How to make a money tree. Topiary from money: step-by-step master classes on creating a money miracle with your own hands

The art of Feng Shui teaches us: in order to become rich, you must have a money tree, because it is it that attracts wealth and prosperity like a magnet. In souvenir shops there is a wide selection of such talismans for every taste, but if you make a money tree with your own hands and put a piece of your soul into it, this will enhance its effect several times. We bring to your attention several options for making a home-made tree, which does not lose either beauty or magical abilities from this.

Topiary from coins

When starting to make a topiary from coins (a decorative tree with a curly round crown), you should follow the rules:

  1. The main focus is the crown, and its diameter should be larger than the pot in which the tree grows.
  2. The maximum size of the pot is equal to the width of the crown, but it is better to take a smaller pot so that it does not draw attention to itself.
  3. The total height of the souvenir tree will be approximately three diameters of the crown itself.
  4. The trunk should be thin, but stable.
  5. To prevent the tree from falling, the base-pot must be filled with heavy filler.

One of the simplest options for a coin money tree is to use a round foam ball as the basis for the crown. Some craftsmen make it from newspapers, folding them tightly and gluing them together, but this option is not the best, since it is very difficult to achieve an even rounded shape. To make the crown perfect, it is better to pick up a foam ball. Its size depends on the desire and the number of coins available, but it should be borne in mind that there should be a lot of them, because the ball is completely covered.

The ball should be pre-pasted with paper napkins - so it will not be slippery and the coins will stick better.

So, in order to make a topiary money tree with your own hands, you need to pick up small coins of the same denomination, for example, 10 rubles. You can fasten them either with a thermal gun or with PVA glue (the first option is preferable, since it will provide good adhesion). The crown should be formed in the form of scales, namely:

A small section of the ball should remain empty - the trunk will “grow” from here.

The tree trunk can be made from an ordinary sushi stick and then it will be even or from a piece of thick aluminum cable, whimsically bending it. The golden effect of the wooden trunk will be given by painting, while the cable must be wrapped with tape or paper of the same color.

It remains to collect and "plant" a money tree, namely:

  1. Fix the barrel in the left hole on the crown ball, using glue if necessary.
  2. Fill a plastic glass of small volume or an ordinary cup with plaster and install a tree.
  3. When the gypsum hardens, seal the “soil” in a glass with coins, paint it with golden paint or cover it with sparkles.
  4. Decorate the pot with paint or paste over with beautiful lace.

If desired, leaves or bows can be attached to the stem, and a butterfly can be planted on the crown - it all depends on the master's imagination.

Graceful money tree with branches

A very delicate money tree can be made with your own hands from coins and wire: a beautiful falling crown with golden coin leaves will be the main decoration of the house. It is not difficult to make a talisman, for this:

Coins can also be combined with beads, and the barrel can be given different shapes.

Painting from coins

Not only a voluminous tree looks impressive, but also laid out in the form of a picture on canvas or paper. Such work can be done with children, because there is nothing complicated about how to make a money tree in a picture. The piece itself is as follows:

  1. Draw a contour on the canvas (trunk and crown).
  2. Lay out the trunk from paper napkins twisted into flagella.
  3. Lay out the crown from the coins.
  4. Paint everything golden.
  5. Insert the picture into the frame.

What does the money tree symbolize?

There are many signs associated with the money tree. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the main task of this talisman is to attract financial well-being and wealth to its owner, but the effect will be only if the tree is placed in the right place, namely in the zone of wealth. The southeast side of the room is responsible for this, and to enhance the effect of the money tree, it is recommended to install a fountain nearby.

Chinese feng shui experts assure that decorative talisman trees should have 10 branches, on which exactly 100 coins are located - it is this combination that has the maximum magical effect.

If you shake such a tree and jingle leaf-coins, you should soon expect material benefits. Whether this is true or not is up to you.

As for the living money tree (fat woman), the plant also retains its symbolism if it is properly looked after. In this case, in order for the flower to affect the material condition in a positive way, it is necessary to regularly wipe the leaves, preventing the formation of dust on them - it will lead to the opposite effect (spending and losing money). The drying up of the bush also portends an unplanned waste.

To activate the action of the fat woman money tree, you should put a coin on the bottom of the flowerpot and wash it under running water every year on the eve of Christmas.

Summing up, I would like to say: if the house has stocks of little things, including old coins, you should definitely try to make a talisman out of them. Money Tree, made with love with your own hands, will not only decorate the house, but also become an original gift for friends and acquaintances.

