Oblivion heavy armor training. Oblivion skills description

Trainers in Oblivion fall into three categories:
Low level trainers teach skills up to level 40.
Intermediate trainers teach skills up to level 70.
Top-level trainers teach skills up to level 100.

The cost of training is 10 gold multiplied by your current level of this skill. You can only get five lessons per level.

Trainers who are members of Guilds, in most cases, train only members of their own Guild.

You will not get the opportunity to train with top level trainers unless you are referred by an intermediate level trainer. However, the skill for which you need a master trainer must be 70 or higher. Intermediate Destruction and Archery trainers also require at least 80 disposition before they give you the address of the masters. Top level trainers will often require you to complete a small quest before agreeing to train you, usually a quest to show them how skilled you are at the required skill. Sometimes you also need to have a certain reputation (positive or negative).


Low level.
Quil-Vive. Anvil, own house or on the street.
Ida Winorman. Imperial City, a house in the Elven Gardens quarter.

Average level.
Tsrava. Leyawiin, home of J'Bari.
Gunredel. Cheydinhal, own home.

Thorburn. Aerin's Camp, north of Cheydinhal, east of the Temple of Azura and towards northeast from the villa of Lord Rugdumph. Additional conditions for this trainer are not required.


Low level.
Felen Relas, Anvil Mages Guild.
S'drass, Leyawiin Mages Guild.

Average level.
Ardalin. Bravil Mages Guild.
Brotch Calus. Bruma, a house east of the Temple of Talos.

Sinderion. Skingard, basement of the Westfield Tavern.
Quest: Find a bottle of Tamika Vintage 399 and Surilie Brothers Vintage 399 wine. The wine can be found in various places, including the Temple of the Ruler of the Clouds. The closest thing will be to climb into the basement of the Skingrad castle (there you, on the instructions of the thieves guild, tried to save another member of the guild).


Low level.
Uras. Skingard, own house in the southwestern part of the city.
Mahei. Leyawiin, own home.

Average level.
Rope-Climbing Fast. Anvil, boarding house "Fo "k" sl" or walking in the docks.
Chonditar. Chorrol, own home.

Razia Brandus. Anvil, home of Silgor Brandus.
You must find 30 locations in order for this trainer to agree to train you.


Low level.
Malinthus Ancrus. Chorrol, own house in the southwestern part of the city.
Samuel Bantin. Imperial City, own house in the Talos Plaza quarter.

Average level.
Dro'Shanji. Bravil, own house.
Mandil. Imperial City, Otrello's home in the Elven Gardens or on the streets.
J'banna. Imperial City, in the Prison Quarter.
Quest: Bring him a message from S'krivva from Bravil.

blunt weapon

Low level.
Burak gro-Bol. Leyawiin, Books of the South.
Vigdis. Anvil Warriors Guild.

Average level.
Christoph Maran. Brina Cross Inn, northeast of Anvil.
Azzan. Anvil Warriors Guild.

Irene Metric. Imperial City, own house in the Elven Gardens or on the street.
You must have 50 NPC kills in your inventory for this trainer to agree to train you.


Low level.
Naspia Kosma. Cheydinhal, Right Wing of the Castle.
Correct-Wind. Bruma Warriors Guild.

Average level.
Sherina. Leyawiin Warriors Guild.
Early. Anvil Warriors Guild.

Alix Lenkolia. Hotel Faregil south of the capital on the Green Road.
Your reputation (negative or positive) must be at least 20 for this trainer to agree to train you.


Low level.
Edla Darkheart. Bruma, Regner's house.
Shamir. Skingard, own house west of the Great Temple of Julianos.

Average level.
Reman Brodeur. Skingard, own house in the southwestern part of the city.
Pinarus Inventius. Anvil, own house or on the street.

Alaven. Candle Troll's camp east of Anvil or nearby on the plains.
Quest: Bring her an elven bow.


Low level.
City Swimmer. Bravil, own house.
Glistel. Chorrol, home of Malinthus Ancrus in the southwestern part of the city.

Average level.
Othrelos. Imperial City, own home in the Elven Gardens.
Mirabell Monet. Anvil, boarding house "Pho" k "sl" in the docks.

Marana Ryan. Imperial City, own house in the Temple quarter or on the streets.
Quest: Steal a special coin from her pocket.


Low level.
Alga. Bruma, Honmund's house.
Uravasa Othelas. Bravil, Great Temple of Mary.

Average level.
Varon Wamori. Bravil, own house opposite the temple.
Gruyand Garrana. Cheydinhal, Great Temple of Arkai.

Tandilv. Imperial City, Temple of the One in the Temple quarter.
Quest: talk to all (!!!) beggars of Cyrodiil.

Light armor

Low level.
Dul gro-Step. Imperial City, own home in the Elven Gardens.
Olfland. Bruma, shop "Winds of the North".

Average level.
Lucien Galena, Bravil, own house.
Adari. Leyawiin, own home.

J "Bari. Leyawiin, own house.
Quest: Bring him any elven armor.


Low level.
Sirrok. Bruma, Great Temple of Talos.
Marie Palill. Skingard, Great Temple of Julianos.

Average level.
Marz. Bravil, Great Temple of Mary.
Otess. Cheydinhal, Great Temple of Arkai.

Oleta. Kvach, temple of Akatosh or refugee camp.
Condition: You must complete the quest "Free Kvach".


Low level.
Fatis Aren. Bravil Castle.
Silinus Vassinus. Skingard Mages Guild.

Average level.
Alberic Little. Mages Guild of Chorrol.
Arentus Fulvius. Bruma, Great Temple of Talos.

Olin Seren, at the temple of Molag Bal (west of the capital).
Quest: Summon the Disappearing Ghost.


Low level.
Dovin Aren. House in the Imperial City in the Elven Gardens area.
Ditsan. Mages Guild in Cheydinhal.

Average level.
Atragar. Mages Guild of Chorrol.
Abuki. Hotel Faregila, south of the capital on the Green Road.

Tooth-on-the-Sea - Plains north of Bravil.
Quest: Stay underwater for 3 hours. (If your hero is an Argonian, no additional quest not required.)


Low level.
Hill Tall. Cheydinhal, Temple of Arkai.
Jantus Brolus. Bruma, home of Istrus Brolus.

Average level.
Carakhil. Anvil Mages Guild.
Kud-Hey. Bravil Mages Guild.

Martina Floria, Imperial City, Kironasium at the University.
Quest: Get her 10 Welkynd Stones.


Low level.
Angalmo, Mages Guild of Chorrol.
Druja, Skingard Mages Guild.

Average level.
Ita Reenus. Bravil Mages Guild.
Boderi Ferano. Imperial City, "Mystic Archives" at the University.

Dagail, Mages Guild of Leyawiin.
Condition: You must have at least three closed Oblivion Gates in your asset.


Low level.
Chanel. Chorrol Castle.
J'skar, Bruma Mages Guild.

Average level.
Mark Galitt. Anvil Mages Guild.
Delphine Jend. Bravil Mages Guild.

Bralsa Andaren. Imperial Reserve camp west of Weatherly near the Temple of Kynareth.
Quest: collect and show her 20 bear skins.


Low level.
Eitar. Leyawiin, Margaret's home east of the Temple of Zenithar.
Tadros Helas. Bravil Warriors Guild.

