How to make certification in lineage 2. Certification of sub-class skills

Every fan of the online game Lineage 2 has probably passed the quest for a subclass and is well aware of how skill certification works. This article is written to explain to beginners how skill certification works and what it gives.

After the Lineage 2 Interlude chronicles, players got the opportunity to improve the performance of their heroes. It is for this that the certification of skills l2 was created. To get a certificate, you need to upgrade the hero to level 76, go through a profession, then complete the quest for a subclass and get at least level 65 with this same subclass.
Skill certification is also available at levels 70, 75 and 80. That is, one subclass will give you four different skill books. Considering that you can take 3 subclasses in total, there will be twelve books that the hero will receive.

Certification skills on some Lineage 2 servers can be learned without completing a quest, but if you play at fairly low rates, then most likely you will have to complete a task, after which skill certification will become available.

Completing the quest will not take much time, it will take you an hour on the strength. All you have to do is run a little and kill weak monsters that are several levels below you. The beginning of the quest is taken at the Academy of Hardin, you can teleport there from Giran, Oren or the village of hunters. After talking with Hardin, you will have to teleport to the dark elf master Erikin, who is located in the village of hunters. After talking to him, you will receive a task to kill 35 ghosts in the forest of mirrors.

After completing the master's request, you will receive a quest item that you need to take to Hardin. Next to you

You should go to another master, this time Clayton. He will ask you to help him and send you to destroy the crystal jaguars, which will drop quest items. In total, we need 5 crystals. I note right away that the drop chance is quite small, so players will have to tinker.

Returning to the master, you will receive a book of transformations, which should be taken to Hardin. After talking to him, you will receive a transformation scroll and complete the quest.

So, we figured out how to get the ability to certify a subclass, but now we need to figure out what exactly each skill certification gives.

Books that a character receives at level 65 and 70 provide an opportunity to increase the attack, physical or magical protection of your hero. Books, which become available at level 75, allow you to either increase your attack and defense, or learn

special skill of the class, which is taken on the sub. Of course, at level 75, you should definitely learn a special class skill, as it will significantly strengthen your character.

At level 80, a certificate is issued that turns your hero into a creature. This transformation essentially does nothing, so it makes no sense to download a subclass to level 80.

To study certification, you need to come as the main class to the ivory tower on the second floor to the master of transformation.

Skill certification is a great way to improve your hero in Lineage 2.

Certificates- these are books that allow you to learn additional passives, are given starting from lvl 60 of the sub-class, only 4 pieces from one sub-class, depending on the sub-class itself, special 3rd and 4th certificates are given, and the 4th certificate is a certain transformation, the first two certificates are the same for all sub-classes. Where to get them? Download the sub and take it from the NPC, from whom you change the class from the base to the sub. The skills themselves are learned from the NPC in the Ivory Tower on the 2nd floor, but you need to remember that it is impossible to get certified without first completing the TRANSFORMATION quest. After that, you can start studying passives and transformations.

After finishing the quest, you can learn passives from subs. To do this, you need to upgrade the subclass to level 80 (not necessarily up to 80, there is not much sense from the transformation, but I would advise up to 75). Take a lvl 65 book from the master, switch to the basics and learn the skill you like in Ivory. Then again, take the 70 lvl book with a subwoofer and, again, learn the skill as a basis. And so on.
In total, 3 passives (65, 70, 75) and one transformation skill (80) are learned from each sub.

Kills for those with subclasses:

General information:

NC introduces new skills for your main, which depend on the type of your subclass.
Subclass lv65: The main class gets the attack/defense increase skill.
Subclass lv70: The main class gets the attack/defense increase skill.
Subclass lv75: The main class gets the skill to increase attack / defense lvl 2 OR a specific skill depending on the subclass.
Subclass lv80: The main class gets a transformation skill depending on the subclass.

Cannot be removed or exchanged for another learned skill (read: think 7 times before learning)
Maine can get 4 skills from each subclass, total 12 skills from 3 subclasses.

