Business game conflict resolution algorithm. Business game for young professionals "resolution of conflict situations"

Homeschooling is a general name for all forms of school education outside of school: family education, self-education, additional education in the subjects of the school curriculum.

The Russian Law "On Education ..." places all responsibility for the organization and results of home schooling on school programs on parents and obliges them to return the child to school if he did not pass the certification on time.

The Algorithm Home Education Center invites you to share this responsibility with us: to organize and ensure successful home education and certification of your child in the school programs of your choice with the help of our qualified teachers, modern educational resources and technologies, many years of experience and professional knowledge.

We will help solve all the problems of school education outside of school: from choosing the best form of education and an external school from among our partner schools to preparing for the Unified State Examination.


    Galina Z., student's mother

    Oksana K., student's mother

    Maria K., student's mother

    Alexandra P., student's mother

    Maria F., student's mother

    Irina K., student's mother

    My son Pavel graduated from high school, passed the exam and all this thanks to a very well-organized learning process at the Algorithm school. I would especially like to express my gratitude to the teacher of Russian language and literature, Polina Leonidovna, who helped me to comprehend the wisdom of these difficult subjects for a whole year. Tatyana Evgenievna, whose concerns everything was clearly planned. The teacher of mathematics also wants to say a lot of kind words! What a blessing to have such a wonderful school! THANKS!

    Olga K, student's mother

    Anastasia L., student's mother

    Anastasia P., student's mother

    How to combine school and creativity Last year at school, I dreamed of switching to distance learning, since work in the theater and the violin took up most of my time. And in a regular school, I was not satisfied with the attitude of teachers towards students. Distance learning has saved me, allowing me to free up time for my favorite activity. In addition, no school over the years has been able to give me what I received in two years of study in the program compiled by the online school. Education here fully met all my expectations. Thanks!

    Hope S.

    Plenty of time for profile studies! I finished grades 10-11 in one year - I really liked distance learning. I entered with good results to college the first time! Online training allowed me to prepare for specialized exams without wasting extra time on secondary subjects. True, it is sometimes difficult to force yourself to do it, but then the result is better!

    Anna V.

    Now I can do everything After the 9th grade, I decided to switch to distance learning. After all, I go in for sports professionally: I train a lot, constantly at the training camp and do not have time to attend classes at a regular school at all. My parents and I began to actively look for a school: it turned out that many athletes initially study remotely. Being anywhere in the world, I can study on the Learning Portal and with teachers online, do all my homework remotely, and come to school to hand over all face-to-face work several times a year. The non-daily attendance form of study literally saved me.

    Anna Sh.

    Education is important for athletes for the future life I play for the Russian Youth Rhythmic Gymnastics Team and spend most of my time at sports camps or competitions. In the spring of 2014, we became the winners of the Youth Olympic Games in group exercises! It is almost impossible to go to school with such a schedule, but I understand that studying is very important for my future life. Now I have the opportunity to remotely study with tutors in Russian and mathematics at a convenient time for me and successfully prepare for the mandatory state certification.

    Daria A.

    The opportunity to play your favorite sport and gain the necessary knowledge I have been playing hockey professionally for many years. For several years I have been a player in the Russian Youth Team. This year, together with my team, we won bronze medals at the Youth World Championship! But I don’t want to connect my life only with sports, so studying is also very important for me. In the future, I would like to do journalism. Distance learning for me is an opportunity to play my favorite sport at a high level and gain the necessary knowledge.

    Nina P.

    For health In the 7th and 8th grades, I was constantly sick, often skipped school, this, of course, caused a lot of questions at school, I don’t even want to talk about big gaps in knowledge. I decided to switch to distance learning in the 9th grade - to improve my health, try to fill in the gaps in knowledge and, of course, prepare for the OGE. After switching to online learning in all classes, both independent and with online teachers, I quickly received answers to difficult questions without leaving home. I significantly improved my results and successfully passed the OGE :)

    Angelica K.

    In "Algorithm" it is easier and more interesting to study than in a regular school In distance learning, I have to do everything on my own, and I have already learned this. But without the skills of self-discipline, nothing will work. Now I can count my own time. I think that ordinary school students with self-discipline have much more problems. But for me, this is a necessity. In this form of training, there is nothing superfluous, knowledge is better absorbed. The lessons of mathematics and physics are especially exciting for me - they are accompanied by excellent video materials.

    Rama Z.


Galina Z., student's mother

My son Rama studies at Algorithm with primary school. And we have never regretted our choice. Distance learning frees up time for additional education - and this has become a determining factor for us.

In my opinion, the school has three main advantages: excellent organization of the educational process, professionalism of teachers, comfortable learning for children with a low stress component.

We are very satisfied with the education system and the high level of professionalism of the teaching staff and the school administration. The quality of teaching here, in my opinion, is one of the best in Moscow. Children like teachers, they skillfully motivate them to achieve high results in their studies. The most important quality of teachers, in addition to professional qualifications, I consider their obvious sincerity and goodwill in communicating with children.

The control of children's learning is carried out here daily, this is facilitated by a conveniently designed glider. Every six months, children take exams. We learn about the success of children both by marks in the glider, and by the curator's reports, and by test scores. Curators know their students, their rhythm of learning and are very attentive to all the problems and tasks of children. We see the success of our son, and we are very pleased with his studies at the Algorithm school.

We would like to especially note the Russian language teacher Elena Petrovna. Her professionalism and pedagogical skill had an exceptionally favorable effect on our child. Elena Petrovna managed to motivate Rama's desire to study Russian language and literature. Being professional teachers ourselves, we evaluate the work of Elena Petrovna as worthy of an example to follow. Each lesson was carefully prepared by her. All the individual characteristics of the child were taken into account, homework is always selected taking into account the possibilities and specifics of thinking.

Rama before Elena Petrovna had a rejection of the subjects “Russian language” and “literature”. Now the child reads a lot and with pleasure, he has an interest in writing essays. Rama aspires to online classes conducted by Elena Petrovna, communicates with pleasure on the topics of the subjects she teaches. We express our sincere gratitude to Elena Petrovna for her love and care for our child.


Oksana K., student's mother

The main advantage of distance learning in Algorithm compared to a traditional school is the ability to independently plan and manage time. Alternative education should be chosen by those parents who are ready to seriously invest in the education of children, in their future. At the same time, the children themselves should understand that this form of education will require a lot of independent work, they should set a clear goal related to the choice of a profession that they dream of acquiring.


