Chess blitz. Rapid chess and blitz - development or degradation of the mind? When the player wins

On November 30, 2016, the World Chess Championship match between Magnus Carlsen and Sergey Karjakin ended.

The outcome of the match, of course, is influenced by the rules of its conduct.

In 12 games the score was 6:6. Then a series of 4 additional games was played with a time control of 25 minutes each, in which Carlsen won with a score of 3:1.

It is known that any system, as well as the absence of such, are imperfect (this is mathematically proven - Gödel's incompleteness theorem). However, the degree of imperfection is also important.

Accelerated play ("rapid chess") makes the thinking ability of a chess player less essential. And an excessively accelerated game (“blitz”) makes the mental ability of the participants of little importance, thereby turning the mental game, roughly speaking, into a stupid one.

The most important factors in achieving victory in the “blitz” are knowledge (by heart!) and general quickness, and not thinking as such.

“Blitz” and chess with a normal pace of play (3-4 minutes per move) are competitions in different human abilities:

  • chess is in the thinking ability.
  • "blitz" - in a completely different way.

To chess players who have shown an equal result, to offer “blitz” to determine the winner is the same as to offer fencing to equal wrestlers. "Blitz" grossly perverts chess as a mental game.

But the purpose of chess as a sport is competition in the power of thought!

There was a time when, according to the terms of the match for the world championship, if the result was a draw, the champion remained the same. This is more just than the perversion of chess, as a mental game, by haste.

“Blitz” is very popular with us everywhere and in everything. Losing quality. Politicians in the "blitz" mode solve problems more complex than chess. And we see what these solutions are….

Haste is the main source of our delusions Denis Diderot

World Champions:

  • chess - Magnus Carlsen (Norway)
  • in rapid chess - Vasily Ivanchuk (Ukraine)
  • Blitz – Sergey Karyakin (Russia)

Good day, dear friend!

Once, back in the era of mechanical watches, my opponent, in the heat of a fight, slapped the clock so that the button on my side flew out of the mechanism. Time passes, the move is made, but there is nothing to press. That's what it is - blitz in chess.

What kind of game is it?

Of course, that party was stopped. Replayed or extended, I do not remember. This simple story means that blitz is a gambling thing and rarely does without adventures.

In this article, we will not ignore the specific rules and situations that are specific to blitz.

Blitz- one of the formats of the game of chess, in which the time control before the end of the game is set to 10 minutes or less for each player. The most common time controls are:

  • 5 minutes before the end of the game, that is, for all moves
  • 5 minutes plus time. Typically 2 or 3 or 5 seconds per turn.
  • 3 minutes for all moves.
  • 3 minutes with addition. Typically 2 seconds.
  • 1 minute with addition. Usually one second

For example, on the portal"menu" looks like this:

On the

2|1 means 2 minutes per game with an increment of 1 second per move. Similarly 3|2 And 5|5


Blitz is chess and obeys basic chess and in particular rapid (rapid chess).

With the exception of those provisions that cannot be applied due to the lack of a record of moves or another method of fixing moves. For example, the fifty-move rule for fixing a draw.

Important: In blitz it is possible to award defeat for an illegal move . If a chess player made an illegal move and moved the clock, the move is considered to be made and the opponent has the right to declare this and demand the award of a win.

But only until the moment when he made a return move. If the return move is made, that's it, the train has left.


A few more rules that are especially relevant for blitz:

  • Can only be played with one hand
  • You can't put your finger on the watch button
  • You can't hit the clock with your palm
  • You can not hold down the clock button, preventing the opponent from switching them
  • In case of pieces falling or shifting from the fields, the player corrects the position in his time. If the opponent made a move, switched the clock and at the same time violated the position (for example, the pieces fell), switch the clock back without talking.

Pawn Promotion

In order to avoid the situation of an impossible move, the following sequence should be followed:

  1. The pawn is placed on the field of promotion
  2. The desired piece is taken and placed on the field of promotion instead of a pawn

Wrong sequence : the pawn remains on 7/2 of the horizontal, a piece is placed on the promotion field, then or simultaneously the pawn is removed.

Formally, it turns out that a pawn move is not made and this may be perceived as an illegal move .

It is allowed to prepare the queen for promotion in advance. For example, to put it next to the board, so that at the right moment you don’t waste precious time on a feverish search for a queen among the pieces removed from the board.

Although in practice the transformation rule is usually ignored. Often one can even observe such a picture: the queen is not placed on the promotion field and the player wields a pawn that has reached the promotion field, like a queen - checks and checkmates.