How to get these skills:

You must have a special book to learn a skill from an NPC.
You must be in a subclass state to learn the skill.
Depending on the level of the subclass, the skill gets "certified"
Having received the "certification" of the skill, the main class needs to receive the Tome of "only skill"
You can get this Tome in the Ivory Tower from the NPC "Avangarde"
Mainclass can learn this skill regardless of lvl.
Once a subclass "certifies" the Tome of transformation payment, it cannot be dropped/traded/traded
("certification" means "booking" by a subclass of a book in order to buy it in the main)
For example, the first subclass gets "certified" at lvl 65.
The new subclass, after deleting the old one, cannot get "certified"

Skills upon receipt by a subclass of 65 and 70 lvl:
After getting a subclass of 65 and 70 lvl, you can get one passive at these lvl

Physical Defense Increases p.def
Magic Defense Increases m.def
Physical Offence Increases p.atk
Magic Offence Increases m.atk

Skills upon receipt by a subclass lvl 75:
After getting a subclass lvl 75, you can get either a passive increase skill or a skill dependent on the subclass

Common Passives:

Great Physical Defense Greatly increases p.def
Great Magic Defense Greatly increases m.def
Great Physical Offence Greatly increases p.atk
Great Magic Offence Greatly increases m.atk
Critical Rate Increases critical
Magic Casting Increases cast.spd

Skills dependent on the class of the subclass (the first two of each are passives, the third is a counterbuff):

Summoner Class (Warlock, Elemental Summoner, Phantom Summoner)
Boost HP/MP - increase max. HP and max. MP
Resist Element Attribute - Increased resistance to elemental attacks
Counter Spirit - when hit, there is a chance to get a soul (analogous to counter heist, gives 10% to characteristics)

Healer Class (Shillien Elder, Elder, Bishop)
Boost Pray - increase the effectiveness of treatment
Resist Divine Attribute - Increased resistance to divine attacks
Counter Heal - when hit, there is a chance to restore some of the HP

Warrior Class (Gladiator, Warlord, Bounty Hunter, Tyrant, Destroyer, Soulbreaker, Berserker)
Boost CP - increase max. CP
] Resist Mental - Increases resistance to sleep, hold, paralize and shock attributes
Counter Haste - When hit, there is a chance to increase attack speed for a short time.

Knight Class (Paladin, Dark Avenger, Temple Knight, Shillien Knight)
Boost HP - increase max. HP.
Crit.dmg Reduction - Increased resistance to critical damage.
Counter Defense - when hit, there is a chance to increase physical and magical defense for a while

Enchanter Class (Prophet, Warcryer, Inspector, Sword Singer, Bladedancer)
[ Boost Mana - increase max. MP.
Mana Recovery - increase MP recovery speed
Counter Barrier - when hit, there is a chance to gain temporary invulnerability

Rogue Class (Hawkeye, Silver Ranger, Phantom Ranger, Treasure Hunter, Plains Walker, Abyss Walker, Arbalester)
Boost Evasion - increased dodge
Long Shot - increase the maximum distance of the shot
Counter Focus - when hit, there is a chance to gain a temporary increase in critical

Wizard Class (Sorcecer, Spellsinger, Spellhowler, Necromancer)
Boost - increases the chance of an opponent's magic spell failing
Mana Gain - increase in mana restored when recharging
Counter Mana Steal - When hit, there is a chance to recover some MP

Skills upon receipt by a subclass of 80 lvl:
When your subclass reaches level 80, you gain a transformation skill depending on the type of that subclass.
To get the transformation, you must complete the usual transformation quest.
To get a new transformation, you need to contact the appropriate NPC and get a certificate.
New transformations can be learned from a special NPC in the Ivory tower.

Transform Divine Warrior
Transform Divine Knight
Transform Divine Wizard
Transform Divine Enchanter
Transform Divine Healer
Transform Divine Summoner
Transform Divine Rogue

Skills for those with subclasses:

General information:

  • NC introduces new skills for your main, which depend on the type of your subclass.
    • Subclass lv65: The main class gets the attack/defense increase skill.
    • Subclass lv70: The main class gets the attack/defense increase skill.
    • Subclass lv75: the main class gets the skill to increase attack / defense lvl 2 OR a specific skill depending on the subclass.
    • Subclass lv80: The main class gets a transformation skill depending on the subclass.
  • Cannot be removed or exchanged for another learned skill (read: think 7 times before learning)
  • Maine can get 4 skills from each subclass, total 12 skills from 3 subclasses.