Average level.
Rohsan. Imperial City, shop "Combat Chance".
Rashed. Chorrol, Fire and Steel shop.

Gin-Valm. Imperial City. The Best Defense store in the Market district or on the streets of the Market and Elven Gardens districts.
Quest: Gin-Valm will ask you the question "What does the name Khazadir mean to you?". The answer to this question is "He won the gunsmith's competition" and you will find it in the Gunsmith's Competition book, which you can buy from the First Edition shop in the Imperial City.


Low level.
Fadus Calidius. Skingard Warriors Guild.
Hurven. Anvil Warriors Guild.

Average level.
Lum gro-Barat. Warriors Guild of Chorrol.
Ambroise Cannes. Skingard, own house in the southeastern part of the city.

Adragil. Bravil, Dro'Shanji's house, second floor.
Quest: Survive Adragil's attack for 45 seconds without responding to blows and only parrying them.

hand-to-hand combat

Low level.
Naxi. Bravil Warriors Guild.
Rufius Vinicius. Anvil Warriors Guild.

Average level.
Davela Hlaren. The Imperial Bridge Tavern at the northern mouth of the Silverfish River.
Ra'quanar. Cheydinhal Castle.

Helvius Cecia. Bruma, own house in the south-eastern part of the city.
Quest: fight him in hand-to-hand combat until he stops the duel.


Low level.
Foroh. Gotshaw Tavern southwest of Kwatch.
Mah-Na. Cheydinhal, Mach-Na Bookshop.

Average level.
Margaret. Leyawiin, own home east of the Great Temple of Zenithar.
Sid-Nius. Chorrol, shop "Products of the North"

Paloniria. Imperial City, "Divine Elegance" shop in the market area.
Condition - you must have at least 10,000 gold.

Heavy armor

Low level.
Brodras. Leyawiin Warriors Guild.
Bamf Ra-Gash. Bruma Warriors Guild.

Average level.
Valis Odil. Chorrol, the Gray Mare Tavern or own home in the southeastern part of the city.
Varnado. Imperial City, "Best Protection" store in the market area.

Pranal. Hotel Roxy on the Red Ring road, northeastern region of Lake Rumar.
Quest: Pranal will require you to bring him a set of silver dishes for a gift to the lady of your heart: a jug and four glasses. He will even give you 50 gold to spend.

  1. Go to the cell door and talk to Valen Dreth, the prisoner.
  2. Follow the secret path through the sewers.
  3. Reunite with the Emperor and continue to follow him.
  4. Take the Amulet of Kings and exit the sewers.

Your big adventure begins in a prison cell. Wait for the Emperor and his guards to come. When they tell you to back away from the door, stand by the window. Then follow them through the secret passage. Do not engage in battle, the guards will cope without your help. Along the way, among other things, you will find a decent blade and a torch if you search the body of a guard who is dying. In the middle of this level, go through the hole in the wall - you will have to make your way through the rats and goblins alone. Look around, you will find many useful things here - lockpicks, bow, armor and weapons. Search the dead goblin's body for a key and use it to get through the door.

Proceed to the dungeon while fighting the rats (one zombie will also spawn). Collect all the items, everything will be valuable at this stage of the game. You will reach natural caves, where the enemies of the rats will be replaced by goblins. There is a "Beginner's Mortar and Pestle" at the entrance, which will come in handy to start learning alchemy. In the large cave, you will encounter several enemies (including one shaman). If you pull the stone hanging on the rope, you will open the corral with rats below.

You will encounter the Emperor and guards again in the next level. Uriel will ask you about your birth sign - this refers to character creation. Make the choice that suits you and follow the rest. In the end, you will be left alone with the Emperor. He will give you the Amulet of Kings and tell you to take it to a certain Joffrey, Grand Master of the Order of Blades. Seconds later, an assassin appears and kills the ruler of Cyrodiil right in front of your eyes. Talk to Baurus. Now you can choose your character class. He will tell you to find Joffrey at Winona Priory near the city of Chorrol. But first you have to get out of the dungeon through the sewers. Go to the secret passage the killer used and open the door using the Baurus key.

Cross the water and go up the stairs, go to the exit. At the end, you will be able to review the character creation process and make some changes if you wish.

  • If you are playing Oblivion for the first time, you can read (pdf, 3Mb) with descriptions of game mechanics.
  • Depending on your character class and how you want to play, consider saving the Bindings you start out with. They have zero weight and are the only unarmored item that can be carried on the hands. Therefore, they are very useful for an unarmored character (such as a mage). Without DLC or mods, this is sort of a unique set in the game.
  • None of the doors the assassins come out of work.
  • You cannot loot the body of the Emperor. If you try, Baurus will say, "Leave the Emperor alone." If you drag the Emperor's body, Baurus will follow the body as if the Emperor is still alive.
  • If you have add-ons, their content will be activated sequentially over a short period of time. These include Dunbarrow Cove, Horse Armor, Unearthing Mehrunes Razor, Deepscorn Hollow, Castle Battlehorn, and Frostcrag Spire. These are all extras that you may not have noticed during installation.
  • The quest code contains many "MessageBox" comments containing messages similar to those displayed as journal entries, implying that the tutorial mission was supposed to be represented by message boxes rather than as a standalone quest.
  • Sometimes assassins get stuck on ledges that are hard for you to reach.
    • You can kill them in this case with a bow.
  • There is a possibility of infinite assassins spawning in the area where the Emperor dies. After Baurus tells you to stay with the emperor, if you don't get close enough to trigger a dialogue with the emperor, this can cause this bug. This is useful if you want to increase your skills, as assassins are weak opponents. However, with the increase in the number of killer bodies, the stability of the game will be broken.

