Divinity: Original Sin. Walkthrough

After character creation, you will awaken on the ship as a prisoner. You, like many other wizards, were sent to "cure" in Fort Joy due to the fact that you are a danger to others and to yourself. A certain witch deliberately used the power of the Source in the city to be caught and imprisoned with you, and now the intrigue continues.

You will find a collar on yourself that blocks the power of the Source. Talk to the warden to find out about the murder that took place in one of the cabins. Next, go to the crime scene and talk to the master. It turns out that someone managed to drop the collar, and then finished off the wizard from your brethren.

After that, go further into the ship and talk to other NPCs. Some of them (specifically - five people, if you also play as a hero with a backstory) are the most interesting, as they can become your companions in the future.

Get to the opposite side of the lower deck to start a dialogue in which the very witch from the prologue (it was she who managed to remove the collar and commit the murder) will summon a kraken-like creature, knock you out and disappear.

Waking up, you will see that most of the masters died. Examine future companions who have fallen into unconsciousness, and then rise higher. On the new floor, visit the lower room, the key to which hangs in the right corner (hold Alt to highlight items), and go inside. Negotiate with the masters there or kill them, then leave the room. Finally, visit the small room in the corner where Fein is sitting.

This is one of the companions that you may have noticed earlier in the form of an elf. The undead will refuse to go with you, so get out to the upper deck yourself.

Outside, you will see a summoned monster destroying the ship. Kill the fiends, and then run to the opposite side, where the lifeboat is located. You can either lower it right away, or tell them to wait and then return for potential companions. If you save them, then improve relations with them (they will survive anyway).

After the battle with the fiends, return to the boat. Alas, due to the delay, you will not have time to get out, but this will not affect anything, since the ship will sink anyway.

Fort Joy


After the shipwreck, you will wake up on the shore. Go ahead and talk to baby Tom at the statue, which is a fast travel point. To use the teleport, simply open the menu and select the altars.

You won't be able to teleport anywhere now, so keep going. Soon you will find the Red Prince - one of the possible companions that you can take to your group. We did just that.

Next, you will stumble upon a black cat that will follow you. If you have the Animal Friend perk, you will be able to talk to him, but the cat will not tell you anything interesting and will follow you anyway. Make sure he doesn't die if you want to get the Summon Companion spell.

Climb up the broken bridge where you can pick up a shovel and a sleeping bag. The first will make it possible to dig holes (in the absence of a shovel, a lizard can do the same), the second will restore health and armor outside of combat.

Go forward, keeping close to the thickets, until you come across a cave. The entrance will be hidden by vegetation, so keep your eyes peeled. Inside, you will enter the "Secret Alcove" area, where Fane will be waiting for you.

Recruit him if you wish, and then make your way to the end of this section, where there is a waterfall with a chest. To pick up the last one, teleportation magic is needed (put a mark on the map near the chest, so as not to forget about it and return here in the future). Here, on the beach, deal with three turtles.


There are a lot of jobs in the city itself. You can talk to all NPCs, but only a quarter can tell something interesting.

First of all, turn right, where you can hear the crying of a woman. Here you will receive the task "A Mother's Nightmare". The woman Farrah cannot find her daughter Erma, and no one, they say, wants to help her. A nearby person will inform you that little Jet has died. Tell Farr about this to complete the quest.

After that, go up the stairs and approach Griff's mercenaries. Two gnomes playing cards will offer you to join - agree. If you lose, you can lose all things. True, you can also tell the cheaters that you have nothing, and then they will not touch you.

The task "Extortion" can be obtained to the left of the entrance. Resolve the conflict between an elf and a human, among which is another possible companion: Ifan. Accept him into the group or refuse the services, and then follow the elf if you decide to help her, or continue on your way.

Get to the city center where the kitchen is located. Here the head of the mercenaries Griff will tell you about the loss of his goods and point to the thief who is sitting in a cage. The thief will be an innocent elf named Amiro, who will ask you to rescue him.

Below the fortress, you will come across a fishermen's camp where Stingtail sleeps. The lizard is a soothsayer that the Red Prince needs on his personal assignment, which you should already know about if you accepted him into the group and talked to him. Nearby is Sybil - another potential partner, who, in turn, wants to finish off Stingtail.

If you accept both companions into the group, then you will have to decide which side to take. You can also talk to Stingtail in the presence of the Prince, and only then include Sybil in the party and complete her task.

Before killing the lizard by Sybil, inspect the nearest box, where the smell of oranges remains. Reprimand the lizard and demand the return of the loss. Once you have the orange, decide the fate of Stingtail of your choice.

Open the orange through the inventory to get the narcotic plant. Return this good to Griff, and then release Amiro. The elf will reveal to you the location of a secret path that will lead you out of Fort Joy, but it's too early to go there yet.

Not far from the Kitchen, you can find a hatch that will lead you to the Arena. Here you will receive the task "Fort Joy Arena", in which you need to defeat four opponents in one battle. Enemies will be the third level, so in the early stages it is better not to meddle here.

After completing the task, return outside and look for Blacksmith Neboru nearby. Upon learning that you have become a champion, she will agree to remove the collar from you (but not from your companions). You should not use this offer yet, as all masters will become hostile to you.

The task "Geist killer" is taken on the wall of the city. Talk to Master Arnica, who is trying to find a certain Migo. You will find the missing person below and to the right near the shore. It turns out that Migo was subjected to a corruption that turned him into a mad cannibal. It is not necessary to fight him, on the contrary, you can ask him for a ring (requires the presence of an Arnica flower), and then return the item to Arnica.

The girl will believe you that you have found her father, and then go to Migo. To complete the quest, visit them on the beach. By the way, the newly united family can simply be killed to pick up a good bib and ring.

The task "Looking for Emmy" is issued by a dog named Druzhok. My friend, if you are gentle with him, will show you the location of the key. Ask him about the key to find out about the missing Emmy - the dog that was taken by the masters. You will find the dog later when you get to the Fort Joy Prison.

Visit the cave where the elf invited you. Here, talk to Amiro if you have already saved him, as well as other inhabitants. The main elf, deprived of sight, is a soothsayer, and it is she who will tell you a lot of interesting things.

By the way, Amiro will ask you to tell other elves who live on the continent about them, but you will return to this task much later. Finally, Lois can interact with the diviner - another companion that you could find in the city near the tents with a fire.

Have a polite conversation with the lizard if you want him to show you his goods. Next, go deep into the cave, after removing or breaking the barricades, behind which lies a secret path. She will lead you to poisonous frogs - kill them.

The task "Jar of Withermoor's Souls" will be given to you by a child. Agree to play locks with him twice and find him. After that, find a small hole in the wall to activate a new cue: the child will tell you about a secret hatch that lies nearby. Go down the hatch.

You will find yourself in the Forgotten Tomb with a statue of Lord Withermoor. Pull the spear out of the chest of the statue, and then talk to her. Withermoore will ask you to find his soul in Brakk's phylactery, which you will get to later through the dungeon.

You will receive the Teleport task from Gavin. The guy will call you to a private conversation - agree if you want to get teleportation gloves. To do this, you will have to detach your portrait from the group and take the rest of the party away, and then talk to Gavin vis-a-vis.

On the second or third level, get to the beach on the upper left, where the crocodiles are. Kill them to get the above item. The next time Gavin will meet you at the exit at the top, where he will offer to leave the Fort. With the help of teleportation, you will make an escape, but soon Gavin will die. From his body you can pick up a good robe.

Fort Joy Prison

There are three ways to escape from the Fort, but each of them involves going through the prison:

  1. The first option is related to the already described Gavin, with whom you will get to the beach. You can only get out of there through the cave, which is the passage to the prison.
  2. The second option is to use the hatch to the right of the statue, which is in the center of the city. Inside, activate the lever to get into the prison.
  3. The last way is related to the hint of Amiro, who will tell you about the location of the tunnel for help.

The third option is the most complete, so it's best to go for it. In the tunnel you will find neutral fire slugs that were human in the past. Their queen was once the wife of King Brakk, known for his tricks - it was he who turned the queen and her subjects into slugs.

After the conversation, go upstairs to the cameras. A lizard is imprisoned in one of them, but it will not report anything interesting. Break through the door to go further. In one of the chambers, talk to Verdas, a dying elf. Examine the camera in the upper right and take the amulet from the body using the teleporter.

By the way, the leftmost cell, which cannot be opened, will become your home if you commit a crime and are captured.

Ultimately, you will reach the end of the corridor, where the masters want to eliminate the renegade. Kill them, take the key and go further. If you give Delorus the potion, he will tell you about the boat, which will help you leave the fort.


Inside the prison, you will find a bunch of monks - mindless creatures that were once living lizards, people, gnomes, etc. They will not attack you, so feel free to step forward.

In one of the rooms, find Emmy - the same dog that Druzhok told you about. If you inform her about Druzhka, then she and other dogs will not attack you. They can also throw a ball if you managed to find it earlier.

On the other side of this zone is the boat mentioned by Delorus. Tell the magisters the password (Delorus told you that too) to avoid the fight. After that, talk to the boy Khan, who will offer you to leave the Fort. For now, it's best to refuse.

On the right side of the zone is a torture chamber run by an insane sadist. You have a tough fight with the psychopath himself, as well as his monks.

Not only that, the caged golems will also resist you, but first they will have to break the cages (it will take 3-4 turns).

After the battle, take the Face Cutter from the corpse (Fane will come in handy), and then talk to little Trice. Here you can also unlock the eastern tunnel, which will lead you out of the Fort in the same way.

In the same area, to the left of the stairs up, go to a small altar, near which your perception skill should work. If you pass, you will discover a lever that will open a secret path to Brakk's Phylactery.

Kill the skeletons inside and take all the jugs. One of the jars belongs to Withermoore, whose quest you have already taken. The rest of the jugs will also come in handy, so it makes sense to save them. Before leaving, interact with the statue on the left (requires Perception above 14) to get Leggings of the Tyrant.

The stairs, as well as the left exit, will lead you to another part of the fort, where you will have to fight the masters.

Courtyard of Fort Joy

In the courtyard, kill the masters and go upstairs. Examine the room and exit to the balcony, where you can activate the stairs that will lead you to the chambers of the masters.

If you leave the prison through the left entrance, you will find yourself in front of the gate. Step into the only possible turn, where there are even more masters. Kill them and save Paladin Cork. If you manage to save him, he will tell you that his order knew nothing about the atrocities of the masters. Otherwise, an elf in your party may eat part of his body to learn about a wizard named Arhu.

After that, visit the main hall inside the building, where the trial is taking place, led by Judge Orivand. Kill everyone.

After the destruction of all masters in the fort, leave the territory by any means. Pass the swamps and climb the hill where Zaleskar, the undead merchant, stands.

Go upstairs, keeping to the shore, until you stumble upon the Vindego witch. It was she who destroyed the ship, so it's time for revenge! After killing her, take the mask of Reincarnation - a valuable artifact for Fein and any other undead.

Not far from here, find a ruined tower, inside of which a thunderstorm is raging. Use teleportation on the items inside to move them down. In the bones of the corpse you will find the most valuable item, which is called Tyrant's Boots.

You will receive the task "Cornered" above from the broken bridge. Paladin Tarlin will inform you about the Screaming One that hangs on a pillar. It is impossible to pass through this creature in the usual way, as it will instantly destroy you. It is necessary to kill the Screamer using a wand with the Purification ability, or the Helm of King Brakk, which has the same skill.

In the fiery ruins above, kill a group of magisters, and then another one that is trying to defeat the paladin Gareth. It is in your interest to keep him alive, as it depends on him whether you remove the collars or not. However, if he dies, there will be other ways.

You will receive the “Armory” task nearby, looking into the basement. You will enter the armory of Brakka, where the half-dead master Sang is located. Corruption consumes him, so do him a favor and kill him. From him, you can learn that the nearest lever is cursed, which makes it impossible to use.

Use the Source skill "Blessing" to clear the lever and move on. Inside, you'll find Brakk's Helm and an endless Source cistern.

Leave the dungeon and step along the bridge. At the dead end, search the skeleton. Keep walking until you reach the road next to which is the blind Magister Lok.

You can not kill him if you agree to surrender. This will be followed by an attack of enemies, during which Lok will be hostile to both you and the monsters. You can deliberately not hit him, after which, when the enemies die, the battle will stop, and Lok will let you go.

At the end of the road, talk to the bear cub who lost his mother. You will find her body a little further, but you can’t tell about this bear. Frighten him or inspire him.

Quest "Flaming Pigs": from the center of the map, go down until you reach a burnt village with strange pigs. The poor animals are engulfed in flames that cannot be extinguished in the usual way, so you must think of something. With the friend of animals perk, you can find out that pigs are actually people, and Brakk is responsible for this curse.

To heal the pigs, you must learn the Blood Rain spell and cast it on them. When the surface around is saturated with blood, use the power of the Blessing Source on it to create a sacred fire that will extinguish the damned.

When one pig is healed, you will find an undead lizard named Scapor. He is a kind of beholder who watches the execution of the curse. He will have to fight.

After that, you can stumble upon the last pig, which is located in the north at the entrance to Dragon Beach. To save her, advise her to visit the Sanctuary of Amadia and take a dip in the pond there. When the job is done, she will become one of the merchants and offer you interesting goods.

central ruins

On the way through the center of the location, you will stumble upon a group of fiends, whose bodies expel infected blood after death. Be careful with her, as she applies a painful "debuff" for several turns.

Next, you have to fight the monster Moloch of the Void, who, along with other creatures, will decide to finish off the Red Prince, and at the same time you. Combat can feel like a real challenge if you haven't found good gear yet and are low level.

Shore in the South

On the eastern road through the forest you will get to the southern coast. There you will be attacked by two poisonous and one fiery salamander. Again, the battle will be difficult if you are below level five.

Not far from the place of the battle, you will find the Baharu lizard, which guards the approaches to the Sanctuary of Amadia. If you have already rescued Gareth or previously rescued the Khan boy (the boat is in prison), then she will give you a vine that you can climb.

The Red Prince, by the way, will ask for the opportunity to talk with Bahara, since she is a clairvoyant.

If you have already rescued Gareth, then you will find him on the territory of the sanctuary. Talk to the locals, as each of them has interesting information and some are merchants.