Maria K., student's mother

Dear teachers and school leaders! I would like to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for the tremendous work that you are doing so that modern, effective and interesting educational tools are available to children. Children are different, everyone has their own characteristics, their strengths, which the current education system does not always allow to reveal. And your technique helps to focus on knowledge that is really important for each child. Thanks from me and my son! If today I myself were so old as to go to your school, I would go without hesitation! To everyone who wants education to become not an imposed boring and unpleasant obligation, but an interesting and valuable thing, to which it is worth instilling love for life, I recommend sending the child to your school.

I am sure that this is the only way to learn today - saving time, effort and working at your own pace. Before joining Algorithm, we changed several schools, we even had the experience of studying abroad, but it was in your school that we found what we were looking for - a high level of teaching, a comfortable format and strong programs in the necessary disciplines. Children are interested in learning here, and your teachers are truly authoritative teachers for children.


Alexandra P., student's mother

We chose the Algorithm school 2 years ago, respectively, we studied the 9th and 10th grades, this year we will finish the 11th and take the exam. My daughter is professionally involved in sports, and training is our priority, which is why distance learning attracted us. But knowing how difficult it is for a child to organize himself, I chose a part-time form of education.

In the ninth grade, 6 subjects were taught full-time, in the 10th grade - 4, those that we take for the exam. For the last two years, we chose the 10+ form, that is, in a year we completed the program of grades 10 and 11, and this year we will prepare only for those subjects that are needed for admission.

I really like that not only school teachers who are USE experts, which means they can prepare students well for the USE, but also university teachers who can prepare the child for additional university entrance tests, teach. You can always choose convenient groups for classes or go to a group with a teacher you like. To be honest, I was afraid that studying would be just a formality, but it's not. There are also homework assignments that are checked, tests and tests for each subject. Due to the small number of students in groups, everything is under the close attention of the teacher. At the same time, classes are not every day, homework is given for a week. That is, it becomes possible to plan your own time.

The administration resolves all issues promptly, both remotely and in person. Always ready to help, offer different options for solving emerging issues. Total: the ability to plan your time, a clearly defined scope of tasks, a new level of independence and responsibility of the child, since the format is more reminiscent of a university one, there are no nannies, but they will help, if there is a desire.


Maria F., student's mother

"Algorithm" fully met our expectations, and we would like to continue to study with you next year. We express our gratitude to the administration for the excellent work. We are very pleased that for a whole year we were together with such wonderful teachers as Elena Petrovna, Tatyana Viktorovna, Sergey Pavlovich.

I want to thank your team! We spent the academic year in a calm environment and were able to achieve our goal. Communication with you has always been constructive. All issues that arose were resolved promptly. We were also pleased with the results of such training. We will recommend you to friends and acquaintances. Good luck, patience and further success in your work!


Anastasia L., student's mother

I thank you and the entire RBS Algorithm team for fruitful cooperation. You have helped us a lot. Thanks to your technologies, Serezha was able to catch up with the entire program elementary school and it will now be much easier for him to continue his studies in high school. I wish prosperity and success to your project!


Anastasia P., student's mother

I am the mother of Polina, a student of the 1st grade. We like you! We will continue to study with you next year (2nd grade) in the same form of study. Thanks to the approach, methods and teachers of your school, I have a healthy, inquisitive child who likes to learn.

Polina is registered at the local school, and what she learned in the first grade is taught in the second grade at our school. So we go on an accelerated program and pass the exams three times: 1) when moving from elementary to high school 2) then to high school 3) final exams.

Polina's main success is this: Polina herself decided to learn English, chose the courses herself, passed the test herself and signed up for classes, left the phone. They called me from the English school and said: “Are you Polina's mother? She passed the test with us and left your phone. I didn't know anything about it. I liked the act, free and fearless (I know other opinions on this subject, but I would have done the same in her place).

What is family education

Family education is the education of the child according to the programs of the general school, organized by the parents. At the end of the basic school or upon reaching the age of 18, you can master the program of grades 10-11 on your own - in the form of self-education. In Moscow schools, since 2013, it is also possible to study full-time, part-time and part-time, reducing the number of full-time classes at school. Regardless of the form of education, all students have the right to free midterm school assessment (externship), the right to use the school library and other general rights of schoolchildren.

Homeschooling at Algorithm Center

Depending on the choice of the form of education and relations with the school and the Algorithm programs you have chosen, you can study with us completely, online (at an online school), full-time - in one of our training centers located in the center of Moscow, or by combining face-to-face classes in these learning centers with online classes on our learning portal. All classes are held individually or in groups of up to 12 people.

Our programs are online and offline.

We offer:

  • school curriculum from grades 1 to 11
  • preparation in all subjects for the OGE and the USE
  • additional and in-depth coursework in individual subjects,
  • with the final certification for the GSCE and A-level programs in our examination center in Moscow (international external student)
  • parallel training in Russian and international British and American school programs (for example, preparation for the OGE and GSCE)

All programs are accompanied by a personal curator.

About certification

All "homeworkers" undergo mandatory regular intermediate certification by an external student at the Center's partner schools - in all subjects included in the mandatory component of the curriculum. "Algorithm" provides constant consulting and organizational and legal support in all relations with the external school, on all issues of training and certification. We take the British international exams GSCE and A-level in Moscow, in our examination center for the international external study "Algorithm", accredited by Pearson Edexcel International.

How to switch to family education

According to the Law "On Education ...", you only need to "notify the local government municipal district or city district. However, of course, serious preparation for this crucial step - the organization " parent school” - requires careful planning and consultation in a family education center - for example, in our Algorithm.


business game on the topic: " Conflict resolution»


Methodical development on conducting a business game "Solving a given conflict situation" is intended for teachers of secondary specialized educational institutions as a practical lesson after studying topic II "Management of conflicts and stresses."

The purpose of the business game is:

Consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities obtained as a result of theoretical training; instilling in students the skills of organizing work activities, orientation in various practical situations; instilling skills of independent thinking in solving issues of managerial activity and creating an optimal socio-psychological climate.

When preparing a business game, the teacher takes into account not only the level of knowledge of students, but also the relationship of students in the group, the possibility of creating equal groups in terms of knowledge, activity, diligence. You should not select predominantly strong students, removing the weakly prepared. Everyone should find a place in the business game. This is of great educational value. It is better for the students themselves to provide the opportunity to distribute roles. In this case, the teacher tactfully makes corrections if he is not satisfied with the qualitative composition of the group.

