What does strength affect in black desert. Black Desert: How to properly develop a character

I've already touched on this in passing in my previous guides, so this guide will be short. I expect that you have already learned how to use the stove, you know how the nodes work, how to place a worker there, and also figured out the merchants. This information was mentioned in several guides at once.

Tone, strength and health are the three most important parameters of the body. They can be found here:

For me, the difficulty of pumping health turned out to be the most difficult, strength is a little easier, but pumping the tone is completely simple. In total, each parameter has 30 levels.


Tone is an indicator on the value of which your endurance depends. Endurance you will see when you press "Shift". The more stamina you have, the more you can run with acceleration (holding "Shift") and use skills that consume stamina more often.

The tone is pumped by running:

You can loop auto-run (similar to the automatic pumping of a horse in this guide . Just don't eat carrots, hehe).


Strength is an indicator on the value of which the transferred weight depends. You can check it here:

In order to pump strength, you need to wear packs (those that are crafted for you by slaves in trading houses or those that you buy from NPC merchants for resale). Here, for example, is a pack from the merchant Bahar from Velia:

Convenient because it has a deylik. It must be handed over to the Suite from Heidel. Be careful, merchants will offer you to transport cargo in a wagon or on a mount:

If you want to pump power, then choose "No". After that, the pack will “fall” into your inventory:

Please note that the pack is "valid" for 24 hours. In case you want to loop auto-run for a very long time. Since the character with the pack walks much more slowly, the power swings more slowly.


Health is an indicator, from the value of which the level of ... health. We see it all the time:

It is difficult to overestimate its importance.

Health is pumped through the consumption of food. The simplest food that is convenient to use for pumping health levels:

Some nuances of extracting ingredients can be found . I will only add that the dough is obtained by mixing flour from any cereals and water for cooking. Flour, in turn, is ground from any cereals. I'm sure you'll do everything yourself:

Boiled eggs are easier to make and more useful for farming. Please note that all food has a 30 min cooldown. So you can't use them all at the same time. Because health is more difficult to pump everything.

The strength, tone and health of a character are important parameters that affect his survivability. You can recognize them by pressing the English letter P on the keyboard.


Affects the maximum amount of stamina that is consumed while running when pressing “Shift”: faster in a combat stance, slower with a hidden weapon. A character with enough stamina will be able to catch up with the most frisky enemy or run away if necessary, which in some cases can be useful. Also, stamina is consumed while swimming, and when it drops to zero, the speed is significantly reduced.

How to download tone?

It's enough to simply run or walk. This can also be done in AFK mode: you will need to indicate the route on the map and press the loopback button. If you AFK without minimizing the game window, you can block the Shift button with a coin, match, toothpick or other improvised means: when accelerating, the character will run more in the same time and, accordingly, pump the tone faster. However, it is not recommended to run AFK - you can do more useful things. Since the character will definitely have to run a lot in the game, you will gradually pump the tone anyway.


This parameter affects the carry weight. It’s worth mentioning right away that this is not a panacea for overload on the farm, and when you buy additional weight in the shop, you can play with much more comfort. However, with the help of such a “crutch”, you can slightly increase the carrying capacity of the character, which will be useful, including in PVP, as it will allow you to carry more health potions with you. And in Black Desert, as you know, other things being equal in PVP, the one who runs out of pots first loses.

Pumping method: wear packs along a looped route. It is done in the same way as in the previous case, with the difference that it is necessary to place the pack in the inventory - so that the luggage is displayed on the character's back. The number of packs does not affect the effect, so one is enough. Both goods purchased from merchants and craft packs from workshops are suitable. When pumping strength, you can also block the Shift button so that the character moves faster.

Alternative way: eat seaweed, which increases the strength of the character. It is impossible to buy this delicacy at the auction, so you will have to equip the sickle and assemble it yourself. A lot of cabbage can be found in the waters of Epheria. There is a lot of it there, so one outing is enough to replenish a monthly supply.
The cooldowns for eating algae and other food are different, so you can eat them at the same time. The character will be able to eat cabbage once every half an hour. It is worth noting that the tone can be pumped in the same way, however, you will need red algae. You can get them by completing some fishing quests, but these algae are rarely found in the wild.