You will receive the “Healing Touch” task a little higher in the Sanctuary of Amadia, where a certain Simone is trying to heal the wounded soldiers. To complete the quest, use some kind of healing spell on all the fighters.

The quest "Eternal Admirer" is issued by the priestess Gratiana, guarding the statue of Amadia. After talking with the priestess, you can talk directly to the face of Amadia in the form of a stone, and how the visit to this place ends depends on the lines you choose.

If you are rude, then a fatal battle will ensue, but if you answer with respect, then Amadia will call you the chosen ones, and the pond around will be covered with a sacred flame.

dark cave

On the assignment "King Brakk's Treasury" you must visit the cave, the entrance to which is located near the shore near the Sanctuary of Amadia. Inside, you will meet a brute undead named Trickster, who will insult you and tell you that you will not be able to go any further.

There are boxes next to the Trickster, each of which will simply freeze you if you activate them. At first glance, there is nowhere to go from here, but the solution is simple and lies in the illusion - just step on the abyss behind the boxes so that the invisible bridge appears.

Behind the bridge, you will have the first battle with the Trickster, who will create two illusions to help him. After the battle, you will enter a hall with a statue in the center, as well as many doors that are traps.

Behind the next door you will have another battle with the Trickster. This time there will be more opponents, but do not forget that the location, limited at first glance, is dotted with invisible bridges that you can use. After killing the Trickster, pick up the Cursed Ring.

Advice: keep in mind that putting on the ring will make you cursed and get the corresponding hunched animation. Moreover, if you remove the ring, then your characteristics will drop and remain reduced until the item is put back on. To get rid of the curse, the ring must be transferred to one of the companions, but it is better not to use it at all.

At the end of the dungeon, a real treasure trove awaits you with heaps of excellent items, gold and phylacteries. Urns, mind you, can be swallowed or broken. The Trickster Urn is connected to an enemy already known to you, who, as it turns out, did not really want to harm you, but the curse of Brakk makes him guard the treasury.

You can take Gratiana's Urn to the priestess herself in the Sanctuary of Amadia to find out the truth about her. The last three urns are connected to the Necromancer Skeletons from the Gargoyle Labyrinth.

The quest "Champion of the Gods" is activated at the end of the room with the help of a statue. Using it (only main character) you will be transported to the "Halls of Echo" - the other world, where you have to talk face to face with your god (each race has its own deity). Here you will be taught the skill of the Source "Blessing" and indicate the further goal.

East coast

Higher from the beach with salamanders, walk along the rocks until you find creepers. On them you can climb the plateau leading to the eastern shore.

The task "Gargoyle's Labyrinth" is located here. At the building with many doors and traps, you will find a gargoyle that will offer you to go through the labyrinth. If you put on the Ring of Brakk, then the statue will take you for the king himself and immediately transfer you to the end.

In order to complete the maze, you will have to split the group (detach the portraits on the left of the screen from each other so that the chains break). In the first room, stand on the stove so that a skull appears on the altar nearby - an item that allows you to open doors in the labyrinth.

After the first use, the skull disappears, so for each door you have to look for a new one. Now open the door on the left and get to the hatch, which will throw you upstairs. Be careful as there are many traps around. With one character, stand on the slab to open the door, with the second one go inside and stand on the slab, with the third - take the skull from the altar.

Unlock the doors on the right, which will lead you to the main building. This is where the gargoyle can immediately teleport you if you show her the ring. However, such a trick still does not save you from collecting valuables in the maze on your own.

Before entering the building, you can open other rooms. The third one, which is located next to the room where you opened the blue door, can only be accessed by teleportation.

The fourth door leads to the right door at the entrance to the labyrinth, where you will find a portal on a small ledge. To get there, use the teleport. Next, you will be transported to another platform with a portal that will lead you to the "Realm of Orobas".

Inside this small location, you can use the teleport again to collect valuable items.

Finally, in the center of the labyrinth are three burning skeletons and a cursed Historian. Kill the first and help the last by removing the damage from him using the method already known to you: blood and blessing.

The task "A Fate Worse than Death" is activated inside the building, which is in the labyrinth. In the right room, you will come across skeleton necromancers playing cards, which you will have to fight. After the battle, if you have already obtained the jugs from the Treasury of Brakk, break the phylacteries of this undead, otherwise they will resurrect again (this will continue indefinitely).

After picking up the key from the body, go through the only door. Inside, activate the plate with the iron crate from the adjacent room, as the regular ones will quickly burn out.

After that, you will find yourself in a spacious room with many rooms, each of which is worth exploring.

At the end, you will run into a magical shield, which can be unlocked both with the help of the power of the Source (answer option in the dialogue), and with the help of Withermoore, which will come here if you helped him in the past.

Behind the gate, collect all the valuables, including the Tyrant's Gloves. Before leaving, look into the closed recess on the right, where the well is located. Throw 150 gold at him to get a good item.

dragon beach

The task "Deprived of the Source Dragon" is taken to the right of the plateau in the east. Here you will find a frozen area, in the center of which the Winter Dragon Slane has sprawled. Break the chains that bind him, and then talk.

From Slaine, you will learn about a certain witch who charmed him in the past, and then deceived him, bound him and began to use him as a source of energy. Go in search of a witch, who is located in a nearby cave (the entrance looks like a huge skull).

After passing the traps in the cave, you will soon reach the witch Radeka. If you start to fight her and refuse to deceive Slane, then in this case you will have to fight both Radek and three bugs and dead people. It makes sense to place part of the group at the beginning, as the bugs will appear there and start attacking you from afar.

Radek herself uses necromancy spells, so get ready for charms and other tricks.

Pick up the wand from the body of the witch and return it to Slane. The dragon will thank you and say that he will come to the rescue when you do not wait for him. By the way, Slane can be killed, but rest assured, the dragon will not give up so easily.

You will receive the Call to Arms quest from the druid Immit, who will inform you about the Screaming. You may have met one of them before, and you probably know that the only way to kill a Screamer is with the Purify spell. A little further you will meet Gareth and his group, who are preparing to attack the Magisters.

You can start preparing for the attack yourself. To do this, after saving Gareth, visit the Sanctuary of Amadia and inform the locals about the success. After that, the strange companion of the gnome will be able to remove the collars from all your companions, and then all the refugees of the Sanctuary will go towards the ship.

On the spot, the refugees will set up camp and will be waiting for you. To let them through, you must destroy the Screaming blocking the way, using the appropriate wand or the ability on Brakk's helmet. Finally, a dragon can also help you if you have previously freed it.

After that, the refugees, led by Gareth, will go towards the ship, but you will have to divert the attention of Bishop Alexander to yourself. Just go down to the pier to start the fight.

It is worth noting that the battle is going to be incredibly difficult (you have not yet encountered such difficulties on the island). In addition to the bishop himself, Geist and four masters of different classes will confront you.

After two moves, a hostile side will join the battle, namely the Void Worm - a huge creature with a lot of health, which will not leave you a 1 on 1 chance. The easiest way is to take your group away while the masters and the worm destroy each other, and then deal with winner.

When the battle is over, you will meet the elf Ailment. Before you go with her, make sure that you have completed all your tasks on the island, as it will be impossible to return here.


Ship "Lady Vengeance"

On the ship you will face a new difficulty: it turns out that the ship is alive, as it was made of elven wood. You need to convince the ship to take you.

Explore the upper deck first, and then go down to the next level.

Gather all the companions and continue down to the lower decks until you reach the cage with the surviving Bishop Alexander. He's unconscious, so you won't be able to talk to him. However, get the guard to let you through and then rip the necklace off Alexander's neck.

At the same level, you will find a mirror that allows you to change the appearance, characteristics and abilities of both the protagonist and named companions for free.

On the opposite side, you will hit the door. Before you open them, look for a diary nearby that contains the code word "Resilience". Return to the door, insert Alexander's necklace, and then speak the password.

In Dallis's cabin you will meet a certain Tarkin - a mysterious necromancer with ambiguous answers. Decide for yourself whether he helped Dallis intentionally or under duress, and then make the appropriate choice - kill or spare (for Tarkin's mercy, an achievement is issued).

After that, explore the cabin. By the bed you will find a mechanism that will remove the closet and open a mysterious button - it will unlock the door from the treasury. Now pick up the pyramid near Tarkin and use it to move to the hidden room below.

You have to defeat two serious opponents - Geists. When the battle is over, pick up the book with the song and return to the upper deck. You just have to sing the text in front of the ship, and then he will agree to transport you. The ailment will say that your next target is the city of Driftwood, where Meister Siva lives.

On the way, you will be attacked by Dallis along with a mysterious hooded wizard. You will have a difficult battle against bloodhounds, masters, geists, who cannot be defeated at high difficulty levels.

Moreover, the mission will not require you to complete victory - you only need to hold out for five moves, protecting the Ailment, which will then take you to a safe place.

During the fight, immediately run towards Ailment, because the enemies will do the same. Protect her with healing spells, apply armor with a geomancer, restore magic shields, in general, do everything so that she does not die.

Especially watch out for geists and a warrior with a two-handed sword, as their blows can mow down 250-300 health at a time (we recall that Ailment has only 700 plus armor).

The task "To the Halls of Echoes" is activated immediately after teleportation. This time you will see all the gods, but in a non-trivial position: they will all be hung on the Void Tree.

Bless your god with the magic of the Source, and then talk with him. It turns out that you are the last hope of the gods, moreover, you have to become the Chosen One and lead your race.

O possession of the power of the Source

Reaper's Coast

The task "Sharp Awakening" is completed quickly. After the Ailment brings you back, you will finally reach land and disembark. A little higher, look for a gnome who is fighting a giant insect. They will disappear right in front of you, and then the battle with fiends will follow.

On the "Plundered Caravan" quest, you will find a place of massacre, where fiends attacked a caravan with people and dwarves. One dwarf will survive, so you can talk to her and find out what happened. Next, having received the necessary information, present it to the guards at the gate so that they let you into Driftwood.

From the beginning of the location, you can turn right to the raised bridge, where the boy Barrin is standing. He will ask you to save his mother on the mission "They Shall Not Pass", which you can do both in the future and now using teleportation.

If you want to complete the task now, then just go to the cliff and use teleportation to move three companions with a wizard to the boat from below (the spell's distance is close enough).

On the way towards the city, you will come across a chicken coop and hens, who, if you talk to them, will tell you about the stolen eggs. The task "When to count the chickens" will begin. Head a little north of Big Margin, sticking to the shore to find the monster. Kill him and explore the area - one surviving egg will be found nearby, which must be taken to the hens.

In the future, the task will continue if you return here again. The chicken will hatch and kill all the chickens, after which you can take it with you. All that remains is to take Squeaker to the bridge with the paladins, behind which there is a magic rooster. Near the last one, your chicken will turn into a monster, so you will have to kill him.


The task "The Law of the Order" is issued in the city. Get to the main street with merchants, and from there turn towards the coast, towards the piers. There, talk to Master Raymond, who will find you suspicious. In a conversation, mention that you want to join the order, and then Raymond will fall behind you.

As a result, the master will give you a letter, thanks to which you will receive immunity: none of the guards will dare to touch you. When Raymond leaves, talk to Julian to learn about the missing masters. The quest will continue later.

The task "A man and his dog" is taken on the square. Just talk to the beggar, next to which the dog is sitting. Even without the Animal Friend perk, you can simply turn the dog's collar out and find out that needles are sewn onto the item, because of which the animal suffers. Reprimand the beggar by driving him out of the city or by robbing him.

If you are kind to her, you will find out that she is the mother of the same crazy master from whom you had to kill in the prisons of Fort Joy.

After that, have a few words with Garvan, who will give you the task "Losses in the ledger". The last is to look for valuable cargo, for which you will go a little later.

Then talk to Lovrik if you want to use intimate services. From him you can buy a night with a lizard - an expert in alcove affairs, which is located on the third floor.

After a stormy night, you will find yourself in the same trousers and at the sight of a crossbow. If the Red Prince seizes the opportunity, then the lizard will turn into the Red Princess and there will be no attack.

The task "Grief will not flood" is taken on the second floor of the same tavern. Talk to Captain Ableweather, who will tell you about the shipwreck. After that terrible night, she can neither sleep nor eat, as terrible sounds haunt her.

In another room, interact with the sleeping adventurer to get some recipes from him. You can also open his chest and take valuable items.

In the basement of the tavern you will find the entrance to the cave. The bully gnome will not let you in just like that, so you have to fork out fifty coins. Inside, you will find a separate tavern selling smoking blends.

First, talk to the lizard Ganges if you have the Red Prince in your party. Next, go to the teleportation statue, near which two pressure plates are hidden - stand on them to unlock the secret room on the side.

On the left you will find the headquarters of the head of the local dwarves named Lohar. The latter conflicts with the masters, which you will learn from him. Also, the dwarf will ask you to help him with the disappeared dwarf Mordus, who has sunk into the water, and now no one can find him.

Before leaving the tavern, talk to Dorothea Luxurious to accept the quest Web of Flesh Desires. The girl will offer you a kiss around the corner - agree if you want to redistribute your characteristics a little.

Before interacting, you will have to disconnect your companions and report to the meeting alone.

Dorothea will turn into a giant spider, after which you can either kill her or take a kiss. In the latter case, you will get the opportunity to add two points to any characteristic, while losing a physique unit.

Finally, at the top of the location lies the Driftwood Arena, where, like in Fort Joy, you have to defeat local champions. You will have to fight against five enemies, moreover, your eyes will be blindfolded, which will significantly affect accuracy and reduce the ability distance to a minimum.

Outside, to the right of the tavern, is Driftwood Prison. In it, you can talk to the boss to agree on a reward for finding the killer of the masters.

In the basement of the same building, talk to the bored master, who is fed up with his work. Leave him or convince him to leave the place he hates.

The mission "Missing Magisters" develops further. Visit the fish warehouse near the port where the inspection is taking place. The Magisters, as you will learn, suspect that the junk dealer is hiding the true killer.

But do not think that the masters are right, as the elf Stuart, sitting near the tavern, will inform you that the real criminal is among the visitors of the tavern.

