Chayzer remember the entire walkthrough. Chaser guide and walkthrough

Chaser is a game about the adventures of a man who has lost his memory. A man trying to remember and understand who he is. He will break through to his obsession that dreams every night - Mars. To answer all questions. Well, if we discard beautiful words and unnecessary pathos, Chaser is just a great game that will take you a couple of evenings and will not make you regret the money spent.

Adrenaline is in full swing

The game has a fashionable lotion for the present time - slo-mo. At the touch of a button, time will slow down, giving the player an undeniable advantage over their enemies. What is practical use such a necessary little thing?

First, it won't work. Can't dodge bullets. No matter how hard you try, but little lead friends fly faster.

But you can effectively exterminate crowds of enemies. Turn on the adrenaline - and go. Six people is no longer a problem. Eight too. Twelve ... well, you went too far. With the help of adrenaline, you can skillfully create head-shots. In general, without it, you can’t go there or here. This is not Max Payne, where bullet time served most of the time for beauty. There’s no way without it.

Adrenaline is consumed very quickly, but after some time it is restored, so it is useful to sit in a secluded corner and wait.

How to shoot them all?

Considering the variety and number of enemies, you will inevitably ask this question. Let's take a closer look at AI. The enemy is frankly stupid and takes quantity, not quality. It has several types of behavior.

Curious- noticing the player, runs ahead, trying to be as close as possible to our body. It is not dangerous and is easily killed.

Cunning- does not climb forward, but prefers to run between two points. For example, a column and a box. Shooting is quite problematic due to the constant flickering.

Sneaky- sits in one place and waits for the player. Shoots without moving. Most often lives behind boxes, at doors and in other convenient places.

Pensive- thoughtful ones appear as a result of a buggy script. They stand and look at the player with sad eyes.

What can AI do? He knows how to ridiculously little: run, reload, shoot crookedly and desperately fail. That's the whole list of skills. But it has a bunch of shortcomings that can be successfully used.

For example, AI does not know how to open doors on its own. Only with the permission of the script. This can be very well used. They opened the door and showed up. Here they hid back. The enemy will run to the door, which will close, and will stand quietly and wait. Here is where you can take it. They turned on the adrenaline, opened the door - and with a shotgun at close range.

The enemy always reloads where he runs out of ammo. Why is it constantly beaten. He also begins to change his position only when he is hit. Until now, it stands and shoots peacefully. For what ... (see above).

Initially, there are no enemies on the map. They appear when the player walks through the trigger. This is the standard enemy placement in action today, but here it is done so crookedly...

First, enemies often appear right in front of you - right out of thin air. Secondly, the triggers themselves are placed extremely mediocre. Typical case. They ran into the room. Everyone was killed. Everything seems to be clean. Run forward. Bams!!! And we have comrades behind us. And so constantly. Terribly annoying. Perhaps the developers found it original and interesting. They were wrong.

Also AI never applies optics. Basically. Therefore, rather formidable opponents with serious weapons turn into ... Moorhuhn played? The same.


The boss doesn't know about the surprise in the trunk. He still thinks he's the smartest.

Let's get to know the main characters. There are few characters in the game, and only a few are worth mentioning. It is around them that all events revolve. I'll slightly open the plot - of all the characters mentioned, only two will survive. Who exactly - find out at the end.

John Chaser

A man with no memory. The whole game is trying to catch the elusive Stone (he will find, but where he least expected) and, finally, remember and understand who he is. Our alter ego. He will have to travel all over the world with him. And even more.


Mafia man. Veteran street fighting. Probably no one has endured as much as he did. The mafia is considered a white crow. The only person who helped Chaser, although, as we learn later, not for free.


Engaged in the improvement of soldiers for the Yakuza. Electronics specialist. Plays a secondary role in the story. He takes the spider out of Chaser's head and dies safely from an excess of lead in the body (in other words, they shot him).


Samuel (why do all the Main Villains have such abstruse names?) Longwood is the head of " Mars Corporation". Controls all of Mars. In fact, its sovereign master. The main enemy of the rebels.


Jetpacks will replace parachutes in the future.

Dagestan millionaire (or billionaire) who accumulated his capital on crime. He is the owner of the cosmodrome (and you all got it right with Tito!), bought from the Soviet government. Some time helps to get to Mars. Then he dies happily.


There are many enemies. So many. And everyone is trying to kill. The mafia, the yakuza, the US army and the USSR are driven by one goal - to turn Chaser into a cold corpse. Usually it turns out the opposite. Rare allies turn into either corpses or enemies, and then all the same into corpses. Let's take a closer look at the enemy, following the ancient wisdom: forewarned means forearmed.


A band of miserable rogues. They are trying to grab a piece of power in the city. Why are they constantly beaten the mighty of the world. Weakly armed and do not pose a serious danger.


For a while, Chaser is forced to work for the mafia. Serious adversary. Stylish guys in stylish black body armor, stuffed with electronics up to their ears. Armed exclusively with Colts.


Despite the loud name, a rather weak opponent. Dressed in red armored suits. Eyes always glow red. Probably out of hate. Armed with Ingrams or FA-MAS.

Look at the posture, the way you carry yourself.

Stylish guys in white camouflage coats. Armed with AKS-74UN and VAL Silent Sniper. How weak are the opponents. The reason is in the crooked AI. Despite the presence of an optical sight on machine guns, they never use it. For which they are mercilessly exterminated from afar.

US Army

Guys in red/blue berets. They wear only Colts and FA-MAS. They have a wagon of health and increased survivability. Better not get in their way. However, like everyone else, they are mortal.

Soldiers "Mars Corporation"

Loyal fighters of Samuel Longwood. They have excellent bearing and armor. Can withstand multiple headshots. There is a "light version" of the soldiers. The most serious enemy in the game.


Live tank. Has the speed and agility of a turtle. Armed with a heavy machine gun and rocket launcher. The most "fat" enemy in the game. It is very easy to kill. It's all about his slowness. While it turns around, you can kill ten times and run away.

Automatic guns

Very nasty stuff. They live under the ceiling. When a player approaches, they pop out of their nests and start firing heavy machine guns. It is best to attack when the cannon starts to hide back.


Looking at the number of means of destruction, I want to clap my hands and jump on the spot. Fifteen barrels, one type of grenade and a knife. There is reason to rejoice. Weapons are not given all at once, but only gradually, as you progress. Although there is no logic in the distribution. At the beginning of the game you run with a powerful Heckler & Koch G11, and in the middle with a wretched Beretta M12.


Knife. Just a knife. Following the good old tradition of action "s, an absolutely useless weapon. No one needs and never used. A strict ban is imposed on use.


Very accurate, but has a low rate of fire and a small clip. The model is constantly used in the first half of the game. Mainly for shooting rabid technicians armed with similar pistols. Yes, and against lone opponents will fit.

Beretta M12

High rate of fire, good accuracy - that's good. But everything is crossed out by a small penetrating power. Hand on heart - junk. Used in only one mission.


Absolutely useless weapon. Fires a clip at breakneck speed, but the bullets fly away anywhere, but not at the target. And the punching power leaves much to be desired. Most often found on the bodies of Yakuza and raiders.

Heckler&Koch G11

Here is our rifle. Equipped with an optical sight. Excellent penetrating power and excellent accuracy make it a desirable item in your hands. True, the rate of fire let us down. It is used a little at the beginning of the game and in almost all missions on Mars.


I confess - I fell in love with this model with all my heart. Everything is at the highest level: rate of fire, accuracy, penetration. And the presence of an underbarrel grenade launcher will satisfy the most demanding players.


Regular grenade launcher. One shot - a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bcorpses and half an hour of reloading. Happens 5-6 times per game.


Twenty shot grenade launcher. It was conceived as a doomsday weapon. It didn't work out very well. It has two firing modes. In the first - shoots one grenade. In the second - just four. I immediately warn you: the second shooting mode is absolutely not needed. It has more disadvantages than advantages. Firstly, long intervals between shots, and secondly ... Well, who will you shoot four grenades at once? Usually one is enough for the eyes. Moreover, grenades do not fly at one point, but in a fan. Take care of ammo - they are very rare.


Excellent rifle. It has low spread and high penetration power. Unfortunately, it is little used: sometimes there are no cartridges, then there is a more impressive model.

Beretta R2

Martian version of the Beretta. It differs from the earth model in graphics. Similar combat performance. Plus, for some reason, the developers hung a useless laser sight.

Calico E50

Another muck. Everything is disgusting: rate of fire, penetration, etc. Even the second firing mode does not save - in short bursts.


The best weapon in the first part of the game. First, a powerful gun. Secondly, there is a sniper scope, which means high accuracy. In conjunction with adrenaline, it turns into a doomsday weapon.

MC Millan M87R

The first sniper rifle you get in the game. The parameters are standard: great killing power and perfect accuracy. Kills anyone with one shot. Cartridges are very rare, so you won’t be able to use it normally.

VAL Silent Sniper

Sniper rifle. Quiet, accurate and with night vision. An ideal tool for destroying the enemy at long distances. There are no problems with ammunition. Especially in Russia. A hit almost always results in 100% mortality.


Big brother of FA-MAS. Almost identical in every way. Has great power. Underbarrel grenade launcher available.

Winchester DB Auto

Another classic of the genre. The monster is close, but from afar ... It finds good use throughout the game. In the first shooting mode, six pellets are fired, in the second - twelve.


Just a grenade. You take it, you throw it, you run away. An excellent tool for smoking out the enemy from around the corner. An AI glitch has been noticed - the enemy does not react to the grenade in any way. As it stood, so it stands. Until the explosion.

Choosing the best weapon

With such a wide choice, you will inevitably wonder - which is better? Before disassembling specific models, consider the issue from the other side. The main rule is that the enemy must be destroyed with the same weapon with which he is armed himself. Why? Everything is very banal. Even full ammunition will be enough for a maximum of thirty people. And there are a lot more enemies on the level. And it will be very unpleasant at a crucial moment to be left with a miserable INGRAM M10 against three FA-MAS.

Now consider specific models of weapons. It is advisable to use the following bundle: AKS-74UN (Heckler & Koch G11 on Mars), VAL Silent Sniper, FA-MAS (OICW on Mars).

AKS-74UN must be taken unambiguously. Optics brings the rifle to the lead. You can practically shoot enemies from afar with impunity. Yes, and headshots go with a bang.

VAL Silent Sniper. Why you need a sniper, probably no one needs to explain. Why this one and not the MC Millan M87R? For the latter, it is very difficult to find ammunition.

FA-MAS is the perfect melee weapon. First they processed with a grenade launcher, the survivors were finished off with a burst.

First aid kits, armor and everything left behind the scenes

During the fights, you will definitely get hurt more than once. First aid kits will help restore health. They lie in secluded corners or fall out of defeated enemies. The enemy is also not a bastard and is not averse to improving his health. For example, you fired at the enemy, and he survived and ran around the corner. Then, when you finish him off, the chance to find a first-aid kit on the body is very small.

Armor, like a first-aid kit, lies in secluded corners or falls out of the dead. Here, too, there is a nuance: the more bullets hit the body of the enemy, the less likely it is to find protection after death. But if you hit the head, you will get (if any) a trophy. The armor protects the player from bullets and explosions. But it does not save from falls from a height. The level of protection depends on the amount of armor. For example, a 100% set takes full damage, and 60% only partially. Part of the damage will be removed from health.

Also in most missions you have a night vision device. What it is for, no need to explain. The night vision device has a certain level of charge, which is consumed during use.

If you need to jump to a great height, press the "crouch" button while jumping. This technique is widely known to those who play Counter-Strike. In the game, we will have to jump a lot and along very complex trajectories. Often it will seem that it is impossible to climb the desired ledge. Calmly. Chaser has phenomenal tenacity. A small ledge is enough for him to climb and hold on. After a while, you yourself will be surprised where you can climb.

The game was played on the Normal difficulty level. Due to linearity, some places are not mentioned. It makes no sense to paint on five pages as you run through twenty absolutely identical corridors.


Space station

He slowly came to his senses.

However, they did not allow me to lie quietly and think about the important and urgent. The relaxation process was interrupted by a bunch of people in red armored suits and with weapons in their hands.

- Chaser!!! Kill him,” the squad leader yelled.

— Communists. Or rebels. Or from Mars. Or all of them together,” Chaser realized quickly.

One problem was solved - he knew his name. But another appeared - the muzzles of machine guns pointed in his direction, and a bunch of dead technicians towards the room clearly spoke of the intentions of the uninvited guests.

“Looks like we need to get out of here,” he thought, but his legs had already done everything themselves. Indiscriminate shooting began, as a result of which a small generator was hit. Not accustomed to such an attitude, he exploded from resentment, thereby condemning the station to death.

Looks like Chaser is the main prey in this crazy hunt. We must quickly disappear before the station fell to pieces.

Go up the stairs to the bottom and go through the door. Until you find (this will happen in the second or third room) weapons, hide from the guards. In a room with several tiers and a bunch of boxes, the first serious battle is ahead. Four people are sitting upstairs, two will come running to the left. First, we deal with those who came running, and then with the top ones. Take the elevator up. Use the computer against the wall. The boxes fell very well - you will get to the next tier using them. Go through the corridors to the lift and go down. In the corridor with a fork, go right. Now down the stairs. Right again. In the room with the dead technician, stand on the yellow circle. After activating the computer that appears, go through the right door. There will be no more forks. Run to the room with the rescue shuttle.

The shuttle flies at full speed towards the unknown, and a series of explosions is heard behind - the station is falling apart. An ingenious creation of engineering thought was destroyed because of one person. John Chaser.



The space shuttle landed in the city, successfully braking on a house that had turned up on the way. Residents of the house are clearly not happy with this turn of events and are in no hurry to meet our hero with flowers and tears of joy. On the contrary, the goal of civilians is to make Chaser's stay as short and painful as possible. Answer them with lead.

Collect weapons, ammo, and - down the stairs to the next floor. Deal with a militant punk on it and carefully move along the corridor - two people will suddenly jump out at you from the left passage. A shotgun is perfect to calm them down. Having finished with them, switch to a rifle, turn on the optical sight and turn around towards the stairs - another curious person will come running from there to the sounds of shots. He shoots very accurately, so hide behind the box, otherwise he will hurt you. Now you can slowly collect trophies. Among other rubbish you will find an ultrasound. Weapons are lousy but plentiful on the level. Keep going down.

Three people are waiting for you on the next floor. The first one is right at the entrance to the floor. It is better not to meddle forward, but to lure to yourself. To do this, just shoot nearby - he will come running. The other two sat down at the end of the corridor. One is armed with a shotgun. He must be finished off from afar while he is harmless. The second, with a gun, lay down behind an overturned cabinet and tries to pose as Clint Eastwood. Unsuccessfully. While you are collecting trophies, help will come running from below.

Get outside. First, go into the alley and finish off the smart guy on the trash can. In general, you can not touch it, but it is dangerous to leave it in the rear. Having gone a little forward, having watched a series of scripted videos, move on. After reaching the fence, flicker in the hole and hide on the side. Shotgun, shotgun and more shotgun. Now you can enter. Don't miss the sniper on the roof. When you reach the street where the ship takes off, get ready for a serious fight. The sea of ​​​​enemies - do not stand a pillar, constantly move. After dealing with them, grab your weapon and run inside the building. Its entrance is on the left side. Lots of punks inside. I advise you to use a shotgun, it is very good at bringing down everyone. After running out into the street, do not forget to run after the armor to the left and go down into the tunnel. Coming out of the tunnel, you will face a serious opponent - mafia fighters. Pick up Colt Commando from the bodies. This is the best weapon on this moment. Further in the courtyard there will be an ambush. One in the yard and two on the balconies. Do not try to shoot everyone at once - they finished off one and back. There is very little left. You can no longer save weapons and health. Go ahead until the memories come flooding back.


Chaser fell into the tenacious paws of the mafia. Breaking out of them will not be so easy. The spider in the head delivers the most problems. If the Boss even suspects something - bam !!! And no head. We'll have to act according to ancient Roman wisdom - divide and conquer.

The first task of the family. The Yakuza are up to something - you need to find out what. For safety (not yours, God forbid, you thought so - families and only families) you will be led, and in case of failure, the spider in the head will be activated.

