likely do this somewhere with the creator, where the level is 83, 84. And there will be ghosts we have the coolest.

So, we decided which spectra we will use, visited the corresponding plot locations and collected the necessary spectra.

Now your task is to check the levels of ghosts that allow you to create stones of desecration and creation of a ghost, and go to the map that satisfies you as much as possible. Even if these types of monsters are not found on these maps, they are somehow in the memory of your defilement, since they visited this location, and we dragged them with us from Acts 6 and 10, for example, or from Act 8. Since you came here with them, then of course they were here.

Thirdly, how now to manage the ghosts as efficiently as possible? The answer is simple - all your minions will fly to the target that you have selected with the mouse. If you run far ahead, they will automatically group around you when you run 2 screens away. To collect them manually, you need to use a collection stone. To increase the speed of the minions, there is an offering of flesh, and to increase the block, there is an offering of bones.

And for the record: Your ghosts won't disappear when you exit the game, but also remember that they no longer deal damage after you die.

Animatron - what is it and what is it eaten with?

So, the Animatron is a special henchman, in order to summon which you will need not just a skill stone, but also the clothes that you put on him, and you need to do this on the map. True, unlike ghosts, it doesn't matter which one. You can wear a belly, boots, a hat, peppers and weapons. In different situations, you will choose different clothes. Of course, I will talk about those that are more suitable in this build.

  1. First, the diadus ( Dyadus) is a cannon that chills enemies and increases burning damage against chilled enemies (2 is better). If you use one, then take it second, because it is important that in the end it is not in the main hand.
  2. Secondly, the belly is either Zahndethus' Cassock, which creates illuminated ground when you block, and you will block very often, or an ice crypt to extend the effect of the chill on enemies.
  3. As boots, Victor's flight (Victario's Flight) is well suited, which, unfortunately, is described incorrectly on the Russian wiki, but the point is that we take these boots in order to increase the speed of nearby allies by 10%.
  4. Peppers and take a rare helmet so that there is more resistance and HP.

Yes, yes, all this is reflected in your animatron. If he dies, and this often happens in duels with powerful bosses like the creator, then all things will be lost, and you will have to dress him again. A set of the gear I described costs about 5 chaos, but it's just lazy to buy everything again, so I recommend using an animatron, only with solar guards for clearing maps, and not for fighting End Game bosses.

And another point - by default, the animatron hits only one target.

You can fix this by linking it with a rolling blow, but in general, as I said, you can strengthen it by inserting it into a rare helmet with a plus to the level of minions, as well as linking to the Amplifier stone.

Skill gem bundles.

The main link will change slightly depending on which ghosts we use. For a quick clearing of cards, these are the Solar guards (Solar quard) from the Solaris Temple in the 8th act.

Then the link will look like this:

Raise Ghost + Minion damage, piercing heat, elemental focus, many additional projectiles and magic echo.

And to kill the End Game bosses, we need 3 Tukohama vanguards from the coast of the 6th act + one wicker man (Wicker man) from the devastated area of ​​the 10th act.

Even after the nerf in 3.1, they are still very good. And then our bundle will change like this:

Cast Ghost, Minion Damage, Burn Damage, Elemental Concentration, Swift Affliction, Minion and Totem Elemental Resilience. Please note, by the way, that with good pumping, this stone also gives you damage, and not just protection.

Now to the bundles in the cannon and shield.

This will be your movement skill.

I prefer a shield strike, but you can take a flurry of blades instead, then, respectively, there will be a red or green socket. And you can add to it acceleration and strengthening. If you are using the Walking Fortress unique claw as a weapon, in which the fortification is built in, then be sure to place this bundle in the claw and you can add one of those that will go further one by one with the third stone.

A bundle of flesh offerings, bone offerings, and an extension can be placed in the shield.

Ball lightning, curse on hit, and flammability. Instead of ball lightning, you can use a lightning chain or something similar, but not fiery. The fact is that from this skill you perform 2 functions at once. First, you curse the enemies and also deal a little lightning damage, which triggers the balance of the elements that we took on the tree (more on the tree later), and this lowers the opponents' resistance to fire.

If your amulet is corrupted (desecrated) for an additional curse, then you can add a second curse here at your discretion with the 4th link.

I generally prefer to use flammability, but desperation is also suitable here if it comes to attacking auras or any curse not for damage, but for protection. For example, the fetters of time or weakness.