In the warehouses, talk to the boss, who will refuse to give you valuable information. After that, find the dwarf Cannox and convince him that you need to find the suspect. Say that you managed to escape from Fort Joy, and then the dwarf will open up to you. It turns out that the criminal is hiding in a barrel.

Before that, you can look into the cellars of the warehouse, where the masters cannot find the entrance. In one of the rooms, simply move the barrels and use the hatch. Below you will find a spacious basement with traps - bypass them and get to the end of the room.

Open barrels marked with a cross, from which poison will flow. Ultimately, you will come across a barrel with Source weapons, and then you will be attacked by fiends.

You will conclude that in fact, behind the rotten fish in barrels lies a powerful weapon, as well as the fog of death, with which the dwarf queen wants to conquer the world.

In the right room near the shore, open the barrel to find Higba the Junkman. Help him get out of the encirclement without getting caught by the masters. If you get caught, then you will either have to fight, or hand over Higba with giblets. After a successful escape, the junkman will say his thanks and again whisk into the barrel. He will also reveal to you that he got the cheeks of the murdered masters from the cook Wivlia.

Visit the cook and accuse her of the murders. It turns out that she really cut out law enforcement officers, and then chopped them into soup. However, it will not be possible to immediately plant it, since there is no hard evidence.

The Lost and Found quest is taken west of the building with the fish. At the shore, talk to Lagan, who has lost his wedding ring. Offer your help and find the ring by simply holding Alt. When you do this, fiends will attack you - kill them.

Now you can continue the quest "Abrupt Awakening". Visit the house near the entrance to Driftwood, where a girl is playing on the porch. From her you will learn that the masters took Siva to the scaffold.

Leave the city the same way you entered, and then go a little higher to find the scaffold. Approach Siwa and free her, then kill all the masters. Next, return to Siwa's house, talk to her and go down to the basement.

You have to perform a rite that will call on God. Do the following in the order described:

  1. Take root and blade.
  2. Take the bowl.
  3. Use the blade to bleed yourself.
  4. In the craft menu, cross the bowl, root and blade.
  5. Place the created brew near the dragon figure, and then activate the wheel.
  6. Inhale the smoke and hold your breath.

After that, a god will appear who will teach you a new Source ability called Spirit Gaze, which allows you to see ghosts. Go back and use the skill to see Magister Harrick.

Then you can continue the mission "Missing Magisters". Visit the tavern again and use the learned skill. Talk to the first spirit to find out that the cook killed him. Now the spirit cannot leave in peace, as the ring keeps it here.

With the help of a robber character, sneak into the left room while the maniac is in another. There, open the board in the floor and pull out the hand on which the desired ring is located. If you take this evidence to the head of the prison, he will immediately send a subordinate to arrest the cook.

Alas, but this master expects the same fate as all the others. If you tell everything to Stuart, then he will be able to return to the ranks of the masters. Finally, by showing the ring to the killer, you will provoke a fight. When she dies, pick up a sheet with the names of the victims and give it to the boss.

Before leaving Driftwood, you can feed the cat with Rotten Void-Corrupted Fish. After such a meal, the animal will die, and a spirit will appear in its place. Talk to the ghost to get the achievement.

Shortly after leaving the city, you will be attacked by dwarfs who have gone crazy. Kill them and move on. You will come across a lone statue, next to which are constantly extinguished torches. Ignite them separately will not work, so use the fire AOE spell.

Further on the shore you will find a lamp with a genie. With dexterity above 20, you can convince him to fulfill one of your desires: to get rich (you will receive a stolen necklace that you need to sell as quickly as possible without getting caught by the guards), ask that enemies do not catch your eye (you will be permanently blinded), or ask for the power of the gods (lightning will kill you). Otherwise, you will have to fight the genie.

Continue along the west coast until you find a skull cave.

The mission "Shadow over Driftwood" takes place here. You have to fight with the void crawlers, of which there are incredibly many. The cave itself is quite large, so it will take a long time to wander. Moreover, it is dotted with minks (they allow you to quickly move around the location), one of which will lead you to four crawlers.

You can also just not climb into that hole and get to the very north of the cave, where the road leading to the abyss is located. You will be able to move your heroes across the abyss using teleportation to immediately be in the place where in the future the game would throw you with the help of the four fiends described above, and fight the enemies with the whole team.

After exploring the entire cave, get to the center with the wreckage of the ship, where the dwarf Mordus is located (it was Lohar who asked him to find). Mordus will turn out to be an undead necromancer, so get ready for a desperate battle.

If one of your heroes dies during the battle, then Mordus will immediately absorb his Source and turn into a huge fiend that cannot be defeated at current levels if you play on tactical difficulty or higher. To defeat Mordus, try to kill him first and as quickly as possible.

After the battle, Mordus will remain alive and will ask you not to kill him. If you save his life, you can learn more about the magic of the Source. You can also find out information about the owner from him by threatening to kill him. As soon as Mordus starts talking, something will destroy him.

Before leaving, visit the room on the side, where the body of the gnome with the yellow stone is located. When you try to leave the room, a huge ship will break through the wall, in which there will be neutral crabs and a hostile shark. Kill the shark, pick up a hand from it and feed it to the elf to find out about the dead boy Joe.

It was him that the children were looking for on the shore of Driftwood on the instructions of Hide and Seek. Return to them if you want to complete the task.

After that, visit Driftwood again and look into Mordus' house. You could get here right after your date with Lohar, but in general there is no difference. If you visit Mordus' house after killing him, then you won't have to make an extra circle.

Inside the house you will stumble upon a dwarf - one of Lohar's workers. Tell her that you are working with her master to get inside, or just kill her. Explore the dungeon, release the imprisoned dwarves, and then approach the mysterious stone head in which you need to insert a yellow stone (you will find or have already found it after the battle with Mordus).

The task "Taste of Freedom" will start immediately after the secret entrance that opens. Inside you have to solve a puzzle, which is presented on a 4x4 field. Use the power of the Source to go to the spirit world and see the right combination.

Looking at the door to the treasury, standing in front of the field, activate the plates from top to bottom and from left to right as follows: the first row is the third plate, the second row is the second and fourth plates, the third row is the second plate, the fourth row is the fourth plate.

Next, you will find the undead chained to the table, as well as many vases. The undead will ask you to release it by activating the levers opposite. You can also just interact with one of the vases to start a fight.

A battle will follow in which the undead will help you. After that, talk to him and choose a reward. Keep in mind that the lich will offer you to increase one of the characteristics - agree immediately and do not ask questions, otherwise he will hand you a random skill book and go home.

Now return to Lohar and tell about Mordus. When you visited Mordus' dungeon, you found (at least you should have) a letter from the dwarf queen, which tells about her plans. If you first hand the letter to the masters, then a battle will follow when visiting Lohar. The letter can also be given to Lohar himself. One way or another, as a reward from both factions, you will receive a key to the chest.

The task "Competitors" takes place on the bridge on the left side of the location, which is guarded by the troll Grog. To pass, you will have to give him five thousand gold, or eliminate his competitor.

Both trolls are distinguished by a large amount of health, and also have an ability that regenerates six thousand health per turn (they will only activate it during the first turns).

Fire works well against Grog, while poison works well against Marg. After killing one troll, the other will refuse to let you through, so you have to fight twice.

The task "Aggressive capture" is activated on the bridge with the troll. You will find bodies of the dead and bloody footprints that will lead you to the area with the chest that Garvan mentioned (on the quest "Losses in the ledger". Use the Source spell to talk to the ghost Liam.

It turns out that Garvan killed him for self-interest and no such monsters attacked him. In order for the spirit to find peace, it is necessary to take revenge on the killer.

Killing Garvan is quite difficult, since he is in the city and never leaves it. If you don't want to become a criminal and end up in jail, just find the poisoned food and feed him with it. To do this, visit the toilet behind the tavern, in one of which there is a suffering person. He will tell you the recipe for spoiled food: meat stew and poisoned mackerel with emptiness.

The first can be purchased in a tavern, while the second is in abundance in warehouses. Create food and give it to Garvan so that he runs to the toilet, where you can finish him off.


Go to the bridge to the north, where the paladins are encamped. Talk to Tom Hardwin, who will ask you to bring the white masters to clean water. Go to the mines to the east and follow the deeds of the masters.

On the "Buried Past" quest, you will stumble upon Gareth (if he survived in the first location), who has captured and wants to kill Master Jonathan. If you wish, ask Gareth to spare this criminal.

The Ugly Duckling quest takes place in a nearby meadow. There you will find the sick bird Ferno, which is actually a phoenix. Burn the bird to heal it. In place of the charred creature, an egg will remain, which can be left in inventory for the future or eaten on the spot.

On the quest "Bestiality Conversation" you will stumble upon talking cows, who are actually bewitched people. Naturally, cows will need your help in killing the evil sorceress.

Explore the witch's house (the key is in the thickets below) by capturing her eye. For the development of further events, it is necessary to kill Alice Alisson, which you will be able to do a little later.

Finally, there are scarecrows in the meadows, each of which are opponents. As soon as you talk to one, everyone else will come to life and pounce on you. The battle, keep in mind, will be difficult, as scarecrows have passive skill"Horror" that sends enemies into a stampede with no further control if the target has no magical protection.


On the east coast, move south until you reach the cemetery. The task "Family business" is given by Tarkin (if he was spared on the ship). The necromancer will need you to go down to the Surrey Crypt and get the artifact there. Inside, you'll have to solve the lever puzzle using ghost vision.

Three knife switches will only work after you stand on the pressure plate in the very last room. Number combination: 2-1-3.

The task "Stranger in a foreign land" is issued in the north by the ghost of Vilnx Kriva. The lizard wants you to bury her according to her own customs, that is, to be cremated. Pull your foot out of the grave, then hurl it into the flames of the dragon statues.

Continue your journey. Nearby you will find a platform of stone, which is guarded by four ghost gnomes. The Featherfall bird is sitting there, feeding on its owner. Part of the body of the latter can be eaten by an elf to learn the ability for necromancy Bone Cage.

Nearby is a bench where you will see Zimsky's ghost. Interact with him to increase your luck stat by one and get a flask of Source.

Next, you will stumble upon a watchdog named Andras. Andras is guarding the grave and won't let you in. If you try to get through, then you will have to fight the monster Kedelon Bonebreaker, as well as a bunch of skeletons that this warlock dog will summon.

A little higher on a hill, you will find the burial place of Victor Flynn with a note saying that he faked his death. Alas, he still failed to escape death - his skeleton lies in the crypt.

The task "Servants involuntarily" is activated in the cemetery. Silent servants roam here, about which Farima the watchman will tell you. It turns out that master Riker controls the servants, so in order to free the poor puppets, you will have to kill him.

The task "Shelter of Heroes" is issued immediately. Get to the center of the cemetery and open a small crypt where four famous warriors are buried. In each grave lies a clue to the treasure they left behind in the world.

By the way, if you open all four coffins, then the heroes will rise up and fight you. The first three caches of Garrick, Hull and Bromley are located above and to the right at the exit from the cemetery, in the north at the entrance and to the left, not far from the sawmill, respectively.

The task "A generous offer" is taken near a living estate, the door of which will speak to you. If you confess that you are awakened, then she will let you through. Inside, you will find Master Riker, who will give you an assignment to find the tablet in the Black Mines location.

The task "Snake tongue" is issued in the master's house. After interacting with the silent salamander, return to the graveyard and look for a burning chest near two statues. Move the box towards you using teleportation or telekinesis to open it. It turns out that the password to the chest is made in the old language of the lizards, which the silent salamander knows about. The Red Prince can unlock the stash in the same way.

"Existential Crisis" - a task that you will receive above and to the right in the cemetery. A voice will be heard near one grave - dig it out to rescue the skeleton philosopher. Crispin will ask you three burning questions that will need to be answered.

Without exception, all answers must contain the "Undead" tag, so put either Fane or an ordinary undead on your side for a verbal duel. If you lose, one of your companions will die.

Near the cliff on the right side, visit the altar opposite the giant tree. Use the Source skill "Bless" on the altar to activate the event: the elf will drag your companion down.

Follow the disappeared to save him. Kill an elf without using poison skills on him, as they heal him.

The "They Shall Not Pass" quest continues. Pass the gated southern part of the cemetery using teleport or brute force. Below you will reach the very house where it was impossible to get at the beginning of the location, since the connecting bridge was raised.

As we mentioned at the same time, the barrier could be overcome with the help of teleportation. Otherwise, only the above option remains - to walk around.

Black mines

To the right, at the edge of the location, you will find a path to the mine blocked by insects. Kill them and then talk to the spirits using Source magic.

Here the task “On the last gasp” will unfold, during which the masters will finish off ordinary peasants. If you do not intervene, then all five people will be executed, otherwise you need to attack the masters right away if you want to save everyone.

After the rescue, it turns out that another family member is in danger - a nephew. Go to the oil rig where he was hanged. Get to the top and talk to Master Jonathan, who will have to be killed immediately (after the first line) if you want to save your nephew.

Keep in mind that the entire district will come running to help Jonathan in the form of other masters. Not only that, the rescued will begin to use the magic of the Source, which will attract the attention of fiends from oil, which will then turn into fiery ones when the oil catches fire.

The quest "No Exit" is issued in the west of the fort, where a couple of masters are trying to burn down the house. You can kill the magisters to save the man inside, who turns out to be blue blood Owen Anchoret.

Finally visit the coast where the Screamers are. After the destruction, get to the buildings with the masters, in which they carry out operations to extract the Source from the magicians.

Deal with them and find a diary that tells you about a safe path to the Blackpits.

The task "Excavation" is already developing in the mines. The beginning of the cave is dotted with traps, so it's best to leave the whole team at the beginning, letting one thief go ahead, which is able to neutralize the whole path.

One way or another, soon you will reach the defeated master, after a conversation with which you will have to fight the fiends. Then go down into the mine. Inside, look into the side room, where there is a fragment of the column.

After a while, you will stumble upon a chicken that will inform you of a threat on the way - the Screamer. Finish him off normally or bypass him with teleportation.

In the ruins, look for a recess hidden in the wall, which opens with a key from the waterfall. Inside you will find the second fragment.

In the workshop, kill the masters or intimidate them to avoid a fight. Next, you need to restore the oil pump, having obtained information from the engineer of the Circle.