Diary entries

KZDiary entry
10 To go forward use button and to go back use button. To turn left use button. To turn right use button. Use the mouse to rotate the character. To run use button.
15 You need a weapon. Search Captain Renault's body. To open the inventory of the fallen (as well as any container), approach him and use button when its name appears.
20 To open the diary . It can be used to view your character's stats, equip armor, pick up a weapon, or select a spell.
22 Move the slider to change sections. While on the item tab, you can equip armor or take weapons.
22 Click on the fist icon at the bottom of the diary to open the inventory tab. While here, you can put on armor or take weapons by clicking on them with the mouse.
26 Click on an item to use it. Click again to remove it. Shift-click on an item to drop the item.
28 To prepare weapons or fists for use, use button. To hit use button. To block blows use button.
34 Practice using spells. To use the chosen spell, use button. To choose another spell, use button to open the diary.
36 Select the spell icon at the bottom of the diary to open the magic tab.
36 Click on the spell icon at the bottom of the diary to open the magic tab.
50 Before you can use a bow, you need arrows. Search the skeleton.
52 Now you have arrows. Grab a bow and practice shooting.
54 To use a bow, you need to have both a bow and arrows in your hands. Open inventory and equip the hero accordingly.
56 Now you can use your bow. The basket above the well would be an excellent target. To aim and draw the string use button. Release the key when you decide to shoot.
58 Great shot! You can find arrows, buy them, and also take some of the arrows fired at the enemy.
64 You found a mortar and pestle. Use them to prepare potions or poisons from all sorts of ingredients that have the same effects. As your alchemy skill grows, your potions will become more and more powerful.
65 You have found a repair hammer. Use it to repair your weapons and armor using the gunsmith skill. Damaged weapons and armor are less effective, so try to keep them in good condition.
70 If you have a master key, you can try to pick almost any lock. Raise the lock stopper with a pick. Once it is in the top position, secure it there by clicking the left mouse button. When all the stops are fixed at the top, the lock will open.
72 Your health has deteriorated greatly. You are close to death. The situation can be corrected by sleeping, drinking a potion, or casting a healing spell. The red bar at the bottom left of the screen indicates your current health level.
73 Your magical energy is depleted. Soon you won't be able to cast spells. Magic is gradually restored on its own. You can increase it by drinking a potion or by sleeping. The blue bar at the bottom of the screen on the left shows the current level of magical energy.
74 Your stamina has dropped, you can no longer deal the same damage to the enemy as before. Your stamina will gradually regenerate on its own, especially if you're walking instead of running. The green bar at the bottom left of the screen shows your current stamina level.
75 You have more items with you than you can carry. To move, you need to drop some of the cargo, so use button to open the diary.
76 You can assign a number key to any of your items or spells by holding the number key and clicking on the desired item. In the game, pressing this key will cause the character to immediately use that item or spell.
78 The load you are carrying is too heavy (information is displayed in the lower left corner of the inventory tab). Hold Shift and click on unwanted items to discard them.
80 This goblin can't see you yet. You can slip past him. To sneak around use button.
82 Note that when you sneak, the crosshairs change into an "eye". If the "eye" is dark, it means that no one can see you. If the eye is bright, it means that someone present can see you.
84 Now you must choose your character class. From the very beginning, the skills that are the main ones for your class will be above the others. You will level up as you develop these core skills.
90 The red arrow on the compass points towards Weynon Priory. You can go there by following the compass directions, or you can get there right away using the world map. However, you don't have to go there - you can go wherever you want. Good luck!
92 To view the diary, use button.
94 Select the compass at the bottom of the diary to open the quest tab and map.
94 Click on the compass at the bottom of the diary to open the quests and maps tab.
96 This page shows all your active tasks. Select an active mission, press the map button to open a world map showing you the objective given task(if it exists). You can select any icon on the world map and immediately move to that point.
110 To change the character's attitude towards you, you can flatter him, brag, joke, or threaten him. Each of these actions improves or worsens the character's attitude towards you, but do not hesitate to choose - the character's attitude steadily deteriorates over time.
120 When you highlight an action, the character's face reflects how they feel about that kind of belief. He loves one action, likes another, dislikes a third, and hates a fourth. If you choose an action that he likes, then the character's attitude towards you will improve, and if the chosen action is unpleasant for him, it will worsen.
130 The potential improvement or deterioration in attitude towards you depends on your eloquence skill, as well as how full the corresponding sector is. Try to choose more filled sectors if they correspond to pleasant actions for the character. Try to choose less filled sectors if they correspond to actions that are unpleasant for the character.
140 The guards have confiscated all your belongings. You will receive them back when you have served your sentence. Click on the bed to start serving time.
150 Combine ingredients with the same effect to create potions and poisons. The higher your alchemy skill, the stronger the potions are. The more potions you create, the higher your alchemy skill. To increase the power of potions, use additional alchemy devices.


  • Not all entries may appear in your Quest Diary; which entries appear and which do not appear depends on how the task is performed.
  • Stages are not always in order of passing. This usually refers to quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks can be completed in random order.
  • mark in the "KZ" (End of Task) column means that the task disappears from the list of active ones, but you can still get new entries for it.
  • you can use console to progress through the quest by entering the code setstage MQ01 stage , where stage is the number of the stage you want to complete. Note that it is not possible to cancel (i.e. go back) the quest stages. See SetStage for more information.

Main Information

Management exclusively Russian-speaking.
Here you can find teachers of all skills and their location in Cyrodiil,
Tips and ways to improve skills without teachers,
Method for pumping attributes to the maximum
And the location of all books that increase skills and their ID.
For convenient switching between sections, you can use the panel on the right.

Teachers of all skills

This is a list of all teachers that can be found in Cyrodiil.

Each skill has 2 beginners, 2 intermediates, and 1 master. As soon as the skill exceeds 70 - go to the middle-level teacher and ask him about Learning, he will direct you to the Master.

All names and titles are similar to those in the "Golden Edition" from 1C.

Where it is written - House in *city name* - means that the character lives in a named house.


1) Quill-Weave - House in Anvil
2) Ida Vlinorman - House in the Elven Gardens of the Imperial City
3) Tsrava - J'Bari's house in Leyawiin
4) Gunredel - House in Cheydinhal
5) Thorburn - Camp Eirin


6) Felen Relas - Mages Guild in Anvil
7) S "drass - Mages Guild in Leyawiin
8) Ardalin - Mages Guild in Bravil
9) Brotch Calus - Broome House
10) Sinderion - Sinderion's cellar in the West Weald tavern in Skingrad


11) Dovin Aren - House in the Elven Gardens of the Imperial City
12) Ditsan - Mages Guild in Cheydinhal
13) Atragar - Mages Guild in Chorrol
14) Abuki - Tavern "Faregil"
15) Sea Tooth - By the river north of Bravil


16) Aithar - House in Leyawiin
17) Tadrosa Helas - Fighters Guild in Bravil
18) Rossan - "Soldier's Fortune" in the Imperial City Market District
19) Rasheda - "Fire and Steel" in Chorrol
20) Jyn-Vulm - "Best Defense" in the Imperial City Trade District. Walk route: Shopping district - Elven gardens


21) Uras Shepherd - House in Skingrad
22) Mahai - House in Leyawiin
23) Winding Ropes - in Anvil Waterfront
24) Hondithar - hustling in front of the Chorrol Mages Guild
25) Rusia Bradus - House in Anvil


26) Naspia Cosma - Cheydinhal Castle
27) Right Wind - Fighters Guild in Bruma
28) Sherina - Fighters Guild in Leyawiin
29) Early - Anvil Fighters Guild
30) Alix Lenkolia - Tavern "Faregil"


31) Fadus Calidius - House in Skingrad
32) Hurven - Anvil Fighters Guild
33) Lam gro-Barot - Fighters Guild in Chorrol
34) Ambrose Cann - House in Skingrad
35) Andragil - House in Bravil

Crusher weapon:

36) Bugak gro-Bol - Southern Books in Leyawiin
37) Vigdis - Anvil Fighters Guild
38) Christophe Maran - Tavern "Brina Cross"
39) Azzan - Anvil Fighters Guild
40) Irene Metric - House in the Elven Gardens of the Imperial City


41) Fatis Aren - Bravil Castle
42) Sulinus Vassinus - Mages Guild in Skingrad
43) Alberic Litt - Mages Guild in Chorrol
44) Arenthus Fulvius - Great Church of Talos in Bruma
45) Olin Seran - Shrine of Molag Bal


46) Chanel - Chorrol Castle
47) J "Skar - quest "Recommendations of the Guild of Mages in Broome"
48) Mark Gulitt - Anvil Mages Guild
49) Delphine Jend - Mages Guild in Bravil
50) Bralsa Andaren - Sanctuary of Kynareth West of Weatherlech

Hand to Hand Combat:

51) Nasi Guild - Fighters Guild in Bravil
52) Rufrius Vinicius - House in Anvil
53) Davela Hlaren - Imperial Bridge Tavern
54) Ra "Kanar - Cheydinhal Castle
55) Helvius Sisia - House in Bruma

Heavy Armor:

56) Brodras Guild - Fighters Guild in Leyawiin
57) Bamf gra-Gash - Fighters Guild in Broome
58) Valus Odile - "The Gray Mare" in Chorrol
59) Varnado Shop - "Best Defense" in Imperial City Trade District
60) Pranal - Tavern "Roxy"


61) Hill Tall - Great Church of Arkay in Cheydinhal
62) Jantus Brolus - House in Broome
63) Carahil - Mages Guild in Anvil
64) Kud-Ai - Mages Guild in Bravil
65) Martina Floria - Imperial City Arcane University

Light Armor:

66) Dul gro-Shag - House in the Elven Gardens of the Imperial City
67) Olfand - "Northern Winds" in Broome
68) Luciana Galena - House in Bravil
69) Adarji - House in Leyawiin
70) J "bari - House in Leyawiin


71) Edla Darkheart - Regner House in Broome
72) Shamir - House in Skingrad
73) Reman Brodeur - House in Skingrad
74) Pinarus Inventius - House in Anvil
75) Alaven - Candle Troll Camp


76) Forok - Tavern "Gottsho" southwest of Kvatch
77) Mak-Na - Books of Mak-Na in Cheydinhal
78) Margartha - House in Leyawiin
79) Sid-Nius - Northern Goods in Chorrol
80) Paloniria - "Divine Elegance" in Imperial City Market District


81) Angalmo - Mages Guild in Chorrol
82) Friendship - Mages Guild in Skingrad
83) Ita Rienus - Mages Guild in Bravil
84) Boderi Farano - Imperial City Arcane University
85) Dagail - Mages Guild in Leyawiin


86) Sirrok - Great Church of Talos in Broome
87) Marie Palielle - Great Church of Julianos in Skingrad
88) Marz - Great Church of Mary in Bravil
89) Otessa - Great Church of Arkay in Cheydinhal
90) Oleta - Great Church of Akatosh in Kvatch or Refugee Camp

Breaking into:

91) Malinthus Ancrus - House in Chorrol
92) Samuel Bantien - House in Talos Plaza Imperial City
93) Dro "shanji - House in Bravil
94) Mandil - House of Otrelos in the Elven Gardens of the Imperial City
95) J'Bana - Imperial City Imperial Prison District


96) City Swimmer - House in Bravil
97) Glistel - House of Malinthus Ancrus in Chorrol
98) Otrelos - House in the Elven Gardens of the Imperial City
99) Mirabelle Monet - "Kubrick" in the Port of Anvil
100) Marana Rian - House in the Temple District of the Imperial City


101) Alga - House in Broome
102) Uravasa Otrelas - Great Church of Mary in Bravil
103) Varon Wamori - House in Bravil
104) Gruiand Garrana - Great Church of Arkay in Cheydinhal
105) Tandilvi - Temple of the One in the Temple District of the Imperial City

Leveling Tips

Tips for leveling skills without teachers.

Light skills
It's wise to start with this skill, combining it with Heavy Armor/Block/Gunsmith (to increase Stamina at early levels). Alchemy will give not only experience, but also money for sold potions. There are two excellent ingredient deposits: a vineyard at the western walls of Skingrad along with a tomato field at its northern walls, and outdoor crates/barrels with two alchemists and a food vendor in the Imperial City Market District. Beginner tools can be taken for free at any Mages Guild, you just need to join it. Money is very useful for learning such complex skills as Eloquence, Trade, Hacking and Athletics.

heavy armor
We go to Leyawiin and take the Staff of the Eternal Scamp from Rosentia Gallenus. Four scamps are weak, but immortal (of course, you can kill them, but after half a minute they will resurrect again). Three weak blows on each - and now they are already quickly scratching us with their frail claws. We heal, we fix, we endure blows. At the same time, we pump a little Recovery with the Gunsmith and the possession of blades / clubs / bows / fists. Also, instead of scamps, you can pump the skill on rats in the sewers of the imperial city. By the way, for pumping it is not necessary to repair armor, hitting even completely broken ones increases the skill. The repair will reduce the damage taken, which is useful when leveling at early levels.

light armor
They swing like heavy ones.

Swings much longer than armor (swings at the same speed if you block with your hands). Let's practice a little on eternal scamps and go to Hackdirt. There, in the cellars, we collect a crowd of cultists and, moving into a corner or a cave corridor, we block the blows of weak, but numerous clubs. Beware! At high levels, there will be more than a dozen cultists, so it's worth stocking up on healing potions and a couple of scrolls for massive damage.

You will have to take a walk to the Shivering Isles and talk with the Khajiit Ajazda in the Nakhodka store in the Crucible. She will ask you to bring her three items, one of which is the Amulet of Disintegration. That's what we need. We put on the amulet, take it off, repeat it several times (so that it eats up every part of the armor), repair it, put it on and take it off again, etc ... The stronger the armor on us and the more hammers we have, the better. It will be more convenient to assign the amulet to the number, so as not to go into inventory every time.

Rolls easily and effortlessly. One of the good places is the Merchant's Inn in the Imperial City's Market District. We go up the stairs to the door to the second floor and, looking at it, turn on stealth and the autorun key. The innkeeper is nearby, but he does not see us, thus increasing stealth. The participation of the player is not required, so you can safely go to drink tea / smoke.

You can pump this skill at the beginning of the game. When escaping from prison during stealth training, we are asked to walk past the Goblin. And then we act in the same way, turn on the auto movement and go to drink tea. The time between skill upgrades is 10-15 minutes, depending on what level you are at.

There is one feature thanks to which you can quickly raise the acrobatics to 100. The further the jump and the harder the landing, the faster the skill increases. Jump more from the mountain, but look, don't get killed. A good place for pumping - Cloudy Peak, which is in the northwest of Chorrol. We climb up, jump down the road, heal up, go back through the fast travel and jump again. A noticeable increase in skill is guaranteed. You can also find a low seat that fits you to your full height plus just a little more space. We often jump (resting on the ceiling, the jumps come out very short) and quickly pump the skill.

Magic skills
For convenient pumping of magical skills, we need to earn the recommendations of all branches of the Guild of Mages and gain access to the University. There, on the machine, we create the cheapest spell of the desired magic school, put the mug on the conjuration button, and go to drink tea / smoke / go about our business, periodically dropping by to press the “OK” button when reaching 25, 50, 75 and 100 skill levels. Below are examples of spells for each school.

"Shield 3p. for 1 sec. to myself".

"Light 3p. for 1 sec. to myself"

"Summon Skeleton for 1sec."

“Detect life for 1sec. to myself"

“Vulnerability to lightning 3p. for 1 sec. to myself"

“Restore health 3p. for 1 sec. to myself"

Note: Destruction and Recovery take an extremely long time. For example, if you don't specialize in Magic and Restoration as your main skills, it will take an hour to go from 50 to 60.