How to get these skills:

  • You must have a special book to learn a skill from an NPC.
  • You must be in a subclass state to learn the skill.
  • Depending on the level of the subclass, the skill gets "certified"
  • Having received the “certification” of the skill, the main class needs to receive the Tome of “only skill”
  • You can get this Tome in the Ivory Tower from the NPC "Avangarde"
  • Mainclass can learn this skill regardless of lvl.
  • As soon as the subclass “certifies” the Tome of transformation payment, it cannot be thrown away/sold/exchanged
    (as I understand it, “certification” means “booking” by a subclass of a book, in order to buy it by main)
    For example, the first subclass gets "certified" at lvl 65.
    The new subclass, after deleting the old one, cannot get "certified"

Skills upon receipt by a subclass of 65 and 70 lvl:

  • After getting a subclass of 65 and 70 lvl, you can get one passive at these lvl

(if you learn the same skill at lvl 65 and 70, then the skill level increases. For example, if you learned the skill “Unexpected Ability - Good” at level 65, then the skill level is the first. If you learn the same skill at level 70 then the skill level will increase to the second.)

Skills upon receipt by a subclass lvl 75:

  • After getting a subclass lvl 75, you can get either a passive increase skill or a skill dependent on the subclass

Common Passives:

Subclass Profession Skills

*To learn a skill, you must select a book depending on the subclass:
Certificate - Warrior Skills
Certificate - Caster Skills
Certificate - Summoner Skills
Certificate - Rogue Skills
Certificate - Knight Skills
Certificate - Healer Skills
Certificate - Sorcerer Skills

Skills dependent on the class of the subclass (the first two of each are passives, the third is a counterbuff):

Sorcerer, Elemental Summoner, Dark Summoner - Summoner Class (Warlock, Elemental Summoner, Phantom Summoner)

Sage Shilen, Sage of Eve, Bishop - Healers (Healer Class (Shillien Elder, Elder, Bishop)

Gladiator, Spearman, Bounty Hunter, Hermit, Destroyer, Berserker, Executioner - Warrior Class (Gladiator, Warlord, Bounty Hunter, Tyrant, Destroyer, Soulbreaker, Berserker)

paladin, avenger, eve knight, shillien knight - Knights (Knight Class (Paladin, Dark Avenger, Temple Knight, Shillien Knight)

Preacher, Warbringer, Inspector, Minstrel, Death Dancer - Enchanter Class (Prophet, Warcryer, Inspector, Sword Singer, Bladedancer)

Marksman, Silver Ranger, Ghost Ranger, Treasure Seeker, Ranger, Abyss Walker, Crossbowman - Rogue Class (Hawkeye, Silver Ranger, Phantom Ranger, Treasure Hunter, Plains Walker, Abyss Walker, Arbalester)

master of fire, necromancer, spellsinger, wind caster - Wizards (Wizard Class (Sorcecer, Spellsinger, Spellhowler, Necromancer)

Skills upon receipt by a subclass of 80 lvl:

  • When your subclass reaches level 80, you gain a transformation skill depending on the type of that subclass.
  • To get the transformation, you must complete the usual transformation quest.
  • To get a new transformation, you need to contact the appropriate NPC and get a certificate.
  • New transformations can be learned from a special NPC in the Ivory tower.

1. Transformation Divine Warrior:

  • Divine Warrior: Battle Cry Increases own attack power by 25%.
  • Divine Warrior: Sonic Blast Adds damage to a ranged attack using sword energy. Possible crit. hit. Overhead is possible. Power 2323.
  • Divine Warrior: Cruciform Slash Adds damage to an attack against an enemy. Possible crit. hit. Overhead is possible. Power 2904.
  • Divine Warrior: Pierce the Earth Additionally attacks surrounding enemies with a downward strike. Ignores shield defense. Overhead is possible. Power 2323.
  • Divine Warrior: Assault Poisons an enemy with a surprise poison attack. Power 1689. Level 3.
  • Warrior's Sacrifice Increase P. Def. Atk. party members by 20% for 30 seconds by sacrificing yourself. Available when HP is below 30%.

2. Transformation Divine Knight

  • Divine Knight: Ultimate Defense Instantly and greatly increases resistance to attacks that lower P. Def. Def., M. Def. and canceling Buff Effects. The character cannot move while the skill is active. Level 2
  • Divine Knight: Aura of Hatred Provokes nearby enemies to attack. Power 6752.
  • Divine Knight: Tempest Enemies around you take damage and an instant shock at the same time. Ignores shield. Overhead is possible. Power 775.
  • Divine Knight: Sweep Attacks enemies in front of you with an axe. Overhead is possible. Power 2322.
  • Divine Knight: Explosive Attack Shakes the floor by hitting it. Power 1900.
  • Divine Knight: Hatred Forces your opponent to attack. Power 6752.
  • Divine Knight: Stunning Attack Deals damage and shocks at the same time. Instantly stuns enemies. Overhead is possible. Power 1162.
  • Knight's Sacrifice Increase P. Def. Def. group members by sacrificing themselves. Only available when CP is below 30%.