After blowing up the wall with barrels, you will reach the temple with statues of the ancient people, to which Fein belongs. Pick up the artifact that lies in the nearest boxes, and then step into the last room with the statues. From the diary of the digger you will learn about the correct order of activation of the statues; moreover, the necessary information is contained on the altar.

The activation order of the statues is as follows: the top one is the first, the second in the last row is the second, the second in the third row is the third, the second in the second row is the fourth, the first in the third row is the fifth, the first in the second row is the sixth, the first in the last row is the seventh .

After the puzzle, you will unlock the force field, behind which you will find an ancient tablet. This is followed by a real test in the form of a boss of the fourteenth level (if your level is lower, it is better to return here later). Ether Ether opposes your deities, but now she has just awakened, so you may have enough strength to defeat her.

After the battle, return to Master Riker. You will not find him on the spot, so visit his room, equipped with torture devices. Before handing the find to the master, ask him to teach you the new powers of the Source. Ultimately, a battle will follow that cannot be avoided.

In the master's house, the task "Opposites Attract" is also issued. To do this, simply draw a line of food between the turtle and the rat. Now you just have to visit the paladins on the bridge and tell them about the atrocities of the masters.

heavenly hills

Behind the paladin bridge, you will receive the quest "Three Shrines", in which you will have to help live deer in the battle against their dead relative. To complete the quest, you need to visit two more similar places.

The task "Test of all seasons" is activated in a forest clearing, where you will find a bowl surrounded by trees-statues. To complete the quest, you will need to use certain spells on certain statues, as each of them represents a different season. Listen carefully to the riddle from the mysterious voice, and then the task will be simplified.

On the way down and to the left, deal with the opponents and talk to the undead named Viktor.

Quest "The Buried Past" continues. Gareth attends the funeral of his relatives under the protection of the paladins. Near Gareth, pick up the gloves of the culprit who killed his parents. Next, bypass the outpost in the form of paladins, agreeing with them or using brute force.

Inside you will find four assassins. Use your ghostly vision to talk to the dead relatives of Gareth, who live right there.

It turns out that they do not crave revenge, on the contrary, Gareth's peace is important to them. After that, Gareth will enter the room, who will decide to finish off the killers. Dissuade him from staying on the path of a hero, or give the go-ahead, and then Gareth will embark on the path of revenge.

Finally, the spirits will reveal to you the name of the main culprit - Master Jonathan. Kill him if you didn't do so earlier when visiting the Blackpits, and then bring Gareth the Magister's Ring.

The task "Dangerous for yourself and others" will start in the eastern part of the location, where you will find the healer Swann. From him you will learn about the dangerous infected Natalie, who is located in the basement. You can help her, but then you have to fight the monsters. Keep in mind that AOE spells will damage the girl.

On the way up, you will come across a sawmill and a gang of Lone Wolves. Use ghost vision to see how many restless souls are following them.

The spirit of the wizard will ask you to avenge him and finish off the mercenary, nicknamed True Eye.

Corbin Day, on the other hand, will complain about his slave fate and complain about the master Rust Anlon. You can finish off the last one in the future, thereby freeing Corbin.

The Spirit of the Black Widowmaker will tell you about the treacherous murder: his partner Serpent Root poured poison on him. The girl will refuse to confess what she has done, so you can kill her.

The Spirit of the Gravedigger will tell you about Dremosek, who finished him off. Visit the latter and use the answer option tagged "Mystic" to make her see the Gravedigger in her dreams. After that, Dremoseka will show you the location of the treasure.

The task "A log like a log" takes place here. You need to visit the sawmill and talk to the log. An elven piece of wood will ask you to pay for it with the lumberjack who cut it down. You will find the woodcutter at the bottom of the location, however, he will also be dead. To destroy his spirit, use the Soul Absorption skill.

The task "Valuable booty" is taken from the head of the mercenaries Rust Anlon. In captivity, he contains Saheila, already familiar to you, so he will have to be finished off. Not only that, Sybil would want the same. If you kill Rust, then from that moment on, all the mercenaries of the brethren will become hostile to you.

After the sawmill, visit the clearing to the east by breaking the gate. There you will find Sadhi - the Red Princess, with whom your red-skinned comrade can retire. This will be followed by a battle with the killers, and the princess will disappear again.

Above and to the right you will find riddled soil, broken into small patches of land. To move, use teleportation or wings.

Next, you will reach a lonely hut where Almira and Mical are located. Together, the couple left the hot spot, but it was not without damage. You won’t be able to cure Mikal just like that, because there is a curse around him.

The source of corruption is the dragon, which you will find above and to the right of here. Finish him off and return for your reward.

In the future, you will meet a couple on a ship. Then Almira will ask you for another service, which is to find the tablet. In the past, you could already get it on the instructions of Riker.

monastery forest

A zombie named Eithne is a librarian. If you convince her that you are not a member of the Black Circle, then she will allow you to buy books with various abilities of the schools of Necromancy and Transformation.

Get to the ruins in the center where Hannag lives. The magisters are trying to kill the lizard, so help her if you want to get an additional slot for the Source abilities. Next, Hannag will tell you about his student, who may soon be executed. If you manage to rescue him, then she will make you a student, if not, she will only hand over a book about the Source.

The "Three Shrines" quest continues nearby. You will find a monster surrounded by wolves, which will increase its strength. The monster needs to be stunned every turn, as it is quite capable of killing your entire group at once.

In the north of the location, you will stumble upon the corpse of a witch named Alice Alisson. The body flies on the cross and is quite capable of fighting, moreover, one of its abilities - a passive aura - takes away four hundred HP each turn from the entire squad. A dangerous opponent, so don't even think about fighting him if your level is below 15.

After the kill, visit Alice's hut, which is located in the meadows. In her chambers, you will find the ingredients with which you can create a potion (witch's eye, mushroom and catalyst) to heal people turned into cows.

On the other side of the bridge you will find a lonely house, next to which there is a cage with two demons. Their current owner is Jaan - the same master of the Source that you have already encountered more than once. Find and kill the Imp located on the Isle of the Blood Moon for him if you want to more fully master the power of the Source.

On the shore you will meet the Dead Ferryman, which transports everyone to the same island. Any character other than the undead will not survive this journey, as it passes through the fog of death.

To overcome the obstacle alive, use the following trick: separate all the heroes from the one character that you are going to use the boat. When he is dead on the other side, the rest of the living party members will immediately teleport to him.

Blood Moon Island

Step down and to the right until you reach the demons led by the Lawyer. Immediately you will find the familiar Ailment, which teleports without talking. Next, you can make a bet with the gnome who just spoke with Ailment, arguing with him for five hundred coins.

The lawyer will offer to teach you new features of the power of the Source, but in return he will ask for a counter service - to kill the Black Circle group. You will find the targets in the center of the island, after which the Advocate will reveal the location of the Nameless Island to you.

Next, you can finish off the Lawyer, as Jaan asked you to. As a reward, you will receive an increased Source resource. Jaan will also need you to find the Advocate's owner by asking the spirits on the island about his name.

Find a bridge assembled from fragments, and then a map with statues, an archive and a forge marked on it. The quest "Forgotten and Damned" is activated.

Go up and to the right and at the turn find the loosened earth, under which the hatch is hidden. You will find yourself in the Archives, where the ghostly rector of the library is located. Behind one of the cabinets you will find the Anathema weapon part, as well as a new fast travel pyramid, and a special book with a flame-suppressing spell that you will need to destroy the statues.

Near the statues you will find cages with demons. Before you open them, look into the world of ghosts and negotiate with the spirits of the guards in order to get the go-ahead for the release of prisoners. You have to defeat a baby, a gnome and a lizard, each of which uses demonic abilities.

Preparing to sail

The task on this part of the land is coming to an end, so it's time to set sail. For the next journey, you need to open three additional slots for the Source abilities, learn the skill "Draining the Source", find the location of the mysterious Nameless Island, solve Gareth's dilemma, and also (optionally) complete the personal quests of the companions.

Keep in mind that Source slot upgrade opportunities can be easily missed. There are four characters in total who can help you in this matter: Mordus, Riker, Hannag and Jaan - remember these names.

You will receive the ability to extract the Source from Siwa when you open the above cells.

Finally, the location of the island can be opened by the Lawyer, God (according to the ritual in Siwa's hut), as well as Ailment. When all conditions are met, return to the ship and order to sail.

B unnamed island

This part of the land is a whole battlefield, where masters and paladins are constantly fighting on the one hand, and the Black Circle on the other. Your task is to visit all seven Divine temples and complete the tests there. When the deed is done, you will be able to proceed into the bowels of the mysterious Academy.

Chat without leaving the ship with the succubus Almira, who wants to find two pieces of the Redeemer. Also here you will find Master Delorus, whom you met back in Fort Joy. He can become a companion, but his level is too low for full-fledged battles.

Temples of the Gods

Ralik Temple

The first sanctuary represents the people, and here you will stumble upon a confrontation between the masters and members of the Black Circle. Choose a side, and then take part in the battle. After the battle, activate the altar by a human so as not to get a "debuff", or by another race, but then you will become blind for a while.

Temple of Vrogir

Go upstairs and to the left until you come across a Cheka detachment. If you convince them that you are the incarnation of Almira, then there will be no battle.

Inside the temple will be flooded, which was done by order of the Cheka. You can cancel the order and send the entire group off the island. After that, find the key that will allow you to unlock the secret path to the Armory with valuable items.

On the same shore you will find the Gloomy Cave, where you can find powerful weapons. By picking up the Blade of Eternals, you will provoke an attack by apologists.

Inside the Imp Sanctuary, you will find that the required item is missing from the altar. Go to the ghostly world and talk with the spirit of the imp, who will reveal to you the reason for the loss - it turns out that the members of the Black Circle stole the crystal.

Head west until you come across two mongrels who have found a strange stone. Kill them or just throw meat at them to get the desired crystal. Now you can use the altar.

Activating the altar will take you to the miniature world of Zantezza. First place the boxes on the nearest plates. Go further, bypassing the blocked doors with the help of teleportation.

To speed up time, use the hyperactivity device in the hall on the right. The other device will start the kill protocol, so don't touch it. Finally, in the center you will find the core, which you need to get to as quickly as possible, otherwise you will die.

After that, advance along the northern path to find the Cheka group. Kill them and take the Dark Mirror from the head.

On the approaches to the temple you will be met by elves. To avoid a fight, tell them that you are awakened or that you are doing the will of the masters.

Here you will also learn that Bishop Alexander went after you and has already landed on the island. You will find him at the very top of the elven sanctuary in the company of Gareth, who wants to kill him. Help Alexander, who is separated from the Sledgehammer, or complete Gareth's revenge and finish off the bishop.

Another task will be given to you by Sybil, if she is in the group. The tree in the temple will tell her to take the life of the Prince of Shadows. When you leave the temple, Saheila's friend will advise you to destroy the Tree so that the elves finally gain freedom. Decide what to do.

Temple of Amadia

The sanctuary of the ancient people is located in the lower left corner of the island. You can get there only along the vines up, which will lead you to the temple floating in the sky.

On the spot, overcome all obstacles and crevices, using the various blessings of Amadia. On the way, if Fane is part of your group, you will receive unique gloves. Get to the center and interact with the altar.

Temple of Zorl-Stissa

Get to the shrine and interact with the altar. No complications. To the east of the temple you will find the lizard Prince of Shadows, which was hunted by Sybil throughout the game. She will go into a trance due to the lizard's magic, so you will have to sing a song to her. A battle will follow in which you have to fight with the invisible.

Finally, the Red Prince can also interact with the Prince of Shadows. After the kill, move to the ghostly world to find out the reason for the hunt for the Red Prince. It turns out that your partner and Princess Sadha can give offspring in the form of real dragons, which is by no means tempting to know the lizard empires.

Temple of Dune

On the way to the sanctuary, overcome all the crevices with the help of magic. Inside, defeat the cursed warrior of Dune, and then fulfill his request - absorb him. After starting, go around the temple from the north and talk to the undead. She will ask you to finish off the damned gnome.

On the task of "White Face" you have to finish off the leader of the Black Circle of the same name. Use the black mirror to pretend to be White Face's subordinates in order to safely get to his hideout, which lies to the left of the Temple of the Moon near the mountain.

The entrance will be protected by the troll Circle, with which it is impossible to compromise. There is no point in fighting him honestly, so just teleport him into the lava.

In the cave you will see an altar that cannot be interacted with. Dispel the illusion behind him by using Alexander's hood, and then finish off the leader.

In the Cheka camp, you can find a friend of Vindego, who could have been killed back in Fort Joy. One way or another, she will have to deal with it again.

Now that all the temples are activated, head to the Sanctuary of the Moon. Inside you will find seven pillars, each representing a different deity. Each of the seven represents either the Sun (light) or the Moon (darkness), as you learned when visiting temples.

Expose the belonging of the gods to the luminaries, and then use the lever. To activate the lever, move the thing with a lightning bolt picture called the Phase Capacitor to the pressure plate.

If you wish, you can go a completely different way without activating the altars. To do this, visit the corner of the island on the lower right, where the islets are located. On them you can get to a separate land, where the hatch is hidden. It is he who will lead you to the halls of the Academy.

Inside the Academy, you will meet a fiend of the void, who will reveal to you that their true motives for his brethren lie in the desire to return the power illegally stolen by the gods.

Go into the hall, dotted with the bodies of teachers. They can be interacted with to enhance some stats in exchange for weakening others. Then find the panel and install the Phase Capacitor, which will start the beam. It is necessary to conduct a beam to the pole using mirrors.

In another room you will find the key to the room on the left with valuable cheeks. Near the pillar, which the beam should reach, install a couple more capacitors, and then interact with the lever. This will take you to the Hall of Heroes.

In the hall, you will meet all the story companions, as well as Gareth or the Bishop, depending on your choice. Agree to fight.

After that, a battle will begin in which all the elect will take up arms against you. Get to the key of divinity, which lies on the right. Ultimately, when you overcome the ordeal of the Guardians, you will be greeted by the long-forgotten Dallis Maul.

If you managed to change the Bishop to your side, then she will immediately finish him off. Dallis then annihilates the key and escapes.