Combat skills
The ability to paralyze the enemy will be very useful. If you are fluent in the schools of Illusion and Restoration, create a spell for a long paralysis with the absorption / restoration of stamina. Alternatively, you can use a homemade set of enchanted things for 100+ chameleon.
Skills increase not from the strength of the damage, but from the number of hits. For pumping, it is beneficial to use the fastest weapon.
There is one extremely convenient place for leveling weapons skills - Benirus Mansion in Anvil, which can be purchased for a modest 5000 gold in the Count's Arms tavern near the western gates of the city. After the first dream, tenacious ghosts appear in the mansion, but using very weak magic. They do not block our attacks and respawn after a couple of hours of waiting outside the door. Beat them with enchanted (even with a spent charge) or silver / daedric weapons, a simple one does not affect them and does not increase the skill. Alas, they are also immune to punches.
Watching Blades practice at Cloud Ruler Temple will increase Blade and Block skills by 2 points. You can also watch Branwen and Salit next to the Imperial City Arena, the Hand-to-Hand Combat skill will rise by 5 points.
It is most convenient to pump with daggers or short swords. If you have a double click button on your mouse, use it to attack.

Blunt weapon
One-handed axes are our choice. The double click button is also welcome.

It is not necessary to pull the string to the limit - the score is kept by the number of hits. So faster.

hand-to-hand combat
Damage the stamina of enemies and hit. Exhausted, they will not resist. Each punch wears them down, forcing them into a defenseless position to catch their breath. It is also worth a couple of minutes to look at the training of two fighters near the arena, this will increase the skill by 5 points.

Difficult skills
It is these four skills that are worth spending every opportunity to learn.

Unlike Morrowind, Oblivion does not have a lock spell, which makes it extremely difficult to level hacking on your own. It is possible to lift a few shutters, exit the burglary window and do it again, but learning from teachers is highly recommended.

You can somehow raise it to 15 points on your own, but pressing the “Yes” button hundreds of times to increase it by 1 point is a mockery. The Argonian Sid-Neus from the Nordic Goods store in Chorrol will be able to teach you up to 70, increase your skill by 5 for the task to save her daughter, and refer you to the master teacher.

On your own, you can increase to 40 by "playing" in persuasion, training on a guard. The main thing is not to let the attitude rise too high, otherwise the conviction will become inaccessible. Next we go to study.

Study, study and study again. We don't run that much ourselves. Unfortunately, auto-running into a wall does not work - the game counts the movement, not the time spent running.
Yes, pity. But on the other hand, auto-swimming just improves it quite well. We jump into the water and set it to swim into the wall on the car. Don't drown. Ring of Rumar can help a lot (Quest "Fishing")

Leveling Tips (Optional)

1. Lockpicking, Gunsmith, Trade, Speech: You can cast a spell that gives +100 to one of these stats for 10 seconds. This will replace all of these skills completely. Since the game is paused when using these skills, you can take your time. To use, you need the skill "Restoration" 100 and access to the spell altar.

2. Most likely the information will be known to you, but still I will write. When you wait in-game (T by default), your health, magicka, and stamina are fully restored (unless you have an illness or a birth sign that makes this impossible). This can be helpful so you can recover quickly. If enemies are nearby, waiting is not possible.

3. If you have max Alchemy skill, then you can collect flax seeds (very common plants) and make very strong potions of magicka recovery from them. Since the presence of the second ingredient is not necessary with the maximum skill of Alchemy, you can use it.

4. The game has the ability to get a master key that does not break (Skeleton Key), and it also increases the lockpicking skill by 40 units. To do this, you must complete the task from the Daedra Prince Nakturnal. You must be at least level 10 to accept this quest. The Nacturnal does not require anything as an offering. The map shows where the sanctuary is located:

Leveling Attributes

You may have noticed that after you have increased all your main skills by 100, the level no longer increases, however, the attributes are not developed to the maximum. That's how the game is meant to be. But then I found a way by which you can develop the attributes to the maximum. To do this, you need to commit big crimes, go to jail and serve time. Your skills will go down and, pumping them over again, the progress of experience will grow.
Example: Start a grand war against the guards, kill a dozen people, ask for surrender and go to jail.

Skill books part 1

When you open the tutorial book for the first time, your hero will level up in the corresponding skill immediately. Such an increase is always +1 (one point). If the main skill is increased, then this increase will also go to the "piggy bank" of increasing the level of the player's character, if the skill is secondary, then only to the "piggy bank" of bonuses to the attribute.
Here are all the skill books, their IDs and locations in the game.
*Also, don't forget that you can buy skill books in shops (mostly bookshops).
* In the chest of the leader (boss chest) you can find one of 20 training books.


Black arrow. Book 01
(000243cd) In a chest in Torbal the Sufficient's house in Brindel Farm.
Dance on fire. Book 01
(000243cb) In Ganredhel's house in Cheydinal, on the table above.
Dance on fire. Book 04
(000243cc) In Kwacha Castle, on a table to the right of the entrance. Available after the quest "Battle for Castle Kvach" (The Battle for Castle Kvatch
The Secret of Princess Talara. Book 01
(000243ce) Random container.
(000243ca) House S "Krivva (S" Krivva) in Bravil, on a shelf.


Treatise "calcinators"
(00073a5f) Imperial Bridge Inn, under the bed on the second floor.
De Rerum Dirennis
(000243d2) "All for Alchemy" shop in Skingrad, on the bookshelf on the second floor.
game at lunch
(000243cf) In the Corolla Mages Guild, on a bookshelf on the first floor.
Mannimarco, King of Hearts
(000243d0) In the Mystic Archives of the University, on the ground floor, in a display case (brown book)
Ancient Legends of the Dwemer, Part 5. Song of the Alchemists
(000243d1)In the University's Listratorium, on a bookshelf, on the first floor.


Daughter of Niben
(000243d4) Skingrad Mages Guild, up the stairs, on a bookshelf in the northeast room.
Breakthrough Dragon
(000243d5) Imperial City, Elven Gardens, Dovyn Are's house, in the bedroom. A penalty is possible.
Lunar Lorkhan
(000243d8) In Henantier's dream, during side quest"Horrible dream".
Reality and delusions
(00073a69) Leyawiin, Southern Books, second floor, on a shelf.
(000243d6) Temple of Leyawiin, on the desk in the office.


Gunsmith competition
(000243d9) Imperial City, Market District, "First Edition", can be bought or stolen from the owner/Warriors Guild in Cheydinal, second floor, right in the bookcase on the shelf.
Anequina's heart. Cherim's view
(000243dc) Imperial City, Market District, "First Edition", on the desk in the bedroom on the second floor
Heavy Armor Repair
(00073a68) Random container.
Akrash's last scabbard
(000243da) Imperial City, Market District, Luck in Battle, in the bedroom. A penalty is possible.
Light Armor Repair
(00073a67) Bravil Castle barracks on a shelf.


Argonian report. Book 01
(000243e2) Random container.
(000243e1) Cloud Ruler Temple, bookshelf in the great hall.
Dance on fire. Book 03
(000243df) Skingrad, home of Uuras the Shepherd, on the third floor in a bookcase.
Ancient Legends of the Dwemer, Part 1. Ransom for Zarek
(000243de) Imperial City, Arena, Blood Office, closet to the right of Owyn.
red food lover
(000243e0) Anvil Castle, on a table in the private quarters.