You can't get caught in this mission. If the guards notice you, you will have to start the level again. Be careful. Run around the building and wait for the signal. When the command is received, quietly go inside. Quickly through the door on the left. Behind the door opens - protection. We need to find cover. Run through the door next to the workers. Turn on the night vision device and look around. See the door next to the stairs. you there. Move until you see a ladder. Climb up it to the flight above. From the room with the security camera, go straight ahead. Further it will be more difficult. You need to jump past the camera. Wait for her to turn away, and run through the second door on the left. Enter the next door. In the corridor, follow the painters to the stairs. Climb up it. Now along the corridor to the end. In the room with the sleeping guard, sneak past quietly. When you reach the toilet, watch the video. Exit the room and to the left. Wait for the worker to leave. Come inside. Watch another video. And now you need to quickly reel in the fishing rods. Radio communications were intercepted by the police. Go back to the toilet. Open the window and jump down. I run to the car.

Storming the water station

“Damn competitors have decided to take over the city. They have seized the water station and are preparing to dump chemicals into the city water supply. If this happens, the water monopoly will be in their hands. We cannot allow this,” Big Boss crucifies.

Martian cities...

Once in place, the commander briefly reports the situation - snipers control the entire perimeter, so the main forces cannot pass. You'll have to take the rap, Mr. Chaser. You are a stranger in the family, and if you die, no one will even remember you. So look for an alternate entrance and act according to the circumstances. We'll be depicting bustling activity at the entrance. Of course, this will not help you, but such is the fate of the main characters: to always be that same gag in the notorious barrel.

Run to the only open building. In it, rise to the last floor and climb out the window. Crawl along the beam to the station. Go down the ventilation. Deal with the guards and go left. Two people on the stairs will roll a barrel at you. Literally. A little further up you will encounter snipers for the first time. The guys are powerful. First shot - say goodbye to armor. Second shot - say goodbye to everything else. Therefore, the next tactic is constant running around and shooting. Snipers and guards are best killed with a pistol. The machine will be useful to us in the future.

Slowly go down, dealing with everyone you meet. Having reached the failure in the floor, shoot from above everyone you get. Jump down and hide behind the concrete structure. A crowd armed with Colts will come running from the lower level. After finishing with them, go down and pick up the armor. Now through the door to the left. After clearing the room, go down. When you reach the stairs, switch to the sniper rifle. With its help, remove the entrenched in the boxes. He shouldn't even notice you. There are two left - on the side of the stairs. Both are armed with colts. Do not try to fight them, but run past to the end of the hall. Over a long distance, the chances of success will increase dramatically.

Go up to a big rise - along the way you will meet a slight resistance. Climbing up the stairs, lean out halfway and shoot the guards. There are two ways to get to the next room. It is better to go through the stairs, the second entrance is too heavily guarded. After shooting the only guard, hide behind the column and get ready to repel the attack. 5-6 people will come running to you at once. Climb up and crawl into the next block.

There is a little trick here. If you do not go down the stairs, but simply jump over the railing, then the trigger responsible for the appearance of enemies will not be activated. We need to get into the far door, but hot steam is beating in the passage. Go downstairs and turn the valve. The steam is gone.

A competent ambush will await in the room. The four hid behind tables. One at the door. Shoot the one at the door with a Colt, the rest with a sniper rifle. Move on. In one place the railing will be broken. Jump down. In the hall with a bunch of boxes, climb the thrown boards to the ventilation shaft. Shoot the guards from above. What a surprise! Ours is already here. We must hurry. In the next room, climb into the ventilation hole. Once in the next room, look around. See the lever on the left? Pull. Wait until the steam subsides and forward, and then immediately back, because three people will run out from around the corner. Fighting in a narrow corridor is more expensive for yourself. Having finished with them, jump into the hatch and watch a video that will surprise you with an unpredictable ending.

Little Tokyo

While the Boss deals with the problems that have appeared, Chaser deals with his own. It's time to get rid of the nasty thing in my head. To do this, you will have to stomp to Shimako, a scientist working for the yakuza. I wonder why everyone is so kind?

A very strange mission. The assault failed and, probably, a redistribution of power should begin in the city. However, this is not the case. We have a walk through the sewers with a passing shooting of scourge yakuza. There is no other explanation why so many people have accumulated in the sewers. Here it is, the eternal housing problem.

While you're in the sewers, use your pistol. First, there are few enemies. Secondly, they are armed with pistols. Climbing outside, take down one yakuza directly above you. The second is in ruins opposite. Climb onto the crates carefully, but don't jump yet. Shoot at the asphalt. Two people should run to the sound of the shot. Are you done with them? Take a deep breath, sign up and jump over the fence. As soon as you find yourself on the other side of the fence, the street will turn into a pitch hell. Fire will be fired from all sides. Try to find a secluded corner from where you can start clearing. It is better to use trophy weapons - your own will still come in handy. In one of the buildings, an indecent crowd sat down. Shoot there from the underbarrel grenade launcher. The crowd will calm down. Almost at the very end of the street on the right side there will be a gateway. Enter it and jump into the tunnel.

A whole city under a city. But there is no time to look at the local beauty - the yakuza do not wait. Clear the level. There are a lot of enemies, but after the fights at the top, it will seem like a cakewalk. Get down. You can just jump over the railing, or you can, like a cultured person, along the ladder. Go to the big pipe. Jump on it and climb over the fence. It makes no sense to describe the path in detail further. The level is absolutely linear and there will be no surprises.

The spider was removed in time. A crowd of militants of the family is rushing here at full speed. Behind us - or just a punitive raid? We'll find out later. As long as you have to do the legs. Run out of the building and quickly into the alley. From there, shoot down everyone who runs behind. To know who to run after. You need to get to the western gate. Describe the path, unfortunately did not work. Just go through the lanes and sooner or later you will reach the goal. There is only one gate, it will not be possible to confuse. Along the way, you will encounter yakuza militants. In fact, it’s strange, like howling groups, but as soon as they notice you, everyone, abandoning their business, runs together to kill you-know-who. If, when you run out to the gate, the scripted cutscene does not work, then go up to the building nearby and run around the floors. Near one window, you will walk on the trigger and the movie will start. Oh, those eternally buggy scripts!! Run back and get in the car.


The chief urgently calls Chaser to the carpet. After a long and pretentious speech, the essence of which boils down to the simple “we are cooler than eggs and we will kill everyone,” the detachment dismantles weapons with no less pretentious air and goes on the assault. I will not comment on further developments, otherwise you will lose all interest in the plot.

So Chaser got an angry mafia on the one hand, and no less evil yakuza on the other. First you need to find another entrance to the hotel. Run around the building on the right edge. One of the vents will be open. Get inside. Once in the building, go to the left into the hall and take the fight with a crowd of brutalized guards. In fact, you can not go here, but then you have to wait for a strike from the rear. Go back to the stairs and go right. Once outside, run to the hatch. After watching the video, grab the bag and jump down. Through ventilation, get to the previously closed door and break the code lock. True, the irony of fate? How could you take a shortcut if the ventilation held out?

At the new level, run to the place where there will be two doors. Let's go right first. Having dealt with the yakuza, approach the glass and watch a funny scene. Looked? Now deal with the problems. When the problems lie and do not move, go back to the other door. Walking a little further, you will meet your former colleagues. Well, they chose their own fate. When passing by the gym, be careful - they will shoot at you from the side.

How much longer can you wander around the hotel? Turn left after the box room. Now go where they let you in, no forks are expected. Only one meeting will overshadow your carefree journey - the red dragon. Of course, he is not a real dragon, but he took the nickname for coolness. Meet him in the lobby. First, calm the people running upstairs with a grenade. They won't interfere. It is better not to call the dragon for a fair fight, but to shoot meanly from a grenade launcher. He has a carload of life and can take a lot of bullets on his chest. After finishing with him, go upstairs and go to the utility room with cabinets. Come inside. Look for a door. One of them should lead to the basement.

It's already a basement. So there is little left. In the room with the first stabilizer (that big, constantly moving thing), deal with the guards and climb into the ventilation hole below. There is no clear passage in the next room. We'll have to push through (there is no other word to pick up) against the wall. Wait for the stabilizer to move away from the wall and run for cover in the middle. Half done. Now just run across from cover to the other side. Rise upward. First crawl into the ventilation and activate the power. Go back and go to the elevator. It is nearby.


From the first minutes of the meeting, Kabir will begin to rub about the problems of his business, about the great competition, subtly hinting that now he will have to kill someone.

“To kill is not to think,” Chaser decided, pulling a submachine gun from the depths of his jacket and looking strangely at Kabir.

- Yeah, but the chance turned up, - he was delighted when he heard the explosion. The attack on the warehouse has begun.

Run to the box and start shooting. There are three rooms in total. The first is a truck. There will be two or three attackers. Deal with them right away so you don't get in the way later. In the second, the attack will take place through the window. In the third, they fire through the window and the glass roof. Your task is to run between the two halls, evenly shooting at alien bodies. After some time, the goals will replenish. Now we need to protect the truck. I run to him. Now it's going to be really hot. They will shoot both from above and from the side of the street, and a lot. It is better to destroy attackers from the street with an underbarrel grenade launcher. One grenade is enough to cover the entire squad. Sooner or later, everything will come to an end. Go ahead, Mars is waiting.


- Chaser, you have to cover the truck when we move through the port. Competitors will do everything to get the cargo. Be careful, the remains of the raiders were seen here (yeah, they threw all sorts of muck into the sewers). When you get to the position, report on the radio.

It's okay, everything is clear. One thing is not clear - what are the elite units of the US Army doing in an abandoned lighthouse? If you find out, share the secret.

Got instructions? Then do it - take the Beretta in your hands and go. Get down to the pier. We need to go to the far right building. Before you go there, run around and collect ammo and armor. Turn right in the building. You must go out into the courtyard with a bunch of boxes. Climb over the boxes to the other side. You will find a hole in the wall of a dilapidated building. Get into it. Go to a long corridor with a utility room on the side. Climb up the stairs in it. It is very difficult to notice because of the extremely inconvenient location. Now climb the stairs to the very top of the structure and jump down into the tunnel. When you reach the crossroads, go left and jump down. Here, the security is much more serious than at the docks, so it is better to choose more powerful weapons. In one of the rooms there will be a closed ventilation hatch. Shoot him and go upstairs. To do this, jump up without stopping. Once on the giant stairs, go up into the room and pull the lever. After that, the game will generate a bunch of special forces all over the stairs. And three will stand point-blank at the door. Don't let yourself be taken by surprise, but rather treat yourself with a shotgun charge. Go down and get into the elevator.

The position has been reached, it's time to uncover the sniper. You need to cover the truck while moving. For this purpose, you were given a miracle rifle with a night vision device and a silencer. The truck has a certain amount of life. Not too big, but enough to withstand a couple of dozen automatic bursts. Through each window, only part of the panorama of the area opens. When the truck starts to move out of sight, run across to another window. Enemies appear suddenly and in different places. Therefore, survey the area with a minimum increase, and when you notice the target, zoom in to the maximum. Also, hints about the location of the enemy are given from the truck.

Under the water

We will swim underwater. Why under water? Because it is necessary. Heroes do not look for easy ways. Before you start playing, drip some valerian into a glass. You will need it. In large quantities.

I don’t know whether to praise the developers or scold them. Yes, the level is original. Yes, developers rarely indulge in something unusual. But ... Although first things first. Let's deal with management first. First, under water you have a strong inertia. This can be used for maneuvers. If possible. Secondly, when moving, you are constantly blown away somewhere. It blows away without any reason or logical explanation. Even if you move straight without touching the mouse, you can turn around on its axis. Why? This fact is not known to science. But the real torment begins when you try to maneuver at speed. In the same instant, you are carried away anywhere, but not where you wanted to go. In addition to disgusting management, you still have to fight with guns. True, they smear decently, and it is not difficult to dodge shots. Two weapons were issued to destroy the adversaries.

The machine gun is a weak weapon, but a hail of bullets fired will sweep away any cannon. The main weapon of destruction.

Torpedoes. How torpedoes move is a mystery. Apparently, physics textbooks have not been read and therefore they swim as they want. Trying to knock them out is absolutely unrealistic. Use only for suicide, if completely lost.

Your goal is to sail along the orange lighthouses. The new lighthouse will light up only after you pass the old one. Therefore, as soon as you notice a landmark, immediately sign up. If you are lost, stand up to the wall and launch a torpedo.

Now summarize all of the above and imagine what you have to do. Disgusting controls, annoying cannons, a huge level consisting of a weave of reinforcement, half-rotted ships, intricate tunnels and incomprehensibly located lighthouses. So decide for yourself whether the developers made a pleasant surprise or not.



While Chaser, like a dolphin, frolic in the depths of the ocean, the new mafia boss sniffed out his whereabouts and decided to show everyone that he is the coolest in town. Apparently, past experience is not enough. Let's repeat the lesson.

First, kill everyone who runs in the yard with a sniper. Go to security. Here you can watch a funny spectacle. Three rooms. There are two paratroopers in each room. The paratroopers constantly open the doors, but do not go out. Afraid. Having finished with the nervous ones, jump out the window and go through the door on the left. Climb up from the building to the roof. Jump into the ventilation hole. On it you will get inside, into the previously inaccessible part of the building. Get outside. We have already received a warm welcome. Eliminate the paratrooper in the watchtower first. He has a bad habit of throwing grenades down. After breaking through to the booth at the gate, pull the lever.

"Kabir, the gate won't open," Chaser said, fuming slowly.

- Not enough energy. Run and turn on the generators. I don't know what the generators look like, but when you see them, I'll tell you. “Kabir is not so easily stymied by questions.

“I wonder how he will know what I saw if he is sitting in the car outside the gate,” Chaser was rightly surprised. But there was nothing to do - the script ordered to look for generators.

There is an elevator next to the booth. Get down. There are a lot of people in the hall, so it’s better to immediately calm down with something explosive. Just behind the large door on the right, shoot the board that closes the door. Now the path to the generators is free.

“Kabir, I found the generators. What to do? Chaser asked a fair question.

- Cool whatever - the answer was not long in coming.

- And if it explodes? Chaser asked. He began to have vague thoughts about Kabir and the generators.

- Don't be afraid, it won't explode. Take an example from me. I am not afraid, Kabir remarked logically.

There was nothing more to argue, and Chaser began frantically pulling the levers and pressing the buttons.

First turn the two taps. The amount of fuel supplied will increase. Go down one level and increase the flames in the burners in alphabetical order. Enter the side room and activate the two generators. Now go back.

Going outside, you will meet the current mafia boss and potential corpse - Tony. An attempt to disperse the world did not lead to anything. We'll have to make a real corpse out of a potential corpse. Get the adrenaline going. First caress with a grenade, and then finish off with a machine gun. It is advisable to do everything quickly - security is running to help the boss. Having reached the booth, open the gate and watch the proud departure of the submarine. Where is the boat going? Like they were going to Mars.


And that's where Russia is sailing. Ugh, that is the USSR. The hammer and sickle proudly flaunt the red flag. Hats with earflaps, Kalash and eternal winter are available. After the bullets whistled over their heads, it becomes clear that something is wrong here.

This is interesting: natives at the level are very fond of swearing in Russian. It has become fashionable for Western developers to let Russian mate into games. Russian mat is a sign of good taste.

Having dealt with the ambush, go outside through the door in the far right corner. I confess - I have never seen such a miserable northern landscape in games. See the hole in the middle. Jump into it and swim into the pipe. Having reached the door under current, pull the lever on the side. And the current disappeared, and it became light. Up first. Then to the right. Once outside, go straight to the hangar. In general, it’s better not to just run around on the street - enemies are constantly reborn. At the hangar, pull the lever. The gates opened. But this is not enough, you need to find a car. She is in the garage. The garage is slightly to the right of the building from which they left. A crowd of frenzied technicians is running around inside. Do not waste valuable ammunition on them - a pistol will suffice. The car was found, but there were no spare parts (apparently, they stole and sold the same equipment). Now we run to the warehouse. It is located on the side of the hangar. Go upstairs to the back room and listen to the radio. Isn't it nice to hear your native language? Even with an accent. Get down. Which ladder it is, it doesn't matter. Go downstairs to the right corner. In the room, in the very corner, you will find the desired spare part. Run back to the garage.