When forming groups, it is necessary to take into account the relationship of students, their psychological compatibility - this ensures a high quality of the game.

The selection of students for positions must be carried out taking into account knowledge, their organizational skills, personal qualities. business game held in an auditorium designed as a manager's office.

In organizing and conducting a business game, they can take

participation of teachers of psychology and ethics of business relations, fundamentals of legislation, organization and technology of trade.


Topic: Solution of a given conflict situation

Goals of the business game:educational- working out the actions of the manager together with the chairman of the trade union committee in the process of preparing and making a decision;

nurturing:- preparing students for

current work as a manager;

developing: acquisition and development of skills

analysis of production situations.

Lesson type: formation of skills and abilities.

Conduct method: business game.

Interdisciplinary connections:"Psychology and ethics of business relations", "Fundamentals of legislation", "Personnel management".

Logistics training game:

1. Classroom simulating a manager's office

2. Tablets with the inscription "Manager", "Chairman of the trade union committee", "Head of the department".

    Characteristics - “Head. department", "team"

    The text of the collective complaint.

5. Tasks for the performers of the roles of "Manager", "Chairman of the trade union committee", "Head of department".

The text of the characteristics "head. department" and "team", as well as the text of the collective complaint must be duplicated in the number of copies for all participants in the game and for the teacher.


I. determination of the purpose of the business game, the type of lesson, the identification of interdisciplinary connections.

P. Scenario development.

III. Preparation of handouts.



    Arrangement of tables in the audience in accordance with the requirements of the game (imitation of the manager's office). (Before class starts).

    Placement of handouts on tables. (Before class starts)

    Checking the readiness of the group for the lesson; checking the students present at the lesson.



At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher formulates the goals of the business game, introduces students to the organization of the lesson in the form of a business game, determines the tasks of the lesson, names the performers of the roles of officials involved in the game.

The teacher begins his message with the words: - Today we are conducting a business game "The solution to this situation." Further emphasizes that the goal of the game is to develop students' managerial skills to understand conflict situations, the ability to prevent them in a timely manner, to make optimal decisions in relation to the participants in the conflict.

The main tasks of students during the business game are:

A clear and comprehensive study and analysis of the socio-psychological situation that has developed in one of the departments of the department store;

Acquaintance with the information provided for the performers of the roles of the manager, chairman of the trade union committee and other participants in the game;

    imitation of the actions of the manager, chairman of the trade union committee, head of department, sellers in the current situation;

    imitation of the actions of the manager, the chairman of the trade union committee in the process of developing and making a decision on the complaint of a part of the team;

    formulation and justification by the manager of his decision in the current situation;

Assessment by students of the actions of all participants in the game, adopted
decision manager of solutions proposed by the chairman of the trade union committee.

In the process of conducting a business game, it becomes necessary to analyze the production situation, develop and make decisions on socio-psychological and managerial problems.


All students study the information provided on the business game, analyze it, determine their specific tasks and actions in accordance with the role they play;

This business game is organized in the form of a dramatization. Each participant in the game, playing his role, imitates the actions of a particular official in the current production situation. At the same time, it is necessary to strive to simulate actions in an environment as close as possible to specific production conditions; holding conversations of the meeting, formulation and adoption of a decision on a collective complaint, preparation of the proposed event;


The object of the simulation of the business game is the team of the food department.

To conduct a business game, you must select the following characters:

    Central store manager

    Chairman of the trade union committee of the store

    Head of food department

    Seller leader.

The remaining students are divided into sellers who signed the complaint and sellers who did not sign the complaint.

The analysis of the conflict situation takes place in an auditorium designed as a manager's office. In the office, tables are arranged in the shape of the letter "T". In the center of the table sits the “manager”, on the right side is the “chairman of the trade union committee”, on the left is the “head. department."


The manager received a complaint from the sellers of the food department with the following content: (the complaint is read by the manager) “We earnestly ask the supermarket administration to remove the head of the department, since we can no longer work under his leadership. Productivity and efficiency of work largely depends on a good working mood. And our working day begins with scandals, with the analysis of slander, a five-minute usually turns into a half-hour "bazaar". The conversation is not about shortcomings in the work, but about everyday issues that are not relevant to the case. Therefore, we often do not know where to start the working day.

The head of the department does not conduct proper work with senior salespeople, does not give them a specific task for the shift. It happens that the seller of goods unknown to him, which he encounters for the first time. This reduces the quality of customer service, increases the time required to communicate with the buyer, which entails a decrease in the volume of sales of goods and turnover.

The head of the department poorly provides the process of selling goods. Sometimes several times he has to be reminded that there is no proper inventory and tools.

At the end of the month, as a rule, the results of the work of the team and each seller separately are not carried out, which discourages employees. A difficult critical situation has developed in the team, an unfavorable socio-psychological climate that can affect the stability of the team, causes staff turnover and, as a result, a sharp decrease in economic indicators and the efficiency of the department.

Signature of 10 people.



(the teacher reads, the students have copies of assignments on the tables,

information, characteristics)


In the process of fulfilling the role, the manager is not a supporter of the removal of the head of the department from his post, but a collective complaint is a serious signal that cannot be ignored, rumors about the complaint have already reached the administration of the company. The manager needs to make a decision. In his actions acting as a manager should be guided by the knowledge of psychology and management.

The task for the manager is to highlight the economic and socio-psychological factors that contributed to the conflict in the content of the collective complaint.


Age 45, married, has 2 children. Five years ago he graduated from the correspondence department of the Institute of Economics. He has been working at this enterprise for 12 years, in the department for 9 years. He grew from a salesman to a department manager. He was repeatedly awarded with valuable gifts and prizes. The head of the department has been working for the third year. During this time, the composition of the team led by him changed by one third. Of the four senior salesmen, two are of considerable age. In general, the team works unevenly. This has become especially noticeable in the last year. There are cases of absenteeism, violations of production discipline. At meetings of the trade union committee, conflicts between sellers were discussed twice. The issue of the work of the team was considered at a meeting of the supermarket team in the presence of a representative of the company's administration. This representative proposed to the manager, the chairman of the trade union committee and the head of the department to take measures to normalize the situation in the department.