2920, Morning Star. Book 1
(000243e4) Cheydinal's Castle, private quarters/Leyawiin Castle, private quarters/
Reward for the Warriors Guild quest "The Wandering Scholar".
Battle of Sancre Tor
(00073a61) Great Hall of Bravil Castle, on display under the castle/Random container
Fire and darkness
(000243e5) In the Hall of Ages in a chest during the Thieves Guild quest "The Ultimate Heist".
Song of Hrormir
(000243e6) Imperial City, Arena area, in chest next to boxers, key at Branwen Penalty possible/Bravil Castle, east wing of private quarters.
Words and philosophy
(000243e3) Coroll, home of Modryn Oreyn, on a shelf.


Dance on fire. Book 02
(000243ea) House of Guards in the Elven Gardens area of ​​the Imperial City, downstairs on a table.
Abernanite's Deathblow
(000243e8) Fighters Guild in Anvil. In the dining room, in the chest.
(000243e9) Security Barracks in Leyawiin, downstairs in the pantry on a shelf.
Deformation of the West
(000243ec) Temple of the Cloud Ruler, on a desk in the great hall after the quest Dagon's Sanctuary/Brother Piner in Weynon Abbey will give it if requested after the quest Amulet Courier/Random Container.
(000243eb) Leyawiin Castle, Countess's room, in the cupboard on the right side of the room.

Blunt weapon:

Ancient legends of the Dwemer, part 3. On the importance of the place
(000243ee) Prison in Bravil Castle, on the table.
(000243f0) Anvil Castle Royal Quarters, on a shelf.
Legendary Sancre Tor
(00073a62)‏‎ Coroll, Vilena Donton's house, third floor, stairs to the left.
Mace etiquette
(00073a66) Random container.
Night comes to Sentinel
(000243ef) Goblin Jim's Cave


2920, Last year First era. Book 10
(000243f5) Anvil Temple, in the lobby on a desk.
2920, the last year of the First Era. Book 09
(000243f4) Bruma Temple, on a shelf in the hall.
Oblivion Gate
(000243f2) Fort Caractacus, under the table at Ancotar/Anvil Mages Guild, bookshelf on the second floor/Temple of the Cloud Ruler, on a table in the great hall after the Blood of the Gods main story quest.
threshold bridges
(00073a60) Arcane University, Mystic Archives, second floor in the display case.
Mythic Dawn. Comments 1
(00022b04) According to the main story quest "The Path of Dawn", from the followers of the Mystic Dawn.
Warrior worries
(000243f6) Random container.


The Art of Combat Magic
(000243fa) Leafrot Cave, on a ledge (along the Panther River).
The Horrors of Zir Castle
(000243f7) Bravil Mages Guild, on the third floor, on a shelf.
Alleged cunning
(000243f9) Skingrad Castle, Count's Quarters, on a shelf.
The Secret of Princess Talara. Book 03
(000243fb) Random container.
Mythic Dawn. Comments 2
(00022b05)Given by Tar-Meena during the main story quest "Path of Dawn"/Also found by cult members in their homes.
In response to Bero's speech
(000243f8) Arcane University, Arcane Archives, ground floor, bookshelf (blue book)

Hand to hand combat:

Azirr Trajijazeri
(000243fe) Sanctuary dark brotherhood in Cheydinal, in a barrel next to the M "raaj-Darv chair in the gym / Bruma, J" Gasta's house (J "Ghasta).
immortal blood
(000243fc) Bandit camp outside Vilverin (near the bed) / Imperial City, Temple area, Seridur's house, on a bookshelf in the basement of the Order of the Chaste Blood/Bruma quest, J'Ghasta's house.
History of Master Zouraim
(00024400) Random container.
The path of the open hand
(00073a6a) Black balconies in Fieldhouse Cave, on the ground under a stone mushroom.
Wolf Queen. Book 2
(000243fd) Skingrad Castle, Count's quarters.

Continued below

Skill books part 2

Heavy Armor:

2920, the last year of the First Era. Book 06
(00024402) Koroll, "Fire and Steel", on the shelf.
Ancient Legends of the Dwemer, Part 6. Caimervamidium
(00024403) Imperial City, Prison area, barracks, second floor on a shelf. A penalty is possible.
History of the Fighters Guild, 1st ed.
(000a915c) Koroll City Fighters Guild, first floor, in a display case under the castle/Arcane University, Arcane Archives, display case on the first floor/Anvil City Fighters Guild, in a display case on the third floor.
Hallgerd's Tale
(00024401) Koroll City Fighters Guild,
History of the Fighters Guild
(00024405) Random container
How Orsinium Passed to the Orcs
(00024404) Heavy Armor Bruma Castle, Count's Chambers, on the desk.


Argonian report. Book 03
(00024407) Arcane University, Arcane Archives, upstairs.
Incident at Necrom
(00024408) Tree Shaft in Skingrad, on the desk.
The Secret of Princess Talara. Book 04
(0002440a) Fort Caractacus, under Ancotar table/Random container
Mythic Dawn. Comments 3
(00022b06) Given by Gwinas or Phintias during the Path of Dawn main story quest.
Palla. Book 01
(00024409) Arkved's Tower, on the table, next to Vaermina's flask during the Vaermina statue quest.
Wolf Queen. Book 3
(00024406) Mages Guild in Bruma, on a table, in the basement in the southeast room (orange book).

Light Armor:

Ice and chitin
(0002440C) Leyawiin, Ahdarji House, Second Floor, in a chest.
Lord Jornibret's Last Dance
(0002440d) Bleak Flats Cave, on a table.
(0002440b) Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary in Cheydinal, in a chest in the fitness room.
(0002440e) Imperial City, Market District, "First Edition", 1st floor, bookshelf to the left of the door/Temple of the Cloud Ruler, on a table in the great hall (only after the Blood of the Gods main story quest).
Rislav the Righteous
(0002440f) Random container.


Black arrow. Book 02
(00024531) Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary in Cheydinal, in Telaendril chest/Random container.
Dance on fire. Book 05
(00024411) Bruma, Rgner's house, down the stairs, on a table.
Niben's father
(00024530) Bravil Castle, private quarters, north wing, on a ledge.
golden ribbon
(00024410) Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary in Cheydinal, in a chest in the training room.
Vernaccus and Burlor
(0002452f) For sale at Books Renois, in Corolla.


2920, the last year of the First Era. Book 07
(00024534) Imperial City, Market District, office of the Black Courier magazine.
Game of trade
(00024532) Imperial City, Elven Gardens, home of Fathis Ules. A penalty is possible.
Dance on fire. Book 06
(00024535) Corolla, home of Casta Scribonia, up the stairs, on a shelf
Dance on fire. Book 07
(00024536) Random container.
Wolf Queen. Book 4
(00024533) Imperial City, Market District, office of the Imperial Trading Company.


2920, the last year of the First Era. Book 02. Sunrise
(00024538) Temple in Skingrad, on the table in the room (purple). A penalty is possible.
Chronicles - Volume 1. Before the beginning of the era of people
(00073a63) Arcane University, Cairanesium, first floor, altar for creating magic items.
Pros and cons of black magic
(00024539) Imperial City, Market District, Mystic Shop, on a table.
Riot in Firsthold
(00024537) Cheydinal's Mages Guild, in the basement on the bottom shelf of a bookcase.
Mythic Dawn. Comments 4
(00022b07) At Raven Camoran during the main story quest "Path of Dawn"
Souls: black and white
(00073a6b) Fort Cuptor Battlemains, on the stone slab next to the bed/Random container.