Making a money tree from beads - video

The money theme in the design of home decor has long been in the everyday life of creative people. Money is used to make various decorations for the room. They make topiaries, panels and other interesting products. Money trees are very popular with needlewomen. You can make a money tree from coins with your own hands from inexpensive materials that you have at home.

Topiary from coins

Most often, such trees are made from small coins, but there are also coins of larger denominations. Crafts from coins of 10 kopecks with your own hands are not so difficult to perform. Any needlewoman can make such a tree, but you need to know the sequence of work.

For manufacturing, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • foam ball;
  • leg-split;
  • stick or rod for the trunk;
  • coins.

You should start with the manufacture of the trunk. It should be tied with twine. A hole must be made in the foam ball. Insert the prepared trunk there, but do not glue it. This procedure must be done to make it easier to put the finished upper part on it later.

At the top of the topiary, you need to glue the first coin. The subsequent ones must be glued in a circle. Around the central coin, four more should be glued from different sides. The main requirement for this process is that all coins were the same. The next row is glued between the previous coins. The entire surface of the foam ball is gradually filled. When this work is completed, you need to put the ball on the leg. The hole must be filled with hot glue and the barrel must be glued to the ball.

Next, you need to fix the entire structure in a pot. To do this, you need to dilute the alabaster and pour it into a pot. The trunk is installed in the center. A prerequisite should be an even location of the trunk. Otherwise, the weight of the topiary on the surface will be incorrectly distributed. The whole product will be unstable. It remains only to glue additional decor and the work on creating a topiary from coins can be considered completed.

In order to diversify the options for such a product, you can use coffee. Coffee beans are glued on the surface of the ball, and coins are only on one side. Around them is a castle, which is also glued to the base.

This topiary looks very unusual.

Other examples of work

In addition to the topiary, you can make other, rather interesting products. These include panels and various interior decor. On the panel you can depict anything. It may be a tree whose crown consists of coins. Or an image of a Golden Fish, consisting of kopecks.

To make a penny tree for a wall, you will need the following materials:

  • basis for panels;
  • putty or glue;
  • clay for creativity or twine;
  • coins;
  • PVA glue and hot glue;
  • acrylic paint and varnish;
  • palette knife;
  • sponge.

As a basis, you can take fiberboard or chipboard. If the coins will stick, then thick cardboard will do. In the case of putty, cardboard cannot be used. It deforms from exposure to moisture.

The base must be pasted over with soft paper. Use white toilet paper or paper towels for this. You need to take a piece of paper and place it on the base with PVA glue. This is done in order to get a textured surface. If such a surface is not needed, then the base can be left flat.

stem shaping

The trunk can be made in three ways. It is made from twine, paper or clay. In the case of twine, it is necessary to glue pieces of this material to the glue. The more segments are glued, the thicker the trunk will be. You need to shape it to your taste. Add bends and various branches as fantasy tells.

If you use paper for this, then the trunk is formed from thin bundles. In order to make them you need to twist a piece of paper with your fingers. When a large number of such harnesses are made, you can start gluing. You need to attach them only with PVA glue. It is necessary that the paper is completely saturated with glue.

Another way to form a crown is ornamental clay, which is sold in craft stores. It can make excellent branches and trunk. You also need to glue it on PVA glue. It must become one with the base.

Crown making

You can also form a crown in two ways. One of them is gluing on hot glue. In another way, you can use putty. Which way to choose depends on what is in stock.

Coins should be glued following a certain plan. Each coin must be in its place. The crown must have branches and shape. In order not to be mistaken with this, it is better to have before your eyes already ready-made version. In the case of using putty, it must be applied carefully so as not to stain the base. To do this, you can use a palette knife.

When the work on the formation of the crown is completed, the product must be left to dry. In the case of hot glue, this is not required. Before painting the work, all parts must adhere well to the base.

Product tinting

Metallic acrylic paint is suitable for tinting. Dark paint is first applied to the surface of the panel. It can be black or brown. The whole product is covered with paint. Then, using a sponge, it is necessary to select individual convex sections. To do this, you need to take a little gold or bronze paint and apply it to the sponge. Before you paint, you need to make a few prints on another surface so that there is not too much paint on the sponge.

Next, gently walk over the surface with a sponge. It is not necessary to paint over a continuous layer. It is necessary to highlight only some parts, to place accents. After applying this type of paint, the panel will acquire volume and sparkle with new colors.

Finally, apply acrylic varnish to the surface. It is best in this case to use varnish in a spray can. It does not have a strong odor and is well distributed over the surface.