The head of the department in dealing with people is gentle, friendly, avoids quarrels and disputes. Painfully endures all troubles. He asks and convinces more than he demands and commands.

Conscientious, honest. Highly developed sense of responsibility Six months ago, he filed an application with a request to dismiss him from his post as department head.

Senior salespeople fulfill their duties, but each of them tends to limit himself to the interests of his shift only. They do not participate in the unification and cohesion of the entire team as a whole. In fact, the head of the department turned out to be without assistants in the team.


The department employs 25 people. The workers are quite young: the eldest is 32 years old. The earnings of the majority are relatively high, despite the economic situation in the country.

There is no particular desire in the team to rationalize and improve trade and technological processes, use modern methods of customer service, and improve the organization of work. Everyone relates to work without initiative, there have been cases of shortages of cash and inventory.

The department has its own informal leader - one of the most experienced salesmen, whom the head of the department trusts completely. Makes important decisions with him.

Until the last year, the informal leader enjoyed the trust of the entire team, but then conflicts began to arise between him and the team. From this moment on, the team changes its attitude towards the head of the department.



The department head is your personal friend, you treat him very well, appreciate in him a specialist and a charming person, a collectivist in the best sense of the word. It was you who initiated the nomination of his department head.

The current situation in the team makes you very sad, and you are at a crossroads, on the one hand, you cannot but admit the facts of the collapse of work at the site, on the other hand, you sincerely feel sorry for this person who no one helped to become a good leader.

In addition, you understand that the removal of the head of the department can now have a negative impact on the team: they know him, are used to him, although they use his gentleness and inability to be strict. At the same time, the interests of the commodity department require decisive action.


It seems to you that misunderstandings have arisen due to the fact that somehow deliberately creates the ground for conflicts and clashes, but you know who is "muddying the waters." In addition, it is difficult for you to be a boss - you simply do not know how to command and prefer to be on an equal footing with people. You were not happy when you were appointed head of the department, repeatedly asked to be relieved of these duties, and finally wrote a statement about this, but the manager refused. Now the situation has become even more aggravated, and you are determined to demand dismissal.


In the process of discussing information, the head of the department, the chairman of the trade union committee, and the manager first act. The manager turns to the sellers to speak out on the merits. Each of the speakers speaks out and puts forward their ideas for resolving the conflict situation.

The final decision on a collective complaint is made by the manager.



After the end of the staging, formulation and justification of the decision of the manager on a collective complaint, the participants of the lesson, under the guidance of a teacher, discuss and evaluate the actions of the participants in the game, noting the advantages and disadvantages, evaluate the decision made by the manager, as well as the decision of the chairman of the trade union committee.

One of the important requirements in this case is the students' argumentation of their assessments and, if possible, the proposal of their own options for actions and solutions.

As a result of the discussion, the most acceptable and legitimate procedure for the participants in the business game under the proposed conditions is determined, the participants of the lesson evaluate from their point of view:

the ability to correctly understand the current situation, analyze facts and events;

The correctness of the actions of each participant in the game;

The clarity and logical relationship of the actions of the participants in the game at various stages;

    the manner of behavior and style of work of the participants in the game;

    the correctness and objectivity of the decisions made by the participants in the game;

Psychological tact in developing a decision in relation to the head of the department and bringing it to the attention of the department's salespeople.


At the end of the lesson, the chairman sums up the results of the game, analyzes the performances, notes the activity of the participants in the lesson, the value of the lesson.

Lecturer: Semenova E.G.





business game

"Choosing a Manager Based on the Applicant's Image"

in the discipline "Managerial psychology"

Vladikavkaz 2009

Explanatory note.

Methodological development for conducting a business game "Selection of a manager taking into account the image of applicants" is carried out at the course "Management" as a practical lesson after topic 12 "Leadership; power and partnership", as well as on "Managerial psychology" after studying section 3 "Social - psychological foundations of the leader's activity.

The purpose of the game is to consolidate the knowledge gained in theoretical classes, the ability to use this knowledge in practical management activities, the ability to analyze the situation and make optimal, independent decisions on a specific problem.

When forming teams for the game, the teacher must take into account the relationship of students and select teams in accordance with psychological compatibility.

This contributes to the development of initiative and leads to the best achievement of the goal of the business game.

Along with this, teams should have strong and weak students so that they can complement each other in the process of work.

The business game is held in an auditorium equipped and designed in accordance with the requirements of the business game.

Business game plan.

Topic: Selection of a manager taking into account the image of applicants.

Goals of the business game:

Educational: consolidation of knowledge gained in the study of the topic

"Leadership: power and partnership. Manager's image".

Educational: preparing students for their future work


Developing: acquisition and development of business analysis skills

and personal qualities of the leader and acceptance

optimal solutions.

Lesson type: practical lesson

Conduct method: business game

Interdisciplinary connections:

- "Psychology and ethics of business relations"

    "Managerial psychology"

    "Human Resources Management"

Material and technical support of the game.


    Educational audience, designed as workplaces "at the round table";

    Characteristics of applicants in the number of copies corresponding to the number of teams plus a copy for the teacher.

    Command number boards.

During the classes.

    Organizational moment, before the start of the lesson.

    arrangement of tables according to the "round table" principle, in accordance with the number of teams.

    setting up the audience at the beginning of the lesson.

    Checking those present and the readiness of the group for classes.

2. Message topics, goals and objectives of the business game.

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher formulates the purpose of the business game, introduces students to the order of the game, determines the tasks of the game participants in the process of playing roles, determines the composition of teams and their leaders.

The purpose of the business game is to make a decision on the selection of a supermarket manager based on the evaluation of candidates for the position. The main tasks of learning during the game are:

    analysis of the qualities of applicants for the position of supermarket manager;

    selection of the most realistic candidate for the position of supermarket manager from the available applicants;

    comprehensive rationale for the decision.

In the process of conducting a business game, it becomes necessary to analyze, develop and make decisions on situations of quality assessment, selection and placement of business leaders.

2. Organization of a business game.

The business game is intended for group lessons. During the business game, its participants analyze the quality of four applicants for the position of a supermarket manager and give a motivated offer from one of the partners.

If the opinions of the participants of the game differ (which is quite likely), after hearing their justifications, the applicant who received the most votes from the study group will receive the position of the supermarket manager.

The teacher supervises the selection of the manager and participates in resolving controversial issues.

All students study the presented characteristics of applicants, analyze them, determine their specific tasks and actions in accordance with the role they play.

game model.