The parameter affects the number of maximum hit points of the character. The pumping method is to absorb food cooked with. For your hero to be viable, he must eat well. Do not wait for the right opportunity to buff food: eat regularly, preferably special meals, although regular ones are fine. You can supplement the diet with kelp, which also increases health, if you can find it. The cooldown of kelp and seaweed is the same, so you have to choose what to eat: one or the other. On the old continent, kelp is rare, but a lot of this algae has been seen in the waters of Eilat.

The limit of each parameter of the character's body is 50 points. The previous limit of 30 points remained a soft cap: up to this indicator, everything swings relatively quickly, and then pumping is very slow. According to player feedback, in order to increase strength from 30 to 31, you need to walk with a pack on your back for a little less than a day in real time. However, even with 30 points of tone, strength and health, your character will receive an additional 500 stamina points, 40 LT and 300 HP, which is quite good for free methods (meaning no donation, not silver costs).

In conclusion, a small but very valuable recommendation: if you are already AFK, spend this time with greater profit - for example, pumping horses, and pump stats with food and algae. This will allow you to earn additional amount of silver, and it never hurts, right? And don't forget that if your character level is 50 and above and you looped the route in an unsafe zone, there is a chance of dying at the hands of dangerous guys who leak AFKashers for reasons only known to them.

To get information about a character, you must use the [P] button, or press - and select the first icon in the second row [Character].

[General] tab

Character's last name

The main distinguishing feature that unites all the characters created on one account. These characters have a single warehouse, workshops and dwellings, and can also use common workers, influence points, knowledge, and energy. Among other things, the characters of the same account are in the same guild. The maximum number of characters in a last name is 16 letters/numbers. The last name can only be changed using a special item from the game store.

Zodiac sign

A prerequisite when creating a character is the choice of his zodiac sign, thanks to which the character receives additional NPCs with the same constellation. The zodiac sign of a famous NPC can be found in the knowledge menu (key [H])


Shows the character and attitude towards the inhabitants of the Black Desert world. After killing monsters, karma increases. If a character is caught stealing, kills a peaceful character or a horse, then a certain amount of karma points is taken away from him. With a small value of this parameter, the guards will attack the character, and in case of death, he will suffer additional losses of experience, inlay stones and other things.


In the world of Black Desert, a renewable resource used to interact with the outside world in the game. Extraction of resources, communication in the world chat, gaining knowledge and more. Energy is restored automatically - 1 unit each. for 3 minutes of finding a character in the game. Recovery speed can be accelerated by resting on the bed.

Influence points

Another rather important game resource used when buying buildings, connecting nodes to the trade and transport network, when interacting with some NPCs.


With each level increase, the character receives additional points of health and mana, stun resistance, carrying capacity, and health regeneration rate. The difference between the level of the character and monsters affects the amount of experience gained. The difference can be identified by the color of the monster's name.


The maximum health level shows the amount of damage that the character can withstand. Health tends to regenerate over time, but you can speed up this process with special potions or food. If a character dies, you can resurrect him in the following ways:

  • Here and now - suitable only if you have a special item "Elliana's Tears" from the game store in the character's inventory.
  • Nearest city - allows you to resurrect in the nearest settlement.
  • Nearest node - allow to resurrect at the nearest node.
  • Resurrection by another character - another player can resurrect if he has a First Aid Kit.

And they use mana for their skills, which can be restored with the help of special potions or spells. Mana also has the ability to regenerate over time.
and are fueled by rage points, which can only be restored during battle or hunting.

load capacity

The character's carrying capacity shows the maximum weight of items that he can carry with him. In case of overload, the speed of movement and attack is slowed down. If the character's overload is more than 125%, then in addition to slowing down, he loses the ability to jump. And if this number is from 150% and above - the character cannot move.


This indicator is accumulated under the influence of certain abilities of other characters or some monsters. As soon as the reading reaches the maximum possible mark, the character is guaranteed to receive a stun.


This indicator informs about the base damage dealt by the character.


An indicator that allows you to reduce the amount of damage received.


Stamina points are consumed while running, jumping and using some skills.


The maximum level of abilities is 5. Abilities can be adjusted using the character's equipment. The higher these figures, the better.

  • Attack speed - the higher the indicator, the higher the attack speed in battle.
  • Skill speed - affects the time required to apply skills. The higher the score, the less time is required.
  • Movement speed - determines the speed of running or walking.
  • Critical hit - the probability of inflicting a critical hit in battle.
  • Fishing - affects the time required for a bite.
  • Collection - affects the time required to collect the resource.
  • Luck - affects the chance of getting trophies when collecting resources.
Body parameters
  • Tone - shows how long the character can run. This parameter can be increased while walking or running.
  • Strength - affects the carrying capacity. Can be upgraded by carrying goods on the back.
  • Health - the maximum number of health units can be increased by eating cooked food.