Finally, the destruction of the arena will follow, during which the battle will unfold. You will have to defeat your own copies in the form of divine avatars, as well as the Source Titan, which will appear at the end. When the deed is done, Ailment will appear and ask you to start the beacon - do this to leave the location.

Once on the ship, talk to Ailment. Your next target is Arx, where Dallis went.

Oh hota on Dallis


Directly on the ship you will move to the hill. Pass the camp near the coast and get to the port. On the spot, it turns out that a kraken attacked the harbor. If you think that your strength is enough to destroy 18 levels, then give him a fight.

After that, search the shipwreck and find the key. Also talk to the ghosts to learn about Dallis, who rushed to the tomb of Lucian himself. Defeat the vampires by helping the paladins let you into Arx.


In the city center, find the artist and use ghostly vision to talk to the spirit. The latter will reveal to you that the local prince owns a rare painting.

When you visit the nobleman's residence, you will stumble upon Kat, who will hint at the paintings in the same way and offer you help. On the top floor, get ready to meet the guards; in the hall there is a key that can be transferred to you only with the help of telekinesis. Finally, you will find the treasured path to the basement outside the house.

The Execution mission will begin with a series of executions as the paladins kill the magisters in an effort to find the hidden members of the Black Circle. Talk to Marie, who will ask you to rescue de Selby. The latter violated discipline and refused to carry out executions, so she herself ended up on the scaffold. The only way to save her is to kill the local head of the paladins.

On the mission "The Power of Mercy", visit the prison on the lower level of the city. Deal with the guards, and then find a cage with an old friend of Vindego. If you release it, then you will learn a new spell that allows you to turn fiends into allies. She will also reveal to you that the local paladin leader Kemm is secretly working for demons.

The task "The last stronghold of the masters" is activated in the barracks. In the ghostly world, look for Marvell, who lives in the kitchen. Beside him, clear the way from the boxes and use the hatch.

By the way, on the hatch there will be a password in the form of four phrases, two of which can be found in the next room (others will have to be selected by random).

On the lower level, look for a secret button to get into the vault of the masters. Next, to unlock another secret, remove all four paintings, behind which there will be buttons. As a result, you will find yourself in a new room where the ghost of Hux lives. Here, pick up the key and go down to the next level through the closed hatch.

In the end, you will stumble upon Master Raymond surrounded by geists - kill him. Next, examine his documents and read the information about Dallis, which contains all the plans of the masters. It turns out that they set out to destroy the Source, Divinity and the Void itself, for which they have already recruited Tarkin, whom you know. The latter took care of the resurrection of King Brakk.

Return to the city and go up and to the left, where the burning part of the city is located. Visit the lizard embassy, ​​where you can find a mysterious portal.

To the right of the city, explore the apartments of the craftsman Sanders, who makes toys. One of the toys came to life and disappeared - you will find it near the pier and learn that there are corpses in Zanders' basement. Visit his house again, and then talk to the master himself and decide his fate.

Then visit the library where the History Dock Hubert will examine you. Correct answers: House of Dreams, 1234, Tenax and Cassandra. If you answer correctly, that Hubert will ask you to go down with him to the basement, where he will open new history and will present a book of talents of your choice. There is also a chest, the key to which is in the previous room.

On the assignment "What the doctor ordered" you will visit the Black House, where Deva lives. If you defeated the White Face on the island of the Blood Moon, the doctor will let you inside. Next, Deva will offer you a deal: half of the divine power on your part, help in the battle against Dallis - on his. Keep in mind that the deal will definitely have consequences. If you refuse, you will discover that behind the mask of the doctor lies the powerful demon Adramalich.


The task "Secrets of the Dwarves" is activated when you get close to the area of ​​the dwarves. Make your way to their courtyard from the east, teleporting to the balcony of the house of the wisest. Immediately you will find stones that will help you get to the other side.

On the spot, you will find the place of the already completed wedding, which has taken the form of a massacre. If you activate the cake, there will be a battle with toys that will pop out of it. There you will also find a message from Dev. Before leaving, examine the bodies to find the key.

Take a look at the house where the newlywed Isla Gall settled down. On the top floor, you will run into her dad, Michel, who is about to leave Arx. Next, look into the kitchen and take the Lulabelle wine to unlock the secret passage.

You will find yourself in a sewer full of spiders - kill them. Next, visit the right side of the dungeon, where there is a brotherhood of child thieves that play you against the troll. When the battle is over, take the Strange Painting, which is the very rare image.

Ultimately, you will find yourself in the secret abode of Queen Justinia in the company of Isbale. If you released Vindego after the interrogation, then you learned that Isbale was hanging out with demons. That is why you can now hand her over to Justinia, after which the latter will refuse to stand up for Isbale in battle. After the battle, talk to Justinia and decide her fate.

Before leaving, you can visit the branch of the sewers, which will lead you to the prison. There you will stumble upon the boy Karon, who is awakened. If you return here again after some time, you will not find Karon on the spot, but you will find him in the western part of Arx, where he will massacre.

Visit the temple and talk to Avenni to get the key to Arhu's private rooms. After exploring the chambers, at the exit you will find paladins who will accuse you of killing Arhu. Finish them off or try to negotiate peace.

On the opposite side of the temple, talk to the dog Charlie to find out about the true culprit in the loss of Arhu. It turns out that Kemm, whom you know, is behind the crime.

Speak with Lyle to learn about the Path of Blood Pilgrimage. It turns out that only an absolutely sinless person can overcome it. Come inside.

Along the way, you will come across a statue of Lucian, who will ask four questions. It doesn't matter if you answer honestly or lie, because if you really committed crimes, then the statue will instantly destroy you. If there are sins behind you, then you can use the trick: return to the ship, take an "empty" companion who has not yet participated in your adventures, and then bring him here and it is for them to pass the test.

Next you will find a puzzle with pipes. It is necessary to carry out liquids of three different colors into three bowls on the opposite side. As a result, it turns out that one liquid is missing - use the "Blood Rain" over the center of the platform, and then bless the blood with the Source skill.

After solving the problem, continue on your way. Behind the door you will find minions of the Source, which are easy to kill, but pointless, as they are reborn. To overcome this challenge, you must dial the right combination of levers. Each of the levers represents a separate letter, and you need to collect the word "RIGHT".


The task "The End of Times" is the final one. Ailment and Tarkin will stand by your side. In the hall, talk to Lucian and Dallis. It turns out that the first staged his death in order to freely absorb the Source from the gods.

Dallis is the eternal one that has always worked for Lucian. Not only that, Fane is her father. Sledgehammer's ultimate goal was to completely consume the Source and move it to a safe place - one where the Void could not threaten it.

Next, you will have a battle with King Brakk. Leaders familiar to you will fight on his side, while Lucian and Dallis will fight on your side. You won't have to kill Brakk personally, as you won't have enough strength, so just try to survive.


  1. If you make an agreement with the doctor, you will meet with him again to give away half of your divinity. Further, Lucian and Dallis will die, and you, along with the demon, will divide the world in half, creating a balance between light and darkness.
  2. The second ending is "Ascension". You will become the sole god without the help of a doctor.
  3. The third ending involves the spread of the Source throughout the world. Each of the inhabitants of the Earth will become a magician and will contain the Source.
  4. The last ending is based on the destruction of the Source. Magic will leave Rivellon forever.

Video: walkthrough Divinity Original Sin 2

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, Weapons , Useful items , Magic ,
Scrolls , Potions , Food , Special Recipes .

general information

Developer: Larian Studios Publisher: Larian Studios.


In the olden days, the Keepers of the Well healed the sick and wounded with the help of a great power called the Well. But a terrible darkness filled the lands of Rivellon and the Well was forever corrupted. Madness has gripped the Guardians and now they are only destroying everything around.

A few brave Source Hunters are all that stand between Rivellon and the Dark Power that threatens to destroy him. Wherever the Source appears, the Hunters will follow it."

1. Arrival

At the beginning of the game, we can customize two heroes: the priest Roderick and the robber Scarlett.

The heroes on the ship go to the city of Saisil to investigate the crime. Because of the orcs off the coast of the city, the heroes have to land a little south.


We can collect shells on the shore. It's hard to see them with your eyes, but you can press "Alt" to highlight all the items you pick up, this makes the task very easy.

Ahead we see how a group of necromancers runs out of the cave, one of them calls for the undead. We conduct the first battle, get acquainted with the turn-based battle mode. Each action, such as moving, hitting, using a potion, or changing weapons, consumes action points (shown at the bottom of the screen). At the end of the move, press the spacebar.

After the victory, we can go into the cave, but this is not necessary.

Cave (training)
Divinity: Original Sin. Walkthrough

Learn the following features Divinity games: Original Sin:

Water magic can extinguish fire areas.

Acid clouds can be dispersed with fire magic.

Oil puddles can be set on fire with fire magic.

Surrounding objects can be destroyed by blows (hold down "Ctrl", press the "left mouse button"). Even wooden doors are destroyed. However, this also reduces the durability of the weapon.

Locks can be picked with picklocks. There may be traps on the locks, they need to be neutralized with tools.

You can switch to stealth mode and sneak up on enemies unnoticed.

There may be mine traps on the floor. The higher the level of the trap, the harder it is to spot them. The “perception” ability is responsible for finding traps and other items.

In the game, you can move surrounding objects such as boxes, chests, vases (select an object, hold down the left mouse button, drag the object, release the button).

Items can be placed on pressure plates to activate them.

Heroes can be temporarily separated so that they do not follow each other. To do this, drag the icon of one character away from the other so that the chain breaks between them. You can combine characters in the same way.

At the end of the cave we find ourselves in a tomb, where the undead wizard and a couple of his students come to life. We learn that it was from the grave of this ghost that the necromancers stole the crystal.

south beach
Divinity: Original Syn. Walkthrough

We go back to the surface. At the bottom of the level near the shore, you can find a quick access portal. Nearby there is shovel, and a little higher - a light heap of sand, where you can dig out the first cache.

Quest Shell on the beach

From the teleport we go along the coast to the right. At the dead end we find a giant shell. (Here you need to have the Animal Friend perk in order to hear the shell. If we don’t have it from the very beginning, then we need to return here a little later). The shell asks to be thrown back into the sea. There are two options: 1) we take the shell for ourselves and sell it on the market, 2) we throw out the shell, in gratitude it takes us a chest of gold from the bottom (altruist +1).

We go to the upper left corner, we meet two drunken guards on the way. We can fight, but it's easier to negotiate with them and move on to the city.

We go to the big beach. There is already a small battle going on here, and then an orc ship sails in and a few more fighters land. Below, near the orcs, there is a barrel of oil, we can destroy it with arrows, and then set fire to the resulting puddle with fire.

After the victory, we go to the gate, we communicate with the master Arhu, he knows something about our task, and asks to meet in the northeastern part of the city. We enter the city.

2. City of Saisil

Quest selection menu in the city of Saisil:
Fire! Fire! Fire! ,
Warming up the crowd
Mysterious Murder,
History of the Stones,
Murder Mystery (body)
Little Bo Bertia,
Counselor's wife
Murder Mystery (Evelina)
Elf - Orc Blood Feud,
Other city quests.

We recommend going around the whole city and visiting all the houses. From the city there are several gates outside, but dangerous monsters are found around the city. The weakest of them are level 5. Your task now is to go around all the inhabitants and complete their most simple additional quests to gain experience and level up to at least level 3. You can also add two new members to your group.

In the houses you can find many useful items. All of them are highlighted in red, which means that they belong to someone, and you can’t just take them like that. If we are convicted of theft, then the guards will be called, and with them either a losing battle, or a prison. But if you take the object so that no one notices us, then nothing terrible will happen. First of all, it is worth collecting gold dishes from tables and paintings on the walls. Other household items cost a penny, it is pointless to steal them.

Quest: Fire! Fire Fire!
Divinity: Original Sin. Passage of Cyseal

On the south coast of the city we see people extinguishing a burning ship with buckets of water. Time to complete is limited, so act quickly. We run to the central market of the city, we buy the rune "Rain" from the sorceress for 920 gold. We use the rune, we get a new spell on the quick access panel. We return to the coast, arrange rain over the ship. Reward: 900 XP.

Quest: Sailors without a ship
Divinity: Original Sin. Walkthrough

Jobs can be offered by Captain Jack, who stands in the central market next to the fountain. Reward: 180 XP.

Quest: Charmed, I'm sure
Divinity: Original Sin. Walkthrough

We enter the port warehouse, we pass to the right door. In the backyard, two guards are arguing over a female orc. Randomly, a love potion was used on the orc, and now she is in love with one of the guards. The second guard wants to get rid of this possible danger.

Legionnaires ask our opinion. There are two possible answers. If we leave the orc alive, we get a character change "Romance +1". (But when we come back here next time, we will see already dead legionnaires). Reward: 225 XP.

Quest: Warming up the crowd
Divinity: Original Sin. Walkthrough Warming the Crowd

To the south of the central market there is a separate square where artists perform. 1st artist - Reginald, he entertains the crowd, showing her a magical talking head. Among the spectators we find Gallagher, who works as a ringleader, gathers a crowd around him, and receives money from Reginald for this. At the eastern end of the square we see the 2nd artist - Cedric. He has no audience at all. We communicate with Cedric and tell him about the reasons for the success of another artist.

Cederic asks us to outbid Gallagher's ringleader. We go to Gallagher and try to convince him: intimidate (strength), flatter (attractiveness) or convince (charisma). We choose the method where the characterization of the hero is highest. If everything goes well, we speak about this to Reginald, and then we take the reward from Cederic. Reward: 125 XP.

Quest: Murder Mystery
Divinity: Original Sin. Walkthrough site

We return to the main quest. We go to the barracks in the northeast corner of the city (it is marked with marks on global map). On the lower floor we communicate with Captain Aureus, he gives us permission to search the crime scene. We also get three side quests– assistance to ordinary legionnaires outside the city.

On the second floor of the barracks we communicate with the cat - this is the turned magician Arhu. The wizard will tell you everything he knows and advise you to meet with the gravedigger to examine the corpse of the murdered.

We approach the local tavern "King Crab" to the north of the central market. Mendinus stands at the entrance and offers to join his guild of heroes. Although his description of the guild is more like a modern marketing company, he is not trying to deceive you. After joining the guild, access to a whole branch of additional quests will open. But they need to be done already outside the city.