Modeling object: the control system of the form, in particular the manager of the supermarket.

To conduct a business game, it is necessary to determine the number and composition of teams, team leaders (the president of the company).

Each team plays the role of the administration of the company, which serves the candidates for the post of manager.

On the tables of each team, the characteristics of the applicants are laid out.

Students study the characteristics of each applicant, make notes on their sheets, discuss candidates, determine the positive and negative qualities of the applicants and identify the optimal candidate.

When discussing applicants, it must be remembered that there is no person without negative qualities.

Then the leaders of each team speak and bring to the attention of the students of the group the decision that their subgroup made.

At the same time, the candidate is substantiated; that is, they talk about his positive and negative qualities necessary for working as a manager.

Along with this, they justify the reasons for not choosing other applicants, note their positive and negative qualities, their significance in the work of a manager.

The teacher and students listen to the messages of all teams and, according to most opinions, choose a candidate for the post of supermarket manager.

The initial data of the business game.

The manager of the supermarket retired, there was a need to select a new manager.

The company's management has several candidates. Each of the applicants, according to their business qualities, is worthy to take the vacant position of a supermarket manager. For health reasons, they meet the requirements for leaders of this level.

The enterprise in question is large, occupies a leading position in the firm. He has significant experience in mastering and maintaining modern forms and methods of trade, organization of labor, safety of commodity and material assets.

However, in Lately observed a decrease in labor productivity, a reduction in trade turnover. There have been cases of theft of inventory items, a decrease in the culture of customer service, and rudeness on the part of sellers.

All this indicates a weakening of discipline in the team.

Tasks and information for game participants:

    Assess the quality of proposed applicants by discussing their strengths and noting what qualities they lack.

    Select, justify the selection of one of the applicants for the position of supermarket manager.

Characteristics of candidates for the position of supermarket manager.

1. Lavrov Ivan Sergeevich- 40 years old, working for a company (formerly trade organization Gorpromtorg) - 21 years old. Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the State University. K. Khetagurova. Worked as a senior salesperson on commercial matters.

Lavrov I. S. is well versed in the procurement, supply of goods and the supply of goods to the retail network.

The site he led fulfilled and exceeded the set goals and plans, but did not always comply with the presence of consumer goods in the assortment, which led to frequent violations of contractual relations with suppliers and for which the company paid heavy fines. A direct, good-natured person, he enjoys well-deserved authority both among the top authorities and among other leaders. He made many suggestions to improve the work of the company, but was not always persistent in their implementation.

2. Suprunov Grigory Maksimovich. He came to work at the firm 10 years ago after graduating from the institute. Worked as head section, for the last five years he headed one of the major departments of the store. Suffice it to say that the department led by him makes a third of the store's turnover, although the area of ​​the trading floor occupied by his department is one fifth of the total area of ​​the store's trading floor.

Under his leadership, a lot of organizational work was carried out to reconstruct the department: most of the equipment was modernized and replaced, new technology delivery of goods to the trading floor.

The top echelons of management are pleased with him as an enterprising and energetic worker. Some employees criticize him for his penchant for experimentation, sometimes risky. He gained a reputation as a "man with ideas."

Lower-ranking leaders respect him. Among the sellers about it there is no consensus. Some consider him fair, while others, on the contrary, are offended by his excessive demands and harshness in handling.

3. Klimenko Gennady Fedorovich- 54 years old. Former store employee. Recently he worked in the Ministry in the planning and economic department.

Came to the store after graduating from MINH. Worked as head department, chief shop. Before leaving for the Ministry, he worked as a head. store, paid much attention to the development of economic research, the activation of economic studies in the supermarket.

Klimenko R. F. is fundamental in solving production issues. Practical. It was noted, however, insufficient exactingness to his subordinate workers.

For a long time working in the Ministry Klimenko R.F. He has established himself as a proactive worker.

4. Kononov Vitaly Mikhailovich - 45 years old. Manager of a subsidiary of a supermarket.

The store he runs is the most advanced in the whole company. The team copes with planned tasks in all respects. At one time, the store was criticized for not being energetic enough in the development of new technical processes. After the intervention of the company's management, the situation was corrected.

Kononov V.M. came to the firm after graduation. At the firm, he went from a senior salesperson to the head of a trading company. Friendly, with a gentle disposition. However, in solving fundamental issues related to production, he is firm. The team is respected by both salespeople and managers of different levels.

In the administration of the company, he is known as an enterprising and energetic leader.

Kononov V. M. has a desire to manage the parent large enterprise, and not subordinate to the parent, as it is now.

Summing up the business game.

The teacher evaluates the work of each team, notes the initiative of students in the process of serving candidates for the post of manager, and sums up the business game.


State educational institution

"Vladikavkaz Trade and Economic College"


5. Assignments to the performers of the roles of "Manager", "Chairman of the trade union committee", "Head. department."

The text of the characteristics "head. department" and "team", as well as the text of the collective complaint must be duplicated in the number of copies for all participants in the game and for the teacher.


I. determination of the purpose of the business game, the type of lesson, the identification of interdisciplinary connections.

P. Scenario development.

III. Preparation of handouts.



1. Arrangement of tables in the audience in accordance with the requirements of the game (imitation of the manager's office). (Before class starts).

2. Placement of handouts on the tables. (Before class starts)

3. Checking the readiness of the group for the lesson; checking the students present at the lesson.



At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher formulates the goals of the business game, introduces students to the organization of the lesson in the form of a business game, determines the tasks of the lesson, names the performers of the roles of officials involved in the game.

The teacher begins his message with the words: - Today we are conducting a business game "The solution to this situation." Further emphasizes that the goal of the game is to develop students' managerial skills to understand conflict situations, the ability to prevent them in a timely manner, to make optimal decisions in relation to the participants in the conflict.

The main tasks of students during the business game are:

A clear and comprehensive study and analysis of the socio-psychological situation that has developed in one of the departments of the department store;

Acquaintance with the information provided for the performers of the roles of the manager, chairman of the trade union committee and other participants in the game;

Imitation of the actions of the manager, chairman of the trade union committee, head of the department, sellers in the current situation;

Imitation of the actions of the manager, the chairman of the trade union committee in the process of developing and making a decision on the complaint of a part of the team;

Formulation and justification by the manager of his decision in the current situation;

Assessment by students of the actions of all participants in the game, adopted
decision manager of solutions proposed by the chairman of the trade union committee.