2920, the last year of the First Era. Book 04
(0002453f) Temple in Bravil, on a shelf.
(0002453e) Temple in Skingrad, on a bookshelf in the southwest room (brown) Penalty possible.
The Secret of Princess Talara. Book 02
(00024540) Random container.
Notes on Racial Phylogeny
(0002453d) Temple in Corolla, in a chest.
(0002453c) Mages Guild in Leyawiin, on the second floor, on the bookshelf, top shelf (green book)

Breaking into:

The Art of Lockpicking
(00073a65) For sale at Books of Mach-Na in Cheydinal (or can be stolen from the owner)/Fingerbowl Cave, on the altar of necromancers.
locked room
(00024541) Smuggler's Cave under Anvil Castle, in a chest.
Lock Design Basics
(00073a64) Imperial City, Waterfront District, Dareloth's house, on the table (Grey Fox only).
Feast of Thieves
(00024545) Random container.
Wolf Queen. Book 1
(00024542) Bravil, Dro'shanji's house.


2920, the last year of the First Era. Book 08
(00024547) Bravil, City-Swimmer's home, in a closet.
Legend of the House of Crately
(00024549) Cloud Ruler Temple, east wing, top shelf.
stolen shadows
(0002454a) Random container.
Irrefutable Witness
(00024548) Lake Arrius Caverns, living quarters, in a chest (only during the quest "Sanctuary of Dagon").
Wolf Queen. Book 6
(00024546) Shrine of the Dark Brotherhood in Cheydinal.


2920, the last year of the First Era. Book 05
(0002454d) Imperial City, Palace, on a bookshelf in Imperial Battle Mages' quarters, top shelf (only during the Thieves Guild quest "The Ultimate Heist").
Biography of the Wolf Queen
(0002454b) Imperial City, Waterfront District, Armand Christophe's House, in a chest. Possibility penaltyReward for Bravil city quest "Caught in the hunt".
Wolf Queen. Book 5
(0002454c) Eloquence Imperial City, Temple District, home of Hastrel Ottus.
Wolf Queen. Book 7
(0002454e) Eloquence Cheydinal's castle, count's quarters.

And you love to pump your characters on maximum level then this article will certainly be useful to you. The game is replete with many ways to upgrade your character. Of course, you can always find cheat codes for skills in Oblivion, but it's fun to use the bugs and tricks that are hidden inside the game.

Where does the flow start?

We choose our character and his gender. The choice depends on who you want to play, which will be closer to you: melee combat, the use of magic, or do you prefer theft and a bow? Of course, the game gives you the opportunity to become a supercharacter by accumulating the skills of all classes. There are cheats for skills in Oblivion, but their use can often affect the appearance of various bugs and glitches, which will be difficult to fix.

Upgrading a warrior

In Oblivion, you need to increase the skill for warriors in such characteristics as strength, endurance, followed by dexterity, luck and speed. It is worth noting that luck is important for everyone. Thus, for a warrior it is better to select a strong and hardy race. The best choice there will be a male Nord, Orc or Redguard. It is worth immediately making a reservation regarding gender. The following statement is always true: more feminine traits, such as agility and speed, are inherent in women. The male sex is distinguished by its strength and endurance.

Nord can be taken if you want to have cold resistance. Orcs have an excellent Berserk spell, due to which once a day you can become very strong and hardy, however, lose a lot of dexterity. Of course, the orc is preferable to those who do not pay attention to the appearance of the hero.

A great solution would be to choose a redguard. He has excellent characteristics and an excellent skill: once a day, speed, agility, stamina and strength are increased by 50 points for 60 seconds. One minute will be enough for you to throw a bunch of things on yourself and run out of the cave or give a good chat to your enemies.

Guiding star

After you need to choose a constellation that will accompany the hero. Skill levels in Oblivion can be increased for quite some time. However, after carefully reading all the characteristics, we can conclude that the most fighting constellation is a warrior, a thief and a horse.

The horse gives +20 speed. This is useful for pumping speed, although it is not the most important ability for a warrior.

Constellation of the Warrior adds +10 points to strength and stamina. This is a very useful skill.

Constellation of the Thief adds +10 to Agility, Luck and Speed. Of course, for a warrior, agility and speed are not the primary skills, but luck is very useful! To pump it in the game, you need to spend 10 level increases on it. Strength and stamina increases by +5 points when leveling up, and luck by only one.

Think carefully about which constellation will best accompany your hero.

What class would be the best fit?

Now let's move on to the most important thing - choosing your character's class. Initially, a large number of classes are presented to you in the game: bard, inquisitor, rogue, and so on. Each of them has its own unique abilities and characteristics. However, we decided to take a warrior, so we choose him.

Skill selection

Now we have the most important thing - to choose the skills that will be considered basic for the character. Leveling up your skills in Oblivion will help you fight hordes of enemies with ease. Basic skills are +25 points higher than others from the start and level much faster. Do not think that you need to take those skills that you will use most often. It is important to understand the very meaning of getting levels in Oblivion.

For example, you raised the main skills in total by 10 points. It would seem great, but there is one thing. Each attribute, such as strength or stamina, has three more skills associated with it. For example, hand-to-hand combat, blades and blunt weapons are suitable for strength. Got +10 to blades or +5 to blades and +5 to hand-to-hand combat, or +3 to blades, +5 to hands, and +2 to blunt weapons. So, with an increase in the level to the strength indicator, we get +5. If we take into account that for reaching the level you can choose to increase three attributes, then it turns out that you need to increase the total of 30 times the skills that relate to these attributes. But out of these thirty ups, only 10 should be major skills.

As a result, if you choose blades as your main skill, then you will have to run around with blunt weapons or even with fists for half a game in order to raise the required parameter of strength, agility and endurance by +5 points. And if you run with blades, then you will get all +5 to strength, but +1 to the rest, maximum +2. You can study skills for a long time, consider and weigh all the pros and cons of your choice.

For example, you can choose the following set to successfully increase skills in Oblivion.

  • Alchemy. Affects intelligence. Of course, it will rarely be useful to warriors, but it will not hurt.
  • Illusion. Whatever class you choose, magic will still be available to the player, but you will only use this ability when you need it.
  • Light armor. They affect the speed.
  • Mysticism. Useful but rarely needed magic.
  • Gunsmith. A useful skill that makes it possible to repair equipment, thereby increasing stamina.
  • Invocation. Again magic that will rarely be used.
  • Hand-to-hand combat. Affects strength indicators. If you want to get +5 strength, then you only need to get your fists and finish off your opponents.

The result is that you can safely fight with blades, take damage to your heavy armor, block blows and shoot with a bow without leveling up prematurely. But you will calmly raise all the multipliers to the +5 attribute.

Consider an example: we fight with a sword and get +7 to blades. Next, we get damage to the armor, increase the endurance skill to +6. We just run, thereby increasing the speed by + 7, and now we can start pumping the basic skills in the Oblivion game.

We put on something light or just constantly jump, thereby pumping light armor or acrobatics to +3, and that's it. The necessary parameters for us grow by +5 - these are strength, speed and endurance. Increasing the skill in Oblivion hand-to-hand combat, increasing strength to +3, and by repairing your equipment, increasing endurance to +4.

The basis for pumping the Mage

With mages, it is much more interesting to choose a race and initial tactics, because they have an interesting constellation of Atronach, which gives the following very useful qualities.