There is a locked room in the southwest corner of the tavern, guarded by a guard. We inform you that we have permission from the captain, we go inside.

In the room of the murdered adviser Jake we find a strange Star Stone (1/16), it will create a flash but deal no damage. After that, the stone strangely takes us to another world.

Quest: History of Stones

We ended up on a small island of earth in space. Nearby we see an imp named Zikszaks and a large telescope. From the tiny world through the portal in the south we get into the hall with many non-activated portals. Here we are talking to a girl sitting in front of the loom of time. We get the task to collect more magic stones to open all the other portals. The imp will give us a pyramid portal, which can instantly transfer us to another pyramid of the same kind.

To get out of this world, you can use the quick teleport panel (a small button on the right edge of the screen). But this time it is better to immediately teleport using the pyramid. We find ourselves in the bedroom, where the girl washes in the bathroom. The girl raises a panic and wants to call the guard, you need to convince her in any way. After that, we take away the second pyramid for ourselves and leave the room through the southern door.

(If you are playing in co-op, then leave it to another character, and keep the original for yourself. Thanks to this, you can port to each other at any time).

1st stone we already found during the main quest "Murder Mystery". (Opens access to another world).

2nd stone. We enter the hospital of Teliron. We pass into the east room. We solve the dispute about the stone in any way: 1) cure the old man and his family with the stone, 2) cure the young man. When Evelina uses Star Stone (2/16), we will get its energy. (The stone opens access to the Hall of Heroes room.

Quest: Murder Mystery (corpse)
Divinity: Original Syn. Walkthrough

Back to story quest. In the killing room, we need to open the chest of the 5th level. If there are no master keys or a hacking skill of this level, then we can just stand a little and beat the chest with ordinary blows. In the chest we find letter. We pick up from the floor inert stone.

We go to the Funeral Home in the northeast of the city, right above the tavern. Inside we enter the left room, on the lying coffin we take book and we read it. We learn that the dead body was stolen. We rise to the second floor, in the southern corner we communicate with the undertaker. He confirms everything, but you need to verify this personally.

We go to the cemetery in the northern part of the city. Jake's grave we need is the top one, in the northern corner. Digging up grave killed, in the coffin we find the corpse of an animal. The body was indeed stolen.

Quest: Little Bo Bertia lost her sheep

The found body of a sheep can be attributed to the girl Bertia, she stands in the south of the central city square. It was her sheep that was stolen, return it (+300 XP).

Quest: Philosopher

In the cemetery, in the grave to the left of the crying mother, you can dig up the ghost of Nemris. It is necessary to be tested for knowledge of his philosophical book (the book is ---). Right answers: no, no, your salvation. +600 XP, chest and achievement.

A dog runs around the cemetery and constantly barks. If we have the skill of communicating with animals, then the dog will say that from the personal belongings of the suspects, she can definitely tell who was Jake's killer. We begin the search for personal items.

1) Captain Areus can be stolen socks.
2) Esmeralda can be stolen underpants from a chest on the second floor.
3) In the mayor's house in the northern locked room, you can steal from the closet boots.
4) In the hospital, you can search Evelina's bedside table in the upper right corner, there we will find coat.

We take all the things to the dog, she will say that Jake's smell is only on Evelina's coat. Words of a dog cannot be sewn to the point, but for that we got additional experience.

We pay attention to the fact that the dog in the cemetery constantly barks at the grave on the right, where the name David is carved. We also dig this grave, as a result, a revived skeleton appears on the surface. We kill him, we get some experience. (But we do this only after completing the quest with things, since the dog will most likely be killed in a fight with a skeleton).

In one of the southern graves, you can dig up a skeleton bomb. This enemy will try to explode near us. The easiest way to defeat him is with a teleportation spell, moving him away from you.

Now we need to interrogate the suspects. Chief among them is the wife of the murdered man, Esmeralda.

We go to Esmeralda's store in the southern district of the city. The girl is standing behind the counter, she is guarded by one of the guards. We communicate with Esmeralda. She needs to present concrete facts of her guilt. We tell her about a letter from her lover found at the scene of the murder, but she rejects this evidence as evidence, and confidently considers herself innocent.

From the store we go up to the second floor with living rooms. Among things we find Esmeralda key. We go outside, we approach the same building from the upper north side, with the key we open the door to the room.

On the table at the entrance we find The Perfect Murder book. In the next southern room we open the hatch in the floor, we go down to the basement.

In the basement we remove the hanging pieces of meat from the wall, behind them we find button, press it, as a result, it will open secret room. Inside we find bloody knife. After that, we can search the entire basement and collect the most valuable things. There is a lot of armor with magical effects that you must first identify before putting it on.

We return to Esmeralda's store. We show her new evidence: a book and a knife. The girl finds logical explanations for this. Esmeralda is definitely not guilty. After interrogation, she advises to take a closer look at the doctor's assistant - Evelyn. Reward: 1800 XP.

Quest: Murder Mystery (Evelyn)
Divinity: Original Sin

We go to the hospital south of the city center. If you've been here before, you've seen a young girl, Evelyn. But when we come here after Esmeralda's interrogation, Evelyn will be gone. The healer Theliron himself does not know in which direction his assistant went, but he knows where her house is located outside the city. In the next room on the table between the windows we examine Evelyn's abandoned backpack, we find key from her house.

(In the hospital room, we can quietly take the key and open the southern room. There are a lot of valuable and magical items).

We leave the hospital through the south door. There is a grave in the backyard that glitters from time to time. This is an insidious trap from the developers. If you start digging this grave, you will immediately explode.

Evelina's house is a small house to the left of the hospital. We approach the south door of the house, raise it near the bucket key. We open the doors, inside in the chest on the right we take shelter spell. We take from the table Evelina's diary and read. We learn about her shelter on the northern beach. A marker appears on the map, but we can't go there yet.

Quest: Elf - Orc Bloodfeud
Divinity Walkthrough Elf-Orc Blood Feud

In the mayor's house we go up to the second floor, we get into the library. Here you can read about a dozen recipe books for free. An orc girl watches over the library.

We go outside. Old man Eglandir sits on the landing north of the funeral home. He asks for our help in one matter, and goes to the second floor of the tavern. In his room, he announces that he wants to kill the last orc from the enemy tribe - that same Victoria. We have three options for action:

1) Inform the captain about the impending crime, and imprison Eglandir.

2) Kill the librarian Victoria.

3) Inform Victoria of the danger (+300 XP), take the amulet from her, take it to Eglandir and cheat about killing the orc (1800 XP, Indulgent +1).

Other city quests, vendor locations
Divinity: Original Sin. What is in the city

We return to the south coast of the city. Here on the pier there is a chest, the path to which is blocked by a stretched rope. To cross the rope, you can use the Dash ability that Madora has. You can also transfer the teleportation pyramid. Inside the chest are a couple pieces of armor.

In the kitchen building, not far from the barracks, when we enter for the first time, a chicken will run away from the cook. We have a choice: 1) catch the chicken, 2) keep it alive. If we have the Animal Friend perk, then we can talk to the chicken.

At a dead end from the bottom of the kitchen we find a chest, in it dusty parchment "First Sister". (This is the code for the last chest in the End Times).

Having accumulated more money, we can go to the market, there, to the left of the paintings, they sell secret cards. After the purchase of each card, marks with secrets appear on our global map.

Before leaving the city, you need to equip the heroes to the maximum.

Items for warriors are sold in Esmeralda's shop.

Things for archers in the central market to the left of the paintings.

Things for thieves in the tavern on the second floor of the girl Sheriff.

Things for the magicians of air and water at the sorceress in the market on the right.

Things for magicians of fire and earth in the barracks on the second floor near Arhu.

Saisil South Beach

After creating a character (more details), we are shown a plot insert. From a short introduction, we learn that now the magic of the Source is out of control, in Sysil they killed adviser Jack with its help, and orcs and undead are attacking the city. After landing on the shore, 2 tasks are available to us.

Near a sheer cliff, not far from the shore, we find the body of a man. The Guardian Statues tricked him into jumping off a cliff.

The cave on the right is a training location and a must-see for beginners.

We go through it and find out the following:

  • Chests can be opened with a key or a lockpick. Some chests can be broken with weapons.
  • Doors can also be opened with a key or broken.
  • Weapons degrade faster when destroying objects. Things wear out during the battle.
  • In the caves, for the first time, you can meet an animal (rat) and talk to it (requires the skill "Communication with animals").
  • Many items in the game can be moved or broken.
  • Mines and traps are best cleared with a sapper kit. The mage can use a spell or a staff for a ranged shot.
  • Water neutralizes fire, oil can be set on fire, and poison can also be neutralized by fire. Water can be frozen, and any liquid (even poison) can be turned into steam.
  • Traps with holes for the supply of poison are deactivated very simply - you need to put any object on the hole.
  • Often in the caves there will be puzzles with slabs on the floor: they must be activated by a simple click, or using any available item (vase or box).
  • All members of your team are connected in one chain. It can be broken if necessary, for example, to put the heroes on different plates to activate the doors. Later, a broken chain is easy to repair.
  • Stealth mode is useful when exploring new locations. If you do not catch the eye of the enemy, you can avoid a difficult battle, steal a thing, stab in the back or attack from a more advantageous position.
  • At the exit from the cave we meet a revived skeleton. We learn that in difficult battles, without healing, it is impossible to defeat the enemy. The exit from the cave leads to a small waterfall next to the entrance.

    Having walked along the coast, we find the first intermediate altar, with the help of which you can quickly move through the main locations. Nearby is a shovel for searching and digging up treasures (you can try it in action a little higher near a stone with a growing tree). Just below the altar we meet the king of mollusks / Ishmallusk.

    We move up and find the only bridge across the coast, which is guarded by two drunken guards.

    We find ourselves in the thick of it - the battle is just going on on the shore. Orcs are controlled by a man in a black hood.

    At the entrance to the city we are met by the magician Arhu himself.

    Divinity Original Sin: Cysil Walkthrough

    A ship is burning on the pier in the city.

    We examine the harbor and find an interesting chest, the path to which is blocked by an ordinary rope.

    It is not safe in the vicinity of Cysil, because the southwestern coast is teeming with orcs. From the north and east, the city is surrounded by zombies and skeletons, so you need to properly prepare and pump the characters to the maximum. We go around the entire available territory clockwise, starting from the harbor.

    One of the rooms of the port warehouse is sealed with a magic lock and is guarded by several guards at once. Such locks are opened with the help of the “Magic Lock Pick” scroll. In order not to catch the eye - we push the foreheads of two guards, talking to each of them.

    Behind the gravedigger's house on one of the city walls we meet the old elf Eglander.

    In the southern part of the city we meet a beggar who tells us the story of the Guardian statues. By their order, he burned all his property in order to cleanse himself spiritually. Now he is a beggar and repents of his act. There is a city fair nearby.

    After completing the quest, the talking head was left unattended, so you can easily talk to it. We learn that he lost his body during a shipwreck. This information must be remembered, because we will need it to complete another side task. Having made a circle, you need to return to the main task and visit the house of Aures. There is a small kitchen near the training camp where the chef is desperately trying to catch a chicken. We can help him: we leave the chicken alive and get Compassion +1, and if we kill - Heartlessness +1. From the east side of the kitchen against the wall in a dead end we find chest number 1.

    We learn information from the captain himself that the undead are actively surrounding the city and many fighters sent on missions do not return. We need to find out the source of the dark magic.

    Received quests are related to the exploration of locations surrounding Sysil. But the first thing to do is to properly inspect the city itself, talk to the locals and investigate the murder of Jake. On the second floor of the house of Aures we find Archa in the form of a cat. He tells the details of the crime. Now access to the murder site is open.

    It's time n go to the market. Here you can sell unnecessary things and take a few quests. In the very center we find Captain Jack, who is ready to give work to three sailors from a burned-out ship (you can immediately return to the sailors and close the quest). Kelvania walks beside him with feminist manners. Depending on the player's choice, the characters gain Integrity +1 and Caution +1 or Responsiveness + 1 and Courage + 1 after talking to her. You can buy treasure maps from an artist who draws a rooster from nature near the fountain.

    Next to the fish merchant we meet a thief, and below - baby Bertia.

    We move on and find the house of the gravedigger. We find the undertaker on the second floor and, judging by the conversation, he is very nervous when the topic concerns Jake. In the second room on the first floor we read a magazine, from which it becomes clear that the body of the murdered man is gone. Suspicion falls on Esmeralda, the measure of Cecil, Aures and Evelyn. In the northern part of the city is a cemetery with Jake's fresh grave. Near her constantly spinning his faithful dog. Using the skill "Animal Lover" we talk with the dog. The animal does not recognize the smell of its owner at all.

    We dig up the coffin and find the rotten sheep of Bertia (we return to it and complete the quest). We need to bring the suspects' belongings to the dog and then we will know for sure if they have Jake's scent. Since everyone thinks that Esmeralda killed her husband, we meet with her and try to find out the truth. The conversation leads nowhere, so you have to look for evidence yourself.

    On the second floor of Esmeralda's house we find the key, and in the chest - smelling underpants. The key opens access to other rooms on the first floor. The guards guarding the shop will prevent them from entering. Therefore, we go around the house and go into the doors located on the north side. We find a book about planning the perfect murder. We go down to the basement, immediately near the stairs hangs a ham, remove it and find a hidden button. She moves the bookshelf aside and now you can go into the secret room. There is a bloody dagger on the table. All the evidence points against Esmeralda. But she, of course, denies all accusations. We return to the dog and let her smell the panties - the animal does not detect the smell of Jake. In Aures's room we find the key, open the bedside table and pick up the dirty socks. We take it to the dog, but again the thing does not smell like Jake. We go to the tavern and meet Mendia.

    Inside we also meet the cat Sam, who wants to win the love of the cat measure Maxim.

    On the second floor of the tavern, we continue the conversation with Eglander, who asks to kill the orc Victoria and bring her amulet. The third suspect in the murder of Cecil Mers - it's time to visit his house. We talk with the cat Maxim, she is not going to be with Sam while he is poor. We talk with Sessil, who needs to return the staff of Pergamum and destroy the mad robot Arhu. We find Charlene, the maid of the measure and learn about the loss of her brother.