What, you need to open something again? OK. Go to the building behind the monument. Fight your way through the completely crazy staff and guards. In the control room, open the outer gate. Well, that's all now. It's time to go outside. Jump over the railing and into the right door. Chaser in stylish felt boots gets into a stolen car and rushes forward. To new adventures.

Railroad station

Go left - into the forest. You won’t go astray from the right path - the paratroopers will tell you. In addition to simple paratroopers, you will come across snipers. Usually they stand to their full height on the hills and smear wildly. After death, do not be too lazy to climb for rare ammunition. Having reached the base, climb over the fence and go into the only building. Click here. The gates opened. Exit through the door you entered. Run around the building and deal with the guards in the yard. Now outside. Take a sniper here. When all movement disappears, collect trophies and jump into the gap on the right. Climb up to the control room and press the button. We will return to the street in a different way. Get down on the stairs down. After a couple of rooms there will be an ascent to the roof. Go down the stairs and run to the big gate in the left corner.

After dealing with the guards at the car, go right. Here it is better to work with a sniper rifle. Activate the gate. Now back to the booth in front of the car. Press the button.

The car drives into the yard. Kabir is talking to a clearly bad Russian.

— Nightmare, how many corpses. I just asked you to open the gate. These heroes are all the same. They just want to shoot. Now we have to look for someone to blame everything on.

“Chaser, buddy, we were just looking for you.

Chaser understood that he would now be shamefully killed, but he could not do anything. The plot has already been decided. The last thing he managed to see was Kabir's perplexed face. He could not understand in any way that it was impossible to kill the main characters. Basically.


Get ready, now there will be an original twist of the plot, worthy of the pen of the famous master of insanity Tom Clancy. It turns out that the well-known Dagestan millionaire Kabir bought up the cosmodrome a long time ago. Impressed. We continue. To use it, we must rescue the son of our savior from the camp. What camp? Believe me, not the pioneer, but the real Gulag. And whether there will be.

This is interesting: listen to what the prisoners have to say. Some phrases will cause a sincere smile.

Once inside, remove the guards (everyone pretends that they did not notice the snowmobile flying over the fence) within sight of the sniper rifle. Enter the building on the right.

Go left. A warm welcome awaits you. We will reciprocate. Climb up and go to the next block. Dig into the computer. Now the camera number is known - A24. Go to cell block B. From there, take the stairs to cell block A. Here is the desired cell - open it. Again misfire. We need to look for the block where the punished are kept. Immediately after the end of the conversation, security will appear from both sides.

Get down to the level below and go down the stairs. Along the corridor you will reach the desired chamber. Peter doesn't mind helping to deal with Kabir, but first he needs to escape from prison. He is a capricious creature and runs after you when he wants to. This is a trifle, anyway, the guards do not pay attention to him. Go through the door you are standing in front of. Climb up the stairs on the left. Run forward until the passage is bombarded with an explosion. Go back. Another explosion will open the tunnel. Follow it to the lift. Get in the elevator together. If you leave alone, the mission will fail. If he does not want to go into the cabin, run away, and then go back into the elevator.


Our brave Peter, even three days later, did not bother to dress for the weather. He just pulled on his hat. And rightly so, let them know ours. Pointing out the path by which it is possible to penetrate the spaceport, where Kabir sat down, got into an all-terrain vehicle and left in an unknown direction, prudently deciding that there would be a lot of shooting inside and they could even kill.

On a pile of debris climb into the ventilation hole. After reaching the last shaft, push the grate. Go to the room with two bottomless mines. Jump into the fallen pipe through the gap on the side. Get out in the place where the pipe is broken a second time. Now up the stairs. And they are already waiting. They are worse. The guards are armed as standard (Kalash / sniper), but all of them are kind of dead - they fall with one shot. Go left, to the half-exploded tunnel (it's on the right side). In the next room, climb through the broken grate near the fan. Go down the stairs. Someone carefully made a hole in the floor. Let's use. But here the security is much more serious. Three are armed with AK-74s, one with a sniper - all are extremely accurate. Get outside. Take a sniper and bring down everyone in a row. The distances are huge, no one can even get in. Climb up using the ladder. See, one of the hatches exploded? Climb up the rubble and jump from it to the stairs. Having dealt with the guards, also jump along the debris along the wall to the hatch. Once in another part of the spaceport, go down. Soon you should reach the hangars. In the third you will find a button. Press. Now return to the previous hangar and go up the stairs. The tunnel should lead to the approached site. Jump on it and click on the control panel. While driving, do not forget to shoot those who are fussing below. Now onto the platform. Upon reaching the place, get out of the cart and be sure to save. You will meet with Kabir.

An old acquaintance is clearly not happy to meet. And he wants to continue the unfinished business. It's a pity, but I could live.

As soon as the cutscene stops, automatic cannons will be activated and a crowd of soldiers will appear. Immediately turn on the adrenaline and fire as many bullets into Kabir's head as you can. Now run for cover. The crates on the left are out of range of the cannons. Don't stick out too much and slowly fight off the soldiers. Your main goal is to disable the cannons. Lean out a little first so that the guns can see you. As soon as they start firing, hide. When the shooting subsides, turn on the adrenaline and shoot (or shoot from a grenade launcher - this is more reliable) as much as you can. Then back again. When the cannons are neutralized, seriously take on the soldiers. They are constantly reborn, but sooner or later they will end. When Kabir is left alone, shooting him is a matter of technique. During the battle, to replenish ammo/armor/health, run to the left corner. There are a lot of first aid kits and other useful things.


Finally Mars. The long journey passed without surprises. But at the spaceport, everything started anew.

Sir, may I have your pass.

“Uh… Ahh… I have a little problem.

- What's the problem, sir?

Chaser was never strong in brain activity, and even more so in negotiations and deceptions. He chose his standard course of action. As usual the worst. Jaw punch.

You need to run away from the guard very quickly. I will briefly give you the path.

First to the left. Right to the door. Left to the door. Down the stairs. Left. Right into the corridor. To the end of the corridor, then to the right through the door. All the way down the stairs. Right at the door. Along the corridor and through the left door. Down the hallway to the door. Down the stairs. To the corridor to the end, then the door straight ahead.

Everyone ran away. You can take a breath. Chaser is again armed and deadly. Walk down the corridor; which way you choose, there is no difference, you will come to the hall anyway. There are 6-7 guards inside. See the constantly moving boxes? Get in. On the way, don't forget to jump over the beams and shoot the guards. When you reach the end, jump to the left. Activate two control panels. Here is the completed bridge. Follow it to the other side. Security, as if on purpose, hides behind barrels of fuel. A couple of well-aimed shots and a lot of charred corpses. Click on the button. The elevator placed the barrel in front of the crates. It's a sin not to use it. The path has been cleared. Further, the path is long and gloomy, but straight and monotonous. One thing to add: Enemies often seek cover behind fuel barrels. Wretched.

Having reached the place where the passage is closed with poisonous fumes, jump onto the pipe from the side and climb over it to the stairs. Turn right at the top and go up. In the room with water and barrels, jump into the hatch. Turn two taps. The path below is free. Go to where the steam blocked the path, and get down. Now there will be no forks. Only in one place it will be necessary to turn the valve.


Chaser slowly comes to his senses and looks around anxiously.

- Hello, friend. I was just waiting for you - the cellmate does not mind laying out his plans.

“Ah, you are my friend, whom I don’t remember, but I will definitely remember,” Chaser guessed, looking at the script.

Meanwhile, the cellmate laid out his plan.

“This is the third time I've been here. Each time specially caught - waiting for you. Now we will run. Don't worry, everything is arranged. I broke the security system, learned the plan of the prison and even dragged an autogen. And no one noticed. Now we will open the door for them and quietly wash off (the screenwriter obviously drank too much sake).

No one paid any attention to the security camera opposite the door. Either everyone on Mars has gone crazy, or it smells like a set-up.

Run after your friend. In one of the tunnels, he will stop and say that it is necessary to close the partition. Do it. Now you will have to walk alone for a while. Crawl through the tunnels - there is only one way. In one place you will have to jump from a great height - do not be afraid. Having reached the cellmate (he has already managed to steal the machine gun - clever!), continue the journey together. Soon you will receive the machine too. Now Jay, sensing danger, will stop and wait for you to deal with it. This will take you to the terminal. Jay will begin to conjure over the remote control, and you must ensure safety. There is nothing difficult in this - there are two passages and both are blocked by laser beams. Having suffered, the partner will report that nothing comes of it, and you will have to open the cameras manually. Run out of the room and go down the stairs. After a long wandering you will reach the blocks. Go into each one and open the cameras using the remote controls. Now back. You don't have to run all the way back. The previously closed grate has been unlocked. You just need to go down a little. There is no longer any in the room. Come in earlier closed door.

Now we need to find Jay. And why didn’t he sit in his place? There is a lot of fighting going on in the prison. So far with mixed success. In the place where three guards will kill the crowd of prisoners, jump down. Crawl under the floor to a deep hole. Do not pay attention to the battles from above - nothing can help.

Having reached a deep well, we estimate how long the bodies flew. We will not repeat the mistakes of others - we will use the stairs. Having risen to the place where two prisoners are sitting, jump on the armature to the next stairs. It seems that the freedom of the prisoners completely went crazy. They fire at anything that moves. Therefore, as soon as you hear the shooting, stand still and do not lean out. Let them deal with themselves first, and there will be no problems finishing off the survivors. Get down. Don't forget to shoot automatic cannons from above while you are in their dead zone. Continue forward along the corridors.

Screenshots of Half-Life 2 immediately come to mind.

Once at the new level, get out on the stairs to the right. Now you have long journeys on the platforms. Among the new enemies, a flying miracle with a machine gun in his hands was noticed. Having reached the rise with two machine guns on the sides, go straight ahead. As a result of the scripted video, you will find yourself between two abysses. Climb up the fallen beam. Left to the door. There was nothing left. Deal with the guards and get into the elevator.

Assault on a military base

The Central Committee (or whatever they have) decided - Samuel Longwood was sentenced to death. The executor is John Chaser. I apologize for the rather strange comparison, but the rebels are very reminiscent of the terrorist organizations of the late 19th century in Russia. The cause of the Socialist-Revolutionaries lives and flourishes - albeit virtually. A detachment of rebels with burning eyes is sent to a military base. For weapons.

As you might guess, everything failed again. We are not used to. Now the main thing is to have time to run inside before the gate closes. Do not climb forward, but move after your comrades. They will do just fine without you. Once inside, heal up and prepare for a new battle. When the gate opens, first of all, destroy the machine gun under the ceiling. The rest are easier to deal with. Through the door to the left. The command post is closed, you have to look for a card. Go left. In the corridor with a fork - once again to the left (if you look at the door). Kill the ambush from the side and run straight to the door. An evil cyborg will try to get out of it, but this cannot be allowed. Block his way with your body and caress him with lead. The poor guy doesn't even know what happened. If you didn’t finish it, it doesn’t matter - then finish it. Now you can search the rooms. In one of them you will find a map. She lies on the floor and glows blue. Now into the corridor to the right. There is an iron bar there. Let's use cunning. Sneak along the columns.

Turn on the adrenaline, jump out from behind the corner and put a line in the face at point-blank range. Go left. Having reached the armory, be sure to profit from ammunition. They are endless here. At the exit at the very door there will be a surprise - another premature terminator. If you didn't finish off the first cyborg, then you will find him still standing at the door. Left to the command post. Up the stairs. The passage is blocked by lasers. Don't worry, we'll break everything. Throw one grenade at the power packs through the holes at the top. Go down the left corridor. Cannons are on top. Taking them out won't be a problem. Leaned out. The gun started firing. Hiding back. When she started to climb up, they jumped out and fired a burst. And so on until the end. After reaching the command center, open the gate from the control panel.

My dream to be in the shoes of a real tank came true. What can a pile of iron do? She knows how to shoot. Very painful. On the left mouse button - a machine gun. On the right is a rocket launcher. But she does not know how to jump and move quickly. But let's do without it. The goal is to protect the gate. The attackers will be brought up by planes. Don't try to knock them down, it's impossible. The attacks themselves will be somewhat sluggish. A couple of the same exoskeletons as you, plus a bunch of foot soldiers. The attack will come from two directions. Left - from the hills. And on the right - next to the wall and from the far ridge. Silence the infantry with a rocket launcher, exoskeletons with a machine gun. In general, it is worth fearing only aircraft that occasionally drop bombs. Everything else shoots extremely crooked. If it fires at all.

train hijacking

“Chaser, we are still flying on business, and you are ... well, steal the train, deliver it to the right point and sabotage it. Remember: mentally we are always with you.

I don't understand, Chaser alone should win the war? Well, one is one.

Jump to the tunnel on the left and go to the second complex. Climb over the barrier. Soon you will reach a building with a bunch of crates. Here are the first opponents. It is better not to stand on ceremony with anyone, but to shoot from afar, with a sniper rifle. This is especially true for two on the roof. They, apart from firing from rocket launchers, do not recognize anything. Of course, for you. Now to the left - here the castle is not blocked. When you reach the railroad, turn right. Go up to the long stairs. Follow it to the rooftop. Pick up two grenade launchers and climb into the tunnel. Having reached a deep well, carefully jump down the pipes. The first two are armed with machine guns, and they only know how to scare with a menacing look. Walk forward a little. Shoot into the passage on the right with a grenade launcher. There are two. Now carefully. As soon as the door begins to open in front, immediately run back. Behind her is an evil and very well-aimed grenade launcher. Let him shoot at the walls - let's hide. We run further.

Having reached the second hall, conjure over the control panel - the gate will open. Get on the train below. A couple of times you will stop at a traffic light. Exit to the right, go upstairs and press the buttons. Also, a train with 3-4 soldiers will catch up twice. Shoot them with a grenade launcher. After reaching the platform with the force field under the load, go upstairs and activate the loader.

Now, in general, everything is simpler than a steamed turnip. Calmly ride the train to the end. Hide from the units you meet on the way in the far corner of the cabin. It's pointless to fight them. They stand still, and the train is too fast. Having reached your comrades, get out of the cab and run down as quickly as possible.

The final

The key figures of the corporation have been destroyed. Everyone quietly celebrates the victory. The uprising won. Do you think this will end? Dreaming.

The trip to the headquarters ended in a friendly death. Of course, only Chaser survived (I wonder if anyone can live with him for more than a week?). Of course, not without betrayal. Of course, all hope is on him. Do you still have suspicions? Then keep guessing.

On the first map, you won't meet anyone at all. Calmly walk to the elevator and go down.

But now automatic guns will interfere with us. But how to deal with them, you already know. In the corridor blocked by laser beams, blow up the barrel and go down. Crawl into the recess and blow up the grate. After going through several halls, you will reach a staircase lit by red lanterns. A grille will be broken off on the side next to it. Climb inside and go down the stairs. Now bend down and crawl under the floor. Two cannons will be waiting for you at the exit. And they start shooting before you notice them.

In the next room, jump on the boxes against the wall and go down the stairs. Now, in addition to guns, cyborgs with soldiers have fallen on your head. As if it was bad without them. In the place where you met the soldiers, climb onto the box and jump over the beams. When you walk down a long corridor, turn around - a cyborg will appear behind you. After a couple of halls you will reach a room with two exoskeletons and laser fences, in which half of the beams work. Here you have to jump well. First to the left. Climb over the boxes through the beams. Further obstacle is more difficult. You can't just jump over with a run. Climb onto the curb near the wall and jump from it through the beams. Cross the last fence while sitting. Activate the computer and the old way back. Now to the right. The barriers are overcome in the manner described above. Turn on the computer and go through the door. Go down in the next room.

Another easter egg. Martian rock band.