Gathering for more effective minion coordination, summoning a stone golem for HP regen, desecration to get corpses anytime, anywhere. And the aura, the clarity of mind, which, in my opinion, I pumped through the 3rd level.

For a long time I ran with northern armor, it increased my survivability, but, as I said, here everything is fine with survivability in this build, so at some point I replaced it with haste. The only thing is that the rush to pump to the end does not allow me the fact that I lack very much dexterity, so know that with a rush, most likely, you will have the same story.

If yes, then it would be better for you to place this bundle in a helmet if you have a rare one - with a property plus to the level of minion stones. There can also be an animatronic.

For some time, a bunch of minions looked like this:

Zombie Raise + Animatron + Minion Life + Rolling Kick. Why life and not damage? Because after all, zombies are my human shield more. They don't do very much damage. The animatron, in fact, is also taken not for damage to us, but for the effects that it gives, so my task is to make these guys live stupidly. In general, as I said, it is ideal to place this bunch in a yellow helmet with a plus to the level of minion stones, but now I personally don’t use them myself, I just don’t have enough space in my gear, a little later you will see why, so I refused zombies generally.

If you're playing hardcore, you may also need some kind of setup DT. For example:

KVDT level 1 + desecration level 6, as well as KVDT maximum level+ bone offering to automatically increase block chance.


Equipment is the most important item for the endgame, which, by the way, you can acquire most of them already in the process of going through the storyline.


Boots are your only best alternative. They give you an extra ghost, it's priceless. You can wear them from level 22, but in fact it is better from about 28 after killing Legata Gravicius, in the third act, when the stone of creating a ghost will be available to you. As a result, you will be able to raise two ghosts, then add one more from the tree. It is already a little more about this in the Pumping section.

By the way, when buying Ulr's bones, pay attention to the role of movement speed. As for me, he is the only one important here. The maximum value is 15%. It is necessary to strive for it.

This is where we will be looking for a good cup of uber lab and ideally this is a plus 2 to mana and HP regen if we have been hit recently.


Significantly increases our survivability due to spell block. It is advisable to get it corrupted for plus one additional curse, or defile yourself if you are not afraid to spoil yours.


The unique body is the power of death (vismortis).

Its main advantage is an additional ghost. It also buffs ghost damage quite well, in part at the cost of unholy might.

Another option is the Cape of Defiance.

It increases survivability, and there is a built-in effect of mind over matter. But the option with an additional ghost is certainly better.

I want to note that your main bunch of creating a ghost will be placed exactly in the belly, and keep in mind that in this case, each additional stone in the bunch will significantly enhance your spectra.

Therefore, perhaps, you should run in the tabula at the initial stages, if there are not enough funds on the correct six-link.

And at the same time, I myself started the league of the abyss with this build and up to 8 card tiers, went through all the content in four-link, because there is really a lot of damage.


For starters, you can use a unique skullhead as a helmet

then switch to a good rare bone helmet, preferably from level 86, at which there will be + 3 to the level of minion stones. In this case, the Zombie Animatronic Bundle should be placed here and the advantage of the Bone Helmet is also its ideal imblicidal property - that the minions deal 40% more damage.

I want to emphasize, all henchmen, not just those who live in the helmet itself.

And further nice bonus- it does not need to be enchanted in the lab.


which will buff your blogging chance and allow you to add some more skill gem, because you can save on fortification. Of course, in this case, you should place the link of movement in the claw. And another option is the yoke. A unique claw dropped by Chimera Guardians.

At the beginning of the league, it is very expensive, but later its price drops rapidly. It will significantly boost the damage of your minions.


There are several options for the shield. Mostly they are not expensive, so choose the one that you like. Lioneye's Remorse is my choice for now.

It gives a lot of HP and block, although it reduces movement speed a little.

You can also take the sphere of the dead.

It will add HP and spell block. You can use it instead of the Vazvar amulet.

There are other options. You can even get by with a yellow shield, it is desirable that it gives more HP, resistances, armor and block.


Gloves are rare. More HP and resistances. You are most likely on armor or energy shield, because in this build between armor and evasion, we still lean towards armor due to the shield. So let's be consistent and don't forget that here on Katerina's workbench you can add the prefix minions deal 15% more damage. Useful little thing. I use unic abyss peppers and grave fists.