Registration of work

You should also take care of the frame for the panel. You can buy it at the store and just stick it on top. This must be taken into account when choosing the basis for the panel. The size of the base should be standard. The frame is selected according to the desired size. In the case of a base that has a non-standard size, the frame will have to be made independently. It can be made from wood or glued from cardboard. In the future, it is decorated according to preferences.

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Making a money topiary with your own hands is not at all difficult, the main thing is to understand the principle of making this art object, which is popular today among needlewomen and lovers of unusual room decoration. And if you know about the options for replacing parts of the craft and the various ways to decorate the pot and crown, then you can completely create your own unique tree of happiness that does not look like anyone else.

Why out of money?

The topiary or tree of happiness in the form that will be discussed further has existed in Europe for many decades. Craftswomen from Russia and the CIS countries relatively recently began to master the art of making topiary, but they have already succeeded quite strongly in this.

Money topiary, popular today as a decorative element in an ordinary apartment

Initially, topiary is the art of landscape design, which consists in trimming the crowns of trees and bushes in a special way (not only in the form geometric shapes, but also in the form of animals, birds, etc.), and the topiary is the master of the topiary. Over time, there was a confusion of terminology, and today a topiary is called an artificial tree with a round crown, which is not related to any real plant and is only a figment of the imagination of designers and needlewomen.

Topiary is an artificial home-made tree "planted" in a pot of small size with an unusual spherical crown. There are no more strict rules and regulations regarding the manufacture of a tree of happiness, and there cannot be. This, of course, plays into the hands of creative people, because the scope for imagination opens up extraordinary!

So, topiary today is made from paper and feathers, coffee and fabrics, flowers and sweets! It is made according to the style of the room or a designer find, in honor of a personal or family celebration.

Topiary made from banknotes is one of the most unusual embodiments of the tree of happiness, which has been rapidly gaining momentum lately.

money topiary

Why make a topiary out of money and how much can it cost?

You will not believe it, but a topiary, the crown of which consists of banknotes, will cost you no more than a craft made of artificial flowers or coffee. The fact is that no one ever makes a money topiary from real paper bills, coins can be real, but this is not necessary at all.

Of course, one could be puzzled and make a tree of ten- or fifty-ruble banknotes so that the craft would be relatively inexpensive, but the fact is that such a topiary will look cheap or undignified. Much more interesting, “more expensive” and more presentable is a tree made of banknotes of 100 dollars, 50 euros or 5 thousand rubles!

Why make such a tree of happiness? Tasks and goals can be very different:

  • Money topiary is an unusual interior decoration that will add zest to your home.

If you are striving to create an unusual interior, unlike anyone else and reflecting your personality, then such an art object is what you need.

  • The tree of happiness, created from banknotes, - original gift for a birthday, anniversary or other holiday, and not necessarily a comic gift, because a couple of real impressive dignity can be attached to a crown of fake money.
  • Money topiary can also be used to attract capital into your life, if you do it with a certain mood and desire to get rich in the future.

One way or another, no matter what goal you pursue, a topiary made from banknotes will delight you with its simplicity of execution and an unusual and very beautiful result of work.

Step by step master class

In order to make a money topiary with your own hands at home, you will need:

  • gypsum and water for its dilution
  • polyurethane foam
  • pots
  • can of car paint
  • fun bank banknotes
  • tree branch
  • glue gun
  • scissors
  • toothpicks
  • sesal
  • decorative ribbon (organza, satin), wrapping paper and other materials of your choice for decoration

The sequence of actions in the manufacture of money topiary is as follows:

Preparatory stage: fixing parts of the future topiary

  • Form a ball of mounting foam and stick it on a branch before the foam has time to dry.
  • Dilute the gypsum with water to get the consistency of thick sour cream. Pour the resulting mixture into the pot to the brim, insert a branch into the planter and hold until the mass hardens.
  • When the plaster is completely dry, carefully paint the entire structure in the color of your choice and wait until it is completely dry before continuing to work.

The process of making "leaves" of banknotes

  • Make "leaves" of banknotes: fold each into a bag (for this you may need to first fold the bill in half), fill the sharp end with glue and insert a toothpick into it, as shown in the photo. The number of leaves will depend on the size of the crown of your tree.
  • From felt, cut out squares measuring 10 by 10 cm, bend in half and also glue a toothpick in the middle (see photo). This will be a decorative element of the future topiary.

Making the crown of the money topiary

  • Begin to form the crown of the topiary by sticking the leaves of the bills into a ball of polyurethane foam. The main part of the crown should be banknotes, and felt leaves can occasionally be found in the upper part among banknotes and completely form the lower part of the topiary.
  • Distribute the rest of the decor, in this case the sesal, over the crown of the topiary.