Another card. How can? Go to a deep well with a ladder (when you approach, stones will fly past). Go down the stairs a little and jump onto the curb. Now, carefully jumping from the curbs to the pipe, you will reach the hole in the wall. On it you will crawl out into a room with two wells. Jump to the left one (you can't get out of the right one). After a couple of rooms there will be a room with two generators. You see a blockage in the middle - you go there. At first it will seem that it is impossible to overcome it. This is wrong. Suffer, and after a while you will be able to get out. In a room with three cyborgs (oh, and you suffer with them!) Get into the ventilation.

Another new card. Now we have to jump like crazy, through the elevator shafts. It will not be possible to give an exact passage, and there is no point. A lot depends on technology. Jump on pipes, stairs, elevators and you will reach your goal.

Last level. I don't even believe it. Right. Get into the ventilation. At the exit, shoot from the grenade launcher at the policemen. This is how you help the rebels. No benefit, of course, but nice. In rooms with a pit filled with water, press the button on the strange apparatus. After the cutscene, jump onto the machine and climb over the breach. In the room, climb into the tunnel on the side. Follow it to reach the room. Come into the near opening. In others, you will not find anything but trouble. After reaching the crater, go down. On it you will reach the jack shown in the video. There will be a gap next to it. Climb down the rubble. Do not forget to turn on the night vision device - otherwise you will not see anything. Having reached the garage (it will be on the left, from the entrance), go down and go through the door on the right. Climb up the stairs. From above, shoot everything that moves, and jump out the window. At the bottom, be careful - automatic guns are installed on two cars. Get behind the boxes. Here you can crawl under the door. Do not rush to crawl inside. See two iron legs? Cyborg. Shoot, from what the soul asks - the poor fellow can not even answer. The second piece of iron hid behind the boxes. Probably, she decided to scare. Posthumously. While you are dealing with him, a cyborg will come out from the other side, shoot and go behind the box. Strange. Then we'll figure it out.

Get down. The hitherto peacefully standing car will turn on the headlights, and paratroopers will run out of it. Drive back. Climb up and finish off another cyborg. Don't forget the hidden shy guy. We briskly jump down the stairs one flight. Now on the wreckage we pass to the other side. We move to another corridor. Two people are waiting around the corner. They waited in vain, it's worse for them. Right. There's a bunch of people here. All unkind and shoot from rocket launchers. We will reciprocate. Get down. After reaching the bottom, jump into the hole in the wall. Run as fast as you can across the room with the warped floor. As soon as we jump onto a flat surface, everything will be covered with earth. We go behind the box and go down. Almost the end.

Once on the new map, go forward a little and watch the final cutscene. It is redundant to comment on it. Everything is too serious and sad. Humor is out of place here.

To the question Passage of the game Chaser: remember everything. given by the author Alina Chipmunk the best answer is it was a long time ago, I don’t remember anything, if you can’t jump in, then you need to look for an alternative, maybe there is a move.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Passage of the game Chaser: remember everything.

Answer from flush[expert]
Mission 18: Ravi Vallis - Wikiwand Ravi Vallis
After landing, run to the far curb past the long gate. Climb over the curb and jump down to the bridge. After a short run, turn left from the bridge and run to another bridge, closed from prying eyes by large boulders. A few steps forward - and you will see the outlines of a huge building with brightly lit windows, previously invisible due to heavy fog. Get close to the wall and then climb up the small ladder to the ledge of the building. Turn left and run forward without getting too close to the edge of the ledge. An unpleasant surprise awaits you around the corner in the form of four heavily armed guys. Keep running forward until you see a bridge filled with various equipment. Jump over the ledge and move forward to the railroad tracks. Then, after leaving the platform, turn left and run to the doors with the code lock deactivated, this is indicated by the green color of the panel. Inside the room, cling to the ladder and go down it to the very bottom of the building, then exit through the door to the platform. Run along the railroad tracks to an open door, through which you enter a room with a staircase going high up. Finding yourself on the roof of the building, head towards the rocket men scorching in your direction. Without approaching them close, try to neutralize them as quickly as possible. After looking around, on the opposite side of the roof two entrances to the tunnel are visible, and the protective grille has been torn off from one of them. Run into the open passage and run through the tunnel to the hole cut in the steel sheet. Jumping from pipe to pipe, carefully go down and then go down even lower through the hatch in the floor, into secret underground structures. Run along the tunnel to the far branch and turn right at the fork, straight to the soldiers running towards you. After passing a couple of doors, you run into a wall. Jump through the hole in the floor to the pipe laid just below the ceiling. Before you go even lower, try to destroy all the fighters and only then jump to the ledge. Enter the door with an open combination lock and, once in the next room, quickly run to the control panel. After pressing the green button, go down and go into the train cabin. Wait until the gates are fully opened and the train will move along with you. After a short trip, the train will stop before the siding, to continue the trip you need to move the switch. Exit the cabin and go into a small room, then up the stairs from there. Passing two doors, you find yourself in the control room. Approach the table and press the button on the control panel, then quickly return to the train. The next stop is at the loading station, where you will need to load explosives onto the rear platform of the train. Run in the direction of the loading control panel, behind which the submachine gunner is on duty. At the top, use the remote control to activate the crane. Wait until the crane finishes loading the explosives, and then quickly run into the cabin of the train, which will immediately go on its way.
After stopping at the next siding, repeat the operation of switching the switches again, after which the train will move on. After the next stop of your vehicle, get out of the cab and run back to a safe distance.

Majestic station
Great scene. We are shown the orbital station and two ships flying towards it, and after docking, red men crawl out of them and begin to compete who will kill more, and they immediately give first place for Chaser. Paradoxical as it may seem, but later it turns out that these are good people.
They also show a man getting up from a hospital bed on the right, and on the left lies either a corpse or the remains - it is not clear - the key and probably the best moment in the plot, and as it should be explained only at the very end. In general, a man gets up and does not understand anything, does not remember. They begin to call him Chaser and try to kill him.
The rescue
We go down the stairs to the door with the green remote control. There is a soldier there. In general, we just need to go there, but you can’t get into a fight without a weapon. Will have to bypass. We go to the door to the left. There are two more. We follow them and wait for their groans. We go in after them at the door, but do not break - it can hurt. We take weapons and through another door. One directly to the other on the left near the door we need. We kill three more and go to the third door on the left. We wet the two on the left, we go to the right. Two more. Left.
Before us is a square prototype gym. It differs in that it is three-story and there are no railings on the balconies. We go further to the site type "elevator". There is another one right above us. It is better to remove it without getting up. Further left along the second floor to the green lever and turn. Then on those boxes that fell and straight. Through the door to the right. Two on the left and three more on the left. Let's go there.
And there is an interesting design room. Two-story, with a huge porthole and some yellow garbage in the middle. Moreover, the opponents are located symmetrically. We wet everyone and go down the elevator. From the elevator we go to the right into the left passage and the left door. Behind this door, sparkling wires hang from the ceiling. We go to the right to some bridge on the left a little further away, kill one, return and go along the skewed part of the bridge. Let's go straight. If suddenly anyone is interested on the right there is a door and behind it a cabin or something like that. We go down the stairs and see directly the very door into which the very first red man entered, and we went to the left. But we are to the right, there are two and then again a rather interesting room.
Instead of a floor, some kind of force field. It does not let air through, but the ships pass calmly. We go on the left side into the door opposite, and we do it quickly so that the electricity does not gouge. We pass through the door and to the left, and then to the right. In this corridor suddenly everything starts to warp. Let's go. Exit right and then left. From above you can watch the lifeboats take off. We go and see the red man. You can not kill him, but just start slowly moving towards him. It will be interesting. we pass, climb the high stairs to the left, jump down and go left into the boat.
Back to Earth
And so the Chaser flies away from the station, but it does not explode a millisecond after that, which is good news. The explosion of the station is well done, just beautiful.
Our hero again imagines something, and he falls along with the wreckage of the station into a very bad place...
Montauk City
So we land without a parachute into the building, breaking through several floors during the landing. A lot of debris falls in the same area, so there will be a lot of destruction and fires further.
We turn right and go along the corridor, down the stairs. Then we go a little along the corridor and on the left behind there will be an exit to the street. At this moment, something falls from the sky, to us in that direction and further along the road. Having passed into the passage on the road, you can turn left, thereby bypassing the building on the left. It's easier to kill everyone that way. In general, we are heading along the road. After turning right, there will be an enemy on the top right, and far ahead there will be fire and gunfire. We finish off the winner and go through the door to the left of the fire. We go up, there are two, we go down, there is another one, we go back out into the street, there is more.
We go, in the wall on the right there will be a grate first, then some green boxes, there will be a door on the right. We go in, we go to the left, we rise, we go down, we wet two, we leave, to the left. On the left there will be a passage with an enemy and armor. We go down and extinguish four, a little further there is a shootout again, and a little further Chaser starts to fail. We go out into an open space, lined with green boxes around the perimeter and go into the passage opposite, to the right of it is written "RIDERS". There will be a fire on the right. We go to the left, jumping on the boxes over the fence. To the left is a room with two large first aid kits and armor.
Then four scenes, in the first Chaser completely shuts down and he goes to a bar.
Chaser walks into a bar and sits next to a guy named Mike Gomez, oddly enough he turns out to be bad (at the end of the game). And so he says that it’s better not to be here, otherwise you can please the family, so it’s better to get out of the city as soon as possible. Chaser was about to leave, but at the exit he was met by Valero, the leader of the family, who politely explained that there was no need to run anywhere, because Chaser was now a member of the family.
The third scene in a row, in which they show how Chaser is implanted with a spider, at this time he is buggy and he has a dream about the military on Mars and about Stone. After the operation, Valero reports about the unusual reaction of the body to the spider implant. And also about the fact that he did not go far from the city, otherwise he would inadvertently tear off his head. After that, Gomez explains that you need to wait a bit - perform several operations without question and perfectly - and then you can pull out the spider.
The first task for Chaser is to eavesdrop on the negotiations between Ogawa and the Big Dragon. It is necessary to enter the building opposite the one in which the negotiations are held, and from Ogawa's office to eavesdrop on the conversation. Gomez explains that if anyone sees him, or if he goes too far, or whatever goes wrong, he'll have to blow up the spider.
It is worth noting that this mission is completely different from others. Directly Splinter Cell some. You need to get into the right place, while you should not be noticed.
We go around the building on the right and go to its corner, where trenches have been dug for pipes. We don’t turn around the corner, Gomez will throw a bottle and say when you can go. We go into the building, go through the door, and through the next door on the left. There are two painters on the right, and a little closer - boxes. We go to them and hide between them. A man is passing by. On Gomez's command, we go through the door on the left, go through the room, then at the stairs, on the left (under the camera) there is a door. We go in, go through the room, go up the stairs, on the left are two painters. We wait for them to leave and go in that direction. We rise to the floor above and go along the corridor to the second door on the right. Now the door is on the left, behind which the guard is sleeping on the couch on the left. We go to the door on the right. Along the corridor to the end to the office and to the right from the office to the bathroom to the window.
There we eavesdrop on part of the conversation about how Valero previously burned down little Tokyo and is now the master in the city. After that, the interlocutors leave for another room, and to continue eavesdropping, it is necessary to change position. We return to the corridor, we see a guard, we wait a bit (!) and go through the open doors, to the window.
We listen to a conversation about Chaser and "Martian connections". Suddenly, at the most interesting moment of the conversation, everything changes dramatically and it is necessary to abruptly dump out of the building, and only from the window of Ogawa's office. We return to the office, open the window, jump and go left towards the car.
Montauk City
In the car, Gomez explains that "Martian connections" is a dirty rumor about the deeply respected Mr. Longwood - the head of Mars Corp, who allegedly finances illegal projects and is generally the patron of many criminal organizations, including on Earth.
In the same place, Chaser sees another glitch about Mars and the military.
Another scene is now about instructing family members to capture the water station - the only one in the city - previously owned by them, but captured by the raiders - the very ones through which we had already made our way after landing.
Before us is a well-modeled water station. From the video it becomes clear that you can get in only by opening the gate, and this can only be done from the inside, and by itself the penetration through the alternative entrance is entrusted to Chaser.
We go around the station, to the right of the BMP and to us directly, through the open door of the building. We go up to the last floor, go past the pool of blood through the window, there, along the steps, we go to the iron beam through it into the ventilation of the water station.
On the left is the door, then we go up, straight ahead, we see a hole in the floor, we go down into it. Further through the balcony into another room and again down into the hole, and into the next hole and there we still go down, but along an inclined staircase. Now through the door on the right, we pass by the boxes into the left passage. Even down, we go back into the room with the boxes but on the floor below. to the right, we go up and straight and down again. In the next room, some hefty square shit. We go up the stairs in the corner, now to the opposite corner, the next room and up. To the left is a hole in the wall, then up the sloping stairs and up the steep stairs. We close the steam valve called "TLV 08" and climb back, go further, after the door on the right there is a damaged section of the railing, through it we jump down to the boxes. We go to the end, to the left, to the end, again to the left under the big door. To the stairs and through the boxes above, even through the boxes and through the pipes to the ventilation.
Below we see a shootout, our better to help. To jump, go to the right, down the pipes there. We also pass up the stairs, there one hid behind the boxes, then through these boxes into the ventilation. We go out and into the hole in the floor, go, close the valve on the left, wait and continue along the corridor, where three people lurk around the corner. We get down and go towards the barrels.
Then they show a short conversation and a shootout, and then an explosion, after which the barrels fall into the water. Congratulations. Mission failed, but not by us.
Chaser has the most vivid dream of the entire game, in which the same military men he had previously seen in the car on their way to a mission (the mission was to kill Chaser) break in and shoot him.
The solution was actually to go to Sakai Shimako to get the spider out. Later (at the end of the game) it turns out that she is bad too ...
As it should be, it is not so easy to reach it, we go through the sewers to the dungeon...
Little Tokyo
We need to pull out the spider, and for this we need to find Shimako, and for this we need to get into Little Tokyo (I didn’t understand how to write with capital or lowercase) - this is such a squiggle. As before, we are looking for an alternative entrance. Actually it has already been found - through the sewers. The sewers dungeon is modeled beyond praise. Particularly pleased with the water.
Duck here. We go through the sewers, to the right, to the left, to the left, to the left and into the hole in the wall on the right. We get out of a similar hole, we pass, we turn to the right and to the left near the wall there is a ladder to the surface. We climb up.
And there, by means of boxes, we climb over the fence. There are a lot of Japs on this level and tracking down their occupation is not very pleasant. I personally liked this way of passing: We run along the road to the end (there is a fence) and get up around the corner. A little later, we jump out and throw a grenade from a grenade launcher into the crowd (not even a very small one). we repeat the procedure several times, and then we go to the near (narrow one, there is still a board there) passage on the left. There is a door, but it does not open, and we need to go down the stairs to the left of the door.
Alternate entrance found and passed!
We go down means down and there is a dungeon. It's better to go on top, you can always do this, sometimes walking over the boards, sometimes along the ledges on the walls.