  • Mana will not regenerate over time, after sleeping or waiting. Of course, this is not an advantage.
  • 50% of the spells that will hit us will not deal damage, but on the contrary, we will process them into mana. You will conditionally eat fireballs and lightning that opponents will throw at you.
  • The Atronach has 150 more initial mana than the others. Thanks to this, at later levels of magic, it will be possible to create very powerful spells that other constellations of magicians would not have the necessary resource for.

What we get as a result: an initial 50% vulnerability against all spells with the ability to absorb these spells and turn them into mana, as well as 150 additional mana points. If during the game you find more artifacts with the ability to absorb magic for 50 points, then your Atronach will become completely invulnerable against any magic. Thus, pumping skills in Oblivion will be much easier.

If you decide to take this constellation, then the best option would be to choose a race of female high elves. This race has more mana than the others (by 100 points), resulting in +250 mana from the start of the game. However, they are subject to a 25% weakness to various magic. For example, such as electricity, cold and fire. However, choosing the Atronach constellation will allow you to absorb fireballs and other magic, which eliminates your weakness.

You can create another version of the magician, less extreme. It might be British. He has +50 mana and resistance against magic 50. Choose the Mage constellation instead of Journeyman, because 100 extra mana comes with 100% magic vulnerability, which we don't need. If appearance is not of much interest to you in this game, then you can choose a dark elf, imperial and other races for your magician, but about the best option we have already told.

In Oblivion, skills for a mage need to be pumped in the same way as for a warrior. The only thing is that it is best to put more non-magical abilities in the main skills, such as bows, eloquence, and so on. The priority for mages is willpower, but not for the Atronach. Intelligence as well as stamina and high health are desirable for all characters.

Oblivion's Most Successful Thief

The thief is not the most viable class, because you will have to fight in the world of Oblivion, one way or another. It is best to consider a thief as a light warrior, equipped short sword or bow.

The best races for this would be Khajiit, Argonians or Wood Elves.

Wood elves are not the first choice as they have pretty useless racial abilities to say the least, though they do have a penchant for bows.

Argonians have a 75% immunity to disease, are completely resistant to poisons, and breathe easily underwater. This race has nothing more special, however, for a thief, in principle, any race, even an orc, can be suitable.

Khajiit. Almost all the skills of this race for a thief are initially high. These are athletics, stealth, hacking and light armor. It will be much easier for our thief to start his journey.

Constellation Thief

As the main constellation, it is worth taking the Thief, and not the Shadow. Once a day, becoming invisible, to put it mildly, is pointless. The tower is also not a priority, because the ability to open a lock of medium difficulty once a day will not be so useful.

When creating your class, choose what most affects agility, then stamina and speed. We need speed to run away from enemies, periodically shooting at them with a bow. Endurance is needed, like all other heroes, and agility can significantly increase the damage dealt by the bow.

For example, you can take the following skills for a thief to upgrade his skills in Oblivion.

  • Alchemy. A useful skill for making poisons, though you won't use it too often.
  • Illusion. Gives the ability, partially or completely, to become invisible, which is sometimes useful.
  • Heavy armor. Of course, you will run in the lungs and take damage in them, so you won’t level up too quickly.
  • Mysticism. This is the kind of magic that you won't use too much during the game.
  • Gunsmith. Useful skill for all classes, which is not so often used.
  • Invocation. Magic that you will hardly ever use.
  • Breaking into. A very commonly used skill, extremely useful for a thief. It is with its help that you will improve your dexterity.

It turns out that your thief will shoot a bow from afar, fight with daggers or a short sword at close range, he will pump all his main parameters thanks to hacking and bow, athletics, light armor, repairing equipment and blocking attacks.

Who can teach skills?

In the game, you can meet characters that will help you raise your money. For money, of course. There are 5 teachers for each of the 21 skills. Two of them will allow you to pump the skill to level 40, two more will help you reach level 70, and only one teacher will help you unlock all the secrets of the craft that interests you. With it, you can reach level 100. Master mentors certainly charge a lot for their services.

However, learning from a master is not at all easy. First you need to reach level 70 and get a referral from your specialist teacher. Until then, the master will be no different from other people that you will meet in this wide world. But even after receiving the direction, the master will not train you right away. First, he will test your skills by giving you a small task.

All other teachers can start training immediately. However, even here everything is not so simple, because the teacher still needs to be found. They live in different cities, and some even prefer to live the life of hermits. It is worth remembering that at the initial stages the cost of such training will be very large for you. To switch to new level skill will have to give a few hundred septims. And the higher your level, the more gold you need to give to teachers. You can only learn 5 lessons per level.

In Oblivion, skill teachers and their placement are very different. Of course, you will meet many of them in Cyrodiil, because this is the capital with many useful acquaintances. However, other masters may be in more remote cities or even in the forest more often.

Where can you find craftsmen?

In Oblivion, the Athletics skill teacher is Rusia Bradus in Anvil City.

Blocking is taught by Andragil, who lives in a house in Bravil.

The blunt weapon will be shown to you by Irene Metric, which is located in the Elven Gardens in the Imperial City.

Blades are masterfully wielded by Alix Lenkolia, who sits in the Faregil tavern.

The Master Gunsmith is Jin-Wulm, who works in " Better Defense» in the Imperial City Market District.

Hand-to-hand combat will show you Helvius Sisia, who lives in Bruma.

Heavy armor is taught by Pranal, who sits in the Roxy tavern.

Acrobatics will be opened to you by Thorburn, which is located in the Eirin camp.

Hacking is taught by J "Bana, who walks around the Imperial Prison area.

Eloquence will be masterfully taught by Tandilvi, who lives in the Temple of the One in the Temple District in the capital.

Light armor is taught by master J "bari, who is in a house in Leyawiin.

Stealth can be taught to you by Marana Rian, who lives in a house in the Temple District of the Imperial City.

In Oblivion, the shooting skills teacher is Alaven, who can be found in the Troll Candle camp.

Trading will be explained by Paloniria, who is located in the "Divine Elegance", located in the Market District of the capital.

Alchemy is taught by Sinderion, who sits in Sinderion's cellar, which is located in the Western Weld tavern in the city of Skingrad.

Recovery will help you study Olet in the Akatosh Chapel.

Change teaches the Sea Tooth that lives on the river if you go north from Bravil.

Illusions are taught by Martin Florius of the Arcane University in the capital of Cyrodiil.

Witchcraft is taught by master Olin Seran, who lives in the Sanctuary of Molag Bal.

Mysticism can be learned with Dagail at the Leyawiin Mages Guild.

Destruction will tell you Bralsa Andaren, who lives in the Sanctuary of Kynareth, it is located southwest of Chorrol.

Cheat codes for skills in Oblivion

There are always multiple ways to play the game. You can spend a lot of time on improving the necessary characteristics or use secrets to quickly improve.

Of course, there are cheats for skills in Oblivion. You can open the console with tilde and type player.setav (skill name) (number). For example, you can enter player.setav Speechcraft 55 to increase your Speech skill to 55.

If you want to improve your strength, endurance and other attributes, then use the code modpca (attribute name) (value). For example, enter modpca Intelligence 150 to add 150 points to the character's intelligence.

The AdvLevel code will help increase the character's level by 1. AdvSkill increases the skill level by one unit.

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