Resistance shows the character's resistance to certain influences in PvP. These indicators grow as you level up, you can also influence them using the character's equipment. The higher these indicators, the more stable the character in battle. The maximum possible value is 60%

  • Stun - chance to resist a stun in PvP.
  • Knockdown - chance to avoid knockdown in PvP.
  • Capture - chance to avoid capture in PvP.
  • Knockback/Knockback - Chance to counter knockback in PvP.

Shows the level of development of a particular craft. Depending on the level of development of the craft, it becomes possible to wear special craft costumes, etc.

  • Collection - access to advanced tools that increase the speed of collection.
  • Manufacturing - the probability of successful processing of resources.
  • Cooking - making more complex dishes and increasing the chance of successful cooking.
  • Taming - simplifies the taming of wild animals ().
  • Alchemy - increase the list of available recipes and the success rate when making potions.
  • Fishing - varieties of fish available for fishing.
  • Hunting - the ability to get more valuable trophies when hunting with a gun.
  • Trade - the ability to trade additional goods.
  • Harvest - increasing the possibility of obtaining a good harvest when farming.
[Titles] tab

In the world, Black Desert is divided into 4 categories: "World", "Battle", "Crafts" and "Fishing". The effect of titles depends on their number received.

[History] tab

This tab records all the information about the adventures of the character in the game - about the levels received, item enhancements and other achievements. All events are sorted by date.

[Achievements] tab

Contains information about special tasks for which a reward is also awarded. Tasks are related to obtaining a certain level by the character, the time spent in the game, etc. In the same tab, you can pick up the reward for the achievements.

Why play as a weak character? What's the point of this? Therefore, let's figure out how to pump power in Black Desert without making any effort.

How to pump tone in Black Desert

Say thanks to the developers - they introduced such a wonderful thing as autopath. You specify a point, press a button, and the hero starts running back and forth without your participation. Leave it overnight and get pumped levels.

Now more.

First you need to load the character. To do this, buy rare goods from merchants - the very ones that the hero carries on his back.

Now open the map, hold the "Alt" button and click somewhere (to a safe place). Then click back to your position - your path will turn green. Now press "T" to make the hero wander.

Leave the computer overnight and by the morning you will see 6-10 new levels.

In the same way, you can pump the tone of the character. To learn how to do this, watch the video. It also tells how to improve strength - this is for those who did not understand the text.

Short video about all parameters:

Your character will have to spend a couple of nights without you, but during this time he will increase his power quite well. Therefore, knowing how to pump power in Black Desert will help you become stronger in the grind. And you will not be required to do anything except pay electricity bills.

Body parameters are health, tone and strength. All these parameters significantly affect the comfortable game and they just need to be pumped. But not everyone knows how to do it the fastest. In this guide, we will tell you how to pump all the parameters of the body in the fastest way.

The maximum level of all body parameters is 30.

How to pump the tone?

Tone- This is a parameter of the body that affects the endurance of the character. The tone is pumped while the character is running or walking. Riding does not affect the pumping of tone.

The most effective way to pump Tonus is to run along a cyclic route: Open interactive map(M), press the Alt key and mark the starting point with a right mouse click. Hold Alt and mark additional waypoints. To loop the route, move the cursor over the starting point. When the marks turn green, press Alt + RMB. Close the map (M) and press T. It is very important to lay the route in a safe zone so as not to become a victim of bandits.

How to pump strength?

Strength is a body parameter that affects the weight carried. By pumping strength, you will be able to carry much more resources and items, which will make the game much more convenient.

The most effective way to pump strength is to carry a trading pack along a cyclical route. You can buy from any merchant on the nodes. It is enough to buy one of the cheapest and lightest product. Immediately after the purchase, you will see a trade pack behind your character. Next, create a cyclic route, as in the example with tone and press T. In this case, the tone will also be pumped.

How to pump health?

Health- This is a body parameter that affects the amount of HP. You can only upgrade your health by eating cooked food.. There is no quick way to improve health, and it will not be possible to automate the process without the participation of third-party programs. Therefore, we stock up on food, take it to the quick bar and eat on cooldown.

If this guide turned out to be useful to you, then you can repost in the social. network and rate. Good game!

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