To be fair, let's say that conflict situations occur extremely rarely.


Violations may result in sanctions from the referee:

  • For the first violation - a warning
  • In case of repeated violation, an additional minute may be added to the opponent
  • In case of subsequent violations, the player may be counted a defeat, and in case of systematic “malicious violations”, exclusion from the tournament.

Again, I note that “malicious” violations are quite rare in chess. Single conflict situations are usually resolved by the players themselves. Fortunately, ethics in chess is not an empty phrase.

The Role of the Judge

The referee, if the players do not ask him, - it is not recommended to interfere in the course of the game in blitz .

By default, the clock is placed to the right of the black player. However, according to the rules, the player playing black can choose the location of the clock himself (for example, he is left-handed).

The task of the referee is to ensure non-interference in the game by the spectators. Including clarify the rules if necessary.

For example, it is not uncommon for someone from the audience signals a delay in time. This can't be done . In this case, the referee may decide on a replay.


The World Blitz Championships have been played intermittently since 1988. The first champion was Mikhail Tal. Three times champion title Alexander Grischuk , twice Magnus Carlsen.

The 2016 World Blitz Champion is Sergey Karyakin.

Below is one of his games in this tournament:

Karjakin - Ivanchuk , Doha, World Blitz 2016, 1:0

Among the beautiful ladies, the blitz champion 2016 - Anna Muzychuk.

How to play blitz?

I will add a few more, borrowed from the recognized luminary of blitz Henry Chepukaitis .

  • It is not necessary to play strong in blitz, it is important that your opponent plays weakly
  • Give your opponent a choice. He himself will find the best way to lose. Like a buridan donkey, a kamikaze or a frog in a saucepan
  • Help the enemy "take his breath." The opponent's confusion is an excellent compensation for a sacrificed pawn, or even a whole piece
  • Another way to unsettle a partner is to make a “stupid” move in time

And this is a verbatim quote:

“You need to walk closer to the button. It is very important! Remember: the movements of your hands must be ahead of thought. Don't go where you look, don't look where you're going."

Someone will say: These rules look frivolous and look like a joke. However, we know that in every joke there is only a fraction of a joke, and the rest is the true truth.

Play blitz and win!

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Chess Federation of the Pskov Region


1. The game is played according to the FIDE Laws of Chess, unless they cannot be applied.
2. Each player must make all his moves within the five minutes set on his clock.
When using an electronic clock, other controls may be applied, for example: three minutes each and two seconds of accumulated time after that, or, as was the case in the Kasparov-Kramnik match, 5 minutes for each player, and 20 seconds before the control (at least one partner) - two more seconds for each move, but without accumulating these seconds.
3. Before the start of the game, the arbiter determines where the clock faces should be turned. The black player decides which side he will sit on. The clock in use must have a special device, usually called a "flag" on mechanical clocks, which fixes the expiration of the control time. On an electronic digital clock, the expiration of the control time is fixed by a special "-" sign, sound or light signal.
4. Before starting the game, the partners must check the correctness starting position and the time set on the clock. Once the players have made three moves, no claims regarding incorrect positioning of the pieces, orientation of the board, or clock setting are accepted.
5. It is not necessary to record the moves made by the players.
6. Moves (including castling) must be made with one hand only, and the clock must be switched with the same hand. The player must not make a counter move until his clock has started.
7. An illegal move is considered to have been made and is not corrected if the opponent's clock is started.
a) After the completed illegal move, when the player switched the clock, the partner may claim the award of a win, but before his return move or touching the piece with the intention of making it.
b) The player who made an illegal move but did not switch the clock must take it back and make a legal move with the same piece in his time. If there is no possible move by this piece and the clock has not yet been switched, any other piece can be moved.
c) If after an illegal move a counter move is made, then the illegal one can no longer be corrected and the game continues.
d) An illegal move not noticed by both players cannot be subsequently changed and cannot serve as a basis for partner's claims.
8. If a player first touches one piece with the intention of making a move, and then moves another piece, his partner may switch the clock back and offer to move the piece he touched first. In case of disagreement, each of the partners can stop the clock and refer to the arbiter.
9. No player may touch the clock except by correcting its position or by pressing a button.
a) If the partner's clock (mechanical) is not running, the player may press the button of the partner's clock and vice versa, but if this does not help, he must call the arbiter.
b) Each player must always be able to switch the clock after a move has been made. Do not place your finger on or over the watch button.
10. Each violation by the player of the Rules entails a certain punishment. This also applies to cases when one of the players strikes the clock.
a) The first violation will result in a warning (unless the partner's flag has fallen, in which case he gets an extra minute to think).