    In the house of the measure on the first floor we find the key, open closed door and we pick up the smelly shoes of the measure in one of the cupboards. We take them back to Jake's dog. And yet another failure. Only one suspect remains - the doctor's assistant Evelyn. We talk with Arhu, who gives us a remote control from his robot and control documentation. On the second floor in the library we meet Jaan and take him to our team. Now we have at our disposal 3 magicians and spells of all elements (how to assemble a powerful team).

    Among the books, we are only interested in three - the Philosophy of Death, the Fight against rats and the Forgotten Fairy Language (you need to buy it from an orc librarian). We pick them up and carefully read (knowledge will be useful for subsequent quests). We talk with Victoria, who agrees to give her amulet as proof of her death. The only thing left to do is to deceive Eglander. We return to him and close the quest. We go to the cemetery and dig up the philosopher Nemeris.

    There is a large grave in the center of the cemetery, we dig it up and find secret underground passages under Saysil.

    There are only 3 exits from the cave: one of them leads to the wasteland, near the northern gate of Saisil (not the most the best option, too many strong opponents). The second exit will lead to a hidden chest under the bridge in the city, and the third one will lead to a room with a lot of traps. We pass them and knock out the door of level 10. Having got out to the surface, we find ourselves in an abandoned house that used to belong to the blacksmith of the city. He barricaded himself and set traps because of the undead rising from the depths of Cysil. Behind one of the paintings we find a button, open the door and go outside.

    We return to the quest "The Lost Staff of Cecil", we go to the harbor, we talk with the sailors and the captain. We learn that the item could have been stolen by the sailor Ditmar, who is now about to sail from one of the shores of Saisil.

    Inside the hospital, we talk with the doctor of Teliron and learn that his ward Evelyn uses a magic stone to treat patients.

    While using the stone, Lightning strikes the Source Seekers, and they find themselves in an unusual place, outside of time and space. We talk with Imp, the Weaver of Time, we get at our disposal a teleportation pyramid and meet Last chest.

    We learn that the fates of the two heroes are inextricably linked. In order for the Weaver of Time to continue her work, and the world is not consumed by the Void, she will need star stones, which give her material for the tapestry. And the energy for them is created by the Seekers of the Source. We use the pyramid and return to Saysil. In the hospital we pick up the first star / inert stone.

    We also find Evelyn's smelling fur coat in one of the cabinets. We take it to the dog, and he finally smells Jake from the thing. So the doctor's assistant is definitely involved in the murder. We examine the place of the murder of the adviser. We find another star stone that opens a room in the Abode and verses from the Duke of Ferol - an admirer of Esmeralda, with a hint of Jake's murder. If you come to her again and present evidence, she will again ignore the accusation.

    We return to the house of measure Cecil, in the northern room we see a blue teleportation pyramid, we use the one that we have and we are transferred to the women's bath. We take the pyramid and now we can use both to move in space.

    We go into the hospital and find out that Evelina ran away in a hurry, and the doctor himself asks to inspect her house. The key to the dwelling is in the student's backpack in the clinic itself. In the house we take away the letter of the Pythia, the diary and the manifesting spell. After examining the records, it becomes clear that Jake was killed by Evelyn. The body is hidden in secret laboratory in the South-West. To find it, you need to cast a spell.

    It's time to leave the city. But before that, you need to properly prepare: buy all available spell books, weapons, armor (it is easy to exchange any goods from a merchant for expensive paintings or golden plates stolen from the townspeople's houses in advance).

    Popular * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    Walkthrough * *
    Quests Saisil South Beach * *
    Sysil * * * * * * * * * * * *
    West Saisila *
    Northwest Saisil * * *
    Southwest Saisil Beach
    black bay

    In the northern part of the city cemetery, to the left of the weeping mother, is the grave of the philosopher Nemris. If you unearth it, his ghost will appear.

    The Philosopher wants the Source Seekers to read his main work, The Philosophy of Death, and be tested for knowledge of this book. The book can be found in the city library, which is located on the second floor of the city hall.

    After studying the book, you will have to answer Nemris' questions. For those who inattentively read the philosophical opus, the answers are:

    1 “Of course not.”

    2. "Absolutely not."

    3. "Your salvation."

    If you answer all the questions correctly, the ghost of the philosopher will retire to another world, you will receive 600 experience points, and you will get a treasure chest.

    In case of your incorrect answers, the philosopher will be dissatisfied with your ignorance of the book and leave


    In the cemetery, Jake's dog constantly barks at the grave on the right, where a certain David is buried. If you dig up his grave, an animated skeleton will jump out of it and attack you.

    Note: Don't dig up David's grave before the dog sniffs things as the dog will also engage from the skeletons and will most likely get killed in the fight.

    Skeleton Bomb

    If you dig one of the graves in the southern part of the cemetery, a skeleton bomb will jump out of it, which will try to explode near you. It is best to use a teleportation spell in a fight with him to stay away from him.

    Cave under the cemetery

    Behind the lattice door of the cemetery is a large mound, near which lies a shovel. If you dig this mound, the entrance to the underground cave opens. Get down and explore it. Not far from the entrance, a warrior, an assassin and a mage will block your path. Enter into battle with them and deal with them. Then on the way you will meet a flamethrower skeleton, which, if not immediately killed, will summon three skeletons. Flamethrower Skeleton has resistance to fire magic. If you break through the balloon on it, then the explosion can cause significant area damage.

    In this part of the cave hangs a bucket from a well, which you can climb up. The exit leads outside the city to the western suburbs of the city.

    Further in the cave, follow the stream of water. On the way there is an obstacle in the form of several barrels and boxes, near which a mine is laid. Mine it, search the barrels and boxes. Going further, you will again come across mined boxes, which will also need to be cleared. On the right side is a staircase. Climb up it and search the chest at the entrance. Climb back into the cave.

    Return to the place where the fight with the flamethrower skeleton was. To the south, behind two torches, is the entrance to the stairs. We select the key, which lies near the bucket, and climb the stairs. You will find yourself in a basement with fire traps that will activate if you step on the pressure beams. It is better that only the tracker or thief of your team go further with the key. Jump to the lever in the north corner of the room. To disable the traps, press the lever. Search the basement without stepping on the pressure beams. Open the door to the corridor with the key. Search the corridor and disable the fire trap with the lever. There is a key nearby that opens the door to the next room. Find the diary in this room and read it. After climbing the stairs, you will find yourself in an abandoned blacksmith's house. On the north wall of the large room hangs a picture of a woman. If you touch it, a button will open that opens the doors of the house.

    Leave the house and head to the cemetery. The rest of the group can enter the graveyard through the cave.

    In the olden days, there were Keepers of the Well who healed the sick and wounded with the help of a great power called "The Fountain". However, a terrible and terrible darkness filled the lands of Rivellon and therefore the Source was forever corrupted. Real madness has seized the once noble and good-natured Keepers, so now they only do what they destroy everything around. A pair of brave Source Hunters is all that stands between Rivellon and the Dark Force that seeks to destroy him. Therefore, wherever the Source appears, the Hunters will follow it.

    Part - 1: "Arrival"

    Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition.Walkthrough

    Location: "Coast"

    WalkthroughDivinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition begins with the fact that it will be possible to customize the two main characters: the priest Roderick and the robber Scarlett. Young heroes on a ship go to a city called Sysil in order to investigate a mysterious crime. However, because of the orcs off the coast of the city, it is impossible to land, so the heroes have to land a little south of it.

    Soon control passes to you. On the sunny beach you can collect shells. They are quite difficult to see with the eyes, so you should press the "Alt" key to highlight all the useful items near the heroes. Highlighting objects greatly simplifies the passage, so use the key as often as possible.

    Having gone a little further, the heroes soon notice how a group of mysterious necromancers runs out of the cave ahead, one of which calls for the undead. The first battle will begin, in which you will be introduced to the turn-based battle mode. In battle, you will be told that each action, hitting, using a potion or changing weapons will cost action points, which are indicated at the bottom of the screen. At the end of the move, press the "Space" key. After the training battle ends in success, a decision has to be made: enter the cave (and undergo training), or refuse and move on.

    Location: Cave (Tutorial)

    If you suddenly decide to enter the cave and undergo training, then you will learn about many features of the game. I recommend that everyone go through the training, because in it you can learn about really useful and interesting moments of the gameplay.

    (1) . With the help of water magic, it will be possible to extinguish the fiery areas. (2) . Acid clouds can be dispersed using fire magic. (3) . Puddles that consist of oil can be set on fire again with the help of fire magic. (4) . Surrounding objects can be destroyed by blows: to do this, hold down the "Ctrl" key and "LMB" (left mouse button). It will be possible to destroy even wooden doors, but at the same time, the durability of your weapon will be spent on everything. (5) . Locks can be picked using master keys, but there can be various traps on the locks - they will have to be neutralized with the help of tools.

    (6) . The game has a hidden mode: by switching to it, you can sneak up on enemies unnoticed. (7) . On the floor, there can sometimes be traps that resemble mines. The higher the level of the trap, the more difficult it will be to notice. For the timely detection of traps and other useful items, the ability called "Perception" is responsible. (8) . In it will be possible to move surrounding objects like boxes, chests, barrels, vases. To do this, you just need to select desired subject, hold LMB, drag the item to the desired location and release the button. (9) . Items in pairs must be placed on various mechanisms, such as stoves, in order to activate them. (10) . A group of heroes can be temporarily split up so that they follow each other. To do this, drag the icon of one of the characters as far as possible from the other so that the connection (chain) between them breaks. The characters are combined in the same way.

    At the very end of the cave, the heroes will find themselves in a tomb, where an undead wizard and a couple of his students will suddenly rise from the dead. The fight will begin. After defeating the undead, you will learn that the necromancers stole the crystal from the grave of this revived spirit.

    Location: South Beach

    After getting outside, go to the bottom of the level to find a quick access portal - an altar. A shovel will lie nearby, and a little higher - a lighter pile of sand, inside which you can forge your first cache!

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    Passage of the additional task: "Shell on the beach"

    From the place where the teleporter is located, go straight along the coast, only to the right side. At the dead end will lie a huge shell. In order to hear what the shell is talking about, you need the skill / perk / ability: Animal Friend. If on this moment there is no such skill, then you can return to this place a little later. In general, the shell will ask you to throw it back into the sea. There are two options for completing this task: option one - take a shell for yourself and sell it on the market, thereby obtaining gold; the second option - throw out the shell, and as a thank you, she takes out a chest of gold from the bottom of the heroes. In addition, in the second option you will get +1 to altruism.

    ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

    In any case, go to the upper left corner, where you will soon meet two drunken guards on the way. You can negotiate and fight with the guards, but how to deal with them is up to you. One way or another, you need to continue moving towards the city.

    After reaching the large beach, a small and simple battle begins. Moreover, an orc ship will soon arrive, from which a couple more green-skinned fighters will land. Pay your attention to the fact that below, near the orcs, there is a barrel of oil - if you destroy it with an arrow, then set it on fire, it will not be difficult to defeat the enemies.

    After defeating the orcs, collect everything you need and go to the gate, near which you will first have to talk with Master Arhu: the character will know something about your task and therefore will ask for a meeting in the northeastern part of the city. At the end of the conversation, enter the city.

    Part - 2: "City of Saisil"

    Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition. Walkthrough

    Personally, I recommend going around absolutely the entire city and trying to visit all the houses. Several gates lead out of the city, but rather dangerous monsters will roam around the city. The weakest among these monsters will be level 5. So at the moment your task is to go around all the locals and complete the simplest additional tasks in order to gain precious experience and get at least level 3. In addition, it will be possible to supplement your team with new characters.

    In houses, in turn, you can find quite a lot of useful things / items. All of them will be highlighted in red - this means that the items belong to someone, so you can’t just take them. If you are caught stealing, then the guards will soon appear, followed by a losing battle and a prison at the end. However, if you take the object so that no one notices anything, then nothing terrible will happen. First of all, I recommend taking gold dishes from the tables, and paintings on the walls. The rest of household items will cost a penny, so you shouldn’t even spend energy on them.

    ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

    Passage of an additional task: “Fire! Fire Fire!"

    On the south coast, you can see how the locals extinguish the burning ship with buckets of water. Time to complete the task will be strictly limited, so you will have to act clearly and quickly. Run to the central market of the city to buy a rune called "Rain" from the sorceress for 920 coins. Next, use the rune to get a new spell on the hotbar. After that, go back to the coast to the burning ship and make it rain right over the ship. As a reward, the group will receive 900 XP (Experience Points).

    ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

    Passage of an additional task: "Sailors without a ship"

    From the extinguished or burnt ship, go a little further down to the very edge of the pier. In this place, you can find three sailors near the already broken ship. The characters will ask you to find a new job for them. For work for sailors, you should contact Captain Jack, who can offer it. Jack will be standing in the central market right next to the fountain. As a reward, you will receive 180 XP (Experience Points).

    ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

    Passage of the additional task: "Charmed, I'm sure"

    Once in the territory of the port warehouse, go to the doors on the right side. There will be two guards and a female orc in the backyard of this place. And they will argue with each other. The problem is that the guards randomly used a love potion among themselves, so the orc is now in love with one of them. The essence of the matter lies in the fact that the second guard wants to get rid of such a possible danger.

    Legionnaires will turn to you and ask for your opinion. There are two key answer options: the first option is if you decide to keep the orc alive, then you will get a change in character + 1 to romance. However, when you come back here a little later, the legionnaires will be dead. The second option is to kill the orc. As a reward, you will receive 225 XP (experience points).

    ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

    Passage of an additional task: "Warming up the crowd"

    On the south side of the central market there is a separate area where artists perform. The first artist is Reginald, in charge of entertaining the crowd by displaying a magical burning head. Among the spectators is Gallagher, who works as a ringleader, gathering a crowd of people around and receiving money from Reginald for his work. But at the end of the eastern square is the second artist - this is Cedric. He has no audience at all. Talk to Cedric and talk about the reasons for another artist's success.

    Upon learning of this, Cedric will ask you to outbid (convince to work for him) Gallagher's ringleader, so go to him and try to convince him that it's time to change your employer: you can intimidate (strength), flatter (attract) or simply convince (charisma) . So choose the method that is most characteristic of your hero. If everything goes well, then you can tell everything to Reginald. The main thing is to take your reward from Cedric. The experience reward will be 125 XP.

    ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

    Passage of the task: "Mysterious murder"

    Now you can proceed to the passage of the main task. Go to the northeast corner of Saysil - there is a barracks, which is marked on the map. In the barracks on the lower floor, you need to talk with Captain Aureus - he will issue permission to search the place where the crime took place. In addition, you will receive three additional tasks from him - you will need to help ordinary legionnaires outside the city.

    On the second floor of the barracks, be sure to talk to the cat. It turns out that the cat is a turned wizard named Arhu. The wizard, in turn, will tell you about everything he knows and advise you to meet with a local gravedigger to examine the dead body.

    It's time to head to the local tavern called "King Crab". The tavern is located in the northern part of the central market of the city. At the entrance to the tavern there will be a character named Mendinus offering to join the Guild of Heroes. And while the description of the guild is similar to that of a modern marketing company, he is not trying to deceive you. After joining the guild, a whole branch of additional tasks will open, but they can only be completed outside the city.

    (?) - New hero. Inside the tavern, you will definitely stumble upon a girl named Madora. She will be ready to join your group. Madora is a two-handed weapon specialist, so she will easily break skeletons outside the city. However, be aware that Madora is belligerent against all enemies. So if you make attempts to negotiate in a good way, she will definitely bring discord and thereby ruin relations with her.

    In the southwestern part (corner) of the tavern there is a locked room, which will be guarded by a guard. Inform him that you have permission from the captain and you can go inside. In the room of the murdered adviser Jake, if you look carefully, you will find the first "Star Stone" (1/16). And although the stone will create a bright flash, you will not receive any damage, but after that the whole team will fall into a completely different world.

    ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

    Passage of an additional task: "The History of the Stones"

    After the flash, the heroes find themselves on a small piece of land somewhere in space. Nearby will be an imp named Zixzax and a huge telescope. Further from the tiny world through the portal in the southern part you will enter a hall with many inactive portals. In this place, talk to the girl who will sit on the loom of time. From her, the heroes receive the task of finding all the magic stones to open all the remaining portals. In addition, the imp will give you a portal-pyramid, thanks to which it will be possible to instantly transfer to another similar pyramid.

    To get out of this strange world, use the fast teleportation panel. The small button on the right side of the screen is responsible for teleportation. Although now I recommend teleporting with the help of a pyramid. But, one way or another, the heroes will end up in the bedroom, where the girl is taking a bath. The girl, of course, will raise a panic and try to call the guard, but you will have a chance to convince her not to do this. After that, be sure to take the second pyramid and exit the room through the southern doors.

    ♦ : In case you are playing cooperative mode, then leave the pyramid to another character, and keep the original for yourself. Thanks to this, it will be possible to teleport to each other at any time.

    Now a little more about the stones. So, the first stone was found during the passage of the main task "Mysterious Murder" (due to which access to another world was opened). Now it's time to go for the second stone: go to the hospital of Teliron, go to the east room and resolve the dispute. The dispute can be resolved in any convenient way: the first way is to cure the old man together with his family with the help of a stone; the second way is to cure only the young man. In any case, when Evelina uses the second Starstone (2/16), you will receive its energy. As a result, the stone will open access to a room called the "Hall of Heroes". The remaining stones can be found during the passage of the storyline.

    (?) - New hero. In the Hall of Heroes, it will be possible to hire another new hero, but this time to choose from, but the cost of hiring will cost from 600 to 1500 gold. In addition, all the heroes that you exclude from your group will fall into this place.

    ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

    Passage of the quest: "Mysterious murder" (Corpse)

    It's time to go back to story mission. In the room where the murder took place, you will have to open the chest, which has a 5th level. If there are no master keys or hacking skills of this level, then you can simply stand a little and break the chest with ordinary blows. In any case, there will be a letter inside the chest. Be sure to take an inert stone on the floor.

    Go now to the "Funeral Home", which is located in the northeastern part of the city above the tavern. Inside, go to the room on the left. Take a book on the coffin and be sure to read it. Thanks to the book, it will be possible to find out that the corpse of the murdered was stolen. Climb up to the second floor and talk to the undertaker in the south corner. The undertaker will confirm everything, but this incident must be verified personally. To do this, you have to go to the cemetery, which is located in the northern part of the city. Jake's key grave is the top one in the north corner. So dig up the grave of the murdered. An animal corpse will be found inside the coffin, confirming the theft of the corpse.

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    Walkthrough of the additional task: "Little Bo Bertia lost her sheep"

    The found body of a sheep can be taken to a girl named Bertia. Bertia is located in the southern part of the central city square. You will learn from her that her sheep was stolen and, apparently, killed to replace the corpse. For the return of the sheep's body, the heroes will receive 300 XP (experience points).

    ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

    Passage of the additional task: "Philosopher"

    Again, in the cemetery in the grave on the left side of the crying mother, it will be possible to dig up a grave, from which the ghost of Nemris will come out. He'll want the Source Seekers to read his lifelong work, The Philosophy of Death, and answer a few questions. The book can be found in the library of Mayor Sessil on the second floor of the same building. And you have to answer the questions. If you do not want to search for a book, then the correct sequence of answers looks like this: 1 - “No”, 2 - “No”, 3 - “Your salvation”. As a reward, the heroes will receive 600 XP, a chest and a new achievement.

    ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

    A dog will run around the cemetery nearby and bark constantly. Thanks to the skill of communicating with animals, it will be possible to talk with her. The dog, in turn, will talk about the fact that the personal belongings of the suspects will be able to tell exactly who actually killed Advisor Jake. So you have to find personal items.

    (1) . You can steal socks from Captain Areus. (2) . Esmeralda's panties can be stolen from a chest on the second floor. (3) . In the mayor's house in a locked room from the locker (in the northern part of the house) it will be possible to steal boots. (4) . In the hospital, you can search Evelina's bedside table (upper right corner) and steal a coat.

    The collected things can be taken to the dog, who will say that Jake's smell is only on Evelina's coat. But since the words of the dog cannot be sewn into the case, you will have to look for other evidence. Although not everything is so bad, because for the work done, the heroes will receive additional experience.

    But do not rush to leave the cemetery. Note that the dog will now constantly bark at the grave on the right side - the name David will be carved on the grave. Dig up the grave. The result will be a skeleton. Kill the skeleton and get extra experience. In addition, I recommend digging up a grave with a skeleton only after completing tasks with things, because most likely the dog will be killed in a fight with a skeleton.

    Finally, dig out the southern graves. Inside one of them will be a skeleton bomb. The enemy will try to explode near the heroes, so the easiest way to defeat him is with a teleportation spell, thereby transferring him as far away from the characters as possible.

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    It's time to interview all the suspects. However, the main one is the wife of the murdered man - Esmeralda. Therefore, go to Esmeralda's shop, which is located in the southern part of the city. The girl will stand behind the counter, and one of the guards will guard her. Talk to her. During the dialogue, it will be necessary to present specific facts regarding her guilt. Tell her about the lover's letter that was found at the scene of the murder, although she will reject the evidence as evidence and confidently consider herself innocent.

    From the store, go up to the second floor straight to the living rooms. Among the things you can find Esmeralda's key. After that, go outside and go to the same building, but from the upper north side - open the doors to the room with the previously found key. On the table at the entrance will be the book "Perfect Murder". There will be a hatch on the floor in the next room - open it. Thanks to the hatch it will be possible to go down to the basement.

    In the basement, remove the pieces of meat that hang on the wall - this is how you will find a hidden button. Now click on the button - a secret room will open. Inside is a bloody knife. After finding the item, you can safely inspect and search the rest of the basement. Be sure to collect the most valuable things. In the basement there will be many types of armor with magical effects, but which will first have to be identified before being put on.

    Now it's time to return to Esmeralda's shop. In the dialogue, show her new evidence: a book and a found knife. In the end, the girl will even find a logical explanation for this. Esmeralda is definitely not involved in the murder. After a thorough interrogation, she recommends taking a closer look at the healer's assistant named Evelyn. As a reward, the heroes will receive 1800 XP (Experience Points).

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    Passage of the task: "Mysterious murder" (Evelyn)

    Go to the hospital, which is located in the southern part of the city. If you have been here before, then you probably already noticed a young girl named Evelyn. However, after the interrogation of Esmeralda, Evelyn will no longer be there. The doctor, in turn, will not be aware of where the assistant has gone, but he knows that her house is located outside the city. In the next room, on a table between the windows, you can examine Evelyn's left backpack and find the key to her house inside. In the premises of the hospital, you can try to quietly take the key to open the room in the southern part of the building. Inside there will be a lot of valuable and magical things that will definitely come in handy.

    In any case, exit the asylum through the southern doors. There is a grave in the backyard that will shine from time to time. So, this is a rather insidious trap from the developers: if you start digging a grave, then you will immediately explode.

    Evelina's house is located on the left side of the hospital. Having reached the house, find the doors that are located in the southern part of the building. Next to the bucket you will find a key. Open the doors and on the right side you will see a chest - inside lies the "Shelter Spell". Take Evelyn's diary from the table and read it carefully. Thanks to the diary, the heroes learn about her secret hideout, which is located on the northern beach. In addition, a mark will appear on the map, but the problem is that at the moment it will not work to get into the location.

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    Passage of an additional task: "Elf - Orc Blood Feud"

    In the house of the local mayor, go up to the second floor straight to the library. It is worth noting that in the library you can read about ten books with recipes completely free of charge. The orc will in turn look after the library.

    (?) - New hero. In the library, the heroes will meet the magician of water and air, whose name is Jaan. He will gladly join your team. Jaan uses the following spells: teleport enemies, ice shot, call rain, lightning strike and heal. Jaan will be a useful acquisition for the whole team, so I recommend taking him along with you.

    Either way, get outside. An old man named Eglandir will be sitting on the upper platform north of the funeral home. And he will ask for help from the heroes in one matter, after which he will go to the second floor of the tavern, so it will be necessary to follow him. In his personal room, he will report that he wants to kill the last orc from the enemy tribe, which is the same Victoria. There are three options for completing the task: 1 - inform the captain of the guard that Eglandir is preparing to commit a crime; 2 - Kill orc-librarian Victoria; 3 - Report the assassination attempt to Victoria, for which you will receive an additional 300 XP. In the third option, you will also receive an amulet that you will need to take to Eglandir, which allows you to deceive the orc. As a reward for completing the quest, the heroes will receive 1800 XP and +1 Indulgence.

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    : Return to the south coast. There will be a chest on the pier, but a rope will block the path to it. To get through the rope, you can use Madora's Dash skill. In addition, you can throw a pyramid there for teleportation and, thus, again get over to the other side. Inside the chest will contain useful things.

    : In the building where the large kitchen is located, when you enter for the first time, a chicken will run away from the cook. And you have a choice of how to act in this situation: the first is to catch the chicken, the second is to leave it alive. Moreover, if there is the “Animal Friend” ability, it will be possible to talk with the chicken after the rescue.

    : Again in the kitchen, but now there is a chest in the dead end below. Inside is a dusty parchment called "First Sister". The bottom line is that the parchment is the code to the last chest in the End Times.

    : Having accumulated more gold, you can safely go to the market. In the market on the left side of the paintings, cards with secrets are sold. After purchasing each card, unique marks with secrets will appear on the global map.

    : Before you leave the city, I recommend arming your heroes to the maximum. Items for warriors can be bought at Esmeralda's shop. Items for archers can be bought at the central market on the left side of the paintings. Things for thieves are sold in a tavern on the second floor from a girl named Sheriff. Things for airbenders and waterbenders can be bought from the sorceress in the market on the right side. Things for magicians of fire and earth are sold in the barracks on the second floor at Arhu.

    Part - 3: "Outskirts of the city - West"

    When the heroes are pumped to at least level 3, and there are four characters in the group, then you can safely start making forays out of town. However, you still need to act as carefully as possible. Each road will be filled with enemies, and each battle with them will be a real test. But victory in many battles can usually be won by cunning, for example, undermining barrels of explosives, blocking enemies in narrow passages, using stunning spells and much more.

    Location: "Southwest Beach"

    You should leave the city through the lower western gate. There will be no enemies nearby - only corpses that were not removed after the siege of the city by the orcs. A man can be found at a small boat base. He will try to find out the purpose of your visit, after which he will evaporate right before your eyes - this is an enemy spy.

    A little further on the shore you can meet an orc. The orc will mourn the grave of his brother. There are two options for how to act in this situation: first, it will be possible to kill the orc, dig out his brother and pick up good armor; second - you can show your mercy, leave the orc alone and get a positive change in character. As a reward, the heroes will receive 300 XP (experience points), If you follow a little further, you will stumble upon a mined part of the beach, so you will have to go back to the city.

    Location: "Western Forest"

    Not far from the exit there will be skeletons: there will be three of them in total, each of them will have a 5th level. At the beginning of the battle, it will be possible to retreat to the gates of the city, as a result of which ordinary city soldiers will come to the rescue.

    A little further, if you follow the road to the left, you will definitely come across a second group of undead: among them there will be three skeleton archers on the field with a scarecrow and two more skeletons that will come out of the ground behind the heroes. Archers can be easily blown up by shooting barrels, but it's best to send Madora to fight skeleton swordsmen, and then shoot from behind her reliable back. The girl will finish the skeleton swordsmen pretty quickly.

    Ahead are two dilapidated houses and in each house there will be a "pack" of the undead. For that, barrels of poison will stand in the houses. Of course, the poison is not dangerous for the representatives of the undead, but for that the poison can be set on fire with the help of spells from the school of fire, as a result of which the skeletons will burn like matches.

    In the house to the north, there will be a rug on the floor that you can remove and find a hatch. Going down, you can find a lot of useful items and a sarcophagus, which you can’t open in any way if some hero doesn’t have a strength level of 9. However, having the right strength indicator, you can manually drag the slab, after which Snorri will appear - the ghost of the once former strongman Saysil. The ghost offers to pass an interesting test - to break the specified ball in the allotted time - 35 seconds. By breaking the ball, the heroes will receive 600 XP (experience points) as a reward. But if the ball fails to break in the allotted time, then you have to fight the ghost.

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