We go straight, right, left, left. To the left on the wall is just that ledge, we go along it, then through the pipe into the hole in the wall. We climb the stairs (you can first go downstairs and kill everyone), then quickly go over the boards, through the fence through the pipe and another fence. In order to go on top, we go along the ledge in the wall on the left. Everything, we go in the door directly on the course.
This is where they actually arrived. We are shown a bad aunt who says that she will pull out the spider. During the operation, Chaser again has a dream about Chaser lying shot on the floor, and Stone is congratulated on a good shot, and that Chaser's brain is not damaged.
The operation goes through, and Shimako gives a card to Kabir - the one who can deliver him to Mars. At this time, Gomez reports that a lot of Valero's people are heading there to clean up Little Tokyo. Shimako is killed.
The escape
Now you need to get out of there. We leave to the street and to the road, to the left. We pass into the alley, there is a glass booth,

We go from it: straight ahead (to the left there is a turn), right, right, left, straight (to the right there is a turn), left, right (there is a straight passage), and go in the door on the right.
We rise, we go to the right, we pass. After that, they show a video of Gomez demolishing the gate and four yakuza. We go back to the street to the car.
New appointment
Chaser needs to obey Valero for at least another three hours, and as luck would have it, in these three hours he is sent for a serious operation. Valero says that it's time to deal with the Japanese and instructs Chaser to kill Ogawa and the Big Dragon.
The cunning Chaser throws his spider into Valero's trunk and it explodes just as Valero tries to kill him after learning he was in Little Tokyo.
The new appointment throws us into
Hotel Nippon
At the very beginning of the task, some people are thrown out near the landing site (including Chaser), they also show a backpack that has fallen next to a stone in the yard on the roof - you will have to return for it. Immediately after the landing, the order comes to eliminate Chaser as the main suspect in the murder of Valero. Now Chaser is on his own, no need to kill Ogawa or the Big Dragon.
After the masterful ejection of the enemy from the roof, we go to the left to the end, and to the left again. There is a ventilation grate in the middle left. We climb. We are falling. There is a door with the inscription "EXIT" but we will enter it later. We rise two floors, wet everyone in the rooms on the left and go right. Another floor above, we pass (there is nowhere to turn) and jump out of the window into the courtyard. There is no one in the yard.
We go to the bag, it is opposite the house (and all this is on the roof of a skyscraper). In front of the bag, we are shown the scene of Chaser's conversation with Kabir by means of a map. Kabir says to meet in person. We take the bag and go down (there is a hole in the floor near the stone next to the tree).
We use the grate and climb into the ventilation. We climb into a place already familiar to us with the door "EXIT". Activate it and exit.
dead man
We take armor with a first-aid kit on the right, we leave and to the left. We pass through the door, still to the left, there in the door to the right. And then to the left, where the Valero squad is waiting for us, which must be destroyed. It's easier to do this in adrenaline mode (Caps Lock). We destroy and move on. Through the door and behind it into the next door on the right. At the end there will be a turn to the right, do not rush to break. As soon as the dialogue starts, move back and wait for the explosion. Now we can go further.
It's better to go through the last door on the left, we go out to the tennis court.
Glass during construction was not spared. In my opinion, a very beautiful building, despite the fact that the graphics are one of the most painful places in the Chaser. We will be able to notice this sad fact in the following levels. You can break glass - a very pleasant experience in this game.
Ambush above. We throw grenades at the bastards, not forgetting to shoot through the glass first.
We go around this hall and go to the exit from the level on the left (in the same direction that we went before entering the hall).
And why is it called that? Read on.
So, after the extermination of the survivors of the Valero team, we need to get out of the building. We immediately remove three and two more in the next room with racks. Exit, to the left and through the door on the right. There's another door there. Further into the glass door on the left and into the door on the right. There is no direct passage, so we go into the room with styles on the right. Without leaving this room (directly from the doorway, to make it easier to hide), we wet everyone who is further (grenades thrown behind the column, which is a little to the right - a very effective tool).
But what is it? We are suddenly informed that the goal of "killing Ogawa and the Big Dragon" has been completed! Where did such a goal come from? After all, they are basically theirs. About this as well as about many other things at the end of the game.
Climb up and go through the open glass door. Now into the hole on the right and another door straight ahead. Glass door on the left, door on the right, door straight ahead. To the left is a dead end again, we go to the right. And there .. Just beauty.
Respect to the creators of the game for this room. Here and water, and falling water, and glass instead of railings ... beauty. We go down this beauty and head to the door on the right. It’s a dead end again (gored, isn’t it?), so we go through the door on the left, behind which there is a room with styles already familiar to us. We go along the corridor, and there, a little further, the exit from the level is in the form of a glass door on the right.
Our goal is the same - to get out of the building. To do this, you need to use the elevator, but it still needs to be turned on.
We go into the rusty door and see a hefty swinging thing - STABILIZER. At the level of five. We turn right, past the stairs to the ventilation (which is in the corner). We crawl: left to the end, left to the end. We carefully pass by the second stabilizer (left or right) and climb up. We pass into the passage 02-03, after passing a little to the right, you can observe open ventilation, we climb.
We use the laptop, which is immediately below us. There is a first aid kit and armor in the cabinets. We climb back. We go to the passage 03-04 and then to the right into the passage 04-05 and then in the opposite corner 05-06. Here. There is an elevator right behind the boxes. We go around the STABILIZER 06 on the right and use the remote control near the inscription ELEVATOR, then the beige elevator.
If you have not forgotten, according to the plot, you need to get to Mars, only
Three hours later, Montauk City...
Our eyes are presented with an exciting video about a very bad uncle - Kabir, who gently hints that they say I have a war going on here if suddenly someone does not understand, so I give a damn about your desire to get to Mars. Without saying this, Kabir jumps under the table. The assault begins.
Well, what is there to advise. The main thing is to protect the truck (on the left) and kill all the bad ones (there are two - Kabir's sons - you don't need to kill them). We generally stay close to them. The main thing is not to run out to where you can shoot a lot at once, shoot them from around the corners.
In each of the three rooms there is a large first aid kit and armor + a lot remains from the corpses. The main thing is to protect the truck. After some playing time, you can notice that it starts to smoke - this is not good.
In general, we wet everyone and Kabir suddenly agrees (what is it all of a sudden?) For a free trip to Mars. But before that, you need to drive past a structure called
Long haul
So our new friend Kabir agrees to help get to Mars. But as always, obstacles appear again and again.
I want to set it up right away - we will not get to Mars soon, but there is nothing more interesting than on earth. Of course, the plot on Mars is more attractive than on Earth, and the weapons there will be better, but the textures there are atstoy. This can be observed from this level. What did you want from a game with a great engine and story on one CD? But I got distracted...
This means that in order to get to Mars, you need to get on a shuttle, and you can get on it only illegally and naturally from the Russian cosmodrome in Siberia. A truck will take us to Siberia, before that - a submarine. But in order to dive on it, you have to go past the lighthouse - I still don’t understand the hell. In general, you need to climb onto the lighthouse and cover the truck from there.
To fly into it, then fly away from it, of course, is not fate, but oh well. We go along the wall of the lighthouse, there is a clogged entrance. From there we remove everyone who comes running (you can make some noise so that they come running) and another one on the bridge towards the sea (it's easier to do this with a sniper). Then we go down the nearest stairs and onto the bridge from which the raider has just been removed (there are cartridges and armor). Then we go down back and along the grate, which prevents us from jumping into the sea, then right into the door (there are a lot of enemies between the containers). We go in (I liked it in the adrenaline mode - Caps Lock), we bring down three. At the bottom left is a first-aid kit, armor and cartridges, everything is directly closed, and on the right the door is not locked. There is a gap in the wall to the street, there are two on the left of the building, it is better to lure them out (make sure they saw and wait).
Then we jump like crazy through the boxes to the building of the "barn" type (there is a first-aid kit in it). See the balcony on the right? We are on it, but not from here, but around. See the balcony on the left? this is one part of the bypass. We jump from the building on the other side. Right. In the distant house from the sea there is an entrance to its cellar. We jump down there and find ourselves in the basement of the lighthouse. We pass through the door. Right on the course there are a lot of cartridges and armor, but first you need to run to the left and, in the adrenaline mode, throw four men with bullets. After them, straight to the end and to the right through the door (I did not immediately find it :)). There, all the doors are closed, except for the one on the right, and behind it is a staircase.
We climb the stairs and there is another staircase, a closed door and armor under this second staircase. Upstairs through the nearest door (be careful - there are holes in the floor). Through the hall. As always, you need to go straight, but you have to go around. Through the door on the left, there in the room to the right of the entrance, one bad guy was hiding. To the right on the wall is a ladder up. We get out sharply, we wet everyone. There's also a ladder up there. We climb up and through the door. Familiar balcony, isn't it? We leave through another door. We jump onto the stairs opposite the exit from the balcony and climb onto the tank, there is armor, further inside along the stairs. Inside behind it is a large hole like in ventilation. Further, this ventilation is a "crossroads", and under it is also a crossroads, but from large short tunnels.
Basically a hole on the left. We jump down. You can wander there - in almost every room there is either cartridges or a first-aid kit or armor or enemies or all at once. Then from this gap through which we jumped we go to the "crossroads" and to the left into the first door on the right to the boxes and into the ventilation (the grate is knocked down by bullets). immediately to the left and right down the slope we climb to the end (far pancake!). We jump from the wall and go up the wall stairs. There is still an inclined one, but there only enemies jump out to hell. Shorter after the wall stairs to the third distant door. Up. Behind the far door there is armor, and behind the door in the nook there is a spiral staircase (a big one). First up, turn on the elevator. We leave, we immediately extinguish everyone who came. Next, I propose to break down. Even if there is one left of health and zero armor, it's all the same. The fact is that in the course of the descent there will be enemies, but if you kill them, you will have to linger, then the enemies will come running from behind.
Below we poke into the elevator and it opens. We go.
Another one of a kind mission. We need to work as a sniper, namely to cover the truck. There are three windows. We go first to the nearest one and so on. To shoot, of course, you need to use the right button for aiming and the wheel for zooming. We shoot slowly, rarely but accurately. Enough ammo with reasonable use.
Then a video of how Chaser flies from the lighthouse into the sea, where you have to swim
Under the water
ship graveyard
After working as a sniper, you will have to work as a diver. After all, it is not for nothing that the developers paid so much attention to water. It changes physics and in general the whole appearance. It could be seen in, say, the sewers of Little Tokyo.
We have covered Kabir, now we need to join him in order to get on a submarine leaving for the port on Far East. This can only be done underwater along the "wet path" through the ship graveyard.
It is necessary to swim strictly along the lighthouses, otherwise you can get lost. A beacon is a yellow luminous dot that turns blue when touched, and the next beacon turns yellow (before that it was invisible), and so on.
The first lighthouse is immediately in front of us, touch it, it turns blue, to see the next one, you have to swim a little forward. He will be on the left. Then we swim to the ship on the left, and swim into it. There is a lighthouse in the penultimate and last room. Further down along the stairs and to the left to the lighthouse. Then to the right to the end and through the door to the right. To the left is a lighthouse and stairs. Let's swim down. We find ourselves in a large room, the next lighthouse is down in the opposite corner below near the door, behind it is a tunnel, at the end of the tunnel there is a dead end, but immediately after the last door in the ceiling there is a hole out.
Ship graveyard - part 2
The first lighthouse on the lower left, then we swim along the ship (to the left), then along the ship to the right after the first one. One lighthouse will be on the left outside the second ship, and then we swim into a ship similar to the first level. In the back room there is a breach in the floor and a lighthouse in it. There will be a big hole in the wall - he's alone there, you can't mix it up. Just below the enemy and the lighthouse. After a ruthless execution, you can see a large room and in the middle of its lighthouse. But in this place, after this lighthouse, you don’t need to swim into the breach! It is necessary to notice the lighthouse in front on the left, and behind it is another lighthouse, and only after this lighthouse we swim into the gap.
There we find the door to the room in which there is another breach in the floor. We see a decent-sized room, and there is again a hole with a lighthouse in it. Behind the hole is another room, on the right at the bottom of which there is a large gap, as if from an explosion. We swim into the far lower room and into the hole at the bottom of this far lower room. A lighthouse is visible in the distance. I recommend killing only those who are on the way, it’s a pity for the rest of the time. They still don't know how to swim, but stand still.
After it, the next lighthouse is at the top (it is in the gap). Let's swim. Another room, the same room below, we swim out into the wall through the lighthouse. Behind the wall is a long corridor. On the right is a creature and on the left is a lighthouse. We swim and do not get distracted by anything. You can get lost in this large room, which I successfully did during all four playthroughs.
We swim to the right along the rusty piece of iron with rivets to the exit from the hull skin, and the level, in the form of a hole. And we sail, but already in the video in
Here, we sailed to the harbor, where a submarine is waiting for us to take us to Russia. But, as always, it's not that simple. You need to dive onto the boat and open the gates for it, and even all sorts of family members decided to commit suicide with the help of Chaser.
The task is to sail away on a boat. To do this, you need to open the gate and along the way clear the area for loading cargo. As elsewhere, the task of "killing everyone" is not worth it. It is only necessary to open the gate - the rest is optional.
So we rise and notice in the mesh wall (she only encloses vegetable gardens) a door. Behind her abruptly (!) At the door on the left, otherwise they will notice us and we will have to shoot back from everyone at once: from those who are in the building, from those who are on the street and from those who are on various towers.
In the building, we methodically clean every room. The third one has armor. Now to the street (you can through the window - you just need to knock out the glass completely, for example with a grenade). We hold on to the wall, and through the door on the left. In front of the door, you can throw a grenade up. Behind the door there is such a large hall, on the left on the boxes there is a large first-aid kit.
We go up to the balcony (on which a grenade could be thrown). There is a staircase to the roof on the left. From this roof we go down to the roof below and there into a hole covered with a piece of iron. You will have to use a night vision device (default - F). We crawl out in some room and down the stairs to the right. There is a tunnel, at the end of which there is a gate, then another gate, but they do not open, and on the right there is an iron door, supported on the other side by a board. Until then, no way.
We go into the room on the right. There is a first aid kit, armor, cartridges. We rise. We see a hefty tank, and on the left the door (straight - closed) to the street. We leave in a neat way: there are three on the right, we bring them down sharply, for example, in the adrenaline mode, and most importantly - there is such a booth on the top left, a man hid in it. Everything would be fine, but in throwing grenades he is just a sniper, so I recommend not delaying to shoot him the tool of his labor there - that is, a grenade - a very effective tool.
A submarine is right in front of us. There is no way to fall into the water - I tried it. Containers are scattered to the left, and behind them is a room (large), in the far corner of which there is a booth with a gate control panel. We use the remote control - horseradish. The gates don't open.
To open them, you need to increase the power of energy, and for this you need to "disperse" the generators, and for this you need to increase the temperature in the boilers, and for this you need to supply more fuel - gas (and it all started with a simple goal - to find Scott Stone). But before that, it’s better to go upstairs, there at the end (there is nowhere to turn, it’s easy to find) two large first-aid kits and two armor.
After that, to the left (from the gate control booth) in the corner is an elevator. We go down, and there they immediately shoot at us. We leave through the gate opposite (probably the healthiest in the entire game!), There, on the right behind the bars, you can see our locked door, shoot at the board. Then straight into the big doors (any), and another door, where the familiar gate is on the right. Through them to the right to the end and into the locked (already unlocked) iron door. There's another door there. Up the stairs (high!)
And we are not in a hurry to go down. It is better to lure out two (by shots for example) and sew them on top. Then go down and sew the rest (it should be noted a difficult moment). We get down to the floor (one floor below) and use the valves GV1 and GV2. We go down another floor below (along the wall stairs). We use the valves in order A-B-C-D. Then we go out to the generators (in the next room - two of these, and inside the blue rotors). We use them in order 1-2 (left-right) and back to the booth with the gate control panel. It is easier to do this by going up to the floor above - one of the doors, access to the street (where the submarine and scattered containers are).
At this point, according to the scenario, a Negro jumps out and tells Chaser that he will kill him now (while holding him at gunpoint). Chaser, in response, tries to save his life, but the Negro rests, saying that if I kill you, I will be Valero's legal successor. Well, he doesn’t want to and doesn’t want to!
In general, the game is unfinished in this place. You can not kill anyone, and finish the level. How? We run at the booth, but from the side of the street (we go around a large room with an elevator and this booth). There you have to kill a maximum of three. It’s better to enter by crouching, that’s all, we use the remote control in this position.
Although you can kill everyone. But to do this is quite difficult. There is not enough adrenaline, there are not enough bullets from a normal machine gun, and it’s reluctant to shoot everyone out of shit.
The cargo is loaded into the submarine sucks. It can be seen that the crane, together with the load, simply passes through the casing. Another video is ill-conceived (although Kabir’s stupidity is possible) that he promises Chaser not only a flight to Mars, but also a voyage around the Galaxy: the fact is that the action takes place in the near future, where the flight to Mars is, as can be seen from the game, a big problem. And flying through the galaxy implies interstellar flights, and in general overcoming huge distances, the size of the solar system, and even more so the distance between Mars and the earth, in comparison with them, this is the same as going to the next door and getting to Antarctica. But I'm so distracted ...
Sailed into
Sailed. You can't call it otherwise. Someone outbid the corrupt Russian bastards who always wear hats with earflaps. The gates, respectively, are closed, there is no way to unload and leave, and even everyone wants to kill, in fact, as always. Here Chaser saves Kabir's life for the third time (more precisely, the third).
Already by loading it is clear that this level occupies much more operational space than other levels. The level is really big and could be split into two.
In general, the task here is similar - open the gate and clear the area for unhindered unloading. The quality of the textures is gradually moving from unsatisfactory to disgusting, saves this level, in addition to the engine and the plot (like many others), still well-made snow and snow cover. Shouts like "stop!" are impressive and sometimes frightening.
There is a box in front of us, on the right is Kabir and someone is shooting straight ahead. We muffle these sounds, go around the boat, past the red star (where without it).
On the other hand, we go out the door to the annex and to the street (no one is there). We turn back, on the left there is a fence (judging by the height - decorative), right through the hole. Have to dive in. There is a wall under the fence, a hole in the wall, we swim. You can catch your breath, and then to the right, there is a hole, we jump in and to the left along the corridor past the room with barrels along the corridor, which then turns right, at the end of its door. The doors on the left and right doors are closed. Without letting it finish reading, some goat jumps out of the door opposite. We pass through it. On the right is closed and on the left sparkles electricity. To the left of that door we use the knife switch, the electricity turns off, the light turns on (can anyone explain this phenomenon?).
Before us is another prototype of a two-story square gym with a platform in the middle and a star on the wall opposite (where without it!). To the right in the far corner there is a staircase, at the end of which it is locked, but there is a room on the second floor, in the room there is something similar to lightning, but it does not beat with current. Behind it is a larger room, on the right on a shelf of grenades. We go along the wall clockwise and go out into the street.
Actually, here it was possible to make the transition to another level. OK.
On the left, a hefty star stands like a monument (where without it?). We are not there yet, but across the road to the hangar (it says "Hangar"). The terrain is arranged as follows: a rectangular field, at the edges approximately opposite each other, gates connected by a road in the middle of the terrain, and on the sides of the road there are all sorts of buildings, such as the same hangar.
But we are not at the gate itself, but a little to the left along the stairs to the floor of the floor. There is a remote control with a red light near the door. He opens the gate to the hangar - our goal, but then a new one appears: Kabir seems to remember that there is nothing to ride on and we need to get a truck. It stands as it should in the garage. We go along the road in the other direction from the star, past the transformer box, fenced with a grid (it is on the left), and on the right is a door with the inscription "garage" above it. We go through a pile of boxes (generally sensible - the heat is better preserved). On the left is a pit for repairing apparently heavy equipment. Our truck is already standing over the next pit, but it's not so simple.
The truck is broken, it needs to be fixed, and for this you need to get a "detail". Of course, for a Russian person, there is an undoubted puncture in the plot. Complete abstraction. It was necessary to at least indicate what detail is missing. In general, the part, as it should be, lies in the warehouse, but it can only be penetrated in this way: we go back to the hangar gate, pass them, go straight, between the buildings, leaving the door on the left, and up the stairs to the roof. Only abruptly, two people quickly jump out of the door.
We go in, and there are two moves. Where to go? It's better to go straight than to the right. Why? That's better. It's easier to kill everyone. More methodical extermination. First, we clean the rooms and then down the spiral staircase, to the right, to the right. There is a reason to be a little nervous: three villains, one of whom is behind some kind of semicircular crap, and the glass does not break. Don't panic, they just shoot through (a serious flaw in my opinion). And it's even better to lure out two.
We pass through the door in the gate and another door in the gate. On the left is the second entrance (if you first go right), then nothing on the left, as well as on the right, so we definitely go straight to the coils (wooden ones, above the Chaser), to the right into the door at the gate. Straight up to the wall and on the right on the style shelf is a detail.
Cries of help are heard from a box on the floor and someone knocks. An interesting detail, but such things infuriate me, especially when it comes to my homeland.
That's it, we go out into the garage to the truck (through the door to the coils, to the left all the way, then along the spiral staircase and from the roof past the hangar along the road past the transformer into the garage door to the right of the road).
The car is fixed, the cargo is loaded, we have to go, but the gates are closed. We need to fix this. We go to a hefty star (on the road, it is on the left). We go around it on the left, there is a door at the end of the building (if you look from the road behind the containers). We run. Not a damn thing to the left and right, we rise straight (bypassing the containers) and to the right into the passage lit by red lights (are they there, in their free time from shootings, they show the film?), And immediately to the left to the end through the door (there are four reptiles below, and not all of them straightaway). We jump down (on the boxes) and go straight into the opening, lit by red lights (are they there, do they show the film in their free time from shootings?). We rise to the stop, go (there is nowhere to turn) through the door, along the bridge, another door and a room with a gate control panel in the corner.
We use and exit. After the exit, immediately to the left, down the garbage, and we jump down again. We go, but not into the opening, lit by red lights (are they there, do they show the film in their free time?), but to the right, where the door lurks behind the grid - the exit from the level.
In the video, Chaser walks with a tired gait, as if he had dug up the floor of the garden, but his mother-in-law did not say thank you, and he got drunk with grief.
Let's go to the spaceport, but on the way we meet
New Yeropolis
Railroad station
To be honest, when I played for the first time, I freaked out at this place, and did not play for two days. The creators overdid it. The goal for the whole game is one - to find Scott Stone, for this you need to go to Mars, for this you need to go to the ship, for this you need to go to the spaceport, for this you need to get there and so on