b) On the second offense, the partner receives an extra minute of playing time.
c) On the third violation, the player loses the game.
d) After that, for new violations, the arbiter may use other sanctions, including expulsion of the offender from the competition.
11. If a player advances a pawn on the promotion square and switches the clock leaving it on the board, his partner or arbiter may stop the clock until the pawn has been replaced by a piece.
12. If a player has inadvertently moved one or more pieces, he must correct them within his own time. If necessary, the partner may start his clock without making a counter move to ensure that the position of the pieces is corrected at the expense of his time.
13. The game is considered won by the player, a) who checkmated the partner's king; b) whose opponent has surrendered;
c) if the opponent's flag has fallen before the game has ended otherwise:
(1) provided that he notices it and stops the clock while his flag has not yet fallen, and
(2) he has enough material for checkmate ("material sufficient for checkmate" implies that a position is possible in which there is a checkmate in one move - that is, the partner who is next to move cannot avoid checkmate on the next move);
d) whose partner makes an illegal move, including leaving his king in check or moving his king into check, and
switches the clock (7.b), but only if the player declares this before he himself has completed his response move.
14. The game is considered to have ended in a draw,
a) if one of the kings is in a stalemate;
b) by agreement between partners during the game;
c) if the flag of one of the players falls after the flag of the other partner has already fallen, and there was no information about winning
declared as in 7.a(1);
d) in case of perpetual check, repetition of position and "dead" positions;
f) if a player's flag has fallen but his partner does not have sufficient material to checkmate as defined in 13.c(2).
15. The arbiter must not interfere in the game in any way unless requested by the partners.
16. The arbiter must not touch the clock, except in the event of a dispute, when both players ask him to do so, or if it is necessary to replace a faulty clock.
17. Spectators and players of other parties must not talk or otherwise interfere with the game. If a spectator interferes with the game, such as drawing attention to the fall of a flag, the arbiter may stop the game and suggest that a new one be played. He can also move the party to another room.
18. All blitz arbiter decisions are final and cannot be appealed.

How to play this game:

These points of the rules are collected from different sections of the official text of the FIDE Rules of Chess.
Some points of these blitz rules require comments.

It is useful to clarify point 3. The usual rule was that the clock was placed to the right of the black player. Here the wording is more flexible: it allows the arbiter to set the clock in such a way that it is convenient for him to watch them, and the partner playing black is given the right to choose a place at the board (he can be "left-handed" after all).
Reasonable questions and objections are caused by some provisions of paragraph 13 (2), which is valid not only in blitz, but also in other controls. In particular, they ask: what should be the result of the game if the partner who has a king and a queen against a king with a pawn (without other pieces and pawns) has expired? Alas, under the current rules, the one who overstayed the time will be the loser, although with the most unskilled game it is difficult to imagine how the weaker side can win. Paragraph 14.c applies only to mechanical watches, since it is always possible to determine on an electronic watch which party has run out of time. True, at a recent tournament in Cap d'Agde, in one of the additional blitz games between A. Karpov and B. Gelfand, the arbiter counted a draw with electronic clocks, referring to the fact that both of them overstayed the time. It was probably just a compromise solution...
In paragraph 14.d, "dead" positions should be considered those where closed pawn chains appear and the pawns are located on the squares of the opposite color to the squares on which the opponent's bishop moves (that is, it cannot be sacrificed). This applies to pawn endgames, pawn with bishops, sometimes knights, rooks, etc. An important point of these rules is that the arbitrator has well-defined sanctions applied in cases of violations. So, switching the clock with the wrong hand, which makes the move, or hitting the clock with a hand or a piece is punished by adding a minute of time for reflection to the offender's partner, and may even result in a defeat.
This rule is not so easy to apply technically when using an electronic watch, since adding a minute to a partner sometimes takes a lot of time.
With the exception of cases specially stipulated by the regulations, the arbiter does not fix the fall of the flag and impossible moves! This is the responsibility of the partners themselves.
international arbiter

Blitz (chess)

Blitz(from the German Blitz - lightning; lightning game) - a game where a limited time is allotted for thinking about moves; is carried out according to the usual rules, except for a few due to the specifics.

From a lightning game, one should distinguish a game with a shortened time control, including the so-called "fast" ("active") chess (checkers).