Making a cache-pot of money topiary

  • Decorate the topiary pot with the remains of the sesal, securely gluing it to the plaster with a glue gun.
  • Roll up a real bill, if you plan to donate real money, carefully tie it with a ribbon and place it near the topiary trunk.

Finished tree of happiness

Manufacturing options for individual parts

Making a tree of happiness in general and a money topiary in particular is a process that cannot be regulated by any strict laws and frameworks from beginning to end. Everyone is free to work in any sequence and use any available materials, based on financial and other realities and possibilities. Here are a few examples of the use of improvised materials for individual components of the topiary.

The ball, which is the basis of the topiary crown,can be made not only from polyurethane foam, but also from:

  • a foam spherical blank purchased at any hardware and craft store;
  • a home-made ball from a newspaper, PVA glue and twine (for this, it is enough to roll a tight ball from newspapers, wrap it with a rope and carefully glue it so that it does not open in the future);
  • from a floristic sponge, which is sold in any flower shop;
  • from a soft baby foam ball.

As a basis for the crown of the topiary, you can use, among other things, a children's foam ball

For topiary trunknot only a branch of natural wood is also suitable, but also other materials and solutions:

  • skewers folded together and wrapped with a rope;
  • plastic stick from a flower shop;
  • wooden base from a brush or other similar object;
  • chopsticks for sushi;
  • a homemade stick, for example, from a wire frame and foil or plaster, if you want the shape of the trunk to be necessarily unusually curved or of different thicknesses in different areas.

As pot for topiary the following options apply:

  • the usual inexpensive planters from the nearest garden store;
  • a beautiful coffee cup or mug;
  • plastic cup;
  • any small box.

In order to fix the stem of the topiary in a pot, you can use not only gypsum, but also sand and / or pebbles.

Decorative pebbles and pebbles can be used not only for decoration, but also for fixing the topiary trunk in a pot

Composition design options

When making a money topiary with your own hands, you are not limited not only in materials, but also in the design of the finished composition.

  • Banknotes can be folded not only in a bag, but also with an accordion, an airplane, a fan, a tube, etc.

You can fold a banknote for a topiary in any way you like

  • The crown can be issued not only with paper money, but also with a combination of banknotes and coins, both in the crown of the tree of happiness, and on the trunk or in a pot.

Money topiary can combine paper bills and real coins

  • There is also an option when the money topiary is made entirely of coins, and this is certainly an amazing sight.

A money topiary made entirely of coins is a very, very impressive sight.

  • The color scheme of the money topiary can be dictated by both the decorative material you have available (sesal, felt, etc.) and the color of the banknotes.

Sometimes the color scheme of the topiary is suggested by the color of the banknotes themselves.

  • A ready-made artificial tree can serve as the basis for a money topiary, and a combination of paper bills and natural foliage color will make your tree of happiness even more unusual.

Money topiary, based on an artificial tree, can combine a “natural” sheet and leaflets from banknotes

  • And, of course, there are an infinite number of design options for planters: from the most simple and minimalistic to filled with all sorts of interesting details (figures, ladders, beads, grass, bags, wallets, etc.). Materials can also be very different: paper, various kinds of fabrics, ribbons, and so on.

In design money topiary burlap and twine are often used both for decorating small details and as the main decor for flowerpots

So, making a money topiary with your own hands is not difficult, but fascinating, and the result will be an unusual art object that will decorate any home or office.

Video master class: another easy way to make a bill topiary

on 19.03.2018 4,663 Views

Money Topiary is a great souvenir and an excellent gift idea for friends, family and loved ones

Everyone inevitably faces the problem of finding a gift for a friend, relative or colleague. It is not always possible to choose a good souvenir, even if you know the person well, his habits and tastes. What can we say if the hero of the day is not so close, and asking about preferences on the eve of the celebration is not always appropriate. In such cases, an original gift will help to get out of a difficult situation - a hand-made gift that will always find its place in the house.

    • Description and features
    • Money tree: master class
    • DIY money cake


Description and features

The history of the emergence of topiary began with the flourishing of landscape design, when perfectly even plants with a beautiful haircut began to decorate the gardens of aristocrats. All sorts of figures were carved from the crowns of trees, competing in skill and flight of fancy. Over time, topiary began to be used in garden floristry, creating bouquets of incredible beauty.


Today, the art of creating crafts in the form of a tree, consisting of a trunk, a crown and a pot, has gone beyond strictly defined boundaries, and not only flowers and trees, but also all kinds of crafts are called topiary.