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MISSION 1: Majestic Station - Majestic Station

Climb down the stairs to the very end. There is a door ahead, on the control panel of which a yellow light is on, signaling that this door can be opened. Go through it and go to another door with the same control panel. Go through this door and watch the two soldiers going to the left, into the room where the explosion will go off later. Follow them into the room and take the weapons near the bodies of the soldiers. Now that you're armed, show the SWAT team what you're worth! Follow the corridors of the space station to a large cargo hold, which consists of three levels. Clear the area of ​​enemies, and then take the elevator up to the second level. Use the computer on the opposite side and climb the fallen boxes to the third level of the cargo bay. Through numerous intricate corridors, get to another two-story room, where you sit on one of the two lifts and go down. Go through the door, from which the special forces fighters will run out, and continue along the corridors of the station to the place where there will be a large force field in the floor. To the right of it is a small yellow circle. Stand on it, use the computer and go through the door on the right. Again, run along the corridors of the station, which are significantly twisted, until you hit a tightly closed door, to the left of which a staircase will be visible. Climb up it and run to the rescue shuttle, on which you will leave the Majestic space station.

MISSION 2: Montack City - Montack City

Pick up the shotgun near the dead enemy and the ammo on the shelf and go down to the street. Follow the road and shoot enemies. Having reached the building in which the fire is raging, turn left and go into the house. Follow it to another exit. Once in the subway, shoot the enemies and keep going forward. Ultimately, you must reach a large area. Go through the passage on the right and continue following the only path until you come across a fence. Climb over it with the boxes lying here and proceed straight ahead.

MISSION 3: Gateway - Watergate

After getting out of the car, in no case go forward, as you will come face to face with the guards and die. Instead, take the path to the left and go around the building. When you reach the corner behind which there are guards, your partner will contact you. He will give you a signal, and you will have to quickly enter the building. Go to the locker room, and from there into the corridor. When you hear the sound of the door opening, hide behind the boxes on the side where the painters are standing. When the guard leaves, go through the door to the left of the painters and, after going through one room, exit to the landing. Go through the door above which the camera hangs, and go through the room to the stairs, on which you will rise to the floor above. Walk along the corridor straight ahead, to the right and enter the second door on the left. Go through the room to another corridor where the painters are located. Wait for them to go left to the landing and then follow them. Climb the stairs up so that the surveillance cameras do not detect you, and run into the dark corridor. Walk to the right and enter the door on the right. After two rooms, go out into a bright corridor, where a guard is sleeping on an armchair. Quietly walk past him, go through the door on the right and go left along the corridor. Go into the room ahead, and from there to the right into the bathroom. Go to the window and listen to the conversation of the Japanese.
Now return to the corridor and wait until the guard is out of sight. Then go into the room where he left and go to the window to continue listening to the conversation. To leave the building, return to the room in front of the bathroom and drop down onto the scaffolding through the far window. Get down to the ground and run to the car in which you arrived here with your partner.

MISSION 4: Waterworks - Waterworks

Go down the street to the right of the waterworks, to the door. Climb the stairs to the top floor of the building and go to the end of the corridor. Walk to the room and climb onto the ledge through the hole in the wall. Follow the ledge to the metal beam, along which you go to the ventilation shaft. Once inside the waterworks, deal with the enemy group and go through the door on the left. After passing the corridor, the enemies will throw two barrels from the stairs. Dodge, kill two enemies and go up the stairs. Further, everything is quite simple. You have to get to the lowest level by going down stairs, jumping through holes in the floor, etc. When you reach a long vertical staircase, climb up and continue moving through the wilds of the station. As soon as you reach the deadly steam escaping from the pipe, go down the long stairs. Kill hostile guys and turn the valve. Go back and continue moving through the waterworks. In one of the rooms you will find a ventilation shaft, crawl along it, and then run through the rooms to another ventilation shaft. After passing it, you will finally get to the toxic barrels.

MISSION 5: Little Tokyo - Little Tokyo

You start the mission in the sewers. Follow the canal until you see a hole in the wall on the right. Jump into the underground tunnel and follow it to another channel. As soon as you get out of the tunnel, go right, straight ahead and right again. There is a ladder on the left side of the wall, go up it and you will get out to the street. Using boxes, climb over the fence and start shooting soldiers, which, by the way, will be quite a lot, and who will appear in the most unexpected places. Follow the road to the end and turn into the alley on the left, which is blocked by a fence. To the right there is a small hole in it, climb through it and jump into the well.
Once underground, it's best to stay on the platform, as this is the best position to get rid of the enemies. Move through the dungeon to a large pipe and climb over it. Continue walking to exactly the same place. In order to get over two fences, you must jump onto the highest pipe and go further along it calmly. And the last thing you will have to do is climb onto the platform and go through the door. Now it's time to do the legs. Exit through the door to the street and run towards the bar. Run into the alley and, wandering between the houses, get to the green gate. At this point, a door should open behind you, enter the house and go up to the top floor. Go to the window to see how the partner in the car will drive through the gate. Go downstairs to get into the car and drive away from here.

MISSION 6: Nippon Hotel - Nippon Hotel

On the roof, find an open entrance to the ventilation shaft. Crawl along it until you appear on the landing. Defeat the Japanese guard and head up the stairs. Enter the door on the right and go through the rooms to another landing. Climb up and go to the opposite wing of the building, from where you jump to the ground through the open window. Run up to the tree, and after watching the video, go underground through the hatch next to the stones. Crawl through the ventilation shaft to the landing where you already managed to visit at the beginning, and open the door with the inscription "Exit".
Walk along the corridors of the hotel to the heliport where the commandos are located. Destroy them and go further along the corridor, where you will meet three more colleagues. Kill them as well and continue stomping towards the exit.
Once in the service room, go out into the corridor of the hotel and go left. Move until you see a door on the right that leads to another service room. After passing through it, you will have to kill the Red Dragon and Sano Ogawa. Climb up the stairs and go through the door ahead. Walk along the corridors of the hotel, pass by an artificial waterfall and enter the third service room (door on the left). After passing it, you will reach the final part of the mission.
Pass next to the stabilizer #1 and move along the ventilation shaft to the stabilizer #2. Jump onto the wooden boxes and climb over the sloping ledge to the other side. Climb up the stairs and go to the third stabilizer. Near it in the wall there is an entrance to the ventilation shaft, after passing through which you will find yourself in the control room. Use the computer that controls the elevator and go back. Follow to the stabilizer number 6 and take the elevator.

MISSION 7: Portland - Portland

The main task of this mission is to deal with all the enemies who are trying to capture the warehouse. The second task is to protect the truck. The most relevant recommendation for this level is to be patient. Because the first time even the most skilled player will not be able to defeat everyone. When both goals are reached, you will successfully complete the missions. MISSION 8: Lighthouse - Lighthouse

Approach the front of the lighthouse. From there, go to the nearest ladder and go down. Run along the port to the door and go inside. As soon as you enter, go forward and to the right. After going through one room, climb the boxes to the roof and jump down to the ground. Run to the farthest building, which can only be entered through a small hole in the wall. Inside, go into the passage made in the wall, and turn right. Go through the rooms and, ultimately, you will have to make your way to the dilapidated second floor. Go through the door and walk along the balcony to exactly the same dilapidated floor, but on the other side. Go down the stairs in front of you, and then down another one. Enter the door on the right, go down the corridor and go through the door on the left. Climb up the stairs, and then climb to the very top of the structure, in the center of which there is a hole. Get down through this hole down (just go down, not jump) and run forward along the pipe and then to the left. Jump down through the crack in the pipe and you will find yourself in the corridor of the building close to the lighthouse. From the crates go forward and to the left. Go through the first door and climb into the ventilation shaft, the entrance to which is closed with a white grate. After getting out of the mine, you will find yourself inside the lighthouse. Climb up the nearest vertical stairs and go through the last door. After reaching the large stairs of the lighthouse, go upstairs and go into the room. Pull the levers and go down to the base of the lighthouse, where you sit on the lift.
You have a sniper rifle in your hands and I think you can already guess what you will need to do. There is Kabir's truck that you must protect and there are enemies that you must eliminate before they manage to destroy the truck. The task is nowhere easier, and you can easily cope with it.

MISSION 9: Underwater - Underwater

This time, a hard life has brought you to the depths of the sea. You must make your way through the graveyard of sunken ships to the harbor. Your main landmark in the water is the yellow light bulbs. Following them, you will easily find your way to the harbor. But keep in mind that you must touch the bulbs so that they change to blue, otherwise, if you do not, then you will not see more yellow bulbs.

MISSION 10: Harbor

Approach the mesh fence and shoot all the enemies in front with a sniper rifle. Enter the building and, having dealt with the guards in the rooms, climb out through any window back to the street. Run towards the gate and, before reaching them, go into another building on the left. Climb to the second floor, and from there go to the balcony. Climb to the roof and then climb over to the roof of the building where you were at the beginning of the mission. Climb into the ventilation shaft and crawl to the exit. Then go down the stairs and go along the corridor to the vault, from where another staircase leads. Once at the top, go forward and go through the door on the right. You are again on the street, but already outside the gate. Run forward, then left to the harbor main gate control room. Use the remote control and sit on the lift, which is located nearby. Arriving down, run up to the big gate. Open them and run further. When you see a piece of wood propping up the door on the right, break it with a shot from a weapon. Now you will have to go to this door and enter the door on the left. Climb the stairs, go into the room and go down to the generator. Get down even lower until you find two valves. Turn them and go down one more level below. Turn valves A, B, C, D (in that order) and go into the generator room, where increase the power of both generators using the control panel. Now, by any means known to you, return to the control panel of the main gates of the harbor and use it.