  • Blitz differs from conventional control chess in that the player is required to calculate variations faster, as well as a good technique for playing standard situations when time becomes the decisive factor. Blitz is the most common form of online chess. The internet champion in the 1 minute game is the American grandmaster Hikaru Nakamura, who is a very strong blitz player and has achieved the highest ratings in the world at the ICC. The popularity of playing blitz games for 3 minutes or less in on-line mode is due to the fact that with such time control it is not possible to use the tips of strong chess programs, which are almost impossible to win blitz. A super blitz game of a human against a program can last more than 50 moves (less than 1 second per move), where it is difficult for a person not to make a mistake and not lose. On the contrary, the chess program has a minimum probability of error, besides, they, as a rule, have the “impossibility” to drop the flag.


The earliest evidence of a lightning game is the organization of a tournament by one of the London chess clubs (), where 30 seconds were supposed to be considered for 1 move. Subsequently, the time to think about 1 move was reduced to 5-10 seconds. The improvement of the chess clock contributed to the spread new system lightning-fast game, in which a certain time (usually 5 minutes) was allotted for the entire game, the so-called five-minute game.

Many world champions and other chess players masterfully mastered the lightning game;

In July 1914, X. R. Capablanca won a match of 10 blitz games (5 seconds per 1 move) against Em in Berlin. Lasker - 6½: 3½;

One of the strongest blitz tournaments in terms of composition was the All-Union Grandmaster Tournament in Moscow (March, ):
1. T. Petrosyan - 14½ points out of 15;
2. V. Korchnoi - 11½;
3. Yu. Balashov - 10½;
4-6. A. Kotov, M. Tal and R. Kholmov - 9½ each.

Match for 1st-2nd place: G. Kasparov - J. Timman - 1½: ½.

The winner of the 1st unofficial World Blitz Championship () was M. Tal.

In November 2010, the Tal Memorial was held in Moscow, after which the World Blitz Championship took place. Top three: L. Aronian, T. Radjabov, M. Carlsen.


  • Chess. Encyclopedic Dictionary / ch. ed. A. E. Karpov. - M .: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1990. - S. 39, 257. - 100,000 copies. - ISBN 5-85270-005-3

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Blitz (chess)" is in other dictionaries:

    - (German blitz lightning): A blitz device that produces a short, bright flash for photographing. Blitz (chess) in chess and some games: a game with very fast time control. "Blitz" microsatellite NII PP, used by ... ... Wikipedia

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    Mat; pl. [from pers. expressions šāh māt the shah died] 1. Playing on a board divided into 64 alternating light and dark cells between 16 white and 16 black pieces according to the rules of movement established for each of them. Lover of playing sh. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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The game of chess requires a fairly quick thinking of moves. But the introduction of blitz in a London club at the end of the 19th century was nonsense. At first, players were given 30 seconds to think about moves, then the time was reduced to 10 seconds. The game itself took place in 5 minutes, for which it was called a five-minute game.

Blitz is more difficult to play - a chess player must quickly calculate variations and combinations, which not all even experienced players can do. A grandmaster is not always a strong blitz player.

But the secret of a successful game is unchanged - to improve your skills by giving training: studying and practicing a lot of time. The player must know openings, middlegames and endgames by heart.

Blitz game rules

The format of the game is strictly regulated by time. In the chess world, various time control options are installed:

  • allocate 3 or 5 minutes for the whole game;
  • 5 minutes + 2, 3 or 5 seconds per player turn;
  • 3 minutes + 2 seconds per player turn;
  • 1 minute + 1 second per player turn.

The player makes moves with only one hand. She switches the clock. He presses the button with his finger. It is forbidden to keep a finger on the button, to close it, preventing the opponent from changing the time, to hit it with the palm of your hand. If the blitzor has touched a piece, he must definitely move it.

The strict rule of the game provides for the defeat of the chess player in the event of an impossible move. If one player made a mistake - he went wrong with a piece, and then moved the clock, then the other has the right to point out the opponent's miscalculation and demand to count his defeat. It is important to state this before your counter move.

In case of an accidental fall of the pieces, the player corrects the position at the expense of his time. If he made a move, and then touched the pieces with his hand and they fell, then the clock switches back to put the pieces in their place.

When the player wins

  • When he finished the game with checkmate.
  • His opponent announced his defeat.
  • The opponent's flag fell during the game. The condition must be met - the player notices and stops the game.