3. Transformation Divine Enchanter

  • Divine Enchanter: Holy Tradition Instantly reduces resistance to holy attacks and increases resistance to dark attacks. Level 3
  • Divine Enchanter: Holy Flare Attacks the target with non-elemental magic. Temporarily lowers your attack power in PVP. Power 102.
  • Divine Enchanter: Holy Cloud Instantly Summons divine clouds that put nearby enemies to sleep. Decreased the chance of an additional sleep state.
  • Divine Enchanter: Holy Shroud Attacks multiple enemies with a divine storm. Power 64.
  • Divine Enchanter: Holy Strike Unleashes a divine attack on enemies. Overhead is possible. Power 128.
  • Sorcerer's Victim Increase Mag. Atk. group members by sacrificing themselves. Available when MP is less than 10%.

4. Transformation Divine Caster

  • Divine Wizard: Spirit of Water For 2 minutes, an ancient spirit infuses the target. Increases the chance of inflicting crit. magic hit by 2, recovery speed by 20%, P. Def. Attack by 10%, P. Def. Defense by 20%, Attack speed by 20%, M. Def. attack by 20%, M. Defense by 20%, Magic Speed ​​by 20%, resistance to debuffs by 10%, reduces MP consumption when using skills by 5%. Reduces movement speed by 20% Consumes 10 Spirit Ore.
  • Divine Wizard: Spirit of Fire An ancient spirit infuses the target for 2 minutes. Increases Max. MP by 20%, HP recovery rate by 20%, crit chance. magic hit by 2, critical strike power by 20%, P. Def. Attack by 10%, P. Def. Defense by 20%, Attack speed by 20%, M. Def. Attack by 20%, M. Defense by 20%, Magic speed by 20%, resistance to debuffs by 10%. Reduces movement speed by 20%. Consumes 10 Spirit Ore.
  • Divine Wizard: Spirit of the Wind An ancient spirit infuses the target for 2 minutes. Increases Max. amount of HP by 20%, crit chance. by 20%, critical strike chance by magic by 20%, P. Def. Attack by 10%, P. Def. Defense by 20%, Attack speed by 20%, M. Def. Attack by 20%, M. Defense by 20%, Magic Speed ​​by 20%, Debuff Resistance by 10%, Returns 5% of damage dealt by melee weapons as HP. Reduces movement speed by 20%. Consumes 10 Spirit Ore.
  • Divine Wizard: Spirit of the Hero For 2 minutes, an ancient spirit is infused into the target. Increases Max. MP by 20%, magic critical chance by 2, critical strike power by 20%, P. Def. Attack by 10%, P. Def. Defense by 20%, Attack speed by 20%, M. Def. Attack by 20%, M. Defense by 20%, Magic speed by 20%, resistance to debuffs by 10%. Reduces movement speed by 20%. Consumes 10 Spirit Ore.
  • Divine Wizard: Mass Bind The target is instantly Hold. It is impossible to make another holding attack while the enemy is experiencing a similar effect.
  • Wizard's Sacrifice Increases the abilities of all party members by sacrificing oneself. Used when MP is less than 10%.

5. Transformation Divine Healer

  • Divine Healer: Combat Heal Quickly restores HP. Power 826.
  • Divine Healer: Resurrection Resurrects a dead person. Additionally restores 70% experience.
  • Divine Healer: Group Heal Restores up to 400 HP to party members and immediately increases HP regeneration rate by 27 per second for 15 seconds.
  • Divine Healer: Redemption Removes all existing debuffs from the target.
  • Divine Healer: Basic Healing Instantly restores the target's HP. Power 946.
  • Healer's Sacrifice Regenerate HP and MP of party members by sacrificing yourself. Only available when MP is below 10%.