MISSION 11: Anadyr - Anadyr

Run forward past the moored submarine. After crushing the fierce resistance of the soldiers, go around the harbor and move to the far wall. After opening the door, go out into the frost and, turning left, run to the hole in the ice. Jump into the water and swim towards the dilapidated wall that opens the way inside the pipe.
From the pipe, turn left and swim to a dead end. Rising to the surface, go into the corridor through the hole in the wall. Run down the corridor until you run into a mountain of empty barrels blocking your path. Exit through the door on the left and run across the bridge to the opposite door. Turn left and head towards the sparkling electrical box. Click on the lever that turns on the power supply in this complex, and through the door you go into the next room. Be prepared for heavy fire from soldiers preventing you from going any further into the complex. Run to the far right corner and climb the stairs to the second floor. Go inside the room, and from there through the door to the next room. After going a little forward, go behind the partition and, turning right, head to the door that opens the entrance to the street.
Outside, deal with the soldiers and then run towards hangar B. Climb the steps and approach the device installed next to the door. After your manipulations, a green light should light up on it. Then go down and run along the gate. After passing the fence, turn left and head towards the building with the stars painted on the gate. Once inside the garage, shoot all the soldiers and then approach the huge truck. It lacks a part needed to start the engine, and can be found in a warehouse located behind the hangar. Exit the garage and run back to the hangar. After running past the steps and walking a little along the wall, you should go to the stairs leading to the roof of the neighboring building. Climb up and through the only door you go inside the warehouse. After taking a few steps, turn right and go down the stairs. Go through the door into a huge hangar and, after you pacify all the soldiers, move straight to the small passage between the containers. Then turn left and run to the empty coil, past which turn left. Having reached the doors, go inside a small room. After destroying several soldiers, run forward and, having reached the wall, turn left. Walking along the racks, you should find the part you need for the truck. Now go back to the garage along the familiar route and install the part in the truck. After the truck leaves the garage and hides behind the hangar gate, you will have to unlock the main gate of the base. Run forward towards the pointed star, mounted on a pedestal. Behind it lies the entrance to a large building. When approaching the doors, a soldier will come out of them, who will not have time to light his cigarette. Once inside, go along the corridor, then, after going around several containers, go upstairs. Head into the corridor lit with red light. At the exit from it, turn right and run to the far door. After passing through the door, turn right again and, after going around the perimeter of the room, go down the stairs. Go to the reflection of the red light falling from the lamp in front of the entrance to the landing. After climbing several flights of stairs, you reach the top floor. Eliminate several soldiers hanging around nearby. Then, after reaching the wall, turn left and run to the far doors. After passing a few doors, you should get to the command post. Shoot two soldiers and then go to the control panel.
Press the button that activates the gate opening mechanism. Replenish your first aid kit and ammunition, pick up the bulletproof vest from the table and then run back to the exit from the command post. As soon as you get out of there, turn left and jump down onto the grate. Run to the place where the shooting is heard. Eliminate the soldier hiding behind the partition, and go through the door to the frosty street, where a truck will pick you up.

Mission 12: New Yeropol - Novyy Yeropol

After leaving the truck, head along the road ahead. Before reaching the turn, turn left and go down into the thicket. Make a small run forward up to three boulders, then turn right and climb up along a slightly inconspicuous path. Move forward, along the way, destroying the shooters hiding behind the sprawling paws of fir trees. In the end, you must reach the bridge and, before stepping on it, you need to destroy several machine gunners who have occupied the dominant heights on both sides of the bridge. After moving to the other side of the cliff, run to a fork with three roads going in different directions. Come into the crevice between two rocks directly on the course of your movement forward. Having reached the snowman, turn a little to the left and run towards another gorge. Deal with all the soldiers, and then run forward to a pile of stones blocking the exit from the gorge. After climbing over the rocks, you will come to a vast plain. Run forward until the lights of the base appear, now you need to be very careful due to the large concentration of armed people. Leaving the radar station behind you, head to the fence, or rather to its destroyed part. After climbing onto the beam, go up and, having reached its edge, jump down the inner perimeter of the base. Before reaching the nearby containers, go through the door to the right. Then head to the opposite door, through which you will enter the observation room. Deal with several guards and then press the button on the control panel. After your manipulations, the gates will open, blocking the path to the rest of the base. Leave the room and immediately turn left towards the brightly lit corridor. After leaving it, run to open gate. Go around the container, standing near the exit from the gate and go inside another building. Through the hole in the floor, jump down to the underground garage. There are carcasses of once-full machines all over the place, and now they are used by the shooters as shelters from bullets. After shooting all the fighters, climb the stairs and exit the garage through the door. Climb up the stairs, and through the half-open gates go inside the warehouse. After dealing with all the guards, turn left and move along the corridor until you reach the stairs leading up. Having reached the very top, find the monitor showing the main gate of the base, and press the button just below the monitor. Then go down the stairs a little from the monitors. Turn the corner and run towards the opening gate. Before you go upstairs, destroy all the soldiers. After climbing up, run to the opening in the wall into the next room, and from it climb the stairs to the roof of the building. Approach the edge of the roof and use the ladder to go down to the ground. Head towards the gate, shooting back at the soldiers along the way. Enter the opened gate and, leaving the containers behind you, head towards the main gate. Switch the device to open the gate, and then, turning 180 degrees, run along the road to another gate that closes the entrance to the railway station. Enter the booth and press the button on the control panel.

Mission 13: Gulag - Gulag

The snowmobile ride ends with you landing on the bottom of a cliff and turning your vehicle into a pile of scrap metal. Get up from the snow and head towards the main entrance to the prison. Beware of machine gunners on the towers guarding the perimeter of the prison. Once inside the prison, run to the nearest wall, upon reaching which, turn right and move towards the gate. As soon as the gate leaves open a little, a group of armed people will rush at you, who must be destroyed as quickly as possible. Head along the corridor to the engine room, from where go up the stairs to the observation deck. After the destruction of two submachine gunners, go to the next room, using any of the two exits. Go down the stairs down the hall and then move towards the open lattice door. Go to the computer on the table and try to find information about the location of the person you need. After some time, the computer will display information: camera A24. Leave the table and head to the exit from this room (the door next to the first-aid kit). Once in the corridor, turn left and move along it to the next door, through which you will enter another flight. Go in the direction of the arrow drawn on the opposite wall. When a staircase appears ahead, going up, turn left and run forward along the prison corridor. Before reaching the wall, turn left and climb the stairs, with which you will climb to the second tier. After finding cell A24, unlock the door and then go inside it. A big disappointment awaits you here, since the person you are looking for has been transferred to a special zone, and another prisoner serving his sentence in the same cell told you about this. Exit the chamber and look down, next to a large pile, the entrance to another span has opened. Climb down and go through the open doors. After taking a few steps, go through the door on the left side. Destroy the submachine gunners rushing towards you and then go down the stairs. You got into the underground communications of the prison and among all this rubbish you need to find a place where they contain the person you need. Move forward until you reach the wall and then turn into the left tunnel. Slowly, go forward, carefully examining the camera numbers. Having found the right XB2 cell, free the person locked there and, now together with him, find the way to freedom from this prison. After leaving the cell, go into the nearest door and, after taking a few steps along the tunnel, go up the stairs. Open the door and go inside the room filled with different pipes. Eliminate all machine gunners and then run straight to the far wall. Then turn left and run along a narrow corridor littered with various rubbish. After opening the door, you find yourself in the engine room, from which you run to the doors opposite and exit into a tunnel with laid rails. Go straight along the rails until you see steps on the right side leading down. Climb down with your friend and head deeper into the tunnel. Having gone forward a little, turn left and go into the cave, which goes into the depths of the rock. Run through the cave until you reach the elevator shaft. Press the call button and wait until the elevator platform appears and then, together with your friend, go down.

Mission 14: Spaceport - Spaceport

After the truck ride, you climb into the bunker, from where you can get to the spaceport. Head towards the slab with a small crack, through which, nevertheless, a person can easily climb through. Then move to the far right corner, where you can see the entrance to the ventilation shaft high under the ceiling. Climb up the mountain of rubbish dumped under the entrance to the mine and then crawl forward along the sloping surface. From the room with a huge fan in the middle, turn right and run to the last room with a fan, from where, after opening the grate, climb into another ventilation shaft. Crawl along the shaft until you see a grate, without crawling to which, turn right. Having moved forward a little, turn right again and continue moving forward to the ventilation room. Go straight into the tunnel and run to its edge. Jump down and head towards the dilapidated gate, next to which the entrance to the pipe with laid wires is open. After climbing inside the pipe, move to the far turn and, having reached the edge of the pipe, jump down. Climb up the ladder to the ledge opposite and, clinging to the wall, go along the ledge until you find the entrance to the pipe. Move along the pipe until you reach its break, through which jump onto the pipes running parallel to the main pipe. Take a few steps back and then jump to the top of the pipe you just climbed out of. Cling to the bars of the stairs and get out to the surface along it. As soon as your head appears on the surface, you will be immediately attacked by armed fighters. Run forward, along the way, shooting back from machine gunners, who are dispersed in large numbers behind construction debris. When you get to the fallen concrete blocks, climb them into the underground tunnel leading to the spaceport. After going down, turn right to the fan, which has a protective grille bent. The fan itself does not work, so you can safely move to the other side. Move forward, parallel to the pipe, set just below the ledge. Go down the stairs down the concrete pit and run in the opposite direction. Through the hole in the floor, go down the hangar, using the destroyed concrete partitions for this. With the help of an optical rifle, shoot down all the fighters and then head to the dilapidated gate through which you will get to the launch pad. Go around it in search of stairs and climb it up. At the top, find a mountain of construction debris that you can climb up. Destroy two fighters, then run up and jump to the stone, from where jump to another ledge.
Run to the entrance to the ventilation shaft, using the stone as a stand. From the mine, jump down and then, turning left, run forward a little.
Turn into the next flight and run along it until the ceiling collapses before your eyes. Go into a small room, and from it into another room with pipes laid on the floor. Climb up the stairs, then, turning around the corner, climb the stairs to the entrance to the tunnel. Run through the tunnel until you stop near the grate, throw it down and jump yourself, using the grate as a kind of ladder. At the bottom, find the control panel and press the button, which will set in motion the trolley hanging from the ceiling. She will drive up to the exit of the tunnel you just jumped out of.
Go back to the tunnel and get on the cart. After a short trip, she will stop over a pile of boxes, which are very convenient to jump on, which you will use. Head to the underground railway platform, get on the cart and, by pressing the button, go on a long journey. After the cart stops, jump down to the platform and run into the storage room. Here you will need to kill your sworn enemy Kabir. Having done your job, go through the only door to the landing pad of the spaceport and go on a flight to Mars.

Mission 15: Mars Spaceport - Wikiwand Mars Spaceport

Run in the direction of the EXIT sign, near which turn left into the span. After passing through the transparent doors, take a few steps forward and then go through the doors to the right. Then open another door and, after finding yourself on the landing, go to the billboard hanging on the wall. Go down the stairs and go through the door to the left, from where run along the corridor until you see the inscription MANGEMEN on the wall. Through the right door, go into the next room, from where run up the stairs to the fourth floor. Having reached the desired floor, go through the doors straight ahead and, after passing the corridor, go into the office space. Through it you will get into the corridor, and from there into the smoking room. Exit the smoking room, then go forward a little and go down the stairs. Go through the transparent doors and after a little forward movement, enter the office. From it, turn right and run to the far door leading to the service boxes of the airport. Jump down - and you land on a fighter who sinks unconscious to the floor.
Now you finally have a weapon, without which it would be complete madness to move on. Run through the tunnel to the nearest fork, then turn left and move to the unlocked door. Through which you will find yourself in an adjacent tunnel, from where you can walk to a huge warehouse. Eliminate all the local fighters and then go to the edge of the platform, past which the containers constantly pass. After waiting for the next container, jump on it and use the container as a means of transportation for a while, not forgetting to jump over the transverse beams, and striving to throw you down. When the container is level with the ledge, without delay, jump on it and, before moving forward, destroy the two fighters spread out on both sides of the pit. After taking a few steps forward, go to the wall and press the button on the control panel. Behind you, you will hear the sound of a bridge moving apart, along which you can cross to the other side. Once on the other side, run until you turn right. Before manipulating the control panel, try to destroy all the fighters as quickly as possible and only then feel free to press the control panel button. What will happen this time? And the following will happen: a robot crane, peacefully resting nearby, will wake up from sleep and, having captured a barrel of fuel in its tenacious claws, will approach a pile of boxes blocking your path forward. After several shots into the barrel, an explosion will thunder, from which a huge gap will form in the boxes. Run to the gate that opens when you approach, from which several fighters come out towards you. After passing through the gate, head to the stairs. Climb into the room with the crane cart, and from there through the door to the left into the corridor leading to the boiler room of the port. The exit from it leads to a hangar with barrels stored inside. Run to the opposite end of the hangar until the barrels appear, placed along the entire passage. Having reached them, turn right and go through the door to the stairs. After passing the door, run to another door opposite and then along the tunnel to the exit through the door to the left. Then move along the corridor to the stairs leading up. Having risen upward, run to the barrels to the right of the entrance to the room, behind them there is a hole leading down.
Run along the corridor in search of an open door behind which a staircase is hidden. Climb up and then, once in a hangar with idle cranes, find the way to the crane tracks. Run along them until you reach the edge of the grate, from which jump down to the barrels below. Then down the stairs and through the door to the right.

Mission 16: Jail - Jailhouse

Open the cell door and follow Jay, exactly repeating all his movements. When you get into the mine, Jay will ask you to use the control panel behind you so that you can go down on the elevator. Go through the tunnel to the big fan, jump down and keep moving forward. Having reached the abyss, the bottom of which is not visible at all, jump down and follow the mine tunnel again. After getting out of it, you will find Jay, who has already managed to grab a weapon. Follow him, and when he knocks out the next guard, pick up a weapon. The following principle of action is as follows. Follow Jay through the cell block, and when he stops, deal with the guards ahead.
Having reached the terminal, with which you can open the doors of all the cells, shoot back from the enemies until Jay realizes that this cannot be done from here. Exit the room and go up the stairs. Go right and straight. Enter the doorway, move forward and go down the stairs. From the stairs, go to the right, and then go down another ladder. Climb up the big ladder, go down the other big ladder and go forward. So you get to the terminals of blocks A B C, with which you can open the doors of all cells and release the prisoners. Do so and return to the stairs.
Climb up and go through the door on the left. Step straight ahead and enter the room where Jay was previously. Go through the door that was previously locked, and after a few steps, go through another door. Run forward until you meet two soldiers. From them go straight and to the right. Climb down the stairs and move along the line of corpses to the hole in the floor. Jump down and go straight. When you hear the shots, turn right, and when the explosion thunders, turn right again. Go to the doorway and climb the stairs to the very top (the stairs will break at the end of the path, so climb along the grate). Once at the top, go right, go down the stairs and go left. Now you have to go down to level zero, destroying machine guns on the walls and enemies. Then go through the door behind the stairs and go left. Climb up the stairs and go right. When you see a hole in the floor made by the explosion, get down.
Go straight, turn left and left again. Get out upstairs and along the platform, lit on both sides with light bulbs, run forward. Having reached a dead end, turn left and go down the stairs. Continue running along the platform and at the fork turn right and then left. After reaching two machine guns, destroy them and follow the platform until it collapses ahead. Then go back and climb the fallen piece of iron to the platform above. Proceed to the left and enter the doorway. Then sit on the lift and go up.

Mission 17: Military Post - Military Depot

Rush headlong to the gates of the base and, after waiting for the enemies to go outside and retreat to a decent distance, go inside. Through another gate, go directly to the base room and go forward. Climb up the stairs and enter the first door on the left. Try to open the door of the command center and step along the corridor. Enter the door on the left (the only door that can be opened) and after going to the right, go up the stairs to the top. Go through the door ahead and go down the corridor to the right. Go into the second room on the left, where from the floor pick up the key card from the command center (blue card). Now go back to the door through which you entered the corridor and go left. At the end of the corridor, go through the door on the left and go straight to the upside-down bedroom. Exit the room through the other door and go to the left to enter the command center building. Climb up to the floor above and go through the door on the right. Destroy the machine gun behind the beams, and to disable the beams themselves, throw two grenades into the upper window on the left and right. Now, while destroying the machine guns, advance to the control center room, where you can use the computer to open the gates of the base.
Now you have climbed into the exoskeleton in order to protect the main gate of the base from enemy attacks. The task is extremely simple. The main thing - do not go too far from the gates of the base!