Blitz ended in a draw

  • The king of one of the players is in a stalemate position.
  • Chess players, by mutual agreement, came to such a decision.
  • The flags of the players fall one after another, but the victory of one of them was not announced.
  • A “dead” position and a “perpetual” check appeared on a black and white field.
  • If one of the participants in the blitz has a flag dropped, and the other does not have an advantage in the game - a sufficient position for a checkmate.

Secrets of a Successful Blitz Game

Opening Knowledge

From the first seconds of the game, a person must quickly navigate the chess field. The knowledge of opening options by a player is the observance of the principles of the initial stage of the game. He must know:

  • how to develop figures;
  • control the center
  • the king to provide not only security, but also protection.
  • it is important to interfere with the plans of the opponent.

In a chess game, there are types of openings: open, half-open, closed, half-closed, flank. The player needs to study the theory in order to quickly "tap" the first 10-15 moves. Already at this stage, be in an advantage, predicting the moves of the opponent in the game.

Use of the middlegame

Be savvy in the knowledge of the theoretical part even after playing the opening. Conquering the center quickly and ensuring attack and defense in the fight is another important rule for successful blitz play. Study the opening in conjunction with the middlegame.

Saving time and confidence in the game is the key to victory. Even if suddenly an unpredictable situation arose on the field after the debut, spend a little more time on further moves, and then play the middlegame.

The rule of "strong" moves

Experienced chess players advise not to trade for trifles in the game. Small advantages will distract from the main task - to capture the center, predict the opponent's future actions and prevent them. The moves must be strong and thoughtful, you should not yawn.

Practicing tactics and attacks

The rule of blitz is to abandon the long-term strategy and use small tactics. The advantage is that chess player who keeps the game variations in mind and uses them in practice. Training will help to achieve quality.

The secret is risk. In blitz, make small sacrifices by going on the attack. In a fast game it is difficult to defend, and the opponent spends time thinking about moves. A blitz participant must learn to have a balance of a reliable rear on a black-and-white field and take risks. This quality comes with experience.

Use your opponent's time

Don't waste precious seconds while playing blitz, even when your opponent is thinking. Concentrate and keep the options in mind. When a player makes a move, you save time thinking.

Follow the rules of the endgame

In the final part of the game, play according to the principles of the endgame.

  1. The king can be brought out of hiding and played like other pieces. He can attack first.
  2. Strengthening the pawn structure.
  3. Study endgame tables.
  4. Learn to checkmate a lone king.

Blitz Champions

Many famous world champions possessed the speed of chess thinking.

Jose Capablanca

A native of Cuba, he earned the title of "chess machine" for his lightning-fast ability to think through moves. In the summer of 1914, he won a 10-game match in the German capital. The game had 5 seconds per move.

Jose Rail's rival was the German chess player Emanuel Lasker, who was not helped even by his positional instincts. After the defeat, he admitted that he made mistakes. Jose Capablanca had almost no miscalculations in the game of blitz.

Reuben Fine

The lightning game of the American chess player Reuben Fine went down in history. He fought opponents, among whom was his compatriot, future grandmaster, Robert Byrne, on 4 blind boards. 10 seconds were allotted for a move.

Hikaru Nakamura

On the Internet, playing blitz is much more difficult. The more valuable is the title of champion for a chess player from the USA. The attacking combinational style of play helped to draw 3 games with artificial intelligence and achieve the highest ranking in the world at ICC. Rival Nikamura became the strongest chess program Komodo.

The complexity of the online game is in the superiority of the abilities of the machine over human intelligence. It is difficult for a person not to make a mistake and not lose. The computer has all sorts of combinations in memory. A person with a lot of experience in the game and concentration of attention can still miss something.

Magnus Carlsen

In recent years, the sixteenth world champion, Norwegian Magnus Carlsen, has been considered the strongest chess player in blitz. In 2014, 2015, 2017, he showed phenomenal success in this game format, confirming his leadership on the championship podium. The smartest man in the world leads the ranking of the strongest chess players and blitz champions of the planet.

Sergey Karyakin

The youngest grandmaster in the history of chess proved his superiority in blitz at the 2016 World Championship in Doha, taking away the crown from rival Magnus Carlsen for a year. Both played 21 rounds and scored the same number of points at 16.5. The Russian won in a bitter struggle on additional indicators.

The grandmasters themselves evaluate lightning-fast play differently. The famous Soviet and Latvian chess player Mikhail Tal saw the game as spectacular and fast-paced. His namesake in the chess department, Mikhail Botvinnik, considered blitz games lacking creativity by the players.

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