It's not necessary, but they give me over a hell of a lot of damage, due to the embedded abyssal gems, and the rest of the gear has enough survivability, so I can afford it.

As for the charka (enchantment in the lab), then any will do. Cups on pepper, everything is still not very useful.


The ideal belt for you is one of the gloomy clasps of the abyss.

There you can insert a gem that will buff the damage of your minions, so it's very cool. And if you are watching this video when the League of the Abyss has already sunk into oblivion without a trace, then you can look for a belt with a health base. Of the affixes, as usual, HP, resists, energy shield, armor.


The rings are left. Get rare. Here you definitely need to gain more dexterity. It is severely lacking in the build, but otherwise let them give HP, resists, mana, energy shield and armor.

And for reference: all bonuses on the amount of rarity of items from your quip affect your minions, so you can collect an imf variant of this gear.


Hooray! We won't need their flasks at all. Of the usual flasks, one vial of HP and one for mana are required. The rest is up to you. I chose to enhance the characteristics of my armor with a granite flask. Reduce incoming physical damage with basalt and accelerate with mercury. As usual, one of your vials should be for bleeding and another for freezing. I also took one for poison, you can still play it safe from curses.

I want to emphasize a couple of their advantages. Firstly, vials on HP are instant, that is, instantaneous.

It is important. The conceived HP must be restored quickly, and not gradually.

Ideally, the manna flask should be refilled, also instantly. A basalt bottle can be squeezed twice, which is achieved due to the chemical prefix value close to the maximum, and the rest, as it turns out. If it doesn’t work out to refill a bottle on my recommendation, you can always buy them on the e-trade from other players.


In the League of the Abyss, we are incredibly lucky and we have access to a sea of ​​new awesome gems. If at the time of watching the video they are still relevant, then I advise you to take more ghostly eye gems, which mainly buff minions. List of required properties:

  • Plus maximum health. Flat health, I want to emphasize.
  • Minions deal increased damage against Abyssal monsters.
  • Minions have increased cast attack and movement speed.
  • Minions deal bonus fire, cold, lightning, chaos, or physical damage. Flat again.
  • And a percentage increase in minion damage if you've used a minion skill recently. This is for those builds, not quite like mine, where you will use cpc, that is, calls of a raging spirit, that is, you will constantly cost cpc, constantly use the skill of minions and constantly receive this buff.

If there are no more gems in the Abyss, then here are recommendations for regular gems: a percentage increase in maximum health, an increase in minion damage, an increase in minion health, and a bonus to agility. Situationally this would also be an increase in resistance to fire, cold or lightning, if you are missing something for an energy shield as well. It's better than nothing. And in any case, the unique gems "unquenchable hunger"

this will increase the effectiveness of your spectra if they are solar guards. You can take 2 of them and be sure to place them in the right sockets, where there are a lot of intelligence nodes around, and then you will have a 100% chance to get the effect of the soul eater.

skill tree

At the first stages, the tree looks like this. First step:

Spoiler. We will swing through cpc, that is, the very call of a violent spirit. These are such shards that we will constantly cast them and they live for a limited amount of time. Therefore, we will need to take several nodes on the tree, which we will later refuse. It's about about prolonging the effect of the skill. That is, we bring the tree to this form:

As soon as we give up eseres, these points can be respected. In general, on the tree, we gradually take nodes to increase regen, mana and HP, buffs for minions (MoM), that is, the mind is above the mother and then move on to prolonging the effect of the skill, then upward for an additional ghost, and then we continue to increase survivability and characteristics henchmen.

Following the next steps, the tree looks like this:

It gives +2 to fire gems and built-in piercing heat.

As far as possible and pumping, use uniques - Ullr's bone boots, skullcap hat, Lazvar stone amulet (this is after the first labyrinth), Walking fortress claw, belly Force of death. On the way, don't forget about flasks, HP, and resists on gear. On the rooftops of the temple in act 5, you can replace the guardians of the flame with the heralds of Kitava (Kitava`s herald).

They are faster and more survivable, but do less damage.

Further develop bundles of stones, skills according to the recommendations in the appropriate section. Please note that after killing the kitava in the 5th act, you will be fined by minus 30% in resistances. Before killing the kitava in act 10, go through 2-3 labyrinths. After you deal with him, you will get another minus 30 to elemental resistances. Total - minus 60. Keep this in mind when going to the cards.


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