Mission 18: Ravi Vallis - Wikiwand Ravi Vallis

After landing, run to the far curb past the long gate. Climb over the curb and jump down to the bridge. After a short run, turn left from the bridge and run to another bridge, closed from prying eyes by large boulders. A few steps forward - and you will see the outlines of a huge building with brightly lit windows, previously invisible due to heavy fog. Get close to the wall and then climb up the small ladder to the ledge of the building. Turn left and run forward without getting too close to the edge of the ledge. An unpleasant surprise awaits you around the corner in the form of four heavily armed guys. Keep running forward until you see a bridge filled with various equipment. Jump over the ledge and move forward to the railroad tracks. Then, after leaving the platform, turn left and run to the doors with the code lock deactivated, this is indicated by the green color of the panel. Inside the room, cling to the ladder and go down it to the very bottom of the building, then exit through the door to the platform. Run along the railroad tracks to an open door, through which you enter a room with a staircase going high up. Finding yourself on the roof of the building, head towards the rocket men scorching in your direction. Without approaching them close, try to neutralize them as quickly as possible. After looking around, on the opposite side of the roof two entrances to the tunnel are visible, and the protective grille has been torn off from one of them. Run into the open passage and run through the tunnel to the hole cut in the steel sheet. Jumping from pipe to pipe, carefully go down and then go down even lower through the hatch in the floor, into secret underground structures. Run along the tunnel to the far branch and turn right at the fork, straight to the soldiers running towards you. After passing a couple of doors, you run into a wall. Jump through the hole in the floor to the pipe laid just below the ceiling. Before you go even lower, try to destroy all the fighters and only then jump to the ledge. Enter the door with an open combination lock and, once in the next room, quickly run to the control panel. After pressing the green button, go down and go into the train cabin. Wait until the gates are fully opened and the train will move along with you. After a short trip, the train will stop before the siding, to continue the trip you need to move the switch. Exit the cabin and go into a small room, then up the stairs from there. Passing two doors, you find yourself in the control room. Approach the table and press the button on the control panel, then quickly return to the train. The next stop is at the loading station, where you will need to load explosives onto the rear platform of the train. Run in the direction of the loading control panel, behind which the submachine gunner is on duty. At the top, use the remote control to activate the crane. Wait until the crane finishes loading the explosives, and then quickly run into the cabin of the train, which will immediately go on its way.
After stopping at the next siding, repeat the operation of switching the switches again, after which the train will move on. After the next stop of your vehicle, get out of the cab and run back to a safe distance.

Mission 19: Lomonosov Crater - Wikiwand Lomonosov Crater

Run down the corridor until you reach an elevator shaft where you can go down. After the trip, leave the elevator and run along the dark corridor to the boxes standing near the turn to the right. Before moving on, get something more powerful from your weapons. As soon as your head appears around the corner, a hatch will open in the ceiling a little further away from you and the muzzle of a machine gun will appear from there. Destroy this miracle of technology and then approach the gate. As soon as the gate leaves begin to open slightly, a machine gun will start working in the adjacent corridor, directing a rain of lead in your direction. In the middle, the corridor is blocked by the beams of the security system, and you, unfortunately, will have to look for a workaround. Not far from the beams, a hole in the floor is visible along which pipes are laid. Jump into this passage and, crouching, crawl to the pipes that go down. Then go down the stairs even lower, before moving on, turn on infrared vision. Then crawl through the half-open sheet of iron to the grate. Shoot at the barrel on the back side, the explosion will blow the grate into small pieces, and you can finally get out of the narrow tunnel. Head towards the elevator, which you can go down, but before you step on the elevator platform, destroy the machine gun aimed directly at this place. After riding the elevator, you find yourself in a room with a pile of rubble in the middle. Climb onto the pile and then move along it to the exit opposite. Go around a bunch of boxes behind which the entrance to another room is hidden. Inside, turn left and head towards the exit from this room. Approaching the box, bend down and then jump onto the box from below, from where through the corridor to the gate opposite. Get down downward to the lattice closing an entrance to the tunnel with pipes. For a man armed with all sorts of different calibers, this will not be difficult. Then crawl through the tunnel to an open grate in the floor, through which you can climb out into the corridor. Using the nearby crates as cover, destroy the two machine guns. After you pass through the gate and crawl under the rays of the security system. Run to the far gate, dodging machine gun bullets along the way. Move along the corridor until the beams appear ahead, you can climb over them through the boxes helpfully placed right next to it. Then take a few steps forward and go into the belly of the dark tunnel. At the exit, turn right and, after taking a few steps forward, go through the gate. Climb up the stairs and then go through the gate into a room entangled on all sides by rays. Move over the boxes to the other side of the first row of beams. Then jump onto the ledge, from which you run up and jump over the second row of beams. After that, destroy the robot and, crouching, crawl under the third row of beams. Turn right and go to the control panel, on which press the green button. Now return to the exit and go in the opposite direction. After passing several rows of beams, you find yourself in front of the gate. After them, you will run along the corridor to the entrance to block C3. Once inside, find the entrance to the corridor, illuminated by a bluish light - this is your exit to the next level.
Go right and go through the door. Step forward and turn into the passage on the right. After reaching the collapsed ceiling, wait for the enemies to blow up the door and go left. Jump to the ledge on the right in the elevator shaft and get over to the stairs. Climb up a bit and climb into the hole. Crawl forward and then right next to the pipes. After getting out, jump into the hole, near which there is a lamp. Go left and enter the half-open door. Climb the stairs up, and then on the other stairs, on the contrary, go down. Having reached the lattice, go into the door on the right and go down the stairs to the very bottom. Go through the big gate and go left to the blockage. Climb through it to another room and, going forward, go through the door on the right. Go right, going around the room around, and go down the vertical stairs. Climb over the hole in the mesh fence and head forward to the stairs. Climb up, go through the door and, going forward, climb into the ventilation shaft.
Climb up the stairs and head towards the elevator shaft. Climb down the stairs and jump onto the elevator. Now quickly climb into the passage that leads to another shaft before the elevator falls. On the beam, get to the stairs and head down. Go through the elevator door and move to another elevator, the door of which is open. Climb up the barrels to the roof of the elevator, and jump from the roof to the stairs. As usual, go down and get over to the opposite shaft. Up the stairs and down again. Again, move from one shaft to another, go down the stairs and go through the open door. After leaving the door, go forward and climb into the hole in the wall on the right. Walk a little straight and climb into the ventilation shaft on the left. Crawl along it and jump down into the corridor on the left. Go forward past the collapsed floor and go through the slightly ajar door. Go to the right and, having reached the room where the fallen pipe of the ventilation shaft lies, climb up it. Walk along the pipe to a cluster of enemies. After dealing with them, run up to the large gate, turn around and use the control panel. Run into the cave and follow to the corridor of the building. To the left and into the small passage on the right. Having reached the corridor, go into the first room, go down the stairs and climb into another room. Climb up and, having reached the grate, which will drop in front of you, and when the enemies throw bombs into the room, quickly run to the free elevator and close the door. After the explosion thunders, return to the grate and climb under it. Go left, then forward and go down the stone. Crawl under the gate behind the machinery and make your way down the rubble. Climb into the hole, then, having risen up, crawl under the ajar gate. Iditol to the noise of the shots, and then climb into the cave. After reaching two enemies shooting at you from the balcony, go through the door on the right and go up the two stairs. Climb through the window closest to the stairs and crawl through the pair of gates. Cross over to the other side and go down the stairs one floor below. Jump to the ledge on the left to get to the corridor. Follow it forward and into the passage on the right. Now get down to the very bottom and go into the ajar gate. Climb into the cave and go straight until the passage collapses behind you. Approach the two boxes and jump into the hole in the floor. Find a way out of the labyrinth and get to the headquarters to complete the last and hardest mission in this game.

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Climb down the stairs to the very end. There is a door ahead, on the control panel of which a yellow light is on, signaling that this door can be opened. Go through it and go to another door with the same control panel. Go through this door and watch the two soldiers going to the left, into the room where the explosion will go off later. Follow them into the room and take the weapons near the bodies of the soldiers. Now that you're armed, show the SWAT team what you're worth! Follow the corridors of the space station to a large cargo hold, which consists of three levels. Clear the area of ​​enemies, and then take the elevator up to the second level. Use the computer on the opposite side and climb the fallen boxes to the third level of the cargo bay. Through numerous intricate corridors, get to another two-story room, where you sit on one of the two lifts and go down. Go through the door, from which the special forces fighters will run out, and continue along the corridors of the station to the place where there will be a large force field in the floor. To the right of it is a small yellow circle. Stand on it, use the computer and go through the door on the right.

Again, run along the corridors of the station, which are significantly twisted, until you hit a tightly closed door, to the left of which a staircase will be visible. Climb up it and run to the rescue shuttle, on which you will leave the Majestic space station.

Mission 2: Montauk City

Pick up the shotgun near the dead enemy and the ammo on the shelf and go down to the street. Follow the road and shoot enemies. Having reached the building in which the fire is raging, turn left and go into the house. Follow it to another exit. Once in the subway, shoot the enemies and keep going forward. Ultimately, you must reach a large area. Go through the passage on the right and continue following the only path until you come across a fence. Climb over it with the boxes lying here and proceed straight ahead.

Mission 3: Gateway

After getting out of the car, in no case go forward, as you will come face to face with the guards and die. Instead, take the path to the left and go around the building. When you reach the corner behind which there are guards, your partner will contact you. He will give you a signal, and you will have to quickly enter the building. Go to the locker room, and from there into the corridor. When you hear the sound of the door opening, hide behind the boxes on the side where the painters are standing. When the guard leaves, go through the door to the left of the painters and, after going through one room, exit to the landing. Go through the door above which the camera hangs, and go through the room to the stairs, on which you will rise to the floor above. Walk along the corridor straight ahead, to the right and enter the second door on the left. Go through the room to another corridor where the painters are located.

Wait for them to go left to the landing and then follow them. Climb the stairs up so that the surveillance cameras do not detect you, and run into the dark corridor. Walk to the right and enter the door on the right. After two rooms, go out into a bright corridor, where a guard is sleeping on an armchair. Quietly walk past him, go through the door on the right and go left along the corridor. Go into the room ahead, and from there to the right into the bathroom. Go to the window and listen to the conversation of the Japanese.

Now return to the corridor and wait until the guard is out of sight. Then go into the room where he left and go to the window to continue listening to the conversation.

To leave the building, return to the room in front of the bathroom and drop down onto the scaffolding through the far window. Get down to the ground and run to the car in which you arrived here with your partner.

Mission 4: Waterworks

Go down the street to the right of the waterworks, to the door. Climb the stairs to the top floor of the building and go to the end of the corridor. Walk to the room and climb onto the ledge through the hole in the wall. Follow the ledge to the metal beam, along which you go to the ventilation shaft. Once inside the waterworks, deal with the enemy group and go through the door on the left. After passing the corridor, the enemies will throw two barrels from the stairs. Dodge, kill two enemies and go up the stairs.

Further, everything is quite simple. You have to get to the lowest level by going down stairs, jumping through holes in the floor, etc. When you reach a long vertical staircase, climb up and continue moving through the wilds of the station. As soon as you reach the deadly steam escaping from the pipe, go down the long stairs. Kill hostile guys and turn the valve. Go back and continue moving through the waterworks. In one of the rooms you will find a ventilation shaft, crawl along it, and then run through the rooms to another ventilation shaft. After passing it, you will finally get to the toxic barrels.

Mission 5: Little Tokyo

You start the mission in the sewers. Follow the canal until you see a hole in the wall on the right. Jump into the underground tunnel and follow it to another channel. As soon as you get out of the tunnel, go right, straight ahead and right again. There is a ladder on the left side of the wall, go up it and you will get out to the street.

Using boxes, climb over the fence and start shooting soldiers, which, by the way, will be quite a lot, and who will appear in the most unexpected places. Follow the road to the end and turn into the alley on the left, which is blocked by a fence. To the right there is a small hole in it, climb through it and jump into the well.

Once underground, it's best to stay on the platform, as this is the best position to get rid of the enemies. Move through the dungeon to a large pipe and climb over it. Continue walking to exactly the same place. In order to get over two fences, you must jump onto the highest pipe and go further along it calmly. And the last thing you will have to do is climb onto the platform and go through the door.

Now it's time to do the legs. Exit through the door to the street and run towards the bar. Run into the alley and, wandering between the houses, get to the green gate. At this point, a door should open behind you, enter the house and go up to the top floor. Go to the window to see how the partner in the car will drive through the gate. Go downstairs to get into the car and drive away from here.

Mission 6: Hotel Nippon

On the roof, find an open entrance to the ventilation shaft. Crawl along it until you appear on the landing. Defeat the Japanese guard and head up the stairs. Enter the door on the right and go through the rooms to another landing. Climb up and go to the opposite wing of the building, from where you jump to the ground through the open window. Run up to the tree, and after watching the video, go underground through the hatch next to the stones. Crawl through the ventilation shaft to the landing where you already managed to visit at the beginning, and open the door with the inscription "Exit".

Walk along the corridors of the hotel to the heliport where the commandos are located. Destroy them and go further along the corridor, where you will meet three more colleagues. Kill them as well and continue stomping towards the exit.

Once in the service room, go out into the corridor of the hotel and go left. Move until you see a door on the right that leads to another service room. After passing through it, you will have to kill the Red Dragon and Sano Ogawa. Climb up the stairs and go through the door ahead. Walk along the corridors of the hotel, pass by an artificial waterfall and enter the third service room (door on the left). After passing it, you will reach the final part of the mission.

Pass next to the stabilizer #1 and move along the ventilation shaft to the stabilizer #2. Jump onto the wooden boxes and climb over the sloping ledge to the other side. Climb up the stairs and go to the third stabilizer. Near it in the wall there is an entrance to the ventilation shaft, after passing through which you will find yourself in the control room. Use the computer that controls the elevator and go back. Follow to the stabilizer number 6 and take the elevator.

Mission 7: Portland

The main task of this mission is to deal with all the enemies who are trying to capture the warehouse. The second task is to protect the truck. The most relevant recommendation for this level is to be patient. Because the first time even the most skilled player will not be able to defeat everyone. When both goals are reached, you will successfully complete the missions.

Mission 8: Lighthouse

Approach the front of the lighthouse. From there, go to the nearest ladder and go down. Run along the port to the door and go inside. As soon as you enter, go forward and to the right. After going through one room, climb the boxes to the roof and jump down to the ground. Run to the farthest building, which can only be entered through a small hole in the wall. Inside, go into the passage made in the wall, and turn right. Go through the rooms and, ultimately, you will have to make your way to the dilapidated second floor. Go through the door and walk along the balcony to exactly the same dilapidated floor, but on the other side. Go down the stairs in front of you, and then down another one. Enter the door on the right, go down the corridor and go through the door on the left. Climb up the stairs, and then climb to the very top of the structure, in the center of which there is a hole. Get down through this hole down (just go down, not jump) and run forward along the pipe and then to the left. Jump down through the crack in the pipe and you will find yourself in the corridor of the building close to the lighthouse. From the crates go forward and to the left. Go through the first door and climb into the ventilation shaft, the entrance to which is closed with a white grate. After getting out of the mine, you will find yourself inside the lighthouse. Climb up the nearest vertical stairs and go through the last door. After reaching the large stairs of the lighthouse, go upstairs and go into the room. Pull the levers and go down to the base of the lighthouse, where you sit on the lift.

You have a sniper rifle in your hands and I think you can already guess what you will need to do. There is Kabir's truck that you must protect and there are enemies that you must eliminate before they manage to destroy the truck. The task is nowhere easier, and you can easily cope with it.

Mission 9: Underwater

This time, a hard life has brought you to the depths of the sea. You must make your way through the graveyard of sunken ships to the harbor. Your main landmark in the water is the yellow light bulbs. Following them, you will easily find your way to the harbor. But keep in mind that you must touch the bulbs so that they change to blue, otherwise, if you do not, then you will not see more yellow bulbs.

Mission 10: Harbor

Approach the mesh fence and shoot all the enemies in front with a sniper rifle. Enter the building and, having dealt with the guards in the rooms, climb out through any window back to the street. Run towards the gate and, before reaching them, go into another building on the left. Climb to the second floor, and from there go to the balcony. Climb to the roof and then climb over to the roof of the building where you were at the beginning of the mission. Climb into the ventilation shaft and crawl to the exit. Then go down the stairs and go along the corridor to the vault, from where another staircase leads. Once at the top, go forward and go through the door on the right. You are again on the street, but already outside the gate. Run forward, then left to the harbor main gate control room. Use the remote control and sit on the lift, which is located nearby. Arriving down, run up to the big gate. Open them and run further. When you see a piece of wood propping up the door on the right, break it with a shot from a weapon. Now you will have to go to this door and enter the door on the left. Climb the stairs, go into the room and go down to the generator. Get down even lower until you find two valves. Turn them and go down one more level below. Turn valves A, B, C, D (in that order) and go into the generator room, where increase the power of both generators using the control panel. Now, by any means known to you, return to the control panel of the main gates of the harbor and use it.

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