In the process of conducting a business game, it becomes necessary to analyze the production situation, develop and make decisions on socio-psychological and managerial problems.


All students study the information provided on the business game, analyze it, determine their specific tasks and actions in accordance with the role they play;

This business game is organized in the form of a dramatization. Each participant in the game, playing his role, imitates the actions of a particular official in the current production situation. At the same time, it is necessary to strive to simulate actions in an environment as close as possible to specific production conditions; holding conversations of the meeting, formulation and adoption of a decision on a collective complaint, preparation of the proposed event;


The object of the simulation of the business game is the team of the food department.

To conduct a business game, you must select the following characters:

1. Manager of the central store

2. Chairman of the trade union committee of the store

3. Head of the food department

4. Seller-leader.

The remaining students are divided into sellers who signed the complaint and sellers who did not sign the complaint.

The analysis of the conflict situation takes place in an auditorium designed as a manager's office. In the office, tables are arranged in the shape of the letter "T". In the center of the table sits the “manager”, on the right side is the “chairman of the trade union committee”, on the left is the “head. department."


The manager received a complaint from the sellers of the food department with the following content: (the complaint is read by the manager) “We earnestly ask the supermarket administration to remove the head of the department, since we can no longer work under his leadership. Productivity and efficiency of work largely depends on a good working mood. And our working day begins with scandals, with the analysis of slander, a five-minute usually turns into a half-hour "bazaar". The conversation is not about shortcomings in the work, but about everyday issues that are not relevant to the case. Therefore, we often do not know where to start the working day.

Head the department does not conduct proper work with senior salespeople, does not give them a specific task for the shift. It happens that the seller of goods unknown to him, which he encounters for the first time. This reduces the quality of customer service, increases the time required to communicate with the buyer, which entails a decrease in the volume of sales of goods and turnover.

Head department poorly provides the process of selling goods. Sometimes several times he has to be reminded that there is no proper inventory and tools.

At the end of the month, as a rule, the results of the work of the team and each seller separately are not carried out, which discourages employees. A difficult critical situation has developed in the team, an unfavorable socio-psychological climate that can affect the stability of the team, causes staff turnover and, as a result, a sharp decrease in economic indicators and the efficiency of the department.

Signature of 10 people.



(the teacher reads, the students have copies of assignments on the tables,

information, characteristics)


In the process of fulfilling the role, the manager is not a supporter of the removal of the head of the department from his post, but a collective complaint is a serious signal that cannot be ignored, rumors about the complaint have already reached the administration of the company. The manager needs to make a decision. In his actions acting as a manager should be guided by the knowledge of psychology and management.

The task for the manager is to highlight the economic and socio-psychological factors that contributed to the conflict in the content of the collective complaint.


Age 45, married, has 2 children. Five years ago he graduated from the correspondence department of the Institute of Economics. He has been working at this enterprise for 12 years, in the department for 9 years. He grew from a salesman to a department manager. He was repeatedly awarded with valuable gifts and prizes. The head of the department has been working for the third year. During this time, the composition of the team led by him changed by one third. Of the four senior salesmen, two are of considerable age. In general, the team works unevenly. This has become especially noticeable in the last year. There are cases of absenteeism, violations of production discipline. At meetings of the trade union committee, conflicts between sellers were discussed twice. The issue of the work of the team was considered at a meeting of the supermarket team in the presence of a representative of the company's administration. This representative suggested the manager, the chairman of the trade union committee and the head. department to take measures to normalize the situation in the department.

Head department in dealing with people is soft, friendly, avoids quarrels, disputes. Painfully endures all troubles. He asks and convinces more than he demands and commands.

Conscientious, honest. Highly developed sense of responsibility Six months ago, he filed an application with a request to dismiss him from his post as department head.

Senior salespeople fulfill their duties, but each of them tends to limit himself to the interests of his shift only. They do not participate in the unification and cohesion of the entire team as a whole. In fact, the head of the department turned out to be without assistants in the team.


The department employs 25 people. The workers are quite young: the eldest is 32 years old. The earnings of the majority are relatively high, despite the economic situation in the country.

There is no particular desire in the team to rationalize and improve trade and technological processes, use modern methods of customer service, and improve the organization of work. Everyone relates to work without initiative, there have been cases of shortages of cash and inventory.

The department has its own informal leader - one of the most experienced salesmen, whom the head of the department trusts completely. Makes important decisions with him.

Until the last year, the informal leader enjoyed the trust of the entire team, but then conflicts began to arise between him and the team. From this moment on, the team changes its attitude towards the head of the department.



The department head is your personal friend, you treat him very well, appreciate in him a specialist and a charming person, a collectivist in the best sense of the word. It was you who initiated the nomination of his department head.

The current situation in the team makes you very sad, and you are at a crossroads, on the one hand, you cannot but admit the facts of the collapse of work at the site, on the other hand, you sincerely feel sorry for this person who no one helped to become a good leader.

In addition, you understand that the removal of the head of the department can now have a negative impact on the team: they know him, are used to him, although they use his gentleness and inability to be strict. At the same time, the interests of the commodity department require decisive action.


It seems to you that misunderstandings have arisen due to the fact that somehow deliberately creates the ground for conflicts and clashes, but you know who is "muddying the waters." In addition, it is difficult for you to be a boss - you simply do not know how to command and prefer to be on an equal footing with people. You were not happy when you were appointed head of the department, repeatedly asked to be relieved of these duties, and finally wrote a statement about this, but the manager refused. Now the situation has become even more aggravated, and you are determined to demand dismissal.


In the process of discussing information, the head of the department, the chairman of the trade union committee, and the manager first act. The manager turns to the sellers to speak out on the merits. Each of the speakers speaks out and puts forward their ideas for resolving the conflict situation.

The final decision on a collective complaint is made by the manager.



After the end of the staging, formulation and justification of the decision of the manager on a collective complaint, the participants of the lesson, under the guidance of a teacher, discuss and evaluate the actions of the participants in the game, noting the advantages and disadvantages, evaluate the decision made by the manager, as well as the decision of the chairman of the trade union committee.

One of the important requirements in this case is the students' argumentation of their assessments and, if possible, the proposal of their own options for actions and solutions.