6. Transformation Divine Summoner

7. Transformation Divine Rogue

  • Divine Rogue: Double Shot Fires two arrows in a row. Possible crit. hit. Overhead is possible. Power 6195.
  • Divine Rogue: Bleeding Attack Inflicts injury and instant bleeding on the target with a deadly attack. Overhead is possible. Power 1549. Level 3.
  • Divine Rogue: Stunning Shot Arrows deal damage to the enemy and shock at the same time, forcing them to lose their target. Instantly stuns. Overhead is possible. Power 2323.
  • Divine Rogue: Agility A temporary increase in evasion. Level 3
  • Divine Rogue: Penetrating Attack Attacks all surrounding enemies with a strong blow. Overhead is possible. Power 2111.
  • Divine Rogue: Mortal Strike Potentially lethal attack. Possible death blow. Overhead is possible. Power 6969.
  • Rogue's Victim Increase party members' evasion by sacrificing yourself. Only available when HP is below 30%.

1. You must have passed the "more than meets the eye" test (taken from Hardin Academy, from Hardin. Basic quest for all transformations and skill certifications).
2.Your subclass must be above lvl 65 (you can apply for skill certification at lvl 65, 70, 75 and 80 of the subclass).
3. In the state of a subclass, go to the corresponding Grand-Master "y (for example, if you took a sub on CX, then go to the head of the dark elf guild).
4. When talking with him, in the "Subclass" menu section, select the "certification" item (I don't remember exactly, guess what), select the "Subclass certification lvl 65" item and get the first skill certification book.
5. Switch to main and go to the Avant Guard on the second floor of the Ivory Tower (Human Guild).
6. Select the "Skill certification" item in the dialog. So far, not so much will be given for the first certificate - a passive to choose from: n attacks, m attacks, n def or m def.
7. After learning a certified skill, it can be found among your passive skills.

As you pump the sub to 70, repeat the procedure again from point 3, but already regarding the certificate of the 70th lvl.
At level 75, a sub can get a certificate to choose from: a master certificate (in exchange for an increase in your stats) or a class-specific certificate (and learn the corresponding passive, for example Heal - when you are attacked, there is a chance of instant self-healing).
At the 80th level of the sub, you can get the Divine Transformation Scroll in the same order. The procedure for obtaining a scroll and learning the transformation is the same as for certificates.

Even if you delete your sub-class, the corresponding skills are not deleted. Your main-class gives you 4 special skills for each sub-class you have. If you have all three sub-classes, you can purchase a total of 12 special skills.

Skills upon receipt by a subclass of 65 and 70 lvl:

After getting a subclass of 65 and 70 lvl, you can get one passive at these lvl

Physical Defense - Increases p.def
Magic Defense - Increases m.def
Physical Offence - Increases p.atk
Magic Offence - Increases m.atk

Skills upon receipt by a subclass lvl 75:
After getting a subclass lvl 75, you can get either a passive increase skill or a skill dependent on the subclass

Common Passives:

Great Physical Defense - Greatly increases p.def
Great Magic Defense - Greatly increases m.def
Great Physical Offence - Greatly increases p.atk
Great Magic Offence - Greatly increases m.atk
Critical Rate - Increases critical
Magic Casting - Increases cast.spd

Skills dependent on the class of the subclass (the first two of each are passives, the third is a counterbuff):

Summoner Class (Warlock, Elemental Summoner, Phantom Summoner)

Boost HP/MP - increase max. HP and max. MP
Resist Element Attribute - Increased resistance to elemental attacks
Counter Spirit - when hit, there is a chance to get a soul (? perhaps an hellish buff to a summon?)

Healer Class (Shillien Elder, Elder, Bishop)

Boost Pray - increase the effectiveness of treatment
Resist Divine - Attribute increased resistance to divine attacks
Counter Heal - when hit, there is a chance to restore some of the HP

Warrior Class (Gladiator, Warlord, Bounty Hunter, Tyrant, Destroyer, Soulbreaker, Berserker)

Boost CP - increase max. CP
Resist Mental - Increases resistance to sleep, hold, paralize and shock attributes
Counter Haste - When hit, there is a chance to increase attack speed for a short time.

Knight Class (Paladin, Dark Avenger, Temple Knight, Shillien Knight)

Boost HP - increase max. HP.
Crit.dmg Reduction - Increased resistance to critical damage.
Counter Defense - when hit, there is a chance to increase physical and magical defense for a while

Enchanter Class (Prophet, Warcryer, Inspector, Sword Singer, Bladedancer)

Boost Mana - increase max. MP.
Mana Recovery - increase MP recovery speed
Counter Barrier - when hit, there is a chance to gain temporary invulnerability

Rogue Class (Hawkeye, Silver Ranger, Phantom Ranger, Treasure Hunter, Plains Walker, Abyss Walker, Arbalester)