Topiary made of money occupies a special place in needlework, as it is great for a gift. Such a souvenir has a number of features, among which are the following:

    • Originality of idea and unusual realization. When making a gift, you can come up with many options by making a topiary in the form of a ship or a cake.
    • Manifestation creativity and the opportunity to give a present without spending a lot of money. A handmade gift always evokes more emotions than buying a banal set.
    • An interesting legend that the money tree brings good luck and prosperity to the house. Such superstitions are inherent in many nations and are ancient traditions that are carefully guarded and passed down from generation to generation.

There are many ideas for creating a money tree

Advice! The choice of denomination of banknotes, as well as their authenticity, depends entirely on the master. If you plan to donate a small amount, you can add one real bill to the most honorable place.

Money bouquet - another super idea for a gift

Money tree: master class

One of the most popular types of topiary is a money tree made from banknotes and coins. Making such a gift is not at all difficult if you follow the instructions step by step.

To make a souvenir you will need:

    • a small pot for indoor plants or a mug;
    • coins and banknotes;
    • glue and double-sided tape;
    • leg-split;
    • scissors;
    • alabaster;
    • sushi stick.

Necessary tools are best to have at hand

      • Take a sushi stick and tie a knot of twine at the end of it, then wrap the string around the entire stick to form a tree trunk. Put the finished trunk in a pot and secure with alabaster, leaving a place for coins on top.

Of course, the money tree for decor is made from painted bills.

        • Take a bill and fold it in half, slightly shifting the edges. It should be folded unevenly so that the edges move, after which the uneven edge must be fixed with double-sided tape and glue. From the folded bill, make an envelope, securing the edges with the glued side.

banknote folding technique

          • For a flower, you will need 15 such envelopes, use the same technology to make 14 more pieces. From the resulting 15 envelopes, assemble a flower, the corner of the envelope should be in the center, expanding to the outer edge. Grease the right side of each envelope and tape all bills together with double-sided tape.

Connect the elements together with a glue gun or tape

            • Take two identical coins and glue them to the center of the resulting flower, one on each side to fix the flower. Take a pot with a trunk and glue the top of the trunk with glue, putting a flower from the envelopes on it so that the trunk is hidden inside. Glue the back side of the barrel, which is covered by the inside of the envelope, with glue.

Graceful do-it-yourself tree

              • It remains to decorate the pot with coins. To do this, take the resulting tree and coins. Lubricate each coin with glue and fix under the tree trunk in random order, laying one on top of the other to make a pile of coins.

The money tree is ready!

Advice! To work with coins, it is better to use a more reliable glue so that the design does not fall apart. Use a glue gun or superglue for this.


DIY money cake

This master class is perfect for a gift with genuine banknotes, as the money will remain intact, without traces of glue and creases. A banknote cake will be an excellent gift for a wedding, where a cash souvenir is especially relevant, and the presentation will become more spectacular and memorable.

For manufacturing you will need:

              • thick and thin cardboard;
              • thin satin ribbon and elegant bow;
              • paperclips;
              • double-sided tape and glue;
              • banknotes (at least 100 pieces).
                • Take thick cardboard and cut out 3 bases for each tier.

Blanks for money cake

Important! The largest in diameter should be about 30 cm, and each subsequent one should be 2-3 cm smaller.

                  • Glue the edge of the base with satin ribbon to hide the cut. From thin cardboard, cut 3 strips for each base. The height of the strip should correspond to the banknote rolled into a tube, and the length of the rolled strip should be adjusted to fit the circle.

The base of the cake is the largest part in diameter.

Advice! The folded strip should be slightly smaller than the base so that the tubes of money can fit on it.

                  • When cutting the stripes, make 6 triangles in diameter at the same distance in a circle on one side, and the other completely from the serrated edges. Fold these edges and spread with glue, securing the side of the cake to the base.
                  • Take a bill, roll it up and secure it with a paper clip. With the outer side of the paper clip on the bill, put it on the side of the cake. Do the same around the circle. By the same principle, make the 2 remaining bases and decorate each with bills.
                  • From thin cardboard, cut out another circle corresponding to the diameter of the smallest base. A thin cardboard circle is the top of the cake. In its center with glue you need to fix the bow.
                  • Assemble the cake by gluing one tier to another for the visible triangles.

Money trade is ready!

Non-standard handmade gift

Advice! If dollars are used, the tube must not be rolled up completely so that the president's face can be seen. Each subsequent bill is attached to the left, covering the tail remaining from the previous one.


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