As a result of the discussion, the most acceptable and legitimate procedure for the participants in the business game under the proposed conditions is determined, the participants of the lesson evaluate from their point of view:

the ability to correctly understand the current situation, analyze facts and events;

The correctness of the actions of each participant in the game;

The clarity and logical relationship of the actions of the participants in the game at various stages;

The manner of behavior and style of work of the participants in the game;

The correctness and objectivity of the decisions made by the participants in the game;

2. Characteristics of applicants in the number of copies corresponding to the number of teams plus a copy for the teacher.

3. Plates with team numbers.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment, before the start of the lesson.

Arrangement of tables according to the "round table" principle, in accordance with the number of teams.

Formation of the audience at the beginning of the lesson.

Checking those present and the readiness of the group for classes.

2. Message topics, goals and objectives of the business game.

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher formulates the purpose of the business game, introduces students to the order of the game, determines the tasks of the game participants in the process of playing roles, determines the composition of teams and their leaders.

The purpose of the business game is to make a decision on the selection of a supermarket manager based on the evaluation of candidates for the position. The main tasks of learning during the game are:

Analysis of the qualities of applicants for the position of supermarket manager;

Selection of the most realistic candidate for the position of supermarket manager from the available applicants;

Comprehensive rationale for the decision.

In the process of conducting a business game, it becomes necessary to analyze, develop and make decisions on situations of quality assessment, selection and placement of business leaders.

2. Organization of a business game.

The business game is intended for group lessons. During the business game, its participants analyze the quality of four applicants for the position of a supermarket manager and give a motivated offer from one of the partners.

If the opinions of the participants of the game differ (which is quite likely), after hearing their justifications, the applicant who received the most votes from the study group will receive the position of the supermarket manager.

The teacher supervises the selection of the manager and participates in resolving controversial issues.

All students study the presented characteristics of applicants, analyze them, determine their specific tasks and actions in accordance with the role they play.

game model.

Modeling object: the control system of the form, in particular the manager of the supermarket.

To conduct a business game, it is necessary to determine the number and composition of teams, team leaders (the president of the company).

Each team plays the role of the administration of the company, which serves the candidates for the post of manager.

On the tables of each team, the characteristics of the applicants are laid out.

Students study the characteristics of each applicant, make notes on their sheets, discuss candidates, determine the positive and negative qualities of the applicants and identify the optimal candidate.

When discussing applicants, it must be remembered that there is no person without negative qualities.

Then the leaders of each team speak and bring to the attention of the students of the group the decision that their subgroup made.

At the same time, the candidate is substantiated; that is, they talk about his positive and negative qualities necessary for working as a manager.

Along with this, they justify the reasons for not choosing other applicants, note their positive and negative qualities, their significance in the work of a manager.

The teacher and students listen to the messages of all teams and, according to most opinions, choose a candidate for the post of supermarket manager.

The initial data of the business game.

The manager of the supermarket retired, there was a need to select a new manager.

The company's management has several candidates. Each of the applicants, according to their business qualities, is worthy to take the vacant position of a supermarket manager. For health reasons, they meet the requirements for leaders of this level.

The enterprise in question is large, occupies a leading position in the firm. He has significant experience in mastering and maintaining modern forms and methods of trade, organization of labor, safety of commodity and material assets.

However, recently there has been a decrease in labor productivity, a reduction in trade turnover. There have been cases of theft of commodity and material assets, a decrease in the culture of customer service, and rudeness on the part of sellers.

All this indicates a weakening of discipline in the team.

Tasks and information for game participants:

1. Evaluate the quality of the proposed applicants by discussing their strengths and noting what qualities they lack.

2. Select, justify the selection of one of the applicants for the position of supermarket manager.

Characteristics of candidates for the position of supermarket manager.

1. - 40 years old, works at a company (formerly trade organization Gorpromtorggod. Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the State University named after K. Khetagurov. Worked as a senior salesperson on commercial issues.

is well versed in the procurement, supply of goods and the supply of goods to the retail trade network.

The site he led fulfilled and exceeded the set goals and plans, but did not always comply with the presence of consumer goods in the assortment, which led to frequent violations of contractual relations with suppliers and for which the company paid heavy fines. A direct, good-natured person, he enjoys well-deserved authority both among the top authorities and among other leaders. He made many suggestions to improve the work of the company, but was not always persistent in their implementation.

2. . He came to work at the firm 10 years ago after graduating from the institute. Worked as head section, for the last five years he headed one of the major departments of the store. Suffice it to say that the department led by him makes a third of the store's turnover, although the area of ​​the trading floor occupied by his department is one fifth of the total area of ​​the store's trading floor.

Under his leadership, a lot of organizational work was carried out to reconstruct the department: most of the equipment was modernized and replaced, a new technology for supplying goods to the trading floor was introduced.

The top echelons of management are pleased with him as an enterprising and energetic worker. Some employees criticize him for his penchant for experimentation, sometimes risky. He gained a reputation as a "man with ideas."

Lower-ranking leaders respect him. Among the sellers about it there is no consensus. Some consider him fair, while others, on the contrary, are offended by his excessive demands and harshness in handling.

3. - 54 years old. Former store employee. Recently he worked in the Ministry in the planning and economic department.

Came to the store after graduating from MINH. Worked as head department, chief shop. Before leaving for the Ministry, he worked as a head. store, paid much attention to the development of economic research, the activation of economic studies in the supermarket.

in solving production issues of principle. Practical. It was noted, however, insufficient exactingness to his subordinate workers.

For a long time in the Ministry, he has established himself as an enterprising worker.

According to "Management" - the theme is "Leadership: power and influence."

According to "Managerial Psychology" - the topic "Socially -

psychological foundations of the leader's activity.

psychological exercises for training

Business game "Complaint"

Purpose of the game. The development of the participants' ability to analyze the conflict on the basis of their understanding of the basic conflictological concepts; formation of skills to apply the simplest methods of studying and evaluating conflict situations.

game situation. The management of the firm received a complaint from one of the employees.

The CEO of the firm appoints a working group to study the complaint and develop proposals for a decision. The composition of the working group: HR manager - head; public relations specialist; firm's lawyer.

The order of the game:

Preparatory stage. In one or two weeks, participants receive an installation to conduct a business game. They are told the topic and purpose of the lesson, as well as the topic of the business game, its purpose and the game situation.