Boost Evasion - increased dodge
Long Shot - increase the maximum distance of the shot
Counter Focus - when hit, there is a chance to gain a temporary increase in critical

Wizard Class (Sorcecer, Spellsinger, Spellhowler, Necromancer)

Boost Empower - Increase M.Atk
Mana Gain - increase in mana restored when recharging
Counter Mana Steal - When hit, there is a chance to recover some MP

Skills upon receipt by a subclass of 80 lvl:

Transform Divine Warrior
Transform Divine Knight
Transform Divine Wizard
Transform Divine Enchanter
Transform Divine Healer
Transform Divine Summoner
Transform Divine Rogue

Reset skills

The Avant-Garde NPC in Ivory Tower can remove the main class special skill that you got from the secondary class. It costs 10,000,000 Adena.

Note: This action will reset already learned certified skills and remove any unused items associated with that skill from your inventory. If you want to get things tied to this skill back, then you will have to return to the master of your additional class.

  • Skills for your main class (main class), which depend on the type of your subclass:
    • Subclass level 65: main learns the skill to increase physical / magical attack / defense.
    • Subclass level 70: main learns the skill to increase physical / magical attack / defense.
    • Subclass level 75: Maine learns skill to increase physical/mage attack/defense lvl 2 OR a specific skill depending on the subclass.
    • Level 80 Subclass: Main learns a transformation skill that depends on the subclass.
  • Cannot be removed or exchanged for another learned skill (read: think 7 times before learning)
  • From the 1st subclass, the main can learn 4 skills each, a total of 12 skills from 3 subclasses. (the exception is servers where the certificate can be obtained only once)

Learning skills

  • You must have a special book to learn a skill from an NPC.
  • You must be able to subclass to get the skill book from an NPC.
  • You must be in the main class to learn the skill.
  • Depending on the lvl of the subclass, the skill gets "certified".
  • Having received the “certification” of the skill, the mainclass needs to receive the Tome of “only skill”.
  • You can take this Tome in Ivory Tower at the NPC Avant Garde.
  • Mainclass can learn this skill regardless of level.
  • When a subclass "certifies" the Tome of transformation payment, it will not be possible to drop/sell/trade it.

"Certification" means "booking" by a subclass of a book to be bought by the main. For example: the first subclass receives a "certification" for lvl 65. The new subclass, after deleting the old one, cannot get "certified".

Skills when a subclass gets level 65 and 70

  • After a subclass reaches levels 65 and 70, you can learn one passive skill at each level.
Name Description armor type Lv. one Lv. 2 Lv. 3 Lv. four Lv. 5 Lv. 6
physical defense Increases P. Def. Protection heavy +18 +36 +53 +71 +89 +107
Light +13 +27 +40 +53 +67 +80
Mantle +9 +18 +27 +36 +45 +54
Magic Defense Increases M. Protection +15 +30 +45 +61 +79 +91
physical attack Increases P. Def. Attack +22 +42 +60 +76 +88 +98
Magic Offensive Increases M. Attack +11 +21 +30 +38 +45 +51

Skills when obtained by a subclass level 75

  • After a subclass reaches level 75, you can either gain an increase passive skill or a skill dependent on the subclass.

Common Passive Skills

Name Description Armor Type Lv. one Lv. 2 Lv. 3
Great Physical Defense Greatly increases P. Def. Protection heavy +59 +119 +178
Light +44 +89 +134
Mantle +29 +58 +87
Great Magic Defense Greatly increases M. Atk. Protection +50 +100 +150
Great Physical Offensive Greatly increases P. Def. Attack +49
Great Magic Offensive Greatly increases M. Atk. Attack +29
Critical Rate Increases Crit. Chance +30
magic casting Increases Atk. Mag. +11

Skills dependent on the class of the subclass

The first two of each are passive skills, the third is a counterbuff.

Summoner Class ( Warlock (Sorcerer) , Elemental Summoner (Elemental Follower) , Phantom Summoner (Dark Follower))

Healer Class ( Shillien Elder (Sage Shilen) , Elven Elder (Eve's Sage) , Bishop (Bishop))

Warrior Class ( Gladiator (Gladiator) , Warlord (Spearman) , Bounty Hunter , Tyrant (Tyrant) , Destroyer (Destroyer) , Soulbreaker , Berserker (Berserk))

Knight class ( Paladin (Paladin) , Dark Avenger (Avenger) , Temple Knight (Eva Knight) , Shillien Knight (Knight Shilen))

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