Participants receive instructions on independent study of the literature and understanding of the basic concepts: "conflict", "structure of the conflict", "subjects of the conflict", "subject of the conflict", "image of the conflict situation", "motives for the conflict", "position in the conflict". In addition, they are reminded that they must demonstrate during the business game the ability to use various methods of studying and analyzing conflicts: observation, analysis of performance results, conversation, expert survey, etc.

During the game:

1. The study group is divided into three teams.

The first team is the company's management: general director, deputy general director for public relations, financial director.

The second team is the working group to study the complaint.

The third team is experts (3-5 people).

The time for the distribution of roles is 5 minutes.

Note. The composition of the teams can be determined at the request of the students.

2. All teams are given a written complaint and a task for the game. The first team is preparing to listen to proposals for making a decision developed by the working group (second team). The second team prepares proposals for making a decision on the complaint. The third team is preparing to evaluate the content of the work of the first and second teams.

Preparation time - 15 minutes.

3. Listening to proposals to develop a solution to the complaint, making a decision and evaluating the content of the work.

Game scenario. The "General Director" opens the business meeting, announcing its topic, and gives the floor for the report to the "senior working group" to study the complaint and develop proposals for a decision (the time limit for the report may be limited to 10 minutes). After the report, the management team asks questions to the members of the working group (the time for questions and answers can be set within 15-20 minutes). After answering the questions, the opinions of the “deputy general director for public relations” and “financial director” are heard (5 minutes can be allocated for listening to opinions).

The decision based on the discussion is made by the "general director".

4. Summing up the results of the game by the coach.

Like .... ttttugo ...

Study the literature on conflicts ... tin.

Purpose of the training? and the role of the coach? organize?

But what if you approach the matter from the other side?
The trainer studies the literature on conflicts and writes a complaint.

Those present are divided into groups of no more than 5 people, and each of the groups writes possible ways to resolve the conflict... Moreover, a situational approach is used...
When a person comes with a complaint about the enterprise. His goal is to get through to the general. Each of the 5 members of the group - a step - starting with the secretary.

In the role of the one who brought the complaint - the coach himself ...

The goal of the coach is to get to the general through as few group members as possible...

The task of the secretary is to drive around the offices ...

When the arguments written on a piece of paper end, the game ends ... But until the written answers are over, each player can come up with his own (you can’t prompt (during the dialogue, the group is silent)) But the dialogue should not break (Quick dialogue).
Interrupted - the next player plays ...

The main condition is that each player must react differently to the conflict.

The delusion generator develops,
skills of working with claims are developed in conditions of psychological stress and time limit,
develop effective communication skills.

At the end of the game, 10 minutes to explain the working mechanisms, basic concepts from dictation!

More creativity... more!!!


Getting to the gene dir is a private goal...
(one of the possible) Of course, a person himself must determine his goals and those who will solve his problems ... therefore, think about how to solve problems faster and more efficiently ...

A variant with the substitution of goals is possible to achieve a quick and high-quality result!

Shoot and they will open for you ...;)

I recently played this game with exactly the same rules. There really is no end goal. In addition, it is difficult to play, since many moments of the story itself have not been worked out, and it is impossible to work through (invent) them all in advance.
We use this "alaverda" exercise suggested by Rost.
Instead of a coach, a participant is in the role of a client.
Main goal: to get "feedback" from a complaining customer, i.e. determine how the conflict can be resolved.
And so everything is the same.

The purpose of the business game is obtaining and developing skills in working with young workers and specialists, taking into account the requirements of the ethics of relationships between the manager and subordinates.

Production situation

Leonid Kovshov, a vocational school graduate, came to the Stroydetal plant half an hour before his shift. The day before, in the personnel department, he was given the phone number of the master of the reinforcing shop, on the site of which he was to work. For about 10 minutes he tried to get through to the checkpoint, until, finally, he found the master on the spot. "Sent to me? he asked. - In 10 minutes, a planning meeting, come to this time, ”and hung up. The plant was large, unfamiliar. Only 15 minutes later Kovshov found his workshop and site. All the workers had already received their assignments, and he only heard how the foreman “tune” everyone to perform an urgent task, now persuading, now threatening. When everyone left, the master noticed the newcomer: “Ah, is that you? Let's go to the machine."

They made their way through the workshop for a long time until they came to the machine, which stood somewhat to the side. The shavings around him were not removed, the tools were scattered, but the machine (it could be seen) was new.

  • - What, you had to work on this?
  • - Not...
  • - Brand new, received only three months. You see, we trust you right away. That's just not lucky for those who worked here before you. The day before yesterday I went to dinner, and from there - to the hospital. For now, stay in his place, and when he returns, we'll see. You tidy up here for now, prepare the machine, and I’ll run to the head of the shop for 20 minutes, then we’ll talk about what’s what.

The newcomer readily began to clean up, collected the chips, laid out the tool. But when he was sweeping the floor, he was startled by a sharp whistle: he was almost run over by an electric car. After that, Kovshov kept looking around with apprehension. He had already noticed that it was necessary to beware not only of the electric car, but also of the crane, which often scurried overhead. The master returned half an hour later.

So, you say, you never worked on such a machine? Then listen. - And he began to tell what a good machine it is, on what principle its operation is based, what are the parameters and characteristics, how to take care of the machine, periodically asking: “Clear? Understandably?" - Kovshov timidly agreed. Satisfied with such a detailed and intelligible, in his opinion, conversation, the master patted the beginner encouragingly on the shoulder: “Well, begin. There are enough blanks for you, but you can ask Terentyich about the tool. The novice wanted to ask who Terentyich was and where to find him, but he did not dare, and the master would not have heard him.

The work went well, but out of habit, he still cut his finger. I wanted to ask where I could get the dressing done, but again I did not dare: everyone was concentrated - the task was urgent, not up to it. Somehow he tied his finger with a handkerchief and again set to work.

I broke away from the machine unexpectedly - I noticed that there was less noise. Judging by the time, dinner began and everyone left without it. While he was looking for a dining room, lunch was over.

At 4 p.m. Kovshov was about to turn in his work (as a teenager he worked an hour less), but the master was not in sight. The foreman approached him only at the end of the working day, checked the work done, praised him and immediately hurried, referring to worries: “Your shift is over, but I have an irregular day.” Kovshov had many questions: how much he had earned, what kind of work would be tomorrow, but he did not dare to bother with these petty things, to tear the master away from more important ones, especially since he was already far away, and all the workers had dispersed. There was nothing else to do but go home with your questions. And what will happen tomorrow?

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